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Archipelago API

This document tries to explain some aspects of the Archipelago World API used when implementing the generation logic of a game.

Client implementation is out of scope of this document. Please refer to an existing game that provides a similar API to yours, and the following documents:

Archipelago will be abbreviated as "AP" from now on.


AP worlds are written in python3. Clients that connect to the server to sync items can be in any language that allows using WebSockets.

Coding style

AP follows a style guide. When in doubt, use an IDE with a code-style linter, for example PyCharm Community Edition.


Docstrings are strings attached to an object in Python that describe what the object is supposed to be. Certain docstrings will be picked up and used by AP. They are assigned by writing a string without any assignment right below a definition. The string must be a triple-quoted string, and should follow reST style.


from worlds.AutoWorld import World

class MyGameWorld(World):
    """This is the description of My Game that will be displayed on the AP website."""


This section covers various classes and objects you can use for your world. While some of the attributes and methods are mentioned here, not all of them are, but you can find them in

World Class

A World is the class with all the specifics of a certain game that is to be included. A new instance will be created for each player of the game for any given generated multiworld.

WebWorld Class

A WebWorld class contains specific attributes and methods that can be modified for your world specifically on the webhost:

  • options_page can be changed to a link instead of an AP-generated options page.

  • theme to be used for your game-specific AP pages. Available themes:

    dirt grass (default) grassFlowers ice jungle ocean partyTime stone
  • bug_report_page (optional) can be a link to a bug reporting page, most likely a GitHub issue page, that will be placed by the site to help users report bugs.

  • tutorials list of Tutorial classes where each class represents a guide to be generated on the webhost.

  • game_info_languages (optional) list of strings for defining the existing game info pages your game supports. The documents must be prefixed with the same string as defined here. Default already has 'en'.

  • options_presets (optional) Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] where the keys are the names of the presets and the values are the options to be set for that preset. The options are defined as a Dict[str, Any] where the keys are the names of the options and the values are the values to be set for that option. These presets will be available for users to select from on the game's options page.

Note: The values must be a non-aliased value for the option type and can only include the following option types:

  • If you have a Range/NamedRange option, the value should be an int between the range_start and range_end values.
    • If you have a NamedRange option, the value can alternatively be a str that is one of the special_range_names keys.
  • If you have a Choice option, the value should be a str that is one of the option_<name> values.
  • If you have a Toggle/DefaultOnToggle option, the value should be a bool.
  • random is also a valid value for any of these option types.

OptionDict, OptionList, OptionSet, FreeText, or custom Option-derived classes are not supported for presets on the webhost at this time.

Here is an example of a defined preset:

options_presets = {
    "Limited Potential": {
        "progression_balancing":    0,
        "fairy_chests_per_zone":    2,
        "starting_class":           "random",
        "chests_per_zone":          30,
        "vendors":                  "normal",
        "architect":                "disabled",
        "gold_gain_multiplier":     "half",
        "number_of_children":       2,
        "free_diary_on_generation": False,
        "health_pool":              10,
        "mana_pool":                10,
        "attack_pool":              10,
        "magic_damage_pool":        10,
        "armor_pool":               5,
        "equip_pool":               10,
        "crit_chance_pool":         5,
        "crit_damage_pool":         5,

class RLWeb(WebWorld):
    options_presets = options_presets
    # ...

MultiWorld Object

The MultiWorld object references the whole multiworld (all items and locations for all players) and is accessible through self.multiworld from your World object.


The player is just an int in AP and is accessible through self.player from your World object.

Player Options

Options are provided by the user as part of the generation process, intended to affect how their randomizer experience should play out. These can control aspects such as what locations should be shuffled, what items are in the itempool, etc. Players provide the customized options for their World in the form of yamls.

By convention, options are defined in and will be used when parsing the players' yaml files. Each option has its own class, which inherits from a base option type, a docstring to describe it, and a display_name property shown on the website and in spoiler logs.

The available options are defined by creating a dataclass, which must be a subclass of PerGameCommonOptions. It has defined fields for the option names used in the player yamls and used for options access, with their types matching the appropriate Option class. By convention, the strings that define your option names should be in snake_case. The dataclass is then assigned to your World by defining its options_dataclass. Option results are then automatically added to the World object for easy access, between World creation and generate_early. These are accessible through self.options.<option_name>, and you can get a dictionary with option values via self.options.as_dict(<option_names>), passing the desired option names as strings.

Common option types are Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, Choice, and Range. For more information, see the options api doc.

