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+name: Documentation
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - documentation # update to match your development branch (master, main, dev, trunk, ...)
+ tags: '*'
+ pull_request:
+ build:
+ permissions:
+ contents: write
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Set up Python 3.10
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: "3.10"
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: |
+ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ python -m pip install --upgrade jupyterlab nbconvert
+ - uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1
+ with:
+ version: '1'
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: julia --project=docs/ -e '
+ using Pkg;
+ Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path=pwd()));
+ Pkg.develop("HerbCore");
+ Pkg.develop("HerbData");
+ Pkg.develop("HerbGrammar");
+ Pkg.develop("HerbInterpret");
+ Pkg.develop("HerbConstraints");
+ Pkg.develop("HerbSearch");
+ Pkg.instantiate()'
+ - name: Build and deploy
+ env:
+ GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # If authenticating with GitHub Actions token
+ DOCUMENTER_KEY: ${{ secrets.DOCUMENTER_KEY }} # If authenticating with SSH deploy key
+ run: julia --project=docs/ docs/make.jl
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# Build artifacts for creating documentation generated by the Documenter package
# File generated by Pkg, the package manager, based on a corresponding Project.toml
# It records a fixed state of all packages used by the project. As such, it should not be
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+Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
+DocumenterTools = "35a29f4d-8980-5a13-9543-d66fff28ecb8"
+Herb = "c09c6b7f-4f63-49de-90d9-97a3563c0f4a"
+HerbConstraints = "1fa96474-3206-4513-b4fa-23913f296dfc"
+HerbCore = "2b23ba43-8213-43cb-b5ea-38c12b45bd45"
+HerbData = "495a3ad3-8034-41b3-a087-aacf2fd71098"
+HerbGrammar = "4ef9e186-2fe5-4b24-8de7-9f7291f24af7"
+HerbInterpret = "5bbddadd-02c5-4713-84b8-97364418cca7"
+HerbSearch = "3008d8e8-f9aa-438a-92ed-26e9c7b4829f"
+HerbSpecification = "6d54aada-062f-46d8-85cf-a1ceaf058a06"
+Pluto = "c3e4b0f8-55cb-11ea-2926-15256bba5781"
+PlutoSliderServer = "2fc8631c-6f24-4c5b-bca7-cbb509c42db4"
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+PyCall = "438e738f-606a-5dbb-bf0a-cddfbfd45ab0"
+Documenter = "1"
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new file mode 100644
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+# Documentation of Herb.jl
+This documentation was created using [Documenter.jl](https://documenter.juliadocs.org/stable/man/guide/).
+## Writing documentation
+The majority of the documentation of automatically generated from the respective docstrings of each sub-package.
+There are some pages that were added manually and can be edited likewise. New pages can 1. easily be written in markdown and 2. added to the site-tree by editing `docs/make.jl`.
+## Compiling the documentation
+Compiling is automatically triggered whenever pushing to this branch. If you want to run the documentation locally run `julia --project=. make.jl` in this directory.
+## Help!
+If help is needed reach out to [THinnerichs](https://github.com/thinnerichs).
