Use POMDPs to solve a simple routine economics problem. #351
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I am not sure, whether I'm understanding the problem. Maybe you can clarify:
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@lassepe let me rewrite it w/ different notation: |
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I guess that clarified things a little bit for me but still, I feel like this is missing a constraint. Are you maybe implicitly assuming that k must be non-negative for all time? |
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Update: Previous comment: Here is how to do this w/ QuantEcon's solver: using QuantEcon, SparseArrays;
α=.65; β=.95; f(k)=k.^α; u_log(x)= x > 0. ? log(x) : -Inf ;
n=500; grid = range(1e-6, 2.0, length = n);
C = f.(grid) .- grid'
coord = repeat(collect(1:n), 1, n)
s_indices = coord[:]
a_indices = transpose(coord)[:]
L = length(a_indices)
R = u_log.(C[:])
Q = spzeros(L, n) # Q = zeros(L, n)
for i in 1:L
Q[i, a_indices[i]] = 1
ddp = DiscreteDP(R, Q, β, s_indices, a_indices)
r_pfi = solve(ddp, PFI)
r_mpfi = solve(ddp, MPFI)
r_vfi = solve(ddp, VFI) Update: here is how to simulate #
k_init = 0.1
k_init_ind = findfirst(collect(grid) .≥ k_init)
k_path_ind = simulate(, 25, init=k_init_ind)
k_path = grid[k_path_ind.+1] |
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Thanks for posting! It's good to get problems from different fields. It would be great to make this package easier to pick up for economists! I think something like this works: using POMDPs
using QuickPOMDPs: QuickMDP
using POMDPModelTools: Deterministic
using DiscreteValueIteration
const n = 500
const α = 0.65
const β = 0.95
const max_k = 2.0
const states = range(1e-6, max_k, length=n)
ceil_state(k) = states[searchsortedfirst(states, k)] # there is probably a better way, but this minimized thinking
valid_actions() = range(1e-7, max_k^α, length=100) # all of the possible actions
valid_actions(k) = filter(<(k^α), valid_actions()) # all of the valid actions for k
m = QuickMDP(
states = states,
actions = valid_actions,
transition = (k, c) -> Deterministic(ceil_state(k^α - c)),
reward = (k, c) -> log(c),
discount = β
solver = SparseValueIterationSolver(verbose=true)
policy = solve(solver, m)
@show value(policy, first(states))
ω = α*β
A1 = α/(1.0-ω)
A0 = ((1-ω)*log(1-ω) + ω*log(ω))/((1-ω)*(1-β))
@show A0 + A1 * log(first(states)) You may be able to do better with GlobalApproximationValueIteration or LocalApproximationValueIteration, but I did not have time to try. (@Shushman this might be an interesting toy problem to try on those) |
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@zsunberg thanks it works well!!!
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Hi @azev77, did you figure out your questions?
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Before I forget: |
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- and related projects might be of interest for continuous control problems. They integrate with IPOpt etc appropriately. |
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6: Currently POMDPs.jl does not have any continuous-time solvers :/ I think it would take some serious design work to fit that in, and I think it would probably be worth creating another package. |
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@zsunberg I spent a lot trying to figure out the docs w/ no luck on this. Here is the discrete Grid POMDP code: using POMDPs
using QuickPOMDPs: QuickMDP
using POMDPModelTools: Deterministic
using DiscreteValueIteration
α = 0.65;
min_s = eps(); max_s = 2.0; n_s = 200;
states = range(min_s, max_s, length=n_s)
ceil_state(s) = states[searchsortedfirst(states, s)]
"Transition:" # ṡ=μ(s,a) ⟺ a=μ_inv(s,ṡ)
μ(s,a;α=α) = (s)^α - a
μ_inv(s,sp;α=α) = (s)^α - sp
min_a = eps(); max_a = μ_inv(max_s,0.0); n_a = 400; # keeps a≥0
valid_actions() = range(min_a, max_a, length=n_a) # possible actions any state.
valid_actions(s) = filter(<(μ_inv(s,0)), valid_actions()) # valid actions @ state=s
r(s,a) = log(a)
β = 0.95
m = QuickMDP(
states = states,
actions = valid_actions,
transition = (s, a) -> Deterministic( ceil_state( μ(s,a) ) ),
reward = (s, a) -> r(s,a),
discount = β
solver = SparseValueIterationSolver()
sol = solve(solver, m) To be clear, I have routine parsimonious code that does this, but I'd really like to use POMDPs.jl # 1: discrete VFI
struct MDP γ; S; A; T; R end
BE(P,V,s,a) = P.R(s,a) + P.γ*sum(P.T(s,a,sp)*V[i] for (i,sp) ∈ enumerate(P.S))
policy(s; P, V) = findmax([BE(P, V, s, a) for a in P.A(s)])[end]
function MDP_VFI(P::MDP, k_max::Int64, V)
for k = 1:k_max
Vp = [maximum(BE(P, V, s, a) for a ∈ P.A(s)) for s ∈ P.S]
V = Vp
return V
ns=40; na=40;
S = [range(1e-6, 2.0, length=ns);]
A(s;na=na) = [range(1e-6, (s).^(.67), length=na);]
fsp(s) = S[searchsortedfirst(S, s)] # Closest s' in S
T(s,a,sp) = (sp == fsp(s^(.67) - a)) ? 1.0 : 0.0
R(s,a) = (1-0.95)*log(a);
P1 = MDP(γ, S, A, T, R)
V0 = [0.0 for s in P1.S]
@time V = MDP_VFI(P1, 50, V0)
# 2: Continuous approx VFI
using Interpolations, LinearAlgebra
approx(gr, val0) = LinearInterpolation(gr, val0, extrapolation_bc = Line())
struct MDP γ; S; A; T; R end
RHS(P,V,s,a) = P.R(s,a) + P.γ*V(T(s,a))
γ=0.95; ns=100; na=170;
S = [range(1e-2, 2.0, length=ns);]
A(s) = [range(1e-6, (s).^(.67), length=na);]
T(s,a) = s^(.67) - a
R(s,a) = log(abs(a)) # (1-0.95)*log(a)
P1 = MDP(γ, S, A, T, R)
function MDP_VFI(P::MDP, k_max::Int64, V)
for k = 1:k_max
v̂ = approx(P.S, V)
rhs = [ [RHS(P,v̂,s,a) for a ∈ P.A(s)] for s ∈ P.S ]
rhs = hcat(rhs...)
Vp = maximum(rhs, dims=1) |> vec
V = Vp
return V
V0 = [log(s) for s in P1.S]
V = MDP_VFI(P1, 50, V0) |
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I spent a bunch of time yesterday but couldn't figure out how to apply If we can figure this out I'd love to contribute an econ example like I did here: In general I will try to write the doc example using generic optimal control notation & then apply a variety of solvers, both discrete grid & continuous grid. S: state grid I strongly believe an example w/ this kind of notation would make it much easier for new users to jump into POMDPs.jl. |
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Hey guys @zsunberg @Shushman. I think I got it to work on my MWE. I tried to further simplify my notation to follow the standard MDP notation: # Parameters for the Neoclassical Growth Model (NGM)
α = 0.65;
f(s;α=α) = (s)^α
a0(s) = f(s)
min_s = eps(); max_s = 2.0; n_s = 100;
min_a = eps(); max_a = a0(max_s); n_a = 100;
states = range(min_s, max_s, length=n_s)
ceil_state(s) = states[searchsortedfirst(states, s)] # for discrete VFI
valid_actions() = range(min_a, max_a, length=n_a) # possible actions any state.
valid_actions(s) = filter(<(a0(s)), valid_actions()) # valid actions @ state=s
μ(s,a) = f(s) - a
r(s,a) = log(a)
β = 0.95
using QuickPOMDPs: QuickMDP #QuickMDP()
using POMDPModelTools: Deterministic
m = QuickMDP(
states = states,
actions = valid_actions,
transition = (s, a) -> Deterministic( ceil_state( μ(s,a) ) ),
reward = (s, a) -> r(s,a),
discount = β
# DiscreteValueIteration: Both work fast enough
using DiscreteValueIteration
s1 = DiscreteValueIteration.SparseValueIterationSolver()
s2 = DiscreteValueIteration.ValueIterationSolver()
@time sol1 = solve(s1, m)
@time sol2 = solve(s2, m)
value(sol1, states[2]), action(sol1, states[2])
value(sol2, states[2]), action(sol2, states[2])
#rewrite MDP w/o ceil_state() in transition.
