diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/change_model/makeEcModel.html b/doc/src/geckomat/change_model/makeEcModel.html index 18aeab8e1..cad1d0596 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/change_model/makeEcModel.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/change_model/makeEcModel.html @@ -393,148 +393,150 @@

SOURCE CODE ^end 0258 noUniprot = uniprotCompatibleGenes(~Lia); -0259 if ~isempty(noUniprot) -0260 printOrange(['WARNING: The ' num2str(numel(noUniprot)) ' gene(s) reported in noUniprot cannot be found in data/uniprot.tsv, these will\n' ... -0261 'not be enzyme-constrained. If you intend to use different Uniprot data (e.g. from a\n'... -0262 'different proteome, make sure you first delete the existing data/uniprot.tsv file.\n']) -0263 end -0264 ec.genes = model.genes(Lia); %Will often be duplicate of model.genes, but is done here to prevent issues when it is not. -0265 ec.enzymes = uniprotDB.ID(Locb(Lia)); -0266 ec.mw = uniprotDB.MW(Locb(Lia)); -0267 ec.sequence = uniprotDB.seq(Locb(Lia)); -0268 %Additional info -0269 ec.concs = nan(numel(ec.genes),1); % To be filled with proteomics data when available -0270 -0271 %8: Only parse rxns associated to genes -0272 if ~geckoLight -0273 ec.rxnEnzMat = zeros(numel(rxnWithGene),numel(ec.genes)); % Non-zeros will indicate the number of subunits -0274 for r=1:numel(rxnWithGene) -0275 rxnGenes = model.genes(find(model.rxnGeneMat(rxnWithGene(r),:))); -0276 [~,locEnz] = ismember(rxnGenes,ec.genes); % Could also parse directly from rxnGeneMat, but some genes might be missing from Uniprot DB -0277 if locEnz ~= 0 -0278 ec.rxnEnzMat(r,locEnz) = 1; %Assume 1 copy per subunit or enzyme, can be modified later -0279 end -0280 end -0281 else -0282 %For light models, we need to split up all GPRs -0283 ec.rxnEnzMat = zeros(numel(ec.rxns),numel(ec.genes)); % Non-zeros will indicate the number of subunits -0284 nextIndex = 1; -0285 %For full model generation, the GPRs are controlled in expandModel, but -0286 %here we need to make an explicit format check -0287 indexes2check = findPotentialErrors(model.grRules,model); -0288 if ~isempty(indexes2check) -0289 printOrange('Run standardizeGrRules(model) for a more detailed warning.\n') -0290 printOrange('For Human-GEM, these reactions can be corrected using simplifyGrRules.\n'); -0291 end -0292 -0293 for i=1:prevNumRxns -0294 %ind is the index in the model, not to confuse with the index in the ec struct (i), -0295 %which only contains reactions with GPRs. -0296 ind = rxnWithGene(i); -0297 %Get rid of all '(' and ')' since I'm not looking at complex stuff -0298 %anyways -0299 geneString=model.grRules{ind}; -0300 geneString=strrep(geneString,'(',''); -0301 geneString=strrep(geneString,')',''); -0302 geneString=strrep(geneString,' or ',';'); -0303 -0304 if (numOrs(i) == 0) -0305 geneNames = {geneString}; -0306 else -0307 %Split the string into gene names -0308 geneNames=regexp(geneString,';','split'); -0309 end -0310 -0311 %Now loop through the isozymes and set the rxnGeneMat -0312 for j = 1:length(geneNames) -0313 %Find the gene in the gene list If ' and ' relationship, first -0314 %split the genes -0315 fnd = strfind(geneNames{j},' and '); -0316 if ~isempty(fnd) -0317 andGenes=regexp(geneNames{j},' and ','split'); -0318 ec.rxnEnzMat(nextIndex,ismember(ec.genes,andGenes)) = 1; %should be subunit stoichoimetry -0319 else -0320 ec.rxnEnzMat(nextIndex,ismember(ec.genes,geneNames(j)))=1;%should be subunit stoichoimetry -0321 end -0322 nextIndex = nextIndex + 1; -0323 end -0324 end -0325 end -0326 -0327 %9: Add proteins as pseudometabolites -0328 if ~geckoLight -0329 [proteinMets.mets, uniprotSortId] = unique(ec.enzymes); -0330 proteinMets.mets = strcat('prot_',proteinMets.mets); -0331 proteinMets.metNames = proteinMets.mets; -0332 proteinMets.compartments = compartmentID; -0333 if isfield(model,'metMiriams') -0334 proteinMets.metMiriams = repmat({struct('name',{{'sbo'}},'value',{{'SBO:0000252'}})},numel(proteinMets.mets),1); -0335 end -0336 if isfield(model,'metCharges') -0337 proteinMets.metCharges = zeros(numel(proteinMets.mets),1); -0338 end -0339 proteinMets.metNotes = repmat({'Enzyme-usage pseudometabolite'},numel(proteinMets.mets),1); -0340 model = addMets(model,proteinMets); -0341 end -0342 -0343 %10: Add protein pool pseudometabolite -0344 pool.mets = 'prot_pool'; -0345 pool.metNames = pool.mets; -0346 pool.compartments = compartmentID; -0347 pool.metNotes = 'Enzyme-usage protein pool'; -0348 model = addMets(model,pool); -0349 -0350 %11: Add protein usage reactions. -0351 if ~geckoLight -0352 usageRxns.rxns = strcat('usage_',proteinMets.mets); -0353 usageRxns.rxnNames = usageRxns.rxns; -0354 usageRxns.mets = cell(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1); -0355 usageRxns.stoichCoeffs = cell(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1); -0356 for i=1:numel(usageRxns.mets) -0357 usageRxns.mets{i} = {proteinMets.mets{i}, 'prot_pool'}; -0358 usageRxns.stoichCoeffs{i} = [-1,1]; -0359 end -0360 usageRxns.lb = zeros(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1) - 1000; -0361 usageRxns.ub = zeros(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1); -0362 usageRxns.rev = ones(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1); -0363 usageRxns.grRules = ec.genes(uniprotSortId); -0364 model = addRxns(model,usageRxns); -0365 end -0366 -0367 %12: Add protein pool reaction (with open UB) -0368 poolRxn.rxns = 'prot_pool_exchange'; -0369 poolRxn.rxnNames = poolRxn.rxns; -0370 poolRxn.mets = {'prot_pool'}; -0371 poolRxn.stoichCoeffs = {-1}; -0372 poolRxn.lb = -1000; -0373 poolRxn.ub = 0; -0374 poolRxn.rev = 1; -0375 model = addRxns(model,poolRxn); -0376 -0377 model.ec=ec; -0378 end -0379 -0380 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -0381 %Function that gets the model field grRules and returns the indexes of the -0382 %rules in which the pattern ") and (" is present. -0383 %Copied from standardizeGrRules -0384 % TODO: Make this an accessible function in a separate file in RAVEN and remove this -0385 %implementation. -0386 function indexes2check = findPotentialErrors(grRules,model) -0387 indxs_l = find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(grRules,') and ('))); -0388 indxs_l_L = find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(grRules,') and'))); -0389 indxs_l_R = find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(grRules,'and ('))); -0390 indexes2check = vertcat(indxs_l,indxs_l_L,indxs_l_R); -0391 indexes2check = unique(indexes2check); -0392 -0393 if ~isempty(indexes2check) -0394 textToPrint = 'WARNING: Potentially problematic ") AND (" in the grRules for reaction(s):\n'; -0395 for i=1:numel(indexes2check) -0396 textToPrint=[textToPrint '\t' model.rxns{indexes2check(i)} '\n']; -0397 end -0398 printOrange(textToPrint); -0399 end -0400 end +0259 if all(~Lia) +0260 error('None of the proteins in uniprot.tsv match the genes in the model. Changes to the obj.params.uniprot parameters are likely required.') +0261 elseif ~isempty(noUniprot) +0262 printOrange(['WARNING: The ' num2str(numel(noUniprot)) ' gene(s) reported in noUniprot cannot be found in data/uniprot.tsv, these will\n' ... +0263 'not be enzyme-constrained. If you intend to use different Uniprot data (e.g. from a\n'... +0264 'different proteome, make sure you first delete the existing data/uniprot.tsv file.\n']) +0265 end +0266 ec.genes = model.genes(Lia); %Will often be duplicate of model.genes, but is done here to prevent issues when it is not. +0267 ec.enzymes = uniprotDB.ID(Locb(Lia)); +0268 ec.mw = uniprotDB.MW(Locb(Lia)); +0269 ec.sequence = uniprotDB.seq(Locb(Lia)); +0270 %Additional info +0271 ec.concs = nan(numel(ec.genes),1); % To be filled with proteomics data when available +0272 +0273 %8: Only parse rxns associated to genes +0274 if ~geckoLight +0275 ec.rxnEnzMat = zeros(numel(rxnWithGene),numel(ec.genes)); % Non-zeros will indicate the number of subunits +0276 for r=1:numel(rxnWithGene) +0277 rxnGenes = model.genes(find(model.rxnGeneMat(rxnWithGene(r),:))); +0278 [~,locEnz] = ismember(rxnGenes,ec.genes); % Could also parse directly from rxnGeneMat, but some genes might be missing from Uniprot DB +0279 if locEnz ~= 0 +0280 ec.rxnEnzMat(r,locEnz) = 1; %Assume 1 copy per subunit or enzyme, can be modified later +0281 end +0282 end +0283 else +0284 %For light models, we need to split up all GPRs +0285 ec.rxnEnzMat = zeros(numel(ec.rxns),numel(ec.genes)); % Non-zeros will indicate the number of subunits +0286 nextIndex = 1; +0287 %For full model generation, the GPRs are controlled in expandModel, but +0288 %here we need to make an explicit format check +0289 indexes2check = findPotentialErrors(model.grRules,model); +0290 if ~isempty(indexes2check) +0291 printOrange('Run standardizeGrRules(model) for a more detailed warning.\n') +0292 printOrange('For Human-GEM, these reactions can be corrected using simplifyGrRules.\n'); +0293 end +0294 +0295 for i=1:prevNumRxns +0296 %ind is the index in the model, not to confuse with the index in the ec struct (i), +0297 %which only contains reactions with GPRs. +0298 ind = rxnWithGene(i); +0299 %Get rid of all '(' and ')' since I'm not looking at complex stuff +0300 %anyways +0301 geneString=model.grRules{ind}; +0302 geneString=strrep(geneString,'(',''); +0303 geneString=strrep(geneString,')',''); +0304 geneString=strrep(geneString,' or ',';'); +0305 +0306 if (numOrs(i) == 0) +0307 geneNames = {geneString}; +0308 else +0309 %Split the string into gene names +0310 geneNames=regexp(geneString,';','split'); +0311 end +0312 +0313 %Now loop through the isozymes and set the rxnGeneMat +0314 for j = 1:length(geneNames) +0315 %Find the gene in the gene list If ' and ' relationship, first +0316 %split the genes +0317 fnd = strfind(geneNames{j},' and '); +0318 if ~isempty(fnd) +0319 andGenes=regexp(geneNames{j},' and ','split'); +0320 ec.rxnEnzMat(nextIndex,ismember(ec.genes,andGenes)) = 1; %should be subunit stoichoimetry +0321 else +0322 ec.rxnEnzMat(nextIndex,ismember(ec.genes,geneNames(j)))=1;%should be subunit stoichoimetry +0323 end +0324 nextIndex = nextIndex + 1; +0325 end +0326 end +0327 end +0328 +0329 %9: Add proteins as pseudometabolites +0330 if ~geckoLight +0331 [proteinMets.mets, uniprotSortId] = unique(ec.enzymes); +0332 proteinMets.mets = strcat('prot_',proteinMets.mets); +0333 proteinMets.metNames = proteinMets.mets; +0334 proteinMets.compartments = compartmentID; +0335 if isfield(model,'metMiriams') +0336 proteinMets.metMiriams = repmat({struct('name',{{'sbo'}},'value',{{'SBO:0000252'}})},numel(proteinMets.mets),1); +0337 end +0338 if isfield(model,'metCharges') +0339 proteinMets.metCharges = zeros(numel(proteinMets.mets),1); +0340 end +0341 proteinMets.metNotes = repmat({'Enzyme-usage pseudometabolite'},numel(proteinMets.mets),1); +0342 model = addMets(model,proteinMets); +0343 end +0344 +0345 %10: Add protein pool pseudometabolite +0346 pool.mets = 'prot_pool'; +0347 pool.metNames = pool.mets; +0348 pool.compartments = compartmentID; +0349 pool.metNotes = 'Enzyme-usage protein pool'; +0350 model = addMets(model,pool); +0351 +0352 %11: Add protein usage reactions. +0353 if ~geckoLight +0354 usageRxns.rxns = strcat('usage_',proteinMets.mets); +0355 usageRxns.rxnNames = usageRxns.rxns; +0356 usageRxns.mets = cell(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1); +0357 usageRxns.stoichCoeffs = cell(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1); +0358 for i=1:numel(usageRxns.mets) +0359 usageRxns.mets{i} = {proteinMets.mets{i}, 'prot_pool'}; +0360 usageRxns.stoichCoeffs{i} = [-1,1]; +0361 end +0362 usageRxns.lb = zeros(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1) - 1000; +0363 usageRxns.ub = zeros(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1); +0364 usageRxns.rev = ones(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1); +0365 usageRxns.grRules = ec.genes(uniprotSortId); +0366 model = addRxns(model,usageRxns); +0367 end +0368 +0369 %12: Add protein pool reaction (with open UB) +0370 poolRxn.rxns = 'prot_pool_exchange'; +0371 poolRxn.rxnNames = poolRxn.rxns; +0372 poolRxn.mets = {'prot_pool'}; +0373 poolRxn.stoichCoeffs = {-1}; +0374 poolRxn.lb = -1000; +0375 poolRxn.ub = 0; +0376 poolRxn.rev = 1; +0377 model = addRxns(model,poolRxn); +0378 +0379 model.ec=ec; +0380 end +0381 +0382 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +0383 %Function that gets the model field grRules and returns the indexes of the +0384 %rules in which the pattern ") and (" is present. +0385 %Copied from standardizeGrRules +0386 % TODO: Make this an accessible function in a separate file in RAVEN and remove this +0387 %implementation. +0388 function indexes2check = findPotentialErrors(grRules,model) +0389 indxs_l = find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(grRules,') and ('))); +0390 indxs_l_L = find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(grRules,') and'))); +0391 indxs_l_R = find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(grRules,'and ('))); +0392 indexes2check = vertcat(indxs_l,indxs_l_L,indxs_l_R); +0393 indexes2check = unique(indexes2check); +0394 +0395 if ~isempty(indexes2check) +0396 textToPrint = 'WARNING: Potentially problematic ") AND (" in the grRules for reaction(s):\n'; +0397 for i=1:numel(indexes2check) +0398 textToPrint=[textToPrint '\t' model.rxns{indexes2check(i)} '\n']; +0399 end +0400 printOrange(textToPrint); +0401 end +0402 end
Generated by m2html © 2005
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/change_model/setKcatForReactions.html b/doc/src/geckomat/change_model/setKcatForReactions.html index e9e6a16c3..114a9f0bd 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/change_model/setKcatForReactions.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/change_model/setKcatForReactions.html @@ -88,26 +88,33 @@

SOURCE CODE ^% changed reactions will read 'from setKcatForReactions' 0023 % 0024 % Usage: ecModel = setKcatForReactions(ecModel,rxnIds,kcat) -0025 if numel(kcat)>1 -0026 error('Provide one kcat') -0027 end -0028 rxnIds = convertCharArray(rxnIds); -0029 -0030 hasExp = ~cellfun(@isempty,regexp(rxnIds,'_EXP_\d+$')); -0031 nonExpRxns = regexprep(ecModel.ec.rxns,'_EXP_\d+$',''); -0032 rxnsToChange = []; -0033 for i=1:numel(hasExp) -0034 if hasExp(i) == 1 -0035 rxnsToChange = [rxnsToChange; find(strcmpi(ecModel.ec.rxns,rxnIds{i}))]; -0036 else -0037 nonExpRxn = regexprep(rxnIds(i),'_EXP_\d+$',''); -0038 rxnsToChange = [rxnsToChange; find(strcmpi(nonExpRxns,nonExpRxn))]; -0039 end -0040 end -0041 -0042 ecModel.ec.kcat(rxnsToChange) = kcat; -0043 ecModel.ec.source(rxnsToChange) = {'from setKcatForReactions'}; -0044 end +0025 rxnIds = convertCharArray(rxnIds); +0026 +0027 hasExp = ~cellfun(@isempty,regexp(rxnIds,'_EXP_\d+$')); +0028 nonExpRxns = regexprep(ecModel.ec.rxns,'_EXP_\d+$',''); +0029 rxnsToChange = []; +0030 for i=1:numel(hasExp) +0031 if hasExp(i) == 1 +0032 rxnsToChange = [rxnsToChange; find(strcmpi(ecModel.ec.rxns,rxnIds{i}))]; +0033 else +0034 nonExpRxn = regexprep(rxnIds(i),'_EXP_\d+$',''); +0035 rxnsToChange = [rxnsToChange; find(strcmpi(nonExpRxns,nonExpRxn))]; +0036 end +0037 end +0038 if isscalar(rxnsToChange) +0039 if length(kcat) ~= 1 +0040 error('Found one reaction whose kcat should change, you should provide one kcat value only.') +0041 end +0042 else +0043 if isscalar(kcat) +0044 % Is fine, all reactions get the same kcat +0045 elseif length(kcat) ~= length(rxnsToChange) +0046 error('Found %d reactions whose kcat should change, the new kcat should be either a single value, or a vector of length %d.', length(rxnsToChange), length(rxnsToChange)) +0047 end +0048 end +0049 ecModel.ec.kcat(rxnsToChange) = kcat; +0050 ecModel.ec.source(rxnsToChange) = {'from setKcatForReactions'}; +0051 end
Generated by m2html © 2005
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/fuzzyKcatMatching.html b/doc/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/fuzzyKcatMatching.html index a834fd20a..86e8db83f 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/fuzzyKcatMatching.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/fuzzyKcatMatching.html @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@

DESCRIPTION ^SOURCE CODE ^% 5: correct organism, specific activity 0043 % 6: any organism, specific activity 0044 % -0045 % Note that if a wildcard is used, origin levels 1 and 2 are ignored. The +0045 % Note: If a wildcard is used, origin levels 1 and 2 are ignored. The 0046 % last digits in the E.C. number indicate the substrate specificity, so 0047 % if this should be ignored, then correct substrate matches should not be 0048 % prioritized. @@ -197,428 +197,415 @@

SOURCE CODE ^find_inKEGG(org_name,phylDistStruct.names); 0103 %build an index for genus in the phyl dist struct 0104 %first just extract the genus (i.e. the first part of the name) -0105 phylDistStruct.genus = cell(length(phylDistStruct.names),1); -0106 for i = 1:length(phylDistStruct.genus) -0107 name = phylDistStruct.names{i}; -0108 phylDistStruct.genus{i} = lower(name(1:(strfind(name,' ')-1))); %convert all to lower case to avoid problems with case -0109 end -0110 %create a map for the genuses -0111 phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusList = unique(phylDistStruct.genus); -0112 phylDistStruct.genusHashMap = containers.Map(phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusList,1:length(phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusList)); -0113 phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusIndices = cell(length(phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusList),1); -0114 -0115 %Then for each genus create a list with indices to the names -0116 for i = 1:length(phylDistStruct.genus) -0117 matchInd = cell2mat(values(phylDistStruct.genusHashMap,phylDistStruct.genus(i))); -0118 phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusIndices{matchInd} = [phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusIndices{matchInd};i]; -0119 end +0105 phylDistStruct.genus = lower(regexprep(phylDistStruct.names,'\s.*','')); +0106 %create a map for the genuses +0107 phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusList = unique(phylDistStruct.genus); +0108 phylDistStruct.genusHashMap = containers.Map(phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusList,1:length(phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusList)); +0109 phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusIndices = cell(length(phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusList),1); +0110 +0111 %Then for each genus create a list with indices to the names +0112 for i = 1:length(phylDistStruct.genus) +0113 matchInd = cell2mat(values(phylDistStruct.genusHashMap,phylDistStruct.genus(i))); +0114 phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusIndices{matchInd} = [phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusIndices{matchInd};i]; +0115 end +0116 +0117 %Allocate output +0118 kcats = zeros(length(eccodes),1); +0119 mM = length(eccodes); 0120 -0121 %Allocate output -0122 kcats = zeros(length(eccodes),1); -0123 mM = length(eccodes); -0124 -0125 %Create empty kcatInfo -0126 %Legacy, no longer given as output, rather used to construct -0127 %kcatList.wildcardLvl and kcatList.origin. -0128 kcatInfo.info.org_s = zeros(mM,1); -0129 kcatInfo.info.rest_s = zeros(mM,1); -0130 kcatInfo.info.org_ns = zeros(mM,1); -0131 kcatInfo.info.rest_ns = zeros(mM,1); -0132 kcatInfo.info.org_sa = zeros(mM,1); -0133 kcatInfo.info.rest_sa = zeros(mM,1); -0134 kcatInfo.info.wcLevel = NaN(mM,1); -0135 kcatInfo.stats.queries = 0; -0136 kcatInfo.stats.org_s = 0; -0137 kcatInfo.stats.rest_s = 0; -0138 kcatInfo.stats.org_ns = 0; -0139 kcatInfo.stats.rest_ns = 0; -0140 kcatInfo.stats.org_sa = 0; -0141 kcatInfo.stats.rest_sa = 0; -0142 kcatInfo.stats.wc0 = 0; -0143 kcatInfo.stats.wc1 = 0; -0144 kcatInfo.stats.wc2 = 0; -0145 kcatInfo.stats.wc3 = 0; -0146 kcatInfo.stats.wc4 = 0; -0147 kcatInfo.stats.matrix = zeros(6,5); -0148 -0149 %build an EC index to speed things up a bit - many of the ECs appear -0150 %many times - unnecessary to compare them all -0151 %so, here, each EC string appears only once, and you get a vector with -0152 %indices to the rows in KCATcell -0153 [ECIndexIds,~,ic] = unique(KCATcell{1}); -0154 EcIndexIndices = cell(length(ECIndexIds),1); -0155 for i = 1:length(EcIndexIndices) -0156 EcIndexIndices{i} = find(ic == i).'; -0157 end -0158 -0159 %Apply force wildcard level -0160 while forceWClvl > 0 -0161 eccodes=regexprep(eccodes,['(.)*(\.\d+)(\.-)*$'],'$1\.-$3'); -0162 forceWClvl = forceWClvl - 1; -0163 end -0164 if forceWClvl == 1 -0165 eccodes = regexprep(eccodes,'.*','-\.-\.-\.-'); -0166 end -0167 -0168 progressbar('Gathering kcat values by fuzzy matching to BRENDA database') -0169 %Main loop: -0170 for i = 1:mM -0171 %Match: -0172 EC = eccodes{i}; -0173 if ~isempty(EC) -0174 EC = strsplit(EC,';'); -0175 %Try to match direct reaction: -0176 if ~isempty(substrates{i}) -0177 [kcats(i), kcatInfo.info,kcatInfo.stats] = iterativeMatch(EC,substrates{i},substrCoeffs{i},i,KCATcell,... -0178 kcatInfo.info,kcatInfo.stats,org_name,... -0179 phylDistStruct,org_index,SAcell,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices); -0180 end -0181 end -0182 progressbar(i/mM) -0183 end -0184 -0185 kcatList.source = 'brenda'; -0186 kcatList.rxns = model.ec.rxns(ecRxns); -0187 kcatList.substrates = substrates; -0188 kcatList.kcats = kcats; -0189 kcatList.eccodes = eccodes; -0190 kcatList.wildcardLvl = kcatInfo.info.wcLevel; -0191 kcatList.origin = NaN(numel(model.ec.rxns(ecRxns)),1); -0192 % This can be refactored, iterativeMatch and their nested functions can -0193 % just directly report the origin number. -0194 origin = [kcatInfo.info.org_s kcatInfo.info.rest_s kcatInfo.info.org_ns kcatInfo.info.rest_ns kcatInfo.info.org_sa kcatInfo.info.rest_sa]; -0195 for i=1:6 -0196 kcatList.origin(find(origin(:,i))) = i; -0197 end -0198 end -0199 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -0200 function [kcat,dir,tot] =iterativeMatch(EC,subs,substrCoeff,i,KCATcell,dir,tot,... -0201 name,phylDist,org_index,SAcell,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices) -0202 %Will iteratively try to match the EC number to some registry in BRENDA, -0203 %using each time one additional wildcard. -0204 -0205 kcat = zeros(size(EC)); -0206 origin = zeros(size(EC)); -0207 matches = zeros(size(EC)); -0208 wc_num = ones(size(EC)).*1000; -0209 for k = 1:length(EC) -0210 success = false; -0211 while ~success -0212 %Atempt match: -0213 [kcat(k),origin(k),matches(k)] = mainMatch(EC{k},subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,... -0214 name,phylDist,... -0215 org_index,SAcell,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices); -0216 %If any match found, ends. If not, introduces one extra wild card and -0217 %tries again: -0218 if origin(k) > 0 -0219 success = true; -0220 wc_num(k) = sum(EC{k}=='-'); -0221 else -0222 dot_pos = [2 strfind(EC{k},'.')]; -0223 wild_num = sum(EC{k}=='-'); -0224 wc_text = '-.-.-.-'; -0225 EC{k} = [EC{k}(1:dot_pos(4-wild_num)) wc_text(1:2*wild_num+1)]; -0226 end -0227 end -0228 end -0229 -0230 if sum(origin) > 0 -0231 %For more than one EC: Choose the maximum value among the ones with the -0232 %less amount of wildcards and the better origin: -0233 best_pos = (wc_num == min(wc_num)); -0234 new_origin = origin(best_pos); -0235 best_pos = (origin == min(new_origin(new_origin~=0))); -0236 max_pos = find(kcat == max(kcat(best_pos))); -0237 wc_num = wc_num(max_pos(1)); -0238 origin = origin(max_pos(1)); -0239 matches = matches(max_pos(1)); -0240 kcat = kcat(max_pos(1)); -0241 -0242 %Update dir and tot: -0243 dir.org_s(i) = matches*(origin == 1); -0244 dir.rest_s(i) = matches*(origin == 2); -0245 dir.org_ns(i) = matches*(origin == 3); -0246 dir.org_sa(i) = matches*(origin == 4); -0247 dir.rest_ns(i) = matches*(origin == 5); -0248 dir.rest_sa(i) = matches*(origin == 6); -0249 dir.wcLevel(i) = wc_num; -0250 tot.org_s = tot.org_s + (origin == 1); -0251 tot.rest_s = tot.rest_s + (origin == 2); -0252 tot.org_ns = tot.org_ns + (origin == 3); -0253 tot.org_sa = tot.org_sa + (origin == 4); -0254 tot.rest_ns = tot.rest_ns + (origin == 5); -0255 tot.rest_sa = tot.rest_sa + (origin == 6); -0256 tot.wc0 = tot.wc0 + (wc_num == 0); -0257 tot.wc1 = tot.wc1 + (wc_num == 1); -0258 tot.wc2 = tot.wc2 + (wc_num == 2); -0259 tot.wc3 = tot.wc3 + (wc_num == 3); -0260 tot.wc4 = tot.wc4 + (wc_num == 4); -0261 tot.queries = tot.queries + 1; -0262 tot.matrix(origin,wc_num+1) = tot.matrix(origin,wc_num+1) + 1; -0263 end -0264 -0265 end -0266 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -0267 -0268 function [kcat,origin,matches] = mainMatch(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,... -0269 name,phylDist,org_index,SAcell,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices) -0270 -0271 %First make the string matching. This takes time, so we only want to do -0272 %this once: -0273 %Relaxes matching if wild cards are present: -0274 wild = false; -0275 wild_pos = strfind(EC,'-'); -0276 if ~isempty(wild_pos) -0277 EC = EC(1:wild_pos(1)-1); -0278 wild = true; -0279 end -0280 stringMatchesEC_cell = extract_string_matches(EC,KCATcell{1},wild,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices); -0281 -0282 % Matching function prioritizing organism and substrate specificity when -0283 % available. -0284 -0285 origin = 0; -0286 %First try to match organism and substrate: -0287 [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,name,true,false,... -0288 phylDist,org_index,SAcell,stringMatchesEC_cell,[]); -0289 if matches > 0 && ~wild % If wildcard, ignore substrate match -0290 origin = 1; -0291 %If no match, try the closest organism but match the substrate: -0292 else -0293 [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,'',true,false,... -0294 phylDist,org_index,SAcell,stringMatchesEC_cell,[]); -0295 if matches > 0 && ~wild % If wildcard, ignore substrate match -0296 origin = 2; -0297 %If no match, try to match organism but with any substrate: -0298 else -0299 [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,name,false,false,... -0300 phylDist,org_index,SAcell,stringMatchesEC_cell,[]); -0301 if matches > 0 -0302 origin = 3; -0303 %If no match, try to match organism but for any substrate (SA*MW): -0304 else -0305 %create matching index for SA, has not been needed until now -0306 stringMatchesSA = extract_string_matches(EC,SAcell{1},wild,[],[]); -0307 -0308 [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,name,false,... -0309 true,phylDist,org_index,... -0310 SAcell,stringMatchesEC_cell,stringMatchesSA); -0311 if matches > 0 -0312 origin = 4; -0313 %If no match, try any organism and any substrate: -0314 else -0315 [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,'',false,... -0316 false,phylDist,... -0317 org_index,SAcell,stringMatchesEC_cell,stringMatchesSA); -0318 if matches > 0 -0319 origin = 5; -0320 %Again if no match, look for any org and SA*MW -0321 else -0322 [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,'',... -0323 false,true,phylDist,... -0324 org_index,SAcell,stringMatchesEC_cell,stringMatchesSA); -0325 if matches > 0 -0326 origin = 6; -0327 end -0328 end -0329 -0330 end -0331 end -0332 end -0333 end -0334 end -0335 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -0336 function [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,organism,... -0337 substrate,SA,phylDist,... -0338 org_index,SAcell,KCATcellMatches,SAcellMatches) -0339 -0340 %Will go through BRENDA and will record any match. Afterwards, it will -0341 %return the average value and the number of matches attained. -0342 kcat = []; -0343 matches = 0; -0344 -0345 if SA -0346 %SAcell{1},wild,[],[] -0347 EC_indexes = extract_indexes(SAcellMatches,[],SAcell{2},subs,substrate,... -0348 organism,org_index,phylDist); +0121 %Create empty kcatInfo +0122 %Legacy, no longer given as output, rather used to construct +0123 %kcatList.wildcardLvl and kcatList.origin. +0124 kcatInfo.info.org_s = zeros(mM,1); +0125 kcatInfo.info.rest_s = zeros(mM,1); +0126 kcatInfo.info.org_ns = zeros(mM,1); +0127 kcatInfo.info.rest_ns = zeros(mM,1); +0128 kcatInfo.info.org_sa = zeros(mM,1); +0129 kcatInfo.info.rest_sa = zeros(mM,1); +0130 kcatInfo.info.wcLevel = NaN(mM,1); +0131 kcatInfo.stats.queries = 0; +0132 kcatInfo.stats.org_s = 0; +0133 kcatInfo.stats.rest_s = 0; +0134 kcatInfo.stats.org_ns = 0; +0135 kcatInfo.stats.rest_ns = 0; +0136 kcatInfo.stats.org_sa = 0; +0137 kcatInfo.stats.rest_sa = 0; +0138 kcatInfo.stats.wc0 = 0; +0139 kcatInfo.stats.wc1 = 0; +0140 kcatInfo.stats.wc2 = 0; +0141 kcatInfo.stats.wc3 = 0; +0142 kcatInfo.stats.wc4 = 0; +0143 kcatInfo.stats.matrix = zeros(6,5); +0144 +0145 %build an EC index to speed things up a bit - many of the ECs appear +0146 %many times - unnecessary to compare them all +0147 %so, here, each EC string appears only once, and you get a vector with +0148 %indices to the rows in KCATcell +0149 [ECIndexIds,~,ic] = unique(KCATcell{1}); +0150 EcIndexIndices = cell(length(ECIndexIds),1); +0151 for i = 1:length(EcIndexIndices) +0152 EcIndexIndices{i} = find(ic == i).'; +0153 end +0154 +0155 %Apply force wildcard level +0156 while forceWClvl > 0 +0157 eccodes=regexprep(eccodes,'(.)*(\.\d+)(\.-)*$','$1\.-$3'); +0158 forceWClvl = forceWClvl - 1; +0159 end +0160 if forceWClvl == 1 +0161 eccodes = regexprep(eccodes,'.*','-\.-\.-\.-'); +0162 end +0163 +0164 progressbar('Gathering kcat values by fuzzy matching to BRENDA database') +0165 %Main loop: +0166 for i = 1:mM +0167 %Match: +0168 EC = eccodes{i}; +0169 if ~isempty(EC) +0170 EC = strsplit(EC,';'); +0171 %Try to match direct reaction: +0172 if ~isempty(substrates{i}) +0173 [kcats(i), kcatInfo.info,kcatInfo.stats] = iterativeMatch(EC,substrates{i},substrCoeffs{i},i,KCATcell,... +0174 kcatInfo.info,kcatInfo.stats,org_name,... +0175 phylDistStruct,org_index,SAcell,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices); +0176 end +0177 end +0178 progressbar(i/mM) +0179 end +0180 +0181 kcatList.source = 'brenda'; +0182 kcatList.rxns = model.ec.rxns(ecRxns); +0183 kcatList.substrates = substrates; +0184 kcatList.kcats = kcats; +0185 kcatList.eccodes = eccodes; +0186 kcatList.wildcardLvl = kcatInfo.info.wcLevel; +0187 kcatList.origin = NaN(numel(model.ec.rxns(ecRxns)),1); +0188 % This can be refactored, iterativeMatch and their nested functions can +0189 % just directly report the origin number. +0190 origin = [kcatInfo.info.org_s kcatInfo.info.rest_s kcatInfo.info.org_ns kcatInfo.info.rest_ns kcatInfo.info.org_sa kcatInfo.info.rest_sa]; +0191 for i=1:6 +0192 kcatList.origin(find(origin(:,i))) = i; +0193 end +0194 end +0195 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +0196 function [kcat,dir,tot] =iterativeMatch(EC,subs,substrCoeff,i,KCATcell,dir,tot,... +0197 name,phylDist,org_index,SAcell,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices) +0198 %Will iteratively try to match the EC number to some registry in BRENDA, +0199 %using each time one additional wildcard. +0200 +0201 kcat = zeros(size(EC)); +0202 origin = zeros(size(EC)); +0203 matches = zeros(size(EC)); +0204 wc_num = ones(size(EC)).*1000; +0205 for k = 1:length(EC) +0206 success = false; +0207 while ~success +0208 %Atempt match: +0209 [kcat(k),origin(k),matches(k)] = mainMatch(EC{k},subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,... +0210 name,phylDist,... +0211 org_index,SAcell,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices); +0212 %If any match found, ends. If not, introduces one extra wild card and +0213 %tries again: +0214 if origin(k) > 0 +0215 success = true; +0216 wc_num(k) = sum(EC{k}=='-'); +0217 else +0218 dot_pos = [2 strfind(EC{k},'.')]; +0219 wild_num = sum(EC{k}=='-'); +0220 wc_text = '-.-.-.-'; +0221 EC{k} = [EC{k}(1:dot_pos(4-wild_num)) wc_text(1:2*wild_num+1)]; +0222 end +0223 end +0224 end +0225 +0226 if sum(origin) > 0 +0227 %For more than one EC: Choose the maximum value among the ones with the +0228 %less amount of wildcards and the better origin: +0229 best_pos = (wc_num == min(wc_num)); +0230 new_origin = origin(best_pos); +0231 best_pos = (origin == min(new_origin(new_origin~=0))); +0232 max_pos = find(kcat == max(kcat(best_pos))); +0233 wc_num = wc_num(max_pos(1)); +0234 origin = origin(max_pos(1)); +0235 matches = matches(max_pos(1)); +0236 kcat = kcat(max_pos(1)); +0237 +0238 %Update dir and tot: +0239 dir.org_s(i) = matches*(origin == 1); +0240 dir.rest_s(i) = matches*(origin == 2); +0241 dir.org_ns(i) = matches*(origin == 3); +0242 dir.org_sa(i) = matches*(origin == 4); +0243 dir.rest_ns(i) = matches*(origin == 5); +0244 dir.rest_sa(i) = matches*(origin == 6); +0245 dir.wcLevel(i) = wc_num; +0246 tot.org_s = tot.org_s + (origin == 1); +0247 tot.rest_s = tot.rest_s + (origin == 2); +0248 tot.org_ns = tot.org_ns + (origin == 3); +0249 tot.org_sa = tot.org_sa + (origin == 4); +0250 tot.rest_ns = tot.rest_ns + (origin == 5); +0251 tot.rest_sa = tot.rest_sa + (origin == 6); +0252 tot.wc0 = tot.wc0 + (wc_num == 0); +0253 tot.wc1 = tot.wc1 + (wc_num == 1); +0254 tot.wc2 = tot.wc2 + (wc_num == 2); +0255 tot.wc3 = tot.wc3 + (wc_num == 3); +0256 tot.wc4 = tot.wc4 + (wc_num == 4); +0257 tot.queries = tot.queries + 1; +0258 tot.matrix(origin,wc_num+1) = tot.matrix(origin,wc_num+1) + 1; +0259 end +0260 +0261 end +0262 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +0263 +0264 function [kcat,origin,matches] = mainMatch(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,... +0265 name,phylDist,org_index,SAcell,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices) +0266 +0267 %First make the string matching. This takes time, so we only want to do +0268 %this once: +0269 %Relaxes matching if wild cards are present: +0270 wild = false; +0271 wild_pos = strfind(EC,'-'); +0272 if ~isempty(wild_pos) +0273 EC = EC(1:wild_pos(1)-1); +0274 wild = true; +0275 end +0276 stringMatchesEC_cell = extract_string_matches(EC,KCATcell{1},wild,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices); +0277 +0278 % Matching function prioritizing organism and substrate specificity when +0279 % available. +0280 +0281 origin = 0; +0282 %First try to match organism and substrate: +0283 [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,name,true,false,... +0284 phylDist,org_index,SAcell,stringMatchesEC_cell,[]); +0285 if matches > 0 && ~wild % If wildcard, ignore substrate match +0286 origin = 1; +0287 %If no match, try the closest organism but match the substrate: +0288 else +0289 [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,'',true,false,... +0290 phylDist,org_index,SAcell,stringMatchesEC_cell,[]); +0291 if matches > 0 && ~wild % If wildcard, ignore substrate match +0292 origin = 2; +0293 %If no match, try to match organism but with any substrate: +0294 else +0295 [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,name,false,false,... +0296 phylDist,org_index,SAcell,stringMatchesEC_cell,[]); +0297 if matches > 0 +0298 origin = 3; +0299 %If no match, try to match organism but for any substrate (SA*MW): +0300 else +0301 %create matching index for SA, has not been needed until now +0302 stringMatchesSA = extract_string_matches(EC,SAcell{1},wild,[],[]); +0303 +0304 [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,name,false,... +0305 true,phylDist,org_index,... +0306 SAcell,stringMatchesEC_cell,stringMatchesSA); +0307 if matches > 0 +0308 origin = 4; +0309 %If no match, try any organism and any substrate: +0310 else +0311 [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,'',false,... +0312 false,phylDist,... +0313 org_index,SAcell,stringMatchesEC_cell,stringMatchesSA); +0314 if matches > 0 +0315 origin = 5; +0316 %Again if no match, look for any org and SA*MW +0317 else +0318 [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,'',... +0319 false,true,phylDist,... +0320 org_index,SAcell,stringMatchesEC_cell,stringMatchesSA); +0321 if matches > 0 +0322 origin = 6; +0323 end +0324 end +0325 +0326 end +0327 end +0328 end +0329 end +0330 end +0331 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +0332 function [kcat,matches] = matchKcat(EC,subs,substrCoeff,KCATcell,organism,... +0333 substrate,SA,phylDist,... +0334 org_index,SAcell,KCATcellMatches,SAcellMatches) +0335 +0336 %Will go through BRENDA and will record any match. Afterwards, it will +0337 %return the average value and the number of matches attained. +0338 kcat = []; +0339 matches = 0; +0340 +0341 if SA +0342 %SAcell{1},wild,[],[] +0343 EC_indexes = extract_indexes(SAcellMatches,[],SAcell{2},subs,substrate,... +0344 organism,org_index,phylDist); +0345 +0346 kcat = SAcell{3}(EC_indexes); +0347 org_cell = SAcell{2}(EC_indexes); +0348 MW_BRENDA = SAcell{4}(EC_indexes); 0349 -0350 kcat = SAcell{3}(EC_indexes); -0351 org_cell = SAcell{2}(EC_indexes); -0352 MW_BRENDA = SAcell{4}(EC_indexes); -0353 -0354 else -0355 %KCATcell{1},wild,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices -0356 EC_indexes = extract_indexes(KCATcellMatches,KCATcell{2},KCATcell{3},... -0357 subs,substrate,organism,org_index,... -0358 phylDist); -0359 if substrate -0360 for j = 1:length(EC_indexes) -0361 indx = EC_indexes(j); -0362 for k = 1:length(subs) -0363 if (isempty(subs{k})) -0364 break; -0365 end -0366 %l = logical(strcmpi(model.metNames,subs{k}).*(model.S(:,i)~=0)); %I don't understand the .* (model.S(:,i)~=0) part, it shouldn't be needed?/JG; -0367 if ~isempty(subs{k}) && strcmpi(subs{k},KCATcell{2}(indx)) -0368 if KCATcell{4}(indx) > 0 -0369 coeff = min(substrCoeff); -0370 kCatTmp = KCATcell{4}(indx); -0371 kcat = [kcat;kCatTmp/coeff]; -0372 end -0373 end -0374 end -0375 end -0376 else -0377 kcat = KCATcell{4}(EC_indexes); -0378 end -0379 end -0380 %Return maximum value: -0381 if isempty(kcat) -0382 kcat = 0; -0383 else -0384 matches = length(kcat); -0385 [kcat,MaxIndx] = max(kcat); +0350 else +0351 %KCATcell{1},wild,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices +0352 EC_indexes = extract_indexes(KCATcellMatches,KCATcell{2},KCATcell{3},... +0353 subs,substrate,organism,org_index,... +0354 phylDist); +0355 if substrate +0356 for j = 1:length(EC_indexes) +0357 indx = EC_indexes(j); +0358 for k = 1:length(subs) +0359 if (isempty(subs{k})) +0360 break; +0361 end +0362 %l = logical(strcmpi(model.metNames,subs{k}).*(model.S(:,i)~=0)); %I don't understand the .* (model.S(:,i)~=0) part, it shouldn't be needed?/JG; +0363 if ~isempty(subs{k}) && strcmpi(subs{k},KCATcell{2}(indx)) +0364 if KCATcell{4}(indx) > 0 +0365 coeff = min(substrCoeff); +0366 kCatTmp = KCATcell{4}(indx); +0367 kcat = [kcat;kCatTmp/coeff]; +0368 end +0369 end +0370 end +0371 end +0372 else +0373 kcat = KCATcell{4}(EC_indexes); +0374 end +0375 end +0376 %Return maximum value: +0377 if isempty(kcat) +0378 kcat = 0; +0379 else +0380 matches = length(kcat); +0381 [kcat,MaxIndx] = max(kcat); +0382 end +0383 %Avoid SA*Mw values over the diffusion limit rate [Bar-Even et al. 2011] +0384 if kcat>(1E7) +0385 kcat = 1E7; 0386 end -0387 %Avoid SA*Mw values over the diffusion limit rate [Bar-Even et al. 2011] -0388 if kcat>(1E7) -0389 kcat = 1E7; -0390 end -0391 end -0392 -0393 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -0394 %Make the string matches of the ECs. This is heavy, so only do it once! -0395 % -0396 function EC_indexes = extract_string_matches(EC,EC_cell,wild,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices) -0397 EC_indexes = []; -0398 EC_indexesOld = []; -0399 if wild -0400 if (~isempty(ECIndexIds)) %In some cases the EC_cell is not from KCatCell -0401 X = find(contains(ECIndexIds, EC)); -0402 for j = 1:length(X) -0403 EC_indexes = [EC_indexes,EcIndexIndices{X(j)}]; -0404 end -0405 else %Not optimized -0406 for j=1:length(EC_cell) -0407 if strfind(EC_cell{j},EC)==1 -0408 EC_indexes = [EC_indexes,j]; -0409 end -0410 end -0411 end -0412 else -0413 if (~isempty(ECIndexIds)) %In some cases the EC_cell is not from KCatCell -0414 mtch = find(strcmpi(EC,ECIndexIds)); -0415 if (~isempty(mtch)) -0416 EC_indexes = EcIndexIndices{mtch}; +0387 end +0388 +0389 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +0390 %Make the string matches of the ECs. This is heavy, so only do it once! +0391 % +0392 function EC_indexes = extract_string_matches(EC,EC_cell,wild,ECIndexIds,EcIndexIndices) +0393 EC_indexes = []; +0394 EC_indexesOld = []; +0395 if wild +0396 if (~isempty(ECIndexIds)) %In some cases the EC_cell is not from KCatCell +0397 X = find(contains(ECIndexIds, EC)); +0398 for j = 1:length(X) +0399 EC_indexes = [EC_indexes,EcIndexIndices{X(j)}]; +0400 end +0401 else %Not optimized +0402 for j=1:length(EC_cell) +0403 if strfind(EC_cell{j},EC)==1 +0404 EC_indexes = [EC_indexes,j]; +0405 end +0406 end +0407 end +0408 else +0409 if (~isempty(ECIndexIds)) %In some cases the EC_cell is not from KCatCell +0410 mtch = find(strcmpi(EC,ECIndexIds)); +0411 if (~isempty(mtch)) +0412 EC_indexes = EcIndexIndices{mtch}; +0413 end +0414 else %%Not optimized +0415 if ~isempty(EC_cell) +0416 EC_indexes = transpose(find(strcmpi(EC,EC_cell))); 0417 end -0418 else %%Not optimized -0419 if ~isempty(EC_cell) -0420 EC_indexes = transpose(find(strcmpi(EC,EC_cell))); -0421 end -0422 end -0423 end -0424 -0425 end -0426 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -0427 %Extract the indexes of the entries in the BRENDA data that meet the -0428 %conditions specified by the search criteria -0429 function EC_indexes = extract_indexes(EC_indCellStringMatches,subs_cell,orgs_cell,subs,... -0430 substrate,organism, org_index,... -0431 phylDist) -0432 -0433 EC_indexes = EC_indCellStringMatches;%reuse so the string comparisons are not run many times -0434 -0435 %If substrate=true then it will extract only the substrates appereances -0436 %indexes in the EC subset from the BRENDA cell array -0437 -0438 if substrate -0439 if (~isempty(EC_indexes)) %optimization -0440 Subs_indexes = []; -0441 for l = 1:length(subs) -0442 if (isempty(subs{l})) -0443 break; -0444 end -0445 Subs_indexes = horzcat(Subs_indexes,EC_indexes(strcmpi(subs(l),... -0446 subs_cell(EC_indexes)))); -0447 end -0448 EC_indexes = Subs_indexes; -0449 end -0450 end -0451 -0452 EC_orgs = orgs_cell(EC_indexes); -0453 %If specific organism values are requested looks for all the organism -0454 %repetitions on the subset BRENDA cell array(EC_indexes) -0455 if string(organism) ~= '' -0456 EC_indexes = EC_indexes(strcmpi(string(organism),EC_orgs)); -0457 -0458 %If KEGG code was assigned to the organism (model) then it will look for -0459 %the Kcat value for the closest organism -0460 elseif org_index~='*' %&& org_index~='' -0461 KEGG_indexes = [];temp = []; -0462 -0463 %For relating a phyl dist between the modelled organism and the organisms -0464 %on the BRENDA cell array it should search for a KEGG code for each of -0465 %these -0466 for j=1:length(EC_indexes) -0467 %Assigns a KEGG index for those found on the KEGG struct -0468 orgs_index = find(strcmpi(orgs_cell(EC_indexes(j)),phylDist.names),1); -0469 if ~isempty(orgs_index) -0470 KEGG_indexes = [KEGG_indexes; orgs_index]; -0471 temp = [temp;EC_indexes(j)]; -0472 %For values related to organisms without KEGG code, then it will -0473 %look for KEGG code for the first organism with the same genus -0474 else -0475 org = orgs_cell{EC_indexes(j)}; -0476 orgGenus = lower(org(1:(strfind(org,' ')-1))); -0477 if isKey(phylDist.genusHashMap,orgGenus) %annoyingly, this seems to be needed -0478 matchInd = cell2mat(values(phylDist.genusHashMap,{orgGenus})); -0479 matches = phylDist.uniqueGenusIndices{matchInd}; -0480 k = matches(1); -0481 KEGG_indexes = [KEGG_indexes;k]; -0482 temp = [temp;EC_indexes(j)]; -0483 end -0484 end -0485 end -0486 %Update the EC_indexes cell array -0487 EC_indexes = temp; -0488 %Looks for the taxonomically closest organism and saves the index of -0489 %its appearences in the BRENDA cell -0490 if ~isempty(EC_indexes) -0491 distances = phylDist.distMat(org_index,KEGG_indexes); -0492 EC_indexes = EC_indexes(distances == min(distances)); -0493 end -0494 end -0495 end -0496 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -0497 function org_index = find_inKEGG(org_name,names) -0498 org_index = find(strcmpi(org_name,names)); -0499 if numel(org_index)>1 -0500 org_index = org_index(1); -0501 elseif isempty(org_index) -0502 i=1; -0503 while isempty(org_index) && i<length(names) -0504 str = names{i}; -0505 if strcmpi(org_name(1:strfind(org_name,' ')-1),... -0506 str(1:strfind(str,' ')-1)) -0507 org_index = i; -0508 end -0509 i = i+1; -0510 end -0511 if isempty(org_index);org_index = '*';end -0512 end -0513 end -0514 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -0515 function phylDistStruct = KEGG_struct(phylpath) -0516 load(phylpath) -0517 phylDistStruct.ids = transpose(phylDistStruct.ids); -0518 phylDistStruct.names = transpose(phylDistStruct.names); -0519 -0520 for i=1:length(phylDistStruct.names) -0521 pos = strfind(phylDistStruct.names{i}, ' ('); -0522 if ~isempty(pos) -0523 phylDistStruct.names{i} = phylDistStruct.names{i}(1:pos-1); -0524 end -0525 end -0526 end +0418 end +0419 end +0420 +0421 end +0422 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +0423 %Extract the indexes of the entries in the BRENDA data that meet the +0424 %conditions specified by the search criteria +0425 function EC_indexes = extract_indexes(EC_indCellStringMatches,subs_cell,orgs_cell,subs,... +0426 substrate,organism, org_index,... +0427 phylDist) +0428 +0429 EC_indexes = EC_indCellStringMatches;%reuse so the string comparisons are not run many times +0430 +0431 %If substrate=true then it will extract only the substrates appereances +0432 %indexes in the EC subset from the BRENDA cell array +0433 +0434 if substrate +0435 if (~isempty(EC_indexes)) %optimization +0436 Subs_indexes = []; +0437 for l = 1:length(subs) +0438 if (isempty(subs{l})) +0439 break; +0440 end +0441 Subs_indexes = horzcat(Subs_indexes,EC_indexes(strcmpi(subs(l),... +0442 subs_cell(EC_indexes)))); +0443 end +0444 EC_indexes = Subs_indexes; +0445 end +0446 end +0447 +0448 EC_orgs = orgs_cell(EC_indexes); +0449 %If specific organism values are requested looks for all the organism +0450 %repetitions on the subset BRENDA cell array(EC_indexes) +0451 if string(organism) ~= '' +0452 EC_indexes = EC_indexes(strcmpi(string(organism),EC_orgs)); +0453 +0454 %If KEGG code was assigned to the organism (model) then it will look for +0455 %the Kcat value for the closest organism +0456 elseif org_index~='*' %&& org_index~='' +0457 KEGG_indexes = [];temp = []; +0458 +0459 %For relating a phyl dist between the modelled organism and the organisms +0460 %on the BRENDA cell array it should search for a KEGG code for each of +0461 %these +0462 for j=1:length(EC_indexes) +0463 %Assigns a KEGG index for those found on the KEGG struct +0464 orgs_index = find(strcmpi(orgs_cell(EC_indexes(j)),phylDist.names),1); +0465 if ~isempty(orgs_index) +0466 KEGG_indexes = [KEGG_indexes; orgs_index]; +0467 temp = [temp;EC_indexes(j)]; +0468 %For values related to organisms without KEGG code, then it will +0469 %look for KEGG code for the first organism with the same genus +0470 else +0471 org = orgs_cell{EC_indexes(j)}; +0472 orgGenus = lower(regexprep(org,'\s.*','')); +0473 if isKey(phylDist.genusHashMap,orgGenus) %annoyingly, this seems to be needed +0474 matchInd = cell2mat(values(phylDist.genusHashMap,{orgGenus})); +0475 matches = phylDist.uniqueGenusIndices{matchInd}; +0476 k = matches(1); +0477 KEGG_indexes = [KEGG_indexes;k]; +0478 temp = [temp;EC_indexes(j)]; +0479 end +0480 end +0481 end +0482 %Update the EC_indexes cell array +0483 EC_indexes = temp; +0484 %Looks for the taxonomically closest organism and saves the index of +0485 %its appearences in the BRENDA cell +0486 if ~isempty(EC_indexes) +0487 distances = phylDist.distMat(org_index,KEGG_indexes); +0488 EC_indexes = EC_indexes(distances == min(distances)); +0489 end +0490 end +0491 end +0492 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +0493 function org_index = find_inKEGG(org_name,names) +0494 org_index = find(strcmpi(org_name,names)); +0495 if numel(org_index)>1 +0496 org_index = org_index(1); +0497 elseif isempty(org_index) +0498 org_name = regexprep(org_name,'\s.*',''); +0499 org_index = find(strcmpi(org_name,names)); +0500 if numel(org_index)>1 +0501 org_index = org_index(1); +0502 elseif isempty(org_index) +0503 org_index = '*'; +0504 end +0505 end +0506 end +0507 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +0508 function phylDistStruct = KEGG_struct(phylpath) +0509 load(phylpath) +0510 phylDistStruct.ids = transpose(phylDistStruct.ids); +0511 phylDistStruct.names = transpose(phylDistStruct.names); +0512 phylDistStruct.names = regexprep(phylDistStruct.names,'\s*\(.*',''); +0513 end
Generated by m2html © 2005
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/getStandardKcat.html b/doc/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/getStandardKcat.html index 603624868..aff9e498a 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/getStandardKcat.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/getStandardKcat.html @@ -236,167 +236,177 @@

SOURCE CODE ^% Find reactions with GPR but without model.ec entry (for instance due to 0135 % no protein matching) 0136 rxnsMissingEnzyme = find(~cellfun(@isempty, model.grRules)); -0137 rxnsMissingEnzyme = find(and(~ismember(model.rxns(rxnsMissingEnzyme),model.ec.rxns), ~contains(model.rxns(rxnsMissingEnzyme),'usage_prot_'))); -0138 rxnsMissingGPR = [rxnsMissingGPR;rxnsMissingEnzyme]; -0139 -0140 % Get custom list of reaction IDs to ignore, if existing. First column -0141 % contains reaction IDs, second column contains reaction names for -0142 % reference only. -0143 if exist(fullfile(params.path,'data','pseudoRxns.tsv'),'file') -0144 fID = fopen(fullfile(params.path,'data','pseudoRxns.tsv')); -0145 fileData = textscan(fID,'%s %s','delimiter','\t'); -0146 fclose(fID); -0147 customRxns = fileData{1}; -0148 customRxns = find(ismember(model.rxns,customRxns)); -0149 else -0150 customRxns = []; -0151 end -0152 % Get and remove exchange, transport, spontaneous and pseudo reactions -0153 [~, exchangeRxns] = getExchangeRxns(model); -0154 transportRxns = getTransportRxns(model); -0155 [spontaneousRxns, ~] = modelAdapter.getSpontaneousReactions(model); -0156 pseudoRxns = contains(model.rxnNames,'pseudoreaction'); -0157 slimeRxns = contains(model.rxnNames,'SLIME rxn'); -0158 rxnsToIgnore = [customRxns; exchangeRxns; find(transportRxns); ... -0159 find(spontaneousRxns); find(pseudoRxns); find(slimeRxns)]; -0160 rxnsMissingGPR(ismember(rxnsMissingGPR, rxnsToIgnore)) = []; -0161 -0162 % Only add if not geckoLight & getStandardKcat was not run earlier -0163 if ~any(strcmp(model.mets,'prot_standard')) -0164 % Add a new gene to be consistent with ec field named standard -0165 proteinStdGenes.genes = 'standard'; -0166 if isfield(model,'geneShortNames') -0167 proteinStdGenes.geneShortNames = 'std'; -0168 end -0169 model = addGenesRaven(model, proteinStdGenes); -0170 -0171 if ~model.ec.geckoLight -0172 % Add a new metabolite named prot_standard -0173 proteinStdMets.mets = 'prot_standard'; -0174 proteinStdMets.metNames = proteinStdMets.mets; -0175 proteinStdMets.compartments = 'c'; -0176 if isfield(model,'metNotes') -0177 proteinStdMets.metNotes = 'Standard enzyme-usage pseudometabolite'; -0178 end -0179 model = addMets(model, proteinStdMets); -0180 -0181 % Add a protein usage reaction if not a light version -0182 proteinStdUsageRxn.rxns = {'usage_prot_standard'}; -0183 proteinStdUsageRxn.rxnNames = proteinStdUsageRxn.rxns; -0184 proteinStdUsageRxn.mets = {proteinStdMets.mets, 'prot_pool'}; -0185 proteinStdUsageRxn.stoichCoeffs = [-1, 1]; -0186 proteinStdUsageRxn.lb = -1000; -0187 proteinStdUsageRxn.ub = 0; -0188 proteinStdUsageRxn.grRules = proteinStdGenes.genes; -0189 -0190 model = addRxns(model, proteinStdUsageRxn); -0191 end -0192 % Update .ec structure in model -0193 model.ec.genes(end+1) = {'standard'}; -0194 model.ec.enzymes(end+1) = {'standard'}; -0195 model.ec.mw(end+1) = standardMW; -0196 model.ec.sequence(end+1) = {''}; -0197 % Additional info -0198 if isfield(model.ec,'concs') -0199 model.ec.concs(end+1) = nan(); -0200 end -0201 -0202 % Expand the enzyme rxns matrix -0203 model.ec.rxnEnzMat = [model.ec.rxnEnzMat, zeros(length(model.ec.rxns), 1)]; % 1 new enzyme -0204 model.ec.rxnEnzMat = [model.ec.rxnEnzMat; zeros(length(rxnsMissingGPR), length(model.ec.enzymes))]; % new rxns -0205 end -0206 numRxns = length(model.ec.rxns); -0207 stdMetIdx = find(strcmpi(model.ec.enzymes, 'standard')); -0208 -0209 % Remove previous standard kcat assignment -0210 oldStandardEnz = find(strcmp(model.ec.source,'standard')); -0211 if ~isempty(oldStandardEnz) -0212 model.ec.rxns(oldStandardEnz) = []; -0213 model.ec.kcat(oldStandardEnz) = []; -0214 model.ec.source(oldStandardEnz) = []; -0215 model.ec.notes(oldStandardEnz) = []; -0216 model.ec.eccodes(oldStandardEnz) = []; -0217 model.ec.rxnEnzMat(oldStandardEnz,:) = []; -0218 end -0219 -0220 for i = 1:numel(rxnsMissingGPR) -0221 rxnIdx = rxnsMissingGPR(i); -0222 -0223 % Update .ec structure in model -0224 if ~model.ec.geckoLight -0225 model.ec.rxns(end+1) = model.rxns(rxnIdx); -0226 % Add prefix in case is light version -0227 else -0228 model.ec.rxns{end+1} = ['001_' model.rxns{rxnIdx}]; -0229 end -0230 -0231 if ~standard -0232 kcatSubSystemIdx = strcmpi(enzSubSystem_names, model.subSystems{rxnIdx}(1)); -0233 if all(kcatSubSystemIdx) -0234 model.ec.kcat(end+1) = kcatSubSystem(kcatSubSystemIdx); -0235 else -0236 model.ec.kcat(end+1) = standardKcat; -0237 end -0238 else -0239 model.ec.kcat(end+1) = standardKcat; -0240 end -0241 -0242 model.ec.source(end+1) = {'standard'}; -0243 model.ec.notes(end+1) = {''}; -0244 model.ec.eccodes(end+1) = {''}; -0245 -0246 % Update the enzyme rxns matrix -0247 model.ec.rxnEnzMat(numRxns+i, stdMetIdx) = 1; -0248 end -0249 % Get the rxns identifiers of the updated rxns -0250 rxnsMissingGPR = model.rxns(rxnsMissingGPR); +0137 if model.ec.geckoLight +0138 ecRxnsList = unique(extractAfter(model.ec.rxns,4)); +0139 else +0140 ecRxnsList = model.ec.rxns; +0141 end +0142 rxnsMissingEnzyme = find(and(~ismember(model.rxns(rxnsMissingEnzyme),ecRxnsList), ~contains(model.rxns(rxnsMissingEnzyme),'usage_prot_'))); +0143 rxnsMissingGPR = [rxnsMissingGPR;rxnsMissingEnzyme]; +0144 +0145 % Get custom list of reaction IDs to ignore, if existing. First column +0146 % contains reaction IDs, second column contains reaction names for +0147 % reference only. +0148 if exist(fullfile(params.path,'data','pseudoRxns.tsv'),'file') +0149 fID = fopen(fullfile(params.path,'data','pseudoRxns.tsv')); +0150 fileData = textscan(fID,'%s %s','delimiter','\t'); +0151 fclose(fID); +0152 customRxns = fileData{1}; +0153 customRxns = find(ismember(model.rxns,customRxns)); +0154 else +0155 customRxns = []; +0156 end +0157 % Get and remove exchange, transport, spontaneous and pseudo reactions +0158 [~, exchangeRxns] = getExchangeRxns(model); +0159 transportRxns = getTransportRxns(model); +0160 [spontaneousRxns, ~] = modelAdapter.getSpontaneousReactions(model); +0161 pseudoRxns = contains(model.rxnNames,'pseudoreaction'); +0162 slimeRxns = contains(model.rxnNames,'SLIME rxn'); +0163 rxnsToIgnore = [customRxns; exchangeRxns; find(transportRxns); ... +0164 find(spontaneousRxns); find(pseudoRxns); find(slimeRxns)]; +0165 rxnsMissingGPR(ismember(rxnsMissingGPR, rxnsToIgnore)) = []; +0166 +0167 % Only add if not geckoLight & getStandardKcat was not run earlier +0168 if ~any(strcmp(model.mets,'prot_standard')) +0169 % Add a new gene to be consistent with ec field named standard +0170 proteinStdGenes.genes = 'standard'; +0171 if isfield(model,'geneShortNames') +0172 proteinStdGenes.geneShortNames = 'std'; +0173 end +0174 model = addGenesRaven(model, proteinStdGenes); +0175 +0176 if ~model.ec.geckoLight +0177 % Add a new metabolite named prot_standard +0178 proteinStdMets.mets = 'prot_standard'; +0179 proteinStdMets.metNames = proteinStdMets.mets; +0180 proteinStdMets.compartments = 'c'; +0181 if isfield(model,'metNotes') +0182 proteinStdMets.metNotes = 'Standard enzyme-usage pseudometabolite'; +0183 end +0184 model = addMets(model, proteinStdMets); +0185 +0186 % Add a protein usage reaction if not a light version +0187 proteinStdUsageRxn.rxns = {'usage_prot_standard'}; +0188 proteinStdUsageRxn.rxnNames = proteinStdUsageRxn.rxns; +0189 proteinStdUsageRxn.mets = {proteinStdMets.mets, 'prot_pool'}; +0190 proteinStdUsageRxn.stoichCoeffs = [-1, 1]; +0191 proteinStdUsageRxn.lb = -1000; +0192 proteinStdUsageRxn.ub = 0; +0193 proteinStdUsageRxn.grRules = proteinStdGenes.genes; +0194 +0195 model = addRxns(model, proteinStdUsageRxn); +0196 end +0197 % Update .ec structure in model +0198 model.ec.genes(end+1) = {'standard'}; +0199 model.ec.enzymes(end+1) = {'standard'}; +0200 model.ec.mw(end+1) = standardMW; +0201 model.ec.sequence(end+1) = {''}; +0202 % Additional info +0203 if isfield(model.ec,'concs') +0204 model.ec.concs(end+1) = nan(); +0205 end +0206 +0207 % Expand the enzyme rxns matrix +0208 model.ec.rxnEnzMat = [model.ec.rxnEnzMat, zeros(length(model.ec.rxns), 1)]; % 1 new enzyme +0209 model.ec.rxnEnzMat = [model.ec.rxnEnzMat; zeros(length(rxnsMissingGPR), length(model.ec.enzymes))]; % new rxns +0210 end +0211 stdMetIdx = find(strcmpi(model.ec.enzymes, 'standard')); +0212 +0213 % Remove previous standard kcat assignment +0214 oldStandardEnz = find(strcmp(model.ec.source,'standard')); +0215 if ~isempty(oldStandardEnz) +0216 oldStandardProt = logical(model.ec.rxnEnzMat(oldStandardEnz,stdMetIdx)); +0217 % If annotated with real enzyme => set kcat to zero +0218 model.ec.kcat(oldStandardEnz(~oldStandardProt)) = 0; +0219 model.ec.source(oldStandardEnz(~oldStandardProt)) = {''}; +0220 % If annotated with standard protein => remove entry +0221 model.ec.rxns(oldStandardEnz(oldStandardProt)) = []; +0222 model.ec.kcat(oldStandardEnz(oldStandardProt)) = []; +0223 model.ec.source(oldStandardEnz(oldStandardProt)) = []; +0224 model.ec.notes(oldStandardEnz(oldStandardProt)) = []; +0225 model.ec.eccodes(oldStandardEnz(oldStandardProt)) = []; +0226 model.ec.rxnEnzMat(oldStandardEnz(oldStandardProt),:) = []; +0227 end +0228 +0229 numRxns = length(model.ec.rxns); +0230 for i = 1:numel(rxnsMissingGPR) +0231 rxnIdx = rxnsMissingGPR(i); +0232 +0233 % Update .ec structure in model +0234 if ~model.ec.geckoLight +0235 model.ec.rxns(end+1) = model.rxns(rxnIdx); +0236 % Add prefix in case is light version +0237 else +0238 model.ec.rxns{end+1} = ['001_' model.rxns{rxnIdx}]; +0239 end +0240 +0241 if ~standard +0242 kcatSubSystemIdx = strcmpi(enzSubSystem_names, model.subSystems{rxnIdx}(1)); +0243 if all(kcatSubSystemIdx) +0244 model.ec.kcat(end+1) = kcatSubSystem(kcatSubSystemIdx); +0245 else +0246 model.ec.kcat(end+1) = standardKcat; +0247 end +0248 else +0249 model.ec.kcat(end+1) = standardKcat; +0250 end 0251 -0252 if fillZeroKcat -0253 zeroKcat = model.ec.kcat == 0 | isnan(model.ec.kcat); -0254 model.ec.kcat(zeroKcat) = standardKcat; -0255 model.ec.source(zeroKcat) = {'standard'}; -0256 rxnsNoKcat = model.ec.rxns(zeroKcat); -0257 else -0258 rxnsNoKcat = []; -0259 end -0260 end +0252 model.ec.source(end+1) = {'standard'}; +0253 model.ec.notes(end+1) = {''}; +0254 model.ec.eccodes(end+1) = {''}; +0255 +0256 % Update the enzyme rxns matrix +0257 model.ec.rxnEnzMat(numRxns+i, stdMetIdx) = 1; +0258 end +0259 % Get the rxns identifiers of the updated rxns +0260 rxnsMissingGPR = model.rxns(rxnsMissingGPR); 0261 -0262 function Cflat = flattenCell(C,strFlag) -0263 %FLATTENCELL Flatten a nested column cell array into a matrix cell array. -0264 % -0265 % CFLAT = FLATTENCELL(C) takes a column cell array in which one or more -0266 % entries is a nested cell array, and flattens it into a 2D matrix cell -0267 % array, where the nested entries are spread across new columns. -0268 % -0269 % CFLAT = FLATTENCELL(C,STRFLAG) if STRFLAG is TRUE, empty entries in the -0270 % resulting CFLAT will be replaced with empty strings {''}. Default = FALSE -0271 if nargin < 2 -0272 strFlag = false; -0273 end -0274 -0275 % determine which entries are cells -0276 cells = cellfun(@iscell,C); -0277 -0278 % determine number of elements in each nested cell -0279 cellsizes = cellfun(@numel,C); -0280 cellsizes(~cells) = 1; % ignore non-cell entries -0281 -0282 % flatten single-entry cells -0283 Cflat = C; -0284 Cflat(cells & (cellsizes == 1)) = cellfun(@(x) x{1},Cflat(cells & (cellsizes == 1)),'UniformOutput',false); -0285 -0286 % iterate through multi-entry cells -0287 multiCells = find(cellsizes > 1); -0288 for i = 1:length(multiCells) -0289 cellContents = Cflat{multiCells(i)}; -0290 Cflat(multiCells(i),1:length(cellContents)) = cellContents; -0291 end -0292 -0293 % change empty elements to strings, if specified -0294 if ( strFlag ) -0295 Cflat(cellfun(@isempty,Cflat)) = {''}; -0296 end -0297 end +0262 if fillZeroKcat +0263 zeroKcat = model.ec.kcat == 0 | isnan(model.ec.kcat); +0264 model.ec.kcat(zeroKcat) = standardKcat; +0265 model.ec.source(zeroKcat) = {'standard'}; +0266 rxnsNoKcat = model.ec.rxns(zeroKcat); +0267 else +0268 rxnsNoKcat = []; +0269 end +0270 end +0271 +0272 function Cflat = flattenCell(C,strFlag) +0273 %FLATTENCELL Flatten a nested column cell array into a matrix cell array. +0274 % +0275 % CFLAT = FLATTENCELL(C) takes a column cell array in which one or more +0276 % entries is a nested cell array, and flattens it into a 2D matrix cell +0277 % array, where the nested entries are spread across new columns. +0278 % +0279 % CFLAT = FLATTENCELL(C,STRFLAG) if STRFLAG is TRUE, empty entries in the +0280 % resulting CFLAT will be replaced with empty strings {''}. Default = FALSE +0281 if nargin < 2 +0282 strFlag = false; +0283 end +0284 +0285 % determine which entries are cells +0286 cells = cellfun(@iscell,C); +0287 +0288 % determine number of elements in each nested cell +0289 cellsizes = cellfun(@numel,C); +0290 cellsizes(~cells) = 1; % ignore non-cell entries +0291 +0292 % flatten single-entry cells +0293 Cflat = C; +0294 Cflat(cells & (cellsizes == 1)) = cellfun(@(x) x{1},Cflat(cells & (cellsizes == 1)),'UniformOutput',false); +0295 +0296 % iterate through multi-entry cells +0297 multiCells = find(cellsizes > 1); +0298 for i = 1:length(multiCells) +0299 cellContents = Cflat{multiCells(i)}; +0300 Cflat(multiCells(i),1:length(cellContents)) = cellContents; +0301 end +0302 +0303 % change empty elements to strings, if specified +0304 if ( strFlag ) +0305 Cflat(cellfun(@isempty,Cflat)) = {''}; +0306 end +0307 end
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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/mergeDLKcatAndFuzzyKcats.html b/doc/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/mergeDLKcatAndFuzzyKcats.html index 36cd0e7ca..7f9e5908b 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/mergeDLKcatAndFuzzyKcats.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/mergeDLKcatAndFuzzyKcats.html @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@

DESCRIPTION ^SOURCE CODE ^% BRENDA matches (Optional, default 3) 0025 % 0026 % Output: -0027 % mergedKcatList The merged list of kcats +0027 % mergedKcatList merged list of kcats 0028 % 0029 % The origin parameter: 0030 % 1: correct organism, correct substrate, kcat diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/get_enzyme_data/getECfromDatabase.html b/doc/src/geckomat/get_enzyme_data/getECfromDatabase.html index 6315f92c0..1dec3ed35 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/get_enzyme_data/getECfromDatabase.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/get_enzyme_data/getECfromDatabase.html @@ -34,11 +34,12 @@

DESCRIPTION ^SOURCE CODE ^% 0007 % Input: 0008 % model an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure) -0009 % ecRxns logical of length model.ec.rxns that specifies for -0010 % which reactions the existing model.ec.eccodes entry -0011 % should be kept and not modified by this function -0012 % (optional, by default all model.ec.eccodes entries -0013 % are populated by this function) -0014 % action response action if multiple proteins with different EC -0015 % numbers are found for a given gene in a metabolic -0016 % reaction (optional, default 'display') -0017 % - 'display' displays all found multiplicities -0018 % - 'ignore' ignore multiplicities and use the protein -0019 % with the lowest index in the database. -0020 % - 'add' adds all the multiple proteins as -0021 % isozymes for the given reaction -0022 % modelAdapter a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use the -0023 % default model adapter). -0024 % -0025 % Output: -0026 % model ecModel with populated model.ec.eccodes -0027 % -0028 % Usage: -0029 % model = getECfromDatabase(model, ecRxns, action, modelAdapter) -0030 -0031 if nargin < 2 || isempty(ecRxns) -0032 ecRnxs = true(numel(model.ec.rxns),1); -0033 end -0034 -0035 if nargin < 3 || isempty(action) -0036 action = 'display'; -0037 end -0038 -0039 if nargin < 4 || isempty(modelAdapter) -0040 modelAdapter = ModelAdapterManager.getDefault(); -0041 if isempty(modelAdapter) -0042 error('Either send in a modelAdapter or set the default model adapter in the ModelAdapterManager.') -0043 end -0044 end -0045 params = modelAdapter.getParameters(); -0046 -0047 rxnEnzMat = model.ec.rxnEnzMat; -0048 genes = modelAdapter.getUniprotCompatibleGenes(model.ec.genes); -0049 -0050 data = loadDatabases('both', modelAdapter); -0051 uniprot = data.uniprot; -0052 kegg = data.kegg; -0053 -0054 modelGenes = modelAdapter.getUniprotIDsFromTable(model.genes); -0055 DBgenesUniprot = data.uniprot.genes; -0056 if ~isequal(modelGenes,model.genes) -0057 [Lia,Locb] = ismember(modelGenes,uniprot.ID); -0058 DBgenesUniprot(Locb(Lia)) = model.genes(Lia); -0059 keepEntry = unique(Locb(Lia)); -0060 DBgenesUniprot = DBgenesUniprot(keepEntry); -0061 else -0062 keepEntry = true(numel(DBgenesUniprot),1); -0063 end -0064 DBecNumUniprot = data.uniprot.eccodes(keepEntry); -0065 DBMWUniprot = data.uniprot.MW(keepEntry); -0066 %Build an index from gene to prot for faster processing later -0067 [geneIndexUniprot,geneHashMapUniprot] = hashGeneToProt(DBgenesUniprot); -0068 -0069 if ~isempty(kegg) -0070 DBgenesKEGG = data.kegg.genes; -0071 DBecNumKEGG = data.kegg.eccodes; -0072 DBMWKEGG = data.kegg.MW; -0073 [geneIndexKEGG,geneHashMapKEGG] = hashGeneToProt(DBgenesKEGG); -0074 end -0075 n = size(rxnEnzMat,1); -0076 -0077 eccodes = cell(n,1); -0078 eccodes(:)= {''}; -0079 conflicts = cell(1,4); -0080 -0081 rxnEnzMat = logical(rxnEnzMat); -0082 progressbar('Assigning EC numbers from database') -0083 for i = 1:n -0084 gns = genes(rxnEnzMat(i,:).'); -0085 if ~isempty(gns) -0086 %Find match in Uniprot: -0087 [new_EC,multGenes] = findECInDB(gns,DBecNumUniprot,DBMWUniprot,geneIndexUniprot,geneHashMapUniprot); -0088 if ~isempty(new_EC) -0089 DBase = 'uniprot'; -0090 if ~isempty(multGenes{1}) -0091 multGenes{3} = DBase; -0092 end -0093 end -0094 if ~isempty(kegg) && (isempty(new_EC) || endsWith(new_EC,'-')) -0095 %Find match in KEGG -0096 [new_EC_kegg,multGenes] = findECInDB(gns,DBecNumKEGG,DBMWKEGG,geneIndexKEGG,geneHashMapKEGG); -0097 if ~isempty(new_EC_kegg) -0098 DBase = 'kegg'; -0099 if ~isempty(multGenes{1}) -0100 multGenes{3} = DBase; -0101 end -0102 new_EC=new_EC_kegg; -0103 end -0104 end -0105 eccodes{i} = new_EC; -0106 -0107 if ~isempty(multGenes{1}) -0108 %Rxn index -0109 conflicts{1} = [conflicts{1};i]; -0110 %Gene IDs -0111 conflicts{2} = [conflicts{2};multGenes{1}]; -0112 %Indexes in DB -0113 conflicts{3} = [conflicts{3};multGenes{2}]; -0114 %DB name -0115 conflicts{4} = [conflicts{4};{multGenes{3}}]; -0116 -0117 %{ I don't understand the purpose of this, let's skip it for now -0118 %if strcmpi(action,'add') -0119 % if strcmpi(DBase,'swissprot') -0120 % [uni,EC,MW,Genes] = addMultipleMatches(uni,EC,MW,Genes,multGenes,swissprot); -0121 % elseif strcmpi(DBase,'KEGG') -0122 % [uni,EC,MW,Genes] = addMultipleMatches(uni,EC,MW,Genes,multGenes,kegg); -0123 % end -0124 %end -0125 %} -0126 end -0127 end -0128 progressbar(i/n) -0129 end -0130 -0131 %Display error message with the multiple gene-protein matches found -0132 if strcmpi(action,'display') && ~isempty(conflicts{1}) -0133 displayErrorMessage(conflicts,uniprot,kegg) -0134 end -0135 -0136 if nargin < 2 || isempty(ecRxns) || all(ecRxns) -0137 model.ec.eccodes = eccodes; -0138 else -0139 if ~isfield(model.ec,'eccodes') -0140 model.ec.eccodes(1:numel(model.ec.rxns),1) = {''}; -0141 end -0142 %Probably faster to subset with ecRxns in the beginning of the script, -0143 %but this was at the moment simpler to implement. -0144 model.ec.eccodes(ecRxns) = eccodes(ecRxns); -0145 end -0146 -0147 function displayErrorMessage(conflicts,uniprot,kegg) -0148 STR = ['\n ' num2str(length(conflicts{1})) ' genes with multiple associated proteins were found, please']; -0149 STR = [STR, ' revise case by case in the uniprot and kegg files:\n\n']; -0150 for i=1:length(conflicts{1}) -0151 if strcmpi(conflicts{4}{i},'uniprot') -0152 DB = uniprot.ID; -0153 else -0154 DB = kegg.uniprot; -0155 end -0156 proteins = DB(conflicts{3}{i}); -0157 STR = [STR, '- gene: ' conflicts{2}{i} ' Proteins: ' strjoin(proteins) '\n']; -0158 end -0159 STR = [STR, '\nIf a wrongly annotated case was found then call the ']; -0160 STR = [STR, 'getECfromDatabase.m function again with the option action']; -0161 STR = [STR, '= ignore\n\n']; -0162 STR = [STR, 'If the conflicting proteins are desired to be kept as isozymes']; -0163 STR = [STR, ' then call the getECfromDatabase.m function']; -0164 STR = [STR, ' again with the option action = add\n']; -0165 error(sprintf(STR)) -0166 end -0167 -0168 function [geneIndex,geneHashMap]=hashGeneToProt(proteinDB) -0169 -0170 [x,y] = size(proteinDB); -0171 genesForIndex = reshape(proteinDB, x*y, 1); -0172 genesForIndex = genesForIndex(~cellfun(@isempty, genesForIndex)); -0173 genesForIndex = unique(genesForIndex); -0174 geneIndex = cell(length(genesForIndex),1); -0175 geneHashMap = containers.Map(genesForIndex,1:length(genesForIndex)); -0176 protIndices = 1:length(proteinDB(:,1)); -0177 for i = 1:y -0178 tmp1 = proteinDB(:,i); -0179 sel = ~cellfun(@isempty, tmp1); -0180 indices = cell2mat(values(geneHashMap,tmp1(sel))); -0181 protIndicesSel = protIndices(sel); -0182 for j = 1:length(indices) -0183 geneIndex{indices(j)} = [geneIndex{indices(j)};protIndicesSel(j)]; -0184 end -0185 end +0009 % ecRxns logical of length model.ec.rxns that specifies which +0010 % model.ec.eccodes entries should be queried. Exiting +0011 % values in model.ec.eccodes will be wiped. Entries that +0012 % are indicated by false will be kept and not modified by +0013 % this function (optional, by default all model.ec.eccodes +0014 % entries are populated by this function) +0015 % action response action if multiple proteins with different EC +0016 % numbers are found for a given gene in a metabolic +0017 % reaction (optional, default 'display') +0018 % - 'display' displays all found multiplicities +0019 % - 'ignore' ignore multiplicities and use the protein +0020 % with the lowest index in the database. +0021 % - 'add' adds all the multiple proteins as +0022 % isozymes for the given reaction +0023 % modelAdapter a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use the +0024 % default model adapter). +0025 % +0026 % Output: +0027 % model ecModel with populated model.ec.eccodes +0028 % +0029 % Usage: +0030 % model = getECfromDatabase(model, ecRxns, action, modelAdapter) +0031 +0032 if nargin < 2 || isempty(ecRxns) +0033 ecRnxs = true(numel(model.ec.rxns),1); +0034 end +0035 +0036 if nargin < 3 || isempty(action) +0037 action = 'display'; +0038 end +0039 +0040 if nargin < 4 || isempty(modelAdapter) +0041 modelAdapter = ModelAdapterManager.getDefault(); +0042 if isempty(modelAdapter) +0043 error('Either send in a modelAdapter or set the default model adapter in the ModelAdapterManager.') +0044 end +0045 end +0046 params = modelAdapter.getParameters(); +0047 +0048 rxnEnzMat = model.ec.rxnEnzMat; +0049 genes = modelAdapter.getUniprotCompatibleGenes(model.ec.genes); +0050 +0051 data = loadDatabases('both', modelAdapter); +0052 uniprot = data.uniprot; +0053 kegg = data.kegg; +0054 +0055 modelGenes = modelAdapter.getUniprotIDsFromTable(model.genes); +0056 DBgenesUniprot = data.uniprot.genes; +0057 if ~isequal(modelGenes,model.genes) +0058 [Lia,Locb] = ismember(modelGenes,uniprot.ID); +0059 DBgenesUniprot(Locb(Lia)) = model.genes(Lia); +0060 keepEntry = unique(Locb(Lia)); +0061 DBgenesUniprot = DBgenesUniprot(keepEntry); +0062 else +0063 keepEntry = true(numel(DBgenesUniprot),1); +0064 end +0065 DBecNumUniprot = data.uniprot.eccodes(keepEntry); +0066 DBMWUniprot = data.uniprot.MW(keepEntry); +0067 %Build an index from gene to prot for faster processing later +0068 [geneIndexUniprot,geneHashMapUniprot] = hashGeneToProt(DBgenesUniprot); +0069 +0070 if ~isempty(kegg) +0071 DBgenesKEGG = data.kegg.genes; +0072 DBecNumKEGG = data.kegg.eccodes; +0073 DBMWKEGG = data.kegg.MW; +0074 [geneIndexKEGG,geneHashMapKEGG] = hashGeneToProt(DBgenesKEGG); +0075 end +0076 n = size(rxnEnzMat,1); +0077 +0078 eccodes = cell(n,1); +0079 eccodes(:)= {''}; +0080 conflicts = cell(1,4); +0081 +0082 rxnEnzMat = logical(rxnEnzMat); +0083 progressbar('Assigning EC numbers from database') +0084 for i = 1:n +0085 gns = genes(rxnEnzMat(i,:).'); +0086 if ~isempty(gns) +0087 %Find match in Uniprot: +0088 [new_EC,multGenes] = findECInDB(gns,DBecNumUniprot,DBMWUniprot,geneIndexUniprot,geneHashMapUniprot); +0089 if ~isempty(new_EC) +0090 DBase = 'uniprot'; +0091 if ~isempty(multGenes{1}) +0092 multGenes{3} = DBase; +0093 end +0094 end +0095 if ~isempty(kegg) && (isempty(new_EC) || endsWith(new_EC,'-')) +0096 %Find match in KEGG +0097 [new_EC_kegg,multGenes] = findECInDB(gns,DBecNumKEGG,DBMWKEGG,geneIndexKEGG,geneHashMapKEGG); +0098 if ~isempty(new_EC_kegg) +0099 DBase = 'kegg'; +0100 if ~isempty(multGenes{1}) +0101 multGenes{3} = DBase; +0102 end +0103 new_EC=new_EC_kegg; +0104 end +0105 end +0106 eccodes{i} = new_EC; +0107 +0108 if ~isempty(multGenes{1}) +0109 %Rxn index +0110 conflicts{1} = [conflicts{1};i]; +0111 %Gene IDs +0112 conflicts{2} = [conflicts{2};multGenes{1}]; +0113 %Indexes in DB +0114 conflicts{3} = [conflicts{3};multGenes{2}]; +0115 %DB name +0116 conflicts{4} = [conflicts{4};{multGenes{3}}]; +0117 +0118 %{ I don't understand the purpose of this, let's skip it for now +0119 %if strcmpi(action,'add') +0120 % if strcmpi(DBase,'swissprot') +0121 % [uni,EC,MW,Genes] = addMultipleMatches(uni,EC,MW,Genes,multGenes,swissprot); +0122 % elseif strcmpi(DBase,'KEGG') +0123 % [uni,EC,MW,Genes] = addMultipleMatches(uni,EC,MW,Genes,multGenes,kegg); +0124 % end +0125 %end +0126 %} +0127 end +0128 end +0129 progressbar(i/n) +0130 end +0131 +0132 %Display error message with the multiple gene-protein matches found +0133 if strcmpi(action,'display') && ~isempty(conflicts{1}) +0134 displayErrorMessage(conflicts,uniprot,kegg) +0135 end +0136 +0137 if nargin < 2 || isempty(ecRxns) || all(ecRxns) +0138 model.ec.eccodes = eccodes; +0139 else +0140 if ~isfield(model.ec,'eccodes') +0141 model.ec.eccodes(1:numel(model.ec.rxns),1) = {''}; +0142 end +0143 %Probably faster to subset with ecRxns in the beginning of the script, +0144 %but this was at the moment simpler to implement. +0145 model.ec.eccodes(ecRxns) = eccodes(ecRxns); +0146 end +0147 +0148 function displayErrorMessage(conflicts,uniprot,kegg) +0149 STR = ['\n ' num2str(length(conflicts{1})) ' genes with multiple associated proteins were found, please']; +0150 STR = [STR, ' revise case by case in the uniprot and kegg files:\n\n']; +0151 for i=1:length(conflicts{1}) +0152 if strcmpi(conflicts{4}{i},'uniprot') +0153 DB = uniprot.ID; +0154 else +0155 DB = kegg.uniprot; +0156 end +0157 proteins = DB(conflicts{3}{i}); +0158 STR = [STR, '- gene: ' conflicts{2}{i} ' Proteins: ' strjoin(proteins) '\n']; +0159 end +0160 STR = [STR, '\nIf a wrongly annotated case was found then call the ']; +0161 STR = [STR, 'getECfromDatabase.m function again with the option action']; +0162 STR = [STR, '= ignore\n\n']; +0163 STR = [STR, 'If the conflicting proteins are desired to be kept as isozymes']; +0164 STR = [STR, ' then call the getECfromDatabase.m function']; +0165 STR = [STR, ' again with the option action = add\n']; +0166 error(sprintf(STR)) +0167 end +0168 +0169 function [geneIndex,geneHashMap]=hashGeneToProt(proteinDB) +0170 +0171 [x,y] = size(proteinDB); +0172 genesForIndex = reshape(proteinDB, x*y, 1); +0173 genesForIndex = genesForIndex(~cellfun(@isempty, genesForIndex)); +0174 genesForIndex = unique(genesForIndex); +0175 geneIndex = cell(length(genesForIndex),1); +0176 geneHashMap = containers.Map(genesForIndex,1:length(genesForIndex)); +0177 protIndices = 1:length(proteinDB(:,1)); +0178 for i = 1:y +0179 tmp1 = proteinDB(:,i); +0180 sel = ~cellfun(@isempty, tmp1); +0181 indices = cell2mat(values(geneHashMap,tmp1(sel))); +0182 protIndicesSel = protIndices(sel); +0183 for j = 1:length(indices) +0184 geneIndex{indices(j)} = [geneIndex{indices(j)};protIndicesSel(j)]; +0185 end 0186 end -0187 end +0187 end +0188 end
Generated by m2html © 2005
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/calculateFfactor.html b/doc/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/calculateFfactor.html index 855823fed..118fb54ee 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/calculateFfactor.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/calculateFfactor.html @@ -129,14 +129,15 @@

