diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/src/Registry.xml b/components/mpas-ocean/src/Registry.xml
index fdf915646623..0d8d366e09b5 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/src/Registry.xml
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/src/Registry.xml
@@ -1089,6 +1089,10 @@
description="If true, just zero out velocity that is contributing to drying for cell that is drying. This option can be used to estimate acceptable minimum thicknesses for a run."
possible_values=".true. or .false."
call mpas_pool_get_array(statePool, 'layerThickness', layerThicknessCur, 1)
@@ -261,10 +263,12 @@ subroutine ocn_prevent_drying_rk4(block, dt, rkSubstepWeight, config_zero_drying
!$omp end do
!$omp end parallel
- ! ensure cells stay wet by selectively damping cells with a damping tendency to make sure tendency doesn't dry cells
+ ! ensure cells stay wet by selectively damping cells with a damping tendency to make
+ ! sure tendency doesn't dry cells
- call ocn_wetting_drying_wettingVelocity(layerThickEdgeFlux, layerThicknessCur, layerThicknessProvis, &
- normalTransportVelocity, rkSubstepWeight, wettingVelocityFactor, err)
+ call ocn_wetting_drying_wettingVelocity(layerThickEdgeFlux, layerThicknessCur, &
+ layerThicknessProvis, normalTransportVelocity, &
+ ssh, rkSubstepWeight, wettingVelocityFactor, err)
! prevent drying from happening with selective wettingVelocityFactor
if (config_zero_drying_velocity) then
@@ -274,8 +278,10 @@ subroutine ocn_prevent_drying_rk4(block, dt, rkSubstepWeight, config_zero_drying
do k = minLevelEdgeTop(iEdge), maxLevelEdgeBot(iEdge)
if (abs(wettingVelocityFactor(k, iEdge)) > 0.0_RKIND) then
- normalTransportVelocity(k, iEdge) = 0.0_RKIND
- normalVelocity(k, iEdge) = 0.0_RKIND
+ normalTransportVelocity(k, iEdge) = (1.0_RKIND - &
+ wettingVelocityFactor(k, iEdge)) * normalTransportVelocity(k, iEdge)
+ normalVelocity(k, iEdge) = (1.0_RKIND - &
+ wettingVelocityFactor(k, iEdge)) * normalVelocity(k, iEdge)
end if
end do
@@ -301,7 +307,7 @@ end subroutine ocn_prevent_drying_rk4 !}}}
subroutine ocn_wetting_drying_wettingVelocity(layerThickEdgeFlux, layerThicknessCur, layerThicknessProvis, &
- normalVelocity, dt, wettingVelocityFactor, err)!{{{
+ normalVelocity, ssh, dt, wettingVelocityFactor, err)!{{{
@@ -321,6 +327,8 @@ subroutine ocn_wetting_drying_wettingVelocity(layerThickEdgeFlux, layerThickness
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: &
normalVelocity !< Input: transport
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ssh
real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: &
dt !< Input: time step
@@ -347,55 +355,86 @@ subroutine ocn_wetting_drying_wettingVelocity(layerThickEdgeFlux, layerThickness
- integer :: iEdge, iCell, k, i
+ integer :: cell1, cell2, iEdge, iCell, k, i
real (kind=RKIND) :: divOutFlux
real (kind=RKIND) :: layerThickness
+ real (kind=RKIND) :: hCrit, hEdgeTotal
+ character (len=100) :: log_string
err = 0
- if (.not. config_zero_drying_velocity ) return
+ if (.not. config_zero_drying_velocity) return
- ! need predicted transport velocity to limit drying flux
- !$omp parallel
- !$omp do schedule(runtime) private(i, iEdge, k, divOutFlux, layerThickness)
- do iCell = 1, nCellsAll
- ! can switch with maxLevelEdgeBot(iEdge)
- do k = minLevelCell(iCell), maxLevelCell(iCell)
