PHP Class that handles database Objects and Requests.
It's the result of quite some time of studying the PDO class and the new PHP 7.4 version, along with OO in PHP.
Let's go for the methods.
Method to define a database connection
This function will set which connection the class should use at the moment
It will return the total amount number of requests that were done to the database
It will display a HTML comment on the page, displaying the total amount of time in unix the requisitions had taken
Will fetch a row. If $simple then only one row and finishes.
Will give all results
Will give the number of rows inside the object
If the object is empty, returns true
Performns a query
Breaks the number of results to be shown in a smallest number
Define which language the class should work (default: english)
Defines the words inside the pagination HTML when the page method is evoked
Will return the current page according to URL
Will give the pagination HTML
Will give server date
Will give server datetime
Will generate a SQL to change whole database collation. Returns a string, and can apply it too.
Will stablish the FriendlyURL instance
Will prepare a SQL
Will bind value to a prepared SQL
Will make the value a monetary one
Will insert $data inside $table. If $additional is given, will transform values
Returns last inserted id
Updates $data in $table using given $rules. $additional is supported too.
Will delete whole table if $rules is omitted
Makes given string url friendly
Simple search engine. It uses the content inside database (so, if database doesn't have much records...)