This module is intended to be consumed by your favourite continuous integration tool to
halt execution if npm audit
finds vulnerabilities at or above the specified threshold.
Assuming medium, high, and critical severity vulnerabilities prevent build continuation:
For Travis-CI
using PR builds (recommended):
- if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" != "false" ]; then npm i -g audit-ci@^1 && audit-ci -m; fi
For Travis-CI
not using PR builds (not recommended):
- npm i -g audit-ci@^1 && audit-ci -m
For CircleCI
# ... excludes set up for job
- checkout
- run:
name: update-npm
command: 'sudo npm i -g npm@^1'
- restore_cache:
key: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "package.json" }}
- run:
name: install-and-run-audit-ci
command: 'sudo npm i -g audit-ci@^1 && audit-ci -m'
- run:
name: install-npm
command: npm i
For maximum security and to improve the speed of your cached CI build, you can consider adding this package as a devDependency on a static version.
npm install --save-dev audit-ci@{STATIC_VERSION}
# This script should be the first that runs to limit the risk of
# executing a script from a compromised NPM package.
- if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" != "false" ]; then audit-ci -l; fi
Args | Alias | Description |
-l | --low | Prevents integration with low or higher vulnerabilities (default false ) |
-m | --moderate | Prevents integration with moderate or higher vulnerabilities (default false ) |
-h | --high | Prevents integration with high or critical vulnerabilities (default false ) |
-c | --critical | Prevents integration only with critical vulnerabilities (default false ) |
-r | --report | Shows the npm audit --json report (default true ) |
-w | --whitelist | Vulnerable modules to whitelist from preventing integration (default none ) |
npm i -g audit-ci@^1 && audit-ci -m
npm i -g audit-ci@^1 && audit-ci -l -w lodash base64url
npm i -g audit-ci@^1 && audit-ci --critical --report false
npm i -g audit-ci@^1 && audit-ci
Why run
on PR builds forTravis
and not the push builds?
If audit-ci
is run on the PR build and not on the push build, you can continue to push new code and create PRs parallel to the actual vulnerability fix. However, they can't be merged until the fix is implemented. Since audit-ci
performs the audit on the PR build, it will always have the most up-to-date dependencies vs. the push build, which would require a manual merge with master
before passing the audit.