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109 lines (82 loc) · 3.37 KB
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A simple library for an interactive CLI.

By Teodor Neagoe


Getting Started

0. Prerequisites

  • Os: Windows
  • Java: 22

1. Clone the repository

git clone

2. Publish the library to your local maven repository

./gradlew publish

Or alternatively you can run the example

To build it run

./gradlew build

And then to run it run

java -cp build/libs/Simple-CLI-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.teoneag.Main

Or you can run it directly from gradle (but IO is a bit slower)

./gradlew run -q --console=plain

Or you can use IntelliJ IDEA to run it. (open the project and run the Main class)


This is an example of how to use the library:

class mainMenu {
    // optional name - default: method name
    // optional description - default: method name (args) -> return type
    @Command(name = "hello", description = "Prints hello + <name>")
    public void hello(
        @Param(name = "name", description = "name to print")
        String name) {
        System.out.println("Hello " + name);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Shell shell = new Shell(mainMenu.class);

You just need to annotate the methods you want to be commands with @Command. Then those methods will be available in the shell.


  • automatic help command generation (all functions annotated with @Command will be shown with name and description)
  • automatic parameter type checking (if the user inputs a wrong type the shell will tell them)

Plan -> Actual:

Chronological order. Planned time -> actual time

  • read similar projects (cliche) + write task + plan: 20m -> 40m
  • make annotations: 5m -> 5m
  • Write the Shell class: constructor + start method: 1h -> 2h
  • check parameter types: 20 min -> 40m
  • test it + write tests: 30m
  • document it: 15m
  • github description
  • add the nr of required arguments to invalid number of arguments: 5m -> 4m
  • test it: 30m -> 14m


  • make exit not need a function
  • fix help order
  • fix "Private method 'reset()' is never used"
  • publish it: 30m -> 12:00
  • make everything except command and shell private
  • fix deprecated gradle features