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QuizMate - Spring Boot Project

QuizMate, powered by Spring Boot, redefines the quiz experience with its dynamic and user-centric design. Offering seamless CRUD operations on questions and easy topic filtering, users can effortlessly navigate and create quizzes tailored to their interests. Personalized profiles, enhanced with Cloudinary-managed images, further elevate user engagement, creating a vibrant and interactive platform.

Security is paramount in QuizApp, with robust features such as Spring Security and JWT authentication ensuring the safety of user data. Unique to QuizMate is the ability to generate custom question papers, providing a personalized touch to quiz sessions. The application also offers email verification during account creation, adding an extra layer of security and verification. Additionally, the session creation feature allows users to conduct private quiz sessions, sharing session credentials through email. This feature enables users to invite others to participate in quizzes, with session details and progress tracking stored for a seamless and enjoyable quizzing experience.

QuizMate is deployed on AWS EC2 using Docker containers, leveraging the scalability and reliability of AWS infrastructure. The database is hosted on AWS RDS, ensuring efficient data management and accessibility. Additionally, QuizMate employs a comprehensive CI/CD pipeline, powered by GitHub Actions, to streamline development process. This integration ensures rapid iteration and delivery of new features, maintaining QuizMate's position as the preferred platform for interactive and secure quizzing.

Below are the important links documenting my learning on setting up CI/CD pipelines for Spring Boot and React-Vite projects, as well as configuring Nginx for various purposes:

  1. Setting Up a CI/CD Pipeline for Spring Boot Project with AWS EC2, GitHub Actions, Docker:

  2. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for React App:

  3. Nginx Setup for Load Balancer, API Gateway, Reverse Proxy:

Feel free to explore these resources for comprehensive guides on setting up CI/CD pipelines and Nginx configurations for your projects.

Table of Contents

Project Overview

QuizApp is designed to provide the following key features:

  • Question Management & Quiz Creaation

    • View a list of questions.
    • Create new questions.
    • Update existing questions.
    • Delete questions.
  • Topic Filtering:

    • Filter questions by topics.
    • Filter questions by difficulty.
  • User Profiles:

    • Create and manage user profiles.
    • Profile is verified by email - verifaction.
    • Upload and manage profile images using Cloudinary.
    • Get user status & rank.

    -Session Management:

    • Create a session to conduct private quiz sessions.
    • Invite other users to participate in the session.
    • Each user is personally identified with a unique sessionUserId sent through email.
    • A session report is created and saved for the user who created the session.


QuizMate offers a wide range of features to meet your quiz and question management needs:

Question Management:

  • View Questions: Users can view a list of questions stored in the system, including the question text, options, and correct answer.
  • Create Questions: Authenticated users can create new questions, specifying the question text, options, correct answer, and optional details like difficulty level and topic.
  • Update Questions: Users with the necessary permissions can edit existing questions to modify any details or correct errors.
  • Delete Questions: Authorized users can delete questions that are no longer needed.

Topic Filtering:

  • Filter by Topics: Questions can be filtered based on predefined topics, allowing users to focus on specific areas of interest.
  • Filter by Difficulty: Questions can also be filtered based on their difficulty level, helping users find questions that match their skill level.

User Profiles:

  • Create and Manage Profiles: Users can create their profiles, providing information such as name, email, and profile picture.
  • Email Verification: During account creation, users are required to verify their email address, adding an extra layer of security.
  • Upload Profile Images: Users can upload and manage their profile pictures using Cloudinary, enhancing their profile customization.
  • Get User Status & Rank: Users can view their status and rank based on their quiz performance, providing a sense of achievement and progress tracking.

Session Management:

  • Create Private Quiz Sessions: Users can create private quiz sessions, setting a specific time frame for the session to be active.
  • Invite Others: Users can invite others to participate in the session by sharing session credentials through email.
  • Unique SessionUserID: Each user participating in the session is personally identified with a unique sessionUserID, ensuring accurate tracking and identification.
  • Session Reports: A session report is generated and saved for the user who created the session, providing detailed insights into the session's performance and outcomes.

