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Releases: Azure/azure-sdk-for-cpp


03 Feb 13:20
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12.0.0-beta.7 (2021-02-03)

New Features

  • Added Owner, Permissions, and Group to GetDataLakePathAccessControlResult.
  • DownloadDataLakeFileResult now has a new field FileSize.
  • Added support for GetAccessPolicy and SetAccessPolicy in DataLakeFileSystemClient.
  • Moved all protocol layer generated result types to Details namespace.
  • Renamed FileSystem type returned from ListDataLakeFileSystems to be FileSystemItem. Member object name FileSystems is renamed to Items.
  • Renamed Path type returned from ListDataLakePaths to be PathItem. Member object name Paths is renamed to Items.
  • Added support for specifying public access type when creating a file system.
  • Added DataLakeDirectoryClient::ListPathsSinglePage API to list DataLake paths under certain directory.
  • Added Metadata, AccessType, HasImmutabilityPolicy, HasLegalHold, LeaseDuration, LeaseState and LeaseStatus to FileSystemItem.
  • Added new type LeaseDurationType to indicate if a lease duration is fixed or infinite.
  • Added RequestId in each return type for REST API calls, except for concurrent APIs.
  • Added UpdateAccessControlListRecursiveSinglePage to update the access control recursively for a datalake path.
  • Added RemoveAccessControlListRecursiveSinglePage to remove the access control recursively for a datalake path.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed GetDfsUri in all clients since they are currently implementation details.
  • Removed Data suffix for FlushData and AppendData and modified all related structs to align the change.
  • DataLakePathClient can no longer set permissions with SetAccessControl, instead, a new API SetPermissions is created for such functionality. Renamed the original API to SetAccessControlList to be more precise.
  • ContentRange in DownloadDataLakeFileResult is now Azure::Core::Http::Range.
  • Removed ContentRange in PathGetPropertiesResult.
  • Renamed ContentLength in GetDataLakePathPropertiesResult and CreateDataLakePathResult to FileSize to be more accurate.
  • Renamed GetUri to GetUrl.
  • Added DataLakeLeaseClient, all lease related APIs are moved to DataLakeLeaseClient.
  • Changed lease duration to be std::chrono::seconds.
  • Removed Directory in ListPathsSinglePageOptions.
  • Removed unused type AccountResourceType and PathLeaseAction.
  • Changed all previous LeaseDuration members to a new type named LeaseDurationType.
  • startsOn parameter for GetUserDelegationKey was changed to optional.
  • Removed PreviousContinuationToken from ListFileSystemsSinglePageResult.
  • Concurrency, ChunkSize and InitialChunkSize were moved into DownloadDataLakeFileToOptions::TansferOptions.
  • Concurrency, ChunkSize and SingleUploadThreshold were moved into UploadDataLakeFileFromOptions::TransferOptions.
  • Removed Rename from DataLakeDirectoryClient and DataLakeFileClient. Instead, added RenameFile and RenameSubdirectory to DataLakeDirectoryClient and added RenameFile and RenameDirectory to DataLakeFileSystemClient.
  • Rename APIs now return the client of the resource it is renaming to.
  • Removed Mode for rename operations' options, that originally controls the rename mode. Now it is fixed to legacy mode.
  • Changed SetAccessControlRecursive to SetAccessControlRecursiveListSinglePage, to mark that it is a single page operation, and removed the mode parameter, separated the modify/delete functionality to two new APIs.
  • Moved SetAccessControlRecursiveListSinglePage to DataLakePathClient.
  • Changed MaxRecord to MaxEntries, ForceFlag to ContinueOnFailure to be more accurate names.
  • Type for ETag was changed to Azure::Core::ETag.
  • Type for IfMatch and IfNoneMatch was changed to Azure::Core::ETag.
  • Renamed ListDataLakeFileSystemsIncludeItem to ListDataLakeFileSystemsIncludeFlags.
  • Removed DataLakeDirectoryClient::Delete and DataLakeDirectoryClient::DeleteIfExists. Added DataLakeDirectoryClient::DeleteEmpty, DataLakeDirectoryClient::DeleteEmptyIfExists, DataLakeDirectoryClient::DeleteRecursive and DataLakeDirectoryClient::DeleteRecursiveIfExists instead.
  • Removed ContinuationToken in DeleteDataLakePathResult and DeleteDataLakeDirectoryResult, as they will never be returned for HNS enabled accounts.
  • Renamed DataLakeFileClient::Read to DataLakeFileClient::Download. Also changed the member Azure::Core::Nullable<bool> RangeGetContentMd5 in the option to be Azure::Core::Nullable<HashAlgorithm> RangeHashAlgorithm instead.
  • Moved some less commonly used properties into a details data structure for Download, DownloadTo and ListFileSystemsSinglePage API, and enriched the content of the mentioned details data structure.

