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TbGAL: Tensor-Based Geometric Algebra Library

TbGAL is a C++/Python library for Euclidean, homogeneous/projective, Mikowski/spacetime, conformal, and arbitrary geometric algebras with assuming (p, q) metric signatures.

Geometric algebra is a powerful mathematical system encompassing many mathematical concepts (e.g., complex numbers, quaternions algebra, Grassmann-Cayley algebra, and Plücker coordinates) under the same framework. Geometric algebra is mainly based on the algebraic system called Clifford algebra, but with a strong emphasis on geometric interpretation. In geometric algebra, subspaces are treated as primitives for computation. As such, it is an appropriate mathematical tool for modeling and solving geometric problems in physics, chemistry, engineering, and computer science.

TbGAL represents blades (and versors) in their decomposed state as the outer product (and geometric product), rather than using their representation as a weighted summation of basis blades in ⋀ℝn. The main advantage of the factorized approach is that it is able to compute geometric algebra operations in higher dimensions, i.e., assume multivectors space ⋀ℝn with n > 256. In terms of memory, TbGAL stores only 1 + n2 coefficients per blade or versor in worst case, while operations have maximum complexity of O(n3).

Please cite our Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras paper if you use this code in your research. The paper presents a complete description of the library:

  author  = {Sousa, Eduardo V. and Fernandes, Leandro A. F.},
  title   = {{TbGAL}: a tensor-based library for geometric algebra},
  journal = {Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras},
  year    = {2020},
  volume  = {30},
  number  = {2},
  pages   = {75},
  doi     = {},
  url     = {},

Please, let Eduardo Vera Sousa ( and Leandro A. F. Fernandes ( know if you want to contribute to this project. Also, do not hesitate to contact them if you encounter any problems.


  1. Requirements
  2. How to Build and Install TbGAL
  3. Compiling and Running Examples
  4. Compiling and Running Unit Tests
  5. Documentation
  6. Related Project
  7. License

1. Requirements

Make sure that you have the following tools before attempting to use TbGAL.

Required tools:

  • Your favorite C++17 compiler.
  • CMake (version >= 3.14) to automate installation and to build and run examples.

Required C++ library:

  • Eigen (version >= 3) to evaluate basic matrix algebra routines.

Required tools, if you want to use TbGAL with Python:

  • Python 2 or 3 interpreter, if you want to build and use TbGAL with Python.

Required Python packages and C++ libraries, if you want to use TbGAL with Python:

  • NumPy, the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
  • Boost.Python (version >= 1.56), a C++ library which enables seamless interoperability between C++ and the Python programming language.
  • Boost.NumPy, a C++ library that extends Boost.Python to NumPy.

Required C++ libraries, if you want to run unit tests:

  • GATL is another C++ library for geometric algebra.
  • Google Test is a unit testing library for the C++ programming language, based on the xUnit architecture.

Optional tool to use TbGAL with Python:

2. How to Build and Install TbGAL

Use the git clone command to download the project, where <tbgal-dir> must be replaced by the directory in which you want to place TbGAL's source code, or remove <tbgal-dir> from the command line to download the project to the ./TbGAL directory:

git clone <tbgal-dir>

TbGAL/C++ is a pure template library. Therefore, there is no binary library to link to, but you have to install the header files. Optionally, you can build and install the TbGAL/Python front-end.

Use CMake to copy TbGAL's header files to the common include directory in your system (e.g., /usr/local/include, in Linux). The basic steps for installing TbGAL/C++ using CMake look like this in Linux:

cd <tbgal-dir>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Notice that you may use the -G <generator-name> option of CMake's command-line tool to choose the build system (e.g., Unix makefiles, Visual Studio, etc.). Please, refer to CMake's Help for a complete description of how to use the CMake's command-line tool.

After installation, CMake will find TbGAL/C++ using the command find_package(TbGAL) (see CMake documentation for details). In addition, you will be able to use the TbGAL_INCLUDE_DIRS variable in the CMakeList.txt file of your program while defining the include directories of your C++ project or targets.

