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University of

File metadata and controls

320 lines (290 loc) · 10 KB

UM Digital Collections


This system is not currently in production and will be used to replace the current Amazon instance in spring 2015.

UM Digital Collections consists of a back-end server for ingest and data manipulation by staff ( and a front-end system strictly for public access and browsing (

Both are virtual machines and share the Fedora data directory which is deployed to a 50 TB NFS mount.

Juno is a normal functioning Fedora/Islandora instance that allows for CRUD actions and has the GSearch client to update the Solr index.

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)
  • 2 CPUs
  • 6 GB RAM

Tomcat webapps:

  • Adore-Djatoka
  • Fedora
  • Fedora GSearch
  • Solr

Software versions:

  • Adore-Djatoka: 1.1
  • Apache: 2.2.15
  • Drupal: 7.32
  • ffmpeg: N-60902-gbc249bd
  • FITS: 0.8.0
  • Islandora: 7.x-1.4
  • Java: 1.7.0_45 (Oracle)
  • jQuery: 1.4.4
  • jQuery UI: 1.8.7
  • Fedora: 3.7.0
  • Fedora GSearch: 2.7
  • MySQL: 5.6.10-log
  • Solr: 4.6.0
  • Tesseract: 3.02.02


  • ffmpeg: --enable-nonfree --enable-libfaac --enable-gpl --enable-libx264 --prefix=/usr/local
  • JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx3072m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -server -Djava.awt.headless=true"
  • PHP memory limit: 2048M
  • Tesseract: leptonica-1.69 -> libjpeg 6b : libpng 1.2.49 : libtiff 3.9.4 : zlib 1.2.3

Fedora XACML policies:

├── default
│   ├── deny-inactive-or-deleted-objects-or-datastreams-if-not-administrator.xml
│   ├── deny-reloadPolicies-if-not-localhost.xml
│   ├── deny-unallowed-file-resolution.xml
│   ├── permit-anything-to-administrator.xml
│   ├── permit-apia-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-apim-to-authenticated.xml
│   ├── permit-dsstate-check-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-getDatastreamHistory-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-getDatastream-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-oai-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-serverStatus-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-upload-to-authenticated-user.xml
│   └── readme.txt
└── islandora
    ├── permit-apim-to-authenticated-user.xml
    ├── permit-getDatastreamHistory-unrestricted.xml
    ├── permit-getDatastream-unrestricted.xml
    └── permit-upload-to-authenticated-user.xml

Drupal Modules:

  • Administration menu (admin_menu)
  • Administration menu Toolbar style (admin_menu_toolbar)
  • Alternative PHP Cache (apc)
  • Automated Logout (autologout)
  • Block (block)
  • CAPTCHA (captcha)
  • Chaos tools (ctools)
  • Colorbox (colorbox)
  • Color (color)
  • Comment (comment)
  • Contextual links (contextual)
  • Dashboard (dashboard)
  • Database logging (dblog)
  • Devel (devel)
  • Entity API (entity)
  • Field (field)
  • Field SQL storage (field_sql_storage)
  • Field UI (field_ui)
  • File (file)
  • Filter (filter)
  • Git Deploy (git_deploy)
  • Google Analytics (googleanalytics)
  • Help (help)
  • Image CAPTCHA (image_captcha)
  • Image (image)
  • ImageMagick (imagemagick)
  • Islandora Audio (islandora_audio)
  • Islandora basic collection (islandora_basic_collection)
  • Islandora basic image (islandora_basic_image)
  • Islandora Batch (islandora_batch)
  • Islandora Book Batch (islandora_book_batch)
  • Islandora Book Solution Pack (islandora_book)
  • Islandora Collection Search (islandora_collection_search)
  • Islandora compound object (islandora_compound_object)
  • Islandora FITS (islandora_fits)
  • Islandora Internet Archive BookReader (islandora_internet_archive_bookreader)
  • Islandora (islandora)
  • Islandora JW Player (islandora_jwplayer)
  • Islandora Large Image Solution Pack (islandora_large_image)
  • Islandora newspaper (islandora_newspaper)
  • Islandora OCR (islandora_ocr)
  • Islandora OpenSeadragon (islandora_openseadragon)
  • Islandora Paged Content (islandora_paged_content)
  • Islandora PDF (islandora_pdf)
  • Islandora Restricted (islandora_restricted)
  • Islandora Solr display profiles (islandora_solr_config)
  • Islandora Solr (islandora_solr)
  • Islandora Video Solution Pack (islandora_video)
  • Islandora Xacml Api (islandora_xacml_api)
  • Islandora XACML Editor (islandora_xacml_editor)
  • Islandora XML Form API (xml_form_api)
  • Islandora XML Form Builder (xml_form_builder)
  • Islandora XML Form Elements (xml_form_elements)
  • Islandora XML Forms (xml_forms)
  • Islandora XML Schema API (xml_schema_api)
  • LDAP Authentication (ldap_authentication)
  • LDAP Servers (ldap_servers)
  • LDAP User Module (ldap_user)
  • Libraries (libraries)
  • List (list)
  • Login Security (login_security)
  • Manidora (manidora)
  • Memcache Admin (memcache_admin)
  • Memcache (memcache)
  • Menu (menu)
  • Node (node)
  • Number (number)
  • Objective Forms (objective_forms)
  • Options (options)
  • Path (path)
  • PDF version (print_pdf)
  • PHP filter (php)
  • PHP Lib (php_lib)
  • Printer-friendly pages (print)
  • purge (purge)
  • Queue UI (queue_ui)
  • RDF (rdf)
  • reCAPTCHA (recaptcha)
  • Search (search)
  • Secure Login (securelogin)
  • Session Limit (session_limit)
  • Shortcut (shortcut)
  • simplehtmldom API (simplehtmldom)
  • System (system)
  • Taxonomy (taxonomy)
  • Text (text)
  • UofM Batch Index (uofm_batch_index)
  • UofM Derivative Fixer (uofm_derivative_fixer)
  • UofM Drush Ingest (uofmingest)
  • UofM Newspaper Batch (uofm_newspaper_batch)
  • UofM Newspaper Solr Display (uofm_newspaper_solr)
  • Update manager (update)
  • User (user)
  • Views UI (views_ui)
  • Views (views)

Syn provides read-only access to the objects in the repository. It has it's own Fedora instance which shares the objectStore and datastreamStore with Juno (but with read-only access). It has it's own resource index and Solr index, both of which are synchronized from Juno at 15 minute intervals.

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)
  • 2 CPUs
  • 6 GB RAM

Tomcat webapps:

  • Adore-Djatoka
  • Fedora
  • Solr

Software versions:

  • Adore-Djatoka: 1.1
  • Apache: 2.2.15
  • Drupal: 7.32
  • Islandora: 7.x-1.4
  • Java: 1.7.0_45 (Oracle)
  • jQuery: 1.4.4
  • jQuery UI: 1.8.7
  • Fedora: 3.7.0
  • MySQL: 5.6.10-log
  • Solr: 4.6.0


  • JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx3072m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -server -Djava.awt.headless=true"
  • PHP memory limit: 2048M

Fedora XACML policies:

├── default
│   ├── deny-inactive-or-deleted-objects-or-datastreams-if-not-administrator.xml
│   ├── deny-reloadPolicies-if-not-localhost.xml
│   ├── deny-unallowed-file-resolution.xml
│   ├── permit-anything-to-administrator.xml
│   ├── permit-apia-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-apim-to-authenticated.xml
│   ├── permit-dsstate-check-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-getDatastreamHistory-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-getDatastream-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-oai-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-serverStatus-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-upload-to-authenticated-user.xml
│   └── readme.txt
└── islandora
    ├── permit-apim-to-authenticated-user.xml
    ├── permit-getDatastreamHistory-unrestricted.xml
    ├── permit-getDatastream-unrestricted.xml
    └── permit-upload-to-authenticated-user.xml

Drupal Modules:

  • Administration menu (admin_menu)
  • Administration menu Toolbar style (admin_menu_toolbar)
  • APC - Alternative PHP Cache (apc)
  • Automated Logout (autologout)
  • Block (block)
  • Cache Expiration (expire)
  • CAPTCHA (captcha)
  • Chaos tools (ctools)
  • Colorbox (colorbox)
  • Color (color)
  • Comment (comment)
  • Contextual links (contextual)
  • Dashboard (dashboard)
  • Database logging (dblog)
  • Devel (devel)
  • Entity API (entity)
  • Entity tokens (entity_token)
  • Field (field)
  • Field SQL storage (field_sql_storage)
  • Field UI (field_ui)
  • File (file)
  • Filter (filter)
  • Help (help)
  • Image CAPTCHA (image_captcha)
  • Image (image)
  • ImageMagick (imagemagick)
  • Islandora Audio (islandora_audio)
  • Islandora basic collection (islandora_basic_collection)
  • Islandora basic image (islandora_basic_image)
  • Islandora Batch (islandora_batch)
  • Islandora Book Batch (islandora_book_batch)
  • Islandora Book Solution Pack (islandora_book)
  • Islandora Collection Search (islandora_collection_search)
  • Islandora compound object (islandora_compound_object)
  • Islandora FITS (islandora_fits)
  • Islandora Internet Archive BookReader (islandora_internet_archive_bookreader)
  • Islandora (islandora)
  • Islandora JW Player (islandora_jwplayer)
  • Islandora Large Image Solution Pack (islandora_large_image)
  • Islandora newspaper (islandora_newspaper)
  • Islandora OpenSeadragon (islandora_openseadragon)
  • Islandora Paged Content (islandora_paged_content)
  • Islandora PDF (islandora_pdf)
  • Islandora Restricted (islandora_restricted)
  • Islandora Solr Customizations (islandora_custom_solr)
  • Islandora Solr display profiles (islandora_solr_config)
  • Islandora Solr (islandora_solr)
  • Islandora Video Solution Pack (islandora_video)
  • Islandora Xacml Api (islandora_xacml_api)
  • Islandora XACML Editor (islandora_xacml_editor)
  • LDAP Authentication (ldap_authentication)
  • LDAP Servers (ldap_servers)
  • LDAP User Module (ldap_user)
  • Libraries (libraries)
  • List (list)
  • Login Destination (login_destination)
  • Login Security (login_security)
  • Manidora (manidora)
  • Memcache Admin (memcache_admin)
  • Memcache (memcache)
  • Menu (menu)
  • Node (node)
  • Number (number)
  • Objective Forms (objective_forms)
  • Options (options)
  • Path (path)
  • PDF version (print_pdf)
  • PHP filter (php)
  • PHP Lib (php_lib)
  • Printer-friendly pages (print)
  • Printer-friendly pages UI (print_ui)
  • RDF (rdf)
  • reCAPTCHA (recaptcha)
  • Search (search)
  • Secure Login (securelogin)
  • Session Limit (session_limit)
  • Shortcut (shortcut)
  • simplehtmldom API (simplehtmldom)
  • System (system)
  • Taxonomy (taxonomy)
  • TCPDF library handler (print_pdf_tcpdf)
  • Text (text)
  • Update manager (update)
  • User (user)
  • Varnish (varnish)
  • Views UI (views_ui)
  • Views (views)