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Releases: Investigamer/Proxyshop

Proxyshop v1.6.0

16 Mar 20:45
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Pathfinder Release

This release improves the directory structure of Proxyshop, introduces the ability to choose 4 modes of Expansion Symbol rendering (Default, Classic, SVG, and None -- see Changelog below for details), adds support for Watermarks, adds a new setting for changing the color of card boarders across templates, adds plenty of new helper and utility functions to make creating plugins easier, adds a new template (Universes Beyond), adds support for transform Sagas, and makes general improvements to the app as well as fixes a ton of bugs.

Migration Guide

Due to the directory restructuring in this version, upgrading will not be as simple as extracting and replacing your existing files. If you want to keep your old templates, plugins, and data files you'll need to follow this migration guide.


  • /OLD/ is the working directory of your old Proxyshop (where Proxyshop.exe is)
  • /NEW/ is the working directory of the new Proxyshop installation

The Guide:

  1. Rename your OLD Proxyshop "Proxyshop Old"
  2. Create a new folder "Proxyshop", extract the new release here
  3. Move all PSD files from /OLD/templates/SilvanMTG to /NEW/plugins/SilvanMTG/templates
  4. Move all PSD files from /OLD/templates/MrTeferi to /NEW/plugins/MrTeferi/templates
  5. If you have any other plugins installed move those folders from /OLD/proxyshop/plugins to /NEW/plugins and move their templates using the same process we did for MrTeferi and SilvanMTG. Do NOT move the old SilvanMTG or MrTeferi PLUGIN files to the new release. Only their TEMPLATES.
  6. Move all remaining PSD files from /OLD/templates to /NEW/templates
  7. Copy /OLD/proxyshop/version_tracker.json to /NEW/src/data/version_tracker.json
  8. That's all! Do NOT copy any other json files, any config files, etc. You're all done!

v1.6.0 Changelog (2023-03-16)


  • settings: New Setting: Template Border, default is black. Other options are white, silver and gold
  • template: New Template: Universes Beyond, used in crossover sets like WH40K, Transformers, etc
  • expansion_symbol: Rewrite expansion symbol settings to allow 4 distinct modes, including SVG
  • watermarks: Add support for optional Watermark generation
  • fonts: New font utility functions: register_font(), unregister_font(), get_all_fonts(), check_fonts()
  • helpers: New helper functions: set_fx_visibility(), enable_layer_fx(), disable_layer_fx(), set_fill_opacity(), apply_fx_color_overlay()
  • files: Restructure directory structure, allow self contained plugins


  • settings: Back face to MDFC/Transform now uses the same ini as front face
  • console: Add missing newline
  • symbols: Updated some expansion symbols
  • kivy: Replace unused MPlantin font with PlantinMTPRo
  • scryfall: Improved MTG Set data caching to fix inconsistencies with collector information
  • sketch: Fix bug causing some pencil sketch filters to fail
  • constants: Fix cwd not working properly in executable version


  • tests: Update tests for directory restructure and expansion symbol rewrite
  • layouts: Improve handling of card_count, pre-cache set data, reorganize properties pertaining to all double faced cards
  • SilvanMTG: Remove default configurations for cfg.remove_reminder
  • types_photoshop: Specify NotRequired for some values

Proxyshop v1.5.0

03 Mar 05:14
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Sentry Release

This release expands on the available helper and testing functions made available to plugin creators, implements robust error logging to make it much easier to find the cause of an issue, improves upon the look and execution time of Expansion Symbols with a new layer effects system, introduces a new template type: Class, and of course last but not least... fixes some bugs. I recommend updating immediately! Full changelog listed below.

v1.5.0 (2023-03-02)


  • expansion-symbol: New layer effects helpers implemented, Expansion Symbol now rendered using these effects
  • helpers: Import art directly into the document, add new helper utilities
  • templates: New template type: Class


  • ixalan: Ixalan now renders without an error at create_expansion_symbol()
  • layouts: Transform front sides now work when name is lowercase
  • layouts: Added support for meld transform icon, added support for non-Ixalan back face lands
  • symbols: Add support for ONE, ONC, DMR, and SCD
  • console: Improve error logging dramatically
  • fonts: Updated keyrune font to latest
  • layouts: Patch a bug that causes alternate language to not identify creatures


  • helpers: Deprecated solidcolor(), Added new helpers
  • layouts: BaseLayout > NormalLayout, made BasicLandLayout extend to NormalLayout
  • cwd: Use con.cwd to find the current directory across Proxyshop, always use root directory of project
  • DoubleFeature: Explicit definitions for layer groups
  • creator: Added scryfall formatting step to custom creator which in the future will help keep data in-line with what is expected for the layout object
  • symbols: Allow use of old Expansion Symbol rendering, pending potential future deprecation
  • frame_logic: Improved formatting and refactored
  • format_text: Code readability improvements

Proxyshop v1.4.0

30 Jan 21:56
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Nimbus Release

This release implements robust settings panels allowing for changing settings for individual templates, as well as custom template settings. In addition, we've implemented a preview panel showcasing an example render for each template, automatic expansion symbol updating, improvements to how Planeswalkers are automated, and full automation for Saga cards.


  • saga: Implemented full automation for sagas
  • symbols: Update symbol library and template manifest on launch
  • gui: Add preview image to showcase each template
  • settings: New automatic settings panels


  • CrimsonFangTemplate: Fixed dual color frame generation
  • settings: Additional fixes for new panel config system
  • frame_logic: Fix frame logic for some transform cards
  • settings: Small patches to settings logic
  • creator: Fix template logic for creator tab
  • scryfall: Add special exception for championship cards
  • expansion_symbol: Default stroke now uses config value
  • meld: Fix meld card layout data


  • planeswalker: Refactored planeswalker text generation
  • templates: Add scaling to Planeswalker spacing
  • configs: Rename configs to match new nomenclature
  • settings: Rewrite settings to use class name for ini/json naming convention
  • layouts: Trimmed down layout classes and properties
  • frame_logic: Add FrameDetails type
  • sketch: Switch sketch config to new settings system
  • plugin-templates: Make adjustments to included plugin templates
  • templates: Remove useless print statements
  • symbols: Add missing symbols to library
  • config: Reformat config for Kivy settings panel
  • Refactored classic quote alignment
  • gui: Separate GUI elements into modules

Proxyshop v1.3.0

07 Jan 03:08
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Keystone Release

This release is all about improving the development pipeline of Proxyshop to make way for powerful changes in the future. In 1.2.0 and 1.3.0 there have been a few breaking changes and growing pains, but with this release we have reached solidity and stability for the foreseeable future. Plugin and template creators can rest easy that nothing foundational about their plugins or templates will need to change after this for a long time. Next comes GUI and usability improvements.


  • New template: Prototype. This comes straight from The Brother's War!
  • New template: Basic Land Classic Promo. This is just the basic land classic template with promo star added.
  • New setting: Overwrite.Duplicates. Changing this to False will cause duplicate image renders to be renamed in numeric order, ex: Snapcaster Mage (1), Snapcaster Mage (2), etc
  • Transitioned project management to Poetry. Dependencies, the virtual environment, etc will now be handled by poetry.
  • Project contributions now requires Commitizen. Commitizen enforces conventional commits, and allows us to generate an accurate change log when a new version is created.
  • Quality of Life Improvements for Plugin Creators. Creators can now take advantage of the layer dictionary being a dataclass, allowing your IDE to auto fill the correct references. (con.layers['TEXT_AND_ICONS' > con.layers.TEXT_AND_ICONS)
  • The Updater feature should work much more consistently now. We've implemented better handling of Google Drive and added Cloudfront as a CDN to cache S3 files as a backup. Furthermore, if for whatever reason the Updater still goes down and you download templates manually, you can hit the new "Dismiss" button on the updater panel to force the version to be logged as the latest version.
  • Updated PlantinMTProRg.TTF font. Make sure to install new version over the old one! Fixes some characters missing for foreign names.
  • Improved execution time. Mainly thanks to pre-compiling all regex patterns used in Proxyshop.


  • updater: Fixed Google Drive downloads, moved S3 downloading to Cloudfront
  • creator tab: Fixed numerous bugs with the custom card creator.
  • templates: Fixed Back side of MDFC cards not working properly.
  • text layers: Fixed cards with asterisks in flavor text not rendering properly.
  • layouts: Improved layout logic to correctly render cards like Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar


  • Removed unnecessary newlines
  • Added app reference to BaseTemplate as property
  • Added proper version tracking, refactored console output
  • constants: Update HTTP header used for requests

Proxyshop v1.2.0

24 Dec 04:17
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Modular Release

  • Extensive rewrite of Template and Layout logic, with the intention of making it easier to create advanced template plugins (See new docs on the Wiki)
  • Template classes and Layout classes now have modular properties that provide a fine-tuned way to modify automation behavior without having to rewrite entire blocks
  • Extensive rewrite of Text Layer classes using modular properties to give template creators the ability to finely tune how text items are generated and formatted. This rewrite comes with lots of new optional parameters detailed in the Wiki page docs
  • Added get_cmyk as an option for generating a SolidColor object with CMYK colors
  • Added support for RGB/CMYK for set symbol color values
  • Improved the appearance of some set symbols, added missing set symbols (up to The Brother's War)
  • Improvements to Planeswalker logic and execution time
  • Improvements to Italicized abilities
  • Scryfall search improvements and edge case fixes
  • Collector info accuracy has been improved
  • Numerous bug fixes

Proxyshop v1.1.9

08 Nov 13:15
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A hotfix was added to this release to address scryfall fetching for bonus cards and Photoshop not assigning the correct font.


