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OpenGDS Math 0.1.0




This document, referred to as the "OpenGDS Math Specification" or just "Math" hereafter, describes the OpenGDS Math API: what it is, how it acts, and what is required to implement it.


Math addresses the mathematical foundation necessary for game programming and dependent specifications.

Problem Statement

Performing mathematical operations on and between data types (scalar, vector, colors, etc) is a necessity in game programming. In most APIs there's a tendency to place mathematical operations on the data type. This adds a lot of duplicate math across various data types which can cascade throughout the entire code base. This also can couple your codebase to other libraries. These data types with other values can be used to define geometric structures which are used in other areas such as particle systems, collision detection, spatial databases, steering behaviors, and animation. Math addresses these operations and structures.


  • Provide a way to allow an existing codebase to take advantage of OpenGDS. This is the main goal of Math and achieves this with Calculators and Geometry.
  • Provide a way to reuse mathematical equations and algorithms across any data type.
  • Provide an API which promotes efficient use of data types.
  • Provide a generic Calculator API to allow the use of any data type to...
    • be used in mathematical operations:
      • add, subtract, multiple, divide, scale, & interpolation.
      • custom unary and binary operations.
    • be parsed from different data types into the desired data type.
    • be written/read to/from data streams.
    • be poolable (some data types are expensive to instantiate).
    • be copied to another data type.
    • be cloned to a new value.
    • be measured in length.
    • be measured in distance from another value.
    • be compared to another value or zero.
    • be clamped to a range of values.
    • be compared to a range of values.
    • be generated randomly from a range of values.
    • be validated to finite (values that aren't infinity or NaN).
    • be broken down into and built from scalar components.
    • be used in spatial operations to calculate...
      • spherical interpolation.
      • the value closest to a given value between a start and end value.
      • the interception time of a target with a bullet.
      • distance a given value is to start and end values.
      • if a value is in the "view" of a value with a direction and a field-of-view.
      • if a sphere is partially/wholy in the "view" of a value with a direction and a field-of-view.
      • a value on a parametrized cubic curve given a set of points, a matrix, and a weight.
  • Provides the base equations necessary so new Calculators can easily be added that implement just a few core operations.
  • Provide generic Geometric structures:
    • Bounds: a volumetric data structure that contains a min and max value.
    • Range: a linear data structure that exists between a start and end value.
    • Line: a linear data structure that exists on a start and end value.
    • Sphere: a spherical data structure that contains a center value and a radius.
    • Plane: a planar data structure that has origin and normal values.
  • Provide a generic API for the geometric structures which...
    • estimate a radius.
    • determine if a value lies inside, outside, or intersects with the structure.
    • calculate signed distance and a normal value to the structure.
  • Provide an API which utilizes out variables to keep mathematical operations from instantiating new instances.
  • Provide a simple API for common math functions.


Data Type

A value that is most often a scalar or composed of scalars. Examples of data types:

  • Floating point numbers
  • Integers
  • Vectors
  • Colors
  • Quaternions
  • Enumeration (constants/immutable types can be used, but only a subset of functionality can be provided)
  • Skeletal Joint


A data type has a fixed number of dimensions - often 1d, 2d, 3d, or 4d. For example:

  • 1d: scalar types (floating point, integers), enumerations, strings.
  • 2d: points on a screen.
  • 3d: points in a 3d space, or an opaque color.
  • 4d: quaternion or colors with an alpha component.


A scalar value in a data type. Most data types have a scalar value for each dimension.


A service which performs the functions defined in Goals.

Calculator Registry

A service which takes a data type or a description of a data type and returns the estimated calculator. A description of a data type could be a string like "color" or an enumeration. Custom calculators can be added to the registry to be used by the application.


A structure which holds one or more values of a given data type and zero or more scalar values to define some geometry. These geometries exist in whatever dimension their data type exists in - allowing a single geometry definition to be used in 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d, or n dimensions. Geometries in 1d are mostly indistinguishable from each other. A geometry has the functions defined in Goals.


A geometry which has a minimum and maximum value for a specific data type. A bound is a volumetric structure - meaning the values that exist between the minimum and maximum points lie anywhere inside the rectangular boundary. Bounds can also have a thickness scalar value to describe a geometry with rounded corners.


A geometry which has a start and end value for a specific data type. A range is a linear structure - meaning the values that exist between the start and end points lie on a direct "line" between them. Ranges can also have a thickness scalar value to describe a geometry with rounded corners (capsule). A range is synonymous with line segment.


A geometry which has a start and end value for a specific data type. A line is an infinitely linear structure - meaning the start and end values define only two points on an infinitely long line. Lines can also have a thickness scalar value to describe a rounded geometry (column).