TbGAL/Python is a back-end to access TbGAL/C++ from a Python environment. In this case, you have to build and install the TbGAL/Python modules using the commands presented bellow:

cmake --build . --config Release --parallel 8 --target install

It is important to emphasize that both Python 2 and 3 are supported. Please, refer to CMake's documentation for details about how CMake finds the Python interpreter, compiler, and development environment.

Finally, add <cmake-install-prefix>/lib/tbgal/python/<python-version> to the the PYTHONPATH environment variable. The <cmake-install-prefix> placeholder usually is /usr/local on Linux, and C:/Program Files/TbGAL or C:/Program Files (x86)/TbGAL on Windows. But it may change according to what was set in CMake. The <python-version> placeholder is the version of the Python interpreter found by CMake.

Set the PYTHONPATH variable by calling following command in Linux:

export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:<cmake-install-prefix>/lib/tbgal/python/<python-version>"

But this action is not permanent. The new value of PYTHONPATH will be lost as soon as you close the terminal. A possible solution to make an environment variable persistent for a user's environment is to export the variable from the user's profile script:

  1. Open the current user's profile (the ~/.bash_profile file) into a text editor.
  2. Add the export command for the PYTHONPATH environment variable at the end of this file.
  3. Save your changes.

Execute the following steps to set the PYTHONPATH in Windows:

  1. From the Windows Explorer, right click the Computer icon.
  2. Choose Properties from the context menu.
  3. Click the Advanced system settings link.
  4. Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, find the PYTHONPATH environment variable and select it. Click Edit. If the PYTHONPATH environment variable does not exist, click New.
  5. In the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window, specify the value of the PYTHONPATH environment variable to include "<cmake-install-prefix>/lib/tbgal/python/<python-version>". Click OK. Close all remaining windows by clicking OK.
  6. Reopen yout Python environment.

3. Compiling and Running Examples

The basic steps for configuring and building the C++ example of the TbGAL look like this:

cd <tbgal-dir>/cpp/example
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build . --config Release --parallel 8

Call the executables files placed at <tbgal-dir>/cpp/example/build on Linux and at <tbgal-dir>\cpp\example\build\Release on Windows.

Recall that <tbgal-dir> is the directory in which you placed TbGAL's source code.

Use the files in the <tbgal-dir>/cpp/example directory as examples of how to use TbGAL in your C++ program. For instance, after installation of the TbGAL library, CMake will find TbGAL using the command find_package(TbGAL) (see the <tbgal-dir>/cpp/example/CMakeLists.txt file and the CMake documentation for details). Also, you will be able to use the TbGAL_INCLUDE_DIRS variable in the CMakeList.txt file of your program while defining the include directories of your C++ project or targets. In your source code, you have to use the #include <tbgal/using_Eigen.hpp> directive to instrument the library to perform matrix computations using Eigen and the #include <tbgal/assuming_[some-model].hpp> directive to assume some pre-defined model of geometry.

Similarly, you will find examples of how to use the TbGAL library with Python in the <tbgal-dir>/python/example/py2 and <tbgal-dir>/python/example/py3 directories.

4. Compiling and Running Unit Tests

The basic steps for configuring and building the C++ unit tests of the TbGAL look like this:

cd <tbgal-dir>/cpp/test
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build . --parallel 8

The configuration process will donwload, build, and install Google Test automatically. GATL must be installed by you first. If successfull, call the test target to run all tests:

cmake --build . --target test

5. Documentation

Here you find a brief description of the namespaces, macros, classes, functions, procedures, and operators available for the user. All methods are available with C++ and most of them with Python. The detailed documentation is not ready yet.



In C++, namespaces are declarative regions that provide scope to the names of the types, function, variables, etc., inside it. TbGAL defines the following namespaces.

