This neural network predicts iris species using petal and sepal size values as inputs. It contains 2 hidden layers with 6 nodes in the first and 4 nodes in the second.
# FIT AND TRAIN THE NN ###################################################
iris_shuffle <- iris[sample(1:nrow(iris)),] #randomize row order of dataset
row.names(iris_shuffle) <- 1:nrow(iris_shuffle) #renumber rows
training_data <- iris_shuffle[c(1:125),] #take first 125 rows as training data
nn=neuralnet(Species ~ .,training_data, hidden=c(6,4))
plot(nn, arrow.length = .15,
col.entry = "purple",
col.hidden = "purple",
col.out = "purple",
col.intercept = "blue")
# TESTING THE NN ##########################################################
test_data <- iris_shuffle[c(126:150),] #use last 25 records from iris for test
pred = neuralnet::compute(nn, test_data[,c(1,2,3,4)])
df <- data.frame(pred$net.result)
pred_df = data.frame()
for (i in 1:25){
pred_df <- rbind(pred_df, which.max(pred$net.result[i,]))
colnames(pred_df)[1] <- "Result"
pred_df$Result <- gsub(1, "setosa", pred_df$Result)
pred_df$Result <- gsub(2, "versicolor", pred_df$Result)
pred_df$Result <- gsub(3, "virginica", pred_df$Result)
df$max <- apply(df, 1, max)
df$min <- apply(df, 1, min)
colnames(df)[4] <- "Max_Prediction_Value"
colnames(df)[5] <- "Min_Prediction_Value"
prediction <- as.factor(pred_df$Result)
Actual <- test_data[,5]
Prediction <- data.frame(Actual,pred_df,
confusionMatrix(prediction, Actual)