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File metadata and controls

158 lines (140 loc) · 8.37 KB


Parent Class

  • Title
  • First
  • Last
  • Address
  • Date of birth


    • Passport
    • Visa
    • Ticket Number
    • etc

Modules Breakdown

Front Desk - Buy Tickets

Anonymous Querying

  • Guest SQL Requests
  • Select available flights
  • Display available seats
  • Pricings, Dates etc

Staff Querying

  • Sell tickets
  • Client data collection
  • Automated system for checking if information is real
  • Automated system for price altering for children / special cases

Back end logic

  • Admin Access
  • Staff permission levels
  • Ability to find client
  • Alter client information
  • Delete client information
  • Remaining empty seats
  • Login system (using SQL and Hashing)
  • Local back up system into JSON

Post Purchase / Entering airport or plane

  • Check if ticket is valid
  • Check if passport valid
  • Check if visa needed
  • Security Desk

Naming conventions

  • = main front-end interface for user input
  • db_*.py = backend class files containing database related - functionality
  • user_*.py = Containers for each level of permissions and their actions
  • test_*.py = test cases for the project

Plane-Project Test

Each heading will have a list of tests that need to be created to check the functionality behind our project works as intended. Each bullet point is a new test, bullet points with question marks at the start are speculative and need to be clarified with the teammate creating that class. Questions with an exclamation mark in front of them are not tests that can be written in python, they are focused on the user experience and whether the system is easy to understand and use.

ClientInformation class tests

  • If we use a getter for any of the class attributes, it should return the attribute for that instance
  • Should be a fullname() method that returns the users full name including their title to easily output this to the user

Connection class tests

  • If we instantiate the class does it successfully create a connection with the database

Authentication class tests

  • If we call the credential_manager() method with a username we should be able to get data for that user, and if the user is not found we should return False
  • If we call the check_login() method we should return the permissions associated with that user if the user can log in (i.e. they have supplied the correct username and password), and if not we should get a False value returned
  • If we call the db_credentials() method we should check if the correct values (the users username, and their permissions level) when called, assuming that the users details can be found, if not an exception should be raised
  • If we pass a username and a new password for that username it should return True if the username is found in the database and we should be able to check that the password has been changed. If the username cannot be found then we should return False

BackupData class (Still not complete)

  • When the backup_handler() class is called can you successfully retrieve the data stored in the database
    • If not, does the method handle this gracefully (i.e. no errors)
    • If something happens to the database can we recreate the data with a constructor() method?

Admin class

  • When calling the add_staff() method we should be able to add a new staff member and get True returned from the method if this is successful, and False if this was unsuccessful (e.g. if the staff member already exists)
  • When calling the remove_staff() method we should be able to get a returned value of True if the staff member was successfully removed, and False if there was an issue (e.g. removing a staff member that does not exist)
  • When calling the change_permissions() method we should get a returned value of True when trying to change an existing staff member from user to an admin or vice versa. We should get a returned value of False when trying to change a non existent user's permissions, or when trying to change a user's permissions to user or an admin's permissions to admin
  • When trying to view a user's records in the view_user() method, the returned list should match that user's data from database. If the user's data cannot be found we should return False.
  • When calling the edit_flight() method we should get a returned value of True if the passed data is correct and was successfully input into the database. When attempting to edit a flight that doesn't exist we should return False. We should also return False when a data type other than a dictionary is passed to the function or if the dictionary's key names do not match those expected
  • When trying to add a flight with the add_flight() method, we should return True if the data is all correct, and False if there are issues with the data (e.g. destinations and departure locations that aren't in the database , references to flights that don't exist, etc.)

Guest class

Staff class

StaffMember class

  • Can the StaffMember log in to be able to perform tasks that only Staff can perform?
  • Can a StaffMember change their details e.g. regularly changing their passwords to ensure the system is secure?
    • If a StaffMember tries to change their password and inputs their existing password they should be told that their new password must be different from their last password

AirportAssistant class

  • Can the create_passenger() function retrieve and use a Passenger's name and Passport details
    • Can they then add that Passenger to a Flight?
  • Can the flight_trip() function create a trip with a plane, departure location, destination, and date?
    • Does it allow an AirportAssistant to create a trip that overlaps with another trip by the same plane e.g . setting a flight trip from France to Germany on the 5th of December when that same plane is already making a trip from Senegal to Brazil from the 4th to the 6th?
  • Can they UPDATE the flight_trip information using the inherited ClientInformation connection method?
  • If a StaffMember or a Passenger without the right permissions attempts to execute any of the above functionality , does this work?

Front end UI tests

  • Are the attributes in the __init__ method validated e.g. a negative flight duration or an arrival time before the departure time
  • Are the departure and arrival times going to be strings or datetime objects?
  • Is the body method meant to be inside the Flight class?
  • Good handling of invalid options with except: continue block
  • Are the ifs and elifs in the loops?
  • Infinite loop when making choices?
    • Except statement only runs when a user inputs a non numeric, doesn't cover if the user inputs numbers that aren't 1, 2, or 3
  • Check email address for the inclusion of the '@' character to validate it
  • Check for non yes or no responses to the minor question
  • When receiving the minor's date of birth we should check to see if they're young enough to be considered a minor , otherwise we could lose money (we should also specify the cutoff age before asking if they are travelling with any minors)
  • No message on what the user should input for departure_date
  • Good check on the validity of the departure and landing destinations

Passenger class tests

  • When initialised, are the passengers information for their Passport, Visa, and Ticket Number assigned correctly?
  • If we call the set_personal_info() method, are the attributes set accordingly
    • Does this method handle invalid inputs e.g. having a date of birth in the future
    • Can it cope with inputting information in different formats i.e. having dob be 01/01/1956 but also 01-01-1956 , and if not is it specified to the user which format is desired?
    • Because this is a system to be used by people from all over the world, does it account for different dob orders i.e. "DD/MM/YYYY" vs "MM/DD/YYYY" in different countries, and if not does it make it clear which order the user should use when inputting this?
  • !Is it clear what the user is inputting for each attribute and what form it should take?

?Security tests

  • Does the check_passport() function correctly identify valid and non valid passports i.e. checking the expiration date, or observations state they can't travel to certain countries, or their name/other personal details do not match the ones given at the airport
  • Can the check_visa() function correctly query the database to see if the destination country requires a visa?
    • Can the function then validate the user's visa