m = QuickMDP(
states = states,
actions = valid_actions,
transition = (s, a) -> Deterministic( μ(s,a) ),
reward = (s, a) -> r(s,a),
discount = β
# LocalApproximationValueIteration works, but currently slow!
using GridInterpolations
using LocalFunctionApproximation
using LocalApproximationValueIteration
grid = GridInterpolations.RectangleGrid(states, valid_actions(), ) #[0.0, 1.0])
interp = LocalFunctionApproximation.LocalGIFunctionApproximator(grid)
s4 = LocalApproximationValueIterationSolver(interp)
@time sol4 = solve(s4, m)
#190.477798 seconds (2.37 G allocations: 82.610 GiB, 6.87% gc time, 0.21% compilation time)
value(sol4, states[2]), action(sol4, states[2]) Now let's compare solutions from various MDP solvers w/ closed-forms: using Plots
ω = α*β
A1 = α/(1.0-ω)
A0 = ((1-ω)*log(1-ω) + ω*log(ω))/((1-ω)*(1-β))
# Value
plot(legend=:bottomright, title="Value Functions");
plot!(states[2:end], i->A0 + A1 * log(i), lab="closed form") # way off
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol1, i), lab="sol1")
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol2, i), lab="sol2")
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol4, i), lab="sol4")
# Policy
plot(legend=:bottomright, title="Policy Functions");
plot!(states[2:end], i -> (1-ω)*(i^α), lab="closed form") # way off
plot!(states[2:end], i -> action(sol1, i), lab="sol1")
plot!(states[2:end], i -> action(sol2, i), lab="sol2")
plot!(states[2:end], i -> action(sol4, i), lab="sol4")
# Simulation
Tsim=150; s0=states[2];
simcf = []; push!(simcf, s0);
for tt in 1:Tsim
tt==1 ? s = s0 : nothing
a = (1-ω)*(s^α)
sp = μ(s,a)
#sp = ceil_state(sp)
push!(simcf, sp)
s = sp
sim1 = []; push!(sim1, s0);
for tt in 1:Tsim
tt==1 ? s = s0 : nothing
#a = valid_actions()[sol1.policy[searchsortedfirst(states, s)]]
a = action(sol1, s)
sp = μ(s,a)
sp = ceil_state(sp)
push!(sim1, sp)
s = sp
sim4 = []; push!(sim4, s0);
for tt in 1:Tsim
tt==1 ? s = s0 : nothing
a = action(sol4, s)
sp = μ(s,a)
push!(sim4, sp)
s = sp
plot(legend=:bottomright, title="Simulation");
plot!(simcf, lab="closed form")
plot!(sim1, lab="sol1")
plot!(sim4, lab="sol4") Looks about right. Btw, I think I was able to solve using using MCTS
s3 = MCTS.MCTSSolver()
@time sol3 = solve(s3, m)
julia> value(sol3, states[4])
ERROR: State 0.06060606060606082 not present in MCTS tree.
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base .\error.jl:33
[2] value(tr::MCTS.MCTSTree{Float64, Float64}, s::Float64)
@ MCTS C:\Users\azevelev\.julia\packages\MCTS\ww2qH\src\vanilla.jl:217
[3] value(planner::MCTSPlanner{QuickMDP{UUID("08e2dc8f-88bd-4faf-8290-5a9f3830c278"), Float64, Float64, NamedTuple{(:stateindex, :isterminal, :actionindex, :transition, :reward, :states, :actions, :discount), Tuple{Dict{Float64, Int64}, Bool, Dict{Float64, Int64}, var"#73#75", var"#74#76", StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}, typeof(valid_actions), Float64}}}, Float64, Float64, MCTS.SolvedRolloutEstimator{POMDPPolicies.RandomPolicy{Random._GLOBAL_RNG, QuickMDP{UUID("08e2dc8f-88bd-4faf-8290-5a9f3830c278"), Float64, Float64, NamedTuple{(:stateindex, :isterminal, :actionindex, :transition, :reward, :states, :actions, :discount), Tuple{Dict{Float64, Int64}, Bool, Dict{Float64, Int64}, var"#73#75", var"#74#76", StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}, typeof(valid_actions), Float64}}}, BeliefUpdaters.NothingUpdater}, Random._GLOBAL_RNG}, Random._GLOBAL_RNG}, s::Float64)
@ MCTS C:\Users\azevelev\.julia\packages\MCTS\ww2qH\src\vanilla.jl:211
[4] top-level scope
@ REPL[312]:1 Finally, I wasn't able to install julia>
(@v1.6) pkg> add GlobalApproximationValueIteration
Updating registry at `C:\Users\azevelev\.julia\registries\General`
Updating git-repo ``
Resolving package versions...
