!!! PR Submission Deadline: 2022 Dec 15th 23:59 GMT+4
2. Download Git BASH Client and complete Github configuration in local environment.
Open Gitbash Terminal.
Enter the following command line in the terminal (name and email are filled in according to the github account).
git config --global user.name xxx
git config --global user.email xxxxxx@xxx.com
Create a local SSH —— Secure Shell.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "xxxxxx@xxx.com"
Configure SSH into Github Settings.
Linux: /home/username/.ssh
Mac: /Users/username/.ssh
Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.ssh OR C:\Users\username\.ssh
Open the file id_rsa.pub with Notepad and copy the content.
ssh-ed25519 XXXXX....XXX
Go to github and login your account.
Find "SSH and GPG keys" in personal account settings.
Click "New SSH key" and paste the content from the file "id_rsa.pub".
Then, click "Add SSH key". There is no any specific requirement for title.
Validate if the comfiguration is successful.
ssh -T git@github.com
Remember to type YES, not the Enter key.
3.Fork the open-source codes into the personal remote repository.
Repository URL: WhiteMatrixTech/Middle-East-Turkey-Africa-Web3-Hackathon-Competition (github.com)
4.Clone personal github repository into local environment via SSH.
git clone git@github.com:XXXxx
Enter the destination folder.
cd Middle-East-Turkey-Africa-Web3-Hackathon-Competition
The downloaded folder in Windows can be checked in the route below.
C:\Users\user name\Middle-East-Turkey-Africa-Web3-Hackathon-Competition\
5.Create a folder named by your team name under "projects". Generate a README.md file which contains the information of your team, your project and the link to your github repository.
Team Name:
Job Allocation:
Project Intro:
Video Link:
Repository Addr:
Contract Addr:
Use the command line "git push" to upload the project folder to github.
git add .
git commit -m 'submit'
git push
Then, the README.md file can be seen on the github repository.
6.Click "New pull request" and create a PR(Pull Request).
7.Convert PR into Draft where all the match-related resources should be placed.
8.Accomplish the project and submit.
9.Convert the status of PR into "Ready For Review" as long as the submission has been done. Bootcamp staff will merge all the PRs.