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File metadata and controls

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Struggling with making GUI's with vanilla skript? I can help! No requirements

  1. Command to create GUI
  2. Code to create GUI
  3. Inventory click
  4. Full code

For this we are gonna use a command with an integer argument the player can use to make a custom amount of rows.

GUI command

command /simplegui [<integer>]: # creates a command with an optional argument so we can send custom messages
		if arg-1 is set: # making sure the argument is set
			if arg-1 >= 1: # making sure the argument is above or equal to 1, you cannot have a gui with 0 rows
				if arg-1 <= 6: # making sure the argument is below or equal to 6, you cannot go above 6
					# GUI code
				else: # else conditions must allign with their if statement
					send "A chest GUI must have 1-6 rows"
				send "A chest GUI must have 1-6 rows"
			send "Specify an integer from 1-6"

Now we have the base of the command made so that we can make a GUI; let's make the GUI!

GUI code

Theres many different ways to set slots in a GUI, here are some examples. By the way, the "first slot" of an inventory is slot 0!

set slot 11 of {_gui} to 12 glass
set slots 12,15,17 of {_gui} to  63 dirt
set slots (integers from 0 to 8) to player's skull named "%player%"

We are going to set the top row to red stained glass panes and the middle slot of it to the player's skull

set {_gui} to a chest inventory with arg-1 rows named "%player%'s skull" # creates a gui with a name and sets it to a local variable
set slots (integers from 0 to 8) of {_gui} to red stained glass pane named "&4Red" # sets the first row of the gui to red stained glass pane
set slots (integers from 9 to (arg-1)*9-1) of {_gui} to black stained glass pane named "&0" # sets all other rows to black stained glass pane
set slot 4 of {_gui} to player's skull named "%player%" # sets slot 4 to the players skull named after the player
set metadata value "gui" of player to {_gui} # setting the metadata of the player makes it easy to check inventories and code them further down the line
open {_gui} to player # lastly with a gui, we need to open it to a player

Put them together and you have a GUI skript!

Why don't we make it do things when we click slots in the inventory, though :D For this, we can use the on inventory click event. There are several different methods of checking slots, such as index (slot number), name of slot and type of slot.

Inventory click

on inventory click:
	if event-inventory = metadata value "gui" of player: # checking the inventory is the inventory we made by comparing it with the metadata of the player
		cancel event # making it so we cannot move the inventory slots around
		if index of event-slot = 4: # checking index of slot to index of players skull
			push player up with force 3
			give player 1 of player's skull
		else if event-slot is black stained glass pane: # checking if the clicked slot is a black stained glass pane
			close player's inventory
		else if name of event-slot is "&4Red": # checking if the name of the event slot is "&4Red"
			play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" to player

Full code

command /simplegui [<integer>]:
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-1 >= 1:
				if arg-1 <= 6:
					set {_gui} to a chest inventory with arg-1 rows named "%player%'s skull"
					set slots (integers from 0 to 8) of {_gui} to red stained glass pane named "&4Red"
					set slots (integers from 9 to (arg-1)*9-1) of {_gui} to black stained glass pane named "&0"
					set slot 4 of {_gui} to player's skull named "%player%"
					set metadata value "gui" of player to {_gui}
					open {_gui} to player
					send "A chest GUI must have 1-6 rows"
				send "A chest GUI must have 1-6 rows"
			send "Specify an integer from 1-6"

on inventory click:
	if event-inventory = metadata value "gui" of player:
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot = 4:
			push player up with force 3
			give player 1 of player's skull
		else if event-item is black stained glass pane:
			close player's inventory
		else if name of event-slot is "&4Red":
			play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" to player```