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package CUDAapi [3895d2a7]:
CUDAapi [3895d2a7] log:
├─possible versions are: 0.5.0-4.0.0 or uninstalled
├─restricted by julia compatibility requirements to versions: uninstalled
└─restricted by compatibility requirements with Flux [587475ba] to versions: 1.1.0-1.2.0 — no versions left
└─Flux [587475ba] log:
├─possible versions are: 0.4.1-0.12.6 or uninstalled
├─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.4.1-0.12.6
└─restricted by compatibility requirements with GlobalApproximationValueIteration [277f244e] to versions: 0.9.0
└─GlobalApproximationValueIteration [277f244e] log:
├─possible versions are: 0.2.2 or uninstalled
└─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.2.2 To dos:
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I was actually trying to do the same. We solve a lot of very similar problem in economics and having a way of mapping the problem to POMDPs.jl would be great.
It works beautifully and implementing continuous states is very easy:
What I've been struggling with is with the stochastic case in which the problem is: It is the same thing but with an AR(1) process z multplying the production function in the constraint. In this case, the actions are deterministic and z is an exogenous stochastic variable. I am struggling to define the transition function. Ideally, I wanted to write something like:
Where I approximated the AR(1) by a Markov Matrix |
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I'll give it a try this week, it seems that the discrete solvers at least
do not yet handle multivariate distributions.
I tried a case in which the transition function would return a multivariate
Normal of 2 random variables and it would crash because of the pdf
function. I haven't checked yet the ImplicitDistribution from POMDPModelTools,
but it might be what I've been missing!
What I am really interested in is to use the deep learning solvers for a
bigger model, but first I am testing the basic cases to make sure I
understand what is going on.
…On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 6:50 PM Zachary Sunberg ***@***.***> wrote:
Depending on what solver you're using, you might just be able to use
ImplicitDistiribution. That will work, for example, if you're using
LocalApproximationValueIterationSolver for instance.
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It turns out that POMDPModelTools SparseCat function is precisely what I
On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 7:06 PM João Guilherme Santos Lazzaro <
***@***.***> wrote:
… I'll give it a try this week, it seems that the discrete solvers at least
do not yet handle multivariate distributions.
I tried a case in which the transition function would return a
multivariate Normal of 2 random variables and it would crash because of the
pdf function. I haven't checked yet the ImplicitDistribution from POMDPModelTools,
but it might be what I've been missing!
What I am really interested in is to use the deep learning solvers for a
bigger model, but first I am testing the basic cases to make sure I
understand what is going on.
On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 6:50 PM Zachary Sunberg ***@***.***>
> Depending on what solver you're using, you might just be able to use
> ImplicitDistiribution. That will work, for example, if you're using
> LocalApproximationValueIterationSolver for instance.
> —
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Hi all, I'm solving a simple investment problem but not getting the correct solution. a_0(s;δ=δ) = δ*s
min_s = eps(); max_s = 2.0*K_SS; n_s = 200;
min_a = eps(); max_a = a_0(max_s); n_a = 400; # keeps a≥0
states = range(min_s, max_s, length=n_s)
ceil_state(s) = states[searchsortedfirst(states, s)]
valid_actions() = range(min_a, max_a, length=n_a) # possible actions any state.
valid_actions(s) = filter(<(a_0(s)), valid_actions()) # valid actions @ state=s
μ(s,a;δ=δ) = a - δ*s
r(s,a;z=z) = z*s -a -0.5*(a^2)
β = 1/(1+ρ);
using QuickPOMDPs: QuickMDP #QuickMDP()