- divOutFlux = 0.0_RKIND
- layerThickness = min(layerThicknessProvis(k, iCell), layerThicknessCur(k, iCell))
- do i = 1, nEdgesOnCell(iCell)
- iEdge = edgesOnCell(i, iCell)
- if (k <= maxLevelEdgeBot(iEdge) .or. k >= minLevelEdgeTop(iEdge)) then
- ! only consider divergence flux leaving the cell
- if ( normalVelocity(k, iEdge) * edgeSignOnCell(i, iCell) < 0.0_RKIND ) then
- divOutFlux = divOutFlux &
- + normalVelocity(k, iEdge) * edgeSignOnCell(i, iCell) * &
- layerThickEdgeFlux(k, iEdge) * dvEdge(iEdge) * &
- invAreaCell(iCell)
- end if
- end if
- end do
+ if (config_zero_drying_velocity_ramp) then
+ ! Following O'Dea et al. (2021), if total upwinded wct is less than
+ ! 2*critical thickness, apply damping throughout the water column
+ !$omp parallel
+ !$omp do schedule(runtime) private(cell1, cell2, iEdge, k, hEdgeTotal)
+ do iEdge = 1, nEdgesAll
+ cell1 = cellsOnEdge(1,iEdge)
+ cell2 = cellsOnEdge(2,iEdge)
+ hEdgeTotal = 0.0_RKIND
+ hCrit = 0.0_RKIND
+ do k = minLevelEdgeBot(iEdge), maxLevelEdgeTop(iEdge)
+ hEdgeTotal = hEdgeTotal + layerThickEdgeFlux(k, iEdge)
+ hCrit = hCrit + config_drying_min_cell_height
+ enddo
- ! if layer thickness is too small, limit divergence flux outwards with opposite velocity
- if ((layerThickness + dt * divOutFlux ) <= &
- (config_drying_min_cell_height + config_drying_safety_height)) then
+ if (hEdgeTotal <= hCrit) then
+ wettingVelocityFactor(:, iEdge) = 1.0_RKIND
+ elseif (hEdgeTotal > hCrit .and. hEdgeTotal <= 2.0_RKIND*hCrit) then
+ wettingVelocityFactor(:, iEdge) = 1.0_RKIND - &
+ TANH(50.0_RKIND * (hEdgeTotal - hCrit)/hCrit)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ else
+ ! need predicted transport velocity to limit drying flux
+ !$omp parallel
+ !$omp do schedule(runtime) private(i, iEdge, k, divOutFlux, layerThickness)
+ do iCell = 1, nCellsAll
+ do k = minLevelCell(iCell), maxLevelCell(iCell)
+ divOutFlux = 0.0_RKIND
+ layerThickness = min(layerThicknessProvis(k, iCell), layerThicknessCur(k, iCell))
do i = 1, nEdgesOnCell(iCell)
iEdge = edgesOnCell(i, iCell)
if (k <= maxLevelEdgeBot(iEdge) .or. k >= minLevelEdgeTop(iEdge)) then
- if ( normalVelocity(k, iEdge) * edgeSignOnCell(i, iCell) <= 0.0_RKIND ) then
- ! just go with simple boolean approach for zero wetting velocity for debugging purposes
- wettingVelocityFactor(k, iEdge) = 1.0_RKIND
+ ! only consider divergence flux leaving the cell
+ if ( normalVelocity(k, iEdge) * edgeSignOnCell(i, iCell) < 0.0_RKIND ) then
+ divOutFlux = divOutFlux + &
+ normalVelocity(k, iEdge) * edgeSignOnCell(i, iCell) * &
+ layerThickEdgeFlux(k, iEdge) * dvEdge(iEdge) * &
+ invAreaCell(iCell)
end if
end if
end do
- end if
+ ! if layer thickness is too small, limit divergence flux outwards with opposite velocity
+ if ((layerThickness + dt * divOutFlux) <= &
+ (config_drying_min_cell_height + config_drying_safety_height)) then
+ do i = 1, nEdgesOnCell(iCell)
+ iEdge = edgesOnCell(i, iCell)
+ if (k <= maxLevelEdgeBot(iEdge) .or. k >= minLevelEdgeTop(iEdge)) then
+ if ( normalVelocity(k, iEdge) * edgeSignOnCell(i, iCell) <= 0.0_RKIND ) then
+ wettingVelocityFactor(k, iEdge) = 1.0_RKIND
+ end if
+ end if
+ end do
+ end if
+ end do
end do
- end do
- !$omp end do
- !$omp end parallel
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ end if
end subroutine ocn_wetting_drying_wettingVelocity !}}}