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Guidance for API Test


This video demonstrates how to use this tool.


  1. Install the latest oav
  2. Install the latest armstrong
  3. Prepare the swagger definitions and examples that you need to test


Please follow the steps below to complete API Test. We use Microsoft.Purview/stable/2021-12-01/purview.json as an example.

1. Create a new folder

In this step, we will create a new folder to save the test code and test results.

  1. Move to the folder where stores the swagger json file and examples.
cd /go/src/
  1. Run the following command to create a new empty folder named terraform.
mkdir terraform

2. Generate test cases

In this step, we will generate test cases based on the swagger json file and examples. Each test case will be generated in a separate folder categorized by the resource type. The test case is written in HCL which is the configuration language for Terraform. It describes the desired state of the resources that you want to manage. Armstrong will use the test case to create, update, and delete resources in Azure.

  1. Move to the folder created in the previous step.
# working directory: /go/src/

cd terraform
  1. Run the following command to generate test cases.
# working directory: /go/src/

armstrong generate -swagger /go/src/

You could use the relative path to specify the swagger json file. For example:

# working directory: /go/src/

armstrong generate -swagger ../purview.json

It also supports to specify the directory where the swagger json file resides in. For example:

# working directory: /go/src/

armstrong generate -swagger ..

More details about the usage of armstrong generate can be found here.

Then the test cases will be generated in the folder. The test case folder name is in the format of {provider}_{resourceType}. For example, the test case folder name for Microsoft.Purview/accounts is Microsoft.Purview_accounts. The folder structure will look like below:

# working directory: /go/src/
├── examples
├── purview.json
└── terraform
    ├── Microsoft.Purview
    │   └──
    ├── Microsoft.Purview_accounts
    │   └──
    ├── Microsoft.Purview_accounts_kafkaConfigurations
    │   └──
    ├── Microsoft.Purview_accounts_privateEndpointConnections
    │   └──
    ├── Microsoft.Purview_accounts_privateLinkResources
    │   └──
    ├── Microsoft.Purview_locations
    │   └──
    └── Microsoft.Purview_operations

In each test case, file contains the terraform configuration about how to manage the resources. For example, the content of for Microsoft.Purview/accounts is like below:

// provider definition: azapi provider will be used
terraform {
  required_providers {
    azapi = {
      source = "Azure/azapi"

// provider configuration
provider "azapi" {
  skip_provider_registration = false

// variable definition
variable "resource_name" {
  type    = string
  default = "acctest5906"

variable "location" {
  type    = string
  default = "West US 2"

// The purview account depends on the resource group, the armstrong will generate the resource group's definition automatically
resource "azapi_resource" "resourceGroup" {
  type     = "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups@2020-06-01"
  name     = var.resource_name
  location = var.location

// OperationId: Accounts_CreateOrUpdate, Accounts_Get, Accounts_Delete
// PUT GET DELETE /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/{accountName}
resource "azapi_resource" "account" {
  type      = "Microsoft.Purview/accounts@2021-12-01"
  parent_id =
  name      = var.resource_name
  location  = var.location
  // the following payload is generated based on the content of /specification/purview/resource-manager/Microsoft.Purview/stable/2021-12-01/examples/Accounts_CreateOrUpdate.json, which is defined in x-ms-examples of this operation
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      managedResourceGroupName            = "custom-rgname"
      managedResourcesPublicNetworkAccess = "Enabled"
  schema_validation_enabled = false

// OperationId: Accounts_Update
// PATCH /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/{accountName}
resource "azapi_resource_action" "patch_account" {
  type        = "Microsoft.Purview/accounts@2021-12-01"
  resource_id =
  action      = ""
  method      = "PATCH"
  body = jsonencode({
    cloudConnectors = {
    managedResourceGroupName            = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
    managedResourcesPublicNetworkAccess = "Disabled"
    publicNetworkAccess                 = "NotSpecified"