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+using Documenter
+using Pluto, PlutoSliderServer
+using Herb
+using HerbConstraints
+using HerbSearch
+using HerbGrammar
+using HerbInterpret
+using HerbCore
+using HerbSpecification
+# Create md file for tutorial that embeds html file
+basedir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "src", "tutorials")
+html_files = filter!(f -> occursin(r"\.html$", f), readdir(basedir)) # assumes all html file in directory are tutorials
+for f in html_files
+ html_path = joinpath(basedir, f)
+ filename = replace(f, ".html" => "")
+ md_path = joinpath(basedir, "$filename.md")
+ content = """
+ # Tutorial $filename
+ """
+ open(md_path, "w") do file
+ write(
+ file,
+ content
+ )
+ end
+ modules=[HerbConstraints, HerbSearch, HerbGrammar, HerbSpecification, HerbInterpret, HerbCore],
+ authors="PONYs",
+ sitename="Herb.jl",
+ pages=[
+ "Basics" => [
+ "index.md",
+ "install.md",
+ "get_started.md",
+ "concepts.md"
+ ],
+ "Tutorials" => [
+ "A more verbose getting started with Herb.jl" => "tutorials/getting_started_with_herb.md",
+ "Defining Grammars in Herb.jl" => "tutorials/defining_grammars.md",
+ "Advanced Search Procedures" => "tutorials/advanced_search.md",
+ "Top Down Iterator" => "tutorials/TopDown.md",
+ "Getting started with Constraints" => "tutorials/getting_started_with_constraints.md",
+ "Working with custom interpreters" => "tutorials/working_with_interpreters.md",
+ "Abstract Syntax Trees" => "tutorials/abstract_syntax_trees.md",
+ ],
+ "Sub-Modules" => [
+ "HerbCore.jl" => "HerbCore/index.md",
+ "HerbGrammar.jl" => "HerbGrammar/index.md",
+ "HerbSpecification.jl" => "HerbSpecification/index.md",
+ "HerbInterpret.jl" => "HerbInterpret/index.md",
+ "HerbConstraints.jl" => "HerbConstraints/index.md",
+ "HerbSearch.jl" => "HerbSearch/index.md",
+ ],
+ ],
+ format=Documenter.HTML(
+ sidebar_sitename=false,
+ size_threshold=512000,
+ ),
+ warnonly=[:missing_docs, :cross_references, :doctest]
+ repo="github.com/Herb-AI/Herb.jl.git",
+ devbranch="documentation",
+ # devurl="dev",
+ push_preview=true
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+++ b/docs/src/HerbConstraints/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# [HerbConstraints.jl Documentation](@id HerbConstraints_docs)
+Modules = [HerbConstraints]
+Order = [:type, :const, :macro, :function]
+## Index
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+# [HerbCore.jl Documentation](@id HerbCore_docs)
+Modules = [HerbCore]
+Order = [:type, :const, :macro, :function]
+## Index
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# [HerbGrammar.jl Documentation](@id HerbGrammar_docs)
+Modules = [HerbGrammar]
+Order = [:type, :const, :macro, :function]
+## Index
diff --git a/docs/src/HerbInterpret/index.md b/docs/src/HerbInterpret/index.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# [HerbInterpret.jl Documentation](@id HerbInterpret_docs)
+Modules = [HerbInterpret]
+Order = [:type, :const, :macro, :function]
+## Index
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# [HerbSearch.jl Documentation](@id HerbSearch_docs)
+Modules = [HerbSearch]
+Order = [:type, :const, :macro, :function]
+The HerbSearch package takes care of all operations related to searching for the desired program. This includes
+- the functionality to sample a certain program given a grammar,
+- the implementation of several heuristic functions,
+- searching for a program that satisfies the specification, and
+- implementations of several search algorithms in terms of how they enumerate the search space
+ - Breadth-First Search
+ - Depth-First Search
+ - Metropolis Hastings
+ - Very Large Scale Neighbourhood Search
+ - Simulated Annealing
+ - Genetic Search
+## Index
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# [HerbSpecification.jl Documentation](@id HerbSpecification_docs)
+Modules = [HerbSpecification]
+Order = [:type, :const, :macro, :function]
+## Index
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+# Architecture and core concepts
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+# Getting Started
+You can either paste this code into the Julia REPL or into a seperate file, e.g. `get_started.jl` followed by `julia get_started.jl`.
+To begin, we need to import all needed packages using
+using HerbGrammar, HerbSpecification, HerbSearch, HerbInterpret
+To define a program synthesis problem, we need a grammar and specification.
+First, a grammar can be constructed using the `@csgrammar` macro included in `HerbGrammar`.
+Here, we describe a simple integer arithmetic example, that can add and multiply an input variable `x` or the integers `1,2`, using
+g = @csgrammar begin
+ Number = |(1:2)
+ Number = x
+ Number = Number + Number
+ Number = Number * Number
+Second, the problem specification can be provided using e.g. input/output examples using `HerbSpecification`. Inputs are provided as a `Dict` assigning values to variables, and outputs as arbitrary values. The problem itself is then a list of `IOExample`s using
+problem = Problem([IOExample(Dict(:x => x), 2x+1) for x ∈ 1:5])
+The problem is given now, let us search for a solution with `HerbSearch`. For now we will just use the default parameters searching for a satisfying program over the grammar, given the problem and a starting symbol using
+iterator = BFSIterator(g₁, :Number, max_depth=5)
+solution, flag = synth(problem, iterator)
+There are various ways to adapt the search technique to your needs. Please have a look at the [`synth`](@ref) documentation.
