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Creating a custom criteria

In this section we explain how to create a custom criteria function by walking through the required steps. The Criteria class is implemented as a Cython extension types -- also known as a cdef class. While this ensures that the criteria evaluations are fast, it also means that a custom criteria needs to be written as an extension type. From a practical perspective this means that, we need to implement the custom criteria in a .pyx file, that then needs to be compiled before use.

We start by explaining how to create the .pyx file.

Creating a .pyx file and implementing criteria

In your working directory create a .pyx file (e.g., my_custom_criteria.pyx) in which you first import the Criteria "super" class and then define the new custom criteria class which inherits from the imported Criteria class. An example of the skeleton of such a file is given as below.

from adaXT.criteria cimport Criteria

cdef class My_custom_criteria(Criteria):
    # Your implementation here

The class type of Criteria is a cdef class, which works in much of the same fashion as a regular Python class, but with faster performance. To read more on cdef classes checkout Cython extension types.

Next, for the new criteria to work with adaXT you have to implement the impurity method inherited from the Criteria class. The impurity method has to follow the type definition specified within criteria.pxd, which is as follows:

    cpdef double impurity(self, int[:] indices):

The variable indices refers to the sample indices for which the impurity value should be computed. To access the feature and response you can make use of self.x and self.y, respectively. More specifically, self.x[indices] and self.y[indices] are the feature and response samples for which the impurity needs to be computed. With this in place you should be able to implement almost any criteria function you can imagine. Keep in mind that the impurity method is extremely often (approximately $n\log(n)$ times). Therefore you should invest a bit of time in optimizing the function in order to avoid long fitting times. Further computational speed-ups can be achieved by implementing proxy_improvement and update_proxy methods in the criteria class. If these are not explicitly defined the code defaults to using the impurity method.

Once you have finished defining your critera class and saved the .pyx file, you can compile the Cython code and use it as part of adaXT.

Compiling and using the custom criteria

We discuss two specific approaches for using your custom criteria. More details on how to compile and use Cython code can be found here.

  • Building a Cython module: This allows you to only compile the new criteria class once and then import it as a regular Python module.
  • Use pyximport to import the .pyx file: This avoids needing to build the Cython code manually and instead compiles the code each time you run your Python code.

Option 1: Building a Cython module

The first option of using your custom criteria is to create a file in which you build a Cython module that you can then import in your Python code. For this approach create a new subfolder (e.g., custom_criteria/) in your working directory in which you copy your .pyx file (e.g., my_custom_criteria.pyx) together with an empty file called Then in your working directory create a file called containing the following code:

from setuptools import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize

    name='Custom Criteria',

The Cython code can now be compiled with the command

python build_ext --inplace

Note that this command needs to be run in an environment in which adaXT and setuptools is installed. After the code is built the custom criteria can be imported as a regular Python module as follows:

from custom_criteria import my_custom_criteria

Option 2: Using pyximport to import the .pyx file

Alternatively, you can let Cython compile the code each time you run your Python script. For this approach create your .py file in which you fit a decision tree using the new custom criteria within the same folder where you created the .pyx. For this to work there are a few small things left to do. In order to not manually recompile the Cython file every time you make changes, you can automate the compilation within the Python file by telling Cython to comile the Cython source file, whenever you run the file. Assuming your criteria is in the .pyx file my_custom_criteria.pyx you would import it as follows:

import pyximport; pyximport.install()
import my_custom_criteria

Now you can access the new criteria within the Python file like you would do with any other criteria function. For example, you could fit a decision tree with your custom criteria class My_custom_criteria as follows:

from adaXT.decision_tree import DecisionTree
import numpy as np

n = 100
m = 4

X = np.random.uniform(0, 100, (n, m))
Y = np.random.uniform(0, 10, n)
tree = DecisionTree("Regression", criteria=my_custom_critera.My_custom_criteria, max_depth=3), Y)

We now go over a detailed example in which we construct the Partial_linear criteria.

A detailed example: Partial_linear

The general idea of the Partial_linear criteria is to fit a linear function on the first feature with the $Y$ value as the response, that is,

$$ L = \sum_{i \in I} (Y[i] - \theta_0 - \theta_1 X[i, 0])^2 \\ $$

$$ \theta_1 = \frac{\sum_{i \in I} (X[i, 0] - \mu_X)(Y[i] - \mu_Y)}{\sum_{i \in I} (X[i, 0] - \mu_X)^2} \\ $$

$$ \theta_0 = \mu_Y - \theta_1 \mu_X, $$

where $I$ denotes the indices of the samples within a given node, $X$ is the feature matrix, $Y$ is the response vector, $\mu_X$ is mean vector of the columns of $X$ and $\mu_Y$ is the mean of $Y$.