// The operation definition
// OperationId: Accounts_ListKeys
// POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/{accountName}/listkeys
resource "azapi_resource_action" "listkeys" {
  type        = "Microsoft.Purview/accounts@2021-12-01"
  resource_id =
  action      = "listkeys"
  method      = "POST"


// The list operation definition
// OperationId: Accounts_ListByResourceGroup
// GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts
data "azapi_resource_list" "listAccountsByResourceGroup" {
  type       = "Microsoft.Purview/accounts@2021-12-01"
  parent_id  =

  // The following config specifies the implicit dependency for this resource, it will only be executed after the resource "azapi_resource.account" is created
  depends_on = [azapi_resource.account]

More details about the azapi provider can be found here.

3. Test each test case

In this step, we will test each test case generated in the previous step.

  1. Move to one of the test case folders.
# working directory: /go/src/

cd Microsoft.Purview_accounts
  1. Authenticate with Azure.

The easiest way to authenticate with Azure is to use Azure CLI. Run the following command to login with Azure CLI.

az login

And you can use the following command to set the default subscription which will be used by Armstrong.

az account set --subscription <subscription-id>

Armstrong supports a number of different methods for authenticating with Azure. More details can be found here.

  1. View the test plan. (Optional)

The following command generates a speculative execution plan, showing what actions Terraform would take to apply the current configuration.

# working directory: /go/src/

armstrong validate

More details about the usage of armstrong validate can be found here.

  1. Test the test case.

The following command will test the test case and record the API traffic during the process. Then it will compare the API traffic with the examples to validate the correctness of the swagger definitions.

# working directory: /go/src/

armstrong test -swagger ../.. --destroy-after-test

Above command uses a relative path to the directory where the swagger json file resides in.

More details about the usage of armstrong test can be found here.

  1. Check the output.

The test results will be generated in the folder armstrong_reports_{month}_{day}_{random_number}.

If there's no error reported, the test case passes. The folder structure will look like below:

├── armstrong_reports_Nov__2_122604
│   ├── API Test - SwaggerAccuracyReport.html          <- The swagger accuracy report 
│   ├── API Test - SwaggerAccuracyReport.json          <- For Armstrong internal use only - The swagger accuracy report in JSON format
│   ├── Onboard Terraform -                <- Armstrong report, it contains the coverage report of the tested fields
│   └── traces                              <- For debugging purpose - The API traffic during the test
        ├── trace-1.json ... trace-10.json
├── log.txt                                 <- For debugging purpose - The log of the test
├── terraform.tfstate                       <- For debugging purpose - The state file of the test
├── tfplan                                  <- For debugging purpose - The plan file of the test
└── traces                                  <- For debugging purpose - The API traffic during the test
    ├── trace-1.json ... trace-10.json

Please check the swagger accurcy report SwaggerAccuracyReport.html and fix the errors if there's any.

If there's an error reported, the test case fails. You could find an error report in the folder armstrong_reports_{month}_{day}_{random_number}. The folder structure will look like below: (unrelated files are omitted)

├── armstrong_reports_Nov__2_122604
│   ├──    <- Armstrong error report

Please check the error report and fix the errors. The error report contains the error message and http request/response details to help you debug the error.

About how to fix the errors, please refer to Fix Errors.

After the errors are fixed, please go to step 4 to test the test case again.

4. Generate summary report

In this step, we will generate a summary report for all test cases.

  1. Move to the folder where stores the test cases.
cd /go/src/
  1. Run the following command to generate a summary report.
# working directory: /go/src/

armstrong report -swagger ..

Above command uses a relative path to the directory where the swagger json file resides in.

More details about the usage of armstrong report can be found here.