+Eventually, we want to test our solution on some other inputs using `HerbInterpret`. We transform our grammar `g` to a Julia expression with `Symboltable(g)`, add our solution and the input, assigning the value `6` to the variable `x`.
+program = rulenode2expr(solution, g) # should yield 2*6+1
+output = execute_on_input(SymbolTable(g), program, Dict(:x => 6))
+Just like that we tackled (almost) all modules of Herb.jl.
+## Where to go from here?
+See our other tutorials!
+## The full code example
+using HerbSearch, HerbSpecification, HerbInterpret, HerbGrammar
+# define our very simple context-free grammar
+# Can add and multiply an input variable x or the integers 1,2.
+g = @csgrammar begin
+ Number = |(1:2)
+ Number = x
+ Number = Number + Number
+ Number = Number * Number
+problem = Problem([IOExample(Dict(:x => x), 2x+1) for x ∈ 1:5])
+iterator = BFSIterator(g₁, :Number, max_depth=5)
+solution, flag = synth(problem, iterator)
+program = rulenode2expr(solution, g) # should yield 2*6 +1
+output = execute_on_input(SymbolTable(g), program, Dict(:x => 6))
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+# [Herb.jl](https://github.com/Herb-AI/Herb.jl)
+*A library for defining and efficiently solving program synthesis tasks in Julia.*
+## Why Herb.jl?
+When writing research software we almost always investigate highly specific properties or algorithms of our domain, leading to us building the tools from scratch over and over again. The very same holds for the field of program synthesis: Tools are hard to run, benchmarks are hard to get and prepare, and its hard to adapt our existing code to a novel idea.
+Herb.jl will take care of this for you and helps you defining, solving and extending your program synthesis problems.
+Herb.jl provides...
+- a unified and universal framework for program synthesis
+- `Herb.jl` allows you to describe all sorts of program synthesis problems using context-free grammars
+- a number of state-of-the-art benchmarks and solvers already implemented and usable out-of-the-box
+Herb.jl's sub-packages provide fast and easily extendable implementations of
+- various static and dynamic search strategies,
+- learning search strategies, sampling techniques and more,
+- constraint formulation and propagation,
+- easy grammar formulation and usage,
+- wide-range of usable program interpreters and languages + the possibility to use your own, and
+- efficient data formulation.
+## Why Julia?
+Julia is a perfect fit for program synthesis due to numerous reasons. Starting from scientific reasons like speed of execution and composability over to practical reasons like speed of writing Julia code. For a full ode on why to use Julia, please see [the WhyJulia manifesto](https://github.com/pitmonticone/whyjulia-manifesto/tree/main).
+## Sub-Modules
+Herb's functionality is distributed among several sub-packages:
+- [HerbCore.jl](@ref HerbCore_docs): The core of Herb.jl defining abstract concepts,
+- [HerbGrammar.jl](@ref HerbGrammar_docs): Functionality for declaring grammars,
+- [HerbSpecification.jl](@ref HerbSpecification_docs): For describing user intent as specifications,
+- [HerbInterpret.jl](@ref HerbInterpret_docs): For running programs in different languages and environments,
+- [HerbConstraints.jl](@ref HerbConstraints_docs): For defining and effectively propagating and managing constraints during search, and
+- [HerbSearch.jl](@ref HerbSearch_docs): For actually searching for solutions.
+## Basics
+Pages = ["install.md", "get_started.md", "concepts.md"]
+## Advanced content
diff --git a/docs/src/install.md b/docs/src/install.md
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+# Installation Guide
+Before installing Herb.jl, ensure that you have a running Julia distribution installed (Julia version 1.7 and above were tested).
+Thanks to Julia's package management, installing Herb.jl is very straighforward.
+Activate the default Julia REPL using
+or from within one of your projects using
+julia --project=.
+From the Julia REPL run
+add Herb
+or instead running
+import Pkg
+which will both install all dependencies automatically.
