A Node.js template to quickly build script for EVM chains. The template is already setup with basic functionalities (TypeScript implementation, JSON BigInt support... etc).
- TypeScript native
- JSON BigInt support
- viem
- cli-progress
- cli-table3
- commander
- jest
# Install packages
bun i
# Set env var
cp .example.env .env
# Then set your own env var in your freshly created .env file
# RPC_URL_ETH => Etehreum RPC url
# WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY => Private key of the wallet used to call the swapToVariable method
Here are two examples of functions that have already been implemented:
Display the ETH balance of an address
- command name:
- arguments
- address: the address of the balance to fetch
- options
- -b (--blockNumber): the blockNumber snapshot to fetch the balance.
⚠️ RPC should be an archive node.
- -b (--blockNumber): the blockNumber snapshot to fetch the balance.
bun run get-balance 0x4801eB5a2A6E2D04F019098364878c70a05158F1 -b 19000000
This will fetch the ETH balance of 0x4801eB5a2A6E2D04F019098364878c70a05158F1 at the block 19000000
Display token holders with their corresponding balance
- command name:
- arguments
- tokenAddress: the token address
- tokenName: token name
- tokenDeploymentBlock: deployment block number of the token
- options
- -b (--blockNumber): the blockNumber snapshot to fetch the holders.
⚠️ RPC should be an archive node. - -p (--progressBar): display a progress bar
- -b (--blockNumber): the blockNumber snapshot to fetch the holders.
bun run get-token-holders 0x40D16FC0246aD3160Ccc09B8D0D3A2cD28aE6C2f GHO 17698470 -b 17699270
This will fetch the all the holders of GHO with their corresponding balance at the block 17699270 (800 block after the token deployment)
# run tests with bun
bun run test