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121 lines (101 loc) · 5.65 KB

File metadata and controls

121 lines (101 loc) · 5.65 KB


siahe is designed to help university clubs sell tickets for their events through the Telegram messaging platform. The bot provides a seamless ticket purchasing experience for users, allowing them to easily browse available events, select tickets, and sign up directly within the Telegram app.


  1. Have the latest version of go installed in you path.
  2. Clone this repository and change directory.
  3. Build.
go build .


siahe inputs a set of configuration entries. This entries can either be passed by environment variables, argument flags or .env file. To see the full list of flags either do siahe --help or check out [file:config.go] directly.

Here is an example usage of an .env file. Generate the env file.

cp .env.sample .env

Fill out the env file with specified parameters.

$EDITOR .env

Run the program.


Run by Docker

siahe images are built upon each commit on Github container registry (ghcr) with latest tag.

Generate the following docker-compose.yml file.

version: '3'
    container_name: siahe
        - ./siahe_assets:/home/nonroot/assets
        APPID: -
        APPHASH: -
        BOTTOKEN: -
        BACKUPCHAT: -
        SQLITEPATH: "/home/nonroot/assets/db.sqlite"
        SESSIONPATH: "/home/nonroot/assets/session.json"

Run the containers.

docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f

In case of updates, run the following the command to update and re-run the container:

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d --force-recreate
docker compose logs -f


Note: <param> means a mandatory parameter while [param] means an optional parameter.

  1. Make sure that the bot is running by sending /start command to it.
  2. Make an account by /add_account command.
  3. Change your status to moderator by /promote_me <admin_password>. A moderator can promote and demote other admin aside from running admin commands.
  4. Run other commands accordingly.

User commands

  • /start boots the bot. Given a getTicket_<event_id> as parameter, it can be used to purchase ticket(s).
  • /add_account add a permanent account to bot, similar to signing up to a website authentication.
  • /get_account prints data about user’s own account.
  • /delete_account delete user’s account.
  • /available_events shows all available events to get tickets for

Admin commands

User handling

  • /get_user <user_id> prints a user’s info by theirs telegram user_id
  • /delete_user <user_id> deletes a user’s account.
  • /export_users exports all users info into a CSV file.

Place handling

A place is a database entity that events take place in. For more info, run /add_place command.

  • /add_place add and define a place to database. This will generate a unique place_id.
  • /get_place <place_id> prints data about place.
  • /get_places prints a minimal data about all places. This include their place_id and name. It is useful if you want to event a place id by its name.
  • /delete_place <place_id> deletes a place by its id.

Event handling

An event is a database entity that users can get tickets for. For more info, run /add_event command.

  • /add_event add and define a event to database. This will generate a unique event_id.
  • /get_event <event_id> prints data about event.
  • /get_events prints a minimal data about all events. This include their event_id and name. It is useful if you want to find an event id by its name.
  • /delete_event <event_id> deletes a place by its id.
  • /activate_event <event_id> activating an event enables users to get ticket for it. Events are activated by default upon creation.
  • /deactivate_event <event_id> deactivating an event disables users to get ticket for it.
  • /flush_reserves <event_id> delete all reserved tickets for an event.
  • /message_event sends a message to all who got a ticket for the event.

Ticket handling

A ticket is a sign for users that they can attend events. In order to get a ticket for the user, they can open a URL of such pattern:<bot_username>?start=getTicket_<event_id>. For example if bot’s username is @fumTheatreSignupBot and you want to generate a link for users to get tickets for event_id 1, according to schema the URL is: In order to show all available events, the following URL can be used:

  • /get_ticket <ticket_id> shows info about a ticket and its owner. Used to check the validity of the ticket.
  • /attend_ticket <ticket_id> changes the ticket status from completed to attended. Used to track who showed up if they got any ticket.
  • /unattend_ticket <ticket_id> reverses the functionality of prior command.
  • /delete_ticket <ticket_id> removes a ticket from database.
  • /export_tickets <event_id> exports all tickets of an event to a CSV file.
  • /preview_tickets <event_id> preview all tickets of an event to a telegram message.
  • /print_tickets <event_id> generate a printable PDF of all tickets of an event.
  • /count_tickets count all tickets in database. Since ticket code is a 4-digit code, its count shouldn’t exceed 9999. Delete deactivated events for their tickets to be deleted and free up the ticket codes.
