Munin provides a rest api for integration with other applications (e.g. Ride). Per default, the analyst group have access to the REST api.
Description: get a list of the report groups defined
Path: /api/getReportGroups
Method: GET
Returns: A JSON array of strings of the report group names defined
curl -u analyst:analystpwd localhost:8088/api/getReportGroups
["Examples","MDR","Parameterized reports"]
- Description: get a map of report groups, each containing a list of the report names
- Path: /api/getReportInfo
- Method: GET
- Returns: A JSON map with a report group name, and an array of strings of the report names in that group
- Example:
curl -u analyst:analystpwd localhost:8088/api/getReportInfo
{"Parameterized reports":["Param report","Param report2"],"SImple":["SimpleTest 2"],"MDR":["MdrSample","Code snippets"],"None":["SimpleTest"],"Examples":["Sample","Iris","Table Ext Css","Hello Example"]}
Description: get a list of reports for a report group
Path: /api/getReports
Method: GET
Parameters: String groupName
Returns: A JSON array of Report objects of the reports for the group name specified A Report object contains the following fields:
- reportName: This is the unique identifier for a report
- description: A free text short description of the report.
- Type: String
- Max length = 500
- definition: This is the R or mdr code (logic for the report).
- Type: String
- Max length = 15000
- inputContent: The parameter(s) prompt html code
- Type: String
- Max length = 9000
- reportType;
- Type: ReportType, an ENUM string with the possible values UNMANAGED, MDR
- reportGroup: The name of the report group this report belongs to
- Type: String
- Max length = 50
curl -u analyst:analystpwd localhost:8088/api/getReports?groupName=Examples
"description":"Pie chart with external image",
"definition":"library('se.alipsa:htmlcreator')\r\n\r\nhtml.clear()\r\nhtml.add(\"<html><body>\")\r\nhtml.add(\"<h2>Iris report</h2>\")\r\n\r\nif(exists(\"inout\")) {\r\n html.add(html.imgUrl(paste0(\"file://\", getwd(),\"/resources/iris.jpg\")))\r\n} else {\r\n html.add(html.imgUrl(\"/common/resources/iris.jpg\"))\r\n}\r\nspecies <- table(iris$Species)\r\nhtml.add(\r\n pie, \r\n species, \r\n labels = paste(names(species), \"\\n\", species, sep=\"\"), \r\n main=\"Pie Chart of Species\\n (with sample sizes)\"\r\n)\r\n\r\nhtml.add(\"</html></body>\")\r\n\r\nif(exists(\"inout\")) {\r\n inout$viewHtml(html.content(), \"Pie chart\")\r\n}\r\nhtml.content()",
"description":"Sample report",
"definition":"library('se.alipsa:htmlcreator')\r\n\r\nhtml.clear()\r\nhtml.add(\"<html><body>\")\r\nhtml.add(\"\r\n<style>\r\n .table-font-size {\r\n font-size: 14px;\r\n }\r\n</style>\r\n\")\r\n\r\nhtml.add(\"<h2>A Sample report with a table and an image<h2>\")\r\nhtml.add(\r\n barplot,\r\n table(mtcars$vs, mtcars$gear),\r\n main=\"Car Distribution by Gears and VS\",\r\n col=c(\"darkblue\",\"red\"),\r\n htmlattr = list(alt=\"an mtcars plot\")\r\n)\r\nhtml.add(mtcars, htmlattr=list(class=\"table table-striped table-font-size\"))\r\n\r\nhtml.add(\"</html></body>\")\r\n# If we are using an IDE that defines an inout object), display the report in the IDE\r\nhtml.content()\r\n",
Description: add a new report
Path: /api/addReport
Method: POST
Parameters: None
Payload: A Report JSON object as described above
Returns: 200 OK if successful otherwise an HTTP error e.g. BAD REQUEST or INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
curl -u analyst:analystpwd --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{ "reportName":"Hello Example","description":"Hello World","definition":"library(\"se.alipsa:htmlcreator\")\nhtml.clear()\nhtml.add(\"<h1>Hello World</h1>\")\nhtml.content()","inputContent":"","reportType":"UNMANAGED","reportGroup":"Examples"}' localhost:8088/api/addReport
Description: update an existing report
Path: /api/updateReport
Method: PUT
Parameters: None
Payload: A Report JSON object as described above
Returns: 200 OK if successful otherwise an HTTP error e.g. BAD REQUEST or INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
curl -u analyst:analystpwd --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request PUT --data '{ "reportName":"Hello Example","description":"Hello World","definition":"library(\"se.alipsa:htmlcreator\")\\"<h1>Hello World updated</h1>\")\nhtml.content()","inputContent":"","reportType":"UNMANAGED","reportGroup":"Examples"}' localhost:8088/api/updateReport