This script install automatically the Stack of Tasks and its dependencies.
To start the installation, you should:
- Set your version of ROS
- Set your private repositories account (optional)
- Call: ros_subdir installation_level
If ROS is installed, as well as Git and Doxygen, you can start with
Otherwise you can set install_level
to 0 to install the required
This will install a ROS workspace in $HOME/devel/ros_subdir/
The stacks will be installed in $HOME/devel/ros_subdir/stacks
The repositories will be cloned in: $HOME/devel/ros_subdir/src
The installation will then done in: $HOME/devel/ros_subdir/install
Usage: `basename $0` [-h] ros_subdir installation_level
ros_subdir: The sub directory where to install the ros workspace.
The script creates a variable ros_install_path from ros_subdir:
The git repositories are cloned in ros_install_path/src and
installed in ros_install_path/install.
installation_level: Specifies at which step the script should start
the installation.
-h : Display help.
-r ros_release : Specifies the ros release to use.
-l : Display the steps where the script can be started for installing.
This also display the internal instructions run by the script.
To use -l you HAVE TO specify ros_install_path and installation_level.
With -l the instructions are displayed but not run.
-g : OpenHRP 3.0.7 has a priority than OpenHRP 3.1.0. Default is the reverse.
-m : Compile the sources without updating them
-u : Update the sources without compiling them
Environment variables:
GITHUB_ACCOUNT: If you have a github user account you should set the environment variable
GITHUB_ACCOUNT to have read-write rights on the repositories
otherwise they will be uploaded with read-only rights.
PRIVATE_URI: If you have access to the private repositories for the HRP2.
Please uncomment the line defining PRIVATE_URI.
IDH_PRIVATE_URI: If you have access to the private repositories for the HRP4.
Please uncomment the line defining IDH_PRIVATE_URI.
rsync -avz $HOME/devel/ros_subdir username@robotc:./devel/
will copy the overall control architecture in the home directory of username in computer robotc (could be hrp2c).
The following external software are required (and will be installed automatically by step 0):
- gfortran
- lapack
- ros-pr2-controllers
- omniidl