If it runs successfully, the summary reports will be generated in ArmstrongReport folder. The folder structure will look like below:

# working directory: /go/src/

├── ArmstrongReport
│   ├── SwaggerAccuracyReport.html      <- The swagger accuracy report for all test cases
│   ├── SwaggerAccuracyReport.json      <- For Armstrong internal use only - The swagger accuracy report in JSON format
│   ├──        <- The swagger accuracy report for all test cases, markdown format
│   └── traces                          <- For debugging purpose - The API traffic during the test
│       ├── Microsoft.Purview-trace-1.json
│       ├── ...
│       └── Microsoft.Purview_operations-trace-10.json
├── Microsoft.Purview
├── Microsoft.Purview_accounts
├── Microsoft.Purview_accounts_kafkaConfigurations
├── Microsoft.Purview_accounts_privateEndpointConnections
├── Microsoft.Purview_accounts_privateLinkResources
├── Microsoft.Purview_locations
└── Microsoft.Purview_operations

Please check the swagger accuracy report SwaggerAccuracyReport.html and fix the errors if there's any and make sure there's no Untested Operations.

5. Submit results with swagger pull request

In this step, we will submit the test cases and summary report with swagger pull request.

  1. For the test cases, please check in the test cases. (Some unnecessary files will be automatically filtered by the .gitignore).

    Here's an example of the swagger pull request: Microsoft.Purview/stable/2021-12-01.

    The folder structure will look like below:

# working directory: /go/src/
├── examples
├── purview.json
└── terraform
    ├── Microsoft.Purview
    │   └──
    ├── Microsoft.Purview_accounts
    │   └──
    ├── Microsoft.Purview_accounts_kafkaConfigurations
    │   └──
    ├── Microsoft.Purview_accounts_privateEndpointConnections
    │   └──
    ├── Microsoft.Purview_accounts_privateLinkResources
    │   └──
    ├── Microsoft.Purview_locations
    │   └──
    └── Microsoft.Purview_operations
  1. For the summary report, please copy all content in the generated ArmstrongReport/ and paste it in a new comment of the swagger pull request for ARM reviewers to review.

    Here's an example of the swagger pull request comment: Microsoft.Purview/stable/2021-12-01

Fix Errors

In this section, we will introduce how to fix the errors reported by Armstrong.

Case 1. Bad Request. The error message is like below:

ERRO[0014] error running terraform apply: exit status 1

Error: creating/updating "Resource: (ResourceId \"/subscriptions/******/resourceGroups/acctest5906/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/acctest5906\" / Api Version \"2021-12-01\")": PUT******/resourceGroups/acctest5906/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/acctest5906
RESPONSE 400: 400 Bad Request
  "error": {
    "code": "1001",
    "message": "IdentityUrl is required",
    "target": "IdentityUrl",
    "details": []

  with azapi_resource.account,
  on line 31, in resource "azapi_resource" "account":
  31: resource "azapi_resource" "account" {

This kind of error is caused by the incorrect payload in the test case. Please check the error message and fix the payload in the test case.

Please refer to the following examples for how to fix the payload.

  1. example: Microsoft.Purview/accounts - 400 IdentityUrl is required
  2. example: Microsoft.Purview/accounts - 400 InvalidRequestContent

Please notice that the payload is generated based on the example defined in x-ms-examples of the operation. It's recommended to update the example in the swagger definition if the example is incorrect.

Case 2. Bad Request, because the referenced resource is not found. The error message is like below:

ERRO[0041] error running terraform apply: exit status 1

Error: performing action addRootCollectionAdmin of "Resource: (ResourceId \"/subscriptions/******/resourceGroups/acctest5906/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/acctest5906\" / Api Version \"2021-12-01\")": POST******/resourceGroups/acctest5906/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/acctest5906/addRootCollectionAdmin
RESPONSE 400: 400 Bad Request
  "error": {
    "code": "1002",
    "message": "The payload is invalid. Error: Failed to find ODataType for objectId:7e8de0e7-2bfc-4e1f-9659-2a5785e4356f tenantId:72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47..",
    "target": null,
    "details": []

  with azapi_resource_action.addRootCollectionAdmin,
  on line 69, in resource "azapi_resource_action" "addRootCollectionAdmin":
  69: resource "azapi_resource_action" "addRootCollectionAdmin" {

Please refer to the following example for how to add the referenced resource in the test case.