+For later convenience we can also add the respective dependencies to our project, so that we do not have to write `Herb.HerbGrammar` every time.
+] add HerbConstraints HerbCore HerbSpecification HerbInterpret HerbGrammar HerbSearch
+And just like this you are done! Welcome to Herb.jl!
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+# Building Herb Iterators
+The core building block in Herb is a program iterator.
+A program iterator represents a walk through the program space; different iterators provide different ways of iterating through program space.
+From the program synthesis point of view, program iterators actaully represent program spaces.
+### Iterator hierarchy
+Program iterators are organised in a hierarchy.
+The top-level abstract type is `ProgramIterator`.
+At the next level of the hierarchy lie commonly used search families:
+ - `TopDownIterator` for top-down traversals
+ - `StochasticSearachIterator` for traversals with stochastic search
+ - `BottomUpIterator` for bottom-up search
+Stochastic search further provides specific iterators:
+ - `MHSearchIterator` for program traversal with Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
+ - `VLNSearchIterator` for traversals with Very Large Neighbourhood Search
+ - `SASearchIterator` for Simulated Annealing
+ We provide generic and customiseable implementations of each of these iterators, so that users can easily tweak them by through multiple dispatch. Keep reading!
+### Iterator design
+Program iterators follow the standard Julia `Iterator` interface.
+That is, every iterator should implement two functions:
+ - `iterate(<:ProgramIterator)::(RuleNode,Any)` to get the first program. The function takes a program iterator as an input, returning the first program and a state (which can be anything)
+ - `iterate(<:ProgramIterator,Any)::(RuleNode,Any)` to get the consequtive programs. The function takes the progrma iterator and the state from the previous iteration, and return the next program and the next state.
+## Top Down iterator
+We illustarate how to build iterators with a Top Down iterator.
+The top Down iterator is build as a best-first iterator: it maintains a priority queue of programs and always pops the first element of the queue.
+The iterator is customiseable through the following functions:
+- priority_function: dictating the order of programs in the priority queue
+- derivation_heuristic: dictating in which order to explore the derivations rules within a single hole
+- hole_heuristic: dictating which hole to expand next
+The first call to `iterate(iter::TopDownIterator)`:
+``` julia
+function Base.iterate(iter::TopDownIterator)
+ # Priority queue with `SolverState`s (for variable shaped trees) and `UniformIterator`s (for fixed shaped trees)
+ pq :: PriorityQueue{Union{SolverState, UniformIterator}, Union{Real, Tuple{Vararg{Real}}}} = PriorityQueue()
+ solver = iter.solver
+ if isfeasible(solver)
+ enqueue!(pq, get_state(solver), priority_function(iter, get_grammar(solver), get_tree(solver), 0, false))
+ end
+ return _find_next_complete_tree(iter.solver, pq, iter)
+The first call steps everything up: it initiates the priority queue, the constraint solver (more on that later), and return the first program.
+The function `_find_next_complete_tree(iter.solver, pq, iter)` does a lot of heavy lifting here; we will cover it later, but the only important thing is that it finds the next complete program in the priority queue (because, in case of top down enumeration, the queue also contains partial programs which we only want to expand, but not return to the user).
+The subsequent call to `iterate(iter::TopDownIterator, pq::DataStructures.PriorityQueue)` are quite simple: all that is needed is to find the next complete program in the priority queue:
+``` julia
+function Base.iterate(iter::TopDownIterator, pq::DataStructures.PriorityQueue)
+ return _find_next_complete_tree(iter.solver, pq, iter)
+# Modifying the provided iterator
+If you would like to, for example, modify the priority function, you don't have to implement the iterator from scratch.
+You simply need to create a new type and inherit from the `TopDownIterator`:
+`abstract type MyTopDown <: TopDownIterator end`.
+What is left is to implement the priority function, multiple-dispatching it over the new type.
+For example, to do a random order:
+function priority_function(
+ ::MyTopDown,
+ ::AbstractGrammar,
+ ::AbstractRuleNode,
+ ::Union{Real, Tuple{Vararg{Real}}},
+ ::Bool
+ Random.rand();
+# A note on data structures
+As you have probably noticed, the priority queue some strange data structures: `SolverState` and `UniformIterator`; the top down iterator never puts `RuleNode`s into the queue.
