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PyBCN site

This repository contains the Python Barcelona Association page deployed using Hugo.

Usage for content publishing

Setup on your computer

You need to clone this repository and run the bin/install script.

Running local server

You can bring a hugo hot reload server using the bin/serve script. This will bring a local hot reloading server on http://localhost:1313.

Publishing process

During current implementation phase, the way to publish is to push new commits to the edition branch. However this will change in the future, to provide some review step in the publishing process.

How to add a new sponsor

To create a new sponsor data file, run hugo new sponsors/ This will create a pre-filled MarkDown file under content/sponsors with that same name.

The MarkDown file for the sponsor will have a FrontMatter section with the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier of this sponsor. Should be a string without spaces, preferrably kebab-case.
  • name: Sponsor's name to be shown in all renderings.
  • logo: URL for the sponsor logo. If present, this logo will be used.
  • logo_image: File name for the sponsor logo if it's to be found under /static/images/sponsors/.
  • url: URL for the sponsor web page.
  • twitter: URL for the sponsor's twitter account.

After this FrontMatter section, any valid MarkDown will be considered generic content to be shown in detail view.

Finally, add this sponsor to the sponsors list in the corresponding level of the desired sponsors page, like content/sponsors/, for the main sponsors page; content/pyladies_bcn/, for the PyLadies BCN Sponsors' page; or the specific event, if appropriate.

Note that the logo images are limited to 90% of width and 150px height.

Offering different options

Some of the pages in the sites offer different options to the visitor, like the Sponsor Us page. These pages show blocks of different lists of options with different blocks of descriptions, like what they can get, what they need to do, etc...

These pages can be created easily using the options layout. This layout requires an options list containing different areas, which contain blocks. Each block will have an id, an optional name to be shown, and the descriptions list. The descriptions contain name, id, and the content, which must be MarkDown content.

Probably the best example is the, but basically, the following might be a example:

layout: options

- name: Area
  - name: First block
    id: first-block
    - name: First question
      id: first-question
      content: First response

Archiving external or old sites

To archive external or old sites we need to keep as they are, the bin/archive script can be used. It requires you to have wget installed, available in your $PATH, and working. It will need you to provide the desired URL, and will grab all the pages in the site, storing a browsable static version of them under static/archives/your-site, and published, on merge, under archives/your-site.

When doing this, please, take care to review the links are working and taking the visitor to expected URLs, since this has not been tested thoroughly and could be tricky.

Once the site was archived, you can create a new link in the navigational menu using the url attribute of the menu entries, like we did for old PyDays, PyData, or HacktoberFest Barcelona.

Information for developers

This is a work in progress. All the design and implementation decisions are detailed in Proposta d'estructura (currently written in catalan). All the tasks are managed through our private Trello board.

For now, we are not looking for contributors yet.

Using JS code

There are, at least, three ways of embedding JS code in a page, depending on when this needs to be processed:

  • Using the extraJS block
  • Using the requiredJS block
  • Using the script tag wherever needed

Remember the blocks only work in templates, but not in partials. Also consider whether using defer attribute is interesting or not, which should be preferred.

Sponsors pages implementation details

Currently, there are two sponsor pages implemented: The PyBCN sponsors and the PyLadies BCN. Both pages use the same template, in themes/pybcn_theme/layouts/_default/sponsors.html.

The template collects all the pages under sponsors content and iterates over the levels defined in the corresponding sponsors page, rendering the level name, if any, and then all the summaries for each sponsor defined in the level's sponsors list.

The sponsor summary is defined in a separate partial themes/pybcn_theme/layouts/partials/sponsor_summary.html. This partial receives the sponsor page to render the summary from.

About the creation of new sponsors, the themes/pybcn_theme/archetypes/ file contains the template Hugo will use when the editor runs the command hugo new sponsors/

People pages implementation details: organizers, speakers...

There are three pages displaying people: PyBCN Organizers, PyLadiesBCN Organizers and PyLadiesBCN speakers. More can be added to display, for example, collaborators of other events, etc.

All pages rely on the same template: themes/pybcn_theme/layouts/_default/people.html. The individual person summary is defined in a separate partial template: themes/pybcn_theme/layouts/partials/people_summary.html, and the style are defined in themes/pybcn_theme/assets/scss/people.scss.

