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503 lines (393 loc) · 19.5 KB

File metadata and controls

503 lines (393 loc) · 19.5 KB


I like to think that the following features are what they would have implemented in version 10 of Visual FoxPro

Suggestions are welcome!

This library is part of the VFPX project.

Do you like or benefit from my work? please consider make a donation, a cup of coffee would be nice!



FoxExtends allows you to customize all methods or creating an object by using the constructor method called NEWFOXEXTENDS()

NEWFOXEXTENDS constructor parameters:

  • tcPrefix: type any valid identifier to prefix all functions.
  • tcType: allowed values are prg | obj
  1. PRG indicates that all functions will be instantiated in Visual Foxpro global environment (PRG scope).
  2. OBJ indicates that all functions will be wrapped in an object which means you'll need to consume it like object.method()

Constructor Examples

// ================================================================================
// 1. Default behaviour (prg scope)
// ================================================================================

do FoxExtends.prg
=NEWFOXEXTENDS() // call constructor without arguments (PRG scope).

laColors = ALIST('red', 'yellow', 'green')
? ANYTOSTR(@laColors) // ['red', 'yellow', 'green']

// ================================================================================
// 2. Prefix and PRG scope.
// ================================================================================

do FoxExtends.prg
=NEWFOXEXTENDS('FE_') // just provide the prefix for all functions (prg scope)

laColors = FE_ALIST('red', 'yellow', 'green')
? FE_ANYTOSTR(@laColors) // ['red', 'yellow', 'green']

// ================================================================================
// 3. No Prefix and OBJECT scope.
// ================================================================================

do FoxExtends.prg
loFE = NEWFOXEXTENDS(.F., 'obj') // note the loFE variable receiving the object.

laColors = loFE.ALIST('red', 'yellow', 'green')
? loFE.ANYTOSTR(@laColors) // ['red', 'yellow', 'green']

// ================================================================================
// 4. Prefix and OBJECT scope.
// ================================================================================

do FoxExtends.prg
loFE = NEWFOXEXTENDS('FE_', 'obj')

laColors = loFE.FE_ALIST('red', 'yellow', 'green')
? loFE.FE_ANYTOSTR(@laColors) // ['red', 'yellow', 'green']

Function documentation (default behaviour)

// ================================================================================
// 1. PAIR(tvKey, tvValue): create a Key-Value object with the data provided:
// ================================================================================

// Example

loPair = PAIR("name", "John")
? loPair.key, loPair.value

// ================================================================================
// 2. ANYTOSTR(tvValue): convert any object into string (including Collections):
// ================================================================================

// Example
? ANYTOSTR(_SCREEN) // the whole screen object :)

// ================================================================================
// 3. APUSH(tArray, tvItem): adds an element into the array 
// ================================================================================
// Example

DIMENSION laCountries[1]
laCountries[1] = "USA"
APUSH(@laCountries, "COLOMBIA")
APUSH(@laCountries, "ARGENTINA")
APUSH(@laCountries, "ESPAÑA")

// ================================================================================
// 4. APOP(tArray): removes an element from the top of the array. 
// ================================================================================
// Example

DIMENSION laCountries[4]
laCountries[1] = "USA"
laCountries[2] = "COLOMBIA"
laCountries[3] = "ARGENTINA"
laCountries[4] = "ESPAÑA"
// Remove and retrieve the removed element
? APOP(@laCountries) // print ESPAÑA

// ================================================================================
// 5. AJOIN(tArray, tcStep): return a string with all array elements delitemited by tcStep
// ================================================================================
// Example

DIMENSION laCountries[4]
laCountries[1] = "USA"
laCountries[2] = "COLOMBIA"
laCountries[3] = "ARGENTINA"
laCountries[4] = "ESPAÑA"

? AJOIN(@laCountries, ', ') // prints USA, COLOMBIA, ARGENTINA, ESPAÑA

// ================================================================================
// 6. ASPLIT(tcString, tcDelimiter): Creates an array with all matches in the string provided.
// ================================================================================
// Example

laColors = ASPLIT("Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple", ',')
FOR EACH lcColor IN laColors
  ? lcColor

// ================================================================================
// 7. MATCH(tcString, tcPattern): check if the tcPattern matches in the string provided. 
// NOTE: this function relies on VBScript.RegExp
// ================================================================================
// Example

// Validate an email format
? MATCH("", "^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$") // print .T.