A geometry which has a center value and a scalar radius value. A sphere is a volumetric structure - meaning that values exist in the perimeter of the geometry. A point can represented as a sphere with zero radius.


A geometry which has an origin value and a normal value which define a plane (infinitely spanning surface). A plane is surface which spans infinitely in all directions perpendicular to normal. Planes can also have a thickness scalar value.


The design will be described using the following concepts. These concepts may directly translate to a language, or may be achieved in other ways.

Concept Definition
Class A template definition of the methods and variables in a particular kind of object.
Abstract A class which has unimplemented methods OR the name of the method which is unimplemented.
Method A procedure associated with an object.
Static Method A procedure that is available on a class definition vs. a class instance.
Function A procedure that can be passed as a parameter to another function or method and returns a result.
Interface A set of methods that a class must implement.
< T > The symbol which signifies a generic class, interface, or function which deals with a data type.
T The argument type which represents the data type.
< S > The symbol which signifies a generic class, interface, or function which deals with a component of a data type (ex: float, int, etc).
S The argument type which represents the component type.

Calculator< T >

An abstract class that contains all the methods mentioned in Goals. Implementations of Math may not have any calculator implementations since they're tied to specific data types which are tied to other libraries. There will most likely be a library of calculators for any type of library that needs to interface with Math and all other OpenGDS. Calculators are the only classes that need to be created to use any OpenGDS.

The calculator has a static factory method which takes some input that describes a data type and returns the proper calculator. The calculator has a static method to also register a calculator to a data type description.


A static class that contains all registered calculators and is responsible for returning a calculator based on the data type or the name of the calculator.

UnaryOperation< S >

A function which takes a component of type S and returns a value of type S. These functions are passed to the calculator to process each component of a value to generate a new value. Examples of unary operations: abs, floor, ceil, round, sin, etc.

BinaryOperation< S >

A function which takes two components of type S and returns a component of type S. These functions are passed to the calculator to process each component of two values to generate a new value. Examples of binary operations: avg, min, max, etc.

Geometry< T >

An interface that contains all methods mentioned in Goals.

Bounds< T >

An implementation of the Geometry interface that satisfies the Bounds concept.

Range< T >

An implementation of the Geometry interface that satisfies the Range concept.

Line< T >

An implementation of the Geometry interface that satisfies the Line concept.

Sphere< T >

An implementation of the Geometry interface that satisfies the Sphere concept.

Plane< T >

An implementation of the Geometry interface that satisfies the Plane concept.


A collection of static functions to perform common mathematical operations.


This API describes the design showing all variables on a class, methods in an interface or class, and the argument names and types for functions and methods.

The following expressions are used in the API:

  • methodName(): type: Describes a method which returns a value with the given type.
  • variableName: Describes a parameter with an unknown type passed to a method.
  • variableName[]: Describes an array parameter with an unknown type passed to a method.
  • variableName:type: Describes a parameter and its type passed to a method.
  • variableName[]:type: Describes an array parameter and its types passed to a method.
  • ?variableName:type=defaultValue: Describes an optional parameter with or without a default value.
  • float: The language variable type for floating point numbers.
  • int: The language variable type for integer numbers.
  • bool: The language variable type for boolean.
  • Output: The language specific output stream that scalar types can be written to.
  • Input: The language specific input stream that scalar types can be read from.
  • size: The language variable type to express how much memory/space a data type takes up when its read/written from Input/Output.

Calculator< T >


An instance of the data type with components with values of 0. This should be read-only if possible - otherwise this should never be passed to functions as an out parameter.


An instance of the data type with components with values of 1. This should be read-only if possible - otherwise this should never be passed to functions as an out parameter.

create(): T

Creates a new instance of T with components with values of 0. If pooling is enabled on the calculator, this may take from the pool.

createUniform( component:S ): T

Creates a new instance of T with components with values of component.

clone( source:T ): T

Creates a new instance of T with components with the same values in source.

copy( out:T, source:T ): T

Copies the components from source into out and returns out.

parse( input, ?defaultValue:T=0 ): T

Parses the given input and returns a new instance. If any components are missing in the given input then components form the defaultValue are used. If the input couldn't be parsed into a valid value then an appropriate language specific value will be returned OR an exception will be thrown.

parseArray( input[], ?output[]:T, ?defaultValue:T=0 ): T[]

Parses the array of input and returns an array of parsed values. If an input value is invalid then the appropriate language specific value will be placed in the resulting array OR an exception will be thrown. Optionally if the language supports it, the output array can be passed to the method to avoid creating a new one.