using POMDPModelTools: Deterministic
m = QuickMDP(
states = states,
actions = valid_actions,
transition = (s, a) -> Deterministic( ceil_state( μ(s,a) ) ),
reward = (s, a) -> r(s,a),
discount = β
# DiscreteValueIteration: Both work fast!
using DiscreteValueIteration
s1 = DiscreteValueIteration.SparseValueIterationSolver()
s2 = DiscreteValueIteration.ValueIterationSolver()
@time sol1 = solve(s1, m) #
@time sol2 = solve(s2, m) #
# value(sol1, states[2]), action(sol1, states[2])
# value(sol2, states[2]), action(sol2, states[2])
value(sol1, states[end])
using Plots
# Value
plot(legend=:bottomright, title="Value Functions");
#plot!(states[2:end], i->A0 + A1 * log(i), lab="closed form")
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol1, i), lab="sol1")
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol2, i), lab="sol2")
# plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol4, i), lab="sol4")
# plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol3, i), lab="sol3")
# Simulation
Tsim=150; s0=states[170]; # s0=0.5*K_SS; #
sim1 = []; push!(sim1, s0);
for tt in 1:Tsim
tt==1 ? s = s0 : nothing
#a = valid_actions()[sol1.policy[searchsortedfirst(states, s)]]
a = action(sol1, s)
sp = μ(s,a)
sp = ceil_state(sp)
push!(sim1, sp)
s = sp
end I think I need to fiddle w/ the min_a, min_s but not sure how. |
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Sorry here's the correct code: δ=0.10; ρ=0.15; # Param
z= ρ + δ +.02 # Need: z > ρ + δ
I_SS = (z-ρ-δ)/(ρ+δ)
K_SS = I_SS/δ
if 1==1
a_0(s;δ=δ) = δ*s
min_s = eps(); max_s = 2.0*K_SS; n_s = 200;
min_a = eps(); max_a = a_0(max_s); n_a = 400; # keeps a≥0
states = range(min_s, max_s, length=n_s)
ceil_state(s) = states[searchsortedfirst(states, s)]
valid_actions() = range(min_a, max_a, length=n_a) # possible actions any state.
valid_actions(s) = filter(<(a0(s)), valid_actions()) # valid actions @ state=s
μ(s,a;δ=δ) = a - δ*s
r(s,a;z=z) = z*s -a -0.5*(a^2)
β = 1/(1+ρ);
using QuickPOMDPs: QuickMDP #QuickMDP()
using POMDPModelTools: Deterministic
m = QuickMDP(
states = states,
actions = valid_actions,
transition = (s, a) -> Deterministic( ceil_state( μ(s,a) ) ),
reward = (s, a) -> r(s,a),
discount = β
# DiscreteValueIteration: Both work fast!
using DiscreteValueIteration
s1 = DiscreteValueIteration.SparseValueIterationSolver()
s2 = DiscreteValueIteration.ValueIterationSolver()
@time sol1 = solve(s1, m) #
@time sol2 = solve(s2, m) #
# value(sol1, states[2]), action(sol1, states[2])
# value(sol2, states[2]), action(sol2, states[2])
value(sol1, states[end])
using Plots
# Value
plot(legend=:bottomright, title="Value Functions");
#plot!(states[2:end], i->A0 + A1 * log(i), lab="closed form")
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol1, i), lab="sol1")
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol2, i), lab="sol2")
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol4, i), lab="sol4")
plot!(states[2:end], i->value(sol3, i), lab="sol3")
# Simulation
Tsim=150; s0=states[2];
sim1 = []; push!(sim1, s0);
for tt in 1:Tsim
tt==1 ? s = s0 : nothing
#a = valid_actions()[sol1.policy[searchsortedfirst(states, s)]]
a = action(sol1, s)
sp = μ(s,a)
sp = ceil_state(sp)
push!(sim1, sp)
s = sp
sim4 = []; push!(sim4, s0);
for tt in 1:Tsim
tt==1 ? s = s0 : nothing
a = action(sol4, s)
sp = μ(s,a)
push!(sim4, sp)
s = sp
plot(legend=:bottomright, title="Simulation");
#plot!(simcf, lab="closed form")
plot!(sim1, lab="sol1")
plot!(sim4, lab="sol4")
end The discourse discussion & closed form solution is here. |
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Your problem is in the search sorted first that can go out of bounds, check
Julia docs for details
…On Thu, Dec 23, 2021, 6:20 PM azev77 ***@***.***> wrote:
@jgslazzaro <> you're correct. But I still
get errors. I think it might be due to the grid bounds (min_s...)