// ================================================================================
// 8. REVERSE(tcString): reverses a string
// ================================================================================
// Example

? REVERSE("Irwin") // niwrI

// ================================================================================
// 9. STRTOJSON(tcJSONStr): receive a json string and creates a Foxpro equivalent object.
// NOTE: this function relies on JSONFOX:
// ================================================================================
// Example

loMyJson = STRTOJSON('{"name": "John", "age": 36}')
? loMyJson.age

// ================================================================================
// 10. JSONTOSTR(tvJsonObj): pretty print the Foxpro equivalent json object.
// ================================================================================
// Example

? JSONTOSTR(loMyJson) // {"name": "John", "age": 36}

// ================================================================================
// 11. PRINTF(tcFormat, tvVal0...tvVal10): pretty prints up to ten values.
// you can even escape some special characters like: \t, \r, \n, \", \'
// NOTE: sorry for this limitation of ten arguments.
// ================================================================================
// Example

? PRINTF("Hello ${0}! My name is ${1} and I'm glad to ${2} you!", "world", "John", "meet")

// ================================================================================
// 12. ALIST(tvVal1, tvVal2, tvVal3,...tvVal10): creates an array up to ten 
// heterogeneous elements.
// NOTE: sorry for this limitation of ten arguments.
// ================================================================================
// Example

laData = ALIST("John", 36, .T., .F., .Null., PAIR("Bank of America", "NL40RABO8933084452"), "")
FOR EACH lItem IN laData
  ? lItem

// print the pair (at index 6!!!)
? laData[6].key // prints Bank of America
? laData[6].value // prints NL40RABO8933084452

// ================================================================================
// 13. CLAMP(tcString, tnFrom, tnTo): captures a range of characters. 
// ================================================================================
// Example

lcString = "This is a string"
? CLAMP(lcString, 6, 10) // prints "is a"

// ================================================================================
// 14. AMAP(tArray, tcPredicate): returns an array with tcPredicate expression
// applied.
// LIMITATIONS: the array must be one-dimensional and homogeneous.
// ================================================================================
// Example

laNumbers = ALIST(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)
laResult = AMAP(@laNumbers, "$0 + 5")
? ANYTOSTR(@laResult) // prints [10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45]

// ================================================================================
// 15. AFILTER(tArray, tcPredicate): returns all items from tArray that returns .T.
// by applying the tcPredicate expression.
// LIMITATIONS: the array must be one-dimensional and homogeneous.
// ================================================================================
// Example

laNumbers = ALIST(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)
laResult = AFILTER(@laNumbers, "BETWEEN($0, 20,  30)") // filter just those items with this range (20 and 30)
? ANYTOSTR(@laResult) // prints [20,25,30]

// ================================================================================
// 15. AFILTER(tArray, tcPredicate): returns all items from tArray that returns .T.
// by applying the tcPredicate expression.
// LIMITATIONS: the array must be one-dimensional and homogeneous.
// ================================================================================
// Example

laNumbers = ALIST(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)
laResult = AFILTER(@laNumbers, "BETWEEN($0, 20,  30)") // filter just those items with this range (20 and 30)
? ANYTOSTR(@laResult) // prints [20,25,30]

// ================================================================================
// 16. AFIELDSOBJ(tcAliasOrDataSession)
// returns an array mapped with all the table structure info.
// check AFIELDS() documentation for property names.
// ================================================================================
// Example

Use Home(2) + "\northwind\employees.dbf"
laFields = AFIELDSOBJ('employees')
? ANYTOSTR(laFields) // prints a nice json format :)

// print all properties
FOR EACH loItem IN laFields
  ? loItem.field_type
  ? loItem.field_width
  ? loItem.decimal_places
  ? loItem.null_allowed
  ? loItem.code_page_translation_not_allowed
  ? loItem.field_validation_expression
  ? loItem.field_validation_text
  ? loItem.field_default_value
  ? loItem.table_validation_expression
  ? loItem.table_validation_text
  ? loItem.long_table_name
  ? loItem.insert_trigger_expression
  ? loItem.update_trigger_expression
  ? loItem.delete_trigger_expression
  ? loItem.table_comment
  ? loItem.next_value_for_autoincrementing
  ? loItem.step_for_autoincrementing