When creating a new criteria class we import and define the class as described above. We open a new file in our working directory and call it testCrit.pyx and start with the following lines:

from adaXT.criteria cimport Criteria

cdef class Partial_linear(Criteria):

Calculating the mean

Now although we have provided a mean function within the adaXT.decision_tree.crit_helpers, in this specific example we need to calculate multiple means, and there is no reason to do two passes over the same indices $I$, so we create a custom mean method in Cython.

# Custom mean function, such that we don't have to loop through twice.
cdef (double, double) custom_mean(self, int[:] indices):
        double sumX, sumY
        int i
        int length = indices.shape[0]
    sumX = 0.0
    sumY = 0.0
    for i in range(length):
        sumX += self.x[indices[i], 0]
        sumY += self.y[indices[i]]

    return ((sumX / (<double> length)), (sumY / (<double> length)))

You might notice that the syntax is a little different than for default Python. In general you can write default Python within the cdef class, however the runtime can be significantly decreased by adding type definitions and other Cython magic. If you wish to learn more about the Cython language be sure to check out the Cython documentation.

Furthermore, note that you can freely create any new method within the custom criteria class even if it is not defined in the standard parent criteria class. Therefore you are not limited by the parent class and can freely extend it as long as you do not overwrite the evaluate_split (unless that is your intention).

Calculating theta

Now that we have a method for getting the mean, we can create a method for calculating the theta values, such that our code is more manageable.

cdef (double, double) theta(self, int[:] indices):
    Estimates regression parameters for a linear regression of the response on
    the first coordinate, i.e., Y is approximated by theta0 + theta1 * X[:, 0].

    indices : memoryview of NDArray
        The indices to calculate

    (double, double)
        where first element is theta0 and second is theta1
        double muX, muY, theta0, theta1
        int length, i
        double numerator, denominator
        double X_diff

    length = indices.shape[0]
    denominator = 0.0
    numerator = 0.0
    muX, muY = self.custom_mean(indices)
    for i in range(length):
        X_diff = self.x[indices[i], 0] - muX
        numerator += (X_diff)*(self.y[indices[i]]-muY)
        denominator += (X_diff)*X_diff
    if denominator == 0.0:
        theta1 = 0.0
        theta1 = numerator / denominator
    theta0 = muY - theta1*muX
    return (theta0, theta1)

Again the majority of the Cython is not mandatory but speeds up the code. On line 26 we access our previously defined custom mean function, which returns the mean of the $X$ indices and the mean of the $Y$ indices as described above. Then on line 27 we loop over all the indices a second time and calculate $\sum_{i \in I} (X[i, 0] - \mu_X) (Y[i] - \mu_Y)$ and $\sum_{i \in I} (X[i, 0] - \mu_X)^2$ which are the numerator and denominator, respectively. These are the two values used to calculate $\theta_1$. Further on line 31 we check to make sure that the denominator is not 0.0, this ensures that we can consider the underidentified case separately and do not divide by zero by accident. If the denominator is zero, we simply set $\theta_1$ to 0.0 as this will give an L value of 0 in the end. We finish off by returning the two values $\theta_0,\theta_1$.

The impurity function

Finally, we reach the most important step, which is to create the impurity function.

cpdef double impurity(self, int[:] indices):
        double step_calc, theta0, theta1, cur_sum
        int i, length

    length = indices.shape[0]
    theta0, theta1 = self.theta(indices)
    cur_sum = 0.0
    for i in range(length):
        step_calc = self.y[indices[i]] - theta0 - theta1 * self.x[indices[i], 0]
        cur_sum += step_calc*step_calc
    return cur_sum

Making sure the impurity method has the required signature, we simply calculate L as described and return its value. One important point to note is that cur_sum is defined on line 3 to have type double, because the impurity function is defined to have a double as return value. When creating the impurity method you must ensure this return type.

Finishing up

And that is it. You have now created your first custom criteria class, and can freely use it within your own Python code. If you use the method that compiles the Cython file every time the Python file is run leads to code that looks like this:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from adaXT.decision_tree import DecisionTree
from adaXT.decision_tree.tree_utils import plot_tree

import pyximport
import testCrit

# Generate training data
n = 100
m = 4
X = np.random.uniform(0, 100, (n, m))
Y = np.random.uniform(0, 10, n)

# Initialize and fit tree
tree = DecisionTree("Regression", testCrit.Partial_linear, max_depth=3), Y)

# Plot the tree

This creates a regression tree with the newly created custom Partial_linear criteria class, specifies the max_depth to be 3 and then plots the tree using both the
plot_tree based on matplotlib. The full source code used within this article can be found here.