diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
index 0f52f76..4614058 100644
Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate b/IoTConnect.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
index 857840e..4e5dba2 100644
Binary files a/IoTConnect.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate and b/IoTConnect.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect/IoTConnect.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist b/IoTConnect/IoTConnect.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist
index 3255c3e..0b5ff69 100644
--- a/IoTConnect/IoTConnect.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist
+++ b/IoTConnect/IoTConnect.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- 5
+ 3
diff --git a/IoTConnect2.zip b/IoTConnect2.zip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8beaa8
Binary files /dev/null and b/IoTConnect2.zip differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
index c839cb5..279ad6e 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -700,6 +700,7 @@
+ "DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION[arch=*]" = 1;
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist
index 6541732..327c4a0 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist
+++ b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- 5
+ 2
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
index 327ae26..2934580 100644
Binary files a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate and b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/kirtan.vaghela.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/.DS_Store b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/.DS_Store
index 80f14b2..33f8545 100644
Binary files a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/.DS_Store and b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/Config.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/Config.swift
index 4936380..ce9f882 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/Config.swift
+++ b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/Config.swift
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ public enum CommandType:Int{
struct SDKURL {
- static let discoveryHost = "https://discovery.iotconnect.io"
+ static let discoveryHostAZ = "https://discovery.iotconnect.io"
+ static let discoveryHostAZEMEA = "https://eudiscovery.iotconnect.io"
static let discoveryHostAWS = "https://jzbybwq654.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Prod"
static let discoveryHostAWSPOC = "https://awsdiscovery.iotconnect.io"//"https://awspoc.iotconnect.io"
static let discoveryHostAWSPROD = "https://discoveryconsole.iotconnect.io"
@@ -60,18 +61,18 @@ struct SDKURL {
static func discovery(_ strDiscoveryURL:String, _ cpId:String, _ lang:String, _ ver:String, _ env:String, _ pf:String) -> String {
- #if IOTAWS
- if env == IOTCEnvironment.PREQA.rawValue{
- return String(format: "\(SDKURL.discoveryHostAWS)/api/v\(ver)/dsdk/cpid/\(cpId)/env/\(env)/\(endPointAWS)\(pf)")
- }else if env == IOTCEnvironment.POC.rawValue{
- return String(format: "\(SDKURL.discoveryHostAWSPOC)/api/v\(ver)/dsdk/cpid/\(cpId)/env/\(env)/\(endPointAWS)\(pf)")
- }else{
- return String(format: "\(SDKURL.discoveryHostAWSPROD)/api/v\(ver)/dsdk/cpid/\(cpId)/env/\(env)/\(endPointAWS)\(pf)")
- }
- #else
- return String(format: "\(strDiscoveryURL)/api/v\(ver)/dsdk/cpid/\(cpId)/env/\(env)")
- #endif
+ return String(format: "\(strDiscoveryURL)/api/v\(ver)/dsdk/cpid/\(cpId)/env/\(env)/\(endPointAWS)\(pf)")
+// #if IOTAWS
+// if env == IOTCEnvironment.PREQA.rawValue{
+// return String(format: "\(SDKURL.discoveryHostAWS)/api/v\(ver)/dsdk/cpid/\(cpId)/env/\(env)/\(endPointAWS)\(pf)")
+// }else if env == IOTCEnvironment.POC.rawValue{
+// return String(format: "\(SDKURL.discoveryHostAWSPOC)/api/v\(ver)/dsdk/cpid/\(cpId)/env/\(env)/\(endPointAWS)\(pf)")
+// }else{
+// return String(format: "\(SDKURL.discoveryHostAWSPROD)/api/v\(ver)/dsdk/cpid/\(cpId)/env/\(env)/\(endPointAWS)\(pf)")
+// }
+// #else
+// return String(format: "\(strDiscoveryURL)/api/v\(ver)/dsdk/cpid/\(cpId)/env/\(env)")
+// #endif
@@ -232,5 +233,6 @@ struct Dictkeys{
static let medsageTypekey = "mt"
static let displayNamekey = "dn"
static let protocolkey = "p"
+ static let message = "message"
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/ErrosLog.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/ErrosLog.swift
index 4d5a0f3..c8e76fd 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/ErrosLog.swift
+++ b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/ErrosLog.swift
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ struct Log {//class
case ERR_IN13 = "Please give uniqueID value"
case ERR_IN14 = "Client connection closed"
case ERR_IN15 = "Please give env value"
+ case ERR_IN16 = "Please enter valid CPID"
+ case ERR_IN17 = "Please enter valid UniqueID"
case ERR_SD02 = "It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'"
case ERR_SD06 = "Missing required parameter 'data'"
case ERR_SD10 = "Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found"
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/IoTConnectManager/IoTConnectManager.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/IoTConnectManager/IoTConnectManager.swift
index 3f9b0d8..c55855a 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/IoTConnectManager/IoTConnectManager.swift
+++ b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/IoTConnectManager/IoTConnectManager.swift
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class IoTConnectManager {
var strCPId: String!
var strUniqueId: String!
var strEnv: IOTCEnvironment = .PROD
- var strDiscoveryURL: String = SDKURL.discoveryHost
+ var strDiscoveryURL: String = SDKURL.discoveryHostAZ
var strDiscoveryURLAWS: String = SDKURL.discoveryHostAWS
var dictReference: [String:Any]!
var dictSyncResponse: [String:Any]!
@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ class IoTConnectManager {
var twinResponsePubTopic = "$iothub/twin/GET/?$rid=0"
var twinResponseSubTopic = "$iothub/twin/res/#"
+ var arrAttForValidation:AttributesData?
init() {}
//MARK: - Method - SDK-Initialiase
@@ -238,11 +241,14 @@ class IoTConnectManager {
print("df \(df) diff\(diff) \(time) \(Date())")
if diff >= df{
validateData(data: data, skipValidation: dataSDKOptions.skipValidation)
+ }else{
+ print("Please try to send data after DF value.")
validateData(data: data, skipValidation: dataSDKOptions.skipValidation)
}else {
+ print("sync count is 0")
self.objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: Log.Errors.ERR_SD06.rawValue, uniqueId: strUniqueId, cpId: strCPId, message: "", logFlag: false, isDebugEnabled: boolDebugYN)
@@ -372,7 +378,9 @@ class IoTConnectManager {
dictD?.append(anotherDict: ["\(key)":["\(value)","\(value)","\(value)","\(value)",totalCount,"\(value)"]])
dataDevice[Dictkeys.dKey] = dictD
arrCalcDictEdgeDevice[firstIndex] = dataDevice
+ arrCalcDictEdgeDevice[firstIndex][Dictkeys.datekey] = dt
if let val = dictD?[key], let firstIndexData = arrData.firstIndex(where: {$0[key] != nil}){
if let valDict = val as? [String:Any]{
@@ -387,19 +395,25 @@ class IoTConnectManager {
var val = dictD?[key] as? [String:Any]
val?[dictValueKey] = arrValues
dictD?[key] = val
arrCalcDictEdgeDevice[firstIndex]["d"] = dictD ?? [:]
+ arrCalcDictEdgeDevice[firstIndex][Dictkeys.datekey] = dt
var val = dictD?[key] as? [String:Any]
val?.append(anotherDict: [dictValueKey:arrValues ?? []])
dictD?[key] = val
arrCalcDictEdgeDevice[firstIndex]["d"] = dictD ?? [:]
+ arrCalcDictEdgeDevice[firstIndex][Dictkeys.datekey] = dt
let arr = arrData[firstIndexData][key] as? [String]
dictD?[key] = calcEdgeData(arrValues: arr ?? [], latestVal: "\(value)")
arrCalcDictEdgeDevice[firstIndex][Dictkeys.dKey] = dictD ?? [:]
+ arrCalcDictEdgeDevice[firstIndex][Dictkeys.datekey] = dt
if let valDict = value as? [String:Any]{
@@ -410,7 +424,9 @@ class IoTConnectManager {
dictD?.append(anotherDict: ["\(key)":["\(value)","\(value)","\(value)","\(value)",totalCount,"\(value)"]])
arrCalcDictEdgeDevice[firstIndex][Dictkeys.dKey] = dictD ?? [:]
+ arrCalcDictEdgeDevice[firstIndex][Dictkeys.datekey] = dt
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/IoTConnectManager/IoTConnectService.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/IoTConnectManager/IoTConnectService.swift
index 9444895..086485f 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/IoTConnectManager/IoTConnectService.swift
+++ b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/IoTConnectManager/IoTConnectService.swift
@@ -33,40 +33,56 @@ extension IoTConnectManager {
blockHandlerGetAttribuesCallBack = getAttributesCallback
blockHandlerGetTwinsCallBack = getTwinsCallback
blockHandlerGetChildDevicesCallback = getChildDevucesCallback
- if cpId.isEmpty{
- self.callBackDelegate?.onDeviceCommandCallback(response: nil, error: Log.Errors.ERR_IN12.rawValue)
- self.blockHandlerDeviceCallBack(["sdkStatus": Log.Errors.ERR_IN12.rawValue])
- print(Log.Errors.ERR_IN12.rawValue)
- boolCanCallInialiseYN = true
- }else if uniqueId.isEmpty{
- print(Log.Errors.ERR_IN13.rawValue)
- boolCanCallInialiseYN = true
- }else{
- boolCanCallInialiseYN = true
- objCommon.createDirectoryFoldersForLogs()
- objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: Log.Info.INFO_IN04, uniqueId: uniqueId, cpId: cpId, message: "", logFlag: true, isDebugEnabled: boolDebugYN)
- objCommon.getBaseURL(strURL: SDKURL.discovery(strDiscoveryURL, cpId, SDKConstants.language, SDKConstants.version, strEnv.rawValue, pf)) { (status, data) in
- if status {
- if let dataRef = data as? [String : Any] {
- self.objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: Log.Info.INFO_IN07, uniqueId: uniqueId, cpId: cpId, message: "", logFlag: true, isDebugEnabled: self.boolDebugYN)
- self.dictReference = dataRef
- if self.dictReference[keyPath:"d.ec"] as? Int == 0{
- self.initaliseCall(uniqueId: uniqueId)
- }else{
- let errorDict = [Dictkeys.errorkey:Log.getAPIErrorMsg(errorCode: self.dictReference[keyPath:"d.ec"] as? Int ?? 15)]
- deviceCallback(errorDict)
- self.objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: self.dictReference[keyPath:"d.ec"] ?? 15, uniqueId: uniqueId, cpId: cpId, message: "", logFlag: false, isDebugEnabled: self.boolDebugYN)
- }
- } else {
- self.objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: Log.Errors.ERR_IN09.rawValue, uniqueId: uniqueId, cpId: cpId, message: "", logFlag: false, isDebugEnabled: self.boolDebugYN)
+ boolCanCallInialiseYN = true
+ objCommon.createDirectoryFoldersForLogs()
+ objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: Log.Info.INFO_IN04, uniqueId: uniqueId, cpId: cpId, message: "", logFlag: true, isDebugEnabled: boolDebugYN)
+ var discoveryURL = getDiscoveryURL()
+ objCommon.getBaseURL(strURL: SDKURL.discovery(discoveryURL, cpId, SDKConstants.language, SDKConstants.version, strEnv.rawValue, pf)) { (status, data) in
+ if status {
+ if let dataRef = data as? [String : Any] {
+ self.objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: Log.Info.INFO_IN07, uniqueId: uniqueId, cpId: cpId, message: "", logFlag: true, isDebugEnabled: self.boolDebugYN)
+ self.dictReference = dataRef
+ if self.dictReference[keyPath:"d.ec"] as? Int == 0{
+ self.initaliseCall(uniqueId: uniqueId)
+ }else{
+ let errorDict = [Dictkeys.errorkey:Log.getAPIErrorMsg(errorCode: self.dictReference[keyPath:"d.ec"] as? Int ?? 15)]
+ deviceCallback(errorDict)
+ self.objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: self.dictReference[keyPath:"d.ec"] ?? 15, uniqueId: uniqueId, cpId: cpId, message: "", logFlag: false, isDebugEnabled: self.boolDebugYN)
} else {
- if let error = data as? Error {
- self.objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: Log.Errors.ERR_IN01.rawValue, uniqueId: uniqueId, cpId: cpId, message: error.localizedDescription, logFlag: false, isDebugEnabled: self.boolDebugYN)
- }
+ self.objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: Log.Errors.ERR_IN09.rawValue, uniqueId: uniqueId, cpId: cpId, message: "", logFlag: false, isDebugEnabled: self.boolDebugYN)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if let error = data as? Error {
+ self.callBackDelegate?.onDeviceCommandCallback(response: nil, error: error.localizedDescription)
+ self.blockHandlerDeviceCallBack(["sdkStatus": error.localizedDescription])
+ self.objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: Log.Errors.ERR_IN01.rawValue, uniqueId: uniqueId, cpId: cpId, message: error.localizedDescription, logFlag: false, isDebugEnabled: self.boolDebugYN)
+ // }
+ }
+ func getDiscoveryURL()->String{
+ if strDiscoveryURL.isEmpty{
+ if strEnv.rawValue == IOTCEnvironment.PREQA.rawValue{
+ return SDKURL.discoveryHostAWS
+ }else if strEnv.rawValue == IOTCEnvironment.POC.rawValue{
+ return SDKURL.discoveryHostAWSPOC
+ }else{
+ return SDKURL.discoveryHostAWSPROD
+ }
+ if strEnv.rawValue == IOTCEnvironment.EU.rawValue{
+ return SDKURL.discoveryHostAZEMEA
+ }else{
+ return SDKURL.discoveryHostAZ
+ }
+ }else{
+ return strDiscoveryURL
+ }
@@ -249,7 +265,7 @@ extension IoTConnectManager {
@objc private func reInitialise() {
- if self.repeatTimerCount < 5{
+ if self.repeatTimerCount < 3{
self.repeatTimerCount += 1
self.objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: Log.Info.INFO_IN06, uniqueId: strUniqueId, cpId: strCPId, message: "", logFlag: true, isDebugEnabled: self.boolDebugYN)
@@ -702,84 +718,122 @@ extension IoTConnectManager {
var dictForEdgeRuleData = [String:Any]()
if arrData?.count ?? 0 > 1{
+// print("contains child device")
var arrDictValidData = [[String:Any]]()
var arrDictInValidData = [[String:Any]]()
- let arrAtt = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.attributes
+// let arrAtt = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.attributes
+// print("att \(String(describing: arrAtt?.att?.count))")
for i in 0...(arrData?.count ?? 0)-1{
if let dictValD = arrData?[i][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]{
dictValD.forEach({ (dictkey:String,val:Any) in
- for j in 0...(arrAtt?.att?.count ?? 0)-1{
+// print("key_val gateway \(dictkey) \(val) i\(i)")
+ for j in 0...(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?.count ?? 0)-1{
if let valDict = val as? [String:Any]{
for (valDictKey,dictValue) in valDict{
+ // print("valDictKey \(valDictKey) dictValue \(dictValue) dVal \(String(describing: arrAtt?.att?[j].d))")
if dictValue is String{
- var arrFilterD = arrAtt?.att?[j].d?.filter({$0.ln == valDictKey})
- if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+ // var arrFilterD = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?.filter({$0.ln == valDictKey})
+ let firstIndexVal = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?.firstIndex(where: {$0.ln == valDictKey})
+ if firstIndexVal != nil{
+ // if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+ // print("arrFilterD gateway \(String(describing: arrFilterD))")
var isValidData = skipValidation
- if !skipValidation{
- isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
- }
- if isValidData{
- if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(dictValue as? String ?? ""){
- arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]],id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "",tg: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "",dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "" )
- if edgeRules != nil,!(dictValue as? String ?? "").isEmpty{
- createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
- }
+ let val = dictValue as! String
+ if !val.isEmpty{
+ if !skipValidation{
+ // isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
+ isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt ?? 0, dv: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dv )
- if arrDictValidData.count == 0{
- arrDictValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
- )
- }else{
- if let index = arrDictValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.idkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String}) {
- var dVal = arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
- let attDict = dVal?[dictkey] as? [String:Any]
- let newDict = [valDictKey:dictValue]
- if attDict == nil{
- dVal?.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
- }else{
- dVal?[dictkey] = attDict?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
- return current
- })
+ if isValidData{
+ if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(dictValue as? String ?? ""){
+ arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]],id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "",tg: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "",dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "" )
+ if edgeRules != nil,!(dictValue as? String ?? "").isEmpty{
+ createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
- arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
- }else{
+ }
+ if arrDictValidData.count == 0{
arrDictValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
- }
- }
- }else{
- if arrDictInValidData.count == 0{
- arrDictInValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
- )
- }else{
- if let index = arrDictInValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.idkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String}) {
- var dVal = arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
- let attDict = dVal?[dictkey] as? [String:Any]
- let newDict = [valDictKey:dictValue]
- if attDict == nil{
- dVal?.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+ }else{
+ if let index = arrDictValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.idkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String}) {
+ var dVal = arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+ let attDict = dVal?[dictkey] as? [String:Any]
+ // print("attDict \(String(describing: attDict))")
+ let newDict = [valDictKey:dictValue]
+ if attDict == nil{
+ dVal?.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+ }else{
+ dVal?[dictkey] = attDict?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+ return current
+ })
+ }
+ arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+ // print("arrDictValidData \(arrDictValidData)")
- dVal?[dictkey] = attDict?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
- return current
- })
+ arrDictValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
+ )
+ // print("arrDictValidData \(arrDictValidData)")
- arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+ }
+ }else{
+ // dict = dictInValidData
+ var isEdgeValidForFaulty = false
+ if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+ isEdgeValidForFaulty = checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime)
- arrDictInValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
- )
+ isEdgeValidForFaulty = true
+ }
+ if isEdgeValidForFaulty == true{
+ IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime = Date()
+ print("New faulty data \(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0]) \(Date())")
+ if arrDictInValidData.count == 0{
+ arrDictInValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
+ )
+ // print("arrDictInValidData \(arrDictInValidData)")
+ }else{
+ if let index = arrDictInValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.idkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String}) {
+ var dVal = arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+ let attDict = dVal?[dictkey] as? [String:Any]
+ let newDict = [valDictKey:dictValue]
+ if attDict == nil{
+ dVal?.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+ }else{
+ dVal?[dictkey] = attDict?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+ return current
+ })
+ }
+ arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+ // print("arrDictInValidData \(arrDictInValidData)")
+ }else{
+ arrDictInValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
+ )
+ // print("arrDictInValidData \(arrDictInValidData)")
+ }
+ }
+ // arrFilterD?.removeAll()
- arrFilterD?.removeAll()
@@ -788,50 +842,78 @@ extension IoTConnectManager {
if val is String{
- let arrFilterD = arrAtt?.att?[j].d?.filter({$0.ln == dictkey})
- if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+// let arrFilterD = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?.filter({$0.ln == dictkey})
+ let firstIndexVal = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?.firstIndex(where: {$0.ln == dictkey})
+ if firstIndexVal != nil{
+ // if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+ // print("arrFilterD \(arrFilterD)")
+ // isDataFound = true
var isValidData = skipValidation
- if !skipValidation{
- isValidData = checkisValValid(val: val as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
- }
- if isValidData{
- if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(val as? String ?? ""){
- arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictkey:val],id: arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String,tg: arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String,dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "")
+ let value = val as! String
+ var isEdgeValidForFaulty = false
+ if !value.isEmpty{
+ if !skipValidation{
+ isValidData = checkisValValid(val: val as! String, dt: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt ?? 0, dv: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dv)
+ }
+ if isValidData{
+ // dictValidData.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:val])
- if edgeRules != nil,!(val as? String ?? "").isEmpty{
- createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict:[dictkey:val])
+ if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(val as? String ?? ""){
+ arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictkey:val],id: arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String,tg: arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String,dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "")
+ if edgeRules != nil,!(val as? String ?? "").isEmpty{
+ createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict:[dictkey:val])
+ }
- }
- //issue same id key
- if let index = arrDictValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.idkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String}) {
- var dVal = arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
- let newDict = [dictkey:val]
- dVal = dVal?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
- return current
- })
- arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
- }else{
- arrDictValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:val]]
- )
- }
- }else{
- if let index = arrDictInValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String}) {
- var dVal = arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
- let newDict = [dictkey:val]
- dVal = dVal?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
- return current
- })
- arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+ //issue same id key
+ if let index = arrDictValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.idkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String}) {
+ var dVal = arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+ let newDict = [dictkey:val]
+ dVal = dVal?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+ return current
+ })
+ arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+ }else{
+ arrDictValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:val]]
+ )
+ }
+ // print("arrDictValidData gateway \(arrDictValidData)")
- arrDictInValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:val]])
+ if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+ isEdgeValidForFaulty = checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime)
+ }else{
+ isEdgeValidForFaulty = true
+ }
+ if isEdgeValidForFaulty{
+ IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime = Date()
+ print("New faulty data \( IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0]) \(Date())")
+ if let index = arrDictInValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String}) {
+ var dVal = arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+ let newDict = [dictkey:val]
+ dVal = dVal?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+ return current
+ })
+ arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+ }else{
+ arrDictInValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:val]])
+ }
+ }
+ // break
- // break
@@ -848,113 +930,187 @@ extension IoTConnectManager {
] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:arrDictValidData]
if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+// print("dictValidData edgeDevice \(dictValidData)")
sendMessageForEdgeRuleMatch(dictValidData: dictValidData, dictDeviceTelemetry: dictForEdgeRuleData,id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "", tag: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "")
let topic = dictSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.rpt"] as! String
prevSendDataTime = Date()
objMQTTClient.publishTopicOnMQTT(withData: dictValidData, topic: topic)
+// print("final dictValidData gateway \(dictValidData)")
if !arrDictInValidData.isEmpty{
dictInValidData = [Dictkeys.datekey:data[Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:arrDictInValidData]
- if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
- }else{
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+// }else{
let topic = dictSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.flt"] as! String
prevSendDataTime = Date()
objMQTTClient.publishTopicOnMQTT(withData: dictInValidData, topic: topic)
- }
+// print("final dictInValidData gateway \(dictInValidData)")
+// }
+// print("count is 1")
let dictValD = arrData?[0][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
- if dictValD == nil{
+ if dictValD == nil || ((dictValD?.isEmpty) == true){
dictValD?.forEach {
+// print("key_val \($0.key) \($0.value)")
let dictValDKey = $0.key
let value = $0.value
- let arrAtt = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.attributes
- for i in 0...(arrAtt?.att?.count ?? 0)-1{
- if let valDict = value as? [String:Any]{
- for (valDictKey,dictValue) in valDict{
- if dictValue is String{
- var arrFilterD = arrAtt?.att?[i].d?.filter({$0.ln == valDictKey})
- if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
- var dict = [String:Any]()
- var isValidData = skipValidation
- if !skipValidation{
- isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
- }
- if isValidData{
- dict = dictValidData
- }else{
- dict = dictInValidData
- }
+// let arrAtt = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.attributes
+// print("att \(String(describing: arrAtt?.att?.count))")
+// print("att \(String(describing: arrAtt?.att?.count))")
+ if IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+ for i in 0...(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?.count ?? 0)-1{
+ //print("arrAtt?.att \(i)")
+ if let valDict = value as? [String:Any]{
+ for (valDictKey,dictValue) in valDict{
+ if dictValue is String{
+// var arrFilterD = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?.filter({$0.ln == valDictKey})
+ let firstIndexVal = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?.firstIndex(where: {$0.ln == valDictKey})
- if dict[$0.key] != nil{
- let val = dict[$0.key] as? [String:Any]
- let newVal = [valDictKey:dictValue] as? [String:Any]
- dict[$0.key] = val?.merging(newVal ?? [:], uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
- return current
- })
- }else{
- dict.updateValue([valDictKey:dictValue], forKey:$0.key)
- }
- arrFilterD?.removeAll()
- if isValidData{
- dictValidData = dict
+ if firstIndexVal != nil{
+// if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+ // print("arrFilterD \(String(describing: arrFilterD))")
+ var dict = [String:Any]()
+ var isValidData = skipValidation
+ var value = dictValue as! String
- if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(dictValue as? String ?? ""){
- arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictValDKey:[valDictKey:dictValue]],id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "",tg: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "",dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "" )
+ if !value.isEmpty{
+ if !skipValidation{
+// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
+ isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt ?? 0, dv: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dv)
+ }
- if edgeRules != nil,!(dictValue as? String ?? "").isEmpty{
- createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict: [dictValDKey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+ if isValidData{
+ dict = dictValidData
+ }else{
+ dict = dictInValidData
+ }
+ if dict[$0.key] != nil{
+ let val = dict[$0.key] as? [String:Any]
+ let newVal = [valDictKey:dictValue] as? [String:Any]
+ dict[$0.key] = val?.merging(newVal ?? [:], uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+ return current
+ })
+ // print("dictValidData \(valDictKey) \(dictValidData)")
+ }else{
+ dict.updateValue([valDictKey:dictValue], forKey:$0.key)
+// arrFilterD?.removeAll()
+ if isValidData{
+ dictValidData = dict
+ if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(dictValue as? String ?? ""){
+ arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictValDKey:[valDictKey:dictValue]],id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "",tg: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "",dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "" )
+ if edgeRules != nil,!(dictValue as? String ?? "").isEmpty{
+ createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict: [dictValDKey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ var isEdgeValidForFaulty = false
+ if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+ isEdgeValidForFaulty = checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime)
+ }else{
+ isEdgeValidForFaulty = true
+ }
+ if isEdgeValidForFaulty == true{
+ dictInValidData = dict
+ IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime = Date()
+ print("New fauty data \(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0])")
+ }
+ }
+ // print("dictValidData \(valDictKey) \(dictValidData)")
+ // print("dictInValidData \(valDictKey) \(dictInValidData)")
- }else{
- dictInValidData = dict
+ }else{
+ print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+ continue
- }else{
- print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
- continue
- }
- }else{
- if value is String{
- let arrFilterD = arrAtt?.att?[i].d?.filter({$0.ln == dictValDKey})
- if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+ }else{
+ if value is String{
+// let arrFilterD = arrAtt?.att?[i].d?.filter({$0.ln == dictValDKey})
- var isValidData = skipValidation
- if !skipValidation,value is String{
- isValidData = checkisValValid(val: value as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
- }
+ let firstIndexVal = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?.firstIndex(where: {$0.ln == dictValDKey})
- if isValidData{
- dictValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
-// print("dictValidData \(dictValidData)")
+// if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+ if firstIndexVal != nil{
- if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(value as? String ?? ""){
- arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictValDKey:value],id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "",tg: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "",dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "")
+ var isValidData = skipValidation
+ if !(value as! String).isEmpty{
+ if !skipValidation,value is String{
+// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: value as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
+ isValidData = checkisValValid(val: value as! String, dt: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt ?? 0, dv: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dv)
+ }
- if edgeRules != nil{
- createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict: [dictValDKey:value])
+ if isValidData{
+ dictValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
+ // print("dictValidData \(dictValidData)")
+ if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(value as? String ?? ""){
+ arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictValDKey:value],id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "",tg: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "",dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "")
+ if edgeRules != nil{
+ createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict: [dictValDKey:value])
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+// let faultTime = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime
+ let isValiForFaulty = checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime)
+ if isValiForFaulty{
+ dictInValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
+ IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime = Date()
+ print("New faulty data \(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0])")
+ }
+// var diffSinceLast = Date.seconds(faultTime ?? Date())
+// let diffSinceLast = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.second], from: faultTime ?? Date(), to: Date()).second
+// if diffSinceLast ?? 0 > 60{
+// print("Edge Device Fault data \($0.key) GT 60")
+// dictInValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
+// }
+ }else {
+ dictInValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
+ }
+ // print("dictInValidData \(dictInValidData)")
+ break
- }else{
- dictInValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
- break
+ }else{
+ print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+ continue
- }else{
- print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
- continue
+ }else{
+ print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
@@ -966,6 +1122,7 @@ extension IoTConnectManager {
let topic = dictSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.rpt"] as! String
objMQTTClient.publishTopicOnMQTT(withData: dictValidData, topic: topic)
+// print("dictValidData edgeDevice \(dictValidData)")
sendMessageForEdgeRuleMatch(dictValidData: dictValidData, dictDeviceTelemetry: dictForEdgeRuleData,id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "", tag: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "")
@@ -977,11 +1134,11 @@ extension IoTConnectManager {
- if boolEdgeDevice != 1{
+// if boolEdgeDevice != 1{
prevSendDataTime = Date()
let topic = dictSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.flt"] as! String
objMQTTClient.publishTopicOnMQTT(withData: dictInValidData, topic: topic)
- }
+// }
@@ -1143,6 +1300,1176 @@ extension IoTConnectManager {
dictForEdgeRuleData.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:dictVal])
+// print("dictForEdgeRuleData \(dictForEdgeRuleData)")
+ }
+ }
+// func validateData(data: [String:Any],skipValidation:Bool){
+// let arrData = data[Dictkeys.dKey] as? [[String:Any]]
+// var dictValidData = [String:Any]()
+// var dictInValidData = [String:Any]()
+// let boolEdgeDevice = dictSyncResponse[keyPath: "meta.edge"] as? Int
+// var dictForEdgeRuleData = [String:Any]()
+// if arrData?.count ?? 0 > 1{
+//// print("contains child device")
+// var arrDictValidData = [[String:Any]]()
+// var arrDictInValidData = [[String:Any]]()
+//// let arrAtt = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.attributes
+//// print("att \(String(describing: arrAtt?.att?.count))")
+// for i in 0...(arrData?.count ?? 0)-1{
+// if let dictValD = arrData?[i][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]{
+// dictValD.forEach({ (dictkey:String,val:Any) in
+//// print("key_val gateway \(dictkey) \(val) i\(i)")
+// for j in 0...(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?.count ?? 0)-1{
+// if let valDict = val as? [String:Any]{
+// for (valDictKey,dictValue) in valDict{
+// // print("valDictKey \(valDictKey) dictValue \(dictValue) dVal \(String(describing: arrAtt?.att?[j].d))")
+// if dictValue is String{
+// // var arrFilterD = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?.filter({$0.ln == valDictKey})
+// let firstIndexVal = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?.firstIndex(where: {$0.ln == valDictKey})
+// if firstIndexVal != nil{
+// // if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+// // print("arrFilterD gateway \(String(describing: arrFilterD))")
+// var isValidData = skipValidation
+// let val = dictValue as! String
+// if !val.isEmpty{
+// if !skipValidation{
+// // isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
+// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt ?? 0, dv: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dv )
+// //
+// }
+// if isValidData{
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(dictValue as? String ?? ""){
+// arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]],id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "",tg: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "",dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "" )
+// if edgeRules != nil,!(dictValue as? String ?? "").isEmpty{
+// createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+// }
+// }
+// if arrDictValidData.count == 0{
+// arrDictValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
+// )
+// }else{
+// if let index = arrDictValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.idkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String}) {
+// var dVal = arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+// let attDict = dVal?[dictkey] as? [String:Any]
+// // print("attDict \(String(describing: attDict))")
+// let newDict = [valDictKey:dictValue]
+// if attDict == nil{
+// dVal?.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+// }else{
+// dVal?[dictkey] = attDict?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+// return current
+// })
+// }
+// arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+// // print("arrDictValidData \(arrDictValidData)")
+// }else{
+// arrDictValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
+// )
+// // print("arrDictValidData \(arrDictValidData)")
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// // dict = dictInValidData
+// var isEdgeValidForFaulty = false
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+// isEdgeValidForFaulty = checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime)
+// }else{
+// isEdgeValidForFaulty = true
+// }
+// if isEdgeValidForFaulty == true{
+// IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime = Date()
+// print("New faulty data \(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0]) \(Date())")
+// if arrDictInValidData.count == 0{
+// arrDictInValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
+// )
+// // print("arrDictInValidData \(arrDictInValidData)")
+// }else{
+// if let index = arrDictInValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.idkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String}) {
+// var dVal = arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+// let attDict = dVal?[dictkey] as? [String:Any]
+// let newDict = [valDictKey:dictValue]
+// if attDict == nil{
+// dVal?.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+// }else{
+// dVal?[dictkey] = attDict?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+// return current
+// })
+// }
+// arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+// // print("arrDictInValidData \(arrDictInValidData)")
+// }else{
+// arrDictInValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
+// )
+// // print("arrDictInValidData \(arrDictInValidData)")
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// // arrFilterD?.removeAll()
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+// continue
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// if val is String{
+//// let arrFilterD = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[j].d?.filter({$0.ln == dictkey})
+// let firstIndexVal = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?.firstIndex(where: {$0.ln == dictkey})
+// if firstIndexVal != nil{
+// // if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+// // print("arrFilterD \(arrFilterD)")
+// // isDataFound = true
+// var isValidData = skipValidation
+// let value = val as! String
+// var isEdgeValidForFaulty = false
+// if !value.isEmpty{
+// if !skipValidation{
+// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: val as! String, dt: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt ?? 0, dv: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dv)
+// }
+// if isValidData{
+// // dictValidData.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:val])
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(val as? String ?? ""){
+// arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictkey:val],id: arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String,tg: arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String,dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "")
+// if edgeRules != nil,!(val as? String ?? "").isEmpty{
+// createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict:[dictkey:val])
+// }
+// }
+// //issue same id key
+// if let index = arrDictValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.idkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String}) {
+// var dVal = arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+// let newDict = [dictkey:val]
+// dVal = dVal?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+// return current
+// })
+// arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+// }else{
+// arrDictValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:val]]
+// )
+// }
+// // print("arrDictValidData gateway \(arrDictValidData)")
+// }else{
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+// isEdgeValidForFaulty = checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime)
+// }else{
+// isEdgeValidForFaulty = true
+// }
+// if isEdgeValidForFaulty{
+// IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime = Date()
+// print("New faulty data \( IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0]) \(Date())")
+// if let index = arrDictInValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String}) {
+// var dVal = arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+// let newDict = [dictkey:val]
+// dVal = dVal?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+// return current
+// })
+// arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+// }else{
+// arrDictInValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:val]])
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// // break
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+// continue
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// })
+// }
+// }
+// if !arrDictValidData.isEmpty{
+// dictValidData = [Dictkeys.datekey:data[Dictkeys.datekey
+// ] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:arrDictValidData]
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+//// print("dictValidData edgeDevice \(dictValidData)")
+// sendMessageForEdgeRuleMatch(dictValidData: dictValidData, dictDeviceTelemetry: dictForEdgeRuleData,id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "", tag: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "")
+// }else{
+// let topic = dictSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.rpt"] as! String
+// prevSendDataTime = Date()
+// objMQTTClient.publishTopicOnMQTT(withData: dictValidData, topic: topic)
+// }
+//// print("final dictValidData gateway \(dictValidData)")
+// }
+// if !arrDictInValidData.isEmpty{
+// dictInValidData = [Dictkeys.datekey:data[Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:arrDictInValidData]
+//// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+//// }else{
+// let topic = dictSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.flt"] as! String
+// prevSendDataTime = Date()
+// objMQTTClient.publishTopicOnMQTT(withData: dictInValidData, topic: topic)
+//// print("final dictInValidData gateway \(dictInValidData)")
+//// }
+// }
+// }else{
+//// print("count is 1")
+// let dictValD = arrData?[0][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+// if dictValD == nil || ((dictValD?.isEmpty) == true){
+// print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+// }else{
+// dictValD?.forEach {
+//// print("key_val \($0.key) \($0.value)")
+// let dictValDKey = $0.key
+// let value = $0.value
+//// let arrAtt = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.attributes
+//// print("att \(String(describing: arrAtt?.att?.count))")
+//// print("att \(String(describing: arrAtt?.att?.count))")
+// if IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+// for i in 0...(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?.count ?? 0)-1{
+// //print("arrAtt?.att \(i)")
+// if let valDict = value as? [String:Any]{
+// for (valDictKey,dictValue) in valDict{
+// if dictValue is String{
+//// var arrFilterD = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?.filter({$0.ln == valDictKey})
+// let firstIndexVal = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?.firstIndex(where: {$0.ln == valDictKey})
+// if firstIndexVal != nil{
+//// if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+// // print("arrFilterD \(String(describing: arrFilterD))")
+// var dict = [String:Any]()
+// var isValidData = skipValidation
+// var value = dictValue as! String
+// if !value.isEmpty{
+// if !skipValidation{
+//// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
+// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt ?? 0, dv: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dv)
+// //IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt
+// }
+// if isValidData{
+// dict = dictValidData
+// }else{
+// dict = dictInValidData
+// }
+// if dict[$0.key] != nil{
+// let val = dict[$0.key] as? [String:Any]
+// let newVal = [valDictKey:dictValue] as? [String:Any]
+// dict[$0.key] = val?.merging(newVal ?? [:], uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+// return current
+// })
+// // print("dictValidData \(valDictKey) \(dictValidData)")
+// }else{
+// dict.updateValue([valDictKey:dictValue], forKey:$0.key)
+// }
+//// arrFilterD?.removeAll()
+// if isValidData{
+// dictValidData = dict
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(dictValue as? String ?? ""){
+// arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictValDKey:[valDictKey:dictValue]],id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "",tg: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "",dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "" )
+// if edgeRules != nil,!(dictValue as? String ?? "").isEmpty{
+// createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict: [dictValDKey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// var isEdgeValidForFaulty = false
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+// isEdgeValidForFaulty = checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime)
+// }
+// if isEdgeValidForFaulty == true{
+// dictInValidData = dict
+// IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime = Date()
+// print("New fauty data \(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0])")
+// }
+// }
+// // print("dictValidData \(valDictKey) \(dictValidData)")
+// // print("dictInValidData \(valDictKey) \(dictInValidData)")
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+// continue
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// if value is String{
+//// let arrFilterD = arrAtt?.att?[i].d?.filter({$0.ln == dictValDKey})
+// let firstIndexVal = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?.firstIndex(where: {$0.ln == dictValDKey})
+//// if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+// if firstIndexVal != nil{
+// var isValidData = skipValidation
+// if !(value as! String).isEmpty{
+// if !skipValidation,value is String{
+//// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: value as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
+// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: value as! String, dt: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt ?? 0, dv: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dv)
+// }
+// if isValidData{
+// dictValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
+// // print("dictValidData \(dictValidData)")
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(value as? String ?? ""){
+// arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictValDKey:value],id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "",tg: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "",dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "")
+// if edgeRules != nil{
+// createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict: [dictValDKey:value])
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+//// let faultTime = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime
+// let isValiForFaulty = checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime)
+// if isValiForFaulty{
+// dictInValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
+// IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime = Date()
+// print("New faulty data \(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0])")
+// }
+//// var diffSinceLast = Date.seconds(faultTime ?? Date())
+//// let diffSinceLast = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.second], from: faultTime ?? Date(), to: Date()).second
+//// if diffSinceLast ?? 0 > 60{
+//// print("Edge Device Fault data \($0.key) GT 60")
+//// dictInValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
+//// }
+// }else {
+// dictInValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
+// }
+// // print("dictInValidData \(dictInValidData)")
+// }
+// break
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+// continue
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// if !dictValidData.isEmpty{
+// if boolEdgeDevice != 1{
+// dictValidData = [Dictkeys.datekey:data[Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[[Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:dictValidData]]]
+// prevSendDataTime = Date()
+// let topic = dictSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.rpt"] as! String
+// objMQTTClient.publishTopicOnMQTT(withData: dictValidData, topic: topic)
+// }else{
+//// print("dictValidData edgeDevice \(dictValidData)")
+// sendMessageForEdgeRuleMatch(dictValidData: dictValidData, dictDeviceTelemetry: dictForEdgeRuleData,id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "", tag: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "")
+// }
+// }
+// if !dictInValidData.isEmpty{
+// dictInValidData = [Dictkeys.datekey:data[Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",
+// Dictkeys.dKey:[[Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey],
+// Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey],
+// Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey],
+// Dictkeys.dKey:dictInValidData]]]
+//// if boolEdgeDevice != 1{
+// prevSendDataTime = Date()
+// let topic = dictSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.flt"] as! String
+// objMQTTClient.publishTopicOnMQTT(withData: dictInValidData, topic: topic)
+//// }
+// }
+// }
+// func checkisValValid(val:String,dt:Int,dv:String?)-> Bool{
+// switch dt{
+// case SupportedDataType.intValue:
+// if Int32(val) != nil{
+// if validateNumber(value: val, dv: dv, dataType: SupportedDataType.intValue) == true{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }else{
+// if val.isEmpty && (dv == nil || dv?.isEmpty == true){
+// return true
+// }
+// if !val.isEmpty{
+// if let doubleVal = Double(val){
+// let roundVal = Int32(round(doubleVal))
+// if validateNumber(value: "\(roundVal)", dv: dv, dataType: SupportedDataType.intValue) == true{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.boolValue:
+// let isValid = self.validateBoolValue(value: val, dv: dv)
+// if isValid{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.strVal:
+// //remaining
+// let isValid = self.validateNumber(value: val, dv: dv, dataType: SupportedDataType.decimalVal)
+// if isValid{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.bitValue:
+// let isValid = self.validateBit(value: val, dv: dv)
+// if isValid{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.dateValue:
+// let isValid = validateDate(value: val, dateFormat: "YYYY-MM-dd", dv: dv)
+// if (isValid){
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.dateTimeVal:
+// let isValid = validateDate(value: val, dateFormat:"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" , dv: dv)
+// if isValid{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.decimalVal:
+// if let floatVal = Float(val){
+// //range is -7.9*1028
+// if floatVal.isLessThanOrEqualTo(8121.2) &&
+// floatVal >= -8121.2
+// {
+// if validateNumber(value: val, dv: dv, dataType: SupportedDataType.decimalVal) == true{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }
+// if val.isEmpty && (dv == nil || dv?.isEmpty == true){
+// return true
+// }
+// return false
+// case SupportedDataType.latLongVal:
+// //[10,8] [11,8]
+// if validateLatLong(value: val,dv: dv){
+// return true
+// }
+// return false
+// case SupportedDataType.longVal:
+// if Int64(val) != nil{
+// if validateNumber(value: val, dv: dv, dataType: SupportedDataType.longVal) == true{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }else{
+// if val.isEmpty && (dv == nil || dv?.isEmpty == true){
+// return true
+// }
+// if !val.isEmpty{
+// if let doubleVal = Double(val){
+// let roundVal = Int64(round(doubleVal))
+// if validateNumber(value: "\(roundVal)", dv: dv, dataType: SupportedDataType.intValue) == true{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.timeVal:
+// if dv == nil || dv?.isEmpty == true{
+// if val.isEmpty == true{
+// return true
+// }
+// }
+// let arrVal = val.components(separatedBy: ":")
+// if arrVal.count >= 3{
+// let isValid = validateDate(value: val, dateFormat: "HH:mm:ss", dv: dv)
+// if isValid{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }else
+// {
+// return false
+// }
+// default:
+// return false
+// }
+// }
+// func createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict:[String:Any]){
+// dict.forEach({ (dictkey:String,dictVal:Any) in
+// if let valDict = dictVal as? [String:Any]{
+// if dictForEdgeRuleData[dictkey] != nil{
+// var dict = dictForEdgeRuleData[dictkey] as? [String:Any]
+// dict?.append(anotherDict:valDict)
+// dictForEdgeRuleData[dictkey] = dict
+// }else{
+// dictForEdgeRuleData.append(anotherDict: dict)
+// }
+// }else{
+// dictForEdgeRuleData.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:dictVal])
+// }
+// })
+//// print("dictForEdgeRuleData \(dictForEdgeRuleData)")
+// }
+// }
+// func validateData(data: [String:Any],skipValidation:Bool){
+// let arrData = data[Dictkeys.dKey] as? [[String:Any]]
+// var dictValidData = [String:Any]()
+// var dictInValidData = [String:Any]()
+// let boolEdgeDevice = dictSyncResponse[keyPath: "meta.edge"] as? Int
+// var dictForEdgeRuleData = [String:Any]()
+// if arrData?.count ?? 0 > 1{
+// //contains child device
+// var arrDictValidData = [[String:Any]]()
+// var arrDictInValidData = [[String:Any]]()
+//// let arrAtt = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.attributes
+// for i in 0...(arrData?.count ?? 0)-1{
+// if let dictValD = arrData?[i][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]{
+// dictValD.forEach({ (dictkey:String,val:Any) in
+//// for j in 0...(arrAtt?.att?.count ?? 0)-1{
+// for j in 0...(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?.count ?? 0)-1{
+// if let valDict = val as? [String:Any]{
+// for (valDictKey,dictValue) in valDict{
+// if dictValue is String{
+// // var arrFilterD = arrAtt?.att?[j].d?.filter({$0.ln == valDictKey})
+// // if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+// let firstIndexVal = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?.firstIndex(where: {$0.ln == valDictKey})
+// if firstIndexVal != nil{
+// var isValidData = skipValidation
+// if !(dictValue as! String).isEmpty{
+// if !skipValidation{
+// // isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
+// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt ?? 0, dv: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dv )
+// }
+// if isValidData{
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(dictValue as? String ?? ""){
+// arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]],id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "",tg: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "",dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "" )
+// if edgeRules != nil,!(dictValue as? String ?? "").isEmpty{
+// createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+// }
+// }
+// if arrDictValidData.count == 0{
+// arrDictValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
+// )
+// }else{
+// if let index = arrDictValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.idkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String}) {
+// var dVal = arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+// let attDict = dVal?[dictkey] as? [String:Any]
+// let newDict = [valDictKey:dictValue]
+// if attDict == nil{
+// dVal?.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+// }else{
+// dVal?[dictkey] = attDict?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+// return current
+// })
+// }
+// arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+// }else{
+// arrDictValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
+// )
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// var isEdgeValidForFaulty = false
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+// isEdgeValidForFaulty = checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime)
+// }else{
+// isEdgeValidForFaulty = true
+// }
+// if isEdgeValidForFaulty == true{
+// IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime = Date()
+// print("New faulty data \(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0]) \(Date())")
+// if arrDictInValidData.count == 0{
+// arrDictInValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
+// )
+// }else{
+// if let index = arrDictInValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.idkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String}) {
+// var dVal = arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+// let attDict = dVal?[dictkey] as? [String:Any]
+// let newDict = [valDictKey:dictValue]
+// if attDict == nil{
+// dVal?.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+// }else{
+// dVal?[dictkey] = attDict?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+// return current
+// })
+// }
+// arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+// }else{
+// arrDictInValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:[valDictKey:dictValue]]]
+// )
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// // arrFilterD?.removeAll()
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+// continue
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// if val is String{
+// // let arrFilterD = arrAtt?.att?[j].d?.filter({$0.ln == dictkey})
+// let firstIndexVal = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?.firstIndex(where: {$0.ln == dictkey})
+// // if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+// if firstIndexVal != nil{
+// var isValidData = skipValidation
+// let value = val as! String
+// var isEdgeValidForFaulty = false
+// if !(val as! String).isEmpty{
+// if !skipValidation{
+// // isValidData = checkisValValid(val: val as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
+// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: val as! String, dt: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt ?? 0, dv: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dv)
+// }
+// if isValidData{
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(val as? String ?? ""){
+// arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictkey:val],id: arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String,tg: arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String,dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "")
+// if edgeRules != nil,!(val as? String ?? "").isEmpty{
+// createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict:[dictkey:val])
+// }
+// }
+// //issue same id key
+// if let index = arrDictValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.idkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String}) {
+// var dVal = arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+// let newDict = [dictkey:val]
+// dVal = dVal?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+// return current
+// })
+// arrDictValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+// }else{
+// arrDictValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:val]]
+// )
+// }
+// }else{
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+// isEdgeValidForFaulty = checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime)
+// }else{
+// isEdgeValidForFaulty = true
+// }
+// if isEdgeValidForFaulty{
+// IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime = Date()
+// print("New faulty data \( IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0]) \(Date())")
+// if let index = arrDictInValidData.firstIndex(where: {$0[Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String == arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String}) {
+// var dVal = arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+// let newDict = [dictkey:val]
+// dVal = dVal?.merging(newDict , uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+// return current
+// })
+// arrDictInValidData[index][Dictkeys.dKey] = dVal
+// }else{
+// arrDictInValidData.append([Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[i][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[dictkey:val]])
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// // break
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+// continue
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// })
+// }
+// }
+// if !arrDictValidData.isEmpty{
+// dictValidData = [Dictkeys.datekey:data[Dictkeys.datekey
+// ] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:arrDictValidData]
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+// sendMessageForEdgeRuleMatch(dictValidData: dictValidData, dictDeviceTelemetry: dictForEdgeRuleData,id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "", tag: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "")
+// }else{
+// let topic = dictSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.rpt"] as! String
+// prevSendDataTime = Date()
+// objMQTTClient.publishTopicOnMQTT(withData: dictValidData, topic: topic)
+// }
+// }
+// if !arrDictInValidData.isEmpty{
+// dictInValidData = [Dictkeys.datekey:data[Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:arrDictInValidData]
+//// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+//// }else{
+// let topic = dictSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.flt"] as! String
+// prevSendDataTime = Date()
+// objMQTTClient.publishTopicOnMQTT(withData: dictInValidData, topic: topic)
+//// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// //"count is 1
+// let dictValD = arrData?[0][Dictkeys.dKey] as? [String:Any]
+// if dictValD == nil || ((dictValD?.isEmpty) == true){
+// print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+// }else{
+// dictValD?.forEach {
+// let dictValDKey = $0.key
+// let value = $0.value
+// let arrAtt = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.attributes
+// if arrAtt?.att?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+// for i in 0...(arrAtt?.att?.count ?? 0)-1{
+// if let valDict = value as? [String:Any]{
+// for (valDictKey,dictValue) in valDict{
+// if dictValue is String{
+//// var arrFilterD = arrAtt?.att?[i].d?.filter({$0.ln == valDictKey})
+// let firstIndexVal = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?.firstIndex(where: {$0.ln == valDictKey})
+//// if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+// if firstIndexVal != nil{
+// var dict = [String:Any]()
+// var isValidData = skipValidation
+// if (dictValue as! String).isEmpty{
+// if !skipValidation{
+//// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
+// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: dictValue as! String, dt: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt ?? 0, dv: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dv)
+// }
+// if isValidData{
+// dict = dictValidData
+// }else{
+// dict = dictInValidData
+// }
+// if dict[$0.key] != nil{
+// let val = dict[$0.key] as? [String:Any]
+// let newVal = [valDictKey:dictValue] as? [String:Any]
+// dict[$0.key] = val?.merging(newVal ?? [:], uniquingKeysWith: { current, _ in
+// return current
+// })
+// }else{
+// dict.updateValue([valDictKey:dictValue], forKey:$0.key)
+// }
+//// arrFilterD?.removeAll()
+// if isValidData{
+// dictValidData = dict
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(dictValue as? String ?? ""){
+// arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictValDKey:[valDictKey:dictValue]],id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "",tg: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "",dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "" )
+// if edgeRules != nil,!(dictValue as? String ?? "").isEmpty{
+// createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict: [dictValDKey:[valDictKey:dictValue]])
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// var isEdgeValidForFaulty = false
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+// isEdgeValidForFaulty = checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime)
+// }
+// if isEdgeValidForFaulty == true{
+// dictInValidData = dict
+// IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime = Date()
+// print("New fauty data \(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0])")
+// }
+//// dictInValidData = dict
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+// continue
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// if value is String{
+//// let arrFilterD = arrAtt?.att?[i].d?.filter({$0.ln == dictValDKey})
+// let firstIndexVal = IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?.firstIndex(where: {$0.ln == dictValDKey})
+//// if arrFilterD?.count ?? 0 > 0{
+// if firstIndexVal != nil{
+// var isValidData = skipValidation
+// if !(value as! String).isEmpty{
+// if !skipValidation,value is String{
+//// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: value as! String, dt: arrFilterD?[0].dt ?? 0, dv: arrFilterD?[0].dv)
+// isValidData = checkisValValid(val: value as! String, dt: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dt ?? 0, dv: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].dv)
+// }
+// if isValidData{
+// dictValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
+// // print("dictValidData \(dictValidData)")
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1, let _ = Double(value as? String ?? ""){
+// arrDataEdgeDevices = storeEdgeDeviceData(arr: arrDataEdgeDevices, dictVal: [dictValDKey:value],id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "",tg: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "",dt: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] as? String ?? "")
+// if edgeRules != nil{
+// createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict: [dictValDKey:value])
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// if boolEdgeDevice == 1{
+// let isValiForFaulty = checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime: IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime)
+// if isValiForFaulty{
+// dictInValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
+// IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0].fltDataTime = Date()
+// print("New faulty data \(IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation?.att?[i].d?[firstIndexVal ?? 0])")
+// }
+// }else{
+// dictInValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
+// }
+// }
+// break
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+// continue
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }else{
+// print(Log.Errors.ERR_InValidValue.rawValue)
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// if !dictValidData.isEmpty{
+// if boolEdgeDevice != 1{
+// dictValidData = [Dictkeys.datekey:data[Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:[[Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] ?? "",Dictkeys.dKey:dictValidData]]]
+// prevSendDataTime = Date()
+// let topic = dictSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.rpt"] as! String
+// objMQTTClient.publishTopicOnMQTT(withData: dictValidData, topic: topic)
+// }else{
+// sendMessageForEdgeRuleMatch(dictValidData: dictValidData, dictDeviceTelemetry: dictForEdgeRuleData,id: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey] as? String ?? "", tag: arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey] as? String ?? "")
+// }
+// }
+// if !dictInValidData.isEmpty{
+// dictInValidData = [Dictkeys.datekey:data[Dictkeys.datekey] ?? "",
+// Dictkeys.dKey:[[Dictkeys.datekey:arrData?[0][Dictkeys.datekey],
+// Dictkeys.idkey:arrData?[0][Dictkeys.idkey],
+// Dictkeys.tagkey:arrData?[0][Dictkeys.tagkey],
+// Dictkeys.dKey:dictInValidData]]]
+//// if boolEdgeDevice != 1{
+// prevSendDataTime = Date()
+// let topic = dictSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.flt"] as! String
+// objMQTTClient.publishTopicOnMQTT(withData: dictInValidData, topic: topic)
+//// }
+// }
+// }
+// func checkisValValid(val:String,dt:Int,dv:String?)-> Bool{
+// switch dt{
+// case SupportedDataType.intValue:
+// if Int32(val) != nil{
+// if validateNumber(value: val, dv: dv, dataType: SupportedDataType.intValue) == true{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }else{
+// if val.isEmpty && (dv == nil || dv?.isEmpty == true){
+// return true
+// }
+// if !val.isEmpty{
+// if let doubleVal = Double(val){
+// let roundVal = Int32(round(doubleVal))
+// if validateNumber(value: "\(roundVal)", dv: dv, dataType: SupportedDataType.intValue) == true{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.boolValue:
+// let isValid = self.validateBoolValue(value: val, dv: dv)
+// if isValid{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.strVal:
+// //remaining
+// let isValid = self.validateNumber(value: val, dv: dv, dataType: SupportedDataType.decimalVal)
+// if isValid{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.bitValue:
+// let isValid = self.validateBit(value: val, dv: dv)
+// if isValid{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.dateValue:
+// let isValid = validateDate(value: val, dateFormat: "YYYY-MM-dd", dv: dv)
+// if (isValid){
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.dateTimeVal:
+// let isValid = validateDate(value: val, dateFormat:"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" , dv: dv)
+// if isValid{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.decimalVal:
+// if let floatVal = Float(val){
+// //range is -7.9*1028
+// if floatVal.isLessThanOrEqualTo(8121.2) &&
+// floatVal >= -8121.2
+// {
+// if validateNumber(value: val, dv: dv, dataType: SupportedDataType.decimalVal) == true{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }
+// if val.isEmpty && (dv == nil || dv?.isEmpty == true){
+// return true
+// }
+// return false
+// case SupportedDataType.latLongVal:
+// //[10,8] [11,8]
+// if validateLatLong(value: val,dv: dv){
+// return true
+// }
+// return false
+// case SupportedDataType.longVal:
+// if Int64(val) != nil{
+// if validateNumber(value: val, dv: dv, dataType: SupportedDataType.longVal) == true{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }else{
+// if val.isEmpty && (dv == nil || dv?.isEmpty == true){
+// return true
+// }
+// if !val.isEmpty{
+// if let doubleVal = Double(val){
+// let roundVal = Int64(round(doubleVal))
+// if validateNumber(value: "\(roundVal)", dv: dv, dataType: SupportedDataType.intValue) == true{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// return false
+// }
+// case SupportedDataType.timeVal:
+// if dv == nil || dv?.isEmpty == true{
+// if val.isEmpty == true{
+// return true
+// }
+// }
+// let arrVal = val.components(separatedBy: ":")
+// if arrVal.count >= 3{
+// let isValid = validateDate(value: val, dateFormat: "HH:mm:ss", dv: dv)
+// if isValid{
+// return true
+// }else{
+// return false
+// }
+// }else
+// {
+// return false
+// }
+// default:
+// return false
+// }
+// }
+// func createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryData(dict:[String:Any]){
+// dict.forEach({ (dictkey:String,dictVal:Any) in
+// if let valDict = dictVal as? [String:Any]{
+// if dictForEdgeRuleData[dictkey] != nil{
+// var dict = dictForEdgeRuleData[dictkey] as? [String:Any]
+// dict?.append(anotherDict:valDict)
+// dictForEdgeRuleData[dictkey] = dict
+// }else{
+// dictForEdgeRuleData.append(anotherDict: dict)
+// }
+// }else{
+// dictForEdgeRuleData.append(anotherDict: [dictkey:dictVal])
+// }
+// })
+// }
+// }
+ func checkEdgeDeviceFaultTime(faultTime:Date?)->Bool{
+ if faultTime == nil{
+ print("Edge Valid for faulty")
+ return true
+ }
+ // let diffSinceLast = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.second], from: faultTime ?? Date(), to: Date()).second
+ //
+ // if diffSinceLast ?? 0 > 60{
+ //// print("Edge Device Fault data \($0.key) GT 60")
+ //// dictInValidData.append(anotherDict: [$0.key:$0.value])
+ // print("Edge Valid for faulty")
+ // return true
+ // }else{
+ // print("Edge not Valid for faulty")
+ // return false
+ // }
+ let Dateformatter = DateFormatter()
+ let distanceBetweenDates: TimeInterval? = Date().timeIntervalSince(faultTime ?? Date())
+ let secbetweenDates = Int(distanceBetweenDates!)
+ if secbetweenDates > 60{
+ print("Edge Valid for faulty")
+ return true
+ }else{
+ print("Edge not Valid for faulty \(faultTime) \(Date()) \(secbetweenDates)")
+ return false
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/MQTTClient.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/MQTTClient.swift
index 1517989..9d85828 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/MQTTClient.swift
+++ b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/MQTTClient.swift
@@ -56,6 +56,11 @@ class MQTTClient {
if mqtt?.connState == .connected {
+ if mqtt != nil{
+ mqtt = nil
+ }
mqtt = CocoaMQTT(clientID: dataSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.id"] as! String, host: dataSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.h"] as! String, port: dataSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.p"] as! UInt16)
guard let mqtt = mqtt else { return }
@@ -481,17 +486,22 @@ class MQTTClient {
print("publishTopicOnMQTT: \(dictSDKToHub) \(topic)")
var topicToSend = ""
if topic == ""{
- topicToSend = dataSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.di"] as! String
+ if let diTopic = dataSyncResponse[keyPath:"p.topics.di"] as? String{
+ topicToSend = diTopic
+ }
topicToSend = topic
- do {
- let jsonData = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: dictSDKToHub, options: .prettyPrinted)
- let message = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8)!
- publishDataOnMQTT(dictSDKToHubForOS: dictSDKToHub, strPubTopic: topicToSend, strMessageToPass: message)// p.pub
- } catch let error {
- print("parse error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
- objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: Log.Errors.ERR_CM01.rawValue, uniqueId: strUniqueID, cpId: strCPID, message: error.localizedDescription, logFlag: false, isDebugEnabled: boolDebugYN)
+ if !topicToSend.isEmpty{
+ do {
+ let jsonData = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: dictSDKToHub, options: .prettyPrinted)
+ let message = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8)!
+ publishDataOnMQTT(dictSDKToHubForOS: dictSDKToHub, strPubTopic: topicToSend, strMessageToPass: message)// p.pub
+ } catch let error {
+ print("parse error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
+ objCommon.manageDebugLog(code: Log.Errors.ERR_CM01.rawValue, uniqueId: strUniqueID, cpId: strCPID, message: error.localizedDescription, logFlag: false, isDebugEnabled: boolDebugYN)
+ }
@@ -569,9 +579,9 @@ extension MQTTClient: CocoaMQTTDelegate {
if ack == .accept {
blockHandler?(["sdkStatus": "connect"], 1)
let p = dataSyncResponse["p"] as? [String:Any]
- let topics = p?["topics"] as? [String:Any]
- mqtt.subscribe(topics?["c2d"] as! String, qos: .qos1)
+ if let topics = p?["topics"] as? [String:Any]{
+ mqtt.subscribe(topics["c2d"] as! String, qos: .qos1)
+ }
let set = topics?["set"] as? [String:Any]
print("twinPropertySubTopic \(set?["pub"] as! String)")
@@ -677,7 +687,7 @@ extension MQTTClient: CocoaMQTTDelegate {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let decodedAttributes = try decoder.decode(AttributesData.self, from: json)
IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.attributes = decodedAttributes
+ IoTConnectManager.sharedInstance.arrAttForValidation = decodedAttributes
} catch {
@@ -831,7 +841,16 @@ extension MQTTClient: CocoaMQTTDelegate {
Dictkeys.ackIDKey: "",
Dictkeys.commandTypeKey: CommandType.DEVICE_CONNECTION_STATUS.rawValue]], 2)
- blockHandler?(["sdkStatus": Log.Errors.ERR_IN14.rawValue], 1)
+ blockHandler?([Dictkeys.commandTypeKey: CommandType.DEVICE_CONNECTION_STATUS.rawValue,
+ Dictkeys.dataKey: [Dictkeys.cpIDkey: strCPID,
+ Dictkeys.guidKey: "",
+ Dictkeys.uniqueIDKey: strUniqueID,
+ Dictkeys.commandKey: false,
+ Dictkeys.ackKey: false,
+ Dictkeys.ackIDKey: "",
+ Dictkeys.message:Log.Errors.ERR_IN14.rawValue,
+ Dictkeys.commandTypeKey: CommandType.DEVICE_CONNECTION_STATUS.rawValue]], 2)
+// blockHandler?(["sdkStatus": Log.Errors.ERR_IN14.rawValue], 1)
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/Models/Attributes.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/Models/Attributes.swift
index 1bcab15..d6efabe 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/Models/Attributes.swift
+++ b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/Models/Attributes.swift
@@ -34,4 +34,5 @@ struct AttData: Codable {
var p:String? = ""
var value:String?
var connectedTime:Date?
+ var fltDataTime:Date?
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/Models/IoTConnectConfig.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/Models/IoTConnectConfig.swift
index 93c8ce8..53558ed 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/Models/IoTConnectConfig.swift
+++ b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/Models/IoTConnectConfig.swift
@@ -27,14 +27,15 @@ public struct IoTConnectConfig {
let mqttConnectionType: MqttConnectionType
let debugConfig: DebugConfig?
let mqttConfig: MqttConfig?
- let sdkOptions: SDKClientOption?
+ var sdkOptions: SDKClientOption?
public init( uniqueId: String, mqttConnectionType: MqttConnectionType, debugConfig: DebugConfig? = nil, mqttConfig: MqttConfig? = nil, sdkOptions: SDKClientOption) {
- self.uniqueId = uniqueId
+ self.uniqueId = uniqueId.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")
self.mqttConnectionType = mqttConnectionType
self.debugConfig = debugConfig
self.mqttConfig = mqttConfig
self.sdkOptions = sdkOptions
+ self.sdkOptions?.cpId = sdkOptions.cpId.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/.DS_Store b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/.DS_Store
index 053dab5..5008ddf 100644
Binary files a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/.DS_Store and b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/.DS_Store b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/.DS_Store
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d7246c..0000000
Binary files a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/.DS_Store and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTT.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTT.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 9990613..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTT.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,767 +0,0 @@
-// CocoaMQTT.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-//import CocoaAsyncSocket
- * Connection State
- */
-@objc public enum CocoaMQTTConnState: UInt8, CustomStringConvertible {
- case disconnected = 0
- case connecting
- case connected
- public var description: String {
- switch self {
- case .connecting: return "connecting"
- case .connected: return "connected"
- case .disconnected: return "disconnected"
- }
- }
- * Conn Ack
- */
-@objc public enum CocoaMQTTConnAck: UInt8, CustomStringConvertible {
- case accept = 0
- case unacceptableProtocolVersion
- case identifierRejected
- case serverUnavailable
- case badUsernameOrPassword
- case notAuthorized
- case reserved
- public var description: String {
- switch self {
- case .accept: return "accept"
- case .unacceptableProtocolVersion: return "unacceptableProtocolVersion"
- case .identifierRejected: return "identifierRejected"
- case .serverUnavailable: return "serverUnavailable"
- case .badUsernameOrPassword: return "badUsernameOrPassword"
- case .notAuthorized: return "notAuthorized"
- case .reserved: return "reserved"
- }
- }
-/// CocoaMQTT Delegate
-@objc public protocol CocoaMQTTDelegate {
- ///
- func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didConnectAck ack: CocoaMQTTConnAck)
- ///
- func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didPublishMessage message: CocoaMQTTMessage, id: UInt16)
- ///
- func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didPublishAck id: UInt16)
- ///
- func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didReceiveMessage message: CocoaMQTTMessage, id: UInt16 )
- ///
- func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didSubscribeTopics success: NSDictionary, failed: [String])
- ///
- func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didUnsubscribeTopics topics: [String])
- ///
- func mqttDidPing(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT)
- ///
- func mqttDidReceivePong(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT)
- ///
- func mqttDidDisconnect(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, withError err: Error?)
- /// Manually validate SSL/TLS server certificate.
- ///
- /// This method will be called if enable `allowUntrustCACertificate`
- @objc optional func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didReceive trust: SecTrust, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void)
- ///
- @objc optional func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didPublishComplete id: UInt16)
- ///
- @objc optional func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didStateChangeTo state: CocoaMQTTConnState)
- * Blueprint of the MQTT Client
- */
-protocol CocoaMQTTClient {
- /* Basic Properties */
- var host: String { get set }
- var port: UInt16 { get set }
- var clientID: String { get }
- var username: String? {get set}
- var password: String? {get set}
- var cleanSession: Bool {get set}
- var keepAlive: UInt16 {get set}
- var willMessage: CocoaMQTTMessage? {get set}
- /* Basic Properties */
- func connect() -> Bool
- func connect(timeout:TimeInterval) -> Bool
- func disconnect()
- func ping()
- func subscribe(_ topic: String, qos: CocoaMQTTQoS)
- func subscribe(_ topics: [(String, CocoaMQTTQoS)])
- func unsubscribe(_ topic: String)
- func unsubscribe(_ topics: [String])
- func publish(_ topic: String, withString string: String, qos: CocoaMQTTQoS, retained: Bool) -> Int
- func publish(_ message: CocoaMQTTMessage) -> Int
-/// MQTT Client
-/// - Note: GCDAsyncSocket need delegate to extend NSObject
-public class CocoaMQTT: NSObject, CocoaMQTTClient {
- public weak var delegate: CocoaMQTTDelegate?