Other Changes and Improvements

  • Changed DataLakeFileClient::Flush's endingOffset parameter's name to position.
  • Renamed DataLakePathClient::GetAccessControls to DataLakePathClient::GetAccessControlList.
  • Removed unused parameters, options, results and functions in protocol layer.


03 Feb 12:53
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12.0.0-beta.7 (2021-02-03)

New Features

  • Added additional information in StorageException.

Breaking Changes

  • AccountSasResource::BlobContainer was renamed to AccountSasResource::Container.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed ClientRequestId wasn't filled in StorageException.


03 Feb 13:08
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12.0.0-beta.7 (2021-02-03)

New Features

  • Added RequestId in API return types.
  • Added some new properties in GetBlobPropertiesResult, DownloadBlobResult and DownloadBlobToResult.
  • Added RangeHashAlgorithm in DownloadBlobOptions.
  • Added UploadBlob in BlobContainerClient.

Breaking Changes

  • UserDelegationKey was changed to a member of GetUserDelegationKeyResult rather than a typedef like before.
  • AccessType in CreateBlobContainerOptions was changed to non-nullable.
  • ListType in GetBlockListOptions was changed to non-nullable.
  • Added BlobLeaseClient, all lease related APIs are moved to BlobLeaseClient.
  • Type for lease duration in requests was changed to std::chrono::seconds, in response was changed to enum.
  • PublicAccessType::Private was renamed to PublicAccessType::None.
  • startsOn parameter for GetUserDelegationKey was changed to optional.
  • Removed IfUnmodifiedSince from SetBlobContainerMetadataOptions.
  • Return types of BlobClient::StartCopyFromUri and PageBlobClient::StartCopyIncremental were changed to StartCopyBlobResult, supporting poll operations.
  • Fixed typo Expiries in model types.
  • Removed PreviousContinuationToken from ListBlobContainersSinglePageResult, ListBlobsByHierarchySinglePageResult and ListBlobsSinglePageResult.
  • ListBlobContainersIncludeItem was renamed to ListBlobContainersIncludeFlags.
  • ListBlobsIncludeItem was renamed to ListBlobsIncludeFlags.
  • Concurrency, ChunkSize and InitialChunkSize were moved into DownloadBlobToOptions::TansferOptions.
  • Concurrency, ChunkSize and SingleUploadThreshold were moved into UploadBlockBlobFromOptions::TransferOptions.
  • Removed TagValue from FilterBlobItem, removed Where from FindBlobsByTagsSinglePageResult.
  • Type for ETag was changed to Azure::Core::ETag.
  • Removed BlobPrefix struct, use std::string instead.
  • Refined BlobContainerItem, BlobItem, DownloadBlobResult and DownloadBlobToResult.


03 Feb 03:09
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1.0.0-beta.3 (2021-02-02)

Breaking Changes

  • ClientSecretCredential constructor takes ClientSecretCredentialOptions struct instead of authority host string. TokenCredentialOptions struct has authority host string as data member.


03 Feb 02:59
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1.0.0-beta.5 (2021-02-02)

New Features

  • Added support for HTTP validators ETag.

