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Deploys BIG-IP in GCP Cloud

This Terraform module deploys N-nic F5 BIG-IP in Gcp cloud,and with module count feature we can also deploy multiple instances of BIG-IP.


SSH-Keys : Generate a ssh key pair and keep .pub file in .ssh folder with name

Getting Started with the Google Provider ( )

This module is supported from Terraform 0.13 version onwards.

Below templates are tested and worked in the following version

Terraform v0.14.0

  • provider v4.31.0
  • provider v2.1.2
  • provider v3.0.1
  • provider v2.2.0

Releases and Versioning

This module is supported in the following bigip and terraform version

BIGIP version Terraform 1.X Terraform 0.14
BIG-IP 17.x X X
BIG-IP 16.x X X
BIG-IP 15.x X X

Password Management

☝️ By default bigip module will have random password setting to give dynamic password generation
☝️ Users Can explicitly provide password as input to Module using optional Variable "f5_password". NOTE: Please don't use admin in password as configuration will fail.
☝️ To use Gcp secret manager ,we have to enable the variable "gcp_secret_manager_authentication" to true and supply the variables with secret name,version

BYOL Licensing

This template uses PayGo BIG-IP image for the deployment (as default). If you would like to use BYOL licenses, then these following steps are needed:

1.Find available images/versions with "byol" in the name using Google gcloud:

 gcloud compute images list --project=f5-7626-networks-public | grep f5
        # example output...
        ...and some more
        ...and more...

2.In the "", modify image_name with the image name from gcloud CLI results

        # BIGIP Image
        variable image_name { default = "projects/f5-7626-networks-public/global/images/f5-bigip-15-1-2-1-0-0-10-byol-ltm-2boot-loc-210115160742" }

3.Add the corresponding license key in DO declaration( Declarative Onboarding ), this DO can be in custom run-time-int script or outside of it. ( )

         "myLicense": {
          "class": "License",
          "licenseType": "regKey",
          "regKey": "${regKey}"

Custom User data && Metadata

  • By default custom_user_data will be null,this module will use default startup-script.tpl file contents for initial BIGIP onboard connfiguration

  • If users desire custom onboard configuration,we can use this variable and pass contents of custom script to the custom_user_data variable to have custom onboard bigip configuration. ( An example is provided in examples section custom_user_data)

  • custom_user_data script is composed of bash,tmsh and Runtime init yaml file. details of F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init

~> Note: When user is having custom_user_data script, BIG-IP onboard config (like setting users accounts,password setting and additional initial config) completely depends on custom_user_data script.

Example 3-NIC deployment with custom_user_data script

module bigip {
  count               = var.instance_count
  source              = "F5Networks/bigip-module/gcp"
  prefix              = "bigip-gcp-3nic"
  project_id          = var.project_id
  zone                =
  image               = var.image
  service_account     = var.service_account
  mgmt_subnet_ids     = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "" }]
  external_subnet_ids = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = "" }]
  internal_subnet_ids = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = false, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = "" }]
  custom_user_data       = var.custom_user_data
  • variable metadata can be used as set of key:value pairs for the instance with or without custom_user_data as shown below
module "bigip" {
   # Onboard through cloud-config YAML and allow connection to serial port
  metadata = {
    user-data = var.cloud_config_yaml
    serial-port-enable = "TRUE"
  # Override the module startup-script as everything is in cloud-config YAML
  custom_user_data = <<-EOS
exit 0

Example Usage

We have provided some common deployment examples

~> Note: Users can have dynamic or static private ip allocation.If primary/secondary private ip value is null, it will be dynamic or else static private ip allocation.

~> Note: With Static private ip allocation we can assign primary and secondary private ips for external interfaces, whereas primary private ip for management and internal interfaces.

If it is static private ip allocation we can't use module count as same private ips will be tried to allocate for multiple bigip instances based on module count.