- public var host = "localhost"
- public var port: UInt16 = 1883
- public var clientID: String
- public var username: String?
- public var password: String?
- /// Clean Session flag. Default is true
- ///
- /// - TODO: What's behavior each Clean Session flags???
- public var cleanSession = true
- /// Setup a **Last Will Message** to client before connecting to broker
- public var willMessage: CocoaMQTTMessage?
- /// Enable backgounding socket if running on iOS platform. Default is true
- ///
- /// - Note:
- public var backgroundOnSocket: Bool {
- get { return (self.socket as? CocoaMQTTSocket)?.backgroundOnSocket ?? true }
- set { (self.socket as? CocoaMQTTSocket)?.backgroundOnSocket = newValue }
- }
- /// Delegate Executed queue. Default is `DispatchQueue.main`
- ///
- /// The delegate/closure callback function will be committed asynchronously to it
- public var delegateQueue = DispatchQueue.main
- public var connState = CocoaMQTTConnState.disconnected {
- didSet {
- __delegate_queue {
- self.delegate?.mqtt?(self, didStateChangeTo: self.connState)
- self.didChangeState(self, self.connState)
- }
- }
- }
- // deliver
- private var deliver = CocoaMQTTDeliver()
- /// Re-deliver the un-acked messages
- public var deliverTimeout: Double {
- get { return deliver.retryTimeInterval }
- set { deliver.retryTimeInterval = newValue }
- }
- /// Message queue size. default 1000
- ///
- /// The new publishing messages of Qos1/Qos2 will be drop, if the queue is full
- public var messageQueueSize: UInt {
- get { return deliver.mqueueSize }
- set { deliver.mqueueSize = newValue }
- }
- /// In-flight window size. default 10
- public var inflightWindowSize: UInt {
- get { return deliver.inflightWindowSize }
- set { deliver.inflightWindowSize = newValue }
- }
- /// Keep alive time interval
- public var keepAlive: UInt16 = 60
- private var aliveTimer: CocoaMQTTTimer?
- /// Enable auto-reconnect mechanism
- public var autoReconnect = false
- /// Reconnect time interval
- ///
- /// - note: This value will be increased with `autoReconnectTimeInterval *= 2`
- /// if reconnect failed
- public var autoReconnectTimeInterval: UInt16 = 1 // starts from 1 second
- /// Maximum auto reconnect time interval
- ///
- /// The timer starts from `autoReconnectTimeInterval` second and grows exponentially until this value
- /// After that, it uses this value for subsequent requests.
- public var maxAutoReconnectTimeInterval: UInt16 = 128 // 128 seconds
- private var reconnectTimeInterval: UInt16 = 0
- private var autoReconnTimer: CocoaMQTTTimer?
- private var is_internal_disconnected = false
- /// Console log level
- public var logLevel: CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel {
- get {
- return CocoaMQTTLogger.logger.minLevel
- }
- set {
- CocoaMQTTLogger.logger.minLevel = newValue
- }
- }
- /// Enable SSL connection
- public var enableSSL: Bool {
- get { return self.socket.enableSSL }
- set { socket.enableSSL = newValue }
- }
- ///
- public var sslSettings: [String: NSObject]? {
- get { return (self.socket as? CocoaMQTTSocket)?.sslSettings ?? nil }
- set { (self.socket as? CocoaMQTTSocket)?.sslSettings = newValue }
- }
- /// Allow self-signed ca certificate.
- ///
- /// Default is false
- public var allowUntrustCACertificate: Bool {
- get { return (self.socket as? CocoaMQTTSocket)?.allowUntrustCACertificate ?? false }
- set { (self.socket as? CocoaMQTTSocket)?.allowUntrustCACertificate = newValue }
- }
- /// The subscribed topics in current communication
- public var subscriptions: [String: CocoaMQTTQoS] = [:]
- fileprivate var subscriptionsWaitingAck: [UInt16: [(String, CocoaMQTTQoS)]] = [:]
- fileprivate var unsubscriptionsWaitingAck: [UInt16: [String]] = [:]
- /// Sending messages
- fileprivate var sendingMessages: [UInt16: CocoaMQTTMessage] = [:]
- /// message id counter
- private var _msgid: UInt16 = 0
- fileprivate var socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol
- fileprivate var reader: CocoaMQTTReader?
- // Closures
- public var didConnectAck: (CocoaMQTT, CocoaMQTTConnAck) -> Void = { _, _ in }
- public var didPublishMessage: (CocoaMQTT, CocoaMQTTMessage, UInt16) -> Void = { _, _, _ in }
- public var didPublishAck: (CocoaMQTT, UInt16) -> Void = { _, _ in }
- public var didReceiveMessage: (CocoaMQTT, CocoaMQTTMessage, UInt16) -> Void = { _, _, _ in }
- public var didSubscribeTopics: (CocoaMQTT, NSDictionary, [String]) -> Void = { _, _, _ in }
- public var didUnsubscribeTopics: (CocoaMQTT, [String]) -> Void = { _, _ in }
- public var didPing: (CocoaMQTT) -> Void = { _ in }
- public var didReceivePong: (CocoaMQTT) -> Void = { _ in }
- public var didDisconnect: (CocoaMQTT, Error?) -> Void = { _, _ in }
- public var didReceiveTrust: (CocoaMQTT, SecTrust, @escaping (Bool) -> Swift.Void) -> Void = { _, _, _ in }
- public var didCompletePublish: (CocoaMQTT, UInt16) -> Void = { _, _ in }
- public var didChangeState: (CocoaMQTT, CocoaMQTTConnState) -> Void = { _, _ in }
- /// Initial client object
- ///
- /// - Parameters:
- /// - clientID: Client Identifier
- /// - host: The MQTT broker host domain or IP address. Default is "localhost"
- /// - port: The MQTT service port of host. Default is 1883
- public init(clientID: String, host: String = "localhost", port: UInt16 = 1883, socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol = CocoaMQTTSocket()) {
- self.clientID = clientID
- self.host = host
- self.port = port
- self.socket = socket
- super.init()
- deliver.delegate = self
- }
- deinit {
- aliveTimer?.suspend()
- autoReconnTimer?.suspend()
- socket.setDelegate(nil, delegateQueue: nil)
- socket.disconnect()
- }
- fileprivate func send(_ frame: Frame, tag: Int = 0) {
- printDebug("SEND: \(frame)")
- let data = frame.bytes()
- socket.write(Data(bytes: data, count: data.count), withTimeout: 5, tag: tag)
- }
- fileprivate func sendConnectFrame() {
- var connect = FrameConnect(clientID: clientID)
- connect.keepalive = keepAlive
- connect.username = username
- connect.password = password
- connect.willMsg = willMessage
- connect.cleansess = cleanSession
- send(connect)
- reader!.start()
- }
- fileprivate func nextMessageID() -> UInt16 {
- if _msgid == UInt16.max {
- _msgid = 0
- }
- _msgid += 1
- return _msgid
- }
- fileprivate func puback(_ type: FrameType, msgid: UInt16) {
- switch type {
- case .puback:
- send(FramePubAck(msgid: msgid))
- case .pubrec:
- send(FramePubRec(msgid: msgid))
- case .pubcomp:
- send(FramePubComp(msgid: msgid))
- default: return
- }
- }
- /// Connect to MQTT broker
- ///
- /// - Returns:
- /// - Bool: It indicates whether successfully calling socket connect function.
- /// Not yet established correct MQTT session
- public func connect() -> Bool {
- return connect(timeout: -1)
- }
- /// Connect to MQTT broker
- /// - Parameters:
- /// - timeout: Connect timeout
- /// - Returns:
- /// - Bool: It indicates whether successfully calling socket connect function.
- /// Not yet established correct MQTT session
- public func connect(timeout: TimeInterval) -> Bool {
- socket.setDelegate(self, delegateQueue: delegateQueue)
- reader = CocoaMQTTReader(socket: socket, delegate: self)
- do {
- if timeout > 0 {
- try socket.connect(toHost: self.host, onPort: self.port, withTimeout: timeout)
- } else {
- try socket.connect(toHost: self.host, onPort: self.port)
- }
- delegateQueue.async { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- self.connState = .connecting
- }
- return true
- } catch let error as NSError {
- printError("socket connect error: \(error.description)")
- return false
- }
- }
- /// Send a DISCONNECT packet to the broker then close the connection
- ///
- /// - Note: Only can be called from outside.
- /// If you want to disconnect from inside framework, call internal_disconnect()
- /// disconnect expectedly
- public func disconnect() {
- is_internal_disconnected = false
- internal_disconnect()
- }
- /// Disconnect unexpectedly
- func internal_disconnect() {
- is_internal_disconnected = true
- send(FrameDisconnect(), tag: -0xE0)
- socket.disconnect()
- }
- /// Send a PING request to broker
- public func ping() {
- printDebug("ping")
- send(FramePingReq(), tag: -0xC0)
- __delegate_queue {
- self.delegate?.mqttDidPing(self)
- self.didPing(self)
- }
- }
- /// Publish a message to broker
- ///
- /// - Parameters:
- /// - topic: Topic Name. It can not contain '#', '+' wildcards
- /// - string: Payload string
- /// - qos: Qos. Default is Qos1
- /// - retained: Retained flag. Mark this message is a retained message. default is false
- /// - Returns:
- /// - 0 will be returned, if the message's qos is qos0
- /// - 1-65535 will be returned, if the messages's qos is qos1/qos2
- /// - -1 will be returned, if the messages queue is full
- @discardableResult
- public func publish(_ topic: String, withString string: String, qos: CocoaMQTTQoS = .qos1, retained: Bool = false) -> Int {
- let message = CocoaMQTTMessage(topic: topic, string: string, qos: qos, retained: retained)
- return publish(message)
- }
- /// Publish a message to broker
- ///
- /// - Parameters:
- /// - message: Message
- @discardableResult
- public func publish(_ message: CocoaMQTTMessage) -> Int {
- let msgid: UInt16
- if message.qos == .qos0 {
- msgid = 0
- } else {
- msgid = nextMessageID()
- }
- var frame = FramePublish(topic: message.topic,
- payload: message.payload,
- qos: message.qos,
- msgid: msgid)
- frame.retained = message.retained
- delegateQueue.async {
- self.sendingMessages[msgid] = message
- }
- // Push frame to deliver message queue
- guard deliver.add(frame) else {
- delegateQueue.async {
- self.sendingMessages.removeValue(forKey: msgid)
- }
- return -1
- }
- return Int(msgid)
- }
- /// Subscribe a `/`
- ///
- /// - Parameters:
- /// - topic: Topic Name or Topic Filter
- /// - qos: Qos. Default is qos1
- public func subscribe(_ topic: String, qos: CocoaMQTTQoS = .qos1) {
- return subscribe([(topic, qos)])
- }
- /// Subscribe a lists of topics
- ///
- /// - Parameters:
- /// - topics: A list of tuples presented by `(/, Qos)`
- public func subscribe(_ topics: [(String, CocoaMQTTQoS)]) {
- let msgid = nextMessageID()
- let frame = FrameSubscribe(msgid: msgid, topics: topics)
- send(frame, tag: Int(msgid))
- subscriptionsWaitingAck[msgid] = topics
- }
- /// Unsubscribe a Topic
- ///
- /// - Parameters:
- /// - topic: A Topic Name or Topic Filter
- public func unsubscribe(_ topic: String) {
- return unsubscribe([topic])
- }
- /// Unsubscribe a list of topics
- ///
- /// - Parameters:
- /// - topics: A list of `/`
- public func unsubscribe(_ topics: [String]) {
- let msgid = nextMessageID()
- let frame = FrameUnsubscribe(msgid: msgid, topics: topics)
- unsubscriptionsWaitingAck[msgid] = topics
- send(frame, tag: Int(msgid))
- }
-// MARK: CocoaMQTTDeliverProtocol
-extension CocoaMQTT: CocoaMQTTDeliverProtocol {
- func deliver(_ deliver: CocoaMQTTDeliver, wantToSend frame: Frame) {
- if let publish = frame as? FramePublish {
- let msgid = publish.msgid
- guard let message = sendingMessages[msgid] else {
- printError("Want send \(frame), but not found in CocoaMQTT cache")
- return
- }
- send(publish, tag: Int(msgid))
- self.delegate?.mqtt(self, didPublishMessage: message, id: msgid)
- self.didPublishMessage(self, message, msgid)
- } else if let pubrel = frame as? FramePubRel {
- // -- Send PUBREL
- send(pubrel, tag: Int(pubrel.msgid))
- }
- }
-extension CocoaMQTT {
- func __delegate_queue(_ fun: @escaping () -> Void) {
- delegateQueue.async { [weak self] in
- guard let _ = self else { return }
- fun()
- }
- }
-// MARK: - CocoaMQTTSocketDelegate
-extension CocoaMQTT: CocoaMQTTSocketDelegate {
- public func socketConnected(_ socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol) {
- sendConnectFrame()
- }
- public func socket(_ socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol,
- didReceive trust: SecTrust,
- completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Swift.Void) {
- printDebug("Call the SSL/TLS manually validating function")
- delegate?.mqtt?(self, didReceive: trust, completionHandler: completionHandler)
- didReceiveTrust(self, trust, completionHandler)
- }
- // ?
- public func socketDidSecure(_ sock: GCDAsyncSocket) {
- printDebug("Socket has successfully completed SSL/TLS negotiation")
- sendConnectFrame()
- }
- public func socket(_ socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol, didWriteDataWithTag tag: Int) {
- // XXX: How to print writed bytes??
- }
- public func socket(_ socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol, didRead data: Data, withTag tag: Int) {
- let etag = CocoaMQTTReadTag(rawValue: tag)!
- var bytes = [UInt8]([0])
- switch etag {
- case CocoaMQTTReadTag.header:
- data.copyBytes(to: &bytes, count: 1)
- reader!.headerReady(bytes[0])
- case CocoaMQTTReadTag.length:
- data.copyBytes(to: &bytes, count: 1)
- reader!.lengthReady(bytes[0])
- case CocoaMQTTReadTag.payload:
- reader!.payloadReady(data)
- }
- }
- public func socketDidDisconnect(_ socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol, withError err: Error?) {
- // Clean up
- socket.setDelegate(nil, delegateQueue: nil)
- connState = .disconnected
- delegate?.mqttDidDisconnect(self, withError: err)
- didDisconnect(self, err)
- guard is_internal_disconnected else {
- return
- }
- guard autoReconnect else {
- return
- }
- if reconnectTimeInterval == 0 {
- reconnectTimeInterval = autoReconnectTimeInterval
- }
- // Start reconnector once socket error occurred
- printInfo("Try reconnect to server after \(reconnectTimeInterval)s")
- autoReconnTimer = CocoaMQTTTimer.after(Double(reconnectTimeInterval), name: "autoReconnTimer", { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- if self.reconnectTimeInterval < self.maxAutoReconnectTimeInterval {
- self.reconnectTimeInterval *= 2
- } else {
- self.reconnectTimeInterval = self.maxAutoReconnectTimeInterval
- }
- _ = self.connect()
- })
- }
-// MARK: - CocoaMQTTReaderDelegate
-extension CocoaMQTT: CocoaMQTTReaderDelegate {
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, connack: FrameConnAck) {
- printDebug("RECV: \(connack)")
- if connack.returnCode == .accept {
- // Disable auto-reconnect
- reconnectTimeInterval = 0
- autoReconnTimer = nil
- is_internal_disconnected = false
- // Start keepalive timer
- let interval = Double(keepAlive <= 0 ? 60: keepAlive)
- aliveTimer = CocoaMQTTTimer.every(interval, name: "aliveTimer") { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- self.delegateQueue.async {
- guard self.connState == .connected else {
- self.aliveTimer = nil
- return
- }
- self.ping()
- }
- }
- // recover session if enable
- if cleanSession {
- deliver.cleanAll()
- } else {
- if let storage = CocoaMQTTStorage(by: clientID) {
- deliver.recoverSessionBy(storage)
- } else {
- printWarning("Localstorage initial failed for key: \(clientID)")
- }
- }
- connState = .connected
- } else {
- connState = .disconnected
- internal_disconnect()
- }
- delegate?.mqtt(self, didConnectAck: connack.returnCode)
- didConnectAck(self, connack.returnCode)
- }
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, publish: FramePublish) {
- printDebug("RECV: \(publish)")
- let message = CocoaMQTTMessage(topic: publish.topic, payload: publish.payload(), qos: publish.qos, retained: publish.retained)
- message.duplicated = publish.dup
- printInfo("Received message: \(message)")
- delegate?.mqtt(self, didReceiveMessage: message, id: publish.msgid)
- didReceiveMessage(self, message, publish.msgid)
- if message.qos == .qos1 {
- puback(FrameType.puback, msgid: publish.msgid)
- } else if message.qos == .qos2 {
- puback(FrameType.pubrec, msgid: publish.msgid)
- }
- }
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, puback: FramePubAck) {
- printDebug("RECV: \(puback)")
- deliver.ack(by: puback)
- delegate?.mqtt(self, didPublishAck: puback.msgid)
- didPublishAck(self, puback.msgid)
- }
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, pubrec: FramePubRec) {
- printDebug("RECV: \(pubrec)")
- deliver.ack(by: pubrec)
- }
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, pubrel: FramePubRel) {
- printDebug("RECV: \(pubrel)")
- puback(FrameType.pubcomp, msgid: pubrel.msgid)
- }
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, pubcomp: FramePubComp) {
- printDebug("RECV: \(pubcomp)")
- deliver.ack(by: pubcomp)
- delegate?.mqtt?(self, didPublishComplete: pubcomp.msgid)
- didCompletePublish(self, pubcomp.msgid)
- }
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, suback: FrameSubAck) {
- printDebug("RECV: \(suback)")
- guard let topicsAndQos = subscriptionsWaitingAck.removeValue(forKey: suback.msgid) else {
- printWarning("UNEXPECT SUBACK Received: \(suback)")
- return
- }
- guard topicsAndQos.count == suback.grantedQos.count else {
- printWarning("UNEXPECT SUBACK Recivied: \(suback)")
- return
- }
- let success: NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
- var failed = [String]()
- for (idx,(topic, _)) in topicsAndQos.enumerated() {
- if suback.grantedQos[idx] != .FAILTURE {
- subscriptions[topic] = suback.grantedQos[idx]
- success[topic] = suback.grantedQos[idx].rawValue
- } else {
- failed.append(topic)
- }
- }
- delegate?.mqtt(self, didSubscribeTopics: success, failed: failed)
- didSubscribeTopics(self, success, failed)
- }
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, unsuback: FrameUnsubAck) {
- printDebug("RECV: \(unsuback)")
- guard let topics = unsubscriptionsWaitingAck.removeValue(forKey: unsuback.msgid) else {
- printWarning("UNEXPECT UNSUBACK Received: \(unsuback.msgid)")
- return
- }
- // Remove local subscription
- for t in topics {
- subscriptions.removeValue(forKey: t)
- }
- delegate?.mqtt(self, didUnsubscribeTopics: topics)
- didUnsubscribeTopics(self, topics)
- }
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, pingresp: FramePingResp) {
- printDebug("RECV: \(pingresp)")
- delegate?.mqttDidReceivePong(self)
- didReceivePong(self)
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTDeliver.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTDeliver.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index ccea3b4..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTDeliver.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-// CocoaMQTTDeliver.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-import Dispatch
-protocol CocoaMQTTDeliverProtocol: AnyObject {
- var delegateQueue: DispatchQueue { get set }
- func deliver(_ deliver: CocoaMQTTDeliver, wantToSend frame: Frame)
-private struct InflightFrame {
- /// The infligth frame maybe a `FramePublish` or `FramePubRel`
- var frame: Frame
- var timestamp: TimeInterval
- init(frame: Frame) {
- self.init(frame: frame, timestamp: Date.init(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0).timeIntervalSince1970)
- }
- init(frame: Frame, timestamp: TimeInterval) {
- self.frame = frame
- self.timestamp = timestamp
- }
-extension Array where Element == InflightFrame {
- func filterMap(isIncluded: (Element) -> (Bool, Element)) -> [Element] {
- var tmp = [Element]()
- for e in self {
- let res = isIncluded(e)
- if res.0 {
- tmp.append(res.1)
- }
- }
- return tmp
- }
-// CocoaMQTTDeliver
-class CocoaMQTTDeliver: NSObject {
- /// The dispatch queue is used by delivering frames in serially
- private var deliverQueue = DispatchQueue.init(label: "deliver.cocoamqtt.emqx", qos: .default)
- weak var delegate: CocoaMQTTDeliverProtocol?
- fileprivate var inflight = [InflightFrame]()
- fileprivate var mqueue = [Frame]()
- var mqueueSize: UInt = 1000
- var inflightWindowSize: UInt = 10
- /// Retry time interval millisecond
- var retryTimeInterval: Double = 5000
- private var awaitingTimer: CocoaMQTTTimer?
- var isQueueEmpty: Bool { get { return mqueue.count == 0 }}
- var isQueueFull: Bool { get { return mqueue.count >= mqueueSize }}
- var isInflightFull: Bool { get { return inflight.count >= inflightWindowSize }}
- var isInflightEmpty: Bool { get { return inflight.count == 0 }}
- var storage: CocoaMQTTStorage?
- func recoverSessionBy(_ storage: CocoaMQTTStorage) {
- let frames = storage.takeAll()
- guard frames.count >= 0 else {
- return
- }
- // Sync to push the frame to mqueue for avoiding overcommit
- deliverQueue.sync {
- for f in frames {
- mqueue.append(f)
- }
- self.storage = storage
- printInfo("Deliver recover \(frames.count) msgs")
- printDebug("Recover message \(frames)")
- }
- deliverQueue.async { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- self.tryTransport()
- }
- }
- /// Add a FramePublish to the message queue to wait for sending
- ///
- /// return false means the frame is rejected because of the buffer is full
- func add(_ frame: FramePublish) -> Bool {
- guard !isQueueFull else {
- printError("Sending buffer is full, frame \(frame) has been rejected to add.")
- return false
- }
- // Sync to push the frame to mqueue for avoiding overcommit
- deliverQueue.sync {
- mqueue.append(frame)
- _ = storage?.write(frame)
- }
- deliverQueue.async { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- self.tryTransport()
- }
- return true
- }
- /// Acknowledge a PUBLISH/PUBREL by msgid
- func ack(by frame: Frame) {
- var msgid: UInt16
- if let puback = frame as? FramePubAck { msgid = puback.msgid }
- else if let pubrec = frame as? FramePubRec { msgid = pubrec.msgid }
- else if let pubcom = frame as? FramePubComp { msgid = pubcom.msgid }
- else { return }
- deliverQueue.async { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- let acked = self.ackInflightFrame(withMsgid: msgid, type: frame.type)
- if acked.count == 0 {
- printWarning("Acknowledge by \(frame), but not found in inflight window")
- } else {
- for f in acked {
- if frame is FramePubAck || frame is FramePubComp {
- self.storage?.remove(f)
- }
- }
- printDebug("Acknowledge frame id \(msgid) success, acked: \(acked)")
- self.tryTransport()
- }
- }
- }
- /// Clean Inflight content to prevent message blocked, when next connection established
- ///
- /// !!Warning: it's a temporary method for hotfix #221
- func cleanAll() {
- deliverQueue.sync { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- self.mqueue.removeAll()
- self.inflight.removeAll()
- }
- }
-// MARK: Private Funcs
-extension CocoaMQTTDeliver {
- // try transport a frame from mqueue to inflight
- private func tryTransport() {
- if isQueueEmpty || isInflightFull { return }
- // take out the earliest frame
- if mqueue.isEmpty { return }
- let frame = mqueue.remove(at: 0)
- deliver(frame)
- // keep trying after a transport
- self.tryTransport()
- }
- /// Try to deliver a frame
- private func deliver(_ frame: Frame) {
- if frame.qos == .qos0 {
- // Send Qos0 message, whatever the in-flight queue is full
- // TODO: A retrict deliver mode is need?
- sendfun(frame)
- } else {
- sendfun(frame)
- inflight.append(InflightFrame(frame: frame))
- // Start a retry timer for resending it if it not receive PUBACK or PUBREC
- if awaitingTimer == nil {
- awaitingTimer = CocoaMQTTTimer.every(retryTimeInterval / 1000.0, name: "awaitingTimer") { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- self.deliverQueue.async {
- self.redeliver()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// Attempt to redeliver in-flight messages
- private func redeliver() {
- if isInflightEmpty {
- // Revoke the awaiting timer
- awaitingTimer = nil
- return
- }
- let nowTimestamp = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0).timeIntervalSince1970
- for (idx, frame) in inflight.enumerated() {
- if (nowTimestamp - frame.timestamp) >= (retryTimeInterval/1000.0) {
- var duplicatedFrame = frame
- duplicatedFrame.frame.dup = true
- duplicatedFrame.timestamp = nowTimestamp
- inflight[idx] = duplicatedFrame
- printInfo("Re-delivery frame \(duplicatedFrame.frame)")
- sendfun(duplicatedFrame.frame)
- }
- }
- }
- @discardableResult
- private func ackInflightFrame(withMsgid msgid: UInt16, type: FrameType) -> [Frame] {
- var ackedFrames = [Frame]()
- inflight = inflight.filterMap { frame in
- // -- ACK for PUBLISH
- if let publish = frame.frame as? FramePublish,
- publish.msgid == msgid {
- if publish.qos == .qos2 && type == .pubrec { // -- Replace PUBLISH with PUBREL
- let pubrel = FramePubRel(msgid: publish.msgid)
- var nframe = frame
- nframe.frame = pubrel
- nframe.timestamp = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0).timeIntervalSince1970
- _ = storage?.write(pubrel)
- sendfun(pubrel)
- ackedFrames.append(publish)
- return (true, nframe)
- } else if publish.qos == .qos1 && type == .puback {
- ackedFrames.append(publish)
- return (false, frame)
- }
- }
- // -- ACK for PUBREL
- if let pubrel = frame.frame as? FramePubRel,
- pubrel.msgid == msgid && type == .pubcomp {
- ackedFrames.append(pubrel)
- return (false, frame)
- }
- return (true, frame)
- }
- return ackedFrames
- }
- private func sendfun(_ frame: Frame) {
- guard let delegate = self.delegate else {
- printError("The deliver delegate is nil!!! the frame will be drop: \(frame)")
- return
- }
- if frame.qos == .qos0 {
- if let p = frame as? FramePublish { storage?.remove(p) }
- }
- delegate.delegateQueue.async {
- delegate.deliver(self, wantToSend: frame)
- }
- }
-// For tests
-extension CocoaMQTTDeliver {
- func t_inflightFrames() -> [Frame] {
- var frames = [Frame]()
- for f in inflight {
- frames.append(f.frame)
- }
- return frames
- }
- func t_queuedFrames() -> [Frame] {
- return mqueue
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTLogger.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTLogger.swift
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--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTLogger.swift
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-// CocoaMQTTLogger.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-// Convenience functions
-func printDebug(_ message: String) {
- CocoaMQTTLogger.logger.debug(message)
-func printInfo(_ message: String) {
- CocoaMQTTLogger.logger.info(message)
-func printWarning(_ message: String) {
- CocoaMQTTLogger.logger.warning(message)
-func printError(_ message: String) {
- CocoaMQTTLogger.logger.error(message)
-// Enum log levels
-public enum CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel: Int {
- case debug = 0, info, warning, error, off
-open class CocoaMQTTLogger: NSObject {
- // Singleton
- public static var logger = CocoaMQTTLogger()
- public override init() { super.init() }
- // min level
- var minLevel: CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel = .warning
- // logs
- open func log(level: CocoaMQTTLoggerLevel, message: String) {
- guard level.rawValue >= minLevel.rawValue else { return }
- print("CocoaMQTT(\(level)): \(message)")
- }
- func debug(_ message: String) {
- log(level: .debug, message: message)
- }
- func info(_ message: String) {
- log(level: .info, message: message)
- }
- func warning(_ message: String) {
- log(level: .warning, message: message)
- }
- func error(_ message: String) {
- log(level: .error, message: message)
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTMessage.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTMessage.swift
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--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTMessage.swift
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-// CocoaMQTTMessage.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-/// MQTT Message
-public class CocoaMQTTMessage: NSObject {
- public var qos = CocoaMQTTQoS.qos1
- public var topic: String
- public var payload: [UInt8]
- public var retained = false
- /// The `duplicated` property show that this message maybe has be received before
- ///
- /// - note: Readonly property
- public var duplicated = false
- /// Return the payload as a utf8 string if possible
- ///
- /// It will return nil if the payload is not a valid utf8 string
- public var string: String? {
- get {
- return NSString(bytes: payload, length: payload.count, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) as String?
- }
- }
- public init(topic: String, string: String, qos: CocoaMQTTQoS = .qos1, retained: Bool = false) {
- self.topic = topic
- self.payload = [UInt8](string.utf8)
- self.qos = qos
- self.retained = retained
- }
- public init(topic: String, payload: [UInt8], qos: CocoaMQTTQoS = .qos1, retained: Bool = false) {
- self.topic = topic
- self.payload = payload
- self.qos = qos
- self.retained = retained
- }
-extension CocoaMQTTMessage {
- public override var description: String {
- return "CocoaMQTTMessage(topic: \(topic), qos: \(qos), payload: \(payload.summary))"
- }
-// For test
-extension CocoaMQTTMessage {
- var t_pub_frame: FramePublish {
- var frame = FramePublish(topic: topic, payload: payload, qos: qos, msgid: 0)
- frame.retained = retained
- frame.dup = duplicated
- return frame
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTReader.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTReader.swift
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--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTReader.swift
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-// CocoaMQTTReader.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-/// Read tag for AsyncSocket
-enum CocoaMQTTReadTag: Int {
- case header = 0
- case length
- case payload
-protocol CocoaMQTTReaderDelegate: AnyObject {
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, connack: FrameConnAck)
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, publish: FramePublish)
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, puback: FramePubAck)
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, pubrec: FramePubRec)
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, pubrel: FramePubRel)
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, pubcomp: FramePubComp)
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, suback: FrameSubAck)
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, unsuback: FrameUnsubAck)
- func didReceive(_ reader: CocoaMQTTReader, pingresp: FramePingResp)
-class CocoaMQTTReader {
- private var socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol
- private weak var delegate: CocoaMQTTReaderDelegate?
- private let timeout: TimeInterval = 30_000
- /* -- Reader states -- */
- private var header: UInt8 = 0
- private var length: UInt = 0
- private var data: [UInt8] = []
- private var multiply = 1
- /* -- Reader states -- */
- init(socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol, delegate: CocoaMQTTReaderDelegate?) {
- self.socket = socket
- self.delegate = delegate
- }
- func start() {
- readHeader()
- }
- func headerReady(_ header: UInt8) {
- self.header = header
- readLength()
- }
- func lengthReady(_ byte: UInt8) {
- length += (UInt)((Int)(byte & 127) * multiply)
- // done
- if byte & 0x80 == 0 {
- if length == 0 {
- frameReady()
- } else {
- readPayload()
- }
- // more
- } else {
- multiply *= 128
- readLength()
- }
- }
- func payloadReady(_ data: Data) {
- self.data = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: data.count)
- data.copyBytes(to: &(self.data), count: data.count)
- frameReady()
- }
- private func readHeader() {
- reset()
- socket.readData(toLength: 1, withTimeout: -1, tag: CocoaMQTTReadTag.header.rawValue)
- }
- private func readLength() {
- socket.readData(toLength: 1, withTimeout: timeout, tag: CocoaMQTTReadTag.length.rawValue)
- }
- private func readPayload() {
- socket.readData(toLength: length, withTimeout: timeout, tag: CocoaMQTTReadTag.payload.rawValue)
- }
- private func frameReady() {
- guard let frameType = FrameType(rawValue: UInt8(header & 0xF0)) else {
- printError("Received unknown frame type, header: \(header), data:\(data)")
- readHeader()
- return
- }
- // XXX: stupid implement
- switch frameType {
- case .connack:
- guard let connack = FrameConnAck(fixedHeader: header, bytes: data) else {
- printError("Reader parse \(frameType) failed, data: \(data)")
- break
- }
- delegate?.didReceive(self, connack: connack)
- case .publish:
- guard let publish = FramePublish(fixedHeader: header, bytes: data) else {
- printError("Reader parse \(frameType) failed, data: \(data)")
- break
- }
- delegate?.didReceive(self, publish: publish)
- case .puback:
- guard let puback = FramePubAck(fixedHeader: header, bytes: data) else {
- printError("Reader parse \(frameType) failed, data: \(data)")
- break
- }
- delegate?.didReceive(self, puback: puback)
- case .pubrec:
- guard let pubrec = FramePubRec(fixedHeader: header, bytes: data) else {
- printError("Reader parse \(frameType) failed, data: \(data)")
- break
- }
- delegate?.didReceive(self, pubrec: pubrec)
- case .pubrel:
- guard let pubrel = FramePubRel(fixedHeader: header, bytes: data) else {
- printError("Reader parse \(frameType) failed, data: \(data)")
- break
- }
- delegate?.didReceive(self, pubrel: pubrel)
- case .pubcomp:
- guard let pubcomp = FramePubComp(fixedHeader: header, bytes: data) else {
- printError("Reader parse \(frameType) failed, data: \(data)")
- break
- }
- delegate?.didReceive(self, pubcomp: pubcomp)
- case .suback:
- guard let frame = FrameSubAck(fixedHeader: header, bytes: data) else {
- printError("Reader parse \(frameType) failed, data: \(data)")
- break
- }
- delegate?.didReceive(self, suback: frame)
- case .unsuback:
- guard let frame = FrameUnsubAck(fixedHeader: header, bytes: data) else {
- printError("Reader parse \(frameType) failed, data: \(data)")
- break
- }
- delegate?.didReceive(self, unsuback: frame)
- case .pingresp:
- guard let frame = FramePingResp(fixedHeader: header, bytes: data) else {
- printError("Reader parse \(frameType) failed, data: \(data)")
- break
- }
- delegate?.didReceive(self, pingresp: frame)
- default:
- break
- }
- readHeader()
- }
- private func reset() {
- length = 0
- multiply = 1
- header = 0
- data = []
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTSocket.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTSocket.swift
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--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTSocket.swift
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@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// CocoaMQTTSocket.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-//import CocoaAsyncSocket
-// MARK: - Interfaces
-public protocol CocoaMQTTSocketDelegate: AnyObject {
- func socketConnected(_ socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol)
- func socket(_ socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol, didReceive trust: SecTrust, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Swift.Void)
- func socket(_ socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol, didWriteDataWithTag tag: Int)
- func socket(_ socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol, didRead data: Data, withTag tag: Int)
- func socketDidDisconnect(_ socket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol, withError err: Error?)
-public protocol CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol {
- var enableSSL: Bool { get set }
- func setDelegate(_ theDelegate: CocoaMQTTSocketDelegate?, delegateQueue: DispatchQueue?)
- func connect(toHost host: String, onPort port: UInt16) throws
- func connect(toHost host: String, onPort port: UInt16, withTimeout timeout: TimeInterval) throws
- func disconnect()
- func readData(toLength length: UInt, withTimeout timeout: TimeInterval, tag: Int)
- func write(_ data: Data, withTimeout timeout: TimeInterval, tag: Int)
-// MARK: - CocoaMQTTSocket
-public class CocoaMQTTSocket: NSObject {
- public var backgroundOnSocket = true
- public var enableSSL = false
- ///
- public var sslSettings: [String: NSObject]?
- /// Allow self-signed ca certificate.
- ///
- /// Default is false
- public var allowUntrustCACertificate = false
- fileprivate let reference = GCDAsyncSocket()
- fileprivate weak var delegate: CocoaMQTTSocketDelegate?
- public override init() { super.init() }
-extension CocoaMQTTSocket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol {
- public func setDelegate(_ theDelegate: CocoaMQTTSocketDelegate?, delegateQueue: DispatchQueue?) {
- delegate = theDelegate
- reference.setDelegate((delegate != nil ? self : nil), delegateQueue: delegateQueue)
- }
- public func connect(toHost host: String, onPort port: UInt16) throws {
- try connect(toHost: host, onPort: port, withTimeout: -1)
- }
- public func connect(toHost host: String, onPort port: UInt16, withTimeout timeout: TimeInterval) throws {
- try reference.connect(toHost: host, onPort: port, withTimeout: timeout)
- }
- public func disconnect() {
- reference.disconnect()
- }
- public func readData(toLength length: UInt, withTimeout timeout: TimeInterval, tag: Int) {
- reference.readData(toLength: length, withTimeout: timeout, tag: tag)
- }
- public func write(_ data: Data, withTimeout timeout: TimeInterval, tag: Int) {
- reference.write(data, withTimeout: timeout, tag: tag)
- }
-extension CocoaMQTTSocket: GCDAsyncSocketDelegate {
- public func socket(_ sock: GCDAsyncSocket, didConnectToHost host: String, port: UInt16) {
- printInfo("Connected to \(host) : \(port)")
- #if os(iOS)
- if backgroundOnSocket {
- sock.perform {
- guard sock.enableBackgroundingOnSocket() else {
- printWarning("Enable backgrounding socket failed, please check related permissions")
- return
- }
- printInfo("Enable backgrounding socket successfully")
- }
- }
- #endif
- if enableSSL {
- var setting = sslSettings ?? [:]
- if allowUntrustCACertificate {
- setting[GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust as String] = NSNumber(value: true)
- }
- sock.startTLS(setting)
- } else {
- delegate?.socketConnected(self)
- }
- }
- public func socket(_ sock: GCDAsyncSocket, didReceive trust: SecTrust, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Swift.Void) {
- if let theDelegate = delegate {
- theDelegate.socket(self, didReceive: trust, completionHandler: completionHandler)
- } else {
- completionHandler(false)
- }
- }
- public func socketDidSecure(_ sock: GCDAsyncSocket) {
- printDebug("socket did secure")
- delegate?.socketConnected(self)
- }
- public func socket(_ sock: GCDAsyncSocket, didWriteDataWithTag tag: Int) {
- printDebug("socket wrote data \(tag)")
- delegate?.socket(self, didWriteDataWithTag: tag)
- }
- public func socket(_ sock: GCDAsyncSocket, didRead data: Data, withTag tag: Int) {
- delegate?.socket(self, didRead: data, withTag: tag)
- }
- public func socketDidDisconnect(_ sock: GCDAsyncSocket, withError err: Error?) {
- printDebug("socket disconnected")
- delegate?.socketDidDisconnect(self, withError: err)
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTStorage.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTStorage.swift
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--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTStorage.swift
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@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-// CocoaMQTTStorage.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-protocol CocoaMQTTStorageProtocol {
- var clientId: String { get set }
- init?(by clientId: String)
- func write(_ frame: FramePublish) -> Bool
- func write(_ frame: FramePubRel) -> Bool
- func remove(_ frame: FramePublish)
- func remove(_ frame: FramePubRel)
- func synchronize() -> Bool
- /// Read all stored messages by saving order
- func readAll() -> [Frame]
-final class CocoaMQTTStorage: CocoaMQTTStorageProtocol {
- var clientId: String
- var userDefault: UserDefaults
- init?(by clientId: String) {
- guard let userDefault = UserDefaults(suiteName: CocoaMQTTStorage.name(clientId)) else {
- return nil
- }
- self.clientId = clientId
- self.userDefault = userDefault
- }
- deinit {
- userDefault.synchronize()
- }
- func write(_ frame: FramePublish) -> Bool {
- guard frame.qos > .qos0 else {
- return false
- }
- userDefault.set(frame.bytes(), forKey: key(frame.msgid))
- return true
- }
- func write(_ frame: FramePubRel) -> Bool {
- userDefault.set(frame.bytes(), forKey: key(frame.msgid))
- return true
- }
- func remove(_ frame: FramePublish) {
- userDefault.removeObject(forKey: key(frame.msgid))
- }
- func remove(_ frame: FramePubRel) {
- userDefault.removeObject(forKey: key(frame.msgid))
- }
- func remove(_ frame: Frame) {
- if let pub = frame as? FramePublish {
- userDefault.removeObject(forKey: key(pub.msgid))
- } else if let rel = frame as? FramePubRel {
- userDefault.removeObject(forKey: key(rel.msgid))
- }
- }
- func synchronize() -> Bool {
- return userDefault.synchronize()
- }
- func readAll() -> [Frame] {
- return __read(needDelete: false)
- }
- func takeAll() -> [Frame] {
- return __read(needDelete: true)
- }
- private func key(_ msgid: UInt16) -> String {
- return "\(msgid)"
- }
- private class func name(_ clientId: String) -> String {
- return "cocomqtt-\(clientId)"
- }
- private func parse(_ bytes: [UInt8]) -> (UInt8, [UInt8])? {
- /// bytes 1..<5 may be 'Remaining Length'
- for i in 1 ..< 5 {
- if (bytes[i] & 0x80) == 0 {
- return (bytes[0], Array(bytes.suffix(from: i+1)))
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- private func __read(needDelete: Bool) -> [Frame] {
- var frames = [Frame]()
- let allObjs = userDefault.dictionaryRepresentation().sorted { (k1, k2) in
- return k1.key < k2.key
- }
- for (k, v) in allObjs {
- guard let bytes = v as? [UInt8] else { continue }
- guard let parsed = parse(bytes) else { continue }
- if needDelete {
- userDefault.removeObject(forKey: k)
- }
- if let f = FramePublish(fixedHeader: parsed.0, bytes: parsed.1) {
- frames.append(f)
- } else if let f = FramePubRel(fixedHeader: parsed.0, bytes: parsed.1) {
- frames.append(f)
- }
- }
- return frames
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTTimer.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTTimer.swift
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--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTTimer.swift
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-// CocoaMQTTTimer.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-// Contributed by Jens(https://github.com/jmiltner)
-// Copyright © 2019 emqx.io. All rights reserved.
-import Foundation
-// modeled after RepeatingTimer by Daniel Galasko: https://medium.com/@danielgalasko/a-background-repeating-timer-in-swift-412cecfd2ef9
-/// RepeatingTimer mimics the API of DispatchSourceTimer but in a way that prevents
-/// crashes that occur from calling resume multiple times on a timer that is
-/// already resumed (noted by https://github.com/SiftScience/sift-ios/issues/52)
-class CocoaMQTTTimer {
- let timeInterval: TimeInterval
- let startDelay: TimeInterval
- let name: String
- init(delay:TimeInterval?=nil, name: String, timeInterval: TimeInterval) {
- self.name = name
- self.timeInterval = timeInterval
- if let delay = delay {
- self.startDelay = delay
- } else {
- self.startDelay = timeInterval
- }
- }
- class func every(_ interval: TimeInterval, name: String, _ block: @escaping () -> Void) -> CocoaMQTTTimer {
- let timer = CocoaMQTTTimer(name: name, timeInterval: interval)
- timer.eventHandler = block
- timer.resume()
- return timer
- }
- @discardableResult
- class func after(_ interval: TimeInterval, name: String, _ block: @escaping () -> Void) -> CocoaMQTTTimer {
- var timer : CocoaMQTTTimer? = CocoaMQTTTimer(delay: interval, name: name, timeInterval:0)
- timer?.eventHandler = {
- block()
- timer?.suspend()
- timer = nil
- }
- timer?.resume()
- return timer!
- }
- /// Execute the tasks concurrently on the target_queue with default QOS
- private static let target_queue = DispatchQueue(label: "io.emqx.CocoaMQTT.TimerQueue", qos: .default, attributes: .concurrent)
- /// Execute each timer tasks serially and use the target queue for concurrency among timers
- private lazy var timer: DispatchSourceTimer = {
- let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "io.emqx.CocoaMQTT." + name, target: CocoaMQTTTimer.target_queue)
- let t = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource(flags: .strict, queue: queue)
- t.schedule(deadline: .now() + self.startDelay, repeating: self.timeInterval > 0 ? Double(self.timeInterval) : Double.infinity)
- t.setEventHandler(handler: { [weak self] in
- self?.eventHandler?()
- })
- return t
- }()
- var eventHandler: (() -> Void)?
- private enum State {
- case suspended
- case resumed
- case canceled
- }
- private var state: State = .suspended
- deinit {
- timer.setEventHandler {}
- timer.cancel()
- /*
- If the timer is suspended, calling cancel without resuming
- triggers a crash. This is documented here https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/15902
- */
- resume()
- eventHandler = nil
- }
- func resume() {
- if state == .resumed {
- return
- }
- state = .resumed
- timer.resume()
- }
- func suspend() {
- if state == .suspended {
- return
- }
- state = .suspended
- timer.suspend()
- }
- /// Manually cancel timer
- func cancel() {
- if state == .canceled {
- return
- }
- state = .canceled
- timer.cancel()
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTTypes.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTTypes.swift
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index 2a94e71..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTTypes.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// CocoaMQTTTypes.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-/// Encode and Decode big-endian UInt16
-extension UInt16 {
- /// Most Significant Byte (MSB)
- private var highByte: UInt8 {
- return UInt8( (self & 0xFF00) >> 8)
- }
- /// Least Significant Byte (LSB)
- private var lowByte: UInt8 {
- return UInt8(self & 0x00FF)
- }
- var hlBytes: [UInt8] {
- return [highByte, lowByte]
- }
-extension String {
- /// String with two bytes length
- var bytesWithLength: [UInt8] {
- return UInt16(utf8.count).hlBytes + utf8
- }
-extension Bool {
- /// Bool to bit of UInt8
- var bit: UInt8 {
- return self ? 1 : 0
- }
- /// Initial a bool with a bit
- init(bit: UInt8) {
- self = (bit == 0) ? false : true
- }
-extension UInt8 {
- /// Read a bit value
- func bitAt(_ offset: UInt8) -> UInt8 {
- return (self >> offset) & 0x01
- }
-public enum CocoaMQTTError: Error {
- case invalidURL
- case readTimeout
- case writeTimeout
- @available(OSX 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *)
- public enum FoundationConnection : Error {
- case closed(URLSessionWebSocketTask.CloseCode)
- }
-extension Array where Element == UInt8 {
- var summary: String {
- if self.count <= 10 {
- return "\(self)"
- } else {
- var descr = "[\(self[0])"
- for i in self[1..<10] {
- descr += ", \(i)"
- }
- return "\(descr), ...]"
- }
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTWebSocket.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTWebSocket.swift
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index aa67430..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/CocoaMQTTWebSocket.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
-// CocoaMQTTWebSocket.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-//import Starscream
-import CocoaMQTT
-// MARK: - Interfaces
-public protocol CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnectionDelegate: AnyObject {
- func connection(_ conn: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection, didReceive trust: SecTrust, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Swift.Void)
- func connectionOpened(_ conn: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection)
- func connectionClosed(_ conn: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection, withError error: Error?)
- func connection(_ conn: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection, receivedString string: String)
- func connection(_ conn: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection, receivedData data: Data)
-public protocol CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection: NSObjectProtocol {
- var delegate: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnectionDelegate? { get set }
- var queue: DispatchQueue { get set }
- func connect()
- func disconnect()
- func write(data: Data, handler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)
-public protocol CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnectionBuilder {
- func buildConnection(forURL url: URL, withHeaders headers: [String: String]) throws -> CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection
-// MARK: - CocoaMQTTWebSocket
-public class CocoaMQTTWebSocket: CocoaMQTTSocketProtocol {
- public var enableSSL = false
- public var headers: [String: String] = [:]
- public typealias ConnectionBuilder = CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnectionBuilder
- public struct DefaultConnectionBuilder: ConnectionBuilder {
- public init() {}
- public func buildConnection(forURL url: URL, withHeaders headers: [String: String]) throws -> CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection {
- if #available(OSX 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *) {
- let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
- config.httpAdditionalHeaders = headers
- return CocoaMQTTWebSocket.FoundationConnection(url: url, config: config)
- } else {
- var request = URLRequest(url: url)
- headers.forEach { request.setValue($1, forHTTPHeaderField: $0)}
- return CocoaMQTTWebSocket.StarscreamConnection(request: request)
- }
- }
- }
- public func setDelegate(_ theDelegate: CocoaMQTTSocketDelegate?, delegateQueue: DispatchQueue?) {
- internalQueue.async {
- self.delegate = theDelegate
- self.delegateQueue = delegateQueue
- }
- }
- let uri: String
- let builder: ConnectionBuilder
- public init(uri: String = "", builder: ConnectionBuilder = CocoaMQTTWebSocket.DefaultConnectionBuilder()) {
- self.uri = uri
- self.builder = builder
- }
- public func connect(toHost host: String, onPort port: UInt16) throws {
- try connect(toHost: host, onPort: port, withTimeout: -1)
- }
- public func connect(toHost host: String, onPort port: UInt16, withTimeout timeout: TimeInterval) throws {
- let urlStr = "\(enableSSL ? "wss": "ws")://\(host):\(port)\(uri)"
- guard let url = URL(string: urlStr) else { throw CocoaMQTTError.invalidURL }
- try internalQueue.sync {
- connection?.disconnect()
- connection?.delegate = nil
- let newConnection = try builder.buildConnection(forURL: url, withHeaders: self.headers)
- connection = newConnection
- newConnection.delegate = self
- newConnection.queue = internalQueue
- newConnection.connect()
- }
- }
- public func disconnect() {
- internalQueue.async {
- //self.reset()
- self.closeConnection(withError: nil)
- }
- }
- public func readData(toLength length: UInt, withTimeout timeout: TimeInterval, tag: Int) {
- internalQueue.async {
- let newRead = ReadItem(tag: tag, length: length, timeout: (timeout > 0.0) ? .now() + timeout : .distantFuture)
- self.scheduledReads.append(newRead)
- self.checkScheduledReads()
- }
- }
- public func write(_ data: Data, withTimeout timeout: TimeInterval, tag: Int) {
- internalQueue.async {
- let newWrite = WriteItem(tag: tag, timeout: (timeout > 0.0) ? .now() + timeout : .distantFuture)
- self.scheduledWrites.insert(newWrite)
- self.checkScheduledWrites()
- self.connection?.write(data: data) { possibleError in
- if let error = possibleError {
- self.closeConnection(withError: error)
- } else {
- guard self.scheduledWrites.remove(newWrite) != nil else { return }
- guard let delegate = self.delegate else { return }
- delegate.socket(self, didWriteDataWithTag: tag)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- internal var delegate: CocoaMQTTSocketDelegate?
- internal var delegateQueue: DispatchQueue?
- internal var internalQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "CocoaMQTTWebSocket")
- private var connection: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection?
- private func reset() {
- connection?.delegate = nil
- connection?.disconnect()
- connection = nil
- readBuffer.removeAll()
- scheduledReads.removeAll()
- readTimeoutTimer.reset()
- scheduledWrites.removeAll()
- writeTimeoutTimer.reset()
- }
- private func closeConnection(withError error: Error?) {
- reset()
- __delegate_queue {
- self.delegate?.socketDidDisconnect(self, withError: error)
- }
- }
- private class ReusableTimer {
- let queue: DispatchQueue
- var timer: DispatchSourceTimer?
- init(queue: DispatchQueue) {
- self.queue = queue
- }
- func schedule(wallDeadline: DispatchWallTime, handler: @escaping () -> Void) {
- reset()
- let newTimer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource(flags: .strict, queue: queue)
- timer = newTimer
- newTimer.schedule(wallDeadline: wallDeadline)
- newTimer.setEventHandler(handler: handler)
- newTimer.resume()
- }
- func reset() {
- timer?.cancel()
- timer = nil
- }
- }
- private struct ReadItem {
- let tag: Int
- let length: UInt
- let timeout: DispatchWallTime
- }
- private var readBuffer = Data()
- private var scheduledReads: [ReadItem] = []
- private lazy var readTimeoutTimer = ReusableTimer(queue: internalQueue)
- private func checkScheduledReads() {
- guard let theDelegate = delegate else { return }
- guard let delegateQueue = delegateQueue else { return }
- readTimeoutTimer.reset()
- while (scheduledReads.first?.length ?? UInt.max) <= readBuffer.count {
- let nextRead = scheduledReads.removeFirst()
- let readRange = readBuffer.startIndex..()
- private lazy var writeTimeoutTimer = ReusableTimer(queue: internalQueue)
- private func checkScheduledWrites() {
- writeTimeoutTimer.reset()
- guard let closestTimeout = scheduledWrites.sorted(by: { a,b in a.timeout < b.timeout }).first?.timeout else { return }
- if closestTimeout < .now() {
- closeConnection(withError: CocoaMQTTError.writeTimeout)
- } else {
- writeTimeoutTimer.schedule(wallDeadline: closestTimeout) { [weak self] in
- self?.checkScheduledWrites()
- }
- }
- }
-extension CocoaMQTTWebSocket: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnectionDelegate {
- public func connection(_ conn: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection, didReceive trust: SecTrust, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Swift.Void) {
- guard conn.isEqual(connection) else { return }
- if let del = delegate {
- __delegate_queue {
- del.socket(self, didReceive: trust, completionHandler: completionHandler)
- }
- } else {
- completionHandler(false)
- }
- }
- public func connectionOpened(_ conn: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection) {
- guard conn.isEqual(connection) else { return }
- guard let delegate = delegate else { return }
- guard let delegateQueue = delegateQueue else { return }
- delegateQueue.async {
- delegate.socketConnected(self)
- }
- }
- public func connectionClosed(_ conn: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection, withError error: Error?) {
- guard conn.isEqual(connection) else { return }
- closeConnection(withError: error)
- }
- public func connection(_ conn: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection, receivedString string: String) {
- guard let data = string.data(using: .utf8) else { return }
- self.connection(conn, receivedData: data)
- }
- public func connection(_ conn: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection, receivedData data: Data) {
- guard conn.isEqual(connection) else { return }
- readBuffer.append(data)
- checkScheduledReads()
- }
-// MARK: - CocoaMQTTWebSocket.FoundationConnection
-@available(OSX 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *)
-public extension CocoaMQTTWebSocket {
- class FoundationConnection: NSObject, CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection {
- public weak var delegate: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnectionDelegate?
- public lazy var queue = DispatchQueue(label: "CocoaMQTTFoundationWebSocketConnection-\(self.hashValue)")
- var session: URLSession?
- var task: URLSessionWebSocketTask?
- public init(url: URL, config: URLSessionConfiguration) {
- super.init()
- let theSession = URLSession(configuration: config, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil)
- session = theSession
- task = theSession.webSocketTask(with: url, protocols: ["mqtt"])
- }
- public func connect() {
- task?.resume()
- }
- public func disconnect() {
- task?.cancel()
- session = nil
- task = nil
- delegate = nil
- }
- public func write(data: Data, handler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
- task?.send(.data(data)) { possibleError in
- handler(possibleError)
- }
- }
- func scheduleRead() {
- queue.async {
- guard let task = self.task else { return }
- task.receive { result in
- self.queue.async {
- guard let delegate = self.delegate else { return }
- switch result {
- case .success(let message):
- switch message {
- case .data(let data):
- delegate.connection(self, receivedData: data)
- case .string(let string):
- delegate.connection(self, receivedString: string)
- @unknown default: break
- }
- self.scheduleRead()
- case .failure(let error):
- delegate.connectionClosed(self, withError: error)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-@available(OSX 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *)
-extension CocoaMQTTWebSocket.FoundationConnection: URLSessionWebSocketDelegate {
- public func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didReceive challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) -> Void) {
- queue.async {
- if let trust = challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust, let delegate = self.delegate {
- delegate.connection(self, didReceive: trust) { shouldTrust in
- completionHandler(shouldTrust ? .performDefaultHandling : .rejectProtectionSpace, nil)
- }
- } else {
- completionHandler(.performDefaultHandling, nil)
- }
- }
- }
- public func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, webSocketTask: URLSessionWebSocketTask, didOpenWithProtocol protocol: String?) {
- queue.async {
- self.delegate?.connectionOpened(self)
- }
- scheduleRead()
- }
- public func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, webSocketTask: URLSessionWebSocketTask, didCloseWith closeCode: URLSessionWebSocketTask.CloseCode, reason: Data?) {
- queue.async {
- self.delegate?.connectionClosed(self, withError: CocoaMQTTError.FoundationConnection.closed(closeCode))
- }
- }
-// MARK: - CocoaMQTTWebSocket.StarscreamConnection
-public extension CocoaMQTTWebSocket {
- class StarscreamConnection: NSObject, CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnection {
- public var reference: WebSocket
- public weak var delegate: CocoaMQTTWebSocketConnectionDelegate?
- public var queue: DispatchQueue {
- get { reference.callbackQueue }
- set { reference.callbackQueue = newValue }
- }
- public init(request: URLRequest) {
- reference = WebSocket(request: request, protocols: ["mqtt"], stream: FoundationStream())
- super.init()
- reference.delegate = self
- }
- public func connect() {
- reference.connect()
- }
- public func disconnect() {
- reference.disconnect()
- }
- public func write(data: Data, handler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
- reference.write(data: data) {
- handler(nil)
- }
- }
- }
-extension CocoaMQTTWebSocket.StarscreamConnection: SSLTrustValidator {
- public func isValid(_ trust: SecTrust, domain: String?) -> Bool {
- guard let delegate = self.delegate else { return false }
- var shouldAccept = false
- let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
- delegate.connection(self, didReceive: trust) { result in
- shouldAccept = result
- semaphore.signal()
- }
- semaphore.wait()
- return shouldAccept
- }
-extension CocoaMQTTWebSocket.StarscreamConnection: WebSocketDelegate {
- public func websocketDidConnect(socket: WebSocketClient) {
- delegate?.connectionOpened(self)
- }
- public func websocketDidDisconnect(socket: WebSocketClient, error: Error?) {
- delegate?.connectionClosed(self, withError: error)
- }
- public func websocketDidReceiveMessage(socket: WebSocketClient, text: String) {
- delegate?.connection(self, receivedString: text)
- }
- public func websocketDidReceiveData(socket: WebSocketClient, data: Data) {
- delegate?.connection(self, receivedData: data)
- }
-// MARK: - Helper
-extension CocoaMQTTWebSocket {
- func __delegate_queue(_ fun: @escaping () -> Void) {
- delegateQueue?.async { [weak self] in
- guard let _ = self else { return }
- fun()
- }
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Compression.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Compression.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 416869b..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Compression.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-// Compression.swift
-import Foundation
-import zlib
-class Decompressor {
- private var strm = z_stream()
- private var buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: 0x2000)
- private var inflateInitialized = false
- private let windowBits:Int
- init?(windowBits:Int) {
- self.windowBits = windowBits
- guard initInflate() else { return nil }
- }
- private func initInflate() -> Bool {
- if Z_OK == inflateInit2_(&strm, -CInt(windowBits),
- ZLIB_VERSION, CInt(MemoryLayout.size))
- {
- inflateInitialized = true
- return true
- }
- return false
- }
- func reset() throws {
- teardownInflate()
- guard initInflate() else { throw WSError(type: .compressionError, message: "Error for decompressor on reset", code: 0) }
- }
- func decompress(_ data: Data, finish: Bool) throws -> Data {
- return try data.withUnsafeBytes { (bytes:UnsafePointer) -> Data in
- return try decompress(bytes: bytes, count: data.count, finish: finish)
- }
- }
- func decompress(bytes: UnsafePointer, count: Int, finish: Bool) throws -> Data {
- var decompressed = Data()
- try decompress(bytes: bytes, count: count, out: &decompressed)
- if finish {
- let tail:[UInt8] = [0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF]
- try decompress(bytes: tail, count: tail.count, out: &decompressed)
- }
- return decompressed
- }
- private func decompress(bytes: UnsafePointer, count: Int, out:inout Data) throws {
- var res:CInt = 0
- strm.next_in = UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: bytes)
- strm.avail_in = CUnsignedInt(count)
- repeat {
- strm.next_out = UnsafeMutablePointer(&buffer)
- strm.avail_out = CUnsignedInt(buffer.count)
- res = inflate(&strm, 0)
- let byteCount = buffer.count - Int(strm.avail_out)
- out.append(buffer, count: byteCount)
- } while res == Z_OK && strm.avail_out == 0
- guard (res == Z_OK && strm.avail_out > 0)
- || (res == Z_BUF_ERROR && Int(strm.avail_out) == buffer.count)
- else {
- throw WSError(type: .compressionError, message: "Error on decompressing", code: 0)
- }
- }
- private func teardownInflate() {
- if inflateInitialized, Z_OK == inflateEnd(&strm) {
- inflateInitialized = false
- }
- }
- deinit {
- teardownInflate()
- }
-class Compressor {
- private var strm = z_stream()
- private var buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: 0x2000)
- private var deflateInitialized = false
- private let windowBits:Int
- init?(windowBits: Int) {
- self.windowBits = windowBits
- guard initDeflate() else { return nil }
- }
- private func initDeflate() -> Bool {
- if Z_OK == deflateInit2_(&strm, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED,
- -CInt(windowBits), 8, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY,
- ZLIB_VERSION, CInt(MemoryLayout.size))
- {
- deflateInitialized = true
- return true
- }
- return false
- }
- func reset() throws {
- teardownDeflate()
- guard initDeflate() else { throw WSError(type: .compressionError, message: "Error for compressor on reset", code: 0) }
- }
- func compress(_ data: Data) throws -> Data {
- var compressed = Data()
- var res:CInt = 0
- data.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr:UnsafePointer) -> Void in
- strm.next_in = UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ptr)
- strm.avail_in = CUnsignedInt(data.count)
- repeat {
- strm.next_out = UnsafeMutablePointer(&buffer)
- strm.avail_out = CUnsignedInt(buffer.count)
- res = deflate(&strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
- let byteCount = buffer.count - Int(strm.avail_out)
- compressed.append(buffer, count: byteCount)
- }
- while res == Z_OK && strm.avail_out == 0
- }
- guard res == Z_OK && strm.avail_out > 0
- || (res == Z_BUF_ERROR && Int(strm.avail_out) == buffer.count)
- else {
- throw WSError(type: .compressionError, message: "Error on compressing", code: 0)
- }
- compressed.removeLast(4)
- return compressed
- }
- private func teardownDeflate() {
- if deflateInitialized, Z_OK == deflateEnd(&strm) {
- deflateInitialized = false
- }
- }
- deinit {
- teardownDeflate()
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Frame.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Frame.swift
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index e890f5d..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Frame.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-// Frame.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-/// Quality of Service levels
-@objc public enum CocoaMQTTQoS: UInt8, CustomStringConvertible {
- /// At most once delivery
- case qos0 = 0
- /// At least once delivery
- case qos1
- /// Exactly once delivery
- case qos2
- /// !!! Used SUBACK frame only
- case FAILTURE = 0x80
- public var description: String {
- switch self {
- case .qos0: return "qos0"
- case .qos1: return "qos1"
- case .qos2: return "qos2"
- case .FAILTURE: return "Failure"
- }
- }
-extension CocoaMQTTQoS: Comparable {
- public static func < (lhs: CocoaMQTTQoS, rhs: CocoaMQTTQoS) -> Bool {
- return lhs.rawValue < rhs.rawValue
- }
- public static func <= (lhs: CocoaMQTTQoS, rhs: CocoaMQTTQoS) -> Bool {
- return lhs.rawValue <= rhs.rawValue
- }
- public static func > (lhs: CocoaMQTTQoS, rhs: CocoaMQTTQoS) -> Bool {
- return lhs.rawValue > rhs.rawValue
- }
- public static func >= (lhs: CocoaMQTTQoS, rhs: CocoaMQTTQoS) -> Bool {
- return lhs.rawValue >= rhs.rawValue
- }
-/// MQTT Frame Type
-enum FrameType: UInt8 {
- case reserved = 0x00
- case connect = 0x10
- case connack = 0x20
- case publish = 0x30
- case puback = 0x40
- case pubrec = 0x50
- case pubrel = 0x60
- case pubcomp = 0x70
- case subscribe = 0x80
- case suback = 0x90
- case unsubscribe = 0xA0
- case unsuback = 0xB0
- case pingreq = 0xC0
- case pingresp = 0xD0
- case disconnect = 0xE0
-/// The frame can be initialized with a bytes
-protocol InitialWithBytes {
- init?(fixedHeader: UInt8, bytes: [UInt8])
-/// MQTT Frame protocol
-protocol Frame {
- /// Each MQTT Control Packet contains a fixed header
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 {get set}
- /// Some types of MQTT Control Packets contain a variable header component
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8]
- /// Some MQTT Control Packets contain a payload as the final part of the packet
- func payload() -> [UInt8]
-extension Frame {
- /// Pack struct to binary
- func bytes() -> [UInt8] {
- let variableHeader = self.variableHeader()
- let payload = self.payload()
- let len = UInt32(variableHeader.count + payload.count)
- return [fixedHeader] + remainingLen(len: len) + variableHeader + payload
- }
- private func remainingLen(len: UInt32) -> [UInt8] {
- var bytes: [UInt8] = []
- var digit: UInt8 = 0
- var len = len
- repeat {
- digit = UInt8(len % 128)
- len = len / 128
- // if there are more digits to encode, set the top bit of this digit
- if len > 0 {
- digit = digit | 0x80
- }
- bytes.append(digit)
- } while len > 0
- return bytes
- }
-/// Fixed Header Attributes
-extension Frame {
- /// The Fixed Header consist of the following attritutes
- ///
- /// +---------+----------+-------+--------+
- /// | 7 6 5 4 | 3 | 2 1 | 0 |
- /// +---------+----------+-------+--------+
- /// | Type | DUP flag | QoS | RETAIN |
- /// +-------------------------------------+
- /// The type of the Frame
- var type: FrameType {
- return FrameType(rawValue: fixedHeader & 0xF0)!
- }
- /// Dup flag
- var dup: Bool {
- get {
- return ((fixedHeader & 0x08) >> 3) == 0 ? false : true
- }
- set {
- fixedHeader = (fixedHeader & 0xF7) | (newValue.bit << 3)
- }
- }
- /// Qos level
- var qos: CocoaMQTTQoS {
- get {
- return CocoaMQTTQoS(rawValue: (fixedHeader & 0x06) >> 1)!
- }
- set {
- fixedHeader = (fixedHeader & 0xF9) | (newValue.rawValue << 1)
- }
- }
- /// Retained flag
- var retained: Bool {
- get {
- return (fixedHeader & 0x01) == 0 ? false : true
- }
- set {
- fixedHeader = (fixedHeader & 0xFE) | newValue.bit
- }
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameConnAck.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameConnAck.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index b348990..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameConnAck.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// FrameConnack.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-struct FrameConnAck: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = FrameType.connack.rawValue
- // --- Attributes
- var returnCode: CocoaMQTTConnAck
- var sessPresent: Bool = false
- // --- Attributes End
- init(code: CocoaMQTTConnAck) {
- returnCode = code
- }
-extension FrameConnAck {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] {
- return [sessPresent.bit, returnCode.rawValue]
- }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] { return [] }
-extension FrameConnAck: InitialWithBytes {
- init?(fixedHeader: UInt8, bytes: [UInt8]) {
- guard fixedHeader == FrameType.connack.rawValue else {
- return nil
- }
- guard bytes.count == 2 else {
- return nil
- }
- sessPresent = Bool(bit: bytes[0] & 0x01)
- guard let ack = CocoaMQTTConnAck(rawValue: bytes[1]) else {
- return nil
- }
- returnCode = ack
- }
-extension FrameConnAck: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "CONNACK(code: \(returnCode), sp: \(sessPresent))"
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameConnect.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameConnect.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 748322b..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameConnect.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-// ConnectFrame.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-struct FrameConnect: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = FrameType.connect.rawValue
- private let PROTOCOL_LEVEL = UInt8(4)
- private let PROTOCOL_VERSION: String = "MQTT/3.1.1"
- private let PROTOCOL_MAGIC: String = "MQTT"
- // --- Attributes
- var clientID: String
- var keepalive: UInt16 = 60
- var willMsg: CocoaMQTTMessage?