SOURCE CODE ^end 0071 -0072 totalProt = sum(protData.abundances); -0073 -0074 % Get enzymes in model -0075 enzymesInModel = ismember(protData.uniprotIDs,enzymes); -0076 totalEnz = sum(protData.abundances(enzymesInModel)); -0077 -0078 f = totalEnz/totalProt; -0079 end +0072 avgAbundances = mean(protData.abundances,2); +0073 totalProt = sum(avgAbundances,'omitnan'); +0074 +0075 % Get enzymes in model +0076 enzymesInModel = ismember(protData.uniprotIDs,enzymes); +0077 totalEnz = sum(avgAbundances(enzymesInModel),'omitnan'); +0078 +0079 f = totalEnz/totalProt; +0080 end
Generated by m2html © 2005
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainEnzConcs.html b/doc/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainEnzConcs.html index 9c3b7d133..cbf7db32c 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainEnzConcs.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainEnzConcs.html @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@

PURPOSE ^constrainEnzConcs


function model = constrainEnzConcs(model)
function model = constrainEnzConcs(model, removeConstraints)


@@ -34,16 +34,20 @@ 


@@ -58,7 +62,7 @@

 <h2><a name=SOURCE CODE ^

0001 function model = constrainEnzConcs(model)
0001 function model = constrainEnzConcs(model, removeConstraints)
 0002 % constrainEnzConcs
 0003 %   Constrain enzyme usages by their concentration as provided in
 0004 %   model.ec.concs. For enzymes with non-NaN entries in model.ec.concs,
@@ -66,47 +70,59 @@ 

SOURCE CODE ^% but is rather constraint by the measured protein abundance. 0007 % 0008 % Input: -0009 % model an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure) with enzyme -0010 % concentrations in model.ec.concs -0011 % -0012 % Output: -0013 % model an ecModel constraint with available enzyme concentrations -0014 % -0015 % Note: to populate model.ec.concs you should run getProteomics. -0016 % -0017 % Usage: -0018 % model = constrainEnzConcs(model) -0019 -0020 %Enzyme with NaN entry in model.ec.concs => draw from prot_pool -0021 %Enzyme with numeric entry in model.ec.concs => exchange reaction with -0022 %enzyme level as UB +0009 % model an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec +0010 % structure) with enzyme concentrations in +0011 % model.ec.concs +0012 % removeConstraints logical, whether enzyme concentration +0013 % constraints should be removed (model.ec.concs +0014 % will remain unchanged). (optional, default false) +0015 % +0016 % Output: +0017 % model an ecModel constraint with available enzyme concentrations +0018 % +0019 % Note: To populate model.ec.concs you should run fillEnzConcs. +0020 % +0021 % Usage: +0022 % model = constrainEnzConcs(model, removeConstraints) 0023 -0024 %Get indices of usage reactions -0025 usageRxns = strcat('usage_prot_',model.ec.enzymes); -0026 [~, usageRxnsIdx] = ismember(usageRxns, model.rxns); +0024 %Enzyme with NaN entry in model.ec.concs => draw from prot_pool +0025 %Enzyme with numeric entry in model.ec.concs => exchange reaction with +0026 %enzyme level as UB 0027 -0028 if any(usageRxnsIdx == 0) -0029 error('Usage reactions are not defined for all enzymes. This is done by makeEcModel.') +0028 if nargin<2 +0029 removeConstraints = false; 0030 end -0031 %Get index of protein pool metabolite -0032 protPoolIdx = find(ismember(model.mets,'prot_pool')); -0033 if ~any(protPoolIdx) -0034 error('Cannot find protein pool pseudometabolite.') -0035 end -0036 -0037 %Protein that should be constraint by UB -0038 protCons = ~isnan(model.ec.concs); -0039 -0040 %Set all reactions to draw from prot_pool -0041 model.S(protPoolIdx, usageRxnsIdx(~protCons)) = 1; -0042 model.lb(usageRxnsIdx(protCons)) = -1000; -0043 -0044 %If non-NaN in model.ec.concs, then constrain by UB -0045 if any(protCons) -0046 % model.S(protPoolIdx, usageRxnsIdx(protCons)) = 0; % Since GECKO 3.2.0 -0047 model.lb(usageRxnsIdx(protCons)) = -model.ec.concs(protCons); -0048 end -0049 end

+0031 +0032 %Get indices of usage reactions +0033 usageRxns = strcat('usage_prot_',model.ec.enzymes); +0034 [~, usageRxnsIdx] = ismember(usageRxns, model.rxns); +0035 +0036 if any(usageRxnsIdx == 0) +0037 error('Usage reactions are not defined for all enzymes. This is done by makeEcModel.') +0038 end +0039 %Get index of protein pool metabolite +0040 protPoolIdx = find(ismember(model.mets,'prot_pool')); +0041 if ~any(protPoolIdx) +0042 error('Cannot find protein pool pseudometabolite.') +0043 end +0044 +0045 %Protein that should be constraint by UB +0046 if removeConstraints +0047 protCons = []; +0048 else +0049 protCons = ~isnan(model.ec.concs); +0050 end +0051 +0052 %Set all reactions to draw from prot_pool +0053 model.S(protPoolIdx, usageRxnsIdx) = 1; +0054 model.lb(usageRxnsIdx) = -1000; +0055 +0056 %If non-NaN in model.ec.concs, then constrain by UB +0057 if any(protCons) +0058 % model.S(protPoolIdx, usageRxnsIdx(protCons)) = 0; % Since GECKO 3.2.0 +0059 model.lb(usageRxnsIdx(protCons)) = -model.ec.concs(protCons); +0060 end +0061 end

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainFluxData.html b/doc/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainFluxData.html index edd488d45..7e1fcabfd 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainFluxData.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainFluxData.html @@ -28,7 +28,8 @@


-   Constrains fluxes
+   Constrains fluxes to the data that is provided in the fluxData
+   structure, which itself is read by loadFluxData from data/fluxData.tsv.
    model           an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
@@ -63,10 +64,14 @@ 

 <h2><a name=SOURCE CODE ^

0001 function model = constrainFluxData(model, fluxData, condition, maxMinGrowth, looseStrictFlux, modelAdapter)
 0002 % constrainFluxData
-0003 %   Constrains fluxes
-0004 %
-0005 % Input:
-0006 %   model           an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
-0007 %   fluxData        structure with flux data
-0008 %                   conds       sampling condition
-0009 %                   Ptot        total protein (g/gDCW)
-0010 %                   grRate      growth rate (1/h)
-0011 %                   exchFluxes  exchange fluxes (mmol/gDCWh)
-0012 %                   exchMets    exchanged metabolites, matching exchFluxes
-0013 %                   exchRxnIDs  exchange reaction IDs, matching exchMets
-0014 %   condition       either index number or name of the sample condition in
-0015 %                   fluxData.conds (Optional, default = 1)
-0016 %   maxMinGrowth    'max' if the provided growth rate should be set as
-0017 %                   maximum growth rate (= upper bound), or 'min' if it
-0018 %                   should be set as minimum growth rate (= lower bound).
-0019 %                   The latter option is suitable if minimization of
-0020 %                   prot_pool_exchange is used as objective function. (Opt,
-0021 %                   default = 'max')
-0022 %   looseStrictFlux how strictly constrained the exchange fluxes should be,
-0023 %                   optional, default = 'loose'
-0024 %                   'loose' if the exchange fluxes should be constraint
-0025 %                           only by the "outer bounds". If exchFluxes(i)
-0026 %                           > 0, LB = 0 and UB = exchFluxes(i). If
-0027 %                           exchFluxes(i) < 0, LB = exchFluxes(i) and
-0028 %                           UB = 0
-0029 %                   0-100   LB and UB constraints are set with a specified
-0030 %                           percentage of variance around exchFluxes. If 10
-0031 %                           is specified, LB = exchFluxes*0.95 and UB =
-0032 %                           exchFluxes*1.05. This allows for 10% variance
-0033 %                           around the exchFluxes values, but strictly
-0034 %                           forces a flux through the exchRxns.
-0035 %   modelAdapter    a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use
-0036 %                   the default model adapter)
-0037 %
+0003 %   Constrains fluxes to the data that is provided in the fluxData
+0004 %   structure, which itself is read by loadFluxData from data/fluxData.tsv.
+0005 %
+0006 % Input:
+0007 %   model           an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
+0008 %   fluxData        structure with flux data
+0009 %                   conds       sampling condition
+0010 %                   Ptot        total protein (g/gDCW)
+0011 %                   grRate      growth rate (1/h)
+0012 %                   exchFluxes  exchange fluxes (mmol/gDCWh)
+0013 %                   exchMets    exchanged metabolites, matching exchFluxes
+0014 %                   exchRxnIDs  exchange reaction IDs, matching exchMets
+0015 %   condition       either index number or name of the sample condition in
+0016 %                   fluxData.conds (Optional, default = 1)
+0017 %   maxMinGrowth    'max' if the provided growth rate should be set as
+0018 %                   maximum growth rate (= upper bound), or 'min' if it
+0019 %                   should be set as minimum growth rate (= lower bound).
+0020 %                   The latter option is suitable if minimization of
+0021 %                   prot_pool_exchange is used as objective function. (Opt,
+0022 %                   default = 'max')
+0023 %   looseStrictFlux how strictly constrained the exchange fluxes should be,
+0024 %                   optional, default = 'loose'
+0025 %                   'loose' if the exchange fluxes should be constraint
+0026 %                           only by the "outer bounds". If exchFluxes(i)
+0027 %                           > 0, LB = 0 and UB = exchFluxes(i). If
+0028 %                           exchFluxes(i) < 0, LB = exchFluxes(i) and
+0029 %                           UB = 0
+0030 %                   0-100   LB and UB constraints are set with a specified
+0031 %                           percentage of variance around exchFluxes. If 10
+0032 %                           is specified, LB = exchFluxes*0.95 and UB =
+0033 %                           exchFluxes*1.05. This allows for 10% variance
+0034 %                           around the exchFluxes values, but strictly
+0035 %                           forces a flux through the exchRxns.
+0036 %   modelAdapter    a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use
+0037 %                   the default model adapter)
 0038 %
 0039 % Output:
 0040 %   model           an ecModel where fluxes are constraint
 0041 %
-0042 % Usage:
-0043 %   model = constrainFluxData(model, fluxData, condition, maxMinGrowth, looseStrictFlux, modelAdapter)
-0045 if nargin < 6 || isempty(modelAdapter)
-0046     modelAdapter = ModelAdapterManager.getDefault();
-0047     if isempty(modelAdapter)
-0048         error('Either send in a modelAdapter or set the default model adapter in the ModelAdapterManager.')
-0049     end
-0050 end
-0051 params = modelAdapter.getParameters();
-0053 if nargin < 5 || isempty(looseStrictFlux)
-0054     looseStrictFlux = 'loose';
+0042 % Note: If a provided constraint is either -1000 or 1000, then the function
+0043 % will update the reaction lower and upper bound to either allow uptake or
+0044 % excretion, irrespective of what option is given as the looseStrictFlux
+0045 % parameter.
+0046 %
+0047 % Usage:
+0048 %   model = constrainFluxData(model, fluxData, condition, maxMinGrowth, looseStrictFlux, modelAdapter)
+0050 if nargin < 6 || isempty(modelAdapter)
+0051     modelAdapter = ModelAdapterManager.getDefault();
+0052     if isempty(modelAdapter)
+0053         error('Either send in a modelAdapter or set the default model adapter in the ModelAdapterManager.')
+0054     end
 0055 end
-0057 if nargin < 4 || isempty(maxMinGrowth)
-0058     maxMinGrowth = 'max';
-0059 end
-0061 if nargin < 2 || isempty(fluxData)
-0062     fluxData = loadFluxData(fullfile(params.path,'data','fluxData.tsv'),modelAdapter);
-0063 end
-0065 if nargin < 3 || isempty(condition)
-0066     condition = 1;
-0067 elseif ~isnumeric(condition)
-0068     idx = find(strcmp(fluxData.conds,condition));
-0069     if isempty(condition)
-0070         error(['Condition ' condition ' cannot be found in fluxData'])
-0071     else
-0072         condition = idx;
-0073     end
-0074 end
-0076 % Select the exchange fluxes of specified condition
-0077 fluxData.exchFluxes = fluxData.exchFluxes(condition,:);
-0079 %Set original c-source to zero
-0080 model = setParam(model,'eq',params.c_source,0);
-0081 %Set growth
-0082 switch maxMinGrowth
-0083     case 'max'
-0084         model = setParam(model,'lb',params.bioRxn,0);
-0085         model = setParam(model,'ub',params.bioRxn,fluxData.grRate(condition));
-0086     case 'min'
-0087         model = setParam(model,'lb',params.bioRxn,fluxData.grRate(condition));
-0088         model = setParam(model,'ub',params.bioRxn,1000);
-0089 end
-0091 negFlux = lt(fluxData.exchFluxes,0); % less than 0
-0092 ub = fluxData.exchFluxes(~negFlux);
-0093 posFlux = fluxData.exchRxnIDs(~negFlux);
-0094 lb = fluxData.exchFluxes(negFlux);
-0095 negFlux = fluxData.exchRxnIDs(negFlux);
-0097 switch looseStrictFlux
-0098     case 'loose'
-0099         model = setParam(model,'lb',negFlux,lb);
-0100         model = setParam(model,'ub',negFlux,0);
-0101         model = setParam(model,'lb',posFlux,0);
-0102         model = setParam(model,'ub',posFlux,ub);
-0103     otherwise
-0104         model = setParam(model,'var',fluxData.exchRxnIDs,fluxData.exchFluxes,looseStrictFlux);
-0105 end
-0106 end
+0056 params = modelAdapter.getParameters(); +0057 +0058 if nargin < 5 || isempty(looseStrictFlux) +0059 looseStrictFlux = 'loose'; +0060 end +0061 +0062 if nargin < 4 || isempty(maxMinGrowth) +0063 maxMinGrowth = 'max'; +0064 end +0065 +0066 if nargin < 2 || isempty(fluxData) +0067 fluxData = loadFluxData(fullfile(params.path,'data','fluxData.tsv'),modelAdapter); +0068 end +0069 +0070 if nargin < 3 || isempty(condition) +0071 condition = 1; +0072 elseif ~isnumeric(condition) +0073 idx = find(strcmp(fluxData.conds,condition)); +0074 if isempty(condition) +0075 error(['Condition ' condition ' cannot be found in fluxData']) +0076 else +0077 condition = idx; +0078 end +0079 end +0080 +0081 % Select the exchange fluxes of specified condition +0082 fluxData.exchFluxes = fluxData.exchFluxes(condition,:); +0083 +0084 %Set original c-source to zero +0085 model = setParam(model,'eq',params.c_source,0); +0086 %Set growth +0087 switch maxMinGrowth +0088 case 'max' +0089 model = setParam(model,'lb',params.bioRxn,0); +0090 model = setParam(model,'ub',params.bioRxn,fluxData.grRate(condition)); +0091 case 'min' +0092 model = setParam(model,'lb',params.bioRxn,fluxData.grRate(condition)); +0093 model = setParam(model,'ub',params.bioRxn,1000); +0094 end +0095 +0096 negFlux = lt(fluxData.exchFluxes,0); % less than 0 +0097 ub = fluxData.exchFluxes(~negFlux); +0098 posFlux = fluxData.exchRxnIDs(~negFlux); +0099 lb = fluxData.exchFluxes(negFlux); +0100 negFlux = fluxData.exchRxnIDs(negFlux); +0101 +0102 switch looseStrictFlux +0103 case 'loose' +0104 model = setParam(model,'lb',negFlux,lb); +0105 model = setParam(model,'ub',negFlux,0); +0106 model = setParam(model,'lb',posFlux,0); +0107 model = setParam(model,'ub',posFlux,ub); +0108 otherwise +0109 model = setParam(model,'var',fluxData.exchRxnIDs,fluxData.exchFluxes,looseStrictFlux); +0110 end +0111 extremeFlux = find(abs(fluxData.exchFluxes)==1000); +0112 if any(extremeFlux) +0113 exchFlux = fluxData.exchFluxes(extremeFlux); +0114 if any(exchFlux==-1000) +0115 model = setParam(model,'lb',fluxData.exchRxnIDs(extremeFlux(exchFlux==-1000)),-1000); +0116 model = setParam(model,'ub',fluxData.exchRxnIDs(extremeFlux(exchFlux==-1000)),0); +0117 end +0118 if any(exchFlux==1000) +0119 model = setParam(model,'lb',fluxData.exchRxnIDs(extremeFlux(exchFlux==1000)),0); +0120 model = setParam(model,'ub',fluxData.exchRxnIDs(extremeFlux(exchFlux==1000)),1000); +0121 end +0122 end +0123 end

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/ecFVA.html b/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/ecFVA.html index e2b18dc33..110325d06 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/ecFVA.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/ecFVA.html @@ -128,11 +128,19 @@

SOURCE CODE ^function nUpdateProgressbar(~) -0071 progressbar(p/N); -0072 p = p + 1; -0073 end -0074 end

+0070 % Mapped flux might have swapped directionality: min/max might be swapped +0071 swapDir = minFlux > maxFlux; +0072 if any(swapDir) +0073 tmpFlux = minFlux(swapDir); +0074 minFlux(swapDir) = maxFlux(swapDir); +0075 maxFlux(swapDir) = tmpFlux; +0076 end +0077 +0078 function nUpdateProgressbar(~) +0079 progressbar(p/N); +0080 p = p + 1; +0081 end +0082 end
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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/enzymeUsage.html b/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/enzymeUsage.html index 030ecaa31..012d491c0 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/enzymeUsage.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/enzymeUsage.html @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@

DESCRIPTION ^SOURCE CODE ^% absUsage vector of absolute enzyme usages 0027 % UB vector of enzyme exchange reaction upper bounds 0028 % protID string array of matching protein IDs -0029 % -0030 % Usage: -0031 % usageData = enzymeUsage(ecModel,fluxes,zero) -0032 -0033 if nargin<3 -0034 zero=true; -0035 end -0036 if ecModel.ec.geckoLight -0037 error('This function does not work on GECKO light models.') -0038 end -0039 usageData.protID = ecModel.ec.enzymes; -0040 [~,rxnIdx] = ismember(strcat('usage_prot_',ecModel.ec.enzymes),ecModel.rxns); -0041 -0042 usageData.LB = ecModel.lb(rxnIdx); -0043 usageData.absUsage = abs(fluxes(rxnIdx)); -0044 usageData.capUsage = abs(usageData.absUsage./usageData.LB); -0045 -0046 if ~zero -0047 nonzero = usageData.absUsage<0; -0048 usageData.absUsage = usageData.absUsage(nonzero); -0049 usageData.capUsage = usageData.capUsage(nonzero); -0050 usageData.LB = usageData.LB(nonzero); -0051 usageData.protID = usageData.protID(nonzero); -0052 end -0053 end +0029 % fluxes vector of fluxes, copy of input fluxes +0030 % +0031 % Usage: +0032 % usageData = enzymeUsage(ecModel,fluxes,zero) +0033 +0034 if nargin<3 +0035 zero=true; +0036 end +0037 if ecModel.ec.geckoLight +0038 error('This function does not work on GECKO light models.') +0039 end +0040 usageData.protID = ecModel.ec.enzymes; +0041 [~,rxnIdx] = ismember(strcat('usage_prot_',ecModel.ec.enzymes),ecModel.rxns); +0042 +0043 usageData.LB = ecModel.lb(rxnIdx); +0044 usageData.absUsage = abs(fluxes(rxnIdx)); +0045 usageData.capUsage = abs(usageData.absUsage./usageData.LB); +0046 usageData.fluxes = fluxes; +0047 +0048 if ~zero +0049 nonzero = usageData.absUsage<0; +0050 usageData.absUsage = usageData.absUsage(nonzero); +0051 usageData.capUsage = usageData.capUsage(nonzero); +0052 usageData.LB = usageData.LB(nonzero); +0053 usageData.protID = usageData.protID(nonzero); +0054 end +0055 end
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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/plotEcFVA.html b/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/plotEcFVA.html index d356c40e2..31b5b0d84 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/plotEcFVA.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/plotEcFVA.html @@ -47,7 +47,9 @@

 <!-- crossreference -->
+<h2><a name=SUBFUNCTIONS ^



0001 function plotEcFVA(minFlux, maxFlux)
@@ -62,30 +64,77 @@ 

SOURCE CODE ^% maxFlux vector of maximum flux values, matching minFlux. 0011 0012 numMods = size(minFlux,2); -0013 +0013 fluxRanges = cell(3,1); 0014 % Ignore zero flux reactions 0015 for i=1:numMods 0016 zeroFlux = abs(minFlux(:,i)) < 1e-10 & abs(maxFlux(:,i)) < 1e-10; 0017 minFlux(zeroFlux,i) = NaN; 0018 maxFlux(zeroFlux,i) = NaN; -0019 end -0020 -0021 % Calculate flux ranges -0022 fluxRange = maxFlux - minFlux; +0019 fluxRange = maxFlux(:,i) - minFlux(:,i); +0020 fluxRange(isnan(fluxRange)) = []; +0021 fluxRanges{i} = fluxRange; +0022 end 0023 0024 % Plot all together 0025 hold on 0026 legendText = cell(1,numel(numMods)); 0027 for i=1:numMods -0028 cdfplot(fluxRange(:,i)) -0029 legendText{i} = (['Model #' num2str(i) ' (median: ' num2str(median(fluxRange(:,i),'omitnan')) ')']); -0030 end -0031 set(gca, 'XScale', 'log', 'Xlim', [1e-7 1e4]) -0032 set(findall(gca, 'Type', 'Line'), 'LineWidth', 2) -0033 legend(legendText, 'Location','northwest') -0034 title('Flux variability (cumulative distribution)'); -0035 xlabel('Variability range (mmol/gDCWh)'); -0036 ylabel('Cumulative distribution');

+0028 fluxRange = fluxRanges{i}; +0029 cdfplot(fluxRange) +0030 legendText{i} = (['Model #' num2str(i) ' (median: ' num2str(median(fluxRange,'omitnan')) ')']); +0031 end +0032 set(gca, 'XScale', 'log', 'Xlim', [1e-7 1e4]) +0033 set(findall(gca, 'Type', 'Line'), 'LineWidth', 2) +0034 legend(legendText, 'Location','northwest') +0035 title('Flux variability (cumulative distribution)'); +0036 xlabel('Variability range (mmol/gDCWh)'); +0037 ylabel('Cumulative distribution'); +0038 hold off +0039 end +0040 +0041 function cdfplot(X) +0042 % cdfplot(X) +0043 % displays a plot of the Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function +0044 % (CDF) of the input array X in the current figure. The empirical +0045 % CDF y=F(x) is defined as the proportion of X values less than or equal to x. +0046 % If input X is a matrix, then cdfplot(X) parses it to the vector and +0047 % displays CDF of all values. +0048 % +0049 % EXAMPLE: +0050 % figure; +0051 % cdfplot(randn(1,100)); +0052 % hold on; +0053 % cdfplot(-log(1-rand(1,100))); +0054 % cdfplot(sqrt(randn(1,100).^2 + randn(1,100).^2)) +0055 % legend('Normal(0,1) CDF', 'Exponential(1) CDF', 'Rayleigh(1) CDF', 4) +0056 +0057 % Version 1.0 +0058 % Alex Podgaetsky, September 2003 +0059 % alex@wavion.co.il +0060 % +0061 % Revisions: +0062 % Version 1.0 - initial version +0063 +0064 tmp = sort(reshape(X,prod(size(X)),1)); +0065 Xplot = reshape([tmp tmp].',2*length(tmp),1); +0066 +0067 tmp = [1:length(X)].'/length(X); +0068 Yplot = reshape([tmp tmp].',2*length(tmp),1); +0069 Yplot = [0; Yplot(1:(end-1))]; +0070 +0071 figure(gcf); +0072 hp = plot(Xplot, Yplot); +0073 +0074 ColOrd = get(gca, 'ColorOrder'); +0075 ord = mod(length(get(gca,'Children')), size(ColOrd,1)); +0076 set(hp, 'Color', ColOrd((ord==0) + (ord>0)*ord, :)); +0077 if ~ishold +0078 xlabel('X', 'FontWeight','b','FontSize',12); +0079 ylabel('F(X)', 'FontWeight','b','FontSize',12); +0080 title('Empirical CDF', 'FontWeight','b','FontSize',12); +0081 grid on; +0082 end +0083 end
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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/reportEnzymeUsage.html b/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/reportEnzymeUsage.html index f1a33b97a..a9d017c7c 100644 --- a/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/reportEnzymeUsage.html +++ b/doc/src/geckomat/utilities/reportEnzymeUsage.html @@ -92,55 +92,134 @@

SOURCE CODE ^% Highest capacity usage 0032 highUsageProt = find(usageData.capUsage > highCapUsage); -0033 [~,enzIdx] = ismember(usageData.protID(highUsageProt),ecModel.ec.enzymes); -0034 [row, col] = find(ecModel.ec.rxnEnzMat(:,enzIdx)); -0035 [row, ordered] = sort(row); -0036 highUsage.rxnID = ecModel.ec.rxns(row); -0037 [~, rxnIdx] = ismember(highUsage.rxnID,ecModel.rxns); -0038 highUsage.rxnName = ecModel.rxnNames(rxnIdx); -0039 protID = highUsageProt(col); -0040 geneID = ecModel.ec.genes(enzIdx(col)); -0041 highUsage.protID = usageData.protID(protID(ordered)); -0042 highUsage.geneID = geneID(ordered); -0043 highUsage.grRules = ecModel.grRules(rxnIdx); -0044 highUsage.capUsage = usageData.capUsage(protID(ordered)); -0045 highUsage.absUsage = usageData.absUsage(protID(ordered)); +0033 highEnzyme = usageData.protID(highUsageProt); +0034 [~,enzIdx] = ismember(highEnzyme,ecModel.ec.enzymes); +0035 geneIDs = ecModel.ec.genes(enzIdx); +0036 +0037 highUsage.protID = {}; +0038 highUsage.geneID = {}; +0039 highUsage.absUsage = []; +0040 highUsage.capUsage = []; +0041 highUsage.kcat = []; +0042 highUsage.source = {}; +0043 highUsage.rxnID = {}; +0044 highUsage.rxnNames = {}; +0045 highUsage.grRules = {}; 0046 -0047 usageReport.highCapUsage = struct2table(highUsage); -0048 -0049 % Highest absolute usage -0050 [~,topUse] = sort(usageData.absUsage,'descend'); -0051 topEnzyme = usageData.protID(topUse(1:topAbsUsage)); -0052 [~,b] = ismember(topEnzyme,ecModel.ec.enzymes); -0053 geneIDs = ecModel.ec.genes(b); -0054 topUsage.protID = {}; -0055 topUsage.geneID = {}; -0056 topUsage.absUsage = []; -0057 topUsage.percUsage = []; -0058 topUsage.kcat = []; -0059 topUsage.source = {}; -0060 topUsage.rxnID = {}; -0061 topUsage.rxnNames = {}; -0062 topUsage.grRules = {}; -0063 -0064 protPool = -ecModel.lb(strcmp(ecModel.rxns,'prot_pool_exchange'))/100; -0065 -0066 for i=1:numel(topEnzyme) -0067 [rxns, kcat, idx, rxnNames, grRules] = getReactionsFromEnzyme(ecModel,topEnzyme{i}); -0068 rxnNumber = numel(rxns); -0069 topUsage.protID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = topEnzyme(i); -0070 topUsage.geneID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = geneIDs(i); -0071 topUsage.absUsage(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = usageData.absUsage(topUse(i)); -0072 topUsage.percUsage(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = topUsage.absUsage(end-(rxnNumber-1):end,1)/protPool; -0073 topUsage.kcat(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = kcat; -0074 topUsage.source(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = ecModel.ec.source(idx); -0075 topUsage.rxnID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = rxns; -0076 topUsage.rxnNames(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = rxnNames; -0077 topUsage.grRules(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = grRules; -0078 end -0079 usageReport.topAbsUsage = struct2table(topUsage); -0080 usageReport.totalUsageFlux = protPool; -0081 end +0047 for i=1:numel(enzIdx) +0048 [rxns, kcat, idx, rxnNames, grRules] = getReactionsFromEnzyme(ecModel,ecModel.ec.enzymes(enzIdx(i))); +0049 % See if all reactions carried flux +0050 [~,rIdx] = ismember(rxns,ecModel.rxns); +0051 carriedFlux = usageData.fluxes(rIdx) > 1e-7; +0052 if isscalar(find(carriedFlux)) +0053 highUsage.protID(end+1,1) = highEnzyme(i); +0054 highUsage.geneID(end+1,1) = geneIDs(i); +0055 highUsage.absUsage(end+1,1) = usageData.absUsage(enzIdx(i)); +0056 highUsage.capUsage(end+1,1) = usageData.capUsage(enzIdx(i)); +0057 highUsage.kcat(end+1,1) = kcat(carriedFlux); +0058 highUsage.source(end+1,1) = ecModel.ec.source(idx(carriedFlux)); +0059 highUsage.rxnID(end+1,1) = rxns(carriedFlux); +0060 highUsage.rxnNames(end+1,1) = rxnNames(carriedFlux); +0061 highUsage.grRules(end+1,1) = grRules(carriedFlux); +0062 else +0063 % Add one entry for combined usage +0064 highUsage.protID(end+1,1) = highEnzyme(i); +0065 highUsage.geneID(end+1,1) = geneIDs(i); +0066 highUsage.absUsage(end+1,1) = usageData.absUsage(enzIdx(i)); +0067 highUsage.capUsage(end+1,1) = usageData.capUsage(enzIdx(i)); +0068 highUsage.kcat(end+1,1) = nan; +0069 highUsage.source{end+1,1} = '==='; +0070 highUsage.rxnID{end+1,1} = '==='; +0071 highUsage.rxnNames{end+1,1} = 'involved in multiple rxns, usage combined, individual rxns below'; +0072 highUsage.grRules{end+1,1} = '==='; +0073 % Recalculate reaction-specific usage +0074 +0075 rIdx = rIdx(carriedFlux); +0076 enzFlux = usageData.fluxes(rIdx); +0077 enzMet = strcat('prot_',highEnzyme{i}); +0078 [~, enzEcIdx] = ismember(enzMet,ecModel.mets); +0079 indAbsUse = full(transpose(-ecModel.S(enzEcIdx,rIdx)).*enzFlux); +0080 indCapUse = (indAbsUse /sum(indAbsUse)) * usageData.capUsage(enzIdx(i)); +0081 +0082 rxnNumber = length(rIdx); +0083 highUsage.protID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = highEnzyme(i); +0084 highUsage.geneID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = geneIDs(i); +0085 highUsage.absUsage(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = indAbsUse; +0086 highUsage.capUsage(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = indCapUse; +0087 highUsage.kcat(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = kcat(carriedFlux); +0088 highUsage.source(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = ecModel.ec.source(idx(carriedFlux)); +0089 highUsage.rxnID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = rxns(carriedFlux); +0090 highUsage.rxnNames(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = rxnNames(carriedFlux); +0091 highUsage.grRules(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = grRules(carriedFlux); +0092 end +0093 end +0094 +0095 usageReport.highCapUsage = struct2table(highUsage); +0096 +0097 % Highest absolute usage +0098 [~,topUse] = sort(usageData.absUsage,'descend'); +0099 topEnzyme = usageData.protID(topUse(1:topAbsUsage)); +0100 [~,b] = ismember(topEnzyme,ecModel.ec.enzymes); +0101 geneIDs = ecModel.ec.genes(b); +0102 topUsage.protID = {}; +0103 topUsage.geneID = {}; +0104 topUsage.absUsage = []; +0105 topUsage.percUsage = []; +0106 topUsage.kcat = []; +0107 topUsage.source = {}; +0108 topUsage.rxnID = {}; +0109 topUsage.rxnNames = {}; +0110 topUsage.grRules = {}; +0111 +0112 protPool = -ecModel.lb(strcmp(ecModel.rxns,'prot_pool_exchange')); +0113 +0114 for i=1:numel(topEnzyme) +0115 [rxns, kcat, idx, rxnNames, grRules] = getReactionsFromEnzyme(ecModel,topEnzyme{i}); +0116 % See if all reactions carried flux +0117 [~,rIdx] = ismember(rxns,ecModel.rxns); +0118 carriedFlux = usageData.fluxes(rIdx) > 1e-7; +0119 if isscalar(find(carriedFlux)) +0120 topUsage.protID(end+1,1) = topEnzyme(i); +0121 topUsage.geneID(end+1,1) = geneIDs(i); +0122 topUsage.absUsage(end+1,1) = usageData.absUsage(topUse(i)); +0123 topUsage.percUsage(end+1,1) = topUsage.absUsage(end,1)/protPool*100; +0124 topUsage.kcat(end+1,1) = kcat(carriedFlux); +0125 topUsage.source(end+1,1) = ecModel.ec.source(idx(carriedFlux)); +0126 topUsage.rxnID(end+1,1) = rxns(carriedFlux); +0127 topUsage.rxnNames(end+1,1) = rxnNames(carriedFlux); +0128 topUsage.grRules(end+1,1) = grRules(carriedFlux); +0129 else +0130 % Add one entry for combined usage +0131 topUsage.protID(end+1,1) = topEnzyme(i); +0132 topUsage.geneID(end+1,1) = geneIDs(i); +0133 topUsage.absUsage(end+1,1) = usageData.absUsage(topUse(i)); +0134 topUsage.percUsage(end+1,1) = topUsage.absUsage(end,1)/protPool*100; +0135 topUsage.kcat(end+1,1) = nan; +0136 topUsage.source{end+1,1} = '==='; +0137 topUsage.rxnID{end+1,1} = '==='; +0138 topUsage.rxnNames{end+1,1} = 'involved in multiple rxns, usage combined, individual rxns below'; +0139 topUsage.grRules{end+1,1} = '==='; +0140 % Recalculate reaction-specific usage +0141 rIdx = rIdx(carriedFlux); +0142 enzFlux = usageData.fluxes(rIdx); +0143 enzMet = strcat('prot_',topEnzyme{i}); +0144 [~, enzIdx] = ismember(enzMet,ecModel.mets); +0145 indUse = full(transpose(-ecModel.S(enzIdx,rIdx)).*enzFlux); +0146 rxnNumber = length(rIdx); +0147 topUsage.protID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = topEnzyme(i); +0148 topUsage.geneID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = geneIDs(i); +0149 topUsage.absUsage(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = indUse; +0150 topUsage.percUsage(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = topUsage.absUsage(end-(rxnNumber-1):end,1)/protPool*100; +0151 topUsage.kcat(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = kcat(carriedFlux); +0152 topUsage.source(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = ecModel.ec.source(idx(carriedFlux)); +0153 topUsage.rxnID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = rxns(carriedFlux); +0154 topUsage.rxnNames(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = rxnNames(carriedFlux); +0155 topUsage.grRules(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = grRules(carriedFlux); +0156 end +0157 end +0158 usageReport.topAbsUsage = struct2table(topUsage); +0159 usageReport.totalUsageFlux = protPool; +0160 end
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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/geckomat/change_model/makeEcModel.m b/src/geckomat/change_model/makeEcModel.m index 5fabb4bc1..1e71b1815 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/change_model/makeEcModel.m +++ b/src/geckomat/change_model/makeEcModel.m @@ -256,7 +256,9 @@ [Lia,Locb] = ismember(uniprot,uniprotDB.ID); end noUniprot = uniprotCompatibleGenes(~Lia); -if ~isempty(noUniprot) +if all(~Lia) + error('None of the proteins in uniprot.tsv match the genes in the model. Changes to the obj.params.uniprot parameters are likely required.') +elseif ~isempty(noUniprot) printOrange(['WARNING: The ' num2str(numel(noUniprot)) ' gene(s) reported in noUniprot cannot be found in data/uniprot.tsv, these will\n' ... 'not be enzyme-constrained. If you intend to use different Uniprot data (e.g. from a\n'... 'different proteome, make sure you first delete the existing data/uniprot.tsv file.\n']) diff --git a/src/geckomat/change_model/setKcatForReactions.m b/src/geckomat/change_model/setKcatForReactions.m index 5b9c21407..f5804cc0c 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/change_model/setKcatForReactions.m +++ b/src/geckomat/change_model/setKcatForReactions.m @@ -22,9 +22,6 @@ % changed reactions will read 'from setKcatForReactions' % % Usage: ecModel = setKcatForReactions(ecModel,rxnIds,kcat) -if numel(kcat)>1 - error('Provide one kcat') -end rxnIds = convertCharArray(rxnIds); hasExp = ~cellfun(@isempty,regexp(rxnIds,'_EXP_\d+$')); @@ -38,7 +35,17 @@ rxnsToChange = [rxnsToChange; find(strcmpi(nonExpRxns,nonExpRxn))]; end end - +if isscalar(rxnsToChange) + if length(kcat) ~= 1 + error('Found one reaction whose kcat should change, you should provide one kcat value only.') + end +else + if isscalar(kcat) + % Is fine, all reactions get the same kcat + elseif length(kcat) ~= length(rxnsToChange) + error('Found %d reactions whose kcat should change, the new kcat should be either a single value, or a vector of length %d.', length(rxnsToChange), length(rxnsToChange)) + end +end ecModel.ec.kcat(rxnsToChange) = kcat; ecModel.ec.source(rxnsToChange) = {'from setKcatForReactions'}; end diff --git a/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/fuzzyKcatMatching.m b/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/fuzzyKcatMatching.m index 446907965..229283ba9 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/fuzzyKcatMatching.m +++ b/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/fuzzyKcatMatching.m @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ % 5: correct organism, specific activity % 6: any organism, specific activity % -% Note that if a wildcard is used, origin levels 1 and 2 are ignored. The +% Note: If a wildcard is used, origin levels 1 and 2 are ignored. The % last digits in the E.C. number indicate the substrate specificity, so % if this should be ignored, then correct substrate matches should not be % prioritized. @@ -102,11 +102,7 @@ org_index = find_inKEGG(org_name,phylDistStruct.names); %build an index for genus in the phyl dist struct %first just extract the genus (i.e. the first part of the name) -phylDistStruct.genus = cell(length(phylDistStruct.names),1); -for i = 1:length(phylDistStruct.genus) - name = phylDistStruct.names{i}; - phylDistStruct.genus{i} = lower(name(1:(strfind(name,' ')-1))); %convert all to lower case to avoid problems with case -end +phylDistStruct.genus = lower(regexprep(phylDistStruct.names,'\s.*','')); %create a map for the genuses phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusList = unique(phylDistStruct.genus); phylDistStruct.genusHashMap = containers.Map(phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusList,1:length(phylDistStruct.uniqueGenusList)); @@ -158,7 +154,7 @@ %Apply force wildcard level while forceWClvl > 0 - eccodes=regexprep(eccodes,['(.)*(\.\d+)(\.-)*$'],'$1\.-$3'); + eccodes=regexprep(eccodes,'(.)*(\.\d+)(\.-)*$','$1\.-$3'); forceWClvl = forceWClvl - 1; end if forceWClvl == 1 @@ -473,7 +469,7 @@ %look for KEGG code for the first organism with the same genus else org = orgs_cell{EC_indexes(j)}; - orgGenus = lower(org(1:(strfind(org,' ')-1))); + orgGenus = lower(regexprep(org,'\s.*','')); if isKey(phylDist.genusHashMap,orgGenus) %annoyingly, this seems to be needed matchInd = cell2mat(values(phylDist.genusHashMap,{orgGenus})); matches = phylDist.uniqueGenusIndices{matchInd}; @@ -499,16 +495,13 @@ if numel(org_index)>1 org_index = org_index(1); elseif isempty(org_index) - i=1; - while isempty(org_index) && i1 + org_index = org_index(1); + elseif isempty(org_index) + org_index = '*'; end - if isempty(org_index);org_index = '*';end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @@ -516,11 +509,5 @@ load(phylpath) phylDistStruct.ids = transpose(phylDistStruct.ids); phylDistStruct.names = transpose(phylDistStruct.names); - -for i=1:length(phylDistStruct.names) - pos = strfind(phylDistStruct.names{i}, ' ('); - if ~isempty(pos) - phylDistStruct.names{i} = phylDistStruct.names{i}(1:pos-1); - end -end +phylDistStruct.names = regexprep(phylDistStruct.names,'\s*\(.*',''); end diff --git a/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/getStandardKcat.m b/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/getStandardKcat.m index be1074be1..e11eb9819 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/getStandardKcat.m +++ b/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/getStandardKcat.m @@ -134,7 +134,12 @@ % Find reactions with GPR but without model.ec entry (for instance due to % no protein matching) rxnsMissingEnzyme = find(~cellfun(@isempty, model.grRules)); -rxnsMissingEnzyme = find(and(~ismember(model.rxns(rxnsMissingEnzyme),model.ec.rxns), ~contains(model.rxns(rxnsMissingEnzyme),'usage_prot_'))); +if model.ec.geckoLight + ecRxnsList = unique(extractAfter(model.ec.rxns,4)); +else + ecRxnsList = model.ec.rxns; +end +rxnsMissingEnzyme = find(and(~ismember(model.rxns(rxnsMissingEnzyme),ecRxnsList), ~contains(model.rxns(rxnsMissingEnzyme),'usage_prot_'))); rxnsMissingGPR = [rxnsMissingGPR;rxnsMissingEnzyme]; % Get custom list of reaction IDs to ignore, if existing. First column @@ -203,20 +208,25 @@ model.ec.rxnEnzMat = [model.ec.rxnEnzMat, zeros(length(model.ec.rxns), 1)]; % 1 new enzyme model.ec.rxnEnzMat = [model.ec.rxnEnzMat; zeros(length(rxnsMissingGPR), length(model.ec.enzymes))]; % new rxns end -numRxns = length(model.ec.rxns); stdMetIdx = find(strcmpi(model.ec.enzymes, 'standard')); % Remove previous standard kcat assignment oldStandardEnz = find(strcmp(model.ec.source,'standard')); if ~isempty(oldStandardEnz) - model.ec.rxns(oldStandardEnz) = []; - model.ec.kcat(oldStandardEnz) = []; - model.ec.source(oldStandardEnz) = []; - model.ec.notes(oldStandardEnz) = []; - model.ec.eccodes(oldStandardEnz) = []; - model.ec.rxnEnzMat(oldStandardEnz,:) = []; + oldStandardProt = logical(model.ec.rxnEnzMat(oldStandardEnz,stdMetIdx)); + % If annotated with real enzyme => set kcat to zero + model.ec.kcat(oldStandardEnz(~oldStandardProt)) = 0; + model.ec.source(oldStandardEnz(~oldStandardProt)) = {''}; + % If annotated with standard protein => remove entry + model.ec.rxns(oldStandardEnz(oldStandardProt)) = []; + model.ec.kcat(oldStandardEnz(oldStandardProt)) = []; + model.ec.source(oldStandardEnz(oldStandardProt)) = []; + model.ec.notes(oldStandardEnz(oldStandardProt)) = []; + model.ec.eccodes(oldStandardEnz(oldStandardProt)) = []; + model.ec.rxnEnzMat(oldStandardEnz(oldStandardProt),:) = []; end +numRxns = length(model.ec.rxns); for i = 1:numel(rxnsMissingGPR) rxnIdx = rxnsMissingGPR(i); diff --git a/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/mergeDLKcatAndFuzzyKcats.m b/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/mergeDLKcatAndFuzzyKcats.m index ffa241a3d..83e4e53ea 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/mergeDLKcatAndFuzzyKcats.m +++ b/src/geckomat/gather_kcats/mergeDLKcatAndFuzzyKcats.m @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ % BRENDA matches (Optional, default 3) % % Output: -% mergedKcatList The merged list of kcats +% mergedKcatList merged list of kcats % % The origin parameter: % 1: correct organism, correct substrate, kcat diff --git a/src/geckomat/get_enzyme_data/getECfromDatabase.m b/src/geckomat/get_enzyme_data/getECfromDatabase.m index 542d8dae8..2949d43fc 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/get_enzyme_data/getECfromDatabase.m +++ b/src/geckomat/get_enzyme_data/getECfromDatabase.m @@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ % % Input: % model an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure) -% ecRxns logical of length model.ec.rxns that specifies for -% which reactions the existing model.ec.eccodes entry -% should be kept and not modified by this function -% (optional, by default all model.ec.eccodes entries -% are populated by this function) +% ecRxns logical of length model.ec.rxns that specifies which +% model.ec.eccodes entries should be queried. Exiting +% values in model.ec.eccodes will be wiped. Entries that +% are indicated by false will be kept and not modified by +% this function (optional, by default all model.ec.eccodes +% entries are populated by this function) % action response action if multiple proteins with different EC % numbers are found for a given gene in a metabolic % reaction (optional, default 'display') diff --git a/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/calculateFfactor.m b/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/calculateFfactor.m index 81cc87b6e..cb7732ab5 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/calculateFfactor.m +++ b/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/calculateFfactor.m @@ -69,11 +69,12 @@ protData.abundances = protData.level .* protData.MW; end -totalProt = sum(protData.abundances); +avgAbundances = mean(protData.abundances,2); +totalProt = sum(avgAbundances,'omitnan'); % Get enzymes in model enzymesInModel = ismember(protData.uniprotIDs,enzymes); -totalEnz = sum(protData.abundances(enzymesInModel)); +totalEnz = sum(avgAbundances(enzymesInModel),'omitnan'); f = totalEnz/totalProt; end diff --git a/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainEnzConcs.m b/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainEnzConcs.m index 66094b53b..947816b6a 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainEnzConcs.m +++ b/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainEnzConcs.m @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -function model = constrainEnzConcs(model) +function model = constrainEnzConcs(model, removeConstraints) % constrainEnzConcs % Constrain enzyme usages by their concentration as provided in % model.ec.concs. For enzymes with non-NaN entries in model.ec.concs, @@ -6,21 +6,29 @@ % but is rather constraint by the measured protein abundance. % % Input: -% model an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure) with enzyme -% concentrations in model.ec.concs +% model an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec +% structure) with enzyme concentrations in +% model.ec.concs +% removeConstraints logical, whether enzyme concentration +% constraints should be removed (model.ec.concs +% will remain unchanged). (optional, default false) % % Output: % model an ecModel constraint with available enzyme concentrations % -% Note: to populate model.ec.concs you should run getProteomics. +% Note: To populate model.ec.concs you should run fillEnzConcs. % % Usage: -% model = constrainEnzConcs(model) +% model = constrainEnzConcs(model, removeConstraints) %Enzyme with NaN entry in model.ec.concs => draw from prot_pool %Enzyme with numeric entry in model.ec.concs => exchange reaction with %enzyme level as UB +if nargin<2 + removeConstraints = false; +end + %Get indices of usage reactions usageRxns = strcat('usage_prot_',model.ec.enzymes); [~, usageRxnsIdx] = ismember(usageRxns, model.rxns); @@ -35,11 +43,15 @@ end %Protein that should be constraint by UB -protCons = ~isnan(model.ec.concs); +if removeConstraints + protCons = []; +else + protCons = ~isnan(model.ec.concs); +end %Set all reactions to draw from prot_pool -model.S(protPoolIdx, usageRxnsIdx(~protCons)) = 1; -model.lb(usageRxnsIdx(protCons)) = -1000; +model.S(protPoolIdx, usageRxnsIdx) = 1; +model.lb(usageRxnsIdx) = -1000; %If non-NaN in model.ec.concs, then constrain by UB if any(protCons) diff --git a/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainFluxData.m b/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainFluxData.m index 0fd5a3a2e..c71d57d07 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainFluxData.m +++ b/src/geckomat/limit_proteins/constrainFluxData.m @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ function model = constrainFluxData(model, fluxData, condition, maxMinGrowth, looseStrictFlux, modelAdapter) % constrainFluxData -% Constrains fluxes +% Constrains fluxes to the data that is provided in the fluxData +% structure, which itself is read by loadFluxData from data/fluxData.tsv. % % Input: % model an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure) @@ -35,10 +36,14 @@ % modelAdapter a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use % the default model adapter) % -% % Output: % model an ecModel where fluxes are constraint % +% Note: If a provided constraint is either -1000 or 1000, then the function +% will update the reaction lower and upper bound to either allow uptake or +% excretion, irrespective of what option is given as the looseStrictFlux +% parameter. +% % Usage: % model = constrainFluxData(model, fluxData, condition, maxMinGrowth, looseStrictFlux, modelAdapter) @@ -103,4 +108,16 @@ otherwise model = setParam(model,'var',fluxData.exchRxnIDs,fluxData.exchFluxes,looseStrictFlux); end +extremeFlux = find(abs(fluxData.exchFluxes)==1000); +if any(extremeFlux) + exchFlux = fluxData.exchFluxes(extremeFlux); + if any(exchFlux==-1000) + model = setParam(model,'lb',fluxData.exchRxnIDs(extremeFlux(exchFlux==-1000)),-1000); + model = setParam(model,'ub',fluxData.exchRxnIDs(extremeFlux(exchFlux==-1000)),0); + end + if any(exchFlux==1000) + model = setParam(model,'lb',fluxData.exchRxnIDs(extremeFlux(exchFlux==1000)),0); + model = setParam(model,'ub',fluxData.exchRxnIDs(extremeFlux(exchFlux==1000)),1000); + end +end end diff --git a/src/geckomat/utilities/ecFVA.m b/src/geckomat/utilities/ecFVA.m index 05763fd78..07ccce305 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/utilities/ecFVA.m +++ b/src/geckomat/utilities/ecFVA.m @@ -67,6 +67,14 @@ minFlux=mappedFlux(:,1); maxFlux=mappedFlux(:,2); +% Mapped flux might have swapped directionality: min/max might be swapped +swapDir = minFlux > maxFlux; +if any(swapDir) + tmpFlux = minFlux(swapDir); + minFlux(swapDir) = maxFlux(swapDir); + maxFlux(swapDir) = tmpFlux; +end + function nUpdateProgressbar(~) progressbar(p/N); p = p + 1; diff --git a/src/geckomat/utilities/enzymeUsage.m b/src/geckomat/utilities/enzymeUsage.m index 5d80bf19c..f9a0faca8 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/utilities/enzymeUsage.m +++ b/src/geckomat/utilities/enzymeUsage.m @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ % absUsage vector of absolute enzyme usages % UB vector of enzyme exchange reaction upper bounds % protID string array of matching protein IDs +% fluxes vector of fluxes, copy of input fluxes % % Usage: % usageData = enzymeUsage(ecModel,fluxes,zero) @@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ usageData.LB = ecModel.lb(rxnIdx); usageData.absUsage = abs(fluxes(rxnIdx)); usageData.capUsage = abs(usageData.absUsage./usageData.LB); +usageData.fluxes = fluxes; if ~zero nonzero = usageData.absUsage<0; diff --git a/src/geckomat/utilities/plotEcFVA.m b/src/geckomat/utilities/plotEcFVA.m index 6913f98a8..f819056e1 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/utilities/plotEcFVA.m +++ b/src/geckomat/utilities/plotEcFVA.m @@ -10,23 +10,24 @@ function plotEcFVA(minFlux, maxFlux) % maxFlux vector of maximum flux values, matching minFlux. numMods = size(minFlux,2); - +fluxRanges = cell(3,1); % Ignore zero flux reactions for i=1:numMods zeroFlux = abs(minFlux(:,i)) < 1e-10 & abs(maxFlux(:,i)) < 1e-10; minFlux(zeroFlux,i) = NaN; maxFlux(zeroFlux,i) = NaN; + fluxRange = maxFlux(:,i) - minFlux(:,i); + fluxRange(isnan(fluxRange)) = []; + fluxRanges{i} = fluxRange; end -% Calculate flux ranges -fluxRange = maxFlux - minFlux; - % Plot all together hold on legendText = cell(1,numel(numMods)); for i=1:numMods - cdfplot(fluxRange(:,i)) - legendText{i} = (['Model #' num2str(i) ' (median: ' num2str(median(fluxRange(:,i),'omitnan')) ')']); + fluxRange = fluxRanges{i}; + cdfplot(fluxRange) + legendText{i} = (['Model #' num2str(i) ' (median: ' num2str(median(fluxRange,'omitnan')) ')']); end set(gca, 'XScale', 'log', 'Xlim', [1e-7 1e4]) set(findall(gca, 'Type', 'Line'), 'LineWidth', 2) @@ -34,3 +35,49 @@ function plotEcFVA(minFlux, maxFlux) title('Flux variability (cumulative distribution)'); xlabel('Variability range (mmol/gDCWh)'); ylabel('Cumulative distribution'); +hold off +end + +function cdfplot(X) +% cdfplot(X) +% displays a plot of the Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function +% (CDF) of the input array X in the current figure. The empirical +% CDF y=F(x) is defined as the proportion of X values less than or equal to x. +% If input X is a matrix, then cdfplot(X) parses it to the vector and +% displays CDF of all values. +% +% EXAMPLE: +% figure; +% cdfplot(randn(1,100)); +% hold on; +% cdfplot(-log(1-rand(1,100))); +% cdfplot(sqrt(randn(1,100).^2 + randn(1,100).^2)) +% legend('Normal(0,1) CDF', 'Exponential(1) CDF', 'Rayleigh(1) CDF', 4) + +% Version 1.0 +% Alex Podgaetsky, September 2003 +% alex@wavion.co.il +% +% Revisions: +% Version 1.0 - initial version + +tmp = sort(reshape(X,prod(size(X)),1)); +Xplot = reshape([tmp tmp].',2*length(tmp),1); + +tmp = [1:length(X)].'/length(X); +Yplot = reshape([tmp tmp].',2*length(tmp),1); +Yplot = [0; Yplot(1:(end-1))]; + +figure(gcf); +hp = plot(Xplot, Yplot); + +ColOrd = get(gca, 'ColorOrder'); +ord = mod(length(get(gca,'Children')), size(ColOrd,1)); +set(hp, 'Color', ColOrd((ord==0) + (ord>0)*ord, :)); +if ~ishold + xlabel('X', 'FontWeight','b','FontSize',12); + ylabel('F(X)', 'FontWeight','b','FontSize',12); + title('Empirical CDF', 'FontWeight','b','FontSize',12); + grid on; +end +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/geckomat/utilities/reportEnzymeUsage.m b/src/geckomat/utilities/reportEnzymeUsage.m index b487bd543..30bb30a84 100644 --- a/src/geckomat/utilities/reportEnzymeUsage.m +++ b/src/geckomat/utilities/reportEnzymeUsage.m @@ -30,19 +30,67 @@ % Highest capacity usage highUsageProt = find(usageData.capUsage > highCapUsage); -[~,enzIdx] = ismember(usageData.protID(highUsageProt),ecModel.ec.enzymes); -[row, col] = find(ecModel.ec.rxnEnzMat(:,enzIdx)); -[row, ordered] = sort(row); -highUsage.rxnID = ecModel.ec.rxns(row); -[~, rxnIdx] = ismember(highUsage.rxnID,ecModel.rxns); -highUsage.rxnName = ecModel.rxnNames(rxnIdx); -protID = highUsageProt(col); -geneID = ecModel.ec.genes(enzIdx(col)); -highUsage.protID = usageData.protID(protID(ordered)); -highUsage.geneID = geneID(ordered); -highUsage.grRules = ecModel.grRules(rxnIdx); -highUsage.capUsage = usageData.capUsage(protID(ordered)); -highUsage.absUsage = usageData.absUsage(protID(ordered)); +highEnzyme = usageData.protID(highUsageProt); +[~,enzIdx] = ismember(highEnzyme,ecModel.ec.enzymes); +geneIDs = ecModel.ec.genes(enzIdx); + +highUsage.protID = {}; +highUsage.geneID = {}; +highUsage.absUsage = []; +highUsage.capUsage = []; +highUsage.kcat = []; +highUsage.source = {}; +highUsage.rxnID = {}; +highUsage.rxnNames = {}; +highUsage.grRules = {}; + +for i=1:numel(enzIdx) + [rxns, kcat, idx, rxnNames, grRules] = getReactionsFromEnzyme(ecModel,ecModel.ec.enzymes(enzIdx(i))); + % See if all reactions carried flux + [~,rIdx] = ismember(rxns,ecModel.rxns); + carriedFlux = usageData.fluxes(rIdx) > 1e-7; + if isscalar(find(carriedFlux)) + highUsage.protID(end+1,1) = highEnzyme(i); + highUsage.geneID(end+1,1) = geneIDs(i); + highUsage.absUsage(end+1,1) = usageData.absUsage(enzIdx(i)); + highUsage.capUsage(end+1,1) = usageData.capUsage(enzIdx(i)); + highUsage.kcat(end+1,1) = kcat(carriedFlux); + highUsage.source(end+1,1) = ecModel.ec.source(idx(carriedFlux)); + highUsage.rxnID(end+1,1) = rxns(carriedFlux); + highUsage.rxnNames(end+1,1) = rxnNames(carriedFlux); + highUsage.grRules(end+1,1) = grRules(carriedFlux); + else + % Add one entry for combined usage + highUsage.protID(end+1,1) = highEnzyme(i); + highUsage.geneID(end+1,1) = geneIDs(i); + highUsage.absUsage(end+1,1) = usageData.absUsage(enzIdx(i)); + highUsage.capUsage(end+1,1) = usageData.capUsage(enzIdx(i)); + highUsage.kcat(end+1,1) = nan; + highUsage.source{end+1,1} = '==='; + highUsage.rxnID{end+1,1} = '==='; + highUsage.rxnNames{end+1,1} = 'involved in multiple rxns, usage combined, individual rxns below'; + highUsage.grRules{end+1,1} = '==='; + % Recalculate reaction-specific usage + + rIdx = rIdx(carriedFlux); + enzFlux = usageData.fluxes(rIdx); + enzMet = strcat('prot_',highEnzyme{i}); + [~, enzEcIdx] = ismember(enzMet,ecModel.mets); + indAbsUse = full(transpose(-ecModel.S(enzEcIdx,rIdx)).*enzFlux); + indCapUse = (indAbsUse /sum(indAbsUse)) * usageData.capUsage(enzIdx(i)); + + rxnNumber = length(rIdx); + highUsage.protID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = highEnzyme(i); + highUsage.geneID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = geneIDs(i); + highUsage.absUsage(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = indAbsUse; + highUsage.capUsage(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = indCapUse; + highUsage.kcat(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = kcat(carriedFlux); + highUsage.source(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = ecModel.ec.source(idx(carriedFlux)); + highUsage.rxnID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = rxns(carriedFlux); + highUsage.rxnNames(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = rxnNames(carriedFlux); + highUsage.grRules(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = grRules(carriedFlux); + end +end usageReport.highCapUsage = struct2table(highUsage); @@ -61,20 +109,51 @@ topUsage.rxnNames = {}; topUsage.grRules = {}; -protPool = -ecModel.lb(strcmp(ecModel.rxns,'prot_pool_exchange'))/100; +protPool = -ecModel.lb(strcmp(ecModel.rxns,'prot_pool_exchange')); for i=1:numel(topEnzyme) [rxns, kcat, idx, rxnNames, grRules] = getReactionsFromEnzyme(ecModel,topEnzyme{i}); - rxnNumber = numel(rxns); - topUsage.protID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = topEnzyme(i); - topUsage.geneID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = geneIDs(i); - topUsage.absUsage(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = usageData.absUsage(topUse(i)); - topUsage.percUsage(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = topUsage.absUsage(end-(rxnNumber-1):end,1)/protPool; - topUsage.kcat(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = kcat; - topUsage.source(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = ecModel.ec.source(idx); - topUsage.rxnID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = rxns; - topUsage.rxnNames(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = rxnNames; - topUsage.grRules(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = grRules; + % See if all reactions carried flux + [~,rIdx] = ismember(rxns,ecModel.rxns); + carriedFlux = usageData.fluxes(rIdx) > 1e-7; + if isscalar(find(carriedFlux)) + topUsage.protID(end+1,1) = topEnzyme(i); + topUsage.geneID(end+1,1) = geneIDs(i); + topUsage.absUsage(end+1,1) = usageData.absUsage(topUse(i)); + topUsage.percUsage(end+1,1) = topUsage.absUsage(end,1)/protPool*100; + topUsage.kcat(end+1,1) = kcat(carriedFlux); + topUsage.source(end+1,1) = ecModel.ec.source(idx(carriedFlux)); + topUsage.rxnID(end+1,1) = rxns(carriedFlux); + topUsage.rxnNames(end+1,1) = rxnNames(carriedFlux); + topUsage.grRules(end+1,1) = grRules(carriedFlux); + else + % Add one entry for combined usage + topUsage.protID(end+1,1) = topEnzyme(i); + topUsage.geneID(end+1,1) = geneIDs(i); + topUsage.absUsage(end+1,1) = usageData.absUsage(topUse(i)); + topUsage.percUsage(end+1,1) = topUsage.absUsage(end,1)/protPool*100; + topUsage.kcat(end+1,1) = nan; + topUsage.source{end+1,1} = '==='; + topUsage.rxnID{end+1,1} = '==='; + topUsage.rxnNames{end+1,1} = 'involved in multiple rxns, usage combined, individual rxns below'; + topUsage.grRules{end+1,1} = '==='; + % Recalculate reaction-specific usage + rIdx = rIdx(carriedFlux); + enzFlux = usageData.fluxes(rIdx); + enzMet = strcat('prot_',topEnzyme{i}); + [~, enzIdx] = ismember(enzMet,ecModel.mets); + indUse = full(transpose(-ecModel.S(enzIdx,rIdx)).*enzFlux); + rxnNumber = length(rIdx); + topUsage.protID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = topEnzyme(i); + topUsage.geneID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = geneIDs(i); + topUsage.absUsage(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = indUse; + topUsage.percUsage(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = topUsage.absUsage(end-(rxnNumber-1):end,1)/protPool*100; + topUsage.kcat(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = kcat(carriedFlux); + topUsage.source(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = ecModel.ec.source(idx(carriedFlux)); + topUsage.rxnID(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = rxns(carriedFlux); + topUsage.rxnNames(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = rxnNames(carriedFlux); + topUsage.grRules(end+1:end+rxnNumber,1) = grRules(carriedFlux); + end end usageReport.topAbsUsage = struct2table(topUsage); usageReport.totalUsageFlux = protPool; diff --git a/tutorials/full_ecModel/models/ecYeastGEM.yml b/tutorials/full_ecModel/models/ecYeastGEM.yml index 9af8c1df2..1c25dcfd4 100644 --- a/tutorials/full_ecModel/models/ecYeastGEM.yml +++ b/tutorials/full_ecModel/models/ecYeastGEM.yml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ id: "yeastGEM_v8.6.2" name: "The Consensus Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of Yeast" version: "" - date: "2023-06-30" + date: "2024-06-06" defaultLB: "-1000" defaultUB: "1000" givenName: "Eduard" @@ -40877,6 +40877,7 @@ - id: "prot_pool" - name: "prot_pool" - compartment: "c" + - charge: 0 - notes: "Enzyme-usage protein pool" - !!omap - id: "prot_standard" @@ -182945,7 +182946,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR084W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_O13525" - name: "usage_prot_O13525" @@ -182955,7 +182955,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR204W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00044" - name: "usage_prot_P00044" @@ -182965,7 +182964,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR048W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00045" - name: "usage_prot_P00045" @@ -182975,7 +182973,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL039C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00127" - name: "usage_prot_P00127" @@ -182985,7 +182982,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFR033C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00128" - name: "usage_prot_P00128" @@ -182995,7 +182991,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR529C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00163" - name: "usage_prot_P00163" @@ -183005,7 +183000,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "Q0105" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00175" - name: "usage_prot_P00175" @@ -183015,7 +183009,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML054C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00330" - name: "usage_prot_P00330" @@ -183025,7 +183018,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL086C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00331" - name: "usage_prot_P00331" @@ -183035,7 +183027,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR303C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00358" - name: "usage_prot_P00358" @@ -183045,7 +183036,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR009C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00359" - name: "usage_prot_P00359" @@ -183055,7 +183045,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR192C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00360" - name: "usage_prot_P00360" @@ -183065,7 +183054,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL052W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00401" - name: "usage_prot_P00401" @@ -183075,7 +183063,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "Q0045" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00410" - name: "usage_prot_P00410" @@ -183085,7 +183072,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "Q0250" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00420" - name: "usage_prot_P00420" @@ -183095,7 +183081,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "Q0275" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00424" - name: "usage_prot_P00424" @@ -183105,7 +183090,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL052W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00425" - name: "usage_prot_P00425" @@ -183115,7 +183099,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL111W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00427" - name: "usage_prot_P00427" @@ -183125,7 +183108,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR051W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00431" - name: "usage_prot_P00431" @@ -183135,7 +183117,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR066C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00445" - name: "usage_prot_P00445" @@ -183145,7 +183126,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR104C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00447" - name: "usage_prot_P00447" @@ -183155,7 +183135,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR008C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00498" - name: "usage_prot_P00498" @@ -183165,7 +183144,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER055C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00549" - name: "usage_prot_P00549" @@ -183175,7 +183153,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAL038W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00560" - name: "usage_prot_P00560" @@ -183185,7 +183162,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR012W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00572" - name: "usage_prot_P00572" @@ -183195,7 +183171,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR057W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00635" - name: "usage_prot_P00635" @@ -183205,7 +183180,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR093C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00724" - name: "usage_prot_P00724" @@ -183215,7 +183189,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL162W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00812" - name: "usage_prot_P00812" @@ -183225,7 +183198,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL111W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00815" - name: "usage_prot_P00815" @@ -183235,7 +183207,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL030C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00817" - name: "usage_prot_P00817" @@ -183245,7 +183216,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR011C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00830" - name: "usage_prot_P00830" @@ -183255,7 +183225,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR121W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00854" - name: "usage_prot_P00854" @@ -183265,7 +183234,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "Q0085" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00856" - name: "usage_prot_P00856" @@ -183275,7 +183243,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "Q0080" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00890" - name: "usage_prot_P00890" @@ -183285,7 +183252,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR001C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00899" - name: "usage_prot_P00899" @@ -183295,7 +183261,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER090W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00912" - name: "usage_prot_P00912" @@ -183305,7 +183270,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR007W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00924" - name: "usage_prot_P00924" @@ -183315,7 +183279,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR254W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00925" - name: "usage_prot_P00925" @@ -183325,7 +183288,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR174W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00927" - name: "usage_prot_P00927" @@ -183335,7 +183297,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER086W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00931" - name: "usage_prot_P00931" @@ -183345,7 +183306,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL026C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00937" - name: "usage_prot_P00937" @@ -183355,7 +183315,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL211C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00942" - name: "usage_prot_P00942" @@ -183365,7 +183324,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR050C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00950" - name: "usage_prot_P00950" @@ -183375,7 +183333,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL152C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P00958" - name: "usage_prot_P00958" @@ -183385,7 +183342,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR264C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P03962" - name: "usage_prot_P03962" @@ -183395,7 +183351,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL021W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P03965" - name: "usage_prot_P03965" @@ -183405,7 +183360,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR109C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04037" - name: "usage_prot_P04037" @@ -183415,7 +183369,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL187C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04039" - name: "usage_prot_P04039" @@ -183425,7 +183378,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR395C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04046" - name: "usage_prot_P04046" @@ -183435,7 +183387,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR300C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04076" - name: "usage_prot_P04076" @@ -183445,7 +183396,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR018C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04161" - name: "usage_prot_P04161" @@ -183455,7 +183405,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR408C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04173" - name: "usage_prot_P04173" @@ -183465,7 +183414,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL018W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04385" - name: "usage_prot_P04385" @@ -183475,7 +183423,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR020W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04397" - name: "usage_prot_P04397" @@ -183485,7 +183432,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR019C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04710" - name: "usage_prot_P04710" @@ -183495,7 +183441,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR056C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04801" - name: "usage_prot_P04801" @@ -183505,7 +183450,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL078W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04802" - name: "usage_prot_P04802" @@ -183515,7 +183459,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL018C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04803" - name: "usage_prot_P04803" @@ -183525,7 +183468,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR268W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04806" - name: "usage_prot_P04806" @@ -183535,7 +183477,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFR053C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04807" - name: "usage_prot_P04807" @@ -183545,7 +183486,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL253W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P04817" - name: "usage_prot_P04817" @@ -183555,7 +183495,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL063C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P05030" - name: "usage_prot_P05030" @@ -183565,7 +183504,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL008C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P05150" - name: "usage_prot_P05150" @@ -183575,7 +183513,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL088W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P05316" - name: "usage_prot_P05316" @@ -183585,7 +183522,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR021W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P05373" - name: "usage_prot_P05373" @@ -183595,7 +183531,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL040C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P05374" - name: "usage_prot_P05374" @@ -183605,7 +183540,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR157W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P05375" - name: "usage_prot_P05375" @@ -183615,7 +183549,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR073C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P05626" - name: "usage_prot_P05626" @@ -183625,7 +183558,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL078C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P05694" - name: "usage_prot_P05694" @@ -183635,7 +183567,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER091C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06106" - name: "usage_prot_P06106" @@ -183645,7 +183576,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR303W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06115" - name: "usage_prot_P06115" @@ -183655,7 +183585,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR088W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06168" - name: "usage_prot_P06168" @@ -183665,7 +183594,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR355C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06169" - name: "usage_prot_P06169" @@ -183675,7 +183603,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR044C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06174" - name: "usage_prot_P06174" @@ -183685,7 +183612,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR278W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06182" - name: "usage_prot_P06182" @@ -183695,7 +183621,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAL039C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06197" - name: "usage_prot_P06197" @@ -183705,7 +183630,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR113W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06208" - name: "usage_prot_P06208" @@ -183715,7 +183639,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL104C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06633" - name: "usage_prot_P06633" @@ -183725,7 +183648,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR202W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06700" - name: "usage_prot_P06700" @@ -183735,7 +183657,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL042C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06738" - name: "usage_prot_P06738" @@ -183745,7 +183666,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR160W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06773" - name: "usage_prot_P06773" @@ -183755,7 +183675,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR144C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06775" - name: "usage_prot_P06775" @@ -183765,7 +183684,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR191W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06776" - name: "usage_prot_P06776" @@ -183775,7 +183693,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR360C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06780" - name: "usage_prot_P06780" @@ -183785,7 +183702,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR165W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P06785" - name: "usage_prot_P06785" @@ -183795,7 +183711,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR074C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07143" - name: "usage_prot_P07143" @@ -183805,7 +183720,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR065W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07149" - name: "usage_prot_P07149" @@ -183815,7 +183729,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL182W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07170" - name: "usage_prot_P07170" @@ -183825,7 +183738,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR226W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07172" - name: "usage_prot_P07172" @@ -183835,7 +183747,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL116W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07236" - name: "usage_prot_P07236" @@ -183845,7 +183756,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL194C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07244" - name: "usage_prot_P07244" @@ -183855,7 +183765,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL234W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07245" - name: "usage_prot_P07245" @@ -183865,7 +183774,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR204W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07246" - name: "usage_prot_P07246" @@ -183875,7 +183783,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR083W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07250" - name: "usage_prot_P07250" @@ -183885,7 +183792,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR173C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07251" - name: "usage_prot_P07251" @@ -183895,7 +183801,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL099W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07255" - name: "usage_prot_P07255" @@ -183905,7 +183810,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL067C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07256" - name: "usage_prot_P07256" @@ -183915,7 +183819,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL045C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07257" - name: "usage_prot_P07257" @@ -183925,7 +183828,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR191W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07258" - name: "usage_prot_P07258" @@ -183935,7 +183837,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR303W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07259" - name: "usage_prot_P07259" @@ -183945,7 +183846,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL130C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07262" - name: "usage_prot_P07262" @@ -183955,7 +183855,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR375C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07263" - name: "usage_prot_P07263" @@ -183965,7 +183864,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR033C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07264" - name: "usage_prot_P07264" @@ -183975,7 +183873,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL009C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07275" - name: "usage_prot_P07275" @@ -183985,7 +183882,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR037W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07277" - name: "usage_prot_P07277" @@ -183995,7 +183891,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR208W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07283" - name: "usage_prot_P07283" @@ -184005,7 +183900,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL045C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07284" - name: "usage_prot_P07284" @@ -184015,7 +183909,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR023W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07285" - name: "usage_prot_P07285" @@ -184025,7 +183918,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR354W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07286" - name: "usage_prot_P07286" @@ -184035,7 +183927,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR243C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07342" - name: "usage_prot_P07342" @@ -184045,7 +183936,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR108W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07347" - name: "usage_prot_P07347" @@ -184055,7 +183945,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR013C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07702" - name: "usage_prot_P07702" @@ -184065,7 +183954,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR115C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07806" - name: "usage_prot_P07806" @@ -184075,7 +183963,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR094W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07807" - name: "usage_prot_P07807" @@ -184085,7 +183972,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR236W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P07991" - name: "usage_prot_P07991" @@ -184095,7 +183981,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR438W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08004" - name: "usage_prot_P08004" @@ -184105,7 +183990,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL192W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08019" - name: "usage_prot_P08019" @@ -184115,7 +183999,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL099W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08067" - name: "usage_prot_P08067" @@ -184125,7 +184008,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL024W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08417" - name: "usage_prot_P08417" @@ -184135,7 +184017,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL262W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08425" - name: "usage_prot_P08425" @@ -184145,7 +184026,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR047W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08431" - name: "usage_prot_P08431" @@ -184155,7 +184035,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR018C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08432" - name: "usage_prot_P08432" @@ -184165,7 +184044,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL184W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08456" - name: "usage_prot_P08456" @@ -184175,7 +184053,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER026C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08465" - name: "usage_prot_P08465" @@ -184185,7 +184062,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL277W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08524" - name: "usage_prot_P08524" @@ -184195,7 +184071,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL167W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08525" - name: "usage_prot_P08525" @@ -184205,7 +184080,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL166W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08536" - name: "usage_prot_P08536" @@ -184215,7 +184089,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR010W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08566" - name: "usage_prot_P08566" @@ -184225,7 +184098,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR127W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08678" - name: "usage_prot_P08678" @@ -184235,7 +184107,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL005W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P08679" - name: "usage_prot_P08679" @@ -184245,7 +184116,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR005C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P09201" - name: "usage_prot_P09201" @@ -184255,7 +184125,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR377C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P09368" - name: "usage_prot_P09368" @@ -184265,7 +184134,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR142W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P09436" - name: "usage_prot_P09436" @@ -184275,7 +184143,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL076C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P09440" - name: "usage_prot_P09440" @@ -184285,7 +184152,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR084W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P09457" - name: "usage_prot_P09457" @@ -184295,7 +184161,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR298C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P09624" - name: "usage_prot_P09624" @@ -184305,7 +184170,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL018C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P09938" - name: "usage_prot_P09938" @@ -184315,7 +184179,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL026W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P09950" - name: "usage_prot_P09950" @@ -184325,7 +184188,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR232W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0C5R9" - name: "usage_prot_P0C5R9" @@ -184335,7 +184197,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR170W-B" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CD90" - name: "usage_prot_P0CD90" @@ -184345,7 +184206,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL052C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CD91" - name: "usage_prot_P0CD91" @@ -184355,7 +184215,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR192W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CD98" - name: "usage_prot_P0CD98" @@ -184365,7 +184224,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL053C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CD99" - name: "usage_prot_P0CD99" @@ -184375,7 +184233,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL247W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CE00" - name: "usage_prot_P0CE00" @@ -184385,7 +184242,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR160C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CH63" - name: "usage_prot_P0CH63" @@ -184395,7 +184251,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL061W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CH64" - name: "usage_prot_P0CH64" @@ -184405,7 +184260,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL335W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CW40" - name: "usage_prot_P0CW40" @@ -184415,7 +184269,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL172C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CW41" - name: "usage_prot_P0CW41" @@ -184425,7 +184278,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL221C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CX08" - name: "usage_prot_P0CX08" @@ -184435,7 +184287,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL070W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CX09" - name: "usage_prot_P0CX09" @@ -184445,7 +184296,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR073C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CX10" - name: "usage_prot_P0CX10" @@ -184455,7 +184305,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR393W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CX11" - name: "usage_prot_P0CX11" @@ -184465,7 +184314,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL281C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CX77" - name: "usage_prot_P0CX77" @@ -184475,7 +184323,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR157C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CX78" - name: "usage_prot_P0CX78" @@ -184485,7 +184332,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR158C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CX79" - name: "usage_prot_P0CX79" @@ -184495,7 +184341,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR160C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P0CZ17" - name: "usage_prot_P0CZ17" @@ -184505,7 +184350,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR155C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P10127" - name: "usage_prot_P10127" @@ -184515,7 +184359,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL256W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P10174" - name: "usage_prot_P10174" @@ -184525,7 +184368,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR256C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P10356" - name: "usage_prot_P10356" @@ -184535,7 +184377,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER152C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P10566" - name: "usage_prot_P10566" @@ -184545,7 +184386,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL133W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P10614" - name: "usage_prot_P10614" @@ -184555,7 +184395,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR007C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P10659" - name: "usage_prot_P10659" @@ -184565,7 +184404,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR180W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P10869" - name: "usage_prot_P10869" @@ -184575,7 +184413,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER052C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P10963" - name: "usage_prot_P10963" @@ -184585,7 +184422,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR097W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P11154" - name: "usage_prot_P11154" @@ -184595,7 +184431,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL062W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P11325" - name: "usage_prot_P11325" @@ -184605,7 +184440,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR382C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P11353" - name: "usage_prot_P11353" @@ -184615,7 +184449,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR044W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P11412" - name: "usage_prot_P11412" @@ -184625,7 +184458,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL241C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P11491" - name: "usage_prot_P11491" @@ -184635,7 +184467,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR481C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P11986" - name: "usage_prot_P11986" @@ -184645,7 +184476,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL153C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P12683" - name: "usage_prot_P12683" @@ -184655,7 +184485,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML075C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P12684" - name: "usage_prot_P12684" @@ -184665,7 +184494,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR450W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P12685" - name: "usage_prot_P12685" @@ -184675,7 +184503,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL129C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P12695" - name: "usage_prot_P12695" @@ -184685,7 +184512,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL071W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P12709" - name: "usage_prot_P12709" @@ -184695,7 +184521,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR196C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P12945" - name: "usage_prot_P12945" @@ -184705,7 +184530,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL040C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P13045" - name: "usage_prot_P13045" @@ -184715,7 +184539,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR009W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P13181" - name: "usage_prot_P13181" @@ -184725,7 +184548,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR081W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P13188" - name: "usage_prot_P13188" @@ -184735,7 +184557,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR168W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P13259" - name: "usage_prot_P13259" @@ -184745,7 +184566,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR202C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P13298" - name: "usage_prot_P13298" @@ -184755,7 +184575,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML106W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P13586" - name: "usage_prot_P13586" @@ -184765,7 +184584,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL167C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P13587" - name: "usage_prot_P13587" @@ -184775,7 +184593,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR040C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P13663" - name: "usage_prot_P13663" @@ -184785,7 +184602,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR158W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P13711" - name: "usage_prot_P13711" @@ -184795,7 +184611,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL205W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P14020" - name: "usage_prot_P14020" @@ -184805,7 +184620,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR183W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P14065" - name: "usage_prot_P14065" @@ -184815,7 +184629,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR120W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P14180" - name: "usage_prot_P14180" @@ -184825,7 +184638,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR038W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P14540" - name: "usage_prot_P14540" @@ -184835,7 +184647,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL060C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P14742" - name: "usage_prot_P14742" @@ -184845,7 +184656,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL104C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P14772" - name: "usage_prot_P14772" @@ -184855,7 +184665,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL015W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P14843" - name: "usage_prot_P14843" @@ -184865,7 +184674,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR035W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P14904" - name: "usage_prot_P14904" @@ -184875,7 +184683,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL103C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15019" - name: "usage_prot_P15019" @@ -184885,7 +184692,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR354C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15179" - name: "usage_prot_P15179" @@ -184895,7 +184701,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL104W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15180" - name: "usage_prot_P15180" @@ -184905,7 +184710,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR037W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15202" - name: "usage_prot_P15202" @@ -184915,7 +184719,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR256C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15274" - name: "usage_prot_P15274" @@ -184925,7 +184728,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML035C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15365" - name: "usage_prot_P15365" @@ -184935,7 +184737,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR152W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15380" - name: "usage_prot_P15380" @@ -184945,7 +184746,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR348C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15454" - name: "usage_prot_P15454" @@ -184955,7 +184755,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR454C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15496" - name: "usage_prot_P15496" @@ -184965,7 +184764,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL117C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15624" - name: "usage_prot_P15624" @@ -184975,7 +184773,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR060W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15625" - name: "usage_prot_P15625" @@ -184985,7 +184782,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL022C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15700" - name: "usage_prot_P15700" @@ -184995,7 +184791,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL024C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15703" - name: "usage_prot_P15703" @@ -185005,7 +184800,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR282C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P15807" - name: "usage_prot_P15807" @@ -185015,7 +184809,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR213W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P16120" - name: "usage_prot_P16120" @@ -185025,7 +184818,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR053W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P16140" - name: "usage_prot_P16140" @@ -185035,7 +184827,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR127C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P16387" - name: "usage_prot_P16387" @@ -185045,7 +184836,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER178W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P16451" - name: "usage_prot_P16451" @@ -185055,7 +184845,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR193C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P16467" - name: "usage_prot_P16467" @@ -185065,7 +184854,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR134W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P16550" - name: "usage_prot_P16550" @@ -185075,7 +184863,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL050C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P16603" - name: "usage_prot_P16603" @@ -185085,7 +184872,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR042W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P16622" - name: "usage_prot_P16622" @@ -185095,7 +184881,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR176W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P16639" - name: "usage_prot_P16639" @@ -185105,7 +184890,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL017W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P16661" - name: "usage_prot_P16661" @@ -185115,7 +184899,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR110W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P16861" - name: "usage_prot_P16861" @@ -185125,7 +184908,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR240C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P16862" - name: "usage_prot_P16862" @@ -185135,7 +184917,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR205C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P17064" - name: "usage_prot_P17064" @@ -185145,7 +184926,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER056C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P17255" - name: "usage_prot_P17255" @@ -185155,7 +184935,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL185W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P17261" - name: "usage_prot_P17261" @@ -185165,7 +184944,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR075C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P17423" - name: "usage_prot_P17423" @@ -185175,7 +184953,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR025W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P17505" - name: "usage_prot_P17505" @@ -185185,7 +184962,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL085W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P17649" - name: "usage_prot_P17649" @@ -185195,7 +184971,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR019W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P17695" - name: "usage_prot_P17695" @@ -185205,7 +184980,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR513W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P17709" - name: "usage_prot_P17709" @@ -185215,7 +184989,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL040W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P17898" - name: "usage_prot_P17898" @@ -185225,7 +184998,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL130C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P18238" - name: "usage_prot_P18238" @@ -185235,7 +185007,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR085W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P18239" - name: "usage_prot_P18239" @@ -185245,7 +185016,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL030C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P18408" - name: "usage_prot_P18408" @@ -185255,7 +185025,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR167C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P18544" - name: "usage_prot_P18544" @@ -185265,7 +185034,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL140W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P18562" - name: "usage_prot_P18562" @@ -185275,7 +185043,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR128W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P18900" - name: "usage_prot_P18900" @@ -185285,7 +185052,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR003W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P19097" - name: "usage_prot_P19097" @@ -185295,7 +185061,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL231W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P19145" - name: "usage_prot_P19145" @@ -185305,7 +185070,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR039W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P19262" - name: "usage_prot_P19262" @@ -185315,7 +185079,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR148C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P19358" - name: "usage_prot_P19358" @@ -185325,7 +185088,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR502C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P19414" - name: "usage_prot_P19414" @@ -185335,7 +185097,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR304C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P19516" - name: "usage_prot_P19516" @@ -185345,7 +185106,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL132W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P19657" - name: "usage_prot_P19657" @@ -185355,7 +185115,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL036W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P19807" - name: "usage_prot_P19807" @@ -185365,7 +185124,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL077C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P19881" - name: "usage_prot_P19881" @@ -185375,7 +185133,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL236W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P19955" - name: "usage_prot_P19955" @@ -185385,7 +185142,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFR049W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P20048" - name: "usage_prot_P20048" @@ -185395,7 +185151,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR013C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P20049" - name: "usage_prot_P20049" @@ -185405,7 +185160,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR166C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P20051" - name: "usage_prot_P20051" @@ -185415,7 +185169,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR420W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P20107" - name: "usage_prot_P20107" @@ -185425,7 +185178,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR243C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P20485" - name: "usage_prot_P20485" @@ -185435,7 +185187,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR133W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P20967" - name: "usage_prot_P20967" @@ -185445,7 +185196,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL125W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21147" - name: "usage_prot_P21147" @@ -185455,7 +185205,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL055W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21182" - name: "usage_prot_P21182" @@ -185465,7 +185214,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL052C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21264" - name: "usage_prot_P21264" @@ -185475,7 +185223,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR128C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21306" - name: "usage_prot_P21306" @@ -185485,7 +185232,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL271W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21373" - name: "usage_prot_P21373" @@ -185495,7 +185241,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR049C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21375" - name: "usage_prot_P21375" @@ -185505,7 +185250,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR051W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21524" - name: "usage_prot_P21524" @@ -185515,7 +185259,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER070W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21592" - name: "usage_prot_P21592" @@ -185525,7 +185268,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL172C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21595" - name: "usage_prot_P21595" @@ -185535,7 +185277,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR402C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21623" - name: "usage_prot_P21623" @@ -185545,7 +185286,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR403W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21672" - name: "usage_prot_P21672" @@ -185555,7 +185295,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL066C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21801" - name: "usage_prot_P21801" @@ -185565,7 +185304,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL041C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21826" - name: "usage_prot_P21826" @@ -185575,7 +185313,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIR031C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P21954" - name: "usage_prot_P21954" @@ -185585,7 +185322,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL066W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22007" - name: "usage_prot_P22007" @@ -185595,7 +185331,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL090C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22108" - name: "usage_prot_P22108" @@ -185605,7 +185340,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR530C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22133" - name: "usage_prot_P22133" @@ -185615,7 +185349,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL126C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22140" - name: "usage_prot_P22140" @@ -185625,7 +185358,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR123W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22203" - name: "usage_prot_P22203" @@ -185635,7 +185367,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR332W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22217" - name: "usage_prot_P22217" @@ -185645,7 +185376,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR043C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22219" - name: "usage_prot_P22219" @@ -185655,7 +185385,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR097W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22289" - name: "usage_prot_P22289" @@ -185665,7 +185394,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR183C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22434" - name: "usage_prot_P22434" @@ -185675,7 +185403,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL248W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22438" - name: "usage_prot_P22438" @@ -185685,7 +185412,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR171C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22543" - name: "usage_prot_P22543" @@ -185695,7 +185421,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR240W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22580" - name: "usage_prot_P22580" @@ -185705,7 +185430,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR242W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22768" - name: "usage_prot_P22768" @@ -185715,7 +185439,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL058W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22803" - name: "usage_prot_P22803" @@ -185725,7 +185448,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR209C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P22855" - name: "usage_prot_P22855" @@ -185735,7 +185457,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL156W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P23202" - name: "usage_prot_P23202" @@ -185745,7 +185466,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL229C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P23254" - name: "usage_prot_P23254" @@ -185755,7 +185475,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR074C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P23337" - name: "usage_prot_P23337" @@ -185765,7 +185484,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFR015C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P23500" - name: "usage_prot_P23500" @@ -185775,7 +185493,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR052C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P23501" - name: "usage_prot_P23501" @@ -185785,7 +185502,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR053C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P23542" - name: "usage_prot_P23542" @@ -185795,7 +185511,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR027C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P23585" - name: "usage_prot_P23585" @@ -185805,7 +185520,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR011W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P23641" - name: "usage_prot_P23641" @@ -185815,7 +185529,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR077C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P23776" - name: "usage_prot_P23776" @@ -185825,7 +185538,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR300W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P23797" - name: "usage_prot_P23797" @@ -185835,7 +185547,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR281W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P23900" - name: "usage_prot_P23900" @@ -185845,7 +185556,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL043W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P23968" - name: "usage_prot_P23968" @@ -185855,7 +185565,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR026W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P24031" - name: "usage_prot_P24031" @@ -185865,7 +185574,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR092C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P24521" - name: "usage_prot_P24521" @@ -185875,7 +185583,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR220W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25045" - name: "usage_prot_P25045" @@ -185885,7 +185592,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR296C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25087" - name: "usage_prot_P25087" @@ -185895,7 +185601,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML008C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25297" - name: "usage_prot_P25297" @@ -185905,7 +185610,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML123C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25332" - name: "usage_prot_P25332" @@ -185915,7 +185619,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR036W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25335" - name: "usage_prot_P25335" @@ -185925,7 +185628,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIR029W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25340" - name: "usage_prot_P25340" @@ -185935,7 +185637,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL012W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25345" - name: "usage_prot_P25345" @@ -185945,7 +185646,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR024C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25346" - name: "usage_prot_P25346" @@ -185955,7 +185655,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR098C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25358" - name: "usage_prot_P25358" @@ -185965,7 +185664,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR034W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25360" - name: "usage_prot_P25360" @@ -185975,7 +185673,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR037C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25371" - name: "usage_prot_P25371" @@ -185985,7 +185682,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR011C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25372" - name: "usage_prot_P25372" @@ -185995,7 +185691,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR083W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25373" - name: "usage_prot_P25373" @@ -186005,7 +185700,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL035C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25374" - name: "usage_prot_P25374" @@ -186015,7 +185709,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL017C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25376" - name: "usage_prot_P25376" @@ -186025,7 +185718,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL025C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25377" - name: "usage_prot_P25377" @@ -186035,7 +185727,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR105W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25379" - name: "usage_prot_P25379" @@ -186045,7 +185736,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL064C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25515" - name: "usage_prot_P25515" @@ -186055,7 +185745,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL027W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25568" - name: "usage_prot_P25568" @@ -186065,7 +185754,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL038C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25576" - name: "usage_prot_P25576" @@ -186075,7 +185763,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL047C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25578" - name: "usage_prot_P25578" @@ -186085,7 +185772,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL004W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25580" - name: "usage_prot_P25580" @@ -186095,7 +185781,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL052C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25594" - name: "usage_prot_P25594" @@ -186105,7 +185790,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL069W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25605" - name: "usage_prot_P25605" @@ -186115,7 +185799,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL009C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25612" - name: "usage_prot_P25612" @@ -186125,7 +185808,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR107W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25613" - name: "usage_prot_P25613" @@ -186135,7 +185817,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR010C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25621" - name: "usage_prot_P25621" @@ -186145,7 +185826,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR028C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25628" - name: "usage_prot_P25628" @@ -186155,7 +185835,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR048W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P25641" - name: "usage_prot_P25641" @@ -186165,7 +185844,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR068W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P26263" - name: "usage_prot_P26263" @@ -186175,7 +185853,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR087C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P26364" - name: "usage_prot_P26364" @@ -186185,7 +185862,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER170W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P26637" - name: "usage_prot_P26637" @@ -186195,7 +185871,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL160W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P26725" - name: "usage_prot_P26725" @@ -186205,7 +185880,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL139C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P27472" - name: "usage_prot_P27472" @@ -186215,7 +185889,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR258W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P27514" - name: "usage_prot_P27514" @@ -186225,7 +185898,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR013C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P27515" - name: "usage_prot_P27515" @@ -186235,7 +185907,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR012W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P27616" - name: "usage_prot_P27616" @@ -186245,7 +185916,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAR015W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P27680" - name: "usage_prot_P27680" @@ -186255,7 +185925,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL096C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P27796" - name: "usage_prot_P27796" @@ -186265,7 +185934,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL160C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P27809" - name: "usage_prot_P27809" @@ -186275,7 +185943,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR483W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P27810" - name: "usage_prot_P27810" @@ -186285,7 +185952,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR099W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P28239" - name: "usage_prot_P28239" @@ -186295,7 +185961,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR267W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P28240" - name: "usage_prot_P28240" @@ -186305,7 +185970,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER065C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P28241" - name: "usage_prot_P28241" @@ -186315,7 +185979,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR136W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P28272" - name: "usage_prot_P28272" @@ -186325,7 +185988,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL216W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P28273" - name: "usage_prot_P28273" @@ -186335,7 +185997,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL215C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P28274" - name: "usage_prot_P28274" @@ -186345,7 +186006,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL039C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P28321" - name: "usage_prot_P28321" @@ -186355,7 +186015,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL094W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P28496" - name: "usage_prot_P28496" @@ -186365,7 +186024,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL008C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P28777" - name: "usage_prot_P28777" @@ -186375,7 +186033,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL148W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P28789" - name: "usage_prot_P28789" @@ -186385,7 +186042,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL205C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P28817" - name: "usage_prot_P28817" @@ -186395,7 +186051,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR036C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P28834" - name: "usage_prot_P28834" @@ -186405,7 +186060,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL037C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P29029" - name: "usage_prot_P29029" @@ -186415,7 +186069,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR286C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P29465" - name: "usage_prot_P29465" @@ -186425,7 +186078,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR023C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P29509" - name: "usage_prot_P29509" @@ -186435,7 +186087,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR353W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P29703" - name: "usage_prot_P29703" @@ -186445,7 +186096,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL019W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P29704" - name: "usage_prot_P29704" @@ -186455,7 +186105,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR190W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P29952" - name: "usage_prot_P29952" @@ -186465,7 +186114,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER003C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P30402" - name: "usage_prot_P30402" @@ -186475,7 +186123,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR271C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P30605" - name: "usage_prot_P30605" @@ -186485,7 +186132,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR497C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P30606" - name: "usage_prot_P30606" @@ -186495,7 +186141,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL103W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P30624" - name: "usage_prot_P30624" @@ -186505,7 +186150,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR317W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P30777" - name: "usage_prot_P30777" @@ -186515,7 +186159,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL142C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P30902" - name: "usage_prot_P30902" @@ -186525,7 +186168,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL016C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P30952" - name: "usage_prot_P30952" @@ -186535,7 +186177,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL117W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P31115" - name: "usage_prot_P31115" @@ -186545,7 +186186,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL001W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P31116" - name: "usage_prot_P31116" @@ -186555,7 +186195,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR139C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P31373" - name: "usage_prot_P31373" @@ -186565,7 +186204,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAL012W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P31381" - name: "usage_prot_P31381" @@ -186575,7 +186213,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAL022C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P31382" - name: "usage_prot_P31382" @@ -186585,7 +186222,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAL023C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P31412" - name: "usage_prot_P31412" @@ -186595,7 +186231,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL080W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P31688" - name: "usage_prot_P31688" @@ -186605,7 +186240,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR074W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P31755" - name: "usage_prot_P31755" @@ -186615,7 +186249,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL038C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32048" - name: "usage_prot_P32048" @@ -186625,7 +186258,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL073W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32178" - name: "usage_prot_P32178" @@ -186635,7 +186267,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR060C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32179" - name: "usage_prot_P32179" @@ -186645,7 +186276,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL064C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32190" - name: "usage_prot_P32190" @@ -186655,7 +186285,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHL032C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32191" - name: "usage_prot_P32191" @@ -186665,7 +186294,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL155C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32263" - name: "usage_prot_P32263" @@ -186675,7 +186303,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER023W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32264" - name: "usage_prot_P32264" @@ -186685,7 +186312,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR300C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32288" - name: "usage_prot_P32288" @@ -186695,7 +186321,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR035W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32316" - name: "usage_prot_P32316" @@ -186705,7 +186330,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL015W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32318" - name: "usage_prot_P32318" @@ -186715,7 +186339,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR144W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32327" - name: "usage_prot_P32327" @@ -186725,7 +186348,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR218C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32331" - name: "usage_prot_P32331" @@ -186735,7 +186357,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR058W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32332" - name: "usage_prot_P32332" @@ -186745,7 +186366,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL120W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32340" - name: "usage_prot_P32340" @@ -186755,7 +186375,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML120C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32347" - name: "usage_prot_P32347" @@ -186765,7 +186384,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR047W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32352" - name: "usage_prot_P32352" @@ -186775,7 +186393,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR202W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32353" - name: "usage_prot_P32353" @@ -186785,7 +186402,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR056W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32356" - name: "usage_prot_P32356" @@ -186795,7 +186411,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR001C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32363" - name: "usage_prot_P32363" @@ -186805,7 +186420,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL175W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32366" - name: "usage_prot_P32366" @@ -186815,7 +186429,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR447C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32368" - name: "usage_prot_P32368" @@ -186825,7 +186438,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL212W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32375" - name: "usage_prot_P32375" @@ -186835,7 +186447,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIR027C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32377" - name: "usage_prot_P32377" @@ -186845,7 +186456,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR043W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32378" - name: "usage_prot_P32378" @@ -186855,7 +186465,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR041C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32383" - name: "usage_prot_P32383" @@ -186865,7 +186474,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL268W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32386" - name: "usage_prot_P32386" @@ -186875,7 +186483,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL048C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32419" - name: "usage_prot_P32419" @@ -186885,7 +186492,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL078C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32449" - name: "usage_prot_P32449" @@ -186895,7 +186501,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR249C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32451" - name: "usage_prot_P32451" @@ -186905,7 +186510,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR286C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32452" - name: "usage_prot_P32452" @@ -186915,7 +186519,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL316C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32459" - name: "usage_prot_P32459" @@ -186925,7 +186528,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIR032C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32462" - name: "usage_prot_P32462" @@ -186935,7 +186537,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL280C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32463" - name: "usage_prot_P32463" @@ -186945,7 +186546,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL192C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32465" - name: "usage_prot_P32465" @@ -186955,7 +186555,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR094C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32466" - name: "usage_prot_P32466" @@ -186965,7 +186564,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR345C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32467" - name: "usage_prot_P32467" @@ -186975,7 +186573,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR092C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32469" - name: "usage_prot_P32469" @@ -186985,7 +186582,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR172C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32473" - name: "usage_prot_P32473" @@ -186995,7 +186591,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR221C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32476" - name: "usage_prot_P32476" @@ -187005,7 +186600,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR175C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32477" - name: "usage_prot_P32477" @@ -187015,7 +186609,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL101C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32486" - name: "usage_prot_P32486" @@ -187025,7 +186618,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR159W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32487" - name: "usage_prot_P32487" @@ -187035,7 +186627,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL268W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32528" - name: "usage_prot_P32528" @@ -187045,7 +186636,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR208C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32563" - name: "usage_prot_P32563" @@ -187055,7 +186645,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR270C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32567" - name: "usage_prot_P32567" @@ -187065,7 +186654,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR165C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32573" - name: "usage_prot_P32573" @@ -187075,7 +186663,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL202W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32579" - name: "usage_prot_P32579" @@ -187085,7 +186672,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL169W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32582" - name: "usage_prot_P32582" @@ -187095,7 +186681,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR155W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32584" - name: "usage_prot_P32584" @@ -187105,7 +186690,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR410C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32603" - name: "usage_prot_P32603" @@ -187115,7 +186699,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR190W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32604" - name: "usage_prot_P32604" @@ -187125,7 +186708,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL155C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32610" - name: "usage_prot_P32610" @@ -187135,7 +186717,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL051W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32614" - name: "usage_prot_P32614" @@ -187145,7 +186726,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL047C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32621" - name: "usage_prot_P32621" @@ -187155,7 +186735,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL042W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32622" - name: "usage_prot_P32622" @@ -187165,7 +186744,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL041W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32626" - name: "usage_prot_P32626" @@ -187175,7 +186753,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL038W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32642" - name: "usage_prot_P32642" @@ -187185,7 +186762,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER174C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32643" - name: "usage_prot_P32643" @@ -187195,7 +186771,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER175C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32656" - name: "usage_prot_P32656" @@ -187205,7 +186780,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER163C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32771" - name: "usage_prot_P32771" @@ -187215,7 +186789,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL168W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32784" - name: "usage_prot_P32784" @@ -187225,7 +186798,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL011W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32785" - name: "usage_prot_P32785" @@ -187235,7 +186807,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL013W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32791" - name: "usage_prot_P32791" @@ -187245,7 +186816,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR214W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32796" - name: "usage_prot_P32796" @@ -187255,7 +186825,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML042W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32798" - name: "usage_prot_P32798" @@ -187265,7 +186834,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR316C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32799" - name: "usage_prot_P32799" @@ -187275,7 +186843,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL191W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32804" - name: "usage_prot_P32804" @@ -187285,7 +186852,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL255W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32837" - name: "usage_prot_P32837" @@ -187295,7 +186861,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL210W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32842" - name: "usage_prot_P32842" @@ -187305,7 +186870,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL234C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32861" - name: "usage_prot_P32861" @@ -187315,7 +186879,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL035W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32874" - name: "usage_prot_P32874" @@ -187325,7 +186888,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR207C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32875" - name: "usage_prot_P32875" @@ -187335,7 +186897,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR196C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32891" - name: "usage_prot_P32891" @@ -187345,7 +186906,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL174C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32895" - name: "usage_prot_P32895" @@ -187355,7 +186915,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL181W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32901" - name: "usage_prot_P32901" @@ -187365,7 +186924,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR093W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32903" - name: "usage_prot_P32903" @@ -187375,7 +186933,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCR024C-A" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P32906" - name: "usage_prot_P32906" @@ -187385,7 +186942,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR131W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33300" - name: "usage_prot_P33300" @@ -187395,7 +186951,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL057C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33303" - name: "usage_prot_P33303" @@ -187405,7 +186960,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR095W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33312" - name: "usage_prot_P33312" @@ -187415,7 +186969,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR153W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33315" - name: "usage_prot_P33315" @@ -187425,7 +186978,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR117C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33317" - name: "usage_prot_P33317" @@ -187435,7 +186987,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR252W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33327" - name: "usage_prot_P33327" @@ -187445,7 +186996,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL215C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33330" - name: "usage_prot_P33330" @@ -187455,7 +187005,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR184W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33333" - name: "usage_prot_P33333" @@ -187465,7 +187014,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL052C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33336" - name: "usage_prot_P33336" @@ -187475,7 +187023,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR143W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33401" - name: "usage_prot_P33401" @@ -187485,7 +187032,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL127W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33412" - name: "usage_prot_P33412" @@ -187495,7 +187041,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR007W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33413" - name: "usage_prot_P33413" @@ -187505,7 +187050,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHL016C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33421" - name: "usage_prot_P33421" @@ -187515,7 +187059,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL141W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33550" - name: "usage_prot_P33550" @@ -187525,7 +187068,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR061W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33734" - name: "usage_prot_P33734" @@ -187535,7 +187077,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR248C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33751" - name: "usage_prot_P33751" @@ -187545,7 +187086,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR538W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33775" - name: "usage_prot_P33775" @@ -187555,7 +187095,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL095W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P33893" - name: "usage_prot_P33893" @@ -187565,7 +187104,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL080C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P34163" - name: "usage_prot_P34163" @@ -187575,7 +187113,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL140W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P34227" - name: "usage_prot_P34227" @@ -187585,7 +187122,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL064C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P34230" - name: "usage_prot_P34230" @@ -187595,7 +187131,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL188C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P34756" - name: "usage_prot_P34756" @@ -187605,7 +187140,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFR019W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P35172" - name: "usage_prot_P35172" @@ -187615,7 +187149,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR001C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P35196" - name: "usage_prot_P35196" @@ -187625,7 +187158,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR002C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P35202" - name: "usage_prot_P35202" @@ -187635,7 +187167,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR143C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P35206" - name: "usage_prot_P35206" @@ -187645,7 +187176,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR036C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P35497" - name: "usage_prot_P35497" @@ -187655,7 +187185,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR159W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P35731" - name: "usage_prot_P35731" @@ -187665,7 +187194,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL055C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P35842" - name: "usage_prot_P35842" @@ -187675,7 +187203,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAR071W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36001" - name: "usage_prot_P36001" @@ -187685,7 +187212,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL132C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36007" - name: "usage_prot_P36007" @@ -187695,7 +187221,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL218C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36010" - name: "usage_prot_P36010" @@ -187705,7 +187230,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL067W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36013" - name: "usage_prot_P36013" @@ -187715,7 +187239,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL029C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36014" - name: "usage_prot_P36014" @@ -187725,7 +187248,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL026C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36024" - name: "usage_prot_P36024" @@ -187735,7 +187257,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR072C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36029" - name: "usage_prot_P36029" @@ -187745,7 +187266,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL174C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36033" - name: "usage_prot_P36033" @@ -187755,7 +187275,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL220C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36035" - name: "usage_prot_P36035" @@ -187765,7 +187284,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL217W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36051" - name: "usage_prot_P36051" @@ -187775,7 +187293,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL165C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36060" - name: "usage_prot_P36060" @@ -187785,7 +187302,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL150W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36062" - name: "usage_prot_P36062" @@ -187795,7 +187311,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL146W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36076" - name: "usage_prot_P36076" @@ -187805,7 +187320,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL088W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36088" - name: "usage_prot_P36088" @@ -187815,7 +187329,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL069W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36107" - name: "usage_prot_P36107" @@ -187825,7 +187338,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL004W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36126" - name: "usage_prot_P36126" @@ -187835,7 +187347,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR031C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36136" - name: "usage_prot_P36136" @@ -187845,7 +187356,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR043C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36143" - name: "usage_prot_P36143" @@ -187855,7 +187365,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR058W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36148" - name: "usage_prot_P36148" @@ -187865,7 +187374,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR067W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36150" - name: "usage_prot_P36150" @@ -187875,7 +187383,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR069W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36156" - name: "usage_prot_P36156" @@ -187885,7 +187392,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR076W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36165" - name: "usage_prot_P36165" @@ -187895,7 +187401,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR089C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36421" - name: "usage_prot_P36421" @@ -187905,7 +187410,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR185C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P36973" - name: "usage_prot_P36973" @@ -187915,7 +187419,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR441C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P37012" - name: "usage_prot_P37012" @@ -187925,7 +187428,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR105C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P37020" - name: "usage_prot_P37020" @@ -187935,7 +187437,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR040W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P37254" - name: "usage_prot_P37254" @@ -187945,7 +187446,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR033W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P37291" - name: "usage_prot_P37291" @@ -187955,7 +187455,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR058C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P37292" - name: "usage_prot_P37292" @@ -187965,7 +187464,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR263W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P37296" - name: "usage_prot_P37296" @@ -187975,7 +187473,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR054W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P37297" - name: "usage_prot_P37297" @@ -187985,7 +187482,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR305C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P37298" - name: "usage_prot_P37298" @@ -187995,7 +187491,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR178W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P37299" - name: "usage_prot_P37299" @@ -188005,7 +187500,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR001W-A" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P37303" - name: "usage_prot_P37303" @@ -188015,7 +187509,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL046C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38009" - name: "usage_prot_P38009" @@ -188025,7 +187518,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR120C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38013" - name: "usage_prot_P38013" @@ -188035,7 +187527,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR109W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38063" - name: "usage_prot_P38063" @@ -188045,7 +187536,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL068W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38066" - name: "usage_prot_P38066" @@ -188055,7 +187545,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL033C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38067" - name: "usage_prot_P38067" @@ -188065,7 +187554,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR006W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38071" - name: "usage_prot_P38071" @@ -188075,7 +187563,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR026C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38074" - name: "usage_prot_P38074" @@ -188085,7 +187572,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR034C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38075" - name: "usage_prot_P38075" @@ -188095,7 +187581,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR035C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38077" - name: "usage_prot_P38077" @@ -188105,7 +187590,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR039W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38084" - name: "usage_prot_P38084" @@ -188115,7 +187599,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR068C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38085" - name: "usage_prot_P38085" @@ -188125,7 +187608,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR069C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38088" - name: "usage_prot_P38088" @@ -188135,7 +187617,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR121C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38090" - name: "usage_prot_P38090" @@ -188145,7 +187626,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR132C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38113" - name: "usage_prot_P38113" @@ -188155,7 +187635,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR145W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38115" - name: "usage_prot_P38115" @@ -188165,7 +187644,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR149W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38122" - name: "usage_prot_P38122" @@ -188175,7 +187653,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR176W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38125" - name: "usage_prot_P38125" @@ -188185,7 +187662,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR180W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38127" - name: "usage_prot_P38127" @@ -188195,7 +187671,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR192W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38130" - name: "usage_prot_P38130" @@ -188205,7 +187680,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR205W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38131" - name: "usage_prot_P38131" @@ -188215,7 +187689,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR199W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38137" - name: "usage_prot_P38137" @@ -188225,7 +187698,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR222C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38138" - name: "usage_prot_P38138" @@ -188235,7 +187707,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR229C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38139" - name: "usage_prot_P38139" @@ -188245,7 +187716,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR204C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38142" - name: "usage_prot_P38142" @@ -188255,7 +187725,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR241C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38143" - name: "usage_prot_P38143" @@ -188265,7 +187734,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR244W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38145" - name: "usage_prot_P38145" @@ -188275,7 +187743,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR256C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38149" - name: "usage_prot_P38149" @@ -188285,7 +187752,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR281C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38152" - name: "usage_prot_P38152" @@ -188295,7 +187761,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR291C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38156" - name: "usage_prot_P38156" @@ -188305,7 +187770,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR298C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38158" - name: "usage_prot_P38158" @@ -188315,7 +187779,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR299W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38169" - name: "usage_prot_P38169" @@ -188325,7 +187788,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL098W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38174" - name: "usage_prot_P38174" @@ -188335,7 +187797,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL091C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38196" - name: "usage_prot_P38196" @@ -188345,7 +187806,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBL042C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38211" - name: "usage_prot_P38211" @@ -188355,7 +187815,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR004C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38218" - name: "usage_prot_P38218" @@ -188365,7 +187824,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR022W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38221" - name: "usage_prot_P38221" @@ -188375,7 +187833,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR029C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38225" - name: "usage_prot_P38225" @@ -188385,7 +187842,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR041W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38226" - name: "usage_prot_P38226" @@ -188395,7 +187851,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR042C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38230" - name: "usage_prot_P38230" @@ -188405,7 +187860,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR046C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38242" - name: "usage_prot_P38242" @@ -188415,7 +187869,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR070C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38270" - name: "usage_prot_P38270" @@ -188425,7 +187878,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR128C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38279" - name: "usage_prot_P38279" @@ -188435,7 +187887,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR147W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38286" - name: "usage_prot_P38286" @@ -188445,7 +187896,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR159W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38287" - name: "usage_prot_P38287" @@ -188455,7 +187905,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR161W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38295" - name: "usage_prot_P38295" @@ -188465,7 +187914,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR177C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38298" - name: "usage_prot_P38298" @@ -188475,7 +187923,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR183W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38329" - name: "usage_prot_P38329" @@ -188485,7 +187932,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR235W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38331" - name: "usage_prot_P38331" @@ -188495,7 +187941,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR242W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38342" - name: "usage_prot_P38342" @@ -188505,7 +187950,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR265W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38358" - name: "usage_prot_P38358" @@ -188515,7 +187959,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR293W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38359" - name: "usage_prot_P38359" @@ -188525,7 +187968,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR294W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38360" - name: "usage_prot_P38360" @@ -188535,7 +187977,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR295W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38361" - name: "usage_prot_P38361" @@ -188545,7 +187986,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR296C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38426" - name: "usage_prot_P38426" @@ -188555,7 +187995,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR261C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38427" - name: "usage_prot_P38427" @@ -188565,7 +188004,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML100W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38604" - name: "usage_prot_P38604" @@ -188575,7 +188013,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR072W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38620" - name: "usage_prot_P38620" @@ -188585,7 +188022,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER099C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38625" - name: "usage_prot_P38625" @@ -188595,7 +188031,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR217W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38626" - name: "usage_prot_P38626" @@ -188605,7 +188040,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL043C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38627" - name: "usage_prot_P38627" @@ -188615,7 +188049,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR103W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38628" - name: "usage_prot_P38628" @@ -188625,7 +188058,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL058W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38631" - name: "usage_prot_P38631" @@ -188635,7 +188067,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR342W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38635" - name: "usage_prot_P38635" @@ -188645,7 +188076,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFR025C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38689" - name: "usage_prot_P38689" @@ -188655,7 +188085,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHL011C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38693" - name: "usage_prot_P38693" @@ -188665,7 +188094,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR215W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38695" - name: "usage_prot_P38695" @@ -188675,7 +188103,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR096C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38697" - name: "usage_prot_P38697" @@ -188685,7 +188112,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR216W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38698" - name: "usage_prot_P38698" @@ -188695,7 +188121,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR201C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38702" - name: "usage_prot_P38702" @@ -188705,7 +188130,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR002W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38703" - name: "usage_prot_P38703" @@ -188715,7 +188139,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHL003C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38705" - name: "usage_prot_P38705" @@ -188725,7 +188148,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR011W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38707" - name: "usage_prot_P38707" @@ -188735,7 +188157,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR019C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38708" - name: "usage_prot_P38708" @@ -188745,7 +188166,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR020W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38709" - name: "usage_prot_P38709" @@ -188755,7 +188175,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHL012W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38710" - name: "usage_prot_P38710" @@ -188765,7 +188184,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR046C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38714" - name: "usage_prot_P38714" @@ -188775,7 +188193,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR091C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38715" - name: "usage_prot_P38715" @@ -188785,7 +188202,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR104W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38720" - name: "usage_prot_P38720" @@ -188795,7 +188211,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR183W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38734" - name: "usage_prot_P38734" @@ -188805,7 +188220,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHL036W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38744" - name: "usage_prot_P38744" @@ -188815,7 +188229,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHL018W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38773" - name: "usage_prot_P38773" @@ -188825,7 +188238,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR043C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38774" - name: "usage_prot_P38774" @@ -188835,7 +188247,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR044C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38787" - name: "usage_prot_P38787" @@ -188845,7 +188256,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR063C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38790" - name: "usage_prot_P38790" @@ -188855,7 +188265,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR067W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38791" - name: "usage_prot_P38791" @@ -188865,7 +188274,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR068W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38795" - name: "usage_prot_P38795" @@ -188875,7 +188283,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR074W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38812" - name: "usage_prot_P38812" @@ -188885,7 +188292,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR100C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38816" - name: "usage_prot_P38816" @@ -188895,7 +188301,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR106W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38818" - name: "usage_prot_P38818" @@ -188905,7 +188310,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR109W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38824" - name: "usage_prot_P38824" @@ -188915,7 +188319,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR116W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38827" - name: "usage_prot_P38827" @@ -188925,7 +188328,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR119W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38840" - name: "usage_prot_P38840" @@ -188935,7 +188337,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR137W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38857" - name: "usage_prot_P38857" @@ -188945,7 +188346,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR162W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38858" - name: "usage_prot_P38858" @@ -188955,7 +188355,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR163W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38891" - name: "usage_prot_P38891" @@ -188965,7 +188364,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR208W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38913" - name: "usage_prot_P38913" @@ -188975,7 +188373,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL045C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38921" - name: "usage_prot_P38921" @@ -188985,7 +188382,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL003C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38925" - name: "usage_prot_P38925" @@ -188995,7 +188391,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL122C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38929" - name: "usage_prot_P38929" @@ -189005,7 +188400,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL006W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38954" - name: "usage_prot_P38954" @@ -189015,7 +188409,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR072C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38967" - name: "usage_prot_P38967" @@ -189025,7 +188418,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL020W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38971" - name: "usage_prot_P38971" @@ -189035,7 +188427,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL270C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38972" - name: "usage_prot_P38972" @@ -189045,7 +188436,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR061C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38986" - name: "usage_prot_P38986" @@ -189055,7 +188445,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR321W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38988" - name: "usage_prot_P38988" @@ -189065,7 +188454,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL198C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38992" - name: "usage_prot_P38992" @@ -189075,7 +188463,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR297W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38993" - name: "usage_prot_P38993" @@ -189085,7 +188472,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR058W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38994" - name: "usage_prot_P38994" @@ -189095,7 +188481,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR208W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38995" - name: "usage_prot_P38995" @@ -189105,7 +188490,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR270W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38998" - name: "usage_prot_P38998" @@ -189115,7 +188499,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIR034C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P38999" - name: "usage_prot_P38999" @@ -189125,7 +188508,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR050C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39002" - name: "usage_prot_P39002" @@ -189135,7 +188517,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL009W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39003" - name: "usage_prot_P39003" @@ -189145,7 +188526,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR343C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39004" - name: "usage_prot_P39004" @@ -189155,7 +188535,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR342C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39006" - name: "usage_prot_P39006" @@ -189165,7 +188544,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL169C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39007" - name: "usage_prot_P39007" @@ -189175,7 +188553,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL022W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39104" - name: "usage_prot_P39104" @@ -189185,7 +188562,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL267W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39105" - name: "usage_prot_P39105" @@ -189195,7 +188571,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR008C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39109" - name: "usage_prot_P39109" @@ -189205,7 +188580,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR135C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39111" - name: "usage_prot_P39111" @@ -189215,7 +188589,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR020C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39518" - name: "usage_prot_P39518" @@ -189225,7 +188598,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER015W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39522" - name: "usage_prot_P39522" @@ -189235,7 +188607,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR016C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39524" - name: "usage_prot_P39524" @@ -189245,7 +188616,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAL026C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39525" - name: "usage_prot_P39525" @@ -189255,7 +188625,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER061C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39533" - name: "usage_prot_P39533" @@ -189265,7 +188634,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL200C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39535" - name: "usage_prot_P39535" @@ -189275,7 +188643,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL198W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39540" - name: "usage_prot_P39540" @@ -189285,7 +188652,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL196C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39676" - name: "usage_prot_P39676" @@ -189295,7 +188661,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR234W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39683" - name: "usage_prot_P39683" @@ -189305,7 +188670,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR209C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39692" - name: "usage_prot_P39692" @@ -189315,7 +188679,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFR030W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39708" - name: "usage_prot_P39708" @@ -189325,7 +188688,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAL062W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39713" - name: "usage_prot_P39713" @@ -189335,7 +188697,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAL061W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39714" - name: "usage_prot_P39714" @@ -189345,7 +188706,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAL060W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39726" - name: "usage_prot_P39726" @@ -189355,7 +188715,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAL044C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39730" - name: "usage_prot_P39730" @@ -189365,7 +188724,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAL035W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39924" - name: "usage_prot_P39924" @@ -189375,7 +188733,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL069C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39932" - name: "usage_prot_P39932" @@ -189385,7 +188742,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR536W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39953" - name: "usage_prot_P39953" @@ -189395,7 +188751,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL006W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39954" - name: "usage_prot_P39954" @@ -189405,7 +188760,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER043C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39965" - name: "usage_prot_P39965" @@ -189415,7 +188769,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER087W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39976" - name: "usage_prot_P39976" @@ -189425,7 +188778,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL071W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39979" - name: "usage_prot_P39979" @@ -189435,7 +188787,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL066W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39986" - name: "usage_prot_P39986" @@ -189445,7 +188796,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL031W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P39988" - name: "usage_prot_P39988" @@ -189455,7 +188805,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL029C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40004" - name: "usage_prot_P40004" @@ -189465,7 +188814,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL004W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40009" - name: "usage_prot_P40009" @@ -189475,7 +188823,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER005W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40011" - name: "usage_prot_P40011" @@ -189485,7 +188832,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER010C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40012" - name: "usage_prot_P40012" @@ -189495,7 +188841,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER014W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40015" - name: "usage_prot_P40015" @@ -189505,7 +188850,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER019W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40017" - name: "usage_prot_P40017" @@ -189515,7 +188859,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER024W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40025" - name: "usage_prot_P40025" @@ -189525,7 +188868,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER037W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40029" - name: "usage_prot_P40029" @@ -189535,7 +188877,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER042W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40035" - name: "usage_prot_P40035" @@ -189545,7 +188886,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER053C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40039" - name: "usage_prot_P40039" @@ -189555,7 +188895,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER060W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40047" - name: "usage_prot_P40047" @@ -189565,7 +188904,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER073W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40054" - name: "usage_prot_P40054" @@ -189575,7 +188913,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER081W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40074" - name: "usage_prot_P40074" @@ -189585,7 +188922,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER119C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40086" - name: "usage_prot_P40086" @@ -189595,7 +188931,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER141W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40099" - name: "usage_prot_P40099" @@ -189605,7 +188940,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER183C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40106" - name: "usage_prot_P40106" @@ -189615,7 +188949,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER062C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40107" - name: "usage_prot_P40107" @@ -189625,7 +188958,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL225W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40215" - name: "usage_prot_P40215" @@ -189635,7 +188967,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR145C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40260" - name: "usage_prot_P40260" @@ -189645,7 +188976,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR121C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40308" - name: "usage_prot_P40308" @@ -189655,7 +188985,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR313C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40319" - name: "usage_prot_P40319" @@ -189665,7 +188994,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR372W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40345" - name: "usage_prot_P40345" @@ -189675,7 +189003,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR008W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40350" - name: "usage_prot_P40350" @@ -189685,7 +189012,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL227C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40351" - name: "usage_prot_P40351" @@ -189695,7 +189021,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR067C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40353" - name: "usage_prot_P40353" @@ -189705,7 +189030,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR377W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40360" - name: "usage_prot_P40360" @@ -189715,7 +189039,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL071W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40363" - name: "usage_prot_P40363" @@ -189725,7 +189048,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL068C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40416" - name: "usage_prot_P40416" @@ -189735,7 +189057,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR301C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40433" - name: "usage_prot_P40433" @@ -189745,7 +189066,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL107C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40445" - name: "usage_prot_P40445" @@ -189755,7 +189075,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL166C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40459" - name: "usage_prot_P40459" @@ -189765,7 +189084,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL145C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40464" - name: "usage_prot_P40464" @@ -189775,7 +189093,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL134W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40471" - name: "usage_prot_P40471" @@ -189785,7 +189102,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL124W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40495" - name: "usage_prot_P40495" @@ -189795,7 +189111,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL094C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40506" - name: "usage_prot_P40506" @@ -189805,7 +189120,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL083C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40510" - name: "usage_prot_P40510" @@ -189815,7 +189129,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL074C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40527" - name: "usage_prot_P40527" @@ -189825,7 +189138,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL048W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40544" - name: "usage_prot_P40544" @@ -189835,7 +189147,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL023C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40545" - name: "usage_prot_P40545" @@ -189845,7 +189156,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL020C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40550" - name: "usage_prot_P40550" @@ -189855,7 +189165,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL013C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40553" - name: "usage_prot_P40553" @@ -189865,7 +189174,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL010W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40556" - name: "usage_prot_P40556" @@ -189875,7 +189183,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL006W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40559" - name: "usage_prot_P40559" @@ -189885,7 +189192,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL002C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40580" - name: "usage_prot_P40580" @@ -189895,7 +189201,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIR036C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40581" - name: "usage_prot_P40581" @@ -189905,7 +189210,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIR037W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40582" - name: "usage_prot_P40582" @@ -189915,7 +189219,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIR038C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40825" - name: "usage_prot_P40825" @@ -189925,7 +189228,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR335C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40857" - name: "usage_prot_P40857" @@ -189935,7 +189237,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL097W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40884" - name: "usage_prot_P40884" @@ -189945,7 +189246,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL216C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40885" - name: "usage_prot_P40885" @@ -189955,7 +189255,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL219W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40886" - name: "usage_prot_P40886" @@ -189965,7 +189264,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL214W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40897" - name: "usage_prot_P40897" @@ -189975,7 +189273,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL212C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40970" - name: "usage_prot_P40970" @@ -189985,7 +189282,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR062W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40975" - name: "usage_prot_P40975" @@ -189995,7 +189291,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YEL017C-A" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40988" - name: "usage_prot_P40988" @@ -190005,7 +189300,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR319C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P40989" - name: "usage_prot_P40989" @@ -190015,7 +189309,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR032W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41277" - name: "usage_prot_P41277" @@ -190025,7 +189318,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIL053W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41338" - name: "usage_prot_P41338" @@ -190035,7 +189327,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL028W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41734" - name: "usage_prot_P41734" @@ -190045,7 +189336,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR126C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41735" - name: "usage_prot_P41735" @@ -190055,7 +189345,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR125C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41807" - name: "usage_prot_P41807" @@ -190065,7 +189354,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR036W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41815" - name: "usage_prot_P41815" @@ -190075,7 +189363,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR046C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41835" - name: "usage_prot_P41835" @@ -190085,7 +189372,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL214C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41903" - name: "usage_prot_P41903" @@ -190095,7 +189381,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR019C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41909" - name: "usage_prot_P41909" @@ -190105,7 +189390,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL147W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41911" - name: "usage_prot_P41911" @@ -190115,7 +189399,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL059W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41921" - name: "usage_prot_P41921" @@ -190125,7 +189408,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL091W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41930" - name: "usage_prot_P41930" @@ -190135,7 +189417,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL092W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41939" - name: "usage_prot_P41939" @@ -190145,7 +189426,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR174W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41940" - name: "usage_prot_P41940" @@ -190155,7 +189435,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL055C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P41948" - name: "usage_prot_P41948" @@ -190165,7 +189444,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL142W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P42222" - name: "usage_prot_P42222" @@ -190175,7 +189453,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR323W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P42826" - name: "usage_prot_P42826" @@ -190185,7 +189462,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR194C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P42833" - name: "usage_prot_P42833" @@ -190195,7 +189471,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL318C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P42837" - name: "usage_prot_P42837" @@ -190205,7 +189480,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL325C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P42884" - name: "usage_prot_P42884" @@ -190215,7 +189489,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL331C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P42941" - name: "usage_prot_P42941" @@ -190225,7 +189498,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR208W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P42951" - name: "usage_prot_P42951" @@ -190235,7 +189507,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL100W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43123" - name: "usage_prot_P43123" @@ -190245,7 +189516,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL103C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43534" - name: "usage_prot_P43534" @@ -190255,7 +189525,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL058W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43544" - name: "usage_prot_P43544" @@ -190265,7 +189534,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL060C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43545" - name: "usage_prot_P43545" @@ -190275,7 +189543,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL059W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43548" - name: "usage_prot_P43548" @@ -190285,7 +189552,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL055W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43549" - name: "usage_prot_P43549" @@ -190295,7 +189561,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL054C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43550" - name: "usage_prot_P43550" @@ -190305,7 +189570,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL053W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43567" - name: "usage_prot_P43567" @@ -190315,7 +189579,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL030W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43577" - name: "usage_prot_P43577" @@ -190325,7 +189588,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL017C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43581" - name: "usage_prot_P43581" @@ -190335,7 +189597,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFL011W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43601" - name: "usage_prot_P43601" @@ -190345,7 +189606,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFR021W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43616" - name: "usage_prot_P43616" @@ -190355,7 +189615,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFR044C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43619" - name: "usage_prot_P43619" @@ -190365,7 +189624,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFR047C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43623" - name: "usage_prot_P43623" @@ -190375,7 +189633,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YFR055W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43635" - name: "usage_prot_P43635" @@ -190385,7 +189642,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR001W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P43636" - name: "usage_prot_P43636" @@ -190395,7 +189651,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL065C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P46151" - name: "usage_prot_P46151" @@ -190405,7 +189660,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL023C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P46367" - name: "usage_prot_P46367" @@ -190415,7 +189669,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR374W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P46655" - name: "usage_prot_P46655" @@ -190425,7 +189678,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL245W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P46681" - name: "usage_prot_P46681" @@ -190435,7 +189687,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL178W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P46961" - name: "usage_prot_P46961" @@ -190445,7 +189696,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL076W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P46969" - name: "usage_prot_P46969" @@ -190455,7 +189705,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL121C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P46971" - name: "usage_prot_P46971" @@ -190465,7 +189714,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR143C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P46995" - name: "usage_prot_P46995" @@ -190475,7 +189723,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL168C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47011" - name: "usage_prot_P47011" @@ -190485,7 +189732,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL137C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47013" - name: "usage_prot_P47013" @@ -190495,7 +189741,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL134W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47016" - name: "usage_prot_P47016" @@ -190505,7 +189750,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL126W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47026" - name: "usage_prot_P47026" @@ -190515,7 +189759,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL091C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47039" - name: "usage_prot_P47039" @@ -190525,7 +189768,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL060W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47051" - name: "usage_prot_P47051" @@ -190535,7 +189777,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL046W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47052" - name: "usage_prot_P47052" @@ -190545,7 +189786,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL045W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47081" - name: "usage_prot_P47081" @@ -190555,7 +189795,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJL003W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47082" - name: "usage_prot_P47082" @@ -190565,7 +189804,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR001W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47088" - name: "usage_prot_P47088" @@ -190575,7 +189813,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR013W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47095" - name: "usage_prot_P47095" @@ -190585,7 +189822,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR024C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47096" - name: "usage_prot_P47096" @@ -190595,7 +189831,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR025C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47119" - name: "usage_prot_P47119" @@ -190605,7 +189840,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR069C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47125" - name: "usage_prot_P47125" @@ -190615,7 +189849,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR078W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47143" - name: "usage_prot_P47143" @@ -190625,7 +189858,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR105W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47147" - name: "usage_prot_P47147" @@ -190635,7 +189867,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR110W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47164" - name: "usage_prot_P47164" @@ -190645,7 +189876,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR130C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47165" - name: "usage_prot_P47165" @@ -190655,7 +189885,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR133W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47169" - name: "usage_prot_P47169" @@ -190665,7 +189894,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR137C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47176" - name: "usage_prot_P47176" @@ -190675,7 +189903,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR148W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47177" - name: "usage_prot_P47177" @@ -190685,7 +189912,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR149W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47180" - name: "usage_prot_P47180" @@ -190695,7 +189921,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR153W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47182" - name: "usage_prot_P47182" @@ -190705,7 +189930,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR155W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47185" - name: "usage_prot_P47185" @@ -190715,7 +189939,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YJR158W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47190" - name: "usage_prot_P47190" @@ -190725,7 +189948,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR321W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47771" - name: "usage_prot_P47771" @@ -190735,7 +189957,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR170C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P47912" - name: "usage_prot_P47912" @@ -190745,7 +189966,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR246W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P48015" - name: "usage_prot_P48015" @@ -190755,7 +189975,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR019C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P48016" - name: "usage_prot_P48016" @@ -190765,7 +189984,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR026W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P48239" - name: "usage_prot_P48239" @@ -190775,7 +189993,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR154C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P48360" - name: "usage_prot_P48360" @@ -190785,7 +190002,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR376W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P48445" - name: "usage_prot_P48445" @@ -190795,7 +190011,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL141W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P48525" - name: "usage_prot_P48525" @@ -190805,7 +190020,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL033W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P48526" - name: "usage_prot_P48526" @@ -190815,7 +190029,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL040C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P48527" - name: "usage_prot_P48527" @@ -190825,7 +190038,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL097W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P48567" - name: "usage_prot_P48567" @@ -190835,7 +190047,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL292W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P48570" - name: "usage_prot_P48570" @@ -190845,7 +190056,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL182W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P48813" - name: "usage_prot_P48813" @@ -190855,7 +190065,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR508C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P48836" - name: "usage_prot_P48836" @@ -190865,7 +190074,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YHR039C-A" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P49017" - name: "usage_prot_P49017" @@ -190875,7 +190083,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML110C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P49089" - name: "usage_prot_P49089" @@ -190885,7 +190092,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR145W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P49090" - name: "usage_prot_P49090" @@ -190895,7 +190101,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR124W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P49095" - name: "usage_prot_P49095" @@ -190905,7 +190110,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR189W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P49367" - name: "usage_prot_P49367" @@ -190915,7 +190119,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR234W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P49435" - name: "usage_prot_P49435" @@ -190925,7 +190128,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML022W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P49723" - name: "usage_prot_P49723" @@ -190935,7 +190137,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR180C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P49775" - name: "usage_prot_P49775" @@ -190945,7 +190146,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR305C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P49954" - name: "usage_prot_P49954" @@ -190955,7 +190155,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR351C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P50076" - name: "usage_prot_P50076" @@ -190965,7 +190164,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR227W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P50094" - name: "usage_prot_P50094" @@ -190975,7 +190173,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML056C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P50095" - name: "usage_prot_P50095" @@ -190985,7 +190182,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR432W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P50107" - name: "usage_prot_P50107" @@ -190995,7 +190191,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML004C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P50113" - name: "usage_prot_P50113" @@ -191005,7 +190200,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL154C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P50264" - name: "usage_prot_P50264" @@ -191015,7 +190209,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR020W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P50276" - name: "usage_prot_P50276" @@ -191025,7 +190218,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR055W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P50277" - name: "usage_prot_P50277" @@ -191035,7 +190227,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR058W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P50861" - name: "usage_prot_P50861" @@ -191045,7 +190236,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL143C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P50942" - name: "usage_prot_P50942" @@ -191055,7 +190245,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL106C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P50944" - name: "usage_prot_P50944" @@ -191065,7 +190254,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL101W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P51601" - name: "usage_prot_P51601" @@ -191075,7 +190263,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR267C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P52290" - name: "usage_prot_P52290" @@ -191085,7 +190272,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL024C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P52489" - name: "usage_prot_P52489" @@ -191095,7 +190281,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR347C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P52867" - name: "usage_prot_P52867" @@ -191105,7 +190290,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL093W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P52892" - name: "usage_prot_P52892" @@ -191115,7 +190299,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR111C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P52893" - name: "usage_prot_P52893" @@ -191125,7 +190308,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR089C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P52910" - name: "usage_prot_P52910" @@ -191135,7 +190317,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR153C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P52911" - name: "usage_prot_P52911" @@ -191145,7 +190326,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR261C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53008" - name: "usage_prot_P53008" @@ -191155,7 +190335,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL027C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53037" - name: "usage_prot_P53037" @@ -191165,7 +190344,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR170W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53045" - name: "usage_prot_P53045" @@ -191175,7 +190353,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR060W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53048" - name: "usage_prot_P53048" @@ -191185,7 +190362,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR289C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53051" - name: "usage_prot_P53051" @@ -191195,7 +190371,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR287C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53078" - name: "usage_prot_P53078" @@ -191205,7 +190380,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL224C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53090" - name: "usage_prot_P53090" @@ -191215,7 +190389,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL202W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53095" - name: "usage_prot_P53095" @@ -191225,7 +190398,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL196W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53099" - name: "usage_prot_P53099" @@ -191235,7 +190407,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL186C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53101" - name: "usage_prot_P53101" @@ -191245,7 +190416,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL184C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53128" - name: "usage_prot_P53128" @@ -191255,7 +190425,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL125W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53144" - name: "usage_prot_P53144" @@ -191265,7 +190434,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL101W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53154" - name: "usage_prot_P53154" @@ -191275,7 +190443,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL084C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53157" - name: "usage_prot_P53157" @@ -191285,7 +190452,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL080W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53164" - name: "usage_prot_P53164" @@ -191295,7 +190461,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL067W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53167" - name: "usage_prot_P53167" @@ -191305,7 +190470,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL063W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53178" - name: "usage_prot_P53178" @@ -191315,7 +190479,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL047W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53184" - name: "usage_prot_P53184" @@ -191325,7 +190488,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL037C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53199" - name: "usage_prot_P53199" @@ -191335,7 +190497,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGL001C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53204" - name: "usage_prot_P53204" @@ -191345,7 +190506,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR010W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53206" - name: "usage_prot_P53206" @@ -191355,7 +190515,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR012W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53208" - name: "usage_prot_P53208" @@ -191365,7 +190524,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR015C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53223" - name: "usage_prot_P53223" @@ -191375,7 +190533,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR036C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53224" - name: "usage_prot_P53224" @@ -191385,7 +190542,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR038W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53228" - name: "usage_prot_P53228" @@ -191395,7 +190551,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR043C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53230" - name: "usage_prot_P53230" @@ -191405,7 +190560,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR046W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53239" - name: "usage_prot_P53239" @@ -191415,7 +190569,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR062C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53241" - name: "usage_prot_P53241" @@ -191425,7 +190578,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR065C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53257" - name: "usage_prot_P53257" @@ -191435,7 +190587,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR096W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53262" - name: "usage_prot_P53262" @@ -191445,7 +190596,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR106C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53264" - name: "usage_prot_P53264" @@ -191455,7 +190605,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR110W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53283" - name: "usage_prot_P53283" @@ -191465,7 +190614,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR138C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53296" - name: "usage_prot_P53296" @@ -191475,7 +190623,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR177C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53306" - name: "usage_prot_P53306" @@ -191485,7 +190632,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR216C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53311" - name: "usage_prot_P53311" @@ -191495,7 +190641,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR243W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53312" - name: "usage_prot_P53312" @@ -191505,7 +190650,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR244C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53314" - name: "usage_prot_P53314" @@ -191515,7 +190659,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR247W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53315" - name: "usage_prot_P53315" @@ -191525,7 +190668,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR248W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53318" - name: "usage_prot_P53318" @@ -191535,7 +190677,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR255C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53319" - name: "usage_prot_P53319" @@ -191545,7 +190686,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR256W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53322" - name: "usage_prot_P53322" @@ -191555,7 +190695,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR260W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53332" - name: "usage_prot_P53332" @@ -191565,7 +190704,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR277C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53341" - name: "usage_prot_P53341" @@ -191575,7 +190713,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YGR292W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53388" - name: "usage_prot_P53388" @@ -191585,7 +190722,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL265W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53390" - name: "usage_prot_P53390" @@ -191595,7 +190731,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR138C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53394" - name: "usage_prot_P53394" @@ -191605,7 +190740,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR003C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53598" - name: "usage_prot_P53598" @@ -191615,7 +190749,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR142W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53615" - name: "usage_prot_P53615" @@ -191625,7 +190758,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL036W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53629" - name: "usage_prot_P53629" @@ -191635,7 +190767,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR019W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53630" - name: "usage_prot_P53630" @@ -191645,7 +190776,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR057C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53631" - name: "usage_prot_P53631" @@ -191655,7 +190785,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR072W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53685" - name: "usage_prot_P53685" @@ -191665,7 +190794,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL068C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53686" - name: "usage_prot_P53686" @@ -191675,7 +190803,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL015C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53687" - name: "usage_prot_P53687" @@ -191685,7 +190812,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR025W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53688" - name: "usage_prot_P53688" @@ -191695,7 +190821,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR191W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53727" - name: "usage_prot_P53727" @@ -191705,7 +190830,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR027W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53730" - name: "usage_prot_P53730" @@ -191715,7 +190839,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR030W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53744" - name: "usage_prot_P53744" @@ -191725,7 +190848,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR056C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53746" - name: "usage_prot_P53746" @@ -191735,7 +190857,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR060W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53753" - name: "usage_prot_P53753" @@ -191745,7 +190866,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR067C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53823" - name: "usage_prot_P53823" @@ -191755,7 +190875,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL334C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53824" - name: "usage_prot_P53824" @@ -191765,7 +190884,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL333W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53838" - name: "usage_prot_P53838" @@ -191775,7 +190893,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL275W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53839" - name: "usage_prot_P53839" @@ -191785,7 +190902,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL274C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53848" - name: "usage_prot_P53848" @@ -191795,7 +190911,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL256W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53852" - name: "usage_prot_P53852" @@ -191805,7 +190920,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL247W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53868" - name: "usage_prot_P53868" @@ -191815,7 +190929,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL219C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53871" - name: "usage_prot_P53871" @@ -191825,7 +190938,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL191W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53909" - name: "usage_prot_P53909" @@ -191835,7 +190947,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL141W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53915" - name: "usage_prot_P53915" @@ -191845,7 +190956,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL129W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53934" - name: "usage_prot_P53934" @@ -191855,7 +190965,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL092W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53943" - name: "usage_prot_P53943" @@ -191865,7 +190974,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL065W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53950" - name: "usage_prot_P53950" @@ -191875,7 +190983,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL054W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53954" - name: "usage_prot_P53954" @@ -191885,7 +190992,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL048W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53961" - name: "usage_prot_P53961" @@ -191895,7 +191001,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL038W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53966" - name: "usage_prot_P53966" @@ -191905,7 +191010,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL029C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P53982" - name: "usage_prot_P53982" @@ -191915,7 +191019,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL009W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54070" - name: "usage_prot_P54070" @@ -191925,7 +191028,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL053C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54113" - name: "usage_prot_P54113" @@ -191935,7 +191037,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR028C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54114" - name: "usage_prot_P54114" @@ -191945,7 +191046,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR169C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54115" - name: "usage_prot_P54115" @@ -191955,7 +191055,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL061W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54781" - name: "usage_prot_P54781" @@ -191965,7 +191064,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR015C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54783" - name: "usage_prot_P54783" @@ -191975,7 +191073,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML086C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54838" - name: "usage_prot_P54838" @@ -191985,7 +191082,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML070W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54839" - name: "usage_prot_P54839" @@ -191995,7 +191091,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML126C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54854" - name: "usage_prot_P54854" @@ -192005,7 +191100,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL245C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54857" - name: "usage_prot_P54857" @@ -192015,7 +191109,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR058C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54861" - name: "usage_prot_P54861" @@ -192025,7 +191118,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL001W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54862" - name: "usage_prot_P54862" @@ -192035,7 +191127,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL156W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P54885" - name: "usage_prot_P54885" @@ -192045,7 +191136,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR323C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P61829" - name: "usage_prot_P61829" @@ -192055,7 +191145,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "Q0130" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P62651" - name: "usage_prot_P62651" @@ -192065,7 +191154,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL096C-A" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P80210" - name: "usage_prot_P80210" @@ -192075,7 +191163,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL220W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P80235" - name: "usage_prot_P80235" @@ -192085,7 +191172,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAR035W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P81449" - name: "usage_prot_P81449" @@ -192095,7 +191181,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR322C-A" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P81450" - name: "usage_prot_P81450" @@ -192105,7 +191190,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML081C-A" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_P81451" - name: "usage_prot_P81451" @@ -192115,7 +191199,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL077W-A" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q00055" - name: "usage_prot_Q00055" @@ -192125,7 +191208,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL022W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q00711" - name: "usage_prot_Q00711" @@ -192135,7 +191217,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL148C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q00764" - name: "usage_prot_Q00764" @@ -192145,7 +191226,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR126C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q00873" - name: "usage_prot_Q00873" @@ -192155,7 +191235,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL087C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q00955" - name: "usage_prot_Q00955" @@ -192165,7 +191244,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNR016C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q01217" - name: "usage_prot_Q01217" @@ -192175,7 +191253,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER069W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q01519" - name: "usage_prot_Q01519" @@ -192185,7 +191262,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR038C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q01574" - name: "usage_prot_Q01574" @@ -192195,7 +191271,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YAL054C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q01662" - name: "usage_prot_Q01662" @@ -192205,7 +191280,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR244C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q01802" - name: "usage_prot_Q01802" @@ -192215,7 +191289,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL106W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q01896" - name: "usage_prot_Q01896" @@ -192225,7 +191298,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR039C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q01926" - name: "usage_prot_Q01926" @@ -192235,7 +191307,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR334W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q01976" - name: "usage_prot_Q01976" @@ -192245,7 +191316,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR111C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q02046" - name: "usage_prot_Q02046" @@ -192255,7 +191325,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR080W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q02196" - name: "usage_prot_Q02196" @@ -192265,7 +191334,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKL001C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q02207" - name: "usage_prot_Q02207" @@ -192275,7 +191343,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YKR009C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q02783" - name: "usage_prot_Q02783" @@ -192285,7 +191352,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL060W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q02784" - name: "usage_prot_Q02784" @@ -192295,7 +191361,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL059W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q02891" - name: "usage_prot_Q02891" @@ -192305,7 +191370,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL095C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q02895" - name: "usage_prot_Q02895" @@ -192315,7 +191379,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL088W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q02896" - name: "usage_prot_Q02896" @@ -192325,7 +191388,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL087W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q02948" - name: "usage_prot_Q02948" @@ -192335,7 +191397,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL120W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q02979" - name: "usage_prot_Q02979" @@ -192345,7 +191406,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL110C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03020" - name: "usage_prot_Q03020" @@ -192355,7 +191415,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL135W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03028" - name: "usage_prot_Q03028" @@ -192365,7 +191424,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL134C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03034" - name: "usage_prot_Q03034" @@ -192375,7 +191433,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR539W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03161" - name: "usage_prot_Q03161" @@ -192385,7 +191442,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR099C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03175" - name: "usage_prot_Q03175" @@ -192395,7 +191451,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR101C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03262" - name: "usage_prot_Q03262" @@ -192405,7 +191460,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR278W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03266" - name: "usage_prot_Q03266" @@ -192415,7 +191469,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR289W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03529" - name: "usage_prot_Q03529" @@ -192425,7 +191478,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR272C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03557" - name: "usage_prot_Q03557" @@ -192435,7 +191487,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR293C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03579" - name: "usage_prot_Q03579" @@ -192445,7 +191496,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR298W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03649" - name: "usage_prot_Q03649" @@ -192455,7 +191505,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR210W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03674" - name: "usage_prot_Q03674" @@ -192465,7 +191514,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR006C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03677" - name: "usage_prot_Q03677" @@ -192475,7 +191523,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR009W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03764" - name: "usage_prot_Q03764" @@ -192485,7 +191532,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR147W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03778" - name: "usage_prot_Q03778" @@ -192495,7 +191541,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR236C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03786" - name: "usage_prot_Q03786" @@ -192505,7 +191550,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR248C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03835" - name: "usage_prot_Q03835" @@ -192515,7 +191559,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR098C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q03941" - name: "usage_prot_Q03941" @@ -192525,7 +191568,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR196C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04013" - name: "usage_prot_Q04013" @@ -192535,7 +191577,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR241W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04066" - name: "usage_prot_Q04066" @@ -192545,7 +191586,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR428C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04082" - name: "usage_prot_Q04082" @@ -192555,7 +191595,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR437W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04089" - name: "usage_prot_Q04089" @@ -192565,7 +191604,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR440W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04119" - name: "usage_prot_Q04119" @@ -192575,7 +191613,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR452W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04120" - name: "usage_prot_Q04120" @@ -192585,7 +191622,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR453C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04121" - name: "usage_prot_Q04121" @@ -192595,7 +191631,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR456W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04162" - name: "usage_prot_Q04162" @@ -192605,7 +191640,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR387C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04174" - name: "usage_prot_Q04174" @@ -192615,7 +191649,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR149C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04178" - name: "usage_prot_Q04178" @@ -192625,7 +191658,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR399W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04179" - name: "usage_prot_Q04179" @@ -192635,7 +191667,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR400W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04212" - name: "usage_prot_Q04212" @@ -192645,7 +191676,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR041C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04299" - name: "usage_prot_Q04299" @@ -192655,7 +191685,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR087W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04301" - name: "usage_prot_Q04301" @@ -192665,7 +191694,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR088C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04396" - name: "usage_prot_Q04396" @@ -192675,7 +191703,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR503C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04409" - name: "usage_prot_Q04409" @@ -192685,7 +191712,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR516C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04430" - name: "usage_prot_Q04430" @@ -192695,7 +191721,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR531W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04432" - name: "usage_prot_Q04432" @@ -192705,7 +191730,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR533C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04458" - name: "usage_prot_Q04458" @@ -192715,7 +191739,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR110C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04533" - name: "usage_prot_Q04533" @@ -192725,7 +191748,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML082W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04728" - name: "usage_prot_Q04728" @@ -192735,7 +191757,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR062C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04792" - name: "usage_prot_Q04792" @@ -192745,7 +191766,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR250W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04806" - name: "usage_prot_Q04806" @@ -192755,7 +191775,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR251W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04894" - name: "usage_prot_Q04894" @@ -192765,7 +191784,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR318C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04895" - name: "usage_prot_Q04895" @@ -192775,7 +191793,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YIR028W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04902" - name: "usage_prot_Q04902" @@ -192785,7 +191802,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR322C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04935" - name: "usage_prot_Q04935" @@ -192795,7 +191811,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR231C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04952" - name: "usage_prot_Q04952" @@ -192805,7 +191820,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR306W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q04958" - name: "usage_prot_Q04958" @@ -192815,7 +191829,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML059C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05016" - name: "usage_prot_Q05016" @@ -192825,7 +191838,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR226C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05506" - name: "usage_prot_Q05506" @@ -192835,7 +191847,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR341C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05521" - name: "usage_prot_Q05521" @@ -192845,7 +191856,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR284C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05533" - name: "usage_prot_Q05533" @@ -192855,7 +191865,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR287W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05567" - name: "usage_prot_Q05567" @@ -192865,7 +191874,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR294C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05584" - name: "usage_prot_Q05584" @@ -192875,7 +191883,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR272W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05779" - name: "usage_prot_Q05779" @@ -192885,7 +191892,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR201C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05788" - name: "usage_prot_Q05788" @@ -192895,7 +191901,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR209C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05789" - name: "usage_prot_Q05789" @@ -192905,7 +191910,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR211C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05871" - name: "usage_prot_Q05871" @@ -192915,7 +191919,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR284C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05874" - name: "usage_prot_Q05874" @@ -192925,7 +191928,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR285W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05902" - name: "usage_prot_Q05902" @@ -192935,7 +191937,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR299W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05911" - name: "usage_prot_Q05911" @@ -192945,7 +191946,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR359W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05919" - name: "usage_prot_Q05919" @@ -192955,7 +191955,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR360W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05979" - name: "usage_prot_Q05979" @@ -192965,7 +191964,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR231C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q05998" - name: "usage_prot_Q05998" @@ -192975,7 +191973,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR237W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06005" - name: "usage_prot_Q06005" @@ -192985,7 +191982,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR239C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06137" - name: "usage_prot_Q06137" @@ -192995,7 +191991,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR345W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06143" - name: "usage_prot_Q06143" @@ -193005,7 +192000,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR348C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06144" - name: "usage_prot_Q06144" @@ -193015,7 +192009,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR350W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06147" - name: "usage_prot_Q06147" @@ -193025,7 +192018,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR260W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06178" - name: "usage_prot_Q06178" @@ -193035,7 +192027,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR328W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06204" - name: "usage_prot_Q06204" @@ -193045,7 +192036,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR446W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06236" - name: "usage_prot_Q06236" @@ -193055,7 +192045,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR164W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06321" - name: "usage_prot_Q06321" @@ -193065,7 +192054,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR189C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06328" - name: "usage_prot_Q06328" @@ -193075,7 +192063,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR352W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06346" - name: "usage_prot_Q06346" @@ -193085,7 +192072,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR367W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06350" - name: "usage_prot_Q06350" @@ -193095,7 +192081,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR371W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06389" - name: "usage_prot_Q06389" @@ -193105,7 +192090,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR373W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06405" - name: "usage_prot_Q06405" @@ -193115,7 +192099,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR377W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06408" - name: "usage_prot_Q06408" @@ -193125,7 +192108,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR380W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06451" - name: "usage_prot_Q06451" @@ -193135,7 +192117,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR156C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06489" - name: "usage_prot_Q06489" @@ -193145,7 +192126,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR118W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06490" - name: "usage_prot_Q06490" @@ -193155,7 +192135,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR121W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06494" - name: "usage_prot_Q06494" @@ -193165,7 +192144,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR127W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06497" - name: "usage_prot_Q06497" @@ -193175,7 +192153,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR128C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06508" - name: "usage_prot_Q06508" @@ -193185,7 +192162,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR139C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06510" - name: "usage_prot_Q06510" @@ -193195,7 +192171,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR140W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06549" - name: "usage_prot_Q06549" @@ -193205,7 +192180,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR245C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06625" - name: "usage_prot_Q06625" @@ -193215,7 +192189,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR184W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06636" - name: "usage_prot_Q06636" @@ -193225,7 +192198,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR302W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06667" - name: "usage_prot_Q06667" @@ -193235,7 +192207,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR315C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06685" - name: "usage_prot_Q06685" @@ -193245,7 +192216,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR410W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06702" - name: "usage_prot_Q06702" @@ -193255,7 +192225,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR307W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06703" - name: "usage_prot_Q06703" @@ -193265,7 +192234,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR308W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06708" - name: "usage_prot_Q06708" @@ -193275,7 +192243,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR386W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06817" - name: "usage_prot_Q06817" @@ -193285,7 +192252,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR081C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q06892" - name: "usage_prot_Q06892" @@ -193295,7 +192261,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL188W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07471" - name: "usage_prot_Q07471" @@ -193305,7 +192270,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL080C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07500" - name: "usage_prot_Q07500" @@ -193315,7 +192279,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL085W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07540" - name: "usage_prot_Q07540" @@ -193325,7 +192288,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL120W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07560" - name: "usage_prot_Q07560" @@ -193335,7 +192297,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL142C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07648" - name: "usage_prot_Q07648" @@ -193345,7 +192306,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL219W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07729" - name: "usage_prot_Q07729" @@ -193355,7 +192315,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL238C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07747" - name: "usage_prot_Q07747" @@ -193365,7 +192324,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL243C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07786" - name: "usage_prot_Q07786" @@ -193375,7 +192333,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL246C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07804" - name: "usage_prot_Q07804" @@ -193385,7 +192342,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL012W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07824" - name: "usage_prot_Q07824" @@ -193395,7 +192351,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL028W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07830" - name: "usage_prot_Q07830" @@ -193405,7 +192360,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL031C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07923" - name: "usage_prot_Q07923" @@ -193415,7 +192369,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR011W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07938" - name: "usage_prot_Q07938" @@ -193425,7 +192378,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR017W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07950" - name: "usage_prot_Q07950" @@ -193435,7 +192387,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR020C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q07993" - name: "usage_prot_Q07993" @@ -193445,7 +192396,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR070C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08108" - name: "usage_prot_Q08108" @@ -193455,7 +192405,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL011W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08220" - name: "usage_prot_Q08220" @@ -193465,7 +192414,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL049W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08224" - name: "usage_prot_Q08224" @@ -193475,7 +192423,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL055C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08227" - name: "usage_prot_Q08227" @@ -193485,7 +192432,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL065C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08234" - name: "usage_prot_Q08234" @@ -193495,7 +192441,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL075C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08269" - name: "usage_prot_Q08269" @@ -193505,7 +192450,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL130W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08295" - name: "usage_prot_Q08295" @@ -193515,7 +192459,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL157C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08361" - name: "usage_prot_Q08361" @@ -193525,7 +192468,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL165C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08409" - name: "usage_prot_Q08409" @@ -193535,7 +192477,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR011W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08438" - name: "usage_prot_Q08438" @@ -193545,7 +192486,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR054C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08485" - name: "usage_prot_Q08485" @@ -193555,7 +192495,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR071C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08548" - name: "usage_prot_Q08548" @@ -193565,7 +192504,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR175C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08558" - name: "usage_prot_Q08558" @@ -193575,7 +192513,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR180C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08579" - name: "usage_prot_Q08579" @@ -193585,7 +192522,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR192C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08645" - name: "usage_prot_Q08645" @@ -193595,7 +192531,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR241W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08650" - name: "usage_prot_Q08650" @@ -193605,7 +192540,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR245C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08686" - name: "usage_prot_Q08686" @@ -193615,7 +192549,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR251C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08689" - name: "usage_prot_Q08689" @@ -193625,7 +192558,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR253W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08742" - name: "usage_prot_Q08742" @@ -193635,7 +192567,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR286W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08777" - name: "usage_prot_Q08777" @@ -193645,7 +192576,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR306C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08905" - name: "usage_prot_Q08905" @@ -193655,7 +192585,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR381W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08908" - name: "usage_prot_Q08908" @@ -193665,7 +192594,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR384W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08911" - name: "usage_prot_Q08911" @@ -193675,7 +192603,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR388C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08914" - name: "usage_prot_Q08914" @@ -193685,7 +192612,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR391C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08929" - name: "usage_prot_Q08929" @@ -193695,7 +192621,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL189W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08959" - name: "usage_prot_Q08959" @@ -193705,7 +192630,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL206C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08975" - name: "usage_prot_Q08975" @@ -193715,7 +192639,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL258C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08985" - name: "usage_prot_Q08985" @@ -193725,7 +192648,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL273W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08986" - name: "usage_prot_Q08986" @@ -193735,7 +192657,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL274W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q08992" - name: "usage_prot_Q08992" @@ -193745,7 +192666,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL280W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q10740" - name: "usage_prot_Q10740" @@ -193755,7 +192675,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YNL045W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12001" - name: "usage_prot_Q12001" @@ -193765,7 +192684,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR002W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12010" - name: "usage_prot_Q12010" @@ -193775,7 +192693,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL092W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12031" - name: "usage_prot_Q12031" @@ -193785,7 +192702,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR006C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12036" - name: "usage_prot_Q12036" @@ -193795,7 +192711,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL148C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12040" - name: "usage_prot_Q12040" @@ -193805,7 +192720,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR283W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12043" - name: "usage_prot_Q12043" @@ -193815,7 +192729,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR081C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12051" - name: "usage_prot_Q12051" @@ -193825,7 +192738,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL069C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12055" - name: "usage_prot_Q12055" @@ -193835,7 +192747,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL166C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12056" - name: "usage_prot_Q12056" @@ -193845,7 +192756,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR226C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12068" - name: "usage_prot_Q12068" @@ -193855,7 +192765,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL151W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12074" - name: "usage_prot_Q12074" @@ -193865,7 +192774,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR069C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12084" - name: "usage_prot_Q12084" @@ -193875,7 +192783,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR020C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12109" - name: "usage_prot_Q12109" @@ -193885,7 +192792,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL097C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12116" - name: "usage_prot_Q12116" @@ -193895,7 +192801,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR105C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12119" - name: "usage_prot_Q12119" @@ -193905,7 +192810,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YER060W-A" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12122" - name: "usage_prot_Q12122" @@ -193915,7 +192819,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL131W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12154" - name: "usage_prot_Q12154" @@ -193925,7 +192828,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL100C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12165" - name: "usage_prot_Q12165" @@ -193935,7 +192837,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL004W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12166" - name: "usage_prot_Q12166" @@ -193945,7 +192846,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR108W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12178" - name: "usage_prot_Q12178" @@ -193955,7 +192855,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR062W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12184" - name: "usage_prot_Q12184" @@ -193965,7 +192864,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL252C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12189" - name: "usage_prot_Q12189" @@ -193975,7 +192873,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR095C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12198" - name: "usage_prot_Q12198" @@ -193985,7 +192882,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL058W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12205" - name: "usage_prot_Q12205" @@ -193995,7 +192891,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR057W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12209" - name: "usage_prot_Q12209" @@ -194005,7 +192900,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR047C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12211" - name: "usage_prot_Q12211" @@ -194015,7 +192909,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL212C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12233" - name: "usage_prot_Q12233" @@ -194025,7 +192918,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR020W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12246" - name: "usage_prot_Q12246" @@ -194035,7 +192927,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR171C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12251" - name: "usage_prot_Q12251" @@ -194045,7 +192936,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR011C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12256" - name: "usage_prot_Q12256" @@ -194055,7 +192945,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR273C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12265" - name: "usage_prot_Q12265" @@ -194065,7 +192954,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL061W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12271" - name: "usage_prot_Q12271" @@ -194075,7 +192963,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR109W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12283" - name: "usage_prot_Q12283" @@ -194085,7 +192972,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR221C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12289" - name: "usage_prot_Q12289" @@ -194095,7 +192981,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR100C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12305" - name: "usage_prot_Q12305" @@ -194105,7 +192990,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR285W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12320" - name: "usage_prot_Q12320" @@ -194115,7 +192999,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR040W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12325" - name: "usage_prot_Q12325" @@ -194125,7 +193008,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR092W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12333" - name: "usage_prot_Q12333" @@ -194135,7 +193017,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL152W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12349" - name: "usage_prot_Q12349" @@ -194145,7 +193026,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR295C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12358" - name: "usage_prot_Q12358" @@ -194155,7 +193035,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL057C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12359" - name: "usage_prot_Q12359" @@ -194165,7 +193044,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR384C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12362" - name: "usage_prot_Q12362" @@ -194175,7 +193053,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL066C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12372" - name: "usage_prot_Q12372" @@ -194185,7 +193062,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL061W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12375" - name: "usage_prot_Q12375" @@ -194195,7 +193071,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR130C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12382" - name: "usage_prot_Q12382" @@ -194205,7 +193080,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR311C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12385" - name: "usage_prot_Q12385" @@ -194215,7 +193089,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR099C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12390" - name: "usage_prot_Q12390" @@ -194225,7 +193098,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL060C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12412" - name: "usage_prot_Q12412" @@ -194235,7 +193107,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR161C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12428" - name: "usage_prot_Q12428" @@ -194245,7 +193116,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR002W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12429" - name: "usage_prot_Q12429" @@ -194255,7 +193125,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR143W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12436" - name: "usage_prot_Q12436" @@ -194265,7 +193134,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR130C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12447" - name: "usage_prot_Q12447" @@ -194275,7 +193143,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR071C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12452" - name: "usage_prot_Q12452" @@ -194285,7 +193152,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR100W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12455" - name: "usage_prot_Q12455" @@ -194295,7 +193161,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR146C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12458" - name: "usage_prot_Q12458" @@ -194305,7 +193170,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR368W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12471" - name: "usage_prot_Q12471" @@ -194315,7 +193179,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOL136C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12473" - name: "usage_prot_Q12473" @@ -194325,7 +193188,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL051C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12482" - name: "usage_prot_Q12482" @@ -194335,7 +193197,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPR021C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12494" - name: "usage_prot_Q12494" @@ -194345,7 +193206,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR017C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12520" - name: "usage_prot_Q12520" @@ -194355,7 +193215,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YPL244C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12524" - name: "usage_prot_Q12524" @@ -194365,7 +193224,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR151C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12525" - name: "usage_prot_Q12525" @@ -194375,7 +193233,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL062C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12674" - name: "usage_prot_Q12674" @@ -194385,7 +193242,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR162C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12675" - name: "usage_prot_Q12675" @@ -194395,7 +193251,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR093W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12676" - name: "usage_prot_Q12676" @@ -194405,7 +193260,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YMR113W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12680" - name: "usage_prot_Q12680" @@ -194415,7 +193269,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL171C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12691" - name: "usage_prot_Q12691" @@ -194425,7 +193278,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR038C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q12746" - name: "usage_prot_Q12746" @@ -194435,7 +193287,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YML125C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q3E731" - name: "usage_prot_Q3E731" @@ -194445,7 +193296,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLL018C-A" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q3E790" - name: "usage_prot_Q3E790" @@ -194455,7 +193305,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YBR058C-A" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q3E7B6" - name: "usage_prot_Q3E7B6" @@ -194465,7 +193314,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YCL005W-A" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q99190" - name: "usage_prot_Q99190" @@ -194475,7 +193323,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDL015C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q99258" - name: "usage_prot_Q99258" @@ -194485,7 +193332,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR487C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q99271" - name: "usage_prot_Q99271" @@ -194495,7 +193341,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YLR138W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q99288" - name: "usage_prot_Q99288" @@ -194505,7 +193350,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YDR051C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q99297" - name: "usage_prot_Q99297" @@ -194515,7 +193359,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR222W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q99312" - name: "usage_prot_Q99312" @@ -194525,7 +193368,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR155C" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_Q99321" - name: "usage_prot_Q99321" @@ -194535,7 +193377,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "YOR163W" - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "prot_pool_exchange" - name: "prot_pool_exchange" @@ -194543,7 +193384,6 @@ - prot_pool: -1 - lower_bound: -125 - upper_bound: 0 - - subsystem: - !!omap - id: "usage_prot_standard" - name: "usage_prot_standard" @@ -194553,7 +193393,6 @@ - lower_bound: -1000 - upper_bound: 0 - gene_reaction_rule: "standard" - - subsystem: - genes: - !!omap - id: "Q0045" diff --git a/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/crabtree.pdf b/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/crabtree.pdf index e944ec61e..6ee15715a 100644 Binary files a/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/crabtree.pdf and b/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/crabtree.pdf differ diff --git a/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/crabtree_infProt.pdf b/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/crabtree_infProt.pdf index 01a7f1184..df2de5129 100644 Binary files a/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/crabtree_infProt.pdf and b/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/crabtree_infProt.pdf differ diff --git a/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/crabtree_preStep33.pdf b/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/crabtree_preStep33.pdf index 1187924eb..67eedb057 100644 Binary files a/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/crabtree_preStep33.pdf and b/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/crabtree_preStep33.pdf differ diff --git a/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/ecFVA.pdf b/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/ecFVA.pdf index ad331cc81..8a4dff8e2 100644 Binary files a/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/ecFVA.pdf and b/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/ecFVA.pdf differ diff --git a/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/ecFVA.tsv b/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/ecFVA.tsv index 547a2ba48..7a0f81318 100644 --- a/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/ecFVA.tsv +++ b/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/ecFVA.tsv @@ -1,465 +1,465 @@ rxnIDs rxnNames minFlux maxFlux ec-minFlux ec-maxFlux ecP-minFlux ecP-maxFlux -r_0001 (R)-lactate:ferricytochrome-c 2-oxidoreductase 0 3.05474 0 7.15085 0 0.0620787 -r_0002 (R)-lactate:ferricytochrome-c 2-oxidoreductase 0 3.05474 0 3.88184 0 0.0662879 -r_0003 (R,R)-butanediol dehydrogenase -1.18697 0 0 0 0 -0.0344532 -r_0004 (S)-lactate:ferricytochrome-c 2-oxidoreductase 0 2.64792 0 2.64792 0 0.0725995 -r_0005 1,3-beta-glucan synthase 0 0.0658693 0 0.197608 0.0262429 0.0997248 -r_0006 1,6-beta-glucan synthase 0 0.0220081 0 0.0440161 0 0.0441856 -r_0007 1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-5-[(5-phosphoribosylamino)methylideneamino)imidazole-4-carboxamide isomerase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0.00670183 0.00715068 +r_0001 (R)-lactate:ferricytochrome-c 2-oxidoreductase 0 3.05474 0 7.15085 0 5.12887 +r_0002 (R)-lactate:ferricytochrome-c 2-oxidoreductase 0 3.05474 0 3.88184 0 3.05196 +r_0003 (R,R)-butanediol dehydrogenase -1.18697 0 0 0 -0.0685698 0 +r_0004 (S)-lactate:ferricytochrome-c 2-oxidoreductase 0 2.64792 0 3.65625 0 0.383662 +r_0005 1,3-beta-glucan synthase 0 0.0658693 0 0.197608 0 0.105496 +r_0006 1,6-beta-glucan synthase 0 0.0220081 0 0.0440161 0 0.0440161 +r_0007 1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-5-[(5-phosphoribosylamino)methylideneamino)imidazole-4-carboxamide isomerase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0 0.0236143 r_0012 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase 0 3.0082 0 2.7619 0 0.0176738 -r_0013 2,3-diketo-5-methylthio-1-phosphopentane degradation reaction 0 0.748628 0 0.748628 1.672e-05 0.000160873 -r_0014 2,5-diamino-6-ribitylamino-4(3H)-pyrimidinone 5'-phosphate deaminase 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 8.8e-05 8.86775e-05 -r_0015 2,5-diamino-6-ribosylamino-4(3H)-pyrimidinone 5'-phosphate reductase (NADPH) 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 8.8e-05 8.86775e-05 -r_0016 2-aceto-2-hydroxybutanoate synthase -8.63713e-12 0.880729 0 1.76146 0 0.0640419 -r_0017 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.62216e-06 -r_0018 2-aminoadipate transaminase 0 0.747676 0 1.49535 0 0.0580829 -r_0019 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase 0 0.449078 0 0.449078 1.672e-05 0.000160873 -r_0020 2-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthetase 0 0.919355 0 1.57973 0 0.0745531 +r_0013 2,3-diketo-5-methylthio-1-phosphopentane degradation reaction 0 0.748628 -1.11945e-13 0.748628 0 0.000160873 +r_0014 2,5-diamino-6-ribitylamino-4(3H)-pyrimidinone 5'-phosphate deaminase 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 +r_0015 2,5-diamino-6-ribosylamino-4(3H)-pyrimidinone 5'-phosphate reductase (NADPH) 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 +r_0016 2-aceto-2-hydroxybutanoate synthase -1.13687e-12 0.880729 -1.11945e-13 1.76146 -1.838e-12 1.14194 +r_0017 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 +r_0018 2-aminoadipate transaminase 0 0.747676 0 0.776607 0 0.125297 +r_0019 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase 0 0.449078 0 0.449078 0 0.000160873 +r_0020 2-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthetase 0 0.919355 0 1.81754 0 0.0745531 r_0021 2-hexaprenyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0022 2-hexaprenyl-6-methoxyphenol monooxygenase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0023 2-isopropylmalate hydratase -0.823436 0 0 -0.823436 -0.0299611 -0.0553925 -r_0024 2-isopropylmalate synthase 0 0.821474 0 1.36209 0 0.0777719 -r_0025 2-isopropylmalate synthase 0 0.819952 0 0.819952 0 0.0553925 -r_0026 2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate transamination 0 0.748628 0 2.9166 0 0.000643492 -r_0027 2-methylcitrate dehydratase 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0.0289301 0.0291528 +r_0023 2-isopropylmalate hydratase -0.823436 9.09495e-13 -0.823436 0 -0.0860304 0 +r_0024 2-isopropylmalate synthase 0 0.821474 0 1.36209 -9.57678e-13 0.664339 +r_0025 2-isopropylmalate synthase 0 0.819952 -5.23596e-13 0.819952 0 0.0301918 +r_0026 2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate transamination 0 0.748628 0 2.58857 0 0.000643492 +r_0027 2-methylcitrate dehydratase 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0 0.00961993 r_0028 2-methylcitrate synthase 0 1.08121 0 0.543718 0 0.0184808 -r_0029 2-oxo-4-methyl-3-carboxypentanoate decarboxylation 0 0.823436 0 0.823436 0.0299611 0.0553925 +r_0029 2-oxo-4-methyl-3-carboxypentanoate decarboxylation 0 0.823436 0 0.823436 0 0.0860304 r_0030 2-oxo-4-methyl-3-carboxypentanoate decarboxylation 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0032 3',5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase 0 3.02955 -1.02544e-12 3.01827 0.00536006 0.0432141 -r_0033 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 +r_0032 3',5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase 0 3.02955 0 3.01827 0 0.073782 +r_0033 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 4.34697 r_0034 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0035 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0036 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0037 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0038 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase 0 0.000176 0 0.000176 0.000176 0.000177355 -r_0039 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase 0 0.919355 0 0.910486 0.0369917 0.0372765 -r_0040 3-dehydroquinate synthase 0 0.919355 0 0.910486 0.0369917 0.0372765 +r_0037 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 0 1.17403e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_0038 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase 0 0.000176 0 0.000176 0 0.000176 +r_0039 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase 0 0.919355 0 0.910486 0 0.0372765 +r_0040 3-dehydroquinate synthase 0 0.919355 0 0.910486 0 0.0372765 r_0041 3-dehydrosphinganine reductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0042 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthetase 0 0.899303 0 0.975991 0 0.0372765 +r_0042 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthetase 0 0.899303 0 0.975999 0 0.0745531 r_0043 3-hexaprenyl-4,5-dihydroxybenzoate hydroxylase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0044 3-hexaprenyl-4-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzoate decarboxylase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0045 3-hydroxy-L-kynurenine hydrolase 0 0.136646 -6.82137e-13 0.136646 0.0102698 0.0103489 -r_0057 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxotetradecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.325449 0 0.00371775 -r_0058 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase 0 0.136646 0 0.136646 0.0102698 0.0103489 +r_0045 3-hydroxy-L-kynurenine hydrolase 0 0.136646 0 0.136646 0 0.0103448 +r_0057 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxotetradecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.325449 0 0.0300153 +r_0058 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase 0 0.136646 0 0.136646 0 0.0103448 r_0059 3-isopropylmalate 3-methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0060 3-isopropylmalate dehydratase -0.823436 0 0 -0.823436 -0.0299611 -0.0553925 -r_0061 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase 0 0.823436 0 0.823436 0.0299611 0.0553925 -r_0062 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate decarboxylase 0 1.1 0 2.72357 0 0.0992069 -r_0063 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase 0 0.449078 -6.82167e-13 0.449078 1.672e-05 0.000160873 -r_0064 3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate decarboxylase -8.63713e-12 0.880729 0 2.76901 0 0.0753768 -r_0065 3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase 0 0.919355 0 0.910486 0.0369917 0.0372765 -r_0066 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate synthase 0 0.711662 0 0.0835106 5.5792e-06 5.88491e-06 -r_0067 4-aminobenzoate synthase 0 0.711662 0 0.0835106 5.5792e-06 5.88491e-06 -r_0068 4-aminobutyrate transaminase 0 1.83712 0 1.83712 1.056e-07 0.0616887 +r_0060 3-isopropylmalate dehydratase -0.823436 9.09495e-13 -0.823436 0 -0.0860304 0 +r_0061 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase 0 0.823436 0 0.823436 0 0.0860304 +r_0062 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate decarboxylase 0 1.1 0 2.72357 0 1.3945 +r_0063 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase 0 0.449078 0 0.449078 0 0.000160873 +r_0064 3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate decarboxylase -1.13687e-12 0.880729 -1.11945e-13 2.66334 -1.838e-12 2.18669 +r_0065 3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase 0 0.919355 0 0.910486 0 0.0372765 +r_0066 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate synthase 0 0.711662 0 0.0835106 0 5.88491e-06 +r_0067 4-aminobenzoate synthase 0 0.711662 0 0.0835106 0 5.88491e-06 +r_0068 4-aminobutyrate transaminase 0 1.83712 0 1.83712 0 0.0616887 r_0069 4-hydroxy-L-threonine synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0070 4-hydroxybenzoate formation 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0072 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate decarboxylase 0 0.823436 0 0.823436 0 0.0254313 +r_0072 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate decarboxylase 0 0.823436 0 0.823436 0 0.0860304 r_0073 4PP-IP5 depyrophosphorylation to IP6 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0074 4PP-IP5 pyrophosphorylation to 4,5-PP2-IP4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0075 5'-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase 0 0.748628 0 0.748628 1.672e-05 0.000160873 -r_0076 5'-nucleotidase (CMP) -3.52429e-12 8.26706 0 8.26712 0 0.081435 -r_0077 5'-nucleotidase (IMP) -5.59908e-12 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0078 5'-nucleotidase (UMP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 -4.6553e-12 0.0818838 -r_0079 5'-phosphoribosylformyl glycinamidine synthetase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0.0187472 0.0191961 -r_0080 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NADPH) 0 1.56896 0 1.10988 0 0.0546172 -r_0081 5-aminolevulinate synthase 0 7.04e-07 0 7.04e-07 7.04e-07 7.0942e-07 -r_0082 5-diphosphoinositol-1,2,3,4,6-pentakisphosphate diphosphohydrolase 0 8.26706 0 0.111591 0 0.0527083 -r_0083 5-diphosphoinositol-1,2,3,4,6-pentakisphosphate synthase 0 8.26706 0 0.111591 0 0.0527083 +r_0075 5'-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase 0 0.748628 -1.11945e-13 0.748628 0 0.000160873 +r_0076 5'-nucleotidase (CMP) -2.27374e-12 8.26706 0 8.27217 0 8.10385 +r_0077 5'-nucleotidase (IMP) 0 8.26706 -2.20466e-11 8.26706 0 1.0971 +r_0078 5'-nucleotidase (UMP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 16.1158 +r_0079 5'-phosphoribosylformyl glycinamidine synthetase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0 0.0459804 +r_0080 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NADPH) 0 1.56896 0 1.08296 0 0.0546172 +r_0081 5-aminolevulinate synthase 0 7.04e-07 0 7.04e-07 0 7.04e-07 +r_0082 5-diphosphoinositol-1,2,3,4,6-pentakisphosphate diphosphohydrolase 0 8.26706 0 0.111591 0 0.0993985 +r_0083 5-diphosphoinositol-1,2,3,4,6-pentakisphosphate synthase 0 8.26706 0 0.111591 0 0.0993985 r_0084 5-formethyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0085 5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate-homocysteine S-methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0086 5-methylthio-5-deoxy-D-ribulose 1-phosphate dehydratase 0 0.748628 0 0.748628 1.672e-05 0.000160873 -r_0087 5-methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase 0 0.748628 0 0.748628 1.672e-05 0.000160873 +r_0086 5-methylthio-5-deoxy-D-ribulose 1-phosphate dehydratase 0 0.748628 -1.11945e-13 0.748628 0 0.000160873 +r_0087 5-methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase 0 0.748628 -1.11945e-13 0 0 0 r_0088 5PP-IP5 pyrophosphorylation to 4,5-PP2-IP4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0089 5PP-IP5 pyrophosphorylation to 5,6-PP2-IP4 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0.00793136 +r_0089 5PP-IP5 pyrophosphorylation to 5,6-PP2-IP4 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0.0327861 r_0090 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase 0 8.26706 0 16.5341 0 0.0298802 -r_0091 6-phosphogluconolactonase 0 4.4872 -1.81909e-12 8.9744 0.619614 0.978497 +r_0091 6-phosphogluconolactonase 0 4.4872 -3.6382e-13 7.78952 0 1.04469 r_0092 6PP-IP5 depyrophosphorylation to IP6 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0093 6PP-IP5 pyrophosphorylation to 5,6-PP2-IP4 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0094 8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0095 acetaldehyde condensation 0 1.18697 0 3.4737 0 0.0980271 -r_0096 acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase 0 1.1 0 1.1 0.0567245 0.0897935 -r_0097 acetolactate synthase 0 1.1 0 2.2 0 0.171949 +r_0095 acetaldehyde condensation 0 1.18697 0 3.47383 0 2.22267 +r_0096 acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase 0 1.1 0 1.1 0 0.638853 +r_0097 acetolactate synthase 0 1.1 0 1.71313 0 1.27755 r_0099 acetyl-CoA ACP transacylase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0100 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (palmitoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.285194 0 0.00391083 +r_0100 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (palmitoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.285194 0 0.0265367 r_0101 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (tetracosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 -r_0102 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (myristoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.326322 0 0.00398947 -r_0103 acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase -0.666675 0.768713 0 0 0 4.61564e-05 -r_0104 acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase 0 0.789781 0 0 0 0.00337291 -r_0105 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (lauroyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.325449 0 0.00371775 -r_0106 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (octanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293288 0 0.274549 0 0.0031978 -r_0107 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (decanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293344 0 0.277423 0 0.00334785 +r_0102 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (myristoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.326322 0 0.0302354 +r_0103 acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase -0.666675 0.768713 0 0 0 6.10104e-13 +r_0104 acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase 0 0.789781 0 0 -8.0765e-13 0 +r_0105 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (lauroyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.325449 0 0.0300153 +r_0106 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (octanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293288 0 0.274549 -9.64266e-12 0.0148708 +r_0107 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (decanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293344 0 0.277423 -9.64266e-12 0.0296822 r_0108 acetyl-Coa carboxylase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0109 acetyl-CoA carboxylase, reaction 0 2.08113 0 2.03563 0.104189 0.132036 -r_0111 acetyl-CoA hydrolase 0 4.43288 0 4.43288 0 0.081435 -r_0112 acetyl-CoA synthetase 0 5.14468 0 10.2894 0 0.381546 -r_0113 acetyl-CoA synthetase -1.13953e-12 8.16715 0 8.16715 0 0.081435 -r_0114 acetyl-CoA synthetase nuclear 0 0 0 1.49445e-12 0 0 -r_0115 acetylglutamate kinase 0 2.63892 0 1.16668 0.0162441 0.0165615 +r_0109 acetyl-CoA carboxylase, reaction 0 2.08113 0 2.03563 0 0.207776 +r_0111 acetyl-CoA hydrolase 0 4.43288 0 4.43288 -1.84597e-12 0.172845 +r_0112 acetyl-CoA synthetase 0 5.14468 0 10.2894 -1.838e-12 2.58926 +r_0113 acetyl-CoA synthetase -1.13953e-12 8.16715 0 8.16715 -9.32155e-10 0.43898 +r_0114 acetyl-CoA synthetase nuclear 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0115 acetylglutamate kinase 0 2.63892 -1.11945e-13 1.16668 0 0.0165615 r_0116 acid phosphatase (secreted) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0117 aconitase 0 1.08121 0 0.543718 0 0.0184808 -r_0118 acteylornithine transaminase 0 2.63892 0 1.16668 0.0162441 0.0165615 -r_0119 acyl carrier protein synthase 0 2.48012 -5.86087e-13 0.728991 0 0.0151302 -r_0120 acyl-CoA oxidase (decanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293288 0 0.274549 -7.51781e-13 0.0031978 -r_0121 acyl-CoA oxidase (dodecanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293344 0 0.277423 0 0.00334785 +r_0118 acteylornithine transaminase 0 2.63892 -1.11945e-13 1.16668 0 0.0165615 +r_0119 acyl carrier protein synthase 0 2.48012 0 0.728991 0 0.086902 +r_0120 acyl-CoA oxidase (decanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293288 0 0.274549 -9.64266e-12 0.00997849 +r_0121 acyl-CoA oxidase (dodecanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293344 0 0.277423 -9.64266e-12 0.0296822 r_0122 acyl-CoA oxidase (hexacosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 -r_0123 acyl-CoA oxidase (hexadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.326322 0 0.00398947 -r_0124 acyl-CoA oxidase (octadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.285194 0 0.00391083 -r_0125 acyl-CoA oxidase (tetradecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.325449 0 0.00371775 +r_0123 acyl-CoA oxidase (hexadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.326322 0 0.0302354 +r_0124 acyl-CoA oxidase (octadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.285194 0 0.0265367 +r_0125 acyl-CoA oxidase (tetradecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.325449 0 0.0300153 r_0126 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (oleoyl-CoA:episterol), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 -r_0127 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (oleoyl-CoA:ergosterol), ER membrane -2.84217e-12 4.90029 0 0.0243699 0 0.00996474 +r_0127 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (oleoyl-CoA:ergosterol), ER membrane -9.14446e-12 4.90029 0 0.0243699 0 0.0207528 r_0128 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (oleoyl-CoA:fecosterol), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 -r_0129 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (oleoyl-CoA:lanosterol), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.0222806 0 0.00407645 +r_0129 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (oleoyl-CoA:lanosterol), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.0222806 0 0.0198462 r_0130 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (oleoyl-CoA:zymosterol), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_0131 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (palmitoleoyl-CoA:episterol), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 -r_0132 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (palmitoleoyl-CoA:ergosterol), ER membrane -3.41061e-12 4.90029 0 0 0 -3.80125 +r_0132 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (palmitoleoyl-CoA:ergosterol), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0 -0.00465874 0 r_0133 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (palmitoleoyl-CoA:fecosterol), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_0134 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (palmitoleoyl-CoA:lanosterol), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_0135 acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (palmitoleoyl-CoA:zymosterol), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_0137 acylation of GPI inositol at 2 position, GPI-anchor assembly, step 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0138 adenine deaminase 0 0.67072 0 0.67072 0 0.000160873 -r_0139 adenine phosphoribosyltransferase 0 0.748628 0 1.49726 -1.9459e-12 0.000321746 +r_0138 adenine deaminase 0 0.67072 -1.11945e-13 0.67072 0 0.000160873 +r_0139 adenine phosphoribosyltransferase 0 0.748628 0 1.49726 0 0.000321746 r_0140 adenosine deaminase 0 3.54302 0 3.54302 0 0.00821445 -r_0142 adenosine kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0.00405243 0.0937657 -r_0143 adenosine monophosphate deaminase -5.59908e-12 5.38168 0 5.38168 0 0.055072 -r_0144 adenosylhomocysteinase 0 3.10015 0 2.92109 0.0122669 0.0410762 -r_0145 adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 0 0.748628 0 0.748628 1.672e-05 0.000160873 +r_0142 adenosine kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.446985 +r_0143 adenosine monophosphate deaminase 0 5.38168 -2.20466e-11 5.38168 0 0.0762971 +r_0144 adenosylhomocysteinase 0 3.10015 0 2.92109 0 0.251375 +r_0145 adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 0 0.748628 -1.11945e-13 0.748628 0 0.000160873 r_0146 adenosylmethionine-8-amino-7-oxononanoate transaminase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0147 adenylate cyclase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 -r_0148 adenylate kinase 0 8.26706 -1.02544e-12 16.5341 0 1.45051 -r_0149 adenylate kinase 0 8.16715 0 8.16715 0 0.081435 +r_0147 adenylate cyclase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 4.34697 +r_0148 adenylate kinase -5.73648e-12 8.26706 0 16.5341 -1.4576e-12 10.2428 +r_0149 adenylate kinase 0 8.16715 0 8.16715 0 0.438985 r_0150 adenylate kinase (GTP) 0 6.12537 0 6.12537 0 0.0415949 -r_0151 adenylosuccinate lyase (AICAR) 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0.0187471 0.019196 -r_0152 adenylosuccinate lyase 0 5.38168 0 5.38168 0.0212251 0.0762971 -r_0153 adenylosuccinate synthase 0 5.38168 0 5.38168 0.0212251 0.0762971 -r_0154 adenylyl-sulfate kinase 0 2.98243 -1.02544e-12 2.98243 0.00580891 0.0432141 +r_0151 adenylosuccinate lyase (AICAR) 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0 0.0459804 +r_0152 adenylosuccinate lyase 0 5.38168 0 5.38168 0 0.045793 +r_0153 adenylosuccinate synthase 0 5.38168 0 5.38168 0 0.0762971 +r_0154 adenylyl-sulfate kinase 0 2.98243 0 2.98243 0 0.0544392 r_0155 ADP-ribose 2,3-cyclic phosphodiesterase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0156 alanine glyoxylate aminotransferase 0 2.61825 0 2.61825 0 0.0598267 -r_0157 alanyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0463771 0 0.0463771 0.0463771 0.0467342 -r_0158 alcohol acetyltransferase (2-methylbutanol) 0 0.64532 0 0.64532 0 0.0356022 -r_0159 alcohol acetyltransferase (ethanol) 0 4.92696 0 2.13462 0 0.0469665 -r_0160 alcohol acetyltransferase (isoamyl alcohol) 0 4.90029 0 1.60094 0 0.0444191 -r_0161 alcohol acetyltransferase (isobutyl alcohol) 0 4.90029 0 1.80919 0 0.0888382 -r_0162 alcohol acetyltransferase (phenylethanol alcohol) 0 0.493215 0 0.493215 0 0.000284804 -r_0163 alcohol dehydrogenase (ethanol to acetaldehyde) 0 1000 0 1000 0 757.048 -r_0164 alcohol dehydrogenase (glycerol, NADP) 0 9.28813e-13 0 0 0 0 -r_0165 mitochondrial alcohol dehydrogenase 0 1000 -1.36433e-12 18.5138 0 8.49862 -r_0166 aldehyde dehydrogenase (2-methylbutanol, NAD) -8.63713e-12 0.846702 0 1.52935 0 0.0411873 -r_0167 aldehyde dehydrogenase (2-methylbutanol, NAD) 0 0.846702 0 1.6934 0 0.0467724 -r_0168 aldehyde dehydrogenase (2-methylbutanol, NADP) 0 0.82434 0 0.850854 0 0.0231263 -r_0169 aldehyde dehydrogenase (2-phenylethanol, NAD) 0 0.600565 0 1.21368 0 0.000777648 -r_0170 aldehyde dehydrogenase (2-phenylethanol, NAD) 0 0.600565 0 1.20113 0 0.000569608 -r_0171 aldehyde dehydrogenase (2-phenylethanol, NADP) 0 0.594732 0 0.594732 0 0.000284804 -r_0172 aldehyde dehydrogenase (3-aminopropanal, NAD) 0 0.748628 0 1.50094 0 0.000482619 -r_0173 aldehyde dehydrogenase (acetaldehyde, NADP) -4.32016e-12 3.44516 0 3.44516 0 0.206835 -r_0174 aldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylaldehyde, NAD) 0 2.66254 0 2.66254 0 0.0846995 -r_0175 aldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylaldehyde, NADP) 0 1.76995 0 1.08396 0 0.0926074 +r_0156 alanine glyoxylate aminotransferase 0 2.61825 0 2.61825 0 0.259807 +r_0157 alanyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0463771 0 0.0463771 0 0.0463771 +r_0158 alcohol acetyltransferase (2-methylbutanol) 0 0.64532 0 0.64532 0 0.793202 +r_0159 alcohol acetyltransferase (ethanol) 0 4.92696 0 1.88705 -1.83031e-12 2.03644 +r_0160 alcohol acetyltransferase (isoamyl alcohol) 0 4.90029 0 1.60094 0 0.585471 +r_0161 alcohol acetyltransferase (isobutyl alcohol) 0 4.90029 0 1.80919 0 1.46215 +r_0162 alcohol acetyltransferase (phenylethanol alcohol) 0 0.493215 0 0.493241 0 0.0372765 +r_0163 alcohol dehydrogenase (ethanol to acetaldehyde) 0 1000 0 1000 0 1000 +r_0164 alcohol dehydrogenase (glycerol, NADP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0165 mitochondrial alcohol dehydrogenase 0 1000 -1.67917e-13 18.5138 0 10.0943 +r_0166 aldehyde dehydrogenase (2-methylbutanol, NAD) -1.13687e-12 0.846702 -1.11945e-13 1.53381 0 1.93194 +r_0167 aldehyde dehydrogenase (2-methylbutanol, NAD) 0 0.846702 0 1.6934 -1.838e-12 1.0987 +r_0168 aldehyde dehydrogenase (2-methylbutanol, NADP) 0 0.82434 0 0.82434 0 0.823116 +r_0169 aldehyde dehydrogenase (2-phenylethanol, NAD) 0 0.600565 0 1.20113 0 0.11183 +r_0170 aldehyde dehydrogenase (2-phenylethanol, NAD) 0 0.600565 0 1.20113 0 0.0745531 +r_0171 aldehyde dehydrogenase (2-phenylethanol, NADP) 0 0.594732 0 0.594732 0 0.0372765 +r_0172 aldehyde dehydrogenase (3-aminopropanal, NAD) 0 0.748628 0 1.49727 0 0.000482619 +r_0173 aldehyde dehydrogenase (acetaldehyde, NADP) -1.74305e-12 3.44516 -1.81932e-12 3.44516 -1.09224e-12 1.69795 +r_0174 aldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylaldehyde, NAD) 0 2.66254 0 2.66254 0 0.253853 +r_0175 aldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylaldehyde, NADP) 0 1.76995 0 1.08396 0 0.261761 r_0176 aldehyde dehydrogenase (indole-3-acetaldehyde, NAD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0177 aldehyde dehydrogenase (indole-3-acetaldehyde, NADP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0178 aldehyde dehydrogenase (indole-3-acetaldehyde, NADP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0179 aldehyde dehydrogenase (isoamyl alcohol, NAD) 0 0.802991 0 0.871606 0 0.0238727 -r_0180 aldehyde dehydrogenase (isoamyl alcohol, NAD) 0 0.802991 0 1.39701 0 0.0238727 -r_0181 aldehyde dehydrogenase (isoamyl alcohol, NADP) 0 0.787546 0 0.845594 0 0.0234936 -r_0182 aldehyde dehydrogenase (isobutyl alcohol, NAD) 0 1.1 0 2.84395 0 0.0524503 -r_0183 aldehyde dehydrogenase (isobutyl alcohol, NAD) 0 1.1 0 2.2 0 0.0307247 -r_0184 aldehyde dehydrogenase (isobutyl alcohol, NADP) 0 1.08759 0 1.08759 0 0.0301617 +r_0179 aldehyde dehydrogenase (isoamyl alcohol, NAD) 0 0.802991 0 0.871151 0 0.180322 +r_0180 aldehyde dehydrogenase (isoamyl alcohol, NAD) 0 0.802991 0 1.41612 0 0.116222 +r_0181 aldehyde dehydrogenase (isoamyl alcohol, NADP) 0 0.787546 0 0.855723 0 0.0860304 +r_0182 aldehyde dehydrogenase (isobutyl alcohol, NAD) 0 1.1 0 3.3 0 1.62865 +r_0183 aldehyde dehydrogenase (isobutyl alcohol, NAD) 0 1.1 0 2.2 0 1.217 +r_0184 aldehyde dehydrogenase (isobutyl alcohol, NADP) 0 1.08759 0 1.08759 0 0.608501 r_0185 aldehyde dehydrogenase (phenylacetaldehyde, NAD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0186 aldehyde dehydrogenase (tryptophol, NAD) 0 0.469302 0 0.469302 0 0.000101171 -r_0187 aldehyde dehydrogenase (tryptophol, NAD) 0 0.469302 0 0.469302 0 0.000202342 -r_0188 alkaline phosphatase (dihydroneopterin) 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.62216e-06 +r_0186 aldehyde dehydrogenase (tryptophol, NAD) 0 0.469302 0 0.469302 0 0.0397252 +r_0187 aldehyde dehydrogenase (tryptophol, NAD) -2.19991e-12 0.469302 0 0.938605 0 0.0264835 +r_0188 alkaline phosphatase (dihydroneopterin) 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 r_0189 allantoate amidinohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0190 allantoinase, reaction 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0191 allophanate hydrolase 0 1.37784 0 1.37784 0 0.0010613 r_0192 alpha 1,2-mannosyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0193 alpha,alpha-trehalase 0 3.10015 0 2.5748 0 0.0287418 -r_0194 alpha,alpha-trehalase 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.0287418 -r_0195 alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase (UDP-forming) 0 3.10015 0 6.20029 0 0.08182 +r_0193 alpha,alpha-trehalase 0 3.10015 0 2.5748 0 1.14445 +r_0194 alpha,alpha-trehalase 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.572225 +r_0195 alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase (UDP-forming) 0 3.10015 0 5.67495 0 0.906139 r_0198 alpha-glucosidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0199 amidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0200 Aminoacetone:oxygen oxidoreductase(deaminating)(flavin-containing) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0201 Aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase 0 8.07252 0 8.07252 0 0.127049 -r_0202 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase 0 1.27284 0 1.27284 0.0131406 0.0132417 -r_0203 anthranilate synthase 0 0.481719 0 0.481719 0.0131406 0.0132417 -r_0204 Ap4A hydrolase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_0200 Aminoacetone:oxygen oxidoreductase(deaminating)(flavin-containing) 0 0 0 0 0 9.55902e-13 +r_0201 Aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase 0 8.07252 0 8.07252 0 3.48038 +r_0202 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase -2.19991e-12 1.27284 0 1.27284 0 0.0132417 +r_0203 anthranilate synthase -2.19991e-12 0.481719 0 0.481719 0 0.0132417 +r_0204 Ap4A hydrolase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 r_0205 arabinose reductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0206 arginase 0 1.70782 0 1.70782 0 0.0010613 -r_0207 argininosuccinate lyase 0 1.70782 0 0 0.0162441 0.0176228 -r_0208 argininosuccinate synthase 0 1.70782 0 1.70782 0.0162441 0.0176228 -r_0209 arginyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0162441 0 0.0162441 0.0162441 0.0163692 +r_0206 arginase -4.19057e-12 1.70782 0 1.70782 0 0.0010613 +r_0207 argininosuccinate lyase -4.20641e-12 1.70782 0 0 0 0.00881141 +r_0208 argininosuccinate synthase -4.20641e-12 1.70782 0 1.70782 0 0.00881141 +r_0209 arginyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0162441 0 0.0162441 0 0.0162441 r_0210 arginyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0211 asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) 0 3.10015 0 6.20029 0 0.0603648 -r_0212 Asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0102802 0 0.0102802 0.0102802 0.0103593 +r_0211 asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) 0 3.10015 0 6.20029 0 0.0653163 +r_0212 Asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0102802 0 0.0102802 0 0.0102802 r_0213 asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase, miotchondrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0214 aspartate carbamoyltransferase 0 0.625024 0 0.625024 0.00943961 0.00988846 -r_0215 aspartate kinase 0 2.45217 0 2.45217 0.0244724 0.0621027 -r_0216 aspartate transaminase -5.57611 1000 0 0 0 -0.159691 -r_0217 aspartate transaminase 0 1000 0 10.4199 0 1.65605 -r_0218 aspartate transaminase -1.142 0.501778 0 -0.838397 0 -0.0167108 -r_0219 aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0 2.45217 0 2.45217 0.0244724 0.0621027 -r_0220 Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0300723 0 0.0300723 0.0300723 0.0303039 +r_0214 aspartate carbamoyltransferase 0 0.625024 0 0.625024 -3.23597e-12 0.014191 +r_0215 aspartate kinase 0 2.45217 -2.23889e-13 2.45217 -1.838e-12 0.728981 +r_0216 aspartate transaminase -5.57611 1000 0 8.17554e-13 3.23597e-12 0.281495 +r_0217 aspartate transaminase 0 1000 0 10.4199 0 1.46803 +r_0218 aspartate transaminase -1.142 0.501778 -0.838397 0 0 0 +r_0219 aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0 2.45217 -2.23889e-13 2.45217 -1.838e-12 0.728981 +r_0220 Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0300723 0 0.0300723 0 0.0300723 r_0221 Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0222 ATP adenylyltransferase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_0222 ATP adenylyltransferase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 r_0223 ATP adenylyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0224 ATP adenylyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0225 ATP phosphoribosyltransferase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0.00670183 0.00715068 -r_0226 ATP synthase 0 11.845 0 11.4023 6.45511 6.60889 -r_0227 ATPase, cytosolic 0 8.28694 0 24.8211 0 0.193305 +r_0225 ATP phosphoribosyltransferase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0 0.0236143 +r_0226 ATP synthase 0 11.845 0 11.4023 0 6.57536 +r_0227 ATPase, cytosolic 0 8.28694 0 24.8211 0 8.26339 r_0228 beta-1,4 mannosyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0229 biotin synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0230 biotin-[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0231 C-14 sterol reductase 0 0.115824 0 0.11406 0.00324521 0.0032702 +r_0231 C-14 sterol reductase -9.09495e-13 0.115824 0 0.11406 0 0.0032702 r_0233 C-22 sterol desaturase (NADP) 0 0.0443089 0 0.0393188 0 0.000292703 -r_0234 C-3 sterol dehydrogenase 0 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0.00324521 0.0032702 -r_0235 C-3 sterol dehydrogenase (4-methylzymosterol) 0 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0.00324521 0.0032702 -r_0236 C-3 sterol keto reductase (4-methylzymosterol) 0 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0.00324521 0.0032702 -r_0237 C-3 sterol keto reductase (zymosterol) 0 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0.00324521 0.0032702 -r_0238 C-4 methyl sterol oxidase 0 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0.00324521 0.0032702 -r_0239 C-4 methyl sterol oxidase 0 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0.00324521 0.0032702 -r_0240 C-4 methyl sterol oxidase 0 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0.00324521 0.0032702 -r_0241 C-4 sterol methyl oxidase (4,4-dimethylzymosterol) 0 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0.00324521 0.0032702 +r_0234 C-3 sterol dehydrogenase -9.09495e-13 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0 0.0032702 +r_0235 C-3 sterol dehydrogenase (4-methylzymosterol) -9.09495e-13 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0 0.0032702 +r_0236 C-3 sterol keto reductase (4-methylzymosterol) -9.09495e-13 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0 0.0032702 +r_0237 C-3 sterol keto reductase (zymosterol) -9.09495e-13 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0 0.0032702 +r_0238 C-4 methyl sterol oxidase -9.09495e-13 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0 0.0032702 +r_0239 C-4 methyl sterol oxidase -9.09495e-13 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0 0.0032702 +r_0240 C-4 methyl sterol oxidase -9.09495e-13 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0 0.0032702 +r_0241 C-4 sterol methyl oxidase (4,4-dimethylzymosterol) -9.09495e-13 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0 0.0032702 r_0242 C-5 sterol desaturase 0 0.0443089 0 0.0393188 0 0.000292703 -r_0243 C-8 sterol isomerase 0 0.0447695 0 0.0397958 0 0.000317689 -r_0244 C-s24 sterol reductase 0 0.044613 0 0.044613 0.00324521 0.0032702 +r_0243 C-8 sterol isomerase 0 0.0447695 0 0.0397958 0 0.000355085 +r_0244 C-s24 sterol reductase 0 0.044613 0 0.044613 0 0.0032702 r_0249 CAAX farnesyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0250 carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) 0 1.87443 -3.41005e-13 1.87443 0.0256837 0.0336612 -r_0252 carnitine O-acetyltransferase 0 5.14468 0 10.2894 0 0.127049 -r_0253 carnitine O-acetyltransferase 0 1.9716 0 1.92919 0 0.0215293 -r_0254 carnitine O-acetyltransferase 0 5.14468 0 5.14468 0 0.0635246 +r_0250 carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) 0 1.87443 -3.4099e-13 1.87443 0 0.0336612 +r_0252 carnitine O-acetyltransferase 0 5.14468 0 10.2894 -1.02548e-10 0.590017 +r_0253 carnitine O-acetyltransferase 0 1.9716 0 1.92919 -1.83031e-12 0.104074 +r_0254 carnitine O-acetyltransferase 0 5.14468 0 5.14468 -1.83031e-12 0.295009 r_0255 catalase 0 2.37497 0 2.37497 0 0.00222575 -r_0256 catalase 0 0.906883 0 0.869302 -1.50356e-12 0.0101095 +r_0256 catalase 0 0.906883 0 0.869302 -9.15157e-13 0.0506666 r_0259 ceramide-1 hydroxylase (24C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0260 ceramide-1 hydroxylase (24C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0261 ceramide-1 hydroxylase (26C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0262 ceramide-1 hydroxylase (26C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0263 ceramide-1 synthase (24C) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 -r_0264 ceramide-1 synthase (26C) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 -r_0265 ceramide-2 synthase (24C) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 -r_0266 ceramide-2 synthase (26C) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 +r_0263 ceramide-1 synthase (24C) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0777132 +r_0264 ceramide-1 synthase (26C) 0 4.90029 -2.09438e-12 4.90029 0 0.0763603 +r_0265 ceramide-2 synthase (24C) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0777132 +r_0266 ceramide-2 synthase (26C) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0763603 r_0267 ceramide-3 synthase (24C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0268 ceramide-3 synthase (26C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0268 ceramide-3 synthase (26C) 0 4.0778e-11 0 0 0 0 r_0269 ceramide-4 synthase (24C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0270 ceramide-4 synthase (26C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0271 chitin deacetylase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0272 chitin synthase 0 1.06215e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_0273 choline kinase 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00412868 +r_0271 chitin deacetylase 0 1.55387e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_0272 chitin synthase -1.73828e-12 1.55387e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_0273 choline kinase 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 -1.46066e-12 0.00412868 r_0274 choline phosphate cytididyltransferase 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00412868 -r_0278 chorismate mutase 0 0.90705 0 0.90705 0.0238456 0.0241304 -r_0279 chorismate synthase 0 0.919355 0 0.910486 0.0369917 0.0372765 -r_0280 cis-aconitate(3-) to isocitrate -1000 1000 0 -107.749 0 0.739033 -r_0281 cis-prenyltransferase step 01 0 0 0 0 0 6.77498e-10 +r_0278 chorismate mutase 0 0.90705 0 0.90705 0 0.0372765 +r_0279 chorismate synthase 0 0.919355 0 0.910486 0 0.0372765 +r_0280 cis-aconitate(3-) to isocitrate -1000 1000 -107.749 0 0 0.276856 +r_0281 cis-prenyltransferase step 01 0 0 0 0 0 6.77506e-10 r_0282 cis-prenyltransferase step 02 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0283 cis-prenyltransferase step 03 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0284 cis-prenyltransferase step 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0285 cis-prenyltransferase step 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0286 cis-prenyltransferase step 06 0 0 0 0 -9.0333e-10 0 -r_0287 cis-prenyltransferase step 07 0 0 0 0 -9.0333e-10 0 -r_0288 cis-prenyltransferase step 08 0 0 0 0 -9.0333e-10 0 -r_0289 cis-prenyltransferase step 09 0 0 -1.64536e-12 0 0 0 -r_0290 cis-prenyltransferase step 10 0 0 -1.64536e-12 0 0 0 -r_0291 cis-prenyltransferase step 11 0 0 -1.64536e-12 0 0 0 -r_0292 cis-prenyltransferase step 12 0 0 -1.64536e-12 0 0 0 -r_0293 cis-prenyltransferase step 13 0 0 -1.64536e-12 0 0 0 -r_0294 cis-prenyltransferase step 14 0 0 -1.64536e-12 0 0 0 +r_0286 cis-prenyltransferase step 06 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0287 cis-prenyltransferase step 07 0 0 0 0 -3.38753e-10 0 +r_0288 cis-prenyltransferase step 08 0 0 0 0 -3.38753e-10 0 +r_0289 cis-prenyltransferase step 09 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0290 cis-prenyltransferase step 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0291 cis-prenyltransferase step 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0292 cis-prenyltransferase step 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0293 cis-prenyltransferase step 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0294 cis-prenyltransferase step 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0295 cis-prenyltransferase step 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0296 cis-prenyltransferase step 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0297 cis-prenyltransferase step 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0298 cis-prenyltransferase step 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0299 cis-prenyltransferase step 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0300 citrate synthase 0 2.66021 0 4.75419 0 1.17018 -r_0301 citrate synthase, peroxisomal 0 1.58158 0 1.56089 -6.01425e-12 0.0109297 -r_0302 citrate to cis-aconitate(3-) -1000 1000 0 -107.749 0 0.0163099 -r_0303 citrate to cis-aconitate(3-), cytoplasmic -1000 1000 0 -0.846353 -0.0491871 -0.859495 -r_0304 coproporphyrinogen oxidase (O2 required) 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 8.8e-08 8.86776e-08 -r_0306 CTP synthase (glutamine) 0 1.71043 0 1.71266 0 0.0240028 -r_0307 CTP synthase (NH3) 0 2.15662 0 4.31325 0 0.0382906 -r_0308 cystathionine b-lyase 0 5.31653 0 9.49453 0 0.144076 -r_0309 cystathionine beta-synthase 0 4.05076 0 4.05076 0 0.0252994 -r_0310 cystathionine g-lyase 0 1.37968 0 1.34163 0 0.00889088 -r_0311 cystathionine gamma-synthase 0 1.37968 -3.20528e-12 1.34276 0 0.0140158 -r_0312 cysteine synthase -8.63713e-12 4.96023 0 4.96023 0 0.0655505 -r_0313 cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.000667151 0 0.000667151 0.000667151 0.000672287 -r_0314 cytidine deaminase 0 2.15662 0 2.15662 0 0.0259322 -r_0315 cytidine kinase (GTP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0317 cytochrome P450 lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase (NADP) 0 0.115824 0 0.11406 0.00324521 0.0032702 -r_0318 cytosine deaminase 0 2.15662 0 2.15662 -1.6981e-12 0.0259322 +r_0300 citrate synthase -1.35181e-12 2.66021 -2.23889e-13 4.75419 0 1.76918 +r_0301 citrate synthase, peroxisomal 0 1.58158 0 1.56089 0 0.0109297 +r_0302 citrate to cis-aconitate(3-) -1000 1000 -107.749 0 0 0.276856 +r_0303 citrate to cis-aconitate(3-), cytoplasmic -1000 1000 -0.846353 0 0 0.0109297 +r_0304 coproporphyrinogen oxidase (O2 required) 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 +r_0306 CTP synthase (glutamine) 0 1.71043 0 1.71043 0 0.0657482 +r_0307 CTP synthase (NH3) 0 2.15662 0 2.7372 0 0.0657482 +r_0308 cystathionine b-lyase 0 5.31653 -1.11945e-13 10.2768 -1.79651e-12 1.21712 +r_0309 cystathionine beta-synthase 0 4.05076 0 4.05076 0 0.160018 +r_0310 cystathionine g-lyase 0 1.37968 0 1.34163 0 0.0140159 +r_0311 cystathionine gamma-synthase 0 1.37968 0 1.34276 0 0.0140159 +r_0312 cysteine synthase -1.81899e-12 4.96023 0 4.96023 -2.08506e-12 0.43898 +r_0313 cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.000667151 0 0.000667151 0 0.000667151 +r_0314 cytidine deaminase 0 2.15662 0 2.15662 0 0.0657482 +r_0315 cytidine kinase (GTP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_0317 cytochrome P450 lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase (NADP) -9.09495e-13 0.115824 0 0.11406 0 0.0032702 +r_0318 cytosine deaminase -9.09495e-13 2.15662 -8.76188e-13 2.15662 0 0.0657482 r_0319 D-arabinono-1,4-lactone oxidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0320 D-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0321 D-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase (NADP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0322 D-fructose 1-phosphate D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-lyase 0 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 -r_0323 D-sorbitol dehydrogenase (D-fructose producing) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0326 dCMP deaminase -8.26706 0.505386 0 -6.26069 0 0.0003168 -r_0327 dCTP deaminase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 +r_0322 D-fructose 1-phosphate D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-lyase 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0323 D-sorbitol dehydrogenase (D-fructose producing) 0 0 0 0 0 2.01472e-12 +r_0326 dCMP deaminase -8.26706 0.505386 0 0.505386 0 0.014191 +r_0327 dCTP deaminase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.453615 r_0328 deoxyadenosine deaminase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0329 deoxycytidine deaminase 0 8.26706 0 6.76608 0 0.081435 -r_0330 deoxyguanylate kinase (dGMP:ATP) -0.0002112 8.26706 0 8.26685 -0.0002112 0.0149308 +r_0329 deoxycytidine deaminase 0 8.26706 -8.76188e-13 6.76608 0 6.09671 +r_0330 deoxyguanylate kinase (dGMP:ATP) -0.0002112 8.26706 0 8.26685 0 0.2816 r_0331 deoxyhypusine synthase, cytosolic/mitochondrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0332 deoxyribokinase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0334 dephospho-CoA kinase 0 1.21179 -5.86087e-13 0.544242 0 0.013279 +r_0334 dephospho-CoA kinase 0 1.21179 0 0.544242 0 0.0830147 r_0335 dethiobiotin synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0340 dihydroceramidase -4.90029 0 0 -4.90029 0 0 -r_0341 dihydroceramidase -4.90029 0 0 -4.90029 0 -0.0444191 -r_0342 dihydroceramidase 0 1000 0 39.3196 0 18.6427 -r_0343 dihydroceramidase 0 1000 0 49.4381 0 23.4401 -r_0344 dihydrofolate reductase 0 0.518217 0 0.518217 0.000322379 0.000771231 +r_0340 dihydroceramidase -4.90029 0 -4.90029 0 -0.0777132 -2.24119e-11 +r_0341 dihydroceramidase -4.90029 0 0 0 -0.0763603 0 +r_0342 dihydroceramidase 0 1000 0 39.3196 0 35.0235 +r_0343 dihydroceramidase 0 1000 0 49.4381 0 44.0364 +r_0344 dihydrofolate reductase -4.07689e-12 0.518217 0 0.518217 0 0.014191 r_0345 dihydrofolate reductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0346 dihydrofolate synthase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 5.5792e-06 5.62216e-06 -r_0347 dihydroneopterin aldolase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 5.5792e-06 5.62216e-06 -r_0348 dihydroneopterin monophosphate dephosphorylase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.62216e-06 -r_0349 dihydroorotase -0.625024 0 0 -0.625024 -0.00943961 -0.00988846 -r_0350 dihydropteroate synthase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.62216e-06 -r_0351 dihydropteroate synthase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.62216e-06 -r_0352 dihydroxy-acid dehydratase (2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoate) 0 1.1 0 1.1 0.0567245 0.0897935 -r_0353 dihydroxy-acid dehydratase (2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoate) -8.63713e-12 0.880729 0 0.880729 0.0194788 0.0444131 -r_0354 dihydroxyacetone kinase -3.57197e-12 12.4006 0 7.38084 0 0.0128055 -r_0355 dimethylallyltranstransferase 0 0.245667 0 0.245667 0.00649052 0.00654049 +r_0346 dihydrofolate synthase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 +r_0347 dihydroneopterin aldolase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 +r_0348 dihydroneopterin monophosphate dephosphorylase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 +r_0349 dihydroorotase -0.625024 0 -0.625024 0 -0.014191 3.23597e-12 +r_0350 dihydropteroate synthase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 +r_0351 dihydropteroate synthase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 +r_0352 dihydroxy-acid dehydratase (2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoate) 0 1.1 0 1.1 0 0.638853 +r_0353 dihydroxy-acid dehydratase (2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoate) -1.13687e-12 0.880729 -1.11945e-13 0.880729 -1.838e-12 0.877672 +r_0354 dihydroxyacetone kinase -7.27596e-12 12.4006 0 7.9142 0 0.0128055 +r_0355 dimethylallyltranstransferase 0 0.245667 0 0.245667 0 0.00654049 r_0356 diphosphoglyceromutase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0357 diphosphoinositol-1,3,4,6-tetrakisphosphate diphosphohydrolase 0 8.26706 0 0.111591 0 0.0527083 -r_0358 diphosphoinositol-1,3,4,6-tetrakisphosphate synthase 0 8.26706 0 0.111591 0 0.0527083 +r_0357 diphosphoinositol-1,3,4,6-tetrakisphosphate diphosphohydrolase 0 8.26706 0 0.111591 0 0.0993985 +r_0358 diphosphoinositol-1,3,4,6-tetrakisphosphate synthase 0 8.26706 0 0.111591 0 0.0993985 r_0359 diphthine synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0360 dolichol kinase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0361 dolichyl-phosphate D-mannosyltransferase 0 0.0625627 0 0.0625627 0.0625627 0.0630444 -r_0362 dolichyl-phosphate-mannose--protein mannosyltransferase 0 0.0625627 0 0.0625627 0.0494285 0.081256 -r_0363 dTMP kinase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 -r_0364 dUTP diphosphatase 0 4.90029 0 9.80059 0 0.0715379 +r_0361 dolichyl-phosphate D-mannosyltransferase 0 0.0625627 0 0.0625627 0 0.0625627 +r_0362 dolichyl-phosphate-mannose--protein mannosyltransferase 0 0.0625627 0 0.0625627 0 0.087771 +r_0363 dTMP kinase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.287482 +r_0364 dUTP diphosphatase 0 4.90029 0 9.80059 0 0.480445 r_0365 endopolygalacturonase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0366 enolase -2.95333 2.2 0 -151.956 0 -11.2973 +r_0366 enolase -2.95333 2.2 0 258.893 0 131.938 r_0368 ethanolamine kinase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0369 ethyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 0 4.97188 0 0.591661 0 0.0655505 +r_0369 ethyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 0 4.97188 0 0.591661 0 0.527102 r_0370 exo-1,3-beta-glucan glucohydrase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0373 farnesyltranstransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0399 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (decanoate) -0.27505 4.90029 0 0.0278246 0 1.6576e-05 +r_0399 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (decanoate) -0.27505 4.90029 0 0.0927745 0 1.6576e-05 r_0400 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (dodecanoate) -3.10015 4.90029 0 0.0868035 0 1.6576e-05 -r_0402 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (hexadecanoate) -3.10015 4.90029 0 0.0855595 0 -0.000725546 +r_0402 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (hexadecanoate) -3.10015 4.90029 0 0.11056 -0.00022667 0 r_0410 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octanoate) -0.293288 4.90029 0 0.102055 0 1.6576e-05 r_0412 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (tetradecanoate) -3.10015 4.90029 0 0.0795884 0 1.6576e-05 -r_0436 ferrochelatase 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 8.8e-08 8.86776e-08 -r_0437 ferrocytochrome-c:hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0438 ferrocytochrome-c:oxygen oxidoreductase 0 10 0 50 0.69938 20.1421 -r_0439 ubiquinol:ferricytochrome c reductase 0 5 0 10 3.43138 6.20829 -r_0440 FMN adenylyltransferase 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 0 8.86775e-07 -r_0441 FMN reductase -1.13054e-12 5.00001 0 5.00001 0 0.159691 +r_0436 ferrochelatase 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 +r_0437 ferrocytochrome-c:hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase 0 0 -5.56888e-13 0 0 0 +r_0438 ferrocytochrome-c:oxygen oxidoreductase 0 10 0 50 0 20.1421 +r_0439 ubiquinol:ferricytochrome c reductase 0 5 0 10 0 6.20829 +r_0440 FMN adenylyltransferase 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 +r_0441 FMN reductase 0 5.00001 0 5.00001 0 0.159691 r_0442 FMN reductase 0 5.00001 0 5.00001 0 0.159691 r_0443 formaldehyde dehydrogenase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0445 formate dehydrogenase 0 1.83927 0 1.50452 0 0.0175512 -r_0446 formate-tetrahydrofolate ligase 0 2.4822 0 1.54348 0 0.0755618 -r_0447 formate-tetrahydrofolate ligase -2.4822 0 0 -1.19484 0 -0.104205 +r_0445 formate dehydrogenase 0 1.83927 0 1.50452 0 0.033319 +r_0446 formate-tetrahydrofolate ligase 0 2.4822 0 1.54348 0 0.110985 +r_0447 formate-tetrahydrofolate ligase -2.4822 1.59162e-12 -1.19484 1.04719e-12 -0.210564 0 r_0448 fructose-2,6-bisphosphate 2-phosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.0149401 -r_0449 fructose-bisphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0450 fructose-bisphosphate aldolase -8.26706 9.30486 0 1.0378 0 0.616838 -r_0451 fumarase -7.04e-07 5 -9.87217e-12 5 0.342261 0.406708 -r_0452 fumarase, cytoplasmic -4.66418 5.38168 0 0.927028 0.00112186 0.0325212 -r_0453 dihydoorotic acid dehydrogenase 0 0.625024 0 0.625024 0.00943961 0.00988846 -r_0454 fumarate reductase -8.8e-07 5 0 5 0 0.0798455 -r_0455 soluble fumarate reductase 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 0 8.86775e-07 +r_0449 fructose-bisphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.141764 +r_0450 fructose-bisphosphate aldolase -8.26706 9.30486 0 1.0378 0 0.969005 +r_0451 fumarase -7.04e-07 5 0 5 0 0.553146 +r_0452 fumarase, cytoplasmic -4.66418 5.38168 -8.86735e-13 0.976293 0 0.200299 +r_0453 dihydoorotic acid dehydrogenase 0 0.625024 0 0.625024 -3.23597e-12 0.014191 +r_0454 fumarate reductase -8.8e-07 5 0 5 0 0.0798505 +r_0455 soluble fumarate reductase 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 r_0457 g-glutamyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0458 galactokinase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0459 galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase 0 1000 0 100.584 0 19.3515 -r_0460 gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase 0 4.13353 0 4.13353 0 0.0407175 +r_0459 galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase 0 1000 0 100.584 0 35.8451 +r_0460 gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase 0 4.13353 0 4.13353 0 0.118257 r_0461 geranylgeranyltranstransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0462 geranyltranstransferase 0 0.245667 0 0.245667 0.00649052 0.00654049 -r_0463 glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 -r_0464 glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase, vacuole 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 -r_0465 glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0466 glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase 0 4.4872 -1.81909e-12 4.4872 0.619614 0.891131 -r_0467 glucose-6-phosphate isomerase -3.3872 1.1 0 0 0.0592762 0.220315 -r_0468 glutamate 5-kinase 0 2.75752 0 2.75752 0.016331 0.0351121 -r_0469 glutamate decarboxylase -1.11859e-10 1.83712 0 1.83712 0 0.0616886 -r_0470 glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD) 0 10.7634 0 10.7634 0 0.254098 -r_0471 glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP) 0 11.9967 0 15.8458 0 1.32899 -r_0472 glutamate synthase (NADH2) 0 8.66333 0 8.66333 0 0.0956525 -r_0473 glutamate-5-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0 2.75752 0 2.75752 0.016331 0.0351121 -r_0475 glutaminase 0 8.26706 0 15.5637 0 0.081435 -r_0476 glutamine synthetase 0 8.66333 -1.36427e-12 8.66333 0.118454 0.214107 -r_0477 glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0478 glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0106542 0 0.0106542 0.0106542 0.0107362 -r_0479 glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.030507 0 0.030507 0.030507 0.0307419 +r_0462 geranyltranstransferase 0 0.245667 0 0.245667 0 0.00654049 +r_0463 glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.448476 +r_0464 glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase, vacuole 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.950212 +r_0465 glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.768446 +r_0466 glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase 0 4.4872 -3.6382e-13 4.4872 0 1.04469 +r_0467 glucose-6-phosphate isomerase -3.3872 1.1 0 0 0 0.531138 +r_0468 glutamate 5-kinase 0 2.75752 0 2.75752 0 0.0351121 +r_0469 glutamate decarboxylase 0 1.83712 0 1.83712 0 0.0616887 +r_0470 glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD) 0 10.7634 0 10.7634 0 0.39021 +r_0471 glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP) 0 11.9967 -5.03751e-13 15.3161 0 4.11613 +r_0472 glutamate synthase (NADH2) 0 8.66333 0 8.66333 -3.00099e-12 0.451257 +r_0473 glutamate-5-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0 2.75752 0 2.75752 0 0.0351121 +r_0475 glutaminase 0 8.26706 0 15.5637 0 1.1323 +r_0476 glutamine synthetase 0 8.66333 0 8.66333 -3.00099e-12 0.768446 +r_0477 glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 0 8.26706 0 16.5341 0 0.986152 +r_0478 glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0106542 0 0.0106542 0 0.0106542 +r_0479 glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.030507 0 0.030507 0 0.030507 r_0480 glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0481 glutathione oxidoreductase 0 2.37497 0 4.75362 0 0.00937573 +r_0481 glutathione oxidoreductase 0 2.37497 0 4.74997 0 0.0133545 r_0482 glutathione oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0483 glutathione peridoxase 0 2.37497 0 2.37499 0 0.00954343 +r_0483 glutathione peridoxase 0 2.37497 0 2.37502 0 0.0131937 r_0484 glutathione peroxidase, mitochondria 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0485 glutathione synthetase 0 4.13353 0 4.13353 0 0.0407175 -r_0486 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase -2.01052 2.2 0 3.90707 0.473315 2.06493 -r_0487 glycerol dehydrogenase (NADP-dependent) -3.57197e-12 12.4006 0 5.47479 0 0.00640275 -r_0488 glycerol kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0489 glycerol-3-phosphatase 0 12.4006 0 17.7712 0 0.0889048 -r_0490 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (fad) -1.47793e-12 5 0 5 0 0.159691 -r_0491 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD) 0 17.4006 0 14.6303 0 0.341858 -r_0492 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD) 0 17.4006 0 9.11344 0 0.176042 -r_0497 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (glycerophosphocholine) -5.4845e-12 1.37784 0 0.117302 0 0.00254962 -r_0499 glycinamide ribotide transformylase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0.0187472 0.0191961 +r_0485 glutathione synthetase 0 4.13353 0 4.13353 0 0.118257 +r_0486 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase -2.01052 2.2 0 3.96805 0 2.84751 +r_0487 glycerol dehydrogenase (NADP-dependent) -7.27596e-12 12.4006 0 5.47479 0 0.00640275 +r_0488 glycerol kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.23185 +r_0489 glycerol-3-phosphatase 0 12.4006 0 17.7712 0 0.22656 +r_0490 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (fad) -1.42506e-12 5 0 5 0 0.159691 +r_0491 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD) 0 17.4006 0 14.6303 0 0.338304 +r_0492 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD) 0 17.4006 0 9.11344 0 0.178613 +r_0497 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (glycerophosphocholine) 0 1.37784 0 0.117302 -1.92982e-12 0.0132315 +r_0499 glycinamide ribotide transformylase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0 0.0459804 r_0500 glycine C-acetyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0501 glycine cleavage system 0 1.8295 0 1.72714 0 0.0586404 -r_0502 glycine hydroxymethyltransferase -2.4822 1.77347 0 -0.0824949 0 0.0457401 -r_0503 glycine hydroxymethyltransferase -1.74031 2.4822 0 0 0 -0.00621991 -r_0504 glycine-cleavage complex (lipoamide) 0 1.8295 0 1.72414 0 0.0584713 -r_0505 glycine-cleavage complex (lipoamide) 0 2.65643 -9.87217e-12 2.95054 0.301275 0.624502 -r_0506 glycine-cleavage complex (lipoylprotein) 0 1.8295 0 1.72577 0 0.0586404 -r_0507 glycine-cleavage complex (lipoylprotein) 0 1.8295 0 1.72577 0 0.0586404 -r_0508 glycine-cleavage complex (lipoylprotein) 0 1.8295 0 1.72577 0 0.0586404 -r_0509 glycine-cleavage system (lipoamide) 0 1.8295 0 1.72414 0 0.0584713 -r_0510 glycogen (starch) synthase 0 9.80059 -1.69792e-12 33.8277 0 0.410207 -r_0511 glycogen phosphorylase 0 9.80059 -1.69792e-12 9.80059 0 0.0970756 -r_0512 glycyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0293546 0 0.0293546 0.0120419 0.0466674 -r_0514 GMP synthase 0 1.90778 -3.40987e-13 1.40268 0.00422384 0.0046727 +r_0501 glycine cleavage system 0 1.8295 0 1.72714 0 0.106918 +r_0502 glycine hydroxymethyltransferase -2.4822 1.77347 -0.0824949 0 -0.0078502 0 +r_0503 glycine hydroxymethyltransferase -1.74031 2.4822 -0.478688 0 0 0.0088701 +r_0504 glycine-cleavage complex (lipoamide) 0 1.8295 0 1.72414 0 0.106918 +r_0505 glycine-cleavage complex (lipoamide) -1.35181e-12 2.65643 0 2.67961 0 1.5604 +r_0506 glycine-cleavage complex (lipoylprotein) 0 1.8295 0 1.72577 0 0.106918 +r_0507 glycine-cleavage complex (lipoylprotein) 0 1.8295 0 1.72577 0 0.106918 +r_0508 glycine-cleavage complex (lipoylprotein) 0 1.8295 0 1.72577 0 0.106918 +r_0509 glycine-cleavage system (lipoamide) 0 1.8295 0 1.72414 0 0.106918 +r_0510 glycogen (starch) synthase -2.95586e-12 9.80059 -1.00988e-12 27.9199 0 1.90042 +r_0511 glycogen phosphorylase -2.95586e-12 9.80059 -1.00988e-12 9.80059 0 0.303164 +r_0512 glycyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0293546 0 0.0293546 0 0.0466674 +r_0514 GMP synthase 0 1.90778 0 1.40268 0 0.0247548 r_0518 GPI-anchor assembly, step 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0519 GPI-anchor assembly, step 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0520 GPI-anchor assembly, step 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0521 GPI-anchor assembly, step 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0522 GPI-anchor assembly, step 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0523 GPI-anchor assembly, step 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0524 GTP cyclohydrolase I 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 5.5792e-06 5.62216e-06 -r_0525 GTP cyclohydrolase II 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 8.8e-05 8.86775e-05 -r_0526 guanine deaminase 0 1.90778 -2.72855e-12 1.40268 0 0.000448851 -r_0527 guanine phosphoribosyltransferase 0 4.90029 0 3.07651 -2.07066e-12 0.000448851 -r_0528 guanylate kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.0817398 -r_0529 guanylate kinase (GMP:dATP) -8.26706 8.26706 0 3.36677 0 0.000304779 -r_0530 heme O monooxygenase 0 8.8e-08 0 1.76e-07 0 1.77355e-07 -r_0531 Heme O synthase 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 8.8e-08 8.86776e-08 +r_0524 GTP cyclohydrolase I 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 +r_0525 GTP cyclohydrolase II 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 +r_0526 guanine deaminase -5.73648e-12 1.90778 0 1.40268 0 0.0247548 +r_0527 guanine phosphoribosyltransferase 0 4.90029 0 3.07651 0 0.0604491 +r_0528 guanylate kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 6.62964 +r_0529 guanylate kinase (GMP:dATP) -8.26706 8.26706 0 3.36677 0 3.31482 +r_0530 heme O monooxygenase 0 8.8e-08 0 1.76e-07 0 1.76e-07 +r_0531 Heme O synthase 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 r_0532 hexaprenyldihydroxybenzoate methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0533 hexokinase (D-fructose:ATP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0534 hexokinase (D-glucose:ATP) 0.0364735 7.30029 0 24.1009 0 5.61497 +r_0534 hexokinase (D-glucose:ATP) 0.0364735 7.30029 0 29.0012 0 10.7497 r_0535 hexokinase (D-mannose:ATP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0536 histidinol dehydrogenase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0.00670183 0.00715068 -r_0537 histidinol-phosphatase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0.00670183 0.00715068 -r_0538 histidinol-phosphate transaminase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0.00670183 0.00715068 -r_0539 histidyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.00670183 0 0.00670183 0.00670183 0.00675343 +r_0536 histidinol dehydrogenase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0 0.0236143 +r_0537 histidinol-phosphatase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0 0.0236143 +r_0538 histidinol-phosphate transaminase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0 0.0236143 +r_0539 histidyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.00670183 0 0.00670183 0 0.00670183 r_0540 histidyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0541 hnRNP arginine N-methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0542 homoacontinate hydratase 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0.0121938 0.0458891 +r_0542 homoacontinate hydratase 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0 0 r_0543 homocitrate synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0544 homocysteine S-methyltransferase 0 3.10015 0 2.92109 0 0.0287418 -r_0545 homoisocitrate dehydrogenase 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0.0289301 0.0291528 -r_0546 homoserine dehydrogenase (NADH) 0 2.45217 0 2.45217 0 0.0621027 -r_0547 homoserine dehydrogenase (NADP) 0 2.24175 0 2.24175 0 0.0558924 -r_0548 homoserine kinase 0 2.38206 -2.72855e-12 2.38206 0.0193474 0.0547807 -r_0549 homoserine O-trans-acetylase 0 1.37968 -3.20528e-12 1.34276 0.00512504 0.0140159 -r_0550 hydrogen peroxide reductase (thioredoxin) 0 2.37497 -1.36169e-12 2.85349 0 0.00505606 -r_0551 hydrogen peroxide reductase (thioredoxin) 0 0 0 4.66294e-13 0 0 -r_0552 hydrogen peroxide reductase (thioredoxin) 0 1.32612 0 1.33387 0 0.0297654 +r_0544 homocysteine S-methyltransferase 0 3.10015 0 2.92109 0 0.252155 +r_0545 homoisocitrate dehydrogenase 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0 0.0324531 +r_0546 homoserine dehydrogenase (NADH) 0 2.45217 -2.23889e-13 2.45217 -1.838e-12 0.728981 +r_0547 homoserine dehydrogenase (NADP) 0 2.24175 0 2.24175 0 0.728981 +r_0548 homoserine kinase 0 2.38206 -2.23889e-13 2.38206 0 0.59099 +r_0549 homoserine O-trans-acetylase 0 1.37968 0 1.34276 -1.838e-12 0.0140159 +r_0550 hydrogen peroxide reductase (thioredoxin) 0 2.37497 -2.4412e-12 2.37499 0 0.00890302 +r_0551 hydrogen peroxide reductase (thioredoxin) 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0552 hydrogen peroxide reductase (thioredoxin) 0 1.32612 0 1.29136 0 0.202667 r_0553 hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase 0 1000 0 22.15 0 4.80747 -r_0554 hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0554 hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase 0 0 0 3.19311e-12 0 0 r_0555 hydroxybenzoate octaprenyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0556 hydroxyethylthiazole kinase -1.11859e-10 3.10015 0 2.14238 0 0.0287418 -r_0557 hydroxymethylbilane synthase 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 8.8e-08 8.86776e-08 -r_0558 hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA reductase 0 0.790407 0 1.58019 0 0.0792819 -r_0559 hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA synthase 0 0.768713 0 0.768713 0 0.0219106 -r_0560 hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA synthase 0 0.789781 0 0.789781 0 0.0396409 -r_0561 hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase (ATP) 0 3.10015 0 2.14238 0 0.0333316 -r_0562 hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (Hypoxanthine) 0 4.90029 0 3.14403 0 0.000448851 -r_0563 Imidazole-glycerol-3-phosphate synthase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0.00670183 0.00715068 -r_0564 imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0.00670183 0.00715068 -r_0565 IMP dehydrogenase 0 0.559107 0 1.57271 0 0.0135692 -r_0566 indole-3-glycerol-phosphate synthase 0 1.27284 0 1.27284 0.0131406 0.0132417 -r_0567 indole-3-pyruvate decarboxylase 0 0.481719 0 1.44516 0 0.000202342 -r_0568 inorganic diphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.248716 -r_0569 inorganic diphosphatase 0 7.97495 -8.35082e-13 7.97495 0.347244 0.711539 -r_0570 inosine monophosphate cyclohydrolase 0 0.848367 0 0.848367 0 0.0348954 -r_0571 inositol-1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase 0 4.13353 0 0.11008 0 0.0407175 +r_0556 hydroxyethylthiazole kinase 0 3.10015 0 2.14238 0 1.92096 +r_0557 hydroxymethylbilane synthase 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 +r_0558 hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA reductase 0 0.790407 0 1.58019 0 0.157821 +r_0559 hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA synthase 0 0.768713 0 0.768713 0 0.0789105 +r_0560 hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA synthase 0 0.789781 0 0.789781 -8.0765e-13 0.0789105 +r_0561 hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase (ATP) 0 3.10015 0 2.16112 0 1.92096 +r_0562 hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (Hypoxanthine) 0 4.90029 0 3.14403 0 0.0604491 +r_0563 Imidazole-glycerol-3-phosphate synthase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0 0.0236143 +r_0564 imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0 0.0236143 +r_0565 IMP dehydrogenase 0 0.559107 -2.64287e-13 1.12244 0 0.0742645 +r_0566 indole-3-glycerol-phosphate synthase -2.19991e-12 1.27284 0 1.27284 0 0.0132417 +r_0567 indole-3-pyruvate decarboxylase -2.19991e-12 0.481719 0 1.44516 0 0.0397252 +r_0568 inorganic diphosphatase 0 8.26706 -2.33134e-12 8.26706 0 4.32337 +r_0569 inorganic diphosphatase -1.54476e-12 7.97495 -7.0699e-13 7.97495 -1.37135e-12 3.94625 +r_0570 inosine monophosphate cyclohydrolase 0 0.848367 0 0.848367 0 0.054141 +r_0571 inositol-1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase 0 4.13353 0 0.11008 0 0.0655723 r_0572 inositol-1,3,4,5-triphosphate 6-kinase, nucleus 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0573 inositol-1,4,5,6- tetrakisphosphate 3-kinase, nucleus 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0574 inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate 6-kinase, nucleus 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0575 inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase, nucleus 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0596 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0596 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 7.30892e-11 r_0597 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0598 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0599 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -471,8 +471,8 @@ r_0604 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0605 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0606 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0607 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0608 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0609 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0608 IPS phospholipase C -2.84217e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0609 IPS phospholipase C 0 2.02831e-12 0 0 0 0 r_0610 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0611 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0612 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -509,57 +509,57 @@ r_0642 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0643 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0644 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0645 IPS phospholipase C 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0646 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_0647 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.000819621 -r_0648 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.000819621 -r_0649 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_0650 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.000819621 -r_0651 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.000819621 -r_0652 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.000819621 -r_0653 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.000819621 -r_0654 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.000819621 -r_0655 IPS phospholipase C -8.14836e-12 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.000819621 -r_0656 isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 0 4.90029 0 0.477792 0 0.0444191 -r_0657 isobutyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 0 4.90029 0 0.318384 0 0.0444191 -r_0658 isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) 0 16.145 0 8.84776 0.940576 1.33532 -r_0659 isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP) -16.145 2.1075 0 -6.74026 -0.412404 -0.521485 -r_0661 isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+), peroxisomal 0 0.501778 0 0.280028 0 0.00317275 -r_0662 isocitrate lyase 0 2.61825 0 2.61825 0 0.0598267 -r_0663 isoleucine transaminase -0.818933 5.62583 0 0.880729 0 -0.0194788 -r_0664 isoleucine transaminase -5.62583 1.13687e-12 0 -4.95776 0 -0.119017 -r_0665 isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0194788 0 0.0194788 0.0194788 0.0196288 +r_0646 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_0647 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.00152253 +r_0648 IPS phospholipase C -2.27374e-12 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.00152253 +r_0649 IPS phospholipase C -9.09495e-13 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_0650 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.00152253 +r_0651 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.00152253 +r_0652 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.00152253 +r_0653 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.00152253 +r_0654 IPS phospholipase C -1.21444e-12 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.00152253 +r_0655 IPS phospholipase C 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.00152253 +r_0656 isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 0 4.90029 0 0.477792 0 0.425658 +r_0657 isobutyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 0 4.90029 0 0.318384 0 0.283644 +r_0658 isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) 0 16.145 0 8.84776 0 1.27443 +r_0659 isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP) -16.145 2.1075 1.04719e-12 0.289931 1.838e-12 0.575467 +r_0661 isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+), peroxisomal 0 0.501778 0 0.280028 0 0.00399946 +r_0662 isocitrate lyase 0 2.61825 0 2.61825 0 0.176793 +r_0663 isoleucine transaminase -0.818933 5.62583 0 0.758732 0 0.498522 +r_0664 isoleucine transaminase -5.62583 1.36424e-12 -4.95776 0 0 0 +r_0665 isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0194788 0 0.0194788 0 0.0194788 r_0666 isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0667 isopentenyl-diphosphate D-isomerase 0 0.245667 0 0 0.00649052 0.00654049 +r_0667 isopentenyl-diphosphate D-isomerase 0 0.245667 0 0 0 0.00654047 r_0668 itaconate-CoA ligase (ADP-forming) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0669 ketol-acid reductoisomerase (2-aceto-2-hydroxybutanoate) -8.63713e-12 0.880729 0 0.880729 0.0194788 0.0444131 -r_0670 kynureninase 0 1.27284 0 1.27284 0 0.000101171 -r_0671 kynurenine 3-monooxygenase 0 0.136646 -6.82137e-13 0.136646 0.0102698 0.0103489 -r_0672 L-1-pyrroline-3-hydroxy-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase -1000 0 0 -5.18453 0 -0.0088369 +r_0669 ketol-acid reductoisomerase (2-aceto-2-hydroxybutanoate) -1.13687e-12 0.880729 -1.11945e-13 0.880729 -1.838e-12 0.877672 +r_0670 kynureninase 0 1.27284 0 1.27284 0 0.0132417 +r_0671 kynurenine 3-monooxygenase 0 0.136646 0 0.136646 0 0.0103448 +r_0672 L-1-pyrroline-3-hydroxy-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase -1000 0 -5.18453 0 -0.0088369 0 r_0673 L-4-hydroxyglutamate semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0 1000 0 5.18453 0 0.0088369 -r_0674 L-alanine transaminase -12.4006 0 0 -6.23819 0 -0.0604528 +r_0674 L-alanine transaminase -12.4006 0 -6.23819 0 -0.0604528 0 r_0675 L-allo-threonine aldolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0676 L-allo-threonine dehydrogenase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0678 L-aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NADPH) 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0.0289301 0.0291528 -r_0679 L-asparaginase 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.0287418 -r_0680 L-asparaginase 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.0287418 +r_0678 L-aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NADPH) 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0 0.0324531 +r_0679 L-asparaginase 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.0653163 +r_0680 L-asparaginase 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.0653163 r_0681 L-erythro-4-hydroxyglutamate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0682 L-erythro-4-hydroxyglutamate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0683 L-erythro-4-hydroxyglutamate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0687 L-hydroxyproline reductase (NADP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0688 L-lactaldehyde:NADP+ 1-oxidoreductase 0 2.64792 0 2.64792 0 0.0362998 -r_0689 L-serine deaminase 0 4.05076 0 4.05076 0 0.0252994 -r_0690 L-serine dehydrogenase 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0688 L-lactaldehyde:NADP+ 1-oxidoreductase 0 2.64792 0 2.64792 0 0.383662 +r_0689 L-serine deaminase 0 4.05076 0 4.05076 -1.41741e-12 0.160018 +r_0690 L-serine dehydrogenase 0 8.2423e-13 0 0 0 0 r_0691 L-sorbitol dehydrogenase (L-sorbose-producing) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0692 L-threonine deaminase 0 1.48581 0 1.42593 0 0.034099 -r_0693 L-threonine deaminase 0 1.48581 -2.72855e-12 1.42609 0 0.034099 -r_0694 L-tryptophan:oxygen 2,3-oxidoreductase (decyclizing) 0 1.27284 0 1.27284 0.0102698 0.010371 -r_0695 L-tyrosine N-formyltransferase 0 0.544982 0 0.544982 0 0.000284804 -r_0696 lactaldehyde dehydrogenase 0 2.64792 0 2.64792 0 0.0362998 +r_0692 L-threonine deaminase -1.13687e-12 1.48581 0 1.42593 0 0.59099 +r_0693 L-threonine deaminase -1.17403e-12 1.48581 -2.23889e-13 1.42609 0 0.163802 +r_0694 L-tryptophan:oxygen 2,3-oxidoreductase (decyclizing) 0 1.27284 0 1.27284 0 0.0132417 +r_0695 L-tyrosine N-formyltransferase 0 0.544982 0 0.544982 0 0.0304972 +r_0696 lactaldehyde dehydrogenase 0 2.64792 0 2.64792 0 0.371961 r_0697 lactoylglutathione lyase 0 1000 0 22.15 0 4.80747 -r_0698 lanosterol synthase 0 0.122834 0 0.122834 0.00324521 0.0032702 -r_0699 leucine transaminase -0.787546 0 0 -0.787546 -0.0299611 -0.0324729 +r_0698 lanosterol synthase 0 0.122834 0 0.122834 0 0.0032702 +r_0699 leucine transaminase -0.787546 0 -0.787546 0 -0.00449851 0 r_0700 leucine transaminase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0701 leucyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0299611 0 0.0299611 0.0299611 0.0301918 +r_0701 leucyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0299611 0 0.0299611 0 0.0299611 r_0702 leucyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0703 leukotriene A4 hydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0704 leukotriene A4 hydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -567,36 +567,36 @@ r_0705 leukotriene A4 hydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0706 leukotriene A4 hydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0707 leukotriene A4 hydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0708 leukotriene A4 hydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0711 lysyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0289301 0 0.0289301 0.0289301 0.0291528 +r_0711 lysyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0289301 0 0.0289301 0 0.0289301 r_0712 lysyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0713 malate dehydrogenase -4.27106 1000 0 6.14885 0.453905 1.35857 -r_0714 malate dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic -1000 5.38168 0 0 -0.0171788 -0.0719134 -r_0715 malate dehydrogenase, peroxisomal -1.81377 1.02318e-12 0 0 5.26247e-12 -0.0192614 -r_0716 malate synthase 0 1.62499 0 2.14497 0 0.0444865 -r_0717 malate synthase 0 1.142 0 1.11722 0 0.0198836 -r_0718 malic enzyme (NAD) 0 12.8751 0 7.72076 0 0.125087 -r_0719 malic enzyme (NADP) 0 3.13842 0 1.34241 0 0.118159 +r_0713 malate dehydrogenase -4.27106 1000 -2.23889e-13 0.788698 0 1.0056 +r_0714 malate dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic -1000 5.38168 0 1.04719e-12 -0.0388238 0 +r_0715 malate dehydrogenase, peroxisomal -1.81377 1.25056e-12 -8.70526e-13 0 -0.102547 1.83031e-12 +r_0716 malate synthase 0 1.62499 0 2.14497 0 0.440704 +r_0717 malate synthase 0 1.142 0 1.11722 0 0.104074 +r_0718 malic enzyme (NAD) 0 12.8751 -1.57079e-12 7.72076 0 0.571224 +r_0719 malic enzyme (NADP) -4.07689e-12 3.13842 -1.11945e-13 1.34241 0 0.571224 r_0721 malonyl-CoA-ACP transacylase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0722 mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase 0 0.0625627 0 0.0625627 0.0625627 0.0630444 -r_0723 mannose-6-phosphate isomerase -1.01086 0 0 -1.01086 -0.0625627 -0.0629845 -r_0724 methenyltetrahydrifikate cyclohydrolase 0 2.4822 0 0 0 0 -r_0725 methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase -2.4822 1.30458 0 -0.238897 0 0.0441962 -r_0726 methionine adenosyltransferase 0 3.10015 0 3.11839 0.00290164 0.0506971 -r_0727 methionine synthase 0 1.56896 0 1.06527 0.0173918 0.0273086 +r_0722 mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase -9.09495e-13 0.0625627 0 0.0625627 0 0.0625627 +r_0723 mannose-6-phosphate isomerase -1.01086 0 -1.01086 0 -0.79934 0 +r_0724 methenyltetrahydrifikate cyclohydrolase -1.13687e-12 2.4822 -1.04719e-12 0 0 0.210564 +r_0725 methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase -2.4822 1.30458 -0.238897 0 0 0.0247548 +r_0726 methionine adenosyltransferase 0 3.10015 0 2.93363 0 0.26114 +r_0727 methionine synthase 0 1.56896 0 1.06527 0 0.0273086 r_0728 methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0729 methionyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.00512493 0 0.00512493 0.00512493 0.00516439 +r_0729 methionyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.00512493 0 0.00512493 0 0.00512493 r_0730 methionyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0731 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NAD) 0 10.7634 0 10.1791 0 0.254098 -r_0732 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP) -10.7634 1.30458 0 -8.87456 0 -0.164524 -r_0733 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP) 0 2.4822 0 0 0 0.104205 +r_0731 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NAD) 0 10.7634 0 10.1791 0 0.356781 +r_0732 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP) -10.7634 1.30458 -8.87456 0 0 0.0495097 +r_0733 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP) -1.13687e-12 2.4822 0 0 0 0.210564 r_0734 methylisocitrate lyase 0 1.08121 0 0.543718 0 0.0184808 r_0735 mevalonate kinase (atp) 0 0.737001 0 0.737001 0 0.0196215 r_0736 mevalonate kinase (ctp) 0 0.737001 0 0.737001 0 0.0196215 r_0737 mevalonate kinase (gtp) 0 0.737001 0 0.737001 0 0.0196215 r_0738 mevalonate kinase (UTP) 0 0.737001 0 0.737001 0 0.0196215 -r_0739 mevalonate pyrophoshate decarboxylase 0 0.737001 0 0.737001 0.0194715 0.0196215 +r_0739 mevalonate pyrophoshate decarboxylase 0 0.737001 0 0.737001 0 0.0196215 r_0747 MIPC synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0748 MIPC synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0748 MIPC synthase -9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 0 r_0749 MIPC synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0750 MIPC synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0751 MIPC synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -605,405 +605,405 @@ r_0753 MIPC synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0754 MIPC synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0755 MIPC synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0756 MIPC synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0757 myo-inositol 1-phosphatase -8.14836e-12 3.10015 0 3.12572 0 0.00304506 -r_0758 myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase 0 0.55085 0 0.12214 0.000702907 0.00152253 -r_0759 N-acetyl-g-glutamyl-phosphate reductase 0 2.63892 0 1.16668 0.0162441 0.0165615 +r_0757 myo-inositol 1-phosphatase -2.27374e-12 3.10015 0 6.20029 0 0.00304506 +r_0758 myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase 0 0.55085 0 0.12214 0 0.00152253 +r_0759 N-acetyl-g-glutamyl-phosphate reductase 0 2.63892 -1.11945e-13 1.16668 0 0.0165615 r_0760 N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0761 N-acteylglutamate synthase 0 0.788698 0 0.788698 0 0.11143 -r_0762 N-formyl-L-kynurenine amidohydrolase 0 1.27284 0 1.27284 0.0102698 0.010371 -r_0763 N-formyltyrosine oxidase 0 0.272491 0 0.272491 0 0.000142402 -r_0764 NAD diphosphatase 0 0 0 0 0 4.12992e-13 -r_0765 NAD kinase 0 0.00028776 0 0.00028776 0 0.000289976 -r_0766 NAD kinase -9.09495e-13 1.93268e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_0761 N-acteylglutamate synthase 0 0.788698 0 0.788698 0 0.405 +r_0762 N-formyl-L-kynurenine amidohydrolase 0 1.27284 0 1.27284 0 0.0132417 +r_0763 N-formyltyrosine oxidase 0 0.272491 0 0.272491 0 0.0152486 +r_0764 NAD diphosphatase -1.54476e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0765 NAD kinase 0 0.00028776 0 0.00028776 0 0.00028776 +r_0766 NAD kinase 0 0 0 0 -5.34681e-11 0 r_0767 NAD nucleosidase nuclear 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0768 NAD synthase 0 0.136646 -5.67685e-13 0.136646 0.0102698 0.0103489 -r_0769 NAD synthase 0 0 0 -1.49445e-12 0 0 +r_0768 NAD synthase 0 0.136646 -7.77114e-13 0.136646 0 0.0103448 +r_0769 NAD synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0770 NADH dehydrogenase, cytosolic/mitochondrial 0 5 0 10 0 6.05731 -r_0771 NADH kinase 0 0.00028776 -1.0687e-12 0.00057552 0 0.000579951 +r_0771 NADH kinase -3.70926e-12 0.00028776 0 0.00057552 0 0.00057552 r_0772 NADH kinase mitochondrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0773 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 0 5 0 5 0 4.4362 -r_0774 NAPRtase 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_0773 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 0 5 0 5 0 4.84394 +r_0774 NAPRtase 0 0 0 8.55778e-13 0 0 r_0775 NAPRtase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0781 nicotinamidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0782 nicotinamide N-methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0783 nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 0 0 0 9.93309e-13 0 0 +r_0783 nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase -1.54476e-12 0 0 0 0 0 r_0784 nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0785 nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 0 0.136646 0 0.273291 0 0.0206977 -r_0786 nicotinate-nucleotide diphosphorylase (carboxylating) 0 0.136646 0 0.136646 0.0102698 0.0103489 +r_0785 nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 0 0.136646 0 0.273291 0 0.0206895 +r_0786 nicotinate-nucleotide diphosphorylase (carboxylating) 0 0.136646 0 0.136646 0 0.0103448 r_0787 nicotinate-nucleotide diphosphorylase (carboxylating) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0788 nucleoside diphosphatase -1.59162e-12 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0789 nucleoside diphosphatase 0 8.26706 -1.90986e-12 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0790 nucleoside diphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0791 nucleoside diphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0792 nucleoside diphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0793 nucleoside diphosphatase 0 3.54302 0 3.54302 0 0.0362998 -r_0795 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.102034 -r_0796 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.0817398 -r_0797 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 -r_0798 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0799 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 -r_0800 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0.0838814 0.184799 -r_0801 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_0788 nucleoside diphosphatase -9.16517e-13 8.26706 -2.20466e-11 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_0789 nucleoside diphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 6.62964 +r_0790 nucleoside diphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 1.32042 +r_0791 nucleoside diphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 1.32042 +r_0792 nucleoside diphosphatase 0 8.26706 -8.76188e-13 8.26706 0 2.49481 +r_0793 nucleoside diphosphatase 0 3.54302 0 3.54302 0 0.0762971 +r_0795 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_0796 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 7.48946 +r_0797 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.453615 +r_0798 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_0799 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.287482 +r_0800 nucleoside diphosphate kinase -9.09495e-13 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_0801 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 r_0802 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0803 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0351545 -r_0804 nucleoside triphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0805 nucleoside triphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0806 nucleoside triphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0807 nucleoside triphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0810 nucleoside-diphosphatase (GDP), Golgi 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0811 nucleoside-diphosphate kinase (ATP:UDP) 0 9.80059 -1.69792e-12 9.80059 0.136186 0.252734 +r_0803 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0.0352924 +r_0804 nucleoside triphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.07953 +r_0805 nucleoside triphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_0806 nucleoside triphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_0807 nucleoside triphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_0810 nucleoside-diphosphatase (GDP), Golgi 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 6.62964 +r_0811 nucleoside-diphosphate kinase (ATP:UDP) -2.95586e-12 9.80059 -1.00988e-12 9.80059 0 8.15898 r_0812 O-acetylhomoserine (thiol)-lyase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0813 O-acetylhomoserine (thiol)-lyase 0 1.37968 0 1.34259 0 0.0140158 -r_0815 O-succinylhomoserine lyase (L-cysteine) -4.05076 4.96023 3.20528e-12 7.06314 0 0.0325188 -r_0816 ornithine carbamoyltransferase 0 1.70782 0 1.70782 0.0162441 0.0176228 -r_0817 ornithine decarboxylase 0 1.02163 0 1.02163 0 0.000317403 -r_0818 ornithine transacetylase 0 2.63892 0 1.16668 0.0162441 0.0165615 -r_0819 ornithine transaminase 0 2.63892 0 0.279813 0 0.000317403 -r_0820 orotate phosphoribosyltransferase -0.625024 0 0 -1.14324 0 -0.0188792 -r_0821 orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase 0 0.625024 0 0.625024 0.00943961 0.00988846 -r_0831 oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase) 0 1.84481 -9.87217e-12 1.87132 0.312526 0.616655 -r_0832 oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) 0 1.84481 -9.87217e-12 1.84481 0.342262 0.529813 -r_0841 pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0 2.48012 -1.02346e-12 0.728991 0 0.00388729 -r_0842 pantothenate kinase 0 1.672e-05 0 1.672e-05 1.672e-05 1.68487e-05 -r_0843 pantothenate synthase 0 0.449078 0 0.449078 1.672e-05 0.000160873 -r_0844 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 0 4.90029 0 0.329533 0 0.00348013 -r_0845 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 0 4.90029 0 0.323231 0 0.00395957 -r_0847 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 0 4.90029 -7.32011e-11 0.222578 0 0.000214175 -r_0848 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 0 4.90029 0 0.318535 0 0.00424773 -r_0849 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 0 4.90029 0 0.148259 0 0.000109982 -r_0850 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 0 4.90029 0 0.330092 0 0.00333923 -r_0851 phenylalanine transaminase -1000 1000 0 0 0 5.07456 -r_0852 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0135351 0 0.0135351 0.0135351 0.0136393 +r_0813 O-acetylhomoserine (thiol)-lyase 0 1.37968 0 1.34259 -1.838e-12 0.0140159 +r_0815 O-succinylhomoserine lyase (L-cysteine) -4.05076 4.96023 0 7.02011 -3.16993e-12 249.467 +r_0816 ornithine carbamoyltransferase -4.19057e-12 1.70782 0 1.70782 0 0.0176228 +r_0817 ornithine decarboxylase 0 1.02163 -1.11945e-13 1.02163 0 0.0165615 +r_0818 ornithine transacetylase 0 2.63892 -1.11945e-13 1.16668 0 0.0165615 +r_0819 ornithine transaminase 0 2.63892 0 0.279813 0 0.000539607 +r_0820 orotate phosphoribosyltransferase -0.625024 0 -0.634464 0 0 0.000851243 +r_0821 orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase 0 0.625024 0 0.625024 -3.23597e-12 0.014191 +r_0831 oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase) -1.35181e-12 1.84481 0 1.84481 0 1.48876 +r_0832 oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) -1.35181e-12 1.84481 0 1.84483 0 1.22252 +r_0841 pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase -1.81488e-12 2.48012 -1.02346e-12 0.728991 0 0.00388729 +r_0842 pantothenate kinase 0 1.672e-05 0 1.672e-05 0 1.672e-05 +r_0843 pantothenate synthase 0 0.449078 0 0.449078 0 0.000160873 +r_0844 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 0 4.90029 0 0.329533 -2.41863e-12 0.0298991 +r_0845 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 0 4.90029 -1.61944e-12 0.323231 0 0.0302877 +r_0847 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 0 4.90029 0 0.222578 0 0.000214175 +r_0848 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 0 4.90029 0 0.318535 0 0.0305445 +r_0849 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 0 4.90029 -8.21755e-13 0.148259 0 0.000109982 +r_0850 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 0 4.90029 0 0.330092 0 0.0150877 +r_0851 phenylalanine transaminase -1000 1000 0 0 0 5.13092 +r_0852 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0135351 0 0.0135351 0 0.0135351 r_0853 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0854 phenylpyruvate decarboxylase 0 0.623801 0 0.623801 0 0.000284804 -r_0855 phopshoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0.0187472 0.0191961 -r_0882 phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase 0 1.02318e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_0883 phosphoadenylyl-sulfate reductase (thioredoxin) 0 2.98243 -1.02544e-12 4.46291 0 0.081211 -r_0884 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_0854 phenylpyruvate decarboxylase 0 0.623801 0 0.623801 0 0.0372765 +r_0855 phopshoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0 0.0459804 +r_0882 phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase -1.73828e-12 1.59162e-12 0 0 0 8.67362e-19 +r_0883 phosphoadenylyl-sulfate reductase (thioredoxin) 0 2.98243 0 4.46291 0 0.0924361 +r_0884 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.172885 r_0885 phosphoethanolamine cytidyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0886 phosphofructokinase 0 9.30486 0 9.30486 0 0.639359 -r_0887 phosphofructokinase (s7p) 0 9.30486 0 9.30486 0 0.639359 -r_0888 phosphoglucomutase 0 4.90029 0 37.6618 0 0.13185 -r_0889 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 0 4.4872 -1.81909e-12 8.9744 0.192405 1.51751 +r_0886 phosphofructokinase 0 9.30486 0 9.30486 0 1.25253 +r_0887 phosphofructokinase (s7p) 0 9.30486 0 9.30486 0 1.25253 +r_0888 phosphoglucomutase 0 4.90029 0 431.386 0 0.997678 +r_0889 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 0 4.4872 -3.6382e-13 8.9744 0 1.62807 r_0890 phosphoglucosamine mutase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0891 phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase 0 4.19462 0 8.38923 0 0.184471 -r_0892 phosphoglycerate kinase -2.01052 2.2 0 0 1.29165 1.43904 -r_0893 phosphoglycerate mutase -2.95333 2.2 0 -39.0548 0 2.56523 -r_0902 phosphomannomutase -1.01086 0 0 0 -0.0625627 -0.0893299 -r_0903 phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase 0 3.10015 0 2.14238 0 0.0574838 -r_0904 phosphomevalonate kinase 0 0.737001 0 0.737001 0.0194715 0.0196215 -r_0905 phosphopantothenate-cysteine ligase 0 1.672e-05 0 1.672e-05 1.672e-05 1.68487e-05 -r_0906 phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase 0 1.672e-05 0 1.672e-05 1.672e-05 1.68487e-05 -r_0907 phosphopentomutase -8.26706 4.90029 0 77.1093 0 0.281374 -r_0908 phosphoribosyl amino imidazolesuccinocarbozamide synthetase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0.0187471 0.019196 -r_0909 phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0.00670183 0.00715068 -r_0910 phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphatase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0.00670183 0.00715068 -r_0911 phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-carboxylase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0.0187471 0.019196 -r_0912 phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase 0 0.848367 0 1.68741 0 0.0513467 -r_0913 phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase 0 1.27284 0 1.27284 0.0131406 0.0132417 -r_0914 phosphoribosylglycinamidine synthetase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0.0187472 0.0191961 -r_0915 phosphoribosylpyrophosphate amidotransferase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0.0187472 0.0191961 -r_0916 phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase 0 4.90029 -2.15175e-13 4.90281 0 0.121937 -r_0917 phosphoserine phosphatase (L-serine) 0 4.19462 0 4.19462 0.0556917 0.0922353 -r_0918 phosphoserine transaminase 0 4.19462 -2.07298e-13 4.19462 0.0556917 0.0922353 -r_0919 phytoceramidase 0 1000 0 39.3196 0 18.6427 -r_0920 phytoceramidase 0 1000 0 49.4381 0 23.4401 +r_0891 phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase 0 4.19462 0 8.38923 0 0.203882 +r_0892 phosphoglycerate kinase -2.01052 2.2 0 0 0 2.02711 +r_0893 phosphoglycerate mutase -2.95333 2.2 -50.1381 0 0 1.1 +r_0902 phosphomannomutase -1.01086 0 0 0 -0.00995437 0 +r_0903 phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase 0 3.10015 0 2.14238 0 1.92096 +r_0904 phosphomevalonate kinase 0 0.737001 0 0.737001 0 0.0196215 +r_0905 phosphopantothenate-cysteine ligase 0 1.672e-05 0 1.672e-05 0 1.672e-05 +r_0906 phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase 0 1.672e-05 0 1.672e-05 0 1.672e-05 +r_0907 phosphopentomutase -8.26706 4.90029 -324.052 -2.20466e-11 -4.12201 -2.07412e-12 +r_0908 phosphoribosyl amino imidazolesuccinocarbozamide synthetase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0 0.0459804 +r_0909 phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0 0.0236143 +r_0910 phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphatase 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0 0.0236143 +r_0911 phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-carboxylase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0 0.0459804 +r_0912 phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase 0 0.848367 0 1.69673 0 0.0397234 +r_0913 phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase -2.19991e-12 1.27284 0 1.27284 0 0.0132417 +r_0914 phosphoribosylglycinamidine synthetase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0 0.0459804 +r_0915 phosphoribosylpyrophosphate amidotransferase 0 0.652292 0 0.652292 0 0.0459804 +r_0916 phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase 0 4.90029 0 4.46172 0 0.120898 +r_0917 phosphoserine phosphatase (L-serine) 0 4.19462 0 4.19462 0 0.101941 +r_0918 phosphoserine transaminase 0 4.19462 -6.82177e-13 4.19462 0 0.101941 +r_0919 phytoceramidase 0 1000 0 39.3196 0 35.0235 +r_0920 phytoceramidase 0 1000 0 49.4381 -2.24119e-11 44.0364 r_0921 Phytosphingosine phosphate lyase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0922 phytosphingosine synthesis 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0929 polyamine oxidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0935 porphobilinogen synthase 0 3.52e-07 0 3.52e-07 3.52e-07 3.5471e-07 -r_0936 poylamine oxidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0937 poylamine oxidase 0 0.748628 0 0.748628 1.672e-05 0.000160873 -r_0938 prephenate dehydratase 0 0.623801 0 0.623801 0.0135351 0.0138199 -r_0939 prephenate dehydrogenase (NADP) 0 0.90705 0 0.90705 0.0103105 0.0105953 +r_0929 polyamine oxidase 0 0 0 0 0 5.07952e-10 +r_0935 porphobilinogen synthase 0 3.52e-07 0 3.52e-07 0 3.52e-07 +r_0936 poylamine oxidase 0 0 0 0 0 5.07952e-10 +r_0937 poylamine oxidase 0 0.748628 0 0.748628 0 0.000160873 +r_0938 prephenate dehydratase 0 0.623801 0 0.623801 0 0.0372765 +r_0939 prephenate dehydrogenase (NADP) 0 0.90705 0 0.90705 0 0.0304972 r_0940 proline oxidase (NAD) 0 3.0082 0 2.7619 0 0.0176738 -r_0941 prolyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0166484 0 0.0166484 0.0166484 0.0167766 -r_0942 protoporphyrinogen oxidase 0 4.4e-08 0 4.4e-08 4.4e-08 4.43388e-08 +r_0941 prolyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0166484 0 0.0166484 0 0.0166484 +r_0942 protoporphyrinogen oxidase 0 4.4e-08 0 4.4e-08 0 4.4e-08 r_0943 purine-nucleoside phosphorylase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0949 guanosine phosphorylase 0 4.90029 -2.72855e-12 3.07651 -2.22621e-12 0.000210706 +r_0949 guanosine phosphorylase 0 4.90029 0 3.07651 0 0.0512122 r_0950 guanosine phosphorylase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0951 inosine phosphorylase -0.67072 4.90029 0 2.47331 0 0.000430105 +r_0951 inosine phosphorylase -0.67072 4.90029 -2.19347e-11 2.47331 0 0.0457721 r_0953 pyridoxal oxidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0954 pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0955 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0956 pyridoxine oxidase 0 4.74994 0 4.74994 0 0.00429063 -r_0957 pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 0 3.10402 0 2.79958 0.0166484 0.0354295 -r_0958 pyruvate carboxylase 0 12.8951 0 18.5074 0 0.643641 -r_0959 pyruvate decarboxylase 0 3.07479 0 7.63531 0 0.700593 -r_0960 pyruvate decarboxylase (acetoin-forming) 0 1.18697 0 3.17776 0 0.0980127 -r_0961 pyruvate dehydrogenase -3.20848e-12 2.88029 0 2.8561 0.581534 0.663091 -r_0962 pyruvate kinase 0 10.4049 0 12.6049 1.09922 1.40023 +r_0957 pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 0 3.10402 0 2.79958 0 0.0356517 +r_0958 pyruvate carboxylase 0 12.8951 -1.86475e-12 18.5074 -9.26065e-13 2.96234 +r_0959 pyruvate decarboxylase 0 3.07479 0 7.72258 0 4.76993 +r_0960 pyruvate decarboxylase (acetoin-forming) 0 1.18697 0 3.17776 0 2.37965 +r_0961 pyruvate dehydrogenase 0 2.88029 0 2.8561 0 0.662979 +r_0962 pyruvate kinase 0 10.4049 0 12.6049 0 2.49529 r_0963 quinone oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0964 reduced glutathione via ABC system 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.00785899 -r_0965 riboflavin kinase 0 8.26706 0 1.76703 0 0.081435 -r_0966 riboflavin kinase 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 0 8.86775e-07 -r_0967 riboflavin synthase 0 0.000176 0 0.000176 0.000176 0.000177355 -r_0968 riboflavin synthase 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 8.8e-05 8.86775e-05 -r_0969 ribokinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_0970 ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (ATP) 0 0.0003168 0 0.0003168 0 0.000319239 -r_0971 ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (CTP) 0 0.505386 0 0.505386 0 0.000976851 -r_0972 ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (GTP) 0 0.0002112 0 0.0002112 0 0.000212826 -r_0973 ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (UTP) 0 0.518217 0 0.518217 0 0.000976851 -r_0974 ribonucleotide reductase 0 0.0003168 0 0.0009504 0 0.00127696 +r_0965 riboflavin kinase 0 8.26706 0 1.76703 0 1.5744 +r_0966 riboflavin kinase 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 +r_0967 riboflavin synthase 0 0.000176 0 0.000176 0 0.000176 +r_0968 riboflavin synthase 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 +r_0969 ribokinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_0970 ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (ATP) 0 0.0003168 0 0.0003168 0 0.0003168 +r_0971 ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (CTP) 0 0.505386 0 0.505386 0 0.00255664 +r_0972 ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (GTP) 0 0.0002112 0 0.0002112 0 0.0002112 +r_0973 ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (UTP) 0 0.518217 0 0.518217 0 0.0020768 +r_0974 ribonucleotide reductase 0 0.0003168 0 0.0009504 0 0.0012672 r_0975 ribonucleotide reductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0976 ribonucleotide reductase -1.07503e-12 0.505386 0 0.505914 0 0.00301783 +r_0976 ribonucleotide reductase -4.07689e-12 0.505386 0 0.506442 0 0.0488247 r_0977 ribonucleotide reductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0978 ribonucleotide reductase 0 0.0002112 0 0.0006336 0 0.000851304 +r_0978 ribonucleotide reductase 0 0.0002112 0 0.0006336 0 0.0008448 r_0979 ribonucleotide reductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0982 ribose-5-phosphate isomerase 0 1.59768 0 1.59768 0.257687 0.307756 +r_0982 ribose-5-phosphate isomerase 0 1.59768 -1.11945e-13 1.59768 0 0.163061 r_0983 ribosylnicotinamide kinase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0984 ribulose 5-phosphate 3-epimerase -0.84958 2.99147 0 2.15417 0.361751 0.444491 +r_0984 ribulose 5-phosphate 3-epimerase -0.84958 2.99147 -1.74532e-12 2.15417 0 0.325871 r_0985 S-adenosyl-L-methionine:3-hexaprenyl-4,5-dihydroxylate O-methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0986 S-adenosyl-methionine delta-24-sterol-c-methyltransferase 0 0.0447695 0 0.0403269 0 0.000317689 +r_0986 S-adenosyl-methionine delta-24-sterol-c-methyltransferase 0 0.0447695 0 0.0403269 0 0.000355085 r_0987 S-formylglutathione hydralase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0988 saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD, L-lysine forming) 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0.0289301 0.0291528 -r_0989 saccharopine dehydrogenase (NADP, L-glutamate forming) 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0.0289301 0.0291528 -r_0990 sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-lyase -8.26706 9.30486 0 1.0378 0 0.557632 +r_0988 saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD, L-lysine forming) 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0 0.0324531 +r_0989 saccharopine dehydrogenase (NADP, L-glutamate forming) 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0 0.0324531 +r_0990 sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-lyase -8.26706 9.30486 0 1.0378 0 1.23099 r_0992 serine O-acetyltransferase 0 2.50023 0 2.50023 0 0.00437391 r_0993 serine palmitotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_0995 seryl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0187409 0 0.0374817 0 0.0377703 -r_0996 shikimate dehydrogenase 0 0.919355 0 0.910486 0.0369917 0.0372765 -r_0997 shikimate kinase 0 0.919355 0 0.910486 0.0369917 0.0372765 +r_0995 seryl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0187409 0 0.0374817 0 0.0374817 +r_0996 shikimate dehydrogenase 0 0.919355 0 0.910486 0 0.0372765 +r_0997 shikimate kinase 0 0.919355 0 0.910486 0 0.0372765 r_0998 sirohydrochlorin dehydrogenase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_0999 sirohydrochlorin ferrochetalase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1000 fumarate reductase (FMN) -1.13687e-12 5.00001 0 5.00001 0 0.0798455 -r_1001 spermidine synthase 0 0.420593 0 0.420593 0 0.000144153 -r_1002 spermine synthase 0 0.748628 0 0.748628 1.672e-05 0.000160873 +r_1000 fumarate reductase (FMN) 0 5.00001 0 5.00001 0 0.0798455 +r_1001 spermidine synthase 0 0.420593 -1.11945e-13 0.420593 0 0.000160873 +r_1002 spermine synthase 0 0.748628 0 0.748628 0 0.000160873 r_1003 sphinganine phosphate lyase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1004 sphingoid base-phosphate phosphatase (phytosphingosine 1-phosphate) 0 8.26706 0 0.271349 0 0.16287 -r_1005 sphingoid base-phosphate phosphatase (sphinganine 1-phosphatase) 0 8.26706 0 0.271355 0 0.16287 -r_1006 sphingolipid long chain base kinase (phytosphingosine) 0 8.26706 0 0.271349 0 0.16287 -r_1007 sphingolipid long chain base kinase (sphinganine) 0 8.26706 0 0.271355 0 0.16287 +r_1004 sphingoid base-phosphate phosphatase (phytosphingosine 1-phosphate) 0 8.26706 0 0.271349 0 0.241701 +r_1005 sphingoid base-phosphate phosphatase (sphinganine 1-phosphatase) 0 8.26706 0 0.271355 0 0.241707 +r_1006 sphingolipid long chain base kinase (phytosphingosine) 0 8.26706 0 0.271349 0 0.241701 +r_1007 sphingolipid long chain base kinase (sphinganine) 0 8.26706 0 0.273606 0 0.241707 r_1008 spontaneous cis-aconitate(3-) to trans-aconitate 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1009 spontaneous cis-aconitate(3-) to trans-aconitate 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1010 squalene epoxidase (NAD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1011 squalene epoxidase (NADP) 0 0.122834 0 0.122834 0.00324521 0.0032702 -r_1012 squalene synthase 0 0.122834 0 0.122834 0.00324521 0.0032702 -r_1021 succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone-6) -1.6779e-09 5 0 -137.077 0.208092 1.22376 -r_1022 succinate-CoA ligase (ADP-forming) -3.52429e-12 8.86576 0 8.86576 0.329712 0.505978 -r_1023 succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NADP) 0 1.83712 0 1.83712 1.056e-07 0.0616887 +r_1011 squalene epoxidase (NADP) 0 0.122834 -5.01355e-14 0.122834 0 0.0032702 +r_1012 squalene synthase 0 0.122834 0 0.122834 0 0.0032702 +r_1021 succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone-6) -1.6779e-09 5 -129.631 0 0 1.1379 +r_1022 succinate-CoA ligase (ADP-forming) -1.35181e-12 8.86576 -7.45724e-10 8.86576 0 1.25491 +r_1023 succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NADP) 0 1.83712 0 1.83712 0 0.0616887 r_1024 sucrose hydrolyzing enxyme 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1025 sulfate adenylyltransferase 0 2.57246 0 2.57246 0 0.0313403 -r_1026 sulfate adenylyltransferase (ADP) 0 2.98243 -1.02544e-12 2.98243 0 0.0432141 -r_1027 sulfite reductase (NADPH2) 0 1.48048 0 1.48048 0.00580891 0.0381537 +r_1025 sulfate adenylyltransferase 0 2.57246 0 2.57246 0 0.0544392 +r_1026 sulfate adenylyltransferase (ADP) 0 2.98243 0 2.98243 0 0.0544392 +r_1027 sulfite reductase (NADPH2) 0 1.48048 0 1.48048 0 0.0544392 r_1028 taurcholate via ABC system 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1029 taurine dioxygenase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1030 tetrahydrofolate aminomethyltransferase 0 7.97495 0 7.97495 0 0.0805047 +r_1030 tetrahydrofolate aminomethyltransferase 0 7.97495 0 7.97495 0 7.43902 r_1031 tetrahydrofolate:L-glutamate gamma-ligase (ADP-forming) 0 0 0 0 0 0.00599185 r_1032 thiamin diphosphatase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1033 thiamin phosphatase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1034 thiamine diphosphokinase 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 0 1.06413e-07 +r_1034 thiamine diphosphokinase 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 r_1035 thiamine-diphosphate kinase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1036 thiamine-phosphate diphosphorylase 0 3.10015 0 2.14238 1.056e-07 0.0287419 +r_1036 thiamine-phosphate diphosphorylase 0 3.10015 0 2.14238 0 1.92096 r_1037 thioredoxin 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1038 thioredoxin reductase (NADPH) 0 4.80359 -1.02544e-12 11.0877 0 0.187356 +r_1038 thioredoxin reductase (NADPH) -2.42532e-12 4.80359 0 11.9821 0 0.555757 r_1039 thioredoxin reductase (NADPH) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1040 threonine aldolase 0 2.38206 0 2.38206 0 0.0255432 -r_1041 threonine synthase 0 2.38206 -2.72855e-12 2.38206 0.0193474 0.0547807 -r_1042 threonyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0193474 0 0.0193474 0.0193474 0.0194963 +r_1040 threonine aldolase 0 2.38206 0 2.38206 0 0.0678574 +r_1041 threonine synthase 0 2.38206 -2.23889e-13 2.38206 0 0.59099 +r_1042 threonyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0193474 0 0.0193474 0 0.0193474 r_1043 threonyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1045 thymidylate synthase 0 0.518217 0 0.518217 0.0003168 0.000765651 +r_1045 thymidylate synthase -4.07689e-12 0.518217 0 0.518217 0 0.014191 r_1046 trans-aconitate 3-methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1047 trans-pentaprenyltranstransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1048 transaldolase -9.24562 9.07815 0 -0.406921 0 -0.0137393 -r_1049 transketolase 1 -0.423793 1.49573 0 1.87474 0 0.526061 -r_1050 transketolase 2 -0.613298 1.49573 0 0.984817 0 0.862031 -r_1051 trehalose-phosphatase 0 3.10015 0 6.20029 0 0.08182 -r_1054 triose-phosphate isomerase -2.96609 1.1 0 0.318734 0.508103 0.579283 -r_1055 tryptophan synthase (indoleglycerol phosphate) 0 1.27284 0 1.27284 0.0131406 0.0132417 -r_1056 tryptophan transaminase 0 0.481719 0 0.481719 0 0.000101171 -r_1057 tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.00287077 0 0.00287077 0.00287077 0.00289287 +r_1048 transaldolase -9.24562 9.07815 -0.11394 0 -0.306874 0 +r_1049 transketolase 1 -0.423793 1.49573 -98.4957 0 -0.311742 0 +r_1050 transketolase 2 -0.613298 1.49573 -1.74532e-12 1.70388 -0.295922 0 +r_1051 trehalose-phosphatase 0 3.10015 0 6.20029 0 0.906139 +r_1054 triose-phosphate isomerase -2.96609 1.1 0 0 0 0.739218 +r_1055 tryptophan synthase (indoleglycerol phosphate) -2.19991e-12 1.27284 0 1.27284 0 0.0132417 +r_1056 tryptophan transaminase -2.19991e-12 0.481719 0 0.481719 0 0.0132417 +r_1057 tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.00287077 0 0.00287077 0 0.00287077 r_1058 tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1063 tyrosine transaminase -1000 1000 0 0 0 -0.00689062 +r_1063 tyrosine transaminase -1000 1000 -1.04719e-12 0 0 0.0196475 r_1065 tyrosine transaminase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1066 tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0103105 0 0.0103105 0.0103105 0.0103899 +r_1066 tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0103105 0 0.0103105 0 0.0103105 r_1067 tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1068 UDP-glucose:ergosterol glucosyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1069 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine diphosphorylase 0 1.02318e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_1069 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine diphosphorylase -1.73828e-12 1.59162e-12 0 0 0 8.67362e-19 r_1070 UDPglucose 4-epimerase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1071 UDPglucose--hexose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase -1000 0 0 -100.584 0 -0.13185 -r_1072 UMP kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.0857713 -r_1073 UMP kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.0857713 -r_1074 uracil phosphoribosyltransferase 0 4.90029 0 2.93584 -2.33294e-12 0.000448851 +r_1071 UDPglucose--hexose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase -1000 0 -100.584 0 -35.8451 0 +r_1072 UMP kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 1.32042 +r_1073 UMP kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 1.32042 +r_1074 uracil phosphoribosyltransferase 0 4.90029 0 2.93584 0 0.0422992 r_1075 urea carboxylase 0 1.37784 0 1.37784 0 0.0010613 r_1076 ureidoglycolate hydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1077 uridine kinase (ATP:uridine) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_1078 uridine kinase (GTP:uridine) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_1079 uridylate kinase (dUMP) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0351545 -r_1080 uridylate kinase (dUMP) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0351545 -r_1081 uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (uroporphyrinogen III) 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 8.8e-08 8.86776e-08 -r_1082 uroporphyrinogen methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1083 uroporphyrinogen-III synthase 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 8.8e-08 8.86776e-08 -r_1084 UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase -1000 9.80059 -1.17417e-12 -90.286 0 -18.1118 -r_1085 V-ATPase, Golgi 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_1086 V-ATPase, vacuole 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_1087 valine transaminase 0 1.1 0 1.08759 0 0.0164326 -r_1088 valine transaminase, mitochondiral -1.1 0 0 -1.1 -0.0267467 -0.0267467 -r_1089 valyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0267467 0 0.0267467 0.0267467 0.0269526 +r_1077 uridine kinase (ATP:uridine) 0 8.26706 0 9.97748 0 8.10385 +r_1078 uridine kinase (GTP:uridine) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_1079 uridylate kinase (dUMP) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0352924 +r_1080 uridylate kinase (dUMP) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0352924 +r_1081 uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (uroporphyrinogen III) 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 +r_1082 uroporphyrinogen methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 -5.34681e-12 1.21641e-10 +r_1083 uroporphyrinogen-III synthase 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 0 8.8e-08 +r_1084 UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase -1000 9.80059 -87.6831 -1.00988e-12 -33.58 0 +r_1085 V-ATPase, Golgi 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 1.13163 +r_1086 V-ATPase, vacuole 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.520472 +r_1087 valine transaminase 0 1.1 0 1.08759 0 0.325446 +r_1088 valine transaminase, mitochondiral -1.1 2.04636e-12 -1.1 0 -0.00806039 0 +r_1089 valyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0.0267467 0 0.0267467 0 0.0267467 r_1090 valyl-tRNA synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1091 xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 0 1.90778 0 1.40268 0 0.000285391 +r_1091 xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase -5.73648e-12 1.90778 0 1.40268 0 0.000285391 r_1092 xylitol dehydrogenase (D-xyulose-forming) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1093 xylose reductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1094 xylulokinase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1095 yUMP synthetase 0 0 0 0 0 0.0017188 -r_1096 (R)-mevalonate transport -0.790407 0 0 -0.790407 0 -0.0220744 +r_1096 (R)-mevalonate transport -0.790407 0 -0.790407 -9.02566e-13 -0.0495201 0 r_1097 (R,R)-butanediol transport 0 1.18697 0 0 0 0 -r_1098 2-methylbutyl transport 0 0.64532 0 0.64532 0 0.0178011 -r_1099 2-oxoadipate and 2-oxoglutarate transport 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0.0267593 0.0291528 +r_1098 2-methylbutyl transport 0 0.64532 0 0.64532 0 0.64532 +r_1099 2-oxoadipate and 2-oxoglutarate transport 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 -0.00108538 0 r_1100 3-hexaprenyl-4,5-dihydroxybenzoate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1101 4-aminobutyrate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1102 5-aminolevulinate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1103 5-formyltetrahydrofolic acid transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1104 8-Amino-7-oxononanoate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1106 acetate transport -4.3201e-12 0.0894835 0 0.0894835 0 0.0249632 -r_1107 acetic ester transport 0 1.23394 0 1.23394 0 0.0359611 +r_1106 acetate transport -1.74305e-12 0.0894835 0 0.0894835 -2.42281e-12 0.0124816 +r_1107 acetic ester transport 0 1.23394 0 1.23394 -1.83031e-12 1.10319 r_1108 adenine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1109 adenosine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1110 ADP/ATP transporter -1.5 11.845 -9.87217e-12 109.83 0 12.0346 -r_1111 ADP/ATP transporter 0 8.62865e-13 0 0 0 0 -r_1112 AKG transporter, mitochonrial -1000 1000 0 12.9308 -0.0905641 -0.620892 +r_1110 ADP/ATP transporter -1.5 11.845 0 114.869 0 8.00192 +r_1111 ADP/ATP transporter 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1112 AKG transporter, mitochonrial -1000 1000 0 12.9308 0 0 r_1113 allantoate uniport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1114 allantoin uniport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1115 ammonia transport 0 4.71013 0 9.84748 0 1.53768 -r_1116 AMP/ATP transporter 0 4.90029 -8.26283e-13 0.159601 0 0.0211172 -r_1118 aspartate-glutamate transporter 0 1000 0 10.4199 0 1.65605 +r_1115 ammonia transport -4.43379e-12 4.71013 3.14157e-12 9.76114 -3.00099e-12 4.24456 +r_1116 AMP/ATP transporter 0 4.90029 0 0.159601 0 0.0830147 +r_1118 aspartate-glutamate transporter 0 1000 0 10.4199 0 1.46803 r_1119 biotin uptake 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1120 carnithine-acetylcarnithine carrier 0 5.14468 0 5.14468 0 0.0635246 -r_1121 ceramide-2' (sphinganine:n-C24:0OH) transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_1120 carnithine-acetylcarnithine carrier 0 5.14468 0 5.14468 -1.83031e-12 0.295009 +r_1121 ceramide-2' (sphinganine:n-C24:0OH) transport -2.84217e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_1122 ceramide-2' (sphinganine:n-C26:0OH) transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_1123 ceramide-3 (Phytosphingosine:n-C24:0OH) transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_1124 ceramide-3 (Phytosphingosine:n-C26:0OH) transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_1125 choline transport 0 8.26706 0 4.66735 0 0.248716 -r_1126 citrate transport -1000 1000 0 20.6785 0 0 -r_1127 citrate transport -0.919355 0 0 -0.910486 0 -0.0372765 +r_1125 choline transport 0 8.26706 0 4.66735 0 4.18252 +r_1126 citrate transport -1000 1000 0 21.602 -7.07767e-16 0 +r_1127 citrate transport -0.919355 0 -0.910486 0 -0.0186383 0 r_1128 citrate transport -1000 1000 0 0.846353 0 0 -r_1129 coenzyme A transport 0 2.69829 -1.36502e-12 1.35069 0 0.0405342 -r_1130 CTP transport 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0228159 -r_1131 CTP/CMP antiport -1.36424e-12 2.04179 0 2.04179 0 0.0209146 +r_1129 coenzyme A transport -2.24849e-12 2.69829 0 1.35069 -2.41865e-12 0.0827978 +r_1130 CTP transport 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_1131 CTP/CMP antiport 0 2.04179 0 2.04179 0 0.0416722 r_1132 cytidine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1133 cytosine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1134 D-fructose transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1135 D-galactose transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1136 D-lactate transport -1.92631 0 0 -1.92631 0 0 -r_1137 D-lactate transport 0 6.5468 -1.36433e-12 6.5468 0 0.872735 -r_1138 D-lactate/pyruvate antiport -6.5468 3.05474 1.36433e-12 0 0 -0.665959 +r_1136 D-lactate transport -1.92631 5.22959e-12 -1.92631 0 -0.0630294 0 +r_1137 D-lactate transport 0 6.5468 0 6.5468 0 1.87161 +r_1138 D-lactate/pyruvate antiport -6.5468 3.05474 0 0 0 0 r_1139 D-mannose transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1146 episterol transport -0.0447695 0 0 -0.0397958 0 -2.49853e-05 -r_1147 ergosterol transport -0.044613 0 0 -0.044613 0 -2.49853e-05 +r_1146 episterol transport -0.0447695 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1147 ergosterol transport -0.044613 0 -0.044613 0 -0.0032702 0 r_1148 ergosterol transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1149 ethanolamine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1151 fadH2 transport 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 0 8.86775e-07 -r_1161 fecosterol transport -0.0447695 0 0 -0.0403269 0 0 -r_1162 fecosterol transport 0 0 0 0.110901 0 0 +r_1151 fadH2 transport 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 +r_1161 fecosterol transport -0.0447695 0 -0.0403269 0 -0.000155391 0 +r_1162 fecosterol transport 0 0 0 0.0294031 0 0.000199694 r_1164 folic acid transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1165 GDP-mannose antiport 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_1166 glucose transport 0.0364735 1.1 0 10.4505 0 8.8 +r_1165 GDP-mannose antiport 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 6.62964 +r_1166 glucose transport 0.0364735 1.1 0 12.1365 0 4.35235 r_1167 glutathione transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1168 glutathione transport -8.26706 0 0 -8.26706 0 -1.73472e-18 -r_1169 glycero-3-phospho-1-inositol transport -0.55085 0 0 -0.12214 0 -0.000819621 -r_1170 glycero-3-phosphocholine transport -0.380511 1.81899e-12 0 -0.0993509 0 -0.00193703 -r_1171 glycerol transport 0 8.26706 -1.7754e-12 15.9394 0 0.248716 -r_1172 glycerol transport via channel 0 8.26706 -1.7754e-12 8.26706 0 0.248716 -r_1173 glycine transport -2.9662 0 0 -4.34515 0 -0.0648556 -r_1174 glycogen vacuolar 'transport' via autophagy 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 +r_1168 glutathione transport -8.26706 0 -8.26706 0 -0.00785899 0 +r_1169 glycero-3-phospho-1-inositol transport -0.55085 0 -0.12214 0 -0.00152253 0 +r_1170 glycero-3-phosphocholine transport -0.380511 0 -0.0993509 0 -0.00910286 0 +r_1171 glycerol transport 0 8.26706 -1.0305e-12 10.9327 0 16.1158 +r_1172 glycerol transport via channel 0 8.26706 -1.0305e-12 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_1173 glycine transport -2.9662 0 -5.43006 0 -1.10032 0 +r_1174 glycogen vacuolar 'transport' via autophagy 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.950212 r_1175 GTP/GDP translocase 0 6.12537 0 6.12537 0 0.0415949 r_1176 guanine transport -0.559107 0 0 0 0 0 r_1177 inositol transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1178 iron (II) transport 0 2.7632e-06 0 5.5264e-06 0 5.54767e-06 -r_1179 iron (II) transport 0 8.8e-08 0 1.76e-07 0 1.77355e-07 -r_1180 isoamyl acetate transport 0 0.613131 0 0.613131 0 0.0181627 -r_1181 isobutyl acetate transport 0 0.77703 0 0.77703 0 0.0217256 +r_1178 iron (II) transport 0 2.7632e-06 0 5.5264e-06 0 5.5264e-06 +r_1179 iron (II) transport 0 8.8e-08 0 1.76e-07 0 1.76e-07 +r_1180 isoamyl acetate transport 0 0.613131 0 0.613131 0 0.0860304 +r_1181 isobutyl acetate transport 0 0.77703 0 0.77703 0 0.608501 r_1182 isopentenyl diphosphate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1183 L-alanine transport -2.14851 0 0 -5.51484 0 -0.114797 -r_1184 L-arganine transport -0.808066 0 0 -0.82868 0 -0.000317403 -r_1185 L-arganine transport 0 1000 0 68.7662 0 32.6042 -r_1186 L-asparagine transport -3.10015 0 0 -3.10015 0 -0.231609 -r_1187 L-asparagine transport 0 508.267 0 0.841207 0 0.398843 -r_1188 L-aspartate transport 0 508.267 0 0.841207 0 0.398843 +r_1183 L-alanine transport -2.14851 0 -5.75939 0 -4.05659 0 +r_1184 L-arganine transport -0.808066 0 -0.808066 0 -0.033123 0 +r_1185 L-arganine transport 0 1000 0 68.7662 0 61.2527 +r_1186 L-asparagine transport -3.10015 0 -3.10015 0 -0.0480938 0 +r_1187 L-asparagine transport 0 508.267 0 0.841207 0 0.749296 +r_1188 L-aspartate transport 0 508.267 0 0.841207 0 0.749296 r_1189 L-aspartate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1190 L-aspartate transport -1.65 3.10015 0 1.45015 0 0.00516631 -r_1191 L-carnitine transport 0 0 2.52659e-12 0 0 0 -r_1192 L-cystine transport -1.29654 0 0 -0.2226 0 0 +r_1190 L-aspartate transport -1.65 3.10015 0 1.45015 -1.58468 0 +r_1191 L-carnitine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1192 L-cystine transport -1.29654 9.89075e-12 -0.2226 0 2.88555e-13 0.213716 r_1193 L-cystine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1194 L-glutamate transport 0 12.8951 0 6.43552 0.0415611 0.178641 -r_1195 L-glutamate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1196 L-glutamate transport -1.19604 0 0 -1.19604 0 -0.0319521 -r_1197 L-glutamine transport 0 508.267 0 1.60076 0 0.758971 -r_1198 L-glutamine transport 0 508.267 0 1.60076 0 0.758971 -r_1199 L-glutamine transport -1.16022 0 0 0 0 -0.257914 -r_1200 L-histidine transport, vacuolar 0 1000 0 26.1373 0 12.3925 -r_1201 L-histidine transport -0.839046 0 0 -0.839046 0 -0.000448851 -r_1202 L-isoleucine transport -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_1203 L-isoleucine transport 0 1000 0 0.791787 0 0.375411 -r_1204 L-isoleucine transport 0 1000 0 4.21428 0 2.35918 -r_1205 L-isoleucine transport -0.82434 0 0 -0.82434 0 -0.0231263 +r_1194 L-glutamate transport 0 12.8951 -2.23889e-13 6.43552 0 1.23431 +r_1195 L-glutamate transport 0 0 0 0 0 1.12077e-12 +r_1196 L-glutamate transport -1.19604 0 -1.19604 0 -1.51487 0 +r_1197 L-glutamine transport 0 508.267 0 1.60076 0 1.42586 +r_1198 L-glutamine transport 0 508.267 0 1.60076 0 1.42586 +r_1199 L-glutamine transport -1.16022 0 0 0 -0.543821 0 +r_1200 L-histidine transport, vacuolar 0 1000 0 26.1373 0 23.2815 +r_1201 L-histidine transport -0.839046 0 -0.839046 0 -0.0236143 0 +r_1202 L-isoleucine transport -1000 1000 -3.42249 0 0 0 +r_1203 L-isoleucine transport 0 1000 0 0.791787 0 0.705275 +r_1204 L-isoleucine transport 0 1000 0 4.21428 0 3.75382 +r_1205 L-isoleucine transport -0.82434 0 -0.82434 0 -0.822412 0 r_1206 L-lactate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1207 L-lactate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1208 L-leucine transport, vacuoluar -1000 1000 0 -29.7573 0 -14.1089 -r_1209 L-leucine transport, vacuoluar 0 1000 0 1.21827 0 0.577618 -r_1210 L-leucine transport, vacuoluar 0 1000 0 30.9756 0 14.6865 -r_1211 L-leucine transport -0.787546 0 0 -0.787546 0 -0.0234936 -r_1212 L-lysine transport 0 1000 0 40.2304 0 19.0745 -r_1213 L-lysine transport -0.747676 0 0 -1.49535 0 -0.000445472 -r_1214 L-methionine transport -0.666116 1.77737e-12 0 39.1836 0 -0.199582 -r_1215 L-phenylalanine transport -0.594732 0 0 -0.594732 0 -0.000284804 -r_1216 L-proline transport -1.05866 0 0 -1.03928 0 -0.0195708 -r_1217 L-serine transport -2.19139 0 0 -2.19139 0 -6.93889e-18 -r_1218 L-threonine transport -1.37963 0 0 -1.37963 0 -2.77556e-17 -r_1219 L-tryptophan transport -0.464261 0 0 -0.464261 0 -0.000101171 -r_1220 L-tyrosine transport -1000 1000 0 -34.3202 0 -16.2723 -r_1221 L-tyrosine transport 0 1000 0 16.3173 0 7.88725 -r_1222 L-tyrosine transport 0 1000 0 50.6375 0 24.0088 -r_1223 L-tyrosine transport -0.623801 0 0 -0.623801 0 -0.000284804 -r_1224 L-valine transport -1.08759 0 0 -1.08759 0 -0.0301617 -r_1225 lanosterol transport -0.122834 0 0 -0.122834 0 -2.49853e-05 +r_1208 L-leucine transport, vacuoluar -1000 1000 -29.7573 0 -26.506 0 +r_1209 L-leucine transport, vacuoluar 0 1000 0 1.21827 0 1.08516 +r_1210 L-leucine transport, vacuoluar 0 1000 0 30.9756 0 27.5911 +r_1211 L-leucine transport -0.787546 0 -0.787546 0 -0.201347 0 +r_1212 L-lysine transport 0 1000 0 46.4527 0 35.8348 +r_1213 L-lysine transport -0.747676 0 -1.49535 0 -0.0649063 0 +r_1214 L-methionine transport -0.666116 1.36424e-12 -4.68246 0 -1.46302e-12 0.394136 +r_1215 L-phenylalanine transport -0.594732 0 -0.594732 0 -0.04405 0 +r_1216 L-proline transport -1.05866 0 -1.03928 0 -0.0713033 0 +r_1217 L-serine transport -2.19139 0 -2.96831 0 -0.0565321 0 +r_1218 L-threonine transport -1.37963 0 -1.37963 0 -0.345287 0 +r_1219 L-tryptophan transport -0.464261 0 -0.464261 0 -0.0132417 0 +r_1220 L-tyrosine transport -1000 1000 -34.3202 0 -30.5703 0 +r_1221 L-tyrosine transport 0 1000 0 16.5782 0 14.5344 +r_1222 L-tyrosine transport 0 1000 0 50.6375 0 45.1047 +r_1223 L-tyrosine transport -0.623801 0 -0.623801 0 -0.0609944 0 +r_1224 L-valine transport -1.08759 0 -1.08759 0 -0.608501 0 +r_1225 lanosterol transport -0.122834 0 0 0.371994 -0.0051566 0 r_1226 malate transport 0 4.82214 0 4.82214 0 0.0105588 r_1227 maltose transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1228 N,N'-diformyldityrosine transport 0 0.272491 0 0.272491 0 0.000142402 -r_1229 NAD transport -1.30917e-12 0 -1.69792e-12 0 0 0 +r_1228 N,N'-diformyldityrosine transport 0 0.272491 0 0.272491 0 0.0152486 +r_1229 NAD transport 0 2.23199e-12 0 1.08429e-12 0 9.32156e-10 r_1230 NAD transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1231 NAD transport -1.13953e-12 1.46905e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_1231 NAD transport -1.81488e-12 1.54532e-12 0 0 -9.32155e-10 0 r_1232 NAD transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1235 nicotinate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1236 octadecanoate (n-C18:0) transport -3.10015 1.81377 0 -0.0305796 0 0 -r_1237 ornithine transport 0 2.63892 0 1.16668 0.0162441 0.0165615 -r_1238 orntithine transport -1.05866 0 0 -1.05866 0 -0.000317403 -r_1239 oxaloacetate transport 0 4.82214 0 4.82214 0 0.0970756 -r_1241 pantothenate transport -0.449078 0 0 0 0 -0.000144153 +r_1235 nicotinate transport 0 0 0 0 -1.47897e-13 0 +r_1236 octadecanoate (n-C18:0) transport -3.10015 1.81377 -0.0305796 0 -0.000428504 0 +r_1237 ornithine transport 0 2.63892 -1.11945e-13 1.16668 0 0.0165615 +r_1238 orntithine transport -1.05866 0 -1.05866 0 -0.0165615 0 +r_1239 oxaloacetate transport 0 4.82214 0 4.82214 0 0.531847 +r_1241 pantothenate transport -0.449078 0 0 0 0 0 r_1242 pentaprenyl diphosphate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1243 phenethyl acetate transport 0 0.493215 0 0.493215 0 0.000284804 -r_1244 phosphate transport -7.61702e-12 16.5739 5.65187e-13 60.2939 0 -8.00142 -r_1245 phosphate transport 0 14.0266 0 21.6048 4.99263 6.79234 -r_1249 potassium transport 0 0.00031944 0 0 0 0.000643799 +r_1243 phenethyl acetate transport 0 0.493215 0 0.493215 0 0.0372765 +r_1244 phosphate transport -1.3074e-11 16.5739 2.33369e-12 50.489 -6.68778e-12 19.7795 +r_1245 phosphate transport 0 14.0266 0 21.9615 0 8.43007 +r_1249 potassium transport 0 0.00031944 0 0 0 0.00063888 r_1250 putrescine excretion 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1251 putrescine transport -1.02163 0 0 -1.02163 0 -0.000317403 +r_1251 putrescine transport -1.02163 0 -1.02163 0 -0.0165615 0 r_1252 putrescine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1253 pyridoxine symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1254 pyruvate transport -8.06e-05 0 0 -8.06e-05 0 -8.06e-05 -r_1255 S-adenosyl-L-methionine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1254 pyruvate transport -8.06e-05 0 -8.06e-05 0 -8.06e-05 0 +r_1255 S-adenosyl-L-methionine transport 0 0 -8.86735e-13 0 0 0 r_1256 S-adenosyl-L-methionine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1257 S-methylmethionine permease 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1258 sodium proton antiporter -8.28694 0 1.84786e-12 -0.00034936 0 -0.00069872 +r_1258 sodium proton antiporter -8.28694 0 -8.28729 0 -11.4928 0 r_1259 spermidine excretion 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1260 spermidine transport -0.420593 0 1.54414e-12 -0.420593 0 -0.000144153 +r_1260 spermidine transport -0.420593 0 -0.420593 1.11945e-13 -0.000160873 0 r_1261 spermidine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1262 spermine transport -0.261799 0 0 -0.261799 0 -7.20765e-05 +r_1262 spermine transport -0.261799 0 -0.261799 0 -8.04365e-05 0 r_1263 spermine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1264 succinate transport 0 4.82214 0 4.82214 0 0.010171 -r_1265 succinate-fumarate transport 0 5 0 5 0 0.256053 -r_1266 sulfate uniport 0 2.98243 0 5.96485 0 0.0899482 -r_1267 sulfite transport 0 2.96863 -1.02544e-12 2.96863 0 0.0374052 +r_1265 succinate-fumarate transport 0 5 0 5 0 0.412363 +r_1266 sulfate uniport 0 2.98243 0 5.96485 0 0.110629 +r_1267 sulfite transport -2.42532e-12 2.96863 0 2.96863 -2.43765e-12 0.0544392 r_1268 taurine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1269 thiamine diphosphate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1270 thiamine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1271 UDPgalactose transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1272 uracil transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1273 urea transport -1.70782 0 0 -1.70782 0 -0.0010613 +r_1273 urea transport -1.70782 2.10854e-12 -1.70782 0 -0.0010613 0 r_1274 uridine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1275 UTP transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1276 UTP/UMP antiport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1277 water diffusion -12.1564 -0.213747 0 -21.0452 0 -9.84675 -r_1278 zymosterol transport -0.0455486 0 0 -0.0455486 0 0 +r_1277 water diffusion -12.1564 -0.213747 -20.0677 0 -16.5548 0 +r_1278 zymosterol transport -0.0455486 0 -0.0455488 0 -0.0032702 0 r_1449 inositol-P-ceramide B' (C24) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1450 inositol-P-ceramide B' (C26) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1451 inositol-P-ceramide C (C24) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -1036,342 +1036,342 @@ r_1517 mannosylinositol phosphorylceramide D (C24) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1518 mannosylinositol phosphorylceramide D (C26) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1542 (1->3)-beta-D-glucan exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1543 (1->3)-beta-D-glucan transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1545 (R)-carnitine exchange 0 0 -2.52659e-12 0 0 0 -r_1546 (R)-lactate exchange 0 1.92631 0 1.92631 0 0.0405804 -r_1547 (R)-mevalonate exchange 0 0.790407 0 0.790407 0 0.0201694 -r_1548 (R)-pantothenate exchange 0 0.449078 0 0.449078 0 0.000144153 -r_1549 (R,R)-2,3-butanediol exchange 0 1.18697 0 1.18697 0 0.0344532 -r_1550 (S)-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate exchange 0 0.853631 0 0.853631 0 0.0245072 -r_1551 (S)-lactate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1552 (S)-malate exchange 0 1.65 0 1.65 0 0.0488601 -r_1553 1-(sn-glycero-3-phospho)-1D-myo-inositol exchange -9.09495e-13 0.55085 0 0.12214 0 0.000819621 +r_1545 (R)-carnitine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1546 (R)-lactate exchange 0 1.92631 0 1.92631 0 0.126059 +r_1547 (R)-mevalonate exchange 0 0.790407 0 0.790407 0 0.0789105 +r_1548 (R)-pantothenate exchange 0 0.449078 0 0.449078 0 0.000160873 +r_1549 (R,R)-2,3-butanediol exchange 0 1.18697 0 1.18697 0 1.10108 +r_1550 (S)-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate exchange 0 0.853631 0 0.853631 0 0.851713 +r_1551 (S)-lactate exchange 0 0 0 1.79634e-13 0 0 +r_1552 (S)-malate exchange 0 1.65 0 1.65 0 1.65 +r_1553 1-(sn-glycero-3-phospho)-1D-myo-inositol exchange 0 0.55085 0 0.12214 0 0.00152253 r_1554 1-acylglycerophosphocholine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1560 1D-myo-inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate diffusion 0 4.13353 0 0.11008 0 0.0407175 -r_1562 1D-myo-inositol 1-phosphate transport -8.18545e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 -1.13687e-13 +r_1560 1D-myo-inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate diffusion 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0.0655723 +r_1562 1D-myo-inositol 1-phosphate transport -2.27374e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_1563 2'-deoxyadenosine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1564 2'-deoxyguanosine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1565 2'-deoxyinosine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1566 2'-deoxyuridine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1567 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptonate7-phohsphate transport -0.919355 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1568 2-dehydropantoate transport -0.449078 0 0 0 -1.672e-05 -1.672e-05 -r_1572 2-isopropylmalate exchange 0 0.777709 0 0.777709 0 0.0231263 -r_1573 2-isopropylmalate transport 0 0.777709 0 0 0 0 -r_1574 2-isopropylmalate transport -0.819952 0 0 -0.819952 0 -0.0420817 -r_1575 2-methyl-1-butanol transport -8.6402e-12 0.846702 0 0 0 0 -r_1576 2-methyl-1-butanol transport -0.846702 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1577 2-methylbutanal exchange 0 0.880729 0 0.880729 0 0.0249344 +r_1568 2-dehydropantoate transport -0.449078 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1572 2-isopropylmalate exchange 0 0.777709 0 0.777709 -9.57678e-13 0.638692 +r_1573 2-isopropylmalate transport 0 0.777709 0 0 -9.57678e-13 0 +r_1574 2-isopropylmalate transport -0.819952 0 0 5.23596e-13 -0.0301918 0 +r_1575 2-methyl-1-butanol transport -1.13687e-12 0.846702 -1.13687e-12 0 -1.81899e-12 0 +r_1576 2-methyl-1-butanol transport -0.846702 1.25056e-12 0 0 0 1.81899e-12 +r_1577 2-methylbutanal exchange 0 0.880729 0 0.880729 0 0.877672 r_1578 2-methylbutanal transport 0 0.880729 0 0 0 0 -r_1579 2-methylbutanal transport 0 0.846702 0 0 0 0 -r_1580 2-methylbutanol exchange -8.63713e-12 0.846702 0 0.846702 0 0.0233862 -r_1581 2-methylbutyl acetate exchange 0 0.64532 0 0.64532 0 0.0178011 +r_1579 2-methylbutanal transport 0 0.846702 0 0 -1.838e-12 0 +r_1580 2-methylbutanol exchange -1.13687e-12 0.846702 -1.13687e-13 0.846702 -1.81899e-12 0.844846 +r_1581 2-methylbutyl acetate exchange 0 0.64532 0 0.64532 0 0.64532 r_1582 2-methylpropanal transport 0 1.1 0 0 0 0 r_1583 2-methylpropanal transport 0 1.1 0 0 0 0 -r_1585 2-oxobutanoate transporter -1.48581 0.880729 -3.20528e-12 -0.545359 0 -0.0226524 -r_1586 2-oxoglutarate exchange 0 1.22944 0 1.22944 0 0.0301175 +r_1585 2-oxobutanoate transporter -1.48581 0.880729 -1.40661 0 -1.838e-12 0.591805 +r_1586 2-oxoglutarate exchange 0 1.22944 0 1.22944 0 1.10319 r_1587 2-oxoglutarate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1588 2-oxoglutarate transport -1000 1000 0 1.13687e-13 0 0 -r_1589 2-phenylethanol exchange 0 0.600565 0 0.600565 0 0.000284804 +r_1588 2-oxoglutarate transport -1000 1000 0 2.27374e-12 0 0 +r_1589 2-phenylethanol exchange 0 0.600565 0 0.600565 0 0.0372765 r_1590 2-phenylethanol transport -0.600565 0 0 0 0 0 r_1591 2-phenylethanol transport 0 0.600565 0 0 0 0 r_1595 3-carboxy-4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1596 3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate transport -0.87456 5.62583 0 0 0 -0.00517899 -r_1597 3-methyl-oxopentanoate trasport -0.853631 0 0 7.95808e-13 0 0 -r_1598 3-methylbutanal exchange 0 0.823436 0 0.823436 0 0.0254313 +r_1596 3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate transport -0.87456 5.62583 0 0 0 0 +r_1597 3-methyl-oxopentanoate trasport -0.853631 0 0 6.82121e-13 0 0 +r_1598 3-methylbutanal exchange 0 0.823436 0 0.823436 0 0.0860304 r_1599 3-methylbutanal transport 0 0.823436 0 0 0 0 r_1600 3-methylbutanal transport 0 0.802991 0 0 0 0 r_1601 3-octaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1603 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine synthetase 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 1.056e-07 1.06413e-07 -r_1604 4-aminobenzoate exchange 0 0.711662 0 0.0835106 0 3.05712e-07 +r_1603 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine synthetase 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 +r_1604 4-aminobenzoate exchange 0 0.711662 0 0.0835106 0 5.88491e-06 r_1605 4-aminobenzoate transport 0 0.711662 0 0 0 0 -r_1606 4-aminobenzoate transport 0 5.5792e-06 0 0 5.5792e-06 5.5792e-06 +r_1606 4-aminobenzoate transport 0 5.5792e-06 0 0 0 0 r_1607 4-aminobutanal transport 0 8.07252 0 0 0 0 r_1608 4-aminobutyrate transport -8.07252 0 0 0 0 0 r_1609 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1610 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1611 4-hydroxybenzoate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1613 5'-nucleotidase (AMP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_1613 5'-nucleotidase (AMP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.4552 r_1614 5'-nucleotidase (dAMP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1615 5'-nucleotidase (dCMP) 0 8.26706 0 6.76608 0 0.16287 -r_1616 5'-nucleotidase (dGMP) 0 0 0 2.17211e-13 0 0 -r_1617 5'-nucleotidase (dTMP) 0 8.26706 0 7.80534 0 0.16287 -r_1618 5'-nucleotidase (dUMP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_1619 5'-nucleotidase (GMP) 0 8.26706 -2.72855e-12 8.26706 -2.22621e-12 0.081435 +r_1615 5'-nucleotidase (dCMP) 0 8.26706 0 6.76608 0 6.09671 +r_1616 5'-nucleotidase (dGMP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1617 5'-nucleotidase (dTMP) -4.07689e-12 8.26706 0 7.28712 0 6.57906 +r_1618 5'-nucleotidase (dUMP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_1619 5'-nucleotidase (GMP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 r_1620 5'-nucleotidase (XMP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1621 5-aminolevulinate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1622 5-aminolevulinate transport -7.04e-07 0 0 0 -7.04e-07 -7.04e-07 -r_1623 5-formethyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase 0 7.97495 0 7.97495 0 0.0805047 +r_1622 5-aminolevulinate transport -7.04e-07 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1623 5-formethyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase 0 7.97495 0 7.97495 0 7.43902 r_1624 5-formyltetrahydrofolate:10-formyltetrahydrofolate isomerase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1625 5-formyltetrahydrofolic acid exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1627 7,8-diaminononanoate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1628 7,8-diaminononanoate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1629 8-amino-7-oxononanoate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1630 9H-xanthine exchange 0 0.559107 -2.72848e-12 0.559107 0 0.000448851 -r_1631 acetaldehyde exchange 0 2.46788 0 2.46788 0 0.0748571 -r_1632 acetaldehyde transport -1000 0 1.36433e-12 0 -1e-05 0 -r_1633 acetaldehyde transport -2.46788 0 0 0 -0.0307417 0 -r_1634 acetate exchange -4.32016e-12 0.0894835 0 0.0894835 0 0.0249632 +r_1630 9H-xanthine exchange 0 0.559107 0 0.559107 0 0.0247548 +r_1631 acetaldehyde exchange 0 2.46788 0 2.46788 0 2.20216 +r_1632 acetaldehyde transport -1000 0 0 1.67917e-13 0 0 +r_1633 acetaldehyde transport -2.46788 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1634 acetate exchange -1.74305e-12 0.0894835 0 0.0894835 -2.42281e-12 0.0249632 r_1635 acetate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1637 acetyl-CoA transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1638 acetylcarnitine transport 0 1.9716 0 1.92919 0 0.0215293 +r_1638 acetylcarnitine transport 0 1.9716 0 1.92919 0 0.104074 r_1639 adenine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1640 adenine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1641 adenosine 3',5'-bismonophosphate exchange 0 0.4012 0 0.4012 0 0.000448851 -r_1642 adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate transport -2.48012 1.47793e-12 5.86087e-13 0 0 -0.0151302 +r_1641 adenosine 3',5'-bismonophosphate exchange 0 0.4012 0 0.4012 0 0.0459804 +r_1642 adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate transport -2.48012 0 0 0 -0.086902 0 r_1643 adenosine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1644 ADP transport -8.26706 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1644 ADP transport -8.26706 5.24803e-12 0 0 0 0 r_1645 ADP transport -8.26706 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1647 AKG transporter, peroxisome -1.142 0 0 -0.0199438 0 -8.8e-07 +r_1647 AKG transporter, peroxisome -1.142 0 0 0 -2.27374e-13 0 r_1648 allantoate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1649 allantoin exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1650 trehalose exchange 0 0.49722 0 0.49722 0 0.0121237 -r_1651 alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate exchange 0 0.919755 0 0.919755 0 0.018934 -r_1652 alpha-ketoglutarate/malate transporter -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_1654 ammonium exchange -4.71013 3.29692e-12 -4.71013 0 -0.706449 -0.629161 +r_1650 trehalose exchange 0 0.49722 0 0.49722 0 0.49722 +r_1651 alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate exchange 0 0.919755 0 0.919755 0 0.768446 +r_1652 alpha-ketoglutarate/malate transporter -1000 1000 0 0 -1.13687e-13 0 +r_1654 ammonium exchange -4.71013 3.29692e-12 -4.71013 1.47793e-12 -2.43315 9.55902e-13 r_1656 AMP transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1657 arginine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1658 asparagine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1659 aspartate-glutamate transporter -1.142 0.501778 0 0 0 -8.8e-07 -r_1660 ATP diffusion 0 8.26706 0 3.33333e-07 0 0.00143625 +r_1659 aspartate-glutamate transporter -1.142 0.501778 0 0 0 0 +r_1660 ATP diffusion 0 8.26706 0 2.77778e-07 0 2.6347e-07 r_1661 ATP transport 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 r_1663 bicarbonate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1664 bicarbonate formation 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1665 bicarbonate formation -1000 1000 0 -1.26477e-12 0 -1.06645e-10 -r_1667 bicarbonate formation -1000 1000 0 0 0 0.288119 +r_1665 bicarbonate formation -1000 1000 -5.59723e-13 -4.12115e-13 0 0 +r_1667 bicarbonate formation -1000 1000 -1.04719e-12 0 -9.26065e-13 0 r_1668 bicarbonate formation 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1669 bicarbonate transport -1000 1000 0 0 0 57.8551 +r_1669 bicarbonate transport -1000 1000 0 5.59723e-13 0 0 r_1671 biotin exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1672 carbon dioxide exchange 0 2.7 0 2.7 2.57105 2.7 -r_1673 carnitine transport 0 1.9716 0 1.92919 0 0.0215293 -r_1674 carnitine-acetylcarnitine carrier 0 1.9716 0 1.92919 0 0.0215293 +r_1672 carbon dioxide exchange 0 2.7 0 2.7 0 2.7 +r_1673 carnitine transport 0 1.9716 0 1.92919 0 0.104074 +r_1674 carnitine-acetylcarnitine carrier 0 1.9716 0 1.92919 -1.83031e-12 0.104074 r_1675 CDP transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1676 ceramide transport -3.10015 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1677 ceramide transport -3.10015 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1678 ceramide transport -3.10015 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1679 ceramide transport -3.10015 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1680 ceramide transport -3.10015 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1677 ceramide transport -3.10015 1.47793e-12 0 1.93268e-12 0 0 +r_1678 ceramide transport -3.10015 1.25056e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_1679 ceramide transport -3.10015 0 0 2.09438e-12 0 0 +r_1680 ceramide transport -3.10015 0 0 0 0 7.31006e-11 r_1681 ceramide transport -3.10015 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1682 cholestenol delta-isomerase, lumped reaction 0 0.0447695 0 0.0447695 0.00295251 0.0032702 -r_1683 choline exchange -5.4845e-12 0.522985 0 0.349598 0 0.00330559 -r_1684 choline transport -7.04858e-12 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00802172 +r_1682 cholestenol delta-isomerase, lumped reaction -9.09495e-13 0.0447695 0 0.0447695 0 0.0032702 +r_1683 choline exchange 0 0.522985 0 0.349598 -1.92982e-12 0.00910286 +r_1684 choline transport 0 3.10015 0 0.00155726 0 0.0223344 r_1685 chorismate pyruvate lyase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1686 citrate transport -1.1 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1687 citrate exchange -9.09495e-13 1.1 0 1.1 0 0.025484 +r_1687 citrate exchange 0 1.1 0 1.1 0 1.1 r_1688 citrate/isocitrate antiport -0.501778 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1689 citrate/malate antiport -0.500549 1.58158 0 4e-05 0 2.69514e-06 -r_1690 CMP nucleosidase 0 2.15662 0 2.15662 -1.6981e-12 0.0259322 +r_1689 citrate/malate antiport -0.500549 1.58158 0 0 0 5.29412e-06 +r_1690 CMP nucleosidase -9.09495e-13 2.15662 -8.76188e-13 2.15662 0 0.0657482 r_1691 CO2 transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1694 CO2 transport -1000 1000 0 0 0 -0.332605 +r_1694 CO2 transport -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 r_1695 CO2 transport -0.501778 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1696 CO2 transport -16.5451 9.09495e-13 0 0 -2.35853 -2.30525 -r_1697 CO2 transport 0 2.7 0 0.0369132 2.66721 2.58503 -r_1698 coenzyme A transport -4.90029 0 0 -4.90029 0 -0.0444191 +r_1696 CO2 transport -16.5451 0 -5e-06 0 0 0 +r_1697 CO2 transport 0 2.7 0 0.0369132 0 0.0369132 +r_1698 coenzyme A transport -4.90029 0 -4.90029 2.09438e-12 -0.0763603 0 r_1699 coenzyme A transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1700 coenzyme A transport -1.13678 3.10015 0 0 -6.01425e-12 -3.41061e-13 +r_1700 coenzyme A transport -1.13678 3.10015 -0.0197922 -1.65713e-12 -2.41863e-12 1.13687e-13 r_1702 cytidine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1703 cytidylate kinase (CMP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.0830021 -r_1704 cytidylate kinase (dCMP) -0.505386 4.90029 0 4.39491 0 0.0413975 +r_1703 cytidylate kinase (CMP) -4.07689e-12 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 2.49481 +r_1704 cytidylate kinase (dCMP) -0.505386 4.90029 -8.76188e-13 4.39491 0 0.416156 r_1705 cytosine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1706 D-arabinose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1707 D-arabinose transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1708 D-erythrose 4-phosphate transport 0 0.919355 0 0 0 0 -r_1709 D-fructose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1709 D-fructose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 2.01472e-12 r_1710 D-galactose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1711 D-galacturonate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1712 D-glucitol exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1713 D-glucosamine 6-phosphate uniport -0.919755 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1714 D-glucose exchange -1.1 -0.0364735 -1.1 -0.0364735 -1.1 -1.07162 +r_1714 D-glucose exchange -1.1 -0.0364735 -1.1 -0.0364735 -1.1 -0.0364735 r_1715 D-mannose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1716 D-ribose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1717 D-sorbitol transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1717 D-sorbitol transport 0 0 0 0 0 2.01472e-12 r_1718 D-xylose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1719 D-xylose transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1720 dADP transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1721 dCDP transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1722 ATP deamination 0 2.48012 0 2.48012 0 0.0254098 +r_1722 ATP deamination 0 2.48012 0 2.48012 0 0.0762971 r_1723 dATP deamination 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1724 ADP deamination 0 3.54302 0 3.54302 0 0.0362998 +r_1724 ADP deamination 0 3.54302 0 3.54302 0 0.0762971 r_1725 dADP deamination 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1726 deamino-NAD+ diffusion 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1727 decanoate exchange 0 0.27505 0 0.262467 0 0.00329721 +r_1727 decanoate exchange -2.24849e-12 0.27505 0 0.262467 -2.38742e-12 0.0296822 r_1728 deoxyadenosine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1729 deoxyadenylate kinase -0.0003168 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 -0.0003168 -r_1730 deoxycytidine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1731 deoxycytidine transport -3.52429e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1729 deoxyadenylate kinase -0.0003168 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 3.26459 +r_1730 deoxycytidine exchange 0 0 0 1.90152e-13 0 0 +r_1731 deoxycytidine transport 0 0 -8.76188e-13 0 0 0 r_1732 deoxyguanosine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1733 deoxyinosine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1734 deoxyuridine kinase (ATP:deoxyuridine) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_1734 deoxyuridine kinase (ATP:deoxyuridine) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 r_1735 deoxyuridine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1736 dephospho-CoA kinase 0 2.48012 -1.02346e-12 0.728991 0 0.00388729 +r_1736 dephospho-CoA kinase -1.81488e-12 2.48012 -1.02346e-12 0.728991 0 0.00388729 r_1737 dGDP transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1738 dhnpt transport 0 5.5792e-06 0 0 5.5792e-06 5.5792e-06 +r_1738 dhnpt transport 0 5.5792e-06 0 0 0 0 r_1739 diamine transaminase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1743 dihydrofolate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1744 dihydroneopterin triphosphate pyrophosphatase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.62216e-06 -r_1745 dihydropteroate transport -5.5792e-06 0 0 0 -5.5792e-06 -5.5792e-06 -r_1746 dihydroxyacetone phosphate transport -12.4006 5 0 0 0 0 -r_1747 diphosphate transport -4.90029 0 0 -3.8961e-07 0 1.13687e-13 -r_1748 dolichol phosphate transport -0.0625627 0 0 0 -0.0625627 -0.0625627 -r_1749 dTTP exchange 0 0.48154 0 0.48154 0 0.000448851 +r_1744 dihydroneopterin triphosphate pyrophosphatase 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 0 5.5792e-06 +r_1745 dihydropteroate transport -5.5792e-06 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1746 dihydroxyacetone phosphate transport -12.4006 5 0 0 -3.25125e-07 0 +r_1747 diphosphate transport -4.90029 2.03253e-12 -1.672e-05 0 0 0 +r_1748 dolichol phosphate transport -0.0625627 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1749 dTTP exchange 0 0.48154 0 0.48154 0 0.014191 r_1750 dTTP uniport -0.48154 0 0 0 0 0 r_1751 dUDP diffusion -4.90029 0 0 0 0 0 r_1752 dUMP transport 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 -r_1753 episterol exchange 0 0.0447695 0 0.0397958 0 2.49853e-05 -r_1754 ergosta-5,6,22,24,(28)-tetraen-3beta-ol transport 0 0.044613 0 0 0.00324521 0.00324521 -r_1757 ergosterol exchange 0 0.044613 0 0.044613 0 2.49853e-05 +r_1753 episterol exchange 0 0.0447695 0 0.0397958 0 0.000355085 +r_1754 ergosta-5,6,22,24,(28)-tetraen-3beta-ol transport 0 0.044613 0 0 0 0 +r_1757 ergosterol exchange 0 0.044613 0 0.044613 0 0.0032702 r_1758 ergosterol transport -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 r_1759 ergosterol transport -4.90029 0 0 0 0 0 r_1761 ethanol exchange 0 1e-05 0 1e-05 0 1e-05 r_1762 ethanol transport 0 1e-05 0 0 0 0 -r_1763 ethanol transport, mitochondrial -1000 5.46648 2.0465e-12 0 0 0 +r_1763 ethanol transport, mitochondrial -1000 5.46648 0 1.67917e-13 0 2.08506e-12 r_1764 ethanolamine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1765 ethyl acetate exchange 0 1.23394 0 1.23394 0 0.0359611 -r_1766 farnesyl diphosphate transport 0 8.8e-08 0 0 8.8e-08 8.8e-08 -r_1770 fatty acid transport -0.27505 0 0 -0.262467 0 -0.00329721 -r_1771 fatty acid transport -3.10015 0 0 -0.323231 0 -0.0037427 -r_1772 fatty acid transport -3.10015 1.81377 0 -0.245407 0 -0.00381399 -r_1774 fatty acid transport -3.10015 1.81377 7.32011e-11 -0.101035 0 -0.000938442 -r_1775 fatty acid transport -3.10015 0.282248 0 -0.178689 0 -0.00407036 -r_1776 fatty acid transport -0.293288 9.09495e-13 0 -0.00401876 0 -0.00315354 +r_1765 ethyl acetate exchange 0 1.23394 0 1.23394 -1.83031e-12 1.10319 +r_1766 farnesyl diphosphate transport 0 8.8e-08 0 0 0 0 +r_1770 fatty acid transport -0.27505 1.59162e-12 -0.262467 0 -0.0296822 2.41863e-12 +r_1771 fatty acid transport -3.10015 0 -0.323231 1.61944e-12 0 0 +r_1772 fatty acid transport -3.10015 1.81377 -0.245407 0 -0.0301108 0 +r_1774 fatty acid transport -3.10015 1.81377 0 0 -0.000428504 0 +r_1775 fatty acid transport -3.10015 0.282248 -0.178689 0 0 4.06826e-13 +r_1776 fatty acid transport -0.293288 0 -0.0393445 0 -0.000216869 0 r_1777 myristate (n-C14:0) transport -0.243589 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1788 fecosterol exchange 0 0.0447695 0 0.0403269 0 2.49853e-05 -r_1790 FMN adenylyltransferase 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 0 8.86775e-07 +r_1788 fecosterol exchange 0 0.0447695 0 0.0403269 0 0.000355085 +r_1790 FMN adenylyltransferase 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 r_1791 FMN exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1792 folic acid exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1793 formate exchange 0 2.05504 0 1.70326 0 0.0642549 -r_1794 formate transport 0 2.4822 0 1.19484 0 0.104205 -r_1795 formate transport -2.05504 1.60427e-12 0 0 0 -0.0642549 +r_1793 formate exchange -1.13687e-12 2.05504 0 1.70326 0 0.21229 +r_1794 formate transport -1.13687e-12 2.4822 -1.04719e-12 1.19484 0 0.210564 +r_1795 formate transport -2.05504 1.59162e-12 -0.0379429 0 -0.21229 0 r_1796 formate transport -1.65 0 0 0 0 0 r_1797 fructose-1-phosphate kinase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1798 fumarate exchange 0 1.65 0 1.65 0 0.0488601 +r_1798 fumarate exchange 0 1.65 0 1.65 0 1.65 r_1800 gamma-aminobutyrate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1801 GDP transport -8.26706 0 0 -8.26706 0 -0.081435 +r_1801 GDP transport -8.26706 0 -8.26706 0 -6.62964 0 r_1802 GDP transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1803 GDP-alpha-D-mannose transport -8.26706 0 0 -8.26706 0 -0.081435 -r_1805 glucose transport, vacuolar -6.20029 0 0 -5.1496 0 -0.0574835 +r_1803 GDP-alpha-D-mannose transport -8.26706 0 -8.26706 0 -6.62964 0 +r_1805 glucose transport, vacuolar -6.20029 0 -5.1496 0 -2.09466 0 r_1806 glutathione disulfide exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1807 glutathione exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1808 glycerol exchange 0 0.00189338 0 0.00189338 0 0.00189338 -r_1809 glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle -12.4006 5 0 0 0 8.8e-07 -r_1810 L-glycine exchange 0 2.9662 0 2.9662 0 0.0530042 -r_1811 glycine transport -2.4822 3.48062 0 2.148 0 0 -r_1812 glycoaldehyde transport -5.5792e-06 0 0 0 -5.5792e-06 -5.5792e-06 -r_1813 glycoaldehyde transport -5.6848e-06 0 0 0 -5.6848e-06 -5.6848e-06 -r_1814 glycolaldehyde exchange 0 5.6848e-06 0 5.6848e-06 5.6848e-06 5.72857e-06 -r_1815 glyoxylate exchange 0 2.21796 0 0.184311 0 0.0524404 -r_1816 glyoxylate transport 0 2.21796 0 0.184311 0 0.0524404 +r_1809 glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle -12.4006 5 0 0 -3.25125e-07 0 +r_1810 L-glycine exchange 0 2.9662 0 2.9662 0 0.415454 +r_1811 glycine transport -2.4822 3.48062 0 2.148 -5.07964e-10 0 +r_1812 glycoaldehyde transport -5.5792e-06 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1813 glycoaldehyde transport -5.6848e-06 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1814 glycolaldehyde exchange 0 5.6848e-06 0 5.6848e-06 0 5.6848e-06 +r_1815 glyoxylate exchange 0 2.21796 0 0.184311 0 0.164172 +r_1816 glyoxylate transport 0 2.21796 0 0.143508 0 0.161505 r_1817 glyoxylate transport 0 1.142 0 0 0 0 -r_1818 guanine exchange 0 0.559107 0 0.559107 -2.22621e-12 0.000448851 +r_1818 guanine exchange 0 0.559107 0 0.559107 0 0.0247548 r_1819 guanine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1820 guanosine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1821 guanosine kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_1821 guanosine kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 r_1822 guanosine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1823 guanosine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1824 H+ diffusion -1.15915e-11 8.26706 -1.63709e-11 8.26706 0 0.248716 +r_1824 H+ diffusion -7.4696e-12 8.26706 0 8.26706 -1.04592e-11 8.05792 r_1825 H+ diffusion -8.26706 0.122834 0 0 0 0 r_1826 H+ diffusion -16.5341 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1827 H+ diffusion -4.90029 3.91597 0 0 0 0 -r_1829 H+ diffusion -1000 1000 0 0 0 -0.0407175 -r_1830 H+ diffusion -3.10015 2.20802 0 -4e-05 -2.15357e-12 0 -r_1831 H+ diffusion -16.5341 1000 0 -0.0251279 0 0 -r_1832 H+ exchange -7.56336 5.16475 -7.56336 5.16475 -0.293222 0.0949243 +r_1827 H+ diffusion -4.90029 3.91597 -9.17259e-13 0 0 0 +r_1829 H+ diffusion -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 +r_1830 H+ diffusion -3.10015 2.20802 0 0 -1.16517e-11 0 +r_1831 H+ diffusion -16.5341 1000 -1e-05 0 0 1.50049e-12 +r_1832 H+ exchange -7.56336 5.16475 -7.56336 5.16475 -4.08477 3.84907 r_1833 hexacosanoyl-CoA transport 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_1834 hexadecanal exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1835 hexadecanoate (n-C16:0) transport -0.227858 3.06954e-12 -2.89372e-12 -0.227799 0 -0.00387786 -r_1836 hexadecenoate (n-C16:1) transport -0.222604 5.11591e-12 0 0 0 -0.00368614 +r_1835 hexadecanoate (n-C16:0) transport -0.227858 3.72893e-11 -0.227799 0 -0.0296822 0 +r_1836 hexadecenoate (n-C16:1) transport -0.222604 5.68434e-12 -0.222464 0 -0.0296822 3.85963e-12 r_1837 L-histidine transport, mitochondrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1838 homocitrate synthase 0 0.747676 0 1.49535 0.0287073 0.0291528 +r_1838 homocitrate synthase 0 0.747676 0 1.49535 0 0.0324531 r_1839 hydrogen peroxide transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1840 hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA transport -0.789781 0 0 0 0 -0.00209133 -r_1841 hypoxanthine exchange -5.59908e-12 0.652292 0 0.652292 -2.04636e-12 0.000448851 -r_1842 hypoxanthine transport -0.652292 5.57066e-12 0 0 0 1.59162e-12 -r_1843 indol-3-ylacetaldehyde exchange 0 0.481719 0 0.481719 0 0.000101171 -r_1844 indole-3-acetaldehyde transport 0 0.469302 0 0 0 0 +r_1840 hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA transport -0.789781 0 0 0 0 7.95808e-13 +r_1841 hypoxanthine exchange 0 0.652292 -2.20466e-11 0.652292 0 0.0459804 +r_1842 hypoxanthine transport -0.652292 2.72848e-12 0 2.20466e-11 0 0 +r_1843 indol-3-ylacetaldehyde exchange 0 0.481719 0 0.481719 0 0.0132417 +r_1844 indole-3-acetaldehyde transport -2.16005e-12 0.469302 0 0 0 0 r_1845 indole-3-acetaldehyde transport 0 0.481719 0 0 0 0 r_1846 indole-3-acetate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1847 inosine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1848 inosine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1849 inositol hexakisphosphate transport -4.13353 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1850 insosine kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.0814461 +r_1850 insosine kinase 0 8.26706 -1.11945e-13 8.26706 0 1.10532 r_1851 IPC transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_1852 IPC transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_1853 IPC transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_1853 IPC transport -2.27374e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_1854 IPC transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_1855 IPC transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_1855 IPC transport -1.25056e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_1856 IPC transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_1857 IPC transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_1858 IPC transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_1858 IPC transport -9.09495e-13 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_1859 IPC transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_1860 IPC transport -8.18545e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_1861 iron(2+) exchange -2.7632e-06 0 -2.7632e-06 0 -2.78447e-06 -2.7632e-06 -r_1862 isoamyl acetate exchange 0 0.613131 0 0.613131 0 0.0181627 +r_1860 IPC transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_1861 iron(2+) exchange -2.7632e-06 0 -2.7632e-06 0 -2.7632e-06 0 +r_1862 isoamyl acetate exchange 0 0.613131 0 0.613131 0 0.0860304 r_1863 isoamyl alcohol transport 0 0.802991 0 0 0 0 -r_1864 isoamyl alcohol transport -0.802991 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1865 isoamylol exchange 0 0.802991 0 0.802991 0 0.0238727 -r_1866 isobutanol exchange 0 1.1 0 1.1 0 0.0307247 -r_1867 isobutyl acetate exchange 0 0.77703 0 0.77703 0 0.0217256 +r_1864 isoamyl alcohol transport -0.802991 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 +r_1865 isoamylol exchange 0 0.802991 0 0.802991 0 0.0860304 +r_1866 isobutanol exchange 0 1.1 0 1.1 0 0.608501 +r_1867 isobutyl acetate exchange 0 0.77703 0 0.77703 0 0.608501 r_1868 isobutyl alcohol transport 0 1.1 0 0 0 0 -r_1869 isobutyl alcohol transport -1.1 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1870 isobutyraldehyde exchange 0 1.1 0 1.1 0 0.033069 +r_1869 isobutyl alcohol transport -1.1 2.04636e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_1870 isobutyraldehyde exchange 0 1.1 0 1.1 0 0.608501 r_1871 L-1-pyrroline-3-hydroxy-5-carboxylate spontaneous conversion to L-4-hydroxyglutamate semialdehyde 0 1000 0 5.18453 0 0.0088369 -r_1872 L-2-amino-3-oxobutanoate decarboxylation (spontaneous) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1873 L-alanine exchange 0 2.14851 0 2.14851 0 0.0614494 +r_1872 L-2-amino-3-oxobutanoate decarboxylation (spontaneous) 0 0 0 0 0 9.55902e-13 +r_1873 L-alanine exchange 0 2.14851 0 2.14851 0 1.95109 r_1874 L-alanine transport 0 12.4006 0 6.23819 0 0.0604528 r_1875 L-arabinitol exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1876 L-arabinitol transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1877 L-arabinoase transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1878 L-arabinose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1879 L-arginine exchange 0 0.808066 0 0.808066 0 0.000317403 -r_1880 L-asparagine exchange 0 1.57867 0 1.57867 0 0.0195444 -r_1881 L-aspartate exchange 0 1.65 0 1.65 0 0.0523172 -r_1882 L-carnitine transport 0 5.14468 0 5.14468 0 0.0635246 -r_1883 L-cysteine exchange -8.63713e-12 1.29654 0 1.29654 0 0.0323448 +r_1879 L-arginine exchange 0 0.808066 0 0.808066 0 0.0165615 +r_1880 L-asparagine exchange 0 1.57867 0 1.57867 0 0.0653163 +r_1881 L-aspartate exchange 0 1.65 -8.17554e-13 1.65 0 1.65 +r_1882 L-carnitine transport 0 5.14468 0 5.14468 0 0.134703 +r_1883 L-cysteine exchange -9.09495e-13 1.29654 0 1.29654 -2.08506e-12 0.0544392 r_1884 L-erythro-4-hydroxyglutamate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1885 L-erythro-4-hydroxyglutamate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1886 L-glucitol exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1887 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde dehydratase 0 3.10402 0 2.79958 0.0166484 0.0354295 -r_1889 L-glutamate exchange 0 1.19604 0 1.19604 0 0.0319521 +r_1887 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde dehydratase 0 3.10402 0 2.79958 0 0.0356517 +r_1889 L-glutamate exchange 0 1.19604 0 1.19604 0 1.10319 r_1890 L-glutamate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1891 L-glutamine exchange 0 1.16022 0 1.16022 0 0.0231418 +r_1891 L-glutamine exchange 0 1.16022 0 1.16022 0 0.768446 r_1892 L-glutamine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1893 L-histidine exchange 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0 0.000448851 -r_1895 L-homoserine transport -1.37963 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1896 L-homoserine exchange 0 1.37963 0 1.37963 0 0.0290025 -r_1897 L-isoleucine exchange 0 0.82434 0 0.82434 0 0.0231263 -r_1898 L-isoleucine transport 0 5.62583 0 4.95776 0 0.119017 -r_1899 L-leucine exchange 0 0.787546 0 0.787546 0 0.0234936 -r_1900 L-lysine exchange 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0 0.000222736 +r_1893 L-histidine exchange 0 0.839046 0 0.839046 0 0.0236143 +r_1895 L-homoserine transport -1.37963 2.09255e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_1896 L-homoserine exchange 0 1.37963 0 1.37963 0 0.728981 +r_1897 L-isoleucine exchange 0 0.82434 0 0.82434 0 0.822412 +r_1898 L-isoleucine transport 0 5.62583 0 4.95776 0 0.608501 +r_1899 L-leucine exchange 0 0.787546 0 0.787546 0 0.0860304 +r_1900 L-lysine exchange 0 0.747676 0 0.747676 0 0.0324531 r_1901 L-malate transport -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_1902 L-methionine exchange -1.07503e-12 0.666116 0 0.663579 0 0.00889088 -r_1903 L-phenylalanine exchange 0 0.594732 0 0.594732 0 0.000284804 -r_1904 L-proline exchange 0 1.05866 0 1.03928 0 0.018781 -r_1905 L-proline transport 0 3.0082 0 0 0 0 -r_1906 L-serine exchange 0 2.19139 0 2.19139 0 0.0252994 +r_1902 L-methionine exchange 0 0.666116 0 0.663579 0 0.0140159 +r_1903 L-phenylalanine exchange 0 0.594732 0 0.594732 0 0.0372765 +r_1904 L-proline exchange 0 1.05866 0 1.03928 0 0.0356517 +r_1905 L-proline transport 0 3.0082 0 0 -1.25056e-12 0 +r_1906 L-serine exchange 0 2.19139 0 2.19139 0 0.160018 r_1907 L-serine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1908 L-sorbitol transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1909 L-sorbose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1910 L-sorbose transport 0 0 0 0 0 1.6237e-15 -r_1911 L-threonine exchange 0 1.37963 0 1.37963 0 0.0237779 -r_1912 L-tryptophan exchange 0 0.464261 0 0.464261 0 0.000101171 -r_1913 L-tyrosine exchange 0 0.623801 0 0.623801 0 0.000284804 -r_1914 L-valine exchange 0 1.08759 0 1.08759 0 0.0301617 -r_1915 lanosterol exchange 0 0.122834 0 0.122834 0 2.49853e-05 -r_1916 laurate exchange -1.81899e-12 0.25852 0 0.247746 0 0.00343035 +r_1910 L-sorbose transport 0 0 0 0 0 0.14399 +r_1911 L-threonine exchange 0 1.37963 0 1.37963 0 0.59099 +r_1912 L-tryptophan exchange 0 0.464261 0 0.464261 0 0.0132417 +r_1913 L-tyrosine exchange 0 0.623801 0 0.623801 0 0.0304972 +r_1914 L-valine exchange -2.19991e-12 1.08759 0 1.08759 0 0.608501 +r_1915 lanosterol exchange 0 0.122834 0 0.122834 0 0.0032702 +r_1916 laurate exchange 0 0.25852 -1.61944e-12 0.247746 0 0.0296822 r_1919 lysine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1920 M(IP)2C transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1921 M(IP)2C transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1922 M(IP)2C transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1922 M(IP)2C transport -2.84217e-12 0 0 0 0 0 r_1923 M(IP)2C transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1924 M(IP)2C transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1925 M(IP)2C transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1926 M(IP)2C transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1927 M(IP)2C transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1927 M(IP)2C transport 0 2.04636e-12 0 0 0 0 r_1928 M(IP)2C transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1929 M(IP)2C transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1930 malate/oxaloacetate shuttle 0 3.15362 0 1.13687e-12 0 1.65e-06 +r_1930 malate/oxaloacetate shuttle 0 3.15362 0 0.424851 -1.83031e-12 0 r_1931 maltose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1932 mannan transport -0.0625627 0 0 0 -0.0625627 -0.0625627 -r_1935 methionine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1936 methylglyoxal synthase 0 3.34309 0 3.34309 0 0.0407175 +r_1932 mannan transport -0.0625627 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1935 methionine transport 0 0 0 2.96688e-12 0 0 +r_1936 methylglyoxal synthase 0 3.34309 0 3.34309 0 2.37289 r_1937 MIPC transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1938 MIPC transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1939 MIPC transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -1382,145 +1382,145 @@ r_1943 MIPC transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1944 MIPC transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1945 MIPC transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1946 MIPC transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1947 myo-inositol exchange 0 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 -r_1952 N,N'-diformyldityrosine exchange 0 0.272491 0 0.272491 0 0.000142402 -r_1963 NADP(+) transport -0.122834 0 0 1.13687e-13 -0.00651541 -0.00649043 -r_1964 NADPH transport 0 0.122834 0 0 0.00649043 0.00649043 -r_1965 NH3 transport -2.99619 4.96023 2.72855e-12 0 0 0 +r_1947 myo-inositol exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1952 N,N'-diformyldityrosine exchange 0 0.272491 0 0.272491 0 0.0152486 +r_1963 NADP(+) transport -0.122834 0 0 0 0 0 +r_1964 NADPH transport 0 0.122834 0 0 0 0 +r_1965 NH3 transport -2.99619 4.96023 0 1.11945e-13 0 0 r_1966 nicotinamide diffusion 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1967 nicotinate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1968 NMN exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1970 NMN transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1971 NMN transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1972 NMN transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1974 nucleoside-diphosphatase (dGDP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_1975 nucleoside-triphosphatase (dGTP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_1976 O-acetylcarnintine transport into mitochondria 0 5.14468 0 5.14468 0 0.0635246 -r_1977 O2 transport 0 0.122834 0 0 0.00324521 0.00324521 -r_1978 O2 transport 0 2.5 0 0.0666667 2.42197 2.39272 -r_1979 O2 transport 0 2.5 0 0.0716591 2.47015 2.47016 -r_1980 O2 transport 0 1.32612 0 8.03572e-07 0 0.000524113 -r_1981 octadecanoate (n-C18:0) transport -0.200246 1.59162e-12 0 -0.200169 0 -0.00339312 -r_1984 octanoate exchange 0 0.293288 0 0.274549 0 0.00315354 -r_1987 ornithine exchange 0 1.05866 0 1.05866 0 0.000317403 -r_1988 oxaloacetate transport 0 1.65 0 -1.13687e-13 0 0 -r_1989 oxaloacetate(2-) exchange 0 1.65 0 1.65 0 0.0481911 +r_1974 nucleoside-diphosphatase (dGDP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 1.5145 +r_1975 nucleoside-triphosphatase (dGTP) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_1976 O-acetylcarnintine transport into mitochondria 0 5.14468 0 5.14468 0 0.134703 +r_1977 O2 transport 0 0.122834 0 0 0 0 +r_1978 O2 transport 0 2.5 0 0 0 0.0866682 +r_1979 O2 transport 0 2.5 0 0.0716591 0 0.138384 +r_1980 O2 transport 0 1.32612 0 2.4412e-12 2.93613e-11 2.35294e-06 +r_1981 octadecanoate (n-C18:0) transport -0.200246 2.04636e-12 -0.200169 8.21755e-13 -0.025972 0 +r_1984 octanoate exchange 0 0.293288 0 0.274549 0 0.0148708 +r_1987 ornithine exchange 0 1.05866 0 1.05866 0 0.0165615 +r_1988 oxaloacetate transport 0 1.65 0 0 0 0 +r_1989 oxaloacetate(2-) exchange 0 1.65 0 1.65 0 1.65 r_1990 oxidized glutathione uniport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_1991 oxidized thioredoxin transport -1.32612 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1992 oxygen exchange -2.5 0 -2.5 0 -2.5 -2.47015 -r_1993 palmitate exchange -5.96431e-12 0.227858 -9.22802e-13 0.227799 0 0.00387786 -r_1994 palmitoleate exchange -1.63709e-11 0.222604 0 0.222464 0 0.00368614 +r_1992 oxygen exchange -2.5 0 -2.5 0 -2.5 0 +r_1993 palmitate exchange -5.57066e-12 0.227858 0 0.227799 0 0.0296822 +r_1994 palmitoleate exchange -4.77485e-12 0.222604 0 0.222464 -3.85963e-12 0.0296822 r_1995 palmitoyl-CoA transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_1996 panthetheine 4'-phosphate transport -2.48012 1.672e-05 1.02346e-12 0 0 0 -r_1997 panthetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0 1.21179 -4.30683e-13 0.544242 0 0.013279 -r_1998 PAP uniport -0.4012 0 0 0 0 1.13687e-12 +r_1996 panthetheine 4'-phosphate transport -2.48012 1.672e-05 0 1.02346e-12 0 0 +r_1997 panthetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0 1.21179 0 0.544242 0 0.0830147 +r_1998 PAP uniport -0.4012 0 0 0 0 2.27374e-13 r_1999 pectin exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2000 phenethyl acetate exchange 0 0.493215 0 0.493215 0 0.000284804 -r_2001 phenylacetaldehyde exchange 0 0.623801 0 0.623801 0 0.000284804 +r_2000 phenethyl acetate exchange 0 0.493215 0 0.493215 0 0.0372765 +r_2001 phenylacetaldehyde exchange 0 0.623801 0 0.623801 0 0.0372765 r_2002 phenylacetaldehyde transport 0 0.623801 0 0 0 0 r_2003 phenylacetaldehyde transport 0 0.600565 0 0 0 0 r_2004 phenylalanine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2005 phosphate exchange -16.5739 8.29914e-12 -16.5739 4.43379e-12 -1.09501 -0.379214 +r_2005 phosphate exchange -16.5739 1.01135e-10 -16.5739 1.20508e-11 -8.84102 6.36646e-12 r_2008 phosphate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2020 potassium exchange -0.00031944 0 -0.00031944 0 -0.000321899 -0.00031944 -r_2022 protoporphyrinogen IX transport 0 8.8e-08 0 0 8.8e-08 8.8e-08 -r_2023 PRPP transport 0 0 0 0 0 -1.02019e-12 -r_2024 putrescine exchange 0 1.02163 0 1.02163 0 0.000317403 +r_2020 potassium exchange -0.00031944 0 -0.00031944 0 -0.00031944 0 +r_2022 protoporphyrinogen IX transport 0 8.8e-08 0 0 0 0 +r_2023 PRPP transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2024 putrescine exchange 0 1.02163 0 1.02163 0 0.0165615 r_2025 pyridoxal kinase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2026 pyridoxamine kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2027 pyridoxamine phosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_2026 pyridoxamine kinase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2027 pyridoxamine phosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 r_2028 pyridoxine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2029 pyridoxine kinase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2030 pyrimidine phosphatase 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 8.8e-05 8.86775e-05 -r_2031 pyrimidine-nucleoside phosphorylase (uracil) -8.26706 4.90029 0 -5.33122 -2.33294e-12 -0.0809861 -r_2032 pyrophosphate transport -6.21521 6.38906 0 0 0.599861 0.347244 +r_2030 pyrimidine phosphatase 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 0 8.8e-05 +r_2031 pyrimidine-nucleoside phosphorylase (uracil) -8.26706 4.90029 -5.33122 8.76188e-13 -8.05792 0 +r_2032 pyrophosphate transport -6.21521 6.38906 0 2.49312e-12 0 2.42281e-12 r_2033 pyruvate exchange 0 8.06e-05 0 8.06e-05 0 8.06e-05 -r_2034 pyruvate transport -1.72743e-11 6.5468 0 6.5468 0 0.872735 +r_2034 pyruvate transport 0 6.5468 -6.82167e-13 6.5635 0 1.87161 r_2036 quinolinate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2037 reduced thioredoxin transport 0 1.32612 0 0 0 0 +r_2037 reduced thioredoxin transport 0 1.32612 0 0 -1.81899e-12 0 r_2038 riboflavin exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2039 riboflavin transport 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 0 8.86775e-07 +r_2039 riboflavin transport 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 0 8.8e-07 r_2040 riboflavin transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2041 ribose transporter 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2042 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine transport 0 0 0 1.13687e-13 0 1.13687e-13 +r_2042 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine transport 0 0 0 1.13687e-13 0 2.27374e-13 r_2043 S-adenosyl-L-methionine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2044 S-methyl-L-methionine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2045 serine transport -1.74031 2.4822 0 -0.478688 0 0.0178028 -r_2046 sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine exchange 0 0.380511 0 0.0993509 0 0.00193703 -r_2049 sodium exchange -0.00034936 0 -0.00034936 0 -0.00035205 -0.00034936 +r_2045 serine transport -1.74031 2.4822 -0.478688 0 0 0.0510054 +r_2046 sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine exchange 0 0.380511 0 0.0993509 0 0.00910286 +r_2049 sodium exchange -0.00034936 0 -0.00034936 0 -0.00034936 0 r_2050 spermidine acetyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2051 spermidine exchange 0 0.420593 0 0.420593 0 0.000144153 -r_2052 spermine exchange 0 0.261799 0 0.261799 0 7.20765e-05 -r_2053 squalene transport 0 0.122834 0 0 0.00324521 0.00324521 -r_2054 squalene-2,3-epoxide transport 0 0.122834 0 0 0.0032702 0.00324521 -r_2055 stearate exchange -5.45697e-12 0.200246 -5.72071e-12 0.200169 0 0.00339312 -r_2056 succinate exchange -1.13054e-12 1e-05 0 1e-05 0 1e-05 +r_2051 spermidine exchange 0 0.420593 -1.11945e-13 0.420593 -3.59179e-12 0.000160873 +r_2052 spermine exchange 0 0.261799 0 0.261799 0 8.04365e-05 +r_2053 squalene transport 0 0.122834 0 0 0 0 +r_2054 squalene-2,3-epoxide transport 0 0.122834 0 0 0 0 +r_2055 stearate exchange -7.38964e-12 0.200246 -8.21755e-13 0.200169 0 0.025972 +r_2056 succinate exchange 0 1e-05 0 1e-05 0 1e-05 r_2057 succinate transport -1e-05 0 0 0 0 0 r_2058 sucrose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2060 sulphate exchange -2.98243 0 -2.98243 0 -0.0449741 -0.00756891 -r_2061 sulphite exchange 0 2.96863 -1.02544e-12 2.96863 0 0.0374052 +r_2060 sulphate exchange -2.98243 0 -2.98243 0 -0.05619 0 +r_2061 sulphite exchange -2.42532e-12 2.96863 0 2.96863 -2.43765e-12 0.0544392 r_2062 taurine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2063 tetracosanoyl-CoA transport 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 -r_2064 thiamin phosphatase -1.11859e-10 3.10015 0 2.14238 0 0.0287418 -r_2065 thiaminase -1.11859e-10 3.10015 0 2.14238 0 0.0287418 +r_2064 thiamin phosphatase 0 3.10015 0 2.14238 0 1.92096 +r_2065 thiaminase 0 3.10015 0 2.14238 0 1.92096 r_2066 thiamine(1+) diphosphate(1-) exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2067 thiamine(1+) exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2067 thiamine(1+) exchange 0 0 0 0 0 3.48221e-12 r_2068 thiamine(1+) monophosphate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2069 thiamine-phosphate kinase 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 0 1.06413e-07 -r_2070 thiazole phosphate synthesis (ribose 5-phosphate) 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 0 1.06413e-07 -r_2071 thiazole phosphate synthesis (xylulose 5-phosphate) 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 0 1.06413e-07 -r_2072 threonine transport 0 1.48581 -2.72855e-12 1.42609 0 0.034099 -r_2073 thymidine exchange 0 0.518217 0 0.518217 0 0.000448851 -r_2074 thymidine kinase (ATP:thymidine) 0 8.26706 0 7.28712 0 0.081435 -r_2075 thymidine transport -0.518217 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 +r_2069 thiamine-phosphate kinase 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 +r_2070 thiazole phosphate synthesis (ribose 5-phosphate) 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 +r_2071 thiazole phosphate synthesis (xylulose 5-phosphate) 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 0 1.056e-07 +r_2072 threonine transport -1.17403e-12 1.48581 -2.23889e-13 1.42609 0 0.163802 +r_2073 thymidine exchange -4.07689e-12 0.518217 0 0.518217 0 0.014191 +r_2074 thymidine kinase (ATP:thymidine) 0 8.26706 0 7.28712 0 6.56487 +r_2075 thymidine transport -0.518217 0 0 0 0 0 r_2079 trehalose transporter 0 0.49722 0 0 0 0 r_2080 trehalose vacuolar transport 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_2082 tryptophan transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2083 tryptophol exchange 0 0.469302 0 0.469302 0 0.000101171 -r_2084 tryptophol transport 0 0.469302 0 0 0 0 +r_2083 tryptophol exchange -2.19991e-12 0.469302 0 0.469302 0 0.0132417 +r_2084 tryptophol transport -2.16005e-12 0.469302 0 0 0 0 r_2085 tryptophol transport -0.469302 0 0 0 0 0 r_2086 tyrosine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2087 tyrosine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2089 UMP transport 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 r_2090 uracil exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2091 urea exchange 0 1.70782 0 1.70782 0 0.0010613 +r_2091 urea exchange -4.19057e-12 1.70782 0 1.70782 0 0.0010613 r_2092 uridine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2093 valine transport -1.1 0 0 -0.0401682 -0.0267467 -0.0267467 -r_2094 water diffusion -0.122834 8.26706 0 3.10238 0 -0.0065404 +r_2093 valine transport -1.1 2.04636e-12 -0.0258848 0 0 0 +r_2094 water diffusion -0.122834 8.26706 0 5.6803 0 0.390702 r_2095 water diffusion 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 -r_2096 water diffusion -17.4233 0.400005 -0.349048 -0.208798 -9.43435 -9.43404 -r_2097 water diffusion -1000 1000 0 0 0 -57.8551 -r_2098 water diffusion -1.32612 4.90029 9.73136e-13 0 0 8.8e-07 -r_2099 water diffusion -1.21406 4.90029 0 -0.0251279 0 0 -r_2100 water exchange 0.213747 12.1564 0.213747 12.1564 4.57372 4.92406 -r_2101 xanthine transport -0.559107 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2096 water diffusion -17.4233 0.400005 -0.349048 -0.208798 -0.745104 -0.162603 +r_2097 water diffusion -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 +r_2098 water diffusion -1.32612 4.90029 0 0 -2.16005e-12 8.94706e-13 +r_2099 water diffusion -1.21406 4.90029 -1e-05 0 0 1.50049e-12 +r_2100 water exchange 0.213747 12.1564 0.213747 12.1564 0.213747 8.61605 +r_2101 xanthine transport -0.559107 0 0 0 0 1.13687e-12 r_2102 xanthosine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2103 xanthosine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2104 xylitol exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2105 xylitol transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2106 zymosterol exchange 0 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0 2.49853e-05 -r_2107 zymosterol transport -0.0455486 4.90029 0 -0.0219397 0 0.00419098 -r_2108 lipid pseudoreaction - merge 0 0.088 0 0.088 0.088 0.0886775 -r_2111 growth 0 0.088 0 0.088 0.088 0.0886775 +r_2106 zymosterol exchange 0 0.0455486 0 0.0455486 0 0.0032702 +r_2107 zymosterol transport -0.0455486 4.90029 -0.0455488 0 0 0.00414158 +r_2108 lipid pseudoreaction - merge 0 0.088 0 0.088 0 0.088 +r_2111 growth 0 0.088 0 0.088 0 0.088 r_2112 kynurenine aminotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2113 spontaneous kynurenic acid to quinaldic acid 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2114 spontaneous 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate-6-semialdehyde to quinolinate 0 0.136646 0 0.136646 0.0102698 0.0103489 -r_2115 alcohol dehydrogenase, (acetaldehyde to ethanol) 0 1000 0 2000 0 1047.34 -r_2116 acetaldehyde dehydrogenase 0 2.91527 0 3.03385 0 0.286289 -r_2117 phenylalanine transaminase -1000 1000 0 0 0 -2.2656 -r_2118 tryptophan transaminase 0 0.481719 0 0.481719 0 0.000101171 -r_2119 tyrosine transaminase -1000 1000 0 0 0 4.68146 +r_2114 spontaneous 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate-6-semialdehyde to quinolinate 0 0.136646 0 0.136646 0 0.0103448 +r_2115 alcohol dehydrogenase, (acetaldehyde to ethanol) 0 1000 0 2000 0 1001.1 +r_2116 acetaldehyde dehydrogenase 0 2.91527 0 3.11281 0 2.73345 +r_2117 phenylalanine transaminase -1000 1000 0 0 -2.2656 0 +r_2118 tryptophan transaminase 0 0.481719 0 0.481719 0 0.0132417 +r_2119 tyrosine transaminase -1000 1000 0 1.60456e-13 0 5.24762 r_2125 coenzyme A: cytoplasm to LP -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 r_2126 sedoheptulose bisphosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.0107694 -r_2129 proton leak 0 23.6901 0 23.6901 0 0.248716 -r_2131 isocitrate dehydrogenase -8.63713e-12 2.81315 0 1.26954 0 0.125834 -r_2132 oxoglutarate/malate exchange 0 1000 0 22.0322 0 1.39089 -r_2134 14-demethyllanosterol exchange 0 0.115824 0 0.11406 0 2.49853e-05 -r_2136 14-demethyllanosterol transport -0.115824 0 0 4.54747e-13 0 0 -r_2137 ergosta-5,7,22,24(28)-tetraen-3beta-ol exchange 0 0.0447695 0 0.0447695 0 2.49853e-05 -r_2139 ergosta-5,7,22,24(28)-tetraen-3beta-ol transport -0.0447695 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2140 fatty-acyl-CoA synthase (n-C16:0CoA) 0 0.293344 0 0.286279 0.00982769 0.0159356 -r_2141 fatty-acyl-CoA synthase (n-C18:0CoA) 0 0.2574 0 0.252164 0.00242565 0.00755176 +r_2129 proton leak 0 23.6901 0 23.6901 0 20.6986 +r_2131 isocitrate dehydrogenase 0 2.81315 -2.23889e-13 1.26954 -1.838e-12 0.334675 +r_2132 oxoglutarate/malate exchange 0 1000 -3.35834e-13 22.3917 0 1.41982 +r_2134 14-demethyllanosterol exchange 0 0.115824 0 0.11406 0 0.0032702 +r_2136 14-demethyllanosterol transport -0.115824 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2137 ergosta-5,7,22,24(28)-tetraen-3beta-ol exchange -9.09495e-13 0.0447695 0 0.0447695 0 0.0032702 +r_2139 ergosta-5,7,22,24(28)-tetraen-3beta-ol transport -0.0447695 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 +r_2140 fatty-acyl-CoA synthase (n-C16:0CoA) 0 0.293344 0 0.286279 0 0.0296822 +r_2141 fatty-acyl-CoA synthase (n-C18:0CoA) 0 0.2574 0 0.252164 0 0.025972 r_2142 B-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (acetoacetyl-ACP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2143 B-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (3-oxo-hexanoyl-ACP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2144 B-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (3-oxo-octanoyl-ACP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -1534,201 +1534,201 @@ r_2151 enoyl-ACP reductase (butanoyl-ACP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2152 enoyl-ACP reductase (hexanoyl-ACP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2153 enoyl-ACP reductase (octanoyl-ACP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2154 elongase I (3-oxotetradecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.149042 0 0.000388549 -r_2155 elongase I (3-oxopalmitoyl-CoA) -1.59162e-12 1.81377 0 0.150659 0 0.000645373 +r_2155 elongase I (3-oxopalmitoyl-CoA) -1.21584e-10 1.81377 0 0.150659 0 0.000645373 r_2156 elongase II (3-oxooctadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.27641 0 0.000987878 -r_2157 elongase II or III (3-oxoicosanoyl-CoA) 0 1.1773 0 0.270447 0 0.00451463 -r_2158 elongase II or III (3-oxodocosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.713908 0 0.228115 0 0.00410499 -r_2159 elongase II or III (3-oxotetracosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.512274 0 0.208979 0 0.00267279 -r_2160 elongase III (3-oxohexacosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 +r_2157 elongase II or III (3-oxoicosanoyl-CoA) -1.59162e-12 1.1773 0 0.256288 0 0.00801838 +r_2158 elongase II or III (3-oxodocosanoyl-CoA) -1.59162e-12 0.713908 0 0.228123 0 0.00494672 +r_2159 elongase II or III (3-oxotetracosanoyl-CoA) -1.59162e-12 0.512274 0 0.208925 0 0.00358897 +r_2160 elongase III (3-oxohexacosanoyl-CoA) -9.09495e-13 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 r_2161 B-ketoacyl-CoA reductase ((S)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.149042 0 0.000388549 -r_2162 B-ketoacyl-CoA reductase ((S)-3-hydroxypalmitoyl-CoA) -1.59162e-12 1.81377 0 0.150659 0 0.000645373 +r_2162 B-ketoacyl-CoA reductase ((S)-3-hydroxypalmitoyl-CoA) -1.21584e-10 1.81377 0 0.150659 0 0.000645373 r_2163 B-ketoacyl-CoA reductase (3-hydroxyoctadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.27641 0 0.000987878 -r_2164 B-ketoacyl-CoA reductase (3-hydroxyicosanoyl-CoA) 0 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.0035533 -r_2165 B-ketoacyl-CoA reductase (3-hydroxydocosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00316747 -r_2166 B-ketoacyl-CoA reductase (3-hydroxytetracosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.512274 0 0.208919 0 0.00267279 -r_2167 B-ketoacyl-CoA reductase ((S)-3-hydroxyhexacosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 +r_2164 B-ketoacyl-CoA reductase (3-hydroxyicosanoyl-CoA) -1.59162e-12 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.00801838 +r_2165 B-ketoacyl-CoA reductase (3-hydroxydocosanoyl-CoA) -1.59162e-12 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00400919 +r_2166 B-ketoacyl-CoA reductase (3-hydroxytetracosanoyl-CoA) -1.59162e-12 0.512274 0 0.208919 0 0.00267279 +r_2167 B-ketoacyl-CoA reductase ((S)-3-hydroxyhexacosanoyl-CoA) -9.09495e-13 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 r_2168 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase (trans-tetradec-2-enoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.149042 0 0.000388549 -r_2169 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase (trans-hexadec-2-enoyl-CoA) -1.59162e-12 1.81377 0 0.150659 0 0.000645373 +r_2169 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase (trans-hexadec-2-enoyl-CoA) -1.21531e-10 1.81377 0 0.150659 0 0.000645373 r_2170 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase (trans-octadec-2-enoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.27641 0 0.000987878 -r_2171 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase (trans-icos-2-enoyl-CoA) 0 1.1773 0 0 0 0.0035533 -r_2172 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase (trans-docos-2-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00316747 -r_2173 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase (trans-tetracos-2-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.512274 0 0.208919 0 0.00267279 -r_2174 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase (trans-hexacos-2-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 +r_2171 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase (trans-icos-2-enoyl-CoA) -1.59162e-12 1.1773 0 0 0 0.00801838 +r_2172 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase (trans-docos-2-enoyl-CoA) -1.59162e-12 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00400919 +r_2173 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase (trans-tetracos-2-enoyl-CoA) -1.59162e-12 0.512274 0 0.208919 0 0.00267279 +r_2174 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase (trans-hexacos-2-enoyl-CoA) -9.09495e-13 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 r_2175 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (n-C14:0CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.149042 0 0.000388549 -r_2176 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (n-C16:0CoA) -1.59162e-12 1.81377 0 0.150659 0 0.000645373 +r_2176 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (n-C16:0CoA) -1.21584e-10 1.81377 0 0.150659 0 0.000645373 r_2177 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (n-C18:0CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.27641 0 0.000987878 -r_2178 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (n-C20:0CoA) 0 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.0035533 -r_2179 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (n-C22:0CoA) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00316747 -r_2180 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (n-C24:0CoA) 0 0.512274 0 0.208919 0 0.00267279 -r_2181 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (n-C26:0CoA) 0 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 -r_2182 palmitoyl-CoA desaturase (n-C16:0CoA -> n-C16:1CoA), ER membrane -2.04636e-12 0.282929 0 0.274276 0.00820814 0.0118943 -r_2183 stearoyl-CoA desaturase (n-C18:0CoA -> n-C18:1CoA), ER membrane -9.09495e-13 0.501778 0 0.261858 0.00271248 0.00613636 -r_2184 octanoate (n-C8:0) transport -0.293288 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 -r_2185 decanoate (n-C10:0) transport -0.27505 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2186 laurate (n-C12:0) transport -0.25852 1.81899e-12 0 -0.247746 0 0 -r_2187 butyrate exchange 0 0.256983 0 0.2499 0 0.00287128 +r_2178 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (n-C20:0CoA) -1.59162e-12 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.00801838 +r_2179 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (n-C22:0CoA) -1.59162e-12 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00400919 +r_2180 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (n-C24:0CoA) -1.59162e-12 0.512274 0 0.208919 0 0.00267279 +r_2181 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (n-C26:0CoA) -9.09495e-13 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 +r_2182 palmitoyl-CoA desaturase (n-C16:0CoA -> n-C16:1CoA), ER membrane -1.13687e-12 0.282929 0 0.274276 0 0.0296822 +r_2183 stearoyl-CoA desaturase (n-C18:0CoA -> n-C18:1CoA), ER membrane 0 0.501778 0 0.261858 0 0.0262148 +r_2184 octanoate (n-C8:0) transport -0.293288 0 0 7.95808e-13 0 0 +r_2185 decanoate (n-C10:0) transport -0.27505 1.59162e-12 0 0 0 2.38742e-12 +r_2186 laurate (n-C12:0) transport -0.25852 9.09495e-13 -0.247746 1.61944e-12 -0.0296822 0 +r_2187 butyrate exchange 0 0.256983 0 0.2499 0 0.0102562 r_2188 hexanoate exchange 0 0.267421 0 0.0849701 0 6.94622e-05 -r_2189 oleate exchange -3.41061e-12 0.196177 0 0.196031 0 0.00325298 -r_2190 butyrate (n-C4:0) transport -0.256983 0 0 -0.2499 0 0 -r_2191 hexanoate (n-C6:0) transport -0.267421 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2192 octadecenoate (n-C18:1) transport -0.196177 7.04858e-12 0 0 0 -0.00325298 -r_2193 myristate exchange 0 0.243589 0 0.234549 0 0.00354244 +r_2189 oleate exchange -1.47793e-11 0.196177 0 0.196031 0 0.025972 +r_2190 butyrate (n-C4:0) transport -0.256983 0 -0.185993 0 0 0 +r_2191 hexanoate (n-C6:0) transport -0.267421 0 -0.0283379 0 0 0 +r_2192 octadecenoate (n-C18:1) transport -0.196177 3.9563e-11 -0.196031 0 -0.025972 0 +r_2193 myristate exchange 0 0.243589 0 0.234549 0 0.0296822 r_2194 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (dodecanoate), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.00883677 0 2.9698e-05 -r_2195 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (tetradecanoate), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -0.106595 0 -0.000468145 -r_2196 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (hexadecanoate), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -0.0966392 0 -0.00642146 -r_2197 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (hexadecenoate), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -0.12965 0 -0.00179725 -r_2198 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octadecanoate), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0290441 0 -0.00294701 -r_2199 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octadecenoate), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.212752 0 -0.00301472 +r_2195 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (tetradecanoate), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.00906641 -0.000309523 0 +r_2196 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (hexadecanoate), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0591226 -0.00046061 0 +r_2197 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (hexadecenoate), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.141415 -0.000546717 0 +r_2198 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octadecanoate), ER membrane -1000 1000 -0.117622 0 -0.000546717 0 +r_2199 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octadecenoate), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0643575 -0.000413435 0 r_2200 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (dodecanoate), lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0.00883677 0 2.9698e-05 -r_2201 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (tetradecanoate), lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0.00906641 0 -0.000507431 -r_2202 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (hexadecanoate), lipid particle -1000 1000 0 -0.0411836 0 -0.00377211 -r_2203 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (hexadecenoate), lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0.0517658 0 -0.00645776 -r_2204 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octadecanoate), lipid particle -1000 1000 0 -0.0543279 0 -0.00330451 -r_2205 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octadecenoate), lipid particle -1000 1000 0 -0.0958902 0 -0.000616035 -r_2206 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (hexadecenoate), peroxisome -3.10015 4.90029 0 0.148654 0 1.6576e-05 -r_2207 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octadecanoate), peroxisome -3.10015 4.90029 0 0.0658293 0 -0.00240363 -r_2208 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octadecenoate), peroxisome -3.10015 4.90029 0 0.0465803 0 1.6576e-05 +r_2201 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (tetradecanoate), lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0.00906641 -0.000546717 0 +r_2202 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (hexadecanoate), lipid particle -1000 1000 -0.0986264 0 -0.00101768 0 +r_2203 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (hexadecenoate), lipid particle -1000 1000 -0.131433 0 -0.000464667 0 +r_2204 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octadecanoate), lipid particle -1000 1000 -0.00079595 0 -0.000546717 0 +r_2205 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octadecenoate), lipid particle -1000 1000 -0.0183852 0 -0.000413435 0 +r_2206 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (hexadecenoate), peroxisome -3.10015 4.90029 0 0.154268 0 1.6576e-05 +r_2207 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octadecanoate), peroxisome -3.10015 4.90029 0 0.0307455 -0.000324067 0 +r_2208 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (octadecenoate), peroxisome -3.10015 4.90029 0 0.154268 -6.45752e-14 1.6576e-05 r_2209 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (arachidate), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2210 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (behenate), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2211 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (lignoceric acid), cell envelope -1000 1000 0 5.88585e-06 0 2.79066e-06 -r_2212 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (cerotic acid), cell envelope -1000 1000 0 -5.88585e-06 0 -2.79066e-06 +r_2211 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (lignoceric acid), cell envelope -1000 1000 0 5.88585e-06 0 5.24275e-06 +r_2212 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (cerotic acid), cell envelope -1000 1000 -5.88585e-06 0 -5.24275e-06 0 r_2213 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (behenate), ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2214 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (lignoceric acid), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 1.77636e-15 0 3.70548e-12 -r_2215 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (cerotic acid), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -3.55271e-15 0 -4.52971e-14 +r_2214 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (lignoceric acid), ER membrane -1000 1000 -2.09438e-12 -7.10543e-15 -7.28306e-14 0 +r_2215 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (cerotic acid), ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -2.84217e-14 1.11944e-12 r_2216 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (behenate), lipid particle 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2217 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (lignoceric acid), lipid particle -1000 1000 0 -1.77636e-15 0 -3.70548e-12 -r_2218 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (cerotic acid), lipid particle -1000 1000 0 3.55271e-15 0 4.52971e-14 -r_2219 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C12:0) 0 3.10015 -6.30501e-13 0.162047 0 0.000388549 +r_2217 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (lignoceric acid), lipid particle -1000 1000 -6.75016e-14 0 0 7.28306e-14 +r_2218 fatty-acid--CoA ligase (cerotic acid), lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 0 2.84217e-14 +r_2219 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C12:0) 0 3.10015 0 0.162047 -9.64266e-12 0.000388549 r_2220 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C14:0) 0 3.10015 0 0.163465 0 0.000645373 -r_2221 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C16:0) 0 3.10015 0 0.326322 0 0.00449854 -r_2222 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C16:1) 0 3.10015 0 0.322217 0 0.00433714 -r_2223 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C18:0) 0 3.10015 0 0.285194 -5.7301e-13 0.0040228 -r_2224 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C18:1) 0 3.10015 0 0.28873 0 0.00394697 -r_2225 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C20:0) 0 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.0035533 -r_2226 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C22:0) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00316747 +r_2221 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C16:0) 0 3.10015 0 0.326322 0 0.0303276 +r_2222 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C16:1) 0 3.10015 0 0.322217 0 0.0303276 +r_2223 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C18:0) 0 3.10015 0 0.285194 0 0.0266173 +r_2224 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C18:1) 0 3.10015 0 0.28873 0 0.0266173 +r_2225 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C20:0) 0 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.00801838 +r_2226 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C22:0) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00400919 r_2227 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C24:0) 0 0.512274 0 0.208919 0 0.00267279 r_2228 fatty acyl-CoA transport via ABC system (C26:0) 0 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 r_2229 butyrate (n-C4:0) transport, cytoplasm-peroxisome -0.256983 0 0 0 0 0 r_2230 hexanoate (n-C6:0) transport, cytoplasm-peroxisome -0.267421 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2231 octadecenoate (n-C18:1) transport, cytoplasm-peroxisome -3.10015 0.501778 -9.73136e-13 -0.158554 0 -0.00367721 -r_2232 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase (4:0) 0 0.256983 0 0.2499 0 0.00287128 +r_2231 octadecenoate (n-C18:1) transport, cytoplasm-peroxisome -3.10015 0.501778 -0.158554 0 -0.0264005 0 +r_2232 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase (4:0) 0 0.256983 0 0.2499 0 0.0102562 r_2233 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase (6:0) 0 0.267421 0 0.0849701 0 6.94622e-05 -r_2234 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase (16:1) 0 4.90029 0 0.295206 0 0.0045041 -r_2235 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase (18:1) 0 4.90029 0 0.270054 0 0.00411095 -r_2236 acyl-CoA oxidase (butanoyl-CoA) 0 0.247178 0 0.242002 0 0.00280432 -r_2237 acyl-CoA oxidase (hexanoyl-CoA) 0 0.257178 0 0.251571 0 0.00304127 -r_2238 acyl-CoA oxidase (octanoyl-CoA) 0 0.267537 0 0.257137 0 0.00318694 -r_2239 acyl-CoA oxidase (icosanoyl-CoA) 0 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.0035533 -r_2240 acyl-CoA oxidase (docosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00316747 +r_2234 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase (16:1) 0 4.90029 0 0.295206 0 0.0305445 +r_2235 peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase (18:1) 0 4.90029 0 0.270054 0 0.0268342 +r_2236 acyl-CoA oxidase (butanoyl-CoA) 0 0.247178 0 0.242002 0 0.00941556 +r_2237 acyl-CoA oxidase (hexanoyl-CoA) 0 0.257178 0 0.251571 0 0.0102562 +r_2238 acyl-CoA oxidase (octanoyl-CoA) 0 0.267537 0 0.257137 -9.64266e-12 0.0112617 +r_2239 acyl-CoA oxidase (icosanoyl-CoA) 0 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.00801838 +r_2240 acyl-CoA oxidase (docosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00400919 r_2241 acyl-CoA oxidase (tetracosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.512274 0 0.208919 0 0.00267279 -r_2242 acyl-CoA oxidase (palmitoleoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2243 acyl-CoA oxidase (cis-tetradec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2244 acyl-CoA oxidase (cis-dodec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2245 acyl-CoA oxidase (oleoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00295866 -r_2246 acyl-CoA oxidase (cis-hexadec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00295866 -r_2247 acyl-CoA oxidase (cis-tetradec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00295866 -r_2248 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxydecanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293288 0 0.274549 0 0.0031978 -r_2249 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxydodecanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293344 0 0.277423 0 0.00334785 -r_2250 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.325449 0 0.00371775 -r_2251 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxyhexadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.326322 0 0.00398947 -r_2252 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxyoctadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.285194 0 0.00391083 +r_2242 acyl-CoA oxidase (palmitoleoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2243 acyl-CoA oxidase (cis-tetradec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2244 acyl-CoA oxidase (cis-dodec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2245 acyl-CoA oxidase (oleoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00799892 +r_2246 acyl-CoA oxidase (cis-hexadec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00799892 +r_2247 acyl-CoA oxidase (cis-tetradec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00799892 +r_2248 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxydecanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293288 0 0.274549 -9.64266e-12 0.0148708 +r_2249 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxydodecanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293344 0 0.277423 -9.64266e-12 0.0296822 +r_2250 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.325449 0 0.0300153 +r_2251 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxyhexadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.326322 0 0.0302354 +r_2252 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxyoctadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.285194 0 0.0265367 r_2253 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxyhexacosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 -r_2254 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxybutanoyl-CoA) 0 0.247178 0 0.242002 0 0.00280432 -r_2255 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxyhexanoyl-CoA) 0 0.257178 0 0.251571 0 0.00304127 -r_2256 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxyoctanoyl-CoA) 0 0.267537 0 0.257137 -5.38393e-13 0.00318694 -r_2257 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxyicosanoyl-CoA) 0 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.0035533 -r_2258 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxydocosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00316747 +r_2254 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxybutanoyl-CoA) 0 0.247178 0 0.242002 0 0.00941556 +r_2255 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxyhexanoyl-CoA) 0 0.257178 0 0.251571 0 0.0102562 +r_2256 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxyoctanoyl-CoA) 0 0.267537 0 0.257137 -9.64266e-12 0.0112617 +r_2257 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxyicosanoyl-CoA) 0 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.00801838 +r_2258 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxydocosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00400919 r_2259 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxytetracosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.512274 0 0.208919 0 0.00267279 -r_2260 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxy-cis-hexadec-9-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2261 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxy-cis-tetradec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2262 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxy-cis-dodec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2263 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxy-cis-octadec-9-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00295866 -r_2264 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxy-cis-hexadec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00295866 -r_2265 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxy-cis-tetradec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.249603 0 0.237266 0 0.00278676 -r_2266 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxodecanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293288 0 0.274549 0 0.0031978 -r_2267 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxododecanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293344 0 0.277423 0 0.00334785 -r_2268 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxohexadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.326322 0 0.00398947 -r_2269 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxooctadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.285194 0 0.00391083 +r_2260 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxy-cis-hexadec-9-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2261 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxy-cis-tetradec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2262 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxy-cis-dodec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2263 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxy-cis-octadec-9-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00799892 +r_2264 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxy-cis-hexadec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00799892 +r_2265 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (3-hydroxy-cis-tetradec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.249603 0 0.237266 0 0.00799892 +r_2266 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxodecanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293288 0 0.274549 -9.64266e-12 0.0148708 +r_2267 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxododecanoyl-CoA) 0 0.293344 0 0.277423 -9.64266e-12 0.0296822 +r_2268 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxohexadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.326322 0 0.0302354 +r_2269 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxooctadecanoyl-CoA) 0 1.81377 0 0.285194 0 0.0265367 r_2270 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxohexacosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.399454 0 0.187313 0 0.00200459 -r_2271 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxobutanoyl-CoA) 0 0.247178 0 0.242002 0 0.00280432 -r_2272 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxohexanoyl-CoA) 0 0.257178 0 0.251571 0 0.00304127 -r_2273 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxooctanoyl-CoA) 0 0.267537 0 0.257137 0 0.00318694 -r_2274 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxoicosanoyl-CoA) 0 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.0035533 -r_2275 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxodocosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00316747 +r_2271 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxobutanoyl-CoA) 0 0.247178 0 0.242002 0 0.00941556 +r_2272 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxohexanoyl-CoA) 0 0.257178 0 0.251571 0 0.0102562 +r_2273 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxooctanoyl-CoA) 0 0.267537 0 0.257137 -9.64266e-12 0.0112617 +r_2274 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxoicosanoyl-CoA) 0 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.00801838 +r_2275 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxodocosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00400919 r_2276 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxotetracosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.512274 0 0.208919 0 0.00267279 -r_2277 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxo-cis-hexadec-9-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2278 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxo-cis-tetradec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2279 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxo-cis-dodec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2280 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxo-cis-octadec-9-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00295866 -r_2281 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxo-cis-hexadec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00295866 -r_2282 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxo-cis-tetradec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.249603 0 0.237266 0 0.00278676 -r_2283 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (acetyl-CoA) 0 0.247178 0 0.242002 0 0.00280432 -r_2284 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (butanoyl-CoA) 0 0.257178 0 0.251571 0 0.00304127 -r_2285 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (hexanoyl-CoA) 0 0.267537 0 0.257137 0 0.00318694 -r_2286 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (stearoyl-CoA) 0 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.0035533 -r_2287 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (icosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00316747 +r_2277 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxo-cis-hexadec-9-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2278 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxo-cis-tetradec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2279 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxo-cis-dodec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2280 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxo-cis-octadec-9-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00799892 +r_2281 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxo-cis-hexadec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00799892 +r_2282 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (3-oxo-cis-tetradec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.249603 0 0.237266 0 0.00799892 +r_2283 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (acetyl-CoA) 0 0.247178 0 0.242002 0 0.00941556 +r_2284 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (butanoyl-CoA) 0 0.257178 0 0.251571 0 0.0102562 +r_2285 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (hexanoyl-CoA) 0 0.267537 0 0.257137 -9.64266e-12 0.0112617 +r_2286 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (stearoyl-CoA) 0 1.1773 0 0.25627 0 0.00801838 +r_2287 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (icosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.713908 0 0.228105 0 0.00400919 r_2288 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (docosanoyl-CoA) 0 0.512274 0 0.208919 0 0.00267279 -r_2289 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (cis-tetradec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2290 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (cis-dodec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2291 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (cis-dec-3-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2292 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (cis-hexadec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00295866 -r_2293 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (cis-tetradec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00295866 -r_2294 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (cis-dodec-3-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.249603 0 0.237266 0 0.00278676 -r_2295 delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (cis-dec-3-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.0030609 -r_2296 delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (trans-2,cis-5-dodecadienoyl-CoA) 0 0.270182 0 0.256168 0 0.00301494 -r_2297 delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (trans-dodec-3-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.270182 0 0.256168 0 0.00301494 -r_2298 delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (cis-dodec-3-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.249603 0 0.237266 0 0.00278676 -r_2299 delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (trans-2,cis-5-tetradecadienoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.252036 0 0.00288407 -r_2300 delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (trans-tetradec-3-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.252036 0 0.00288407 -r_2301 delta(3,5)-delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase (trans-3,cis-5-dodecadienoyl-CoA) 0 0.270182 0 0.256168 0 0.00301494 -r_2302 delta(3,5)-delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase (trans-3,cis-5-tetradecadienoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.252036 0 0.00288407 -r_2303 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (trans-2,trans-4-dodecadienoyl-CoA) 0 0.270182 0 0.256168 0 0.00301494 -r_2304 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (trans-2,trans-4-tetradecadienoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.252036 0 0.00288407 -r_2305 cis-aconitate(3-) to isocitrate -1000 1000 0 -0.846353 -0.0491871 -1.19452 -r_2308 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (16:0), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.135709 0 0.00822467 -r_2309 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (16:1), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.133543 0 0.00844519 -r_2310 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (18:0), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.127581 0 0.00319282 +r_2289 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (cis-tetradec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2290 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (cis-dodec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2291 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (cis-dec-3-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2292 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (cis-hexadec-7-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00799892 +r_2293 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (cis-tetradec-5-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.258318 0 0.00799892 +r_2294 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (cis-dodec-3-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.249603 0 0.237266 0 0.00799892 +r_2295 delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (cis-dec-3-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.282248 0 0.264262 0 0.00799892 +r_2296 delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (trans-2,cis-5-dodecadienoyl-CoA) 0 0.270182 0 0.256168 0 0.00399946 +r_2297 delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (trans-dodec-3-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.270182 0 0.256168 0 0.00399946 +r_2298 delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (cis-dodec-3-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.249603 0 0.237266 0 0.00799892 +r_2299 delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (trans-2,cis-5-tetradecadienoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.252036 0 0.00399946 +r_2300 delta3,delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase (trans-tetradec-3-enoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.252036 0 0.00399946 +r_2301 delta(3,5)-delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase (trans-3,cis-5-dodecadienoyl-CoA) 0 0.270182 0 0.256168 0 0.00399946 +r_2302 delta(3,5)-delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase (trans-3,cis-5-tetradecadienoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.252036 0 0.00399946 +r_2303 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (trans-2,trans-4-dodecadienoyl-CoA) 0 0.270182 0 0.256168 0 0.00399946 +r_2304 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (trans-2,trans-4-tetradecadienoyl-CoA) 0 0.501778 0 0.252036 0 0.00399946 +r_2305 cis-aconitate(3-) to isocitrate -1000 1000 -0.846353 0 0 0.0109297 +r_2308 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (16:0), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.135709 0 0.0190382 +r_2309 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (16:1), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.133543 0 0.0190382 +r_2310 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (18:0), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.127581 0 0.00387444 r_2311 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (18:1), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.124934 0 0.00387444 -r_2312 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (16:0), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.135249 0 0.00882905 -r_2313 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (16:1), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.133099 0 0.00771535 -r_2314 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (18:0), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.127158 0 0.00318237 +r_2312 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (16:0), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.135249 0 0.0174522 +r_2313 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (16:1), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.13309 0 0.0190382 +r_2314 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (18:0), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.127158 0 0.00387444 r_2315 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (18:1), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.12453 0 0.00387444 -r_2316 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (16:0), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.128172 0 0.00363251 -r_2317 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (16:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.124957 0 0.00363251 -r_2318 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (18:0), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.122256 0 0.00310398 -r_2319 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (18:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.11823 0 0.00289504 -r_2320 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (16:0), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.127746 0 0.00363251 -r_2321 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (16:1), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.124553 0 0.00363251 -r_2322 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (18:0), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.121869 0 0.00309439 -r_2323 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (18:1), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.117868 0 0.00288332 -r_2324 acyl dhap reductase (16:0), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.132474 0 0.00538092 -r_2325 acyl dhap reductase (16:1), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.129205 0 0.00583288 -r_2326 acyl dhap reductase (18:0), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.127158 0 0.00318237 +r_2316 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (16:0), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.128172 0 0.00387444 +r_2317 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (16:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.124957 0 0.00387444 +r_2318 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (18:0), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.122256 0 0.00387444 +r_2319 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (18:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.11823 0 0.00387444 +r_2320 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (16:0), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.127746 0 0.00387444 +r_2321 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (16:1), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.124553 0 0.00387444 +r_2322 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (18:0), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.121869 0 0.00387444 +r_2323 dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (18:1), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.117868 0 0.00387444 +r_2324 acyl dhap reductase (16:0), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.132474 0 0.0151638 +r_2325 acyl dhap reductase (16:1), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.129205 0 0.0151638 +r_2326 acyl dhap reductase (18:0), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.127158 0 0.00387444 r_2327 acyl dhap reductase (18:1), ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0.12453 0 0.00387444 -r_2328 acyl dhap reductase (16:0), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.127746 0 0.00363251 -r_2329 acyl dhap reductase (16:1), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.124553 0 0.00363251 -r_2330 acyl dhap reductase (18:0), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.121869 0 0.00309439 -r_2331 acyl dhap reductase (18:1), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.117868 0 0.00288332 -r_2332 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.132925 0 0.00539924 -r_2333 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -7.84439e-12 2.06676 0 0.129394 0 0.00749897 -r_2334 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -7.67428e-12 2.06676 0 0.129643 0 0.00586151 -r_2335 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.05729e-11 2.06676 0 0.126478 0 0.00733708 -r_2336 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -1.02318e-12 2.06676 0 0.127581 0 0.00319282 -r_2337 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.02318e-12 2.06676 0 0.122256 0 0.00380503 +r_2328 acyl dhap reductase (16:0), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.127746 0 0.00387444 +r_2329 acyl dhap reductase (16:1), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.124553 0 0.00387444 +r_2330 acyl dhap reductase (18:0), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.121869 0 0.00387444 +r_2331 acyl dhap reductase (18:1), lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0.117868 0 0.00387444 +r_2332 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.132925 0 0.0151638 +r_2333 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -2.72848e-12 2.06676 0 0.129394 0 0.023553 +r_2334 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.129643 0 0.0151638 +r_2335 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.126478 0 0.0274275 +r_2336 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -4.77485e-12 2.06676 0 0.127581 0 0.00387444 +r_2337 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.122607 0 0.00774887 r_2338 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.124934 0 0.00387444 -r_2339 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0.11823 0 0.00372814 -r_2340 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.128172 0 0.0100399 -r_2341 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.124957 0 0.0104384 -r_2342 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.122256 0 0.0072317 -r_2343 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.11823 0 0.00669335 -r_2344 PA phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -1.02318e-12 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 0.0821569 -r_2345 PA phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 0.0817398 -r_2346 PA phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 0.082188 -r_2347 PA phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 0.0817606 -r_2348 PA phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -7.33238e-12 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 0.0817939 -r_2349 PA phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 0.0815208 -r_2350 PA phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 0.0817606 -r_2351 PA phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 0.081435 +r_2339 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -3.06954e-12 2.06676 -9.17259e-13 0.118566 0 0.00774887 +r_2340 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.130686 0 0.00774887 +r_2341 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.126932 0 0.007964 +r_2342 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.122568 0 0.0116233 +r_2343 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.118277 0 0.00774887 +r_2344 PA phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 6.26619 +r_2345 PA phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 6.26619 +r_2346 PA phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 6.26619 +r_2347 PA phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.34129e-12 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 6.26619 +r_2348 PA phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 -1.12733e-10 6.26619 +r_2349 PA phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 6.26619 +r_2350 PA phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 -2.96097e-10 6.26619 +r_2351 PA phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.95434 0 6.26619 r_2352 PA phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2353 PA phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2354 PA phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -1737,474 +1737,474 @@ r_2356 PA phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2357 PA phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2358 PA phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2359 PA phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2360 PA phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.0821569 -r_2361 PA phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.0817398 -r_2362 PA phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.082188 -r_2363 PA phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.0817606 -r_2364 PA phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.0817939 -r_2365 PA phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.0815208 -r_2366 PA phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.0817606 -r_2367 PA phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.081435 -r_2368 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318637 0 0.0101205 -r_2369 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318275 0 0.0100782 -r_2370 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.319025 0 0.00619373 -r_2371 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318637 0 0.0100811 -r_2372 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318966 0 0.0100577 -r_2373 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318827 0 0.0100317 -r_2374 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318853 0 0.0059176 -r_2375 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318637 0 0.010035 -r_2376 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.306123 0 0.00975254 -r_2377 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 -9.73444e-13 0.305372 0 0.0103027 -r_2378 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.306639 0 0.0112587 -r_2379 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318842 0 0.00991829 -r_2380 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.306073 0 0.00991366 -r_2381 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.305799 0 0.00991686 -r_2382 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.305886 0 0.00990566 -r_2383 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane -9.09495e-13 4.90029 0 0.305886 0 0.00991829 -r_2384 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293962 0 0.00881129 -r_2385 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane -2.04636e-12 4.90029 0 0.293962 0 0.00521824 -r_2386 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.408732 0 0.00881282 -r_2387 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.00457347 -r_2388 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293612 0 0.0086006 -r_2389 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.00472258 -r_2390 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293962 0 0.0047975 -r_2391 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293802 0 0.00804731 -r_2392 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.321319 0 0.00902571 -r_2393 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.279081 0 0.00902571 -r_2394 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.00902571 -r_2395 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.279083 0 0.00902571 -r_2396 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.27908 0 0.00932622 -r_2397 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 -1.36469e-12 0.27892 0 0.00902571 -r_2398 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 -3.14211e-12 0.279083 0 0.00902571 -r_2399 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.00939468 -r_2400 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.00543361 -r_2401 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.00539131 -r_2402 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle -7.9688e-12 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.00543676 -r_2403 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle -2.04636e-12 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.00539426 -r_2404 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.00537085 -r_2405 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.00534482 -r_2406 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.00539426 -r_2407 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.00534818 -r_2408 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0052528 -r_2409 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0052528 -r_2410 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0052528 -r_2411 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0052528 -r_2412 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0052528 -r_2413 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0052528 -r_2414 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0052528 -r_2415 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0052528 -r_2416 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.00458695 -r_2417 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.00457286 -r_2418 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.00458849 -r_2419 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.00457347 -r_2420 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.00437627 -r_2421 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.00436936 -r_2422 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.00457347 -r_2423 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.00452998 -r_2424 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle -1.81899e-12 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.00494925 -r_2425 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.00494925 -r_2426 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.00494925 -r_2427 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.00494925 -r_2428 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.00494925 -r_2429 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.00494925 -r_2430 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.00494925 -r_2431 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.00494925 -r_2432 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -3.52429e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00197501 -r_2433 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00943717 -r_2434 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -1.25056e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00540586 -r_2435 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -8.18545e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0 -r_2436 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.0062445 -r_2437 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000128195 -r_2438 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00783348 -r_2439 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.47793e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00873348 -r_2440 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0114028 -r_2441 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -2.72848e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0 -r_2442 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0 -r_2443 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -7.04858e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0 -r_2444 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.47793e-12 2.22741 -1.36469e-12 2.22741 0 0.0113344 -r_2445 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0 -r_2446 PS synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00791009 -r_2447 PS synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00791464 -r_2448 PS synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -1.24489e-12 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00701386 -r_2449 PS synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.0078535 -r_2450 PS synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00788382 -r_2451 PS synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00788823 -r_2452 PS synthase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00701386 -r_2453 PS synthase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00782345 -r_2454 PI synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -3.52429e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_2360 PA phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2361 PA phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 -6.58385e-12 6.92663 +r_2362 PA phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 -9.17259e-13 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2363 PA phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2364 PA phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2365 PA phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2366 PA phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2367 PA phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2368 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318637 0 0.0600099 +r_2369 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.31942 0 0.0606552 +r_2370 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.319026 0 0.0602667 +r_2371 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.319745 -6.58385e-12 0.0606552 +r_2372 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318966 -8.17986e-10 0.0600099 +r_2373 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318827 0 0.0606552 +r_2374 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318853 -2.96097e-10 0.0606552 +r_2375 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.318637 0 0.0606552 +r_2376 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.306335 -1.31806e-12 0.0606552 +r_2377 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.305886 0 0.0305844 +r_2378 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.307153 0 0.0606552 +r_2379 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.306099 0 0.0606552 +r_2380 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.306073 0 0.0606552 +r_2381 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.305886 0 0.0387002 +r_2382 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.306056 0 0.0606552 +r_2383 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.30594 0 0.0310314 +r_2384 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293962 0 0.0273184 +r_2385 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293962 0 0.0532347 +r_2386 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.302583 0 0.0532347 +r_2387 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293788 0 0.0273184 +r_2388 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293612 0 0.0532347 +r_2389 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293569 0 0.0272627 +r_2390 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293962 -2.08706e-12 0.0272627 +r_2391 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.293802 0 0.0271557 +r_2392 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane -9.09495e-13 4.90029 0 0.279049 0 0.0532347 +r_2393 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.279081 0 0.0532347 +r_2394 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.279107 0 0.0532347 +r_2395 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.279083 0 0.0532347 +r_2396 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.27908 0 0.0273184 +r_2397 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.279023 0 0.0532347 +r_2398 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.279462 0 0.0532347 +r_2399 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0532347 +r_2400 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.0303276 +r_2401 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.0303276 +r_2402 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.0303276 +r_2403 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.0303276 +r_2404 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.0303276 +r_2405 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.0303276 +r_2406 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.0303276 +r_2407 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.312246 0 0.0303276 +r_2408 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0303276 +r_2409 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0303276 +r_2410 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0303276 +r_2411 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0303276 +r_2412 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0303276 +r_2413 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0303276 +r_2414 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0303276 +r_2415 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.299716 0 0.0303276 +r_2416 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.0266173 +r_2417 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.0266173 +r_2418 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.0266173 +r_2419 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.0266173 +r_2420 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.0266173 +r_2421 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.0266173 +r_2422 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.0266173 +r_2423 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.28782 0 0.0266173 +r_2424 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle -9.09495e-13 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.0266173 +r_2425 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.0266173 +r_2426 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.0266173 +r_2427 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.0266173 +r_2428 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.0266173 +r_2429 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.0266173 +r_2430 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.0266173 +r_2431 diacylglycerol acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.273204 0 0.0266173 +r_2432 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.0106254 +r_2433 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.0106254 +r_2434 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00455143 +r_2435 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -1.36424e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00531269 +r_2436 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00455143 +r_2437 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -2.27374e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.0106254 +r_2438 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.81899e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0 +r_2439 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -9.09495e-13 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.0106254 +r_2440 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0 +r_2441 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0 +r_2442 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -4.77485e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 1.12733e-10 0.0208361 +r_2443 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0208361 +r_2444 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -2.72848e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 -5.63665e-11 0 +r_2445 CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 -5.63665e-11 0.0416722 +r_2446 PS synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2447 PS synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2448 PS synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 -4.48239e-11 0.00910286 +r_2449 PS synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2450 PS synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2451 PS synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2452 PS synthase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -5.74228e-13 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2453 PS synthase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2454 PI synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 r_2455 PI synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 -r_2456 PI synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00149788 -r_2457 PI synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -8.14836e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_2456 PI synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_2457 PI synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -1.34161e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 r_2458 PI synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 -r_2459 PI synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 -r_2460 PI synthase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152067 -r_2461 PI synthase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.47793e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 -r_2462 lysoPI acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -1.05729e-11 1.59162e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_2463 lysoPI acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2464 PS decarboxylase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00719661 -r_2465 PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.0071992 -r_2466 PS decarboxylase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00701386 -r_2467 PS decarboxylase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00716447 -r_2468 PS decarboxylase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00719661 -r_2469 PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.0071992 -r_2470 PS decarboxylase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00701386 -r_2471 PS decarboxylase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00716447 -r_2472 PS decarboxylase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00719661 -r_2473 PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0071992 -r_2474 PS decarboxylase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00701386 -r_2475 PS decarboxylase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00716447 -r_2476 PS decarboxylase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00719661 -r_2477 PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0071992 -r_2478 PS decarboxylase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00701386 -r_2479 PS decarboxylase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00716447 -r_2480 PS decarboxylase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00719661 -r_2481 PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.0071992 -r_2482 PS decarboxylase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00701386 -r_2483 PS decarboxylase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00716447 -r_2484 PS decarboxylase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00719661 -r_2485 PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.0071992 -r_2486 PS decarboxylase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00701386 -r_2487 PS decarboxylase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00716447 -r_2488 PE methyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.357112 0 0.0126256 -r_2489 PE methyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.358197 0 0.0126256 -r_2490 PE methyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -1.36424e-12 0.522985 0 0.355395 0 0.0126256 -r_2491 PE methyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -2.87904e-12 0.522985 -1.57696e-12 0.355896 0 0.0126256 -r_2492 PE methyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35516 0 0.0126256 -r_2493 PE methyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.356869 0 0.0126256 -r_2494 PE methyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.81899e-12 0.522985 0 0.357068 0 0.010229 -r_2495 PE methyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -9.09495e-13 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.0126256 -r_2496 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2497 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2498 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -1.36424e-12 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2499 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -2.87904e-12 0.522985 -1.57696e-12 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2500 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2501 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2502 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.81899e-12 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2503 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -9.09495e-13 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2504 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2505 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2506 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -1.36424e-12 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2507 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -2.87904e-12 0.522985 -1.57696e-12 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2508 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2509 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2510 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.81899e-12 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2511 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -9.09495e-13 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00631281 -r_2512 DAG kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -3.52429e-12 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.081435 -r_2513 DAG kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -3.52429e-12 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.081435 -r_2514 DAG kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.081435 -r_2515 DAG kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.081435 -r_2516 DAG kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.081435 -r_2517 DAG kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.081435 -r_2518 DAG kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.081435 -r_2519 DAG kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.081435 +r_2459 PI synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -2.27374e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_2460 PI synthase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.21444e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_2461 PI synthase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -9.09495e-13 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_2462 lysoPI acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 +r_2463 lysoPI acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.59162e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2464 PS decarboxylase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2465 PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2466 PS decarboxylase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -8.52851e-13 0.522985 0 0.355089 -4.48239e-11 0.00910286 +r_2467 PS decarboxylase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2468 PS decarboxylase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2469 PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2470 PS decarboxylase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 -1.31677e-11 0.00910286 +r_2471 PS decarboxylase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2472 PS decarboxylase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_2473 PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_2474 PS decarboxylase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_2475 PS decarboxylase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_2476 PS decarboxylase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_2477 PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_2478 PS decarboxylase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_2479 PS decarboxylase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_2480 PS decarboxylase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00910286 +r_2481 PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00910286 +r_2482 PS decarboxylase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00910286 +r_2483 PS decarboxylase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00910286 +r_2484 PS decarboxylase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00910286 +r_2485 PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00910286 +r_2486 PS decarboxylase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00910286 +r_2487 PS decarboxylase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355035 0 0.00910286 +r_2488 PE methyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.357477 0 0.0182057 +r_2489 PE methyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.358197 0 0.0182057 +r_2490 PE methyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355845 0 0.0182057 +r_2491 PE methyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35568 0 0.0182057 +r_2492 PE methyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.356363 0 0.0182057 +r_2493 PE methyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.357159 0 0.0182057 +r_2494 PE methyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.357055 -1.31677e-11 0.0182057 +r_2495 PE methyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355431 0 0.0182057 +r_2496 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2497 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2498 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2499 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2500 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2501 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2502 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 -1.31677e-11 0.00910286 +r_2503 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2504 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2505 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2506 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2507 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2508 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2509 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2510 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 -1.31677e-11 0.00910286 +r_2511 phosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine methyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_2512 DAG kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2513 DAG kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2514 DAG kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2515 DAG kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2516 DAG kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.34161e-12 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2517 DAG kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2518 DAG kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_2519 DAG kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 6.92663 r_2520 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2521 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2522 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2523 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2524 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.13687e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2525 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 2.95586e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2522 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 +r_2523 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 5.11591e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2524 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2525 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 5.79803e-12 0 0 0 0 r_2526 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2527 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -5.42074e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2527 ethanolaminephosphotransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2528 cholinephosphotransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00412868 -r_2529 cholinephosphotransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -1.36424e-12 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00412868 -r_2530 cholinephosphotransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00412868 -r_2531 cholinephosphotransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0.552338 0 0.00412868 -r_2532 cholinephosphotransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0.552549 0 0.00412868 -r_2533 cholinephosphotransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00412868 -r_2534 cholinephosphotransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -3.52429e-12 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00412868 -r_2535 cholinephosphotransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.81899e-12 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00412868 -r_2536 phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -2.50111e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0228085 -r_2537 phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0228159 -r_2538 phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227217 -r_2539 phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -3.52429e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227151 -r_2540 phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227098 -r_2541 phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227151 -r_2542 PGP phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -2.50111e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0228085 -r_2543 PGP phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0228159 -r_2544 PGP phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227217 -r_2545 PGP phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -3.52429e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227151 -r_2546 PGP phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227098 -r_2547 PGP phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227151 +r_2529 cholinephosphotransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -4.54747e-12 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00517576 +r_2530 cholinephosphotransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane -4.77485e-12 3.10015 0 0.552421 0 0.00606605 +r_2531 cholinephosphotransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -4.77485e-12 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00620952 +r_2532 cholinephosphotransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -9.09495e-13 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.0061299 +r_2533 cholinephosphotransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0.553276 0 0.00412868 +r_2534 cholinephosphotransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00606993 +r_2535 cholinephosphotransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00412868 +r_2536 phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_2537 phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_2538 phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -4.77485e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_2539 phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_2540 phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.36424e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_2541 phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 -5.63665e-11 0.0416722 +r_2542 PGP phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_2543 PGP phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_2544 PGP phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -4.77485e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_2545 PGP phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -5.68434e-13 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_2546 PGP phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.36424e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_2547 PGP phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 -5.63665e-11 0.0416722 r_2548 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2549 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.47793e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2549 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2550 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2551 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.6148e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2551 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.19017e-12 0 0 0 0 0 r_2552 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2553 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 1.56888e-11 0 0 0 0 -r_2554 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -2.50111e-12 1.3074e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_2555 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 1.7053e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_2556 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -2.04636e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2557 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 -r_2558 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2559 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 9.09522e-13 0 0 0 0 +r_2553 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2554 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2555 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2556 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.20183e-12 1.59162e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2557 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 4.96755e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2558 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.36424e-12 2.50111e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2559 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 r_2560 CL synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2561 CL synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -4.92643e-13 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2562 CL synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 4.54747e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2561 CL synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2562 CL synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 7.29472e-13 0 0 r_2563 CL synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2564 CL synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2565 CL synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2566 CL synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -3.52429e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2564 CL synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.6377e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2565 CL synthase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 2.18137e-12 +r_2566 CL synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2567 CL synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2568 CL synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 -r_2569 CL synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 -8.94393e-15 0 0 0 +r_2568 CL synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2569 CL synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.91893e-12 0 0 0 0 r_2570 CL synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2571 CL synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.02318e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2571 CL synthase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2572 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2573 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2574 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.04636e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_2575 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -2.04636e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2576 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.47793e-12 9.09522e-13 0 0 0 0 -r_2577 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 3.06954e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_2578 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 3.30957e-15 0 0 +r_2574 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.36424e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2575 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2576 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.36424e-12 0 0 0 -6.58385e-12 1.21155e-12 +r_2577 CL synthase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.13687e-12 0 0 0 -5.63665e-11 0 +r_2578 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2579 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2580 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2581 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -3.52429e-12 1.36424e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2581 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2582 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2583 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 -r_2584 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2585 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane -1.47793e-12 9.92486e-11 0 0 0 0 +r_2583 CL synthase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2584 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 3.72321e-13 0 0 +r_2585 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane -1.19017e-12 0 0 0 0 0 r_2586 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2587 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2587 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 1.36424e-12 0 0 0 0 r_2588 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2589 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2589 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane -1.13687e-12 0 0 0 0 0 r_2590 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2591 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2592 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 4.54747e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2592 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2593 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2594 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2595 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2595 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 2.18137e-12 r_2596 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2597 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2598 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2598 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane -1.36424e-12 0 0 0 0 0 r_2599 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2600 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2601 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 1.1255e-11 0 0 0 0 +r_2600 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane -1.36424e-12 0 0 0 -6.58385e-12 1.21155e-12 +r_2601 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1) phospholipase (1-position), mitochondrial membrane -1.13687e-12 0 0 0 -5.63665e-11 0 r_2602 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2603 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2604 CL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2605 CL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane -3.52429e-12 1.3074e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2605 CL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2606 CL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2607 CL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2607 CL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.50111e-12 0 0 0 0 r_2608 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2609 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2610 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2611 CL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane -9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2612 CL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2609 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 7.29472e-13 0 0 +r_2610 CL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.6377e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2611 CL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2612 CL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 1.59162e-12 0 0 0 0 r_2613 CL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2614 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2615 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 4.43379e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_2616 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane -1.47793e-12 9.09522e-13 0 0 0 0 -r_2617 CL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane -9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2618 CL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane -1.47793e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2619 CL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2620 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -3.55271e-14 0 -5.19762e-12 -r_2621 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 0 -2.88836e-11 -r_2622 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7761 0 2.88836e-11 -r_2623 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -1.57696e-12 2.84217e-14 0 5.19762e-12 -r_2624 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.4869e-13 0 4.84697e-11 -r_2625 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.55795e-13 0 -4.84697e-11 -r_2626 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.13163e-14 0 -4.57661e-11 -r_2627 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.84217e-14 0 -1.47793e-11 -r_2628 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.42109e-14 0 0.000262532 -r_2629 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -7.10543e-15 0 0.00025617 -r_2630 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.42109e-14 0 3.1362e-05 -r_2631 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 0 4.33111e-11 -r_2632 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.20792e-13 0 0.000356618 -r_2633 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4871 -r_2634 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -7.10543e-15 0 3.1362e-05 -r_2635 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7763 0 -9.36495e-12 -r_2636 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.94689e-12 0 -2.09504e-11 -r_2637 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 -5.61684e-12 -r_2638 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 -5.61329e-13 -r_2639 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.94689e-12 0 16.4873 -r_2640 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 0 -2.09113e-11 -r_2641 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7753 0 16.4874 -r_2642 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.42109e-14 0 2.09113e-11 -r_2643 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.13163e-14 0 16.4872 -r_2644 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -7.10543e-15 0 0.000262532 -r_2645 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 16.4874 -r_2646 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 16.4882 -r_2647 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0.00157435 -r_2648 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.84217e-14 0 0.000745019 -r_2649 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 0.000733157 -r_2650 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 3.1362e-05 -r_2651 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 0.00015681 -r_2652 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.06057e-13 0 -2.01759e-11 -r_2653 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.06057e-13 0 2.74696e-11 -r_2654 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7757 0 2.01759e-11 -r_2655 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4873 -r_2656 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.49214e-13 0 2.58638e-12 -r_2657 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4866 -r_2658 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7761 0 16.4883 -r_2659 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.49214e-13 0 0.000125448 -r_2660 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.79057e-12 0 2.2272e-11 -r_2661 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -7.10543e-15 0 -4.12719e-11 -r_2662 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.56319e-13 0 -4.2597e-11 -r_2663 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 -2.2272e-11 -r_2664 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.35003e-13 0 8.22453e-12 -r_2665 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.35003e-13 0 -8.22453e-12 -r_2666 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4874 -r_2667 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 5.09814e-12 -r_2668 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 2.37321e-11 -r_2669 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.84217e-14 0 -2.37321e-11 -r_2670 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -1.36469e-12 -3.55271e-14 0 16.4879 -r_2671 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.84217e-14 0 16.487 -r_2672 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -4.05009e-12 0 -4.62315e-11 -r_2673 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 4.02167e-12 0 8.51621e-11 -r_2674 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4881 -r_2675 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 27.8626 0 1.47793e-11 -r_2676 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.56319e-13 0 -2.71676e-11 -r_2677 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 9.73444e-13 34.7764 0 16.4864 -r_2678 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.56319e-13 0 -5.22142e-11 -r_2679 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -9.73444e-13 -2.13163e-14 0 3.87068e-11 -r_2680 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.27898e-13 0 1.24345e-13 -r_2681 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 7.21805e-11 -r_2682 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 0.706499 -r_2683 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.49214e-13 0 -2.83471e-11 -r_2684 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.84217e-14 0 -1.36211e-11 -r_2685 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 16.4874 -r_2686 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4869 -r_2687 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 -6.52669e-11 -r_2688 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-14 0 -6.58886e-11 -r_2689 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 4.73008e-11 -r_2690 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.42109e-14 0 16.4865 -r_2691 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -7.10543e-14 0 16.4879 -r_2692 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.42109e-13 0 -2.51354e-11 -r_2693 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.13163e-14 0 -2.4265e-11 -r_2694 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 5.10951e-11 -r_2695 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 -2.59597e-11 -r_2696 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.20792e-13 0 -7.35412e-11 -r_2697 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.13163e-14 0 7.35412e-11 -r_2698 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4877 -r_2699 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4874 -r_2700 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -7.10543e-15 0 3.98792e-11 -r_2701 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 5.68434e-14 0 -7.21947e-11 -r_2702 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 -1.77032e-11 -r_2703 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.42109e-14 0 0.000128195 -r_2704 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -3.55271e-14 0 -2.15472e-11 -r_2705 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 2.15472e-11 -r_2706 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4883 -r_2707 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7753 0 16.4879 -r_2708 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -1.45859e-12 -4.9738e-14 0 -3.35234e-11 -r_2709 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 1.45859e-12 2.13163e-14 0 -1.52305e-11 -r_2710 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.13687e-13 0 16.4869 -r_2711 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4869 -r_2712 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -3.93488e-12 -7.10543e-14 0 -4.448e-11 -r_2713 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -3.55271e-14 0 4.44089e-11 -r_2714 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 0 -r_2715 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 3.93488e-12 34.7764 0 16.4881 -r_2716 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.42109e-14 0 2.05702e-12 -r_2717 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 -2.05702e-12 -r_2718 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 0.000219534 -r_2719 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.42109e-14 0 -4.07177e-11 -r_2720 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.84217e-14 0 -6.85674e-12 -r_2721 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 16.4874 -r_2722 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4864 -r_2723 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 0.000125448 -r_2724 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.20792e-13 0 -8.23164e-12 -r_2725 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 0.000125448 -r_2726 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4875 -r_2727 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 16.4862 -r_2728 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -1.36469e-12 -7.10543e-15 0 -1.76925e-12 -r_2729 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -9.9476e-14 0 0.000125448 -r_2730 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7754 0 16.4873 -r_2731 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7761 0 16.488 -r_2732 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0.000262532 -r_2733 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.42109e-14 0 0.000733157 -r_2734 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.13163e-14 0 3.13621e-05 -r_2735 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 16.4875 -r_2736 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.42109e-13 0 0.000262532 -r_2737 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.13163e-14 0 0.000733157 -r_2738 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 0.000188172 -r_2739 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.42109e-13 0 16.4882 -r_2740 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.35003e-13 0 2.37641e-11 -r_2741 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 5.51985e-11 -r_2742 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.56319e-13 0 3.26423e-11 -r_2743 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0.000125448 -r_2744 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 -2.00195e-11 -r_2745 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -7.81597e-14 0 1.19407e-11 -r_2746 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4873 -r_2747 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7108 0 16.4879 -r_2748 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.20792e-13 0 2.71783e-11 -r_2749 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -9.23706e-14 0 16.4874 -r_2750 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4878 -r_2751 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -4.9738e-14 0 -3.74527e-11 -r_2752 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.13163e-14 0 7.0699e-12 -r_2753 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -7.10543e-15 0 16.4873 -r_2754 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 -3.72999e-11 -r_2755 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7753 0 16.4885 -r_2756 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 -1.18874e-11 -r_2757 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.84217e-14 0 2.88836e-11 -r_2758 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 -1.07399e-11 -r_2759 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 -2.96865e-11 -r_2760 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 -2.96296e-11 -r_2761 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 1.1994e-11 -r_2762 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7759 0 16.4883 -r_2763 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4886 -r_2764 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 5.68434e-14 0 0.000262532 -r_2765 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -5.68434e-14 0 16.4865 -r_2766 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.13163e-14 0 0.00209077 -r_2767 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 0 0.00219374 -r_2768 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.42109e-13 0 0.000262532 -r_2769 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.84217e-14 0 0.000256169 -r_2770 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.13163e-14 0 16.4882 -r_2771 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.13687e-13 0 -7.9865e-12 -r_2772 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.84217e-14 0 -9.59588e-12 -r_2773 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 -1.60654e-11 -r_2774 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 16.4868 -r_2775 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.13163e-14 0 16.4865 -r_2776 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -9.9476e-14 0 -1.35216e-11 -r_2777 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-14 0 1.27685e-11 -r_2778 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4881 -r_2779 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.488 -r_2780 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.35003e-13 0 0 -r_2781 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7756 0 0 -r_2782 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 3.81652e-12 34.7764 0 3.27525e-11 -r_2783 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.7053e-13 0 16.4884 -r_2784 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 0 -3.2859e-11 -r_2785 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 0.000125448 -r_2786 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 16.4879 -r_2787 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.84217e-14 0 16.4879 -r_2788 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 2.3018e-11 -r_2789 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.42109e-14 0 16.4872 -r_2790 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 -7.02975e-11 -r_2791 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.42109e-14 0 -4.1517e-11 -r_2792 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.13163e-14 0 -6.78e-11 -r_2793 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 0 6.78e-11 -r_2794 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4852 -r_2795 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 16.4861 -r_2796 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.13687e-13 0 -1.86802e-11 -r_2797 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7761 0 0.000125448 -r_2798 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 16.4869 -r_2799 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.49214e-13 0 1.95683e-11 -r_2800 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.4869e-13 0 -5.11413e-11 -r_2801 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 26.4782 0 0.000125448 -r_2802 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -7.10543e-15 0 0.000219534 -r_2803 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 0 16.4885 -r_2804 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -9.23706e-14 0 1.78488e-11 -r_2805 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 9.23706e-14 0 0 -r_2806 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 -1.78488e-11 -r_2807 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 0.000253643 -r_2808 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -2.13163e-14 0 1.70068e-11 -r_2809 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 -1.81899e-11 -r_2810 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7761 0 2.27161e-11 -r_2811 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 16.4875 -r_2812 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2813 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -6.31004e-12 0 -9.73136e-13 0 0 0 -r_2814 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.47793e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2815 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2615 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2616 CL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2617 CL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane 0 1.7053e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2618 CL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane -1.36424e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2619 CL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) phospholipase (3-position), mitochondrial membrane -1.36424e-12 9.09495e-13 0 0 -6.58385e-12 1.21155e-12 +r_2620 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -7.10543e-15 0 +r_2621 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.84217e-14 0 0 7.10543e-15 +r_2622 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -1.42109e-14 0 +r_2623 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 -1.42109e-14 0 +r_2624 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.20792e-13 0 2.77112e-13 +r_2625 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -7.10543e-15 0 -2.0961e-13 0 +r_2626 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -1.49214e-13 0 -1.38556e-13 0 +r_2627 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.84217e-14 0 -2.13163e-14 0 +r_2628 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -7.10543e-15 0 -5.32907e-14 0 +r_2629 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.84217e-14 0 0 6.39488e-14 +r_2630 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -7.10543e-15 0 -1.77636e-14 1.31677e-11 +r_2631 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7761 0 3.55271e-14 +r_2632 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.84217e-14 0 -1.08306e-11 1.06581e-14 +r_2633 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7751 0 30.9655 +r_2634 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 2.24119e-11 30.9767 +r_2635 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7763 -9.23706e-14 0 +r_2636 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 1.56319e-13 +r_2637 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -2.4869e-14 0 +r_2638 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 -1.84741e-13 0 +r_2639 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -7.10543e-15 0 0 3.55271e-15 +r_2640 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 5.68434e-14 -2.84217e-14 0 +r_2641 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7088 0 1.06581e-14 +r_2642 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2643 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -5.68434e-14 0 0 30.9767 +r_2644 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 -2.84217e-14 0 +r_2645 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 2.84217e-14 +r_2646 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7751 0 3.55271e-15 +r_2647 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 2.24119e-11 30.9758 +r_2648 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 -7.81597e-14 0 +r_2649 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 33.4495 0 7.81597e-14 +r_2650 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 30.9767 +r_2651 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2652 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -7.10543e-15 0 0 5.68434e-14 +r_2653 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 0 30.9767 +r_2654 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.42109e-14 0 2.4869e-14 +r_2655 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 -8.52651e-14 0 +r_2656 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -4.9738e-14 0 -1.77636e-14 0 +r_2657 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2658 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7096 0 30.9676 +r_2659 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 1.77636e-14 +r_2660 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -3.55271e-15 0 +r_2661 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 2.4869e-14 +r_2662 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 0 0 +r_2663 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7758 0 3.55271e-15 +r_2664 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -4.26326e-14 0 0 0 +r_2665 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 4.26326e-14 -1.38556e-13 0 +r_2666 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2667 MLCL (2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9646 +r_2668 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 2.4869e-14 +r_2669 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 -2.4869e-14 0 +r_2670 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7108 0 30.9767 +r_2671 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.42109e-14 0 7.10543e-15 +r_2672 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -4.26326e-14 0 -7.10543e-14 0 +r_2673 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.42109e-14 -7.10543e-14 0 +r_2674 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7753 0 30.9767 +r_2675 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2676 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.27898e-13 0 2.4869e-13 +r_2677 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 -3.55271e-15 0 +r_2678 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -1.49214e-13 0 -2.80664e-13 0 +r_2679 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -1.06581e-13 0 0 2.84217e-14 +r_2680 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 1.59872e-13 +r_2681 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 -2.84217e-14 0 +r_2682 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7753 0 30.9767 +r_2683 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.84217e-14 0 -1.59872e-13 0 +r_2684 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 -1.42109e-14 0 +r_2685 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.42109e-14 0 30.9767 +r_2686 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7761 0 1.06581e-14 +r_2687 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7756 -1.06581e-14 0 +r_2688 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 6.39488e-14 +r_2689 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -3.19744e-13 0 0 30.9766 +r_2690 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 7.81597e-14 +r_2691 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -6.39488e-14 0 +r_2692 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -1.20792e-13 0 0 3.55271e-15 +r_2693 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -1.06581e-13 0 -3.55271e-15 0 +r_2694 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.20792e-13 0 30.9746 +r_2695 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.27898e-13 0 7.10543e-15 +r_2696 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 -1.59872e-13 0 +r_2697 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 30.9767 +r_2698 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 -7.10543e-15 0 +r_2699 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2700 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -6.58385e-12 0 +r_2701 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -7.10543e-15 0 0 0 +r_2702 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 +r_2703 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -7.10543e-15 0 -1.42109e-14 0 +r_2704 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -3.55271e-14 0 0 1.42109e-14 +r_2705 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 30.9767 +r_2706 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 -1.42109e-14 0 +r_2707 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2708 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 2.13163e-14 +r_2709 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -2.4869e-14 0 +r_2710 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 30.9767 +r_2711 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 30.9655 +r_2712 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -3.55271e-14 0 -1.08306e-11 -2.13163e-14 +r_2713 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 0 3.55271e-15 +r_2714 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2715 MLCL (2-18:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2716 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -7.10543e-14 0 -7.10543e-15 0 +r_2717 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2718 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -3.19744e-14 0 +r_2719 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-14 -6.58385e-12 30.9767 +r_2720 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 4.26326e-14 -8.88178e-14 0 +r_2721 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -1.42109e-13 0 0 30.9767 +r_2722 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7749 0 2.13163e-14 +r_2723 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2724 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.27374e-13 0 0 3.19744e-14 +r_2725 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 -1.31677e-11 -7.10543e-15 +r_2726 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 -7.10543e-15 0 +r_2727 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.06057e-13 -3.55271e-14 0 +r_2728 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 3.90799e-14 +r_2729 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -6.39488e-14 0 +r_2730 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2731 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7762 0 30.9767 +r_2732 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -2.59348e-13 0 +r_2733 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 30.9755 +r_2734 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -1.42109e-14 0 +r_2735 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7096 0 2.59348e-13 +r_2736 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 4.9738e-14 +r_2737 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -2.24119e-11 -4.9738e-14 +r_2738 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7752 -2.84217e-14 0 +r_2739 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 29.238 0 0 +r_2740 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 3.19744e-14 +r_2741 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 -3.2756e-12 0 +r_2742 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7088 -4.26326e-14 0 +r_2743 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 -2.84217e-14 0 +r_2744 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -1.42109e-13 0 -2.84217e-14 0 +r_2745 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 30.9744 +r_2746 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 0 +r_2747 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7752 0 30.9767 +r_2748 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 3.69482e-13 0 0 +r_2749 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 3.55271e-15 +r_2750 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -3.69482e-13 0 0 30.9767 +r_2751 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 6.39488e-14 -3.19744e-14 0 +r_2752 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 -2.4869e-14 0 +r_2753 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 0 30.9767 +r_2754 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 -5.68434e-14 0 +r_2755 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 2.24119e-11 30.9756 +r_2756 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.84217e-14 0 -2.4869e-14 0 +r_2757 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7759 0 30.9767 +r_2758 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 30.9767 +r_2759 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 -7.10543e-15 0 +r_2760 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -9.23706e-14 0 -1.31677e-11 -2.4869e-14 +r_2761 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 2.4869e-14 1.31677e-11 +r_2762 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7763 0 30.976 +r_2763 MLCL (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9761 +r_2764 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.42109e-14 -2.24119e-11 6.75016e-14 +r_2765 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 3.55271e-14 -6.75016e-14 0 +r_2766 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 0 30.9764 +r_2767 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7763 0 30.9676 +r_2768 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 -2.4869e-14 0 +r_2769 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 -1.08306e-11 -6.75016e-14 +r_2770 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 30.9758 +r_2771 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 0 0 +r_2772 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 6.39488e-14 0 1.98952e-13 +r_2773 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2774 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9761 +r_2775 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -6.39488e-14 0 -1.98952e-13 0 +r_2776 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -1.42109e-13 0 +r_2777 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 1.42109e-13 +r_2778 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9753 +r_2779 MLCL (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9767 +r_2780 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -3.12639e-13 0 -1.74083e-13 0 +r_2781 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 3.55271e-14 0 1.06581e-14 +r_2782 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 3.12639e-13 0 30.9723 +r_2783 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 2.4869e-14 +r_2784 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 -2.4869e-14 0 +r_2785 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7753 0 30.9767 +r_2786 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 0 30.9766 +r_2787 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 0 2.13163e-14 +r_2788 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 -1.77636e-14 0 +r_2789 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 -7.10543e-15 0 +r_2790 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.13163e-14 -2.24119e-11 30.9767 +r_2791 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -7.10543e-14 0 0 2.4869e-14 +r_2792 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -2.0961e-13 0 +r_2793 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 2.0961e-13 +r_2794 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7764 0 30.9766 +r_2795 MLCL (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7758 0 30.9767 +r_2796 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 3.55271e-15 +r_2797 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 0 2.13163e-14 +r_2798 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7078 -1.77636e-14 0 +r_2799 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7752 -2.4869e-14 0 +r_2800 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.84217e-14 0 -4.9738e-14 0 +r_2801 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 0 30.9767 +r_2802 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7754 -1.31677e-11 3.19744e-14 +r_2803 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-16:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7108 0 30.9758 +r_2804 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -7.10543e-15 0 -5.68434e-14 0 +r_2805 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 1.60583e-12 34.7764 0 7.10543e-15 +r_2806 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 6.39488e-14 +r_2807 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 7.10543e-15 0 30.9744 +r_2808 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 2.84217e-14 -2.77112e-13 0 +r_2809 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.13163e-14 0 0 2.77112e-13 +r_2810 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 -2.84217e-14 0 -2.13163e-14 0 +r_2811 MLCL (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 4-18:1):PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 34.7749 0 30.9744 +r_2812 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.72848e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2813 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 3.06954e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2814 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2815 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 1.02318e-12 0 0 0 0 r_2816 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2817 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.13687e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2818 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2819 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_2820 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2821 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.28124 0 0.081435 -r_2822 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2823 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope -8.14836e-12 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2824 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2825 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2826 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2827 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_2817 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2818 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -2.95586e-12 3.80851e-11 0 0 0 0 +r_2819 lysoPC acyltransferase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 1.81899e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_2820 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.0619 +r_2821 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2822 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2823 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2824 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2825 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2826 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2827 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 r_2828 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2829 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_2830 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -2229,14 +2229,14 @@ r_2848 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 4.13353 0 3.581 r_2849 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 r_2850 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 r_2851 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 -r_2852 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000350481 0 0.000126414 -r_2853 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_2854 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_2855 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_2856 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000381654 0 0.000126414 -r_2857 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.00034057 0 0.000126414 -r_2858 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000357077 0 0.000126527 -r_2859 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000372638 0 0.000126414 +r_2852 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000475313 0 0.000237606 +r_2853 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000344009 0 0.000237606 +r_2854 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237606 +r_2855 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237606 +r_2856 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237606 +r_2857 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000290791 0 0.000237719 +r_2858 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237719 +r_2859 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000406644 0 0.000237606 r_2860 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), nucleus 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 r_2861 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), nucleus 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 r_2862 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), nucleus 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 @@ -2245,186 +2245,186 @@ r_2864 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.0007181 r_2865 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 r_2866 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 r_2867 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 -r_2868 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_2869 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_2870 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_2871 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope -2.00053e-12 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_2872 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_2873 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_2874 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_2875 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_2876 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2877 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2878 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2879 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2880 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2881 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 -1.36469e-12 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2882 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2883 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_2884 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0165121 0 0.00146834 -r_2885 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167708 0 0.00453237 -r_2886 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167839 0 0.00479385 -r_2887 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166792 0 0.0011286 -r_2888 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00152617 -r_2889 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0139401 0 0.00530887 -r_2890 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00364644 -r_2891 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00478438 -r_2892 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168388 0 0.00103282 -r_2893 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167708 0 0.00125304 -r_2894 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0164572 0 0.00472156 -r_2895 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166792 0 0.00237173 -r_2896 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00478708 -r_2897 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0192336 0 0.00475152 -r_2898 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0185652 0 0.00585977 -r_2899 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00359937 -r_2900 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168388 0 0.00455567 -r_2901 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.015657 0 0.00379205 -r_2902 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167839 0 0.000850327 -r_2903 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166792 0 0.00225264 -r_2904 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0192336 0 0.00477816 -r_2905 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00431659 -r_2906 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00447191 -r_2907 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00471737 -r_2908 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168388 0 0.00188867 -r_2909 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0153067 0 0.00187881 -r_2910 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167839 0 0.00450405 -r_2911 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0155004 0 0.0044576 -r_2912 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00422231 -r_2913 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00174221 -r_2914 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00445636 -r_2915 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00472534 -r_2916 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.01566 0 0.00462925 -r_2917 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167708 0 0.000925657 -r_2918 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167839 0 0.0046386 -r_2919 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166792 0 0.000793466 -r_2920 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00364705 -r_2921 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00509215 -r_2922 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0032095 -r_2923 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0131359 0 0.00461153 -r_2924 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167585 0 0.00145999 -r_2925 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167708 0 0.00442444 -r_2926 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0156051 0 0.00138051 -r_2927 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166792 0 0.00434022 -r_2928 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0048481 -r_2929 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00465339 -r_2930 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00475447 -r_2931 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195419 0 0.00465272 -r_2932 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168388 0 0.000715886 -r_2933 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0162103 0 0.000575242 -r_2934 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167839 0 0.00130189 -r_2935 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166608 0 0.00439163 -r_2936 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.00470959 -r_2937 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0047412 -r_2938 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0047412 -r_2939 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0185652 0 0.00166596 -r_2940 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168388 0 0.00407995 -r_2941 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167708 0 0.00429608 -r_2942 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167839 0 0.00118956 -r_2943 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166792 0 0.00299781 -r_2944 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -9.84562e-07 0 0.00454583 -r_2945 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -9.84562e-07 0 0.00335879 -r_2946 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -9.84562e-07 0 0.00166818 -r_2947 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -9.84562e-07 0 0.00442805 -r_2948 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0162368 0 -0.000319217 -r_2949 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176926 0 0.00357927 -r_2950 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0165284 0 0.00366595 -r_2951 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175907 0 0.00409776 -r_2952 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176664 0 0.00242695 -r_2953 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0164777 0 0.000212105 -r_2954 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176059 0 0.00366011 -r_2955 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174907 0 0.000547519 -r_2956 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177684 0 0.000303392 -r_2957 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0103739 0 0.000262575 -r_2958 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167121 0 0.00210944 -r_2959 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0164769 0 0.000270287 -r_2960 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176664 0 0.00352759 -r_2961 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175915 0 0.00358203 -r_2962 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176059 0 0 -r_2963 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174907 0 0.00256546 -r_2964 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177684 0 0.000253455 -r_2965 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0173659 0 0.00377529 -r_2966 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177072 0 0.00192484 -r_2967 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175907 0 0.00473147 -r_2968 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.017648 0 0.00361908 -r_2969 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175915 0 0 -r_2970 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176059 0 0.00392241 -r_2971 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0164956 0 0.00229585 -r_2972 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166546 0 0.000268869 -r_2973 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176123 0 0.00341819 -r_2974 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177072 0 0.00041629 -r_2975 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0170302 0 0.000265595 -r_2976 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0171059 0 0.00373683 -r_2977 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175915 0 0.00362753 -r_2978 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176059 0 0.00234301 -r_2979 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174907 0 0.000985073 -r_2980 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167733 0 0.00289776 -r_2981 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0171321 0 0.000279239 -r_2982 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177072 0 0.0039721 -r_2983 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175104 0 0.000279239 -r_2984 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176664 0 0.0020187 -r_2985 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0165964 0 0.000599712 -r_2986 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175256 0 0 -r_2987 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.017164 0 0.0024195 -r_2988 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177684 0 0.00322496 -r_2989 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176926 0 0.000258271 -r_2990 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0042371 0 0.000416315 -r_2991 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175907 0 0.000250559 -r_2992 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176664 0 0.00142609 -r_2993 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175915 0 0.00287448 -r_2994 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176059 0 0.000997097 -r_2995 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174907 0 0.00014309 -r_2996 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177684 0 0.000247669 -r_2997 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174375 0 0.00267866 -r_2998 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0173466 0 0.000237922 -r_2999 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175907 0 0.000237922 -r_3000 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0173397 0 0.00330047 -r_3001 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175915 0 -0.000201771 -r_3002 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176059 0 0.000158756 -r_3003 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174907 0 -2.71879e-05 -r_3004 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177684 0 -7.41171e-05 -r_3005 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176926 0 8.51063e-05 -r_3006 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177072 0 -0.000602782 -r_3007 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175907 0 4.67083e-06 -r_3008 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176664 0 0.000510659 -r_3009 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175915 0 0.000510609 -r_3010 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176059 0 0.00014165 -r_3011 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174907 0 0.00176019 -r_3022 PC phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.117299 0 0.00449973 -r_3023 PC phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.114733 0 0.00449973 -r_3024 PC phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.11266 0 0.00449973 -r_3025 PC phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane -9.09495e-13 4.90029 0 0.109981 0 0.00449973 -r_3026 PC phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.112462 0 0.00407645 -r_3027 PC phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.109999 0 0.00407645 -r_3028 PC phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.25056e-12 4.90029 0 0.107878 0 0.00407645 -r_3029 PC phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.81899e-12 4.90029 0 0.104752 0 0.00407645 -r_3030 LPC phospholipase B (16:0), ER membrane -7.95808e-12 1.37784 0 0.117302 0 0.00254962 -r_3031 LPC phospholipase B (16:1), ER membrane -1.2482e-12 1.37784 0 0.114736 0 0.00248409 -r_3032 LPC phospholipase B (18:0), ER membrane -9.09495e-13 1.37784 0 0.11266 0 0.00242587 -r_3033 LPC phospholipase B (18:1), ER membrane -1.47793e-12 1.37784 0 0.109981 0 0.00238388 -r_3034 PC phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.117214 0 0.00218494 -r_3035 PC phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.114635 0 0.00212807 -r_3036 PC phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 -3.81652e-12 0.112561 0 0.00208192 -r_3037 PC phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.109881 0 0.00204737 -r_3038 PC phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.112378 0 0.00209704 -r_3039 PC phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope -1.36424e-12 1.37784 0 0.109899 0 0.00204737 -r_3040 PC phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 -1.36469e-12 0.107805 0 0.00198423 -r_3041 PC phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope -5.45697e-12 1.37784 0 0.104662 0 0.00193876 -r_3042 LPC phospholipase B (16:0), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.117217 0 0.00218494 -r_3043 LPC phospholipase B (16:1), cell envelope -1.36424e-12 1.37784 0 0.114638 0 0.00212807 -r_3044 LPC phospholipase B (18:0), cell envelope 0 1.37784 -3.81652e-12 0.112561 0 0.00208192 -r_3045 LPC phospholipase B (18:1), cell envelope -5.45697e-12 1.37784 0 0.109881 0 0.00204737 -r_3046 PE phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope -3.18323e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3047 PE phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_2868 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_2869 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_2870 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_2871 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope -2.00053e-12 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_2872 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_2873 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_2874 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_2875 PI 4-P 5-kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_2876 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2877 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2878 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2879 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2880 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2881 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2882 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2883 PI 3-P 5-kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_2884 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168388 0 0.0123233 +r_2885 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0162568 0 0.0123061 +r_2886 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0112948 -0.00425824 0 +r_2887 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166792 0 0.012147 +r_2888 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0188049 -8.76987e-07 0 +r_2889 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0185786 0 0.00902298 +r_2890 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0191285 0 0.0174231 +r_2891 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0174231 +r_2892 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168388 0 0.0123233 +r_2893 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167708 0 0.00408255 +r_2894 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167839 0 0.0121586 +r_2895 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166792 0 0.012147 +r_2896 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0194948 0 0.0174231 +r_2897 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 -8.76987e-07 0 +r_2898 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0174231 +r_2899 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0169466 -8.76987e-07 0 +r_2900 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168388 -0.00425212 0 +r_2901 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167708 -0.0042469 0 +r_2902 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167839 0 0.0121586 +r_2903 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0162275 0 0.012147 +r_2904 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0174231 +r_2905 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0151427 0 0.0174231 +r_2906 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 -8.76987e-07 0 +r_2907 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0174231 +r_2908 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168388 0 0.00844504 +r_2909 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167708 0 0.00845306 +r_2910 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167839 0 0.00826359 +r_2911 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0163429 0 0.00830242 +r_2912 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0166739 +r_2913 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0174231 +r_2914 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0102443 +r_2915 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168436 0 0.0174231 +r_2916 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168388 0 0.00844504 +r_2917 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.00799331 0 0.00845306 +r_2918 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167839 0 0.0121586 +r_2919 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0161226 -0.0042477 0 +r_2920 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0174231 +r_2921 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0174231 +r_2922 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0139786 +r_2923 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0190037 0 0.0174231 +r_2924 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0152405 0 0.0112202 +r_2925 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167708 0 0.0123061 +r_2926 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167839 0 0.00826359 +r_2927 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166792 0 0.00830242 +r_2928 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0172917 0 0.0174231 +r_2929 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0136884 +r_2930 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0174231 +r_2931 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0172668 0 0.0174231 +r_2932 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168388 0 0.0123233 +r_2933 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167708 0 0.0123061 +r_2934 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167839 0 0.00826359 +r_2935 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166792 0 0.012147 +r_2936 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0184185 0 0.0174231 +r_2937 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0174231 +r_2938 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0123088 0 0.0174231 +r_2939 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0195602 0 0.0174231 +r_2940 PE (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0168388 0 0.0123233 +r_2941 PE (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0167708 0 0.00845306 +r_2942 PE (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0162699 0 0.0121586 +r_2943 PE (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166792 0 0.012147 +r_2944 PE (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 -9.84562e-07 0 0 0.0174231 +r_2945 PE (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 -9.84562e-07 0 0 0.0174231 +r_2946 PE (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 -9.84562e-07 0 0 0.0174231 +r_2947 PE (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 -9.84562e-07 0 0 0.0165612 +r_2948 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177684 -0.00230183 0 +r_2949 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176926 0 0.0132315 +r_2950 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0147893 -0.00634883 0 +r_2951 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0159924 0 0.0106018 +r_2952 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176664 0 0.0132315 +r_2953 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175915 0 0.0121867 +r_2954 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176059 -0.00624144 0 +r_2955 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.016349 -0.00623626 0 +r_2956 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177684 0 0.00522326 +r_2957 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0171786 -0.00230906 0 +r_2958 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0171507 0 0.0104223 +r_2959 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175907 -0.00633482 0 +r_2960 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0160681 -0.00198124 0 +r_2961 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0170349 -0.00199417 0 +r_2962 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176059 0 0.0105817 +r_2963 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174907 0 0.0105672 +r_2964 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0172297 -0.00180505 0 +r_2965 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176926 -0.00180101 0 +r_2966 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177072 -0.00644195 0 +r_2967 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175907 0 0.0094987 +r_2968 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0165246 0 0.0145587 +r_2969 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175915 -0.00198404 0 +r_2970 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.016794 0 0.00387444 +r_2971 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174907 0 0.00387444 +r_2972 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177684 -0.00241732 0 +r_2973 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176926 0 0.0145805 +r_2974 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177072 -0.00634002 0 +r_2975 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175907 -0.00632603 0 +r_2976 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176664 0 0.0145587 +r_2977 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0166098 0 0.0121867 +r_2978 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176059 0 0.00824517 +r_2979 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0171116 0 0.00387444 +r_2980 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177684 -0.00226805 0 +r_2981 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0171953 0 0.00545438 +r_2982 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.00844398 0 0.0106163 +r_2983 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0158321 0 0.00387444 +r_2984 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176664 0 0.0145587 +r_2985 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175915 0 0.0131678 +r_2986 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0164641 0 0.00387444 +r_2987 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174907 0 0.0105672 +r_2988 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177684 0 0.0132315 +r_2989 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176926 -0.00227499 0 +r_2990 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177072 0 0.00223801 +r_2991 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175907 0 0.0082653 +r_2992 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176664 -0.00199136 0 +r_2993 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175915 0 0.0132315 +r_2994 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176059 0 0.0105817 +r_2995 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174907 0 0.0105672 +r_2996 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0172118 0 0.00756459 +r_2997 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0165509 -0.00245304 0 +r_2998 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0173239 0 0.00224373 +r_2999 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175907 0 0.0106018 +r_3000 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176664 0 0.0145587 +r_3001 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175915 0 0.0110836 +r_3002 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0169622 0 0.0105817 +r_3003 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174907 0 0.00387444 +r_3004 PC (1-16:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0177684 0 0.0127512 +r_3005 PC (1-16:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0173135 0 0.00311789 +r_3006 PC (1-18:0, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0138875 -0.00288651 0 +r_3007 PC (1-18:1, 2-16:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0175907 -0.00640328 0 +r_3008 PC (1-16:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0176664 0 0.0145587 +r_3009 PC (1-16:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0151897 0 0.0124543 +r_3010 PC (1-18:0, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0160076 -0.00625013 0 +r_3011 PC (1-18:1, 2-18:1) diacylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) acyltransferase, ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0174907 0 0.00387444 +r_3022 PC phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.117299 0 0.023378 +r_3023 PC phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.114733 0 0.02336 +r_3024 PC phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.11266 0 0.0208396 +r_3025 PC phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.109981 0 0.020811 +r_3026 PC phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.112462 0 0.0219193 +r_3027 PC phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.109999 0 0.0219063 +r_3028 PC phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.107878 0 0.0207062 +r_3029 PC phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane -1.81899e-12 4.90029 0 0.104752 -5.78945e-12 0.0206779 +r_3030 LPC phospholipase B (16:0), ER membrane -1.25056e-12 1.37784 0 0.117302 0 0.0132315 +r_3031 LPC phospholipase B (16:1), ER membrane 0 1.37784 0 0.114736 0 0.0132315 +r_3032 LPC phospholipase B (18:0), ER membrane -4.77485e-12 1.37784 0 0.11266 0 0.00387444 +r_3033 LPC phospholipase B (18:1), ER membrane -4.77485e-12 1.37784 0 0.109981 -5.78945e-12 0.00387444 +r_3034 PC phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.117214 0 0.0132315 +r_3035 PC phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.114635 0 0.0132315 +r_3036 PC phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.112561 0 0.00387444 +r_3037 PC phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.109881 0 0.00387444 +r_3038 PC phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope -5.57066e-12 1.37784 -1.60583e-12 0.112378 0 0.0132315 +r_3039 PC phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.109899 0 0.0132315 +r_3040 PC phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.107805 0 0.00387444 +r_3041 PC phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.104662 0 0.00387444 +r_3042 LPC phospholipase B (16:0), cell envelope -5.57066e-12 1.37784 -1.60583e-12 0.117217 0 0.0132315 +r_3043 LPC phospholipase B (16:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.114638 0 0.0132315 +r_3044 LPC phospholipase B (18:0), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.112561 0 0.00387444 +r_3045 LPC phospholipase B (18:1), cell envelope 0 1.37784 0 0.109881 0 0.00387444 +r_3046 PE phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3047 PE phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 1.76215e-12 0 0 0 0 r_3048 PE phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3049 PE phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3050 PE phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3051 PE phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3052 PE phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope -3.18323e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3053 PE phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3051 PE phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 1.81899e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_3052 PE phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope -5.36118e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3053 PE phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 1.02318e-12 0 0 0 0 r_3054 LPE phospholipase B (16:0), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3055 LPE phospholipase B (16:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3056 LPE phospholipase B (18:0), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3057 LPE phospholipase B (18:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3055 LPE phospholipase B (16:1), cell envelope 0 1.76215e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_3056 LPE phospholipase B (18:0), cell envelope -5.36118e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3057 LPE phospholipase B (18:1), cell envelope 0 1.02318e-12 0 0 0 0 r_3058 PS phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3059 PS phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3060 PS phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -2437,19 +2437,19 @@ r_3066 LPS phospholipase B (16:0), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3067 LPS phospholipase B (16:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3068 LPS phospholipase B (18:0), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3069 LPS phospholipase B (18:1), cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3070 PI phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.122129 0 0.000819621 -r_3071 PI phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.119732 0 0.000819621 -r_3072 PI phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope -9.09495e-13 0.55085 0 0.118277 0 0.000819621 -r_3073 PI phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.116635 0 0.000819621 -r_3074 PI phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.119075 0 0.000819621 -r_3075 PI phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.116655 0 0.000819621 -r_3076 PI phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.114169 0 0.000819621 -r_3077 PI phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.110996 0 0.000819621 -r_3078 LPI phospholipase B (16:0), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.12214 0 0.000819621 -r_3079 LPI phospholipase B (16:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.119741 0 0.000819621 -r_3080 LPI phospholipase B (18:0), cell envelope -9.09495e-13 0.55085 0 0.118277 0 0.000819621 -r_3081 LPI phospholipase B (18:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.116635 0 0.000819621 -r_3082 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3070 PI phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.122129 0 0.00152253 +r_3071 PI phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.119732 0 0.00152253 +r_3072 PI phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.118277 0 0.00152253 +r_3073 PI phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.116635 0 0.00152253 +r_3074 PI phospholipase B (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.119075 0 0.00152253 +r_3075 PI phospholipase B (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.116655 0 0.00152253 +r_3076 PI phospholipase B (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.114169 0 0.00152253 +r_3077 PI phospholipase B (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.110996 0 0.00152253 +r_3078 LPI phospholipase B (16:0), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.12214 0 0.00152253 +r_3079 LPI phospholipase B (16:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.119741 0 0.00152253 +r_3080 LPI phospholipase B (18:0), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.118277 0 0.00152253 +r_3081 LPI phospholipase B (18:1), cell envelope 0 0.55085 0 0.116635 0 0.00152253 +r_3082 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 0 -9.17259e-13 0 0 0 r_3083 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3084 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3085 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -2458,83 +2458,83 @@ r_3087 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3088 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3089 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3090 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-16:0, 2-16:1), nucleus 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3091 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-16:1, 2-16:1), nucleus 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3091 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-16:1, 2-16:1), nucleus 0 0 0 4.94036e-12 0 0 r_3092 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-18:0, 2-16:1), nucleus 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3093 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-18:1, 2-16:1), nucleus -2.00053e-12 0 0 0 0 0 r_3094 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-16:0, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3095 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-16:1, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3096 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-18:0, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3097 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-18:1, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3098 PG phospholipase C (1-16:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -8.46542e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0228085 -r_3099 PG phospholipase C (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0228159 -r_3100 PG phospholipase C (1-18:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227217 -r_3101 PG phospholipase C (1-18:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227151 -r_3102 PG phospholipase C (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227098 -r_3103 PG phospholipase C (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -2.95586e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227151 -r_3104 PC phospholipase D (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00743427 -r_3105 PC phospholipase D (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00743427 -r_3106 PC phospholipase D (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00743427 -r_3107 PC phospholipase D (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope -7.04858e-12 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00743427 -r_3108 PC phospholipase D (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 -1.36469e-12 0.550916 0 0.00743427 -r_3109 PC phospholipase D (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00743427 -r_3110 PC phospholipase D (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.00743427 -r_3111 PC phospholipase D (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 -1.57696e-12 0.550916 0 0.00743427 -r_3112 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3113 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3114 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3115 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3116 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266608 0 0.00012641 -r_3117 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3118 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3119 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3120 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000126412 -r_3121 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000126412 -r_3122 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000126412 -r_3123 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000126412 -r_3124 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.00026658 0 0.000126412 -r_3125 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000126412 -r_3126 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000357074 0 0.000126412 -r_3127 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000126412 -r_3128 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3129 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3130 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3131 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3132 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3133 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3134 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3135 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266551 0 0.000126414 -r_3136 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3137 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3138 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3139 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3140 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3141 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3142 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3143 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000126414 -r_3144 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 0.081435 -r_3145 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 0.16287 -r_3146 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope -9.09495e-13 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 0.081435 -r_3147 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 0.081435 -r_3148 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 0.081435 -r_3149 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 0.081435 -r_3150 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 0.081435 -r_3151 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope -2.00053e-12 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 0.081435 -r_3152 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.16287 -r_3153 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.16287 -r_3154 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.16287 -r_3155 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 16.5341 0 0.16287 -r_3156 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.16287 -r_3157 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.16287 -r_3158 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.16287 -r_3159 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 16.5341 0 0.16287 -r_3160 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3161 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3162 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3163 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3164 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3165 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3166 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane -3.52429e-12 8.26706 -1.36469e-12 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3167 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_3097 PI 4,5-P2 phospholipase C (1-18:1, 2-18:1), nucleus 0 0 0 0 -1.21262e-13 0 +r_3098 PG phospholipase C (1-16:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.81899e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_3099 PG phospholipase C (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_3100 PG phospholipase C (1-18:0, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane -4.77485e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_3101 PG phospholipase C (1-18:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_3102 PG phospholipase C (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane -1.20183e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_3103 PG phospholipase C (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 -6.58385e-12 0.0416722 +r_3104 PC phospholipase D (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.0132315 +r_3105 PC phospholipase D (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.0132315 +r_3106 PC phospholipase D (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.0132315 +r_3107 PC phospholipase D (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 -9.17259e-13 0.550916 0 0.0132315 +r_3108 PC phospholipase D (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.0132315 +r_3109 PC phospholipase D (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.0132315 +r_3110 PC phospholipase D (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope -1.34161e-12 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.0132315 +r_3111 PC phospholipase D (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0.550916 0 0.0132315 +r_3112 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.000237487 +r_3113 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.000237487 +r_3114 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.0002376 +r_3115 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.000237487 +r_3116 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.0002376 +r_3117 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.000237487 +r_3118 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.000237487 +r_3119 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.000412844 +r_3120 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.00023749 +r_3121 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.00023749 +r_3122 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.00023749 +r_3123 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000405245 0 0.00023749 +r_3124 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.00023749 +r_3125 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 -3.44058e-12 0.00023749 +r_3126 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.00023749 +r_3127 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.00023749 +r_3128 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237493 +r_3129 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237493 +r_3130 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237493 +r_3131 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266573 0 0.000237493 +r_3132 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266615 0 0.000237493 +r_3133 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266551 0 0.000237493 +r_3134 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237493 +r_3135 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237493 +r_3136 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237493 +r_3137 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 -9.05165e-13 0.000266625 -1.92982e-12 0.000237493 +r_3138 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237493 +r_3139 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237493 +r_3140 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237493 +r_3141 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237493 +r_3142 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237493 +r_3143 PI 3-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.000266625 0 0.000237493 +r_3144 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 7.14433 +r_3145 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 10.2545 0 7.14433 +r_3146 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 7.14433 +r_3147 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 7.14433 +r_3148 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 7.14433 +r_3149 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 7.14433 +r_3150 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 7.14433 +r_3151 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope -2.00053e-12 8.26706 0 7.92495 0 7.14433 +r_3152 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 7.94851 +r_3153 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 7.94851 +r_3154 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 7.94851 +r_3155 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 16.5341 0 7.94851 +r_3156 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 16.5341 0 7.94851 +r_3157 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 7.94851 +r_3158 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 13.6498 +r_3159 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 8.31373 0 7.94851 +r_3160 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 2.45051 +r_3161 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 2.45051 +r_3162 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 2.45051 +r_3163 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 2.45051 +r_3164 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 2.45051 +r_3165 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 2.45051 +r_3166 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 2.45051 +r_3167 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 2.45051 r_3168 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.03078 0 0.000718124 r_3169 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.03078 0 0.000718124 r_3170 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.03078 0 0.000718124 @@ -2543,70 +2543,70 @@ r_3172 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.03078 0 r_3173 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.03078 0 0.000718124 r_3174 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.03078 0 0.000718124 r_3175 PI 4-P phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.03078 0 0.000718124 -r_3176 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3177 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3178 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3179 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3180 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266608 0 0.00012641 -r_3181 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3182 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3183 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.00012641 -r_3184 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000126412 -r_3185 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000126412 -r_3186 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000126412 -r_3187 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000126412 -r_3188 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.00026658 0 0.000126412 -r_3189 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000126412 -r_3190 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000357074 0 0.000126412 -r_3191 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000126412 -r_3192 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 0.081435 -r_3193 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 0.081435 -r_3194 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 0.081435 -r_3195 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 0.081435 -r_3196 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 0.081435 -r_3197 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 0.081435 -r_3198 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 0.081435 -r_3199 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope -2.00053e-12 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 0.081435 -r_3200 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 0.081435 -r_3201 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 0.081435 -r_3202 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 0.081435 -r_3203 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 0.081435 -r_3204 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 0.081435 -r_3205 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 0.081435 -r_3206 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 0.081435 -r_3207 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 0.081435 -r_3208 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_3209 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_3210 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_3211 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_3212 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_3213 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_3214 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_3215 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_3216 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3217 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3218 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3219 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3220 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3221 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3222 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3223 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3224 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3225 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3226 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3227 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3228 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3229 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3230 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3231 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3232 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3233 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3234 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3235 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3236 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3237 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3238 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3239 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_3176 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.000237487 +r_3177 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.000237487 +r_3178 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.0002376 +r_3179 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.000237487 +r_3180 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.0002376 +r_3181 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.000237487 +r_3182 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.000237487 +r_3183 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0.000266618 0 0.000237487 +r_3184 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.0003782 0 0.00023749 +r_3185 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.00023749 +r_3186 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.00023749 +r_3187 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.00023749 +r_3188 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.00023749 +r_3189 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.00023749 +r_3190 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.00023749 +r_3191 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.000266622 0 0.000237603 +r_3192 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 5.18197 +r_3193 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 5.18197 +r_3194 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 5.18197 +r_3195 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 5.18197 +r_3196 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 5.18197 +r_3197 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 5.18269 +r_3198 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cell envelope 0 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 5.18197 +r_3199 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cell envelope -2.00053e-12 8.26706 0 5.78175 0 5.18197 +r_3200 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 5.63625 +r_3201 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 5.63625 +r_3202 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 5.63697 +r_3203 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 5.63625 +r_3204 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 5.63625 +r_3205 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 5.63625 +r_3206 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 5.63625 +r_3207 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), cytoplasm 0 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 5.63697 +r_3208 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_3209 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_3210 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_3211 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_3212 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_3213 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_3214 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_3215 PI 4,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.65586 0 5.99544 +r_3216 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3217 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3218 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3219 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3220 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3221 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3222 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3223 PI 3,5-P2 phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3224 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3225 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3226 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3227 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3228 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3229 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3230 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3231 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3232 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3233 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3234 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3235 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3236 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3237 DGPP phosphatase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3238 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3239 DGPP phosphatase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 r_3240 lysoPA phosphatase (16:0), cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3241 lysoPA phosphatase (16:1), cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3242 lysoPA phosphatase (18:0), cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -2619,102 +2619,102 @@ r_3248 lysoPA phosphatase (16:0), Golgi membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3249 lysoPA phosphatase (16:1), Golgi membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3250 lysoPA phosphatase (18:0), Golgi membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3251 lysoPA phosphatase (18:1), Golgi membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3252 ergosteryl ester hydrolase (16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0236457 0 0.00451412 -r_3253 ergosteryl ester hydrolase (18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.023464 0 0.00409084 -r_3254 episteryl ester hydrolase (16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0224444 0 0.00449973 -r_3255 episteryl ester hydrolase (18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0222806 0 0.00407645 -r_3256 fecosteryl ester hydrolase (16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0224444 0 0.00449973 -r_3257 fecosteryl ester hydrolase (18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0222806 0 0.00407645 -r_3258 lanosteryl ester hydrolase (16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0224444 0 0.00449973 -r_3259 lanosteryl ester hydrolase (18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0222806 0 0.00407645 -r_3260 zymosteryl ester hydrolase (16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0224444 0 0.00449973 -r_3261 zymosteryl ester hydrolase (18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0222806 0 0.00407645 -r_3262 zymosteryl ester hydrolase (16:1), cell envelope 0 4.90029 0 0.0236089 0 0.00449973 -r_3263 zymosteryl ester hydrolase (18:1), cell envelope 0 4.90029 0 0.0234277 0 0.00407645 -r_3264 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.00988111 -r_3265 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.0134992 -r_3266 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.00844867 -r_3267 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.321319 0 0.00878037 -r_3268 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.00937373 -r_3269 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.0133337 -r_3270 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.00844867 -r_3271 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.00879828 -r_3272 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.00988366 -r_3273 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.00931367 -r_3274 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.00883874 -r_3275 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.00815291 -r_3276 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.0140422 -r_3277 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.0134119 -r_3278 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 -3.14211e-12 0.293299 0 0.00844867 -r_3279 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0122102 -r_3280 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.014041 -r_3281 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.0133413 -r_3282 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.00902052 -r_3283 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.00815291 -r_3284 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 -1.36469e-12 0.318127 0 0.00937373 -r_3285 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.0134992 -r_3286 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0132455 -r_3287 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0112956 -r_3288 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.00872929 -r_3289 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.00896071 -r_3290 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 -1.57696e-12 0.293261 0 0.00448351 -r_3291 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0112956 -r_3292 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 -9.22802e-13 0.318127 0 0.00937373 -r_3293 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.00888901 -r_3294 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.00942251 -r_3295 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.00812796 -r_3296 DAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), lipid particle -8.46542e-12 2.06676 0 0.132925 0 0.00227643 -r_3297 DAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), lipid particle -8.18545e-12 2.06676 0 0.129643 0 0.0041472 -r_3298 DAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), lipid particle -5.42074e-12 2.06676 0 0.127581 0 0.00216394 -r_3299 DAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), lipid particle -1.5894e-11 2.06676 0 0.124934 0 0.00212557 -r_3300 DAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle -1.81899e-12 2.06676 0 0.128172 0 0.00217966 -r_3301 DAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle -3.57197e-12 2.06676 0 0.124957 0 0.00212557 -r_3302 DAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle -3.63798e-12 2.06676 0 0.122256 0 0.00205804 -r_3303 DAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle -8.14836e-12 2.06676 0 0.11823 0 0.00200882 +r_3252 ergosteryl ester hydrolase (16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0236457 0 0.0199928 +r_3253 ergosteryl ester hydrolase (18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.023464 0 0.0198469 +r_3254 episteryl ester hydrolase (16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0224444 0 0.0199921 +r_3255 episteryl ester hydrolase (18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0222806 0 0.0198462 +r_3256 fecosteryl ester hydrolase (16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0224444 0 0.0199921 +r_3257 fecosteryl ester hydrolase (18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0222806 0 0.0198462 +r_3258 lanosteryl ester hydrolase (16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0224444 0 0.0199921 +r_3259 lanosteryl ester hydrolase (18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0222806 0 0.0198462 +r_3260 zymosteryl ester hydrolase (16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0224444 0 0.0199921 +r_3261 zymosteryl ester hydrolase (18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0222806 0 0.0198462 +r_3262 zymosteryl ester hydrolase (16:1), cell envelope 0 4.90029 0 0.0236089 0 0.0210293 +r_3263 zymosteryl ester hydrolase (18:1), cell envelope 0 4.90029 0 0.0234277 0 0.020868 +r_3264 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.340261 0 0.0606552 +r_3265 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305884 -1.31806e-12 0.0303276 +r_3266 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0266173 +r_3267 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0532347 +r_3268 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.0602667 +r_3269 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle -5.61418e-12 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.0606552 +r_3270 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0532347 +r_3271 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0270059 +r_3272 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.0606552 +r_3273 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.307763 0 0.0606552 +r_3274 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.077704 +r_3275 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0272627 +r_3276 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.0606552 +r_3277 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.0544084 +r_3278 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0532347 +r_3279 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0534915 +r_3280 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.0303276 +r_3281 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305886 0 0.0606552 +r_3282 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0757071 +r_3283 TAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 -3.85963e-12 0.0532347 +r_3284 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.084736 +r_3285 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305437 0 0.0608721 +r_3286 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0532347 +r_3287 TAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0532347 +r_3288 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.0606552 +r_3289 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.0303276 +r_3290 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0532347 +r_3291 TAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0266173 +r_3292 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.0303276 +r_3293 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.0606552 +r_3294 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0773154 +r_3295 TAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0266173 +r_3296 DAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), lipid particle -1.36424e-12 2.06676 0 0.132925 -3.85963e-12 0.00528935 +r_3297 DAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.129643 0 0.0105787 +r_3298 DAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), lipid particle -1.34161e-12 2.06676 0 0.127581 0 0.00387444 +r_3299 DAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), lipid particle -2.72848e-12 2.06676 0 0.124934 0 0.00387444 +r_3300 DAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle -2.27374e-12 2.06676 0 0.128172 0 0.00528935 +r_3301 DAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle -4.77485e-12 2.06676 0 0.124957 0 0.00528935 +r_3302 DAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle -7.27596e-12 2.06676 0 0.122256 0 0.00387444 +r_3303 DAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0.11823 0 0.00387444 r_3304 DAG lipase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrion 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3305 DAG lipase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrion 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3306 DAG lipase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), mitochondrion 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3307 DAG lipase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), mitochondrion 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3308 MAG lipase (1-16:0), lipid particle -8.46542e-12 2.06676 0 0.132935 0 0.00227643 -r_3309 MAG lipase (1-16:1), lipid particle -8.18545e-12 2.06676 0 0.129643 0 0.00221427 -r_3310 MAG lipase (1-18:0), lipid particle -5.42074e-12 2.06676 0 0.127581 0 0.00216394 -r_3311 MAG lipase (1-18:1), lipid particle -9.54969e-12 2.06676 0 0.124934 0 0.00212557 -r_3312 lysoPE (1-16:0) oleoyl-CoA acyltransferase, lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.00494925 -r_3313 lysoPE (1-16:1) oleoyl-CoA acyltransferase, lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.00494925 -r_3314 lysoPE (1-18:0) oleoyl-CoA acyltransferase, lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.00494925 -r_3315 lysoPE (1-18:1) oleoyl-CoA acyltransferase, lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.00494925 -r_3316 PC phospholipase A2 (1-16:0, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.11716 0 0.00449973 -r_3317 PC phospholipase A2 (1-16:1, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.114583 0 0.00449973 -r_3318 PC phospholipase A2 (1-18:0, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.112509 0 0.00449973 -r_3319 PC phospholipase A2 (1-18:1, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.109829 0 0.00449973 -r_3320 PC phospholipase A2 (1-16:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.112324 0 0.00407645 -r_3321 PC phospholipase A2 (1-16:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.109847 0 0.00407645 -r_3322 PC phospholipase A2 (1-18:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.107754 0 0.00407645 -r_3323 PC phospholipase A2 (1-18:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.104614 0 0.00407645 -r_3324 PE phospholipase A2 (1-16:0, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0747539 0 0.00449973 -r_3325 PE phospholipase A2 (1-16:1, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0736489 0 0.00449973 -r_3326 PE phospholipase A2 (1-18:0, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0727022 0 0.00449973 -r_3327 PE phospholipase A2 (1-18:1, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0712591 0 0.00449973 -r_3328 PE phospholipase A2 (1-16:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.00407645 -r_3329 PE phospholipase A2 (1-16:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle -9.09495e-13 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.00407645 -r_3330 PE phospholipase A2 (1-18:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.00407645 -r_3331 PE phospholipase A2 (1-18:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.00407645 -r_3332 PA kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3333 PA kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0.081435 -r_3334 PA kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3335 PA kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3336 PA kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3337 PA kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0.081435 -r_3338 PA kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3339 PA kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3340 PA kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3341 PA kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0.081435 -r_3342 PA kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3343 PA kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3344 PA kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0.081435 -r_3345 PA kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0.081435 -r_3346 PA kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0.081435 -r_3347 PA kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_3308 MAG lipase (1-16:0), lipid particle -2.27374e-12 2.06676 0 0.132935 -3.85963e-12 0.00528935 +r_3309 MAG lipase (1-16:1), lipid particle -4.77485e-12 2.06676 0 0.129643 0 0.00528935 +r_3310 MAG lipase (1-18:0), lipid particle -7.27596e-12 2.06676 0 0.127581 0 0.00387444 +r_3311 MAG lipase (1-18:1), lipid particle -2.72848e-12 2.06676 0 0.124934 0 0.00387444 +r_3312 lysoPE (1-16:0) oleoyl-CoA acyltransferase, lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.0266173 +r_3313 lysoPE (1-16:1) oleoyl-CoA acyltransferase, lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.0266173 +r_3314 lysoPE (1-18:0) oleoyl-CoA acyltransferase, lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 -4.48239e-11 0.0266173 +r_3315 lysoPE (1-18:1) oleoyl-CoA acyltransferase, lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.0266173 +r_3316 PC phospholipase A2 (1-16:0, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.11716 0 0.0233726 +r_3317 PC phospholipase A2 (1-16:1, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.114583 0 0.0233546 +r_3318 PC phospholipase A2 (1-18:0, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.112509 0 0.0208308 +r_3319 PC phospholipase A2 (1-18:1, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.109829 0 0.0208023 +r_3320 PC phospholipase A2 (1-16:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.112324 0 0.0219146 +r_3321 PC phospholipase A2 (1-16:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.109847 0 0.0219015 +r_3322 PC phospholipase A2 (1-18:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.107754 0 0.0206975 +r_3323 PC phospholipase A2 (1-18:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.104614 0 0.0206692 +r_3324 PE phospholipase A2 (1-16:0, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0747539 0 0.0209805 +r_3325 PE phospholipase A2 (1-16:1, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0736489 0 0.0209652 +r_3326 PE phospholipase A2 (1-18:0, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0727022 0 0.0208581 +r_3327 PE phospholipase A2 (1-18:1, 2-16:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.0712591 0 0.0208572 +r_3328 PE phospholipase A2 (1-16:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.0240808 +r_3329 PE phospholipase A2 (1-16:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle -7.50333e-12 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.0240808 +r_3330 PE phospholipase A2 (1-18:0, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.0240808 +r_3331 PE phospholipase A2 (1-18:1, 2-18:1), lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0.277284 0 0.0240808 +r_3332 PA kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3333 PA kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 8.05792 +r_3334 PA kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 9.05165e-13 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3335 PA kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3336 PA kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3337 PA kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 8.05792 +r_3338 PA kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 6.81704e-13 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3339 PA kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 +r_3340 PA kinase (1-16:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0 +r_3341 PA kinase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0 +r_3342 PA kinase (1-18:0, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0 +r_3343 PA kinase (1-18:1, 2-16:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0 +r_3344 PA kinase (1-16:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 +r_3345 PA kinase (1-16:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0 +r_3346 PA kinase (1-18:0, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 +r_3347 PA kinase (1-18:1, 2-18:1), vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0 r_3348 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) MIPC-A (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3349 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) MIPC-A (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3350 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) MIPC-A (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -2738,12 +2738,12 @@ r_3367 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) MIPC-B' (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 r_3368 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) MIPC-B' (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3369 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-B' (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3370 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) MIPC-B' (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3371 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-B' (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3371 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-B' (C24)) -2.84217e-12 0 0 0 0 0 r_3372 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) MIPC-B' (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3373 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) MIPC-B' (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3374 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) MIPC-B' (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3375 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) MIPC-B' (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3376 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) MIPC-B' (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3376 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) MIPC-B' (C26)) 0 2.02831e-12 0 0 0 0 r_3377 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-B' (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3378 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) MIPC-B' (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3379 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-B' (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -2768,11 +2768,11 @@ r_3397 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) MIPC-C (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3398 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) MIPC-C (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3399 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) MIPC-C (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3400 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) MIPC-C (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3401 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-C (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3401 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-C (C24)) 0 3.63798e-12 0 0 0 0 r_3402 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) MIPC-C (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3403 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-C (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3404 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) MIPC-C (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3405 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) MIPC-C (C26)) 0 3.51492e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_3405 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) MIPC-C (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3406 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) MIPC-C (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3407 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) MIPC-C (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3408 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) MIPC-C (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -2788,224 +2788,224 @@ r_3417 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-D (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3418 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) MIPC-D (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3419 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-D (C24)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3420 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) MIPC-D (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3421 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) MIPC-D (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3421 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) MIPC-D (C26)) 0 3.40565e-12 0 0 0 0 r_3422 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) MIPC-D (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3423 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) MIPC-D (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3424 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) MIPC-D (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3425 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-D (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3426 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) MIPC-D (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3427 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-D (C26)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3428 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3429 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) -2.72848e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3430 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3431 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3432 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3433 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3434 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3435 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) -1.47793e-12 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3436 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.000819621 -r_3437 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.000819621 -r_3438 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.000819621 -r_3439 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.000819621 -r_3440 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.000819621 -r_3441 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.000819621 -r_3442 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 -1.36469e-12 1.54236 0 0.000819621 -r_3443 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.000819621 -r_3444 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.000819621 -r_3445 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.000819621 -r_3446 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.000819621 -r_3447 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.000819621 -r_3448 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.000819621 -r_3449 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.000819621 -r_3450 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.000819621 -r_3451 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.000819621 -r_3452 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3453 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3454 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3455 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3456 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 -9.73444e-13 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3457 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3458 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3459 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.000819621 -r_3460 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.000819621 -r_3461 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.000819621 -r_3462 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.000819621 -r_3463 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.000819621 -r_3464 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.000819621 -r_3465 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.000819621 -r_3466 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.000819621 -r_3467 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.000819621 -r_3468 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) -2.72848e-12 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.000819621 -r_3469 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.000819621 -r_3470 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.000819621 -r_3471 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.000819621 -r_3472 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.000819621 -r_3473 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.000819621 -r_3474 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.000819621 -r_3475 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) -2.00053e-12 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.000819621 -r_3476 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.000819621 -r_3477 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.000819621 -r_3478 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.000819621 -r_3479 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.000819621 -r_3480 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.000819621 -r_3481 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.000819621 -r_3482 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.000819621 -r_3483 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.000819621 -r_3484 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.000819621 -r_3485 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.000819621 -r_3486 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.000819621 -r_3487 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.000819621 -r_3488 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.000819621 -r_3489 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) -1.47793e-12 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.000819621 -r_3490 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.000819621 -r_3491 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) -8.14836e-12 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.000819621 -r_3492 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.000819621 -r_3493 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.000819621 -r_3494 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.000819621 -r_3495 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) -1.47793e-12 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.000819621 -r_3496 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.000819621 -r_3497 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.000819621 -r_3498 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.000819621 -r_3499 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.000819621 -r_3500 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.000819621 -r_3501 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.000819621 -r_3502 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.000819621 -r_3503 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.000819621 -r_3504 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.000819621 -r_3505 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.000819621 -r_3506 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) -8.14836e-12 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.000819621 -r_3507 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.000819621 -r_3508 laurate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0.0234079 0 1.13687e-13 -r_3509 myristate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1.81377 3.10015 0 -0.0731285 0 -0.000200293 -r_3510 palmitate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -0.000371285 0 0 -r_3511 palmitoleate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_3512 stearate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.0513849 0 0 -r_3513 oleate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -0.000255078 0 0 -r_3514 malonyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 1.81377 0 0 0 0 -r_3515 lauroyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -0.153211 0 0 -r_3516 myristoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 1e-05 0 -5.34713e-06 -r_3517 palmitoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 8.33333e-07 0.00866651 0.0079362 -r_3518 palmitoleoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 -1.02318e-12 -1e-05 0 0 -r_3519 stearoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -0.0108101 0.0017246 0.0017246 -r_3520 oleoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_3521 icosanoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1.1773 0 0 -0.25627 0 -0.0035533 -r_3522 docosanoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.713908 0 0 -0.00401876 0 -0.00316747 -r_3523 tetracosanoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.151414 0 0.07179 -r_3524 hexacosanoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 -1.94805e-06 0 0.0717872 -r_3525 H+ transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -16.5341 8.26706 1.36204e-12 0 0 0 -r_3526 H2O transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -2.50889 8.26706 0 15.5354 0 0.0595039 +r_3427 inositolphosphotransferase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) MIPC-D (C26)) 0 1.7053e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_3428 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 -3.85963e-12 0.00152253 +r_3429 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3430 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3431 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 -2.08706e-12 0.00152253 +r_3432 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3433 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3434 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3435 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3436 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) -2.27374e-12 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.00152253 +r_3437 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.00152253 +r_3438 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.00152253 +r_3439 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) -9.09495e-13 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.00152253 +r_3440 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.00152253 +r_3441 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.00152253 +r_3442 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.00152253 +r_3443 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-1 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54236 0 0.00152253 +r_3444 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.00152253 +r_3445 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.00152253 +r_3446 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.00152253 +r_3447 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) -2.27374e-12 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.00152253 +r_3448 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.00152253 +r_3449 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.00152253 +r_3450 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) -2.84217e-12 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.00152253 +r_3451 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.49071 0 0.00152253 +r_3452 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3453 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 -2.24119e-11 0.00152253 +r_3454 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3455 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3456 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3457 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3458 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3459 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2' (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 3.10015 0 0.00152253 +r_3460 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.00152253 +r_3461 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.00152253 +r_3462 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.00152253 +r_3463 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.00152253 +r_3464 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.00152253 +r_3465 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) -9.54969e-12 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.00152253 +r_3466 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.00152253 +r_3467 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C24)) -2.27374e-12 3.10015 0 1.60178 0 0.00152253 +r_3468 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) -9.09495e-13 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.00152253 +r_3469 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) -9.09495e-13 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.00152253 +r_3470 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.00152253 +r_3471 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.00152253 +r_3472 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) -8.13865e-13 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.00152253 +r_3473 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.00152253 +r_3474 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.00152253 +r_3475 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-2 (C26)) -2.00053e-12 3.10015 0 1.59456 0 0.00152253 +r_3476 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) -9.54969e-12 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.00152253 +r_3477 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.00152253 +r_3478 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.00152253 +r_3479 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.00152253 +r_3480 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.00152253 +r_3481 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.00152253 +r_3482 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.00152253 +r_3483 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54562 0 0.00152253 +r_3484 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.00152253 +r_3485 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.00152253 +r_3486 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.00152253 +r_3487 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.00152253 +r_3488 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.00152253 +r_3489 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.00152253 +r_3490 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) -2.27374e-12 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.00152253 +r_3491 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-3 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.54082 0 0.00152253 +r_3492 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.00152253 +r_3493 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.00152253 +r_3494 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.00152253 +r_3495 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.00152253 +r_3496 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) -1.21444e-12 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.00152253 +r_3497 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.00152253 +r_3498 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) -3.63798e-12 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.00152253 +r_3499 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C24)) 0 3.10015 0 1.58345 0 0.00152253 +r_3500 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.00152253 +r_3501 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.00152253 +r_3502 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.00152253 +r_3503 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-16:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.00152253 +r_3504 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.00152253 +r_3505 IPC synthase (PI (1-16:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.00152253 +r_3506 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:0, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.00152253 +r_3507 IPC synthase (PI (1-18:1, 2-18:1) ceramide-4 (C26)) 0 3.10015 0 1.57701 0 0.00152253 +r_3508 laurate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1.13687e-12 3.10015 0 1.672e-05 0 0.000216869 +r_3509 myristate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1.81377 3.10015 -0.0731285 0 -0.000216869 0 +r_3510 palmitate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 -0.000509938 0 -5.97321e-07 -3.85963e-12 +r_3511 palmitoleate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0.000256824 +r_3512 stearate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 5.57333e-06 0 0 +r_3513 oleate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -5.97321e-07 0 +r_3514 malonyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.54747e-12 1.81377 0 0 0 0 +r_3515 lauroyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 -0.153211 0 -0.000358851 0 +r_3516 myristoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 +r_3517 palmitoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 3.33333e-06 0 5.29703e-07 +r_3518 palmitoleoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 -3.33333e-06 0 -1.31806e-12 0 +r_3519 stearoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 +r_3520 oleoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 2.24119e-11 +r_3521 icosanoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1.1773 0 -0.25627 0 -0.00801838 0 +r_3522 docosanoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.713908 0 -0.228105 0 -0.000993611 0 +r_3523 tetracosanoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.151414 0 0.13487 +r_3524 hexacosanoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 -1.66667e-06 0 -0.00100482 -1.11944e-12 +r_3525 H+ transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -16.5341 8.26706 0 0 0 0 +r_3526 H2O transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -2.50889 8.26706 0 7.2731 0 7.00838 r_3527 CO2 transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1.81377 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3528 coenzyme A transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 9.73444e-13 0 0 0 -r_3529 NADPH transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 3.62753 0 0 0 0 -r_3530 NADP(+) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -3.62753 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3531 O2 transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -2.04636e-12 0.501778 0 0 0.0109206 0.0109206 -r_3532 NADH transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -2.04636e-12 0.501778 0 1.25056e-12 0.0206563 0.0206563 -r_3533 NAD transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.501778 2.04636e-12 0 0 -0.0109206 -0.0109206 +r_3528 coenzyme A transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 1.31806e-12 +r_3529 NADPH transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -9.54969e-12 3.62753 0 0 -2.27374e-13 0 +r_3530 NADP(+) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -3.62753 0 0 0 0 1.13687e-13 +r_3531 O2 transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1.13687e-12 0.501778 0 0 0 0 +r_3532 NADH transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -2.72848e-12 0.501778 0 7.14286e-07 0 1.25506e-06 +r_3533 NAD transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.501778 0 0 0 0 0 r_3534 glycerol 3-phosphate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0 0 0 r_3535 dihydroxyacetone phosphate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 1.90778 0 0 0 0 -r_3536 diphosphate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -0.000654203 0 -r_3537 phosphate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -8.26706 1.81899e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_3538 CTP transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -8.18545e-12 8.26706 0 6.66667e-07 0.00534809 0.00534621 -r_3539 CDP transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -8.26706 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 -r_3540 CMP transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -3.81557 0 0 0 -0.00540081 -0.00534621 +r_3536 diphosphate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 -3.24494e-07 -1.11944e-12 +r_3537 phosphate transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -8.26706 3.95119e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_3538 CTP transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 5.55556e-06 0 0 +r_3539 CDP transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -8.26706 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3540 CMP transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -3.81557 7.36691e-11 0 0 0 0 r_3541 CDP-ethanolamine transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3542 CDP-choline transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_3543 ATP transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_3544 AMP transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_3545 L-serine transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0.00459268 0.00791464 -r_3546 myo-inositol transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -8.18545e-12 3.10015 0 0 0.000721205 0.000704544 -r_3547 S-adenosyl-L-methionine transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -8.6402e-12 1.56896 0 0 0.00899667 0.00899667 -r_3548 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1.56896 3.75167e-12 0 0 -0.00901708 -0.00899667 +r_3543 ATP transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 1.11944e-12 +r_3544 AMP transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 4.18877e-12 0 0 +r_3545 L-serine transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.355089 0 0.00910286 +r_3546 myo-inositol transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -2.27374e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_3547 S-adenosyl-L-methionine transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -9.09495e-13 1.56896 0 0 0 0 +r_3548 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1.56896 7.36691e-11 0 0 0 1.13687e-13 r_3549 episterol transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3550 fecosterol transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3551 lanosterol transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3552 ergosterol transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_3553 zymosterol transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 3.8961e-07 0 0 -r_3554 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000124931 0 0.000509938 -r_3555 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.00025755 0 -3.53014e-05 -r_3556 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000509938 0 0.000102859 -r_3557 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 -3.14211e-12 -0.12453 0 -0.000422046 -r_3558 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 0 -0.0509334 0 7.79382e-05 -r_3559 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 0 -0.000388549 -r_3560 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 -1.57696e-12 -0.121869 0 -0.000211023 -r_3561 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 -9.22802e-13 -0.117868 0 -0.000371188 -r_3562 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.00075165 8.26706 0 0.000266622 0 0 -r_3563 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.000753528 8.26706 0 0.000266622 0 -2.00435e-06 -r_3564 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.000701047 8.26706 0 -0.000158168 0 -5.2639e-06 -r_3565 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.000728213 8.26706 0 -0.000728213 0 -2.54737e-05 -r_3566 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.00072646 8.26706 -9.73444e-13 -0.000283929 0 0.000126412 -r_3567 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.000728213 8.26706 0 -1.92222e-06 0 -9.84797e-05 -r_3568 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.000701047 8.26706 0 0.000266622 0 0 -r_3569 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.000704544 8.26706 0 -0.000451571 0 -1.85974e-06 -r_3570 sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine transport, ER membrane-cytoplasm -1.25056e-12 1.37784 0 0 0 0 -r_3571 hexadecanoate (n-C16:0) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 9.22802e-13 0 0 0 +r_3553 zymosterol transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane 0 4.90029 0 0.0234277 0 0.000819479 +r_3554 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 0 1.672e-05 3.85963e-12 3.09834e-08 +r_3555 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 0 1.83452e-12 0 3.09834e-08 +r_3556 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 0 6.4118e-05 0 0 +r_3557 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 0 0 +r_3558 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 -0.0509334 0 -0.000645373 -3.85963e-12 +r_3559 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 0 1.672e-05 2.24119e-11 3.09834e-08 +r_3560 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 -0.121869 0 -0.00387444 0 +r_3561 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 -0.00387444 -3.85963e-12 +r_3562 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.00075165 8.26706 0 0.000111578 -1.98408e-06 -3.85963e-12 +r_3563 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.000753528 8.26706 0 0.00026657 -4.68447e-09 -2.16482e-12 +r_3564 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.000701047 8.26706 -0.000158168 0 -7.4142e-09 0 +r_3565 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.000728213 8.26706 -0.000728213 0 0 0.00023749 +r_3566 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.00072646 8.26706 -0.00072646 0 3.85963e-12 0.00023749 +r_3567 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.000728213 8.26706 -0.000728213 0 0 0.00023749 +r_3568 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.000701047 8.26706 0 0.000266496 -9.7614e-08 0 +r_3569 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-ER membrane -0.000704544 8.26706 -0.000283425 0 0 1.12896e-07 +r_3570 sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine transport, ER membrane-cytoplasm -1.36424e-12 1.37784 0 0 -1.92982e-12 0 +r_3571 hexadecanoate (n-C16:0) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 0 3.85963e-12 r_3572 hexadecenoate (n-C16:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_3573 octadecanoate (n-C18:0) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 -3.82336e-05 0 -1.33491e-06 -r_3574 octadecenoate (n-C18:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 -0.000462763 0 0 -r_3575 lauroyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0.153211 0 0 -r_3576 myristoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 -1e-05 0 0.00016821 +r_3573 octadecanoate (n-C18:0) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 -1.1668e-05 0 +r_3574 octadecenoate (n-C18:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 -9.17259e-13 0 -7.71927e-12 0 +r_3575 lauroyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0.153211 0 0.000358851 +r_3576 myristoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 -0.000256824 0 r_3577 palmitoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 r_3578 palmitoleoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 r_3579 stearoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_3580 oleoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 -0.0196391 0 0 +r_3580 oleoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 -2.24119e-11 0 r_3581 glycerol 3-phosphate transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle 0 2.06676 0 0 0 0 r_3582 dihydroxyacetone phosphate transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0 0 0 r_3583 NADPH transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle 0 1.90778 0 0 0 0 r_3584 NADP(+) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1.90778 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3585 ATP transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 0 1.13687e-13 +r_3585 ATP transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 r_3586 AMP transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_3587 diphosphate transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 -1e-05 0 -1.13687e-13 -r_3588 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.0815408 0 -0.000509938 -r_3589 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 0 -0.000183429 -r_3590 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 -0.000509938 0 0 -r_3591 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 3.14211e-12 0.12453 0 0.000422046 -r_3592 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 0 -7.79382e-05 -r_3593 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.124553 0 -1.3832e-05 -r_3594 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 0 0.000211023 -r_3595 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 9.22802e-13 0.117868 0 0.000371188 -r_3596 H2O transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1.46656e-11 4.90029 0 0 0 0 -r_3597 glycerol transport, lipid particle-cytoplasm -8.98126e-12 2.06676 0 0 0 0 +r_3587 diphosphate transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 +r_3588 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.0815408 1.31806e-12 0.000403918 +r_3589 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 0 0 +r_3590 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 -6.4118e-05 0 0 0 +r_3591 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 0 0.00387444 +r_3592 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 3.85963e-12 0.000645373 +r_3593 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 0 0.00387444 +r_3594 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 -8.02871e-05 -3.85963e-12 +r_3595 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 -5.30834e-05 0 +r_3596 H2O transport, cytoplasm-lipid particle -2.20552e-11 4.90029 0 0 -3.41061e-13 0 +r_3597 glycerol transport, lipid particle-cytoplasm -7.27596e-12 2.06676 0 0 0 0 r_3598 docosanoyl-CoA transport, lipid particle-cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3599 tetracosanoyl-CoA transport, lipid particle-cytoplasm -1000 1000 0 -0.151414 0 -0.07179 -r_3600 hexacosanoyl-CoA transport, lipid particle-cytoplasm -1000 1000 0 4.90029 0 -0.0717872 -r_3601 ATP transport, cytoplasm-cell envelope -2.04636e-12 8.26706 0 4e-06 0 0.081435 +r_3599 tetracosanoyl-CoA transport, lipid particle-cytoplasm -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 +r_3600 hexacosanoyl-CoA transport, lipid particle-cytoplasm -1000 1000 0 4.90029 0 0.0763603 +r_3601 ATP transport, cytoplasm-cell envelope -2.04636e-12 8.26706 0 0 0 0.00274854 r_3602 ADP transport, cytoplasm-cell envelope -8.26706 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3603 H+ transport, cytoplasm-cell envelope -16.5341 8.26706 0 0 0 0.000179063 -r_3604 H2O transport, cytoplasm-cell envelope -3.97904e-12 8.26706 0 7.97772 0 0.081435 -r_3605 phosphate transport, cytoplasm-cell envelope -8.26706 0 0 -7.92495 0 -0.16287 -r_3606 sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -5.45697e-12 1.37784 0 0.117217 0 0.00218494 -r_3607 1-(sn-glycero-3-phospho)-1D-myo-inositol transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -9.09495e-13 0.55085 0 0.12214 0 0.000819621 -r_3608 palmitate transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm 0 1.37784 0 0 0 0 -r_3609 palmitoleate transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -3.18323e-12 4.90029 0 0 0 0 -r_3610 stearate transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -9.09495e-13 1.37784 0 0 0 0 -r_3611 oleate transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -1.09139e-11 4.90029 0 0 0 0 +r_3603 H+ transport, cytoplasm-cell envelope -16.5341 8.26706 0 0 -4.32965e-12 0 +r_3604 H2O transport, cytoplasm-cell envelope -1.06866e-11 8.26706 0 10.2569 0 9.22527 +r_3605 phosphate transport, cytoplasm-cell envelope -8.26706 0 -7.92495 0 -7.14433 -2.16482e-12 +r_3606 sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm 0 1.37784 0 0.117217 0 0.0132315 +r_3607 1-(sn-glycero-3-phospho)-1D-myo-inositol transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm 0 0.55085 0 0.12214 0 0.00152253 +r_3608 palmitate transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -5.57066e-12 1.37784 -1.13687e-12 0 0 0 +r_3609 palmitoleate transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm 0 4.90029 -1.13687e-12 0 0 0 +r_3610 stearate transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm 0 1.37784 0 0 0 0 +r_3611 oleate transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -5.34328e-12 4.90029 0 0 -1.13687e-13 0 r_3612 icosanoyl-CoA transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3613 docosanoyl-CoA transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3614 tetracosanoyl-CoA transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -1000 1000 0 -0.151408 0 0.07179 -r_3615 hexacosanoyl-CoA transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -1000 1000 0 0.151408 0 0.0717872 -r_3616 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 -0.000718124 -r_3617 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 0 -0.00401876 0 0.081435 -r_3618 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 0.081435 -r_3619 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 -0.000718124 -r_3620 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 0 -3.58145 0 -0.000718124 -r_3621 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 0 0 0 -0.000718124 -r_3622 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 0 -3.58145 0 -0.000718124 -r_3623 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 0 -0.00540504 0 0.081435 -r_3624 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 -6.27648 0 0.081435 -r_3625 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.0814167 -r_3626 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 -r_3627 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 -0.081435 -r_3628 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 0 0 -0.081435 -r_3629 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 0 0 0.081435 -r_3630 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 -2e-05 0 -0.081435 -r_3631 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 -0.081435 +r_3614 tetracosanoyl-CoA transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -1000 1000 -0.151408 0 -0.134865 0 +r_3615 hexacosanoyl-CoA transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -1000 1000 0 0.151408 0 0.134865 +r_3616 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 5.63625 +r_3617 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 -3.58145 0 0 5.63625 +r_3618 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 5.63625 +r_3619 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 0 6.27648 0 5.63625 +r_3620 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 -3.58145 0 -0.000718124 0 +r_3621 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 -3.58145 0 0 5.63625 +r_3622 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 -3.58145 0 -0.000718124 0 +r_3623 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -4.13353 8.26706 -3.58145 0 -0.000718124 -1.21262e-13 +r_3624 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 -6.27648 0 0 5.60741 +r_3625 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 8.26706 -5.63625 0 +r_3626 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 5.60741 +r_3627 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 8.26706 -0.000718124 0 +r_3628 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 0 0 6.04336 +r_3629 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 5.71487 +r_3630 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 -6.27648 0 -5.63625 0 +r_3631 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-cytoplasm -8.26706 8.26706 0 0.0466696 0 3.53059 r_3632 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 -r_3633 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.00401876 0 0.000718124 +r_3633 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0.178474 0 0.000718124 r_3634 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 r_3635 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 r_3636 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 r_3637 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 -r_3638 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 2e-05 0 0.000718124 +r_3638 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 r_3639 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm -2.04636e-12 4.13353 0 3.58145 0 0.000718124 r_3640 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3641 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3015,12 +3015,12 @@ r_3644 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3645 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3646 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3647 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, nucleus-cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3648 H2O transport, cytoplasm-vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 +r_3648 H2O transport, cytoplasm-vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 -6.82121e-13 0 0 0 r_3649 phosphate transport, cytoplasm-vacuolar membrane -8.26706 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3650 H+ transport, cytoplasm-vacuolar membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 0 0 0.000126414 -r_3651 ATP transport, cytoplasm-vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.23583e-05 0 0.000126414 -r_3652 ADP transport, cytoplasm-vacuolar membrane -8.26706 0 0 -8.26706 0 -0.000126414 -r_3653 carbon dioxide transport, cytoplasm-vacuolar membrane -0.522985 0 0 0 -1.25818e-05 0 +r_3650 H+ transport, cytoplasm-vacuolar membrane -8.26706 8.26706 -9.77307e-11 0 0 0 +r_3651 ATP transport, cytoplasm-vacuolar membrane 0 8.26706 -9.77307e-11 0 0 2.25792e-07 +r_3652 ADP transport, cytoplasm-vacuolar membrane -8.26706 0 0 9.77307e-11 -8.05792 0 +r_3653 carbon dioxide transport, cytoplasm-vacuolar membrane -0.522985 2.6148e-12 0 0 0 0 r_3654 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 r_3655 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 r_3656 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 @@ -3029,61 +3029,61 @@ r_3658 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transpor r_3659 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 r_3660 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 r_3661 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-cytoplasm 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 -r_3662 H2O transport, cytoplasm-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 -r_3663 phosphate transport, cytoplasm-Golgi membrane -8.26706 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3664 H+ transport, cytoplasm-Golgi membrane -16.5341 0 -3.15391e-12 -0.000140596 0 0 +r_3662 H2O transport, cytoplasm-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 -2.72848e-12 0 +r_3663 phosphate transport, cytoplasm-Golgi membrane -8.26706 0 0 0 0 1.92982e-12 +r_3664 H+ transport, cytoplasm-Golgi membrane -16.5341 0 -4.95666e-05 0 0 0 r_3665 carbon dioxide transport, cytoplasm-Golgi membrane -0.522985 0 0 0 0 0 r_3666 ATP transport, cytoplasm-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.000718124 -r_3667 ADP transport, cytoplasm-Golgi membrane -8.26706 0 0 -7.03078 0 -0.081435 -r_3668 H2O transport, cytoplasm-mitochondrial membrane -8.41283e-12 4.45481 0 0 0 0 -r_3669 carbon dioxide transport, cytoplasm-mitochondrial membrane -0.522985 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3670 palmitoleoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-mitochondrial membrane -1.47793e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3671 oleoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-mitochondrial membrane -6.31004e-12 0 -9.73136e-13 0 0 0 -r_3672 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm -8.41283e-12 2.22741 0 0 0 0 +r_3667 ADP transport, cytoplasm-Golgi membrane -8.26706 0 -7.03078 -9.05165e-13 -0.000718124 0 +r_3668 H2O transport, cytoplasm-mitochondrial membrane -2.38742e-12 4.45481 0 0 0 0 +r_3669 carbon dioxide transport, cytoplasm-mitochondrial membrane -0.522985 2.95586e-12 0 0 0 4.48239e-11 +r_3670 palmitoleoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-mitochondrial membrane -2.95586e-12 3.80851e-11 0 0 0 0 +r_3671 oleoyl-CoA transport, cytoplasm-mitochondrial membrane 0 3.06954e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_3672 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm -1.81899e-12 2.22741 0 0 0 0 r_3673 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm 0 2.22741 0 0 0 0 -r_3674 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm 0 2.22741 0 0 0 0 +r_3674 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm -4.77485e-12 2.22741 0 0 0 0 r_3675 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm 0 2.22741 0 0 0 0 -r_3676 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm 0 2.22741 0 0 0 0 -r_3677 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm -2.95586e-12 2.22741 0 0 0 0 -r_3678 palmitate transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm -1.47793e-12 1.81899e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_3679 stearate transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm 0 4.54747e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_3680 coenzyme A transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm -1.47793e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3681 laurate transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0.0341315 0 0 -r_3682 myristate transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 -0.154398 0 0 -r_3683 lignoceric acid transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 -0.151414 0 0.0717872 -r_3684 cerotic acid transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 -0.151408 0 0.0444191 -r_3685 TAG (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000749299 4.90029 0 0.000509938 0 0.000509938 -r_3686 TAG (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.000513994 -r_3687 TAG (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000701047 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.00388591 -r_3688 TAG (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000462763 0 0.000645373 -r_3689 TAG (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000751179 4.90029 0 0.000509938 0 0.000445929 -r_3690 TAG (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000513994 0 0.000513994 -r_3691 TAG (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000701047 4.90029 0 0 0 0.000183429 -r_3692 TAG (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.0174907 0 -0.00180656 -r_3693 TAG (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000701047 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 -0.000701047 -r_3694 TAG (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.000312108 -r_3695 TAG (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000350524 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 -0.000211023 -r_3696 TAG (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.000645373 -r_3697 TAG (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000725831 4.90029 0 0 0 -0.000725831 -r_3698 TAG (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000513994 0 -0.000753069 -r_3699 TAG (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000701047 4.90029 0 3.82336e-05 0 -0.000422046 -r_3700 TAG (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.000388549 -r_3701 TAG (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000724075 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 -0.000724075 -r_3702 TAG (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000513994 0 -6.34262e-05 -r_3703 TAG (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000700494 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 -0.000422046 -r_3704 TAG (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.0174907 0 -0.000753069 -r_3705 TAG (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000725831 4.90029 0 0.000509938 0 -0.000725831 -r_3706 TAG (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.305372 0 0.000146545 -r_3707 TAG (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000701047 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0 -r_3708 TAG (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0031427 -r_3709 TAG (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000700494 4.90029 0 0.197477 0 -0.000700494 -r_3710 TAG (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 0 -0.000753069 -r_3711 TAG (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000350524 4.90029 0 0.117742 0 0 -r_3712 TAG (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.0174907 0 0.000645373 -r_3713 TAG (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000702137 4.90029 -9.22802e-13 0.318127 0 -0.000702137 -r_3714 TAG (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000187907 0 -0.00352185 -r_3715 TAG (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000540903 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 -0.000371188 -r_3716 TAG (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 -0.00180656 +r_3676 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm -1.25056e-12 2.22741 0 0 -1.25056e-12 0 +r_3677 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm 0 2.22741 0 0 -6.58385e-12 0 +r_3678 palmitate transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm -1.13687e-12 1.73728e-12 0 0 -5.63665e-11 0 +r_3679 stearate transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3680 coenzyme A transport, mitochondrial membrane-cytoplasm 0 2.72848e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_3681 laurate transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 1.672e-05 0 0.000388549 +r_3682 myristate transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -1000 1000 -0.154398 0 -0.000216869 0 +r_3683 lignoceric acid transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -1000 1000 0 0 -12.6059 0 +r_3684 cerotic acid transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -1000 1000 -0.151408 0 0 0 +r_3685 TAG (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000749299 4.90029 0 0.000129628 0 3.09834e-08 +r_3686 TAG (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.305372 -1.31806e-12 0 +r_3687 TAG (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000701047 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0266173 +r_3688 TAG (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 1.672e-05 0 0 +r_3689 TAG (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000751179 4.90029 0 0.000219717 0 3.09834e-08 +r_3690 TAG (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000513994 0 0 +r_3691 TAG (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000701047 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0266173 +r_3692 TAG (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 9.17259e-13 0.0174907 0 0.000194075 +r_3693 TAG (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000701047 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.0303276 +r_3694 TAG (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.305372 -0.0170583 0 +r_3695 TAG (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000350524 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0266173 +r_3696 TAG (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0266173 +r_3697 TAG (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000725831 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.0303276 +r_3698 TAG (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000513994 0 0 +r_3699 TAG (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000701047 4.90029 0 0.11768 0 1.78748e-05 +r_3700 TAG (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0266173 +r_3701 TAG (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000724075 4.90029 0 0.318127 0 0.0303276 +r_3702 TAG (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000513994 0 4.55183e-07 +r_3703 TAG (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000700494 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0266173 +r_3704 TAG (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000462763 0 0 +r_3705 TAG (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000725831 4.90029 0 0.000509938 0 3.09834e-08 +r_3706 TAG (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.305372 -0.0168555 0 +r_3707 TAG (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000701047 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.0266173 +r_3708 TAG (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 0 0.0266173 +r_3709 TAG (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000700494 4.90029 0 0.197477 0 0.026039 +r_3710 TAG (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0 0 8.02871e-05 +r_3711 TAG (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000350524 4.90029 0 0.000261499 0 0.000645373 +r_3712 TAG (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.00056635 3.85963e-12 0.000645373 +r_3713 TAG (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000702137 4.90029 0 0 0 0.0303276 +r_3714 TAG (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000513994 0 0.0106018 +r_3715 TAG (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -0.000540903 4.90029 0 0.293261 0 0.025972 +r_3716 TAG (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.278379 0 0.0266173 r_3717 episterol transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 0 0 0 0 0 r_3718 fecosterol transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 0 0 0 0 0 r_3719 lanosterol transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3099,105 +3099,105 @@ r_3728 lanosteryl oleate transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_3729 zymosteryl palmitoleate transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_3730 zymosteryl oleate transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_3731 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 -r_3732 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0.00449973 0 +r_3732 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_3733 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_3734 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_3735 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_3736 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 -r_3737 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0.000645373 0 +r_3737 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_3738 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_3739 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_3740 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 r_3741 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 -r_3742 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0.00449973 -r_3743 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.0195612 0 -1.46737e-05 +r_3742 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle 0 4.90029 0 0 0 0 +r_3743 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.0195612 -0.000803196 0 r_3744 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.0195612 0 0 -r_3745 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 -0.0167839 0 0.00407645 -r_3746 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.0195612 0 -0.000498185 +r_3745 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 -4.81453e-05 0 -0.00253657 0 +r_3746 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000336218 0 0 r_3747 1-acylglycerophosphocholine (16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 0 0 0 0 0 r_3748 1-acylglycerophosphocholine (16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 0 0 0 0 0 r_3749 1-acylglycerophosphocholine (18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 0 0 0 0 0 r_3750 1-acylglycerophosphocholine (18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3751 1-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine (16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 -0.0195612 0 -0.000230161 -r_3752 1-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine (16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 -0.0195612 0 0.00127302 -r_3753 1-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine (18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.0167839 0 0.000332644 -r_3754 1-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine (18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 -0.0195612 0 -0.000221595 +r_3751 1-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine (16:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 -0.0195612 0 0 0 +r_3752 1-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine (16:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 -0.000513994 0 0 0 +r_3753 1-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine (18:0) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 0 0.000383335 -4.48239e-11 0 +r_3754 1-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine (18:1) transport, ER membrane-lipid particle -4.90029 4.90029 -0.000336218 0 0 0.00253657 r_3755 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, lipid particle-ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0 0 0 r_3756 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, lipid particle-ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0 0 0 r_3757 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, lipid particle-ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0 0 0 r_3758 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, lipid particle-ER membrane 0 2.06676 0 0 0 0 -r_3759 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.20975 0 0.0228085 -r_3760 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -2.72848e-12 2.22741 0 2.20975 0 0.000107864 -r_3761 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.20975 0 0.0221948 -r_3762 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -7.04858e-12 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0227151 -r_3763 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1.47793e-12 2.22741 0 2.20975 0 0.0227098 -r_3764 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0201615 +r_3759 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 0.00032762 0 0.00557295 +r_3760 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 0 0 0 +r_3761 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -4.77485e-12 2.22741 0 6.82121e-13 0 1.12733e-10 +r_3762 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 0 0 0.0416722 +r_3763 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -2.72848e-12 2.22741 0 0.000569707 0 0.0416722 +r_3764 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 -6.82121e-13 0 -5.63665e-11 0 r_3765 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 r_3766 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 -r_3767 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 +r_3767 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -8.52851e-13 0.522985 0 0 0 0 r_3768 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 r_3769 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 r_3770 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 -r_3771 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 +r_3771 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 -1.31677e-11 0 r_3772 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 r_3773 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 r_3774 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 -r_3775 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 +r_3775 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-ER membrane -8.52851e-13 0.522985 0 0 -4.48239e-11 0 r_3776 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 r_3777 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 r_3778 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 r_3779 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 r_3780 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, mitochondrial membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0 0 0 -r_3781 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.46737e-05 0 0 -r_3782 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_3783 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -0.000170328 0 0 -r_3784 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.02141e-05 0 0 -r_3785 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 9.73136e-13 7.04073e-05 0 0 -r_3786 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 -7.04073e-05 0 0 +r_3781 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 1.08306e-11 3.84207e-08 +r_3782 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0.000170328 -2.24119e-11 0 +r_3783 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 +r_3784 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 9.17259e-13 0 0 +r_3785 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 1.59162e-12 0 2.20317e-08 +r_3786 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 2.24119e-11 r_3787 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 -r_3788 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 1.57696e-12 0.068579 0 0 -r_3789 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 0 0 1.13687e-13 0 0 -r_3790 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 2.72848e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_3791 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3792 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 1.13687e-11 0 0 0 0 -r_3793 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 1.13687e-11 9.73444e-13 0 0 0 -r_3794 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.51492e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_3795 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 4.20641e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_3796 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 1.81899e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_3797 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 1.16325e-06 0 1.23729e-05 -r_3798 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0 -r_3799 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.02979e-05 0 0.0817939 -r_3800 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.00015058 0 1.46658e-05 -r_3801 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0.0817398 -r_3802 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.10233e-05 0 8.29181e-05 -r_3803 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 7.68543 0 0 -r_3804 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 8.47714e-05 0 0.081435 -r_3805 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 3.93893e-12 0 0 -0.000126414 -r_3806 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 0 -0.000266573 1.98282e-12 7.52199e-05 -r_3807 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 0 -0.000266625 0 -0.000126414 -r_3808 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 0 0 0 0.000209104 -r_3809 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 0 0 0 0.000796068 -r_3810 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 0 -0.000266625 0 0.000223115 -r_3811 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 0 -0.000266625 0 -0.000126414 -r_3812 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 9.73444e-13 1.49071 0 -0.000126414 -r_3813 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0143932 -r_3814 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0143984 -r_3815 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0140277 -r_3816 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0143289 -r_3817 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0143932 -r_3818 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0143984 -r_3819 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0140277 -r_3820 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0143289 -r_3821 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00719661 -r_3822 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0071992 -r_3823 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0 -r_3824 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00716447 -r_3825 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00719661 -r_3826 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0071992 -r_3827 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00701386 -r_3828 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00716447 +r_3788 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-mitochondrial membrane -1000 1000 0 0.000233982 0 0 +r_3789 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 0 0 0 0 1.13687e-13 +r_3790 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.63798e-12 0 1.13687e-13 0 2.38742e-12 +r_3791 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.41061e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_3792 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 1.47793e-12 0 0 0 2.04636e-12 +r_3793 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 1.7053e-12 0 0 0 6.58385e-12 +r_3794 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3795 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 2.84217e-12 0 1.47793e-12 0 1.93268e-12 +r_3796 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 0 0 0 0 2.72848e-12 +r_3797 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 9.17259e-13 1.16325e-06 0 4.05654e-08 +r_3798 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 -9.17259e-13 7.68543 0 6.92663 +r_3799 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 6.9304e-05 0 0 +r_3800 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 7.70717e-07 +r_3801 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 -6.58385e-12 6.92663 +r_3802 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0.000254246 +r_3803 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 -1.47793e-12 0 0 6.92663 +r_3804 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 1.4943e-05 0 0.000126448 +r_3805 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 0 0.000332391 0 0 +r_3806 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 -0.000266509 0 -1.12896e-07 0 +r_3807 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 0 0 -0.000237493 0 +r_3808 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 0 0 -0.000237493 -2.08706e-12 +r_3809 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 0 2.77778e-07 0 3.85963e-12 +r_3810 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 -0.000147078 0 -0.000237493 0 +r_3811 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 -0.000266625 0 0 0 +r_3812 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane -8.26706 3.10015 0 4.75039e-05 0 2.24119e-11 +r_3813 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0182057 +r_3814 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_3815 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0182057 +r_3816 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0182057 +r_3817 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0182057 +r_3818 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0182057 +r_3819 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0182057 +r_3820 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-Golgi membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.0182057 +r_3821 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_3822 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_3823 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_3824 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_3825 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_3826 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_3827 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 +r_3828 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, Golgi membrane-ER membrane 0 0.522985 0 0.35479 0 0.00910286 r_3829 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3830 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3830 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 1.19868e-12 r_3831 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3832 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3833 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-vacuolar membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3236,30 +3236,30 @@ r_3865 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, va r_3866 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 r_3867 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 r_3868 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 -r_3869 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 0 -0.000266608 0 0 -r_3870 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 0 -0.000266598 0 1.706e-05 -r_3871 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 0 4e-06 0 0 -r_3872 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 0 0.116635 0 -0.00012641 -r_3873 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 0 0.0630397 0 0.000388549 -r_3874 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 0 -0.000266618 0 0.000645373 -r_3875 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 0 0.114169 0 -0.00012641 -r_3876 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 0 -0.000266608 0 -0.00012641 -r_3877 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_3869 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 -0.000266598 0 0 0 +r_3870 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 -0.000266618 0 -0.000237487 -2.16482e-12 +r_3871 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 0 0.118277 0 0.000535391 +r_3872 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 0 0 0 0.00152253 +r_3873 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 0 0.0630397 0 0 +r_3874 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 -0.000266618 0 0 0 +r_3875 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 0 0.114169 0 0.000194275 +r_3876 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -4.13353 8.26706 -0.000266618 0 -0.000237487 0 +r_3877 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 3.10015 -1.13687e-12 0 0 0 r_3878 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_3879 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 3.10015 -3.81652e-12 0 0 0 -r_3880 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -3.47662e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_3881 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_3882 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -1.36424e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_3883 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 3.10015 -1.36469e-12 0 0 0 -r_3884 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -5.45697e-12 3.10015 -1.57696e-12 0 0 0 -r_3885 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -3.18323e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3886 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3879 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_3880 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 3.10015 -9.17259e-13 0 0 0 +r_3881 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -5.57066e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_3882 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_3883 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -1.36424e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_3884 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 3.10015 0 1.60583e-12 -1.25056e-12 0 +r_3885 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3886 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 1.76215e-12 0 0 0 0 r_3887 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3888 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3889 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3890 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3891 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -3.18323e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3892 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3890 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 1.81899e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_3891 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope -5.34328e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_3892 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 1.02318e-12 0 0 0 0 r_3893 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3894 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3895 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3268,24 +3268,24 @@ r_3897 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelo r_3898 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3899 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_3900 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-cell envelope 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_3901 lignoceric acid transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.151408 0 -0.07179 -r_3902 cerotic acid transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.151414 0 0.07179 +r_3901 lignoceric acid transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.151408 0 0.134865 +r_3902 cerotic acid transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0.151414 0 0.13487 r_3903 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_3904 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_3905 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_3906 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -7.04858e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_3906 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_3907 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 r_3908 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_3909 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_3910 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0 0 0 -r_3911 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 0 0 0.081435 -r_3912 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 0.0141768 0 0.081435 -r_3913 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 -6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_3914 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 -6.65586 0 0.081435 -r_3915 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 -6.65586 0 -0.081435 -r_3916 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 -6.65586 0 -0.081435 -r_3917 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 2e-05 0 -0.081435 -r_3918 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 1.78571e-07 0 0.081435 +r_3909 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -1.36424e-12 3.10015 0 0 0 0 +r_3910 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane 0 3.10015 0 0 -1.25056e-12 0 +r_3911 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 8.26706 -5.99544 0 +r_3912 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 8.26706 -5.99544 0 +r_3913 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 -6.65586 0 0 0.000718124 +r_3914 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 -6.65586 0 0 0.000718124 +r_3915 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 -6.65586 0 -5.99544 0 +r_3916 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 -6.65586 0 0 0.0312735 +r_3917 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.00274854 +r_3918 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane -8.26706 8.26706 0 8.26706 -5.99544 0 r_3919 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 r_3920 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 r_3921 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, cell envelope-ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 @@ -3303,13 +3303,13 @@ r_3932 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, ER membrane-nu r_3933 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-nucleus 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 r_3934 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-nucleus 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 r_3935 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-nucleus 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 -r_3936 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-nucleus 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0.000718124 -r_3937 lignoceric acid transport, ER membrane-ER -4.90029 0 0 -4.90029 0 -0.0444191 -r_3938 cerotic acid transport, ER membrane-ER -4.90029 0 0 -4.90029 0 -0.0444191 -r_3939 ergosterol transport, ER-ER membrane -1000 1000 1.36469e-12 0 0.00324521 0 -r_3940 phosphate transport, ER-ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.271355 0 0.081435 +r_3936 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, ER membrane-nucleus 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 +r_3937 lignoceric acid transport, ER membrane-ER -4.90029 0 0 2.09438e-12 -0.0777132 0 +r_3938 cerotic acid transport, ER membrane-ER -4.90029 4.0778e-11 -0.00313567 0 -0.0763603 -1.11944e-12 +r_3939 ergosterol transport, ER-ER membrane -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 +r_3940 phosphate transport, ER-ER membrane 0 8.26706 0 0.271355 0 0.241707 r_3941 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 -r_3942 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 +r_3942 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 -1.92982e-12 0 r_3943 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 r_3944 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 r_3945 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-Golgi membrane 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 @@ -3324,99 +3324,99 @@ r_3953 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) transpor r_3954 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 r_3955 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 r_3956 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) transport, vacuolar membrane-cell envelope 0 4.13353 0 0 0 0 -r_3957 H+ transport, mitochondrion-mitochondrial membrane -6.68222 5.91172e-12 0 -6.68222 0 -0.0684477 -r_3958 glycerol 3-phosphate transport, mitochondrion-mitochondrial membrane 0 2.95586e-12 0 0 0 -1.13687e-13 -r_3959 CMP transport, mitochondrion-mitochondrial membrane -2.22741 1.81899e-12 0 -2.22741 0 -0.0228159 -r_3960 CTP transport, mitochondrion-mitochondrial membrane -1.36424e-12 2.22741 0 0 0 0.0228159 -r_3961 phosphate transport, mitochondrion-mitochondrial membrane -2.22741 9.09495e-13 0 -2.22741 0 -0.295363 -r_3962 diphosphate transport, mitochondrion-mitochondrial membrane -2.22741 1.81899e-12 0 -2.22741 0 2.27374e-13 -r_3963 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.00075165 0 0.00075165 0 0.000757437 -r_3964 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000753528 0 0.000753528 0 0.000759329 -r_3965 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_3966 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000728213 0 0.000728213 0 0.00073382 -r_3967 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.00072646 0 0.00072646 0 0.000732053 -r_3968 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000728213 0 0.000728213 0 0.00073382 -r_3969 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_3970 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000704544 -9.44078e-13 0.000704544 0 0.000709969 -r_3971 ergosteryl palmitoleate [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -3.41061e-12 0.000946065 0 0.000946065 0 0.000588797 -r_3972 ergosteryl oleate [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -2.84217e-12 0.000905919 0 0.000905919 0.000342107 0.000912894 -r_3973 ergosterol ester transport, ER membrane-cytoplasm 0 0.00059891 0 0 0.00059891 0.00059891 -r_3975 palmitate [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000509938 -7.32011e-11 0.000509938 0 0.000513864 -r_3976 palmitoleate [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000513994 0 0.000513994 0 0.000517952 -r_3977 stearate [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000459472 0 0.000459472 0 0.00046301 -r_3978 oleate [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000462763 0 0.000462763 0 0.000466326 -r_3979 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000713482 0 0.000713482 0 0.000718975 -r_3980 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000715447 0 0.000715447 0 0.000720956 -r_3981 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -1.24489e-12 0.000687215 0 0.000687215 0 0.000692506 -r_3982 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000689038 0 0.000689038 0 0.000694343 -r_3983 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000687215 0 0.000687215 0 0.000692506 -r_3984 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000689038 0 0.000689038 0 0.000694343 -r_3985 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000662814 0 0.000662814 0 0.000667917 -r_3986 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000664509 0 0.000664509 0 0.000669625 -r_3987 phosphatidyl-L-serine transport, ER membrane-cytoplasm 0 0.00052367 0 0 0.00052367 0.00052367 -r_3988 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -3.52429e-12 0.00277486 -3.93488e-12 0.00277486 0 0.00279622 -r_3989 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.00310801 0 0.00310801 0 0.00313194 -r_3990 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -9.09495e-13 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_3991 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.00187347 0 0.00187347 0 0.00158671 -r_3992 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.00247585 -9.73136e-13 0.00247585 0 0.00237037 -r_3993 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.00246012 0 0.00246012 0 0.00237037 -r_3994 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -7.84439e-12 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_3995 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -9.11875e-13 0.0013503 0 0.0013503 0 0.00114286 -r_3996 phosphatidylcholine transport, ER membrane-cytoplasm 0 0.0022689 0 0 0.0022689 0.0022689 -r_3997 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -1.02019e-12 0.000883795 0 0.000883795 0 0.0008906 -r_3998 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000886385 -1.57696e-12 0.000886385 0 0.000893209 -r_3999 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_4000 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -1.81899e-12 0.000851655 0 0.000851655 0 0.000858212 -r_4001 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -6.55469e-12 0.000849264 0 0.000849264 0 0.000855803 -r_4002 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000851655 0 0.000851655 0 0.000858212 -r_4003 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -6.36646e-12 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_4004 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000819544 0 0.000819544 0 0.000825854 -r_4005 phosphatidylethanolamine transport, ER membrane-cytoplasm 0 0.000609778 0 0 0.000609778 0.000609778 -r_4006 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000749299 0 0.000749299 0 0.000755067 -r_4007 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000724075 0 0.000724075 0 0.00072965 -r_4008 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -7.9688e-12 0.000751179 0 0.000751179 0 0.000756962 -r_4009 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000725831 0 0.000725831 0 0.000731419 -r_4010 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_4011 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000700494 0 0.000700494 0 0.000705887 -r_4012 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000725831 0 0.000725831 0 0.000731419 -r_4013 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000702137 0 0.000702137 0 0.000707543 -r_4014 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -3.18323e-12 0.000751179 0 0.000751179 0 0.000756962 -r_4015 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000725831 -9.73444e-13 0.000725831 0 0.000731419 -r_4016 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -3.06954e-12 0.000753069 0 0.000753069 0 0.000758867 -r_4017 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -4.77485e-12 0.000727595 0 0.000727595 0 0.000733197 -r_4018 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -7.27596e-12 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_4019 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -1.13687e-12 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_4020 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000727595 0 0.000727595 0 0.000733197 -r_4021 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -8.18545e-12 0.000703788 0 0.000703788 0 0.000709207 -r_4022 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_4023 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000700494 0 0.000700494 0 0.000705887 -r_4024 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_4025 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_4026 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -3.52429e-12 0.000350524 0 0.000350524 0 0.000353222 -r_4027 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000350524 0 0.000350524 0 0.000353222 -r_4028 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_4029 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000540903 0 0.000540903 0 0.00052323 -r_4030 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -1.02318e-12 0.000725831 0 0.000725831 0 0.000731419 -r_4031 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000702137 0 0.000702137 0 0.000707543 -r_4032 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -1.15822e-12 0.000727595 0 0.000727595 0 0.000733197 -r_4033 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000703788 0 0.000703788 0 0.000709207 -r_4034 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000706445 -r_4035 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000540903 0 0.000540903 0 0.00052323 -r_4036 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000703788 -3.14211e-12 0.000703788 0 0.000709207 -r_4037 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -6.36646e-12 0.000545994 0 0.000545994 0 0.000528134 -r_4038 triglyceride transport, ER membrane-cytoplasm 0 0.000603425 0 0 0.000603425 0.000603425 -r_4039 succinyl-CoA:acetate CoA transferase -8.25664 1.74316 -3.72862e-10 -6.424 0 0.0421148 -r_4040 heme a transport 0 8.8e-08 0 0 8.8e-08 8.8e-08 -r_4041 biomass pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0.088 0.0886775 +r_3957 H+ transport, mitochondrion-mitochondrial membrane -6.68222 3.78719e-12 0 2.16005e-12 -0.125017 1.31677e-11 +r_3958 glycerol 3-phosphate transport, mitochondrion-mitochondrial membrane -9.09495e-13 1.31885e-12 0 0 -1.13687e-13 0 +r_3959 CMP transport, mitochondrion-mitochondrial membrane -2.22741 0 -2.22741 0 -0.0416722 0 +r_3960 CTP transport, mitochondrion-mitochondrial membrane 0 2.22741 0 2.22741 0 0.0416722 +r_3961 phosphate transport, mitochondrion-mitochondrial membrane -2.22741 1.31885e-12 -2.22741 0 0 0.590726 +r_3962 diphosphate transport, mitochondrion-mitochondrial membrane -2.22741 0 0 0 -1.13687e-13 0 +r_3963 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.00075165 0 0.00075165 0 0.00075165 +r_3964 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000753528 0 0.000753528 -1.92982e-12 0.000753528 +r_3965 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 +r_3966 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000728213 0 0.000728213 0 0.000728213 +r_3967 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn -1.29634e-12 0.00072646 0 0.00072646 -3.85963e-12 0.00072646 +r_3968 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000728213 0 0.000728213 -3.44058e-12 0.000728213 +r_3969 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:0, 2-18:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 +r_3970 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol (1-18:1, 2-18:1) [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000704544 0 0.000704544 -2.24119e-11 0.000704544 +r_3971 ergosteryl palmitoleate [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000946065 0 0.000946065 0 0.000941699 +r_3972 ergosteryl oleate [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -9.14446e-12 0.000905919 0 0.000905919 0 0.000905919 +r_3973 ergosterol ester transport, ER membrane-cytoplasm 0 0.00059891 0 0 0 0 +r_3975 palmitate [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000509938 0 0.000509938 0 0.000509938 +r_3976 palmitoleate [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000513994 0 0.000513994 0 0.000513994 +r_3977 stearate [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000459472 0 0.000459472 0 0.000459472 +r_3978 oleate [cytoplasm] SLIME rxn 0 0.000462763 0 0.000462763 0 0.000462763 +r_3979 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000713482 0 0.000713482 0 0.000713482 +r_3980 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000715447 0 0.000715447 0 0.000715447 +r_3981 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000687215 0 0.000687215 0 0.000687215 +r_3982 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000689038 0 0.000689038 0 0.000689038 +r_3983 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000687215 0 0.000687215 0 0.000687215 +r_3984 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000689038 0 0.000689038 0 0.000689038 +r_3985 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000662814 0 0.000662814 -6.87288e-12 0.000662814 +r_3986 phosphatidyl-L-serine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000664509 0 0.000664509 0 0.000664509 +r_3987 phosphatidyl-L-serine transport, ER membrane-cytoplasm 0 0.00052367 0 0 0 0 +r_3988 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.00277486 0 0.00277486 -1.08306e-11 0.00277486 +r_3989 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.00310801 0 0.00310801 0 0.00310801 +r_3990 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -1.93268e-12 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 -1.31677e-11 0.000701047 +r_3991 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.00187347 0 0.00187347 0 0.00186482 +r_3992 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.00247585 0 0.00247585 0 0.00247232 +r_3993 phosphatidylcholine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.00246012 0 0.00246012 -2.96097e-10 0.00245714 +r_3994 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -5.48369e-12 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 +r_3995 phosphatidylcholine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.0013503 0 0.0013503 0 0.00134407 +r_3996 phosphatidylcholine transport, ER membrane-cytoplasm 0 0.0022689 0 0 0 0 +r_3997 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000883795 0 0.000883795 0 0.000883795 +r_3998 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000886385 0 0.000886385 0 0.000886385 +r_3999 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -2.26807e-11 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 +r_4000 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000851655 0 0.000851655 0 0.000851655 +r_4001 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -5.57066e-12 0.000849264 0 0.000849264 0 0.000849264 +r_4002 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-16:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000851655 0 0.000851655 0 0.000851655 +r_4003 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 +r_4004 phosphatidylethanolamine (1-18:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000819544 0 0.000819544 0 0.000819544 +r_4005 phosphatidylethanolamine transport, ER membrane-cytoplasm 0 0.000609778 0 0 0 0 +r_4006 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000749299 0 0.000749299 0 0.000749299 +r_4007 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000724075 0 0.000724075 0 0.000724075 +r_4008 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000751179 0 0.000751179 0 0.000751179 +r_4009 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000725831 0 0.000725831 -6.58385e-12 0.000725831 +r_4010 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 -7.05253e-10 0.000701047 +r_4011 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000700494 0 0.000700494 0 0.000700494 +r_4012 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000725831 0 0.000725831 -2.96097e-10 0.000725831 +r_4013 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000702137 0 0.000702137 0 0.000702137 +r_4014 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -3.97904e-12 0.000751179 0 0.000751179 0 0.000751179 +r_4015 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -1.81115e-12 0.000725831 0 0.000725831 0 0.000725831 +r_4016 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -3.18323e-12 0.000753069 0 0.000753069 0 0.000753069 +r_4017 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000727595 0 0.000727595 0 0.000727595 +r_4018 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -1.02318e-12 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 +r_4019 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -9.09495e-13 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 +r_4020 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000727595 0 0.000727595 0 0.000727595 +r_4021 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -2.27374e-12 0.000703788 0 0.000703788 0 0.000703788 +r_4022 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 +r_4023 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000700494 0 0.000700494 0 0.000700494 +r_4024 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 +r_4025 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 +r_4026 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000350524 0 0.000350524 0 0.000350524 +r_4027 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000350524 0 0.000350524 0 0.000350524 +r_4028 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 -2.08706e-12 0.000701047 +r_4029 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:0) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000540903 0 0.000540903 0 0.000538407 +r_4030 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000725831 0 0.000725831 0 0.000725831 +r_4031 triglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000702137 0 0.000702137 0 0.000702137 +r_4032 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000727595 0 0.000727595 0 0.000727595 +r_4033 triglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000703788 0 0.000703788 0 0.000703788 +r_4034 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 0 0.000701047 +r_4035 triglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -4.77485e-12 0.000540903 0 0.000540903 0 0.000538407 +r_4036 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000703788 0 0.000703788 0 0.000703788 +r_4037 triglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0.000545994 0 0.000545994 0 0.000543475 +r_4038 triglyceride transport, ER membrane-cytoplasm 0 0.000603425 0 0 0 0 +r_4039 succinyl-CoA:acetate CoA transferase -8.25664 1.74316 -6.424 0 0 1.4576e-12 +r_4040 heme a transport 0 8.8e-08 0 0 0 0 +r_4041 biomass pseudoreaction 0 0.088 -1.18092e-13 0.088 0 0.088 r_4042 raffinose invertase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4043 raffinose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4044 melibiose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4045 uridine hydrolase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_4045 uridine hydrolase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 r_4046 non-growth associated maintenance reaction 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 -r_4047 protein pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0.088 0.0886775 -r_4048 carbohydrate pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0.088 0.0886775 -r_4049 RNA pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0.088 0.0886775 -r_4050 DNA pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0.088 0.0886775 +r_4047 protein pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0 0.088 +r_4048 carbohydrate pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0 0.088 +r_4049 RNA pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0 0.088 +r_4050 DNA pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0 0.088 r_4051 ceramide transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4052 inositol phosphomannosylinositol phosphoceramide transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4053 inositol-P-ceramide transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3429,13 +3429,13 @@ r_4059 sn-2-acyl-1-lysophosphatidylinositol transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4060 phosphatidylglycerol transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4061 cardiolipin transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4062 lipid backbone exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4063 lipid backbone pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0.088 0.0886775 +r_4063 lipid backbone pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0 0.088 r_4064 lipid chain exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4065 lipid chain pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0.088 0.0886775 +r_4065 lipid chain pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0 0.088 r_4066 ceramide-1 (C24) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4067 ceramide-1 (C26) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4068 ceramide-2 (C24) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4069 ceramide-2 (C26) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4068 ceramide-2 (C24) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 7.31006e-11 +r_4069 ceramide-2 (C26) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 -2.23963e-11 0 r_4070 ceramide-2' (C24) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4071 ceramide-2' (C26) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4072 ceramide-3 (C24) [Golgi] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3446,27 +3446,27 @@ r_4076 phytosphingosine [endoplasmic reticulum] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4077 phytosphingosine 1-phosphate [endoplasmic reticulum] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4078 sphinganine [endoplasmic reticulum] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4079 sphinganine 1-phosphate [endoplasmic reticulum] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4080 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -9.09495e-13 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4080 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 1.14846e-12 0 0 0 0 r_4081 phosphatidate (1-16:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4082 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -7.67428e-12 4.20641e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_4083 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 1.40781e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_4084 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -1.02318e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4085 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -1.02318e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4086 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -7.51736e-12 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4087 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4082 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 2.4125e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_4083 phosphatidate (1-16:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4084 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4085 phosphatidate (1-18:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4086 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 3.06954e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_4087 phosphatidate (1-18:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -3.06954e-12 3.23318e-11 -9.17259e-13 0 0 0 r_4088 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4089 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4090 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4089 diglyceride (1-16:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn -1.02318e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4090 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 4.94036e-12 0 0 r_4091 diglyceride (1-16:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4092 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4093 diglyceride (1-18:0, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4094 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4095 diglyceride (1-18:1, 2-18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4096 sn-2-acyl-1-lysophosphatidylinositol (16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4097 sn-2-acyl-1-lysophosphatidylinositol (18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4096 sn-2-acyl-1-lysophosphatidylinositol (16:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 2.45564e-11 0 0 0 0 +r_4097 sn-2-acyl-1-lysophosphatidylinositol (18:1) [endoplasmic reticulum membrane] SLIME rxn 0 1.59162e-12 0 0 0 0 r_4098 phosphatidylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4099 phosphatidylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4100 phosphatidylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn -8.14836e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4100 phosphatidylglycerol (1-18:0, 2-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4101 phosphatidylglycerol (1-18:1, 2-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4102 phosphatidylglycerol (1-16:0, 2-18:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4103 phosphatidylglycerol (1-16:1, 2-18:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3476,11 +3476,11 @@ r_4106 cardiolipin (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLI r_4107 cardiolipin (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4108 cardiolipin (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4109 cardiolipin (1-16:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4110 cardiolipin (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 9.91004e-11 0 0 0 0 +r_4110 cardiolipin (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4111 cardiolipin (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4112 cardiolipin (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:0, 4-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4113 cardiolipin (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4114 cardiolipin (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4114 cardiolipin (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-18:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 9.28012e-13 0 0 0 0 r_4115 cardiolipin (1-16:1, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-18:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4116 cardiolipin (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:0, 4-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4117 cardiolipin (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-16:1, 4-16:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3518,18 +3518,18 @@ r_4148 cardiolipin (1-18:0, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-18:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLI r_4149 cardiolipin (1-18:1, 2-16:1, 3-18:1, 4-18:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4150 cardiolipin (1-16:0, 2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-18:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4151 cardiolipin (1-16:1, 2-18:1, 3-18:1, 4-18:1) [mitochondrial membrane] SLIME rxn 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4152 Cytochrome c apocytochrome-c-lyase 0 0 0 0 0 -3.29989 +r_4152 Cytochrome c apocytochrome-c-lyase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4153 (R)-Acetoin:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4154 Probable diacetyl reductase [(R)-acetoin forming] 2 (EC 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4155 Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit B, mitochondrial (Glu-AdT subunit B) (EC 6.3.5.-) (Cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor PET112) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4156 Methionine aminopeptidase 2 (MAP 2) (MetAP 2) (EC (Peptidase M) -0.53828 0 0 -0.53828 0 -0.00653786 +r_4156 Methionine aminopeptidase 2 (MAP 2) (MetAP 2) (EC (Peptidase M) -0.53828 0 -0.53828 0 -0.00653786 0 r_4157 ADP-ribose 1''-phosphate phosphatase (EC (EC 3.2.2.-) ([Protein ADP-ribosylglutamate] hydrolase) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4158 NADPH2:quinone oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4159 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transferase subunit ALG14 (Asparagine-linked glycosylation protein 14) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4160 ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase (EC (ADP-ribose diphosphatase) (ADP-ribose phosphohydrolase) (Adenosine diphosphoribose pyrophosphatase) (ADPR-PPase) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4161 Probable vacuolar amino acid transporter YPQ3 (PQ-loop repeat-containing protein 3) (Protein RTC2) (Restriction of telomere capping protein 2) 0 1000 0 68.7662 0 32.6042 -r_4162 Probable vacuolar amino acid transporter YPQ3 (PQ-loop repeat-containing protein 3) (Protein RTC2) (Restriction of telomere capping protein 2) 0 1000 0 26.1373 0 12.3925 -r_4163 Probable vacuolar amino acid transporter YPQ3 (PQ-loop repeat-containing protein 3) (Protein RTC2) (Restriction of telomere capping protein 2) 0 1000 0 40.2304 0 33.7642 +r_4161 Probable vacuolar amino acid transporter YPQ3 (PQ-loop repeat-containing protein 3) (Protein RTC2) (Restriction of telomere capping protein 2) 0 1000 0 68.7662 0 61.2527 +r_4162 Probable vacuolar amino acid transporter YPQ3 (PQ-loop repeat-containing protein 3) (Protein RTC2) (Restriction of telomere capping protein 2) 0 1000 0 26.1373 0 23.2815 +r_4163 Probable vacuolar amino acid transporter YPQ3 (PQ-loop repeat-containing protein 3) (Protein RTC2) (Restriction of telomere capping protein 2) 0 1000 0 46.4527 0 35.8348 r_4164 oxalate:CoA ligase (AMP-forming) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4165 Glucosidase 2 subunit alpha (EC (Alpha-glucosidase II subunit alpha) (Glucosidase II subunit alpha) (Reversal of TOR2 lethality protein 2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4166 Glucosidase 2 subunit alpha (EC (Alpha-glucosidase II subunit alpha) (Glucosidase II subunit alpha) (Reversal of TOR2 lethality protein 2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ r_4167 Vacuolar cation-chloride cotransporter 1 (Vacuolar homolog of CCC family r_4168 Probable metabolite transport protein YBR241C 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4169 Probable metabolite transport protein YBR241C 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4170 UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine:dolichyl-phosphate N-acetyl-D-glucosamine phosphotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4171 (5-glutamyl)-peptide:amino-acid 5-glutamyltransferase 0 4.13353 0 4.13353 0 0.0407175 +r_4171 (5-glutamyl)-peptide:amino-acid 5-glutamyltransferase 0 4.13353 0 4.13353 0 0.118257 r_4172 P-type cation-transporting ATPase (EC (Cadmium resistance protein 2) (Cadmium-translocating P-type ATPase) (Cd(2+)-exporting ATPase) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4173 L-cysteine:sulfur-acceptor sulfurtransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4174 Probable ATP-dependent permease 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3560,16 +3560,16 @@ r_4191 2-Deoxy-D-glucose 6-phosphate phosphohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4192 Cytochrome c lysine N-methyltransferase 1 (EC 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4193 S-Adenosyl-L-methionine:histone-L-lysine N6-methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4194 Zinc transporter YKE4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4195 Zinc transporter YKE4 0 0 0 0 0 0.0376918 -r_4196 NADH:ferricytochrome-b5 oxidoreductase 0 0.136646 0 285.475 0 0.0195198 -r_4197 NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase 1 (EC (Microsomal cytochrome b reductase) (P35) 0 0 0 -1741.34 0 3.33067e-16 +r_4195 Zinc transporter YKE4 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4196 NADH:ferricytochrome-b5 oxidoreductase -2.72848e-12 0.136646 -895.308 0 0 0.0098106 +r_4197 NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase 1 (EC (Microsomal cytochrome b reductase) (P35) 0 0 0 0 0 2.15683 r_4198 Benzil reductase ((S)-benzoin forming) IRC24 (EC (Increased recombination centers protein 24) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4199 Glutathione S-transferase 1 (EC (GST-I) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4200 Glutathione S-transferase 1 (EC (GST-I) 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4200 Glutathione S-transferase 1 (EC (GST-I) 0 0 -295.339 0 -19.0868 0 r_4201 Glutathione S-transferase 1 (EC (GST-I) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4202 L-methionine:oxidized-thioredoxin S-oxidoreductase 0 0.726212 0 0.725052 0 2.49734e-05 -r_4203 Vacuolar aminopeptidase 1 (EC (Aminopeptidase yscI) (Leucine aminopeptidase IV) (LAPIV) (Lysosomal aminopeptidase III) (Polypeptidase) (Vacuolar aminopeptidase I) -1.21406 9.09495e-13 0 0 0 -0.0179948 -r_4204 Vacuolar aminopeptidase 1 (EC (Aminopeptidase yscI) (Leucine aminopeptidase IV) (LAPIV) (Lysosomal aminopeptidase III) (Polypeptidase) (Vacuolar aminopeptidase I) -0.572813 0 0 0 0 -0.0168576 +r_4202 L-methionine:oxidized-thioredoxin S-oxidoreductase 0 0.726212 0 0.725052 0 0.00700796 +r_4203 Vacuolar aminopeptidase 1 (EC (Aminopeptidase yscI) (Leucine aminopeptidase IV) (LAPIV) (Lysosomal aminopeptidase III) (Polypeptidase) (Vacuolar aminopeptidase I) -1.21406 0 0 0 -0.207727 3.16208e-12 +r_4204 Vacuolar aminopeptidase 1 (EC (Aminopeptidase yscI) (Leucine aminopeptidase IV) (LAPIV) (Lysosomal aminopeptidase III) (Polypeptidase) (Vacuolar aminopeptidase I) -0.572813 0 0 0 -0.0430152 0 r_4205 5-oxo-L-proline amidohydrolase (ATP-hydrolysing) 0 2.75569 0 0.361478 0 5.7258e-05 r_4206 threo-3-hydroxy-L-aspartate ammonia-lyase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4207 Glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 (EC (Extracellular mutant protein 4) (Glutathione-dependent dehydroascorbate reductase) (EC 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3578,9 +3578,9 @@ r_4209 Glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 (EC (Extracellular mutan r_4210 urea hydro-lyase (cyanamide-forming) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4211 D-ribose 5-phosphate,D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate pyridoxal 5-phosphate-lyase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4212 D-ribulose 5-phosphate,D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate pyridoxal 5-phosphate-lyase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4214 L-cysteinylglycine dipeptidase 0 4.13353 0 4.13353 0 0.0377536 +r_4214 L-cysteinylglycine dipeptidase 0 4.13353 0 4.13353 0 0.109649 r_4215 Cys-Gly metallodipeptidase DUG1 (EC 3.4.13.-) (Deficient in utilization of glutathione protein 1) (GSH degradosomal complex subunit DUG1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4216 riboflavin-5-phosphate phosphohydrolase -8.8e-07 8.26706 0 1.76703 0 -8.8e-07 +r_4216 riboflavin-5-phosphate phosphohydrolase -8.8e-07 8.26706 0 0 0 1.5744 r_4217 Fe(II):oxygen oxidoreductase; Fe2+:oxygen oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4218 D-aminoacyl-tRNA deacylase (DTD) (EC (D-tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase) (Gly-tRNA(Ala) deacylase) (EC 3.1.1.-) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4219 D-aminoacyl-tRNA deacylase (DTD) (EC (D-tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase) (Gly-tRNA(Ala) deacylase) (EC 3.1.1.-) 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3588,17 +3588,17 @@ r_4220 4-nitrophenyl phosphate phosphohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4221 D-Iditol:NAD+ 2-oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4222 ATP:alpha-D-galactose 1-phosphotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4223 3-Hydroxy-2-methylpropanoyl-CoA hydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4224 Sodium transport ATPase 5 (EC 0 8.28694 -1.84786e-12 11.7026 0 0.193761 -r_4225 Broad-range acid phosphatase DET1 (EC 3.1.3.-) (Decreased ergosterol transport protein 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4226 L-Alanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase -1000 1000 0 47.2478 0 -2.28465 +r_4224 Sodium transport ATPase 5 (EC 0 8.28694 0 11.7026 0 15.1161 +r_4225 Broad-range acid phosphatase DET1 (EC 3.1.3.-) (Decreased ergosterol transport protein 1) 0 0 0 0 -2.3212 0 +r_4226 L-Alanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase -1000 1000 0 47.2614 -2.54122 0 r_4227 2-phenylacetamide amidohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4228 Indole-3-acetamide amidohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4230 Probable amidase (EC 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4231 Acylamide aminohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4232 ATP:D-Gluconate 6-phosphotransferase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_4232 ATP:D-Gluconate 6-phosphotransferase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 r_4233 S-Adenosyl-L-methionine:protein-C-terminal-S-farnesyl-L-cysteine O-methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4234 Phosphatidylinositol N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase subunit GPI19 (GPI-GlcNAc transferase complex subunit GPI19) (GPI-GnT subunit GPI19) (EC 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4236 (R)-lactate hydro-lyase -3.34309 1000 0 21.6345 0 9.61758 +r_4236 (R)-lactate hydro-lyase -3.34309 1000 0 21.6345 0 14.4224 r_4237 Calcium-transporting ATPase 2 (EC (Vacuolar Ca(2+)-ATPase) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4238 Calcium-transporting ATPase 2 (EC (Golgi Ca(2+)-ATPase) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4239 L-arginyl-tRNA(Arg):protein arginyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3611,7 +3611,7 @@ r_4245 2-O-(6-phospho-alpha-D-mannosyl)-D-glycerate 6-phosphomannohydrolase 0 0 r_4246 Alpha-mannosidase (EC (Alpha-D-mannoside mannohydrolase) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4247 ATP:L-threonyl,bicarbonate adenylyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4248 D-serine ammonia-lyase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4249 O3-acetyl-L-serine:hydrogen-sulfide 2-amino-2-carboxyethyltransferase; O3-acetyl-L-serine acetate-lyase (adding hydrogen sulfide) -4.96023 1.85602 0 0 0 -0.0611766 +r_4249 O3-acetyl-L-serine:hydrogen-sulfide 2-amino-2-carboxyethyltransferase; O3-acetyl-L-serine acetate-lyase (adding hydrogen sulfide) -4.96023 1.85602 0 0 -0.112317 2.08506e-12 r_4250 Dolichyl-diphosphate phosphohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4251 CTP:phosphatidate cytidyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4252 Thiamine thiazole synthase (Thiazole biosynthetic enzyme) 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3622,25 +3622,25 @@ r_4256 Putative lipoate-protein ligase A (EC (Altered inheritance rate r_4258 [lipoyl-carrier protein]-L-lysine:lipoate ligase (AMP-forming) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4260 Deaminated glutathione amidase (dGSH amidase) (EC 3.5.1.-) (Nitrilase homolog 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4261 Deaminated glutathione amidase (dGSH amidase) (EC 3.5.1.-) (Nitrilase homolog 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4262 citrate hydroxymutase -1000 1000 0 107.749 0 1.29249 +r_4262 citrate hydroxymutase -1000 1000 -2.23889e-13 107.749 -1.838e-12 1.29366 r_4263 Anion/proton exchange transporter GEF1 (CLC protein GEF1) (ClC-A) (ClC-Y1) (Voltage-gated chloride channel) [Cleaved into: GEF1 N-terminal; GEF1 C-terminal] 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4264 succinate:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 5 0 5 0 0.902941 +r_4264 succinate:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 5 0 5 0 1.30825 r_4265 nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4266 Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase (ITPase) (Inosine triphosphatase) (EC (Hydroxylaminopurine sensitivity protein 1) (Non-canonical purine NTP pyrophosphatase) (Non-standard purine NTP pyrophosphatase) (Nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase) (Nucleoside-triphosphate pyrophosphatase) (NTPase) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 -r_4267 2'-Deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 -r_4268 dTTP diphosphohydrolase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.0444191 +r_4266 Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase (ITPase) (Inosine triphosphatase) (EC (Hydroxylaminopurine sensitivity protein 1) (Non-canonical purine NTP pyrophosphatase) (Non-standard purine NTP pyrophosphatase) (Nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase) (Nucleoside-triphosphate pyrophosphatase) (NTPase) 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 3.26459 +r_4267 2'-Deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 1.51448 +r_4268 dTTP diphosphohydrolase 0 4.90029 0 4.90029 0 0.287482 r_4269 Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase (ITPase) (Inosine triphosphatase) (EC (Hydroxylaminopurine sensitivity protein 1) (Non-canonical purine NTP pyrophosphatase) (Non-standard purine NTP pyrophosphatase) (Nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase) (Nucleoside-triphosphate pyrophosphatase) (NTPase) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4270 superoxide:superoxide oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4271 Endoplasmic reticulum mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase (EC (ER alpha-1,2-mannosidase) (Man(9)-alpha-mannosidase) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4272 alpha 1,2-mannosyloligosaccharide alpha-D-mannohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4273 ethylnitronate:oxygen 2-oxidoreductase (nitrite-forming) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4274 O-Succinyl-L-homoserine succinate-lyase (deaminating; 2-oxobutanoate-forming) -8.63713e-12 1.37968 -3.20528e-12 1.34276 0 0.0177818 +r_4274 O-Succinyl-L-homoserine succinate-lyase (deaminating; 2-oxobutanoate-forming) -9.09495e-13 1.37968 0 1.34278 -1.838e-12 0.0280318 r_4275 Fe(II):NADP+ oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4276 Fe(II):NADP+ oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4277 acyl-CoA:sn-glycerol-3-phosphate 1-O-acyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4278 diphthine:ammonia ligase (AMP-forming) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4279 8-oxo-dGTP diphosphohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4280 octanoyl-[acp]:protein N6-octanoyltransferase -1000 1000 0 0 0 2.47913e-13 +r_4280 octanoyl-[acp]:protein N6-octanoyltransferase -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 r_4281 lipoyl-[acp]:protein N6-lipoyltransferase -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 r_4282 ATP:D-fructose-6-phosphate 2-phosphotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4283 ATP:D-fructose 6-phosphotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3650,8 +3650,8 @@ r_4286 ATP:D-glucosamine 6-phosphotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4287 ATP:D-fructose 6-phosphotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4288 alpha-D-Glucose 6-phosphate ketol-isomerase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4291 D-Glyceraldehyde:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4292 4-Aminobutyraldehyde:NAD+ oxidoreductase -10.7634 0 0 0 0 -0.254098 -r_4293 4-aminobutanal:NAD+ 1-oxidoreductase; 4-aminobutyraldehyde:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 10.7634 0 10.2604 0 0.254098 +r_4292 4-Aminobutyraldehyde:NAD+ oxidoreductase -10.7634 0 -10.2604 0 -1.71059 0 +r_4293 4-aminobutanal:NAD+ 1-oxidoreductase; 4-aminobutyraldehyde:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 10.7634 0 10.2604 0 1.76979 r_4294 Indole-3-acetaldehyde:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4295 2-Propyn-1-al:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4296 D-Glucuronolactone:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3673,7 +3673,7 @@ r_4311 GDP-mannose:glycolipid 1,2-alpha-D-mannosyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4312 S-adenosyl-L-methionine:carnosine N-methyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4313 Alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase ALG9 (EC (EC (Asparagine-linked glycosylation protein 9) (Dol-P-Man:Man(6)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase) (Dol-P-Man:Man(8)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4314 Alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase ALG9 (EC (EC (Asparagine-linked glycosylation protein 9) (Dol-P-Man:Man(6)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase) (Dol-P-Man:Man(8)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4315 Glycolate:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4315 Glycolate:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 0 0 1.07566e-11 0 0 r_4316 Dol-P-Man:Man(7)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase (EC (Asparagine-linked glycosylation protein 12) (Dolichyl-P-Man:Man(7)GlcNAc(2)-PP-dolichyl-alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase) (Extracellular mutant protein 39) (Mannosyltransferase ALG12) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4317 sucrose glucohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4318 Isomaltose 6-alpha-D-glucanohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3681,17 +3681,17 @@ r_4319 Dextrin 6-alpha-D-glucanohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4320 dolichyl beta-D-glucosyl phosphate:D-Man-alpha-(1->2)-D-Man-alpha-(1->2)-D-Man-alpha-(1->3)-[D-Man-alpha-(1->2)-D-Man-alpha-(1->3)-[D-Man-alpha-(1->2)-D-Man-alpha-(1->6)]-D-Man-alpha-(1->6)]-D-Man-beta-(1->4)-D-GlcNAc-beta-(1->4)-D-GlcNAc-diphosphodolichol alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4321 dolichyl beta-D-glucosyl phosphate:D-Glc-alpha-(1->3)-D-Man-alpha-(1->2)-D-Man-alpha-(1->2)-D-Man-alpha-(1->3)-[D-Man-alpha-(1->2)-D-Man-alpha-(1->3)-[D-Man-alpha-(1->2)-D-Man-alpha-(1->6)]-D-Man-alpha-(1->6)]-D-Man-beta-(1->4)-D-GlcNAc-beta-(1->4)-D-GlcNAc-diphosphodolichol alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4322 GPI mannosyltransferase 4 (EC 2.4.1.-) (GPI mannosyltransferase IV) (GPI-MT-IV) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4323 protein N6-(octanoyl)lysine:sulfur sulfurtransferase -1000 1000 0 0 0 2.47913e-13 -r_4324 octanoyl-[acp]:sulfur sulfurtransferase -1000 1000 0 0 0 -2.47913e-13 +r_4323 protein N6-(octanoyl)lysine:sulfur sulfurtransferase -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 +r_4324 octanoyl-[acp]:sulfur sulfurtransferase -1000 1000 0 0 0 0 r_4325 Iron sulfur cluster assembly protein 2, mitochondrial (Iron sulfur cluster scaffold protein 2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4326 thiosulfate:cyanide sulfurtranserase 0 0 0 0 0 -0.00512493 +r_4326 thiosulfate:cyanide sulfurtranserase 0 0 0 0 0 0.0554897 r_4327 Magnesium transporter MRS2, mitochondrial (RNA-splicing protein MRS2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4328 UDPglucose:dolichyl-phosphate beta-D-glucosyltransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4329 Putative sulfate transporter YPR003C 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4330 Pyridoxine:NADP+ 4-oxidoreductase -4.74994 0 0 -4.74994 0 -0.00346474 -r_4331 [1,4-(N-Acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl)]n glycanohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 -3.9465e-17 -r_4332 Protein PNS1 (pH nine-sensitive protein 1) -5.45697e-12 8.26706 0 2.64551 0 0.248716 -r_4333 Polyphosphate phosphohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4330 Pyridoxine:NADP+ 4-oxidoreductase -4.74994 0 -4.74994 0 -0.00346474 0 +r_4331 [1,4-(N-Acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl)]n glycanohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0.00245945 +r_4332 Protein PNS1 (pH nine-sensitive protein 1) 0 8.26706 0 2.46711 -9.64909e-13 1.93666 +r_4333 Polyphosphate phosphohydrolase 0 0 0 0 -9.76996e-15 0 r_4334 Copper-transporting ATPase (EC (Cu(2+)-ATPase) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4335 Endopolyphosphatase (EC (Deoxyadenosine triphosphate phosphohydrolase) (dATP phosphohydrolase) (EC 3.6.1.-) (Exopolyphosphatase) (EC (Phosphate metabolism protein 5) 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.00712031 r_4336 Monoamide of a dicarboxylic acid amidohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3713,8 +3713,8 @@ r_4351 alkaline phosphatase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4352 cysteamine S-phosphate transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4353 Cysteamine:oxygen oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4354 hypotaurine:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4355 2-aminobutanoate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase 0 1.29684 0 0 0 0 -r_4356 2-aminobutyrate transport -1.29684 1.47793e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_4355 2-aminobutanoate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase 0 1.29684 0 0 0 1.29262 +r_4356 2-aminobutyrate transport -1.29684 2.38742e-12 0 0 0 0 r_4357 alkaline phosphatase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4358 Uridine 2'-phosphate transport in via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4359 Uridine 3'-monophosphate phosphohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3724,22 +3724,22 @@ r_4362 dipeptidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4363 R07420 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4364 N-phosphocreatine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4365 creatinine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4366 ATP:L-arginine Nomega-phosphotransferase -0.748778 0 0 0 0 -0.000317403 -r_4367 L-arginine phosphate transport in/out via proton symport -0.748778 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4366 ATP:L-arginine Nomega-phosphotransferase -0.748778 0 0 0 -0.0165615 0 +r_4367 L-arginine phosphate transport in/out via proton symport -0.748778 0 0 8.86735e-13 0 0 r_4368 acid phosphatase / phosphotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4369 Tripolyphosphate transport in via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4370 alkaline phosphatase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4371 Cytidine- 2'- Monophosphate transport in via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4372 cyclic phosphodiesterase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4373 2',3'-Cyclic UMP transport in via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4374 3-Sulfino-L-alanine 4-carboxy-lyase 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4374 3-Sulfino-L-alanine 4-carboxy-lyase 0 0 -8.86735e-13 0 0 0 r_4375 3-Sulfino-L-alanine transport via proton antiport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4376 adenosine 3'-phosphate phosphohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4377 3AMP transport via diffusion (extracellular to periplasm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4378 alpha-glucosidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4379 Palatinose transport in via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4380 Amino-Acid N-Acetyltransferase -0.881856 0 0 0 0 -0.0195113 -r_4381 Acetylcysteine transport via proton symport -0.881856 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4380 Amino-Acid N-Acetyltransferase -0.881856 0 0 0 -0.0544392 0 +r_4381 Acetylcysteine transport via proton symport -0.881856 0 0 0 0 8.57758e-13 r_4382 thiosulfate:ferricytochrome-c oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4383 etrathionate transport via diffusion 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4384 D-Gluconate:NADP+ 5-oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3753,45 +3753,45 @@ r_4391 Methanol diffusion 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4392 alpha-Methyl-D-glucoside transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4393 ATP:D-tagatose 6-phosphotransferase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4394 D-tagatose 6-phosphate 4-epimerase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4395 D-tagatose uptake via diffusion 0 0 0 -2.67274 0 -0.035129 -r_4396 Acetoacetate:CoA ligase (AMP-forming) 0 0.669249 0 0.669249 0 0.000284804 -r_4397 N-Acyl-Aliphatic-L-Amino Acid Amidohydrolase -0.587869 0 0 0 0 -0.00889088 +r_4395 D-tagatose uptake via diffusion 0 0 0 0 0 0.171371 +r_4396 Acetoacetate:CoA ligase (AMP-forming) 0 0.669249 0 0.669249 0 0.0304972 +r_4397 N-Acyl-Aliphatic-L-Amino Acid Amidohydrolase -0.587869 1.13687e-12 0 0 -0.0140159 0 r_4398 Ala-Gln transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4399 L-alanyl-L-glutamate transport in via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4400 Maltodextrin glucosidase (maltotriose) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4401 Ala-Thr transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4402 Ala-Thr transport via proton symport (extracellular to cytosol) 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4402 Ala-Thr transport via proton symport (extracellular to cytosol) 0 0 0 1.95536e-12 0 0 r_4403 Triphosphate phosphohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4404 Gly-Asn transport via proton symport (extracellular to cytosol) 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4404 Gly-Asn transport via proton symport (extracellular to cytosol) 0 0 0 0 0 8.34943e-13 r_4405 glycerol 1-phosphate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4406 D-O-Phosphoserine transport in/out via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4407 D-O-Phosphoserine phosphohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4408 L-alanyl-L-glutamate transport in via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4409 L-alanyl-gamma-L-glutamate peptidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4410 3-oxalomalate glyoxylate-lyase (oxaloacetate-forming) -1.1 0 0 -1.1 0 -0.0291336 +r_4408 L-alanyl-L-glutamate transport in via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 1.12077e-12 +r_4409 L-alanyl-gamma-L-glutamate peptidase 0 0 0 0 0 1.12077e-12 +r_4410 3-oxalomalate glyoxylate-lyase (oxaloacetate-forming) -1.1 0 -1.1 0 -0.259807 0 r_4411 L-cysteate bisulfite-lyase (deaminating) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4412 cyclic phosphodiesterase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4413 deoxynucleotide 3'-phosphatase 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4413 deoxynucleotide 3'-phosphatase 0 0 0 1.449e-13 0 0 r_4414 cytosol nonspecific dipeptidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4415 Cytosol non-specific dipeptidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4416 Cytosol non-specific dipeptidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4417 Cytosol non-specific dipeptidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4417 Cytosol non-specific dipeptidase 0 0 0 0 0 8.34943e-13 r_4418 Cytosol non-specific dipeptidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4419 L-Cysteate transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4420 alpha-glucosidase 0 0 0 -187.54 0 -0.433502 +r_4420 alpha-glucosidase 0 0 -337.969 0 -727.448 0 r_4421 2-Hydroxyethanesulfonate transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4422 3-Oxalomalate transport via proton symport -1.1 0 0 0 0 0 r_4423 Gly-Met transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4424 Gly-Gln transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4425 Gly-Gln transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4426 Ala-Gln transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4427 N-Acetylmethionine transport via proton symport -0.587869 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4427 N-Acetylmethionine transport via proton symport -0.587869 1.13687e-12 0 8.86735e-13 0 0 r_4428 Phosphotyrosine transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4429 Ala-His transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4430 Ala-His transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4431 ala-L-asp-L transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4432 FMNH2-dependent alkanesulfonate monooxygenase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4433 thymidine 3-monophosphate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4433 thymidine 3-monophosphate transport 0 0 0 1.449e-13 0 0 r_4434 thymidine 5-monophosphate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4435 glycerol-1-phosphate phosphohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4436 nucleotide-specific phosphatase (thymidine 5'-monophosphate) 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3805,154 +3805,154 @@ r_4443 23cGMP transport via diffusion (extracellular to periplasm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4444 D-Glycerate 2-phosphate transport in/out via proton symport -2.1877 0 0 0 0 0 r_4445 3-Phospho-D-glycerate transport in/out via proton symport -2.1877 0 0 0 0 0 r_4446 D-glucose 1-phosphate transport via diffusion -0.963156 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4447 carbamoyl phosphate nuclear transport via diffusion -1.70782 2.34301e-12 0 3.41061e-13 0 0 -r_4448 Met-Ala transport via proton symport (extracellular to cytosol) -0.53828 0 0 -0.53828 0 -0.00889088 -r_4449 Met-Ala transport via proton symport (cytosol to vacuole) -0.53828 0 0 -0.53828 0 0 +r_4447 carbamoyl phosphate nuclear transport via diffusion -1.70782 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4448 Met-Ala transport via proton symport (extracellular to cytosol) -0.53828 0 -0.53828 0 -0.0280318 0 +r_4449 Met-Ala transport via proton symport (cytosol to vacuole) -0.53828 0 -0.53828 0 0 0 r_4450 O-Phospho-L-serine transport in via proton symport -2.03846 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4451 GMP transport via proton symport -0.4545 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4451 GMP transport via proton symport -0.4545 0 0 0 0 2.38742e-12 r_4452 myo-inositol phosphate transport via diffusion (extracellular to periplasm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4453 D-glucose 6-phosphate transport -0.963156 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4454 UMP transport -0.625024 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4454 UMP transport -0.625024 0 0 0 0 3.18323e-12 r_4455 Phosphoenolpyruvate transport in via proton symport -2.1877 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4456 Mannose 6-phosphate transport via diffusion (extracellular to periplasm) -0.963156 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4456 Mannose 6-phosphate transport via diffusion (extracellular to periplasm) -0.963156 0 0 8.8729e-13 0 0 r_4457 O-Phosphoryl-Ethanolamine transport in via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4458 6-Phospho-D-gluconate transport in/out via proton symport -1.04178 0 0 0 0 0 r_4459 MAN1P transport in/out via proton symport -1.01086 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4460 Pyrophosphate transport in via proton symport -8.28694 4.43379e-12 2.16052e-12 -6.82121e-13 -0.26427 -0.167585 -r_4461 Choline phosphate intracellular transport -0.495487 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4460 Pyrophosphate transport in via proton symport -8.28694 2.04636e-12 3.41061e-13 2.1159e-11 1.13687e-13 2.15927e-12 +r_4461 Choline phosphate intracellular transport -0.495487 1.81899e-12 0 0 0 0 r_4462 thiosulfate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4463 AMP transport in/out via proton symport -0.475997 0 0 0 0 0 r_4464 23cAMP transport via diffusion (extracellular to periplasm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4465 Adenosine- 2'-Monophosphate transport in via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4466 CMP transport in/out via proton symport -0.580578 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4466 CMP transport in/out via proton symport -0.580578 7.36691e-11 0 1.13687e-13 -1.13687e-13 0 r_4467 D-glucosamine transport via diffusion (extracellular to periplasm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4468 2-deoxy-D-ribose transport 0 0 0 -3.15397 0 -3.80659 -r_4469 L-Citrulline transport in via proton symport -0.853097 0 0 -0.853097 0 -0.000317403 -r_4470 Dihydroxyacetone transport via facilitated diffusion -1.98888 1.81899e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_4471 Ala-Leu transport via proton symport (extracellular to cytosol) -0.572813 0 0 -0.572813 0 -0.0168576 -r_4472 Ala-Leu transport via proton symport (cytosol to vacuole) -0.572813 0 0 -0.245833 0 -0.0168576 -r_4473 L-alanylglycine transport via proton antiport -1.21406 9.09495e-13 0 -2.42813 0 -0.0719793 -r_4474 L-alanylglycine transport via proton antiport -1.21406 9.09495e-13 0 -0.0251279 0 0 +r_4468 2-deoxy-D-ribose transport 0 0 0 0 -0.615883 0 +r_4469 L-Citrulline transport in via proton symport -0.853097 2.84217e-12 -0.853097 0 -0.0165615 0 +r_4470 Dihydroxyacetone transport via facilitated diffusion -1.98888 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4471 Ala-Leu transport via proton symport (extracellular to cytosol) -0.572813 0 -0.572813 0 -0.116222 0 +r_4472 Ala-Leu transport via proton symport (cytosol to vacuole) -0.572813 0 -1e-05 0 -0.00723434 0 +r_4473 L-alanylglycine transport via proton antiport -1.21406 0 -2.42813 0 -0.830908 6.23532e-12 +r_4474 L-alanylglycine transport via proton antiport -1.21406 0 -1e-05 0 0 0 r_4475 N-acetyl-L-glutamate transport -0.788698 0 0 0 0 0 r_4476 N-acetyl-L-glutamate transport -0.788698 0 0 0 0 0 r_4477 Lipoamide transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4478 L-methionine S-oxide transport via diffusion (extracellular) -0.726212 1.02318e-12 0 0 0 0 +r_4478 L-methionine S-oxide transport via diffusion (extracellular) -0.726212 0 0 0 0 1.36424e-12 r_4479 Gly-Asn transport via proton symport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4480 Cysteamine transport via proton antiport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4481 Hydrogen sulfide oxidation 0 0.972828 -1.02544e-12 0.972828 0 0.0102921 -r_4482 L-alanine transport in via proton symport 0 1.21406 0 0.0251279 0 0 -r_4483 Glycine transport (vacuole) 0 1.21406 0 1.21406 0 0 -r_4484 O4-succinyl-L-homoserine:hydrogen sulfide S-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)transferase; O-succinyl-L-homoserine succinate-lyase (adding hydrogen sulfide) -4.96023 4.05076 0 -4.96023 0 -167.955 -r_4485 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate:oxygen oxidoreductase (hydroxylating,decarboxylating) 0 0.733544 0 0.733544 0 0.000284804 -r_4486 Homogentisate:oxygen 1,2-oxidoreductase (decyclizing) 0 0.733544 0 0.733544 0 0.000284804 -r_4487 4-Maleylacetoacetate cis-trans-isomerase 0 0.733544 0 0.733544 0 0.000284804 -r_4488 4-fumarylacetoacetate fumarylhydrolase 0 0.733544 0 0.733544 0 0.000284804 +r_4481 Hydrogen sulfide oxidation 0 0.972828 0 0.972828 0 0.0544392 +r_4482 L-alanine transport in via proton symport 0 1.21406 0 1e-05 0 0 +r_4483 Glycine transport (vacuole) 0 1.21406 0 0.0134702 -3.16208e-12 0 +r_4484 O4-succinyl-L-homoserine:hydrogen sulfide S-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)transferase; O-succinyl-L-homoserine succinate-lyase (adding hydrogen sulfide) -4.96023 4.05076 -7.97261 0 -0.728027 3.2956e-12 +r_4485 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate:oxygen oxidoreductase (hydroxylating,decarboxylating) 0 0.733544 0 0.733544 0 0.0304972 +r_4486 Homogentisate:oxygen 1,2-oxidoreductase (decyclizing) 0 0.733544 0 0.733544 0 0.0304972 +r_4487 4-Maleylacetoacetate cis-trans-isomerase 0 0.733544 0 0.733544 0 0.0304972 +r_4488 4-fumarylacetoacetate fumarylhydrolase 0 0.733544 0 0.733544 0 0.0304972 r_4489 L-arabinitol:NAD+ 4-oxidoreductase (L-xylulose-forming) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4490 Xylitol:NADP+ 4-oxidoreductase (L-xylulose-forming) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4491 arabinose reductase (D-arabinose) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4492 D-arabinitol:NAT 4-oxidoreductase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4493 Acetoacetate transport via diffusion -0.733544 0 0 -0.379276 0 0 +r_4493 Acetoacetate transport via diffusion -0.733544 0 -0.733544 0 0 0 r_4494 methanol exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4495 alkaline phosphatase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4496 Ala-Gly exchange 0 1.21406 0 1.21406 0 0.0359896 -r_4497 3-oxalomalate(3-) exchange 0 1.1 0 1.1 0 0.0291336 +r_4496 Ala-Gly exchange 0 1.21406 0 1.21406 -3.16208e-12 0.415454 +r_4497 3-oxalomalate(3-) exchange 0 1.1 0 1.1 -9.09495e-13 0.259807 r_4498 6-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-fructofuranose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4499 5-dehydro-D-gluconate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4500 D-tagatose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4501 turanose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4502 D-glucose 6-phosphate exchange 0 0.963156 0 0.963156 0 0.02443 +r_4502 D-glucose 6-phosphate exchange 0 0.963156 0 0.963156 0 0.963156 r_4503 alpha-maltotriose exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4504 D-glucose 1-phosphate exchange 0 0.963156 0 0.963156 0 0.02443 +r_4504 D-glucose 1-phosphate exchange 0 0.963156 0 0.963156 0 0.963156 r_4505 methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4506 D-Glucosamine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4507 glycerone exchange -1.81899e-12 1.98888 0 1.98888 0 0.00640275 +r_4507 glycerone exchange -1.36424e-12 1.98888 0 1.98888 0 0.00640275 r_4508 Ala-Gln exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4509 Ala-Leu exchange 0 0.572813 0 0.572813 0 0.0168576 +r_4509 Ala-Leu exchange 0 0.572813 0 0.572813 0 0.0860304 r_4510 Gly-Gln exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4511 Ala-His exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4512 Gly-Asn exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4513 Ala-Glu exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4514 Gly-Met exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4515 Ala-Asp exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4515 Ala-Asp exchange 0 0 0 0 -1.50049e-12 0 r_4516 Gly-Glu exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4517 Ala-Thr exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4518 Met-Ala exchange 0 0.53828 0 0.53828 0 0.00889088 -r_4519 L-citrulline exchange 0 0.853097 0 0.853097 0 0.000317403 -r_4520 2-aminobutanoate exchange 0 1.29684 0 1.29684 0 0.0357794 -r_4521 choline phosphate exchange 0 0.495487 0 0.355089 0 0.00330559 +r_4518 Met-Ala exchange 0 0.53828 0 0.53828 0 0.0140159 +r_4519 L-citrulline exchange 0 0.853097 0 0.853097 0 0.0165615 +r_4520 2-aminobutanoate exchange 0 1.29684 0 1.29684 0 1.29262 +r_4521 choline phosphate exchange 0 0.495487 0 0.355089 -1.47793e-12 0.00412868 r_4522 glycerol 1-phosphate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4523 2-phospho-D-glyceric acid exchange 0 2.1877 0 2.1877 0 0.0594698 -r_4524 GMP exchange 0 0.4545 -1.93268e-12 0.4545 0 0.000448851 -r_4525 3-phospho-serine exchange 0 2.03846 0 2.03846 0 0.0234923 +r_4523 2-phospho-D-glyceric acid exchange 0 2.1877 0 2.1877 0 2.1877 +r_4524 GMP exchange 0 0.4545 0 0.4545 -1.36424e-12 0.0247548 +r_4525 3-phospho-serine exchange 0 2.03846 0 2.03846 0 0.101941 r_4526 O-phosphonatooxy-D-serine(2-) exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4527 diphosphate exchange -4.48175e-12 8.28694 -2.16052e-12 8.28694 0.167585 0.525484 +r_4527 diphosphate exchange -3.29692e-12 8.28694 -2.20458e-11 8.28694 -2.15927e-12 4.32615 r_4528 triphosphate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4529 phosphoenolpyruvate exchange 0 2.1877 0 2.1877 0 0.0594698 -r_4530 N(omega)-phospho-L-arginine exchange 0 0.748778 0 0.748778 0 0.000317403 -r_4531 carbamoyl phosphate exchange 0 1.70782 0 1.70782 0 0.0079775 +r_4529 phosphoenolpyruvate exchange 0 2.1877 0 2.1877 0 2.1877 +r_4530 N(omega)-phospho-L-arginine exchange 0 0.748778 -8.86735e-13 0.748778 0 0.0165615 +r_4531 carbamoyl phosphate exchange -1.36424e-12 1.70782 0 1.70782 0 0.0336612 r_4532 O-phosphoethanolamine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4533 cysteamine S-phosphate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4534 guanosine 2'-monophosphate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4535 glycerol 2-phosphate(2-) exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4536 3'-GMP exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4537 2-phosphoglycolate exchange 0 3.75167e-12 0 0 0 0 -r_4538 6-phospho-D-gluconate exchange 0 1.04178 0 1.04178 0 0.0257451 -r_4539 D-mannose 6-phosphate exchange 0 0.963156 0 0.963156 0 0.02443 +r_4537 2-phosphoglycolate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4538 6-phospho-D-gluconate exchange 0 1.04178 0 1.04178 0 1.0388 +r_4539 D-mannose 6-phosphate exchange 0 0.963156 -8.8729e-13 0.963156 0 0.963156 r_4540 2',3'-cyclic GMP exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4541 O(4)-phospho-L-tyrosine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4542 O-phospho-L-threonine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4543 3-phosphonato-D-glycerate(3-) exchange 0 2.1877 0 2.1877 0 0.0594698 +r_4543 3-phosphonato-D-glycerate(3-) exchange 0 2.1877 0 2.1877 0 2.1877 r_4544 adenosine 2'-phosphate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4545 3'-AMP exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4546 2',3'-cyclic AMP exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4547 D-mannose 1-phosphate exchange 0 1.01086 0 1.01086 0 0.0267672 -r_4548 AMP exchange 0 0.475997 0 0.475997 0 0.000448851 -r_4549 N(alpha)-acetyl-L-methionine exchange -8.63713e-12 0.587869 0 0.587869 0 0.00889088 -r_4550 L-Methionine S-oxide exchange 0 0.726212 0 0.725052 0 0.00889088 +r_4547 D-mannose 1-phosphate exchange 0 1.01086 0 1.01086 0 0.0630444 +r_4548 AMP exchange 0 0.475997 -2.27374e-12 0.475997 0 0.0459804 +r_4549 N(alpha)-acetyl-L-methionine exchange -1.81899e-12 0.587869 -8.86735e-13 0.587869 -1.36424e-12 0.0140159 +r_4550 L-Methionine S-oxide exchange 0 0.726212 0 0.725052 -1.47793e-12 0.0140159 r_4551 3-sulfino-L-alanine exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4552 N-acetyl-L-cysteine exchange 0 0.881856 0 0.881856 0 0.0195113 -r_4553 L-cysteate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4552 N-acetyl-L-cysteine exchange 0 0.881856 0 0.881856 -8.57758e-13 0.0544392 +r_4553 L-cysteate exchange 0 0 -8.86735e-13 0 0 0 r_4554 2-hydroxyethane-1-sulfonate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4555 acetoacetate exchange 0 0.733544 0 0.733544 0 0.000284804 -r_4556 N-acetyl-L-glutamate exchange 0 0.788698 0 0.788698 0 0.0182981 -r_4557 UMP exchange 0 0.625024 0 0.625024 0 0.000448851 -r_4558 CMP exchange 0 0.580578 0 0.580578 0 0.000448851 +r_4555 acetoacetate exchange 0 0.733544 0 0.733544 0 0.0304972 +r_4556 N-acetyl-L-glutamate exchange 0 0.788698 0 0.788698 0 0.617526 +r_4557 UMP exchange -9.09495e-13 0.625024 0 0.625024 -3.18323e-12 0.014191 +r_4558 CMP exchange -2.19991e-12 0.580578 -9.09495e-13 0.580578 0 0.014191 r_4559 thymidine 5'-monophosphate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4560 thymidine 3'-monophosphate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4561 cytidine 2'-phosphate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4562 uridine 2'-phosphate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4563 3'-UMP exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4564 2',3'-cyclic CMP exchange -3.52429e-12 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4564 2',3'-cyclic CMP exchange -2.27374e-12 0 0 0 0 0 r_4565 2',3'-cyclic UMP exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4567 6-phosphogluconate phosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 0.081435 +r_4567 6-phosphogluconate phosphatase 0 8.26706 0 8.26706 0 8.05792 r_4568 R06790 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4569 Carboxylic ester hydrolases -1.13687e-12 9.97979e-13 0 0 0 0 -r_4570 phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase -1.60439 0 0 -750.404 0 5.68136 -r_4571 seed:rxn00681 0 1.60439 0 1.40045 0 0.0591096 -r_4572 beta-alanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase 0 0.748628 6.82167e-13 0.748628 0 0.000144153 -r_4573 3-Oxopropanoate:NAD+ oxidoreductase (decarboxylating, CoA-acetylating) 0 0.725831 0 0.725831 0 0.000144153 -r_4574 3-Oxopropanoate:NADP+ oxidoreductase (decarboxylating, CoA-acetylating) 0 0.748628 0 0.748628 0 0.000144153 -r_4575 3-oxopropanoate carboxy-lyase 0 0.691289 0 0.691289 0 0.000144153 -r_4581 (2R,3S)-3-methylmalate:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 1.51752 0 1.3284 0 0.0591096 -r_4582 malate/beta-methylmalate synthase 0 1.51752 0 1.3284 0 0.0591096 -r_4583 palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase 0 4.90029 0 0.166368 0 0.0444191 -r_4584 long-chain-fatty-acid---CoA ligase 0 4.90029 0 0.166368 0 0.0444191 +r_4569 Carboxylic ester hydrolases 0 8.2423e-13 0 0 0 0 +r_4570 phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase -1.60439 0 0 0 0 5.82094 +r_4571 seed:rxn00681 0 1.60439 -6.82196e-13 1.40045 0 0 +r_4572 beta-alanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase 0 0.748628 0 0.748628 0 0 +r_4573 3-Oxopropanoate:NAD+ oxidoreductase (decarboxylating, CoA-acetylating) 0 0.725831 0 0.725831 0 0.000160873 +r_4574 3-Oxopropanoate:NADP+ oxidoreductase (decarboxylating, CoA-acetylating) 0 0.748628 0 0.748628 0 0.000160873 +r_4575 3-oxopropanoate carboxy-lyase 0 0.691289 0 0.691289 0 0.000160873 +r_4581 (2R,3S)-3-methylmalate:NAD+ oxidoreductase 0 1.51752 0 1.3284 0 1.10513 +r_4582 malate/beta-methylmalate synthase 0 1.51752 0 1.3284 0 1.10513 +r_4583 palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase 0 4.90029 0 0.166368 0 0.146907 +r_4584 long-chain-fatty-acid---CoA ligase 0 4.90029 0 0.166368 0 0.147124 r_4585 a-galactosidase (stachyose) 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4586 stachyose synthase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4587 Ca(2+) transport 0 1.9096e-05 0 1.9096e-05 1.9096e-05 1.9243e-05 -r_4588 chloride transport 0 0.00011352 0 0.00011352 0.00011352 0.000114394 -r_4589 Cu2(+) transport 0 5.7992e-05 0 5.7992e-05 5.7992e-05 5.84385e-05 -r_4590 Mn(2+) transport 0 0.00024024 0 0.00024024 0.00024024 0.00024209 -r_4591 Zn(2+) transport 0 6.5824e-05 0 0.000131648 0 0.000132155 -r_4592 Mg(2+) transport 0 0.000109344 0 0.000218688 0 0.000220371 -r_4593 chloride exchange -0.00011352 0 -0.00011352 0 -0.000114394 -0.00011352 -r_4594 Cu2(+) exchange -5.7992e-05 0 -5.7992e-05 0 -5.84385e-05 -5.7992e-05 -r_4595 Mn(2+) exchange -0.00024024 0 -0.00024024 0 -0.00024209 -0.00024024 -r_4596 Zn(2+) exchange -6.5824e-05 0 -6.5824e-05 0 -6.63308e-05 -6.5824e-05 -r_4597 Mg(2+) exchange -0.000109344 0 -0.000109344 0 -0.000110186 -0.000109344 -r_4598 cofactor pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0.088 0.0886775 -r_4599 ion pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0.088 0.0886775 -r_4600 Ca(2+) exchange -1.9096e-05 0 -1.9096e-05 0 -1.9243e-05 -1.9096e-05 +r_4587 Ca(2+) transport 0 1.9096e-05 0 0 0 1.9096e-05 +r_4588 chloride transport 0 0.00011352 0 0.00011352 0 0 +r_4589 Cu2(+) transport 0 5.7992e-05 0 5.7992e-05 0 5.7992e-05 +r_4590 Mn(2+) transport 0 0.00024024 0 0.00024024 0 0.00024024 +r_4591 Zn(2+) transport 0 6.5824e-05 0 0.000131648 0 6.5824e-05 +r_4592 Mg(2+) transport 0 0.000109344 0 0.000218688 0 0.000218688 +r_4593 chloride exchange -0.00011352 0 -0.00011352 0 -0.00011352 0 +r_4594 Cu2(+) exchange -5.7992e-05 0 -5.7992e-05 0 -5.7992e-05 0 +r_4595 Mn(2+) exchange -0.00024024 0 -0.00024024 0 -0.00024024 0 +r_4596 Zn(2+) exchange -6.5824e-05 0 -6.5824e-05 0 -6.5824e-05 0 +r_4597 Mg(2+) exchange -0.000109344 0 -0.000109344 0 -0.000109344 0 +r_4598 cofactor pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0 0.088 +r_4599 ion pseudoreaction 0 0.088 0 0.088 0 0.088 +r_4600 Ca(2+) exchange -1.9096e-05 0 -1.9096e-05 0 -1.9096e-05 0 r_4601 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4602 acetate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4603 ADP-ribose transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3960,8 +3960,8 @@ r_4604 farnesyl diphosphate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4605 nicotinate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4606 O-phosphoethanolamine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4607 phosphate transport -8.26706 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4608 propionyl-CoA transport 0 1.21179 0 0.544242 0 0.0132793 -r_4609 UDP transport 0 8.26706 0 0 0 0 +r_4608 propionyl-CoA transport 0 1.21179 0 0.544242 0 0.0830147 +r_4609 UDP transport 0 8.26706 0 0 -1.13687e-13 0 r_4610 UDP transport -8.26706 0 0 0 0 0 r_4611 UMP transport -8.26706 0 0 0 0 0 r_4612 TRX1 disulphide transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 @@ -3973,92 +3973,92 @@ r_4617 S-adenosyl-L-methionine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4618 glutathione transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4619 ATP transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4620 D-mannose 6-phosphate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4621 O-acetyl-L-serine transport -4.96023 1.85602 0 0 0 0.00437391 +r_4621 O-acetyl-L-serine transport -4.96023 1.85602 0 0 0 2.08506e-12 r_4622 hydrogen sulfide transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4623 L-cysteinylglycine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4624 ATP transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 +r_4624 ATP transport 0 0 0 1.14853e-12 0 0 r_4625 thiosulfate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4626 sulphite transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4627 UDP-D-glucose transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4628 UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4629 alcohol acyltransferase (hexanoyl-CoA) 0 0.255423 0 0.249933 0 0.00637387 -r_4630 alcohol acyltransferase (octanoyl-CoA) 0 0.244919 0 4e-06 0 0.00637918 -r_4631 alcohol acyltransferase (butyryl-CoA) 0 0.253714 -1.02346e-12 0.248833 0 0.00304127 -r_4632 alcohol acetyltransferase (hexanol) 0 0 0 0 0 -1.77636e-15 -r_4633 alcohol acyltransferase (decanoyl-CoA) 0 0.231725 0 0.225664 0 0.00648645 -r_4634 ethyl hexanoate transport, mitochondrial 0 0.255423 0 0 0 0 +r_4629 alcohol acyltransferase (hexanoyl-CoA) 0 0.255423 0 0.249891 -0.0615249 0 +r_4630 alcohol acyltransferase (octanoyl-CoA) 0 0.244919 0 0.237961 -0.0690798 4.7173e-12 +r_4631 alcohol acyltransferase (butyryl-CoA) 0 0.253714 -3.11784e-12 0.248833 -0.0736944 0 +r_4632 alcohol acetyltransferase (hexanol) 0 0 0 0 0 11.1539 +r_4633 alcohol acyltransferase (decanoyl-CoA) 0 0.231725 0 0.225649 0 0.0200674 +r_4634 ethyl hexanoate transport, mitochondrial 0 0.255423 0 0 -5.3468e-11 0 r_4635 ethyl octanoate transport, mitochondrial 0 0.244919 0 0 0 0 -r_4636 ethyl butanoate transport, mitochondrial 0 0.253714 -1.02346e-12 0 0 0 +r_4636 ethyl butanoate transport, mitochondrial 0 0.253714 -2.09438e-12 0 -1.13687e-13 0 r_4637 hexyl acetate transport, mitochondrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4638 ethyl decanoate transport, mitochondrial 0 0.231725 0 0.225647 0 0.00333889 +r_4638 ethyl decanoate transport, mitochondrial 0 0.231725 0 0.225647 -8.94706e-13 0.0296822 r_4639 ethyl hexanoate transport 0 0.255423 0 0 0 0 -r_4640 ethyl octanoate transport 0 0.244919 0 0 0 0 -r_4641 ethyl butanoate transport 0 0.253714 -1.02346e-12 0 0 0 +r_4640 ethyl octanoate transport 0 0.244919 0 0 0 4.7173e-12 +r_4641 ethyl butanoate transport 0 0.253714 -2.09438e-12 0 0 0 r_4642 hexyl acetate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4643 ethyl decanoate transport 0 0.231725 0 0.225647 0 0.00333889 -r_4644 ethyl hexanoate exchange 0 0.255423 0 0.249873 0 0.00318694 -r_4645 ethyl octanoate exchange 0 0.244919 0 0.237945 0 0.00318959 -r_4646 ethyl butanoate exchange 0 0.253714 -1.02346e-12 0.248833 0 0.00304127 +r_4643 ethyl decanoate transport 0 0.231725 0 0.225647 -8.94706e-13 0.0296822 +r_4644 ethyl hexanoate exchange 0 0.255423 0 0.249873 -5.3468e-11 0.0112617 +r_4645 ethyl octanoate exchange 0 0.244919 0 0.237945 0 0.0148708 +r_4646 ethyl butanoate exchange 0 0.253714 -2.09438e-12 0.248833 -1.13687e-13 0.0102562 r_4647 hexyl acetate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4648 ethyl decanoate exchange 0 0.231725 0 0.225647 0 0.00333889 -r_4649 mitochondrial ethanol O-acetyltransferase 0 5.46648 0 1.6908 0 0.0735602 -r_4650 ethyl acetate transport, mitochondrial 0 5.46648 0 1.6908 0 0.0735602 -r_4651 pyruvate decarboxylase (aldedyde-forming) 0 1.61737 0 3.59068 0 0.0791768 -r_4652 aldehyde dehydrogenase (1-propanol, NAD) 0 1.35305 0 1.35315 0 0.072282 +r_4648 ethyl decanoate exchange 0 0.231725 0 0.225647 -8.94706e-13 0.0296822 +r_4649 mitochondrial ethanol O-acetyltransferase 0 5.46648 0 1.6908 0 1.22412 +r_4650 ethyl acetate transport, mitochondrial 0 5.46648 0 1.6908 0 1.22412 +r_4651 pyruvate decarboxylase (aldedyde-forming) 0 1.61737 0 3.20598 0 2.94979 +r_4652 aldehyde dehydrogenase (1-propanol, NAD) 0 1.35305 0 1.35308 0 1.34961 r_4653 aldehyde dehydrogenase (1-propanol, NAD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4654 aldehyde dehydrogenase (1-propanol, NADP) 0 1.29393 0 1.60217 0 0.0357794 +r_4654 aldehyde dehydrogenase (1-propanol, NADP) 0 1.29393 0 1.29395 0 1.3157 r_4655 1-propyl alcohol transport, mitochondrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4656 propanal transport, cytosol 0 1.44209 0 0 0 0 r_4657 1-propyl alcohol transport, cytosol 0 1.35305 0 0 0 0 -r_4658 propanal exchange 0 1.44209 0 1.44209 0 0.0395884 -r_4659 propanol exchange 0 1.35305 0 1.35305 0 0.036141 -r_4660 2-oxo acid decarboxylase 0 0.400029 0 0.400029 0 0 -r_4661 aldehyde dehydrogenase (methionol, NAD) 0 0.3827 0 0.7654 0 0.000482619 +r_4658 propanal exchange 0 1.44209 0 1.44209 0 1.40256 +r_4659 propanol exchange 0 1.35305 0 1.35305 0 1.34369 +r_4660 2-oxo acid decarboxylase -1.17403e-12 0.400029 -1.11945e-13 0 0 0 +r_4661 aldehyde dehydrogenase (methionol, NAD) -1.17403e-12 0.3827 -1.11945e-13 0.3827 0 0.000482619 r_4662 aldehyde dehydrogenase (methionol, NAD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4663 aldehyde dehydrogenase (methionol, NADP) 0 0.378384 0 0.378384 0 0.000321746 +r_4663 aldehyde dehydrogenase (methionol, NADP) 0 0.378384 0 0.378384 0 0.000160873 r_4664 methionol transport, mitochondrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4665 methional transport, cytosol 0 0.400029 0 0 0 0 -r_4666 methionol transport, cytosol 0 0.3827 0 0 0 0 +r_4666 methionol transport, cytosol -1.17403e-12 0.3827 -1.11945e-13 0 0 0.000160873 r_4667 methional exchange 0 0.400029 0 0.400029 0 0.000160873 -r_4668 methionol exchange 0 0.3827 0 0.3827 0 0.000160873 -r_4669 pyruvate decarboxylase (hydroxy-phenyl) 0 0.655859 0 1.31172 0 0.000854412 -r_4670 aldehyde dehydrogenase (tyrosol, NAD) 0 0.630222 0 0.630222 0 0.000854412 +r_4668 methionol exchange -1.17403e-12 0.3827 -1.11945e-13 0.3827 0 0.000160873 +r_4669 pyruvate decarboxylase (hydroxy-phenyl) 0 0.655859 0 1.31172 0 0.0914915 +r_4670 aldehyde dehydrogenase (tyrosol, NAD) 0 0.630222 0 1.27837 0 0.0914915 r_4671 aldehyde dehydrogenase (tyrosol, NAD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4672 aldehyde dehydrogenase (tyrosol, NADP) 0 0.623801 0 0.623801 0 0.000284804 +r_4672 aldehyde dehydrogenase (tyrosol, NADP) 0 0.623801 0 0.623801 0 0.0609944 r_4673 tyrosol transport, mitochondrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4674 (4-hydroxyphenyl)acetaldehyde transport, cytosol 0 0.655859 0 0 2.27474e-05 0 +r_4674 (4-hydroxyphenyl)acetaldehyde transport, cytosol 0 0.655859 0 0 0 0 r_4675 tyrosol transport, cytosol 0 0.630222 0 0 0 0 -r_4676 (4-hydroxyphenyl)acetaldehyde exchange 0 0.655859 0 0.655859 0 0.000284804 -r_4677 tyrosol exchange 0 0.630222 0 0.630222 0 0.000284804 -r_4678 aldehyde dehydrogenase -1.10378 1.13678 0 0.0409981 0 2.07984 -r_4679 short-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligase (propionate) -1.10378 1.13678 0 0.145598 0 -0.00904252 -r_4680 alcohol acyltransferase (propionyl-CoA) 0 0.790527 9.32155e-10 0.461719 0 0.0362632 +r_4676 (4-hydroxyphenyl)acetaldehyde exchange 0 0.655859 0 0.655859 0 0.0304972 +r_4677 tyrosol exchange 0 0.630222 0 0.630222 0 0.0304972 +r_4678 aldehyde dehydrogenase -1.10378 1.13678 0 0.0409814 0 12.9481 +r_4679 short-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligase (propionate) -1.10378 1.13678 0 0.0594055 -0.00241164 0 +r_4680 alcohol acyltransferase (propionyl-CoA) 0 0.790527 0 0.462285 1.06936e-10 0.163724 r_4681 propionyl-CoA transport, mitochondrial -1.10378 1.13678 0 0 0 0 -r_4682 butyryl-CoA transport, mitochondrial 0 0.253714 0 4e-05 0 0.00304127 -r_4683 hexanoyl-CoA transport, mitochondrial 0 0.255423 0 0.249873 0 6.40092e-05 -r_4684 octanoyl-CoA transport, mitochondrial 0 0.244919 0 0.237945 0 0.000166271 -r_4685 decanoyl-CoA transport, mitochondrial 0 0.231725 0 2.33766e-06 0 8.05706e-05 -r_4686 propionate transport, cytosol -1.13678 1.10378 0 0.0294725 0 -7.22471e-05 -r_4687 alcohol acetyltransferase (tyrosol) 0 0.510928 0 0.510928 0 0.000284804 -r_4688 tyrosyl acetate transport 0 0.510928 0 0.510928 0 0.000284804 -r_4689 tyrosyl acetate exchange 0 0.510928 0 0.510928 0 0.000284804 +r_4682 butyryl-CoA transport, mitochondrial 0 0.253714 0 6.66667e-06 0 0 +r_4683 hexanoyl-CoA transport, mitochondrial 0 0.255423 0 0.249873 -5.3468e-11 0.0112617 +r_4684 octanoyl-CoA transport, mitochondrial 0 0.244919 0 0 0 0.0148708 +r_4685 decanoyl-CoA transport, mitochondrial 0 0.231725 0 1.42857e-06 0 2.41863e-12 +r_4686 propionate transport, cytosol -1.13678 1.10378 0 1.672e-05 0 0 +r_4687 alcohol acetyltransferase (tyrosol) 0 0.510928 0 0.510928 0 0.0304972 +r_4688 tyrosyl acetate transport 0 0.510928 0 0.510928 0 0.0304972 +r_4689 tyrosyl acetate exchange 0 0.510928 0 0.510928 0 0.0304972 r_4690 alcohol acetyltransferase (methionol) 0 0.366015 0 0.73203 0 0.000160873 r_4691 methionyl acetate transport 0 0.366015 0 0.366015 0 0.000160873 r_4692 methionyl acetate exchange 0 0.366015 0 0.366015 0 0.000160873 -r_4693 alcohol acetyltransferase (propanol) 0 0.898718 0 0.898718 0 0.0222428 -r_4694 propyl acetate transport 0 0.898718 0 0.898718 0 0.0222428 -r_4695 propyl acetate exchange 0 0.898718 0 0.898718 0 0.0222428 -r_4697 ethyl propionate transport, mitochondrial 0 0.790527 0 0 0 0 -r_4698 ethyl propionate transport 0 0.790527 0 0.461718 0 0.0220361 -r_4699 ethyl propionate exchange 0 0.790527 0 0.461718 0 0.0209586 -r_4700 hydrogen sulfide transport 0 1.48048 0 1.48048 0 0.0267579 -r_4701 L-cysteine hydrogen-sulfide-lyase (deaminating; pyruvate-forming) -4.96023 1.85602 0 -3.44906 0 -0.0611766 -r_4702 L-cysteine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase -2.98243 4.80359 0 3.50705 0 0.0256569 -r_4703 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase -2.98243 4.80359 0 3.50705 0 0.00127156 +r_4693 alcohol acetyltransferase (propanol) 0 0.898718 0 0.898718 0 1.14485 +r_4694 propyl acetate transport 0 0.898718 0 0.898718 0 0.898718 +r_4695 propyl acetate exchange 0 0.898718 0 0.898718 0 0.898718 +r_4697 ethyl propionate transport, mitochondrial 0 0.790527 -1.08002e-11 0 0 0 +r_4698 ethyl propionate transport 0 0.790527 0 0.462285 0 0.0864845 +r_4699 ethyl propionate exchange 0 0.790527 0 0.461718 0 0.0827978 +r_4700 hydrogen sulfide transport 0 1.48048 0 1.48048 -1.79651e-12 0.0544392 +r_4701 L-cysteine hydrogen-sulfide-lyase (deaminating; pyruvate-forming) -4.96023 1.85602 0 0 -0.434606 0 +r_4702 L-cysteine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase -2.98243 4.80359 0 0 0 0.0453396 +r_4703 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase -2.98243 4.80359 0 0 -0.115028 0 r_4704 alkanesulfonate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4705 taurocholate transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4706 alkanesulfonate dioxygenase 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4707 trithionate thiosulfohydrolase 0 0 0 0 0 0 -r_4708 hydrogen sulfide exchange 0 1.48048 0 1.48048 0 0.0267579 +r_4708 hydrogen sulfide exchange 0 1.48048 0 1.48048 -1.79651e-12 0.0544392 r_4709 alkanesulfonate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 r_4710 taurocholate exchange 0 0 0 0 0 0 diff --git a/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/lightVSfull.pdf b/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/lightVSfull.pdf index 474bcda2d..32098b725 100644 Binary files a/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/lightVSfull.pdf and b/tutorials/full_ecModel/output/lightVSfull.pdf differ diff --git a/tutorials/full_ecModel/protocol.m b/tutorials/full_ecModel/protocol.m index 8260f7e81..89847f771 100644 --- a/tutorials/full_ecModel/protocol.m +++ b/tutorials/full_ecModel/protocol.m @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ % - Simplest, RAVEN can be installed as MATLAB Add-On: % https://se.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_env/get-add-ons.html % - The installation of Gurobi as LP solver is highly recommended -checkInstallation; % Confirm that RAVEN is functional, should be 2.9.1 or later. +checkInstallation; % Confirm that RAVEN is functional, should be 2.9.2 or later. % - Install GECKO by following the installation instructions: % https://github.com/SysBioChalmers/GECKO/wiki/Installation-and-upgrade @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ % model-specific parameters in the model adapter, which for this tutorial is % located at tutorials/full_ecModel/ecYeastGEMadapter.m. -%% STAGE 1: expansion from a starting metabolic model to an ecModel structure +%% STAGE 1: Expansion from a starting metabolic model to an ecModel structure % STEP 8 Set modelAdapter adapterLocation = fullfile(findGECKOroot,'tutorials','full_ecModel','YeastGEMAdapter.m'); ModelAdapter = ModelAdapterManager.setDefault(adapterLocation); diff --git a/tutorials/light_ecModel/models/ecModel.yml b/tutorials/light_ecModel/models/ecModel.yml index de88e1009..e50e71d10 100644 --- a/tutorials/light_ecModel/models/ecModel.yml +++ b/tutorials/light_ecModel/models/ecModel.yml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ id: "Human-GEM" name: "Human-GEM" version: "1.15.0" - date: "2023-07-01" + date: "2024-06-06" defaultLB: "-1000" defaultUB: "1000" taxonomy: "9606" @@ -262825,7 +262825,6 @@ - prot_pool: -1 - lower_bound: -20.8355598464 - upper_bound: 0 - - subsystem: - genes: - !!omap - id: "ENSG00000000419"