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File metadata and controls

620 lines (465 loc) · 17.8 KB


Gattica is an easy to use Gem for getting data from the Google Analytics API V3.


  • Supports: metrics, dimensions, sorting, filters, goals, and segments.
  • Get acces to the Management API, Reporting API, MCF Reporting API and the Metadata API.
  • Handles accounts with over 1000 profiles
  • Returns data as: hash, json, CSV

Quick Start

Here are bare basics to get you up and running.


Add Gattica to your Gemfile

gem 'gattica', git: 'git://'

Don't forget to bundle install:

$ bundle install

If you want to get a refresh token to use for offline access, run:

$ bundle exec gattica_get_access_token

Login, get a list of accounts, pick an account, and get data:

# Include the gem
require 'gattica'

# Login using your OAUHT2 Token
ga ={ 
    token: 'oauth2_token'

# Get a list of accounts
accounts = ga.accounts

# Choose the first account
ga.profile_id = accounts.first.profile_id

# Get the data
data = ga.get({ 
    start_date:   '2011-01-01',
    end_date:     '2011-04-01',
    dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
    metrics:      ['visits', 'bounces'],

# Show the data
puts data.inspect

General Usage

Create your Gattica object

ga ={ token: 'oauth2_token' })

Query for accounts you have access to

# Retrieve a list of accounts
accounts = ga.accounts

# Show information about accounts
puts "---------------------------------"
puts "Available profiles: " + accounts.count.to_s
accounts.each do |account|
  puts "   --> " + account.title
  puts "   last updated: " + account.updated.inspect
  puts "   web property: " + account.web_property_id
  puts "     profile id: " + account.profile_id.inspect
  puts "          goals: " + account.goals.count.inspect

Set which profile Gattica needs to use

# Tell Gattica to query profile ID 5555555
ga.profile_id = 5555555 

Get data from Google Analytics

The Get method will get data from Google Analytics and return Gattica::DataSet type.

Here's an example:

# Get the number of visitors by month from Jan 1st to April 1st.
data = ga.get({ 
    start_date:   '2011-01-01',
    end_date:     '2011-04-01',
    dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
    metrics:      ['visitors']

Using Dimension & Metrics

Here are some additional examples that illustrate different things you can do with dimensions and metrics.


# Sorting by number of visits in descending order (most visits at the top)
data = ga.get({ 
    start_date:   '2011-01-01',
    end_date:     '2011-04-01',
    dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
    metrics:      ['visits'],
    sort:         ['-visits']

Limiting results

# Limit the number of results to 25.
data = ga.get({ 
    start_date:   '2011-01-01',
    end_date:     '2011-04-01',
    dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
    metrics:      ['visits'],
    max_results:  25 

JSON formatted string

# Return data as a json string. (Useful for NoSQL databases)
my_json = data.to_h['points'].to_json

# => 
#   "[{
#       \"xml\":\"<entry> .... </entry>\",
#       \"id\":\" ...",
#       \"updated\":\"2011-03-31T17:00:00-07:00\",
#       \"title\":\"ga:month=01 | ga:year=2011\",
#       \"dimensions\":[{\"month\":\"01\"},{\"year\":\"2011\"}],
#       \"metrics\":[{\"visitors\":6}]
#     },
#     { 
#       \"xml\":\"<entry> .... </entry>\",
#       \"id\":\" ...",
#       ...
#   }]"

CSV formatted string

# Return the data in CSV format.  (Useful for using in Excel.)

# Short CSV will only return your dimensions and metrics:
short_csv = data.to_csv(:short)   

# => "month,year,visitors\n\n01,2011, ...."

# Long CSV will get you a few additional columns:
long_csv = data.to_csv            

# => "id,updated,title,month,year,visitors\n\nhttp:// ..."

DIY formatting

# You can work directly with the 'point' method to return data.
data.points.each do |data_point|
  puts "#{data_point[:keyword]} got #{visitors} visitors"

# => 
#   keyword 1 got 34552 visitors
#   keyword 2 got 36732 visitors
#   keyword 3 got 45642 visitors
#   keyword 4 got 44456 visitors

Using Filter, Goals, and Segments

Learn more about filters: Google Data feed filtering reference

Get profiles with goals

# Get all the profiles that have goals
profiles_with_goals = { |account| account.goals.count > 0 }

# => 
#   [{
#     :id                => "",
#     :updated           => Mon, 16 May 2011 16:40:30 -0700,
#     :title             => "Profile Title",
#     :table_id          => "ga:123456",
#     :account_id        => 123456,
#     :account_name      => "Account name",
#     :profile_id        =>  123456,
#     :web_property_id   => "UA-123456-3",
#     :currency          => "EUR",
#     :timezone          => "",
#     :ecommerce         => true,
#     :site_search       => true,
#     :goals =>[{
#         :active   => "true", 
#         :name     => "Goal name", 
#         :number   => 1, 
#         :value    => 0.0
#     }]
#   }, 
#   {
#     :id                => "",
#     :updated           => Mon, 16 May 2011 16:40:30 -0700, 
#     :title             => "Profile Title", 
#     ...
#   }]

