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EDC Performance Tests Introduction


This document describes the design of the Eclipse Dataspace Connector (EDC) Performance Tests. The EDC is the central communication component in Catena-X, which as a connector implements a framework agreement for sovereign, cross-organizational data exchange.

Goals of the test

The test is intended to measures the performance in scenarios similar to reality of the automotive industry. Due to the fact that the EDC maps many such scenarios and use cases, it was designed as a parameter-based, customizable test. The test defines a framework that can be adapted to real business scenarios using defined parameters. This is an attempt to cover a broad spectrum of use cases and their performance.

To ensure the credibility of the test, the test is based on defined characteristics:

  • Real-world: The performance workload should have the characteristics of real-world systems.
  • Complexity: The test should capture intra- and inter-company business processes from two counter parties.
  • Openness and version independence: The test should be able to be implemented using different versions of the EDC and not be limited to a specific use case scenario.


The test and its framework are based on the Java-based test tool "Apache JMeter". The documentation and further information on this tool can be found at Link: The test scripts are implemented exclusively as .jmx files, an XML-coded script that uses JMeter as the default file format for testing.

In the first stage of these performance tests, the EDC is simulated using Minimum Tractus-X Dataspace (MXD). Further information on this can be found under the following link:

Test Design

Definition of General Terms

Term Explanation
OEM An OEM or "Original Equipment Manufacturer" manufactures a part or component that is used in another company's product
Supplier An Supplier represents the end of the supply chain in the test scenario and manufactures the end product

Test Setup

The relationship between the test setup and the setup of the Minimum Tractus-X Dataspace is visualized in the following figure. It should be emphasized that both the OEM and the supplier act as data recipients and senders.

Visualization of the test setup

Deployment of the Test

In order to create a test environment that is as realistic as possible, a deployment in a Kubernetes cluster is used for the test, which in turn deploys a worker node. This worker node of the cluster is characterized by the deployment of two EDCs, each for OEM and supplier and the respective connectors. The contents of the two EDCs are stored in a Postgres database. The actual test and thus the workload for the EDCs is carried out by a JMeter script. The entire context is visualized below.

Deployment SetUp

Functional structure of the test

The experiment is divided into three different phases. Each phase is implemented as own .jmx file.


During the setup phase an initial set of asset, policy and contract data are loaded into the connectors. The purpose of these data sets is introduce a certain level of data aging before conducting measurements.

Measurement Interval

This phase represents the actual performance evaluation. The script runs through all standard processes that can be executed by the EDC. The process starts with the creation of assets, policies and contract definitions based on the number of mock-up data from the previous process. This is followed by further EDC processes such as "Create Catalogue" until the data transfer is negotiated and executed, as described in the EDC wiki: In order to test this section as realistically as possible, the process is carried out for both OEMs ("OEM Plants") and suppliers ("Supplier Plants"). The section also contains the "Supplier Fleet Manager" process, a process designed to simulate employees at the supplier who request digital twins of the cars.

Tear Down

During the tear-down phase, all previously created assets, policies and contracts are deleted from the connectors.

Definition of Properties (

General Parameters

Property Explanation
EXPERIMENT_DURATION_SEC Duration of the experiment, during which the threads of the experiment are executed as often as possible. The unit is defined in seconds.
EDC_NAMESPACE URL as an Permanent identifier of the EDC and its version.
BACKEND_SERVICE URL to reference the backend system of the EDCs.
MAX_NEGOTIATION_POLL_COUNT Number of maximum status checks of "FINALIZED" state of the negotiation between the two initiated EDCs Alice and Bob.
MAX_TRANSFER_POLL_COUNT Number of maximum status checks of "FINALIZED" state of the transfer between the two initiated EDCs Alice and Bob.
INTERVALS_PER_MINUTE Number of simulated time intervals per minute.