clear( out:T, ?component:S=0 ): T

Sets the components of out to component and returns out.

unary( out:T, a:T, op:UnaryOperation<S> ): T

Sets the components of out to the value returned passing each component of a to op and returns out.

unaryn( a:T, op:UnaryOperation<S> ): T

Sets the components of out to the value returned passing each component of a to op and returns out.

binary( out:T, a:T, b:T, op:BinaryOperation<S> ): T

Sets the components of out to the value returned passing each component of a and b to op and returns out.

binaryn( a:T, b:T, op:BinaryOperation<S> ): T

Sets the components of out to the value returned passing each component of a and b to op and returns out.

scale( out:T, value:T, scale:float ): T TODO

Multiples the components of value by scale and returns out.

scalen( value:T, scale:float ): T TODO

Multiples the components of value by scale and returns out.

scalei( out:T, scale:float ): T

Multiples the components of out by scale and returns out.

add( out:T, augend:T, addend:T ): T TODO

Adds the components of amount to out and returns out.

addn( augend:T, addend:T ): T TODO

Adds the components of amount to out and returns out.

addi( out:T, amount:T ): T

Adds the components of amount to out and returns out.

adds( out:T, augend:T, addend:T, scale:float ): T TODO

Adds the components of amount multiplied by scale to out and returns out.

addsn( augend:T, addend:T, scale:float ): T TODO

Adds the components of amount multiplied by scale to out and returns out.

addsi( out:T, amount:T, scale:float ): T

Adds the components of amount multiplied by scale to out and returns out.

sub( out:T, minuend:T, subtrahend:T ): T TODO

Subtracts the components of amount from out and returns out.

subn( minuend:T, subtrahend:T ): T TODO

Subtracts the components of amount from out and returns out.

subi( out:T, amount:T ): T

Subtracts the components of amount from out and returns out.

mul( out:T, value:T, scale:T ): T TODO

Multiplies the components of out by the components of scale and returns out.

muln( value:T, scale:T ): T TODO

Multiplies the components of out by the components of scale and returns out.

muli( out:T, scale:T ): T

Multiplies the components of out by the components of scale and returns out.

div( out:T, dividend:T, divisor:T ): T TODO

Divides the components of out by the components of denominator and returns out. If a component of denominator is zero the component in out will be zero.

divn( dividend:T, divisor:T ): T TODO

Divides the components of out by the components of denominator and returns out. If a component of denominator is zero the component in out will be zero.

divi( out:T, divisor:T ): T

Divides the components of out by the components of denominator and returns out. If a component of denominator is zero the component in out will be zero.

interpolate( out:T, start:T, end:T, delta:float ): T

Sets out to the value between start and end given a delta value. When delta is 0 out will be set to start, when delta is 1 out will be set to end, and when delta is set to 0.5 then out will be set to a value halfway between start and end (etc).

interpolaten( start:T, end:T, delta:float ): T

Sets out to the value between start and end given a delta value. When delta is 0 out will be set to start, when delta is 1 out will be set to end, and when delta is set to 0.5 then out will be set to a value halfway between start and end (etc).

contain( out:T, min:T, max:T ): T

Adjusts out to be contained between the area between min and max (if it's outside that area) and returns out.

contains( point:T, min:T, max:T ): bool

Returns whether point exists (inclusively) in the area between min and max.

random( out:T, min:T, max:T, ?randomizer:function ): T

Sets out to a random value in the area between min and max and returns out.

distance( a:T, b:T ): float

Calculates the distance between a and b.

distanceSq( a:T, b:T ): float

Calculates the squared distance between a and b.

length( value:T ): float

Calculates the length of value - which is essentially the shortest distance from value to zero.

lengthSq(valuea:T ): float

Calculates the squared length of value - which is essentially the shortest distance from value to zero squared.

normal( out:T, vector:T ): float

Sets out to the normal of vector and returns the length of vector.

normaln( vector:T ): float

Sets out to the normal of vector and returns the length of vector.

normali( out:T, vector:T ): float TODO

Sets out to the normal of vector and returns the length of vector.

isValue( value ): bool

Determines whether value can be handled by this calculator.

isFinite( value:T ): bool

Determines whether the given value is finite. False is returned if any of the scalar values in the value are Infinity or NaN.

isZero( value:T, ?epsilon:float=0.00001 ): bool

Determines whether the given value is equal to zero within some epsilon threshold.

isEqual( a:T, b:T, ?epsilon:float=0.00001 ): bool

Determines whether a equals b within some epsilon threshold.

dot( a:T, b:T ): float

Calculates and returns the dot product between a and b.

lengthen( out:T, value:T, length:float ): T TODO

Sets the length of out to length and returns out.

