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An Android app built with an artistic style transfer neural network


Artistic style transfer help you creat exciting image with sytle you like. It need two input images: one representing the artistic style and one representing the content.

This project implement style transfer on Android platfrom. It contains two parts including training style model on computer using python and deploy the model to the moblie phone with Android Studio.

The app can be download via BaiduCloud or GoogleDriver

Part I. Style Model Training

Step1. Download dataset and pretrained VGG model

Unzip the and put the folder train2014 and imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat to the data folder

Step2. Train model

The training code refers to @GuidoPaul

python --style images/styles/wave.jpg --test images/test/test.jpg

It takes about 3 to 4 hours to train on TITAN XP.

The trained model is saved in checkpoint folder and the converted pb model file is saved in model file.

You can download the pretrained model trained by images/styled/wave.jpg via BaiduCloud

Step3. Evaluate

python --model_name model/style_graph_frozen.pb --test_image images/test/test2.jpg

Run to see the input and output node and tensor size of trained model which are important for the setting on Andoird.

Part II. Android Setup

After traning style model using python, we need deploy the trained model on android.

To run this project, you need put the pre-trained pb modol file to Part2_Android_Project\Style_Transfer\app\src\main\assets download via BaiduCloud

To add your trained model, you need to follow these steps:

Step1. Add style image

  1. Add the style image to the folder Part2_Android_Project\Style_Transfer\app\src\main\res\drawable
  2. Create style object to the function initStyles() at line 653 in

Step2. Add style model

  1. Add the style model to the folder Part2_Android_Project\Style_Transfer\app\src\main\assets
  2. Add this model to pu_list at Line 73 in

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