List available segments

# Get all the segments that are available to you
segments = ga.segments

# Segments with negative gaid are default segments from Google.
# Segments with positive gaid numbers are custom segments that you created.
# =>
#   [{
#     :id          => "gaid::-1", 
#     :name        => "All Visits", 
#     :definition  => " ",
#     :updated     => "2013-11-28 20:30:40"
#   }, 
#   {
#     :id          => "gaid::-2", 
#     :name        => "New Visitors", 
#     :definition  => "ga:visitorType==New Visitor",
#     :updated     => "2013-11-28 20:30:40"
#   }, 
#   {
#     :id          => ... # more default segments
#     :name        => ...
#     :definition  => ...
#     :updated     => ...
#   },
#   {
#     :id          => "gaid::12345678", 
#     :name        => "Name of segment", 
#     :definition  => "ga:keyword=...."
#     :updated     => ...
#   }, 
#   {
#     :id          => ... # more custom segments
#     :name        => ...
#     :definition  => ...
#     :updated     => ...
#   }]

Query by segment

# Return visits and bounces for mobile traffic 
# (Google's default user segment gaid::-11)

mobile_traffic = ga.get({ 
  start_date:   '2011-01-01', 
  end_date:     '2011-02-01', 
  dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
  metrics:      ['visits', 'bounces'],
  segment:      'gaid::-11'


Filters are boolean expressions in strings. Here's an example of an equality:

# Filter by Firefox users
firefox_users = ga.get({
  start_date:   '2010-01-01', 
  end_date:     '2011-01-01',
  dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
  metrics:      ['visits', 'bounces'],
  filters:      ['browser == Firefox']

Here's an example of greater-than:

# Filter where visits is >= 10000
lots_of_visits = ga.get({
  start_date:   '2010-01-01', 
  end_date:     '2011-02-01',
  dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
  metrics:      ['visits', 'bounces'],
  filters:      ['visits >= 10000']

Multiple filters is an array. Currently, they are only joined by 'AND'.

# Firefox users and visits >= 10000
firefox_users_with_many_pageviews = ga.get({
  start_date:   '2010-01-01', 
  end_date:     '2011-02-01',
  dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
  metrics:      ['visits', 'bounces'],
  filters:      ['browser == Firefox', 'visits >= 10000']

Even More Examples!

Top 25 keywords that drove traffic

Output the top 25 keywords that drove traffic to your website in the first quarter of 2013.

# Get the top 25 keywords that drove traffic
data = ga.get({ 
  start_date:   '2013-01-01',
  end_date:     '2013-04-01',
  dimensions:   ['keyword'],
  metrics:      ['visits'],
  sort:         ['-visits'],
  max_results:  25 

# Output our results
data.points.each do |data_point|
  kw = data_point.dimensions.detect { |dim| dim.key == :keyword }.value
  visits = data_point.metrics.detect { |metric| metric.key == :visits }.value
  puts "#{visits} visits => '#{kw}'"

# =>
#   19667 visits => '(not set)'
#   1677 visits => 'keyword 1'
#   178 visits => 'keyword 2'
#   165 visits => 'keyword 3'
#   161 visits => 'keyword 4'
#   112 visits => 'keyword 5'
#   105 visits => 'seo company reviews'
#   ...

Additional Options & Settings

Meta Data

If you want to have an overview of all the metadata field you're able to use within the Reporting API.

ga ={
      token: 'oauth2_token'

This will provide you with a list of all metadata.

Multi Channel Funnels

Getting access to Multi Channel Funnels is working the same way as the method for getting data from the Reporting API.

ga ={
      token: 'oauth2_token'
data = ga.mcf({ 
  start_date:   '2013-01-01',
  end_date:     '2013-04-01',
  dimensions:   ['basicChannelGroupingPath'],
  metrics:      ['totalConversions'],
  sort:         ['-totalConversions'],
  max_results:  25 

This will provide you with a list of all metrics for multi channel funnels.

Content Experiments

Get access to the Content Experiments. This works a litle different as you also have to provide the account id, web property id and profile id.

ga ={
      token: 'oauth2_token'
experiments = ga.experiments(123456, 'UA-123456', 123456)

This will provide you with a list of all experiments and variants.

Setting HTTP timeout

If you have a lot of profiles in your account (like 1000+ profiles) querying for accounts may take over a minute. Net::HTTP will timeout and an exception will be raised.

To avoid this, specify a timeout when you instantiate the Gattica object:

ga ={ 
    token: 'oauth2_token',
    timeout: 600  # Set timeout for 10 minutes!

The default timeout is 300 seconds (5 minutes). Change the default in: lib/gattica/settings.rb

For reference 1000 profiles with 2-5 goals each takes around 90-120 seconds.