lengthenn( value:T, length:float ): T TODO

Sets the length of out to length and returns out.

lengtheni( out:T, length:float ): T

Sets the length of out to length and returns out.

clamp( out:T, value:T, min:float, max:float ): T TODO

Sets the length of out between min and max if it lies outside that range - and returns out.

clampn( value:T, min:float, max:float ): T TODO

Sets the length of out between min and max if it lies outside that range - and returns out.

clampi( out:T, min:float, max:float ): T

Sets the length of out between min and max if it lies outside that range - and returns out.

sizeof( value:T ): size

Computes the size of value and returns it.

write( value:T, to:Output ): size

Writes value to to and returns the size it took up.

read( out:T, from:Input ): T

Reads out from from and returns out.

getDimensions(): int

Returns the number of dimensions in the data type. A data type can have fewer dimensions than components (ex: homogeneous coordinates).

getComponents(): int

Returns the number of components in the data type. Components are typically scalar values.

getComponent( value:T, index:int ): S

Returns the component in value at the given index.

setComponent( value:T, index:int, component:S ): T

Sets the component of value at the given index with the given component value and returns value.

getDimension( value:T, index:int ): S

Returns the dimension in value at the given index.

setDimension( value:T, index:int, dimension:S ): T

Sets the dimension of value at the given index with the given dimension value and returns value.

slerpDirect( out:T, start:T, end:T, delta:float ): T

Sets out to the spherical interpolation delta between start and end on the shortest arc between the two points and returns out.

slerpNormal( out:T, start:T, end:T, delta:float ): T

Sets out to the spherical interpolation delta between the normals start and end on the shortest arc between the two normals and returns out.

slerp( out:T, start:T, end:T, delta:float, angle:float ): T

Sets out to the spherical interpolation delta between start and end on the arc with angle radians and returns out.

delta( start:T, end:T, point:T ): float

Returns the value which describes the point on the infinitely long line between start and end that is perpendicular to the given point. If point is perpendicular to start then 0 is returned, if point is perpendicular to the average of start and end then 0.5 is returned, etc.

closest( out:T, start:T, end:T, point:T, ?line:bool=false ): T

Sets out to the closest value on the line between start and end that is perpendicular to point. If line is false then the value returned will exist between start and end. If line is true then the value returned will exist on the infinite line that lies on start and end and is perpendicular to point.

interceptionTime( shooter:T, speed:float, targetPosition:T, targetVelocity:T ): float

Calculates the time it would take a bullet to travel from shooter at speed to hit targetPosition which is moving targetVelocity. If its not possible to intersect the target with a bullet then a negative value will be returned.

distanceFrom( start:T, end:T, point:T, ?line:bool=false ): float

Calculates the distance from point to the range or line between start and end.

inView( origin:T, direction:T, fovCos:float, point:T ): bool

Determines whether point is in the conical view starting at origin with the direction normal and the inner angle of the cone fovCos passed in as the cosine of the desired angle.

isCircleView( origin:T, direction:T, fovTan:float, fovCos:float, center:T, radius:float, entirely:bool ): bool

Determines whether the circle at center with radius is in the conical view starting at origin with the direction normal and the inner angle of the cone fovCos passed in as the cosine of the desired angle.

cubicCurve( out:T, delta:float, p0:T, p1:T, p2:T, p3:T, matrix[4][4]:float, ?inverse:bool=false ): T

Sets and returns out as the point delta along the cubic curve between the four given points p0, p1, p2, and p3 described by the given matrix.

parametricCubicCurve( out:T, delta:float, points[]:T, matrix[4][4]:float, weight:float, ?inverse:bool=false, ?loop:bool=false ): T

Sets and returns out as the point delta along the cubic curve between the given points described by the given matrix and scaled by weight.


getFor( value ): Calculator<T>

Returns the calculator for the given value.

get( nameOrType ): Calculator<T>

Returns the calculator for the given nameOrType.

register( namesOrTypes[], calculator:Calculator<T> )

Adds the given calculator to the registry for the given array of namesOrTypes.