- var username: String?
- var password: String?
- var cleansess: Bool = true
- // --- Attributes End
- init(clientID: String) {
- self.clientID = clientID
- }
-extension FrameConnect {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] {
- var header = [UInt8]()
- var flags = ConnFlags()
- // variable header
- header += PROTOCOL_MAGIC.bytesWithLength
- header.append(PROTOCOL_LEVEL)
- if let will = willMsg {
- flags.flagWill = true
- flags.flagWillQoS = will.qos.rawValue
- flags.flagWillRetain = will.retained
- }
- if let _ = username {
- flags.flagUsername = true
- // Append password attribute if username presented
- if let _ = password {
- flags.flagPassword = true
- }
- }
- flags.flagCleanSession = cleansess
- header.append(flags.rawValue)
- header += keepalive.hlBytes
- return header
- }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] {
- var payload = [UInt8]()
- payload += clientID.bytesWithLength
- if let will = willMsg {
- payload += will.topic.bytesWithLength
- payload += UInt16(will.payload.count).hlBytes
- payload += will.payload
- }
- if let username = username {
- payload += username.bytesWithLength
- // Append password attribute if username presented
- if let password = password {
- payload += password.bytesWithLength
- }
- }
- return payload
- }
-extension FrameConnect: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "CONNECT(id: \(clientID), username: \(username ?? "nil"), " +
- "password: \(password ?? "nil"), keepalive : \(keepalive), " +
- "cleansess: \(cleansess))"
- }
-/// Connect Flags
-private struct ConnFlags {
- /// These Flags consist of following flags:
- ///
- /// +----------+----------+------------+--------------------+--------------+----------+
- /// | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
- /// +----------+----------+------------+---------+----------+--------------+----------+
- /// | username | password | willretain | willqos | willflag | cleansession | reserved |
- /// +----------+----------+------------+---------+----------+--------------+----------+
- ///
- var rawValue: UInt8 = 0
- var flagUsername: Bool {
- get {
- return Bool(bit: (rawValue >> 7) & 0x01)
- }
- set {
- rawValue = (rawValue & 0x7F) | (newValue.bit << 7)
- }
- }
- var flagPassword: Bool {
- get {
- return Bool(bit:(rawValue >> 6) & 0x01)
- }
- set {
- rawValue = (rawValue & 0xBF) | (newValue.bit << 6)
- }
- }
- var flagWillRetain: Bool {
- get {
- return Bool(bit: (rawValue >> 5) & 0x01)
- }
- set {
- rawValue = (rawValue & 0xDF) | (newValue.bit << 5)
- }
- }
- var flagWillQoS: UInt8 {
- get {
- return (rawValue >> 3) & 0x03
- }
- set {
- rawValue = (rawValue & 0xE7) | (newValue << 3)
- }
- }
- var flagWill: Bool {
- get {
- return Bool(bit:(rawValue >> 2) & 0x01)
- }
- set {
- rawValue = (rawValue & 0xFB) | (newValue.bit << 2)
- }
- }
- var flagCleanSession: Bool {
- get {
- return Bool(bit: (rawValue >> 1) & 0x01)
- }
- set {
- rawValue = (rawValue & 0xFD) | (newValue.bit << 1)
- }
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameDisconnect.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameDisconnect.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a04f9a..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameDisconnect.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// FrameDisconnect.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-/// MQTT Disconnect packet
-struct FrameDisconnect: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = FrameType.disconnect.rawValue
- init() { /* Nothing to do */ }
-extension FrameDisconnect {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] { return [] }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] { return [] }
-extension FrameDisconnect: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "DISCONNECT"
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePingReq.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePingReq.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index cb0692e..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePingReq.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-// FramePingReq.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-struct FramePingReq: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = FrameType.pingreq.rawValue
- init() { /* Nothing to do */ }
-extension FramePingReq {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] { return [] }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] { return [] }
-extension FramePingReq: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "PING"
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePingResp.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePingResp.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 40d58cb..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePingResp.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// FramePingResp.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-/// MQTT PINGRESP packet
-struct FramePingResp: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = FrameType.pingresp.rawValue
- init() { /* Nothing to do */ }
-extension FramePingResp {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] { return [] }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] { return [] }
-extension FramePingResp: InitialWithBytes {
- init?(fixedHeader: UInt8, bytes: [UInt8]) {
- guard fixedHeader == FrameType.pingresp.rawValue else {
- return nil
- }
- guard bytes.count == 0 else {
- return nil
- }
- }
-extension FramePingResp: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "PONG"
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePubAck.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePubAck.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 52af321..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePubAck.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// FramePuback.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-/// MQTT PUBACK packet
-struct FramePubAck: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = FrameType.puback.rawValue
- // --- Attributes
- var msgid: UInt16
- // --- Attributes End
- init(msgid: UInt16) {
- self.msgid = msgid
- }
-extension FramePubAck {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] { return msgid.hlBytes }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] { return [] }
-extension FramePubAck: InitialWithBytes {
- init?(fixedHeader: UInt8, bytes: [UInt8]) {
- guard fixedHeader == FrameType.puback.rawValue else {
- return nil
- }
- guard bytes.count == 2 else {
- return nil
- }
- msgid = UInt16(bytes[0]) << 8 + UInt16(bytes[1])
- }
-extension FramePubAck: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "PUBACK(id: \(msgid))"
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePubComp.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePubComp.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index fbaeeb3..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePubComp.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// FramePubCom.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-/// MQTT PUBCOMP packet
-struct FramePubComp: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = FrameType.pubcomp.rawValue
- // --- Attributes
- var msgid: UInt16
- // --- Attributes End
- init(msgid: UInt16) {
- self.msgid = msgid
- }
-extension FramePubComp {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] { return msgid.hlBytes }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] { return [] }
-extension FramePubComp: InitialWithBytes {
- init?(fixedHeader: UInt8, bytes: [UInt8]) {
- guard fixedHeader == FrameType.pubcomp.rawValue else {
- return nil
- }
- guard bytes.count == 2 else {
- return nil
- }
- msgid = UInt16(bytes[0]) << 8 + UInt16(bytes[1])
- }
-extension FramePubComp: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "PUBCOMP(id: \(msgid))"
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePubRec.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePubRec.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 050a959..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePubRec.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// FramePubRec.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-/// MQTT PUBREC packet
-struct FramePubRec: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = 0x50
- // --- Attributes
- var msgid: UInt16
- // --- Attributes End
- init(msgid: UInt16) {
- self.msgid = msgid
- }
-extension FramePubRec {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] { return msgid.hlBytes }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] { return [] }
-extension FramePubRec: InitialWithBytes {
- init?(fixedHeader: UInt8, bytes: [UInt8]) {
- guard fixedHeader == FrameType.pubrec.rawValue else {
- return nil
- }
- guard bytes.count == 2 else {
- return nil
- }
- msgid = UInt16(bytes[0]) << 8 + UInt16(bytes[1])
- }
-extension FramePubRec: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "PUBREC(id: \(msgid))"
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePubRel.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePubRel.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 85e46da..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePubRel.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// FramePubRel.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-/// MQTT PUBREL packet
-struct FramePubRel: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = FrameType.pubrel.rawValue
- // --- Attributes
- var msgid: UInt16
- // --- Attributes End
- init(msgid: UInt16) {
- self.msgid = msgid
- qos = .qos1
- }
-extension FramePubRel {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] { return msgid.hlBytes }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] { return [] }
-extension FramePubRel: InitialWithBytes {
- init?(fixedHeader: UInt8, bytes: [UInt8]) {
- guard fixedHeader == 0x62 else {
- return nil
- }
- guard bytes.count == 2 else {
- return nil
- }
- self.fixedHeader = fixedHeader
- msgid = UInt16(bytes[0]) << 8 + UInt16(bytes[1])
- }
-extension FramePubRel: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "PUBREL(id: \(msgid))"
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePublish.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePublish.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index d269b3f..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FramePublish.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// FramePublish.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-struct FramePublish: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = FrameType.publish.rawValue
- // --- Attributes
- var msgid: UInt16
- var topic: String
- var _payload: [UInt8] = []
- // --- Attributes End
- init(topic: String, payload: [UInt8], qos: CocoaMQTTQoS = .qos0, msgid: UInt16 = 0) {
- self.topic = topic
- self._payload = payload
- self.msgid = msgid
- self.qos = qos
- }
-extension FramePublish {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] {
- var header = topic.bytesWithLength
- if qos > .qos0 {
- header += msgid.hlBytes
- }
- return header
- }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] { return _payload }
-extension FramePublish: InitialWithBytes {
- init?(fixedHeader: UInt8, bytes: [UInt8]) {
- guard fixedHeader & 0xF0 == FrameType.publish.rawValue else {
- return nil
- }
- self.fixedHeader = fixedHeader
- // parse topic
- if bytes.count < 2 {
- return nil
- }
- let len = UInt16(bytes[0]) << 8 + UInt16(bytes[1])
- var pos = 2 + Int(len)
- if bytes.count < pos {
- return nil
- }
- topic = NSString(bytes: [UInt8](bytes[2...(pos-1)]), length: Int(len), encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)! as String
- // msgid
- if (fixedHeader & 0x06) >> 1 == CocoaMQTTQoS.qos0.rawValue {
- msgid = 0
- } else {
- if bytes.count < pos + 2 {
- return nil
- }
- msgid = UInt16(bytes[pos]) << 8 + UInt16(bytes[pos+1])
- pos += 2
- }
- // payload
- if (pos == bytes.count) {
- _payload = []
- } else if (pos < bytes.count) {
- _payload = [UInt8](bytes[pos.. [UInt8] { return msgid.hlBytes }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] {
- var payload = [UInt8]()
- for qos in grantedQos {
- payload.append(qos.rawValue)
- }
- return payload
- }
-extension FrameSubAck: InitialWithBytes {
- init?(fixedHeader: UInt8, bytes: [UInt8]) {
- self.fixedHeader = fixedHeader
- // the bytes length must bigger than 3
- guard bytes.count >= 3 else {
- return nil
- }
- self.msgid = UInt16(bytes[0]) << 8 + UInt16(bytes[1])
- self.grantedQos = []
- for i in 2 ..< bytes.count {
- guard let qos = CocoaMQTTQoS(rawValue: bytes[i]) else {
- return nil
- }
- self.grantedQos.append(qos)
- }
- }
-extension FrameSubAck: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "SUBACK(id: \(msgid))"
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameSubscribe.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameSubscribe.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index a5623d7..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameSubscribe.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// FrameSubscribe.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-struct FrameSubscribe: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = FrameType.subscribe.rawValue
- // --- Attributes
- var msgid: UInt16
- var topics: [(String, CocoaMQTTQoS)]
- // --- Attributes End
- init(msgid: UInt16, topic: String, reqos: CocoaMQTTQoS) {
- self.init(msgid: msgid, topics: [(topic, reqos)])
- }
- init(msgid: UInt16, topics: [(String, CocoaMQTTQoS)]) {
- fixedHeader = FrameType.subscribe.rawValue
- self.msgid = msgid
- self.topics = topics
- qos = CocoaMQTTQoS.qos1
- }
-extension FrameSubscribe {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] { return msgid.hlBytes }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] {
- var payload = [UInt8]()
- for (topic, qos) in topics {
- payload += topic.bytesWithLength
- payload.append(qos.rawValue)
- }
- return payload
- }
-extension FrameSubscribe: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "SUBSCRIBE(id: \(msgid), topics: \(topics))"
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameUnsubAck.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameUnsubAck.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 4da3424..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameUnsubAck.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// FrameUnsubAck.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-/// MQTT UNSUBACK packet
-struct FrameUnsubAck: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = FrameType.unsuback.rawValue
- // --- Attributes
- var msgid: UInt16
- // --- Attributes End
- init(msgid: UInt16) {
- self.msgid = msgid
- }
-extension FrameUnsubAck {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] { return msgid.hlBytes }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] { return [] }
-extension FrameUnsubAck: InitialWithBytes {
- init?(fixedHeader: UInt8, bytes: [UInt8]) {
- guard fixedHeader == FrameType.unsuback.rawValue else {
- return nil
- }
- guard bytes.count == 2 else {
- return nil
- }
- msgid = UInt16(bytes[0]) << 8 + UInt16(bytes[1])
- }
-extension FrameUnsubAck: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "UNSUBSACK(id: \(msgid))"
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameUnsubscribe.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameUnsubscribe.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d50342..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/FrameUnsubscribe.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// FrameUnsubscribe.swift
-// CocoaMQTT
-import Foundation
-struct FrameUnsubscribe: Frame {
- var fixedHeader: UInt8 = FrameType.unsubscribe.rawValue
- // --- Attributes
- var msgid: UInt16
- var topics: [String]
- // --- Attribetes end
- init(msgid: UInt16, topics: [String]) {
- self.msgid = msgid
- self.topics = topics
- qos = CocoaMQTTQoS.qos1
- }
-extension FrameUnsubscribe {
- func variableHeader() -> [UInt8] { return msgid.hlBytes }
- func payload() -> [UInt8] {
- var payload = [UInt8]()
- for t in topics {
- payload += t.bytesWithLength
- }
- return payload
- }
-extension FrameUnsubscribe: CustomStringConvertible {
- var description: String {
- return "UNSUBSCRIBE(id: \(msgid), topics: \(topics))"
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/MQTTwihtoutPods-Bridging-Header.h b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/MQTTwihtoutPods-Bridging-Header.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d1fa0db..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/MQTTwihtoutPods-Bridging-Header.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// MQTTwihtoutPods-Bridging-Header.h
-// MQTTwihtoutPods
-// Created by rushabh.patel on 25/05/21.
-#ifndef MQTTwihtoutPods_Bridging_Header_h
-#define MQTTwihtoutPods_Bridging_Header_h
-//#import "GCDAsyncSocket.h"
-//#import "GCDAsyncUdpSocket.h"
-#endif /* MQTTwihtoutPods_Bridging_Header_h */
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/GCDAsyncSocket.h b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/GCDAsyncSocket.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c339f8a..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/GCDAsyncSocket.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1226 +0,0 @@
-// GCDAsyncSocket.h
-// This class is in the public domain.
-// Originally created by Robbie Hanson in Q3 2010.
-// Updated and maintained by Deusty LLC and the Apple development community.
-// https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket
-#include // AF_INET, AF_INET6
-@class GCDAsyncReadPacket;
-@class GCDAsyncWritePacket;
-@class GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer;
-@protocol GCDAsyncSocketDelegate;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketException;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketQueueName;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketThreadName;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS;
-#define GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerName (NSString *)kCFStreamSSLPeerName
-#define GCDAsyncSocketSSLCertificates (NSString *)kCFStreamSSLCertificates
-#define GCDAsyncSocketSSLIsServer (NSString *)kCFStreamSSLIsServer
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters;
-#define GCDAsyncSocketLoggingContext 65535
-typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain, GCDAsyncSocketError) {
- GCDAsyncSocketNoError = 0, // Never used
- GCDAsyncSocketBadConfigError, // Invalid configuration
- GCDAsyncSocketBadParamError, // Invalid parameter was passed
- GCDAsyncSocketConnectTimeoutError, // A connect operation timed out
- GCDAsyncSocketReadTimeoutError, // A read operation timed out
- GCDAsyncSocketWriteTimeoutError, // A write operation timed out
- GCDAsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError, // Reached set maxLength without completing
- GCDAsyncSocketClosedError, // The remote peer closed the connection
- GCDAsyncSocketOtherError, // Description provided in userInfo
-#pragma mark -
-@interface GCDAsyncSocket : NSObject
- * GCDAsyncSocket uses the standard delegate paradigm,
- * but executes all delegate callbacks on a given delegate dispatch queue.
- * This allows for maximum concurrency, while at the same time providing easy thread safety.
- *
- * You MUST set a delegate AND delegate dispatch queue before attempting to
- * use the socket, or you will get an error.
- *
- * The socket queue is optional.
- * If you pass NULL, GCDAsyncSocket will automatically create it's own socket queue.
- * If you choose to provide a socket queue, the socket queue must not be a concurrent queue.
- * If you choose to provide a socket queue, and the socket queue has a configured target queue,
- * then please see the discussion for the method markSocketQueueTargetQueue.
- *
- * The delegate queue and socket queue can optionally be the same.
-- (instancetype)init;
-- (instancetype)initWithSocketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq;
-- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq;
-- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
- * Create GCDAsyncSocket from already connect BSD socket file descriptor
-+ (nullable instancetype)socketFromConnectedSocketFD:(int)socketFD socketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq error:(NSError**)error;
-+ (nullable instancetype)socketFromConnectedSocketFD:(int)socketFD delegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq error:(NSError**)error;
-+ (nullable instancetype)socketFromConnectedSocketFD:(int)socketFD delegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq error:(NSError **)error;
-#pragma mark Configuration
-@property (atomic, weak, readwrite, nullable) id delegate;
-@property (atomic, strong, readwrite, nullable) dispatch_queue_t delegateQueue;
-@property (atomic, assign, readwrite, nullable) dispatch_queue_t delegateQueue;
-- (void)getDelegate:(id __nullable * __nullable)delegatePtr delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t __nullable * __nullable)delegateQueuePtr;
-- (void)setDelegate:(nullable id)delegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
- * If you are setting the delegate to nil within the delegate's dealloc method,
- * you may need to use the synchronous versions below.
-- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(nullable id)delegate;
-- (void)synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
-- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(nullable id)delegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
- * By default, both IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled.
- *
- * For accepting incoming connections, this means GCDAsyncSocket automatically supports both protocols,
- * and can simulataneously accept incoming connections on either protocol.
- *
- * For outgoing connections, this means GCDAsyncSocket can connect to remote hosts running either protocol.
- * If a DNS lookup returns only IPv4 results, GCDAsyncSocket will automatically use IPv4.
- * If a DNS lookup returns only IPv6 results, GCDAsyncSocket will automatically use IPv6.
- * If a DNS lookup returns both IPv4 and IPv6 results, the preferred protocol will be chosen.
- * By default, the preferred protocol is IPv4, but may be configured as desired.
-@property (atomic, assign, readwrite, getter=isIPv4Enabled) BOOL IPv4Enabled;
-@property (atomic, assign, readwrite, getter=isIPv6Enabled) BOOL IPv6Enabled;
-@property (atomic, assign, readwrite, getter=isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6) BOOL IPv4PreferredOverIPv6;
- * When connecting to both IPv4 and IPv6 using Happy Eyeballs (RFC 6555) https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6555
- * this is the delay between connecting to the preferred protocol and the fallback protocol.
- *
- * Defaults to 300ms.
-@property (atomic, assign, readwrite) NSTimeInterval alternateAddressDelay;
- * User data allows you to associate arbitrary information with the socket.
- * This data is not used internally by socket in any way.
-@property (atomic, strong, readwrite, nullable) id userData;
-#pragma mark Accepting
- * Tells the socket to begin listening and accepting connections on the given port.
- * When a connection is accepted, a new instance of GCDAsyncSocket will be spawned to handle it,
- * and the socket:didAcceptNewSocket: delegate method will be invoked.
- *
- * The socket will listen on all available interfaces (e.g. wifi, ethernet, etc)
-- (BOOL)acceptOnPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * This method is the same as acceptOnPort:error: with the
- * additional option of specifying which interface to listen on.
- *
- * For example, you could specify that the socket should only accept connections over ethernet,
- * and not other interfaces such as wifi.
- *
- * The interface may be specified by name (e.g. "en1" or "lo0") or by IP address (e.g. "").
- * You may also use the special strings "localhost" or "loopback" to specify that
- * the socket only accept connections from the local machine.
- *
- * You can see the list of interfaces via the command line utility "ifconfig",
- * or programmatically via the getifaddrs() function.
- *
- * To accept connections on any interface pass nil, or simply use the acceptOnPort:error: method.
-- (BOOL)acceptOnInterface:(nullable NSString *)interface port:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Tells the socket to begin listening and accepting connections on the unix domain at the given url.
- * When a connection is accepted, a new instance of GCDAsyncSocket will be spawned to handle it,
- * and the socket:didAcceptNewSocket: delegate method will be invoked.
- *
- * The socket will listen on all available interfaces (e.g. wifi, ethernet, etc)
- **/
-- (BOOL)acceptOnUrl:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-#pragma mark Connecting
- * Connects to the given host and port.
- *
- * This method invokes connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:
- * and uses the default interface, and no timeout.
-- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host onPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Connects to the given host and port with an optional timeout.
- *
- * This method invokes connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error: and uses the default interface.
-- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host
- onPort:(uint16_t)port
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Connects to the given host & port, via the optional interface, with an optional timeout.
- *
- * The host may be a domain name (e.g. "deusty.com") or an IP address string (e.g. "").
- * The host may also be the special strings "localhost" or "loopback" to specify connecting
- * to a service on the local machine.
- *
- * The interface may be a name (e.g. "en1" or "lo0") or the corresponding IP address (e.g. "").
- * The interface may also be used to specify the local port (see below).
- *
- * To not time out use a negative time interval.
- *
- * This method will return NO if an error is detected, and set the error pointer (if one was given).
- * Possible errors would be a nil host, invalid interface, or socket is already connected.
- *
- * If no errors are detected, this method will start a background connect operation and immediately return YES.
- * The delegate callbacks are used to notify you when the socket connects, or if the host was unreachable.
- *
- * Since this class supports queued reads and writes, you can immediately start reading and/or writing.
- * All read/write operations will be queued, and upon socket connection,
- * the operations will be dequeued and processed in order.
- *
- * The interface may optionally contain a port number at the end of the string, separated by a colon.
- * This allows you to specify the local port that should be used for the outgoing connection. (read paragraph to end)
- * To specify both interface and local port: "en1:8082" or "".
- * To specify only local port: ":8082".
- * Please note this is an advanced feature, and is somewhat hidden on purpose.
- * You should understand that 99.999% of the time you should NOT specify the local port for an outgoing connection.
- * If you think you need to, there is a very good chance you have a fundamental misunderstanding somewhere.
- * Local ports do NOT need to match remote ports. In fact, they almost never do.
- * This feature is here for networking professionals using very advanced techniques.
-- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host
- onPort:(uint16_t)port
- viaInterface:(nullable NSString *)interface
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Connects to the given address, specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
- * For example, a NSData object returned from NSNetService's addresses method.
- *
- * If you have an existing struct sockaddr you can convert it to a NSData object like so:
- * struct sockaddr sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:&remoteAddr length:remoteAddr.sa_len];
- * struct sockaddr *sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:remoteAddr length:remoteAddr->sa_len];
- *
- * This method invokes connectToAddress:remoteAddr viaInterface:nil withTimeout:-1 error:errPtr.
-- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * This method is the same as connectToAddress:error: with an additional timeout option.
- * To not time out use a negative time interval, or simply use the connectToAddress:error: method.
-- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Connects to the given address, using the specified interface and timeout.
- *
- * The address is specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
- * For example, a NSData object returned from NSNetService's addresses method.
- *
- * If you have an existing struct sockaddr you can convert it to a NSData object like so:
- * struct sockaddr sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:&remoteAddr length:remoteAddr.sa_len];
- * struct sockaddr *sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:remoteAddr length:remoteAddr->sa_len];
- *
- * The interface may be a name (e.g. "en1" or "lo0") or the corresponding IP address (e.g. "").
- * The interface may also be used to specify the local port (see below).
- *
- * The timeout is optional. To not time out use a negative time interval.
- *
- * This method will return NO if an error is detected, and set the error pointer (if one was given).
- * Possible errors would be a nil host, invalid interface, or socket is already connected.
- *
- * If no errors are detected, this method will start a background connect operation and immediately return YES.
- * The delegate callbacks are used to notify you when the socket connects, or if the host was unreachable.
- *
- * Since this class supports queued reads and writes, you can immediately start reading and/or writing.
- * All read/write operations will be queued, and upon socket connection,
- * the operations will be dequeued and processed in order.
- *
- * The interface may optionally contain a port number at the end of the string, separated by a colon.
- * This allows you to specify the local port that should be used for the outgoing connection. (read paragraph to end)
- * To specify both interface and local port: "en1:8082" or "".
- * To specify only local port: ":8082".
- * Please note this is an advanced feature, and is somewhat hidden on purpose.
- * You should understand that 99.999% of the time you should NOT specify the local port for an outgoing connection.
- * If you think you need to, there is a very good chance you have a fundamental misunderstanding somewhere.
- * Local ports do NOT need to match remote ports. In fact, they almost never do.
- * This feature is here for networking professionals using very advanced techniques.
-- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr
- viaInterface:(nullable NSString *)interface
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Connects to the unix domain socket at the given url, using the specified timeout.
- */
-- (BOOL)connectToUrl:(NSURL *)url withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Iterates over the given NetService's addresses in order, and invokes connectToAddress:error:. Stops at the
- * first invocation that succeeds and returns YES; otherwise returns NO.
- */
-- (BOOL)connectToNetService:(NSNetService *)netService error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-#pragma mark Disconnecting
- * Disconnects immediately (synchronously). Any pending reads or writes are dropped.
- *
- * If the socket is not already disconnected, an invocation to the socketDidDisconnect:withError: delegate method
- * will be queued onto the delegateQueue asynchronously (behind any previously queued delegate methods).
- * In other words, the disconnected delegate method will be invoked sometime shortly after this method returns.
- *
- * Please note the recommended way of releasing a GCDAsyncSocket instance (e.g. in a dealloc method)
- * [asyncSocket setDelegate:nil];
- * [asyncSocket disconnect];
- * [asyncSocket release];
- *
- * If you plan on disconnecting the socket, and then immediately asking it to connect again,
- * you'll likely want to do so like this:
- * [asyncSocket setDelegate:nil];
- * [asyncSocket disconnect];
- * [asyncSocket setDelegate:self];
- * [asyncSocket connect...];
-- (void)disconnect;
- * Disconnects after all pending reads have completed.
- * After calling this, the read and write methods will do nothing.
- * The socket will disconnect even if there are still pending writes.
-- (void)disconnectAfterReading;
- * Disconnects after all pending writes have completed.
- * After calling this, the read and write methods will do nothing.
- * The socket will disconnect even if there are still pending reads.
-- (void)disconnectAfterWriting;
- * Disconnects after all pending reads and writes have completed.
- * After calling this, the read and write methods will do nothing.
-- (void)disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting;
-#pragma mark Diagnostics
- * Returns whether the socket is disconnected or connected.
- *
- * A disconnected socket may be recycled.
- * That is, it can be used again for connecting or listening.
- *
- * If a socket is in the process of connecting, it may be neither disconnected nor connected.
-@property (atomic, readonly) BOOL isDisconnected;
-@property (atomic, readonly) BOOL isConnected;
- * Returns the local or remote host and port to which this socket is connected, or nil and 0 if not connected.
- * The host will be an IP address.
-@property (atomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *connectedHost;
-@property (atomic, readonly) uint16_t connectedPort;
-@property (atomic, readonly, nullable) NSURL *connectedUrl;
-@property (atomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *localHost;
-@property (atomic, readonly) uint16_t localPort;
- * Returns the local or remote address to which this socket is connected,
- * specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
- *
- * @seealso connectedHost
- * @seealso connectedPort
- * @seealso localHost
- * @seealso localPort
-@property (atomic, readonly, nullable) NSData *connectedAddress;
-@property (atomic, readonly, nullable) NSData *localAddress;
- * Returns whether the socket is IPv4 or IPv6.
- * An accepting socket may be both.
-@property (atomic, readonly) BOOL isIPv4;
-@property (atomic, readonly) BOOL isIPv6;
- * Returns whether or not the socket has been secured via SSL/TLS.
- *
- * See also the startTLS method.
-@property (atomic, readonly) BOOL isSecure;
-#pragma mark Reading
-// The readData and writeData methods won't block (they are asynchronous).
-// When a read is complete the socket:didReadData:withTag: delegate method is dispatched on the delegateQueue.
-// When a write is complete the socket:didWriteDataWithTag: delegate method is dispatched on the delegateQueue.
-// You may optionally set a timeout for any read/write operation. (To not timeout, use a negative time interval.)
-// If a read/write opertion times out, the corresponding "socket:shouldTimeout..." delegate method
-// is called to optionally allow you to extend the timeout.
-// Upon a timeout, the "socket:didDisconnectWithError:" method is called
-// The tag is for your convenience.
-// You can use it as an array index, step number, state id, pointer, etc.
- * Reads the first available bytes that become available on the socket.
- *
- * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
-- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag;
- * Reads the first available bytes that become available on the socket.
- * The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset.
- * The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.
- *
- * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
- * If the buffer is nil, the socket will create a buffer for you.
- *
- * If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer,
- * the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.
- *
- * If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while the socket is using it.
- * After completion, the data returned in socket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer.
- * That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer via
- * the method [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:NO].
-- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- buffer:(nullable NSMutableData *)buffer
- bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
- tag:(long)tag;
- * Reads the first available bytes that become available on the socket.
- * The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset.
- * The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.
- * A maximum of length bytes will be read.
- *
- * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
- * If the buffer is nil, a buffer will automatically be created for you.
- * If maxLength is zero, no length restriction is enforced.
- *
- * If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer,
- * the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.
- *
- * If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while the socket is using it.
- * After completion, the data returned in socket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer.
- * That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer via
- * the method [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:NO].
-- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- buffer:(nullable NSMutableData *)buffer
- bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
- maxLength:(NSUInteger)length
- tag:(long)tag;
- * Reads the given number of bytes.
- *
- * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
- *
- * If the length is 0, this method does nothing and the delegate is not called.
-- (void)readDataToLength:(NSUInteger)length withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag;
- * Reads the given number of bytes.
- * The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset.
- * The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.
- *
- * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
- * If the buffer is nil, a buffer will automatically be created for you.
- *
- * If the length is 0, this method does nothing and the delegate is not called.
- * If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer,
- * the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.
- *
- * If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while AsyncSocket is using it.
- * After completion, the data returned in socket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer.
- * That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer via
- * the method [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:NO].
-- (void)readDataToLength:(NSUInteger)length
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- buffer:(nullable NSMutableData *)buffer
- bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
- tag:(long)tag;
- * Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.
- *
- * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
- *
- * If you pass nil or zero-length data as the "data" parameter,
- * the method will do nothing (except maybe print a warning), and the delegate will not be called.
- *
- * To read a line from the socket, use the line separator (e.g. CRLF for HTTP, see below) as the "data" parameter.
- * If you're developing your own custom protocol, be sure your separator can not occur naturally as
- * part of the data between separators.
- * For example, imagine you want to send several small documents over a socket.
- * Using CRLF as a separator is likely unwise, as a CRLF could easily exist within the documents.
- * In this particular example, it would be better to use a protocol similar to HTTP with
- * a header that includes the length of the document.
- * Also be careful that your separator cannot occur naturally as part of the encoding for a character.
- *
- * The given data (separator) parameter should be immutable.
- * For performance reasons, the socket will retain it, not copy it.
- * So if it is immutable, don't modify it while the socket is using it.
-- (void)readDataToData:(nullable NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag;
- * Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.
- * The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset.
- * The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.
- *
- * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
- * If the buffer is nil, a buffer will automatically be created for you.
- *
- * If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer,
- * the method will do nothing (except maybe print a warning), and the delegate will not be called.
- *
- * If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while the socket is using it.
- * After completion, the data returned in socket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer.
- * That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer via
- * the method [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:NO].
- *
- * To read a line from the socket, use the line separator (e.g. CRLF for HTTP, see below) as the "data" parameter.
- * If you're developing your own custom protocol, be sure your separator can not occur naturally as
- * part of the data between separators.
- * For example, imagine you want to send several small documents over a socket.
- * Using CRLF as a separator is likely unwise, as a CRLF could easily exist within the documents.
- * In this particular example, it would be better to use a protocol similar to HTTP with
- * a header that includes the length of the document.
- * Also be careful that your separator cannot occur naturally as part of the encoding for a character.
- *
- * The given data (separator) parameter should be immutable.
- * For performance reasons, the socket will retain it, not copy it.
- * So if it is immutable, don't modify it while the socket is using it.
-- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- buffer:(nullable NSMutableData *)buffer
- bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
- tag:(long)tag;
- * Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.
- *
- * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
- *
- * If maxLength is zero, no length restriction is enforced.
- * Otherwise if maxLength bytes are read without completing the read,
- * it is treated similarly to a timeout - the socket is closed with a GCDAsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError.
- * The read will complete successfully if exactly maxLength bytes are read and the given data is found at the end.
- *
- * If you pass nil or zero-length data as the "data" parameter,
- * the method will do nothing (except maybe print a warning), and the delegate will not be called.
- * If you pass a maxLength parameter that is less than the length of the data parameter,
- * the method will do nothing (except maybe print a warning), and the delegate will not be called.
- *
- * To read a line from the socket, use the line separator (e.g. CRLF for HTTP, see below) as the "data" parameter.
- * If you're developing your own custom protocol, be sure your separator can not occur naturally as
- * part of the data between separators.
- * For example, imagine you want to send several small documents over a socket.
- * Using CRLF as a separator is likely unwise, as a CRLF could easily exist within the documents.
- * In this particular example, it would be better to use a protocol similar to HTTP with
- * a header that includes the length of the document.
- * Also be careful that your separator cannot occur naturally as part of the encoding for a character.
- *
- * The given data (separator) parameter should be immutable.
- * For performance reasons, the socket will retain it, not copy it.
- * So if it is immutable, don't modify it while the socket is using it.
-- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout maxLength:(NSUInteger)length tag:(long)tag;
- * Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.
- * The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset.
- * The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.
- *
- * If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.
- * If the buffer is nil, a buffer will automatically be created for you.
- *
- * If maxLength is zero, no length restriction is enforced.
- * Otherwise if maxLength bytes are read without completing the read,
- * it is treated similarly to a timeout - the socket is closed with a GCDAsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError.
- * The read will complete successfully if exactly maxLength bytes are read and the given data is found at the end.
- *
- * If you pass a maxLength parameter that is less than the length of the data (separator) parameter,
- * the method will do nothing (except maybe print a warning), and the delegate will not be called.
- * If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer,
- * the method will do nothing (except maybe print a warning), and the delegate will not be called.
- *
- * If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while the socket is using it.
- * After completion, the data returned in socket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer.
- * That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer via
- * the method [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:NO].
- *
- * To read a line from the socket, use the line separator (e.g. CRLF for HTTP, see below) as the "data" parameter.
- * If you're developing your own custom protocol, be sure your separator can not occur naturally as
- * part of the data between separators.
- * For example, imagine you want to send several small documents over a socket.
- * Using CRLF as a separator is likely unwise, as a CRLF could easily exist within the documents.
- * In this particular example, it would be better to use a protocol similar to HTTP with
- * a header that includes the length of the document.
- * Also be careful that your separator cannot occur naturally as part of the encoding for a character.
- *
- * The given data (separator) parameter should be immutable.
- * For performance reasons, the socket will retain it, not copy it.
- * So if it is immutable, don't modify it while the socket is using it.
-- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- buffer:(nullable NSMutableData *)buffer
- bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
- maxLength:(NSUInteger)length
- tag:(long)tag;
- * Returns progress of the current read, from 0.0 to 1.0, or NaN if no current read (use isnan() to check).
- * The parameters "tag", "done" and "total" will be filled in if they aren't NULL.
-- (float)progressOfReadReturningTag:(nullable long *)tagPtr bytesDone:(nullable NSUInteger *)donePtr total:(nullable NSUInteger *)totalPtr;
-#pragma mark Writing
- * Writes data to the socket, and calls the delegate when finished.
- *
- * If you pass in nil or zero-length data, this method does nothing and the delegate will not be called.
- * If the timeout value is negative, the write operation will not use a timeout.
- *
- * Thread-Safety Note:
- * If the given data parameter is mutable (NSMutableData) then you MUST NOT alter the data while
- * the socket is writing it. In other words, it's not safe to alter the data until after the delegate method
- * socket:didWriteDataWithTag: is invoked signifying that this particular write operation has completed.
- * This is due to the fact that GCDAsyncSocket does NOT copy the data. It simply retains it.
- * This is for performance reasons. Often times, if NSMutableData is passed, it is because
- * a request/response was built up in memory. Copying this data adds an unwanted/unneeded overhead.
- * If you need to write data from an immutable buffer, and you need to alter the buffer before the socket
- * completes writing the bytes (which is NOT immediately after this method returns, but rather at a later time
- * when the delegate method notifies you), then you should first copy the bytes, and pass the copy to this method.
-- (void)writeData:(nullable NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag;
- * Returns progress of the current write, from 0.0 to 1.0, or NaN if no current write (use isnan() to check).
- * The parameters "tag", "done" and "total" will be filled in if they aren't NULL.
-- (float)progressOfWriteReturningTag:(nullable long *)tagPtr bytesDone:(nullable NSUInteger *)donePtr total:(nullable NSUInteger *)totalPtr;
-#pragma mark Security
- * Secures the connection using SSL/TLS.
- *
- * This method may be called at any time, and the TLS handshake will occur after all pending reads and writes
- * are finished. This allows one the option of sending a protocol dependent StartTLS message, and queuing
- * the upgrade to TLS at the same time, without having to wait for the write to finish.
- * Any reads or writes scheduled after this method is called will occur over the secured connection.
- *
- * ==== The available TOP-LEVEL KEYS are:
- *
- * - GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust
- * The value must be of type NSNumber, encapsulating a BOOL value.
- * If you set this to YES, then the underlying SecureTransport system will not evaluate the SecTrustRef of the peer.
- * Instead it will pause at the moment evaulation would typically occur,
- * and allow us to handle the security evaluation however we see fit.
- * So GCDAsyncSocket will invoke the delegate method socket:shouldTrustPeer: passing the SecTrustRef.
- *
- * Note that if you set this option, then all other configuration keys are ignored.
- * Evaluation will be completely up to you during the socket:didReceiveTrust:completionHandler: delegate method.
- *
- * For more information on trust evaluation see:
- * Apple's Technical Note TN2232 - HTTPS Server Trust Evaluation
- * https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/tn2232/_index.html
- *
- * If unspecified, the default value is NO.
- *
- * - GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS (iOS only)
- * The value must be of type NSNumber, encapsulating a BOOL value.
- * By default GCDAsyncSocket will use the SecureTransport layer to perform encryption.
- * This gives us more control over the security protocol (many more configuration options),
- * plus it allows us to optimize things like sys calls and buffer allocation.
- *
- * However, if you absolutely must, you can instruct GCDAsyncSocket to use the old-fashioned encryption
- * technique by going through the CFStream instead. So instead of using SecureTransport, GCDAsyncSocket
- * will instead setup a CFRead/CFWriteStream. And then set the kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings property
- * (via CFReadStreamSetProperty / CFWriteStreamSetProperty) and will pass the given options to this method.
- *
- * Thus all the other keys in the given dictionary will be ignored by GCDAsyncSocket,
- * and will passed directly CFReadStreamSetProperty / CFWriteStreamSetProperty.
- * For more infomation on these keys, please see the documentation for kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings.
- *
- * If unspecified, the default value is NO.
- *
- * ==== The available CONFIGURATION KEYS are:
- *
- * - kCFStreamSSLPeerName
- * The value must be of type NSString.
- * It should match the name in the X.509 certificate given by the remote party.
- * See Apple's documentation for SSLSetPeerDomainName.
- *
- * - kCFStreamSSLCertificates
- * The value must be of type NSArray.
- * See Apple's documentation for SSLSetCertificate.
- *
- * - kCFStreamSSLIsServer
- * The value must be of type NSNumber, encapsulationg a BOOL value.
- * See Apple's documentation for SSLCreateContext for iOS.
- * This is optional for iOS. If not supplied, a NO value is the default.
- * This is not needed for Mac OS X, and the value is ignored.
- *
- * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID
- * The value must be of type NSData.
- * You must set this value if you want to use TLS session resumption.
- * See Apple's documentation for SSLSetPeerID.
- *
- * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin
- * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax
- * The value(s) must be of type NSNumber, encapsulting a SSLProtocol value.
- * See Apple's documentation for SSLSetProtocolVersionMin & SSLSetProtocolVersionMax.
- * See also the SSLProtocol typedef.
- *
- * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart
- * The value must be of type NSNumber, encapsulating a BOOL value.
- * See Apple's documentation for kSSLSessionOptionFalseStart.
- *
- * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord
- * The value must be of type NSNumber, encapsulating a BOOL value.
- * See Apple's documentation for kSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord.
- *
- * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites
- * The values must be of type NSArray.
- * Each item within the array must be a NSNumber, encapsulating an SSLCipherSuite.
- * See Apple's documentation for SSLSetEnabledCiphers.
- * See also the SSLCipherSuite typedef.
- *
- * - GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters (Mac OS X only)
- * The value must be of type NSData.
- * See Apple's documentation for SSLSetDiffieHellmanParams.
- *
- * ==== The following UNAVAILABLE KEYS are: (with throw an exception)
- *
- * - kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot (UNAVAILABLE)
- * You MUST use manual trust evaluation instead (see GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust).
- * Corresponding deprecated method: SSLSetAllowsAnyRoot
- *
- * - kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots (UNAVAILABLE)
- * You MUST use manual trust evaluation instead (see GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust).
- * Corresponding deprecated method: SSLSetAllowsExpiredRoots
- *
- * - kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates (UNAVAILABLE)
- * You MUST use manual trust evaluation instead (see GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust).
- * Corresponding deprecated method: SSLSetAllowsExpiredCerts
- *
- * - kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain (UNAVAILABLE)
- * You MUST use manual trust evaluation instead (see GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust).
- * Corresponding deprecated method: SSLSetEnableCertVerify
- *
- * - kCFStreamSSLLevel (UNAVAILABLE)
- * You MUST use GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin & GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin instead.
- * Corresponding deprecated method: SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled
- *
- *
- * Please refer to Apple's documentation for corresponding SSLFunctions.
- *
- * If you pass in nil or an empty dictionary, the default settings will be used.
- *
- * The default settings will check to make sure the remote party's certificate is signed by a
- * trusted 3rd party certificate agency (e.g. verisign) and that the certificate is not expired.
- * However it will not verify the name on the certificate unless you
- * give it a name to verify against via the kCFStreamSSLPeerName key.
- * The security implications of this are important to understand.
- * Imagine you are attempting to create a secure connection to MySecureServer.com,
- * but your socket gets directed to MaliciousServer.com because of a hacked DNS server.
- * If you simply use the default settings, and MaliciousServer.com has a valid certificate,
- * the default settings will not detect any problems since the certificate is valid.
- * To properly secure your connection in this particular scenario you
- * should set the kCFStreamSSLPeerName property to "MySecureServer.com".
- *
- * You can also perform additional validation in socketDidSecure.
-- (void)startTLS:(nullable NSDictionary *)tlsSettings;
-#pragma mark Advanced
- * Traditionally sockets are not closed until the conversation is over.
- * However, it is technically possible for the remote enpoint to close its write stream.
- * Our socket would then be notified that there is no more data to be read,
- * but our socket would still be writeable and the remote endpoint could continue to receive our data.
- *
- * The argument for this confusing functionality stems from the idea that a client could shut down its
- * write stream after sending a request to the server, thus notifying the server there are to be no further requests.
- * In practice, however, this technique did little to help server developers.
- *
- * To make matters worse, from a TCP perspective there is no way to tell the difference from a read stream close
- * and a full socket close. They both result in the TCP stack receiving a FIN packet. The only way to tell
- * is by continuing to write to the socket. If it was only a read stream close, then writes will continue to work.
- * Otherwise an error will be occur shortly (when the remote end sends us a RST packet).
- *
- * In addition to the technical challenges and confusion, many high level socket/stream API's provide
- * no support for dealing with the problem. If the read stream is closed, the API immediately declares the
- * socket to be closed, and shuts down the write stream as well. In fact, this is what Apple's CFStream API does.
- * It might sound like poor design at first, but in fact it simplifies development.
- *
- * The vast majority of the time if the read stream is closed it's because the remote endpoint closed its socket.
- * Thus it actually makes sense to close the socket at this point.
- * And in fact this is what most networking developers want and expect to happen.
- * However, if you are writing a server that interacts with a plethora of clients,
- * you might encounter a client that uses the discouraged technique of shutting down its write stream.
- * If this is the case, you can set this property to NO,
- * and make use of the socketDidCloseReadStream delegate method.
- *
- * The default value is YES.
-@property (atomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream;
- * GCDAsyncSocket maintains thread safety by using an internal serial dispatch_queue.
- * In most cases, the instance creates this queue itself.
- * However, to allow for maximum flexibility, the internal queue may be passed in the init method.
- * This allows for some advanced options such as controlling socket priority via target queues.
- * However, when one begins to use target queues like this, they open the door to some specific deadlock issues.
- *
- * For example, imagine there are 2 queues:
- * dispatch_queue_t socketQueue;
- * dispatch_queue_t socketTargetQueue;
- *
- * If you do this (pseudo-code):
- * socketQueue.targetQueue = socketTargetQueue;
- *
- * Then all socketQueue operations will actually get run on the given socketTargetQueue.
- * This is fine and works great in most situations.
- * But if you run code directly from within the socketTargetQueue that accesses the socket,
- * you could potentially get deadlock. Imagine the following code:
- *
- * - (BOOL)socketHasSomething
- * {
- * __block BOOL result = NO;
- * dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- * result = [self someInternalMethodToBeRunOnlyOnSocketQueue];
- * }
- * if (is_executing_on_queue(socketQueue))
- * block();
- * else
- * dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- *
- * return result;
- * }
- *
- * What happens if you call this method from the socketTargetQueue? The result is deadlock.
- * This is because the GCD API offers no mechanism to discover a queue's targetQueue.
- * Thus we have no idea if our socketQueue is configured with a targetQueue.
- * If we had this information, we could easily avoid deadlock.
- * But, since these API's are missing or unfeasible, you'll have to explicitly set it.
- *
- * IF you pass a socketQueue via the init method,
- * AND you've configured the passed socketQueue with a targetQueue,
- * THEN you should pass the end queue in the target hierarchy.
- *
- * For example, consider the following queue hierarchy:
- * socketQueue -> ipQueue -> moduleQueue
- *
- * This example demonstrates priority shaping within some server.
- * All incoming client connections from the same IP address are executed on the same target queue.
- * And all connections for a particular module are executed on the same target queue.
- * Thus, the priority of all networking for the entire module can be changed on the fly.
- * Additionally, networking traffic from a single IP cannot monopolize the module.
- *
- * Here's how you would accomplish something like that:
- * - (dispatch_queue_t)newSocketQueueForConnectionFromAddress:(NSData *)address onSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock
- * {
- * dispatch_queue_t socketQueue = dispatch_queue_create("", NULL);
- * dispatch_queue_t ipQueue = [self ipQueueForAddress:address];
- *
- * dispatch_set_target_queue(socketQueue, ipQueue);
- * dispatch_set_target_queue(iqQueue, moduleQueue);
- *
- * return socketQueue;
- * }
- * - (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didAcceptNewSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)newSocket
- * {
- * [clientConnections addObject:newSocket];
- * [newSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:moduleQueue];
- * }
- *
- * Note: This workaround is ONLY needed if you intend to execute code directly on the ipQueue or moduleQueue.
- * This is often NOT the case, as such queues are used solely for execution shaping.
-- (void)markSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketQueuesPreConfiguredTargetQueue;
-- (void)unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketQueuesPreviouslyConfiguredTargetQueue;
- * It's not thread-safe to access certain variables from outside the socket's internal queue.
- *
- * For example, the socket file descriptor.
- * File descriptors are simply integers which reference an index in the per-process file table.
- * However, when one requests a new file descriptor (by opening a file or socket),
- * the file descriptor returned is guaranteed to be the lowest numbered unused descriptor.
- * So if we're not careful, the following could be possible:
- *
- * - Thread A invokes a method which returns the socket's file descriptor.
- * - The socket is closed via the socket's internal queue on thread B.
- * - Thread C opens a file, and subsequently receives the file descriptor that was previously the socket's FD.
- * - Thread A is now accessing/altering the file instead of the socket.
- *
- * In addition to this, other variables are not actually objects,
- * and thus cannot be retained/released or even autoreleased.
- * An example is the sslContext, of type SSLContextRef, which is actually a malloc'd struct.
- *
- * Although there are internal variables that make it difficult to maintain thread-safety,
- * it is important to provide access to these variables
- * to ensure this class can be used in a wide array of environments.
- * This method helps to accomplish this by invoking the current block on the socket's internal queue.
- * The methods below can be invoked from within the block to access
- * those generally thread-unsafe internal variables in a thread-safe manner.
- * The given block will be invoked synchronously on the socket's internal queue.
- *
- * If you save references to any protected variables and use them outside the block, you do so at your own peril.
-- (void)performBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block;
- * These methods are only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
- * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
- *
- * Provides access to the socket's file descriptor(s).
- * If the socket is a server socket (is accepting incoming connections),
- * it might actually have multiple internal socket file descriptors - one for IPv4 and one for IPv6.
-- (int)socketFD;
-- (int)socket4FD;
-- (int)socket6FD;
- * These methods are only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
- * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
- *
- * Provides access to the socket's internal CFReadStream/CFWriteStream.
- *
- * These streams are only used as workarounds for specific iOS shortcomings:
- *
- * - Apple has decided to keep the SecureTransport framework private is iOS.
- * This means the only supplied way to do SSL/TLS is via CFStream or some other API layered on top of it.
- * Thus, in order to provide SSL/TLS support on iOS we are forced to rely on CFStream,
- * instead of the preferred and faster and more powerful SecureTransport.
- *
- * - If a socket doesn't have backgrounding enabled, and that socket is closed while the app is backgrounded,
- * Apple only bothers to notify us via the CFStream API.
- * The faster and more powerful GCD API isn't notified properly in this case.
- *
- * See also: (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSocket
-- (nullable CFReadStreamRef)readStream;
-- (nullable CFWriteStreamRef)writeStream;
- * This method is only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
- * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
- *
- * Configures the socket to allow it to operate when the iOS application has been backgrounded.
- * In other words, this method creates a read & write stream, and invokes:
- *
- * CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
- * CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
- *
- * Returns YES if successful, NO otherwise.
- *
- * Note: Apple does not officially support backgrounding server sockets.
- * That is, if your socket is accepting incoming connections, Apple does not officially support
- * allowing iOS applications to accept incoming connections while an app is backgrounded.
- *
- * Example usage:
- *
- * - (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didConnectToHost:(NSString *)host port:(uint16_t)port
- * {
- * [asyncSocket performBlock:^{
- * [asyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocket];
- * }];
- * }
-- (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSocket;
- * This method is only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
- * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
- *
- * Provides access to the socket's SSLContext, if SSL/TLS has been started on the socket.
-- (nullable SSLContextRef)sslContext;
-#pragma mark Utilities
- * The address lookup utility used by the class.
- * This method is synchronous, so it's recommended you use it on a background thread/queue.
- *
- * The special strings "localhost" and "loopback" return the loopback address for IPv4 and IPv6.
- *
- * @returns
- * A mutable array with all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses returned by getaddrinfo.
- * The addresses are specifically for TCP connections.
- * You can filter the addresses, if needed, using the other utility methods provided by the class.
-+ (nullable NSMutableArray *)lookupHost:(NSString *)host port:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Extracting host and port information from raw address data.
-+ (nullable NSString *)hostFromAddress:(NSData *)address;
-+ (uint16_t)portFromAddress:(NSData *)address;
-+ (BOOL)isIPv4Address:(NSData *)address;
-+ (BOOL)isIPv6Address:(NSData *)address;
-+ (BOOL)getHost:( NSString * __nullable * __nullable)hostPtr port:(nullable uint16_t *)portPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address;
-+ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString * __nullable * __nullable)hostPtr port:(nullable uint16_t *)portPtr family:(nullable sa_family_t *)afPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address;
- * A few common line separators, for use with the readDataToData:... methods.
-+ (NSData *)CRLFData; // 0x0D0A
-+ (NSData *)CRData; // 0x0D
-+ (NSData *)LFData; // 0x0A
-+ (NSData *)ZeroData; // 0x00
-#pragma mark -
-@protocol GCDAsyncSocketDelegate
- * This method is called immediately prior to socket:didAcceptNewSocket:.
- * It optionally allows a listening socket to specify the socketQueue for a new accepted socket.
- * If this method is not implemented, or returns NULL, the new accepted socket will create its own default queue.
- *
- * Since you cannot autorelease a dispatch_queue,
- * this method uses the "new" prefix in its name to specify that the returned queue has been retained.
- *
- * Thus you could do something like this in the implementation:
- * return dispatch_queue_create("MyQueue", NULL);
- *
- * If you are placing multiple sockets on the same queue,
- * then care should be taken to increment the retain count each time this method is invoked.
- *
- * For example, your implementation might look something like this:
- * dispatch_retain(myExistingQueue);
- * return myExistingQueue;
-- (nullable dispatch_queue_t)newSocketQueueForConnectionFromAddress:(NSData *)address onSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock;
- * Called when a socket accepts a connection.
- * Another socket is automatically spawned to handle it.
- *
- * You must retain the newSocket if you wish to handle the connection.
- * Otherwise the newSocket instance will be released and the spawned connection will be closed.
- *
- * By default the new socket will have the same delegate and delegateQueue.
- * You may, of course, change this at any time.
-- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didAcceptNewSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)newSocket;
- * Called when a socket connects and is ready for reading and writing.
- * The host parameter will be an IP address, not a DNS name.
-- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didConnectToHost:(NSString *)host port:(uint16_t)port;
- * Called when a socket connects and is ready for reading and writing.
- * The host parameter will be an IP address, not a DNS name.
- **/
-- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didConnectToUrl:(NSURL *)url;
- * Called when a socket has completed reading the requested data into memory.
- * Not called if there is an error.
-- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReadData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag;
- * Called when a socket has read in data, but has not yet completed the read.
- * This would occur if using readToData: or readToLength: methods.
- * It may be used for things such as updating progress bars.
-- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReadPartialDataOfLength:(NSUInteger)partialLength tag:(long)tag;
- * Called when a socket has completed writing the requested data. Not called if there is an error.
-- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didWriteDataWithTag:(long)tag;
- * Called when a socket has written some data, but has not yet completed the entire write.
- * It may be used for things such as updating progress bars.
-- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didWritePartialDataOfLength:(NSUInteger)partialLength tag:(long)tag;
- * Called if a read operation has reached its timeout without completing.
- * This method allows you to optionally extend the timeout.
- * If you return a positive time interval (> 0) the read's timeout will be extended by the given amount.
- * If you don't implement this method, or return a non-positive time interval (<= 0) the read will timeout as usual.
- *
- * The elapsed parameter is the sum of the original timeout, plus any additions previously added via this method.
- * The length parameter is the number of bytes that have been read so far for the read operation.
- *
- * Note that this method may be called multiple times for a single read if you return positive numbers.
-- (NSTimeInterval)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock shouldTimeoutReadWithTag:(long)tag
- elapsed:(NSTimeInterval)elapsed
- bytesDone:(NSUInteger)length;
- * Called if a write operation has reached its timeout without completing.
- * This method allows you to optionally extend the timeout.
- * If you return a positive time interval (> 0) the write's timeout will be extended by the given amount.
- * If you don't implement this method, or return a non-positive time interval (<= 0) the write will timeout as usual.
- *
- * The elapsed parameter is the sum of the original timeout, plus any additions previously added via this method.
- * The length parameter is the number of bytes that have been written so far for the write operation.
- *
- * Note that this method may be called multiple times for a single write if you return positive numbers.
-- (NSTimeInterval)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock shouldTimeoutWriteWithTag:(long)tag
- elapsed:(NSTimeInterval)elapsed
- bytesDone:(NSUInteger)length;
- * Conditionally called if the read stream closes, but the write stream may still be writeable.
- *
- * This delegate method is only called if autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream has been set to NO.
- * See the discussion on the autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream method for more information.
-- (void)socketDidCloseReadStream:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock;
- * Called when a socket disconnects with or without error.
- *
- * If you call the disconnect method, and the socket wasn't already disconnected,
- * then an invocation of this delegate method will be enqueued on the delegateQueue
- * before the disconnect method returns.
- *
- * Note: If the GCDAsyncSocket instance is deallocated while it is still connected,
- * and the delegate is not also deallocated, then this method will be invoked,
- * but the sock parameter will be nil. (It must necessarily be nil since it is no longer available.)
- * This is a generally rare, but is possible if one writes code like this:
- *
- * asyncSocket = nil; // I'm implicitly disconnecting the socket
- *
- * In this case it may preferrable to nil the delegate beforehand, like this:
- *
- * asyncSocket.delegate = nil; // Don't invoke my delegate method
- * asyncSocket = nil; // I'm implicitly disconnecting the socket
- *
- * Of course, this depends on how your state machine is configured.
-- (void)socketDidDisconnect:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock withError:(nullable NSError *)err;
- * Called after the socket has successfully completed SSL/TLS negotiation.
- * This method is not called unless you use the provided startTLS method.
- *
- * If a SSL/TLS negotiation fails (invalid certificate, etc) then the socket will immediately close,
- * and the socketDidDisconnect:withError: delegate method will be called with the specific SSL error code.
-- (void)socketDidSecure:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock;
- * Allows a socket delegate to hook into the TLS handshake and manually validate the peer it's connecting to.
- *
- * This is only called if startTLS is invoked with options that include:
- * - GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust == YES
- *
- * Typically the delegate will use SecTrustEvaluate (and related functions) to properly validate the peer.
- *
- * Note from Apple's documentation:
- * Because [SecTrustEvaluate] might look on the network for certificates in the certificate chain,
- * [it] might block while attempting network access. You should never call it from your main thread;
- * call it only from within a function running on a dispatch queue or on a separate thread.
- *
- * Thus this method uses a completionHandler block rather than a normal return value.
- * The completionHandler block is thread-safe, and may be invoked from a background queue/thread.
- * It is safe to invoke the completionHandler block even if the socket has been closed.
-- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReceiveTrust:(SecTrustRef)trust
- completionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL shouldTrustPeer))completionHandler;
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/GCDAsyncSocket.m b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/GCDAsyncSocket.m
deleted file mode 100755
index f3d1c17..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/GCDAsyncSocket.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8526 +0,0 @@
-// GCDAsyncSocket.m
-// This class is in the public domain.
-// Originally created by Robbie Hanson in Q4 2010.
-// Updated and maintained by Deusty LLC and the Apple development community.
-// https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket
-#import "GCDAsyncSocket.h"
-#if ! __has_feature(objc_arc)
-#warning This file must be compiled with ARC. Use -fobjc-arc flag (or convert project to ARC).
-// For more information see: https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket/wiki/ARC
-#ifndef GCDAsyncSocketLoggingEnabled
-#define GCDAsyncSocketLoggingEnabled 0
-#if GCDAsyncSocketLoggingEnabled
-// Logging Enabled - See log level below
-// Logging uses the CocoaLumberjack framework (which is also GCD based).
-// https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaLumberjack
-// It allows us to do a lot of logging without significantly slowing down the code.
-#import "DDLog.h"
-#define LogAsync YES
-#define LogContext GCDAsyncSocketLoggingContext
-#define LogObjc(flg, frmt, ...) LOG_OBJC_MAYBE(LogAsync, logLevel, flg, LogContext, frmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogC(flg, frmt, ...) LOG_C_MAYBE(LogAsync, logLevel, flg, LogContext, frmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogError(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_ERROR, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogWarn(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_WARN, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogInfo(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_INFO, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogVerbose(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogCError(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_ERROR, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogCWarn(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_WARN, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogCInfo(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_INFO, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogCVerbose(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogTrace() LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, @"%@: %@", THIS_FILE, THIS_METHOD)
-#define LogCTrace() LogC(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, @"%@: %s", THIS_FILE, __FUNCTION__)
-#ifndef GCDAsyncSocketLogLevel
-#define GCDAsyncSocketLogLevel LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE
-// Log levels : off, error, warn, info, verbose
-static const int logLevel = GCDAsyncSocketLogLevel;
-// Logging Disabled
-#define LogError(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogWarn(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogInfo(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogVerbose(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogCError(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogCWarn(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogCInfo(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogCVerbose(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogTrace() {}
-#define LogCTrace(frmt, ...) {}
- * Seeing a return statements within an inner block
- * can sometimes be mistaken for a return point of the enclosing method.
- * This makes inline blocks a bit easier to read.
-#define return_from_block return
- * A socket file descriptor is really just an integer.
- * It represents the index of the socket within the kernel.
- * This makes invalid file descriptor comparisons easier to read.
-#define SOCKET_NULL -1
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketException = @"GCDAsyncSocketException";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain = @"GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketQueueName = @"GCDAsyncSocket";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketThreadName = @"GCDAsyncSocket-CFStream";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust = @"GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS = @"GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters = @"GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters";
-enum GCDAsyncSocketFlags
- kSocketStarted = 1 << 0, // If set, socket has been started (accepting/connecting)
- kConnected = 1 << 1, // If set, the socket is connected
- kForbidReadsWrites = 1 << 2, // If set, no new reads or writes are allowed
- kReadsPaused = 1 << 3, // If set, reads are paused due to possible timeout
- kWritesPaused = 1 << 4, // If set, writes are paused due to possible timeout
- kDisconnectAfterReads = 1 << 5, // If set, disconnect after no more reads are queued
- kDisconnectAfterWrites = 1 << 6, // If set, disconnect after no more writes are queued
- kSocketCanAcceptBytes = 1 << 7, // If set, we know socket can accept bytes. If unset, it's unknown.
- kReadSourceSuspended = 1 << 8, // If set, the read source is suspended
- kWriteSourceSuspended = 1 << 9, // If set, the write source is suspended
- kQueuedTLS = 1 << 10, // If set, we've queued an upgrade to TLS
- kStartingReadTLS = 1 << 11, // If set, we're waiting for TLS negotiation to complete
- kStartingWriteTLS = 1 << 12, // If set, we're waiting for TLS negotiation to complete
- kSocketSecure = 1 << 13, // If set, socket is using secure communication via SSL/TLS
- kSocketHasReadEOF = 1 << 14, // If set, we have read EOF from socket
- kReadStreamClosed = 1 << 15, // If set, we've read EOF plus prebuffer has been drained
- kDealloc = 1 << 16, // If set, the socket is being deallocated
- kAddedStreamsToRunLoop = 1 << 17, // If set, CFStreams have been added to listener thread
- kUsingCFStreamForTLS = 1 << 18, // If set, we're forced to use CFStream instead of SecureTransport
- kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable = 1 << 19, // If set, CFReadStream has notified us of bytes available
-enum GCDAsyncSocketConfig
- kIPv4Disabled = 1 << 0, // If set, IPv4 is disabled
- kIPv6Disabled = 1 << 1, // If set, IPv6 is disabled
- kPreferIPv6 = 1 << 2, // If set, IPv6 is preferred over IPv4
- kAllowHalfDuplexConnection = 1 << 3, // If set, the socket will stay open even if the read stream closes
- static NSThread *cfstreamThread; // Used for CFStreams
- static uint64_t cfstreamThreadRetainCount; // setup & teardown
- static dispatch_queue_t cfstreamThreadSetupQueue; // setup & teardown
-#pragma mark -
- * A PreBuffer is used when there is more data available on the socket
- * than is being requested by current read request.
- * In this case we slurp up all data from the socket (to minimize sys calls),
- * and store additional yet unread data in a "prebuffer".
- *
- * The prebuffer is entirely drained before we read from the socket again.
- * In other words, a large chunk of data is written is written to the prebuffer.
- * The prebuffer is then drained via a series of one or more reads (for subsequent read request(s)).
- *
- * A ring buffer was once used for this purpose.
- * But a ring buffer takes up twice as much memory as needed (double the size for mirroring).
- * In fact, it generally takes up more than twice the needed size as everything has to be rounded up to vm_page_size.
- * And since the prebuffer is always completely drained after being written to, a full ring buffer isn't needed.
- *
- * The current design is very simple and straight-forward, while also keeping memory requirements lower.
-@interface GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer : NSObject
- uint8_t *preBuffer;
- size_t preBufferSize;
- uint8_t *readPointer;
- uint8_t *writePointer;
-- (instancetype)initWithCapacity:(size_t)numBytes NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
-- (void)ensureCapacityForWrite:(size_t)numBytes;
-- (size_t)availableBytes;
-- (uint8_t *)readBuffer;
-- (void)getReadBuffer:(uint8_t **)bufferPtr availableBytes:(size_t *)availableBytesPtr;
-- (size_t)availableSpace;
-- (uint8_t *)writeBuffer;
-- (void)getWriteBuffer:(uint8_t **)bufferPtr availableSpace:(size_t *)availableSpacePtr;
-- (void)didRead:(size_t)bytesRead;
-- (void)didWrite:(size_t)bytesWritten;
-- (void)reset;
-@implementation GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer
-// Cover the superclass' designated initializer
-- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE
- NSAssert(0, @"Use the designated initializer");
- return nil;
-- (instancetype)initWithCapacity:(size_t)numBytes
- if ((self = [super init]))
- {
- preBufferSize = numBytes;
- preBuffer = malloc(preBufferSize);
- readPointer = preBuffer;
- writePointer = preBuffer;
- }
- return self;
-- (void)dealloc
- if (preBuffer)
- free(preBuffer);
-- (void)ensureCapacityForWrite:(size_t)numBytes
- size_t availableSpace = [self availableSpace];
- if (numBytes > availableSpace)
- {
- size_t additionalBytes = numBytes - availableSpace;
- size_t newPreBufferSize = preBufferSize + additionalBytes;
- uint8_t *newPreBuffer = realloc(preBuffer, newPreBufferSize);
- size_t readPointerOffset = readPointer - preBuffer;
- size_t writePointerOffset = writePointer - preBuffer;
- preBuffer = newPreBuffer;
- preBufferSize = newPreBufferSize;
- readPointer = preBuffer + readPointerOffset;
- writePointer = preBuffer + writePointerOffset;
- }
-- (size_t)availableBytes
- return writePointer - readPointer;
-- (uint8_t *)readBuffer
- return readPointer;
-- (void)getReadBuffer:(uint8_t **)bufferPtr availableBytes:(size_t *)availableBytesPtr
- if (bufferPtr) *bufferPtr = readPointer;
- if (availableBytesPtr) *availableBytesPtr = [self availableBytes];
-- (void)didRead:(size_t)bytesRead
- readPointer += bytesRead;
- if (readPointer == writePointer)
- {
- // The prebuffer has been drained. Reset pointers.
- readPointer = preBuffer;
- writePointer = preBuffer;
- }
-- (size_t)availableSpace
- return preBufferSize - (writePointer - preBuffer);
-- (uint8_t *)writeBuffer
- return writePointer;
-- (void)getWriteBuffer:(uint8_t **)bufferPtr availableSpace:(size_t *)availableSpacePtr
- if (bufferPtr) *bufferPtr = writePointer;
- if (availableSpacePtr) *availableSpacePtr = [self availableSpace];
-- (void)didWrite:(size_t)bytesWritten
- writePointer += bytesWritten;
-- (void)reset
- readPointer = preBuffer;
- writePointer = preBuffer;
-#pragma mark -
- * The GCDAsyncReadPacket encompasses the instructions for any given read.