World Settings

Settings are set by the user outside the generation process. They can be used for those settings that may affect generation or client behavior, but should remain static between generations, such as the path to a ROM file. These settings are accessible through self.settings.<setting_name> or cls.settings.<setting_name>.

Users can set these in their host.yaml file. Some settings may automatically open a file browser if a file is missing.

Refer to settings for details.


Locations are places where items can be located in your game. This may be chests or boss drops for RPG-like games, but could also be progress in a research tree, or even something more abstract like a level up.

Each location has a name and an address (hereafter referred to as an id), is placed in a Region, has access rules, and has a classification. The name needs to be unique within each game and must not be numeric (must contain least 1 letter or symbol). The ID needs to be unique across all games, and is best kept in the same range as the item IDs. Locations and items can share IDs, so typically a game's locations and items start at the same ID.

World-specific IDs must be in the range 1 to 253-1; IDs ≤ 0 are global and reserved.

Classification is one of LocationProgressType.DEFAULT, PRIORITY or EXCLUDED. The Fill algorithm will force progression items to be placed at priority locations, giving a higher chance of them being required, and will prevent progression and useful items from being placed at excluded locations.

Documenting Locations

Worlds can optionally provide a location_descriptions map which contains human-friendly descriptions of locations and location groups. These descriptions will show up in location-selection options on the Weighted Options page. Extra indentation and single newlines will be collapsed into spaces.


location_descriptions = {
    "Red Potion #6": "In a secret destructible block under the second stairway",
    "L2 Spaceship":
        The group of all items in the spaceship in Level 2.

        This doesn't include the item on the spaceship door, since it can be accessed without the Spaceship Key.

from worlds.AutoWorld import World
from .locations import location_descriptions

class MyGameWorld(World):
    location_descriptions = location_descriptions


Items are all things that can "drop" for your game. This may be RPG items like weapons, or technologies you normally research in a research tree.

Each item has a name, a code (hereafter referred to as id), and a classification. The most important classification is progression. Progression items are items which a player may require to progress in their world. If an item can possibly be considered for logic (it's referenced in a location's rules) it must be progression. Progression items will be assigned to locations with higher priority, and moved around to meet defined rules and satisfy progression balancing.

The name needs to be unique within each game, meaning if you need to create multiple items with the same name, they will all have the same ID. Name must not be numeric (must contain at least 1 letter or symbol).

Other classifications include:

  • filler: a regular item or trash item
  • useful: generally quite useful, but not required for anything logical. Cannot be placed on excluded locations
  • trap: negative impact on the player
  • skip_balancing: denotes that an item should not be moved to an earlier sphere for the purpose of balancing (to be combined with progression; see below)
  • progression_skip_balancing: the combination of progression and skip_balancing, i.e., a progression item that will not be moved around by progression balancing; used, e.g., for currency or tokens, to not flood early spheres

Documenting Items

Worlds can optionally provide an item_descriptions map which contains human-friendly descriptions of items and item groups. These descriptions will show up in item-selection options on the Weighted Options page. Extra indentation and single newlines will be collapsed into spaces.


item_descriptions = {
    "Red Potion": "A standard health potion",
    "Spaceship Key":
        The key to the spaceship in Level 2.

        This is necessary to get to the Star Realm.

from worlds.AutoWorld import World
from .items import item_descriptions

class MyGameWorld(World):
    item_descriptions = item_descriptions


An Event is a special combination of a Location and an Item, with both having an id of None. These can be used to track certain logic interactions, with the Event Item being required for access in other locations or regions, but not being "real". Since the item and location have no ID, they get dropped at the end of generation and so the server is never made aware of them and these locations can never be checked, nor can the items be received during play. They may also be used for making the spoiler log look nicer, i.e. by having a "Victory" Event Item, that is required to finish the game. This makes it very clear when the player finishes, rather than only seeing their last relevant Item. Events function just like any other Location, and can still have their own access rules, etc. By convention, the Event "pair" of Location and Item typically have the same name, though this is not a requirement. They must not exist in the name_to_id lookups, as they have no ID.

The most common way to create an Event pair is to create and place the Item on the Location as soon as it's created:

from worlds.AutoWorld import World
from BaseClasses import ItemClassification
from .subclasses import MyGameLocation, MyGameItem

class MyGameWorld(World):
    victory_loc = MyGameLocation(self.player, "Victory", None)
    victory_loc.place_locked_item(MyGameItem("Victory", ItemClassification.progression, None, self.player))


Regions are logical containers that typically hold locations that share some common access rules. If location logic is written from scratch, using regions greatly simplifies the requirements and can help with implementing things like entrance randomization in logic.