Geometry< T >

hasRadius(): bool

Determines whether this geometry can calculate a finite radius.

getRadius(): float

Calculates the finite radius of this geometry. The radius and center of the geometry should fully encapsulate the geometry.

getCenter( out:T ): T

Sets and returns out to the center of this geometry.

getDistance( point:T ): float

Calculates and returns the signed distance between this geometry and the given point. If the point is inside this geometry a negative value is returned.

getDistanceAndNormal( point:T, normal:T ): float

Calculates and returns the signed distance between this geometry and the given point as well as setting the normal which describes the direction from point to the edge of the geometry as a normalized value (-distance away where distance is the value returned).

isInside( point:T, ?radius:float=0 ): bool

Determines whether point is entirely inside this geometry taking into account an optional radius which describes a sphere around point.

isOutside( point:T, ?radius:float=0 ): bool

Determines whether point is entirely outside this geometry taking into account an optional radius which describes a sphere around point.

isIntersecting( point:T, ?radius:float=0 ): bool

Determines whether point is partially or entirely inside this geometry taking into an optional radius which describes a sphere around point.

random( out:T, ?maxDistanceFromCenter:float=infinity, ?randomizer:function ): T

Sets and returns out as a random value in this geometry which is no more than maxDistanceFromCenter away from the center using the randomizer function to generate a number between 0 and 1.

Bounds< T > : Geometry< T >

min: T

The minimum value which describes the bounds. The dimensions in this value must be less than or equal to the respective dimensions in max.

max: T

The maximum value which describes the bounds. The dimensions in this value must be greater than or equal to the respective dimensions in min.

thickness: float

The thickness of the edges of this bounds. A non-zero value adds rounded corners to the bounds.

Range< T > : Geometry< T >

start: T

The starting value which describes the range.

end: T

The ending value which describes the range.

thickness: float

The thickness of this range. A non-zero value adds rounded corners to the range creating a "pill".

Line< T > : Geometry< T >

start: T

The starting value which describes the line.

end: T

The ending value which describes the line.

thickness: float

The thickness of this line.

Sphere< T > : Geometry< T >

center: T

The center value of this sphere.

radius: float

The radius of this sphere.

Plane< T > : Geometry< T >

origin: T

The origin of this plane.

normal: T

The normal of this plane. The set of values perpendicular to this value describe the surface of the plane.

thickness: float

The thickness of this plane.


gcd( a:int, b:int ): int

Calculates the greatest common divisor between a and b;

factorial( a:int ): int

Calculates the factorial of a.

choose( n:int, m:int ): int

Calculates the binomial coefficient of n and m. This is used in combinatorics where it gives the number of ways, disregarding order, that n objects can be chosen from among m objects.

clamp( value:S, min:S, max:S ): S

Returns min if value is less than min, returns max if value is greater than max, or just returns value.

divide( value:S, denominator: S ): S

Performs a safe division avoiding divide by zero errors. If denominator is zero, then zero is returned. Otherwise value / denomator is returned.

equals( a:S, b:S, ?epsilon:S=0.00001 ): bool

Determines whether a is equal to b - or no more different than epsilon.

quadraticFormula( a:S, b:S, c:S, noSolution:S ): S

Finds the solution to the given quadratic formula variables. If no solution is found, noSolution is returned.

Additional API

Calculator< T >

setPool( pool[]:T )

Initializes the pool in the calculator with an already allocated array. The pool enables reuse of values that may be expensive to allocate. The create method of the calculator and all other methods which create a new value may take from this pool to avoid allocation.

recycle( value:T ): bool

Adds the given value to the pool if it's been initialized and there's room.

min( out:T, a:T, b:T ): T

Sets out to the minimum components from a and b and returns out. This is equivalent to passing a min function to the binary calculator method.

max( out:T, a:T, b:T ): T

Sets out to the maximum components from a and b and returns out. This is equivalent to passing a max function to the binary calculator method.

avg( out:T, a:T, b:T ): T

Sets out to the maximum components from a and b and returns out. This is equivalent to passing a max function to the binary calculator method. Calling interpolate with a delta of 0.5 may result in the same value - but this could be calculated faster.

abs( out:T ): T

Sets the components of out to their absolute value and returns out. This is equivalent to passing a abs function to the unary calculator method.

floor( out:T ): T

Sets the components of out to their floor value and returns out. This is equivalent to passing a floor function to the unary calculator method.

ceil( out:T ): T

Sets the components of out to their ceiling value and returns out. This is equivalent to passing a ceil function to the unary calculator method.

round( out:T ): T

Sets the components of out to their rounded value and returns out. This is equivalent to passing a round function to the unary calculator method.

neg( out:T ): T

Sets the components of out to their negative value and returns out. This is equivalent to passing a negating function to the unary calculator method.


setRandomSeed( seed:int )

Sets a random seed which all subsequent random functions use to generate a random value.

randomDelta(): float

Returns a random float between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).

random( min:float, max:float ): float

Returns a random float between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive).

randomInt( min:float, max:float ): float

Returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and max (inclusive).


The following implementation example is pseudo-code and contains terms that might not be available in every language - but will have an equivalent way to express it.

This implementation example expects that the implementing language has the following functions:

  • Math.cos(a)
  • Math.sin(a)
  • Math.acos(a)
  • Math.sqrt(a)
  • Math.min(a, b)
  • Math.max(a, b)
  • Math.abs(a)
  • Math.floor(a)
  • Math.ceil(a)
  • Math.round(a)


class CalculatorRegistry {

  private Calculator[] calculators = empty collection of Calculators;
  private Map<Any, Calculator> calculatorMap = empty map;

  public static getFor( value ): Calculator {
    foreach ( calc in this.calculators ) {
      if (calc.isValue( value )) {
        return calc;
    return null or throw an error;

  public static get( nameOrType ): Calculator {
    var calc = this.calculatorMap.get( nameOrType );
    if (calc != null) {
      return calc;
    return null or throw an error;

  public static register( namesOrTypes[], calculator:Calculator ) {
    foreach ( key in namesOrTypes ) {
      this.calculatorMap.put( key, calculator );
    this.calculators.add( calculator );


`Calculator< T >``

abstract class Calculator<T> {

  ZERO: T;

  ONE: T;

  TEMP0: T;
  TEMP1: T;

  pool[]: T;
  poolSize: int = 0;

  // Constructor
  public Calculator() {
    this.ZERO = this.createUniform( 0 );
    this.ONE = this.createUniform( 1 );
    this.TEMP0 = this.createUniform( 0 );
    this.TEMP1 = this.createUniform( 0 );

  public create(): T {
    if (this.poolSize > 0) {
      return this.clear( this.pool[ --this.poolSize ], 0 );
    } else {
      return new T;

  public createUniform( component:S ): T {
    return this.clear( this.create(), component );

  public setPool( pool[]:T ) {
    for (index in pool) {
      pool[ index ] = this.create();
    this.pool = pool;

  public recycle( value:T ): bool {
    if (this.poolSize < this.pool.length) {
      this.pool[ this.poolSize++ ] = value;

  public clone( source:T ): T {
    return this.copy( this.create(), source );

  public abstract copy( out:T, source:T ): T
  // out.x = source.x

  public abstract parse( input, ?defaultValue:T=0 ): T

  public parseArray( input[], ?output[]:T, ?defaultValue:T=0 ): T[] {
    if (output == null) {
      output = new T[ input.length ];
    foreach (index in input) {
      output[ index ] = this.parse( input[ index ], defaultValue );
    return output;

  public abstract clear( out:T, ?component:S=0 ): T
  // out.x = component

  public abstract unary( out:T, a:T, op:UnaryOperation<S> ): T
  // out.x = op( a.x )

  public unaryn( a:T, op:UnaryOperation<S> ): T {
    // return op( a.x )
    return this.unary( this.create(), a, op );

  public abstract binary( out:T, a:T, b:T, op:BinaryOperation<S> ): T
  // out.x = op( a.x, b.x )

  public binaryn( a:T, b:T, op:BinaryOperation<S> ): T {
    // return op( a.x, b.x )
    return this.binary( this.create(), a, b, op );

  public abstract adds( out:T, augend:T, addend:T, scale:float ): T
  // out.x = augend.x + addend.x * scale;

  public addsn( augend:T, addend:T, scale:float ): T {
    // return augend.x + addend.x * scale;
    return this.adds( this.create(), augend, addend, scale );

  public addsi( out:T, addend:T, scale:float ): T {
    // out.x = out.x + addend.x * scale;
    return this.adds( out, out, addend, scale );

  public scale( out:T, value:T, scale:float ): T {
    // out.x = value.x * scale
    return this.adds( out, this.ZERO, value, scale );

  public scalen( value:T, scale:float ): T {
    // return value.x * scale
    return this.adds( this.create(), this.ZERO, value, scale );

  public scalei( out:T, scale:float ): T {
    // out.x *= scale
    return this.adds( out, this.ZERO, out, scale );

  public add( out:T, augend:T, addend:T ): T {
    // out.x = augend.x + addend.x;
    return this.adds( out, augend, addend, 1 );

  public addn( augend:T, addend:T ): T {
    // return augend.x + addend.x;
    return this.adds( this.create(), augend, addend, 1 );

  public addi( out:T, amount:T ): T {
    // out.x += amount.x;
    return this.adds( out, out, amount, 1 );

  public sub( out:T, minuend:T, subtrahend:T ): T {
    // out.x = minuend.x - subtrahend.x;
    return this.adds( out, minuend, subtrahend, -1 );

  public subn( minuend:T, subtrahend:T ): T {
    // return minuend.x - subtrahend.x;
    return this.adds( this.create(), minuend, subtrahend, -1 );

  public subi( out:T, subtrahend:T ): T {
    // out.x -= subtrahend.x
    return this.adds( out, out, subtrahend, -1 );

  public abstract mul( out:T, value:T, scale:T ): T
  // out.x = value.x * scale.x

  public muln( value:T, scale:T ): T {
    // return value.x * scale.x
    return this.mul( this.create(), value, scale );

  public muli( out:T, scale:T ): T {
    // out.x *= scale.x
    return this.mul( out, out, scale );

  public abstract div( out:T, dividend:T, divisor:T ): T
  // out.x = OpenMath.divide( dividend.x, divisor.x )

  public divn( dividend:T, divisor:T ): T {
    // return OpenMath.divide( out.x, denominator.x )
    return this.div( this.create, dividend, divisor );

  public divi( out:T, divisor:T ): T {
    // out.x = OpenMath.divide( out.x, denominator.x )
    return this.div( out, out, divisor );

  public interpolate( out:T, start:T, end:T, delta:float ): T {
    // out.x = (end.x - start.x) * delta + start.x
    out = this.adds( out, this.ZERO, start, 1 - delta );
    out = this.adds( out, out, end, delta );
    return out;

  public interpolaten( end:T, delta:float ): T {
    // out.x = (end.x - start.x) * delta + start.x
    T out = this.create();
    out = this.adds( out, this.ZERO, start, 1 - delta );
    out = this.adds( out, out, end, delta );
    return out;

  public abstract contain( out:T, min:T, max:T ): T
  // out.x = OpenMath.clamp( out.x, min.x, max.x )

  public abstract contains( point:T, min:T, max:T ): bool
  // return point >= min && point <= max

  public abstract random( out:T, min:T, max:T, ?randomizer:function ): T
  // out.x = randomizer( min.x, max.x )

  public distance( a:T, b:T ): float {
    return Math.sqrt( this.distanceSq( a, b ) );

  public distanceSq( a:T, b:T ): float {
    T diff = this.sub( this.TEMP0, a, b );
    return diff, diff );

  public length( value:T ): float {
    return Math.sqrt( this.lengthSq( value ) );

  public lengthSq( value:T ): float {
    return value, value );

  public normal( out:T, vector:T ): float {
    float lsq = this.lengthSq( vector );
    this.copy( out, vector );
    if (lsq !== 1.0 && lsq != 0.0){
      this.scalei( out, 1 / Math.sqrt( lsq ) );
    return out;

  public normaln( vector:T ): float {
    return this.normal( this.create(), vector );

  public abstract isValue( value ): bool

  public abstract isFinite( value:T ): bool

  public isZero( value:T, ?epsilon:float=0.00001 ): bool {
    return this.isEqual( value, this.ZERO, epsilon );

  public abstract isEqual( a:T, b:T, ?epsilon:float=0.00001 ): bool
  // return OpenMath.equals( a.x, b.x, epsilon ) && ...

  public abstract dot( a:T, b:T ): float
  // return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + ...

  public lengthen( out:T, value:T, length:float ): T {
    return this.clamp( out, value, length, length );

  public lengthenn( value:T, length:float ): T {
    return this.clampn( value, length, length );

  public lengtheni( out:T, length:float ): T {
    return this.clampi( out, length, length );

  public clamp( out:T, value:T, min:float, max:float ): T {
    float valueSq = this.lengthSq( value );
    if (valueSq != 0.0) {
      if (valueSq < min * min) {
        return this.scale( out, value, min / Math.sqrt( valueSq ) );
      else if (valueSq > max * max) {
        return this.scale( out, value, max / Math.sqrt( valueSq ) );
    return this.copy( out, value );

  public clampn( value:T, min:float, max:float ): T {
    return this.clamp( this.create(), out, min, max );

  public clampi( out:T, min:float, max:float ): T {
    return this.clamp( out, out, min, max );

  public abstract sizeof( value:T ): size

  public abstract write( value:T, to:Output ): size

  public abstract read( out:T, from:Input ): T

  public abstract getComponents(): int

  public abstract getComponent( value:T, index:int ): S

  public abstract setComponent( value:T, index:int, component:S ): T

  public getDimensions(): int {
    return this.getComponents();

  public getDimension( value:T, index:int ): S {
    return this.getComponent( value, index );

  public setDimension( value:T, index:int, dimension:S ): T {
    return this.setComponent( value, index, dimension );

  public slerpDirect( out:T, start:T, end:T, delta:float ): T {
    float startLength = this.length( start );
    float endLength = this.length( end );
    float lengthSq = startLength * endLength;
    float dot = start, end );
    float angle = Math.acos( dot / lengthSq );
    return this.slerp( out, start, end, delta, angle );