+In fact, the iterator never directly manipulates `RuleNode`s itself, but that is rather delegated to the constraint solver.
+The constraint solver will do a lot of work to reduce the number of programs we have to consider.
+The `SolverState` and `UniformIterator` are specialised data structure to improve the efficiency and memory usage.
+Herb uses a data structure of `UniformTrees` to represent all programs with an AST of the same shape, where each node has the same type. the `UniformIterator` is an iterator efficiently iterating over that structure.
+The `SolverState` represents non-uniform trees -- ASTs whose shape we haven't compeltely determined yet. `SolverState` is used as an intermediate representation betfore we reach `UniformTree`s on which partial constraint propagation is done.
+In principle, you should never construct ASTs yourself directly; you should leave that to the constraint solver.
+# Extra: Find Next Complete Tree / Program
+This function pops an element from the priority queue whilst it is not empty, and then checks what kind of iterator it is.
+``` julia
+function _find_next_complete_tree(
+ solver::Solver,
+ pq::PriorityQueue,
+ iter::TopDownIterator
+ while length(pq) ≠ 0
+ (item, priority_value) = dequeue_pair!(pq)
+If it is a Uniform Iterator, that is an interator where all the holes have the same shape, then it iterates over the solutions.
+``` julia
+ if item isa UniformIterator
+ #the item is a fixed shaped solver, we should get the next solution and re-enqueue it with a new priority value
+ uniform_iterator = item
+ solution = next_solution!(uniform_iterator)
+ if !isnothing(solution)
+ enqueue!(pq, uniform_iterator, priority_function(iter, get_grammar(solver), solution, priority_value, true))
+ return (solution, pq)
+ end
+If it is not a Uniform Iterator, we find a hole to branch on. If the holes are all uniform, a Uniform Iterator is created, and is enqueued. If iterating on the holes would exceed a maximum depth, nothing new is enqueued. Lastly, if the holes aren't the same shape, we branch / partition on the holes, to create new partial domains to enqueue.
+``` julia
+ elseif item isa SolverState
+ #the item is a solver state, we should find a variable shaped hole to branch on
+ state = item
+ load_state!(solver, state)
+ hole_res = hole_heuristic(iter, get_tree(solver), get_max_depth(solver))
+ if hole_res ≡ already_complete
+ uniform_solver = UniformSolver(get_grammar(solver), get_tree(solver), with_statistics=solver.statistics)
+ uniform_iterator = UniformIterator(uniform_solver, iter)
+ solution = next_solution!(uniform_iterator)
+ if !isnothing(solution)
+ enqueue!(pq, uniform_iterator, priority_function(iter, get_grammar(solver), solution, priority_value, true))
+ return (solution, pq)
+ end
+ elseif hole_res ≡ limit_reached
+ # The maximum depth is reached
+ continue
+ elseif hole_res isa HoleReference
+ # Variable Shaped Hole was found
+ (; hole, path) = hole_res
+ partitioned_domains = partition(hole, get_grammar(solver))
+ number_of_domains = length(partitioned_domains)
+ for (i, domain) ∈ enumerate(partitioned_domains)
+ if i < number_of_domains
+ state = save_state!(solver)
+ end
+ @assert isfeasible(solver) "Attempting to expand an infeasible tree: $(get_tree(solver))"
+ remove_all_but!(solver, path, domain)
+ if isfeasible(solver)
+ enqueue!(pq, get_state(solver), priority_function(iter, get_grammar(solver), get_tree(solver), priority_value, false))
+ end
+ if i < number_of_domains
+ load_state!(solver, state)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Otherwise, throw an exception, because we came across an unexpected iterator type.