Regions have a list called exits, containing Entrance objects representing transitions to other regions.

There must be one special region, "Menu", from which the logic unfolds. AP assumes that a player will always be able to return to the "Menu" region by resetting the game ("Save and quit").


An Entrance has a parent_region and connected_region, where it is in the exits of its parent, and the entrances of its connected region. The Entrance then has rules assigned to it to determine if it can be passed through, making the connected region accessible. They can be static (regular logic) or be defined/connected during generation (entrance randomization).

Access Rules

An access rule is a function that returns True or False for a Location or Entrance based on the current state (items that have been collected).

Item Rules

An item rule is a function that returns True or False for a Location based on a single item. It can be used to reject the placement of an item there.


Your World

All code for your world implementation should be placed in a python package in the /worlds directory. The starting point for the package is Conventionally, your World class is placed in that file.

World classes must inherit from the World class in /worlds/, which can be imported as from worlds.AutoWorld import World from your package.

AP will pick up your world automatically due to the AutoWorld implementation.


If your world needs specific python packages, they can be listed in worlds/<world_name>/requirements.txt. will automatically pick up and install them.

See pip documentation.

Relative Imports

AP will only import the Depending on code size, it may make sense to use multiple files and use relative imports to access them.

e.g. from .options import MyGameOptions from your will load world/[world_name]/ and make its MyGameOptions accessible.

When imported names pile up, it may be easier to use from . import options and access the variable as options.MyGameOptions.

Imports from directories outside your world should use absolute imports. Correct use of relative / absolute imports is required for zipped worlds to function, see apworld

Your Item Type

Each world uses its own subclass of BaseClasses.Item. The constructor can be overridden to attach additional data to it, e.g. "price in shop". Since the constructor is only ever called from your code, you can add whatever arguments you like to the constructor.

In its simplest form, we only set the game name and use the default constructor:

from BaseClasses import Item

class MyGameItem(Item):
    game: str = "My Game"

By convention, this class definition will either be placed in your or your For a more elaborate example see worlds/oot/

Your Location Type

The same thing we did for items above, we will now do for locations:

from BaseClasses import Location

class MyGameLocation(Location):
    game: str = "My Game"

    # override constructor to automatically mark event locations as such
    def __init__(self, player: int, name="", code=None, parent=None) -> None:
        super(MyGameLocation, self).__init__(player, name, code, parent)
        self.event = code is None

in your or your

A World Class Skeleton

# world/mygame/

import settings
import typing
from .options import MyGameOptions  # the options we defined earlier
from .items import mygame_items  # data used below to add items to the World
from .locations import mygame_locations  # same as above
from worlds.AutoWorld import World
from BaseClasses import Region, Location, Entrance, Item, RegionType, ItemClassification

class MyGameItem(Item):  # or from Items import MyGameItem
    game = "My Game"  # name of the game/world this item is from

class MyGameLocation(Location):  # or from Locations import MyGameLocation
    game = "My Game"  # name of the game/world this location is in

class MyGameSettings(settings.Group):
    class RomFile(settings.SNESRomPath):
        """Insert help text for host.yaml here."""

    rom_file: RomFile = RomFile("MyGame.sfc")

class MyGameWorld(World):
    """Insert description of the world/game here."""
    game = "My Game"  # name of the game/world
    options_dataclass = MyGameOptions  # options the player can set
    options: MyGameOptions  # typing hints for option results
    settings: typing.ClassVar[MyGameSettings]  # will be automatically assigned from type hint
    topology_present = True  # show path to required location checks in spoiler

    # ID of first item and location, could be hard-coded but code may be easier
    # to read with this as a property.
    base_id = 1234
    # instead of dynamic numbering, IDs could be part of data

    # The following two dicts are required for the generation to know which
    # items exist. They could be generated from json or something else. They can
    # include events, but don't have to since events will be placed manually.
    item_name_to_id = {name: id for
                       id, name in enumerate(mygame_items, base_id)}
    location_name_to_id = {name: id for
                           id, name in enumerate(mygame_locations, base_id)}

    # Items can be grouped using their names to allow easy checking if any item
    # from that group has been collected. Group names can also be used for !hint
    item_name_groups = {
        "weapons": {"sword", "lance"},


The world has to provide the following things for generation:

  • the properties mentioned above
  • additions to the item pool
  • additions to the regions list: at least one called "Menu"
  • locations placed inside those regions
  • a def create_item(self, item: str) -> MyGameItem to create any item on demand
  • applying self.multiworld.push_precollected for world-defined start inventory

In addition, the following methods can be implemented and are called in this order during generation:

  • stage_assert_generate(cls, multiworld: MultiWorld) a class method called at the start of generation to check for the existence of prerequisite files, usually a ROM for games which require one.
  • generate_early(self) called per player before any items or locations are created. You can set properties on your world here. Already has access to player options and RNG. This is the earliest step where the world should start setting up for the current multiworld, as the multiworld itself is still setting up before this point.
  • create_regions(self) called to place player's regions and their locations into the MultiWorld's regions list. If it's hard to separate, this can be done during generate_early or create_items as well.
  • create_items(self) called to place player's items into the MultiWorld's itempool. After this step all regions and items have to be in the MultiWorld's regions and itempool, and these lists should not be modified afterward.
  • set_rules(self) called to set access and item rules on locations and entrances.
  • generate_basic(self) player-specific randomization that does not affect logic can be done here.
  • pre_fill(self), fill_hook(self) and post_fill(self) called to modify item placement before, during, and after the regular fill process; all finishing before generate_output. Any items that need to be placed during pre_fill should not exist in the itempool, and if there are any items that need to be filled this way, but need to be in state while you fill other items, they can be returned from get_prefill_items.
  • generate_output(self, output_directory: str) creates the output files if there is output to be generated. When this is called, self.multiworld.get_locations(self.player) has all locations for the player, with attribute item pointing to the item. location.item.player can be used to see if it's a local item.
  • fill_slot_data(self) and modify_multidata(self, multidata: Dict[str, Any]) can be used to modify the data that will be used by the server to host the MultiWorld.

All instance methods can, optionally, have a class method defined which will be called after all instance methods are finished running, by defining a method with stage_ in front of the method name. These class methods will have the args (cls, multiworld: MultiWorld), followed by any other args that the relevant instance method has.


def generate_early(self) -> None:
    # read player options to world instance
    self.final_boss_hp = self.options.final_boss_hp.value


def create_regions(self) -> None:
    # Add regions to the multiworld. "Menu" is the required starting point.
    # Arguments to Region() are name, player, multiworld, and optionally hint_text
    menu_region = Region("Menu", self.player, self.multiworld)
    self.multiworld.regions.append(menu_region)  # or use += [menu_region...]

    main_region = Region("Main Area", self.player, self.multiworld)
    # add main area's locations to main area (all but final boss)
    main_region.add_locations(main_region_locations, MyGameLocation)
    # or 
    # main_region.locations = \
    #   [MyGameLocation(self.player, location_name, self.location_name_to_id[location_name], main_region]

    boss_region = Region("Boss Room", self.player, self.multiworld)
    # add event to Boss Room
    boss_region.locations.append(MyGameLocation(self.player, "Final Boss", None, boss_region))

    # if entrances are not randomized, they should be connected here, otherwise they can also be connected at a later stage
    # create Entrances and connect the Regions
    menu_region.connect(main_region)  # connects the "Menu" and "Main Area", can also pass a rule
    # or
    main_region.add_exits({"Boss Room": "Boss Door"}, {"Boss Room": lambda state: state.has("Sword", self.player)})
    # connects the "Main Area" and "Boss Room" regions, and places a rule requiring the "Sword" item to traverse

    # if setting location access rules from data is easier here, set_rules can possibly be omitted


# we need a way to know if an item provides progress in the game ("key item") this can be part of the items definition,
# or depend on recipe randomization
from .items import is_progression  # this is just a dummy

def create_item(self, item: str) -> MyGameItem:
    # this is called when AP wants to create an item by name (for plando) or when you call it from your own code
    classification = ItemClassification.progression if is_progression(item) else

return MyGameItem(item, classification, self.item_name_to_id[item],

def create_event(self, event: str) -> MyGameItem:
    # while we are at it, we can also add a helper to create events
    return MyGameItem(event, True, None, self.player)


def create_items(self) -> None:
    # Add items to the Multiworld.
    # If there are two of the same item, the item has to be twice in the pool.
    # Which items are added to the pool may depend on player options, e.g. custom win condition like triforce hunt.
    # Having an item in the start inventory won't remove it from the pool.
    # If an item can't have duplicates it has to be excluded manually.

