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Sections and

File metadata and controls

305 lines (264 loc) · 13.8 KB


Sections and fields are passed as component keys following the main body keys in the PGComponentType options. They add and organize controls for components and are optional if the component adds only an HTML snippet. Each section organizes a group of fields on either the Property or Actions tab of the Pinegrow Editor. Each field, in turn, encodes the control activity.

Sections Overview

The sections key receives an object of objects. Each object that it receives is a key:value pair with a unique name for key and an object for value. This object in turn has two required and one optional key:value pairs that define a set of controls.

Basic sections structure

//remainder of component code
sections: {
	unique_name_one: {
		name: 'Displayed Section Name One', \\required
		default_closed: true, \\optional
		fields:{...}, \\required
	unique_name_two: {
		name: 'Displayed Section Name Two', \\required
		default_closed: false, \\optional
		fields: {...}, \\required
//remainder of component code

Properties Panel from the above code when element is selected
output for sections example taken on retina for testing.

Sections Key:Value pairs

This key takes a name that will be displayed in the properties or actions panel. Note that alongside this name the Pinegrow App will list the source of the control or action.

This key receives a boolean. If set to true, the resulting section will be closed by default on first display. This key is optional.

This key is again an object of objects. Each individual object is a control or action.

Fields Overview

Each field is a property control or action that modifies the element identified on the page by the main selector key. There are a number of built-in controls, such as checkboxes and drop-downs, but custom controls can also be built using API helpers. There are also several built-in actions, such as adding classes or attributes, but once again it is easy to build your own actions.
The fields key receives an object, that contains one or more individual field objects. Each individual field object has a unique id as key, with an object containing a number of key:value pairs as value.
Basic fields structure

//remainder of component code
fields: {
    field_one: {
    field_two: {
//remainder of component code

Fields Key:Value Pairs

This value for this key will be displayed in either the properties or actions tab next to the control, e.g. "Add dividers?" or "Display".

This key identifies what action Pinegrow should take when the user makes a selection with the control. It is used in conjunction with one or more additional keys

  • apply_class
    This action value indicates that the user input or value of the value key should either be added or removed as a class on the element. This value can be supplied from a dropdown using the options key, from the textbox of a text type input, or from the value key when using a checkbox type.

  • element_attribute
    This action value indicates that the value being supplied from the control should be either added or removed as an attribute of the element. This value can be supplied from the attribute key along with the empty_attribute key to produce an empty attribute, or a combination of the attribute key and value key or select, text, image, or slider user input.

  • custom
    This action value indicates that a custom function, supplied by the set_value key, should be used to modify the selected element. Both set_value and get_value will be covered in the custom actions section.

An example of the apply_class action. This example would add the btn-lg class to the selected element when the user ticks the checkbox.

//remainder of component code
fields: {
	button_group_size {
		name: 'Make button large?',
		type: 'checkbox',
		action: 'apply_class',
		value: 'btn-lg'
//remainder of component code

An example of the element_attribute action. This example will add the data-shipping attribute with a value supplied from a select dropdown.

//remainder of component code
fields: {
	shipping_method: {
		name: 'Shipping method?',
		type: 'select',
		options: [
			{key: 'next-day', name: "Next Day"},
			{key: 'two-day', name: "2 day"},
			{key: 'standard', name: "Standard"}
		action: 'element_attribute',
		attribute: 'data-shipping',
		empty_attribute: false
//remainder of component code

Element_attribute-specific key:value pairs

  • empty_attribute
    This key takes a boolean value and determines whether or not the attribute being added to the DOM element requires a value. For example, in some cases an attribute of 'disabled' might be added to an element.

  • attribute_keep_if_empty
    This key takes a boolean value. It is set to true if an attribute is valid whether or not it has a value. For example, the UIkit framework has an attribute uk-sticky that is valid as an empty attribute (essentially evaluating to true) or with data passed in like uk-sticky="offset: 50".

This key takes a value that tells Pinegrow what type of control to display. The Pinegrow API has five main types built in:

Type Output
checkbox Displays a checkbox - basic boolean control
select Displays a dropdown for selecting from a list of options - requires the options to be supplied either as an array of key:value objects, or as a function that returns the same
text Displays a textbox to receive plain text/HTML/code
image Displays a filepicker - can be used to select any file, not just images. For images it also displays a thumbnail
slider displays a range slider for numerical input

In addition to the built-in values, the type key can also accept a value of custom to allow the control to be defined either using the control or show keys. This will be further covered in the custom controls section.

Checkbox-specific key:value:pairs

  • value
    This key takes a value (numeric or string) that will be added or removed from the DOM element as class, attribute, or custom value when the checkbox is ticked.

  • negvalue
    This key is optional and takes a value (numeric or string) that will be added or removed from the DOM element as a class, attribute, or custom value when the checkbox is unticked.

Basically, if a negvalue key is present, the checkbox will act similiar to the Jquery .toggleClass() and toggle between the two values. However, if the negvalue key value is already present on the element, it will NOT be removed on the first click. Instead, the value key value will be added, and on the next click it will behave as expected.

Select-specific key:value pairs

  • options
    This key supplies the list of choices to be displayed in the select dropdown list. They are supplied as an array of choices, where each choice is an object with at least two key:value pairs.
    • name - this key takes a string that is displayed to the user in the select dropdown
    • key - this key takes a string that is the value returned when the user selects that option
//remainder of component code
fields: {
	pge_button_group_size: {
		name: 'Button Size',
		type: 'select',
		show_empty: true,
		options: [
			{key: 'btn-group-lg', name: "Large"},
			{key: 'btn-group-sm', name: "Small"},
			{key: 'btn-group-xs', name: "Extra small"}
//remainder of component code

Output of example above.
Options example PG properties output

A third key html is used for making custom buttons in conjunction with the toggle_buttons key and will be covered in the custom controls section.

  • show_empty
    This key takes a boolean value. If true, it will allow the user to select an empty value, or no value, rather than one from the list. Depending on action or other keys, this can have the effect of removing a particular class or attribute from the DOM element.

  • default_value
    This key allows a default value from the options list to be pre-selected. As value it takes the value of the desired key from the options list. For example, in the above code you could add:

default_value: 'btn-group-lg',

Text-specific key:value pairs

  • live_update
    This key takes a boolean value. If set to true, the targeted element will update in real-time as the user types. If set to false, the element will not update until the user hits enter.

  • placeholder
    This key is semi-unique to the text and slider types. In the context of the text type it takes a string that will be displayed in the text box prior to user input. Note: this does not set a default value for the text box.

Image-specific key:value pairs

  • file_picker
    This key takes a boolean value. If true it will display a folder icon at the right of the input box, along with a thumbnail if the selected file is an image.

Slider-specific key:value pairs

  • slider_min
    This key takes a value for the lower end of the slider range.

  • slider_max
    This key takes a value for the upper end of the slider range.

  • slider_step
    This key takes a value for the amount each tick of the slider should increment the value.

  • slider_def_unit
    This key is optional and takes a string that indicates the type of unit the slider represents, e.g. 'px', 'ms', 'deg'

  • placeholder
    In the context of the slider type, this key takes a numeric value to display to the user prior to user input. Note, this does not set a default value for the field.

Simple slider example for setting section width from 20% to 100% in 5% increments.

//remainder of component code
fields: {
	pge_section_width: {
		name: 'Section width?',
		type: 'slider',
		slider_min: 20,
		slider_max: 100,
		slider_step: 5,
		slider_def_unit: '%'
//remainder of component code

This key takes a plain text/HTML string that is displayed when the user hovers over the control display name.

This key takes a function that receives 9 arguments in order - pgel, prop, value, oldValue, fieldDef, $field, eventType, fieldList, CrsaPage.

  • pgel
    This argument is the pgParserNode (the source-code representation of the current DOM node) for the selected element.
  • prop
    This argument returns the field name of the control that changed. In the previous example this would be 'shipping_method'.
  • value
    This argument returns the value that was selected by the user.
  • oldValue
    This argument returns the previous value that the user had selected. If there was no previous selection it returns 'null'.
  • fieldDef
    This argument returns the full field definition, including action type and name key:value pairs.
  • $field
    This argument returns a jQuery element representing the field control.
  • eventType
    This argument returns the type of event that triggered the on_changed function - typically 'changed'.
  • fieldList
    This argument returns an array of all the fields and field values for the section that the triggering field is included within.
  • CrsaPage
    This argument returns an array of values that represent the selected page options. This includes the file URL, page name, attached stylesheets, and breakpoints.

An example of on_changed - this will add the selected class to the parent element:

//remainder of component
fields: {
    animation_toggle: {
  	  type: 'select',
  	  name: 'Add animation?',
  	  action: 'apply_class',
  	  show_empty: true,
  	  options: [
  		  { key: 'bounce', name: 'Bounce' },
  		  { key: 'shake', name: 'Shake' },
  		  { key: 'pulse', name: 'Pulse' }
  	  on_changed: function (pgel, prop, value, oldValue, fieldDef, $field, eventType, fieldList, CrsaPage){
  		  var pgp = pgel.parent;
  		  if (value) {
  		  } else {
//remainder of component code 

Conditional Field Display

This key determines whether a particular field will be displayed. It can receive as values either a standard if conditional that references another field in the same section, or a function that can reference multiple fields or other values from the element and returns TRUE if it should be shown. Functions receive two arguments in order, values and pgel.

  • values
    This argument is an array of all the other fields in the section and their value.
  • pgel
    This argument is the pgParserNode (the source-code representation of the current DOM node) for the selected element.
def.sections = {
    wp_site_options : {
        name : 'Options',
        fields : {
            field_1 : {
                type: 'checkbox',
                value: 'ON'
            field_2 : {
                show_if: "field_1" //or
                show_if: "field_1==ON" //if has specific value, or
                show_if: function(values) { return values['field_1'] == 'ON' && values['another_field']; }// field_1 has specific value and another_field isn't null, or
                show_if: function(values, pgel) { return values['field_1'] == 'ON' && pgel.hasAttr('data-name')}

Next: Custom Actions