+``` julia
+ else
+ throw("BadArgument: PriorityQueue contains an item of unexpected type '$(typeof(item))'")
+ end
+ end
+ return nothing
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/src/tutorials/abstract_syntax_trees.html b/docs/src/tutorials/abstract_syntax_trees.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f002fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/tutorials/abstract_syntax_trees.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/src/tutorials/abstract_syntax_trees.jl b/docs/src/tutorials/abstract_syntax_trees.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07f8c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/tutorials/abstract_syntax_trees.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,1051 @@
+### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
+# v0.19.43
+using Markdown
+using InteractiveUtils
+# ╔═╡ c784cbc3-19fc-45c9-b344-db10cf7a81fa
+ using PlutoUI
+ using HerbCore
+ using HerbGrammar
+ using HerbInterpret
+# ╔═╡ 65fbf850-74ae-4ea4-85f0-683095c73fba
+# Herb tutorial: Abstract syntax trees"""
+# ╔═╡ 2493e9db-8b8e-4ef6-8379-f50ad26aab88
+In this tutorial, you will learn
+- How to represent a computer program as an abstract syntax tree in Herb.
+- How to replace parts of the tree to modify the program."""
+# ╔═╡ 8ff96964-e39e-4762-ae03-e9166e163fca
+## Abstract syntax trees
+The syntactic structure of a computer program can be represented in a hierarchical tree structure, a so-called _Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)_. The syntax of a programming language is typically defined using a formal grammar, a set of rules on how valid programs can be constructed. ASTs are derived from the grammar, but are abstractions in the sense that they omit details such as parenthesis, semicolons, etc. and only retain what's necessary to capture the program structure.
+In the context of program synthesis, ASTs are often used to define the space of all possible programs which is searched to find one that satisfies the given specifications. During the search process, different ASTs, each corresponding to a different program, are generated and evaluated until a suitable one is found.
+Each _node_ of the AST represents a construct in the program (e.g., a variable, an operator, a statement, or a function) and this construct corresponds to a rule in the formal grammar.
+An _edge_ describes the relationship between constructs, and the tree structure captures the nesting of constructs. """
+# ╔═╡ bff155ab-ff0e-452b-a8f5-fe744e41a30f
+## A simple example program
+We first consider the simple program 5*(x+3). We will define a grammar that is sufficient to represent this program and use it to construct a AST for our program."""
+# ╔═╡ caa3446e-c5df-4dac-905a-20515f681074
+### Define the grammar"""
+# ╔═╡ 9f54f013-e8b9-4e0d-8bac-9867f5d1a393
+grammar = @csgrammar begin
+ Number = |(0:9)
+ Number = x
+ Number = Number + Number
+ Number = Number * Number
+ end
+# ╔═╡ 46fbbe87-ee6e-4874-9708-20a42347ff18
+### Construct the syntax tree"""
+# ╔═╡ 5dc6be9c-e4d9-4fdb-90bf-f4c59bb66a70
+The AST of this program is shown in the diagram below. The number in each node refers to the index of the corresponding rule in our grammar. """
+# ╔═╡ 64c2a6ce-5e3b-413b-bcb7-84936137439f
+ flowchart
+ id1((13)) ---
+ id2((6))
+ id1 --- id3((12))
+ id4((11))
+ id5((4))
+ id3 --- id4
+ id3 --- id5
+# ╔═╡ 64f6f1e3-5cbc-4e37-a806-d4fd45c20855
+ flowchart
+ id1((13)) ---
+ id2((6))
+ id1 --- id3((12))
+ id4((11))
+ id5((4))
+ id3 --- id4
+ id3 --- id5
+# ╔═╡ 29b37a82-d022-453e-bf65-672aa94e4c87
+In `Herb.jl`, the `HerbCore.RuleNode` is used to represent both an individual node, but also entire ASTs or sub-trees. This is achieved by nesting instances of `RuleNode`. A `RuleNode` can be instantiated by providing the index of the grammar rule that the node represents and a vector of child nodes. """
+# ╔═╡ 822d9601-284d-4d30-9551-605684f83d90
+syntaxtree = RuleNode(13, [RuleNode(6), RuleNode(12, [RuleNode(11), RuleNode(4)])])
+# ╔═╡ 351210d1-20b6-4695-b9fe-f1136d4447d5
+We can confirm that our AST is correct by displaying it in a more human-readable way, using `HerbGrammar.rulenode2expr` and by testing it on a few input examples using `HerbInterpret.execute_on_input`."""
