The Bank of Portugal, therefore, collected a huge amount of data that includes customers profiles of those who have to subscribe to term deposits and the ones who did not subscribe to a term deposit. As their newly employed machine learning researcher, they want you to come up with a robust predictive model that would help them identify customers who would or would not subscribe to their term deposit in the future. Your main goal as a machine learning researcher is to carry out data exploration, data cleaning, feature extraction, and developing robust machine learning algorithms that would aid them in the department.
The repo contains the following:
- README - explaining the project, and a guide on how to run the code
- Requirement.txt - which python packages are needed to run your code
- - imports all the necessary classes and functions from other files and automates the process of pre-processing, model training, and model prediction.
- - contains all functions and classes you write to do the pre-processing
- - contains all functions and classes you write to generate your model
- notebooks/ - a folder that contains jupyter notebooks you use to develop your code (Contains Data Visualizations too)
python bank-additional-full.csv
Download the and get the bank-additional-full.csv from that zip file