Namespace Description
tbgal The main namespace that encloses all TbGAL implementations
tbgal::Euclidean1, tbgal::Euclidean2, tbgal::Euclidean3, tbgal::EuclideanD The namespace of Euclidean geometric algebra of Rn
tbgal::Homogeneous1, tbgal::Homogeneous2, tbgal::Homogeneous3, tbgal::HomogeneousD The namespace of homogeneous/projective geometric algebra of Rd (n = d + 1)
tbgal::Minkowski1, tbgal::Minkowski2, tbgal::Minkowski3, tbgal::MinkowskiD The namespace of Mikowski/spacetime algebra of Rd (n = d + 2)
tbgal::Conformal1, tbgal::Conformal2, tbgal::Conformal3, tbgal::ConformalD The namespace of conformal geometric algebra of Rd (n = d + 2)
tbgal::SignedPQ The namespace of geometric algebras of Rp, q (n = p + q) with metric signatura (p, q)

The tbgal namespace also declares a nested detail namespace. This is the namespace where the magic happens. Don't touch it!

According to the TbGAL conventions, the root directory for the header files that you will include in your program is the tbgal folder. The core operations may be implemented by TbGAL using different libraries, so you have to indicate the one that will be used. So far, Eigen is the only one available. It can be indicated by including the header file tbgal/using_Eigen.hpp. Also, the header file for each above-mentioned namespace is its name preceded by assuming_ and followed by the .hpp extension. Putting both conventions together, we have tbgal/assuming_Euclidean3.hpp, tbgal/assuming_Homogeneous3.hpp, tbgal/assuming_Minkowski3.hpp, tbgal/assuming_Conformal3.hpp, and so on.

As an example, if you want to use the Eigen-based implementation of TbGAL with conformal geometric algebra of R3 then you have to put the following instructions among the first lines of your source code:

#include <tbgal/using_Eigen.hpp>
#include <tbgal/assuming_Conformal3.hpp>

using namespace tbgal;
using namespace tbgal::Conformal3;

In Python, one only have to import the content of the submodule related to the model of geometry:

from tbgal.conformal3 import *


Optionally, set the following macros before including TbGAL headers in your program to change some conventions of the library. They are not available in Python.

Class Description
TBGAL_DEFAULT_SCALAR_TYPE Defines the floating-point type assumed as default by the library for scalar values (default is std::double_t)
TBGAL_DEFAULT_INDEX_TYPE Defines the signed integral type assumed as default by the library for indices (default is std::int64_t)
TBGAL_DEFAULT_FLT_TOLERANCE, TBGAL_DEFAULT_DBL_TOLERANCE Define the tolerances for round-errors while comparing std::float_t and std::double_t values, respectively

Classes and Data Types

The following basic data types are defined in order to assign a meaning to conventional types, like double, int, and so on.

Basic Type Description
DefaultScalarType The floating point type assumed as default by the library for scalar values (see TBGAL_DEFAULT_SCALAR_TYPE)
DefaultIndexType The signed integral type assumed as default by the library for indices (see TBGAL_DEFAULT_INDEX_TYPE)

The following classes correspond to the most important structures of TbGAL.

Class Description
FactoredMultivector<ScalarType, FactoringProductType> Concrete class for multivectors enconding a k-blade or k-versor using the factorization defined by the FactoringProductType tag class
GeometricProduct<MetricSpaceType>, OuterProduct<MetricSpaceType> Tag classes for the FactoringProductType
BaseSignedMetricSpace<P, Q [, MaxN]> Abstract superclass of classes implementing the MetricSpaceType concept
ConformalMetricSpace<D [, MaxD]>, EuclideanMetricSpace<N [, MaxN]>, HomogeneousMetricSpace<D [, MaxD]>, MinkowskiMetricSpace<D [, MaxD]>, SignedMetricSpace<P, Q [, MaxN]> Concrete classes implementing the MetricSpaceType concept
Exception Class Description
NotSupportedError An exception to report errors related to not implemented features

The D, P, Q, MaxD, and MaxN template arguments of the classes implementing the MetricSpaceType concept may be set to non-negative integer values in compilation time. As a result, the dimensionality of the vector space will be constant at runtime. The other option is to set them to Dynamic if one plans to change the dimensionality of the vector space at runtime. You don't have to worry about that if you are using a model of geometry defined in one of the tbgal/assuming_[whatever].hpp headers.

The explicit use of C++ templates while implementing a solution may be overwhelming. For the sake of simplicity, it is strongly recommended to use the auto placeholder type specifier (please, refer to the C++ specification for details) whenever possible.

Utilities Constants and Functions

Here you find some useful functions to assist the implementation of your program.

Function Description
e(index) Returns an unit basis vector
scalar(arg) Converts the given numerical value to a scalar factored multivector
vector(coords...) Makes a vector with the given set of coordinates
vector(begin, end) Makes a vector with the set of coordinates accessed by the iterators

Products and Basic Operations

The following tables present a set of basic products and operations from geometric algebra.

Product Description
dot(arg1, arg2) Dot product
gp(arg1, arg2) Geometric/Clifford product
hip(arg1, arg2) Hestenes inner product
igp(arg1, arg2) Inverse geometric/Clifford product (the argument rhs must be a versor)
lcont(arg1, arg2) Left contraction
op(arg1, args...) Outer/Wedge product
rcont(arg1, arg2) Right contraction
sp(arg1, arg2) Scalar product
Simple Binary Operation Description
addition(arg1, arg2), add(arg1, arg2) Addition
subtraction(arg1, arg2), sub(arg1, arg2) Subtraction
Sign-Change Operation Description
conjugate(arg) Clifford conjugation
involute(arg) Grade involution
reverse(arg) Reversion
unary_minus(arg) Unary minus
unary_plus(arg) Unary plus
Dualization Operation Description
dual(arg) Dualization operation
undual(arg) Undualization operation
Norm-Based Operation Description
rnorm_sqr(arg) Squared reverse norm
rnorm(arg) Reverse norm
inverse(arg), inv(arg) Inverse of the given versor using the squared reverse norm
unit(arg) Unit under reverse norm
Transformation Operation Description
apply_even_versor(versor, arg) Returns the argument transformed by the even versor using the sandwich product
apply_odd_versor(versor, arg) Returns the argument transformed by the odd versor using the sandwich product
apply_rotor(rotor, arg) Returns the argument transformed by the rotor using the sandwich product

Overloaded Operators

TbGAL overload some C++ operators to make the writing of source code closer to the writing of mathematical expressions with geometric algebra.

It is important to notice that the precedence and associativity of C++ operators are different than the one assumed in mathematical functions. For instance, one would expect that the outer/wedge product ^ would be evaluated before the addition operation in the following expression a + b ^ c, because product precedes addition in math. However, in C++ the addition operator (+) precedes the bitwise XOR operator (^), leading to possible mistakes while implementing mathematical procedures (please, refer to the C++ specification for details). As a result, the resulting expression in this example would be (a + b) ^ c. The use of parenthesis is strongly recommended in order to avoid those mistakes. By rewriting the example, a + (b ^ c) will guarantee the expected behavior.

Arithmetic Operator Description
+arg Unary plus (same as unary_plus(arg))
-arg Unary minus (same as unary_minus(arg))
arg1 + arg2 Addition (same as add(arg1, arg2))
arg1 - arg2 Subtraction (same as sub(arg1, arg2))
arg1 * arg2 Geometric/Clifford product (same as gp(arg1, arg2))
arg1 / arg2 Inverse geometric/Clifford product (same as igp(arg1, arg2))
arg1 ^ arg2 Outer/Wedge product (same as op(arg1, arg2))
Input/Output Operator Description
os << arg Insert formatted output


TbGAL includes a set of useful functions to help developers to write their programs.

Function Description
default_tolerance<ValueType>() Return the standard tolerance value tol assumed for the given value type
Testing Function Description
is_blade(arg) Returns whether the given argument is a blade
is_zero(arg) Returns whether the given argument is equal to zero
Testing Meta-Function Description
is_multivector_v<Type> Returns whether the given type is a factored multivector expression

Algebra-Specific Declarations

In the following sub-section, you find declarations that are specific of the respective geometric algebra.


Classes and constants of signed geometric algebras of Rp, q. They are available in the following namespace: tbgal::SignedPQ.

