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JSON-RPC v2.0 Sans I/O

PyPI Python Versions MIT License Build Status codecov

This project provides a Sans I/O implementation of JSON-RPC v 2.0. This means that the library handles all of the encoding, decoding, framing, and logic required by the protocol specification, but it does not implement any I/O (input or output). In order to use this library, you need to either to use a downstream project that wraps I/O around this project or else write your own I/O wrapper.

Client Example

This example illustrates what the library does and how it needs to be integrated into an I/O framework of your choosing.

from sansio_jsonrpc import JsonRpcPeer, JsonRpcParseError, JsonRpcException

client = JsonRpcPeer()
request_id, bytes_to_send = client.request(
    args={'employee': 'Mark', 'pin': 1234},

First, we instantiate the client. We call the request method to create a new JSON-RPC request and convert it into a bytes representation that is suitable for sending to the server. The method also returns a request_id, which is a hashable value that can be used to correlate any future response back to the request that initiated it.

received_bytes = connection.recv()

Remember, this is a Sans I/O library, so it does not do any networking itself. It is the caller's responsibility to transfer data to and from the remote machine. This block shows a hypothetical I/O framework being used to send the pending request and receive the response as bytes, but this can be implemented with any I/O framework of your choosing.

    messages = client.parse(received_bytes)
except JsonRpcParseError as pe:
    print('Exception while parsing response', pe)

In this block, we feed the data received from the remote machine into the client object's parse() method. This method parses the incoming data and returns an iterable containing messages sent by the server. (In the current implementation, the iterable always contains exactly 1 message, but the API is designed this way to allow for future enhancements such as a streaming JSON parser that can return 0-n messages after parsing each chunk of data.)

for response in messages:
    assert isinstance(response, JsonRpcResponse)
    print('received a response:',
    if response.is_success:
        print('success:', response.result)
        print('error:', response.error)
        exc = JsonRpcException.exc_from_error(response.error)

Finally, we iterate over the messages. In the case of a client, these messages will always be JsonRpcReponse objects, which contain either result or error information. The field should match the request_id obtained earlier.

If you want an error response to raise an exception, you can call JsonRpcException.exc_from_error(...) and it will construct an exception for you. The exception system is described in a separate section below. Of course, be careful where you throw the exception, since throwing an exception while reading multiple responses will result in the rest of the responses being ignored. In a concurrent system, you probably want to raise the exception to the code path that called request().

In a concurrent system, you will also want to multiplex requests and responses on the same connection. This library does not implement multiplexing itself because multiplexing with appropriate flow control (see "Back Pressure" below) is going to depend on the transport and I/O framework you are using.

Server Example

This example shows how to receive a JSON-RPC request and dispatch a response.

from sansio_jsonrpc import (

server = JsonRpcPeer()

This example starts out the same way as the client: instantiating a JsonRpcPeer object. Note that the client and server implementation are actually in the same class!

This might be surprising at first but it is the most flexible way to implement JSON-RPC. For example, the specification says that a notification is a special type of request, and a request can only be sent from client to server. But there are scenarios where it would be useful to have the server send notifications to the client, e.g. a publish/subscribe system. The specification says that:

One implementation of this specification could easily fill both of those roles, even at the same time, to other different clients or the same client.

This is why the library implements both roles in a single class. The choice to name the object server is just a convention to help us remember what's going on.

received_bytes = connection.recv()

This block shows the hypothetical I/O framework again. As a server, we just want to wait for a client to send us something.

    messages = server.parse(received_bytes)
except JsonRpcParseError as pe:
    bytes_to_send = server.respond_with_error(request=None, error=pe.get_error())

Next, we want to parse the incoming data. If a parse error is raised here, then we should send back a response and we should not iterate over the messages, because messages was not actually returned!. Because we were unable to parse a request, we set request=None in the response.

for request in messages:
    assert isinstance(request, JsonRpcRequest)

        # Handle request here and send a response.
        result = handle_request(request)
        bytes_to_send = server.respond_with_result(request=request, result=result)
    except JsonRpcException as jre:
        bytes_to_send = server.respond_with_error(request=request, error=pe.get_error())


Next, we iterate over the received messages. For a server, each message should be a JsonRpcRequest. The implementation of handle_request(...) is up to you! You should handle each request by returning a result. The respond_with_result(...) method produces an appropriate JSON-RPC response, which you should then send to the client.

If an error occurs in your handler, you should raise one of the built-in exceptions or a custom subclass of JsonRpcApplicationError. For example, if you don't have a handler for a given method, you should raise JsonRpcMethodNotFoundError. Exceptions are described more fully below.


The exception system in this library is designed to make error-handling as Pythonic as possible, abstracting over the details of the JSON-RPC protocol as much as possible. All exceptions in this module inherit from JsonRpcException, so this is a good choice for a catch-all exception handler. All exceptions have an error code and a message. Exceptions can also optionally have a data field which can be set to any valid JSON data type.

There are also specialized errors in the library that correspond to specific JSON-RPC error codes in the specification. For example, if you receive data that cannot be decoded into a valid JSON-RPC request, the specification calls for a -32700 error, and this library raises a JsonRpcParseError to make it easy to catch this specific condition. If the server sends

The specification also allows you to define your own error codes. There are

Exceptions are used in two ways in this library. First of all, the library itself can raise exceptions. For example in recv(), it can raise JsonRpcParseError as described above. The second usage is that the remote peer might send you a response that contains an error object. In this case, you may want to convert that error into an exception so you can raise it.

The static method JsonRpcException.exc_from_error(...) converts an error into an exception. This method automatically selects the appropriate subclass of JsonRpcException. For example, if the remote peer sent you error code -32700, this method converts that into a JsonRpcParseError. Some error codes are reserved for implementations to define their own error codes, e.g. -32099 is reserved in the specification but not assigned any meaning. If the remote peer sends this error code, then this method will raise JsonRpcReservedError.

The specification also has unreserved error codes that are available for defining application-specific errors. You can use these in your own code in two different ways. The first approach is to catch/raise JsonRpcApplicationError and set/check the error code to your application-defined value. The second approach is to create your own subclass of JsonRpcApplicationError. Here's an example:

from sansio_jsonrpc import JsonRpcApplicationError

class MyApplicationError1(JsonRpcApplicationError):
    ERROR_CODE = 1
    ERROR_MESSAGE = "My application error type 1"

class MyApplicationError2(JsonRpcApplicationError):
    ERROR_CODE = 2
    ERROR_MESSAGE = "My application error type 2"

The JsonRpcException.exc_from_error(...) method will automatically select the appropriate subclass. For example if the server sends error code 1, then the method will return a MyApplicationError1 instance, even though that class is defined in your code! The library uses some metaclass black magic to make this work.

Back Pressure

As a SANS I/O library, this package does not implement any sort of flow control. If the peer is sending you data faster than you can handle it, and you keep reading it, then your process's memory usage will continually grow until it runs out of memory or the kernel terminates it. Back pressure means signalling to the peer that it should stop sending data for a bit until your process can catch up. The specifics of back pressure really depend on what transport protocol and I/O framework you are using. For example, TCP has flow control capabilities, and most implementations will automatically apply back pressure if you simply stop reading from the socket. Therefore, if you use TCP with this library, you should be careful to read from the socket only when you are ready to process another message. If you eagerly read from the socket into an unbounded user space buffer (such as a queue), then your code will not benefit from TCP's flow control, because the kernel will see an empty buffer and it will keep filling it up.


The project uses MyPy for type checking and Black for code formatting. Poetry is used to manage dependencies and to build releases.