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Uatschitchun edited this page Jun 15, 2022 · 9 revisions


I've tried to document my installation procedure. Maybe helpful to others

Create Database

  • Depends on your hosting environment

Install Wordpress

  • ssh login to webspace
  • download from (wget
  • unzip -d folder_of_your_choice/
  • this unzips into folder folder_of_your_choice/wordpress
  • mv folder_of_your_choice/wordpress/* folder_of_your_choice/
  • rm -r folder_of_your_choice/wordpress
  • Set Your_Domain to point to folder_of_your_choice/
  • Call http://Your_Domain/wp-admin/install.php
  • Follow the setup wizard and put in your DB credentials
  • Give site name and create admin user with password
  • This will bring you to your WP's admin Dashboard

Install Theme

  • Download latest version of Quartiersplattform from github
  • Go to "Design --> Theme installieren" and upoad
  • Once Quartiersplattform is uploaded and installed, acticate it

Install needed Plugins

  • Download ACF *Pro* and install & activate it, like stated in Dashboard
  • Download Ultimate Member and install & activate it, like stated in Dashboard
  • Download WP Mail SMTP, install & activate it

Configuration of Quartiersplattform

Ultimate Ultimate Member

  • Configure Ultimate Member, like stated in the documentation:
  • Let the plugin create its sites (button in Dashboard)
  • Go to Ultimate Member --> Formulare and note the shortcode for Default Profile. In my case it was [ultimatemember form_id="42"]
  • Go to Seiten in Dashboard's menu, choose Profil and enter this shortcode (Hit the + button to add a block, type shortcode to create a shortcode-block and enter the shortcode from above. Hit Aktualisieren to save the page. FIXED, PR:
  • Go back to Dashboard by clicking the W in the upper left corner
  • Go to Ultimate Member --> Einstellungen --> Design --> Profil Menu and deactivate it. Save your settings
  • Go to Ultimate Member --> Einstellungen --> Allgemein --> Konto and deactivate Datenschutz, Nachrichten, Konto löschen, like stated in the documentation. Don't forget to hit save in the bottom. QUESTION: How to delete an account!? The documentation is unclear here. NEEDS FIX
  • The next step in documentation, deactivation of Profilweiterleitung & Mitgliederverzeichnis in Ultimate Member --> Einstellungen --> Allgemein --> Benutzer seems to be obsolete, if I get the documentation correct. Those settings are already deactivated. Activating them isn't even possible. FIXED, PR:
  • Go to Ultimate Member --> Einstellungen --> E-Mail and deactivate all but Willkommens-, Aktivierungs- & beiden Passwort E-Mails. I even also used the chance to get the Betreff of each Mail in a continous manner by starting them with {site_name} - .... I even activated the Neuer Benutzer Benachrichtigung for the Admin-User to be notified about new users. May be of interest in the beginning.
  • I left out the last step, Einstellungen --> Weiterleitungen here, as the documentation states that this is automated now. QUESTION: Obsolete?
  • If you want users to confirm registration with a link sent in a Mail, you need to change to corresponding setting in Ultimate Member --> Benutzerrollen --> Contributor under Registrierungs Optionen

Some own settings I've done

  • I wanted to have * to mark fields that need to be filled when registering a new user.
  • The setting to enable those * is in Ultimate Member --> Einstellungen --> Sonstiges and is named Ein Sternchen für erforderliche Felder anzeigen.
  • If you choose to do so, there's a problem with translation and Benutzername gets username and Passwort gets password. To change this, go to Ultimate Member --> Formulare and choose Default Registration. Click the pencil next to Username and change Beschriftung to Benutzername. Same goes for Password.
  • While you're at it, even also enable the setting Ist dieses Feld erforderlich? in Email Adress to true
  • If you also want the user to check the Datenschutzerklärung when registering, there's an option on the right side for it. Change drop-down menu to Ja and set the correct page for your Datenschutzerklärung. The rest may stay like it is.
  • After you're done, hit Aktualisieren in the upper right to save your changes.


Fixing SPF & DMARC

  • I fixed the SPF error by adding a DNS record (TXT) to my domain's DNS settings. Followed instructions my provider gave me
  • Fixed DMARC with adding another DNS REcord: TXT, _dmarc, "v=DMARC1;p=none;pct=100"
  • After adding these 2 DNS Records, WP MAil SMTP reported success, no more errors ;)

Setting up Quartiersplattform

Add a Datenschutzerklärung

  • Click the button in Dashboard. First time I setup Quartiersplattform there wasn't a page Datenschutzerklärung created, so I did not find it in the dropdown menu. This time it was there.
  • Choose Bearbeiten to edit the page
  • After editing the page choose Veröffentlichen to save it.
  • Hit the W in the upper left corner to leave to Dashboard

Add an Impressum

  • Click the button in Dashboard
  • Click the page Impressum
  • Edit the page and click Aktualisieren when finished to save it
  • Leave the editor

Edit your Quartiers settings

  • Click the button in Dashboard
  • Add a Name (the length of the name is limited!!)
  • Add a headline and description text
  • Add Picture & Logo QUESTION: Would be nice to have the sizes of images shown directly in this dialog, to make it easier to choose correct size when uploading. There are sizes and ratios mentioned here: NOTE: The title picture gets cropped somehow and it's a pita to prepare the picture beforehand so that it fits as liked and needed.

Add Energie Ampel Plugin

More useful plugins

  • WPForms (What for?)
  • Statify (nice google analytics free statistics)

Left Overs

  • Ultimate Member Plugin shows as noch nicht vollständig eingerichtet in Dashboard, up until the end. QUESTION: What is missing, what does it need for this message to disappear?
  • It wasn't possible to log into your Admin's Dashboard neither with using wp-admin nor wp-login. This is a know issue (, as I've noticed only today, and it caused me quite some headache and made me edit function.php. HINT: When logging into Quartiersplattform as admin user, the Dashboard's headline appears and you are able to enter it from there.

Betrieb und Gestaltung

Site Pin

  • If you enable Site Pin on a page, it gets a link box on the front page under the description PICTURE
  • Order of these link badges is by date descending

Project Pin

  • Admins (and only admins) are able to pin projects so that they appear prominent on the startpage

User roles

  • There are no other user roles usefully integrated in QP than Contributor (Mitarbeiter) & Admin (Administrator). WISH: It would be useful and handy to allow more user roles, like editor (Redakteur) and author (Autor)

Writing descriptions

  • One is able to write project and event descriptions directly on the QP, but for to create and design more sophisticated descriptions including pictures, etc., it needs to be able to edit the description within Wprdpress' Dashboard. WISH: As above, more user roles would be needed for to allow editing with WP's Gutenberg Editor but without being able to gain admin rights and (mis-)configure the complete site