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ig-handle: a handheld inspector gadget

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

ig-handle is an open-source, hardware-synchronized LiDAR-visual-inertial sensor kit consisting of:

All sensors are synchronized with a DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC) using a Teensy 4.1 microcontroller, which provides:

  • PPS/NMEA time-synchronization for the LiDAR (see Section 7.4 of the following manual for details). The PPS synchronization signal is generated by the microcontroller according to the RTC's PPS signal, which has a temperature-compensated accuracy of +/-2ppm. The LiDAR collects data at 10 Hz,
  • analog signals to start and simultaneously trigger cameras at 20 Hz, enabling stereo vision, and
  • digital signals to start and sample IMU data at 200 Hz

ig-handle is extensible to additional LiDARs and cameras, with the option to soft-synchronize sonar data collected by a DT100 multibeam profiling sonar as demonstrated in our paper:

  title={Tightly Coupled, Graph-Based DVL/IMU Fusion and Decoupled Mapping for SLAM-Centric Maritime Infrastructure Inspection},
  author={Thoms, Alexander and Earle, Gabriel and Charron, Nicholas and Narasimhan, Sriram},
  journal={IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering},

If you are interested in building your own ig-handle, the latest parts list, CAD models, electrical schematics, and build instructions can be found here. Note that our build uses the following Intel NUC computer kit with an 11th Gen Intel® CoreTM i7-1165G7 processor and 8GB of DDR4 RAM.


For installation, please refer to the Beam Installation Guide. This guide covers the installation of dependencies (as required by ig-handle and supported robots ig-husky and ig-heron) on a clean Ubuntu 20.04 machine. We recommend setting your catkin workspace to the default directory ~/catkin_ws as the commands documented in this README follow this convention.

Collect Raw Data

ig-handle data is collected and saved to a rosbag via:

roslaunch ig_handle collect_raw_data.launch

By default, rosbags are recorded in a timestamped folder as raw.bag. Use the output arg to specify an alternative parent directory for the timestamped folder. For example:

roslaunch ig_handle collect_raw_data.launch output:=~/my_folder

This command will record data to ~/my_folder/YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS/raw.bag. Note that, when powered on, the LiDAR takes approximately 25-30 seconds to connect over LAN. Given this, wait 30 seconds after ig-handle is powered on to collect raw data.

For each robot that integrates ig-handle, there is a launch file that starts data collection for ig-handle plus additional sensors (see Section Raw Data Description for details). These launch files are invoked with a launch argument called robot:

ig-heron adds cameras F3 and F4, LiDAR lidar_v, and the DT100 sonar. Data is collected via:

roslaunch ig_handle collect_raw_data.launch robot:=heron

ig-husky adds cameras F3 and F4, LiDAR lidar_v, and the Husky base and control packages. A FLIR Boson Plus 640 thermal camera is included, though is not tested. Data is collected via:

roslaunch ig_handle collect_raw_data.launch robot:=husky

Note that before using the launch files, create a bag directory via:

mkdir -p bags

Collect Raw Data in the Field


To collect data in the field with ig-handle, we recommend connecting our touch monitor through the outbound HDMI and USB ports on the handle box. Commands can be entered via the touch screen. To begin data collection, enter:

roslaunch ig_handle collect_raw_data.launch

Once data collection is complete, kill the terminal session via ctrl+c.

ig-husky and ig-heron

To collect data in the field with robots ig-husky and ig-heron, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Connect your laptop to the handle's computer over ethernet and manually assign your laptop an ip address on the LiDAR network (ex.

  2. SSH into the handle computer via:

    ssh ig-handle@

    our build uses the password beam.

  3. Start a screen session via:


    press enter to start the session.

  4. Collect raw data (comment out the robot not in use)

    roslaunch ig_handle collect_raw_data.launch \
    robot:=husky # ig-husky
    robot:=heron # ig-heron
  5. Within the same terminal, press ctrl+a then ctrl+d to detach the screen process.

  6. Disconnect the ethernet cable and perform data collection.

  7. Once data collection is performed, reconnect the ethernet cable to the handle computer and end the screen process via:

    screen -r

    You may now end the data collection process normally via ctrl+c.

Raw Data Description

In order to collect data, collect_raw_data.launch calls found in ig_handle/scripts/ and records topics specific to each robot.

For ig-handle, the following topics are recorded:

Topic message types
/F1/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
/F2/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
/cam/time sensor_msgs/TimeReference
/imu/data sensor_msgs/Imu
/imu/time sensor_msgs/TimeReference
/lidar_h/velodyne_packets velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan
/lidar_h/velodyne_points sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
/pps/time sensor_msgs/TimeReference

For ig-heron and ig-husky, the following additional topics are recorded:

Topic message types
/F3/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
/F4/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
/lidar_v/velodyne_packets velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan
/lidar_v/velodyne_points sensor_msgs/PointCloud2

Further, ig-heron records /DT100/sonar_scans topics of message type sensor_msgs/PointCloud2, while ig-husky records /thermal/image_raw/compressed topics of message type sensor_msgs/CompressedImage. If additional topics are desired, can be modified accordingly.