- * The content of a read packet allows the code to determine if we're:
- * - reading to a certain length
- * - reading to a certain separator
- * - or simply reading the first chunk of available data
-@interface GCDAsyncReadPacket : NSObject
- @public
- NSMutableData *buffer;
- NSUInteger startOffset;
- NSUInteger bytesDone;
- NSUInteger maxLength;
- NSTimeInterval timeout;
- NSUInteger readLength;
- NSData *term;
- BOOL bufferOwner;
- NSUInteger originalBufferLength;
- long tag;
-- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSMutableData *)d
- startOffset:(NSUInteger)s
- maxLength:(NSUInteger)m
- timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t
- readLength:(NSUInteger)l
- terminator:(NSData *)e
-- (void)ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:(NSUInteger)bytesToRead;
-- (NSUInteger)optimalReadLengthWithDefault:(NSUInteger)defaultValue shouldPreBuffer:(BOOL *)shouldPreBufferPtr;
-- (NSUInteger)readLengthForNonTermWithHint:(NSUInteger)bytesAvailable;
-- (NSUInteger)readLengthForTermWithHint:(NSUInteger)bytesAvailable shouldPreBuffer:(BOOL *)shouldPreBufferPtr;
-- (NSUInteger)readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:(GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer *)preBuffer found:(BOOL *)foundPtr;
-- (NSInteger)searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:(ssize_t)numBytes;
-@implementation GCDAsyncReadPacket
-// Cover the superclass' designated initializer
-- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE
- NSAssert(0, @"Use the designated initializer");
- return nil;
-- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSMutableData *)d
- startOffset:(NSUInteger)s
- maxLength:(NSUInteger)m
- timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t
- readLength:(NSUInteger)l
- terminator:(NSData *)e
- tag:(long)i
- if((self = [super init]))
- {
- bytesDone = 0;
- maxLength = m;
- timeout = t;
- readLength = l;
- term = [e copy];
- tag = i;
- if (d)
- {
- buffer = d;
- startOffset = s;
- bufferOwner = NO;
- originalBufferLength = [d length];
- }
- else
- {
- if (readLength > 0)
- buffer = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:readLength];
- else
- buffer = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:0];
- startOffset = 0;
- bufferOwner = YES;
- originalBufferLength = 0;
- }
- }
- return self;
- * Increases the length of the buffer (if needed) to ensure a read of the given size will fit.
-- (void)ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:(NSUInteger)bytesToRead
- NSUInteger buffSize = [buffer length];
- NSUInteger buffUsed = startOffset + bytesDone;
- NSUInteger buffSpace = buffSize - buffUsed;
- if (bytesToRead > buffSpace)
- {
- NSUInteger buffInc = bytesToRead - buffSpace;
- [buffer increaseLengthBy:buffInc];
- }
- * This method is used when we do NOT know how much data is available to be read from the socket.
- * This method returns the default value unless it exceeds the specified readLength or maxLength.
- *
- * Furthermore, the shouldPreBuffer decision is based upon the packet type,
- * and whether the returned value would fit in the current buffer without requiring a resize of the buffer.
-- (NSUInteger)optimalReadLengthWithDefault:(NSUInteger)defaultValue shouldPreBuffer:(BOOL *)shouldPreBufferPtr
- NSUInteger result;
- if (readLength > 0)
- {
- // Read a specific length of data
- result = readLength - bytesDone;
- // There is no need to prebuffer since we know exactly how much data we need to read.
- // Even if the buffer isn't currently big enough to fit this amount of data,
- // it would have to be resized eventually anyway.
- if (shouldPreBufferPtr)
- *shouldPreBufferPtr = NO;
- }
- else
- {
- // Either reading until we find a specified terminator,
- // or we're simply reading all available data.
- //
- // In other words, one of:
- //
- // - readDataToData packet
- // - readDataWithTimeout packet
- if (maxLength > 0)
- result = MIN(defaultValue, (maxLength - bytesDone));
- else
- result = defaultValue;
- // Since we don't know the size of the read in advance,
- // the shouldPreBuffer decision is based upon whether the returned value would fit
- // in the current buffer without requiring a resize of the buffer.
- //
- // This is because, in all likelyhood, the amount read from the socket will be less than the default value.
- // Thus we should avoid over-allocating the read buffer when we can simply use the pre-buffer instead.
- if (shouldPreBufferPtr)
- {
- NSUInteger buffSize = [buffer length];
- NSUInteger buffUsed = startOffset + bytesDone;
- NSUInteger buffSpace = buffSize - buffUsed;
- if (buffSpace >= result)
- *shouldPreBufferPtr = NO;
- else
- *shouldPreBufferPtr = YES;
- }
- }
- return result;
- * For read packets without a set terminator, returns the amount of data
- * that can be read without exceeding the readLength or maxLength.
- *
- * The given parameter indicates the number of bytes estimated to be available on the socket,
- * which is taken into consideration during the calculation.
- *
- * The given hint MUST be greater than zero.
-- (NSUInteger)readLengthForNonTermWithHint:(NSUInteger)bytesAvailable
- NSAssert(term == nil, @"This method does not apply to term reads");
- NSAssert(bytesAvailable > 0, @"Invalid parameter: bytesAvailable");
- if (readLength > 0)
- {
- // Read a specific length of data
- return MIN(bytesAvailable, (readLength - bytesDone));
- // No need to avoid resizing the buffer.
- // If the user provided their own buffer,
- // and told us to read a certain length of data that exceeds the size of the buffer,
- // then it is clear that our code will resize the buffer during the read operation.
- //
- // This method does not actually do any resizing.
- // The resizing will happen elsewhere if needed.
- }
- else
- {
- // Read all available data
- NSUInteger result = bytesAvailable;
- if (maxLength > 0)
- {
- result = MIN(result, (maxLength - bytesDone));
- }
- // No need to avoid resizing the buffer.
- // If the user provided their own buffer,
- // and told us to read all available data without giving us a maxLength,
- // then it is clear that our code might resize the buffer during the read operation.
- //
- // This method does not actually do any resizing.
- // The resizing will happen elsewhere if needed.
- return result;
- }
- * For read packets with a set terminator, returns the amount of data
- * that can be read without exceeding the maxLength.
- *
- * The given parameter indicates the number of bytes estimated to be available on the socket,
- * which is taken into consideration during the calculation.
- *
- * To optimize memory allocations, mem copies, and mem moves
- * the shouldPreBuffer boolean value will indicate if the data should be read into a prebuffer first,
- * or if the data can be read directly into the read packet's buffer.
-- (NSUInteger)readLengthForTermWithHint:(NSUInteger)bytesAvailable shouldPreBuffer:(BOOL *)shouldPreBufferPtr
- NSAssert(term != nil, @"This method does not apply to non-term reads");
- NSAssert(bytesAvailable > 0, @"Invalid parameter: bytesAvailable");
- NSUInteger result = bytesAvailable;
- if (maxLength > 0)
- {
- result = MIN(result, (maxLength - bytesDone));
- }
- // Should the data be read into the read packet's buffer, or into a pre-buffer first?
- //
- // One would imagine the preferred option is the faster one.
- // So which one is faster?
- //
- // Reading directly into the packet's buffer requires:
- // 1. Possibly resizing packet buffer (malloc/realloc)
- // 2. Filling buffer (read)
- // 3. Searching for term (memcmp)
- // 4. Possibly copying overflow into prebuffer (malloc/realloc, memcpy)
- //
- // Reading into prebuffer first:
- // 1. Possibly resizing prebuffer (malloc/realloc)
- // 2. Filling buffer (read)
- // 3. Searching for term (memcmp)
- // 4. Copying underflow into packet buffer (malloc/realloc, memcpy)
- // 5. Removing underflow from prebuffer (memmove)
- //
- // Comparing the performance of the two we can see that reading
- // data into the prebuffer first is slower due to the extra memove.
- //
- // However:
- // The implementation of NSMutableData is open source via core foundation's CFMutableData.
- // Decreasing the length of a mutable data object doesn't cause a realloc.
- // In other words, the capacity of a mutable data object can grow, but doesn't shrink.
- //
- // This means the prebuffer will rarely need a realloc.
- // The packet buffer, on the other hand, may often need a realloc.
- // This is especially true if we are the buffer owner.
- // Furthermore, if we are constantly realloc'ing the packet buffer,
- // and then moving the overflow into the prebuffer,
- // then we're consistently over-allocating memory for each term read.
- // And now we get into a bit of a tradeoff between speed and memory utilization.
- //
- // The end result is that the two perform very similarly.
- // And we can answer the original question very simply by another means.
- //
- // If we can read all the data directly into the packet's buffer without resizing it first,
- // then we do so. Otherwise we use the prebuffer.
- if (shouldPreBufferPtr)
- {
- NSUInteger buffSize = [buffer length];
- NSUInteger buffUsed = startOffset + bytesDone;
- if ((buffSize - buffUsed) >= result)
- *shouldPreBufferPtr = NO;
- else
- *shouldPreBufferPtr = YES;
- }
- return result;
- * For read packets with a set terminator,
- * returns the amount of data that can be read from the given preBuffer,
- * without going over a terminator or the maxLength.
- *
- * It is assumed the terminator has not already been read.
-- (NSUInteger)readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:(GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer *)preBuffer found:(BOOL *)foundPtr
- NSAssert(term != nil, @"This method does not apply to non-term reads");
- NSAssert([preBuffer availableBytes] > 0, @"Invoked with empty pre buffer!");
- // We know that the terminator, as a whole, doesn't exist in our own buffer.
- // But it is possible that a _portion_ of it exists in our buffer.
- // So we're going to look for the terminator starting with a portion of our own buffer.
- //
- // Example:
- //
- // term length = 3 bytes
- // bytesDone = 5 bytes
- // preBuffer length = 5 bytes
- //
- // If we append the preBuffer to our buffer,
- // it would look like this:
- //
- // ---------------------
- // |B|B|B|B|B|P|P|P|P|P|
- // ---------------------
- //
- // So we start our search here:
- //
- // ---------------------
- // |B|B|B|B|B|P|P|P|P|P|
- // -------^-^-^---------
- //
- // And move forwards...
- //
- // ---------------------
- // |B|B|B|B|B|P|P|P|P|P|
- // ---------^-^-^-------
- //
- // Until we find the terminator or reach the end.
- //
- // ---------------------
- // |B|B|B|B|B|P|P|P|P|P|
- // ---------------^-^-^-
- BOOL found = NO;
- NSUInteger termLength = [term length];
- NSUInteger preBufferLength = [preBuffer availableBytes];
- if ((bytesDone + preBufferLength) < termLength)
- {
- // Not enough data for a full term sequence yet
- return preBufferLength;
- }
- NSUInteger maxPreBufferLength;
- if (maxLength > 0) {
- maxPreBufferLength = MIN(preBufferLength, (maxLength - bytesDone));
- // Note: maxLength >= termLength
- }
- else {
- maxPreBufferLength = preBufferLength;
- }
- uint8_t seq[termLength];
- const void *termBuf = [term bytes];
- NSUInteger bufLen = MIN(bytesDone, (termLength - 1));
- uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)[buffer mutableBytes] + startOffset + bytesDone - bufLen;
- NSUInteger preLen = termLength - bufLen;
- const uint8_t *pre = [preBuffer readBuffer];
- NSUInteger loopCount = bufLen + maxPreBufferLength - termLength + 1; // Plus one. See example above.
- NSUInteger result = maxPreBufferLength;
- NSUInteger i;
- for (i = 0; i < loopCount; i++)
- {
- if (bufLen > 0)
- {
- // Combining bytes from buffer and preBuffer
- memcpy(seq, buf, bufLen);
- memcpy(seq + bufLen, pre, preLen);
- if (memcmp(seq, termBuf, termLength) == 0)
- {
- result = preLen;
- found = YES;
- break;
- }
- buf++;
- bufLen--;
- preLen++;
- }
- else
- {
- // Comparing directly from preBuffer
- if (memcmp(pre, termBuf, termLength) == 0)
- {
- NSUInteger preOffset = pre - [preBuffer readBuffer]; // pointer arithmetic
- result = preOffset + termLength;
- found = YES;
- break;
- }
- pre++;
- }
- }
- // There is no need to avoid resizing the buffer in this particular situation.
- if (foundPtr) *foundPtr = found;
- return result;
- * For read packets with a set terminator, scans the packet buffer for the term.
- * It is assumed the terminator had not been fully read prior to the new bytes.
- *
- * If the term is found, the number of excess bytes after the term are returned.
- * If the term is not found, this method will return -1.
- *
- * Note: A return value of zero means the term was found at the very end.
- *
- * Prerequisites:
- * The given number of bytes have been added to the end of our buffer.
- * Our bytesDone variable has NOT been changed due to the prebuffered bytes.
-- (NSInteger)searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:(ssize_t)numBytes
- NSAssert(term != nil, @"This method does not apply to non-term reads");
- // The implementation of this method is very similar to the above method.
- // See the above method for a discussion of the algorithm used here.
- uint8_t *buff = [buffer mutableBytes];
- NSUInteger buffLength = bytesDone + numBytes;
- const void *termBuff = [term bytes];
- NSUInteger termLength = [term length];
- // Note: We are dealing with unsigned integers,
- // so make sure the math doesn't go below zero.
- NSUInteger i = ((buffLength - numBytes) >= termLength) ? (buffLength - numBytes - termLength + 1) : 0;
- while (i + termLength <= buffLength)
- {
- uint8_t *subBuffer = buff + startOffset + i;
- if (memcmp(subBuffer, termBuff, termLength) == 0)
- {
- return buffLength - (i + termLength);
- }
- i++;
- }
- return -1;
-#pragma mark -
- * The GCDAsyncWritePacket encompasses the instructions for any given write.
-@interface GCDAsyncWritePacket : NSObject
- @public
- NSData *buffer;
- NSUInteger bytesDone;
- long tag;
- NSTimeInterval timeout;
-- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)d timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t tag:(long)i NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
-@implementation GCDAsyncWritePacket
-// Cover the superclass' designated initializer
-- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE
- NSAssert(0, @"Use the designated initializer");
- return nil;
-- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)d timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t tag:(long)i
- if((self = [super init]))
- {
- buffer = d; // Retain not copy. For performance as documented in header file.
- bytesDone = 0;
- timeout = t;
- tag = i;
- }
- return self;
-#pragma mark -
- * The GCDAsyncSpecialPacket encompasses special instructions for interruptions in the read/write queues.
- * This class my be altered to support more than just TLS in the future.
-@interface GCDAsyncSpecialPacket : NSObject
- @public
- NSDictionary *tlsSettings;
-- (instancetype)initWithTLSSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
-@implementation GCDAsyncSpecialPacket
-// Cover the superclass' designated initializer
-- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE
- NSAssert(0, @"Use the designated initializer");
- return nil;
-- (instancetype)initWithTLSSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings
- if((self = [super init]))
- {
- tlsSettings = [settings copy];
- }
- return self;
-#pragma mark -
-@implementation GCDAsyncSocket
- uint32_t flags;
- uint16_t config;
- __weak id delegate;
- dispatch_queue_t delegateQueue;
- int socket4FD;
- int socket6FD;
- int socketUN;
- NSURL *socketUrl;
- int stateIndex;
- NSData * connectInterface4;
- NSData * connectInterface6;
- NSData * connectInterfaceUN;
- dispatch_queue_t socketQueue;
- dispatch_source_t accept4Source;
- dispatch_source_t accept6Source;
- dispatch_source_t acceptUNSource;
- dispatch_source_t connectTimer;
- dispatch_source_t readSource;
- dispatch_source_t writeSource;
- dispatch_source_t readTimer;
- dispatch_source_t writeTimer;
- NSMutableArray *readQueue;
- NSMutableArray *writeQueue;
- GCDAsyncReadPacket *currentRead;
- GCDAsyncWritePacket *currentWrite;
- unsigned long socketFDBytesAvailable;
- GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer *preBuffer;
- CFStreamClientContext streamContext;
- CFReadStreamRef readStream;
- CFWriteStreamRef writeStream;
- SSLContextRef sslContext;
- GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer *sslPreBuffer;
- size_t sslWriteCachedLength;
- OSStatus sslErrCode;
- OSStatus lastSSLHandshakeError;
- void *IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
- id userData;
- NSTimeInterval alternateAddressDelay;
-- (instancetype)init
- return [self initWithDelegate:nil delegateQueue:NULL socketQueue:NULL];
-- (instancetype)initWithSocketQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)sq
- return [self initWithDelegate:nil delegateQueue:NULL socketQueue:sq];
-- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)dq
- return [self initWithDelegate:aDelegate delegateQueue:dq socketQueue:NULL];
-- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)sq
- if((self = [super init]))
- {
- delegate = aDelegate;
- delegateQueue = dq;
- if (dq) dispatch_retain(dq);
- #endif
- socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- socketUN = SOCKET_NULL;
- socketUrl = nil;
- stateIndex = 0;
- if (sq)
- {
- NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0),
- @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
- NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0),
- @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
- NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
- @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
- socketQueue = sq;
- dispatch_retain(sq);
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- socketQueue = dispatch_queue_create([GCDAsyncSocketQueueName UTF8String], NULL);
- }
- // The dispatch_queue_set_specific() and dispatch_get_specific() functions take a "void *key" parameter.
- // From the documentation:
- //
- // > Keys are only compared as pointers and are never dereferenced.
- // > Thus, you can use a pointer to a static variable for a specific subsystem or
- // > any other value that allows you to identify the value uniquely.
- //
- // We're just going to use the memory address of an ivar.
- // Specifically an ivar that is explicitly named for our purpose to make the code more readable.
- //
- // However, it feels tedious (and less readable) to include the "&" all the time:
- // dispatch_get_specific(&IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)
- //
- // So we're going to make it so it doesn't matter if we use the '&' or not,
- // by assigning the value of the ivar to the address of the ivar.
- // Thus: IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey == &IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
- IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey = &IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
- void *nonNullUnusedPointer = (__bridge void *)self;
- dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, nonNullUnusedPointer, NULL);
- readQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
- currentRead = nil;
- writeQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
- currentWrite = nil;
- preBuffer = [[GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer alloc] initWithCapacity:(1024 * 4)];
- alternateAddressDelay = 0.3;
- }
- return self;
-- (void)dealloc
- LogInfo(@"%@ - %@ (start)", THIS_METHOD, self);
- // Set dealloc flag.
- // This is used by closeWithError to ensure we don't accidentally retain ourself.
- flags |= kDealloc;
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- }
- else
- {
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- });
- }
- delegate = nil;
- if (delegateQueue) dispatch_release(delegateQueue);
- #endif
- delegateQueue = NULL;
- if (socketQueue) dispatch_release(socketQueue);
- #endif
- socketQueue = NULL;
- LogInfo(@"%@ - %@ (finish)", THIS_METHOD, self);
-#pragma mark -
-+ (nullable instancetype)socketFromConnectedSocketFD:(int)socketFD socketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq error:(NSError**)error {
- return [self socketFromConnectedSocketFD:socketFD delegate:nil delegateQueue:NULL socketQueue:sq error:error];
-+ (nullable instancetype)socketFromConnectedSocketFD:(int)socketFD delegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq error:(NSError**)error {
- return [self socketFromConnectedSocketFD:socketFD delegate:aDelegate delegateQueue:dq socketQueue:NULL error:error];
-+ (nullable instancetype)socketFromConnectedSocketFD:(int)socketFD delegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq error:(NSError* __autoreleasing *)error
- __block BOOL errorOccured = NO;
- GCDAsyncSocket *socket = [[[self class] alloc] initWithDelegate:aDelegate delegateQueue:dq socketQueue:sq];
- dispatch_sync(socket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- struct sockaddr addr;
- socklen_t addr_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr);
- int retVal = getpeername(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addr_size);
- if (retVal)
- {
- NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketOtherError",
- @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
- @"Attempt to create socket from socket FD failed. getpeername() failed", nil);
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- errorOccured = YES;
- if (error)
- *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketOtherError userInfo:userInfo];
- return;
- }
- if (addr.sa_family == AF_INET)
- {
- socket->socket4FD = socketFD;
- }
- else if (addr.sa_family == AF_INET6)
- {
- socket->socket6FD = socketFD;
- }
- else
- {
- NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketOtherError",
- @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
- @"Attempt to create socket from socket FD failed. socket FD is neither IPv4 nor IPv6", nil);
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- errorOccured = YES;
- if (error)
- *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketOtherError userInfo:userInfo];
- return;
- }
- socket->flags = kSocketStarted;
- [socket didConnect:socket->stateIndex];
- }});
- return errorOccured? nil: socket;
-#pragma mark Configuration
-- (id)delegate
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- return delegate;
- }
- else
- {
- __block id result;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- result = self->delegate;
- });
- return result;
- }
-- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate synchronously:(BOOL)synchronously
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- self->delegate = newDelegate;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)) {
- block();
- }
- else {
- if (synchronously)
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
- }
-- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate
- [self setDelegate:newDelegate synchronously:NO];
-- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(id)newDelegate
- [self setDelegate:newDelegate synchronously:YES];
-- (dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- return delegateQueue;
- }
- else
- {
- __block dispatch_queue_t result;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- result = self->delegateQueue;
- });
- return result;
- }
-- (void)setDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue synchronously:(BOOL)synchronously
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->delegateQueue) dispatch_release(self->delegateQueue);
- if (newDelegateQueue) dispatch_retain(newDelegateQueue);
- #endif
- self->delegateQueue = newDelegateQueue;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)) {
- block();
- }
- else {
- if (synchronously)
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
- }
-- (void)setDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
- [self setDelegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:NO];
-- (void)synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
- [self setDelegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:YES];
-- (void)getDelegate:(id *)delegatePtr delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t *)delegateQueuePtr
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- if (delegatePtr) *delegatePtr = delegate;
- if (delegateQueuePtr) *delegateQueuePtr = delegateQueue;
- }
- else
- {
- __block id dPtr = NULL;
- __block dispatch_queue_t dqPtr = NULL;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- dPtr = self->delegate;
- dqPtr = self->delegateQueue;
- });
- if (delegatePtr) *delegatePtr = dPtr;
- if (delegateQueuePtr) *delegateQueuePtr = dqPtr;
- }
-- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue synchronously:(BOOL)synchronously
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- self->delegate = newDelegate;
- if (self->delegateQueue) dispatch_release(self->delegateQueue);
- if (newDelegateQueue) dispatch_retain(newDelegateQueue);
- #endif
- self->delegateQueue = newDelegateQueue;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)) {
- block();
- }
- else {
- if (synchronously)
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
- }
-- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
- [self setDelegate:newDelegate delegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:NO];
-- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(id)newDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
- [self setDelegate:newDelegate delegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:YES];
-- (BOOL)isIPv4Enabled
- // Note: YES means kIPv4Disabled is OFF
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- return ((config & kIPv4Disabled) == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- __block BOOL result;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- result = ((self->config & kIPv4Disabled) == 0);
- });
- return result;
- }
-- (void)setIPv4Enabled:(BOOL)flag
- // Note: YES means kIPv4Disabled is OFF
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (flag)
- self->config &= ~kIPv4Disabled;
- else
- self->config |= kIPv4Disabled;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (BOOL)isIPv6Enabled
- // Note: YES means kIPv6Disabled is OFF
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- return ((config & kIPv6Disabled) == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- __block BOOL result;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- result = ((self->config & kIPv6Disabled) == 0);
- });
- return result;
- }
-- (void)setIPv6Enabled:(BOOL)flag
- // Note: YES means kIPv6Disabled is OFF
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (flag)
- self->config &= ~kIPv6Disabled;
- else
- self->config |= kIPv6Disabled;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (BOOL)isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6
- // Note: YES means kPreferIPv6 is OFF
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- return ((config & kPreferIPv6) == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- __block BOOL result;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- result = ((self->config & kPreferIPv6) == 0);
- });
- return result;
- }
-- (void)setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:(BOOL)flag
- // Note: YES means kPreferIPv6 is OFF
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (flag)
- self->config &= ~kPreferIPv6;
- else
- self->config |= kPreferIPv6;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (NSTimeInterval) alternateAddressDelay {
- __block NSTimeInterval delay;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- delay = self->alternateAddressDelay;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return delay;
-- (void) setAlternateAddressDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay {
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- self->alternateAddressDelay = delay;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (id)userData
- __block id result = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = self->userData;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (void)setUserData:(id)arbitraryUserData
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->userData != arbitraryUserData)
- {
- self->userData = arbitraryUserData;
- }
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-#pragma mark Accepting
-- (BOOL)acceptOnPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
- return [self acceptOnInterface:nil port:port error:errPtr];
-- (BOOL)acceptOnInterface:(NSString *)inInterface port:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- // Just in-case interface parameter is immutable.
- NSString *interface = [inInterface copy];
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- // CreateSocket Block
- // This block will be invoked within the dispatch block below.
- int(^createSocket)(int, NSData*) = ^int (int domain, NSData *interfaceAddr) {
- int socketFD = socket(domain, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- NSString *reason = @"Error in socket() function";
- err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- int status;
- // Set socket options
- status = fcntl(socketFD, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
- if (status == -1)
- {
- NSString *reason = @"Error enabling non-blocking IO on socket (fcntl)";
- err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
- LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- int reuseOn = 1;
- status = setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseOn, sizeof(reuseOn));
- if (status == -1)
- {
- NSString *reason = @"Error enabling address reuse (setsockopt)";
- err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
- LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- // Bind socket
- status = bind(socketFD, (const struct sockaddr *)[interfaceAddr bytes], (socklen_t)[interfaceAddr length]);
- if (status == -1)
- {
- NSString *reason = @"Error in bind() function";
- err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
- LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- // Listen
- status = listen(socketFD, 1024);
- if (status == -1)
- {
- NSString *reason = @"Error in listen() function";
- err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
- LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- return socketFD;
- };
- // Create dispatch block and run on socketQueue
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (self->delegate == nil) // Must have delegate set
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to accept without a delegate. Set a delegate first.";
- err = [self badConfigError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- if (self->delegateQueue == NULL) // Must have delegate queue set
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to accept without a delegate queue. Set a delegate queue first.";
- err = [self badConfigError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (self->config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (self->config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- if (isIPv4Disabled && isIPv6Disabled) // Must have IPv4 or IPv6 enabled
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Both IPv4 and IPv6 have been disabled. Must enable at least one protocol first.";
- err = [self badConfigError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- if (![self isDisconnected]) // Must be disconnected
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to accept while connected or accepting connections. Disconnect first.";
- err = [self badConfigError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Clear queues (spurious read/write requests post disconnect)
- [self->readQueue removeAllObjects];
- [self->writeQueue removeAllObjects];
- // Resolve interface from description
- NSMutableData *interface4 = nil;
- NSMutableData *interface6 = nil;
- [self getInterfaceAddress4:&interface4 address6:&interface6 fromDescription:interface port:port];
- if ((interface4 == nil) && (interface6 == nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Unknown interface. Specify valid interface by name (e.g. \"en1\") or IP address.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- if (isIPv4Disabled && (interface6 == nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and specified interface doesn't support IPv6.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- if (isIPv6Disabled && (interface4 == nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and specified interface doesn't support IPv4.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- BOOL enableIPv4 = !isIPv4Disabled && (interface4 != nil);
- BOOL enableIPv6 = !isIPv6Disabled && (interface6 != nil);
- // Create sockets, configure, bind, and listen
- if (enableIPv4)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv4 socket");
- self->socket4FD = createSocket(AF_INET, interface4);
- if (self->socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- if (enableIPv6)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv6 socket");
- if (enableIPv4 && (port == 0))
- {
- // No specific port was specified, so we allowed the OS to pick an available port for us.
- // Now we need to make sure the IPv6 socket listens on the same port as the IPv4 socket.
- struct sockaddr_in6 *addr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)[interface6 mutableBytes];
- addr6->sin6_port = htons([self localPort4]);
- }
- self->socket6FD = createSocket(AF_INET6, interface6);
- if (self->socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"close(socket4FD)");
- close(self->socket4FD);
- self->socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- // Create accept sources
- if (enableIPv4)
- {
- self->accept4Source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, self->socket4FD, 0, self->socketQueue);
- int socketFD = self->socket4FD;
- dispatch_source_t acceptSource = self->accept4Source;
- __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(self->accept4Source, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
- if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
- LogVerbose(@"event4Block");
- unsigned long i = 0;
- unsigned long numPendingConnections = dispatch_source_get_data(acceptSource);
- LogVerbose(@"numPendingConnections: %lu", numPendingConnections);
- while ([strongSelf doAccept:socketFD] && (++i < numPendingConnections));
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- }});
- dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(self->accept4Source, ^{
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(accept4Source)");
- dispatch_release(acceptSource);
- #endif
- LogVerbose(@"close(socket4FD)");
- close(socketFD);
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- });
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(accept4Source)");
- dispatch_resume(self->accept4Source);
- }
- if (enableIPv6)
- {
- self->accept6Source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, self->socket6FD, 0, self->socketQueue);
- int socketFD = self->socket6FD;
- dispatch_source_t acceptSource = self->accept6Source;
- __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(self->accept6Source, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
- if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
- LogVerbose(@"event6Block");
- unsigned long i = 0;
- unsigned long numPendingConnections = dispatch_source_get_data(acceptSource);
- LogVerbose(@"numPendingConnections: %lu", numPendingConnections);
- while ([strongSelf doAccept:socketFD] && (++i < numPendingConnections));
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- }});
- dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(self->accept6Source, ^{
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(accept6Source)");
- dispatch_release(acceptSource);
- #endif
- LogVerbose(@"close(socket6FD)");
- close(socketFD);
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- });
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(accept6Source)");
- dispatch_resume(self->accept6Source);
- }
- self->flags |= kSocketStarted;
- result = YES;
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (result == NO)
- {
- LogInfo(@"Error in accept: %@", err);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- }
- return result;
-- (BOOL)acceptOnUrl:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- // CreateSocket Block
- // This block will be invoked within the dispatch block below.
- int(^createSocket)(int, NSData*) = ^int (int domain, NSData *interfaceAddr) {
- int socketFD = socket(domain, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- NSString *reason = @"Error in socket() function";
- err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- int status;
- // Set socket options
- status = fcntl(socketFD, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
- if (status == -1)
- {
- NSString *reason = @"Error enabling non-blocking IO on socket (fcntl)";
- err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
- LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- int reuseOn = 1;
- status = setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseOn, sizeof(reuseOn));
- if (status == -1)
- {
- NSString *reason = @"Error enabling address reuse (setsockopt)";
- err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
- LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- // Bind socket
- status = bind(socketFD, (const struct sockaddr *)[interfaceAddr bytes], (socklen_t)[interfaceAddr length]);
- if (status == -1)
- {
- NSString *reason = @"Error in bind() function";
- err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
- LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- // Listen
- status = listen(socketFD, 1024);
- if (status == -1)
- {
- NSString *reason = @"Error in listen() function";
- err = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:reason];
- LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- return socketFD;
- };
- // Create dispatch block and run on socketQueue
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (self->delegate == nil) // Must have delegate set
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to accept without a delegate. Set a delegate first.";
- err = [self badConfigError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- if (self->delegateQueue == NULL) // Must have delegate queue set
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to accept without a delegate queue. Set a delegate queue first.";
- err = [self badConfigError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- if (![self isDisconnected]) // Must be disconnected
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to accept while connected or accepting connections. Disconnect first.";
- err = [self badConfigError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Clear queues (spurious read/write requests post disconnect)
- [self->readQueue removeAllObjects];
- [self->writeQueue removeAllObjects];
- // Remove a previous socket
- NSError *error = nil;
- NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
- NSString *urlPath = url.path;
- if (urlPath && [fileManager fileExistsAtPath:urlPath]) {
- if (![fileManager removeItemAtURL:url error:&error]) {
- NSString *msg = @"Could not remove previous unix domain socket at given url.";
- err = [self otherError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- // Resolve interface from description
- NSData *interface = [self getInterfaceAddressFromUrl:url];
- if (interface == nil)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Invalid unix domain url. Specify a valid file url that does not exist (e.g. \"file:///tmp/socket\")";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Create sockets, configure, bind, and listen
- LogVerbose(@"Creating unix domain socket");
- self->socketUN = createSocket(AF_UNIX, interface);
- if (self->socketUN == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- self->socketUrl = url;
- // Create accept sources
- self->acceptUNSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, self->socketUN, 0, self->socketQueue);
- int socketFD = self->socketUN;
- dispatch_source_t acceptSource = self->acceptUNSource;
- __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(self->acceptUNSource, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
- LogVerbose(@"eventUNBlock");
- unsigned long i = 0;
- unsigned long numPendingConnections = dispatch_source_get_data(acceptSource);
- LogVerbose(@"numPendingConnections: %lu", numPendingConnections);
- while ([strongSelf doAccept:socketFD] && (++i < numPendingConnections));
- }});
- dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(self->acceptUNSource, ^{
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(acceptUNSource)");
- dispatch_release(acceptSource);
- LogVerbose(@"close(socketUN)");
- close(socketFD);
- });
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(acceptUNSource)");
- dispatch_resume(self->acceptUNSource);
- self->flags |= kSocketStarted;
- result = YES;
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (result == NO)
- {
- LogInfo(@"Error in accept: %@", err);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- }
- return result;
-- (BOOL)doAccept:(int)parentSocketFD
- LogTrace();
- int socketType;
- int childSocketFD;
- NSData *childSocketAddress;
- if (parentSocketFD == socket4FD)
- {
- socketType = 0;
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(addr);
- childSocketFD = accept(parentSocketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrLen);
- if (childSocketFD == -1)
- {
- LogWarn(@"Accept failed with error: %@", [self errnoError]);
- return NO;
- }
- childSocketAddress = [NSData dataWithBytes:&addr length:addrLen];
- }
- else if (parentSocketFD == socket6FD)
- {
- socketType = 1;
- struct sockaddr_in6 addr;
- socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(addr);
- childSocketFD = accept(parentSocketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrLen);
- if (childSocketFD == -1)
- {
- LogWarn(@"Accept failed with error: %@", [self errnoError]);
- return NO;
- }
- childSocketAddress = [NSData dataWithBytes:&addr length:addrLen];
- }
- else // if (parentSocketFD == socketUN)
- {
- socketType = 2;
- struct sockaddr_un addr;
- socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(addr);
- childSocketFD = accept(parentSocketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrLen);
- if (childSocketFD == -1)
- {
- LogWarn(@"Accept failed with error: %@", [self errnoError]);
- return NO;
- }
- childSocketAddress = [NSData dataWithBytes:&addr length:addrLen];
- }
- // Enable non-blocking IO on the socket
- int result = fcntl(childSocketFD, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
- if (result == -1)
- {
- LogWarn(@"Error enabling non-blocking IO on accepted socket (fcntl)");
- LogVerbose(@"close(childSocketFD)");
- close(childSocketFD);
- return NO;
- }
- // Prevent SIGPIPE signals
- int nosigpipe = 1;
- setsockopt(childSocketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &nosigpipe, sizeof(nosigpipe));
- // Notify delegate
- if (delegateQueue)
- {
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- // Query delegate for custom socket queue
- dispatch_queue_t childSocketQueue = NULL;
- if ([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(newSocketQueueForConnectionFromAddress:onSocket:)])
- {
- childSocketQueue = [theDelegate newSocketQueueForConnectionFromAddress:childSocketAddress
- onSocket:self];
- }
- // Create GCDAsyncSocket instance for accepted socket
- GCDAsyncSocket *acceptedSocket = [[[self class] alloc] initWithDelegate:theDelegate
- delegateQueue:self->delegateQueue
- socketQueue:childSocketQueue];
- if (socketType == 0)
- acceptedSocket->socket4FD = childSocketFD;
- else if (socketType == 1)
- acceptedSocket->socket6FD = childSocketFD;
- else
- acceptedSocket->socketUN = childSocketFD;
- acceptedSocket->flags = (kSocketStarted | kConnected);
- // Setup read and write sources for accepted socket
- dispatch_async(acceptedSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [acceptedSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:childSocketFD];
- }});
- // Notify delegate
- if ([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didAcceptNewSocket:)])
- {
- [theDelegate socket:self didAcceptNewSocket:acceptedSocket];
- }
- // Release the socket queue returned from the delegate (it was retained by acceptedSocket)
- if (childSocketQueue) dispatch_release(childSocketQueue);
- #endif
- // The accepted socket should have been retained by the delegate.
- // Otherwise it gets properly released when exiting the block.
- }});
- }
- return YES;
-#pragma mark Connecting
- * This method runs through the various checks required prior to a connection attempt.
- * It is shared between the connectToHost and connectToAddress methods.
- *
-- (BOOL)preConnectWithInterface:(NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- if (delegate == nil) // Must have delegate set
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to connect without a delegate. Set a delegate first.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- if (delegateQueue == NULL) // Must have delegate queue set
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to connect without a delegate queue. Set a delegate queue first.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- if (![self isDisconnected]) // Must be disconnected
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to connect while connected or accepting connections. Disconnect first.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- if (isIPv4Disabled && isIPv6Disabled) // Must have IPv4 or IPv6 enabled
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Both IPv4 and IPv6 have been disabled. Must enable at least one protocol first.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- if (interface)
- {
- NSMutableData *interface4 = nil;
- NSMutableData *interface6 = nil;
- [self getInterfaceAddress4:&interface4 address6:&interface6 fromDescription:interface port:0];
- if ((interface4 == nil) && (interface6 == nil))
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Unknown interface. Specify valid interface by name (e.g. \"en1\") or IP address.";
- *errPtr = [self badParamError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- if (isIPv4Disabled && (interface6 == nil))
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and specified interface doesn't support IPv6.";
- *errPtr = [self badParamError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- if (isIPv6Disabled && (interface4 == nil))
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and specified interface doesn't support IPv4.";
- *errPtr = [self badParamError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- connectInterface4 = interface4;
- connectInterface6 = interface6;
- }
- // Clear queues (spurious read/write requests post disconnect)
- [readQueue removeAllObjects];
- [writeQueue removeAllObjects];
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)preConnectWithUrl:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError **)errPtr
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- if (delegate == nil) // Must have delegate set
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to connect without a delegate. Set a delegate first.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- if (delegateQueue == NULL) // Must have delegate queue set
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to connect without a delegate queue. Set a delegate queue first.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- if (![self isDisconnected]) // Must be disconnected
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to connect while connected or accepting connections. Disconnect first.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- NSData *interface = [self getInterfaceAddressFromUrl:url];
- if (interface == nil)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Unknown interface. Specify valid interface by name (e.g. \"en1\") or IP address.";
- *errPtr = [self badParamError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- connectInterfaceUN = interface;
- // Clear queues (spurious read/write requests post disconnect)
- [readQueue removeAllObjects];
- [writeQueue removeAllObjects];
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString*)host onPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
- return [self connectToHost:host onPort:port withTimeout:-1 error:errPtr];
-- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host
- onPort:(uint16_t)port
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- error:(NSError **)errPtr
- return [self connectToHost:host onPort:port viaInterface:nil withTimeout:timeout error:errPtr];
-- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)inHost
- onPort:(uint16_t)port
- viaInterface:(NSString *)inInterface
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- error:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- // Just in case immutable objects were passed
- NSString *host = [inHost copy];
- NSString *interface = [inInterface copy];
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *preConnectErr = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- // Check for problems with host parameter
- if ([host length] == 0)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Invalid host parameter (nil or \"\"). Should be a domain name or IP address string.";
- preConnectErr = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Run through standard pre-connect checks
- if (![self preConnectWithInterface:interface error:&preConnectErr])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- // We've made it past all the checks.
- // It's time to start the connection process.
- self->flags |= kSocketStarted;
- LogVerbose(@"Dispatching DNS lookup...");
- // It's possible that the given host parameter is actually a NSMutableString.
- // So we want to copy it now, within this block that will be executed synchronously.
- // This way the asynchronous lookup block below doesn't have to worry about it changing.
- NSString *hostCpy = [host copy];
- int aStateIndex = self->stateIndex;
- __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
- dispatch_queue_t globalConcurrentQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
- dispatch_async(globalConcurrentQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- NSError *lookupErr = nil;
- NSMutableArray *addresses = [[self class] lookupHost:hostCpy port:port error:&lookupErr];
- __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
- if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
- if (lookupErr)
- {
- dispatch_async(strongSelf->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [strongSelf lookup:aStateIndex didFail:lookupErr];
- }});
- }
- else
- {
- NSData *address4 = nil;
- NSData *address6 = nil;
- for (NSData *address in addresses)
- {
- if (!address4 && [[self class] isIPv4Address:address])
- {
- address4 = address;
- }
- else if (!address6 && [[self class] isIPv6Address:address])
- {
- address6 = address;
- }
- }
- dispatch_async(strongSelf->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [strongSelf lookup:aStateIndex didSucceedWithAddress4:address4 address6:address6];
- }});
- }
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- }});
- [self startConnectTimeout:timeout];
- result = YES;
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (errPtr) *errPtr = preConnectErr;
- return result;
-- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr
- return [self connectToAddress:remoteAddr viaInterface:nil withTimeout:-1 error:errPtr];
-- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout error:(NSError **)errPtr
- return [self connectToAddress:remoteAddr viaInterface:nil withTimeout:timeout error:errPtr];
-- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)inRemoteAddr
- viaInterface:(NSString *)inInterface
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- error:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- // Just in case immutable objects were passed
- NSData *remoteAddr = [inRemoteAddr copy];
- NSString *interface = [inInterface copy];
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- // Check for problems with remoteAddr parameter
- NSData *address4 = nil;
- NSData *address6 = nil;
- if ([remoteAddr length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr))
- {
- const struct sockaddr *sockaddr = (const struct sockaddr *)[remoteAddr bytes];
- if (sockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET)
- {
- if ([remoteAddr length] == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
- {
- address4 = remoteAddr;
- }
- }
- else if (sockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
- {
- if ([remoteAddr length] == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))
- {
- address6 = remoteAddr;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((address4 == nil) && (address6 == nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address was not given";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (self->config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (self->config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- if (isIPv4Disabled && (address4 != nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and an IPv4 address was passed.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- if (isIPv6Disabled && (address6 != nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and an IPv6 address was passed.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Run through standard pre-connect checks
- if (![self preConnectWithInterface:interface error:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- // We've made it past all the checks.
- // It's time to start the connection process.
- if (![self connectWithAddress4:address4 address6:address6 error:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- self->flags |= kSocketStarted;
- [self startConnectTimeout:timeout];
- result = YES;
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (result == NO)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- }
- return result;
-- (BOOL)connectToUrl:(NSURL *)url withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout error:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- // Check for problems with host parameter
- if ([url.path length] == 0)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Invalid unix domain socket url.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Run through standard pre-connect checks
- if (![self preConnectWithUrl:url error:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- // We've made it past all the checks.
- // It's time to start the connection process.
- self->flags |= kSocketStarted;
- // Start the normal connection process
- NSError *connectError = nil;
- if (![self connectWithAddressUN:self->connectInterfaceUN error:&connectError])
- {
- [self closeWithError:connectError];
- return_from_block;
- }
- [self startConnectTimeout:timeout];
- result = YES;
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (result == NO)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- }
- return result;
-- (BOOL)connectToNetService:(NSNetService *)netService error:(NSError **)errPtr
- NSArray* addresses = [netService addresses];
- for (NSData* address in addresses)
- {
- BOOL result = [self connectToAddress:address error:errPtr];
- if (result)
- {
- return YES;
- }
- }
- return NO;
-- (void)lookup:(int)aStateIndex didSucceedWithAddress4:(NSData *)address4 address6:(NSData *)address6
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSAssert(address4 || address6, @"Expected at least one valid address");
- if (aStateIndex != stateIndex)
- {
- LogInfo(@"Ignoring lookupDidSucceed, already disconnected");
- // The connect operation has been cancelled.
- // That is, socket was disconnected, or connection has already timed out.
- return;
- }
- // Check for problems
- BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- if (isIPv4Disabled && (address6 == nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and DNS lookup found no IPv6 address.";
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:msg]];
- return;
- }
- if (isIPv6Disabled && (address4 == nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and DNS lookup found no IPv4 address.";
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:msg]];
- return;
- }
- // Start the normal connection process
- NSError *err = nil;
- if (![self connectWithAddress4:address4 address6:address6 error:&err])
- {
- [self closeWithError:err];
- }
- * This method is called if the DNS lookup fails.
- * This method is executed on the socketQueue.
- *
- * Since the DNS lookup executed synchronously on a global concurrent queue,
- * the original connection request may have already been cancelled or timed-out by the time this method is invoked.
- * The lookupIndex tells us whether the lookup is still valid or not.
-- (void)lookup:(int)aStateIndex didFail:(NSError *)error
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- if (aStateIndex != stateIndex)
- {
- LogInfo(@"Ignoring lookup:didFail: - already disconnected");
- // The connect operation has been cancelled.
- // That is, socket was disconnected, or connection has already timed out.
- return;
- }
- [self endConnectTimeout];
- [self closeWithError:error];
-- (BOOL)bindSocket:(int)socketFD toInterface:(NSData *)connectInterface error:(NSError **)errPtr
- // Bind the socket to the desired interface (if needed)
- if (connectInterface)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Binding socket...");
- if ([[self class] portFromAddress:connectInterface] > 0)
- {
- // Since we're going to be binding to a specific port,
- // we should turn on reuseaddr to allow us to override sockets in time_wait.
- int reuseOn = 1;
- setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseOn, sizeof(reuseOn));
- }
- const struct sockaddr *interfaceAddr = (const struct sockaddr *)[connectInterface bytes];
- int result = bind(socketFD, interfaceAddr, (socklen_t)[connectInterface length]);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in bind() function"];
- return NO;
- }
- }
- return YES;
-- (int)createSocket:(int)family connectInterface:(NSData *)connectInterface errPtr:(NSError **)errPtr
- int socketFD = socket(family, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in socket() function"];
- return socketFD;
- }
- if (![self bindSocket:socketFD toInterface:connectInterface error:errPtr])
- {
- [self closeSocket:socketFD];
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- // Prevent SIGPIPE signals
- int nosigpipe = 1;
- setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &nosigpipe, sizeof(nosigpipe));
- return socketFD;
-- (void)connectSocket:(int)socketFD address:(NSData *)address stateIndex:(int)aStateIndex
- // If there already is a socket connected, we close socketFD and return
- if (self.isConnected)
- {
- [self closeSocket:socketFD];
- return;
- }
- // Start the connection process in a background queue
- __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
- dispatch_queue_t globalConcurrentQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
- dispatch_async(globalConcurrentQueue, ^{
-#pragma clang diagnostic push
-#pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- int result = connect(socketFD, (const struct sockaddr *)[address bytes], (socklen_t)[address length]);
- int err = errno;
- __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
- if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
- dispatch_async(strongSelf->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (strongSelf.isConnected)
- {
- [strongSelf closeSocket:socketFD];
- return_from_block;
- }
- if (result == 0)
- {
- [self closeUnusedSocket:socketFD];
- [strongSelf didConnect:aStateIndex];
- }
- else
- {
- [strongSelf closeSocket:socketFD];
- // If there are no more sockets trying to connect, we inform the error to the delegate
- if (strongSelf.socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL && strongSelf.socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- NSError *error = [strongSelf errorWithErrno:err reason:@"Error in connect() function"];
- [strongSelf didNotConnect:aStateIndex error:error];
- }
- }
- }});
-#pragma clang diagnostic pop
- });
- LogVerbose(@"Connecting...");
-- (void)closeSocket:(int)socketFD
- if (socketFD != SOCKET_NULL &&
- (socketFD == socket6FD || socketFD == socket4FD))
- {
- close(socketFD);
- if (socketFD == socket4FD)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"close(socket4FD)");
- socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- else if (socketFD == socket6FD)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"close(socket6FD)");
- socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- }
-- (void)closeUnusedSocket:(int)usedSocketFD
- if (usedSocketFD != socket4FD)
- {
- [self closeSocket:socket4FD];
- }
- else if (usedSocketFD != socket6FD)
- {
- [self closeSocket:socket6FD];
- }
-- (BOOL)connectWithAddress4:(NSData *)address4 address6:(NSData *)address6 error:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- LogVerbose(@"IPv4: %@:%hu", [[self class] hostFromAddress:address4], [[self class] portFromAddress:address4]);
- LogVerbose(@"IPv6: %@:%hu", [[self class] hostFromAddress:address6], [[self class] portFromAddress:address6]);
- // Determine socket type
- BOOL preferIPv6 = (config & kPreferIPv6) ? YES : NO;
- // Create and bind the sockets
- if (address4)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv4 socket");
- socket4FD = [self createSocket:AF_INET connectInterface:connectInterface4 errPtr:errPtr];
- }
- if (address6)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv6 socket");
- socket6FD = [self createSocket:AF_INET6 connectInterface:connectInterface6 errPtr:errPtr];
- }
- if (socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL && socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- return NO;
- }
- int socketFD, alternateSocketFD;
- NSData *address, *alternateAddress;
- if ((preferIPv6 && socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) || socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- socketFD = socket6FD;
- alternateSocketFD = socket4FD;
- address = address6;
- alternateAddress = address4;
- }
- else
- {
- socketFD = socket4FD;
- alternateSocketFD = socket6FD;
- address = address4;
- alternateAddress = address6;
- }
- int aStateIndex = stateIndex;
- [self connectSocket:socketFD address:address stateIndex:aStateIndex];
- if (alternateAddress)
- {
- dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(alternateAddressDelay * NSEC_PER_SEC)), socketQueue, ^{
- [self connectSocket:alternateSocketFD address:alternateAddress stateIndex:aStateIndex];
- });
- }
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)connectWithAddressUN:(NSData *)address error:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- // Create the socket
- int socketFD;
- LogVerbose(@"Creating unix domain socket");
- socketUN = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- socketFD = socketUN;
- if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in socket() function"];
- return NO;
- }
- // Bind the socket to the desired interface (if needed)
- LogVerbose(@"Binding socket...");
- int reuseOn = 1;
- setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseOn, sizeof(reuseOn));
-// const struct sockaddr *interfaceAddr = (const struct sockaddr *)[address bytes];
-// int result = bind(socketFD, interfaceAddr, (socklen_t)[address length]);
-// if (result != 0)
-// {
-// if (errPtr)
-// *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in bind() function"];
-// return NO;
-// }
- // Prevent SIGPIPE signals
- int nosigpipe = 1;
- setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &nosigpipe, sizeof(nosigpipe));
- // Start the connection process in a background queue
- int aStateIndex = stateIndex;
- dispatch_queue_t globalConcurrentQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
- dispatch_async(globalConcurrentQueue, ^{
- const struct sockaddr *addr = (const struct sockaddr *)[address bytes];
- int result = connect(socketFD, addr, addr->sa_len);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [self didConnect:aStateIndex];
- }});
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO: Bad file descriptor
- perror("connect");
- NSError *error = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in connect() function"];
- dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [self didNotConnect:aStateIndex error:error];
- }});
- }
- });
- LogVerbose(@"Connecting...");
- return YES;
-- (void)didConnect:(int)aStateIndex
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- if (aStateIndex != stateIndex)
- {
- LogInfo(@"Ignoring didConnect, already disconnected");
- // The connect operation has been cancelled.
- // That is, socket was disconnected, or connection has already timed out.
- return;
- }
- flags |= kConnected;
- [self endConnectTimeout];
- // The endConnectTimeout method executed above incremented the stateIndex.
- aStateIndex = stateIndex;
- #endif
- // Setup read/write streams (as workaround for specific shortcomings in the iOS platform)
- //
- // Note:
- // There may be configuration options that must be set by the delegate before opening the streams.
- // The primary example is the kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP flag, which only works on an unopened stream.
- //
- // Thus we wait until after the socket:didConnectToHost:port: delegate method has completed.
- // This gives the delegate time to properly configure the streams if needed.
- dispatch_block_t SetupStreamsPart1 = ^{
- if (![self createReadAndWriteStream])
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error creating CFStreams"]];
- return;
- }
- if (![self registerForStreamCallbacksIncludingReadWrite:NO])
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamSetClient"]];
- return;
- }
- #endif
- };
- dispatch_block_t SetupStreamsPart2 = ^{
- if (aStateIndex != self->stateIndex)
- {
- // The socket has been disconnected.
- return;
- }
- if (![self addStreamsToRunLoop])
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamScheduleWithRunLoop"]];
- return;
- }
- if (![self openStreams])
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error creating CFStreams"]];
- return;
- }
- #endif
- };
- // Notify delegate
- NSString *host = [self connectedHost];
- uint16_t port = [self connectedPort];
- NSURL *url = [self connectedUrl];
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && host != nil && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didConnectToHost:port:)])
- {
- SetupStreamsPart1();
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate socket:self didConnectToHost:host port:port];
- dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- SetupStreamsPart2();
- }});
- }});
- }
- else if (delegateQueue && url != nil && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didConnectToUrl:)])
- {
- SetupStreamsPart1();
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate socket:self didConnectToUrl:url];
- dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- SetupStreamsPart2();
- }});
- }});
- }
- else
- {
- SetupStreamsPart1();
- SetupStreamsPart2();
- }
- // Get the connected socket
- int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
- // Enable non-blocking IO on the socket
- int result = fcntl(socketFD, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
- if (result == -1)
- {
- NSString *errMsg = @"Error enabling non-blocking IO on socket (fcntl)";
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:errMsg]];
- return;
- }
- // Setup our read/write sources
- [self setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:socketFD];
- // Dequeue any pending read/write requests
- [self maybeDequeueRead];
- [self maybeDequeueWrite];
-- (void)didNotConnect:(int)aStateIndex error:(NSError *)error
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- if (aStateIndex != stateIndex)
- {
- LogInfo(@"Ignoring didNotConnect, already disconnected");
- // The connect operation has been cancelled.
- // That is, socket was disconnected, or connection has already timed out.
- return;
- }
- [self closeWithError:error];
-- (void)startConnectTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- if (timeout >= 0.0)
- {
- connectTimer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, socketQueue);
- __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(connectTimer, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
- if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
- [strongSelf doConnectTimeout];
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- }});
- dispatch_source_t theConnectTimer = connectTimer;
- dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(connectTimer, ^{
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(connectTimer)");
- dispatch_release(theConnectTimer);
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- });
- #endif
- dispatch_time_t tt = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(timeout * NSEC_PER_SEC));
- dispatch_source_set_timer(connectTimer, tt, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 0);
- dispatch_resume(connectTimer);
- }
-- (void)endConnectTimeout
- LogTrace();
- if (connectTimer)
- {
- dispatch_source_cancel(connectTimer);
- connectTimer = NULL;
- }
- // Increment stateIndex.
- // This will prevent us from processing results from any related background asynchronous operations.
- //
- // Note: This should be called from close method even if connectTimer is NULL.
- // This is because one might disconnect a socket prior to a successful connection which had no timeout.
- stateIndex++;
- if (connectInterface4)
- {
- connectInterface4 = nil;
- }
- if (connectInterface6)
- {
- connectInterface6 = nil;
- }
-- (void)doConnectTimeout
- LogTrace();
- [self endConnectTimeout];
- [self closeWithError:[self connectTimeoutError]];
-#pragma mark Disconnecting
-- (void)closeWithError:(NSError *)error
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- [self endConnectTimeout];
- if (currentRead != nil) [self endCurrentRead];
- if (currentWrite != nil) [self endCurrentWrite];
- [readQueue removeAllObjects];
- [writeQueue removeAllObjects];
- [preBuffer reset];
- {
- if (readStream || writeStream)
- {
- [self removeStreamsFromRunLoop];
- if (readStream)
- {
- CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
- CFReadStreamClose(readStream);
- CFRelease(readStream);
- readStream = NULL;
- }
- if (writeStream)
- {
- CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
- CFWriteStreamClose(writeStream);
- CFRelease(writeStream);
- writeStream = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- [sslPreBuffer reset];
- sslErrCode = lastSSLHandshakeError = noErr;
- if (sslContext)
- {
- // Getting a linker error here about the SSLx() functions?
- // You need to add the Security Framework to your application.
- SSLClose(sslContext);
- CFRelease(sslContext);
- #else
- SSLDisposeContext(sslContext);
- #endif
- sslContext = NULL;
- }
- // For some crazy reason (in my opinion), cancelling a dispatch source doesn't
- // invoke the cancel handler if the dispatch source is paused.
- // So we have to unpause the source if needed.
- // This allows the cancel handler to be run, which in turn releases the source and closes the socket.
- if (!accept4Source && !accept6Source && !acceptUNSource && !readSource && !writeSource)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"manually closing close");
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"close(socket4FD)");
- close(socket4FD);
- socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"close(socket6FD)");
- close(socket6FD);
- socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- if (socketUN != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"close(socketUN)");
- close(socketUN);
- socketUN = SOCKET_NULL;
- unlink(socketUrl.path.fileSystemRepresentation);
- socketUrl = nil;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (accept4Source)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(accept4Source)");
- dispatch_source_cancel(accept4Source);
- // We never suspend accept4Source
- accept4Source = NULL;
- }
- if (accept6Source)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(accept6Source)");
- dispatch_source_cancel(accept6Source);
- // We never suspend accept6Source
- accept6Source = NULL;
- }
- if (acceptUNSource)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(acceptUNSource)");
- dispatch_source_cancel(acceptUNSource);
- // We never suspend acceptUNSource
- acceptUNSource = NULL;
- }
- if (readSource)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(readSource)");
- dispatch_source_cancel(readSource);
- [self resumeReadSource];
- readSource = NULL;
- }
- if (writeSource)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(writeSource)");
- dispatch_source_cancel(writeSource);
- [self resumeWriteSource];
- writeSource = NULL;
- }
- // The sockets will be closed by the cancel handlers of the corresponding source
- socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- socketUN = SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- // If the client has passed the connect/accept method, then the connection has at least begun.
- // Notify delegate that it is now ending.
- BOOL shouldCallDelegate = (flags & kSocketStarted) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL isDeallocating = (flags & kDealloc) ? YES : NO;
- // Clear stored socket info and all flags (config remains as is)
- socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
- flags = 0;
- sslWriteCachedLength = 0;
- if (shouldCallDelegate)
- {
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- __strong id theSelf = isDeallocating ? nil : self;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector: @selector(socketDidDisconnect:withError:)])
- {
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate socketDidDisconnect:theSelf withError:error];
- }});
- }
- }
-- (void)disconnect
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (self->flags & kSocketStarted)
- {
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- }
- }};
- // Synchronous disconnection, as documented in the header file
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
-- (void)disconnectAfterReading
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (self->flags & kSocketStarted)
- {
- self->flags |= (kForbidReadsWrites | kDisconnectAfterReads);
- [self maybeClose];
- }
- }});
-- (void)disconnectAfterWriting
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (self->flags & kSocketStarted)
- {
- self->flags |= (kForbidReadsWrites | kDisconnectAfterWrites);
- [self maybeClose];
- }
- }});
-- (void)disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (self->flags & kSocketStarted)
- {
- self->flags |= (kForbidReadsWrites | kDisconnectAfterReads | kDisconnectAfterWrites);
- [self maybeClose];
- }
- }});
- * Closes the socket if possible.
- * That is, if all writes have completed, and we're set to disconnect after writing,
- * or if all reads have completed, and we're set to disconnect after reading.
-- (void)maybeClose
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- BOOL shouldClose = NO;
- if (flags & kDisconnectAfterReads)
- {
- if (([readQueue count] == 0) && (currentRead == nil))
- {
- if (flags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
- {
- if (([writeQueue count] == 0) && (currentWrite == nil))
- {
- shouldClose = YES;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- shouldClose = YES;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (flags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
- {
- if (([writeQueue count] == 0) && (currentWrite == nil))
- {
- shouldClose = YES;
- }
- }
- if (shouldClose)
- {
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- }
-#pragma mark Errors
-- (NSError *)badConfigError:(NSString *)errMsg
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketBadConfigError userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)badParamError:(NSString *)errMsg
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketBadParamError userInfo:userInfo];
-+ (NSError *)gaiError:(int)gai_error
- NSString *errMsg = [NSString stringWithCString:gai_strerror(gai_error) encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:@"kCFStreamErrorDomainNetDB" code:gai_error userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)errorWithErrno:(int)err reason:(NSString *)reason
- NSString *errMsg = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:strerror(err)];
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg,
- NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey : reason};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:NSPOSIXErrorDomain code:err userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)errnoError
- NSString *errMsg = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:strerror(errno)];
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:NSPOSIXErrorDomain code:errno userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)sslError:(OSStatus)ssl_error
- NSString *msg = @"Error code definition can be found in Apple's SecureTransport.h";
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey : msg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:@"kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL" code:ssl_error userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)connectTimeoutError
- NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketConnectTimeoutError",
- @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
- @"Attempt to connect to host timed out", nil);
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketConnectTimeoutError userInfo:userInfo];
- * Returns a standard AsyncSocket maxed out error.
-- (NSError *)readMaxedOutError
- NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError",
- @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
- @"Read operation reached set maximum length", nil);
- NSDictionary *info = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError userInfo:info];
- * Returns a standard AsyncSocket write timeout error.
-- (NSError *)readTimeoutError
- NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketReadTimeoutError",
- @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
- @"Read operation timed out", nil);
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketReadTimeoutError userInfo:userInfo];
- * Returns a standard AsyncSocket write timeout error.
-- (NSError *)writeTimeoutError
- NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketWriteTimeoutError",
- @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
- @"Write operation timed out", nil);
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketWriteTimeoutError userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)connectionClosedError
- NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncSocketClosedError",
- @"GCDAsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
- @"Socket closed by remote peer", nil);
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketClosedError userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)otherError:(NSString *)errMsg
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncSocketOtherError userInfo:userInfo];
-#pragma mark Diagnostics
-- (BOOL)isDisconnected
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = (self->flags & kSocketStarted) ? NO : YES;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (BOOL)isConnected
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = (self->flags & kConnected) ? YES : NO;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (NSString *)connectedHost
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self connectedHostFromSocket4:socket4FD];
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self connectedHostFromSocket6:socket6FD];
- return nil;
- }
- else
- {
- __block NSString *result = nil;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- result = [self connectedHostFromSocket4:self->socket4FD];
- else if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- result = [self connectedHostFromSocket6:self->socket6FD];
- }});
- return result;
- }
-- (uint16_t)connectedPort
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self connectedPortFromSocket4:socket4FD];
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self connectedPortFromSocket6:socket6FD];
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- __block uint16_t result = 0;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- // No need for autorelease pool
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- result = [self connectedPortFromSocket4:self->socket4FD];
- else if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- result = [self connectedPortFromSocket6:self->socket6FD];
- });
- return result;
- }
-- (NSURL *)connectedUrl
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- if (socketUN != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self connectedUrlFromSocketUN:socketUN];
- return nil;
- }
- else
- {
- __block NSURL *result = nil;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (self->socketUN != SOCKET_NULL)
- result = [self connectedUrlFromSocketUN:self->socketUN];
- }});
- return result;
- }
-- (NSString *)localHost
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self localHostFromSocket4:socket4FD];
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self localHostFromSocket6:socket6FD];
- return nil;
- }
- else
- {
- __block NSString *result = nil;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- result = [self localHostFromSocket4:self->socket4FD];
- else if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- result = [self localHostFromSocket6:self->socket6FD];
- }});
- return result;
- }
-- (uint16_t)localPort
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self localPortFromSocket4:socket4FD];
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self localPortFromSocket6:socket6FD];
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- __block uint16_t result = 0;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- // No need for autorelease pool
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- result = [self localPortFromSocket4:self->socket4FD];
- else if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- result = [self localPortFromSocket6:self->socket6FD];
- });
- return result;
- }
-- (NSString *)connectedHost4
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self connectedHostFromSocket4:socket4FD];
- return nil;
-- (NSString *)connectedHost6
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self connectedHostFromSocket6:socket6FD];
- return nil;
-- (uint16_t)connectedPort4
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self connectedPortFromSocket4:socket4FD];
- return 0;
-- (uint16_t)connectedPort6
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self connectedPortFromSocket6:socket6FD];
- return 0;
-- (NSString *)localHost4
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self localHostFromSocket4:socket4FD];
- return nil;
-- (NSString *)localHost6
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self localHostFromSocket6:socket6FD];
- return nil;
-- (uint16_t)localPort4
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self localPortFromSocket4:socket4FD];
- return 0;
-- (uint16_t)localPort6
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return [self localPortFromSocket6:socket6FD];
- return 0;
-- (NSString *)connectedHostFromSocket4:(int)socketFD
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
- if (getpeername(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) < 0)
- {
- return nil;
- }
- return [[self class] hostFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
-- (NSString *)connectedHostFromSocket6:(int)socketFD
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
- if (getpeername(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) < 0)
- {
- return nil;
- }
- return [[self class] hostFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
-- (uint16_t)connectedPortFromSocket4:(int)socketFD
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
- if (getpeername(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) < 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return [[self class] portFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
-- (uint16_t)connectedPortFromSocket6:(int)socketFD
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
- if (getpeername(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) < 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return [[self class] portFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
-- (NSURL *)connectedUrlFromSocketUN:(int)socketFD
- struct sockaddr_un sockaddr;
- socklen_t sockaddrlen = sizeof(sockaddr);
- if (getpeername(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, &sockaddrlen) < 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return [[self class] urlFromSockaddrUN:&sockaddr];
-- (NSString *)localHostFromSocket4:(int)socketFD
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
- if (getsockname(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) < 0)
- {
- return nil;
- }
- return [[self class] hostFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
-- (NSString *)localHostFromSocket6:(int)socketFD
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
- if (getsockname(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) < 0)
- {
- return nil;
- }
- return [[self class] hostFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
-- (uint16_t)localPortFromSocket4:(int)socketFD
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
- if (getsockname(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) < 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return [[self class] portFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
-- (uint16_t)localPortFromSocket6:(int)socketFD
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
- if (getsockname(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) < 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return [[self class] portFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
-- (NSData *)connectedAddress
- __block NSData *result = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
- if (getpeername(self->socket4FD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) == 0)
- {
- result = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sockaddr4len];
- }
- }
- if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
- if (getpeername(self->socket6FD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) == 0)
- {
- result = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sockaddr6len];
- }
- }
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (NSData *)localAddress
- __block NSData *result = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
- if (getsockname(self->socket4FD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) == 0)
- {
- result = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sockaddr4len];
- }
- }
- if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
- if (getsockname(self->socket6FD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) == 0)
- {
- result = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sockaddr6len];
- }
- }
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (BOOL)isIPv4
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- return (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- result = (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL);
- });
- return result;
- }
-- (BOOL)isIPv6
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- return (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- result = (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL);
- });
- return result;
- }
-- (BOOL)isSecure
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- return (flags & kSocketSecure) ? YES : NO;
- }
- else
- {
- __block BOOL result;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- result = (self->flags & kSocketSecure) ? YES : NO;
- });
- return result;
- }
-#pragma mark Utilities
- * Finds the address of an interface description.
- * An inteface description may be an interface name (en0, en1, lo0) or corresponding IP (
- *
- * The interface description may optionally contain a port number at the end, separated by a colon.
- * If a non-zero port parameter is provided, any port number in the interface description is ignored.
- *
- * The returned value is a 'struct sockaddr' wrapped in an NSMutableData object.
