- generateHourlyReportsRPI.py code generates the Temperature, Humidity and CO2 values graphs for each hour data and save as photos in a separate folder with proper time stamp.
generate24HReportTogetherAndSeparatelyRPI.py code generates the Temperature, Humidity and CO2 values graphs for whole file data and save as photos in a separate folder.
generate24HReportTogetherAndSeparatelyWithVentilation.py code generates the Temperature, Humidity and CO2 values graphs along with VENTILATION MARKINGS for whole file data and save as photos in a separate folder.
plotTempHumiditySCD40AndDHT11Comparisions.py code generates the report for SCD40 and DHT11 sensor data.
The results that are documneted in the final report were saved in different folders below under Reportsgeneration folder
- Results scenario 1 (/IndoorAirQualityEE5003/Reportsgeneration/Results Scenario 1)
- Results scenario 2 (/IndoorAirQualityEE5003/Reportsgeneration/Results Scenario 2)
- Results scenario 3 (/IndoorAirQualityEE5003/Reportsgeneration/ComparitiveAnalysisResultsBedroom)
feeds.csv is the data imported from the ThingSpeak cloud platform.
random_data.csv is the file with sample fake data to test the report generation. This was just created in the starting and no need to utilise this.
testdata.csv is the file with some real data followed by fake data to plot until the end of the day to test the report generation.