  1. example: Microsoft.Purview/accounts - addRootCollectionAdmin

case 3. Bad Request, because the dependency resource does not meet the requirements. The error message is like below:

ERRO[0056] error running terraform apply: exit status 1

Error: performing action listkeys of "Resource: (ResourceId \"/subscriptions/******/resourceGroups/acctest5906/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/acctest5906\" / Api Version \"2021-12-01\")": POST******/resourceGroups/acctest5906/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/acctest5906/listkeys
RESPONSE 404: 404 Not Found
  "error": {
    "code": "21000",
    "message": "Managed Event Hub does not exist for account acctest5906.",
    "target": null,
    "details": []

  with azapi_resource_action.listkeys,
  on line 106, in resource "azapi_resource_action" "listkeys":
 106: resource "azapi_resource_action" "listkeys" {

Please refer to the following example for how to update existing resources to meet the requirements.

  1. example: Microsoft.Purview/accounts - listKeys
  2. example: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/kafkaConfigurations - Require Account Disable Managed Event Hub

case 4. Conflict, because the resource couldn't be updated. The error message is like below:

ERRO[0015] error running terraform apply: exit status 1

Error: creating/updating "Resource: (ResourceId \"/subscriptions/******/resourceGroups/acctest5906/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/acctest5906\" / Api Version \"2021-12-01\")": PUT******/resourceGroups/acctest5906/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/acctest5906
RESPONSE 409: 409 Conflict
  "error": {
    "code": "2008",
    "message": "The managed event hub namespace cannot be re-enabled for account acctest5906 once it has been disabled.",
    "target": null,
    "details": []

  with azapi_resource.account,
  on line 31, in resource "azapi_resource" "account":
  31: resource "azapi_resource" "account" {

Please refer to the following example for how to fix the error.

  1. example: Microsoft.Purview/accounts - managedEventHubState Conflict

case 5. Internal Server Error. The error message is like below:

ERRO[0037] error running terraform apply: exit status 1

Error: creating/updating "Resource: (ResourceId \"/subscriptions/******/resourceGroups/acctest2248/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/acctest2248/kafkaConfigurations/acctest2248\" / Api Version \"2021-12-01\")": PUT******/resourceGroups/acctest2248/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/acctest2248/kafkaConfigurations/acctest2248
RESPONSE 500: 500 Internal Server Error
  "error": {
    "code": "500",
    "message": "Unknown error",
    "target": null,
    "details": null

  with azapi_resource.kafkaConfiguration,
  on line 99, in resource "azapi_resource" "kafkaConfiguration":
  99: resource "azapi_resource" "kafkaConfiguration" {

Some of the internal server errors are caused by the incorrect payload/depedency requirements in the test case.

Please refer to the following examples for how to fix the errors.

  1. example: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/kafkaConfigurations - identity Internal Error

case 6. Does not have permission. The error message is like below:

 Error: creating/updating "Resource: (ResourceId \"/subscriptions/******/resourceGroups/acctest2248/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/acctest2248/kafkaConfigurations/acctest2248\" / Api Version \"2021-12-01\")": PUT******/resourceGroups/acctest2248/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/acctest2248/kafkaConfigurations/acctest2248
│ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
│ RESPONSE 409: 409 Conflict
│ ERROR CODE: 19000
│ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
│ {
│   "error": {
│     "code": "19000",
│     "message": "The caller does not have EventHubDataSender permission on resource: [/subscriptions/******/resourceGroups/acctest2248/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/acctest2248/eventhubs/acctest2248].",
│     "target": null,
│     "details": []
│   }
│ }
│ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
│   with azapi_resource.kafkaConfiguration,
│   on line 102, in resource "azapi_resource" "kafkaConfiguration":
│  102: resource "azapi_resource" "kafkaConfiguration" {

This kind of error is caused by lack of permission. Please refer to the following example for how to add role assignment and fix the error.

  1. example: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/kafkaConfigurations - 409 No Permission

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: In each test case, how to find the untested operations?