-- (void)getInterfaceAddress4:(NSMutableData **)interfaceAddr4Ptr
- address6:(NSMutableData **)interfaceAddr6Ptr
- fromDescription:(NSString *)interfaceDescription
- port:(uint16_t)port
- NSMutableData *addr4 = nil;
- NSMutableData *addr6 = nil;
- NSString *interface = nil;
- NSArray *components = [interfaceDescription componentsSeparatedByString:@":"];
- if ([components count] > 0)
- {
- NSString *temp = [components objectAtIndex:0];
- if ([temp length] > 0)
- {
- interface = temp;
- }
- }
- if ([components count] > 1 && port == 0)
- {
- NSString *temp = [components objectAtIndex:1];
- long portL = strtol([temp UTF8String], NULL, 10);
- if (portL > 0 && portL <= UINT16_MAX)
- {
- port = (uint16_t)portL;
- }
- }
- if (interface == nil)
- {
- // ANY address
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- memset(&sockaddr4, 0, sizeof(sockaddr4));
- sockaddr4.sin_len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
- sockaddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sockaddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
- sockaddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- memset(&sockaddr6, 0, sizeof(sockaddr6));
- sockaddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
- sockaddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- sockaddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
- sockaddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
- addr4 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sizeof(sockaddr4)];
- addr6 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sizeof(sockaddr6)];
- }
- else if ([interface isEqualToString:@"localhost"] || [interface isEqualToString:@"loopback"])
- {
- // LOOPBACK address
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- memset(&sockaddr4, 0, sizeof(sockaddr4));
- sockaddr4.sin_len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
- sockaddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sockaddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
- sockaddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- memset(&sockaddr6, 0, sizeof(sockaddr6));
- sockaddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
- sockaddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- sockaddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
- sockaddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_loopback;
- addr4 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sizeof(sockaddr4)];
- addr6 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sizeof(sockaddr6)];
- }
- else
- {
- const char *iface = [interface UTF8String];
- struct ifaddrs *addrs;
- const struct ifaddrs *cursor;
- if ((getifaddrs(&addrs) == 0))
- {
- cursor = addrs;
- while (cursor != NULL)
- {
- if ((addr4 == nil) && (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET))
- {
- // IPv4
- struct sockaddr_in nativeAddr4;
- memcpy(&nativeAddr4, cursor->ifa_addr, sizeof(nativeAddr4));
- if (strcmp(cursor->ifa_name, iface) == 0)
- {
- // Name match
- nativeAddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
- addr4 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr4 length:sizeof(nativeAddr4)];
- }
- else
- {
- const char *conversion = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &nativeAddr4.sin_addr, ip, sizeof(ip));
- if ((conversion != NULL) && (strcmp(ip, iface) == 0))
- {
- // IP match
- nativeAddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
- addr4 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr4 length:sizeof(nativeAddr4)];
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((addr6 == nil) && (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6))
- {
- // IPv6
- struct sockaddr_in6 nativeAddr6;
- memcpy(&nativeAddr6, cursor->ifa_addr, sizeof(nativeAddr6));
- if (strcmp(cursor->ifa_name, iface) == 0)
- {
- // Name match
- nativeAddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
- addr6 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr6 length:sizeof(nativeAddr6)];
- }
- else
- {
- char ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
- const char *conversion = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &nativeAddr6.sin6_addr, ip, sizeof(ip));
- if ((conversion != NULL) && (strcmp(ip, iface) == 0))
- {
- // IP match
- nativeAddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
- addr6 = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr6 length:sizeof(nativeAddr6)];
- }
- }
- }
- cursor = cursor->ifa_next;
- }
- freeifaddrs(addrs);
- }
- }
- if (interfaceAddr4Ptr) *interfaceAddr4Ptr = addr4;
- if (interfaceAddr6Ptr) *interfaceAddr6Ptr = addr6;
-- (NSData *)getInterfaceAddressFromUrl:(NSURL *)url
- NSString *path = url.path;
- if (path.length == 0) {
- return nil;
- }
- struct sockaddr_un nativeAddr;
- nativeAddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
- strlcpy(nativeAddr.sun_path, path.fileSystemRepresentation, sizeof(nativeAddr.sun_path));
- nativeAddr.sun_len = (unsigned char)SUN_LEN(&nativeAddr);
- NSData *interface = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr length:sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)];
- return interface;
-- (void)setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:(int)socketFD
- readSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, socketFD, 0, socketQueue);
- writeSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_WRITE, socketFD, 0, socketQueue);
- // Setup event handlers
- __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(readSource, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
- if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
- LogVerbose(@"readEventBlock");
- strongSelf->socketFDBytesAvailable = dispatch_source_get_data(strongSelf->readSource);
- LogVerbose(@"socketFDBytesAvailable: %lu", strongSelf->socketFDBytesAvailable);
- if (strongSelf->socketFDBytesAvailable > 0)
- [strongSelf doReadData];
- else
- [strongSelf doReadEOF];
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- }});
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(writeSource, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
- if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
- LogVerbose(@"writeEventBlock");
- strongSelf->flags |= kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
- [strongSelf doWriteData];
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- }});
- // Setup cancel handlers
- __block int socketFDRefCount = 2;
- dispatch_source_t theReadSource = readSource;
- dispatch_source_t theWriteSource = writeSource;
- #endif
- dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(readSource, ^{
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- LogVerbose(@"readCancelBlock");
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(readSource)");
- dispatch_release(theReadSource);
- #endif
- if (--socketFDRefCount == 0)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
- close(socketFD);
- }
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- });
- dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(writeSource, ^{
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- LogVerbose(@"writeCancelBlock");
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(writeSource)");
- dispatch_release(theWriteSource);
- #endif
- if (--socketFDRefCount == 0)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"close(socketFD)");
- close(socketFD);
- }
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- });
- // We will not be able to read until data arrives.
- // But we should be able to write immediately.
- socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
- flags &= ~kReadSourceSuspended;
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(readSource)");
- dispatch_resume(readSource);
- flags |= kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
- flags |= kWriteSourceSuspended;
-- (BOOL)usingCFStreamForTLS
- if ((flags & kSocketSecure) && (flags & kUsingCFStreamForTLS))
- {
- // The startTLS method was given the GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS flag.
- return YES;
- }
- #endif
- return NO;
-- (BOOL)usingSecureTransportForTLS
- // Invoking this method is equivalent to ![self usingCFStreamForTLS] (just more readable)
- if ((flags & kSocketSecure) && (flags & kUsingCFStreamForTLS))
- {
- // The startTLS method was given the GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS flag.
- return NO;
- }
- #endif
- return YES;
-- (void)suspendReadSource
- if (!(flags & kReadSourceSuspended))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_suspend(readSource)");
- dispatch_suspend(readSource);
- flags |= kReadSourceSuspended;
- }
-- (void)resumeReadSource
- if (flags & kReadSourceSuspended)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(readSource)");
- dispatch_resume(readSource);
- flags &= ~kReadSourceSuspended;
- }
-- (void)suspendWriteSource
- if (!(flags & kWriteSourceSuspended))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_suspend(writeSource)");
- dispatch_suspend(writeSource);
- flags |= kWriteSourceSuspended;
- }
-- (void)resumeWriteSource
- if (flags & kWriteSourceSuspended)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(writeSource)");
- dispatch_resume(writeSource);
- flags &= ~kWriteSourceSuspended;
- }
-#pragma mark Reading
-- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
- [self readDataWithTimeout:timeout buffer:nil bufferOffset:0 maxLength:0 tag:tag];
-- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- buffer:(NSMutableData *)buffer
- bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
- tag:(long)tag
- [self readDataWithTimeout:timeout buffer:buffer bufferOffset:offset maxLength:0 tag:tag];
-- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- buffer:(NSMutableData *)buffer
- bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
- maxLength:(NSUInteger)length
- tag:(long)tag
- if (offset > [buffer length]) {
- LogWarn(@"Cannot read: offset > [buffer length]");
- return;
- }
- GCDAsyncReadPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncReadPacket alloc] initWithData:buffer
- startOffset:offset
- maxLength:length
- timeout:timeout
- readLength:0
- terminator:nil
- tag:tag];
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogTrace();
- if ((self->flags & kSocketStarted) && !(self->flags & kForbidReadsWrites))
- {
- [self->readQueue addObject:packet];
- [self maybeDequeueRead];
- }
- }});
- // Do not rely on the block being run in order to release the packet,
- // as the queue might get released without the block completing.
-- (void)readDataToLength:(NSUInteger)length withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
- [self readDataToLength:length withTimeout:timeout buffer:nil bufferOffset:0 tag:tag];
-- (void)readDataToLength:(NSUInteger)length
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- buffer:(NSMutableData *)buffer
- bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
- tag:(long)tag
- if (length == 0) {
- LogWarn(@"Cannot read: length == 0");
- return;
- }
- if (offset > [buffer length]) {
- LogWarn(@"Cannot read: offset > [buffer length]");
- return;
- }
- GCDAsyncReadPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncReadPacket alloc] initWithData:buffer
- startOffset:offset
- maxLength:0
- timeout:timeout
- readLength:length
- terminator:nil
- tag:tag];
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogTrace();
- if ((self->flags & kSocketStarted) && !(self->flags & kForbidReadsWrites))
- {
- [self->readQueue addObject:packet];
- [self maybeDequeueRead];
- }
- }});
- // Do not rely on the block being run in order to release the packet,
- // as the queue might get released without the block completing.
-- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
- [self readDataToData:data withTimeout:timeout buffer:nil bufferOffset:0 maxLength:0 tag:tag];
-- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- buffer:(NSMutableData *)buffer
- bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
- tag:(long)tag
- [self readDataToData:data withTimeout:timeout buffer:buffer bufferOffset:offset maxLength:0 tag:tag];
-- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout maxLength:(NSUInteger)length tag:(long)tag
- [self readDataToData:data withTimeout:timeout buffer:nil bufferOffset:0 maxLength:length tag:tag];
-- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- buffer:(NSMutableData *)buffer
- bufferOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
- maxLength:(NSUInteger)maxLength
- tag:(long)tag
- if ([data length] == 0) {
- LogWarn(@"Cannot read: [data length] == 0");
- return;
- }
- if (offset > [buffer length]) {
- LogWarn(@"Cannot read: offset > [buffer length]");
- return;
- }
- if (maxLength > 0 && maxLength < [data length]) {
- LogWarn(@"Cannot read: maxLength > 0 && maxLength < [data length]");
- return;
- }
- GCDAsyncReadPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncReadPacket alloc] initWithData:buffer
- startOffset:offset
- maxLength:maxLength
- timeout:timeout
- readLength:0
- terminator:data
- tag:tag];
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogTrace();
- if ((self->flags & kSocketStarted) && !(self->flags & kForbidReadsWrites))
- {
- [self->readQueue addObject:packet];
- [self maybeDequeueRead];
- }
- }});
- // Do not rely on the block being run in order to release the packet,
- // as the queue might get released without the block completing.
-- (float)progressOfReadReturningTag:(long *)tagPtr bytesDone:(NSUInteger *)donePtr total:(NSUInteger *)totalPtr
- __block float result = 0.0F;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (!self->currentRead || ![self->currentRead isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncReadPacket class]])
- {
- // We're not reading anything right now.
- if (tagPtr != NULL) *tagPtr = 0;
- if (donePtr != NULL) *donePtr = 0;
- if (totalPtr != NULL) *totalPtr = 0;
- result = NAN;
- }
- else
- {
- // It's only possible to know the progress of our read if we're reading to a certain length.
- // If we're reading to data, we of course have no idea when the data will arrive.
- // If we're reading to timeout, then we have no idea when the next chunk of data will arrive.
- NSUInteger done = self->currentRead->bytesDone;
- NSUInteger total = self->currentRead->readLength;
- if (tagPtr != NULL) *tagPtr = self->currentRead->tag;
- if (donePtr != NULL) *donePtr = done;
- if (totalPtr != NULL) *totalPtr = total;
- if (total > 0)
- result = (float)done / (float)total;
- else
- result = 1.0F;
- }
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
- * This method starts a new read, if needed.
- *
- * It is called when:
- * - a user requests a read
- * - after a read request has finished (to handle the next request)
- * - immediately after the socket opens to handle any pending requests
- *
- * This method also handles auto-disconnect post read/write completion.
-- (void)maybeDequeueRead
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- // If we're not currently processing a read AND we have an available read stream
- if ((currentRead == nil) && (flags & kConnected))
- {
- if ([readQueue count] > 0)
- {
- // Dequeue the next object in the write queue
- currentRead = [readQueue objectAtIndex:0];
- [readQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0];
- if ([currentRead isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncSpecialPacket class]])
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Dequeued GCDAsyncSpecialPacket");
- // Attempt to start TLS
- flags |= kStartingReadTLS;
- // This method won't do anything unless both kStartingReadTLS and kStartingWriteTLS are set
- [self maybeStartTLS];
- }
- else
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Dequeued GCDAsyncReadPacket");
- // Setup read timer (if needed)
- [self setupReadTimerWithTimeout:currentRead->timeout];
- // Immediately read, if possible
- [self doReadData];
- }
- }
- else if (flags & kDisconnectAfterReads)
- {
- if (flags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
- {
- if (([writeQueue count] == 0) && (currentWrite == nil))
- {
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- }
- }
- else if (flags & kSocketSecure)
- {
- [self flushSSLBuffers];
- // Edge case:
- //
- // We just drained all data from the ssl buffers,
- // and all known data from the socket (socketFDBytesAvailable).
- //
- // If we didn't get any data from this process,
- // then we may have reached the end of the TCP stream.
- //
- // Be sure callbacks are enabled so we're notified about a disconnection.
- if ([preBuffer availableBytes] == 0)
- {
- if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS]) {
- // Callbacks never disabled
- }
- else {
- [self resumeReadSource];
- }
- }
- }
- }
-- (void)flushSSLBuffers
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert((flags & kSocketSecure), @"Cannot flush ssl buffers on non-secure socket");
- if ([preBuffer availableBytes] > 0)
- {
- // Only flush the ssl buffers if the prebuffer is empty.
- // This is to avoid growing the prebuffer inifinitely large.
- return;
- }
- if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- if ((flags & kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable) && CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable(readStream))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"%@ - Flushing ssl buffers into prebuffer...", THIS_METHOD);
- CFIndex defaultBytesToRead = (1024 * 4);
- [preBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:defaultBytesToRead];
- uint8_t *buffer = [preBuffer writeBuffer];
- CFIndex result = CFReadStreamRead(readStream, buffer, defaultBytesToRead);
- LogVerbose(@"%@ - CFReadStreamRead(): result = %i", THIS_METHOD, (int)result);
- if (result > 0)
- {
- [preBuffer didWrite:result];
- }
- flags &= ~kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable;
- }
- return;
- }
- #endif
- __block NSUInteger estimatedBytesAvailable = 0;
- dispatch_block_t updateEstimatedBytesAvailable = ^{
- // Figure out if there is any data available to be read
- //
- // socketFDBytesAvailable <- Number of encrypted bytes we haven't read from the bsd socket
- // [sslPreBuffer availableBytes] <- Number of encrypted bytes we've buffered from bsd socket
- // sslInternalBufSize <- Number of decrypted bytes SecureTransport has buffered
- //
- // We call the variable "estimated" because we don't know how many decrypted bytes we'll get
- // from the encrypted bytes in the sslPreBuffer.
- // However, we do know this is an upper bound on the estimation.
- estimatedBytesAvailable = self->socketFDBytesAvailable + [self->sslPreBuffer availableBytes];
- size_t sslInternalBufSize = 0;
- SSLGetBufferedReadSize(self->sslContext, &sslInternalBufSize);
- estimatedBytesAvailable += sslInternalBufSize;
- };
- updateEstimatedBytesAvailable();
- if (estimatedBytesAvailable > 0)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"%@ - Flushing ssl buffers into prebuffer...", THIS_METHOD);
- BOOL done = NO;
- do
- {
- LogVerbose(@"%@ - estimatedBytesAvailable = %lu", THIS_METHOD, (unsigned long)estimatedBytesAvailable);
- // Make sure there's enough room in the prebuffer
- [preBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:estimatedBytesAvailable];
- // Read data into prebuffer
- uint8_t *buffer = [preBuffer writeBuffer];
- size_t bytesRead = 0;
- OSStatus result = SSLRead(sslContext, buffer, (size_t)estimatedBytesAvailable, &bytesRead);
- LogVerbose(@"%@ - read from secure socket = %u", THIS_METHOD, (unsigned)bytesRead);
- if (bytesRead > 0)
- {
- [preBuffer didWrite:bytesRead];
- }
- LogVerbose(@"%@ - prebuffer.length = %zu", THIS_METHOD, [preBuffer availableBytes]);
- if (result != noErr)
- {
- done = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- updateEstimatedBytesAvailable();
- }
- } while (!done && estimatedBytesAvailable > 0);
- }
-- (void)doReadData
- LogTrace();
- // This method is called on the socketQueue.
- // It might be called directly, or via the readSource when data is available to be read.
- if ((currentRead == nil) || (flags & kReadsPaused))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"No currentRead or kReadsPaused");
- // Unable to read at this time
- if (flags & kSocketSecure)
- {
- // Here's the situation:
- //
- // We have an established secure connection.
- // There may not be a currentRead, but there might be encrypted data sitting around for us.
- // When the user does get around to issuing a read, that encrypted data will need to be decrypted.
- //
- // So why make the user wait?
- // We might as well get a head start on decrypting some data now.
- //
- // The other reason we do this has to do with detecting a socket disconnection.
- // The SSL/TLS protocol has it's own disconnection handshake.
- // So when a secure socket is closed, a "goodbye" packet comes across the wire.
- // We want to make sure we read the "goodbye" packet so we can properly detect the TCP disconnection.
- [self flushSSLBuffers];
- }
- if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- // CFReadStream only fires once when there is available data.
- // It won't fire again until we've invoked CFReadStreamRead.
- }
- else
- {
- // If the readSource is firing, we need to pause it
- // or else it will continue to fire over and over again.
- //
- // If the readSource is not firing,
- // we want it to continue monitoring the socket.
- if (socketFDBytesAvailable > 0)
- {
- [self suspendReadSource];
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- BOOL hasBytesAvailable = NO;
- unsigned long estimatedBytesAvailable = 0;
- if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- // Requested CFStream, rather than SecureTransport, for TLS (via GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS)
- estimatedBytesAvailable = 0;
- if ((flags & kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable) && CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable(readStream))
- hasBytesAvailable = YES;
- else
- hasBytesAvailable = NO;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- estimatedBytesAvailable = socketFDBytesAvailable;
- if (flags & kSocketSecure)
- {
- // There are 2 buffers to be aware of here.
- //
- // We are using SecureTransport, a TLS/SSL security layer which sits atop TCP.
- // We issue a read to the SecureTranport API, which in turn issues a read to our SSLReadFunction.
- // Our SSLReadFunction then reads from the BSD socket and returns the encrypted data to SecureTransport.
- // SecureTransport then decrypts the data, and finally returns the decrypted data back to us.
- //
- // The first buffer is one we create.
- // SecureTransport often requests small amounts of data.
- // This has to do with the encypted packets that are coming across the TCP stream.
- // But it's non-optimal to do a bunch of small reads from the BSD socket.
- // So our SSLReadFunction reads all available data from the socket (optimizing the sys call)
- // and may store excess in the sslPreBuffer.
- estimatedBytesAvailable += [sslPreBuffer availableBytes];
- // The second buffer is within SecureTransport.
- // As mentioned earlier, there are encrypted packets coming across the TCP stream.
- // SecureTransport needs the entire packet to decrypt it.
- // But if the entire packet produces X bytes of decrypted data,
- // and we only asked SecureTransport for X/2 bytes of data,
- // it must store the extra X/2 bytes of decrypted data for the next read.
- //
- // The SSLGetBufferedReadSize function will tell us the size of this internal buffer.
- // From the documentation:
- //
- // "This function does not block or cause any low-level read operations to occur."
- size_t sslInternalBufSize = 0;
- SSLGetBufferedReadSize(sslContext, &sslInternalBufSize);
- estimatedBytesAvailable += sslInternalBufSize;
- }
- hasBytesAvailable = (estimatedBytesAvailable > 0);
- }
- if ((hasBytesAvailable == NO) && ([preBuffer availableBytes] == 0))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"No data available to read...");
- // No data available to read.
- if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- // Need to wait for readSource to fire and notify us of
- // available data in the socket's internal read buffer.
- [self resumeReadSource];
- }
- return;
- }
- if (flags & kStartingReadTLS)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Waiting for SSL/TLS handshake to complete");
- // The readQueue is waiting for SSL/TLS handshake to complete.
- if (flags & kStartingWriteTLS)
- {
- if ([self usingSecureTransportForTLS] && lastSSLHandshakeError == errSSLWouldBlock)
- {
- // We are in the process of a SSL Handshake.
- // We were waiting for incoming data which has just arrived.
- [self ssl_continueSSLHandshake];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We are still waiting for the writeQueue to drain and start the SSL/TLS process.
- // We now know data is available to read.
- if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- // Suspend the read source or else it will continue to fire nonstop.
- [self suspendReadSource];
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- BOOL done = NO; // Completed read operation
- NSError *error = nil; // Error occurred
- NSUInteger totalBytesReadForCurrentRead = 0;
- //
- //
- if ([preBuffer availableBytes] > 0)
- {
- // There are 3 types of read packets:
- //
- // 1) Read all available data.
- // 2) Read a specific length of data.
- // 3) Read up to a particular terminator.
- NSUInteger bytesToCopy;
- if (currentRead->term != nil)
- {
- // Read type #3 - read up to a terminator
- bytesToCopy = [currentRead readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:preBuffer found:&done];
- }
- else
- {
- // Read type #1 or #2
- bytesToCopy = [currentRead readLengthForNonTermWithHint:[preBuffer availableBytes]];
- }
- // Make sure we have enough room in the buffer for our read.
- [currentRead ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:bytesToCopy];
- // Copy bytes from prebuffer into packet buffer
- uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes] + currentRead->startOffset +
- currentRead->bytesDone;
- memcpy(buffer, [preBuffer readBuffer], bytesToCopy);
- // Remove the copied bytes from the preBuffer
- [preBuffer didRead:bytesToCopy];
- LogVerbose(@"copied(%lu) preBufferLength(%zu)", (unsigned long)bytesToCopy, [preBuffer availableBytes]);
- // Update totals
- currentRead->bytesDone += bytesToCopy;
- totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesToCopy;
- // Check to see if the read operation is done
- if (currentRead->readLength > 0)
- {
- // Read type #2 - read a specific length of data
- done = (currentRead->bytesDone == currentRead->readLength);
- }
- else if (currentRead->term != nil)
- {
- // Read type #3 - read up to a terminator
- // Our 'done' variable was updated via the readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:found: method
- if (!done && currentRead->maxLength > 0)
- {
- // We're not done and there's a set maxLength.
- // Have we reached that maxLength yet?
- if (currentRead->bytesDone >= currentRead->maxLength)
- {
- error = [self readMaxedOutError];
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Read type #1 - read all available data
- //
- // We're done as soon as
- // - we've read all available data (in prebuffer and socket)
- // - we've read the maxLength of read packet.
- done = ((currentRead->maxLength > 0) && (currentRead->bytesDone == currentRead->maxLength));
- }
- }
- //
- //
- BOOL socketEOF = (flags & kSocketHasReadEOF) ? YES : NO; // Nothing more to read via socket (end of file)
- BOOL waiting = !done && !error && !socketEOF && !hasBytesAvailable; // Ran out of data, waiting for more
- if (!done && !error && !socketEOF && hasBytesAvailable)
- {
- NSAssert(([preBuffer availableBytes] == 0), @"Invalid logic");
- BOOL readIntoPreBuffer = NO;
- uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
- size_t bytesRead = 0;
- if (flags & kSocketSecure)
- {
- if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- // Using CFStream, rather than SecureTransport, for TLS
- NSUInteger defaultReadLength = (1024 * 32);
- NSUInteger bytesToRead = [currentRead optimalReadLengthWithDefault:defaultReadLength
- shouldPreBuffer:&readIntoPreBuffer];
- // Make sure we have enough room in the buffer for our read.
- //
- // We are either reading directly into the currentRead->buffer,
- // or we're reading into the temporary preBuffer.
- if (readIntoPreBuffer)
- {
- [preBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:bytesToRead];
- buffer = [preBuffer writeBuffer];
- }
- else
- {
- [currentRead ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:bytesToRead];
- buffer = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes]
- + currentRead->startOffset
- + currentRead->bytesDone;
- }
- // Read data into buffer
- CFIndex result = CFReadStreamRead(readStream, buffer, (CFIndex)bytesToRead);
- LogVerbose(@"CFReadStreamRead(): result = %i", (int)result);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFReadStreamCopyError(readStream);
- }
- else if (result == 0)
- {
- socketEOF = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- waiting = YES;
- bytesRead = (size_t)result;
- }
- // We only know how many decrypted bytes were read.
- // The actual number of bytes read was likely more due to the overhead of the encryption.
- // So we reset our flag, and rely on the next callback to alert us of more data.
- flags &= ~kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- // Using SecureTransport for TLS
- //
- // We know:
- // - how many bytes are available on the socket
- // - how many encrypted bytes are sitting in the sslPreBuffer
- // - how many decypted bytes are sitting in the sslContext
- //
- // But we do NOT know:
- // - how many encypted bytes are sitting in the sslContext
- //
- // So we play the regular game of using an upper bound instead.
- NSUInteger defaultReadLength = (1024 * 32);
- if (defaultReadLength < estimatedBytesAvailable) {
- defaultReadLength = estimatedBytesAvailable + (1024 * 16);
- }
- NSUInteger bytesToRead = [currentRead optimalReadLengthWithDefault:defaultReadLength
- shouldPreBuffer:&readIntoPreBuffer];
- if (bytesToRead > SIZE_MAX) { // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t
- bytesToRead = SIZE_MAX;
- }
- // Make sure we have enough room in the buffer for our read.
- //
- // We are either reading directly into the currentRead->buffer,
- // or we're reading into the temporary preBuffer.
- if (readIntoPreBuffer)
- {
- [preBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:bytesToRead];
- buffer = [preBuffer writeBuffer];
- }
- else
- {
- [currentRead ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:bytesToRead];
- buffer = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes]
- + currentRead->startOffset
- + currentRead->bytesDone;
- }
- // The documentation from Apple states:
- //
- // "a read operation might return errSSLWouldBlock,
- // indicating that less data than requested was actually transferred"
- //
- // However, starting around 10.7, the function will sometimes return noErr,
- // even if it didn't read as much data as requested. So we need to watch out for that.
- OSStatus result;
- do
- {
- void *loop_buffer = buffer + bytesRead;
- size_t loop_bytesToRead = (size_t)bytesToRead - bytesRead;
- size_t loop_bytesRead = 0;
- result = SSLRead(sslContext, loop_buffer, loop_bytesToRead, &loop_bytesRead);
- LogVerbose(@"read from secure socket = %u", (unsigned)loop_bytesRead);
- bytesRead += loop_bytesRead;
- } while ((result == noErr) && (bytesRead < bytesToRead));
- if (result != noErr)
- {
- if (result == errSSLWouldBlock)
- waiting = YES;
- else
- {
- if (result == errSSLClosedGraceful || result == errSSLClosedAbort)
- {
- // We've reached the end of the stream.
- // Handle this the same way we would an EOF from the socket.
- socketEOF = YES;
- sslErrCode = result;
- }
- else
- {
- error = [self sslError:result];
- }
- }
- // It's possible that bytesRead > 0, even if the result was errSSLWouldBlock.
- // This happens when the SSLRead function is able to read some data,
- // but not the entire amount we requested.
- if (bytesRead <= 0)
- {
- bytesRead = 0;
- }
- }
- // Do not modify socketFDBytesAvailable.
- // It will be updated via the SSLReadFunction().
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Normal socket operation
- NSUInteger bytesToRead;
- // There are 3 types of read packets:
- //
- // 1) Read all available data.
- // 2) Read a specific length of data.
- // 3) Read up to a particular terminator.
- if (currentRead->term != nil)
- {
- // Read type #3 - read up to a terminator
- bytesToRead = [currentRead readLengthForTermWithHint:estimatedBytesAvailable
- shouldPreBuffer:&readIntoPreBuffer];
- }
- else
- {
- // Read type #1 or #2
- bytesToRead = [currentRead readLengthForNonTermWithHint:estimatedBytesAvailable];
- }
- if (bytesToRead > SIZE_MAX) { // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t (read param 3)
- bytesToRead = SIZE_MAX;
- }
- // Make sure we have enough room in the buffer for our read.
- //
- // We are either reading directly into the currentRead->buffer,
- // or we're reading into the temporary preBuffer.
- if (readIntoPreBuffer)
- {
- [preBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:bytesToRead];
- buffer = [preBuffer writeBuffer];
- }
- else
- {
- [currentRead ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:bytesToRead];
- buffer = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes]
- + currentRead->startOffset
- + currentRead->bytesDone;
- }
- // Read data into buffer
- int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
- ssize_t result = read(socketFD, buffer, (size_t)bytesToRead);
- LogVerbose(@"read from socket = %i", (int)result);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
- waiting = YES;
- else
- error = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in read() function"];
- socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
- }
- else if (result == 0)
- {
- socketEOF = YES;
- socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- bytesRead = result;
- if (bytesRead < bytesToRead)
- {
- // The read returned less data than requested.
- // This means socketFDBytesAvailable was a bit off due to timing,
- // because we read from the socket right when the readSource event was firing.
- socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (socketFDBytesAvailable <= bytesRead)
- socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
- else
- socketFDBytesAvailable -= bytesRead;
- }
- if (socketFDBytesAvailable == 0)
- {
- waiting = YES;
- }
- }
- }
- if (bytesRead > 0)
- {
- // Check to see if the read operation is done
- if (currentRead->readLength > 0)
- {
- // Read type #2 - read a specific length of data
- //
- // Note: We should never be using a prebuffer when we're reading a specific length of data.
- NSAssert(readIntoPreBuffer == NO, @"Invalid logic");
- currentRead->bytesDone += bytesRead;
- totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesRead;
- done = (currentRead->bytesDone == currentRead->readLength);
- }
- else if (currentRead->term != nil)
- {
- // Read type #3 - read up to a terminator
- if (readIntoPreBuffer)
- {
- // We just read a big chunk of data into the preBuffer
- [preBuffer didWrite:bytesRead];
- LogVerbose(@"read data into preBuffer - preBuffer.length = %zu", [preBuffer availableBytes]);
- // Search for the terminating sequence
- NSUInteger bytesToCopy = [currentRead readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:preBuffer found:&done];
- LogVerbose(@"copying %lu bytes from preBuffer", (unsigned long)bytesToCopy);
- // Ensure there's room on the read packet's buffer
- [currentRead ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:bytesToCopy];
- // Copy bytes from prebuffer into read buffer
- uint8_t *readBuf = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes] + currentRead->startOffset
- + currentRead->bytesDone;
- memcpy(readBuf, [preBuffer readBuffer], bytesToCopy);
- // Remove the copied bytes from the prebuffer
- [preBuffer didRead:bytesToCopy];
- LogVerbose(@"preBuffer.length = %zu", [preBuffer availableBytes]);
- // Update totals
- currentRead->bytesDone += bytesToCopy;
- totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesToCopy;
- // Our 'done' variable was updated via the readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:found: method above
- }
- else
- {
- // We just read a big chunk of data directly into the packet's buffer.
- // We need to move any overflow into the prebuffer.
- NSInteger overflow = [currentRead searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:bytesRead];
- if (overflow == 0)
- {
- // Perfect match!
- // Every byte we read stays in the read buffer,
- // and the last byte we read was the last byte of the term.
- currentRead->bytesDone += bytesRead;
- totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesRead;
- done = YES;
- }
- else if (overflow > 0)
- {
- // The term was found within the data that we read,
- // and there are extra bytes that extend past the end of the term.
- // We need to move these excess bytes out of the read packet and into the prebuffer.
- NSInteger underflow = bytesRead - overflow;
- // Copy excess data into preBuffer
- LogVerbose(@"copying %ld overflow bytes into preBuffer", (long)overflow);
- [preBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:overflow];
- uint8_t *overflowBuffer = buffer + underflow;
- memcpy([preBuffer writeBuffer], overflowBuffer, overflow);
- [preBuffer didWrite:overflow];
- LogVerbose(@"preBuffer.length = %zu", [preBuffer availableBytes]);
- // Note: The completeCurrentRead method will trim the buffer for us.
- currentRead->bytesDone += underflow;
- totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += underflow;
- done = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- // The term was not found within the data that we read.
- currentRead->bytesDone += bytesRead;
- totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesRead;
- done = NO;
- }
- }
- if (!done && currentRead->maxLength > 0)
- {
- // We're not done and there's a set maxLength.
- // Have we reached that maxLength yet?
- if (currentRead->bytesDone >= currentRead->maxLength)
- {
- error = [self readMaxedOutError];
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Read type #1 - read all available data
- if (readIntoPreBuffer)
- {
- // We just read a chunk of data into the preBuffer
- [preBuffer didWrite:bytesRead];
- // Now copy the data into the read packet.
- //
- // Recall that we didn't read directly into the packet's buffer to avoid
- // over-allocating memory since we had no clue how much data was available to be read.
- //
- // Ensure there's room on the read packet's buffer
- [currentRead ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:bytesRead];
- // Copy bytes from prebuffer into read buffer
- uint8_t *readBuf = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes] + currentRead->startOffset
- + currentRead->bytesDone;
- memcpy(readBuf, [preBuffer readBuffer], bytesRead);
- // Remove the copied bytes from the prebuffer
- [preBuffer didRead:bytesRead];
- // Update totals
- currentRead->bytesDone += bytesRead;
- totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesRead;
- }
- else
- {
- currentRead->bytesDone += bytesRead;
- totalBytesReadForCurrentRead += bytesRead;
- }
- done = YES;
- }
- } // if (bytesRead > 0)
- } // if (!done && !error && !socketEOF && hasBytesAvailable)
- if (!done && currentRead->readLength == 0 && currentRead->term == nil)
- {
- // Read type #1 - read all available data
- //
- // We might arrive here if we read data from the prebuffer but not from the socket.
- done = (totalBytesReadForCurrentRead > 0);
- }
- // Check to see if we're done, or if we've made progress
- if (done)
- {
- [self completeCurrentRead];
- if (!error && (!socketEOF || [preBuffer availableBytes] > 0))
- {
- [self maybeDequeueRead];
- }
- }
- else if (totalBytesReadForCurrentRead > 0)
- {
- // We're not done read type #2 or #3 yet, but we have read in some bytes
- //
- // We ensure that `waiting` is set in order to resume the readSource (if it is suspended). It is
- // possible to reach this point and `waiting` not be set, if the current read's length is
- // sufficiently large. In that case, we may have read to some upperbound successfully, but
- // that upperbound could be smaller than the desired length.
- waiting = YES;
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didReadPartialDataOfLength:tag:)])
- {
- long theReadTag = currentRead->tag;
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate socket:self didReadPartialDataOfLength:totalBytesReadForCurrentRead tag:theReadTag];
- }});
- }
- }
- // Check for errors
- if (error)
- {
- [self closeWithError:error];
- }
- else if (socketEOF)
- {
- [self doReadEOF];
- }
- else if (waiting)
- {
- if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- // Monitor the socket for readability (if we're not already doing so)
- [self resumeReadSource];
- }
- }
- // Do not add any code here without first adding return statements in the error cases above.
-- (void)doReadEOF
- LogTrace();
- // This method may be called more than once.
- // If the EOF is read while there is still data in the preBuffer,
- // then this method may be called continually after invocations of doReadData to see if it's time to disconnect.
- flags |= kSocketHasReadEOF;
- if (flags & kSocketSecure)
- {
- // If the SSL layer has any buffered data, flush it into the preBuffer now.
- [self flushSSLBuffers];
- }
- BOOL shouldDisconnect = NO;
- NSError *error = nil;
- if ((flags & kStartingReadTLS) || (flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
- {
- // We received an EOF during or prior to startTLS.
- // The SSL/TLS handshake is now impossible, so this is an unrecoverable situation.
- shouldDisconnect = YES;
- if ([self usingSecureTransportForTLS])
- {
- error = [self sslError:errSSLClosedAbort];
- }
- }
- else if (flags & kReadStreamClosed)
- {
- // The preBuffer has already been drained.
- // The config allows half-duplex connections.
- // We've previously checked the socket, and it appeared writeable.
- // So we marked the read stream as closed and notified the delegate.
- //
- // As per the half-duplex contract, the socket will be closed when a write fails,
- // or when the socket is manually closed.
- shouldDisconnect = NO;
- }
- else if ([preBuffer availableBytes] > 0)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Socket reached EOF, but there is still data available in prebuffer");
- // Although we won't be able to read any more data from the socket,
- // there is existing data that has been prebuffered that we can read.
- shouldDisconnect = NO;
- }
- else if (config & kAllowHalfDuplexConnection)
- {
- // We just received an EOF (end of file) from the socket's read stream.
- // This means the remote end of the socket (the peer we're connected to)
- // has explicitly stated that it will not be sending us any more data.
- //
- // Query the socket to see if it is still writeable. (Perhaps the peer will continue reading data from us)
- int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
- struct pollfd pfd[1];
- pfd[0].fd = socketFD;
- pfd[0].events = POLLOUT;
- pfd[0].revents = 0;
- poll(pfd, 1, 0);
- if (pfd[0].revents & POLLOUT)
- {
- // Socket appears to still be writeable
- shouldDisconnect = NO;
- flags |= kReadStreamClosed;
- // Notify the delegate that we're going half-duplex
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketDidCloseReadStream:)])
- {
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate socketDidCloseReadStream:self];
- }});
- }
- }
- else
- {
- shouldDisconnect = YES;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- shouldDisconnect = YES;
- }
- if (shouldDisconnect)
- {
- if (error == nil)
- {
- if ([self usingSecureTransportForTLS])
- {
- if (sslErrCode != noErr && sslErrCode != errSSLClosedGraceful)
- {
- error = [self sslError:sslErrCode];
- }
- else
- {
- error = [self connectionClosedError];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- error = [self connectionClosedError];
- }
- }
- [self closeWithError:error];
- }
- else
- {
- if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- // Suspend the read source (if needed)
- [self suspendReadSource];
- }
- }
-- (void)completeCurrentRead
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(currentRead, @"Trying to complete current read when there is no current read.");
- NSData *result = nil;
- if (currentRead->bufferOwner)
- {
- // We created the buffer on behalf of the user.
- // Trim our buffer to be the proper size.
- [currentRead->buffer setLength:currentRead->bytesDone];
- result = currentRead->buffer;
- }
- else
- {
- // We did NOT create the buffer.
- // The buffer is owned by the caller.
- // Only trim the buffer if we had to increase its size.
- if ([currentRead->buffer length] > currentRead->originalBufferLength)
- {
- NSUInteger readSize = currentRead->startOffset + currentRead->bytesDone;
- NSUInteger origSize = currentRead->originalBufferLength;
- NSUInteger buffSize = MAX(readSize, origSize);
- [currentRead->buffer setLength:buffSize];
- }
- uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)[currentRead->buffer mutableBytes] + currentRead->startOffset;
- result = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:currentRead->bytesDone freeWhenDone:NO];
- }
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didReadData:withTag:)])
- {
- GCDAsyncReadPacket *theRead = currentRead; // Ensure currentRead retained since result may not own buffer
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate socket:self didReadData:result withTag:theRead->tag];
- }});
- }
- [self endCurrentRead];
-- (void)endCurrentRead
- if (readTimer)
- {
- dispatch_source_cancel(readTimer);
- readTimer = NULL;
- }
- currentRead = nil;
-- (void)setupReadTimerWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- if (timeout >= 0.0)
- {
- readTimer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, socketQueue);
- __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(readTimer, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
- if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
- [strongSelf doReadTimeout];
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- }});
- dispatch_source_t theReadTimer = readTimer;
- dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(readTimer, ^{
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(readTimer)");
- dispatch_release(theReadTimer);
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- });
- #endif
- dispatch_time_t tt = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(timeout * NSEC_PER_SEC));
- dispatch_source_set_timer(readTimer, tt, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 0);
- dispatch_resume(readTimer);
- }
-- (void)doReadTimeout
- // This is a little bit tricky.
- // Ideally we'd like to synchronously query the delegate about a timeout extension.
- // But if we do so synchronously we risk a possible deadlock.
- // So instead we have to do so asynchronously, and callback to ourselves from within the delegate block.
- flags |= kReadsPaused;
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:shouldTimeoutReadWithTag:elapsed:bytesDone:)])
- {
- GCDAsyncReadPacket *theRead = currentRead;
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- NSTimeInterval timeoutExtension = 0.0;
- timeoutExtension = [theDelegate socket:self shouldTimeoutReadWithTag:theRead->tag
- elapsed:theRead->timeout
- bytesDone:theRead->bytesDone];
- dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [self doReadTimeoutWithExtension:timeoutExtension];
- }});
- }});
- }
- else
- {
- [self doReadTimeoutWithExtension:0.0];
- }
-- (void)doReadTimeoutWithExtension:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutExtension
- if (currentRead)
- {
- if (timeoutExtension > 0.0)
- {
- currentRead->timeout += timeoutExtension;
- // Reschedule the timer
- dispatch_time_t tt = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(timeoutExtension * NSEC_PER_SEC));
- dispatch_source_set_timer(readTimer, tt, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 0);
- // Unpause reads, and continue
- flags &= ~kReadsPaused;
- [self doReadData];
- }
- else
- {
- LogVerbose(@"ReadTimeout");
- [self closeWithError:[self readTimeoutError]];
- }
- }
-#pragma mark Writing
-- (void)writeData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
- if ([data length] == 0) return;
- GCDAsyncWritePacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncWritePacket alloc] initWithData:data timeout:timeout tag:tag];
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogTrace();
- if ((self->flags & kSocketStarted) && !(self->flags & kForbidReadsWrites))
- {
- [self->writeQueue addObject:packet];
- [self maybeDequeueWrite];
- }
- }});
- // Do not rely on the block being run in order to release the packet,
- // as the queue might get released without the block completing.
-- (float)progressOfWriteReturningTag:(long *)tagPtr bytesDone:(NSUInteger *)donePtr total:(NSUInteger *)totalPtr
- __block float result = 0.0F;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (!self->currentWrite || ![self->currentWrite isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncWritePacket class]])
- {
- // We're not writing anything right now.
- if (tagPtr != NULL) *tagPtr = 0;
- if (donePtr != NULL) *donePtr = 0;
- if (totalPtr != NULL) *totalPtr = 0;
- result = NAN;
- }
- else
- {
- NSUInteger done = self->currentWrite->bytesDone;
- NSUInteger total = [self->currentWrite->buffer length];
- if (tagPtr != NULL) *tagPtr = self->currentWrite->tag;
- if (donePtr != NULL) *donePtr = done;
- if (totalPtr != NULL) *totalPtr = total;
- result = (float)done / (float)total;
- }
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
- * Conditionally starts a new write.
- *
- * It is called when:
- * - a user requests a write
- * - after a write request has finished (to handle the next request)
- * - immediately after the socket opens to handle any pending requests
- *
- * This method also handles auto-disconnect post read/write completion.
-- (void)maybeDequeueWrite
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- // If we're not currently processing a write AND we have an available write stream
- if ((currentWrite == nil) && (flags & kConnected))
- {
- if ([writeQueue count] > 0)
- {
- // Dequeue the next object in the write queue
- currentWrite = [writeQueue objectAtIndex:0];
- [writeQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0];
- if ([currentWrite isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncSpecialPacket class]])
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Dequeued GCDAsyncSpecialPacket");
- // Attempt to start TLS
- flags |= kStartingWriteTLS;
- // This method won't do anything unless both kStartingReadTLS and kStartingWriteTLS are set
- [self maybeStartTLS];
- }
- else
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Dequeued GCDAsyncWritePacket");
- // Setup write timer (if needed)
- [self setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:currentWrite->timeout];
- // Immediately write, if possible
- [self doWriteData];
- }
- }
- else if (flags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
- {
- if (flags & kDisconnectAfterReads)
- {
- if (([readQueue count] == 0) && (currentRead == nil))
- {
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- }
- }
- }
-- (void)doWriteData
- LogTrace();
- // This method is called by the writeSource via the socketQueue
- if ((currentWrite == nil) || (flags & kWritesPaused))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"No currentWrite or kWritesPaused");
- // Unable to write at this time
- if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- // CFWriteStream only fires once when there is available data.
- // It won't fire again until we've invoked CFWriteStreamWrite.
- }
- else
- {
- // If the writeSource is firing, we need to pause it
- // or else it will continue to fire over and over again.
- if (flags & kSocketCanAcceptBytes)
- {
- [self suspendWriteSource];
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!(flags & kSocketCanAcceptBytes))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"No space available to write...");
- // No space available to write.
- if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- // Need to wait for writeSource to fire and notify us of
- // available space in the socket's internal write buffer.
- [self resumeWriteSource];
- }
- return;
- }
- if (flags & kStartingWriteTLS)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Waiting for SSL/TLS handshake to complete");
- // The writeQueue is waiting for SSL/TLS handshake to complete.
- if (flags & kStartingReadTLS)
- {
- if ([self usingSecureTransportForTLS] && lastSSLHandshakeError == errSSLWouldBlock)
- {
- // We are in the process of a SSL Handshake.
- // We were waiting for available space in the socket's internal OS buffer to continue writing.
- [self ssl_continueSSLHandshake];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We are still waiting for the readQueue to drain and start the SSL/TLS process.
- // We now know we can write to the socket.
- if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- // Suspend the write source or else it will continue to fire nonstop.
- [self suspendWriteSource];
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- // Note: This method is not called if currentWrite is a GCDAsyncSpecialPacket (startTLS packet)
- BOOL waiting = NO;
- NSError *error = nil;
- size_t bytesWritten = 0;
- if (flags & kSocketSecure)
- {
- if ([self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- //
- // Writing data using CFStream (over internal TLS)
- //
- const uint8_t *buffer = (const uint8_t *)[currentWrite->buffer bytes] + currentWrite->bytesDone;
- NSUInteger bytesToWrite = [currentWrite->buffer length] - currentWrite->bytesDone;
- if (bytesToWrite > SIZE_MAX) // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t (write param 3)
- {
- bytesToWrite = SIZE_MAX;
- }
- CFIndex result = CFWriteStreamWrite(writeStream, buffer, (CFIndex)bytesToWrite);
- LogVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamWrite(%lu) = %li", (unsigned long)bytesToWrite, result);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFWriteStreamCopyError(writeStream);
- }
- else
- {
- bytesWritten = (size_t)result;
- // We always set waiting to true in this scenario.
- // CFStream may have altered our underlying socket to non-blocking.
- // Thus if we attempt to write without a callback, we may end up blocking our queue.
- waiting = YES;
- }
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- // We're going to use the SSLWrite function.
- //
- // OSStatus SSLWrite(SSLContextRef context, const void *data, size_t dataLength, size_t *processed)
- //
- // Parameters:
- // context - An SSL session context reference.
- // data - A pointer to the buffer of data to write.
- // dataLength - The amount, in bytes, of data to write.
- // processed - On return, the length, in bytes, of the data actually written.
- //
- // It sounds pretty straight-forward,
- // but there are a few caveats you should be aware of.
- //
- // The SSLWrite method operates in a non-obvious (and rather annoying) manner.
- // According to the documentation:
- //
- // Because you may configure the underlying connection to operate in a non-blocking manner,
- // a write operation might return errSSLWouldBlock, indicating that less data than requested
- // was actually transferred. In this case, you should repeat the call to SSLWrite until some
- // other result is returned.
- //
- // This sounds perfect, but when our SSLWriteFunction returns errSSLWouldBlock,
- // then the SSLWrite method returns (with the proper errSSLWouldBlock return value),
- // but it sets processed to dataLength !!
- //
- // In other words, if the SSLWrite function doesn't completely write all the data we tell it to,
- // then it doesn't tell us how many bytes were actually written. So, for example, if we tell it to
- // write 256 bytes then it might actually write 128 bytes, but then report 0 bytes written.
- //
- // You might be wondering:
- // If the SSLWrite function doesn't tell us how many bytes were written,
- // then how in the world are we supposed to update our parameters (buffer & bytesToWrite)
- // for the next time we invoke SSLWrite?
- //
- // The answer is that SSLWrite cached all the data we told it to write,
- // and it will push out that data next time we call SSLWrite.
- // If we call SSLWrite with new data, it will push out the cached data first, and then the new data.
- // If we call SSLWrite with empty data, then it will simply push out the cached data.
- //
- // For this purpose we're going to break large writes into a series of smaller writes.
- // This allows us to report progress back to the delegate.
- OSStatus result;
- BOOL hasCachedDataToWrite = (sslWriteCachedLength > 0);
- BOOL hasNewDataToWrite = YES;
- if (hasCachedDataToWrite)
- {
- size_t processed = 0;
- result = SSLWrite(sslContext, NULL, 0, &processed);
- if (result == noErr)
- {
- bytesWritten = sslWriteCachedLength;
- sslWriteCachedLength = 0;
- if ([currentWrite->buffer length] == (currentWrite->bytesDone + bytesWritten))
- {
- // We've written all data for the current write.
- hasNewDataToWrite = NO;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (result == errSSLWouldBlock)
- {
- waiting = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- error = [self sslError:result];
- }
- // Can't write any new data since we were unable to write the cached data.
- hasNewDataToWrite = NO;
- }
- }
- if (hasNewDataToWrite)
- {
- const uint8_t *buffer = (const uint8_t *)[currentWrite->buffer bytes]
- + currentWrite->bytesDone
- + bytesWritten;
- NSUInteger bytesToWrite = [currentWrite->buffer length] - currentWrite->bytesDone - bytesWritten;
- if (bytesToWrite > SIZE_MAX) // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t (write param 3)
- {
- bytesToWrite = SIZE_MAX;
- }
- size_t bytesRemaining = bytesToWrite;
- BOOL keepLooping = YES;
- while (keepLooping)
- {
- const size_t sslMaxBytesToWrite = 32768;
- size_t sslBytesToWrite = MIN(bytesRemaining, sslMaxBytesToWrite);
- size_t sslBytesWritten = 0;
- result = SSLWrite(sslContext, buffer, sslBytesToWrite, &sslBytesWritten);
- if (result == noErr)
- {
- buffer += sslBytesWritten;
- bytesWritten += sslBytesWritten;
- bytesRemaining -= sslBytesWritten;
- keepLooping = (bytesRemaining > 0);
- }
- else
- {
- if (result == errSSLWouldBlock)
- {
- waiting = YES;
- sslWriteCachedLength = sslBytesToWrite;
- }
- else
- {
- error = [self sslError:result];
- }
- keepLooping = NO;
- }
- } // while (keepLooping)
- } // if (hasNewDataToWrite)
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //
- // Writing data directly over raw socket
- //
- int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
- const uint8_t *buffer = (const uint8_t *)[currentWrite->buffer bytes] + currentWrite->bytesDone;
- NSUInteger bytesToWrite = [currentWrite->buffer length] - currentWrite->bytesDone;
- if (bytesToWrite > SIZE_MAX) // NSUInteger may be bigger than size_t (write param 3)
- {
- bytesToWrite = SIZE_MAX;
- }
- ssize_t result = write(socketFD, buffer, (size_t)bytesToWrite);
- LogVerbose(@"wrote to socket = %zd", result);
- // Check results
- if (result < 0)
- {
- if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
- {
- waiting = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- error = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in write() function"];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- bytesWritten = result;
- }
- }
- // We're done with our writing.
- // If we explictly ran into a situation where the socket told us there was no room in the buffer,
- // then we immediately resume listening for notifications.
- //
- // We must do this before we dequeue another write,
- // as that may in turn invoke this method again.
- //
- // Note that if CFStream is involved, it may have maliciously put our socket in blocking mode.
- if (waiting)
- {
- flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
- if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- [self resumeWriteSource];
- }
- }
- // Check our results
- BOOL done = NO;
- if (bytesWritten > 0)
- {
- // Update total amount read for the current write
- currentWrite->bytesDone += bytesWritten;
- LogVerbose(@"currentWrite->bytesDone = %lu", (unsigned long)currentWrite->bytesDone);
- // Is packet done?
- done = (currentWrite->bytesDone == [currentWrite->buffer length]);
- }
- if (done)
- {
- [self completeCurrentWrite];
- if (!error)
- {
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool{
- [self maybeDequeueWrite];
- }});
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We were unable to finish writing the data,
- // so we're waiting for another callback to notify us of available space in the lower-level output buffer.
- if (!waiting && !error)
- {
- // This would be the case if our write was able to accept some data, but not all of it.
- flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
- if (![self usingCFStreamForTLS])
- {
- [self resumeWriteSource];
- }
- }
- if (bytesWritten > 0)
- {
- // We're not done with the entire write, but we have written some bytes
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didWritePartialDataOfLength:tag:)])
- {
- long theWriteTag = currentWrite->tag;
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate socket:self didWritePartialDataOfLength:bytesWritten tag:theWriteTag];
- }});
- }
- }
- }
- // Check for errors
- if (error)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in write() function"]];
- }
- // Do not add any code here without first adding a return statement in the error case above.
-- (void)completeCurrentWrite
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(currentWrite, @"Trying to complete current write when there is no current write.");
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didWriteDataWithTag:)])
- {
- long theWriteTag = currentWrite->tag;
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate socket:self didWriteDataWithTag:theWriteTag];
- }});
- }
- [self endCurrentWrite];
-- (void)endCurrentWrite
- if (writeTimer)
- {
- dispatch_source_cancel(writeTimer);
- writeTimer = NULL;
- }
- currentWrite = nil;
-- (void)setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- if (timeout >= 0.0)
- {
- writeTimer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, socketQueue);
- __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(writeTimer, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
- if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
- [strongSelf doWriteTimeout];
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- }});
- dispatch_source_t theWriteTimer = writeTimer;
- dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(writeTimer, ^{
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(writeTimer)");
- dispatch_release(theWriteTimer);
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- });
- #endif
- dispatch_time_t tt = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(timeout * NSEC_PER_SEC));
- dispatch_source_set_timer(writeTimer, tt, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 0);
- dispatch_resume(writeTimer);
- }
-- (void)doWriteTimeout
- // This is a little bit tricky.
- // Ideally we'd like to synchronously query the delegate about a timeout extension.
- // But if we do so synchronously we risk a possible deadlock.
- // So instead we have to do so asynchronously, and callback to ourselves from within the delegate block.
- flags |= kWritesPaused;
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:shouldTimeoutWriteWithTag:elapsed:bytesDone:)])
- {
- GCDAsyncWritePacket *theWrite = currentWrite;
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- NSTimeInterval timeoutExtension = 0.0;
- timeoutExtension = [theDelegate socket:self shouldTimeoutWriteWithTag:theWrite->tag
- elapsed:theWrite->timeout
- bytesDone:theWrite->bytesDone];
- dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [self doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:timeoutExtension];
- }});
- }});
- }
- else
- {
- [self doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:0.0];
- }
-- (void)doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutExtension
- if (currentWrite)
- {
- if (timeoutExtension > 0.0)
- {
- currentWrite->timeout += timeoutExtension;
- // Reschedule the timer
- dispatch_time_t tt = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(timeoutExtension * NSEC_PER_SEC));
- dispatch_source_set_timer(writeTimer, tt, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 0);
- // Unpause writes, and continue
- flags &= ~kWritesPaused;
- [self doWriteData];
- }
- else
- {
- LogVerbose(@"WriteTimeout");
- [self closeWithError:[self writeTimeoutError]];
- }
- }
-#pragma mark Security
-- (void)startTLS:(NSDictionary *)tlsSettings
- LogTrace();
- if (tlsSettings == nil)
- {
- // Passing nil/NULL to CFReadStreamSetProperty will appear to work the same as passing an empty dictionary,
- // but causes problems if we later try to fetch the remote host's certificate.
- //
- // To be exact, it causes the following to return NULL instead of the normal result:
- // CFReadStreamCopyProperty(readStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerCertificates)
- //
- // So we use an empty dictionary instead, which works perfectly.
- tlsSettings = [NSDictionary dictionary];
- }
- GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncSpecialPacket alloc] initWithTLSSettings:tlsSettings];
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if ((self->flags & kSocketStarted) && !(self->flags & kQueuedTLS) && !(self->flags & kForbidReadsWrites))
- {
- [self->readQueue addObject:packet];
- [self->writeQueue addObject:packet];
- self->flags |= kQueuedTLS;
- [self maybeDequeueRead];
- [self maybeDequeueWrite];
- }
- }});
-- (void)maybeStartTLS
- // We can't start TLS until:
- // - All queued reads prior to the user calling startTLS are complete
- // - All queued writes prior to the user calling startTLS are complete
- //
- // We'll know these conditions are met when both kStartingReadTLS and kStartingWriteTLS are set
- if ((flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
- {
- BOOL useSecureTransport = YES;
- {
- GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *tlsPacket = (GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *)currentRead;
- NSDictionary *tlsSettings = @{};
- if (tlsPacket) {
- tlsSettings = tlsPacket->tlsSettings;
- }
- NSNumber *value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS];
- if (value && [value boolValue])
- useSecureTransport = NO;
- }
- #endif
- if (useSecureTransport)
- {
- [self ssl_startTLS];
- }
- else
- {
- [self cf_startTLS];
- #endif
- }
- }
-#pragma mark Security via SecureTransport
-- (OSStatus)sslReadWithBuffer:(void *)buffer length:(size_t *)bufferLength
- LogVerbose(@"sslReadWithBuffer:%p length:%lu", buffer, (unsigned long)*bufferLength);
- if ((socketFDBytesAvailable == 0) && ([sslPreBuffer availableBytes] == 0))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"%@ - No data available to read...", THIS_METHOD);
- // No data available to read.
- //
- // Need to wait for readSource to fire and notify us of
- // available data in the socket's internal read buffer.
- [self resumeReadSource];
- *bufferLength = 0;
- return errSSLWouldBlock;
- }
- size_t totalBytesRead = 0;
- size_t totalBytesLeftToBeRead = *bufferLength;
- BOOL done = NO;
- BOOL socketError = NO;
- //
- //
- size_t sslPreBufferLength = [sslPreBuffer availableBytes];
- if (sslPreBufferLength > 0)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"%@: Reading from SSL pre buffer...", THIS_METHOD);
- size_t bytesToCopy;
- if (sslPreBufferLength > totalBytesLeftToBeRead)
- bytesToCopy = totalBytesLeftToBeRead;
- else
- bytesToCopy = sslPreBufferLength;
- LogVerbose(@"%@: Copying %zu bytes from sslPreBuffer", THIS_METHOD, bytesToCopy);
- memcpy(buffer, [sslPreBuffer readBuffer], bytesToCopy);
- [sslPreBuffer didRead:bytesToCopy];
- LogVerbose(@"%@: sslPreBuffer.length = %zu", THIS_METHOD, [sslPreBuffer availableBytes]);
- totalBytesRead += bytesToCopy;
- totalBytesLeftToBeRead -= bytesToCopy;
- done = (totalBytesLeftToBeRead == 0);
- if (done) LogVerbose(@"%@: Complete", THIS_METHOD);
- }
- //
- //
- if (!done && (socketFDBytesAvailable > 0))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"%@: Reading from socket...", THIS_METHOD);
- int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
- BOOL readIntoPreBuffer;
- size_t bytesToRead;
- uint8_t *buf;
- if (socketFDBytesAvailable > totalBytesLeftToBeRead)
- {
- // Read all available data from socket into sslPreBuffer.
- // Then copy requested amount into dataBuffer.
- LogVerbose(@"%@: Reading into sslPreBuffer...", THIS_METHOD);
- [sslPreBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:socketFDBytesAvailable];
- readIntoPreBuffer = YES;
- bytesToRead = (size_t)socketFDBytesAvailable;
- buf = [sslPreBuffer writeBuffer];
- }
- else
- {
- // Read available data from socket directly into dataBuffer.
- LogVerbose(@"%@: Reading directly into dataBuffer...", THIS_METHOD);
- readIntoPreBuffer = NO;
- bytesToRead = totalBytesLeftToBeRead;
- buf = (uint8_t *)buffer + totalBytesRead;
- }
- ssize_t result = read(socketFD, buf, bytesToRead);
- LogVerbose(@"%@: read from socket = %zd", THIS_METHOD, result);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"%@: read errno = %i", THIS_METHOD, errno);
- if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
- {
- socketError = YES;
- }
- socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
- }
- else if (result == 0)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"%@: read EOF", THIS_METHOD);
- socketError = YES;
- socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- size_t bytesReadFromSocket = result;
- if (socketFDBytesAvailable > bytesReadFromSocket)
- socketFDBytesAvailable -= bytesReadFromSocket;
- else
- socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
- if (readIntoPreBuffer)
- {
- [sslPreBuffer didWrite:bytesReadFromSocket];
- size_t bytesToCopy = MIN(totalBytesLeftToBeRead, bytesReadFromSocket);
- LogVerbose(@"%@: Copying %zu bytes out of sslPreBuffer", THIS_METHOD, bytesToCopy);
- memcpy((uint8_t *)buffer + totalBytesRead, [sslPreBuffer readBuffer], bytesToCopy);
- [sslPreBuffer didRead:bytesToCopy];
- totalBytesRead += bytesToCopy;
- totalBytesLeftToBeRead -= bytesToCopy;
- LogVerbose(@"%@: sslPreBuffer.length = %zu", THIS_METHOD, [sslPreBuffer availableBytes]);
- }
- else
- {
- totalBytesRead += bytesReadFromSocket;
- totalBytesLeftToBeRead -= bytesReadFromSocket;
- }
- done = (totalBytesLeftToBeRead == 0);
- if (done) LogVerbose(@"%@: Complete", THIS_METHOD);
- }
- }
- *bufferLength = totalBytesRead;
- if (done)
- return noErr;
- if (socketError)
- return errSSLClosedAbort;
- return errSSLWouldBlock;
-- (OSStatus)sslWriteWithBuffer:(const void *)buffer length:(size_t *)bufferLength
- if (!(flags & kSocketCanAcceptBytes))
- {
- // Unable to write.
- //
- // Need to wait for writeSource to fire and notify us of
- // available space in the socket's internal write buffer.
- [self resumeWriteSource];
- *bufferLength = 0;
- return errSSLWouldBlock;
- }
- size_t bytesToWrite = *bufferLength;
- size_t bytesWritten = 0;
- BOOL done = NO;
- BOOL socketError = NO;
- int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
- ssize_t result = write(socketFD, buffer, bytesToWrite);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
- {
- socketError = YES;
- }
- flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
- }
- else if (result == 0)
- {
- flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
- }
- else
- {
- bytesWritten = result;
- done = (bytesWritten == bytesToWrite);
- }
- *bufferLength = bytesWritten;
- if (done)
- return noErr;
- if (socketError)
- return errSSLClosedAbort;
- return errSSLWouldBlock;
-static OSStatus SSLReadFunction(SSLConnectionRef connection, void *data, size_t *dataLength)
- GCDAsyncSocket *asyncSocket = (__bridge GCDAsyncSocket *)connection;
- NSCAssert(dispatch_get_specific(asyncSocket->IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"What the deuce?");
- return [asyncSocket sslReadWithBuffer:data length:dataLength];
-static OSStatus SSLWriteFunction(SSLConnectionRef connection, const void *data, size_t *dataLength)
- GCDAsyncSocket *asyncSocket = (__bridge GCDAsyncSocket *)connection;
- NSCAssert(dispatch_get_specific(asyncSocket->IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"What the deuce?");
- return [asyncSocket sslWriteWithBuffer:data length:dataLength];
-- (void)ssl_startTLS
- LogTrace();
- LogVerbose(@"Starting TLS (via SecureTransport)...");
- OSStatus status;
- GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *tlsPacket = (GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *)currentRead;
- if (tlsPacket == nil) // Code to quiet the analyzer
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Logic error");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Logic error"]];
- return;
- }
- NSDictionary *tlsSettings = tlsPacket->tlsSettings;
- // Create SSLContext, and setup IO callbacks and connection ref
- NSNumber *isServerNumber = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLIsServer];
- BOOL isServer = [isServerNumber boolValue];
- {
- if (isServer)
- sslContext = SSLCreateContext(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSSLServerSide, kSSLStreamType);
- else
- sslContext = SSLCreateContext(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSSLClientSide, kSSLStreamType);
- if (sslContext == NULL)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLCreateContext"]];
- return;
- }
- }
- #else // (__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 1080)
- {
- status = SSLNewContext(isServer, &sslContext);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLNewContext"]];
- return;
- }
- }
- #endif
- status = SSLSetIOFuncs(sslContext, &SSLReadFunction, &SSLWriteFunction);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetIOFuncs"]];
- return;
- }
- status = SSLSetConnection(sslContext, (__bridge SSLConnectionRef)self);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetConnection"]];
- return;
- }
- NSNumber *shouldManuallyEvaluateTrust = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust];
- if ([shouldManuallyEvaluateTrust boolValue])
- {
- if (isServer)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Manual trust validation is not supported for server sockets"]];
- return;
- }
- status = SSLSetSessionOption(sslContext, kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth, true);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetSessionOption"]];
- return;
- }
- // Note from Apple's documentation:
- //
- // It is only necessary to call SSLSetEnableCertVerify on the Mac prior to OS X 10.8.
- // On OS X 10.8 and later setting kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth always disables the
- // built-in trust evaluation. All versions of iOS behave like OS X 10.8 and thus
- // SSLSetEnableCertVerify is not available on that platform at all.
- status = SSLSetEnableCertVerify(sslContext, NO);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetEnableCertVerify"]];
- return;
- }
- #endif
- }
- // Configure SSLContext from given settings
- //
- // Checklist:
- // 1. kCFStreamSSLPeerName
- // 2. kCFStreamSSLCertificates
- // 3. GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID
- // 4. GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin
- // 5. GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax
- // 6. GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart
- // 7. GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord
- // 8. GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites
- // 9. GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters (Mac)
- // 10. GCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN
- //
- // Deprecated (throw error):
- // 10. kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot
- // 11. kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots
- // 12. kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates
- // 13. kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain
- // 14. kCFStreamSSLLevel
- NSObject *value;
- // 1. kCFStreamSSLPeerName
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLPeerName];
- if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
- {
- NSString *peerName = (NSString *)value;
- const char *peer = [peerName UTF8String];
- size_t peerLen = strlen(peer);
- status = SSLSetPeerDomainName(sslContext, peer, peerLen);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetPeerDomainName"]];
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for kCFStreamSSLPeerName. Value must be of type NSString.");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for kCFStreamSSLPeerName."]];
- return;
- }
- // 2. kCFStreamSSLCertificates
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLCertificates];
- if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
- {
- NSArray *certs = (NSArray *)value;
- status = SSLSetCertificate(sslContext, (__bridge CFArrayRef)certs);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetCertificate"]];
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for kCFStreamSSLCertificates. Value must be of type NSArray.");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for kCFStreamSSLCertificates."]];
- return;
- }
- // 3. GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID];
- if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]])
- {
- NSData *peerIdData = (NSData *)value;
- status = SSLSetPeerID(sslContext, [peerIdData bytes], [peerIdData length]);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetPeerID"]];
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID. Value must be of type NSData."
- @" (You can convert strings to data using a method like"
- @" [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding])");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID."]];
- return;
- }
- // 4. GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin];
- if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
- {
- SSLProtocol minProtocol = (SSLProtocol)[(NSNumber *)value intValue];
- if (minProtocol != kSSLProtocolUnknown)
- {
- status = SSLSetProtocolVersionMin(sslContext, minProtocol);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetProtocolVersionMin"]];
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin. Value must be of type NSNumber.");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin."]];
- return;
- }
- // 5. GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax];
- if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
- {
- SSLProtocol maxProtocol = (SSLProtocol)[(NSNumber *)value intValue];
- if (maxProtocol != kSSLProtocolUnknown)
- {
- status = SSLSetProtocolVersionMax(sslContext, maxProtocol);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetProtocolVersionMax"]];
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax. Value must be of type NSNumber.");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax."]];
- return;
- }
- // 6. GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart];
- if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
- {
- NSNumber *falseStart = (NSNumber *)value;
- status = SSLSetSessionOption(sslContext, kSSLSessionOptionFalseStart, [falseStart boolValue]);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetSessionOption (kSSLSessionOptionFalseStart)"]];
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart. Value must be of type NSNumber.");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart."]];
- return;
- }
- // 7. GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord];
- if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
- {
- NSNumber *oneByteRecord = (NSNumber *)value;
- status = SSLSetSessionOption(sslContext, kSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord, [oneByteRecord boolValue]);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:
- [self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetSessionOption (kSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord)"]];
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord."
- @" Value must be of type NSNumber.");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord."]];
- return;
- }
- // 8. GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites];
- if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
- {
- NSArray *cipherSuites = (NSArray *)value;
- NSUInteger numberCiphers = [cipherSuites count];
- SSLCipherSuite ciphers[numberCiphers];
- NSUInteger cipherIndex;
- for (cipherIndex = 0; cipherIndex < numberCiphers; cipherIndex++)
- {
- NSNumber *cipherObject = [cipherSuites objectAtIndex:cipherIndex];
- ciphers[cipherIndex] = (SSLCipherSuite)[cipherObject unsignedIntValue];
- }
- status = SSLSetEnabledCiphers(sslContext, ciphers, numberCiphers);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetEnabledCiphers"]];
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites. Value must be of type NSArray.");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites."]];
- return;
- }
- // 9. GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters];
- if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]])
- {
- NSData *diffieHellmanData = (NSData *)value;
- status = SSLSetDiffieHellmanParams(sslContext, [diffieHellmanData bytes], [diffieHellmanData length]);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetDiffieHellmanParams"]];
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters. Value must be of type NSData.");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLDiffieHellmanParameters."]];
- return;
- }
- #endif
- // 10. kCFStreamSSLCertificates
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:GCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN];
- if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
- {
- if (@available(iOS 11.0, macOS 10.13, tvOS 11.0, *))
- {
- CFArrayRef protocols = (__bridge CFArrayRef)((NSArray *) value);
- status = SSLSetALPNProtocols(sslContext, protocols);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in SSLSetALPNProtocols"]];
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Security option unavailable - GCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN"
- @" - iOS 11.0, macOS 10.13 required");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Security option unavailable - GCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN"]];
- }
- }
- else if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN. Value must be of type NSArray.");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Invalid value for GCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN."]];
- return;
- }
- // DEPRECATED checks
- // 10. kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot];
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot"
- @" - You must use manual trust evaluation");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot"]];
- return;
- }
- // 11. kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots];
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots"
- @" - You must use manual trust evaluation");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots"]];
- return;
- }
- // 12. kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain];
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain"
- @" - You must use manual trust evaluation");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain"]];
- return;
- }
- // 13. kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates];
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates"
- @" - You must use manual trust evaluation");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates"]];
- return;
- }
- // 14. kCFStreamSSLLevel
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
- value = [tlsSettings objectForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFStreamSSLLevel];
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- if (value)
- {
- NSAssert(NO, @"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLLevel"
- @" - You must use GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin & GCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax");
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Security option unavailable - kCFStreamSSLLevel"]];
- return;
- }
- // Setup the sslPreBuffer
- //
- // Any data in the preBuffer needs to be moved into the sslPreBuffer,
- // as this data is now part of the secure read stream.
- sslPreBuffer = [[GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer alloc] initWithCapacity:(1024 * 4)];
- size_t preBufferLength = [preBuffer availableBytes];
- if (preBufferLength > 0)
- {
- [sslPreBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:preBufferLength];
- memcpy([sslPreBuffer writeBuffer], [preBuffer readBuffer], preBufferLength);
- [preBuffer didRead:preBufferLength];
- [sslPreBuffer didWrite:preBufferLength];
- }
- sslErrCode = lastSSLHandshakeError = noErr;
- // Start the SSL Handshake process
- [self ssl_continueSSLHandshake];
-- (void)ssl_continueSSLHandshake
- LogTrace();
- // If the return value is noErr, the session is ready for normal secure communication.
- // If the return value is errSSLWouldBlock, the SSLHandshake function must be called again.
- // If the return value is errSSLServerAuthCompleted, we ask delegate if we should trust the
- // server and then call SSLHandshake again to resume the handshake or close the connection
- // errSSLPeerBadCert SSL error.
- // Otherwise, the return value indicates an error code.
- OSStatus status = SSLHandshake(sslContext);
- lastSSLHandshakeError = status;
- if (status == noErr)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"SSLHandshake complete");
- flags &= ~kStartingReadTLS;
- flags &= ~kStartingWriteTLS;
- flags |= kSocketSecure;
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketDidSecure:)])
- {
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate socketDidSecure:self];
- }});
- }
- [self endCurrentRead];
- [self endCurrentWrite];
- [self maybeDequeueRead];
- [self maybeDequeueWrite];
- }
- else if (status == errSSLPeerAuthCompleted)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"SSLHandshake peerAuthCompleted - awaiting delegate approval");
- __block SecTrustRef trust = NULL;
- status = SSLCopyPeerTrust(sslContext, &trust);
- if (status != noErr)
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self sslError:status]];
- return;
- }
- int aStateIndex = stateIndex;
- dispatch_queue_t theSocketQueue = socketQueue;
- __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
- void (^comletionHandler)(BOOL) = ^(BOOL shouldTrust){ @autoreleasepool {
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- dispatch_async(theSocketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (trust) {
- CFRelease(trust);
- trust = NULL;
- }
- __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
- if (strongSelf)
- {
- [strongSelf ssl_shouldTrustPeer:shouldTrust stateIndex:aStateIndex];
- }
- }});
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- }};
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socket:didReceiveTrust:completionHandler:)])
- {
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate socket:self didReceiveTrust:trust completionHandler:comletionHandler];
- }});
- }
- else
- {
- if (trust) {
- CFRelease(trust);
- trust = NULL;
- }
- NSString *msg = @"GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust specified in tlsSettings,"
- @" but delegate doesn't implement socket:shouldTrustPeer:";
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:msg]];
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (status == errSSLWouldBlock)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"SSLHandshake continues...");
- // Handshake continues...
- //
- // This method will be called again from doReadData or doWriteData.
- }
- else
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self sslError:status]];
- }
-- (void)ssl_shouldTrustPeer:(BOOL)shouldTrust stateIndex:(int)aStateIndex
- LogTrace();
- if (aStateIndex != stateIndex)
- {
- LogInfo(@"Ignoring ssl_shouldTrustPeer - invalid state (maybe disconnected)");
- // One of the following is true
- // - the socket was disconnected
- // - the startTLS operation timed out
- // - the completionHandler was already invoked once
- return;
- }
- // Increment stateIndex to ensure completionHandler can only be called once.
- stateIndex++;
- if (shouldTrust)
- {
- NSAssert(lastSSLHandshakeError == errSSLPeerAuthCompleted, @"ssl_shouldTrustPeer called when last error is %d and not errSSLPeerAuthCompleted", (int)lastSSLHandshakeError);
- [self ssl_continueSSLHandshake];
- }
- else
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self sslError:errSSLPeerBadCert]];
- }
-#pragma mark Security via CFStream
-- (void)cf_finishSSLHandshake
- LogTrace();
- if ((flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
- {
- flags &= ~kStartingReadTLS;
- flags &= ~kStartingWriteTLS;
- flags |= kSocketSecure;
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketDidSecure:)])
- {
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate socketDidSecure:self];
- }});
- }
- [self endCurrentRead];
- [self endCurrentWrite];
- [self maybeDequeueRead];
- [self maybeDequeueWrite];
- }
-- (void)cf_abortSSLHandshake:(NSError *)error
- LogTrace();
- if ((flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
- {
- flags &= ~kStartingReadTLS;
- flags &= ~kStartingWriteTLS;
- [self closeWithError:error];
- }
-- (void)cf_startTLS
- LogTrace();
- LogVerbose(@"Starting TLS (via CFStream)...");
- if ([preBuffer availableBytes] > 0)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Invalid TLS transition. Handshake has already been read from socket.";
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:msg]];
- return;
- }
- [self suspendReadSource];
- [self suspendWriteSource];
- socketFDBytesAvailable = 0;
- flags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
- flags &= ~kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable;
- flags |= kUsingCFStreamForTLS;
- if (![self createReadAndWriteStream])
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket"]];
- return;
- }
- if (![self registerForStreamCallbacksIncludingReadWrite:YES])
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamSetClient"]];
- return;
- }
- if (![self addStreamsToRunLoop])
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamScheduleWithRunLoop"]];
- return;
- }
- NSAssert([currentRead isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncSpecialPacket class]], @"Invalid read packet for startTLS");
- NSAssert([currentWrite isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncSpecialPacket class]], @"Invalid write packet for startTLS");
- GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *tlsPacket = (GCDAsyncSpecialPacket *)currentRead;
- CFDictionaryRef tlsSettings = (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)tlsPacket->tlsSettings;
- // Getting an error concerning kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings ?
- // You need to add the CFNetwork framework to your iOS application.
- BOOL r1 = CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings, tlsSettings);
- BOOL r2 = CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings, tlsSettings);
- // For some reason, starting around the time of iOS 4.3,
- // the first call to set the kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings will return true,
- // but the second will return false.
- //
- // Order doesn't seem to matter.
- // So you could call CFReadStreamSetProperty and then CFWriteStreamSetProperty, or you could reverse the order.
- // Either way, the first call will return true, and the second returns false.
- //
- // Interestingly, this doesn't seem to affect anything.
- // Which is not altogether unusual, as the documentation seems to suggest that (for many settings)
- // setting it on one side of the stream automatically sets it for the other side of the stream.
- //
- // Although there isn't anything in the documentation to suggest that the second attempt would fail.
- //
- // Furthermore, this only seems to affect streams that are negotiating a security upgrade.
- // In other words, the socket gets connected, there is some back-and-forth communication over the unsecure
- // connection, and then a startTLS is issued.
- // So this mostly affects newer protocols (XMPP, IMAP) as opposed to older protocols (HTTPS).
- if (!r1 && !r2) // Yes, the && is correct - workaround for apple bug.
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamSetProperty"]];
- return;
- }
- if (![self openStreams])
- {
- [self closeWithError:[self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamOpen"]];
- return;
- }
- LogVerbose(@"Waiting for SSL Handshake to complete...");
-#pragma mark CFStream
-+ (void)ignore:(id)_
-+ (void)startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded
- LogTrace();
- static dispatch_once_t predicate;
- dispatch_once(&predicate, ^{
- cfstreamThreadRetainCount = 0;
- cfstreamThreadSetupQueue = dispatch_queue_create("GCDAsyncSocket-CFStreamThreadSetup", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
- });
- dispatch_sync(cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (++cfstreamThreadRetainCount == 1)
- {
- cfstreamThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self
- selector:@selector(cfstreamThread:)
- object:nil];
- [cfstreamThread start];
- }
- }});
-+ (void)stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded
- LogTrace();
- // The creation of the cfstreamThread is relatively expensive.
- // So we'd like to keep it available for recycling.
- // However, there's a tradeoff here, because it shouldn't remain alive forever.
- // So what we're going to do is use a little delay before taking it down.
- // This way it can be reused properly in situations where multiple sockets are continually in flux.
- int delayInSeconds = 30;
- dispatch_time_t when = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
- dispatch_after(when, cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
- if (cfstreamThreadRetainCount == 0)
- {
- LogWarn(@"Logic error concerning cfstreamThread start / stop");
- return_from_block;
- }
- if (--cfstreamThreadRetainCount == 0)
- {
- [cfstreamThread cancel]; // set isCancelled flag
- // wake up the thread
- [[self class] performSelector:@selector(ignore:)
- onThread:cfstreamThread
- withObject:[NSNull null]
- waitUntilDone:NO];
- cfstreamThread = nil;
- }
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
- }});
-+ (void)cfstreamThread:(id)unused { @autoreleasepool
- [[NSThread currentThread] setName:GCDAsyncSocketThreadName];
- LogInfo(@"CFStreamThread: Started");
- // We can't run the run loop unless it has an associated input source or a timer.
- // So we'll just create a timer that will never fire - unless the server runs for decades.
- [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:[[NSDate distantFuture] timeIntervalSinceNow]
- target:self
- selector:@selector(ignore:)
- userInfo:nil
- repeats:YES];
- NSThread *currentThread = [NSThread currentThread];
- NSRunLoop *currentRunLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
- BOOL isCancelled = [currentThread isCancelled];
- while (!isCancelled && [currentRunLoop runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]])
- {
- isCancelled = [currentThread isCancelled];
- }
- LogInfo(@"CFStreamThread: Stopped");
-+ (void)scheduleCFStreams:(GCDAsyncSocket *)asyncSocket
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert([NSThread currentThread] == cfstreamThread, @"Invoked on wrong thread");
- CFRunLoopRef runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
- if (asyncSocket->readStream)
- CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(asyncSocket->readStream, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- if (asyncSocket->writeStream)
- CFWriteStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(asyncSocket->writeStream, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
-+ (void)unscheduleCFStreams:(GCDAsyncSocket *)asyncSocket
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert([NSThread currentThread] == cfstreamThread, @"Invoked on wrong thread");
- CFRunLoopRef runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
- if (asyncSocket->readStream)
- CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(asyncSocket->readStream, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- if (asyncSocket->writeStream)
- CFWriteStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(asyncSocket->writeStream, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
-static void CFReadStreamCallback (CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType type, void *pInfo)
- GCDAsyncSocket *asyncSocket = (__bridge GCDAsyncSocket *)pInfo;
- switch(type)
- {
- case kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
- {
- dispatch_async(asyncSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogCVerbose(@"CFReadStreamCallback - HasBytesAvailable");
- if (asyncSocket->readStream != stream)
- return_from_block;
- if ((asyncSocket->flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (asyncSocket->flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
- {
- // If we set kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings before we opened the streams, this might be a lie.
- // (A callback related to the tcp stream, but not to the SSL layer).
- if (CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable(asyncSocket->readStream))
- {
- asyncSocket->flags |= kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable;
- [asyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- asyncSocket->flags |= kSecureSocketHasBytesAvailable;
- [asyncSocket doReadData];
- }
- }});
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- NSError *error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFReadStreamCopyError(stream);
- if (error == nil && type == kCFStreamEventEndEncountered)
- {
- error = [asyncSocket connectionClosedError];
- }
- dispatch_async(asyncSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogCVerbose(@"CFReadStreamCallback - Other");
- if (asyncSocket->readStream != stream)
- return_from_block;
- if ((asyncSocket->flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (asyncSocket->flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
- {
- [asyncSocket cf_abortSSLHandshake:error];
- }
- else
- {
- [asyncSocket closeWithError:error];
- }
- }});
- break;
- }
- }
-static void CFWriteStreamCallback (CFWriteStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType type, void *pInfo)
- GCDAsyncSocket *asyncSocket = (__bridge GCDAsyncSocket *)pInfo;
- switch(type)
- {
- case kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes:
- {
- dispatch_async(asyncSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogCVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - CanAcceptBytes");
- if (asyncSocket->writeStream != stream)
- return_from_block;
- if ((asyncSocket->flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (asyncSocket->flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
- {
- // If we set kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings before we opened the streams, this might be a lie.
- // (A callback related to the tcp stream, but not to the SSL layer).
- if (CFWriteStreamCanAcceptBytes(asyncSocket->writeStream))
- {
- asyncSocket->flags |= kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
- [asyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- asyncSocket->flags |= kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
- [asyncSocket doWriteData];
- }
- }});
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- NSError *error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFWriteStreamCopyError(stream);
- if (error == nil && type == kCFStreamEventEndEncountered)
- {
- error = [asyncSocket connectionClosedError];
- }
- dispatch_async(asyncSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogCVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - Other");
- if (asyncSocket->writeStream != stream)
- return_from_block;
- if ((asyncSocket->flags & kStartingReadTLS) && (asyncSocket->flags & kStartingWriteTLS))
- {
- [asyncSocket cf_abortSSLHandshake:error];
- }
- else
- {
- [asyncSocket closeWithError:error];
- }
- }});
- break;
- }
- }
-- (BOOL)createReadAndWriteStream
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- if (readStream || writeStream)
- {
- // Streams already created
- return YES;
- }
- int socketFD = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket4FD : (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) ? socket6FD : socketUN;
- if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- // Cannot create streams without a file descriptor
- return NO;
- }
- if (![self isConnected])
- {
- // Cannot create streams until file descriptor is connected
- return NO;
- }
- LogVerbose(@"Creating read and write stream...");
- CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(NULL, (CFSocketNativeHandle)socketFD, &readStream, &writeStream);
- // The kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket property should be false by default (for our case).
- // But let's not take any chances.
- if (readStream)
- CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanFalse);
- if (writeStream)
- CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanFalse);
- if ((readStream == NULL) || (writeStream == NULL))
- {
- LogWarn(@"Unable to create read and write stream...");
- if (readStream)
- {
- CFReadStreamClose(readStream);
- CFRelease(readStream);
- readStream = NULL;
- }
- if (writeStream)
- {
- CFWriteStreamClose(writeStream);
- CFRelease(writeStream);
- writeStream = NULL;
- }
- return NO;
- }
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)registerForStreamCallbacksIncludingReadWrite:(BOOL)includeReadWrite
- LogVerbose(@"%@ %@", THIS_METHOD, (includeReadWrite ? @"YES" : @"NO"));
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSAssert((readStream != NULL && writeStream != NULL), @"Read/Write stream is null");
- streamContext.version = 0;
- streamContext.info = (__bridge void *)(self);
- streamContext.retain = nil;
- streamContext.release = nil;
- streamContext.copyDescription = nil;
- CFOptionFlags readStreamEvents = kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered;
- if (includeReadWrite)
- readStreamEvents |= kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable;
- if (!CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream, readStreamEvents, &CFReadStreamCallback, &streamContext))
- {
- return NO;
- }
- CFOptionFlags writeStreamEvents = kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered;
- if (includeReadWrite)
- writeStreamEvents |= kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes;
- if (!CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream, writeStreamEvents, &CFWriteStreamCallback, &streamContext))
- {
- return NO;
- }
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)addStreamsToRunLoop
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSAssert((readStream != NULL && writeStream != NULL), @"Read/Write stream is null");
- if (!(flags & kAddedStreamsToRunLoop))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Adding streams to runloop...");
- [[self class] startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded];
- dispatch_sync(cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, ^{
- [[self class] performSelector:@selector(scheduleCFStreams:)
- onThread:cfstreamThread
- withObject:self
- waitUntilDone:YES];
- });
- flags |= kAddedStreamsToRunLoop;
- }
- return YES;
-- (void)removeStreamsFromRunLoop
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSAssert((readStream != NULL && writeStream != NULL), @"Read/Write stream is null");
- if (flags & kAddedStreamsToRunLoop)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Removing streams from runloop...");
- dispatch_sync(cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, ^{
- [[self class] performSelector:@selector(unscheduleCFStreams:)
- onThread:cfstreamThread
- withObject:self
- waitUntilDone:YES];
- });
- [[self class] stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded];
- flags &= ~kAddedStreamsToRunLoop;
- }
-- (BOOL)openStreams
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSAssert((readStream != NULL && writeStream != NULL), @"Read/Write stream is null");
- CFStreamStatus readStatus = CFReadStreamGetStatus(readStream);
- CFStreamStatus writeStatus = CFWriteStreamGetStatus(writeStream);
- if ((readStatus == kCFStreamStatusNotOpen) || (writeStatus == kCFStreamStatusNotOpen))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Opening read and write stream...");
- BOOL r1 = CFReadStreamOpen(readStream);
- BOOL r2 = CFWriteStreamOpen(writeStream);
- if (!r1 || !r2)
- {
- LogError(@"Error in CFStreamOpen");
- return NO;
- }
- }
- return YES;
-#pragma mark Advanced
- * See header file for big discussion of this method.
-- (BOOL)autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream
- // Note: YES means kAllowHalfDuplexConnection is OFF
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- return ((config & kAllowHalfDuplexConnection) == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- __block BOOL result;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- result = ((self->config & kAllowHalfDuplexConnection) == 0);
- });
- return result;
- }
- * See header file for big discussion of this method.
-- (void)setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:(BOOL)flag
- // Note: YES means kAllowHalfDuplexConnection is OFF
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (flag)
- self->config &= ~kAllowHalfDuplexConnection;
- else
- self->config |= kAllowHalfDuplexConnection;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
- * See header file for big discussion of this method.
-- (void)markSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketNewTargetQueue
- void *nonNullUnusedPointer = (__bridge void *)self;
- dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketNewTargetQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, nonNullUnusedPointer, NULL);
- * See header file for big discussion of this method.
-- (void)unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketOldTargetQueue
- dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketOldTargetQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, NULL, NULL);
- * See header file for big discussion of this method.
-- (void)performBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- * Questions? Have you read the header file?
-- (int)socketFD
- if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return socket4FD;
- else
- return socket6FD;
- * Questions? Have you read the header file?
-- (int)socket4FD
- if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- return socket4FD;
- * Questions? Have you read the header file?
-- (int)socket6FD
- if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- return socket6FD;
- * Questions? Have you read the header file?
-- (CFReadStreamRef)readStream
- if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (readStream == NULL)
- [self createReadAndWriteStream];
- return readStream;
- * Questions? Have you read the header file?
-- (CFWriteStreamRef)writeStream
- if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (writeStream == NULL)
- [self createReadAndWriteStream];
- return writeStream;
-- (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:(BOOL)caveat
- if (![self createReadAndWriteStream])
- {
- // Error occurred creating streams (perhaps socket isn't open)
- return NO;
- }
- BOOL r1, r2;
- LogVerbose(@"Enabling backgrouding on socket");
-#pragma clang diagnostic push
-#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
- r1 = CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
- r2 = CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
-#pragma clang diagnostic pop
- if (!r1 || !r2)
- {
- return NO;
- }
- if (!caveat)
- {
- if (![self openStreams])
- {
- return NO;
- }
- }
- return YES;
- * Questions? Have you read the header file?
-- (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSocket
- LogTrace();
- if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
- return NO;
- }
- return [self enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:NO];
-- (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat // Deprecated in iOS 4.???
- // This method was created as a workaround for a bug in iOS.
- // Apple has since fixed this bug.
- // I'm not entirely sure which version of iOS they fixed it in...
- LogTrace();
- if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
- return NO;
- }
- return [self enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:YES];
-- (SSLContextRef)sslContext
- if (!dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation", THIS_METHOD);
- return NULL;
- }
- return sslContext;
-#pragma mark Class Utilities
-+ (NSMutableArray *)lookupHost:(NSString *)host port:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- NSMutableArray *addresses = nil;
- NSError *error = nil;
- if ([host isEqualToString:@"localhost"] || [host isEqualToString:@"loopback"])
- {
- // Use LOOPBACK address
- struct sockaddr_in nativeAddr4;
- nativeAddr4.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- nativeAddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
- nativeAddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
- nativeAddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
- memset(&(nativeAddr4.sin_zero), 0, sizeof(nativeAddr4.sin_zero));
- struct sockaddr_in6 nativeAddr6;
- nativeAddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
- nativeAddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- nativeAddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
- nativeAddr6.sin6_flowinfo = 0;
- nativeAddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_loopback;
- nativeAddr6.sin6_scope_id = 0;
- // Wrap the native address structures
- NSData *address4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr4 length:sizeof(nativeAddr4)];
- NSData *address6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr6 length:sizeof(nativeAddr6)];
- addresses = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:2];
- [addresses addObject:address4];
- [addresses addObject:address6];
- }
- else
- {
- NSString *portStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%hu", port];
- struct addrinfo hints, *res, *res0;
- memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
- hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
- hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
- hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
- int gai_error = getaddrinfo([host UTF8String], [portStr UTF8String], &hints, &res0);
- if (gai_error)
- {
- error = [self gaiError:gai_error];
- }
- else
- {
- NSUInteger capacity = 0;
- for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next)
- {
- if (res->ai_family == AF_INET || res->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
- capacity++;
- }
- }
- addresses = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:capacity];
- for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next)
- {
- if (res->ai_family == AF_INET)
- {
- // Found IPv4 address.
- // Wrap the native address structure, and add to results.
- NSData *address4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen];
- [addresses addObject:address4];
- }
- else if (res->ai_family == AF_INET6)
- {
- // Fixes connection issues with IPv6
- // https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket/issues/429#issuecomment-222477158
- // Found IPv6 address.
- // Wrap the native address structure, and add to results.
- struct sockaddr_in6 *sockaddr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)(void *)res->ai_addr;
- in_port_t *portPtr = &sockaddr->sin6_port;
- if ((portPtr != NULL) && (*portPtr == 0)) {
- *portPtr = htons(port);
- }
- NSData *address6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen];
- [addresses addObject:address6];
- }
- }
- freeaddrinfo(res0);
- if ([addresses count] == 0)
- {
- error = [self gaiError:EAI_FAIL];
- }
- }
- }
- if (errPtr) *errPtr = error;
- return addresses;
-+ (NSString *)hostFromSockaddr4:(const struct sockaddr_in *)pSockaddr4
- char addrBuf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
- if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &pSockaddr4->sin_addr, addrBuf, (socklen_t)sizeof(addrBuf)) == NULL)
- {
- addrBuf[0] = '\0';
- }
- return [NSString stringWithCString:addrBuf encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
-+ (NSString *)hostFromSockaddr6:(const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockaddr6
- char addrBuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
- if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &pSockaddr6->sin6_addr, addrBuf, (socklen_t)sizeof(addrBuf)) == NULL)
- {
- addrBuf[0] = '\0';
- }
- return [NSString stringWithCString:addrBuf encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
-+ (uint16_t)portFromSockaddr4:(const struct sockaddr_in *)pSockaddr4
- return ntohs(pSockaddr4->sin_port);
-+ (uint16_t)portFromSockaddr6:(const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockaddr6
- return ntohs(pSockaddr6->sin6_port);
-+ (NSURL *)urlFromSockaddrUN:(const struct sockaddr_un *)pSockaddr
- NSString *path = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:pSockaddr->sun_path];
- return [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
-+ (NSString *)hostFromAddress:(NSData *)address
- NSString *host;
- if ([self getHost:&host port:NULL fromAddress:address])
- return host;
- else
- return nil;
-+ (uint16_t)portFromAddress:(NSData *)address
- uint16_t port;
- if ([self getHost:NULL port:&port fromAddress:address])
- return port;
- else
- return 0;
-+ (BOOL)isIPv4Address:(NSData *)address
- if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr))
- {
- const struct sockaddr *sockaddrX = [address bytes];
- if (sockaddrX->sa_family == AF_INET) {
- return YES;
- }
- }
- return NO;
-+ (BOOL)isIPv6Address:(NSData *)address
- if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr))
- {
- const struct sockaddr *sockaddrX = [address bytes];
- if (sockaddrX->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
- return YES;
- }
- }
- return NO;
-+ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString **)hostPtr port:(uint16_t *)portPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address
- return [self getHost:hostPtr port:portPtr family:NULL fromAddress:address];
-+ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString **)hostPtr port:(uint16_t *)portPtr family:(sa_family_t *)afPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address
- if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr))
- {
- const struct sockaddr *sockaddrX = [address bytes];
- if (sockaddrX->sa_family == AF_INET)
- {
- if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
- {
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- memcpy(&sockaddr4, sockaddrX, sizeof(sockaddr4));
- if (hostPtr) *hostPtr = [self hostFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
- if (portPtr) *portPtr = [self portFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
- if (afPtr) *afPtr = AF_INET;
- return YES;
- }
- }
- else if (sockaddrX->sa_family == AF_INET6)
- {
- if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))
- {
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- memcpy(&sockaddr6, sockaddrX, sizeof(sockaddr6));
- if (hostPtr) *hostPtr = [self hostFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
- if (portPtr) *portPtr = [self portFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
- if (afPtr) *afPtr = AF_INET6;
- return YES;
- }
- }
- }
- return NO;
-+ (NSData *)CRLFData
- return [NSData dataWithBytes:"\x0D\x0A" length:2];
-+ (NSData *)CRData
- return [NSData dataWithBytes:"\x0D" length:1];
-+ (NSData *)LFData
- return [NSData dataWithBytes:"\x0A" length:1];
-+ (NSData *)ZeroData
- return [NSData dataWithBytes:"" length:1];
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/GCDAsyncUdpSocket.h b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/GCDAsyncUdpSocket.h
deleted file mode 100644
index af327e0..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/GCDAsyncUdpSocket.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1036 +0,0 @@
-// GCDAsyncUdpSocket
-// This class is in the public domain.
-// Originally created by Robbie Hanson of Deusty LLC.
-// Updated and maintained by Deusty LLC and the Apple development community.
-// https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketException;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketQueueName;
-extern NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketThreadName;
-typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain, GCDAsyncUdpSocketError) {
- GCDAsyncUdpSocketNoError = 0, // Never used
- GCDAsyncUdpSocketBadConfigError, // Invalid configuration
- GCDAsyncUdpSocketBadParamError, // Invalid parameter was passed
- GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendTimeoutError, // A send operation timed out
- GCDAsyncUdpSocketClosedError, // The socket was closed
- GCDAsyncUdpSocketOtherError, // Description provided in userInfo
-#pragma mark -
-@class GCDAsyncUdpSocket;
-@protocol GCDAsyncUdpSocketDelegate
- * By design, UDP is a connectionless protocol, and connecting is not needed.
- * However, you may optionally choose to connect to a particular host for reasons
- * outlined in the documentation for the various connect methods listed above.
- *
- * This method is called if one of the connect methods are invoked, and the connection is successful.
-- (void)udpSocket:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock didConnectToAddress:(NSData *)address;
- * By design, UDP is a connectionless protocol, and connecting is not needed.
- * However, you may optionally choose to connect to a particular host for reasons
- * outlined in the documentation for the various connect methods listed above.
- *
- * This method is called if one of the connect methods are invoked, and the connection fails.
- * This may happen, for example, if a domain name is given for the host and the domain name is unable to be resolved.
-- (void)udpSocket:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock didNotConnect:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
- * Called when the datagram with the given tag has been sent.
-- (void)udpSocket:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock didSendDataWithTag:(long)tag;
- * Called if an error occurs while trying to send a datagram.
- * This could be due to a timeout, or something more serious such as the data being too large to fit in a sigle packet.
-- (void)udpSocket:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock didNotSendDataWithTag:(long)tag dueToError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
- * Called when the socket has received the requested datagram.
-- (void)udpSocket:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock didReceiveData:(NSData *)data
- fromAddress:(NSData *)address
- withFilterContext:(nullable id)filterContext;
- * Called when the socket is closed.
-- (void)udpSocketDidClose:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock withError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
- * You may optionally set a receive filter for the socket.
- * A filter can provide several useful features:
- *
- * 1. Many times udp packets need to be parsed.
- * Since the filter can run in its own independent queue, you can parallelize this parsing quite easily.
- * The end result is a parallel socket io, datagram parsing, and packet processing.
- *
- * 2. Many times udp packets are discarded because they are duplicate/unneeded/unsolicited.
- * The filter can prevent such packets from arriving at the delegate.
- * And because the filter can run in its own independent queue, this doesn't slow down the delegate.
- *
- * - Since the udp protocol does not guarantee delivery, udp packets may be lost.
- * Many protocols built atop udp thus provide various resend/re-request algorithms.
- * This sometimes results in duplicate packets arriving.
- * A filter may allow you to architect the duplicate detection code to run in parallel to normal processing.
- *
- * - Since the udp socket may be connectionless, its possible for unsolicited packets to arrive.
- * Such packets need to be ignored.
- *
- * 3. Sometimes traffic shapers are needed to simulate real world environments.
- * A filter allows you to write custom code to simulate such environments.
- * The ability to code this yourself is especially helpful when your simulated environment
- * is more complicated than simple traffic shaping (e.g. simulating a cone port restricted router),
- * or the system tools to handle this aren't available (e.g. on a mobile device).
- *
- * @param data - The packet that was received.
- * @param address - The address the data was received from.
- * See utilities section for methods to extract info from address.
- * @param context - Out parameter you may optionally set, which will then be passed to the delegate method.
- * For example, filter block can parse the data and then,
- * pass the parsed data to the delegate.
- *
- * @returns - YES if the received packet should be passed onto the delegate.
- * NO if the received packet should be discarded, and not reported to the delegete.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock filter = ^BOOL (NSData *data, NSData *address, id *context) {
- *
- * MyProtocolMessage *msg = [MyProtocol parseMessage:data];
- *
- * *context = response;
- * return (response != nil);
- * };
- * [udpSocket setReceiveFilter:filter withQueue:myParsingQueue];
- *
-typedef BOOL (^GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock)(NSData *data, NSData *address, id __nullable * __nonnull context);
- * You may optionally set a send filter for the socket.
- * A filter can provide several interesting possibilities:
- *
- * 1. Optional caching of resolved addresses for domain names.
- * The cache could later be consulted, resulting in fewer system calls to getaddrinfo.
- *
- * 2. Reusable modules of code for bandwidth monitoring.
- *
- * 3. Sometimes traffic shapers are needed to simulate real world environments.
- * A filter allows you to write custom code to simulate such environments.
- * The ability to code this yourself is especially helpful when your simulated environment
- * is more complicated than simple traffic shaping (e.g. simulating a cone port restricted router),
- * or the system tools to handle this aren't available (e.g. on a mobile device).
- *
- * @param data - The packet that was received.
- * @param address - The address the data was received from.
- * See utilities section for methods to extract info from address.
- * @param tag - The tag that was passed in the send method.
- *
- * @returns - YES if the packet should actually be sent over the socket.
- * NO if the packet should be silently dropped (not sent over the socket).
- *
- * Regardless of the return value, the delegate will be informed that the packet was successfully sent.
- *
-typedef BOOL (^GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock)(NSData *data, NSData *address, long tag);
-@interface GCDAsyncUdpSocket : NSObject
- * GCDAsyncUdpSocket uses the standard delegate paradigm,
- * but executes all delegate callbacks on a given delegate dispatch queue.
- * This allows for maximum concurrency, while at the same time providing easy thread safety.
- *
- * You MUST set a delegate AND delegate dispatch queue before attempting to
- * use the socket, or you will get an error.
- *
- * The socket queue is optional.
- * If you pass NULL, GCDAsyncSocket will automatically create its own socket queue.
- * If you choose to provide a socket queue, the socket queue must not be a concurrent queue,
- * then please see the discussion for the method markSocketQueueTargetQueue.
- *
- * The delegate queue and socket queue can optionally be the same.
-- (instancetype)init;
-- (instancetype)initWithSocketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq;
-- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq;
-- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)sq NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
-#pragma mark Configuration
-- (nullable id)delegate;
-- (void)setDelegate:(nullable id)delegate;
-- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(nullable id)delegate;
-- (nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
-- (void)setDelegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
-- (void)synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
-- (void)getDelegate:(id __nullable * __nullable)delegatePtr delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t __nullable * __nullable)delegateQueuePtr;
-- (void)setDelegate:(nullable id)delegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
-- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(nullable id)delegate delegateQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue;
- * By default, both IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled.
- *
- * This means GCDAsyncUdpSocket automatically supports both protocols,
- * and can send to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses,
- * as well as receive over IPv4 and IPv6.
- *
- * For operations that require DNS resolution, GCDAsyncUdpSocket supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
- * If a DNS lookup returns only IPv4 results, GCDAsyncUdpSocket will automatically use IPv4.
- * If a DNS lookup returns only IPv6 results, GCDAsyncUdpSocket will automatically use IPv6.
- * If a DNS lookup returns both IPv4 and IPv6 results, then the protocol used depends on the configured preference.
- * If IPv4 is preferred, then IPv4 is used.
- * If IPv6 is preferred, then IPv6 is used.
- * If neutral, then the first IP version in the resolved array will be used.
- *
- * Starting with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and iOS 5, the default IP preference is neutral.
- * On prior systems the default IP preference is IPv4.
- **/
-- (BOOL)isIPv4Enabled;
-- (void)setIPv4Enabled:(BOOL)flag;
-- (BOOL)isIPv6Enabled;
-- (void)setIPv6Enabled:(BOOL)flag;
-- (BOOL)isIPv4Preferred;
-- (BOOL)isIPv6Preferred;
-- (BOOL)isIPVersionNeutral;
-- (void)setPreferIPv4;
-- (void)setPreferIPv6;
-- (void)setIPVersionNeutral;
- * Gets/Sets the maximum size of the buffer that will be allocated for receive operations.
- * The default maximum size is 65535 bytes.
- *
- * The theoretical maximum size of any IPv4 UDP packet is UINT16_MAX = 65535.
- * The theoretical maximum size of any IPv6 UDP packet is UINT32_MAX = 4294967295.
- *
- * Since the OS/GCD notifies us of the size of each received UDP packet,
- * the actual allocated buffer size for each packet is exact.
- * And in practice the size of UDP packets is generally much smaller than the max.
- * Indeed most protocols will send and receive packets of only a few bytes,
- * or will set a limit on the size of packets to prevent fragmentation in the IP layer.
- *
- * If you set the buffer size too small, the sockets API in the OS will silently discard
- * any extra data, and you will not be notified of the error.
-- (uint16_t)maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize;
-- (void)setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:(uint16_t)max;
-- (uint32_t)maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize;
-- (void)setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:(uint32_t)max;
- * Gets/Sets the maximum size of the buffer that will be allocated for send operations.
- * The default maximum size is 65535 bytes.
- *
- * Given that a typical link MTU is 1500 bytes, a large UDP datagram will have to be
- * fragmented, and that’s both expensive and risky (if one fragment goes missing, the
- * entire datagram is lost). You are much better off sending a large number of smaller
- * UDP datagrams, preferably using a path MTU algorithm to avoid fragmentation.
- *
- * You must set it before the sockt is created otherwise it won't work.
- *
- **/
-- (uint16_t)maxSendBufferSize;
-- (void)setMaxSendBufferSize:(uint16_t)max;
- * User data allows you to associate arbitrary information with the socket.
- * This data is not used internally in any way.
-- (nullable id)userData;
-- (void)setUserData:(nullable id)arbitraryUserData;
-#pragma mark Diagnostics
- * Returns the local address info for the socket.
- *
- * The localAddress method returns a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
- * The localHost method returns the human readable IP address as a string.
- *
- * Note: Address info may not be available until after the socket has been binded, connected
- * or until after data has been sent.
-- (nullable NSData *)localAddress;
-- (nullable NSString *)localHost;
-- (uint16_t)localPort;
-- (nullable NSData *)localAddress_IPv4;
-- (nullable NSString *)localHost_IPv4;
-- (uint16_t)localPort_IPv4;
-- (nullable NSData *)localAddress_IPv6;
-- (nullable NSString *)localHost_IPv6;
-- (uint16_t)localPort_IPv6;
- * Returns the remote address info for the socket.
- *
- * The connectedAddress method returns a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
- * The connectedHost method returns the human readable IP address as a string.
- *
- * Note: Since UDP is connectionless by design, connected address info
- * will not be available unless the socket is explicitly connected to a remote host/port.
- * If the socket is not connected, these methods will return nil / 0.
-- (nullable NSData *)connectedAddress;
-- (nullable NSString *)connectedHost;
-- (uint16_t)connectedPort;
- * Returns whether or not this socket has been connected to a single host.
- * By design, UDP is a connectionless protocol, and connecting is not needed.
- * If connected, the socket will only be able to send/receive data to/from the connected host.
-- (BOOL)isConnected;
- * Returns whether or not this socket has been closed.
- * The only way a socket can be closed is if you explicitly call one of the close methods.
-- (BOOL)isClosed;
- * Returns whether or not this socket is IPv4.
- *
- * By default this will be true, unless:
- * - IPv4 is disabled (via setIPv4Enabled:)
- * - The socket is explicitly bound to an IPv6 address
- * - The socket is connected to an IPv6 address
-- (BOOL)isIPv4;
- * Returns whether or not this socket is IPv6.
- *
- * By default this will be true, unless:
- * - IPv6 is disabled (via setIPv6Enabled:)
- * - The socket is explicitly bound to an IPv4 address
- * _ The socket is connected to an IPv4 address
- *
- * This method will also return false on platforms that do not support IPv6.
- * Note: The iPhone does not currently support IPv6.
-- (BOOL)isIPv6;
-#pragma mark Binding
- * Binds the UDP socket to the given port.
- * Binding should be done for server sockets that receive data prior to sending it.
- * Client sockets can skip binding,
- * as the OS will automatically assign the socket an available port when it starts sending data.
- *
- * You may optionally pass a port number of zero to immediately bind the socket,
- * yet still allow the OS to automatically assign an available port.
- *
- * You cannot bind a socket after its been connected.
- * You can only bind a socket once.
- * You can still connect a socket (if desired) after binding.
- *
- * On success, returns YES.
- * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass NULL for errPtr.
-- (BOOL)bindToPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Binds the UDP socket to the given port and optional interface.
- * Binding should be done for server sockets that receive data prior to sending it.
- * Client sockets can skip binding,
- * as the OS will automatically assign the socket an available port when it starts sending data.
- *
- * You may optionally pass a port number of zero to immediately bind the socket,
- * yet still allow the OS to automatically assign an available port.
- *
- * The interface may be a name (e.g. "en1" or "lo0") or the corresponding IP address (e.g. "").
- * You may also use the special strings "localhost" or "loopback" to specify that
- * the socket only accept packets from the local machine.
- *
- * You cannot bind a socket after its been connected.
- * You can only bind a socket once.
- * You can still connect a socket (if desired) after binding.
- *
- * On success, returns YES.
- * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass NULL for errPtr.
-- (BOOL)bindToPort:(uint16_t)port interface:(nullable NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Binds the UDP socket to the given address, specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
- *
- * If you have an existing struct sockaddr you can convert it to a NSData object like so:
- * struct sockaddr sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:&remoteAddr length:remoteAddr.sa_len];
- * struct sockaddr *sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:remoteAddr length:remoteAddr->sa_len];
- *
- * Binding should be done for server sockets that receive data prior to sending it.
- * Client sockets can skip binding,
- * as the OS will automatically assign the socket an available port when it starts sending data.
- *
- * You cannot bind a socket after its been connected.
- * You can only bind a socket once.
- * You can still connect a socket (if desired) after binding.
- *
- * On success, returns YES.
- * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass NULL for errPtr.
-- (BOOL)bindToAddress:(NSData *)localAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-#pragma mark Connecting
- * Connects the UDP socket to the given host and port.
- * By design, UDP is a connectionless protocol, and connecting is not needed.
- *
- * Choosing to connect to a specific host/port has the following effect:
- * - You will only be able to send data to the connected host/port.
- * - You will only be able to receive data from the connected host/port.
- * - You will receive ICMP messages that come from the connected host/port, such as "connection refused".
- *
- * The actual process of connecting a UDP socket does not result in any communication on the socket.
- * It simply changes the internal state of the socket.
- *
- * You cannot bind a socket after it has been connected.
- * You can only connect a socket once.
- *
- * The host may be a domain name (e.g. "deusty.com") or an IP address string (e.g. "").
- *
- * This method is asynchronous as it requires a DNS lookup to resolve the given host name.
- * If an obvious error is detected, this method immediately returns NO and sets errPtr.
- * If you don't care about the error, you can pass nil for errPtr.
- * Otherwise, this method returns YES and begins the asynchronous connection process.
- * The result of the asynchronous connection process will be reported via the delegate methods.
- **/
-- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host onPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Connects the UDP socket to the given address, specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
- *
- * If you have an existing struct sockaddr you can convert it to a NSData object like so:
- * struct sockaddr sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:&remoteAddr length:remoteAddr.sa_len];
- * struct sockaddr *sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:remoteAddr length:remoteAddr->sa_len];
- *
- * By design, UDP is a connectionless protocol, and connecting is not needed.
- *
- * Choosing to connect to a specific address has the following effect:
- * - You will only be able to send data to the connected address.
- * - You will only be able to receive data from the connected address.
- * - You will receive ICMP messages that come from the connected address, such as "connection refused".
- *
- * Connecting a UDP socket does not result in any communication on the socket.
- * It simply changes the internal state of the socket.
- *
- * You cannot bind a socket after its been connected.
- * You can only connect a socket once.
- *
- * On success, returns YES.
- * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass nil for errPtr.
- *
- * Note: Unlike the connectToHost:onPort:error: method, this method does not require a DNS lookup.
- * Thus when this method returns, the connection has either failed or fully completed.
- * In other words, this method is synchronous, unlike the asynchronous connectToHost::: method.
- * However, for compatibility and simplification of delegate code, if this method returns YES
- * then the corresponding delegate method (udpSocket:didConnectToHost:port:) is still invoked.
-- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-#pragma mark Multicast
- * Join multicast group.
- * Group should be an IP address (eg @"").
- *
- * On success, returns YES.
- * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass nil for errPtr.
-- (BOOL)joinMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Join multicast group.
- * Group should be an IP address (eg @"").
- * The interface may be a name (e.g. "en1" or "lo0") or the corresponding IP address (e.g. "").
- *
- * On success, returns YES.
- * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass nil for errPtr.
-- (BOOL)joinMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group onInterface:(nullable NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-- (BOOL)leaveMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-- (BOOL)leaveMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group onInterface:(nullable NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * Send multicast on a specified interface.
- * For IPv4, interface should be the the IP address of the interface (eg @"").
- * For IPv6, interface should be the a network interface name (eg @"en0").
- *
- * On success, returns YES.
- * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass nil for errPtr.
-- (BOOL)sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:(NSString*)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-- (BOOL)sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:(NSString*)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-#pragma mark Reuse Port
- * By default, only one socket can be bound to a given IP address + port at a time.
- * To enable multiple processes to simultaneously bind to the same address+port,
- * you need to enable this functionality in the socket. All processes that wish to
- * use the address+port simultaneously must all enable reuse port on the socket
- * bound to that port.
- **/
-- (BOOL)enableReusePort:(BOOL)flag error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-#pragma mark Broadcast
- * By default, the underlying socket in the OS will not allow you to send broadcast messages.
- * In order to send broadcast messages, you need to enable this functionality in the socket.
- *
- * A broadcast is a UDP message to addresses like "" or "" that is
- * delivered to every host on the network.
- * The reason this is generally disabled by default (by the OS) is to prevent
- * accidental broadcast messages from flooding the network.
-- (BOOL)enableBroadcast:(BOOL)flag error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-#pragma mark Sending
- * Asynchronously sends the given data, with the given timeout and tag.
- *
- * This method may only be used with a connected socket.
- * Recall that connecting is optional for a UDP socket.
- * For connected sockets, data can only be sent to the connected address.
- * For non-connected sockets, the remote destination is specified for each packet.
- * For more information about optionally connecting udp sockets, see the documentation for the connect methods above.
- *
- * @param data
- * The data to send.
- * If data is nil or zero-length, this method does nothing.
- * If passing NSMutableData, please read the thread-safety notice below.
- *
- * @param timeout
- * The timeout for the send opeartion.
- * If the timeout value is negative, the send operation will not use a timeout.
- *
- * @param tag
- * The tag is for your convenience.
- * It is not sent or received over the socket in any manner what-so-ever.
- * It is reported back as a parameter in the udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag:
- * or udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError: methods.
- * You can use it as an array index, state id, type constant, etc.
- *
- *
- * Thread-Safety Note:
- * If the given data parameter is mutable (NSMutableData) then you MUST NOT alter the data while
- * the socket is sending it. In other words, it's not safe to alter the data until after the delegate method
- * udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag: or udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError: is invoked signifying
- * that this particular send operation has completed.
- * This is due to the fact that GCDAsyncUdpSocket does NOT copy the data.
- * It simply retains it for performance reasons.
- * Often times, if NSMutableData is passed, it is because a request/response was built up in memory.
- * Copying this data adds an unwanted/unneeded overhead.
- * If you need to write data from an immutable buffer, and you need to alter the buffer before the socket
- * completes sending the bytes (which is NOT immediately after this method returns, but rather at a later time
- * when the delegate method notifies you), then you should first copy the bytes, and pass the copy to this method.
-- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag;
- * Asynchronously sends the given data, with the given timeout and tag, to the given host and port.
- *
- * This method cannot be used with a connected socket.
- * Recall that connecting is optional for a UDP socket.
- * For connected sockets, data can only be sent to the connected address.
- * For non-connected sockets, the remote destination is specified for each packet.
- * For more information about optionally connecting udp sockets, see the documentation for the connect methods above.
- *
- * @param data
- * The data to send.
- * If data is nil or zero-length, this method does nothing.
- * If passing NSMutableData, please read the thread-safety notice below.
- *
- * @param host
- * The destination to send the udp packet to.
- * May be specified as a domain name (e.g. "deusty.com") or an IP address string (e.g. "").
- * You may also use the convenience strings of "loopback" or "localhost".
- *
- * @param port
- * The port of the host to send to.
- *
- * @param timeout
- * The timeout for the send opeartion.
- * If the timeout value is negative, the send operation will not use a timeout.
- *
- * @param tag
- * The tag is for your convenience.
- * It is not sent or received over the socket in any manner what-so-ever.
- * It is reported back as a parameter in the udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag:
- * or udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError: methods.
- * You can use it as an array index, state id, type constant, etc.
- *
- *
- * Thread-Safety Note:
- * If the given data parameter is mutable (NSMutableData) then you MUST NOT alter the data while
- * the socket is sending it. In other words, it's not safe to alter the data until after the delegate method
- * udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag: or udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError: is invoked signifying
- * that this particular send operation has completed.
- * This is due to the fact that GCDAsyncUdpSocket does NOT copy the data.
- * It simply retains it for performance reasons.
- * Often times, if NSMutableData is passed, it is because a request/response was built up in memory.
- * Copying this data adds an unwanted/unneeded overhead.
- * If you need to write data from an immutable buffer, and you need to alter the buffer before the socket
- * completes sending the bytes (which is NOT immediately after this method returns, but rather at a later time
- * when the delegate method notifies you), then you should first copy the bytes, and pass the copy to this method.
-- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data
- toHost:(NSString *)host
- port:(uint16_t)port
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- tag:(long)tag;
- * Asynchronously sends the given data, with the given timeout and tag, to the given address.
- *
- * This method cannot be used with a connected socket.
- * Recall that connecting is optional for a UDP socket.
- * For connected sockets, data can only be sent to the connected address.
- * For non-connected sockets, the remote destination is specified for each packet.
- * For more information about optionally connecting udp sockets, see the documentation for the connect methods above.
- *
- * @param data
- * The data to send.
- * If data is nil or zero-length, this method does nothing.
- * If passing NSMutableData, please read the thread-safety notice below.
- *
- * @param remoteAddr
- * The address to send the data to (specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object).
- *
- * @param timeout
- * The timeout for the send opeartion.
- * If the timeout value is negative, the send operation will not use a timeout.
- *
- * @param tag
- * The tag is for your convenience.
- * It is not sent or received over the socket in any manner what-so-ever.
- * It is reported back as a parameter in the udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag:
- * or udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError: methods.
- * You can use it as an array index, state id, type constant, etc.
- *
- *
- * Thread-Safety Note:
- * If the given data parameter is mutable (NSMutableData) then you MUST NOT alter the data while
- * the socket is sending it. In other words, it's not safe to alter the data until after the delegate method
- * udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag: or udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError: is invoked signifying
- * that this particular send operation has completed.
- * This is due to the fact that GCDAsyncUdpSocket does NOT copy the data.
- * It simply retains it for performance reasons.
- * Often times, if NSMutableData is passed, it is because a request/response was built up in memory.
- * Copying this data adds an unwanted/unneeded overhead.
- * If you need to write data from an immutable buffer, and you need to alter the buffer before the socket
- * completes sending the bytes (which is NOT immediately after this method returns, but rather at a later time
- * when the delegate method notifies you), then you should first copy the bytes, and pass the copy to this method.
-- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data toAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag;
- * You may optionally set a send filter for the socket.
- * A filter can provide several interesting possibilities:
- *
- * 1. Optional caching of resolved addresses for domain names.
- * The cache could later be consulted, resulting in fewer system calls to getaddrinfo.
- *
- * 2. Reusable modules of code for bandwidth monitoring.
- *
- * 3. Sometimes traffic shapers are needed to simulate real world environments.
- * A filter allows you to write custom code to simulate such environments.
- * The ability to code this yourself is especially helpful when your simulated environment
- * is more complicated than simple traffic shaping (e.g. simulating a cone port restricted router),
- * or the system tools to handle this aren't available (e.g. on a mobile device).
- *
- * For more information about GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock, see the documentation for its typedef.
- * To remove a previously set filter, invoke this method and pass a nil filterBlock and NULL filterQueue.
- *
- * Note: This method invokes setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous: (documented below),
- * passing YES for the isAsynchronous parameter.
-- (void)setSendFilter:(nullable GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock)filterBlock withQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue;
- * The receive filter can be run via dispatch_async or dispatch_sync.
- * Most typical situations call for asynchronous operation.
- *
- * However, there are a few situations in which synchronous operation is preferred.
- * Such is the case when the filter is extremely minimal and fast.
- * This is because dispatch_sync is faster than dispatch_async.
- *
- * If you choose synchronous operation, be aware of possible deadlock conditions.
- * Since the socket queue is executing your block via dispatch_sync,
- * then you cannot perform any tasks which may invoke dispatch_sync on the socket queue.
- * For example, you can't query properties on the socket.
-- (void)setSendFilter:(nullable GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock)filterBlock
- withQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue
- isAsynchronous:(BOOL)isAsynchronous;
-#pragma mark Receiving
- * There are two modes of operation for receiving packets: one-at-a-time & continuous.
- *
- * In one-at-a-time mode, you call receiveOnce everytime your delegate is ready to process an incoming udp packet.
- * Receiving packets one-at-a-time may be better suited for implementing certain state machine code,
- * where your state machine may not always be ready to process incoming packets.
- *
- * In continuous mode, the delegate is invoked immediately everytime incoming udp packets are received.
- * Receiving packets continuously is better suited to real-time streaming applications.
- *
- * You may switch back and forth between one-at-a-time mode and continuous mode.
- * If the socket is currently in continuous mode, calling this method will switch it to one-at-a-time mode.
- *
- * When a packet is received (and not filtered by the optional receive filter),
- * the delegate method (udpSocket:didReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:) is invoked.
- *
- * If the socket is able to begin receiving packets, this method returns YES.
- * Otherwise it returns NO, and sets the errPtr with appropriate error information.
- *
- * An example error:
- * You created a udp socket to act as a server, and immediately called receive.
- * You forgot to first bind the socket to a port number, and received a error with a message like:
- * "Must bind socket before you can receive data."
-- (BOOL)receiveOnce:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * There are two modes of operation for receiving packets: one-at-a-time & continuous.
- *
- * In one-at-a-time mode, you call receiveOnce everytime your delegate is ready to process an incoming udp packet.
- * Receiving packets one-at-a-time may be better suited for implementing certain state machine code,
- * where your state machine may not always be ready to process incoming packets.
- *
- * In continuous mode, the delegate is invoked immediately everytime incoming udp packets are received.
- * Receiving packets continuously is better suited to real-time streaming applications.
- *
- * You may switch back and forth between one-at-a-time mode and continuous mode.
- * If the socket is currently in one-at-a-time mode, calling this method will switch it to continuous mode.
- *
- * For every received packet (not filtered by the optional receive filter),
- * the delegate method (udpSocket:didReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:) is invoked.
- *
- * If the socket is able to begin receiving packets, this method returns YES.
- * Otherwise it returns NO, and sets the errPtr with appropriate error information.
- *
- * An example error:
- * You created a udp socket to act as a server, and immediately called receive.
- * You forgot to first bind the socket to a port number, and received a error with a message like:
- * "Must bind socket before you can receive data."
-- (BOOL)beginReceiving:(NSError **)errPtr;
- * If the socket is currently receiving (beginReceiving has been called), this method pauses the receiving.
- * That is, it won't read any more packets from the underlying OS socket until beginReceiving is called again.
- *
- * Important Note:
- * GCDAsyncUdpSocket may be running in parallel with your code.
- * That is, your delegate is likely running on a separate thread/dispatch_queue.
- * When you invoke this method, GCDAsyncUdpSocket may have already dispatched delegate methods to be invoked.
- * Thus, if those delegate methods have already been dispatch_async'd,
- * your didReceive delegate method may still be invoked after this method has been called.
- * You should be aware of this, and program defensively.
-- (void)pauseReceiving;
- * You may optionally set a receive filter for the socket.
- * This receive filter may be set to run in its own queue (independent of delegate queue).
- *
- * A filter can provide several useful features.
- *
- * 1. Many times udp packets need to be parsed.
- * Since the filter can run in its own independent queue, you can parallelize this parsing quite easily.
- * The end result is a parallel socket io, datagram parsing, and packet processing.
- *
- * 2. Many times udp packets are discarded because they are duplicate/unneeded/unsolicited.
- * The filter can prevent such packets from arriving at the delegate.
- * And because the filter can run in its own independent queue, this doesn't slow down the delegate.
- *
- * - Since the udp protocol does not guarantee delivery, udp packets may be lost.
- * Many protocols built atop udp thus provide various resend/re-request algorithms.
- * This sometimes results in duplicate packets arriving.
- * A filter may allow you to architect the duplicate detection code to run in parallel to normal processing.
- *
- * - Since the udp socket may be connectionless, its possible for unsolicited packets to arrive.
- * Such packets need to be ignored.
- *
- * 3. Sometimes traffic shapers are needed to simulate real world environments.
- * A filter allows you to write custom code to simulate such environments.
- * The ability to code this yourself is especially helpful when your simulated environment
- * is more complicated than simple traffic shaping (e.g. simulating a cone port restricted router),
- * or the system tools to handle this aren't available (e.g. on a mobile device).
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock filter = ^BOOL (NSData *data, NSData *address, id *context) {
- *
- * MyProtocolMessage *msg = [MyProtocol parseMessage:data];
- *
- * *context = response;
- * return (response != nil);
- * };
- * [udpSocket setReceiveFilter:filter withQueue:myParsingQueue];
- *
- * For more information about GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock, see the documentation for its typedef.
- * To remove a previously set filter, invoke this method and pass a nil filterBlock and NULL filterQueue.
- *
- * Note: This method invokes setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous: (documented below),
- * passing YES for the isAsynchronous parameter.
-- (void)setReceiveFilter:(nullable GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock)filterBlock withQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue;
- * The receive filter can be run via dispatch_async or dispatch_sync.
- * Most typical situations call for asynchronous operation.
- *
- * However, there are a few situations in which synchronous operation is preferred.
- * Such is the case when the filter is extremely minimal and fast.
- * This is because dispatch_sync is faster than dispatch_async.
- *
- * If you choose synchronous operation, be aware of possible deadlock conditions.
- * Since the socket queue is executing your block via dispatch_sync,
- * then you cannot perform any tasks which may invoke dispatch_sync on the socket queue.
- * For example, you can't query properties on the socket.
-- (void)setReceiveFilter:(nullable GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock)filterBlock
- withQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue
- isAsynchronous:(BOOL)isAsynchronous;
-#pragma mark Closing
- * Immediately closes the underlying socket.
- * Any pending send operations are discarded.
- *
- * The GCDAsyncUdpSocket instance may optionally be used again.
- * (it will setup/configure/use another unnderlying BSD socket).
-- (void)close;
- * Closes the underlying socket after all pending send operations have been sent.
- *
- * The GCDAsyncUdpSocket instance may optionally be used again.
- * (it will setup/configure/use another unnderlying BSD socket).
-- (void)closeAfterSending;
-#pragma mark Advanced
- * GCDAsyncSocket maintains thread safety by using an internal serial dispatch_queue.
- * In most cases, the instance creates this queue itself.
- * However, to allow for maximum flexibility, the internal queue may be passed in the init method.
- * This allows for some advanced options such as controlling socket priority via target queues.
- * However, when one begins to use target queues like this, they open the door to some specific deadlock issues.
- *
- * For example, imagine there are 2 queues:
- * dispatch_queue_t socketQueue;
- * dispatch_queue_t socketTargetQueue;
- *
- * If you do this (pseudo-code):
- * socketQueue.targetQueue = socketTargetQueue;
- *
- * Then all socketQueue operations will actually get run on the given socketTargetQueue.
- * This is fine and works great in most situations.
- * But if you run code directly from within the socketTargetQueue that accesses the socket,
- * you could potentially get deadlock. Imagine the following code:
- *
- * - (BOOL)socketHasSomething
- * {
- * __block BOOL result = NO;
- * dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- * result = [self someInternalMethodToBeRunOnlyOnSocketQueue];
- * }
- * if (is_executing_on_queue(socketQueue))
- * block();
- * else
- * dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- *
- * return result;
- * }
- *
- * What happens if you call this method from the socketTargetQueue? The result is deadlock.
- * This is because the GCD API offers no mechanism to discover a queue's targetQueue.
- * Thus we have no idea if our socketQueue is configured with a targetQueue.
- * If we had this information, we could easily avoid deadlock.
- * But, since these API's are missing or unfeasible, you'll have to explicitly set it.
- *
- * IF you pass a socketQueue via the init method,
- * AND you've configured the passed socketQueue with a targetQueue,
- * THEN you should pass the end queue in the target hierarchy.
- *
- * For example, consider the following queue hierarchy:
- * socketQueue -> ipQueue -> moduleQueue
- *
- * This example demonstrates priority shaping within some server.
- * All incoming client connections from the same IP address are executed on the same target queue.
- * And all connections for a particular module are executed on the same target queue.
- * Thus, the priority of all networking for the entire module can be changed on the fly.
- * Additionally, networking traffic from a single IP cannot monopolize the module.
- *
- * Here's how you would accomplish something like that:
- * - (dispatch_queue_t)newSocketQueueForConnectionFromAddress:(NSData *)address onSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock
- * {
- * dispatch_queue_t socketQueue = dispatch_queue_create("", NULL);
- * dispatch_queue_t ipQueue = [self ipQueueForAddress:address];
- *
- * dispatch_set_target_queue(socketQueue, ipQueue);
- * dispatch_set_target_queue(iqQueue, moduleQueue);
- *
- * return socketQueue;
- * }
- * - (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didAcceptNewSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)newSocket
- * {
- * [clientConnections addObject:newSocket];
- * [newSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:moduleQueue];
- * }
- *
- * Note: This workaround is ONLY needed if you intend to execute code directly on the ipQueue or moduleQueue.
- * This is often NOT the case, as such queues are used solely for execution shaping.
- **/
-- (void)markSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketQueuesPreConfiguredTargetQueue;
-- (void)unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketQueuesPreviouslyConfiguredTargetQueue;
- * It's not thread-safe to access certain variables from outside the socket's internal queue.
- *
- * For example, the socket file descriptor.
- * File descriptors are simply integers which reference an index in the per-process file table.
- * However, when one requests a new file descriptor (by opening a file or socket),
- * the file descriptor returned is guaranteed to be the lowest numbered unused descriptor.
- * So if we're not careful, the following could be possible:
- *
- * - Thread A invokes a method which returns the socket's file descriptor.
- * - The socket is closed via the socket's internal queue on thread B.
- * - Thread C opens a file, and subsequently receives the file descriptor that was previously the socket's FD.
- * - Thread A is now accessing/altering the file instead of the socket.
- *
- * In addition to this, other variables are not actually objects,
- * and thus cannot be retained/released or even autoreleased.
- * An example is the sslContext, of type SSLContextRef, which is actually a malloc'd struct.
- *
- * Although there are internal variables that make it difficult to maintain thread-safety,
- * it is important to provide access to these variables
- * to ensure this class can be used in a wide array of environments.
- * This method helps to accomplish this by invoking the current block on the socket's internal queue.
- * The methods below can be invoked from within the block to access
- * those generally thread-unsafe internal variables in a thread-safe manner.
- * The given block will be invoked synchronously on the socket's internal queue.
- *
- * If you save references to any protected variables and use them outside the block, you do so at your own peril.
-- (void)performBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block;
- * These methods are only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
- * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
- *
- * Provides access to the socket's file descriptor(s).
- * If the socket isn't connected, or explicity bound to a particular interface,
- * it might actually have multiple internal socket file descriptors - one for IPv4 and one for IPv6.
-- (int)socketFD;
-- (int)socket4FD;
-- (int)socket6FD;
- * These methods are only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
- * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
- *
- * Returns (creating if necessary) a CFReadStream/CFWriteStream for the internal socket.
- *
- * Generally GCDAsyncUdpSocket doesn't use CFStream. (It uses the faster GCD API's.)
- * However, if you need one for any reason,
- * these methods are a convenient way to get access to a safe instance of one.
-- (nullable CFReadStreamRef)readStream;
-- (nullable CFWriteStreamRef)writeStream;
- * This method is only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation.
- * See the documentation for the performBlock: method above.
- *
- * Configures the socket to allow it to operate when the iOS application has been backgrounded.
- * In other words, this method creates a read & write stream, and invokes:
- *
- * CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
- * CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
- *
- * Returns YES if successful, NO otherwise.
- *
- * Example usage:
- *
- * [asyncUdpSocket performBlock:^{
- * [asyncUdpSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocket];
- * }];
- *
- *
- * NOTE : Apple doesn't currently support backgrounding UDP sockets. (Only TCP for now).
-//- (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSockets;
-#pragma mark Utilities
- * Extracting host/port/family information from raw address data.
-+ (nullable NSString *)hostFromAddress:(NSData *)address;
-+ (uint16_t)portFromAddress:(NSData *)address;
-+ (int)familyFromAddress:(NSData *)address;
-+ (BOOL)isIPv4Address:(NSData *)address;
-+ (BOOL)isIPv6Address:(NSData *)address;
-+ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString * __nullable * __nullable)hostPtr port:(uint16_t * __nullable)portPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address;
-+ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString * __nullable * __nullable)hostPtr port:(uint16_t * __nullable)portPtr family:(int * __nullable)afPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address;
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/GCDAsyncUdpSocket.m b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/GCDAsyncUdpSocket.m
deleted file mode 100755
index b0c59c3..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/GCDAsyncUdpSocket.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5632 +0,0 @@
-// GCDAsyncUdpSocket
-// This class is in the public domain.
-// Originally created by Robbie Hanson of Deusty LLC.
-// Updated and maintained by Deusty LLC and the Apple development community.
-// https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket
-#import "GCDAsyncUdpSocket.h"
-#if ! __has_feature(objc_arc)
-#warning This file must be compiled with ARC. Use -fobjc-arc flag (or convert project to ARC).
-// For more information see: https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket/wiki/ARC
- #import
- #import
-#if 0
-// Logging Enabled - See log level below
-// Logging uses the CocoaLumberjack framework (which is also GCD based).
-// https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaLumberjack
-// It allows us to do a lot of logging without significantly slowing down the code.
-#import "DDLog.h"
-#define LogAsync NO
-#define LogContext 65535
-#define LogObjc(flg, frmt, ...) LOG_OBJC_MAYBE(LogAsync, logLevel, flg, LogContext, frmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogC(flg, frmt, ...) LOG_C_MAYBE(LogAsync, logLevel, flg, LogContext, frmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogError(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_ERROR, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogWarn(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_WARN, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogInfo(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_INFO, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogVerbose(frmt, ...) LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogCError(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_ERROR, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogCWarn(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_WARN, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogCInfo(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_INFO, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogCVerbose(frmt, ...) LogC(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, (@"%@: " frmt), THIS_FILE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LogTrace() LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, @"%@: %@", THIS_FILE, THIS_METHOD)
-#define LogCTrace() LogC(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, @"%@: %s", THIS_FILE, __FUNCTION__)
-// Log levels : off, error, warn, info, verbose
-static const int logLevel = LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE;
-// Logging Disabled
-#define LogError(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogWarn(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogInfo(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogVerbose(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogCError(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogCWarn(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogCInfo(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogCVerbose(frmt, ...) {}
-#define LogTrace() {}
-#define LogCTrace(frmt, ...) {}
- * Seeing a return statements within an inner block
- * can sometimes be mistaken for a return point of the enclosing method.