// ================================================================================
// 17. ADIROBJ(tcFileSkeleton, [tcAttribute, [tnFlags]])
// returns an array mapped with all the files structure info.
// check ADIR() documentation for property names.
// ================================================================================
// Example

laDir = ADIROBJ("c:\my\path\*.txt")
? ANYTOSTR(laDir) // prints a nice json format :)

// print all properties
FOR EACH loItem IN laDir
  ? loItem.file_name
  ? loItem.file_size
  ? loItem.date_last_modified
  ? loItem.time_last_modified
  ? loItem.file_attributes

// ================================================================================
// 18. SECRETBOX(tcPrompt, [tcCaption])
// Displays a modal dialog used for typing secret passwords.
// NOTE: the result string is not encrypted, it's just a raw string.
// ================================================================================
// Example

lcPassword = SECRETBOX("Login", "Please type your password")
IF lcPassword != "Admin" THEN
  ? "Access Denied!"

? "Welcome!"

// ================================================================================
// 19. Variadic functions with ARGS() and APARAMS()
// This implementation allows us to simulate variadic functions and avoid passing
// a lot of arguments.
// ARGS(arg1, arg2, argn): wraps all arguments inside a special object. (caller)
// APARAMS(toArgs): unwraps all arguments into an array. (function body)
// ================================================================================
// Example
? arithmeticOperation("+", ARGS(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30))

FUNCTION arithmeticOperation(tcOperator, toOperands)
  LOCAL lnResult, laParams
  lnResult = 0
  laParams = APARAMS(toOperands) // unwrap arguments	
  FOR EACH lnOperand IN laParams
    lnResult = lnResult &tcOperator lnOperand
  RETURN lnResult

// ================================================================================
// 20. STRINGLIST(): creates an string object that enhance the string manipulation
// NOTE: it's constructor accepts ARGS() parameters. See ARGS() and APARAMS()
// ================================================================================
// Example
laLanguages = STRINGLIST() // empty stringlist
laLanguages.Add("Visual FoxPro")
? laLanguages.Join(', ') // print "Visual FoxPro, Swift, Nim, V"

// Example 2: using the constructor.
laStuffs = STRINGLIST(ARGS("House", "Horse", "Pencil"))

? laStuffs.Join(', ')

// ================================================================================
// 21. AZIP(tArray1, tArray2): returns a new array with the combination of two
// arrays provided. Each element must be accessed by using the 'left' and 'right'
// properties.
// ================================================================================
// Example

laFruits = ALIST("Apples", "Bananas", "Strawberry")
laVegetables = ALIST("Tomato", "Carrot", "Pumpkins")

laFusion = AZIP(@laFruits, @laVegetables)

FOR EACH loItem IN laFusion
  ? loItem.left
  ? loItem.right

// ================================================================================
// 22. HASHTABLE(tcKey2, tcValue1 [,...]): creates a dictionary with the given
// keys and values.
// 1. keys must be strings
// 2. the function takes up to 50 key-values params.
// ================================================================================
// Example

loDictionary = HASHTABLE("name", "John", "age", 36, "gender", "M", "salary", 3000)

? loDictionary.age
? loDictionary.gender
? loDictionary.salary

// ================================================================================
// 23. HASKEY(toDictionary, tcKey): determines if tcKey exists in toDictionary
// ================================================================================
// Example

loDictionary = HASHTABLE("name", "John", "age", 36, "gender", "M", "salary", 3000)
? HASKEY(loDictionary, "name") // .T.
? HASKEY(loDictionary, "address") // .F.