+# ╔═╡ dc882fd5-d0fd-4a7d-8d5b-40516f3a3bcb
+rulenode2expr(syntaxtree, grammar)
+# ╔═╡ cbfaa1b6-f3c5-490a-9e54-006262d0c727
+# test solution on inputs
+execute_on_input(grammar, syntaxtree, Dict(:x => 10))
+# ╔═╡ 6e018fd3-7626-48b2-b56a-240ae62a1ac4
+## Another example: FizzBuzz
+Let's look at a more interesting example.
+The program `fizbuzz()` is based on the popular _FizzBuzz_ problem. Given an integer number, the program simply returns a `String` of that number, but replace numbers divisible by 3 with `\"Fizz\"`, numbers divisible by 5 with `\"Buzz\"`, and number divisible by both 3 and 5 with `\"FizzBuzz\"`."""
+# ╔═╡ 3fd0895e-7f1f-4ecd-855f-95c69a466dde
+function fizzbuzz(x)
+ if x % 5 == 0 && x % 3 == 0
+ return "FizzBuzz"
+ else
+ if x % 3 == 0
+ return "Fizz"
+ else
+ if x % 5 == 0
+ return "Buzz"
+ else
+ return string(x)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# ╔═╡ b302e44c-29a9-4851-bb11-e95c0dfbacdb
+### Define the grammar
+Let's define a grammar with all the rules that we need."""
+# ╔═╡ 59444d63-8b2a-4b76-9af3-b92b4abd4a98
+grammar_fizzbuzz = @csgrammar begin
+ Int = input1
+ Int = 0 | 3 | 5
+ String = "Fizz" | "Buzz" | "FizzBuzz"
+ String = string(Int)
+ Return = String
+ Int = Int % Int
+ Bool = Int == Int
+ Int = Bool ? Int : Int
+ Bool = Bool && Bool
+# ╔═╡ e389cf25-5f0b-4d94-bab0-7cf85ee0e6e0
+### Construct the syntax tree"""
+# ╔═╡ 8fa5cbbc-ad25-42ff-9ec8-284590fe1084
+Given the grammar, the AST of `fizzbuzz()` looks like this:"""
+# ╔═╡ 6a663bce-155b-4c0d-94ec-7dc5fbba348a
+ id1((12)) --- id21((13))
+ id1--- id22((9))
+ id1--- id23((12))
+ id21 --- id31((11))
+ id21 --- id32((11))
+ id31 --- id41((10))
+ id31 --- id42((2))
+ id41 --- id51((1))
+ id41 --- id52((4))
+ id32 --- id43((10))
+ id32 --- id44((2))
+ id43 --- id53((1))
+ id43 --- id54((3))
+ id22 --- id33((7))
+ id23 --- id34((11))
+ id34 --- id45((10))
+ id34 --- id46((2))
+ id45 --- id55((1))
+ id45 --- id56((3))
+ id23 --- id35((9))
+ id35 --- id47((5))
+ id23 --- id36((12))
+ id36 --- id48((11))
+ id48 --- id57((10))
+ id57 --- id61((1))
+ id57 --- id62((4))
+ id48 --- id58((2))
+ id36 --- id49((9))
+ id49 --- id59((6))
+ id36 --- id410((9))
+ id410 --- id510((8))
+ id510 --- id63((1))
+# ╔═╡ d9272c48-a7da-4ca0-af15-98c0fe4a3f24
+As before, we use nest instanced of `RuleNode` to implement the AST."""
