diff --git a/source/requirements.txt b/source/requirements.txt
index 16bc5a1..7140053 100644
--- a/source/requirements.txt
+++ b/source/requirements.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/source/tests-dev/appcreator.py b/source/tests-dev/appcreator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..240709f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/tests-dev/appcreator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import time
+import warnings
+from lxml import etree
+from locust import HttpUser, between, task
+from requests_html import AsyncHTMLSession, HTML
+#import asyncio
+#from io import StringIO
+#import requests
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+username = os.environ.get("SERVE_USERNAME")
+password = os.environ.get("SERVE_PASS")
+# Utility functions
+def make_url(url: str):
+ """Ensures that the URL contains exactly one trailing slash."""
+ return url.rstrip("/") + "/"
+class CreatingUser(HttpUser):
+ """Simulates an authenticated, power user that creates a project and app."""
+ # For now only supports one fixed user
+ fixed_count = 1
+ wait_time = between(2, 3)
+ project_url = "UNSET"
+ is_authenticated = False
+ task_has_run = False
+ def on_start(self):
+ logger.debug("on start")
+ self.client.verify = False # Don't check if certificate is valid
+ self.get_token()
+ self.login()
+ # Tasks
+ @task
+ def create_task(self):
+ if self.task_has_run is True:
+ logger.debug("Skipping create task for user %s. It has already been run.", username)
+ return
+ self.task_has_run = True
+ logger.info("executing create task")
+ # The user should already be logged in
+ if self.is_authenticated is False:
+ logger.warning(f"The user {self.username} is not authenticated but should be. Ending task.")
+ return
+ # Create a project
+ logger.info("Creating projects and apps as user %s", username)
+ project_name = "locust-appcreator-project-" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+ self.create_project(project_name)
+ # Open the project
+ logger.info("Opening project at URL %s", self.project_url)
+ self.client.get(self.project_url)
+ # Create an app
+ app_name = "locust-jupyterlab-app"
+ self._create_app(project_name, app_name)
+ # Successful POST is redirected to the projects page
+ def _create_app(self, project_name: str, app_name: str):
+ # Update the csrf token
+ app_create_url = self.project_url + "apps/create/jupyter-lab?from=overview"
+ logger.info(f"Using this URL to create a JL notebook app: {app_create_url}")
+ self.get_token(app_create_url)
+ # Fetch the web page content
+ #response = requests.get(app_create_url, data=dict(csrfmiddlewaretoken=self.csrftoken))
+ #response = requests.post(app_create_url, data=dict(csrfmiddlewaretoken=self.csrftoken))
+ # First make a dummy POST to the form to get the html and parse out the select option values
+ app_data = dict(csrfmiddlewaretoken=self.csrftoken)
+ html_content = ""
+ with self.client.post(
+ url=app_create_url,
+ data=app_data,
+ headers={"Referer": "foo"},
+ catch_response=True,
+ ) as response:
+ logger.debug("create JupyterLab app response.status_code = %s, %s", response.status_code, response.reason)
+ html_content = response.content
+ # Parse the HTML content
+ parser = etree.HTMLParser()
+ tree = etree.fromstring(html_content, parser)
+ # Must first get the volume, flavor, and environment values from the form
+ volume = None
+ flavor = None
+ environment = None
+ # Extract the form values of the option elements using XPath
+ # Flavor:
+ el_volume = tree.xpath('//select[@name="volume"]/option')
+ el_flavor = tree.xpath('//select[@name="flavor"]/option')
+ el_environment = tree.xpath('//select[@name="environment"]/option')
+ if el_volume:
+ volume = el_volume[0].get('value')
+ else:
+ print('Option element VOLUME not found')
+ if el_flavor:
+ flavor = el_flavor[0].get('value')
+ else:
+ print('Option element FLAVOR not found')
+ if el_environment:
+ environment = el_environment[0].get('value')
+ else:
+ print('Option element ENVIRONMENT not found')
+ print(f"The parsed form values to use are: volume={volume}, flavor={flavor}, environment={environment}")
+ # To create the app, perform a POST submit to a URL with pattern:
+ # https://serve-dev.scilifelab.se/projects/locust-appcreator-project-20241007-145428-sib/apps/create/jupyter-lab?from=overview
+ #sesn = requests_html.HTMLSession(verify=False)
+ #resp = sesn.get(app_create_url)
+ #assert resp.status_code == 200
+ # Render JavaScript
+ #resp.html.render()
+ # Parse the HTML content
+ #html = HTML(html=html_raw)
+ # Find the option element and extract its value
+ # Downloads Chromium
+ # from https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/Linux_x64/1181205/chrome-linux.zip
+ #asyncio.run(fetch_and_render(app_create_url))
+ app_data = dict(
+ name=app_name,
+ volume=volume,
+ access="project",
+ flavor=flavor,
+ environment=environment,
+ description="Project desc",
+ csrfmiddlewaretoken=self.csrftoken,
+ )
+ with self.client.post(
+ url=app_create_url,
+ data=app_data,
+ headers={"Referer": "foo"},
+ catch_response=True,
+ ) as response:
+ logger.debug("create JupyterLab app response.status_code = %s, %s", response.status_code, response.reason)
+ # If succeeds then url = /projects//
+ logger.debug("create JupyterLab app response.url = %s", response.url)
+ if project_name in response.url and "create/jupyter-lab" not in response.url:
+ # The returned URL should NOT be back at the create app page
+ logger.info("Successfully created JupyterLab app %s", app_name)
+ else:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Create JupyterLab app failed. Response URL {response.url} does not indicate success."
+ )
+ logger.debug(response.content)
+ response.failure("Create JupyterLab app failed. Response URL does not indicate success.")
+ def create_project(self, project_name: str):
+ # Update the csrf token
+ self.get_token("/projects/create/?template=Default project")
+ project_data = dict(
+ name=project_name,
+ template_id=1,
+ description="Project desc",
+ csrfmiddlewaretoken=self.csrftoken,
+ )
+ with self.client.post(
+ url="/projects/create/?template=Default%20project",
+ data=project_data,
+ headers={"Referer": "foo"},
+ catch_response=True,
+ ) as response:
+ logger.debug("create project response.status_code = %s, %s", response.status_code, response.reason)
+ # If succeeds then url = /projects//
+ logger.debug("create project response.url = %s", response.url)
+ if project_name in response.url:
+ logger.info("Successfully created project %s", project_name)
+ self.project_url = make_url(response.url)
+ else:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Create project failed. Response URL {response.url} does not contain project name {project_name}"
+ )
+ # logger.debug(response.content)
+ response.failure("Create project failed. Response URL does not contain project name.")
+ def login(self):
+ logger.info("Login as user %s", username)
+ login_data = dict(username=username, password=password, csrfmiddlewaretoken=self.csrftoken)
+ with self.client.post(
+ url="/accounts/login/",
+ data=login_data,
+ headers={"Referer": "foo"},
+ name="---ON START---LOGIN",
+ catch_response=True,
+ ) as response:
+ logger.debug("login response.status_code = %s, %s", response.status_code, response.reason)
+ # If login succeeds then url = /accounts/login/, else /projects/
+ logger.debug("login response.url = %s", response.url)
+ if "/projects" in response.url:
+ self.is_authenticated = True
+ else:
+ response.failure(f"Login as user {username} failed. Response URL does not contain /projects")
+ def logout(self):
+ if self.is_authenticated:
+ logger.debug("Logout user %s", username)
+ logout_data = dict(username=username, csrfmiddlewaretoken=self.csrftoken)
+ with self.client.post(
+ "/accounts/logout/",
+ data=logout_data,
+ headers={"Referer": "foo"},
+ name="---ON STOP---LOGOUT",
+ catch_response=True,
+ ):
+ pass
+ def get_token(self, relative_url: str = "/accounts/login/"):
+ self.client.get(relative_url)
+ self.csrftoken = self.client.cookies["csrftoken"]
+ logger.debug("self.csrftoken = %s", self.csrftoken)
+ def on_stop(self):
+ logger.debug("on stop. exec logout.")
+ self.logout()
+# This method is not completed and not used
+async def fetch_and_render(url):
+ """Fetches the html from a dynamic web page so that it can be parsed.
+ This however requires downloading of the Chromium browser."""
+ # Create an asynchronous session
+ session = AsyncHTMLSession()
+ response = await session.get(url)
+ # Render JavaScript
+ await response.html.arender()
+ # Parse the HTML content
+ html = response.html
+ # Find the option element and extract its value
+ option_element = html.find('select[name="flavor"] option[selected]', first=True)
+ if option_element:
+ option_value = option_element.attrs['value']
+ print(f'Option value: {option_value}')
+ else:
+ print('Option element not found')
+ await session.close()