    # List of items to exclude, as a copy since it will be destroyed below
    exclude = [item for item in self.multiworld.precollected_items[self.player]]

    for item in map(self.create_item, mygame_items):
        if item in exclude:
            exclude.remove(item)  # this is destructive. create unique list above

    # itempool and number of locations should match up.
    # If this is not the case we want to fill the itempool with junk.
    junk = 0  # calculate this based on player options
    self.multiworld.itempool += [self.create_item("nothing") for _ in range(junk)]

Setting Rules

from worlds.generic.Rules import add_rule, set_rule, forbid_item, add_item_rule
from .items import get_item_type

def set_rules(self) -> None:
    # For some worlds this step can be omitted if either a Logic mixin 
    # (see below) is used, it's easier to apply the rules from data during
    # location generation or everything is in generate_basic

    # set a simple rule for an region
    set_rule(self.multiworld.get_entrance("Boss Door", self.player),
             lambda state: state.has("Boss Key", self.player))
    # location.access_rule = ... is likely to be a bit faster
    # combine rules to require two items
    add_rule(self.multiworld.get_location("Chest2", self.player),
             lambda state: state.has("Sword", self.player))
    add_rule(self.multiworld.get_location("Chest2", self.player),
             lambda state: state.has("Shield", self.player))
    # or simply combine yourself
    set_rule(self.multiworld.get_location("Chest2", self.player),
             lambda state: state.has("Sword", self.player) and
                           state.has("Shield", self.player))
    # require two of an item
    set_rule(self.multiworld.get_location("Chest3", self.player),
             lambda state: state.has("Key", self.player, 2))
    # require one item from an item group
    add_rule(self.multiworld.get_location("Chest3", self.player),
             lambda state: state.has_group("weapons", self.player))
    # state also has .count() for items, .has_any() and .has_all() for multiple
    # and .count_group() for groups
    # set_rule is likely to be a bit faster than add_rule

    # disallow placing a specific local item at a specific location
    forbid_item(self.multiworld.get_location("Chest4", self.player), "Sword")
    # disallow placing items with a specific property
    add_item_rule(self.multiworld.get_location("Chest5", self.player),
                  lambda item: get_item_type(item) == "weapon")
    # get_item_type needs to take player/world into account
    # if MyGameItem has a type property, a more direct implementation would be
    add_item_rule(self.multiworld.get_location("Chest5", self.player),
                  lambda item: item.player != self.player or
                               item.my_type == "weapon")
    # location.item_rule = ... is likely to be a bit faster

    # place "Victory" at "Final Boss" and set collection as win condition
    self.multiworld.get_location("Final Boss", self.player).place_locked_item(self.create_event("Victory"))

    self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.has("Victory", self.player)

# for debugging purposes, you may want to visualize the layout of your world. Uncomment the following code to
# write a PlantUML diagram to the file "my_world.puml" that can help you see whether your regions and locations
# are connected and placed as desired
# from Utils import visualize_regions
# visualize_regions(self.multiworld.get_region("Menu", self.player), "my_world.puml")

Custom Logic Rules

Custom methods can be defined for your logic rules. The access rule that ultimately gets assigned to the Location or Entrance should be a CollectionRule. Typically, this is done by defining a lambda expression on demand at the relevant bit, typically calling other functions, but this can also be achieved by defining a method with the appropriate format and assigning it directly. For an example, see The Messenger.


from BaseClasses import CollectionState

def mygame_has_key(self, state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    # More arguments above are free to choose, since you can expect this is only called in your world
    # MultiWorld can be accessed through state.multiworld.
    # Explicitly passing in MyGameWorld instance for easy options access is also a valid approach, but it's generally
    # better to check options before rule assignment since the individual functions can be called thousands of times
    return state.has("key", player)  # or whatever

from worlds.generic.Rules import set_rule
from . import logic

class MyGameWorld(World):
    # ...
    def set_rules(self) -> None:
        set_rule(self.multiworld.get_location("A Door", self.player),
                 lambda state: logic.mygame_has_key(state, self.player))

Logic Mixin

While lambdas and events can do pretty much anything, more complex logic can be handled in logic mixins.

When importing a file that defines a class that inherits from worlds.AutoWorld.LogicMixin, the CollectionState class is automatically extended by the mixin's members. These members should be prefixed with the name of the implementing world since the namespace is shared with all other logic mixins.