+# ╔═╡ 6a268dbb-e884-4b1f-b0c3-4ae1d36064a3
+fizzbuzz_syntaxtree = RuleNode(12, [
+ RuleNode(13, [
+ RuleNode(11, [
+ RuleNode(10, [
+ RuleNode(1),
+ RuleNode(4)
+ ]),
+ RuleNode(2)
+ ]),
+ RuleNode(11, [
+ RuleNode(10, [
+ RuleNode(1),
+ RuleNode(3)
+ ]),
+ RuleNode(2)
+ ])
+ ]),
+ RuleNode(9, [
+ RuleNode(7)
+ ]),
+ RuleNode(12, [
+ RuleNode(11, [
+ RuleNode(10, [
+ RuleNode(1),
+ RuleNode(3),
+ ]),
+ RuleNode(2)
+ ]),
+ RuleNode(9, [
+ RuleNode(5)
+ ]),
+ RuleNode(12, [
+ RuleNode(11, [
+ RuleNode(10, [
+ RuleNode(1),
+ RuleNode(4)
+ ]),
+ RuleNode(2)
+ ]),
+ RuleNode(9, [
+ RuleNode(6)
+ ]),
+ RuleNode(9, [
+ RuleNode(8, [
+ RuleNode(1)
+ ])
+ ])
+ ])
+ ])
+ ])
+# ╔═╡ 61b27735-25ba-4995-b506-7982db8c50b5
+And we check our syntax tree is correct:"""
+# ╔═╡ 3692d164-4deb-4da2-834c-fc2eb8ac3fa0
+rulenode2expr(fizzbuzz_syntaxtree, grammar_fizzbuzz)
+# ╔═╡ 0d5aaa64-ae46-4b88-ac05-df8910da1648
+ # test solution on inputs
+ input = [Dict(:input1 => 3), Dict(:input1 => 5), Dict(:input1 =>15), Dict(:input1 => 22)]
+ output1 = execute_on_input(grammar_fizzbuzz, fizzbuzz_syntaxtree, input)
+ output1
+# ╔═╡ c9a57153-96f8-4bcb-905b-dc46bc1f7765
+### Modify the AST/program
+There are several ways to modify an AST and hence, a program. You can
+- directly replace a node with `HerbCore.swap_node()`
+- insert a rule node with `insert!`
+Let's modify our example such that if the input number is divisible by 3, the program returns \"Buzz\" instead of \"Fizz\".
+We use `swap_node()` to replace the node of the AST that corresponds to rule 5 in the grammar (`String = Fizz`) with rule 6 (`String = Buzz`). To do so, `swap_node()` needs the tree that contains the node we want to modify, the new node we want to replace the node with, and the path to that node.
+Note that `swap_node()` modifies the tree, hence we make a deep copy of it first."""
+# ╔═╡ 6e0bed41-6f06-47e2-a659-ec61fa9c0d40
+ modified_fizzbuzz_syntaxtree = deepcopy(fizzbuzz_syntaxtree)
+ newnode = RuleNode(6)
+ path = [3, 2, 1]
+ swap_node(modified_fizzbuzz_syntaxtree, newnode, path)
+ rulenode2expr(modified_fizzbuzz_syntaxtree, grammar_fizzbuzz)
+# ╔═╡ f9e4ec58-ded3-4bf8-9207-a05596d15586
+Let's confirm that we modified the AST, and hence the program, correctly:"""
+# ╔═╡ d9543762-e438-492c-a0b1-632c4c25c58b
+# test solution on same inputs as before
+execute_on_input(grammar_fizzbuzz, modified_fizzbuzz_syntaxtree, input)
+# ╔═╡ 44cc6617-9262-44a5-8cec-90713819d03a
+An alternative way to modify the AST is by using `insert!()`. This requires to provide the location of the node that we want to as `NodeLoc`. `NodeLoc` points to a node in the tree and consists of the parent and the child index of the node.
+Again, we make a deep copy of the original AST first."""
+# ╔═╡ 0b595e4a-c6a3-4986-b311-f09bb53ee189
+ anothermodified_fizzbuzz_syntaxtree = deepcopy(fizzbuzz_syntaxtree)
+ # get the node we want to modify and instantiate a NodeLoc from it.
+ node = get_node_at_location(anothermodified_fizzbuzz_syntaxtree, [3, 2, 1])
+ nodeloc = NodeLoc(node, 0)
+ # replace the node
+ insert!(node, nodeloc, newnode)
+ rulenode2expr(anothermodified_fizzbuzz_syntaxtree, grammar_fizzbuzz)
+# ╔═╡ e40403aa-cb27-4bfb-b581-1795fc1cce41
+Again, we check that we modified the program as intended:"""
+# ╔═╡ 8847f8b8-bb52-4a95-86f1-6483e5e0ab85
+# test on same inputs as before
+execute_on_input(grammar_fizzbuzz, anothermodified_fizzbuzz_syntaxtree, input)
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