  • Scryfall rework: Scryfall fetching has been reworked, including a new config.ini setting "Scryfall.Ascending" which toggles searching from old -> new prints instead of new -> old.
  • MPlantin replaced with Plantin MT Pro: Some noticed weird character spacing issues with the widely used MPlantin font so its now been replaced with the superior Plantin MT Pro.
  • Fixed classic quote align right feature so it doesn't negate linebreak spacing for flavor divider bar
  • Webp and jpf are now supported for card arts. Remember that webp is only supported on Photoshop 2022 and newer!
  • It is now safe to resize your templates to a smaller DPI without breaking text automation
  • CMYK colors are now supported for template developers
  • Fixed more special cases for alternate language usage
  • Fixed a crash caused by special characters in card names
  • Removed Fill Symbol Background from GUI settings, added Flavor Divider toggle
  • Added setting to force English formatting for international locales that might screw with Photoshop formatting
  • Image size is now ascertained with Pillow
  • Other bugfixes

Proxyshop v1.1.8

16 Aug 09:37
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Amazon S3 Integration

This is a minor update release integrating Amazon S3 as a fallback for template updating when Google Drive becomes unavailable due to rate limiting. If you've been trying to update templates and get a "Failed" message, grab this release.

Proxyshop v1.1.7

12 Aug 17:51
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  • Planeswalker Automation Rework: Planeswalkers will now have their text automatically sized and positioned, their loyalty abilities positioned, and the mask shading automatically generated. You will need to update all Planeswalker templates, and those templates are NOT backwards compatible with old versions of Proxyshop because so many structural changes were required to make this work.
  • Updater Rework: The updater no longer requires Google Authentication, the updater can also resume previously canceled downloads and will not overwrite existing templates until the download has finished completely. This has not been extensively tested but seems to work incredibly reliably, if you encounter any issues with the updater please notify us in Discord or submit an Issue.
  • Long Text Entry Crash Fixed: Probably the most notorious bug in the history of MTG Photoshop automation. There is still a chance it could occur on some fringe templates, but those templates will now only require a very minor update to keep the issue from happening. Can confirm the bug is completely eliminated for the Normal, Silvan Extended, and Sketch template.
  • Sketch Action Rework: The Sketch template action will now take 60% less time to complete and has been visually improved as well.


Please disable the "Auto Symbol Fill" setting at the top of Proxyshop. 99% of the time this feature is no longer needed and may actually crash the app. Symbols are now usually automatically filled by default, enabling this feature is only necessary on very old expansions. If you get an error saying the select tool is unavailable, its because this setting is enabled when it shouldn't be.

Proxyshop v1.1.6

16 Jul 17:01
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Major Stability Release

I suggest you update to this release immediately, a LOT of bugs have been fixed and major improvements have been made.


  • Complex expansion symbol implementation using multi-layering. Each symbol layer can have its own stroke, fill, rarity settings, font color
  • New setting: dev_mode, enabling this will change the GUI into a testing mode where you can test templates for functionality, running a deep test will check for multiple card types to find missing compatibility
  • Template classes: New raise_error method to handle errors with less code, deprecated the template_file_name and template_suffix methods, it is now best practice to set these as class attributes at the top of your custom templates
  • New art reference logic including automatic art reference for full art detection, default art reference if none provided, ability to provide name of layer instead of layer itself, automatic art reference for dev_mode etc
  • Fixed multiple bugs with the alternative language system, now works with mdfc/transform cards
  • Layer selection functions, content_fill_empty_area, and mask functions now targeted
  • Close document now uses a reference so it doesn't close unintended documents
  • Enabled targeted text replace for newer photoshop versions
  • Added a real select_layer_pixels that does as the name says
  • Lots of templates have received fixes or refactoring
  • Fixed frame logic for lands like Urborg and Yavimaya
  • New helper function: marge_layers(layer1, layer2)
  • New helper function: rasterize_layer_style(layer)
  • New helper function: clear_layer_style(layer)
  • Fixed blacked out console text bug
  • Improved fill_expansion_symbol
  • Improved scryfall data fetching
  • Fixed card creator crash
  • Fixed basic land crash
  • Relocated some files
  • Improved logging
  • Stronger typing

Proxyshop v1.1.5

15 Jun 17:46
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HOTFIX Release

Fixed some pathing issues with the updater feature as well loading template files on certain installations.
If updating from v1.1.3, go inside the proxyshop directory and delete the folder titled "datas". Some MTGJSON data has bad escape sequences and caused this data to become unreadable when accessed in the future. This has been patched as of this release and shouldn't occur in the future.


  • Fixed Updater pathing issues
  • Fixed potential PSD location pathing issue
  • Some code refactoring