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Lesson 1. Code vs configuration.

Designing a robust way to consume external configuration.


Observations below apply only to software deployed in a cloud, when a developer has access to both code and configuration. On-premise software needs configuration for completely different reasons.

Change management

In information technology and computer science, a program is described as stateful if it is designed to remember preceding events or user interactions; the remembered information is called the state of the system.

System state transition

Time cannot go back. State change of a system with side effects cannot be rolled back. If the system in the new state fails to meet requirements, it needs to be transitioned to another state where it meets requirements again.

For example, start 'ping' command, that enters stable state #1 printing "Reply from ...". Then disable a NICs, so 'ping' enters state #2, printing "Transmit failure". Enabling NIC brings 'ping' to state #3, printing "Reply from ..." again. From the user point of view state #1 and #3 are identical, as if the system has recovered.

A TCP connection exhibits different behaviour. When it experiences fault, action is taken depending on the nature of the fault. System tries to get to good state for transient errors and shuts down if error is persistent.

An error is persistent if the frequency of occurrence of the associated fault exceeds some predetermined threshold. ["Reliable Computer Systems: Design and Evaluatuion", Daniel Siewiorek, ‎Robert Swarz]

Persistent failure must be handled by a supervising entity, for example, a human restarting telnet client.

When system is not ready to handle failure, it's up to supervisor to recover the system.


Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. Hall & Hallgrímsson, "Strickberger's Evolution (4th ed.)."

Evolutionary principle applies to changes in software. Successful change propagates to entire system, evolving it to the next generation. Change that introduces failure should be detected and, if possible, abandoned before it propagates.


Detection mechanisms rely on evidences, or signals, including, but not limited to:

  • [scientific] validation
  • tests and experiments
  • reviews
  • historical evidences
  • confidence

Amount of signal to collect may be enforced (mandatory reviews, required test coverage, a/b testing for a specified period, staged rollout). In most cases enforcement depends on the anticipated consequences. An example, for a change in documentation confidence may be enough. However adding comment line to Erlang source file may need a review and justification, as, incidentally, it leads to a change in the system!

What is configuration?

And how it is different to source code

  1. Environment: hostname, operating system, kernel version, VM version, geographical location, hardware capabilities. Available only at runtime. Safe defaults may be available, changes are not expected.
  2. API for external consumption, usually in a different language: user preferences, feature flags (including kill switches, knobs, gatekeepers, guards, long running a/b experiments). Safe defaults are always available, changes are expected.
  3. Internal API exposed to bypass signal collection stages: settings assuming knowledge of system internals. Also includes code written in a different language and auxiliary databases, often available at build time, but consumed in runtime.


Settings that are expected to remain static during the entire runtime session. System does not expect any changes and is not designed to handle the change. For example, Windows 10 is not able to use hot-plugged CPU, as it assumes CPU count constant through the entire session, until rebooted.

However, Windows 2016 Server is able to detect and use these. Which turns CPU count setting into second category - "API for external consumption".

Handling of environment configuration changes is not covered in this lesson.

API for external consumption

The system is expected to change behaviour to reflect a change in configuration. Change request comes from potentially untrusted source, so it must be validated before proceeding, and rejected if it is not valid. A good example of this behaviour is Apache web server, refusing to reload invalid configuration.

Configuration change must not be persisted until system reached stable state. See Configuration as a secondary code delivery pipeline and "Consuming externally supplied changes" exercise below.

Bootstrapping problem, when the system never reaches stable state, and thus unable to reject the very first change, is always persistent failure that cannot be recovered by the system itself. It must be resolved by the supervising entity.

API for external consumption must be documented and supported, and should maintain backward compatibility.

Internal API

Signal collection stages required to make a change may become cumbersome and counter-productive. Urgent business needs may justify exposing system internals in an unsafe way, deliberately introducing a backdoor.

This approach is usually discouraged, as it leads to technical debt accumulation, unexpected dependencies, potential security issues and hair loss. To ensure uninterrupted service, most organisations enforce some form of signal collection when internal APIs are used to make a change to the system. Ultimately, it leads to treating configuration the same way as code, but expressed in a different language.

There may be other reasons to expose internal APIs via configuration language. For example, configuration delivery pipeline (CDP) may be more mature and robust than code delivery one. That, however, raises a question what should be considered code, and what is configuration.

Configuration as code? Configuration is code!

Configuration as code is the formal migration of config between environments, backed by a version control system.

Configuration is code, often expressed in a different language. For example, Java software may consume XML configuration. Erlang code may rely on JSON-formatted files. Complexity of configuration definition language may reach a level when configuration itself becomes too difficult to maintain, and configuration complexity clock makes a full turn.

Configuration Complexity Clock

In the pub after work someone quips, “we’re back where we started four years ago, hard coding everything, except now in a much crappier language.”

Most of "internal API" configuration is code. Using code deployment techniques for updating this configuration should be preferred to writing it using a different DSL in a different repository.

Configuration as a secondary code delivery pipeline

As mentioned in Internal API, configuration delivery pipeline may be more reliable and robust than the primary (code) delivery pipeline. However introducing secondary pipeline is not as straightforward as it may look:

  • code delivered as configuration needs to be correctly merged into running code, or rejected, if it cannot be merged
  • dependencies between code & configuration must be supported and properly maintained, including backward compatibility
  • delivery pipeline must be implemented, supported and maintained
  • delivery pipeline must define and observe consistent SLA

See "Consuming externally supplied changes" exercise 2 for an example of following this process.