Blog Features:

  • Post Creation: Users can create new posts to share their thoughts, ideas, and questions with the community. Posts can include text, images, and links, allowing for rich and engaging content.
  • Like and Unlike: Users can like posts to show their appreciation or agreement. They can also unlike posts if they change their mind or no longer wish to support a particular post.
  • Commenting: Users can comment on posts to share their thoughts, ask questions, or provide feedback. Comments can spark conversations and create a dialogue between users.

These features enrich the user experience on QuizMate, providing a platform for meaningful interactions and discussions within the community.

Google Vertex AI Integration:

  • Hint Generation: Google Vertex AI, specifically the Gemini Pro model, is used to generate hints for the questions. These hints can provide additional context or clues to help users answer questions correctly, enhancing the quiz experience.


  • API Security: All APIs, except for those related to questions, user creation, and user authentication, are secured through Spring Security.
  • JWT Token: Secured APIs require a valid JWT token to access, ensuring that only authenticated and authorized users can perform actions such as viewing questions, creating sessions, and managing profiles.

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA (Hibernate)
  • Google Vertex AI (Gemini-pro model)
  • Spring Security
  • JWT authentication
  • MySQL Database
  • Cloudinary
  • AWS for Deloyment
  • Github Actions
  • Docker
  • Nginx

Getting Started


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • MySQL Database
  • Apache Maven
  • Vertex AI Configuartion
  • Cloudinary API Key and Secret (for profile image management)
  • You can also access from deployment server.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Configure

      # configure according to your requirement
  3. Configure Cloudinary Configuration



Configure application, including setting up the database and Cloudinary credentials & vertex Ai using Google Cloud SDK shell.

ER diagram of Database

ER Diagram


The frontend for QuizMate is currently under development and is being contributed by the following developers:

Please note that the frontend is still in progress, and more details will be added once it is ready for deployment.


  • AWS EC2 (Ubuntu OS): QuizMate is deployed on AWS EC2 instances running Ubuntu OS. EC2 instances provide scalable compute capacity in the cloud, allowing QuizMate to handle varying loads efficiently.

  • AWS RDS (MySQL Database): MySQL database hosted on AWS RDS is used for managing user profiles, quiz data, question data, and other application data. RDS provides a scalable and managed database solution, ensuring data reliability and performance.

  • Cloudinary: QuizMate uses Cloudinary for storing media files, such as user profile images. Cloudinary provides a cloud-based media management platform, enabling efficient storage and delivery of media files.

  • Docker: QuizMate is containerized using Docker, allowing for easy deployment and scalability. Docker containers encapsulate the application and its dependencies, ensuring consistent and reliable deployment across different environments.

  • GitHub Actions: QuizMate uses GitHub Actions for creating a CI/CD pipeline. GitHub Actions automate the build, test, and deployment processes, ensuring rapid and reliable delivery of updates to the application.

  • Nginx: is used as a load balancer and reverse proxy, enhancing QuizMate's server availability and performance. It efficiently distributes incoming traffic and handles requests, improving the application's scalability and reliability.


Key Points:

  1. Custom Gateway Filter: QuizMate uses a custom filter before the Spring Security filter to handle specific requirements or preprocessing of requests.

  2. Global CORS Configuration: CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is configured globally to allow requests from any origin. Preflight requests and AJAX calls are also properly configured with Spring Security.

  3. Mapping Types: Various types of mappings are used throughout the project, including one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many mappings, to establish relationships between entities.

  4. Global Exception Handling: QuizMate implements a global exception handler along with a @RestControllerAdvice to effectively handle exceptions and provide proper information about errors to clients.

  5. Cloudinary SDK: The Cloudinary SDK is used to handle media content, such as user profile images, ensuring efficient storage and delivery of media files.

  6. Mail Sender: QuizMate uses a mail sender to send emails for verification and session details, enhancing the user experience and providing necessary information to users.

Postman Collection (Work in Progress):

A Postman collection is being developed to document and test the APIs of QuizMate. It will include endpoints for various functionalities such as user authentication, question management, quiz creation, and blog post interactions.

A Postman collection is available in the QuizMate repository, but it is currently being updated. Please check back later for the complete version.

Swagger API Documentation

QuizApp provides Swagger for easy API documentation and testing. You can access the Swagger UI to interact with the APIs as follows:
