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Papers with respect to NLP-based Financial Forecasting

Stock Price Movement Predicion

Reference Paper Data Source Model Evaluation Metric(s) Time Period Contributions Venue
Ding et al.(2014) Using Structured Events to Predict Stock Price Movement: An Empirical Investigation (1) S&P 500 from Yahoo!Finance, (2) Reuters and Bloomberg Their Open-sourced dataset (404) Linear model, deep NN Predicting S&P500 index: Acc: 59% MCC: 0.1683 Individual stock (Walmart) prediction: Acc: 70% MCC: 0.4679 -/10/2006- -/11/2013 Extract events from news based on OpenIE, Figure out the relation between financial events and stock market EMNLP-14
Ding et al.(2015) Deep Learning for Event-Driven Stock Prediction (1) S&P 500 from Yahoo!Finance,(2)Reuters and Bloomberg (404) CNN S&P500 index: Acc: 64.21%, MCC: 0.40. Individual stock: Acc: 65.48%, MCC: 0.41 01/10/2006-21/11/2013 Events are extracted from news text.Predict uptrend and downtrend probability based on events. IJCAI-2015
Yang et al.(2018) Explainable Text-Driven Neural Network for Stock Prediction Same as Ding et al. 2015 BiGRU+Multi-level Attention Accuracy, MCC -/10/2006- -/11/2013 Accuracy: 0.62-0.74 varing from three companies CCIS-18 (Best Paper)
Du and Ishii(2020) Stock Embeddings Acquired from News Articles and Price History, and an Application to Portfolio Optimization WSJ/Reuters+Bloomberg News BiGRU Accuracy, MCC 2000-2015 2.80x/1.37x annual portfolio gain ACL-20
Duan et al.(2018)/(2019) Deep Learning for Event-Driven Stock Prediction Code&Data (Reuters) Sentence-level Bi-LSTM Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) 2006-2015 Target-Specific Representations of Financial News Documents CoLING-18/TASLP
Merello(2018) Investigating Timing and Impact of News on the Stock Market Financial News Attention model + LSTM + Dense Accuracy, MCC -/08/2017- -/03/2018 Accuracy 62.8%, MCC 0.18 ICDM Workshops 2018
Li et al.(2020) Modeling the Stock Relation with Graph Network for Overnight Stock Movement Prediction Stocks within TPX500 and TPX100 index from Reuters Financial News LSTM, relational graph convolutional network (LSTM-RGCN) Accuracy 01/01/2013- 28/09/2018 Since using the relational graph convolutional network, the proposed network is able to predict the movement of stocks that is not directly associated with news IJCAI-2020
Dang et al.(2020) “The Squawk Bot”∗: Joint Learning of Time Series and Text Data Modalities for Automated Financial Information Filtering Stock time series: Apple (AAPL) and Google (GOOG) collected from Yahoo!Finance (open-sourced) LSTM Precision, Recall -/-/2006- -/-/2013 Propose MSIN that is able to discover- ing relevant documents in association with a given time series IJCAI-2020
Ding et al.(2020) Hierarchical Multi-Scale Gaussian Transformer for Stock Movement Prediction Daily quote data of all 3243 stocks in NASDAQ, 15-min quote data of 500 CSI-500 component stocks (NOT open source) Gaussian Transformer which is an efficient architecture of RNN/CNN Accuracy 01/07/2010- 01/07/2019, 01/12/2015- 01/12-2019 Apply Gaussian Transformer model on stock movement prediction, in which attention mechanism can help to capture extremely long-term dependencies of finance time series. IJCAI-2020
Liu et al.(2020) Multi-scale Two-way Deep Neural Network for Stock Trend Prediction FI-2010, CSI-2016 (NOT open source) Deep NN (XGB, Recurrent CNN Accuracy, F1 score 2010, 2016 Proposed a novel multi-scale model which achieves state-of-the-art performance on the benchmark dataset. IJCAI-2020
Feng et al.(2019) Enhancing Stock Movement Prediction with Adversarial Training (1)88 high-trade-volume-stocks in NASDAQ and NYSE (Xu and Cohen, 2018) (2)50 stocks in U.S. market, Code LSTM, attention model On dataset 1: Acc: 57.2%, MCC: 0.1483. On dataset 2: Acc: 53.05%, MCC: 0.0523. 01/01/2014-01/01/2016, 01/01/2007-01/01/2016 Regard features extracted from historical price as stochastic variables and fix the overfitting problem on training dataset IJCAI-2019
Si et al.(2013) Exploiting Topic based Twitter Sentiment for Stock Prediction (1)Twitter REST API, (2)S&P100 from Yahoo Finance Dirichlet Process Mixture (DPM) model, Vector auto-regression Accuracy: 68% 02/11/2012-07/01/2013 Topic-based time series sentiment analysis. Use historical index data and the topic-based sentiment time series to predict stock movement. ACL-2013
Hu et al.(2019) Listening to Chaotic Whispers: A Deep Learning Framework for News-oriented Stock Trend Prediction 1)2527 Chinese stocks (2)1,271,442 economic news from http: // and http: // Attention model, NN Acc: 48% (tri-label classification problem) Gained 60% annualized return -/-/2014- -/-/2017 They pointed out three principles for news-oriented stock trend prediction, including sequential context dependency, di- verse influence and effective and efficient learning, by imitating the learning process of human. WSDM-19
Xu and Cohen(2018) Stock Movement Prediction from Tweets and Historical Prices (1)88 high-trade-volume-stocks in NASDAQ and NYSE (2) Twitter (also in the link above) Attention model, NN Acc: 58.23% MCC: 0.08 01/01/2014-01/01/2016 Deep generative approach for stock movement, introduce a temporal auxiliary ACL-18
Chen & Wei(2018) Incorporating Corporation Relationship via Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Stock Price Prediction CSI300 company from a public API tushare Graph convolutional network, LSTM Acc: 57.98% 29/04/1027- 31/12/2017 Predict the price movement in day “t” based on historical price from day “t-7” to “t-1” CIKM 2018
Kim et al.(2019) HATS: A Hierarchical Graph Attention Network for Stock Movement Prediction (1) 431 companies of S&P500 from Yahoo Finance, (2) Corporate relational data from Wikidata. Dataset, Code Graph network, attention model, LSTM Individual stock prediction: (tri-label), Acc: 39%, F1:0.32, Average daily return: 0.096 08/02/2013- 17/06/2019 leverage corporate relational data and investigate different types of relation (75).Select useful relations automatically by NN. Make prediction through historical price data and correlation information.
Ye et al.(2020) Multi-Graph Convolutional Network for Relationship-Driven Stock Movement Prediction CSI300 and CSI500 company from a public API tushare Graph convolutional network, Gated recurrent units CSI300L Acc:0.5754, F1:0.6981, MCC: 0.2171. CSI500: Acc: 0.5885, F1: 0.7199, MCC: 0.2377 01/06/2015- 05/12/2019 The idea of this paper is similar with Kim et al. (2019). Differences: (1) predict market index or individual stock price (2) the binary class (3) how to calculate the correlation
Keynes (1937) The General Theory of Employment \ \ \ \ The literature of stock market prediction was initiated by this paper. Eco
Fama (1965) The behavior of stock-market prices. \ \ \ \ Establish the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) Eco
Bondt and Thaler (1985) Does the Stock Market Overreact? CRSP monthly return data from NYSE \ Cumulative Average Residuals -/01/1926- -/12/1982 Empirically prove that the stock price movement is predictable Eco
Jegadeesh (1990) Evidence of Predictable Behavior of Security Returns CRSP monthly return data Regression model Strong negative/positive serial correlation -/-/1929- -/-/1982 Empirically prove that the stock price movement is predictable Eco
Culter et al. (1998) What moves stock prices? Annual return of S&P stock price series Regression model R2 -/-/1871- -/-/1986 one of the first papers to investigate the relationship between news coverage and stock prices, since which empirical text analysis technology has been widely used across numerous disciplines Eco
Brown and Cliff (2004) Investor sentiment and the near-term stock market NYSE Kalmam filter, Vector Autoregression R2 -/03/1965- -/12/1998 used sentiment surveys from companies and signal extraction techniques to derive investor sentiment from market indicators Eco
Ito et al. (2017) Development of sentiment indicators using both unlabeled and labeled posts Yahoo Finance bulletin boards Logistic Regression Accuracy, F1 score, Pearson Correlation 18/11/2014- 30/06/2016 Propose a method for extracting sentiment indicators using unlabeled posts. Develop a sentiment indicator. 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI)
Ito et al. (2017) Development of an Interpretable Neural Network Model for Creation of Polarity Concept Dictionaries 1. Financial news of companies from Tokyo Stock Exchange from Reuters 2. Yahoo Finance Board Deep Neural Network F1 score -/01/2013- -/12/2015 Develop an interpretable NN to extract the sentiment polarity score from documents. And proposed a concept dictionary. 2017 ICDM Workshop
Ito et al. (2016) Polarity propagation of financial terms for market trend analyses using news articles 1. Financial news of companies from Tokyo Stock Exchange from Reuters 2. Yahoo Finance Board Deep Neural Network, SVM Precision, recall, f1 score -/01/2014- -/12/2014 proposed a new text-mining method for giving a polarity score to a new word 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)

Stock Return Forecasting

Reference Paper Data Source Model Evaluation Metric(s) Time Period Contributions Venue
Yang et al. (2019) Leveraging BERT to Improve the FEARS Index for Stock Forecasting Data (Google Search Trend) BERT+Online Training MSE Weekly Data from 2004 to 2015 Combining the FEAR index (calculated by the google search volumn) with the semantic information (key words embedding) FinNLP-2019
Kelly (2018) Estimating the impact of domain-specific news sentiment on financial assets Dow Jones Industrial Average and West Texas Intermediate crude oil Rolling window regression,Vector autoregression Stock market: AR increased by 4.2%, MD decreased by 4.4%, Crude oil market: AR increased by 25.6%, MD decreased by 28.8% 18/02/1998-31/07/2015 present a method and implementation that analyses the content of news using multiple dictionaries that accounts for the specific use of terminology in a given domain Knowledge-Based Systems
Qin et al. (2017) A Dual-Stage Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Network for Time Series Prediction (1) SML 2010, (2)NASDAQ 100 stock LSTM, attention model On NASDAQ dataset, MAE 0.21, MAPE 0.43, RMSE 0.31 26/07/2016- 22/12/2016 Stage1: attention-based feature extraction. Stage2: temporal attention mechanism to select relevant hidden states. IJCAI-2017
Huang et al. (2017) Forecasting stock returns in good and bad times: The role of market states \ \ \ \ The goal in this paper is to show that stock returns are predictable in good times, rather than how to achieve the maximum predictability Eco
Yuan (2015) Market-wide attention, trading, and stock returns Trim Tabs Financial \ \ -/02/1998- -/12-2005 analyze the ability of record-breaking events for the Dow index and front-page articles about the stock market to predict trading patterns and market returns Eco
Oliveira et al. (2013) Some Experiments on Modeling Stock Market Behavior Using Investor Sentiment Analysis and Posting Volume from Twitter (1)All daily tweets from Twitter,(2)Stock market daily variables from Reuters (denied to access) Regression model Returns: R2 0.2, Trading volume: R2 0.41, Volatility: R2 0.67 24/12/2012- 08/02/2013 Confirm the return is unpredictable based on the sentiment indicator.But they think trading volume and volatility are relevant to the tweets volume. WIMS 2013
Schumaker and Chen (2009) Textual Analysis of Stock Market Prediction Using Breaking Financial News: The AZFinText System (1) S&P 500 (2) 9211 financial news articles from Yahoo Finance SVM Directional accuracy: 57%, MSE: 0.04216, Simulated trading: 2.06% return 26/10/2005- 28/11/2005 They show that the model containing both article terms and stock price at the time of article release had the best performance ACM Transactions on Information Systems
Duan et al. (2018) Learning Target-Specific Representations of Financial News Documents For Cumulative Abnormal Return Prediction Reuters Neural attention, Bi-directional LSTM AUC 09/2006-12/2015 Target-specific document representation model which disregards noise. Uses full news article for stock prediction. COLING-2018

