🚧 This package is in development, and is not ready for use in production yet. 🚧
LaraGrid is a Laravel package that provides a powerful and customizable grid system. It allows you to easily create sortable, filterable tables with pagination.
- Requirements
- Installation
- Publishable Assets
- Documentation
- Usage
- Contribution Guidelines
- Changelog
- License
- Contact Information
- Acknowledgments
- PHP 8.1 or higher
- Laravel 10.0 or higher
To install LaraGrid, you need to run the following command:
composer require bored-programmers/laragrid
You can publish the package's configuration, language files, and views using the following commands:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laragrid-assets
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laragrid-config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laragrid-lang
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laragrid-views
- Write tests for all functionality
To create a grid, you need to extend the BaseLaraGrid
class and implement
the getColumns
, and getDataSource
use BoredProgrammers\LaraGrid\Components\ColumnComponents\Column;
use BoredProgrammers\LaraGrid\Livewire\BaseLaraGrid;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use BoredProgrammers\LaraGrid\Filters\FilterResetButton;
class MyGrid extends BaseLaraGrid
protected function getColumns(): array
return [
Column::make('id', 'ID'),
Column::make('name', 'Name'),
// Add more columns as needed
protected function getDataSource(): Builder
return MyModel::query();
In the getColumns
method, you define the columns that will be displayed in the grid. The Column::make
method takes
two arguments: the model field and the label.
The getDataSource
method should return an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
for the model you want to
display in the grid.
To display the grid in a Blade view, you can use the @livewire
or <livewire>
Replace 'my-grid'
with the actual name of your Livewire component.
You can customize the appearance of the grid by extending the BaseLaraGridTheme
class and setting the desired CSS.
use BoredProgrammers\LaraGrid\Theme\BaseLaraGridTheme;
use BoredProgrammers\LaraGrid\Theme\FilterTheme;
use BoredProgrammers\LaraGrid\Theme\TBodyTheme;
use BoredProgrammers\LaraGrid\Theme\THeadTheme;
class MyTheme extends BaseLaraGridTheme
public static function make(): static
$theme = new static();
$theme->setTableClass('min-w-full table-auto');
->setThClass('pb-3 px-3 text-left text-xs font-medium text-gray-500 uppercase tracking-wider whitespace-nowrap')
->setTdClass('whitespace-nowrap p-3 text-sm text-gray-500')
->setGroupTdClass('whitespace-nowrap flex items-center p-3 text-sm text-gray-500')
->setRecordTrClass(fn($record) => $record->role === 'admin' ? 'bg-red-500' : 'bg-white'); // you can also set a closure for record tr class. Pass a closure that returns a string class.
->setRecordTrClass('bg-white odd:bg-gray-100'); // If you don't want to set a closure, you can just pass a string class.
->setFilterTextClass('bg-white w-full rounded-xl border border-gray-300')
->setFilterSelectClass('bg-white w-full rounded-xl border border-gray-300')
->setFilterDateClass('bg-white w-full rounded-xl border border-gray-300')
// those are not all methods, you can find all of them in BaseLaraGridTheme, THeadTheme, TBodyTheme and FilterTheme classes
return $theme;
Then, in your grid class, you need to override the getTheme
method and return an instance of your theme class.
protected function getTheme(): BaseLaraGridTheme
return MyTheme::make();
By default, there is a theme called TailwindTheme
If you want to show filtering and sorting in url, you need to rewrite default LaraGrid properties. You can do it like this:
abstract class MyBaseGrid extends BaseLaraGrid
public array $filter = [];
#[Url(except: 'id')]
public string $sortColumn = 'id';
public string $sortDirection = 'desc';
protected function getFilterResetButton(): FilterResetButton
return FilterResetButton::make();
protected function getTheme(): BaseLaraGridTheme
return MyTheme::make();
Those Url params are default from livewire, so you can customize them as you want by following livewire docs.
We welcome contributions to LaraGrid. If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. We have a few requirements for contributions:
- Follow the PSR-2 coding standard.
- Write tests for new features and bug fixes.
- Only use pull requests for contributions.
For a detailed history of changes, see releases on GitHub.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
For any questions or concerns, please feel free to create a discussion on GitHub.
Created by Matěj Černý from Bored Programmers.
We would like to thank all the contributors who have helped to make LaraGrid a better package.