Specifying your own headers

Google expects a special header in all HTTP requests called 'Authorization'. Gattica handles this header automatically. If you want to specify your own you can do that when you instantiate Gattica:

ga ={
    token: 'oauth2_token',
    headers: {'My-Special-Header':'my_custom_value'}

Using HTTP proxy

You can set http proxy settings when you instantiate the Gattica object:

ga ={
    token: 'oauth2_token',
    http_proxy: { host: '', port: 8080, user: 'username', password: 'password' }

Specifying SSL certificates directory

You can set ssl certificates directory path when you instantiate the Gattica object:

ga ={
    token: 'oauth2_token',
    http_proxy: { host: '', port: 8080, user: 'username', password: 'password' },
    ssl_ca_path: '/usr/lib/ssl/certs'

GZIP Compression

You can set GZIP compression when he instantiate the Gattica object (default is false):

ga ={
    token: 'oauth2_token',
    gzip: true


Version history


  • Retrieve the experiments that you're running via the Management API.


  • Fix a bug which prevented data for accounts to be pulled.


  • Now also supporting multi channel funnel data.


  • Add the Metadata API to the Gattica gem.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from using GZIP to get metrics and segments.

1.3.1 & 1.3.2

  • Always use high precision for sampled data + fix the export to CSV method.


  • Finally move the reporting API part to the new V3 API so you're able to retrieve the data.


  • Improve the get methods for retrieving metrics via the reporting API.

1.2.2 & 1.2.3

  • Provide some extra data for goals, accounts & segments.


  • Upgrade to Ruby 1.9.1 and the new Ruby hash syntax



  • Add support for using GZIP to compress data
  • Use efficient query parameters to the V3 Management API to increase performance


  • Update to use Google Analytics V3 API for both reporting and management

    TL;DR: Use the V3 API now

    • :) Support for OAuth 2.0 as the new, recommended way to authorize users.
    • :) New JSON based output reduces the size of the response ~10x from the previous XML output.
    • :( It's not that easy any more to use the gem for plug and play.
    • :( Remove support for XML output as we already support JSON.


  • Incorporated fixes by tbem
    • Escape commas in filters.
    • Add proxy support and ssl_ca_path support


  • Incorporated fixes by vgololobov
    • Removed circular dependency
    • Fixed 1.9.3 init exception chrisle#6


  • Update to use Google Analytics v2.4 management API

    TL;DR: Uses the v2.4 API now because Google deprecated <2.3.

    • :) - Drop-in replacement for you.
    • :) - Won't timeout anymore.
    • :) - Accounts method might be faster if you have a few profiles
    • :( - Accounts method is notably slower if you have >1000 profiles.

    Google has changed the output of the API < 2.3. Most notable changes were the output of what was the /management/accounts/default call. Some of the XML changed, but most notably it didn't return everything all at once. It used to look like this:

  • Fixed token [deviantech]


  • Added some tests - needs more work :(


  • Removed version numbers [john mcgrath]


  • Removed monkey patch [mathieuravaux]


  • Added a configuration file to unit tests
  • Removed version.rb. Not needed. (thanks John McGrath see:
  • Migrated examples and rewrote README file


  • FIXED: Typo in start-index parameter
  • Refactored Engine class into it's own file.
  • Began to re-style code to wrap at 80 characters
  • Added some unit tests


  • Added Ruby 1.9 support (Thanks @mathieuravaux
  • Uses hpricot 0.8.4 now. 0.8.3 segfaults.
  • Added ability to change the timeout when requesting analytics from Google
  • Added the ability to use max_results


  • scottp Added Analytics API v2 header, and basic support for "segment" argument.


  • er1c updated to use standard Ruby CSV library


  • Support for filters (filters are all AND'ed together, no OR yet)


  • More robust error checking on HTTP calls
  • Added to_xml to get raw XML output from Google

0.2.0 / 2009-04-27

  • Changed initialization format: pass a hash of options rather than individual email, password and profile_id
  • Can initialize with a valid token and use that instead of requiring email/password each time
  • Can initialize with your own logger object instead of having to use the default (useful if you're using with Rails, initialize with RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER)
  • Show error if token is invalid or expired (Google returns a 401 on any HTTP call)
  • Started tests

0.1.4 / 2009-04-22

  • Another attempt at getting the gem to build on github

0.1.3 / 2009-04-22

  • Getting gem to build on github

0.1.2 / 2009-04-22

  • Updated readme and examples, better documentation throughout

0.1.1 / 2009-04-22

  • When outputting as CSV, surround each piece of data with double quotes (appears pretty common for various properties (like Browser name) to contain commas

0.1.0 / 2009-03-26

  • Basic functionality working good. Can't use filters yet.


Management API

  • List web properties.
  • List views (profiles).
  • List all filters.
  • List all goals.
  • List custom data sources.
  • List custom metrics.
  • List custom dimensions.
  • List unsampled reports.

Reporting API

  • Add quotaUser options.

Maintainer history