- * This makes inline blocks a bit easier to read.
-#define return_from_block return
- * A socket file descriptor is really just an integer.
- * It represents the index of the socket within the kernel.
- * This makes invalid file descriptor comparisons easier to read.
-#define SOCKET_NULL -1
- * Just to type less code.
-#define AutoreleasedBlock(block) ^{ @autoreleasepool { block(); }}
-@class GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket;
-NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketException = @"GCDAsyncUdpSocketException";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain = @"GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketQueueName = @"GCDAsyncUdpSocket";
-NSString *const GCDAsyncUdpSocketThreadName = @"GCDAsyncUdpSocket-CFStream";
-enum GCDAsyncUdpSocketFlags
- kDidCreateSockets = 1 << 0, // If set, the sockets have been created.
- kDidBind = 1 << 1, // If set, bind has been called.
- kConnecting = 1 << 2, // If set, a connection attempt is in progress.
- kDidConnect = 1 << 3, // If set, socket is connected.
- kReceiveOnce = 1 << 4, // If set, one-at-a-time receive is enabled
- kReceiveContinuous = 1 << 5, // If set, continuous receive is enabled
- kIPv4Deactivated = 1 << 6, // If set, socket4 was closed due to bind or connect on IPv6.
- kIPv6Deactivated = 1 << 7, // If set, socket6 was closed due to bind or connect on IPv4.
- kSend4SourceSuspended = 1 << 8, // If set, send4Source is suspended.
- kSend6SourceSuspended = 1 << 9, // If set, send6Source is suspended.
- kReceive4SourceSuspended = 1 << 10, // If set, receive4Source is suspended.
- kReceive6SourceSuspended = 1 << 11, // If set, receive6Source is suspended.
- kSock4CanAcceptBytes = 1 << 12, // If set, we know socket4 can accept bytes. If unset, it's unknown.
- kSock6CanAcceptBytes = 1 << 13, // If set, we know socket6 can accept bytes. If unset, it's unknown.
- kForbidSendReceive = 1 << 14, // If set, no new send or receive operations are allowed to be queued.
- kCloseAfterSends = 1 << 15, // If set, close as soon as no more sends are queued.
- kFlipFlop = 1 << 16, // Used to alternate between IPv4 and IPv6 sockets.
- kAddedStreamListener = 1 << 17, // If set, CFStreams have been added to listener thread
-enum GCDAsyncUdpSocketConfig
- kIPv4Disabled = 1 << 0, // If set, IPv4 is disabled
- kIPv6Disabled = 1 << 1, // If set, IPv6 is disabled
- kPreferIPv4 = 1 << 2, // If set, IPv4 is preferred over IPv6
- kPreferIPv6 = 1 << 3, // If set, IPv6 is preferred over IPv4
-#pragma mark -
-@interface GCDAsyncUdpSocket ()
-#if __has_feature(objc_arc_weak)
- __weak id delegate;
- __unsafe_unretained id delegate;
- dispatch_queue_t delegateQueue;
- GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock receiveFilterBlock;
- dispatch_queue_t receiveFilterQueue;
- BOOL receiveFilterAsync;
- GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock sendFilterBlock;
- dispatch_queue_t sendFilterQueue;
- BOOL sendFilterAsync;
- uint32_t flags;
- uint16_t config;
- uint16_t max4ReceiveSize;
- uint32_t max6ReceiveSize;
- uint16_t maxSendSize;
- int socket4FD;
- int socket6FD;
- dispatch_queue_t socketQueue;
- dispatch_source_t send4Source;
- dispatch_source_t send6Source;
- dispatch_source_t receive4Source;
- dispatch_source_t receive6Source;
- dispatch_source_t sendTimer;
- GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket *currentSend;
- NSMutableArray *sendQueue;
- unsigned long socket4FDBytesAvailable;
- unsigned long socket6FDBytesAvailable;
- uint32_t pendingFilterOperations;
- NSData *cachedLocalAddress4;
- NSString *cachedLocalHost4;
- uint16_t cachedLocalPort4;
- NSData *cachedLocalAddress6;
- NSString *cachedLocalHost6;
- uint16_t cachedLocalPort6;
- NSData *cachedConnectedAddress;
- NSString *cachedConnectedHost;
- uint16_t cachedConnectedPort;
- int cachedConnectedFamily;
- void *IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
- CFStreamClientContext streamContext;
- CFReadStreamRef readStream4;
- CFReadStreamRef readStream6;
- CFWriteStreamRef writeStream4;
- CFWriteStreamRef writeStream6;
- id userData;
-- (void)resumeSend4Source;
-- (void)resumeSend6Source;
-- (void)resumeReceive4Source;
-- (void)resumeReceive6Source;
-- (void)closeSockets;
-- (void)maybeConnect;
-- (BOOL)connectWithAddress4:(NSData *)address4 error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-- (BOOL)connectWithAddress6:(NSData *)address6 error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-- (void)maybeDequeueSend;
-- (void)doPreSend;
-- (void)doSend;
-- (void)endCurrentSend;
-- (void)setupSendTimerWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout;
-- (void)doReceive;
-- (void)doReceiveEOF;
-- (void)closeWithError:(NSError *)error;
-- (BOOL)performMulticastRequest:(int)requestType forGroup:(NSString *)group onInterface:(NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr;
-- (BOOL)createReadAndWriteStreams:(NSError **)errPtr;
-- (BOOL)registerForStreamCallbacks:(NSError **)errPtr;
-- (BOOL)addStreamsToRunLoop:(NSError **)errPtr;
-- (BOOL)openStreams:(NSError **)errPtr;
-- (void)removeStreamsFromRunLoop;
-- (void)closeReadAndWriteStreams;
-+ (NSString *)hostFromSockaddr4:(const struct sockaddr_in *)pSockaddr4;
-+ (NSString *)hostFromSockaddr6:(const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockaddr6;
-+ (uint16_t)portFromSockaddr4:(const struct sockaddr_in *)pSockaddr4;
-+ (uint16_t)portFromSockaddr6:(const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockaddr6;
-// Forward declaration
-+ (void)listenerThread:(id)unused;
-#pragma mark -
- * The GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket encompasses the instructions for a single send/write.
-@interface GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket : NSObject {
- NSData *buffer;
- NSTimeInterval timeout;
- long tag;
- BOOL resolveInProgress;
- BOOL filterInProgress;
- NSArray *resolvedAddresses;
- NSError *resolveError;
- NSData *address;
- int addressFamily;
-- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)d timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t tag:(long)i NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
-@implementation GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket
-// Cover the superclass' designated initializer
-- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE
- NSAssert(0, @"Use the designated initializer");
- return nil;
-- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)d timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t tag:(long)i
- if ((self = [super init]))
- {
- buffer = d;
- timeout = t;
- tag = i;
- resolveInProgress = NO;
- }
- return self;
-#pragma mark -
-@interface GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket : NSObject {
-// uint8_t type;
- BOOL resolveInProgress;
- NSArray *addresses;
- NSError *error;
-- (instancetype)init NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
-@implementation GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket
-- (instancetype)init
- self = [super init];
- return self;
-#pragma mark -
-@implementation GCDAsyncUdpSocket
-- (instancetype)init
- LogTrace();
- return [self initWithDelegate:nil delegateQueue:NULL socketQueue:NULL];
-- (instancetype)initWithSocketQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)sq
- LogTrace();
- return [self initWithDelegate:nil delegateQueue:NULL socketQueue:sq];
-- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)dq
- LogTrace();
- return [self initWithDelegate:aDelegate delegateQueue:dq socketQueue:NULL];
-- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id)aDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)sq
- LogTrace();
- if ((self = [super init]))
- {
- delegate = aDelegate;
- if (dq)
- {
- delegateQueue = dq;
- dispatch_retain(delegateQueue);
- #endif
- }
- max4ReceiveSize = 65535;
- max6ReceiveSize = 65535;
- maxSendSize = 65535;
- socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- if (sq)
- {
- NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0),
- @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
- NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0),
- @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
- NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
- @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
- socketQueue = sq;
- dispatch_retain(socketQueue);
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- socketQueue = dispatch_queue_create([GCDAsyncUdpSocketQueueName UTF8String], NULL);
- }
- // The dispatch_queue_set_specific() and dispatch_get_specific() functions take a "void *key" parameter.
- // From the documentation:
- //
- // > Keys are only compared as pointers and are never dereferenced.
- // > Thus, you can use a pointer to a static variable for a specific subsystem or
- // > any other value that allows you to identify the value uniquely.
- //
- // We're just going to use the memory address of an ivar.
- // Specifically an ivar that is explicitly named for our purpose to make the code more readable.
- //
- // However, it feels tedious (and less readable) to include the "&" all the time:
- // dispatch_get_specific(&IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)
- //
- // So we're going to make it so it doesn't matter if we use the '&' or not,
- // by assigning the value of the ivar to the address of the ivar.
- // Thus: IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey == &IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
- IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey = &IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
- void *nonNullUnusedPointer = (__bridge void *)self;
- dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, nonNullUnusedPointer, NULL);
- currentSend = nil;
- sendQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
- selector:@selector(applicationWillEnterForeground:)
- name:UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification
- object:nil];
- #endif
- }
- return self;
-- (void)dealloc
- LogInfo(@"%@ - %@ (start)", THIS_METHOD, self);
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- }
- else
- {
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- });
- }
- delegate = nil;
- if (delegateQueue) dispatch_release(delegateQueue);
- #endif
- delegateQueue = NULL;
- if (socketQueue) dispatch_release(socketQueue);
- #endif
- socketQueue = NULL;
- LogInfo(@"%@ - %@ (finish)", THIS_METHOD, self);
-#pragma mark Configuration
-- (id)delegate
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- return delegate;
- }
- else
- {
- __block id result = nil;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- result = self->delegate;
- });
- return result;
- }
-- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate synchronously:(BOOL)synchronously
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- self->delegate = newDelegate;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)) {
- block();
- }
- else {
- if (synchronously)
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
- }
-- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate
- [self setDelegate:newDelegate synchronously:NO];
-- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(id)newDelegate
- [self setDelegate:newDelegate synchronously:YES];
-- (dispatch_queue_t)delegateQueue
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- return delegateQueue;
- }
- else
- {
- __block dispatch_queue_t result = NULL;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- result = self->delegateQueue;
- });
- return result;
- }
-- (void)setDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue synchronously:(BOOL)synchronously
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->delegateQueue) dispatch_release(self->delegateQueue);
- if (newDelegateQueue) dispatch_retain(newDelegateQueue);
- #endif
- self->delegateQueue = newDelegateQueue;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)) {
- block();
- }
- else {
- if (synchronously)
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
- }
-- (void)setDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
- [self setDelegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:NO];
-- (void)synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
- [self setDelegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:YES];
-- (void)getDelegate:(id *)delegatePtr delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t *)delegateQueuePtr
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- if (delegatePtr) *delegatePtr = delegate;
- if (delegateQueuePtr) *delegateQueuePtr = delegateQueue;
- }
- else
- {
- __block id dPtr = NULL;
- __block dispatch_queue_t dqPtr = NULL;
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, ^{
- dPtr = self->delegate;
- dqPtr = self->delegateQueue;
- });
- if (delegatePtr) *delegatePtr = dPtr;
- if (delegateQueuePtr) *delegateQueuePtr = dqPtr;
- }
-- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue synchronously:(BOOL)synchronously
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- self->delegate = newDelegate;
- if (self->delegateQueue) dispatch_release(self->delegateQueue);
- if (newDelegateQueue) dispatch_retain(newDelegateQueue);
- #endif
- self->delegateQueue = newDelegateQueue;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)) {
- block();
- }
- else {
- if (synchronously)
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
- }
-- (void)setDelegate:(id)newDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
- [self setDelegate:newDelegate delegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:NO];
-- (void)synchronouslySetDelegate:(id)newDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)newDelegateQueue
- [self setDelegate:newDelegate delegateQueue:newDelegateQueue synchronously:YES];
-- (BOOL)isIPv4Enabled
- // Note: YES means kIPv4Disabled is OFF
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = ((self->config & kIPv4Disabled) == 0);
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (void)setIPv4Enabled:(BOOL)flag
- // Note: YES means kIPv4Disabled is OFF
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- LogVerbose(@"%@ %@", THIS_METHOD, (flag ? @"YES" : @"NO"));
- if (flag)
- self->config &= ~kIPv4Disabled;
- else
- self->config |= kIPv4Disabled;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (BOOL)isIPv6Enabled
- // Note: YES means kIPv6Disabled is OFF
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = ((self->config & kIPv6Disabled) == 0);
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (void)setIPv6Enabled:(BOOL)flag
- // Note: YES means kIPv6Disabled is OFF
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- LogVerbose(@"%@ %@", THIS_METHOD, (flag ? @"YES" : @"NO"));
- if (flag)
- self->config &= ~kIPv6Disabled;
- else
- self->config |= kIPv6Disabled;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (BOOL)isIPv4Preferred
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = (self->config & kPreferIPv4) ? YES : NO;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (BOOL)isIPv6Preferred
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = (self->config & kPreferIPv6) ? YES : NO;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (BOOL)isIPVersionNeutral
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = (self->config & (kPreferIPv4 | kPreferIPv6)) == 0;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (void)setPreferIPv4
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- LogTrace();
- self->config |= kPreferIPv4;
- self->config &= ~kPreferIPv6;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (void)setPreferIPv6
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- LogTrace();
- self->config &= ~kPreferIPv4;
- self->config |= kPreferIPv6;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (void)setIPVersionNeutral
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- LogTrace();
- self->config &= ~kPreferIPv4;
- self->config &= ~kPreferIPv6;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (uint16_t)maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize
- __block uint16_t result = 0;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = self->max4ReceiveSize;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (void)setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:(uint16_t)max
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- LogVerbose(@"%@ %u", THIS_METHOD, (unsigned)max);
- self->max4ReceiveSize = max;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (uint32_t)maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize
- __block uint32_t result = 0;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = self->max6ReceiveSize;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (void)setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:(uint32_t)max
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- LogVerbose(@"%@ %u", THIS_METHOD, (unsigned)max);
- self->max6ReceiveSize = max;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (void)setMaxSendBufferSize:(uint16_t)max
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- LogVerbose(@"%@ %u", THIS_METHOD, (unsigned)max);
- self->maxSendSize = max;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (uint16_t)maxSendBufferSize
- __block uint16_t result = 0;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = self->maxSendSize;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (id)userData
- __block id result = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = self->userData;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (void)setUserData:(id)arbitraryUserData
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->userData != arbitraryUserData)
- {
- self->userData = arbitraryUserData;
- }
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-#pragma mark Delegate Helpers
-- (void)notifyDidConnectToAddress:(NSData *)anAddress
- LogTrace();
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(udpSocket:didConnectToAddress:)])
- {
- NSData *address = [anAddress copy]; // In case param is NSMutableData
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate udpSocket:self didConnectToAddress:address];
- }});
- }
-- (void)notifyDidNotConnect:(NSError *)error
- LogTrace();
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(udpSocket:didNotConnect:)])
- {
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate udpSocket:self didNotConnect:error];
- }});
- }
-- (void)notifyDidSendDataWithTag:(long)tag
- LogTrace();
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(udpSocket:didSendDataWithTag:)])
- {
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate udpSocket:self didSendDataWithTag:tag];
- }});
- }
-- (void)notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:(long)tag dueToError:(NSError *)error
- LogTrace();
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(udpSocket:didNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:)])
- {
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate udpSocket:self didNotSendDataWithTag:tag dueToError:error];
- }});
- }
-- (void)notifyDidReceiveData:(NSData *)data fromAddress:(NSData *)address withFilterContext:(id)context
- LogTrace();
- SEL selector = @selector(udpSocket:didReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:);
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:selector])
- {
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate udpSocket:self didReceiveData:data fromAddress:address withFilterContext:context];
- }});
- }
-- (void)notifyDidCloseWithError:(NSError *)error
- LogTrace();
- __strong id theDelegate = delegate;
- if (delegateQueue && [theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(udpSocketDidClose:withError:)])
- {
- dispatch_async(delegateQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [theDelegate udpSocketDidClose:self withError:error];
- }});
- }
-#pragma mark Errors
-- (NSError *)badConfigError:(NSString *)errMsg
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain
- code:GCDAsyncUdpSocketBadConfigError
- userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)badParamError:(NSString *)errMsg
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain
- code:GCDAsyncUdpSocketBadParamError
- userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)gaiError:(int)gai_error
- NSString *errMsg = [NSString stringWithCString:gai_strerror(gai_error) encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:@"kCFStreamErrorDomainNetDB" code:gai_error userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)errnoErrorWithReason:(NSString *)reason
- NSString *errMsg = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:strerror(errno)];
- NSDictionary *userInfo;
- if (reason)
- userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg,
- NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey : reason};
- else
- userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:NSPOSIXErrorDomain code:errno userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)errnoError
- return [self errnoErrorWithReason:nil];
- * Returns a standard send timeout error.
-- (NSError *)sendTimeoutError
- NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendTimeoutError",
- @"GCDAsyncUdpSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
- @"Send operation timed out", nil);
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain
- code:GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendTimeoutError
- userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)socketClosedError
- NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"GCDAsyncUdpSocketClosedError",
- @"GCDAsyncUdpSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
- @"Socket closed", nil);
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain code:GCDAsyncUdpSocketClosedError userInfo:userInfo];
-- (NSError *)otherError:(NSString *)errMsg
- NSDictionary *userInfo = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg};
- return [NSError errorWithDomain:GCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain
- code:GCDAsyncUdpSocketOtherError
- userInfo:userInfo];
-#pragma mark Utilities
-- (BOOL)preOp:(NSError **)errPtr
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- if (delegate == nil) // Must have delegate set
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to use socket without a delegate. Set a delegate first.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- if (delegateQueue == NULL) // Must have delegate queue set
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Attempting to use socket without a delegate queue. Set a delegate queue first.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- return YES;
- * This method executes on a global concurrent queue.
- * When complete, it executes the given completion block on the socketQueue.
-- (void)asyncResolveHost:(NSString *)aHost
- port:(uint16_t)port
- withCompletionBlock:(void (^)(NSArray *addresses, NSError *error))completionBlock
- LogTrace();
- // Check parameter(s)
- if (aHost == nil)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"The host param is nil. Should be domain name or IP address string.";
- NSError *error = [self badParamError:msg];
- // We should still use dispatch_async since this method is expected to be asynchronous
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- completionBlock(nil, error);
- }});
- return;
- }
- // It's possible that the given aHost parameter is actually a NSMutableString.
- // So we want to copy it now, within this block that will be executed synchronously.
- // This way the asynchronous lookup block below doesn't have to worry about it changing.
- NSString *host = [aHost copy];
- dispatch_queue_t globalConcurrentQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
- dispatch_async(globalConcurrentQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- NSMutableArray *addresses = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:2];
- NSError *error = nil;
- if ([host isEqualToString:@"localhost"] || [host isEqualToString:@"loopback"])
- {
- // Use LOOPBACK address
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- memset(&sockaddr4, 0, sizeof(sockaddr4));
- sockaddr4.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- sockaddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sockaddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
- sockaddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- memset(&sockaddr6, 0, sizeof(sockaddr6));
- sockaddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
- sockaddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- sockaddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
- sockaddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_loopback;
- // Wrap the native address structures and add to list
- [addresses addObject:[NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sizeof(sockaddr4)]];
- [addresses addObject:[NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sizeof(sockaddr6)]];
- }
- else
- {
- NSString *portStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%hu", port];
- struct addrinfo hints, *res, *res0;
- memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
- hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
- hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
- hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
- int gai_error = getaddrinfo([host UTF8String], [portStr UTF8String], &hints, &res0);
- if (gai_error)
- {
- error = [self gaiError:gai_error];
- }
- else
- {
- for(res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next)
- {
- if (res->ai_family == AF_INET)
- {
- // Found IPv4 address
- // Wrap the native address structure and add to list
- [addresses addObject:[NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen]];
- }
- else if (res->ai_family == AF_INET6)
- {
- // Fixes connection issues with IPv6, it is the same solution for udp socket.
- // https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket/issues/429#issuecomment-222477158
- struct sockaddr_in6 *sockaddr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)(void *)res->ai_addr;
- in_port_t *portPtr = &sockaddr->sin6_port;
- if ((portPtr != NULL) && (*portPtr == 0)) {
- *portPtr = htons(port);
- }
- // Found IPv6 address
- // Wrap the native address structure and add to list
- [addresses addObject:[NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen]];
- }
- }
- freeaddrinfo(res0);
- if ([addresses count] == 0)
- {
- error = [self gaiError:EAI_FAIL];
- }
- }
- }
- dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- completionBlock(addresses, error);
- }});
- }});
- * This method picks an address from the given list of addresses.
- * The address picked depends upon which protocols are disabled, deactived, & preferred.
- *
- * Returns the address family (AF_INET or AF_INET6) of the picked address,
- * or AF_UNSPEC and the corresponding error is there's a problem.
-- (int)getAddress:(NSData **)addressPtr error:(NSError **)errorPtr fromAddresses:(NSArray *)addresses
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSAssert([addresses count] > 0, @"Expected at least one address");
- int resultAF = AF_UNSPEC;
- NSData *resultAddress = nil;
- NSError *resultError = nil;
- // Check for problems
- BOOL resolvedIPv4Address = NO;
- BOOL resolvedIPv6Address = NO;
- for (NSData *address in addresses)
- {
- switch ([[self class] familyFromAddress:address])
- {
- case AF_INET : resolvedIPv4Address = YES; break;
- case AF_INET6 : resolvedIPv6Address = YES; break;
- default : NSAssert(NO, @"Addresses array contains invalid address");
- }
- }
- BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- if (isIPv4Disabled && !resolvedIPv6Address)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and DNS lookup found no IPv6 address(es).";
- resultError = [self otherError:msg];
- if (addressPtr) *addressPtr = resultAddress;
- if (errorPtr) *errorPtr = resultError;
- return resultAF;
- }
- if (isIPv6Disabled && !resolvedIPv4Address)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and DNS lookup found no IPv4 address(es).";
- resultError = [self otherError:msg];
- if (addressPtr) *addressPtr = resultAddress;
- if (errorPtr) *errorPtr = resultError;
- return resultAF;
- }
- BOOL isIPv4Deactivated = (flags & kIPv4Deactivated) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL isIPv6Deactivated = (flags & kIPv6Deactivated) ? YES : NO;
- if (isIPv4Deactivated && !resolvedIPv6Address)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been deactivated due to bind/connect, and DNS lookup found no IPv6 address(es).";
- resultError = [self otherError:msg];
- if (addressPtr) *addressPtr = resultAddress;
- if (errorPtr) *errorPtr = resultError;
- return resultAF;
- }
- if (isIPv6Deactivated && !resolvedIPv4Address)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been deactivated due to bind/connect, and DNS lookup found no IPv4 address(es).";
- resultError = [self otherError:msg];
- if (addressPtr) *addressPtr = resultAddress;
- if (errorPtr) *errorPtr = resultError;
- return resultAF;
- }
- // Extract first IPv4 and IPv6 address in list
- BOOL ipv4WasFirstInList = YES;
- NSData *address4 = nil;
- NSData *address6 = nil;
- for (NSData *address in addresses)
- {
- int af = [[self class] familyFromAddress:address];
- if (af == AF_INET)
- {
- if (address4 == nil)
- {
- address4 = address;
- if (address6)
- break;
- else
- ipv4WasFirstInList = YES;
- }
- }
- else // af == AF_INET6
- {
- if (address6 == nil)
- {
- address6 = address;
- if (address4)
- break;
- else
- ipv4WasFirstInList = NO;
- }
- }
- }
- // Determine socket type
- BOOL preferIPv4 = (config & kPreferIPv4) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL preferIPv6 = (config & kPreferIPv6) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL useIPv4 = ((preferIPv4 && address4) || (address6 == nil));
- BOOL useIPv6 = ((preferIPv6 && address6) || (address4 == nil));
- NSAssert(!(preferIPv4 && preferIPv6), @"Invalid config state");
- NSAssert(!(useIPv4 && useIPv6), @"Invalid logic");
- if (useIPv4 || (!useIPv6 && ipv4WasFirstInList))
- {
- resultAF = AF_INET;
- resultAddress = address4;
- }
- else
- {
- resultAF = AF_INET6;
- resultAddress = address6;
- }
- if (addressPtr) *addressPtr = resultAddress;
- if (errorPtr) *errorPtr = resultError;
- return resultAF;
- * Finds the address(es) of an interface description.
- * An inteface description may be an interface name (en0, en1, lo0) or corresponding IP (
-- (void)convertIntefaceDescription:(NSString *)interfaceDescription
- port:(uint16_t)port
- intoAddress4:(NSData **)interfaceAddr4Ptr
- address6:(NSData **)interfaceAddr6Ptr
- NSData *addr4 = nil;
- NSData *addr6 = nil;
- if (interfaceDescription == nil)
- {
- // ANY address
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- memset(&sockaddr4, 0, sizeof(sockaddr4));
- sockaddr4.sin_len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
- sockaddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sockaddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
- sockaddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- memset(&sockaddr6, 0, sizeof(sockaddr6));
- sockaddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
- sockaddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- sockaddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
- sockaddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
- addr4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sizeof(sockaddr4)];
- addr6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sizeof(sockaddr6)];
- }
- else if ([interfaceDescription isEqualToString:@"localhost"] ||
- [interfaceDescription isEqualToString:@"loopback"])
- {
- // LOOPBACK address
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- memset(&sockaddr4, 0, sizeof(sockaddr4));
- sockaddr4.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- sockaddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sockaddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
- sockaddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- memset(&sockaddr6, 0, sizeof(sockaddr6));
- sockaddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
- sockaddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- sockaddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
- sockaddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_loopback;
- addr4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sizeof(sockaddr4)];
- addr6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sizeof(sockaddr6)];
- }
- else
- {
- const char *iface = [interfaceDescription UTF8String];
- struct ifaddrs *addrs;
- const struct ifaddrs *cursor;
- if ((getifaddrs(&addrs) == 0))
- {
- cursor = addrs;
- while (cursor != NULL)
- {
- if ((addr4 == nil) && (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET))
- {
- // IPv4
- struct sockaddr_in *addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)(void *)cursor->ifa_addr;
- if (strcmp(cursor->ifa_name, iface) == 0)
- {
- // Name match
- struct sockaddr_in nativeAddr4 = *addr;
- nativeAddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
- addr4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr4 length:sizeof(nativeAddr4)];
- }
- else
- {
- const char *conversion;
- conversion = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr->sin_addr, ip, sizeof(ip));
- if ((conversion != NULL) && (strcmp(ip, iface) == 0))
- {
- // IP match
- struct sockaddr_in nativeAddr4 = *addr;
- nativeAddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
- addr4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr4 length:sizeof(nativeAddr4)];
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((addr6 == nil) && (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6))
- {
- // IPv6
- const struct sockaddr_in6 *addr = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)(const void *)cursor->ifa_addr;
- if (strcmp(cursor->ifa_name, iface) == 0)
- {
- // Name match
- struct sockaddr_in6 nativeAddr6 = *addr;
- nativeAddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
- addr6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr6 length:sizeof(nativeAddr6)];
- }
- else
- {
- char ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
- const char *conversion;
- conversion = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr->sin6_addr, ip, sizeof(ip));
- if ((conversion != NULL) && (strcmp(ip, iface) == 0))
- {
- // IP match
- struct sockaddr_in6 nativeAddr6 = *addr;
- nativeAddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
- addr6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr6 length:sizeof(nativeAddr6)];
- }
- }
- }
- cursor = cursor->ifa_next;
- }
- freeifaddrs(addrs);
- }
- }
- if (interfaceAddr4Ptr) *interfaceAddr4Ptr = addr4;
- if (interfaceAddr6Ptr) *interfaceAddr6Ptr = addr6;
- * Converts a numeric hostname into its corresponding address.
- * The hostname is expected to be an IPv4 or IPv6 address represented as a human-readable string. (e.g.
-- (void)convertNumericHost:(NSString *)numericHost
- port:(uint16_t)port
- intoAddress4:(NSData **)addr4Ptr
- address6:(NSData **)addr6Ptr
- NSData *addr4 = nil;
- NSData *addr6 = nil;
- if (numericHost)
- {
- NSString *portStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%hu", port];
- struct addrinfo hints, *res, *res0;
- memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
- hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
- hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
- hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
- hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; // No name resolution should be attempted
- if (getaddrinfo([numericHost UTF8String], [portStr UTF8String], &hints, &res0) == 0)
- {
- for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next)
- {
- if ((addr4 == nil) && (res->ai_family == AF_INET))
- {
- // Found IPv4 address
- // Wrap the native address structure
- addr4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen];
- }
- else if ((addr6 == nil) && (res->ai_family == AF_INET6))
- {
- // Found IPv6 address
- // Wrap the native address structure
- addr6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen];
- }
- }
- freeaddrinfo(res0);
- }
- }
- if (addr4Ptr) *addr4Ptr = addr4;
- if (addr6Ptr) *addr6Ptr = addr6;
-- (BOOL)isConnectedToAddress4:(NSData *)someAddr4
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSAssert(flags & kDidConnect, @"Not connected");
- NSAssert(cachedConnectedAddress, @"Expected cached connected address");
- if (cachedConnectedFamily != AF_INET)
- {
- return NO;
- }
- const struct sockaddr_in *sSockaddr4 = (const struct sockaddr_in *)[someAddr4 bytes];
- const struct sockaddr_in *cSockaddr4 = (const struct sockaddr_in *)[cachedConnectedAddress bytes];
- if (memcmp(&sSockaddr4->sin_addr, &cSockaddr4->sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)) != 0)
- {
- return NO;
- }
- if (memcmp(&sSockaddr4->sin_port, &cSockaddr4->sin_port, sizeof(in_port_t)) != 0)
- {
- return NO;
- }
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)isConnectedToAddress6:(NSData *)someAddr6
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSAssert(flags & kDidConnect, @"Not connected");
- NSAssert(cachedConnectedAddress, @"Expected cached connected address");
- if (cachedConnectedFamily != AF_INET6)
- {
- return NO;
- }
- const struct sockaddr_in6 *sSockaddr6 = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)[someAddr6 bytes];
- const struct sockaddr_in6 *cSockaddr6 = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)[cachedConnectedAddress bytes];
- if (memcmp(&sSockaddr6->sin6_addr, &cSockaddr6->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) != 0)
- {
- return NO;
- }
- if (memcmp(&sSockaddr6->sin6_port, &cSockaddr6->sin6_port, sizeof(in_port_t)) != 0)
- {
- return NO;
- }
- return YES;
-- (unsigned int)indexOfInterfaceAddr4:(NSData *)interfaceAddr4
- if (interfaceAddr4 == nil)
- return 0;
- if ([interfaceAddr4 length] != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
- return 0;
- int result = 0;
- const struct sockaddr_in *ifaceAddr = (const struct sockaddr_in *)[interfaceAddr4 bytes];
- struct ifaddrs *addrs;
- const struct ifaddrs *cursor;
- if ((getifaddrs(&addrs) == 0))
- {
- cursor = addrs;
- while (cursor != NULL)
- {
- if (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET)
- {
- // IPv4
- const struct sockaddr_in *addr = (const struct sockaddr_in *)(const void *)cursor->ifa_addr;
- if (memcmp(&addr->sin_addr, &ifaceAddr->sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)) == 0)
- {
- result = if_nametoindex(cursor->ifa_name);
- break;
- }
- }
- cursor = cursor->ifa_next;
- }
- freeifaddrs(addrs);
- }
- return result;
-- (unsigned int)indexOfInterfaceAddr6:(NSData *)interfaceAddr6
- if (interfaceAddr6 == nil)
- return 0;
- if ([interfaceAddr6 length] != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))
- return 0;
- int result = 0;
- const struct sockaddr_in6 *ifaceAddr = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)[interfaceAddr6 bytes];
- struct ifaddrs *addrs;
- const struct ifaddrs *cursor;
- if ((getifaddrs(&addrs) == 0))
- {
- cursor = addrs;
- while (cursor != NULL)
- {
- if (cursor->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
- {
- // IPv6
- const struct sockaddr_in6 *addr = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)(const void *)cursor->ifa_addr;
- if (memcmp(&addr->sin6_addr, &ifaceAddr->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) == 0)
- {
- result = if_nametoindex(cursor->ifa_name);
- break;
- }
- }
- cursor = cursor->ifa_next;
- }
- freeifaddrs(addrs);
- }
- return result;
-- (void)setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- send4Source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_WRITE, socket4FD, 0, socketQueue);
- receive4Source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, socket4FD, 0, socketQueue);
- // Setup event handlers
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(send4Source, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogVerbose(@"send4EventBlock");
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_get_data(send4Source) = %lu", dispatch_source_get_data(send4Source));
- self->flags |= kSock4CanAcceptBytes;
- // If we're ready to send data, do so immediately.
- // Otherwise pause the send source or it will continue to fire over and over again.
- if (self->currentSend == nil)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Nothing to send");
- [self suspendSend4Source];
- }
- else if (self->currentSend->resolveInProgress)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"currentSend - waiting for address resolve");
- [self suspendSend4Source];
- }
- else if (self->currentSend->filterInProgress)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"currentSend - waiting on sendFilter");
- [self suspendSend4Source];
- }
- else
- {
- [self doSend];
- }
- }});
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(receive4Source, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogVerbose(@"receive4EventBlock");
- self->socket4FDBytesAvailable = dispatch_source_get_data(self->receive4Source);
- LogVerbose(@"socket4FDBytesAvailable: %lu", socket4FDBytesAvailable);
- if (self->socket4FDBytesAvailable > 0)
- [self doReceive];
- else
- [self doReceiveEOF];
- }});
- // Setup cancel handlers
- __block int socketFDRefCount = 2;
- int theSocketFD = socket4FD;
- dispatch_source_t theSendSource = send4Source;
- dispatch_source_t theReceiveSource = receive4Source;
- #endif
- dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(send4Source, ^{
- LogVerbose(@"send4CancelBlock");
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(send4Source)");
- dispatch_release(theSendSource);
- #endif
- if (--socketFDRefCount == 0)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"close(socket4FD)");
- close(theSocketFD);
- }
- });
- dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(receive4Source, ^{
- LogVerbose(@"receive4CancelBlock");
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(receive4Source)");
- dispatch_release(theReceiveSource);
- #endif
- if (--socketFDRefCount == 0)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"close(socket4FD)");
- close(theSocketFD);
- }
- });
- // We will not be able to receive until the socket is bound to a port,
- // either explicitly via bind, or implicitly by connect or by sending data.
- //
- // But we should be able to send immediately.
- socket4FDBytesAvailable = 0;
- flags |= kSock4CanAcceptBytes;
- flags |= kSend4SourceSuspended;
- flags |= kReceive4SourceSuspended;
-- (void)setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- send6Source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_WRITE, socket6FD, 0, socketQueue);
- receive6Source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, socket6FD, 0, socketQueue);
- // Setup event handlers
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(send6Source, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogVerbose(@"send6EventBlock");
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_get_data(send6Source) = %lu", dispatch_source_get_data(send6Source));
- self->flags |= kSock6CanAcceptBytes;
- // If we're ready to send data, do so immediately.
- // Otherwise pause the send source or it will continue to fire over and over again.
- if (self->currentSend == nil)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Nothing to send");
- [self suspendSend6Source];
- }
- else if (self->currentSend->resolveInProgress)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"currentSend - waiting for address resolve");
- [self suspendSend6Source];
- }
- else if (self->currentSend->filterInProgress)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"currentSend - waiting on sendFilter");
- [self suspendSend6Source];
- }
- else
- {
- [self doSend];
- }
- }});
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(receive6Source, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogVerbose(@"receive6EventBlock");
- self->socket6FDBytesAvailable = dispatch_source_get_data(self->receive6Source);
- LogVerbose(@"socket6FDBytesAvailable: %lu", socket6FDBytesAvailable);
- if (self->socket6FDBytesAvailable > 0)
- [self doReceive];
- else
- [self doReceiveEOF];
- }});
- // Setup cancel handlers
- __block int socketFDRefCount = 2;
- int theSocketFD = socket6FD;
- dispatch_source_t theSendSource = send6Source;
- dispatch_source_t theReceiveSource = receive6Source;
- #endif
- dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(send6Source, ^{
- LogVerbose(@"send6CancelBlock");
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(send6Source)");
- dispatch_release(theSendSource);
- #endif
- if (--socketFDRefCount == 0)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"close(socket6FD)");
- close(theSocketFD);
- }
- });
- dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(receive6Source, ^{
- LogVerbose(@"receive6CancelBlock");
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_release(receive6Source)");
- dispatch_release(theReceiveSource);
- #endif
- if (--socketFDRefCount == 0)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"close(socket6FD)");
- close(theSocketFD);
- }
- });
- // We will not be able to receive until the socket is bound to a port,
- // either explicitly via bind, or implicitly by connect or by sending data.
- //
- // But we should be able to send immediately.
- socket6FDBytesAvailable = 0;
- flags |= kSock6CanAcceptBytes;
- flags |= kSend6SourceSuspended;
- flags |= kReceive6SourceSuspended;
-- (BOOL)createSocket4:(BOOL)useIPv4 socket6:(BOOL)useIPv6 error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSAssert(((flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0), @"Sockets have already been created");
- // CreateSocket Block
- // This block will be invoked below.
- int(^createSocket)(int) = ^int (int domain) {
- int socketFD = socket(domain, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in socket() function"];
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- int status;
- // Set socket options
- status = fcntl(socketFD, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
- if (status == -1)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error enabling non-blocking IO on socket (fcntl)"];
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- int reuseaddr = 1;
- status = setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseaddr, sizeof(reuseaddr));
- if (status == -1)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error enabling address reuse (setsockopt)"];
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- int nosigpipe = 1;
- status = setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &nosigpipe, sizeof(nosigpipe));
- if (status == -1)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error disabling sigpipe (setsockopt)"];
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- /**
- * The theoretical maximum size of any IPv4 UDP packet is UINT16_MAX = 65535.
- * The theoretical maximum size of any IPv6 UDP packet is UINT32_MAX = 4294967295.
- *
- * The default maximum size of the UDP buffer in iOS is 9216 bytes.
- *
- * This is the reason of #222(GCD does not necessarily return the size of an entire UDP packet) and
- * #535(GCDAsyncUDPSocket can not send data when data is greater than 9K)
- *
- *
- * Enlarge the maximum size of UDP packet.
- * I can not ensure the protocol type now so that the max size is set to 65535 :)
- **/
- status = setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (const char*)&self->maxSendSize, sizeof(int));
- if (status == -1)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error setting send buffer size (setsockopt)"];
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- status = setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (const char*)&self->maxSendSize, sizeof(int));
- if (status == -1)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error setting receive buffer size (setsockopt)"];
- close(socketFD);
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- return socketFD;
- };
- // Create sockets depending upon given configuration.
- if (useIPv4)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv4 socket");
- socket4FD = createSocket(AF_INET);
- if (socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- // errPtr set in local createSocket() block
- return NO;
- }
- }
- if (useIPv6)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv6 socket");
- socket6FD = createSocket(AF_INET6);
- if (socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- // errPtr set in local createSocket() block
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- close(socket4FD);
- socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- return NO;
- }
- }
- // Setup send and receive sources
- if (useIPv4)
- [self setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4];
- if (useIPv6)
- [self setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6];
- flags |= kDidCreateSockets;
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)createSockets:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- BOOL useIPv4 = [self isIPv4Enabled];
- BOOL useIPv6 = [self isIPv6Enabled];
- return [self createSocket4:useIPv4 socket6:useIPv6 error:errPtr];
-- (void)suspendSend4Source
- if (send4Source && !(flags & kSend4SourceSuspended))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_suspend(send4Source)");
- dispatch_suspend(send4Source);
- flags |= kSend4SourceSuspended;
- }
-- (void)suspendSend6Source
- if (send6Source && !(flags & kSend6SourceSuspended))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_suspend(send6Source)");
- dispatch_suspend(send6Source);
- flags |= kSend6SourceSuspended;
- }
-- (void)resumeSend4Source
- if (send4Source && (flags & kSend4SourceSuspended))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(send4Source)");
- dispatch_resume(send4Source);
- flags &= ~kSend4SourceSuspended;
- }
-- (void)resumeSend6Source
- if (send6Source && (flags & kSend6SourceSuspended))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(send6Source)");
- dispatch_resume(send6Source);
- flags &= ~kSend6SourceSuspended;
- }
-- (void)suspendReceive4Source
- if (receive4Source && !(flags & kReceive4SourceSuspended))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_suspend(receive4Source)");
- dispatch_suspend(receive4Source);
- flags |= kReceive4SourceSuspended;
- }
-- (void)suspendReceive6Source
- if (receive6Source && !(flags & kReceive6SourceSuspended))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_suspend(receive6Source)");
- dispatch_suspend(receive6Source);
- flags |= kReceive6SourceSuspended;
- }
-- (void)resumeReceive4Source
- if (receive4Source && (flags & kReceive4SourceSuspended))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(receive4Source)");
- dispatch_resume(receive4Source);
- flags &= ~kReceive4SourceSuspended;
- }
-- (void)resumeReceive6Source
- if (receive6Source && (flags & kReceive6SourceSuspended))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_resume(receive6Source)");
- dispatch_resume(receive6Source);
- flags &= ~kReceive6SourceSuspended;
- }
-- (void)closeSocket4
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(send4Source)");
- dispatch_source_cancel(send4Source);
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(receive4Source)");
- dispatch_source_cancel(receive4Source);
- // For some crazy reason (in my opinion), cancelling a dispatch source doesn't
- // invoke the cancel handler if the dispatch source is paused.
- // So we have to unpause the source if needed.
- // This allows the cancel handler to be run, which in turn releases the source and closes the socket.
- [self resumeSend4Source];
- [self resumeReceive4Source];
- // The sockets will be closed by the cancel handlers of the corresponding source
- send4Source = NULL;
- receive4Source = NULL;
- socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- // Clear socket states
- socket4FDBytesAvailable = 0;
- flags &= ~kSock4CanAcceptBytes;
- // Clear cached info
- cachedLocalAddress4 = nil;
- cachedLocalHost4 = nil;
- cachedLocalPort4 = 0;
- }
-- (void)closeSocket6
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(send6Source)");
- dispatch_source_cancel(send6Source);
- LogVerbose(@"dispatch_source_cancel(receive6Source)");
- dispatch_source_cancel(receive6Source);
- // For some crazy reason (in my opinion), cancelling a dispatch source doesn't
- // invoke the cancel handler if the dispatch source is paused.
- // So we have to unpause the source if needed.
- // This allows the cancel handler to be run, which in turn releases the source and closes the socket.
- [self resumeSend6Source];
- [self resumeReceive6Source];
- send6Source = NULL;
- receive6Source = NULL;
- // The sockets will be closed by the cancel handlers of the corresponding source
- socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
- // Clear socket states
- socket6FDBytesAvailable = 0;
- flags &= ~kSock6CanAcceptBytes;
- // Clear cached info
- cachedLocalAddress6 = nil;
- cachedLocalHost6 = nil;
- cachedLocalPort6 = 0;
- }
-- (void)closeSockets
- [self closeSocket4];
- [self closeSocket6];
- flags &= ~kDidCreateSockets;
-#pragma mark Diagnostics
-- (BOOL)getLocalAddress:(NSData **)dataPtr
- host:(NSString **)hostPtr
- port:(uint16_t *)portPtr
- forSocket:(int)socketFD
- withFamily:(int)socketFamily
- NSData *data = nil;
- NSString *host = nil;
- uint16_t port = 0;
- if (socketFamily == AF_INET)
- {
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
- if (getsockname(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) == 0)
- {
- data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sockaddr4len];
- host = [[self class] hostFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
- port = [[self class] portFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
- }
- else
- {
- LogWarn(@"Error in getsockname: %@", [self errnoError]);
- }
- }
- else if (socketFamily == AF_INET6)
- {
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
- if (getsockname(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) == 0)
- {
- data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sockaddr6len];
- host = [[self class] hostFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
- port = [[self class] portFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
- }
- else
- {
- LogWarn(@"Error in getsockname: %@", [self errnoError]);
- }
- }
- if (dataPtr) *dataPtr = data;
- if (hostPtr) *hostPtr = host;
- if (portPtr) *portPtr = port;
- return (data != nil);
-- (void)maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- if ( cachedLocalAddress4 || ((flags & kDidBind) == 0) || (socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL) )
- {
- return;
- }
- NSData *address = nil;
- NSString *host = nil;
- uint16_t port = 0;
- if ([self getLocalAddress:&address host:&host port:&port forSocket:socket4FD withFamily:AF_INET])
- {
- cachedLocalAddress4 = address;
- cachedLocalHost4 = host;
- cachedLocalPort4 = port;
- }
-- (void)maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- if ( cachedLocalAddress6 || ((flags & kDidBind) == 0) || (socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL) )
- {
- return;
- }
- NSData *address = nil;
- NSString *host = nil;
- uint16_t port = 0;
- if ([self getLocalAddress:&address host:&host port:&port forSocket:socket6FD withFamily:AF_INET6])
- {
- cachedLocalAddress6 = address;
- cachedLocalHost6 = host;
- cachedLocalPort6 = port;
- }
-- (NSData *)localAddress
- __block NSData *result = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info];
- result = self->cachedLocalAddress4;
- }
- else
- {
- [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info];
- result = self->cachedLocalAddress6;
- }
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
- return result;
-- (NSString *)localHost
- __block NSString *result = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info];
- result = self->cachedLocalHost4;
- }
- else
- {
- [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info];
- result = self->cachedLocalHost6;
- }
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
- return result;
-- (uint16_t)localPort
- __block uint16_t result = 0;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info];
- result = self->cachedLocalPort4;
- }
- else
- {
- [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info];
- result = self->cachedLocalPort6;
- }
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
- return result;
-- (NSData *)localAddress_IPv4
- __block NSData *result = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info];
- result = self->cachedLocalAddress4;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
- return result;
-- (NSString *)localHost_IPv4
- __block NSString *result = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info];
- result = self->cachedLocalHost4;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
- return result;
-- (uint16_t)localPort_IPv4
- __block uint16_t result = 0;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info];
- result = self->cachedLocalPort4;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
- return result;
-- (NSData *)localAddress_IPv6
- __block NSData *result = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info];
- result = self->cachedLocalAddress6;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
- return result;
-- (NSString *)localHost_IPv6
- __block NSString *result = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info];
- result = self->cachedLocalHost6;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
- return result;
-- (uint16_t)localPort_IPv6
- __block uint16_t result = 0;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- [self maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info];
- result = self->cachedLocalPort6;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
- return result;
-- (void)maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- if (cachedConnectedAddress || (flags & kDidConnect) == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- NSData *data = nil;
- NSString *host = nil;
- uint16_t port = 0;
- int family = AF_UNSPEC;
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
- if (getpeername(socket4FD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len) == 0)
- {
- data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sockaddr4len];
- host = [[self class] hostFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
- port = [[self class] portFromSockaddr4:&sockaddr4];
- family = AF_INET;
- }
- else
- {
- LogWarn(@"Error in getpeername: %@", [self errnoError]);
- }
- }
- else if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
- if (getpeername(socket6FD, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len) == 0)
- {
- data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sockaddr6len];
- host = [[self class] hostFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
- port = [[self class] portFromSockaddr6:&sockaddr6];
- family = AF_INET6;
- }
- else
- {
- LogWarn(@"Error in getpeername: %@", [self errnoError]);
- }
- }
- cachedConnectedAddress = data;
- cachedConnectedHost = host;
- cachedConnectedPort = port;
- cachedConnectedFamily = family;
-- (NSData *)connectedAddress
- __block NSData *result = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- [self maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo];
- result = self->cachedConnectedAddress;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
- return result;
-- (NSString *)connectedHost
- __block NSString *result = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- [self maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo];
- result = self->cachedConnectedHost;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
- return result;
-- (uint16_t)connectedPort
- __block uint16_t result = 0;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- [self maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo];
- result = self->cachedConnectedPort;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, AutoreleasedBlock(block));
- return result;
-- (BOOL)isConnected
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = (self->flags & kDidConnect) ? YES : NO;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (BOOL)isClosed
- __block BOOL result = YES;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- result = (self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) ? NO : YES;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (BOOL)isIPv4
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->flags & kDidCreateSockets)
- {
- result = (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- result = [self isIPv4Enabled];
- }
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-- (BOOL)isIPv6
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->flags & kDidCreateSockets)
- {
- result = (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- result = [self isIPv6Enabled];
- }
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- return result;
-#pragma mark Binding
- * This method runs through the various checks required prior to a bind attempt.
- * It is shared between the various bind methods.
-- (BOOL)preBind:(NSError **)errPtr
- if (![self preOp:errPtr])
- {
- return NO;
- }
- if (flags & kDidBind)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Cannot bind a socket more than once.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- if ((flags & kConnecting) || (flags & kDidConnect))
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Cannot bind after connecting. If needed, bind first, then connect.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- if (isIPv4Disabled && isIPv6Disabled) // Must have IPv4 or IPv6 enabled
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Both IPv4 and IPv6 have been disabled. Must enable at least one protocol first.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)bindToPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
- return [self bindToPort:port interface:nil error:errPtr];
-- (BOOL)bindToPort:(uint16_t)port interface:(NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- // Run through sanity checks
- if (![self preBind:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Check the given interface
- NSData *interface4 = nil;
- NSData *interface6 = nil;
- [self convertIntefaceDescription:interface port:port intoAddress4:&interface4 address6:&interface6];
- if ((interface4 == nil) && (interface6 == nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Unknown interface. Specify valid interface by name (e.g. \"en1\") or IP address.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (self->config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (self->config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- if (isIPv4Disabled && (interface6 == nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and specified interface doesn't support IPv6.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- if (isIPv6Disabled && (interface4 == nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and specified interface doesn't support IPv4.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Determine protocol(s)
- BOOL useIPv4 = !isIPv4Disabled && (interface4 != nil);
- BOOL useIPv6 = !isIPv6Disabled && (interface6 != nil);
- // Create the socket(s) if needed
- if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
- {
- if (![self createSocket4:useIPv4 socket6:useIPv6 error:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- // Bind the socket(s)
- LogVerbose(@"Binding socket to port(%hu) interface(%@)", port, interface);
- if (useIPv4)
- {
- int status = bind(self->socket4FD, (const struct sockaddr *)[interface4 bytes], (socklen_t)[interface4 length]);
- if (status == -1)
- {
- [self closeSockets];
- NSString *reason = @"Error in bind() function";
- err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:reason];
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- if (useIPv6)
- {
- int status = bind(self->socket6FD, (const struct sockaddr *)[interface6 bytes], (socklen_t)[interface6 length]);
- if (status == -1)
- {
- [self closeSockets];
- NSString *reason = @"Error in bind() function";
- err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:reason];
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- // Update flags
- self->flags |= kDidBind;
- if (!useIPv4) self->flags |= kIPv4Deactivated;
- if (!useIPv6) self->flags |= kIPv6Deactivated;
- result = YES;
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (err)
- LogError(@"Error binding to port/interface: %@", err);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- return result;
-- (BOOL)bindToAddress:(NSData *)localAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- // Run through sanity checks
- if (![self preBind:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Check the given address
- int addressFamily = [[self class] familyFromAddress:localAddr];
- if (addressFamily == AF_UNSPEC)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address was not given";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- NSData *localAddr4 = (addressFamily == AF_INET) ? localAddr : nil;
- NSData *localAddr6 = (addressFamily == AF_INET6) ? localAddr : nil;
- BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (self->config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (self->config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- if (isIPv4Disabled && localAddr4)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and an IPv4 address was passed.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- if (isIPv6Disabled && localAddr6)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and an IPv6 address was passed.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Determine protocol(s)
- BOOL useIPv4 = !isIPv4Disabled && (localAddr4 != nil);
- BOOL useIPv6 = !isIPv6Disabled && (localAddr6 != nil);
- // Create the socket(s) if needed
- if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
- {
- if (![self createSocket4:useIPv4 socket6:useIPv6 error:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- // Bind the socket(s)
- if (useIPv4)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Binding socket to address(%@:%hu)",
- [[self class] hostFromAddress:localAddr4],
- [[self class] portFromAddress:localAddr4]);
- int status = bind(self->socket4FD, (const struct sockaddr *)[localAddr4 bytes], (socklen_t)[localAddr4 length]);
- if (status == -1)
- {
- [self closeSockets];
- NSString *reason = @"Error in bind() function";
- err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:reason];
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Binding socket to address(%@:%hu)",
- [[self class] hostFromAddress:localAddr6],
- [[self class] portFromAddress:localAddr6]);
- int status = bind(self->socket6FD, (const struct sockaddr *)[localAddr6 bytes], (socklen_t)[localAddr6 length]);
- if (status == -1)
- {
- [self closeSockets];
- NSString *reason = @"Error in bind() function";
- err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:reason];
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- // Update flags
- self->flags |= kDidBind;
- if (!useIPv4) self->flags |= kIPv4Deactivated;
- if (!useIPv6) self->flags |= kIPv6Deactivated;
- result = YES;
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (err)
- LogError(@"Error binding to address: %@", err);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- return result;
-#pragma mark Connecting
- * This method runs through the various checks required prior to a connect attempt.
- * It is shared between the various connect methods.
-- (BOOL)preConnect:(NSError **)errPtr
- if (![self preOp:errPtr])
- {
- return NO;
- }
- if ((flags & kConnecting) || (flags & kDidConnect))
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Cannot connect a socket more than once.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
- if (isIPv4Disabled && isIPv6Disabled) // Must have IPv4 or IPv6 enabled
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Both IPv4 and IPv6 have been disabled. Must enable at least one protocol first.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host onPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- // Run through sanity checks.
- if (![self preConnect:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Check parameter(s)
- if (host == nil)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"The host param is nil. Should be domain name or IP address string.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Create the socket(s) if needed
- if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
- {
- if (![self createSockets:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- // Create special connect packet
- GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket alloc] init];
- packet->resolveInProgress = YES;
- // Start asynchronous DNS resolve for host:port on background queue
- LogVerbose(@"Dispatching DNS resolve for connect...");
- [self asyncResolveHost:host port:port withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *addresses, NSError *error) {
- // The asyncResolveHost:port:: method asynchronously dispatches a task onto the global concurrent queue,
- // and immediately returns. Once the async resolve task completes,
- // this block is executed on our socketQueue.
- packet->resolveInProgress = NO;
- packet->addresses = addresses;
- packet->error = error;
- [self maybeConnect];
- }];
- // Updates flags, add connect packet to send queue, and pump send queue
- self->flags |= kConnecting;
- [self->sendQueue addObject:packet];
- [self maybeDequeueSend];
- result = YES;
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (err)
- LogError(@"Error connecting to host/port: %@", err);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- return result;
-- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- // Run through sanity checks.
- if (![self preConnect:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Check parameter(s)
- if (remoteAddr == nil)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"The address param is nil. Should be a valid address.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Create the socket(s) if needed
- if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
- {
- if (![self createSockets:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- // The remoteAddr parameter could be of type NSMutableData.
- // So we copy it to be safe.
- NSData *address = [remoteAddr copy];
- NSArray *addresses = [NSArray arrayWithObject:address];
- GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket alloc] init];
- packet->addresses = addresses;
- // Updates flags, add connect packet to send queue, and pump send queue
- self->flags |= kConnecting;
- [self->sendQueue addObject:packet];
- [self maybeDequeueSend];
- result = YES;
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (err)
- LogError(@"Error connecting to address: %@", err);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- return result;
-- (void)maybeConnect
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- BOOL sendQueueReady = [currentSend isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket class]];
- if (sendQueueReady)
- {
- GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket *connectPacket = (GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket *)currentSend;
- if (connectPacket->resolveInProgress)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Waiting for DNS resolve...");
- }
- else
- {
- if (connectPacket->error)
- {
- [self notifyDidNotConnect:connectPacket->error];
- }
- else
- {
- NSData *address = nil;
- NSError *error = nil;
- int addressFamily = [self getAddress:&address error:&error fromAddresses:connectPacket->addresses];
- // Perform connect
- BOOL result = NO;
- switch (addressFamily)
- {
- case AF_INET : result = [self connectWithAddress4:address error:&error]; break;
- case AF_INET6 : result = [self connectWithAddress6:address error:&error]; break;
- }
- if (result)
- {
- flags |= kDidBind;
- flags |= kDidConnect;
- cachedConnectedAddress = address;
- cachedConnectedHost = [[self class] hostFromAddress:address];
- cachedConnectedPort = [[self class] portFromAddress:address];
- cachedConnectedFamily = addressFamily;
- [self notifyDidConnectToAddress:address];
- }
- else
- {
- [self notifyDidNotConnect:error];
- }
- }
- flags &= ~kConnecting;
- [self endCurrentSend];
- [self maybeDequeueSend];
- }
- }
-- (BOOL)connectWithAddress4:(NSData *)address4 error:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- int status = connect(socket4FD, (const struct sockaddr *)[address4 bytes], (socklen_t)[address4 length]);
- if (status != 0)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in connect() function"];
- return NO;
- }
- [self closeSocket6];
- flags |= kIPv6Deactivated;
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)connectWithAddress6:(NSData *)address6 error:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- int status = connect(socket6FD, (const struct sockaddr *)[address6 bytes], (socklen_t)[address6 length]);
- if (status != 0)
- {
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in connect() function"];
- return NO;
- }
- [self closeSocket4];
- flags |= kIPv4Deactivated;
- return YES;
-#pragma mark Multicast
-- (BOOL)preJoin:(NSError **)errPtr
- if (![self preOp:errPtr])
- {
- return NO;
- }
- if (!(flags & kDidBind))
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Must bind a socket before joining a multicast group.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- if ((flags & kConnecting) || (flags & kDidConnect))
- {
- if (errPtr)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Cannot join a multicast group if connected.";
- *errPtr = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- return NO;
- }
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)joinMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group error:(NSError **)errPtr
- return [self joinMulticastGroup:group onInterface:nil error:errPtr];
-- (BOOL)joinMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group onInterface:(NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr
- return [self performMulticastRequest:IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP forGroup:group onInterface:interface error:errPtr];
-- (BOOL)leaveMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group error:(NSError **)errPtr
- return [self leaveMulticastGroup:group onInterface:nil error:errPtr];
-- (BOOL)leaveMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group onInterface:(NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr
- return [self performMulticastRequest:IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP forGroup:group onInterface:interface error:errPtr];
-- (BOOL)performMulticastRequest:(int)requestType
- forGroup:(NSString *)group
- onInterface:(NSString *)interface
- error:(NSError **)errPtr
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- // Run through sanity checks
- if (![self preJoin:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Convert group to address
- NSData *groupAddr4 = nil;
- NSData *groupAddr6 = nil;
- [self convertNumericHost:group port:0 intoAddress4:&groupAddr4 address6:&groupAddr6];
- if ((groupAddr4 == nil) && (groupAddr6 == nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Unknown group. Specify valid group IP address.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Convert interface to address
- NSData *interfaceAddr4 = nil;
- NSData *interfaceAddr6 = nil;
- [self convertIntefaceDescription:interface port:0 intoAddress4:&interfaceAddr4 address6:&interfaceAddr6];
- if ((interfaceAddr4 == nil) && (interfaceAddr6 == nil))
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Unknown interface. Specify valid interface by name (e.g. \"en1\") or IP address.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Perform join
- if ((self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) && groupAddr4 && interfaceAddr4)
- {
- const struct sockaddr_in *nativeGroup = (const struct sockaddr_in *)[groupAddr4 bytes];
- const struct sockaddr_in *nativeIface = (const struct sockaddr_in *)[interfaceAddr4 bytes];
- struct ip_mreq imreq;
- imreq.imr_multiaddr = nativeGroup->sin_addr;
- imreq.imr_interface = nativeIface->sin_addr;
- int status = setsockopt(self->socket4FD, IPPROTO_IP, requestType, (const void *)&imreq, sizeof(imreq));
- if (status != 0)
- {
- err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in setsockopt() function"];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Using IPv4 only
- [self closeSocket6];
- result = YES;
- }
- else if ((self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) && groupAddr6 && interfaceAddr6)
- {
- const struct sockaddr_in6 *nativeGroup = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)[groupAddr6 bytes];
- struct ipv6_mreq imreq;
- imreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr = nativeGroup->sin6_addr;
- imreq.ipv6mr_interface = [self indexOfInterfaceAddr6:interfaceAddr6];
- int status = setsockopt(self->socket6FD, IPPROTO_IPV6, requestType, (const void *)&imreq, sizeof(imreq));
- if (status != 0)
- {
- err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in setsockopt() function"];
- return_from_block;
- }
- // Using IPv6 only
- [self closeSocket4];
- result = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Socket, group, and interface do not have matching IP versions";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- return result;
-- (BOOL)sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:(NSString*)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (![self preOp:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
- {
- if (![self createSockets:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- // Convert interface to address
- NSData *interfaceAddr4 = nil;
- NSData *interfaceAddr6 = nil;
- [self convertIntefaceDescription:interface port:0 intoAddress4:&interfaceAddr4 address6:&interfaceAddr6];
- if (interfaceAddr4 == nil)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Unknown interface. Specify valid interface by IP address.";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL) {
- const struct sockaddr_in *nativeIface = (struct sockaddr_in *)[interfaceAddr4 bytes];
- struct in_addr interface_addr = nativeIface->sin_addr;
- int status = setsockopt(self->socket4FD, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, &interface_addr, sizeof(interface_addr));
- if (status != 0) {
- err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in setsockopt() function"];
- return_from_block;
- result = YES;
- }
- }
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- return result;
-- (BOOL)sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:(NSString*)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (![self preOp:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
- {
- if (![self createSockets:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- // Convert interface to address
- NSData *interfaceAddr4 = nil;
- NSData *interfaceAddr6 = nil;
- [self convertIntefaceDescription:interface port:0 intoAddress4:&interfaceAddr4 address6:&interfaceAddr6];
- if (interfaceAddr6 == nil)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Unknown interface. Specify valid interface by name (e.g. \"en1\").";
- err = [self badParamError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- if ((self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)) {
- uint32_t scope_id = [self indexOfInterfaceAddr6:interfaceAddr6];
- int status = setsockopt(self->socket6FD, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, &scope_id, sizeof(scope_id));
- if (status != 0) {
- err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in setsockopt() function"];
- return_from_block;
- }
- result = YES;
- }
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- return result;
-#pragma mark Reuse port
-- (BOOL)enableReusePort:(BOOL)flag error:(NSError **)errPtr
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (![self preOp:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
- {
- if (![self createSockets:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- int value = flag ? 1 : 0;
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- int error = setsockopt(self->socket4FD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, (const void *)&value, sizeof(value));
- if (error)
- {
- err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in setsockopt() function"];
- return_from_block;
- }
- result = YES;
- }
- if (self->socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- int error = setsockopt(self->socket6FD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, (const void *)&value, sizeof(value));
- if (error)
- {
- err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in setsockopt() function"];
- return_from_block;
- }
- result = YES;
- }
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- return result;
-#pragma mark Broadcast
-- (BOOL)enableBroadcast:(BOOL)flag error:(NSError **)errPtr
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- if (![self preOp:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
- {
- if (![self createSockets:&err])
- {
- return_from_block;
- }
- }
- if (self->socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- int value = flag ? 1 : 0;
- int error = setsockopt(self->socket4FD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const void *)&value, sizeof(value));
- if (error)
- {
- err = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in setsockopt() function"];
- return_from_block;
- }
- result = YES;
- }
- // IPv6 does not implement broadcast, the ability to send a packet to all hosts on the attached link.
- // The same effect can be achieved by sending a packet to the link-local all hosts multicast group.
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- return result;
-#pragma mark Sending
-- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag
- [self sendData:data withTimeout:-1.0 tag:tag];
-- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
- LogTrace();
- if ([data length] == 0)
- {
- LogWarn(@"Ignoring attempt to send nil/empty data.");
- return;
- }
- GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket alloc] initWithData:data timeout:timeout tag:tag];
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [self->sendQueue addObject:packet];
- [self maybeDequeueSend];
- }});
-- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data
- toHost:(NSString *)host
- port:(uint16_t)port
- withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- tag:(long)tag
- LogTrace();
- if ([data length] == 0)
- {
- LogWarn(@"Ignoring attempt to send nil/empty data.");
- return;
- }
- GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket alloc] initWithData:data timeout:timeout tag:tag];
- packet->resolveInProgress = YES;
- [self asyncResolveHost:host port:port withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *addresses, NSError *error) {
- // The asyncResolveHost:port:: method asynchronously dispatches a task onto the global concurrent queue,
- // and immediately returns. Once the async resolve task completes,
- // this block is executed on our socketQueue.
- packet->resolveInProgress = NO;
- packet->resolvedAddresses = addresses;
- packet->resolveError = error;
- if (packet == self->currentSend)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"currentSend - address resolved");
- [self doPreSend];
- }
- }];
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [self->sendQueue addObject:packet];
- [self maybeDequeueSend];
- }});
-- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data toAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
- LogTrace();
- if ([data length] == 0)
- {
- LogWarn(@"Ignoring attempt to send nil/empty data.");
- return;
- }
- GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket *packet = [[GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket alloc] initWithData:data timeout:timeout tag:tag];
- packet->addressFamily = [GCDAsyncUdpSocket familyFromAddress:remoteAddr];
- packet->address = remoteAddr;
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [self->sendQueue addObject:packet];
- [self maybeDequeueSend];
- }});
-- (void)setSendFilter:(GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock)filterBlock withQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue
- [self setSendFilter:filterBlock withQueue:filterQueue isAsynchronous:YES];
-- (void)setSendFilter:(GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock)filterBlock
- withQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue
- isAsynchronous:(BOOL)isAsynchronous
- GCDAsyncUdpSocketSendFilterBlock newFilterBlock = NULL;
- dispatch_queue_t newFilterQueue = NULL;
- if (filterBlock)
- {
- NSAssert(filterQueue, @"Must provide a dispatch_queue in which to run the filter block.");
- newFilterBlock = [filterBlock copy];
- newFilterQueue = filterQueue;
- dispatch_retain(newFilterQueue);
- #endif
- }
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->sendFilterQueue) dispatch_release(self->sendFilterQueue);
- #endif
- self->sendFilterBlock = newFilterBlock;
- self->sendFilterQueue = newFilterQueue;
- self->sendFilterAsync = isAsynchronous;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (void)maybeDequeueSend
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- // If we don't have a send operation already in progress
- if (currentSend == nil)
- {
- // Create the sockets if needed
- if ((flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
- {
- NSError *err = nil;
- if (![self createSockets:&err])
- {
- [self closeWithError:err];
- return;
- }
- }
- while ([sendQueue count] > 0)
- {
- // Dequeue the next object in the queue
- currentSend = [sendQueue objectAtIndex:0];
- [sendQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0];
- if ([currentSend isKindOfClass:[GCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket class]])
- {
- [self maybeConnect];
- return; // The maybeConnect method, if it connects, will invoke this method again
- }
- else if (currentSend->resolveError)
- {
- // Notify delegate
- [self notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:currentSend->tag dueToError:currentSend->resolveError];
- // Clear currentSend
- currentSend = nil;
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- // Start preprocessing checks on the send packet
- [self doPreSend];
- break;
- }
- }
- if ((currentSend == nil) && (flags & kCloseAfterSends))
- {
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- }
- }
- * This method is called after a sendPacket has been dequeued.