Raw Data Processing

Raw data is processed using scripts/ Its description and interface follows.


This script:

  1. restamps camera and IMU sensor messages with their appropriate time reference messages, and
  2. interpolates sonar messages against the reference PPS signal

Acknowledging camera and IMU sensor messages (i.e. sensor_msgs/CompressedImage and sensor_msgs/Imu) take longer to serialize than time reference messages (i.e. /cam/time and /imu/time), the script discards camera and IMU sensor messages before the first time reference (based on serialized time) and then proceeds to restamp sensor messages with time references using a first-in-first-out queue. In testing, we observe no camera and IMU signal dropout for periods typical for data collection (i.e. 5-10 min), permitting such a simple offline time-synchronization strategy. This script throws an error when signal dropout is detected, which may happen if connections become loose. Sometimes, dropout occurs after an extended period of data collection, and we provide an argument --bag_end which allows the user to process the bag before this dropout occurs. To see where dropout occurs, use rosrun rqt_bag rqt_bag to visualize the raw bag raw.bag. Further, the argument --clip_restamp_topics can be used to manually assign the time at which data and time topics are processed using a first-in-first-out queue to avoid errors in teensy startup.


The script's interface is accessed via:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ig_handle/scripts
python3 --help

The bagfile argument --bag needs to be set every time to find the input bag. The values for data and time topics are set correctly by default, so only specify those arguments if you have changed the data collection process. Below is an example of how to process collected raw data:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ig_handle/scripts
python3 --bag ~/bags/YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS/raw.bag

The script will output a rosbag called output.bag to the same folder specified via the --bag argument, which can then be passed to a SLAM algorithm. Note that in testing, we observe that a warm-up time of ~5 seconds is required for the LiDAR to synch with the RTC, and therefore recommend:

cd ~/bags/YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS/
rosbag play --start=5 output.bag --pause

when playing back the bag for the SLAM algorithm. Pressing the enter key will then continue playback.

Copy Data from Robots

Once raw data has been collected and processed according to Section Raw Data Processing, copy the data over to your laptop (over ethernet) via:

scp -r ~/bags/YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS user@192.168.1.XXX:~/bags/dir


  • YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS is the folder containing the data
  • user is the user name for your laptop
  • 192.168.1.XXX is the ip address statically assigned to your laptop. This ip address is on the same subnet as the LiDAR network.
  • ~/bags/dir is the directory on your laptop where you would like to copy the data for example:
scp -r ~/bags/2023_10_15_03_56_54 alex@


In addition to the build instructions found here, instructions on usage are provided.


ig-handle requires two ethernet ports, one for the LiDAR network and one for the sonar network (see config/01-ig_handle_netplan.yaml):

  1. LiDAR network: The LiDAR network is configured to expect a 192.168.1.XXX subnet ( aka /24 mask), and therefore the network ip address is statically assigned to Note that in our build, the LiDARs are configured as for LiDAR lidar_h and for LiDAR lidar_v. The network switch inside of the handle box connects the LiDARs and an outboard ethernet port to the handle computer.
  2. Sonar network: The sonar network is configured specifically to the ip address ( aka /24 mask) as per the DT100's documentation (see the DT100's user manual)

Manually Updating Netplan

Following the installation guide found in Section Installation, config/01-ig_handle_netplan.yaml should be applied automatically. To update and apply the netplan manually for your computer, replace enp2s0 and enx000fc910b497 with the names of the ethernet adapters that you are using. You can find the names (eth0, enp0s1, etc.) via:


Once the ethernet adapters have been changed, you can apply these changes via:

sudo cp ~/catkin_ws/src/ig_handle/config/01-ig_handle_netplan.yaml /etc/netplan/
sudo netplan apply

Note that you must also change the arg bridge_adapter in launch/include/start_sonar.launch to match the updated ethernet adapter for the sonar network.

Internet Access:

To gain access to the internet, we recommend manually connecting to a Wifi network.


Udev rules are used in Ubuntu to create custom USB configurations when USB devices are plugged in. For example, in order to ensure the Teensy and IMU ports are always known, Udev rules are used to:

  1. create aliases when these devices are plugged in, and
  2. scan for devices plugged in with the correct idVendor and idProduct

The installation process provided in Section Installation automates Udev rule creation. This process can be accomplished manually via:

sudo cp ~/catkin_ws/src/ig_handle/config/99-ig_handle_udev.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo service udev restart && sudo udevadm trigger
sudo adduser $USER dialout