With Dynamic private ip allocation,we have to pass null value to primary/secondary private ip declaration and module count will be supported.

~>NOTE: If you are using custom ATC tools, don't change name of ATC tools rpm file( ex: f5-declarative-onboarding-xxxx.noarch.rpm,f5-appsvcs-xxx.noarch.rpm)

Below example snippets show how this module is called. ( Dynamic private ip allocation )

#Example 1-NIC Deployment Module usage
module bigip {
  count           = var.instance_count
  source          = "F5Networks/bigip-module/gcp"
  prefix          = "bigip-gcp-1nic"
  project_id      = var.project_id
  zone            =
  image           = var.image
  service_account = var.service_account
  mgmt_subnet_ids = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "" }]
NOTE: As per the requirement users can add fields like network_tags, f5_ssh_publickey, f5_password, vm_name, etc.

#Example 2-NIC Deployment Module usage

module "bigip" {
  count               = var.instance_count
  source              = "F5Networks/bigip-module/gcp"
  prefix              = "bigip-gcp-2nic"
  project_id          = var.project_id
  zone                =
  image               = var.image
  service_account     = var.service_account
  mgmt_subnet_ids     = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "" }]
  external_subnet_ids = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = "" }]

#Example 3-NIC Deployment  Module usage 

module bigip {
  count               = var.instance_count
  source              = "F5Networks/bigip-module/gcp"
  prefix              = "bigip-gcp-3nic"
  project_id          = var.project_id
  zone                =
  image               = var.image
  service_account     = var.service_account
  mgmt_subnet_ids     = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "" }]
  external_subnet_ids = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = "" }]
  internal_subnet_ids = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = false, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = "" }]

#Example 4-NIC Deployment  Module usage(with 2 external public interfaces,one management and internal interfaces)

module bigip {
  count               = var.instance_count
  source              = "F5Networks/bigip-module/gcp"
  prefix              = "bigip-gcp-4nic"
  project_id          = var.project_id
  zone                =
  image               = var.image
  service_account     = var.service_account
  mgmt_subnet_ids     = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "" }]
  external_subnet_ids = ([{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = ""  },                                         { "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = ""  }])
  internal_subnet_ids = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = false, "private_ip_primary" = "" }]

~>NOTE: Similarly we can have N-nic deployments based on user provided subnet_ids. With module count, user can deploy multiple bigip instances in the gcp cloud (with the default value of count being one )

Below is the example snippet for private ip allocation

#Example 3-NIC Deployment with static private ip allocation
module bigip {
  count               = var.instance_count
  source              = "F5Networks/bigip-module/gcp"
  prefix              = "bigip-gcp-3nic"
  project_id          = var.project_id
  zone                =
  image               = var.image
  service_account     = var.service_account
  mgmt_subnet_ids     = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "" }]
  external_subnet_ids = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = true, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = "" }]
  internal_subnet_ids = [{ "subnet_id" =, "public_ip" = false, "private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = "" }]

Required Input Variables

These variables must be set in the module block when using this module.

Name Description Type
prefix This value is inserted in the beginning of each Gcp object. Note: requires alpha-numeric without special character string
project_id The GCP project identifier where the cluster will be created string
zone The compute zones which will host the BIG-IP VMs string
mgmt_subnet_ids Map with Subnet-id and public_ip as keys for the management subnet List of Maps
service_account service account email to use with BIG-IP string

Optional Input Variables

These variables have default values and don't have to be set to use this module. You may set these variables to override their default values.