Exercise 1. Configuration is code, as in Erlang OTP

Official Erlang history starts in 1988, when it first escaped the Ericsson labs. It took nearly 10 years to open source Erlang and OTP, Open Telecom Platform. The language is nearly as old as C++ (first mentions in 1978 and first standard released in 1998). It proved mature enough to support Ericsson broadband, ATM and GPRS solutions in 1996. Design patterns provided by OTP are battle-tested and stood the test of time.

Original designation of the language (embedded systems) heavily influenced design decisions. Providing two separate delivery pipelines (code & configuration) is not trivial. Thus, traditionally, for Erlang/OTP, configuration change is code change.

Using OTP releases to deliver configuration changes

Source code: OTP Releases Example

Erlang release, containing a single application with one variable to configure. Tags 0.1.0, 0.2.0 and 0.3.0.

ex1_relup example

This simple example demonstrates approach taken by Erlang/OTP design. First version of the system prints a pre-configured text every second. Upgrade to second version changes the only configuration parameter available, delay between printed messages. Third version shows that same effect is reached without using configuration variable, and resulting code is easier to read and understand. While update procedure is not any different from the previous one.

Useful patterns

  • if a configuration variable is mentioned once, and only in one module, and is not designed as an external API (e.g. validated, documented, supported, and keeps backward compatible behaviour), it should be replaced with actual value, it it's self-explaining (e.g. atom named 'yesterday'), or a macro definition, if is not (SECONDS_IN_A_DAY is better than 86400).
  • if a configuration variable used multiple times, but only in one module, it should be replaced with macro definition, holding the value
  • library applications should avoid using application configuration altogether, see Elixir library anti-patterns, as it becomes impossible for two dependencies to use your library in two different ways.
  • configuration values used from multiple modules may be moved to a separate module providing stable interface, if is has the same usage semantics and validation rules (it may then be replaced with an actual value, see first practice)

Exercise 2. Consuming externally supplied changes


Same application is used to demonstrate the concept. It's an art of live upgrade, after all.

Source code: OTP Releases Example

Tag 0.4.0 introduces separate configuration delivery pipeline. External utility used to simulate unreliable delivery.

Configuration delivery pipeline (CDP)

See Configuration as a secondary code delivery pipeline for a brief explanation.

Merging delivered configuration

As explained above, configuration is code written in a different language, often domain-specific. For this example, persistent configuration is stored in Erlang term format, presented as text, and changes are delivered as text lines with OS-specific delimiters, using following format:


Here SUB stands for subscription name, MOD for module name, KEY for key and VALUE for value. SUB, MOD and KEY must be existing atoms to prevent atom space exhaustion.

Example: any:ex1_relup:ticker:2000

Note: subscriptions are introduced only to demonstrate state recovery technique, required to support stateful CDP implementations. This exercise uses a single subscription key.

Dependencies between code and configuration

Design of a generic language-agnostic system that handles dependencies between different repositories (code & configuration), written in different languages and probably lacking any support for dependency management is beyond the scope of the exercise. Therefore developer confidence will be the only enforced signal to submit a change.

Delivery pipeline design

Initial configuration is supplied as a single file, /tmp/cdp, written in Erlang term format.

Updates are delivered using subscription model. Authoring a change to configuration is done using

echo A:B:C:D' >> /tmp/

Changes rejected are appended to /tmp/cdp.rej, persisted changes are appended to /tmp/cdp without SUBSCRIPTION and MODULE parts.

Service Level Agreement

For this exercise:

  • CDP guarantees configuration availability for system startup, and configuration is guaranteed to be valid
  • CDP requires system to subscribe before changes are delivered, providing a subscription key
  • CDP does not guarantee validity of delivered change, but expects the system to reject invalid changes to stop propagation of this change
  • CDP guarantees to keep subscriptions for downtime windows shorter than 10 seconds
  • CDP guarantees to have no more than 5 downtime windows when subscriptions are lost for any 10 minute period

System cannot continue if any guarantee is broken, and it is up to supervising entity to recover the system.

Runtime design

To simulate unreliable connection, this exercise uses Unix "tail" to watch file changes. Short transient failure is simulated with pkill tail.

To simulate prolonged failure, use

sudo chmod -x `which tail` ; sleep 30; sudo chmod +x `which tail`

First clause of SLA above declares hard dependency of code on configuration during bootstrap time. Therefore file:consult() must not be wrapped into try ... catch. System must guarantee configuration availability before starting any services, so consult() is done in gen_server:Init() callback.

For complex systems, layered approach may be used, and only minimal set of configuration values is expected to be available at boot time.

Second clause requires system to expect and reject invalid change requests.

Third clause requires system to expect connection going down for up to 10 seconds without losing CDP state, and it also suggests that after 10 seconds CDP state is lost and must be recovered upon reconnection.

Fourth clause requires system to shut down if CDP is flaky and goes down too often.

Module ex1_relup that consumes configuration value depends on configuration and subscription manager availability. Configuration itself does not depend on ex1_relup, and in case when ex1_relup fails, configuration remains unchanged. However subscription manager is expected to automatically stop a subscription if subscriber is shut down.

(Dependency Diagram)

Suggested improvements

  • remove requirement to expose module name in configuration change
  • allow multiple modules to run validation logic for the same key (useful when the same key reused for various purposes)
  • alternatively, require all configuration keys to be functions

Fun Facts

Adding comment line is not a no-op change

  • adding a line with comments into *.erl file changes line numbers, thus triggering code upgrade even if no actual code was changed. Changing the comment line, however, does not have this effect, because line numbers in call stacks are left unchanged