- Everytime you start working: "git pull"
- it will make sure your branch is up to date with master
- "git add .": adds all files in folder to be ready to commit (you can replace the . with specific files if you don't want to upload everything)
- "git commit -m "(insert name for the commit)"": commits file to branch
- "git push": pushed everything to branch
- in base folder, "node app.js" or "npm start"
- in your browser: "locahost:3000"
<<<<<<< HEAD
- Current CSB Flowchart
- Mock Flowchart on Miro
- DOM Manipulation =======
- Flowchart
- [Documentation] (https://resources.jointjs.com/?_gl=1*oatt72*_ga*MTg4MDMxOTA5OS4xNjc5MjY3MTYw*_ga_S3PN155Z28*MTY3OTI3MTE2NS4yLjEuMTY3OTI3MTE3NC41MS4wLjA.&_ga=2.191247401.2050008376.1679267160-1880319099.1679267160)
- [Current CSB Flowchart] (https://csb-flowchart.firebaseapp.com)
- [Mock Flowchart] (https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPn24Kx8=/)
bf12272 (edit readme file)