Class Description
SignedMetricSpace<P, Q [, MaxN]> Orthogonal metric space with signature (p, q) (n = p + q)
Constant Value Description
SPACE An instance of the orthogonal metric space class with signature (p, q)


Classes, constants, functions, and operations of Euclidean geometric algebras of Rn. They are available in the following namespaces: tbgal::Euclidean1, tbgal::Euclidean2, tbgal::Euclidean3, and tbgal::EuclideanD.

Class Description
EuclideanMetricSpace<N [, MaxN]> Euclidean metric space
Constant Value Description
e1, e2, ..., eN Euclidean basis vector (same as e(1), e(2), ..., e(N))
SPACE An instance of the Euclidean metric space class
Function Description
euclidean_vector(coords...) Makes an Euclidean vector with the given set of coordinates
euclidean_vector(begin, end) Makes an Euclidean vector with the set of coordinates accessed by the iterators


Classes, constants, functions, and operations of homogeneous/projective geometric algebras of Rd (n = d + 1). They are available in the following namespaces: tbgal::Homogeneous1, tbgal::Homogeneous2, tbgal::Homogeneous3, and tbgal::HomogeneousD.

Class Description
HomogeneousMetricSpace<D [, MaxD]> Homogeneous/Projective metric space
Constant Value Description
e1, e2, ..., eD Euclidean basis vector (same as e(1), e(2), ..., e(D))
ep Positive extra basis vector interpreted as the point at the origin (same as e(D + 1))
SPACE An instance of the homogeneous/projective metric space class
Function Description
direction(coords...) Makes a direction vector using the given set of coordinates
direction(begin, end) Makes a direction vector using the set of coordinates accesses by the iterators
euclidean_vector(coords...) Makes an Euclidean vector with the given set of coordinates
euclidean_vector(begin, end) Makes an Euclidean vector with the set of coordinates accessed by the iterators
point(coords...) Makes an unit point using the given set of coordinates
point(begin, end) Makes an unit point using the set of coordinates accesses by the iterators


Classes, constants, functions, and operations of Mikowski/spacetime geometric algebras of Rd (n = d + 2). They are available in the following namespaces: tbgal::Minkowski1, tbgal::Minkowski2, tbgal::Minkowski3, and tbgal::MinkowskiD.

Class Description
MinkowskiMetricSpace<D [, MaxD]> Minkowski/Spacetime metric space
Constant Value Description
e1, e2, ..., eD Euclidean basis vector (same as e(1), e(2), ..., e(D))
ep Positive extra basis vector (same as e(D + 1))
em Negative extra basis vector (same as e(D + 2))
SPACE An instance of the Minkowski/spacetime metric space class
Function Description
euclidean_vector(coords...) Makes an Euclidean vector with the given set of coordinates
euclidean_vector(begin, end) Makes an Euclidean vector with the set of coordinates accessed by the iterators
point(coords...) Makes an unit point using the given set of coordinates
point(begin, end) Makes an unit point using the set of coordinates accesses by the iterators


Classes, constants, functions, and operations of conformal geometric algebras of Rd (n = d + 2). They are available in the following namespaces: tbgal::Conformal1, tbgal::Conformal2, tbgal::Conformal3, and tbgal::ConformalD.

Class Description
ConformalMetricSpace<D [, MaxD]> Conformal metric space
Constant Value Description
e1, e2, ..., eD Euclidean basis vector (same as e(1), e(2), ..., e(D))
no Null vector interpreted as the point at the origin (same as e(D + 1))
ni Null vector interpreted as the point at infinity (same as e(D + 2))
SPACE An instance of the conformal metric space class
Function Description
euclidean_vector(coords...) Makes an Euclidean vector with the given set of coordinates
euclidean_vector(begin, end) Makes an Euclidean vector with the set of coordinates accessed by the iterators
point(coords...) Makes an unit point using the given set of coordinates
point(begin, end) Makes an unit point using the set of coordinates accesses by the iterators

6. Related Project

Please, visit the GitHub repository of the ga-benchmark project for a benchmark comparing the most popular libraries, library generators, and code optimizers for geometric algebra.

7. License

This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.