A: We're working on improving it. Currently, you could compare the OperationIds in the test case with the swagger accuracy report, and see if there're any untested operations.

Below example, the block tests KafkaConfigurations_CreateOrUpdate, KafkaConfigurations_Get, KafkaConfigurations_Delete operations.

// OperationId: KafkaConfigurations_CreateOrUpdate, KafkaConfigurations_Get, KafkaConfigurations_Delete
// PUT GET DELETE /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/{accountName}/kafkaConfigurations/{kafkaConfigurationName}
resource "azapi_resource" "kafkaConfiguration" {

2. Q: After I generated the summary report, there're some untested operations, how to find which test case that these operations belong to?

A: In each testcase, the operationId is added in the comment, like the following example: the block tests KafkaConfigurations_CreateOrUpdate, KafkaConfigurations_Get, KafkaConfigurations_Delete operations.

// OperationId: KafkaConfigurations_CreateOrUpdate, KafkaConfigurations_Get, KafkaConfigurations_Delete
// PUT GET DELETE /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/{accountName}/kafkaConfigurations/{kafkaConfigurationName}
resource "azapi_resource" "kafkaConfiguration" {

3. Q: I've fixed the API issue, how to reset the test case and test it again?

A: You could delete the traces folder under the test case folder.

4. Q: I have some sensitive information in the test case, how to hide it?

A: You could use terraform variables to hide the sensitive information. Please refer to the following example for how to use terraform variables.

  1. Define a variable in the test case.

      variable "github_pat" {
        type        = string
        sensitive   = true
        description = "The github personal access token"
  2. Use the variable in the test case, to replace the sensitive information.

    resource "azapi_resource" "example" {
      body = jsonencode({
        properties = {
          github_pat = var.github_pat // use the variable here
  3. Create a terraform.tfvars file in the test case folder, and define the variable value in it.

    github_pat = "your github personal access token"
  4. Add terraform.tfvars to .gitignore file to avoid checking in the sensitive information.

5. Q: How to get the current login identity's tenantId/subscriptionId?

A: You could use the following terraform code to get the current login identity's tenantId/subscriptionId and other information.

  1. Add the following code in the test case to enable the use of the azurerm provider.

    provider "azurerm" {
      features {}
  2. Add the following code in the test case to get the current login identity's tenantId/subscriptionId.

    data "azurerm_client_config" "current" {}
  3. Replace the tenantId/subscriptionId in the test case with the following code.

     // replace the tenantId with the following code
     tenantId = data.azurerm_client_config.current.tenant_id
     // replace the subscriptionId with the following code
     subscriptionId = data.azurerm_client_config.current.subscription_id
     // replace the Azure Client ID (Application Object ID)
     clientId = data.azurerm_client_config.current.client_id
     // replace the Azure Object ID
     objectId = data.azurerm_client_config.current.object_id

    More details about this data source could be found here.

6. Q: How to assign a give principal to a given rule?

A: You could use the following terraform code to assign a given principal to a given role.

  1. Add the following code in the test case to enable the use of the azurerm provider.

     provider "azurerm" {
       features {}
  2. Add the following code in the test case to assign a given principal to a given role.

    resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "example" {
     scope                = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/mygroup"
     role_definition_name = "Reader"
     principal_id         = "The ID of the Principal (User, Group or Service Principal) to assign the Role Definition to."

    More details about this resource could be found here.

7. Q: How to ignore the files that are not need to be checked in?

A: You could add the files that are not need to be checked in to .gitignore file. For example, the following files are not need to be checked in.

# Ignore the files that are not need to be checked in
# Armstrong

8. Q: How to run Armstrong test in internal environments?

A: You could use provider's endpoint argument to specify the endpoint of the internal environment. For example:

provider "azapi" {
  endpoint {
    resource_manager_endpoint = ""
    resource_manager_audience = ""
    active_directory_authority_host = ""

More details about this argument could be found here.

Note: if you use the azure cli to authenticate with azure, you need to configure the same endpoint in the azure cli. More details could be found here.


Please refer to the sample repo for more details.