Breaking Changes

  • Make ToLower() and LocaleInvariantCaseInsensitiveEqual() internal by moving them from Azure::Core::Strings to Azure::Core::Internal::Strings.
  • BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy constructor takes TokenRequestOptions struct instead of scopes vector. TokenRequestOptions struct has scopes vector as data member.
  • TokenCredential::GetToken() takes TokenRequestOptions instead of scopes vector.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the parsing of the last chunk of a chunked response when using the curl transport adapter.
  • Fixed reading the value from retry-after header in RetryPolicy.
  • Fix link errors when producing a DLL and add UWP compilation support.
  • Do not pass a placeholder user-agent string as a fallback when using WinHttp.
  • Initialize local variables in implementation to fix warning within release builds on Linux.


14 Jan 07:47
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12.0.0-beta.6 (2020-01-14)

New Features

  • Added support for CreateIfNotExists for Share and Directory clients, and DeleteIfExists for Share, Directory and File clients.
  • Support setting file SAS permission with a raw string.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed constructors in clients that takes a Azure::Identity::ClientSecretCredential.
  • Removed Share Lease related API due to it not supported in recent service versions.
    • ShareClient::AcquireLease
    • ShareClient::ReleaseLease
    • ShareClient::ChangeLease
    • ShareClient::BreakLease
    • ShareClient::RenewLease
  • Move File SAS into Azure::Storage::Sas namespace.
  • Replaced all transactional content MD5/CRC64 with ContentHash struct.
  • FileShareHttpHeaders is renamed to ShareFileHttpHeaders, and member std::string ContentMd5 is changed to Storage::ContentHash ContentHash.
  • All date time related strings are now changed to Azure::Core::DateTime type.
  • Move version strings into Details namespace.
  • Renamed all functions and structures that could retrieve partial query results from the server to have SinglePage suffix instead of Segment suffix.
  • Removed FileRange and ClearRange, they are now represented with Azure::Core::Http::Range.
  • Removed Offset and Length pair in options. They are now represented with Azure::Core::Http::Range.
  • Replace scoped enums that don't support bitwise operations with extensible enum.
  • IsServerEncrypted member in DownloadFileToResult, UploadFileFromResult, FileDownloadResult and FileGetPropertiesResult are no longer nullable.
  • Create APIs for Directory and File now returns FileShareSmbProperties that aggregates SMB related properties.
  • DirectoryClient is renamed to ShareDirectoryClient, FileClient is renamed to ShareFileClient.
  • Directory and File related result types and options types now have a Share prefix. E.g. SetDirectoryPropertiesResult is changed to SetShareDirectoryPropertiesResult.
  • Renamed GetSubDirectoryClient to GetSubdirectoryClient.


14 Jan 07:47
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12.0.0-beta.6 (2020-01-14)

New Features

  • Support setting DataLake SAS permission with a raw string.
  • Added support for CreateIfNotExists and DeleteIfExists for FileSystem, Path, Directory and File clients.

Breaking Changes

  • Move DataLake SAS into Azure::Storage::Sas namespace.
  • EncrytionKeySha256 are changed to binary(std::vector<uint8_t>).
  • Replaced all transactional content MD5/CRC64 with ContentHash struct.
  • DataLakeHttpHeaders is renamed to PathHttpHeaders, and now contains ContentHash for the resource.
  • All date time related strings are now changed to Azure::Core::DateTime type.
  • CreationTime is renamed to CreatedOn.
  • AccessTierChangeTime is renamed to AccessTierChangedOn.
  • CopyCompletionTime is renamed to CopyCompletedOn.
  • ExpiryTime is renamed to ExpiresOn.
  • LastAccessTime is renamed to LastAccessedOn.
  • Move version strings into Details namespace.
  • Renamed all functions and structures that could retrieve partial query results from the server to have SinglePage suffix instead of Segment suffix.
  • ReadFileResult now have ContentRange as string.
  • ReadFileOptions now have Azure::Core::Http::Range Range instead of Content-Length and Offset.
  • Replace scoped enums that don't support bitwise operations with extensible enum.
  • ListPaths is renamed to ListPathsSinglePage and its related return type and options are also renamed accordingly.
  • FileSystemClient is renamed to DataLakeFileSystemClient, PathClient is renamed to DataLakePathClient, DirectoryClient is renamed to DataLakeDirectoryClient and FileClient is renamed to DataLakeFileClient.
  • FileSystems, Path, Directory and File related result types and options types now have a DataLake prefix. E.g. GetFileSystemPropertiesResult is changed to GetDataLakeFileSystemPropertiesResult.
  • Renamed GetSubDirectoryClient to GetSubdirectoryClient.
  • Removed NamespaceEnabled field in CreateDataLakeFileSystemResult.