  public slerpNormal( out:T, start:T, end:T, delta:float ): T {
    float dot = start, end );
    float angle = Math.acos( dot / lengthSq );
    return this.slerp( out, start, end, delta, angle );

  public slerp( out:T, start:T, end:T, delta:float, angle:float ): T {
    float invDenom = OpenMath.divide( 1, Math.sin( angle ) );
    float d0 = Math.sin( (1 - delta) * angle ) * invDenom;
    float d1 = Math.cos( delta * angle ) * invDenom;

    out = this.scale( out, end, d1 );
    out = this.addsi( out, start, d0 );
    return out;

  public delta( start:T, end:T, point:T ): float {
    T p0 = this.sub( this.TEMP0, end, start );
    T p1 = this.sub( this.TEMP1, start, point );

    float dot = p0, p1 );
    float dsq = this.lengthSq( p0 );
    float delta = dot / dsq;
    return delta;

  public closest( out:T, start:T, end:T, point:T, ?line:bool=false ): T {
    float delta = start, end, point );
    if (!line) {
      delta = OpenMath.clamp( delta, 0, 1 );
    return this.interpolate( out, start, end, delta );

  public interceptionTime( shooter:T, speed:float, targetPosition:T, targetVelocity:T ): float {
    T direct = this.sub( this.TEMP0, targetPosition, shooter );

    float a = this.lengthSq( targetVelocity ) - ( shooterSpeed * shooterSpeed );
    float b = 2.0 * targetVelocity, direct );
    float c = this.lengthSq( direct );

    return OpenMath.quadraticFormula( a, b, c, -1 );

  public distanceFrom( start:T, end:T, point:T, ?line:bool=false ): float {
    float delta = start, end, point );
    if (!line) {
      delta = OpenMath.clamp( delta, 0, 1 );
    T projected = this.interpolate( this.TEMP0, start, end, delta );
    return this.distance( point, projected );

  public inView( origin:T, direction:T, fovCos:float, point:T ): bool {
    T diff = this.sub( this.TEMP0, origin, point );
    return diff, direction ) > fovCos;

  public isCircleView( origin:T, direction:T, fovTan:float, fovCos:float, center:T, radius:float, entirely:bool ): bool {
    T circleToOrigin = this.sub( this.TEMP0, center, origin );

    float distanceAlongDirection = circleToOrigin, direction );
    float coneRadius = distanceAlongDirection * fovTan;                       
    float distanceFromAxis = Math.sqrt( this.lengthSq( circleToOrigin ) - distanceAlongDirection * distanceAlongDirection );
    float distanceFromCenterToCone = distanceFromAxis - coneRadius;                              
    float shortestDistance = distanceFromCenterToCone * fovCos;                          

    if (entirely) {
        shortestDistance += radius;
    } else {
        shortestDistance -= radius;

    return shortestDistance <= 0;

  public cubicCurve( out:T, delta:float, p0:T, p1:T, p2:T, p3:T, matrix[4][4]:float, ?inverse:bool=false ): T {
    float d0 = 1.0;
    float d1 = delta;
    float d2 = d1 * d1;
    float d3 = d2 * d1;

    float[] ts = [
      inverse ? d3 : d0,
      inverse ? d2 : d1,
      inverse ? d1 : d2,
      inverse ? d1 : d3

    T temp = this.TEMP0;
    out = this.clear( out );

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      temp = this.clear( temp );
      temp = this.addsi( temp, p0, matrix[ i ][ 0 ] );
      temp = this.addsi( temp, p1, matrix[ i ][ 1 ] );
      temp = this.addsi( temp, p2, matrix[ i ][ 2 ] );
      temp = this.addsi( temp, p3, matrix[ i ][ 3 ] );
      out = this.addsi( out, temp, ts[ i ] );
    return out;

  public parametricCubicCurve( out:T, delta:float, points[]:T, matrix[4][4]:float, weight:float, ?inverse:bool=false, ?loop:bool=false ): T {
    float n = points.length - 1;
    float a = delta * n;
    float i = OpenMath.clamp( Math.floor( a ), 0, n - 1 );
    float d = a - i;

    T p0 = (i == 0 ? (loop ? points[n] : points[0]) : points[i - 1]);
    T p1 = points[i];
    T p2 = points[i + 1];
    T p3 = (i == n - 1 ? (loop ? points[0] : points[n]) : points[i + 2]);

    out = this.cubicCurve( out, d, p0, p1, p2, p3, matrix, inverse );
    out = this.scalei( out, weight );
    return out;
