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Note: sometimes your answer doesn't match one of the options exactly. That's fine. Select the option that's closest to your solution.


In this homework, we will use the California Housing Prices from Kaggle.

Here's a wget-able link:


The goal of this homework is to create a regression model for predicting housing prices (column 'median_house_value').

Preparing the dataset

For this homework, we only want to use a subset of data. This is the same subset we used in homework #2. But in contrast to homework #2, we are going to use all columns of the dataset.

First, keep only the records where ocean_proximity is either '<1H OCEAN' or 'INLAND'


  • Fill missing values with zeros.
  • Apply the log transform to median_house_value.
  • Do train/validation/test split with 60%/20%/20% distribution.
  • Use the train_test_split function and set the random_state parameter to 1.
  • Use DictVectorizer(sparse=True) to turn the dataframes into matrices.

Question 1

Let's train a decision tree regressor to predict the median_house_value variable.

  • Train a model with max_depth=1.

Which feature is used for splitting the data?

  • ocean_proximity
  • total_rooms
  • latitude
  • population

Question 2

Train a random forest model with these parameters:

  • n_estimators=10
  • random_state=1
  • n_jobs=-1 (optional - to make training faster)

What's the RMSE of this model on validation?

  • 0.045
  • 0.245
  • 0.545
  • 0.845

Question 3

Now let's experiment with the n_estimators parameter

  • Try different values of this parameter from 10 to 200 with step 10.
  • Set random_state to 1.
  • Evaluate the model on the validation dataset.

After which value of n_estimators does RMSE stop improving? Consider 3 decimal places for retrieving the answer.

  • 10
  • 25
  • 50
  • 160

Question 4

Let's select the best max_depth:

  • Try different values of max_depth: [10, 15, 20, 25]
  • For each of these values,
    • try different values of n_estimators from 10 till 200 (with step 10)
    • calculate the mean RMSE
  • Fix the random seed: random_state=1

What's the best max_depth, using the mean RMSE?

  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 25

Question 5

We can extract feature importance information from tree-based models.

At each step of the decision tree learning algorithm, it finds the best split. When doing it, we can calculate "gain" - the reduction in impurity before and after the split. This gain is quite useful in understanding what are the important features for tree-based models.

In Scikit-Learn, tree-based models contain this information in the feature_importances_ field.

For this homework question, we'll find the most important feature:

  • Train the model with these parameters:
    • n_estimators=10,
    • max_depth=20,
    • random_state=1,
    • n_jobs=-1 (optional)
  • Get the feature importance information from this model

What's the most important feature (among these 4)?

  • total_rooms
  • median_income
  • total_bedrooms
  • longitude

Question 6

Now let's train an XGBoost model! For this question, we'll tune the eta parameter:

  • Install XGBoost
  • Create DMatrix for train and validation
  • Create a watchlist
  • Train a model with these parameters for 100 rounds:
xgb_params = {
    'eta': 0.3, 
    'max_depth': 6,
    'min_child_weight': 1,
    'objective': 'reg:squarederror',
    'nthread': 8,
    'seed': 1,
    'verbosity': 1,

Now change eta from 0.3 to 0.1.

Which eta leads to the best RMSE score on the validation dataset?

  • 0.3
  • 0.1
  • Both give equal value

Submit the results

  • Submit your results here:
  • If your answer doesn't match options exactly, select the closest one.
  • You can submit your solution multiple times. In this case, only the last submission will be used


The deadline for submitting is October 23 (Monday), 23:00 CET. After that the form will be closed.