Some uses could be to add additional variables to the state object, or to have a custom state machine that gets modified with the state. Please do this with caution and only when necessary.


def pre_fill(self) -> None:
    # place item Herb into location Chest1 for some reason
    item = self.create_item("Herb")
    self.multiworld.get_location("Chest1", self.player).place_locked_item(item)
    # in most cases it's better to do this at the same time the itempool is
    # filled to avoid accidental duplicates, such as manually placed and still in the itempool

Generate Output

from .mod import generate_mod

def generate_output(self, output_directory: str) -> None:
    # How to generate the mod or ROM highly depends on the game.
    # If the mod is written in Lua, Jinja can be used to fill a template.
    # If the mod reads a json file, `json.dump()` can be used to generate that.
    # code below is a dummy
    data = {
        "seed": self.multiworld.seed_name,  # to verify the server's multiworld
        "slot": self.multiworld.player_name[self.player],  # to connect to server
        "items": {
                  if location.item.player == self.player else "Remote"
                  for location in self.multiworld.get_filled_locations(self.player)},
        # store start_inventory from player's .yaml
        # make sure to mark as not remote_start_inventory when connecting if stored in rom/mod
        "starter_items": [ for item in self.multiworld.precollected_items[self.player]],

    # add needed option results to the dictionary
    data.update(self.options.as_dict("final_boss_hp", "difficulty", "fix_xyz_glitch"))
    # point to a ROM specified by the installation
    src = self.settings.rom_file
    # or point to worlds/mygame/data/mod_template
    src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "mod_template")
    # generate output path
    mod_name = self.multiworld.get_out_file_name_base(self.player)
    out_file = os.path.join(output_directory, mod_name + ".zip")
    # generate the file
    generate_mod(src, out_file, data)

Slot Data

If the game client needs to know information about the generated seed, a preferred method of transferring the data is through the slot data. This is filled with the fill_slot_data method of your world by returning a dict with str keys that can be serialized with json. But, to not waste resources, it should be limited to data that is absolutely necessary. Slot data is sent to your client once it has successfully connected. If you need to know information about locations in your world, instead of propagating the slot data, it is preferable to use LocationScouts, since that data already exists on the server. The most common usage of slot data is sending option results that the client needs to be aware of.

def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    # In order for our game client to handle the generated seed correctly we need to know what the user selected
    # for their difficulty and final boss HP.
    # A dictionary returned from this method gets set as the slot_data and will be sent to the client after connecting.
    # The options dataclass has a method to return a `Dict[str, Any]` of each option name provided and the relevant
    # option's value.
    return self.options.as_dict("difficulty", "final_boss_hp")


Each world implementation should have a tutorial and a game info page. These are both rendered on the website by reading the .md files in your world's /docs directory.

Game Info

The game info page is for a short breakdown of what your game is and how it works in Archipelago. Any additional information that may be useful to the player when learning your randomizer should also go here. The file name format is <language key>_<game name>.md. While you can write these docs for multiple languages, currently only the english version is displayed on the website.


Your game can have as many tutorials in as many languages as you like, with each one having a relevant Tutorial defined in the WebWorld. The file name you use isn't particularly important, but it should be descriptive of what the tutorial covers, and the name of the file must match the relative URL provided in the Tutorial. Currently, the JS that determines this ignores the provided file name and will search for game/, where game/document/lang is the provided URL.


Each world is expected to include unit tests that cover its logic, to ensure no logic bug regressions occur. This can be done by creating a /test package within your world package. The within this folder is where the world's TestBase should be defined. This can be inherited from the main TestBase, which will automatically set up a solo multiworld for each test written using it. Within subsequent modules, classes should be defined which inherit the world TestBase, and can then define options to test in the class body, and run tests in each test method.


from test.bases import WorldTestBase

class MyGameTestBase(WorldTestBase):
    game = "My Game"

Next, using the rules defined in the above set_rules we can test that the chests have the correct access rules.


from . import MyGameTestBase

class TestChestAccess(MyGameTestBase):
    def test_sword_chests(self) -> None:
        """Test locations that require a sword"""
        locations = ["Chest1", "Chest2"]
        items = [["Sword"]]
        # this will test that each location can't be accessed without the "Sword", but can be accessed once obtained
        self.assertAccessDependency(locations, items)

    def test_any_weapon_chests(self) -> None:
        """Test locations that require any weapon"""
        locations = [f"Chest{i}" for i in range(3, 6)]
        items = [["Sword"], ["Axe"], ["Spear"]]
        # this will test that chests 3-5 can't be accessed without any weapon, but can be with just one of them
        self.assertAccessDependency(locations, items)

For more information on tests, check the tests doc.