The template iterates over the defined levels, and for each level:

  • displays the level name, if 'name' is provided
  • displays a summary of all the people listed, limiting the number of people per line to the provided number 'people_per_line' (which must be in [12, 6, 4, 3, 4, 1])

To add new people to the site, there is a Hugo archetype defined in themes/pybcn_theme/archetypes/ that can be used by running the command: hugo new people/

Monthly event page implementation details

The monthly event page uses the meetup component to show PyBCN and PyLadies BCN meetup events lists. The template embeds the meetup.js code without defer using the requiredJS block. Then, it invokes the meetup-events partial which processes the list of meetup events.

The requests to Meetup's API are done asynchronously and should replace the spinner item with the correct list of events.

Pages with carousel

It is possible to add a carousel of photos in any regular page by changing the layout to 'carousel'. This layout requires us to define the number of columns [1-12] and a list of the images and (optional) captions to display:

layout: carousel
carousel_columns: 6
    - photo: folder/img1.jpg
      caption: "A nice and descriptive caption"
    - photo: folder/img2.jpg
      caption: "Another nice and descriptive caption"
    - photo: folder/img3.jpg
      caption: "Yet another nice and descriptive caption"

Event page

This page is designed for events like PyDay or DjangoGirls, and allows to display the description of the event as well as a carousel with images, its sponsors, organizers, speakers, previous editions and the agenda. It also offers the possibility to add as many free text elements as desired.

It allows for different sections to be added, that are displayed in a floating menu:

  • Content: textual content
  • carousel_photos: list of photos to appear in a carousel next to (if content_columns and carousel_columns are indicated) or below the main content.
  • free_text_sections: list of sections (title, id, content) containing textual content
  • events (special component, see description below)
  • sponsor_levels
  • people_sections (special component, see description below)
  • previous_editions

The agenda is based on the code in and requires to define the duration of the time spans in which we want to divide the slots (e.g. 30 minutes slots), how many parallel tracks does the event have, a list of the time slots and a list of the events.

Each event in the list must indicate:

  • the starting and ending time slots (may be the same if the event only spans for one time slot)
  • the track lenght (e.g. 4 if the event has 4 tracks and the element should span across all of them, like the welcome session)-
  • the title of the event

Each event in the list can indicate:

  • the color of the event in the calendar: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple (defaults to orange)
  • the location where the event will take place (a room, or a url)
  • the topic of the event (e.g. Data Science, Security...)
  • the type of the event: talk, workshop, coffee, lunch, group, qa, lightning
spansDuration: 20
numTracks: 4
eventTimes: [8:00, 8:20, 8:40, 9:00, 9:20, 9:40, 10:00, 10:20, 10:40, 11:00, 11:20, 11:40, 12:00, 12:20, 12:40, 13:00]
    - start_time_slot: 8:00
      end_time_slot: 8:40
      track_length: 4
      color: green
      title: Arrival and registration
      location: Registration Area
      type: coffee
    - start_time_slot: 9:00
      end_time_slot: 9:20
      track_length: 4
      color: blue
      title: Welcome Talk
      location: Main Stage
      type: group
    - start_time_slot: 9:40
      end_time_slot: 10:00
      track_length: 3
      color: yellow
      title: An interesting talk with a big audience
      level: advanced
      topic: Data Science
      type: talk
    - start_time_slot: 9:40
      end_time_slot: 10:20
      track_length: 1
      color: red
      title: Some long talk
      level: advanced
      topic: Data Science
      type: workshop
    - ...

The people_sections option allows to add a list of sections displaying people, such as organizers, speakers and mentors. Each section can have subsections (e.g. in organizers, we could have 'main organizers' and 'volunteers'). Example:

    - title: Organizers
      id: organizers
        - people_per_line: 4
              - elisabeth-ortega-carrasco
              - lpmayos
              - natalia
              - nuria
    - title: Mentors, speakers & volunteers
      id: main_organizers
        - name: Mentors
          people_per_line: 4
              - esperanza
              - eli
              - sandra
              - alex
        - name: Speakers
          people_per_line: 4
              - alberto
              - cristina
              - magda
              - cris-lopez
              - maria
              - martina
              - violeta
        - name: Volunteers
          people_per_line: 4
              - mireia
              - josep