14 Jan 07:41
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12.0.0-beta.6 (2020-01-14)

New Features

  • Add new type ContentHash.
  • Add definition of Metadata.
  • Support setting account SAS permission with a raw string.

Breaking Changes

  • Rename SharedKeyCredential to StorageSharedKeyCredential.
  • Rename StorageSharedKeyCredential::UpdateAccountKey to StorageSharedKeyCredential::Update.
  • Make StoragePerRetryPolicy and StorageSharedKeyPolicy private by moving them to theDetails namespace.
  • Remove StorageRetryOptions, use Azure::Core::Http::RetryOptions instead.
  • Move Account SAS into Azure::Storage::Sas namespace.
  • All date time related strings are now changed to Azure::Core::DateTime type.
  • Move version strings into Details namespace.
  • Move Base64Encode and Base64Decode from the Azure::Storage namespace to Azure::Core.
  • Remove the string accepting overload of Base64Encode.


14 Jan 07:47
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12.0.0-beta.6 (2020-01-14)

New Features

  • CreateIfNotExists and DeleteIfExists for blob containers and blobs.
  • Add IsHierarchicalNamespaceEnabled in GetAccountInfoResult.
  • New API: PageBlobClient::GetPageRangesDiff and PageBlobClient::GetManagedDiskPageRangesDiff.
  • Add CreateBlobContainer, DeleteBlobContainer, UndeleteBlobContainer into BlobServiceClient.
  • Add DeleteBlob into BlobContainerClient.
  • Support setting blob SAS permission with a raw string.