// ================================================================================
// 24. AKEYS(toDictionary): returns an array with all keys found in toDictionary
// ================================================================================
// Example
loDictionary = HASHTABLE("name", "John", "age", 36, "gender", "M", "salary", 3000)
laKeys = AKEYS(loDictionary)
?ANYTOSTR(@laKeys) // ["NAME", "AGE", "GENDER", "SALARY"]

// ================================================================================
// 25. ASLICE(tArray, tcRange): creates an array with the range provided.
// ================================================================================
// Example

laFruits = ALIST("apple", "banana", "blackberry", "grape", "lemon", "mango", "raspberry")
laSlice = ASLICE(@laFruits, "2..3") // from index 2 until index 3
? ANYTOSTR(@laSlice) // ["banana", "blackberry"]

laSlice = ASLICE(@laFruits, "..3") // from index 1 up to 3
? ANYTOSTR(@laSlice) // ["apple", "banana", "blackberry"]

laSlice = ASLICE(@laFruits, "5..") // from index 5 up to the end of the array.
? ANYTOSTR(@laSlice) // ["lemon", "mango", "raspberry"]

laSlice = ASLICE(@laFruits, "3") // first 3 elements
? ANYTOSTR(@laSlice) // ["apple", "banana", "blackberry"]

laSlice = ASLICE(@laFruits, "-2") // last 2 elements
? ANYTOSTR(@laSlice) // ["mango", "raspberry"]

// ================================================================================
// 26. AMATCH(tcString, tcPattern, tcOccurrences): creates an array with the
// ocurrences found in tcString by applying the tcPattern regular expression.
// ================================================================================
// Example

lcString = "Hi, foxextends has more than 20 functions...! can you help me to make it 100?"
laResult = AMATCH(lcString, "\w+", 1) // first number
? laResult[1] // 20

laResult = AMATCH(lcString, "\w+", 2) // second number
? laResult[1] // 100

// ================================================================================
// 27. AINSERSECT(tArray1, tArray2): creates an array with all elements in tArray1
// that are present in tArray2.
// ================================================================================
// Example

laFruits = ALIST("apple", "banana", "blackberry", "grape", "lemon", "mango", "raspberry")
laSalad = ALIST("tomato", "grape", "onion", "pumpkin", "lemon")

laCommons = AINTERSECT(@laFruits, @laSalad)
? ANYTOSTR(@laCommons) // ["grape", "lemon"]

// Example # 2: compare heterogeneous arrays
laJustNumbers = ALIST(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30)
laNumbersAndLetters = ALIST("five", "ten", 15, 30, 100)

laCommons = AINTERSECT(@laJustNumbers, @laNumbersAndLetters)
? ANYTOSTR(@laCommons) // [15, 30]

// ================================================================================
// 28. ADDKEY(toDict, tcKey, tvValue): adds or set a key to toDict.
// NOTE: toDict should be created with HASHTABLE(...)
// ================================================================================
// Example

loPrices = HASHTABLE('apples', 1.45)
=ADDKEY(loPrices, 'oranges', 0.75)

// ================================================================================
// 29. REMOVEKEY(toDict, tcKey): removes a key from toDict.
// NOTE: toDict should be created with HASHTABLE(...)
// ================================================================================
// Example

loPrices = HASHTABLE('apples', 1.45, 'oranges', 0.75, 'tomatoes', 1.40, 'onions', 0.54, 'book', 1.40)
=REMOVEKEY(loPrices, 'book') // book should not be in this list of prices.

// ================================================================================
// 30. ALEFT(tArray, tnExpression): creates an array with the index found on
// tnExpression starting from left to right.
// ================================================================================
// Example

laFruits = ALIST("apple", "banana", "blackberry", "grape", "lemon", "mango", "raspberry")
laTwo = ALEFT(@laFruits, 2)
? ANYTOSTR(@laTwo) // ["apple", "banana"]

// ================================================================================
// 31. ARIGHT(tArray, tnExpression): creates an array with the index found on
// tnExpression starting from right to left.
// ================================================================================
// Example

laFruits = ALIST("apple", "banana", "blackberry", "grape", "lemon", "mango", "raspberry")
laTwo = ARIGHT(@laFruits, 2)
? ANYTOSTR(@laTwo) // ["mango", "raspberry"]

// ================================================================================
// 32. ASUBSTR(tArray, tnFromExp, tnToExp): creates an array starting from index
// found in tnFromExp until tnToExp.
// ================================================================================
// Example

laFruits = ALIST("apple", "banana", "blackberry", "grape", "lemon", "mango", "raspberry")
laLemonAndMango = ASUBSTR(@laFruits, 5, 2)
? ANYTOSTR(@laLemonAndMango) // ["lemon", "mango"]