δ=0.10; ρ=0.15; # Param
z= ρ + δ +.02 # Need: z > ρ + δ
I_SS = (z-ρ-δ)/(ρ+δ)
K_SS = I_SS/δ
min_s = eps(); max_s = 2.0*K_SS; n_s = 200;
min_a = eps(); max_a = K_SS; n_a = 400;
states = range(min_s, max_s, length=n_s)
ceil_state(s) = states[searchsortedfirst(states, s)]
valid_actions() = range(min_a, max_a, length=n_a)
valid_actions(s) = filter(>(-(1-δ)*s), valid_actions())
μ(s,a;δ=δ) = a +(1-δ)*s
r(s,a;z=z) = z*s -a -0.5*(a^2)
β = 1/(1+ρ);
using QuickPOMDPs: QuickMDP #QuickMDP()
using POMDPModelTools: Deterministic
m = QuickMDP(
states = states,
actions = valid_actions,
transition = (s, a) -> Deterministic( ceil_state( μ(s,a) ) ),
reward = (s, a) -> r(s,a),
discount = β
using DiscreteValueIteration
s1 = DiscreteValueIteration.SparseValueIterationSolver()
s2 = DiscreteValueIteration.ValueIterationSolver()
@time sol1 = solve(s1, m) #
@time sol2 = solve(s2, m) #
solve() gives the following error:
ERROR: LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access 200-element StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}} at index [201]
[1] throw_boundserror(A::StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}, I::Tuple{Int64})
@ Base .\abstractarray.jl:651
[2] checkbounds
@ .\abstractarray.jl:616 [inlined]
[3] getindex(r::StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}, i::Int64)
@ Base .\range.jl:718
[4] ceil_state(s::Float64)
@ Main c:\Users\azevelev\Dropbox\Computation\Julia\4prob\3a_Firm_Invest\Invest\main_Invest.jl:178
[5] (::var"#36#38")(s::Float64, a::Float64)
@ Main c:\Users\azevelev\Dropbox\Computation\Julia\4prob\3a_Firm_Invest\Invest\main_Invest.jl:195
[6] transition(m::QuickMDP{UUID("c4169b2e-f906-4ac2-9a72-ab9bbdebde92"), Float64, Float64, NamedTuple{(:stateindex, :isterminal, :actionindex, :transition, :reward, :states, :actions, :discount), Tuple{Dict{Float64, Int64}, Bool, Dict{Float64, Int64}, var"#36#38", var"#37#39", StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}, typeof(valid_actions), Float64}}}, s::Float64, a::Float64)
@ QuickPOMDPs C:\Users\azevelev\.julia\packages\QuickPOMDPs\mIT3P\src\quick.jl:217
[7] transition_matrix_a_s_sp(mdp::QuickMDP{UUID("c4169b2e-f906-4ac2-9a72-ab9bbdebde92"), Float64, Float64, NamedTuple{(:stateindex, :isterminal, :actionindex, :transition, :reward, :states, :actions, :discount), Tuple{Dict{Float64, Int64}, Bool, Dict{Float64, Int64}, var"#36#38", var"#37#39", StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}, typeof(valid_actions), Float64}}})
@ POMDPModelTools C:\Users\azevelev\.julia\packages\POMDPModelTools\SycBB\src\sparse_tabular.jl:179
[8] POMDPModelTools.SparseTabularMDP(mdp::QuickMDP{UUID("c4169b2e-f906-4ac2-9a72-ab9bbdebde92"), Float64, Float64, NamedTuple{(:stateindex, :isterminal, :actionindex, :transition, :reward, :states, :actions, :discount), Tuple{Dict{Float64, Int64}, Bool, Dict{Float64, Int64}, var"#36#38", var"#37#39", StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}, typeof(valid_actions), Float64}}})
@ POMDPModelTools C:\Users\azevelev\.julia\packages\POMDPModelTools\SycBB\src\sparse_tabular.jl:30
[9] solve(solver::SparseValueIterationSolver, mdp::QuickMDP{UUID("c4169b2e-f906-4ac2-9a72-ab9bbdebde92"), Float64, Float64, NamedTuple{(:stateindex, :isterminal, :actionindex, :transition, :reward, :states, :actions, :discount), Tuple{Dict{Float64, Int64}, Bool, Dict{Float64, Int64}, var"#36#38", var"#37#39", StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}, typeof(valid_actions), Float64}}})
@ DiscreteValueIteration C:\Users\azevelev\.julia\packages\DiscreteValueIteration\FjeJj\src\sparse.jl:91
[10] top-level scope
@ Untitled-1:36
in expression starting at Untitled-1:36
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Thanks for posting! It's good to get problems from different fields. It would be great to make this package easier to pick up for economists!
I think something like this works: