A Visual Studio Code Language Extension for Eclipse Proclaim Maths Script
(C) Burnside Consulting Ltd 2019
- Syntax highlighting, including Proclaim Maths Keywords featured in versions up to 3.4.02
- IF THEN ELSE code folding and indentation
- Snippets framework for example maths layouts, plus sample snippet for IF ELSEIF ELSE END
This extension is available on the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. Search for "Proclaim Maths"
To install a development version directly from the GIT respository files:
- Create a directory %userprofile%/.vscode/extensions/proclaimscript
- Copy contents of this repository into it, restart VSCode
- Create a blank file, and save it with extension .pro (or load one previously saved from Proclaim Maths editor). The syntax highlighter will then recognise and parse the code.
Written on VS Code version 1.36.0 Node.js 10.11.0
No specific settings at this time.
- Numeric characters inside variable names are not correctly colour coded. (the aim is to emphasise which strings Proclaim will interpret as a variable name)
- IF ELSE autocompletion competition with C/C++ makes writing IF ELSE blocks a little clunky
- autocomplete / folding of IF ELSE is case sensitive.
See CHANGELOG.md for recent changes, or Git repository for more detail First release 0.1.1 on 13/08/2019
- theme/colouring to match Proclaim editor when VSCode theme is white background
- more snippets for sample keywords, based on Example Maths from ProclaimForum.co.uk
- Intellisense / autocomplete for inline help for keywords
Pull requests welcomed
- Syntax highlighting rules are defined in pro.tmlLanguage.json
- Indentation rules are defined in language-configuration.json
- Snippets (sample code/Intellisense) stored in snippets.json
- In Proclaim v3.4+, the definition of the built-in syntax highlighter (CodeJock Syntax Edit) is stored in ConfigEditor/Schemas/_Proclaim.schclass
- To see how the extension has parsed a specific line/keywork, go View-->Command Palette.. Developer: Inspect TM Scopes
- For contributing/making changes to the extension, instead of 'installing' the script into your extensions directory try running the extension in the VSCode Extension Development Host
- copy /proclaimscript into %userprofile/proclaimscript
- open launch.json in VSCode
- hit F5 to open the Extension Development Host
- open the examples/test.pro file to test out syntax highlighting.
- make changes to the extension in the main VSCode window, reloading to see the effect on the extension
GNU GPL v3.0 See LICENSE file for full details