Portfolio Management

Reference Paper Data Source Model Evaluation Metric(s) Time Period Contributions Venue
Malandri(2018) Public Mood–Driven Asset Allocation: the Importance of Financial Sentiment in Portfolio Management NYSE companies Random forest classifier, Multi-layer Perceptron, LSTM Trading simulation 24/01/2012-02/06/2017 Discuss how public mood affect portfolio management Cognitive Computation
Frank Z. X. (2018) Intelligent Asset Allocation via Market Sentiment Views StockTwits Recurrent Neural Network Trading simulation of one period portfolio asset allocation (5 stocks) 08/14/2017-16/11/2017 A novel neural network design, built upon an ensemble of evolving clustering and long short-term memory, is used to formalize sentiment information into market views.These views are later integrated into modern portfolio theory through a Bayesian approach. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
Picasso(2019) Technical analysis and sentiment embeddings for market trend prediction NASDAQ 100 companies RF, SVM, feed forward NN Trading simulation (20 stocks) 03/07/2017-14/06/2018 Maximum 85.2% Annualized Return Expert Systems with Applications
Zhu et al. (2020) Online Portfolio Selection with Cardinality Constraint and Transaction Costs based on Contextual Bandit New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE), S&P500 and Dow Jones 30 composite stocks (DJIA). (open source) Asset combination selection algorithm: Lazy Exp4. Allocation algorithm: Transaction Costs-aware Gradient Projection (TCGP) Maximum Drawdown and Cumulative Return on all four datasets 03/06/1962-31/12/1984, 04/01/1994- 31/12/1998, 14/01/2001- 14/01/2003, 11/02/2013- 07/02/2018 Propose an online portfolio selection method taking the Cardinality Constrains and Transaction Costs into account IJCAI-2020
Nakagawa et al. (2020) RM-CVaR: Regularized Multiple β-CVaR Portfolio Fama and French (FF) dataset (select FF25 and FF48) (NOT open-sourced) Regularized Multiple β-CVaR portfolio Annualized return increased by 7%, Maximum Drawdown decreased by 15% -/01/1989- -/12/2018 Use Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) as the risk measure (formulated by single β ) and raise a new method to tackle the problem that small change of β causes huge change of portfolio structure IJCAI-2020
Cai (2020) Vector Autoregressive Weighting Reversion Strategy for Online Portfolio Selection NYSE_O, NYSE_N, DJIA, TSE (NOT open-sourced) Vector Autoregressive moving-average (VARMA) Cumulative Wealth 03/07/1962- 30/06/2010 To improve the performance of reversion based online portfolio selection strategy IJCAI-2020
Xu et al. (2020) Relation-Aware Transformer for Portfolio Policy Learning Crypto-A with 12 assets, Crypto-B with 37 assets, S&P-500 with 506 assets Sequential Model Cumulative return -/02/2013- -/11/2019 Tackle the problem that current portfolio policies are not able to capture the 1) sequential patterns of assets price series, 2) price correlation among multiple assets IJCAI-2020
Huang & Li (2020) A Two-level Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Ambiguous Mean-variance Portfolio Selection Problem experimental work is done in MATLAB by the Monte Carlo simulations of returns from a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) as the underlying mixture distribution Mean-Variance portfolio policy, Progressive Hedging Algorithm (PHA) The Two-Layer framework produces \ Assume the statistics of assets’ returns are unknown to the investors, propose a portfolio management framework IJCAI-2020
Pun et al. (2020) Financial Thought Experiment: A GAN-based Approach to Vast Robust Portfolio Selection An empirical dataset on S&P 500 index (NOT open-sourced) Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), and a regression network In bearish market, GANr has the lowest annualized risk. In bullish market, GANr’s performance is similar with two benchmarks. 01/12/2006-30/06/2009, 31/12/2015-29/12/2017 Build an adversarial network to mimic the trading behaviors in the real-world, and results in a robust portfolio. IJCAI-2020
Lee et al. (2020) MAPS: Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning-based Portfolio Management System 18 year’s data of 3000 US companies (list of companies from Russell 3000 index) (NOT open source) MLP encoder, Q-network The value of MAPS portfolio is twice as the other baseline models -/-/2012- -/-/2018 Each agent stands for an investor. Propose a model that guides the agents act as diversely as possible while maximum their own returns IJCAI-2020
Markowitz (1954) Portfolio Selection (unaccessible now) \ \ \ \ Introduce Mean-Variance Theory of portfolio management Eco
Kelly (1956) A New Interpretation of Information Rate. \ \ \ \ Capital Growth Theory. Eco
Cover (1991) UNIVERSAL PORTFOLIOS \ \ \ \ Propose universal portfolios algorithm. The universal portfolio algorithm is a portfolio selection algorithm from the field of machine learning and information theory. The algorithm learns adaptively from historical data and maximizes the log-optimal growth rate in the long run. Eco
Markowitz et al.(2000) Mean-variance analysis in portfolio choice and capital markets \ \ \ \ Introduce Mean-Variance Theory of portfolio management Eco

