project1: publish and subscribe custom messages.
tf2_examples: basic example using the tf2 package for coordinate system's transformations.
project2_solution: program that uses tf to describe the poses between a robot, its camera and an object.
marker_publisher: used in project2_solution to visualize the transformations. It's invoked by project2_solution.
project3: packages that analyze the forward dynamics of a Kuka LBR iiwa arm.
project4/cartesian_control: also with the package
from project3, uses the differential kinematics of the Kuka LBR iiwa robot arm. -
project5: In order for the robot end-effector to reach a desired pose without collisions with any obstacles present in its environment it's necessary to implement motion planning. In this project is used a Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) motion planner for the same 7-jointed robot arm of the previous lectures.