Breaking Changes

  • Rename AppendBlobAccessConditions::MaxSize to AppendBlobAccessConditions::IfMaxSizeLessThanOrEqual.
  • Rename AppendBlobAccessConditions::AppendPosition to AppendBlobAccessConditions::IfAppendPositionEqual.
  • BlobServiceProperties.DefaultServiceVersion is now nullable.
  • Rename DeleteBlobSubRequest::containerName to DeleteBlobSubRequest::blobContainerName.
  • Rename SetBlobAccessTierSubRequest::containerName to SetBlobAccessTierSubRequest::blobContainerName.
  • Rename BlobSasBuilder::ContainerName to BlobSasBuilder::BlobContainerName.
  • Rename BlobSasResource::Container to BlobSasResource::BlobContainer.
  • Rename AccountSasResource::Container to AccountSasResource::BlobContainer
  • Rename some structs:
    • CreateContainerResult to CreateBlobContainerOptions
    • CreateContainerOptions to CreateBlobContainerOptions
    • DeleteContainerResult to DeleteBlobContainerResult
    • DeleteContainerOptions to DeleteBlobContainerOptions
    • GetContainerPropertiesResult to GetBlobContainerPropertiesResult
    • GetContainerPropertiesOptions to GetBlobContainerPropertiesOptions
    • SetContainerMetadataResult to SetBlobContainerMetadataResult
    • SetContainerMetadataOptions to SetBlobContainerMetadataOptions
    • GetContainerAccessPolicyResult to GetBlobContainerAccessPolicyResult
    • GetContainerAccessPolicyOptions to GetBlobContainerAccessPolicyOptions
    • SetContainerAccessPolicyResult to SetBlobContainerAccessPolicyResult
    • SetContainerAccessPolicyOptions to SetBlobContainerAccessPolicyOptions
    • AcquireContainerLeaseResult to AcquireBlobContainerLeaseResult
    • AcquireContainerLeaseOptions to AcquireBlobContainerLeaseOptions
    • RenewContainerLeaseResult to RenewBlobContainerLeaseResult
    • RenewContainerLeaseOptions to RenewBlobContainerLeaseOptions
    • ReleaseContainerLeaseResult to ReleaseBlobContainerLeaseResult
    • ReleaseContainerLeaseOptions to ReleaseBlobContainerLeaseOptions
    • ChangeContainerLeaseResult to ChangeBlobContainerLeaseResult
    • ChangeContainerLeaseOptions to ChangeBlobContainerLeaseOptions
    • BreakContainerLeaseResult to BreakBlobContainerLeaseResult
    • BreakContainerLeaseOptions to BreakBlobContainerLeaseOptions
    • ContainerAccessConditions to BlobContainerAccessConditions
    • ListContainersSegmentResult to ListBlobContainersSegmentResult
    • ListContainersSegmentOptions to ListBlobContainersSegmentOptions
  • API signature for CommitBlockList has changed. BlockType doesn't need to be specified anymore.
  • PageBlobClient::GetPageRanges doesn't support getting difference between current blob and a snapshot anymore. Use PageBlobClient::GetPageRangesDiff instead.
  • Move Blob SAS into Azure::Storage::Sas namespace.
  • Replace all transactional content MD5/CRC64 with ContentHash struct.
  • EncrytionKeySha256 is changed to binary(std::vector<uint8_t>).
  • ContentMd5 HTTP header is renamed to ContentHash, the type is also changed to ContentHash.
  • ServerEncrypted fields are renamed to IsServerEncrypted, and changed to non-nullable type.
  • Add Is prefix to bool variable names. Like IsAccessTierInferred, IsDeleted.
  • IsServerEncrypted, EncryptionKeySha256 and EncryptionScope are removed from ClearPageBlobPagesResult, since they are never returned from storage server.
  • ListBlobsFlatSegment is renamed to ListBlobsSinglePage.
  • ListBlobsByHierarchySegment is renamed to ListBlobsByHierarchySinglePage.
  • ListBlobContainersSegment is renamed to ListBlobContainersSinglePage.
  • FindBlobsByTags is renamed to FindBlobsByTagsSinglePage.
  • MaxResults in list APIs are renamed to PageSizeHint.
  • All date time related strings are now changed to Azure::Core::DateTime type.
  • Replace std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> with Azure::Core::Http::Range to denote blob ranges.
  • Move version strings into Details namespace.
  • Replace scoped enums that don't support bitwise operations with extensible enum.
  • Continuation token of result types are changed to nullable.
  • Rename Models::DeleteSnapshotsOption::Only to Models::DeleteSnapshotsOption::OnlySnapshots.
  • Rename SourceConditions in API options to SourceAccessConditions.
  • Remove Blob Batch.
  • DownloadBlobResult::Content-Range is changed to an Azure::Core::Http::Range, an extra field BlobSize is added.
  • Remove Undelete from BlobContainerClient.
  • BlobRetentionPolicy::Enabled is renamed to BlobRetentionPolicy::IsEnabled, BlobStaticWebsite::Enabled is renamed to BlobStaticWebsite::IsEnabled.
  • Change type for metadata to case-insensitive std::map.
  • Change parameter type for token credential from Azure::Identity::ClientSecretCredential to Azure::Core::TokenCredential.
  • Rename member function GetUri of client types to GetUrl.
  • BlobClient::GetBlockBlobClient, BlobClient::GetAppendBlobClient and BlobClient::GetPageBlobClient are renamed to BlobClient::AsBlockBlobClient, BlobClient::AsAppendBlobClient and BlobClient::AsPageBlobClient respectively.


14 Jan 01:27
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1.0.0-beta.2 (2021-01-13)

Breaking Changes

  • Moved Azure::Identity::Version, defined in azure/identity/version.hpp to the Azure::Identity::Details namespace.

Other changes and Improvements

  • Add high-level and simplified identity.hpp file for simpler include experience for customers.