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File metadata and controls

223 lines (156 loc) · 8.68 KB


Mapfishapp is geOrchestra's advanced viewer and editor.

With it, you can :

  • browse through CSW, WMTS, WMS & WFS services and add any layer to the current map,
  • upload geo files for viewing (shapefile, mif/mid, tab, kml, gml, gpx),
  • create custom SLDs and style WMS layers,
  • query layers either with a simple tool or an advanced one supporting conditions on attributes and geometries,
  • share your map with a permalink, or save it as a WMC file and restore it later,
  • load and create custom tools for specific needs (read how),
  • export feature attributes,
  • print your map,
  • and many more ...

There's also a built-in simple feature editor using the WFS-T protocol.


The application accepts several GET parameters :

  • wmc points to a WMC file in order to override the default context,
  • bbox in the form left,bottom,right,top in WGS84 coordinates overrides the extent of any WMC,
  • lon and lat in WGS84 coordinates override the extent of any WMC to center the map,
  • radius in meters, when set in addition to the lon and lat params, allows to control the resulting zoom level,
  • file points to the URL of a "geofile" (zipped SHP, KML, GPX, etc) to open for viewing,
  • lang can be set to any of the following : fr, en, es, ru, de,
  • debug when set to true, the application loads unminified javascript files,
  • noheader when set to true, the application does not load the header.

It is also possible to POST a JSON string to the home controller, for instance :

    "services": [{
        "owstype": "WMS",
        "owsurl": ""
    "layers": [{
        "layername": "ign:ign_bdtopo_departement",
        "owstype": "WMS",
        "owsurl": ""
    }, {
        "layername": "ign:ign_bdtopo_region",
        "owstype": "WMS",
        "owsurl": ""

In response, the viewer will add the above two layers to the map, and display a dialog window showing the layers from the WMS server.


CSWquerier is the function behind the "find in catalog" form. It performs CSW queries on remote catalogs to find metadata and its linked data (WMS layers).

Data types

By default, the CSWquerier limits search on type = dataset || series.
Other types will be ignored.


CSWquerier splits the search phrase into words, using ,;:/%()!*.[]~&= as word separators. Then, it builds filters based on the CSW_FILTER_PROPERTIES parameter (see GEOR_custom.js).

Such a search phrase:

"edoras cadastral parcel"

... becomes this filter set:

(Title like edoras*
OR AlternateTitle like edoras*
OR Abstract like edoras*
OR Subject like edoras*
OR OrganisationName like edoras*)
(Title like edoras*
OR AlternateTitle like cadastral*
OR Abstract like cadastral*
OR Subject like cadastral*
OR OrganisationName like cadastral*)
(Title like edoras*
OR AlternateTitle like parcel*
OR Abstract like parcel*
OR Subject like parcel*
OR OrganisationName like parcel*)

... focusing on specific ISO queryables and avoiding false positive results.

If you find it too restrictive, you can opt for the 'AnyText' property :


Special words

Words prefixed with special characters always will limit the search on respective ISO queryable filters.

  • # for Subject (keywords) search

    • example #Cadastral will look for md with subject="Cadastral"
  • @ for OrganisationName search

    • example @DREAL will look for md with OrganisationName="DREAL"
  • ? for AnyText search

    • example ?fishermen will look for md with AnyText~"fishermen*"
  • - to exclude a term on AnyText

    • example -fishermen will exclude md matching AnyText~"fishermen*"

Beware : those searches may be case sensitive depending on the CSW service implementation.

Exact title/id match

A common usecase is metadata exact match : copy-paste the metadata title, alternate title or id to quickly discover the data.

CSWquerier will always add those filters to this end:

  OR Title='searchphrase*' 
  OR AlternateTitle='searchphrase' 
  OR Identifier='searchphrase' 
  OR ResourceIdentifier='searchphrase' 

Recenter on referentials

The application features a "recenter on referentials" widget, which enables users to search for any object they are familiar with (eg: states, cities, forests, ...).

This widget auto-configures itself with a GeoServer namespace (see NS_LOC config option in your config's GEOR_custom.js). By default, NS_LOC is set to "geor_loc", which means that any layer belonging to the geor_loc namespace will be available in the widget.

Each "referential" layer should obey these simple rules:

  • it has exactly one geometry column and one string column,
  • the string column can have any name, but its content should be uppercased (this is to overcome a WFS limitation),
  • the geometry column can be of any type (point, line, polygon) but if it's a polygon, it should be as simple as possible (a bounding box is the best option).

Feature editor

Currently, the integrated editor supports:

  • attributes editing for all layers and geometry types (according to the feature model publicized by WFS DescribeFeatureType),
  • drawing new points, lines and simple polygons with snapping on surrounding features.

Every WMS layer:

  • with a WFS equivalent service, and
  • whose URL matches the GEOR.config.EDITABLE_LAYERS regexp (provided by your config) ... is available for edition.

By default:

  • the template config provides GEOR.config.EDITABLE_LAYERS = /.**/i which means that all WMS layers served by the platform host will be editable.
  • members of the ADMINISTRATOR group have the ability to see the edit functions provided by /mapfishapp/. This can be configured in GEOR_custom.js (in your profile), please have a look at the ROLES_FOR_EDIT config option.

In case the user does not have the rights to edit a layer, the first transaction will fail, and the changes will be lost.

There is no handling of concurrent edition nor feature locking for now.

NOTE: the previous NS_EDIT config option is deprecated

Your data in mapfishapp

The geOrchestra viewer is able to query your data via OGC webservices. This implies that vector data is transmitted as XML over the air (via WMS getFeatureInfo or WFS getFeature).

Before reporting errors, please check that your data is correct.

Typically, layer names & field names should not:

  • include spaces nor accentuated chars,
  • start with a number.

Browsers like IE or FF will typically fail, while Chromium might just ignore the incorrect fields.

You should also take care not to insert special chars in the service description fields. Eg: "Service WMS de GéoPicardie - Département de l'Oise" will break your capabilities for IE, while it will work with "Service WMS de GéoPicardie - Département de lʼOise" or "Service WMS de GéoPicardie - Département de l'Oise". GeoServer should do the mapping, but it does not at the moment. Here are the corresponding strings to use:

"   "
'   '
<   &lt;
>   &gt;
&   &amp;

How to run the viewer without Tomcat ?

This mode is useful for demo or development purposes.

The first time only, you have to compile mapfishapp and it's dependencies.
From the project root:

$ ./mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Ptemplate -P-all,mapfishapp install

Once this is done, running mapfishapp is pretty simple with Jetty:

$ cd mapfishapp
$ ../mvn -Ptemplate jetty:run

Then, point your browser to http://localhost:8080/mapfishapp/?noheader=true.

Please note that if you make changes to your configuration, you have to run this command again:

$ cd config
$ ../mvn -Ptemplate install

... where template might be replaced by the name of your configuration profile.

Want to trick the viewer into thinking you're logged in ?

Install the Modify Headers Firefox extension, and set the headers to:

  • sec-username = your_desired_login

Note: this works only because the security proxy is not runnning.