Trading Strategy Analysis

Reference Paper Data Source Model Evaluation Metric(s) Time Period Contributions Venue
Zhong et al. (2020) Data-Driven Market-Making via Model-Free Learning Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)’s Globex electronic trading platform (NOT open source) Stochastic iterative method (Q- learning) Proposed Q-learning algorithm outperforms two benchmark algorithms and the firm’s trading strategy 01/01/2019- 31/12/2019 Study when a market-making firm should place orders to maximize their expected net profit, while also constraining risk Eco
Lin & Beling (2020) An End-to-End Optimal Trade Execution Framework based on Proximal Policy Optimization One-year millisecond Trade and Quote (TAQ) data of 14 stocks (NOT open-sourced) Fully Connected Network, LSTM Mean of Implementation Shortfall (IS), standard deviation of IS, and Gain-Loss Ratio (GLR) -/01/2018- -/12/2018 Based on Limit Order Book (LOB) information such as bid or ask prices, make trading decision directly without manually attributes IJCAI-2020
Spooner & Savani (2020) Robust Market Making via Adversarial Reinforcement Learning \ Adversarial Reinforcement Learning The resulting performance shows an improvement in the Sharpe ratio of 0.27 and lower variance on terminal wealth \ Use Adversarial Reinforcement Learning to product market making agents IJCAI-2020
Poli et al. (2020) WATTNet: Learning to Trade FX via Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Representation of Highly Multivariate Time Series Collect 6 major NDF markets: US Dollar – Chinese Yuan, US Dollar – Indonesian Rupiah, US Dollar – Indian Rupee, US Dollar – Philippine Peso, US Dollar – Taiwan Dollar (NOT open-sourced) NN 219.1 Return over Investment in USDCNY market, whereas LSTM model got 74.3 10/09/2013-17/06/2019 Focus on non-deliverable forward (NDF) selection, which is a derivatives contract used in foreign ex- change (FX) trading IJCAI-2020

Measuring Forecasting Skill

Reference Paper Data Source Model Evaluation Metric(s) Time Period Contributions Venue
Zong et al. (2020) Measuring Forecasting Skill from Text Geopolitical Forecasting Data, Earnings Call Data BERT-base \ 2014-2018 They presented the first study of connections between people’s forecasting skill and language used to justify their predictions. ACL-2020

Interpretable Model

Reference Paper Data Source Model Evaluation Metric(s) Time Period Contributions Venue
Ito et al. (2020) Contextual Sentiment Neural Network for Document Sentiment Analysis. 1.EcoRevs I and II. 2. Yahoo review 3. Sentiment 140 Deep NN, Contextual Sentiment Neural Network (CSNN) Macro F1 score \ To improve the interpretability of NN, they propose a novel initialization propagation (IP) learning to replace BP algorithm. Data Science and Engineering
Ito et al. (2020) SSNN: Sentiment Shift Neural Network 1. EcoRevs I and II. 2. Yahoo review 3. Sentiment 140 Sentiment Shift Neural Network Macro F1 score \ Proposed a Joint Sentiment Propagation (JSP) learning to realize the interpretability of neural network layers Proceedings of the 2020 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
Ito et al. (2020) Word-Level Contextual Sentiment Analysis with Interpretability 1. EcoRevs I and II. 2. Yahoo review 3. Sentiment 140 Sentiment Interpretable Neural Network (SINN), Macro F1 score \ Propose Lexical Initialization Learning to improve the interpretability of NN. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Ito et al. (2019) CSNN: Contextual Sentiment Neural Network 1. EcoRevs I and II. 2. Yahoo review 3. Sentiment 140 Contextual Sentiment Neural Network (CSNN) Macro F1 score, Pearson Correlation Coefficient \ To improve the interpretability of NN, they propose a novel initialization propagation (IP) learning to replace BP algorithm. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)
Nakagawa et al. (2019) Deep Recurrent Factor Model: Interpretable Non-Linear and Time-Varying Multi-Factor Model 1. TOPIX 500 index from Tokyo Stock Exchange, 2. Nikkei Portfolio Master (NPM) and Bloomberg LSTM-LRP MAE, RMSE, annualized return, volatility, Sharpe ratio -/12/1990- -/03/2015 By combining the Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) with LSTM, they improved the interpretability of model. AAAI-19 Workshop on Network Interpretability for Deep Learning

Discourse Analysis

Reference Paper Data Source Model Evaluation Metric(s) Time Period Contributions Venue
Ito et al. (2020) Learning Company Embeddings from Annual Reports for Fine-grained Industry Characterization 1.10K reports of companies in US stock market(in English) 2.10K reports of companies in Tokyo Stock Exchange(in Japanese) BERT-base-uncased model (for English text), Japanese pre-trained model (for Japanese text) Related Company Extraction Test, Theme-based Extraction Test 2018, 2019 propose to learn vector representations of companies based on their annual reports Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing
Ito et al. (2019) (cannot download from UCD library) Segment Information Extraction From Financial Annual Reports Using Neural Network \ \ \ \ \ 2019 Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence

Text Visualization

Reference Paper Data Source Model Evaluation Metric(s) Time Period Contributions Venue
Ito et al. (2018) GINN: Gradient Interpretable Neural Networks for Visualizing Financial Texts 1.Yahoo Finance Board, 2. Reuters financial news, 3. Stock codes from Tokyo Stock Exchange Gradient Interpretable Neural Network (GINN) Macro F1 score -/01/2007- -/12/2016 the GINN can visualize important concepts given in various sentence contexts. Such visualization helps nonexperts easily understand financial documents. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics
Ito et al. (2019) (cannot download from UCD library) Concept Cloud-based Sentiment Visualization for Financial Reviews \ \ \ \ \ 2019 The International Conference on Decision Economics
Ito et al. (2019) Word-level Sentiment Visualizer for Financial Documents 1.Current economy watchers survey, 2.Synthetic dataset, 3.Yahoo Dataset, 4.Manually created word polarity lists. LRP-RNN, Bidirectional LSTM Macro F1 score \ Proposed Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) for word-level sentiment. Proposed two frameworks LWSV and GWSV for financial text-visualization. 2019 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering (CIFEr)
Ito et al. (2018) (cannot download from UCD library) Text-visualizing Neural Network Model: Understanding Online Financial Textual Data \ \ \ \ \ Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining


Reference Paper Data Source Model Evaluation Metric(s) Time Period Contributions Venue
Zamani et al. (2017) Using Twitter Language to Predict the Real Estate Market Census Bureau, Zillow, Twitter Residualised Control Regression \ 2011-2013 Shows twitter data can be predictive of real estate. Residualised control approach to multi-modal features. EACL-2017