OEM Parameters

Property Explanation
OEM_ID Unique identifier of the OEM (Business Partner Number).
OEM_MANAGEMENT_URL URL referencing the Management API of the OEM's EDC.
OEM_PROTOCOL_URL URL referencing the Dataspace Protocol of the OEM Connector.
OEM_API_KEY Specific, secret key to access the Management API of the OEM's EDC.
OEM_PLANTS Number of OEM plants manufacturing cars. Each plant is modeled as individual thread.
OEM_CARS_INITIAL Number of inital produced cars in the "SetUp" process for creating mockup data in the database for further processes
PARTS_PER_CAR Number of part twins requested by the OEM from the supplier during the production of a car.
CARS_PRODUCED_PER_INTERVALL Number of cars produced by the OEM during a time interval per plant.

Supplier Parameters

Property Explanation
SUPPLIER_ID Unique identifier of the Supplier (Business Partner Number)
SUPPLIER_MANAGEMENT_URL URL referencing the Management API of the Supplier EDC.
SUPPLIER_PROTOCOL_URL URL referencing the Dataspace Protocol of the Supplier Connector.
SUPPLIER_API_KEY Specific, secret key to access the Management API of the Supplier EDC.
SUPPLIER_PLANTS Number of supplier plants manufacturing parts. Each plant is modeled as individual thread.
PARTS_PRODUCED_PER_INTERVALL Number of cars produced by the OEM during a time interval per plant.
SUPPLIER_FLEET_MANAGERS Number of employees requesting car twins.
CARS_REQUESTED_PER_INTERVALL Number of car twins requested by the supplier per time interval per employee.
SUPPLIER_PARTS_INITIAL Number of inital produced parts in the "SetUp" process for creating mockup data in the database for further processes

Functional structure in dependency to the parameter


The number of times the processes, which depicts the execution of the production of the cars, the parts required for them and the invoices created for them, are executed in the test setup depends on the three parameters "OEM_PLANTS", "SUPPLIER_PLANTS" and "SUPPLIER FLEET MANAGER". This relationship is illustrated in the following figure:

Dependency between OEM and Supplier

The sub-process of executing the above processes is characterized by the number of cars tested. The parameter "OEM_CARS_INITIAL" can be used to define the number of mock-up cars to be created in the setup.jmx. This parameter is then passed to the measurement_interval.jmx and defines the start of the number of cars produced there (starting with counter amount 1).

Initial Counter

User Guide

Installation of the required software

The minimum Tractus-X Dataspace is required to carry out the tests in a local environment. The software and tools required for this are described in the following wiki:

The setup of the dataspace is explained further in the following wiki:

After installing the Tractus-X Dataspace, the test software must now be installed. To do this, the Jmeter tool must first be installed. Download here: Add the JMETER_HOME environment variable and let it reference the /bin directory of JMeter.

To run the Jmeter tool, a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required, which can be installed here:

Running the Evaluation

Once all tools and software have been installed and the Tractus-X Dataspace has been deployed as explained in the wiki, the test can be executed:

  1. [OPTIONAL] Review and update the connectors properties in the three different .properties files. A brief explanation of all properties can be found in the User Guide of this document.
  2. Execute the script (Bash4 required). To do this, enter the corresponding arguments (two required), on which parameters the execution should be carried out and which of the three phases of the experiment (as described in the test design) should be executed.

.properties -files "-q": (First argument)

Naming Default Values
S = Supplier/OEM Plants = 1, Initial cars/parts = 10000
M = Supplier/OEM Plants = 5, Initial cars/parts = 100000
L = Supplier/OEM Plants = 10, Initial cars/parts = 1000000

.jmx -files "-t": (Second argument)

Letter Execution of
S setup.jmx
M measurement.jmx
T tear_down.jmx
SMT Sequential execution of all three files
  1. Enjoy the test results!

Test results

After executing the shell script, the test results can be viewed at /Output/measurement_interval/index.html. Of relevance is the sub-item "Statistics" in index.html. This sub-item contains, among other things:

Naming Explanation
Executions Number of processes performed
Response Time (ms) Number in milliseconds of how long it takes the EDC to respond
Throughput Ratio of executions to response time
Network (KB/sec) Data throughput of the EDC in KB

All further explanations can be found in the JMeter documentation: