Applicacion para guardar, clasificar y acceder facilmente a las notas importantes de mis lecturas.
There is a list of tasks to implement base on requirements. Let's pick up some task!
As a user I want to save my reading notes in an application, so that I can organizate them base on a given book and a given chapter. When I create a new note I want to save:
- The note itself
- The page number
- The chapter
- Creation Date
- And some categories
As a User:
I want to create a book note, where I can save the note, page number, date, chapter and cero or categories.
- It's no possible to save a note without any book.
- The note must be added to a selected book.
- The created note must be listed once was created.
As a User:
I want to edit a created not.
- The note must exist.
- The note must be selected.
- The Listed note must change.
As a User:
I want search a note.
- User enter an simple string
- The List should display all matched notes
- Create Component for creating note.
- Create Note Card
- Create Searcher Component
- Create Routes Structure
- Create Notes Page
- Create Chapters Page
- Create WorkSpace Page
- Server Integration
- Use Express
- Talk if is better to use no relational vs relational.
- Provide pattern for switch easely between no relational vs relational.
- Use Hexagonal Architecture Style
- Define Controllers
- Create Note use case
- List Notes use case
- Update Note use case
- Create Book use case
- Create Chapter use case