Name Description Type Default
vm_name Name of F5 BIGIP VM to be used, default is empty string meaning module adds with prefix + random_id string ""
f5_username The admin username of the F5 BIG-IP that will be deployed string bigipuser
f5_password Password of the F5 BIG-IP that will be deployed.If this is not specified random password will get generated string ""
image The self-link URI for a BIG-IP image to use as a base for the VM cluster string "projects/f5-7626-networks-public/global/images/f5-bigip-16-0-1-1-0-0-6-payg-good-25mbps-210129040032"
min_cpu_platform Minimum CPU platform for the VM instance such as Intel Haswell or Intel Skylake string Intel Skylake
machine_type The machine type to create,if you want to update this value (resize the VM) after initial creation, you must set allow_stopping_for_update to true string n1-standard-4
automatic_restart Specifies if the instance should be restarted if it was terminated by Compute Engine (not a user) bool true
preemptible Specifies if the instance is preemptible. If this field is set to true, then automatic_restart must be set to false boo1 false
disk_type The GCE disk type. May be set to pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd string pd-ssd
disk_size_gb The size of the image in gigabytes. If not specified, it will inherit the size of its base image number null
gcp_secret_manager_authentication Whether to use secret manager to pass authentication bool false
gcp_secret_name The secret to get the secret version for string null
gcp_secret_version The version of the secret to get. If it is not provided, the latest version is retrieved string latest
libs_dir Directory on the BIG-IP to download the A&O Toolchain into string /config/cloud/gcp/node_modules
onboard_log Directory on the BIG-IP to store the cloud-init logs string /var/log/startup-script.log
mgmt_subnet_ids List of maps of subnetids of the virtual network where the virtual machines will reside List of Maps [{ "subnet_id" = null, "public_ip" = null,"private_ip_primary" = "" }]
external_subnet_ids List of maps of subnetids of the virtual network where the virtual machines will reside List of Maps [{ "subnet_id" = null, "public_ip" = null,"private_ip_primary" = "", "private_ip_secondary" = "" }]
internal_subnet_ids List of maps of subnetids of the virtual network where the virtual machines will reside List of Maps [{ "subnet_id" = null, "public_ip" = null,"private_ip_primary" = "" }]
DO_URL URL to download the BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding module string latest Note: don't change name of ATC tools rpm file
AS3_URL URL to download the BIG-IP Application Service Extension 3 (AS3) module string latest Note: don't change name of ATC tools rpm file
TS_URL URL to download the BIG-IP Telemetry Streaming module string latest Note: don't change name of ATC tools rpm file
FAST_URL URL to download the BIG-IP FAST module string latest Note: don't change name of ATC tools rpm file
CFE_URL URL to download the BIG-IP Cloud Failover Extension module string latest Note: don't change name of ATC tools rpm file
INIT_URL URL to download the BIG-IP runtime init module string latest Note: don't change name of ATC tools rpm file
custom_user_data Provide a custom bash script or cloud-init script the BIG-IP will run on creation string null
f5_ssh_publickey Path to the public key to be used for ssh access to the VM. Only used with non-Windows vms and can be left as-is even if using Windows vms. If specifying a path to a certification on a Windows machine to provision a linux vm use the / in the path versus backslash. e.g. c:/home/ string ~/.ssh/
sleep_time The number of seconds/minutes of delay to build into creation of BIG-IP VMs string 300s
network_tags The network tags which will be added to the BIG-IP VMs list []

~>NOTE: f5_ssh_publickey is a mandatory parameter, which expects the default ssh .pub file location of ~/.ssh/ for ssh access to the VM. Please make sure to have the public key in the path specified or users can use this variable parameter in the module for custom paths.

Output Variables

Name Description
mgmtPublicIP The actual ip address allocated for the resource
mgmtPort Mgmt Port
f5_username BIG-IP username
bigip_password BIG-IP Password
public_addresses List of BIG-IP public addresses
private_addresses List of BIG-IP private addresses
service_account The service account that will be used for the BIG-IP VMs
bigip_instance_ids List of BIG-IP VEs Instance IDs Created in GCP

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This repository is community-supported. Follow instructions below on how to raise issues.

Filing Issues and Getting Help

If you come across a bug or other issue, use GitHub Issues to submit an issue for our team. You can also see the current known issues on that page, which are tagged with a purple Known Issue label.


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