- * It performs various preprocessing checks on the packet,
- * and queries the sendFilter (if set) to determine if the packet can be sent.
- *
- * If the packet passes all checks, it will be passed on to the doSend method.
-- (void)doPreSend
- LogTrace();
- //
- // 1. Check for problems with send packet
- //
- BOOL waitingForResolve = NO;
- NSError *error = nil;
- if (flags & kDidConnect)
- {
- // Connected socket
- if (currentSend->resolveInProgress || currentSend->resolvedAddresses || currentSend->resolveError)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Cannot specify destination of packet for connected socket";
- error = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- else
- {
- currentSend->address = cachedConnectedAddress;
- currentSend->addressFamily = cachedConnectedFamily;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Non-Connected socket
- if (currentSend->resolveInProgress)
- {
- // We're waiting for the packet's destination to be resolved.
- waitingForResolve = YES;
- }
- else if (currentSend->resolveError)
- {
- error = currentSend->resolveError;
- }
- else if (currentSend->address == nil)
- {
- if (currentSend->resolvedAddresses == nil)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"You must specify destination of packet for a non-connected socket";
- error = [self badConfigError:msg];
- }
- else
- {
- // Pick the proper address to use (out of possibly several resolved addresses)
- NSData *address = nil;
- int addressFamily = AF_UNSPEC;
- addressFamily = [self getAddress:&address error:&error fromAddresses:currentSend->resolvedAddresses];
- currentSend->address = address;
- currentSend->addressFamily = addressFamily;
- }
- }
- }
- if (waitingForResolve)
- {
- // We're waiting for the packet's destination to be resolved.
- LogVerbose(@"currentSend - waiting for address resolve");
- if (flags & kSock4CanAcceptBytes) {
- [self suspendSend4Source];
- }
- if (flags & kSock6CanAcceptBytes) {
- [self suspendSend6Source];
- }
- return;
- }
- if (error)
- {
- // Unable to send packet due to some error.
- // Notify delegate and move on.
- [self notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:currentSend->tag dueToError:error];
- [self endCurrentSend];
- [self maybeDequeueSend];
- return;
- }
- //
- // 2. Query sendFilter (if applicable)
- //
- if (sendFilterBlock && sendFilterQueue)
- {
- // Query sendFilter
- if (sendFilterAsync)
- {
- // Scenario 1 of 3 - Need to asynchronously query sendFilter
- currentSend->filterInProgress = YES;
- GCDAsyncUdpSendPacket *sendPacket = currentSend;
- dispatch_async(sendFilterQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- BOOL allowed = self->sendFilterBlock(sendPacket->buffer, sendPacket->address, sendPacket->tag);
- dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- sendPacket->filterInProgress = NO;
- if (sendPacket == self->currentSend)
- {
- if (allowed)
- {
- [self doSend];
- }
- else
- {
- LogVerbose(@"currentSend - silently dropped by sendFilter");
- [self notifyDidSendDataWithTag:self->currentSend->tag];
- [self endCurrentSend];
- [self maybeDequeueSend];
- }
- }
- }});
- }});
- }
- else
- {
- // Scenario 2 of 3 - Need to synchronously query sendFilter
- __block BOOL allowed = YES;
- dispatch_sync(sendFilterQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- allowed = self->sendFilterBlock(self->currentSend->buffer, self->currentSend->address, self->currentSend->tag);
- }});
- if (allowed)
- {
- [self doSend];
- }
- else
- {
- LogVerbose(@"currentSend - silently dropped by sendFilter");
- [self notifyDidSendDataWithTag:currentSend->tag];
- [self endCurrentSend];
- [self maybeDequeueSend];
- }
- }
- }
- else // if (!sendFilterBlock || !sendFilterQueue)
- {
- // Scenario 3 of 3 - No sendFilter. Just go straight into sending.
- [self doSend];
- }
- * This method performs the actual sending of data in the currentSend packet.
- * It should only be called if the
-- (void)doSend
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(currentSend != nil, @"Invalid logic");
- // Perform the actual send
- ssize_t result = 0;
- if (flags & kDidConnect)
- {
- // Connected socket
- const void *buffer = [currentSend->buffer bytes];
- size_t length = (size_t)[currentSend->buffer length];
- if (currentSend->addressFamily == AF_INET)
- {
- result = send(socket4FD, buffer, length, 0);
- LogVerbose(@"send(socket4FD) = %d", result);
- }
- else
- {
- result = send(socket6FD, buffer, length, 0);
- LogVerbose(@"send(socket6FD) = %d", result);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Non-Connected socket
- const void *buffer = [currentSend->buffer bytes];
- size_t length = (size_t)[currentSend->buffer length];
- const void *dst = [currentSend->address bytes];
- socklen_t dstSize = (socklen_t)[currentSend->address length];
- if (currentSend->addressFamily == AF_INET)
- {
- result = sendto(socket4FD, buffer, length, 0, dst, dstSize);
- LogVerbose(@"sendto(socket4FD) = %d", result);
- }
- else
- {
- result = sendto(socket6FD, buffer, length, 0, dst, dstSize);
- LogVerbose(@"sendto(socket6FD) = %d", result);
- }
- }
- // If the socket wasn't bound before, it is now
- if ((flags & kDidBind) == 0)
- {
- flags |= kDidBind;
- }
- // Check the results.
- //
- // From the send() & sendto() manpage:
- //
- // Upon successful completion, the number of bytes which were sent is returned.
- // Otherwise, -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error.
- BOOL waitingForSocket = NO;
- NSError *socketError = nil;
- if (result == 0)
- {
- waitingForSocket = YES;
- }
- else if (result < 0)
- {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- waitingForSocket = YES;
- else
- socketError = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in send() function."];
- }
- if (waitingForSocket)
- {
- // Not enough room in the underlying OS socket send buffer.
- // Wait for a notification of available space.
- LogVerbose(@"currentSend - waiting for socket");
- if (!(flags & kSock4CanAcceptBytes)) {
- [self resumeSend4Source];
- }
- if (!(flags & kSock6CanAcceptBytes)) {
- [self resumeSend6Source];
- }
- if ((sendTimer == NULL) && (currentSend->timeout >= 0.0))
- {
- // Unable to send packet right away.
- // Start timer to timeout the send operation.
- [self setupSendTimerWithTimeout:currentSend->timeout];
- }
- }
- else if (socketError)
- {
- [self closeWithError:socketError];
- }
- else // done
- {
- [self notifyDidSendDataWithTag:currentSend->tag];
- [self endCurrentSend];
- [self maybeDequeueSend];
- }
- * Releases all resources associated with the currentSend.
-- (void)endCurrentSend
- if (sendTimer)
- {
- dispatch_source_cancel(sendTimer);
- dispatch_release(sendTimer);
- #endif
- sendTimer = NULL;
- }
- currentSend = nil;
- * Performs the operations to timeout the current send operation, and move on.
-- (void)doSendTimeout
- LogTrace();
- [self notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:currentSend->tag dueToError:[self sendTimeoutError]];
- [self endCurrentSend];
- [self maybeDequeueSend];
- * Sets up a timer that fires to timeout the current send operation.
- * This method should only be called once per send packet.
-- (void)setupSendTimerWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
- NSAssert(sendTimer == NULL, @"Invalid logic");
- NSAssert(timeout >= 0.0, @"Invalid logic");
- LogTrace();
- sendTimer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, socketQueue);
- dispatch_source_set_event_handler(sendTimer, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [self doSendTimeout];
- }});
- dispatch_time_t tt = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(timeout * NSEC_PER_SEC));
- dispatch_source_set_timer(sendTimer, tt, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 0);
- dispatch_resume(sendTimer);
-#pragma mark Receiving
-- (BOOL)receiveOnce:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if ((self->flags & kReceiveOnce) == 0)
- {
- if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Must bind socket before you can receive data. "
- @"You can do this explicitly via bind, or implicitly via connect or by sending data.";
- err = [self badConfigError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- self->flags |= kReceiveOnce; // Enable
- self->flags &= ~kReceiveContinuous; // Disable
- dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [self doReceive];
- }});
- }
- result = YES;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (err)
- LogError(@"Error in beginReceiving: %@", err);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- return result;
-- (BOOL)beginReceiving:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- __block BOOL result = NO;
- __block NSError *err = nil;
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if ((self->flags & kReceiveContinuous) == 0)
- {
- if ((self->flags & kDidCreateSockets) == 0)
- {
- NSString *msg = @"Must bind socket before you can receive data. "
- @"You can do this explicitly via bind, or implicitly via connect or by sending data.";
- err = [self badConfigError:msg];
- return_from_block;
- }
- self->flags |= kReceiveContinuous; // Enable
- self->flags &= ~kReceiveOnce; // Disable
- dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [self doReceive];
- }});
- }
- result = YES;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
- if (err)
- LogError(@"Error in beginReceiving: %@", err);
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- return result;
-- (void)pauseReceiving
- LogTrace();
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- self->flags &= ~kReceiveOnce; // Disable
- self->flags &= ~kReceiveContinuous; // Disable
- if (self->socket4FDBytesAvailable > 0) {
- [self suspendReceive4Source];
- }
- if (self->socket6FDBytesAvailable > 0) {
- [self suspendReceive6Source];
- }
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (void)setReceiveFilter:(GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock)filterBlock withQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue
- [self setReceiveFilter:filterBlock withQueue:filterQueue isAsynchronous:YES];
-- (void)setReceiveFilter:(GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock)filterBlock
- withQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)filterQueue
- isAsynchronous:(BOOL)isAsynchronous
- GCDAsyncUdpSocketReceiveFilterBlock newFilterBlock = NULL;
- dispatch_queue_t newFilterQueue = NULL;
- if (filterBlock)
- {
- NSAssert(filterQueue, @"Must provide a dispatch_queue in which to run the filter block.");
- newFilterBlock = [filterBlock copy];
- newFilterQueue = filterQueue;
- dispatch_retain(newFilterQueue);
- #endif
- }
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{
- if (self->receiveFilterQueue) dispatch_release(self->receiveFilterQueue);
- #endif
- self->receiveFilterBlock = newFilterBlock;
- self->receiveFilterQueue = newFilterQueue;
- self->receiveFilterAsync = isAsynchronous;
- };
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-- (void)doReceive
- LogTrace();
- if ((flags & (kReceiveOnce | kReceiveContinuous)) == 0)
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Receiving is paused...");
- if (socket4FDBytesAvailable > 0) {
- [self suspendReceive4Source];
- }
- if (socket6FDBytesAvailable > 0) {
- [self suspendReceive6Source];
- }
- return;
- }
- if ((flags & kReceiveOnce) && (pendingFilterOperations > 0))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"Receiving is temporarily paused (pending filter operations)...");
- if (socket4FDBytesAvailable > 0) {
- [self suspendReceive4Source];
- }
- if (socket6FDBytesAvailable > 0) {
- [self suspendReceive6Source];
- }
- return;
- }
- if ((socket4FDBytesAvailable == 0) && (socket6FDBytesAvailable == 0))
- {
- LogVerbose(@"No data available to receive...");
- if (socket4FDBytesAvailable == 0) {
- [self resumeReceive4Source];
- }
- if (socket6FDBytesAvailable == 0) {
- [self resumeReceive6Source];
- }
- return;
- }
- // Figure out if we should receive on socket4 or socket6
- BOOL doReceive4;
- if (flags & kDidConnect)
- {
- // Connected socket
- doReceive4 = (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- // Non-Connected socket
- if (socket4FDBytesAvailable > 0)
- {
- if (socket6FDBytesAvailable > 0)
- {
- // Bytes available on socket4 & socket6
- doReceive4 = (flags & kFlipFlop) ? YES : NO;
- flags ^= kFlipFlop; // flags = flags xor kFlipFlop; (toggle flip flop bit)
- }
- else {
- // Bytes available on socket4, but not socket6
- doReceive4 = YES;
- }
- }
- else {
- // Bytes available on socket6, but not socket4
- doReceive4 = NO;
- }
- }
- // Perform socket IO
- ssize_t result = 0;
- NSData *data = nil;
- NSData *addr4 = nil;
- NSData *addr6 = nil;
- if (doReceive4)
- {
- NSAssert(socket4FDBytesAvailable > 0, @"Invalid logic");
- LogVerbose(@"Receiving on IPv4");
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr4;
- socklen_t sockaddr4len = sizeof(sockaddr4);
- // #222: GCD does not necessarily return the size of an entire UDP packet
- // from dispatch_source_get_data(), so we must use the maximum packet size.
- size_t bufSize = max4ReceiveSize;
- void *buf = malloc(bufSize);
- result = recvfrom(socket4FD, buf, bufSize, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr4, &sockaddr4len);
- LogVerbose(@"recvfrom(socket4FD) = %i", (int)result);
- if (result > 0)
- {
- if ((size_t)result >= socket4FDBytesAvailable)
- socket4FDBytesAvailable = 0;
- else
- socket4FDBytesAvailable -= result;
- if ((size_t)result != bufSize) {
- buf = realloc(buf, result);
- }
- data = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buf length:result freeWhenDone:YES];
- addr4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr4 length:sockaddr4len];
- }
- else
- {
- LogVerbose(@"recvfrom(socket4FD) = %@", [self errnoError]);
- socket4FDBytesAvailable = 0;
- free(buf);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- NSAssert(socket6FDBytesAvailable > 0, @"Invalid logic");
- LogVerbose(@"Receiving on IPv6");
- struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr6;
- socklen_t sockaddr6len = sizeof(sockaddr6);
- // #222: GCD does not necessarily return the size of an entire UDP packet
- // from dispatch_source_get_data(), so we must use the maximum packet size.
- size_t bufSize = max6ReceiveSize;
- void *buf = malloc(bufSize);
- result = recvfrom(socket6FD, buf, bufSize, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr6, &sockaddr6len);
- LogVerbose(@"recvfrom(socket6FD) -> %i", (int)result);
- if (result > 0)
- {
- if ((size_t)result >= socket6FDBytesAvailable)
- socket6FDBytesAvailable = 0;
- else
- socket6FDBytesAvailable -= result;
- if ((size_t)result != bufSize) {
- buf = realloc(buf, result);
- }
- data = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buf length:result freeWhenDone:YES];
- addr6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&sockaddr6 length:sockaddr6len];
- }
- else
- {
- LogVerbose(@"recvfrom(socket6FD) = %@", [self errnoError]);
- socket6FDBytesAvailable = 0;
- free(buf);
- }
- }
- BOOL waitingForSocket = NO;
- BOOL notifiedDelegate = NO;
- BOOL ignored = NO;
- NSError *socketError = nil;
- if (result == 0)
- {
- waitingForSocket = YES;
- }
- else if (result < 0)
- {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- waitingForSocket = YES;
- else
- socketError = [self errnoErrorWithReason:@"Error in recvfrom() function"];
- }
- else
- {
- if (flags & kDidConnect)
- {
- if (addr4 && ![self isConnectedToAddress4:addr4])
- ignored = YES;
- if (addr6 && ![self isConnectedToAddress6:addr6])
- ignored = YES;
- }
- NSData *addr = (addr4 != nil) ? addr4 : addr6;
- if (!ignored)
- {
- if (receiveFilterBlock && receiveFilterQueue)
- {
- // Run data through filter, and if approved, notify delegate
- __block id filterContext = nil;
- __block BOOL allowed = NO;
- if (receiveFilterAsync)
- {
- pendingFilterOperations++;
- dispatch_async(receiveFilterQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- allowed = self->receiveFilterBlock(data, addr, &filterContext);
- // Transition back to socketQueue to get the current delegate / delegateQueue
- dispatch_async(self->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- self->pendingFilterOperations--;
- if (allowed)
- {
- [self notifyDidReceiveData:data fromAddress:addr withFilterContext:filterContext];
- }
- else
- {
- LogVerbose(@"received packet silently dropped by receiveFilter");
- }
- if (self->flags & kReceiveOnce)
- {
- if (allowed)
- {
- // The delegate has been notified,
- // so our receive once operation has completed.
- self->flags &= ~kReceiveOnce;
- }
- else if (self->pendingFilterOperations == 0)
- {
- // All pending filter operations have completed,
- // and none were allowed through.
- // Our receive once operation hasn't completed yet.
- [self doReceive];
- }
- }
- }});
- }});
- }
- else // if (!receiveFilterAsync)
- {
- dispatch_sync(receiveFilterQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- allowed = self->receiveFilterBlock(data, addr, &filterContext);
- }});
- if (allowed)
- {
- [self notifyDidReceiveData:data fromAddress:addr withFilterContext:filterContext];
- notifiedDelegate = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- LogVerbose(@"received packet silently dropped by receiveFilter");
- ignored = YES;
- }
- }
- }
- else // if (!receiveFilterBlock || !receiveFilterQueue)
- {
- [self notifyDidReceiveData:data fromAddress:addr withFilterContext:nil];
- notifiedDelegate = YES;
- }
- }
- }
- if (waitingForSocket)
- {
- // Wait for a notification of available data.
- if (socket4FDBytesAvailable == 0) {
- [self resumeReceive4Source];
- }
- if (socket6FDBytesAvailable == 0) {
- [self resumeReceive6Source];
- }
- }
- else if (socketError)
- {
- [self closeWithError:socketError];
- }
- else
- {
- if (flags & kReceiveContinuous)
- {
- // Continuous receive mode
- [self doReceive];
- }
- else
- {
- // One-at-a-time receive mode
- if (notifiedDelegate)
- {
- // The delegate has been notified (no set filter).
- // So our receive once operation has completed.
- flags &= ~kReceiveOnce;
- }
- else if (ignored)
- {
- [self doReceive];
- }
- else
- {
- // Waiting on asynchronous receive filter...
- }
- }
- }
-- (void)doReceiveEOF
- LogTrace();
- [self closeWithError:[self socketClosedError]];
-#pragma mark Closing
-- (void)closeWithError:(NSError *)error
- LogVerbose(@"closeWithError: %@", error);
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- if (currentSend) [self endCurrentSend];
- [sendQueue removeAllObjects];
- // If a socket has been created, we should notify the delegate.
- BOOL shouldCallDelegate = (flags & kDidCreateSockets) ? YES : NO;
- // Close all sockets, send/receive sources, cfstreams, etc
- [self removeStreamsFromRunLoop];
- [self closeReadAndWriteStreams];
- [self closeSockets];
- // Clear all flags (config remains as is)
- flags = 0;
- if (shouldCallDelegate)
- {
- [self notifyDidCloseWithError:error];
- }
-- (void)close
- LogTrace();
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
-- (void)closeAfterSending
- LogTrace();
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- self->flags |= kCloseAfterSends;
- if (self->currentSend == nil && [self->sendQueue count] == 0)
- {
- [self closeWithError:nil];
- }
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-#pragma mark CFStream
-static NSThread *listenerThread;
-+ (void)ignore:(id)_
-+ (void)startListenerThreadIfNeeded
- static dispatch_once_t predicate;
- dispatch_once(&predicate, ^{
- listenerThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self
- selector:@selector(listenerThread:)
- object:nil];
- [listenerThread start];
- });
-+ (void)listenerThread:(id)unused
- @autoreleasepool {
- [[NSThread currentThread] setName:GCDAsyncUdpSocketThreadName];
- LogInfo(@"ListenerThread: Started");
- // We can't run the run loop unless it has an associated input source or a timer.
- // So we'll just create a timer that will never fire - unless the server runs for a decades.
- [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:[[NSDate distantFuture] timeIntervalSinceNow]
- target:self
- selector:@selector(ignore:)
- userInfo:nil
- repeats:YES];
- [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run];
- LogInfo(@"ListenerThread: Stopped");
- }
-+ (void)addStreamListener:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)asyncUdpSocket
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert([NSThread currentThread] == listenerThread, @"Invoked on wrong thread");
- CFRunLoopRef runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
- if (asyncUdpSocket->readStream4)
- CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->readStream4, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- if (asyncUdpSocket->readStream6)
- CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->readStream6, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- if (asyncUdpSocket->writeStream4)
- CFWriteStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->writeStream4, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- if (asyncUdpSocket->writeStream6)
- CFWriteStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->writeStream6, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
-+ (void)removeStreamListener:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)asyncUdpSocket
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert([NSThread currentThread] == listenerThread, @"Invoked on wrong thread");
- CFRunLoopRef runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
- if (asyncUdpSocket->readStream4)
- CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->readStream4, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- if (asyncUdpSocket->readStream6)
- CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->readStream6, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- if (asyncUdpSocket->writeStream4)
- CFWriteStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->writeStream4, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
- if (asyncUdpSocket->writeStream6)
- CFWriteStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(asyncUdpSocket->writeStream6, runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
-static void CFReadStreamCallback(CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType type, void *pInfo)
- @autoreleasepool {
- GCDAsyncUdpSocket *asyncUdpSocket = (__bridge GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)pInfo;
- switch(type)
- {
- case kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted:
- {
- LogCVerbose(@"CFReadStreamCallback - Open");
- break;
- }
- case kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
- {
- LogCVerbose(@"CFReadStreamCallback - HasBytesAvailable");
- break;
- }
- case kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred:
- case kCFStreamEventEndEncountered:
- {
- NSError *error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFReadStreamCopyError(stream);
- if (error == nil && type == kCFStreamEventEndEncountered)
- {
- error = [asyncUdpSocket socketClosedError];
- }
- dispatch_async(asyncUdpSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogCVerbose(@"CFReadStreamCallback - %@",
- (type == kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred) ? @"Error" : @"EndEncountered");
- if (stream != asyncUdpSocket->readStream4 &&
- stream != asyncUdpSocket->readStream6 )
- {
- LogCVerbose(@"CFReadStreamCallback - Ignored");
- return_from_block;
- }
- [asyncUdpSocket closeWithError:error];
- }});
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- LogCError(@"CFReadStreamCallback - UnknownType: %i", (int)type);
- }
- }
- }
-static void CFWriteStreamCallback(CFWriteStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType type, void *pInfo)
- @autoreleasepool {
- GCDAsyncUdpSocket *asyncUdpSocket = (__bridge GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)pInfo;
- switch(type)
- {
- case kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted:
- {
- LogCVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - Open");
- break;
- }
- case kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes:
- {
- LogCVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - CanAcceptBytes");
- break;
- }
- case kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred:
- case kCFStreamEventEndEncountered:
- {
- NSError *error = (__bridge_transfer NSError *)CFWriteStreamCopyError(stream);
- if (error == nil && type == kCFStreamEventEndEncountered)
- {
- error = [asyncUdpSocket socketClosedError];
- }
- dispatch_async(asyncUdpSocket->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- LogCVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - %@",
- (type == kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred) ? @"Error" : @"EndEncountered");
- if (stream != asyncUdpSocket->writeStream4 &&
- stream != asyncUdpSocket->writeStream6 )
- {
- LogCVerbose(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - Ignored");
- return_from_block;
- }
- [asyncUdpSocket closeWithError:error];
- }});
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- LogCError(@"CFWriteStreamCallback - UnknownType: %i", (int)type);
- }
- }
- }
-- (BOOL)createReadAndWriteStreams:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSError *err = nil;
- if (readStream4 || writeStream4 || readStream6 || writeStream6)
- {
- // Streams already created
- return YES;
- }
- if (socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL && socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- err = [self otherError:@"Cannot create streams without a file descriptor"];
- goto Failed;
- }
- // Create streams
- LogVerbose(@"Creating read and write stream(s)...");
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(NULL, (CFSocketNativeHandle)socket4FD, &readStream4, &writeStream4);
- if (!readStream4 || !writeStream4)
- {
- err = [self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket() [IPv4]"];
- goto Failed;
- }
- }
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(NULL, (CFSocketNativeHandle)socket6FD, &readStream6, &writeStream6);
- if (!readStream6 || !writeStream6)
- {
- err = [self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket() [IPv6]"];
- goto Failed;
- }
- }
- // Ensure the CFStream's don't close our underlying socket
- CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream4, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanFalse);
- CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream4, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanFalse);
- CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream6, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanFalse);
- CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream6, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanFalse);
- return YES;
- if (readStream4)
- {
- CFReadStreamClose(readStream4);
- CFRelease(readStream4);
- readStream4 = NULL;
- }
- if (writeStream4)
- {
- CFWriteStreamClose(writeStream4);
- CFRelease(writeStream4);
- writeStream4 = NULL;
- }
- if (readStream6)
- {
- CFReadStreamClose(readStream6);
- CFRelease(readStream6);
- readStream6 = NULL;
- }
- if (writeStream6)
- {
- CFWriteStreamClose(writeStream6);
- CFRelease(writeStream6);
- writeStream6 = NULL;
- }
- if (errPtr)
- *errPtr = err;
- return NO;
-- (BOOL)registerForStreamCallbacks:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSAssert(readStream4 || writeStream4 || readStream6 || writeStream6, @"Read/Write streams are null");
- NSError *err = nil;
- streamContext.version = 0;
- streamContext.info = (__bridge void *)self;
- streamContext.retain = nil;
- streamContext.release = nil;
- streamContext.copyDescription = nil;
- CFOptionFlags readStreamEvents = kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered;
- CFOptionFlags writeStreamEvents = kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered;
-// readStreamEvents |= (kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted | kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable);
-// writeStreamEvents |= (kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted | kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes);
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- if (readStream4 == NULL || writeStream4 == NULL)
- {
- err = [self otherError:@"Read/Write stream4 is null"];
- goto Failed;
- }
- BOOL r1 = CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream4, readStreamEvents, &CFReadStreamCallback, &streamContext);
- BOOL r2 = CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream4, writeStreamEvents, &CFWriteStreamCallback, &streamContext);
- if (!r1 || !r2)
- {
- err = [self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamSetClient(), [IPv4]"];
- goto Failed;
- }
- }
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- if (readStream6 == NULL || writeStream6 == NULL)
- {
- err = [self otherError:@"Read/Write stream6 is null"];
- goto Failed;
- }
- BOOL r1 = CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream6, readStreamEvents, &CFReadStreamCallback, &streamContext);
- BOOL r2 = CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream6, writeStreamEvents, &CFWriteStreamCallback, &streamContext);
- if (!r1 || !r2)
- {
- err = [self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamSetClient() [IPv6]"];
- goto Failed;
- }
- }
- return YES;
- if (readStream4) {
- CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream4, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
- }
- if (writeStream4) {
- CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream4, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
- }
- if (readStream6) {
- CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream6, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
- }
- if (writeStream6) {
- CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream6, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
- }
- if (errPtr) *errPtr = err;
- return NO;
-- (BOOL)addStreamsToRunLoop:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSAssert(readStream4 || writeStream4 || readStream6 || writeStream6, @"Read/Write streams are null");
- if (!(flags & kAddedStreamListener))
- {
- [[self class] startListenerThreadIfNeeded];
- [[self class] performSelector:@selector(addStreamListener:)
- onThread:listenerThread
- withObject:self
- waitUntilDone:YES];
- flags |= kAddedStreamListener;
- }
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)openStreams:(NSError **)errPtr
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- NSAssert(readStream4 || writeStream4 || readStream6 || writeStream6, @"Read/Write streams are null");
- NSError *err = nil;
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- BOOL r1 = CFReadStreamOpen(readStream4);
- BOOL r2 = CFWriteStreamOpen(writeStream4);
- if (!r1 || !r2)
- {
- err = [self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamOpen() [IPv4]"];
- goto Failed;
- }
- }
- if (socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- {
- BOOL r1 = CFReadStreamOpen(readStream6);
- BOOL r2 = CFWriteStreamOpen(writeStream6);
- if (!r1 || !r2)
- {
- err = [self otherError:@"Error in CFStreamOpen() [IPv6]"];
- goto Failed;
- }
- }
- return YES;
- if (errPtr) *errPtr = err;
- return NO;
-- (void)removeStreamsFromRunLoop
- LogTrace();
- NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
- if (flags & kAddedStreamListener)
- {
- [[self class] performSelector:@selector(removeStreamListener:)
- onThread:listenerThread
- withObject:self
- waitUntilDone:YES];
- flags &= ~kAddedStreamListener;
- }
-- (void)closeReadAndWriteStreams
- LogTrace();
- if (readStream4)
- {
- CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream4, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
- CFReadStreamClose(readStream4);
- CFRelease(readStream4);
- readStream4 = NULL;
- }
- if (writeStream4)
- {
- CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream4, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
- CFWriteStreamClose(writeStream4);
- CFRelease(writeStream4);
- writeStream4 = NULL;
- }
- if (readStream6)
- {
- CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream6, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
- CFReadStreamClose(readStream6);
- CFRelease(readStream6);
- readStream6 = NULL;
- }
- if (writeStream6)
- {
- CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream6, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
- CFWriteStreamClose(writeStream6);
- CFRelease(writeStream6);
- writeStream6 = NULL;
- }
-- (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(NSNotification *)notification
- LogTrace();
- // If the application was backgrounded, then iOS may have shut down our sockets.
- // So we take a quick look to see if any of them received an EOF.
- dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
- [self resumeReceive4Source];
- [self resumeReceive6Source];
- }};
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_async(socketQueue, block);
-#pragma mark Advanced
- * See header file for big discussion of this method.
- **/
-- (void)markSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketNewTargetQueue
- void *nonNullUnusedPointer = (__bridge void *)self;
- dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketNewTargetQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, nonNullUnusedPointer, NULL);
- * See header file for big discussion of this method.
- **/
-- (void)unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)socketOldTargetQueue
- dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketOldTargetQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, NULL, NULL);
-- (void)performBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block
- if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- block();
- else
- dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
-- (int)socketFD
- if (! dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation",
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- if (socket4FD != SOCKET_NULL)
- return socket4FD;
- else
- return socket6FD;
-- (int)socket4FD
- if (! dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation",
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- return socket4FD;
-- (int)socket6FD
- if (! dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation",
- return SOCKET_NULL;
- }
- return socket6FD;
-- (CFReadStreamRef)readStream
- if (! dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation",
- return NULL;
- }
- NSError *err = nil;
- if (![self createReadAndWriteStreams:&err])
- {
- LogError(@"Error creating CFStream(s): %@", err);
- return NULL;
- }
- // Todo...
- if (readStream4)
- return readStream4;
- else
- return readStream6;
-- (CFWriteStreamRef)writeStream
- if (! dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation",
- return NULL;
- }
- NSError *err = nil;
- if (![self createReadAndWriteStreams:&err])
- {
- LogError(@"Error creating CFStream(s): %@", err);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (writeStream4)
- return writeStream4;
- else
- return writeStream6;
-- (BOOL)enableBackgroundingOnSockets
- if (! dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
- {
- LogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Method only available from within the context of a performBlock: invocation",
- return NO;
- }
- // Why is this commented out?
- // See comments below.
-// NSError *err = nil;
-// if (![self createReadAndWriteStreams:&err])
-// {
-// LogError(@"Error creating CFStream(s): %@", err);
-// return NO;
-// }
-// LogVerbose(@"Enabling backgrouding on socket");
-// BOOL r1, r2;
-// if (readStream4 && writeStream4)
-// {
-// r1 = CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream4, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
-// r2 = CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream4, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
-// if (!r1 || !r2)
-// {
-// LogError(@"Error setting voip type (IPv4)");
-// return NO;
-// }
-// }
-// if (readStream6 && writeStream6)
-// {
-// r1 = CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream6, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
-// r2 = CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream6, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType, kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP);
-// if (!r1 || !r2)
-// {
-// LogError(@"Error setting voip type (IPv6)");
-// return NO;
-// }
-// }
-// return YES;
- // The above code will actually appear to work.
- // The methods will return YES, and everything will appear fine.
- //
- // One tiny problem: the sockets will still get closed when the app gets backgrounded.
- //
- // Apple does not officially support backgrounding UDP sockets.
- return NO;
-#pragma mark Class Methods
-+ (NSString *)hostFromSockaddr4:(const struct sockaddr_in *)pSockaddr4
- char addrBuf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
- if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &pSockaddr4->sin_addr, addrBuf, (socklen_t)sizeof(addrBuf)) == NULL)
- {
- addrBuf[0] = '\0';
- }
- return [NSString stringWithCString:addrBuf encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
-+ (NSString *)hostFromSockaddr6:(const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockaddr6
- char addrBuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
- if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &pSockaddr6->sin6_addr, addrBuf, (socklen_t)sizeof(addrBuf)) == NULL)
- {
- addrBuf[0] = '\0';
- }
- return [NSString stringWithCString:addrBuf encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
-+ (uint16_t)portFromSockaddr4:(const struct sockaddr_in *)pSockaddr4
- return ntohs(pSockaddr4->sin_port);
-+ (uint16_t)portFromSockaddr6:(const struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockaddr6
- return ntohs(pSockaddr6->sin6_port);
-+ (NSString *)hostFromAddress:(NSData *)address
- NSString *host = nil;
- [self getHost:&host port:NULL family:NULL fromAddress:address];
- return host;
-+ (uint16_t)portFromAddress:(NSData *)address
- uint16_t port = 0;
- [self getHost:NULL port:&port family:NULL fromAddress:address];
- return port;
-+ (int)familyFromAddress:(NSData *)address
- int af = AF_UNSPEC;
- [self getHost:NULL port:NULL family:&af fromAddress:address];
- return af;
-+ (BOOL)isIPv4Address:(NSData *)address
- int af = AF_UNSPEC;
- [self getHost:NULL port:NULL family:&af fromAddress:address];
- return (af == AF_INET);
-+ (BOOL)isIPv6Address:(NSData *)address
- int af = AF_UNSPEC;
- [self getHost:NULL port:NULL family:&af fromAddress:address];
- return (af == AF_INET6);
-+ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString **)hostPtr port:(uint16_t *)portPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address
- return [self getHost:hostPtr port:portPtr family:NULL fromAddress:address];
-+ (BOOL)getHost:(NSString **)hostPtr port:(uint16_t *)portPtr family:(int *)afPtr fromAddress:(NSData *)address
- if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr))
- {
- const struct sockaddr *addrX = (const struct sockaddr *)[address bytes];
- if (addrX->sa_family == AF_INET)
- {
- if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
- {
- const struct sockaddr_in *addr4 = (const struct sockaddr_in *)(const void *)addrX;
- if (hostPtr) *hostPtr = [self hostFromSockaddr4:addr4];
- if (portPtr) *portPtr = [self portFromSockaddr4:addr4];
- if (afPtr) *afPtr = AF_INET;
- return YES;
- }
- }
- else if (addrX->sa_family == AF_INET6)
- {
- if ([address length] >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))
- {
- const struct sockaddr_in6 *addr6 = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)(const void *)addrX;
- if (hostPtr) *hostPtr = [self hostFromSockaddr6:addr6];
- if (portPtr) *portPtr = [self portFromSockaddr6:addr6];
- if (afPtr) *afPtr = AF_INET6;
- return YES;
- }
- }
- }
- if (hostPtr) *hostPtr = nil;
- if (portPtr) *portPtr = 0;
- if (afPtr) *afPtr = AF_UNSPEC;
- return NO;
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/MQTTwihtoutPods-Bridging-Header.h b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/MQTTwihtoutPods-Bridging-Header.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d4d1f76..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Socket/MQTTwihtoutPods-Bridging-Header.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// Use this file to import your target's public headers that you would like to expose to Swift.
-#import "GCDAsyncSocket.h"
-#import "GCDAsyncUdpSocket.h"
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Starscream/SSLClientCertificate.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Starscream/SSLClientCertificate.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index c6bb374..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Starscream/SSLClientCertificate.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// SSLClientCertificate.swift
-// Starscream
-import Foundation
-public struct SSLClientCertificateError: LocalizedError {
- public var errorDescription: String?
- init(errorDescription: String) {
- self.errorDescription = errorDescription
- }
-public class SSLClientCertificate {
- internal let streamSSLCertificates: NSArray
- /**
- Convenience init.
- - parameter pkcs12Path: Path to pkcs12 file containing private key and X.509 ceritifacte (.p12)
- - parameter password: file password, see **kSecImportExportPassphrase**
- */
- public convenience init(pkcs12Path: String, password: String) throws {
- let pkcs12Url = URL(fileURLWithPath: pkcs12Path)
- do {
- try self.init(pkcs12Url: pkcs12Url, password: password)
- } catch {
- throw error
- }
- }
- /**
- Designated init. For more information, see SSLSetCertificate() in Security/SecureTransport.h.
- - parameter identity: SecIdentityRef, see **kCFStreamSSLCertificates**
- - parameter identityCertificate: CFArray of SecCertificateRefs, see **kCFStreamSSLCertificates**
- */
- public init(identity: SecIdentity, identityCertificate: SecCertificate) {
- self.streamSSLCertificates = NSArray(objects: identity, identityCertificate)
- }
- /**
- Convenience init.
- - parameter pkcs12Url: URL to pkcs12 file containing private key and X.509 ceritifacte (.p12)
- - parameter password: file password, see **kSecImportExportPassphrase**
- */
- public convenience init(pkcs12Url: URL, password: String) throws {
- let importOptions = [kSecImportExportPassphrase as String : password] as CFDictionary
- do {
- try self.init(pkcs12Url: pkcs12Url, importOptions: importOptions)
- } catch {
- throw error
- }
- }
- /**
- Designated init.
- - parameter pkcs12Url: URL to pkcs12 file containing private key and X.509 ceritifacte (.p12)
- - parameter importOptions: A dictionary containing import options. A
- kSecImportExportPassphrase entry is required at minimum. Only password-based
- PKCS12 blobs are currently supported. See **SecImportExport.h**
- */
- public init(pkcs12Url: URL, importOptions: CFDictionary) throws {
- do {
- let pkcs12Data = try Data(contentsOf: pkcs12Url)
- var rawIdentitiesAndCertificates: CFArray?
- let pkcs12CFData: CFData = pkcs12Data as CFData
- let importStatus = SecPKCS12Import(pkcs12CFData, importOptions, &rawIdentitiesAndCertificates)
- guard importStatus == errSecSuccess else {
- throw SSLClientCertificateError(errorDescription: "(Starscream) Error during 'SecPKCS12Import', see 'SecBase.h' - OSStatus: \(importStatus)")
- }
- guard let identitiyAndCertificate = (rawIdentitiesAndCertificates as? Array>)?.first else {
- throw SSLClientCertificateError(errorDescription: "(Starscream) Error - PKCS12 file is empty")
- }
- let identity = identitiyAndCertificate[kSecImportItemIdentity as String] as! SecIdentity
- var identityCertificate: SecCertificate?
- let copyStatus = SecIdentityCopyCertificate(identity, &identityCertificate)
- guard copyStatus == errSecSuccess else {
- throw SSLClientCertificateError(errorDescription: "(Starscream) Error during 'SecIdentityCopyCertificate', see 'SecBase.h' - OSStatus: \(copyStatus)")
- }
- self.streamSSLCertificates = NSArray(objects: identity, identityCertificate!)
- } catch {
- throw error
- }
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Starscream/SSLSecurity.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Starscream/SSLSecurity.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 86e0485..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Starscream/SSLSecurity.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-// SSLSecurity.swift
-// Starscream
-#if os(Linux)
-import Foundation
-import Security
-public protocol SSLTrustValidator {
- func isValid(_ trust: SecTrust, domain: String?) -> Bool
-open class SSLCert {
- var certData: Data?
- var key: SecKey?
- /**
- Designated init for certificates
- - parameter data: is the binary data of the certificate
- - returns: a representation security object to be used with
- */
- public init(data: Data) {
- self.certData = data
- }
- /**
- Designated init for public keys
- - parameter key: is the public key to be used
- - returns: a representation security object to be used with
- */
- public init(key: SecKey) {
- self.key = key
- }
-open class SSLSecurity : SSLTrustValidator {
- public var validatedDN = true //should the domain name be validated?
- public var validateEntireChain = true //should the entire cert chain be validated
- var isReady = false //is the key processing done?
- var certificates: [Data]? //the certificates
- var pubKeys: [SecKey]? //the public keys
- var usePublicKeys = false //use public keys or certificate validation?
- /**
- Use certs from main app bundle
- - parameter usePublicKeys: is to specific if the publicKeys or certificates should be used for SSL pinning validation
- - returns: a representation security object to be used with
- */
- public convenience init(usePublicKeys: Bool = false) {
- let paths = Bundle.main.paths(forResourcesOfType: "cer", inDirectory: ".")
- let certs = paths.reduce([SSLCert]()) { (certs: [SSLCert], path: String) -> [SSLCert] in
- var certs = certs
- if let data = NSData(contentsOfFile: path) {
- certs.append(SSLCert(data: data as Data))
- }
- return certs
- }
- self.init(certs: certs, usePublicKeys: usePublicKeys)
- }
- /**
- Designated init
- - parameter certs: is the certificates or public keys to use
- - parameter usePublicKeys: is to specific if the publicKeys or certificates should be used for SSL pinning validation
- - returns: a representation security object to be used with
- */
- public init(certs: [SSLCert], usePublicKeys: Bool) {
- self.usePublicKeys = usePublicKeys
- if self.usePublicKeys {
- DispatchQueue.global(qos: .default).async {
- let pubKeys = certs.reduce([SecKey]()) { (pubKeys: [SecKey], cert: SSLCert) -> [SecKey] in
- var pubKeys = pubKeys
- if let data = cert.certData, cert.key == nil {
- cert.key = self.extractPublicKey(data)
- }
- if let key = cert.key {
- pubKeys.append(key)
- }
- return pubKeys
- }
- self.pubKeys = pubKeys
- self.isReady = true
- }
- } else {
- let certificates = certs.reduce([Data]()) { (certificates: [Data], cert: SSLCert) -> [Data] in
- var certificates = certificates
- if let data = cert.certData {
- certificates.append(data)
- }
- return certificates
- }
- self.certificates = certificates
- self.isReady = true
- }
- }
- /**
- Valid the trust and domain name.
- - parameter trust: is the serverTrust to validate
- - parameter domain: is the CN domain to validate
- - returns: if the key was successfully validated
- */
- open func isValid(_ trust: SecTrust, domain: String?) -> Bool {
- var tries = 0
- while !self.isReady {
- usleep(1000)
- tries += 1
- if tries > 5 {
- return false //doesn't appear it is going to ever be ready...
- }
- }
- var policy: SecPolicy
- if self.validatedDN {
- policy = SecPolicyCreateSSL(true, domain as NSString?)
- } else {
- policy = SecPolicyCreateBasicX509()
- }
- SecTrustSetPolicies(trust,policy)
- if self.usePublicKeys {
- if let keys = self.pubKeys {
- let serverPubKeys = publicKeyChain(trust)
- for serverKey in serverPubKeys as [AnyObject] {
- for key in keys as [AnyObject] {
- if serverKey.isEqual(key) {
- return true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else if let certs = self.certificates {
- let serverCerts = certificateChain(trust)
- var collect = [SecCertificate]()
- for cert in certs {
- collect.append(SecCertificateCreateWithData(nil,cert as CFData)!)
- }
- SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates(trust,collect as NSArray)
- var result: SecTrustResultType = .unspecified
- SecTrustEvaluate(trust,&result)
- if result == .unspecified || result == .proceed {
- if !validateEntireChain {
- return true
- }
- var trustedCount = 0
- for serverCert in serverCerts {
- for cert in certs {
- if cert == serverCert {
- trustedCount += 1
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if trustedCount == serverCerts.count {
- return true
- }
- }
- }
- return false
- }
- /**
- Get the public key from a certificate data
- - parameter data: is the certificate to pull the public key from
- - returns: a public key
- */
- public func extractPublicKey(_ data: Data) -> SecKey? {
- guard let cert = SecCertificateCreateWithData(nil, data as CFData) else { return nil }
- return extractPublicKey(cert, policy: SecPolicyCreateBasicX509())
- }
- /**
- Get the public key from a certificate
- - parameter data: is the certificate to pull the public key from
- - returns: a public key
- */
- public func extractPublicKey(_ cert: SecCertificate, policy: SecPolicy) -> SecKey? {
- var possibleTrust: SecTrust?
- SecTrustCreateWithCertificates(cert, policy, &possibleTrust)
- guard let trust = possibleTrust else { return nil }
- var result: SecTrustResultType = .unspecified
- SecTrustEvaluate(trust, &result)
- return SecTrustCopyPublicKey(trust)
- }
- /**
- Get the certificate chain for the trust
- - parameter trust: is the trust to lookup the certificate chain for
- - returns: the certificate chain for the trust
- */
- public func certificateChain(_ trust: SecTrust) -> [Data] {
- let certificates = (0.. [Data] in
- var certificates = certificates
- let cert = SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex(trust, index)
- certificates.append(SecCertificateCopyData(cert!) as Data)
- return certificates
- }
- return certificates
- }
- /**
- Get the public key chain for the trust
- - parameter trust: is the trust to lookup the certificate chain and extract the public keys
- - returns: the public keys from the certifcate chain for the trust
- */
- public func publicKeyChain(_ trust: SecTrust) -> [SecKey] {
- let policy = SecPolicyCreateBasicX509()
- let keys = (0.. [SecKey] in
- var keys = keys
- let cert = SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex(trust, index)
- if let key = extractPublicKey(cert!, policy: policy) {
- keys.append(key)
- }
- return keys
- }
- return keys
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Starscream/WebSocket.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Starscream/WebSocket.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe11ff..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/OtherFramwork/MQTT/Starscream/WebSocket.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1340 +0,0 @@
-// Websocket.swift
-import Foundation
-import CoreFoundation
-import CommonCrypto
-public let WebsocketDidConnectNotification = "WebsocketDidConnectNotification"
-public let WebsocketDidDisconnectNotification = "WebsocketDidDisconnectNotification"
-public let WebsocketDisconnectionErrorKeyName = "WebsocketDisconnectionErrorKeyName"
-//Standard WebSocket close codes
-public enum CloseCode : UInt16 {
- case normal = 1000
- case goingAway = 1001
- case protocolError = 1002
- case protocolUnhandledType = 1003
- // 1004 reserved.
- case noStatusReceived = 1005
- //1006 reserved.
- case encoding = 1007
- case policyViolated = 1008
- case messageTooBig = 1009
-public enum ErrorType: Error {
- case outputStreamWriteError //output stream error during write
- case compressionError
- case invalidSSLError //Invalid SSL certificate
- case writeTimeoutError //The socket timed out waiting to be ready to write
- case protocolError //There was an error parsing the WebSocket frames
- case upgradeError //There was an error during the HTTP upgrade
- case closeError //There was an error during the close (socket probably has been dereferenced)
-public struct WSError: Error {
- public let type: ErrorType
- public let message: String
- public let code: Int
-//WebSocketClient is setup to be dependency injection for testing
-public protocol WebSocketClient: class {
- var delegate: WebSocketDelegate? {get set}
- var pongDelegate: WebSocketPongDelegate? {get set}
- var disableSSLCertValidation: Bool {get set}
- var overrideTrustHostname: Bool {get set}
- var desiredTrustHostname: String? {get set}
- var sslClientCertificate: SSLClientCertificate? {get set}
- #if os(Linux)
- #else
- var security: SSLTrustValidator? {get set}
- var enabledSSLCipherSuites: [SSLCipherSuite]? {get set}
- #endif
- var isConnected: Bool {get}
- func connect()
- func disconnect(forceTimeout: TimeInterval?, closeCode: UInt16)
- func write(string: String, completion: (() -> ())?)
- func write(data: Data, completion: (() -> ())?)
- func write(ping: Data, completion: (() -> ())?)
- func write(pong: Data, completion: (() -> ())?)
-//implements some of the base behaviors
-extension WebSocketClient {
- public func write(string: String) {
- write(string: string, completion: nil)
- }
- public func write(data: Data) {
- write(data: data, completion: nil)
- }
- public func write(ping: Data) {
- write(ping: ping, completion: nil)
- }
- public func write(pong: Data) {
- write(pong: pong, completion: nil)
- }
- public func disconnect() {
- disconnect(forceTimeout: nil, closeCode: CloseCode.normal.rawValue)
- }
-//SSL settings for the stream
-public struct SSLSettings {
- public let useSSL: Bool
- public let disableCertValidation: Bool
- public var overrideTrustHostname: Bool
- public var desiredTrustHostname: String?
- public let sslClientCertificate: SSLClientCertificate?
- #if os(Linux)
- #else
- public let cipherSuites: [SSLCipherSuite]?
- #endif
-public protocol WSStreamDelegate: class {
- func newBytesInStream()
- func streamDidError(error: Error?)
-//This protocol is to allow custom implemention of the underlining stream. This way custom socket libraries (e.g. linux) can be used
-public protocol WSStream {
- var delegate: WSStreamDelegate? {get set}
- func connect(url: URL, port: Int, timeout: TimeInterval, ssl: SSLSettings, completion: @escaping ((Error?) -> Void))
- func write(data: Data) -> Int
- func read() -> Data?
- func cleanup()
- #if os(Linux) || os(watchOS)
- #else
- func sslTrust() -> (trust: SecTrust?, domain: String?)
- #endif
-open class FoundationStream : NSObject, WSStream, StreamDelegate {
- private static let sharedWorkQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.vluxe.starscream.websocket", attributes: [])
- private var inputStream: InputStream?
- private var outputStream: OutputStream?
- public weak var delegate: WSStreamDelegate?
- let BUFFER_MAX = 4096
- public var enableSOCKSProxy = false
- public func connect(url: URL, port: Int, timeout: TimeInterval, ssl: SSLSettings, completion: @escaping ((Error?) -> Void)) {
- var readStream: Unmanaged?
- var writeStream: Unmanaged?
- let h = url.host! as NSString
- CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(nil, h, UInt32(port), &readStream, &writeStream)
- inputStream = readStream!.takeRetainedValue()
- outputStream = writeStream!.takeRetainedValue()
- #if os(watchOS) //watchOS us unfortunately is missing the kCFStream properties to make this work
- #else
- if enableSOCKSProxy {
- let proxyDict = CFNetworkCopySystemProxySettings()
- let socksConfig = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(nil, 0, proxyDict!.takeRetainedValue())
- let propertyKey = CFStreamPropertyKey(rawValue: kCFStreamPropertySOCKSProxy)
- CFWriteStreamSetProperty(outputStream, propertyKey, socksConfig)
- CFReadStreamSetProperty(inputStream, propertyKey, socksConfig)
- }
- #endif
- guard let inStream = inputStream, let outStream = outputStream else { return }
- inStream.delegate = self
- outStream.delegate = self
- if ssl.useSSL {
- inStream.setProperty(StreamSocketSecurityLevel.negotiatedSSL as AnyObject, forKey: Stream.PropertyKey.socketSecurityLevelKey)
- outStream.setProperty(StreamSocketSecurityLevel.negotiatedSSL as AnyObject, forKey: Stream.PropertyKey.socketSecurityLevelKey)
- #if os(watchOS) //watchOS us unfortunately is missing the kCFStream properties to make this work
- #else
- var settings = [NSObject: NSObject]()
- if ssl.disableCertValidation {
- settings[kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain] = NSNumber(value: false)
- }
- if ssl.overrideTrustHostname {
- if let hostname = ssl.desiredTrustHostname {
- settings[kCFStreamSSLPeerName] = hostname as NSString
- } else {
- settings[kCFStreamSSLPeerName] = kCFNull
- }
- }
- if let sslClientCertificate = ssl.sslClientCertificate {
- settings[kCFStreamSSLCertificates] = sslClientCertificate.streamSSLCertificates
- }
- inStream.setProperty(settings, forKey: kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings as Stream.PropertyKey)
- outStream.setProperty(settings, forKey: kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings as Stream.PropertyKey)
- #endif
- #if os(Linux)
- #else
- if let cipherSuites = ssl.cipherSuites {
- #if os(watchOS) //watchOS us unfortunately is missing the kCFStream properties to make this work
- #else
- if let sslContextIn = CFReadStreamCopyProperty(inputStream, CFStreamPropertyKey(rawValue: kCFStreamPropertySSLContext)) as! SSLContext?,
- let sslContextOut = CFWriteStreamCopyProperty(outputStream, CFStreamPropertyKey(rawValue: kCFStreamPropertySSLContext)) as! SSLContext? {
- let resIn = SSLSetEnabledCiphers(sslContextIn, cipherSuites, cipherSuites.count)
- let resOut = SSLSetEnabledCiphers(sslContextOut, cipherSuites, cipherSuites.count)
- if resIn != errSecSuccess {
- completion(WSError(type: .invalidSSLError, message: "Error setting ingoing cypher suites", code: Int(resIn)))
- }
- if resOut != errSecSuccess {
- completion(WSError(type: .invalidSSLError, message: "Error setting outgoing cypher suites", code: Int(resOut)))
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- }
- CFReadStreamSetDispatchQueue(inStream, FoundationStream.sharedWorkQueue)
- CFWriteStreamSetDispatchQueue(outStream, FoundationStream.sharedWorkQueue)
- inStream.open()
- outStream.open()
- var out = timeout// wait X seconds before giving up
- FoundationStream.sharedWorkQueue.async { [weak self] in
- while !outStream.hasSpaceAvailable {
- usleep(100) // wait until the socket is ready
- out -= 100
- if out < 0 {
- completion(WSError(type: .writeTimeoutError, message: "Timed out waiting for the socket to be ready for a write", code: 0))
- return
- } else if let error = outStream.streamError {
- completion(error)
- return // disconnectStream will be called.
- } else if self == nil {
- completion(WSError(type: .closeError, message: "socket object has been dereferenced", code: 0))
- return
- }
- }
- completion(nil) //success!
- }
- }
- public func write(data: Data) -> Int {
- guard let outStream = outputStream else {return -1}
- let buffer = UnsafeRawPointer((data as NSData).bytes).assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
- return outStream.write(buffer, maxLength: data.count)
- }
- public func read() -> Data? {
- guard let stream = inputStream else {return nil}
- let buf = NSMutableData(capacity: BUFFER_MAX)
- let buffer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: buf!.bytes).assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
- let length = stream.read(buffer, maxLength: BUFFER_MAX)
- if length < 1 {
- return nil
- }
- return Data(bytes: buffer, count: length)
- }
- public func cleanup() {
- if let stream = inputStream {
- stream.delegate = nil
- CFReadStreamSetDispatchQueue(stream, nil)
- stream.close()
- }
- if let stream = outputStream {
- stream.delegate = nil
- CFWriteStreamSetDispatchQueue(stream, nil)
- stream.close()
- }
- outputStream = nil
- inputStream = nil
- }
- #if os(Linux) || os(watchOS)
- #else
- public func sslTrust() -> (trust: SecTrust?, domain: String?) {
- guard let outputStream = outputStream else { return (nil, nil) }
- let trust = outputStream.property(forKey: kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerTrust as Stream.PropertyKey) as! SecTrust?
- var domain = outputStream.property(forKey: kCFStreamSSLPeerName as Stream.PropertyKey) as! String?
- if domain == nil,
- let sslContextOut = CFWriteStreamCopyProperty(outputStream, CFStreamPropertyKey(rawValue: kCFStreamPropertySSLContext)) as! SSLContext? {
- var peerNameLen: Int = 0
- SSLGetPeerDomainNameLength(sslContextOut, &peerNameLen)
- var peerName = Data(count: peerNameLen)
- let _ = peerName.withUnsafeMutableBytes { (peerNamePtr: UnsafeMutablePointer) in
- SSLGetPeerDomainName(sslContextOut, peerNamePtr, &peerNameLen)
- }
- if let peerDomain = String(bytes: peerName, encoding: .utf8), peerDomain.count > 0 {
- domain = peerDomain
- }
- }
- return (trust, domain)
- }
- #endif
- /**
- Delegate for the stream methods. Processes incoming bytes
- */
- open func stream(_ aStream: Stream, handle eventCode: Stream.Event) {
- if eventCode == .hasBytesAvailable {
- if aStream == inputStream {
- delegate?.newBytesInStream()
- }
- } else if eventCode == .errorOccurred {
- delegate?.streamDidError(error: aStream.streamError)
- } else if eventCode == .endEncountered {
- delegate?.streamDidError(error: nil)
- }
- }
-//WebSocket implementation
-//standard delegate you should use
-public protocol WebSocketDelegate: class {
- func websocketDidConnect(socket: WebSocketClient)
- func websocketDidDisconnect(socket: WebSocketClient, error: Error?)
- func websocketDidReceiveMessage(socket: WebSocketClient, text: String)
- func websocketDidReceiveData(socket: WebSocketClient, data: Data)
-//got pongs
-public protocol WebSocketPongDelegate: class {
- func websocketDidReceivePong(socket: WebSocketClient, data: Data?)
-// A Delegate with more advanced info on messages and connection etc.
-public protocol WebSocketAdvancedDelegate: class {
- func websocketDidConnect(socket: WebSocket)
- func websocketDidDisconnect(socket: WebSocket, error: Error?)
- func websocketDidReceiveMessage(socket: WebSocket, text: String, response: WebSocket.WSResponse)
- func websocketDidReceiveData(socket: WebSocket, data: Data, response: WebSocket.WSResponse)
- func websocketHttpUpgrade(socket: WebSocket, request: String)
- func websocketHttpUpgrade(socket: WebSocket, response: String)
-open class WebSocket : NSObject, StreamDelegate, WebSocketClient, WSStreamDelegate {
- public enum OpCode : UInt8 {
- case continueFrame = 0x0
- case textFrame = 0x1
- case binaryFrame = 0x2
- // 3-7 are reserved.
- case connectionClose = 0x8
- case ping = 0x9
- case pong = 0xA
- // B-F reserved.
- }
- public static let ErrorDomain = "WebSocket"
- // Where the callback is executed. It defaults to the main UI thread queue.
- public var callbackQueue = DispatchQueue.main
- // MARK: - Constants
- let headerWSUpgradeName = "Upgrade"
- let headerWSUpgradeValue = "websocket"
- let headerWSHostName = "Host"
- let headerWSConnectionName = "Connection"
- let headerWSConnectionValue = "Upgrade"
- let headerWSProtocolName = "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"
- let headerWSVersionName = "Sec-WebSocket-Version"
- let headerWSVersionValue = "13"
- let headerWSExtensionName = "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"
- let headerWSKeyName = "Sec-WebSocket-Key"
- let headerOriginName = "Origin"
- let headerWSAcceptName = "Sec-WebSocket-Accept"
- let BUFFER_MAX = 4096
- let FinMask: UInt8 = 0x80
- let OpCodeMask: UInt8 = 0x0F
- let RSVMask: UInt8 = 0x70
- let RSV1Mask: UInt8 = 0x40
- let MaskMask: UInt8 = 0x80
- let PayloadLenMask: UInt8 = 0x7F
- let MaxFrameSize: Int = 32
- let httpSwitchProtocolCode = 101
- let supportedSSLSchemes = ["wss", "https"]
- public class WSResponse {
- var isFin = false
- public var code: OpCode = .continueFrame
- var bytesLeft = 0
- public var frameCount = 0
- public var buffer: NSMutableData?
- public let firstFrame = {
- return Date()
- }()
- }
- // MARK: - Delegates
- /// Responds to callback about new messages coming in over the WebSocket
- /// and also connection/disconnect messages.
- public weak var delegate: WebSocketDelegate?
- /// The optional advanced delegate can be used instead of of the delegate
- public weak var advancedDelegate: WebSocketAdvancedDelegate?
- /// Receives a callback for each pong message recived.
- public weak var pongDelegate: WebSocketPongDelegate?
- public var onConnect: (() -> Void)?
- public var onDisconnect: ((Error?) -> Void)?
- public var onText: ((String) -> Void)?
- public var onData: ((Data) -> Void)?
- public var onPong: ((Data?) -> Void)?
- public var onHttpResponseHeaders: (([String: String]) -> Void)?
- public var disableSSLCertValidation = false
- public var overrideTrustHostname = false
- public var desiredTrustHostname: String? = nil
- public var sslClientCertificate: SSLClientCertificate? = nil
- public var enableCompression = true
- #if os(Linux)
- #else
- public var security: SSLTrustValidator?
- public var enabledSSLCipherSuites: [SSLCipherSuite]?
- #endif
- public var isConnected: Bool {
- mutex.lock()
- let isConnected = connected
- mutex.unlock()
- return isConnected
- }
- public var request: URLRequest //this is only public to allow headers, timeout, etc to be modified on reconnect
- public var currentURL: URL { return request.url! }
- public var respondToPingWithPong: Bool = true
- // MARK: - Private
- private struct CompressionState {
- var supportsCompression = false
- var messageNeedsDecompression = false
- var serverMaxWindowBits = 15
- var clientMaxWindowBits = 15
- var clientNoContextTakeover = false
- var serverNoContextTakeover = false
- var decompressor:Decompressor? = nil
- var compressor:Compressor? = nil
- }
- private var stream: WSStream
- private var connected = false
- private var isConnecting = false
- private let mutex = NSLock()
- private var compressionState = CompressionState()
- private var writeQueue = OperationQueue()
- private var readStack = [WSResponse]()
- private var inputQueue = [Data]()
- private var fragBuffer: Data?
- private var certValidated = false
- private var didDisconnect = false
- private var readyToWrite = false
- private var headerSecKey = ""
- private var canDispatch: Bool {
- mutex.lock()
- let canWork = readyToWrite
- mutex.unlock()
- return canWork
- }
- /// Used for setting protocols.
- public init(request: URLRequest, protocols: [String]? = nil, stream: WSStream = FoundationStream()) {
- self.request = request
- self.stream = stream
- if request.value(forHTTPHeaderField: headerOriginName) == nil {
- guard let url = request.url else {return}
- var origin = url.absoluteString
- if let hostUrl = URL (string: "/", relativeTo: url) {
- origin = hostUrl.absoluteString
- origin.remove(at: origin.index(before: origin.endIndex))
- }
- self.request.setValue(origin, forHTTPHeaderField: headerOriginName)
- }
- if let protocols = protocols {
- self.request.setValue(protocols.joined(separator: ","), forHTTPHeaderField: headerWSProtocolName)
- }
- writeQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
- }
- public convenience init(url: URL, protocols: [String]? = nil) {
- var request = URLRequest(url: url)
- request.timeoutInterval = 5
- self.init(request: request, protocols: protocols)
- }
- // Used for specifically setting the QOS for the write queue.
- public convenience init(url: URL, writeQueueQOS: QualityOfService, protocols: [String]? = nil) {
- self.init(url: url, protocols: protocols)
- writeQueue.qualityOfService = writeQueueQOS
- }
- /**
- Connect to the WebSocket server on a background thread.
- */
- open func connect() {
- guard !isConnecting else { return }
- didDisconnect = false
- isConnecting = true
- createHTTPRequest()
- }
- /**
- Disconnect from the server. I send a Close control frame to the server, then expect the server to respond with a Close control frame and close the socket from its end. I notify my delegate once the socket has been closed.
- If you supply a non-nil `forceTimeout`, I wait at most that long (in seconds) for the server to close the socket. After the timeout expires, I close the socket and notify my delegate.
- If you supply a zero (or negative) `forceTimeout`, I immediately close the socket (without sending a Close control frame) and notify my delegate.
- - Parameter forceTimeout: Maximum time to wait for the server to close the socket.
- - Parameter closeCode: The code to send on disconnect. The default is the normal close code for cleanly disconnecting a webSocket.
- */
- open func disconnect(forceTimeout: TimeInterval? = nil, closeCode: UInt16 = CloseCode.normal.rawValue) {
- guard isConnected else { return }
- switch forceTimeout {
- case .some(let seconds) where seconds > 0:
- let milliseconds = Int(seconds * 1_000)
- callbackQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(milliseconds)) { [weak self] in
- self?.disconnectStream(nil)
- }
- fallthrough
- case .none:
- writeError(closeCode)
- default:
- disconnectStream(nil)
- break
- }
- }
- /**
- Write a string to the websocket. This sends it as a text frame.
- If you supply a non-nil completion block, I will perform it when the write completes.
- - parameter string: The string to write.
- - parameter completion: The (optional) completion handler.
- */
- open func write(string: String, completion: (() -> ())? = nil) {
- guard isConnected else { return }
- dequeueWrite(string.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!, code: .textFrame, writeCompletion: completion)
- }
- /**
- Write binary data to the websocket. This sends it as a binary frame.
- If you supply a non-nil completion block, I will perform it when the write completes.
- - parameter data: The data to write.
- - parameter completion: The (optional) completion handler.
- */
- open func write(data: Data, completion: (() -> ())? = nil) {
- guard isConnected else { return }
- dequeueWrite(data, code: .binaryFrame, writeCompletion: completion)
- }
- /**
- Write a ping to the websocket. This sends it as a control frame.
- Yodel a sound to the planet. This sends it as an astroid. http://youtu.be/Eu5ZJELRiJ8?t=42s
- */
- open func write(ping: Data, completion: (() -> ())? = nil) {
- guard isConnected else { return }
- dequeueWrite(ping, code: .ping, writeCompletion: completion)
- }
- /**
- Write a pong to the websocket. This sends it as a control frame.
- Respond to a Yodel.
- */
- open func write(pong: Data, completion: (() -> ())? = nil) {
- guard isConnected else { return }
- dequeueWrite(pong, code: .pong, writeCompletion: completion)
- }
- /**
- Private method that starts the connection.
- */
- private func createHTTPRequest() {
- guard let url = request.url else {return}
- var port = url.port
- if port == nil {
- if supportedSSLSchemes.contains(url.scheme!) {
- port = 443
- } else {
- port = 80
- }
- }
- request.setValue(headerWSUpgradeValue, forHTTPHeaderField: headerWSUpgradeName)
- request.setValue(headerWSConnectionValue, forHTTPHeaderField: headerWSConnectionName)
- headerSecKey = generateWebSocketKey()
- request.setValue(headerWSVersionValue, forHTTPHeaderField: headerWSVersionName)
- request.setValue(headerSecKey, forHTTPHeaderField: headerWSKeyName)
- if enableCompression {
- let val = "permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits; server_max_window_bits=15"
- request.setValue(val, forHTTPHeaderField: headerWSExtensionName)
- }
- let hostValue = request.allHTTPHeaderFields?[headerWSHostName] ?? "\(url.host!):\(port!)"
- request.setValue(hostValue, forHTTPHeaderField: headerWSHostName)
- var path = url.absoluteString
- let offset = (url.scheme?.count ?? 2) + 3
- path = String(path[path.index(path.startIndex, offsetBy: offset).. String {
- var key = ""
- let seed = 16
- for _ in 0.., bufferLen: Int) {
- let code = processHTTP(buffer, bufferLen: bufferLen)
- switch code {
- case 0:
- break
- case -1:
- fragBuffer = Data(bytes: buffer, count: bufferLen)
- break // do nothing, we are going to collect more data
- default:
- doDisconnect(WSError(type: .upgradeError, message: "Invalid HTTP upgrade", code: code))
- }
- }
- /**
- Finds the HTTP Packet in the TCP stream, by looking for the CRLF.
- */
- private func processHTTP(_ buffer: UnsafePointer, bufferLen: Int) -> Int {
- let CRLFBytes = [UInt8(ascii: "\r"), UInt8(ascii: "\n"), UInt8(ascii: "\r"), UInt8(ascii: "\n")]
- var k = 0
- var totalSize = 0
- for i in 0.. 0 {
- let code = validateResponse(buffer, bufferLen: totalSize)
- if code != 0 {
- return code
- }
- isConnecting = false
- mutex.lock()
- connected = true
- mutex.unlock()
- didDisconnect = false
- if canDispatch {
- callbackQueue.async { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- self.onConnect?()
- self.delegate?.websocketDidConnect(socket: self)
- self.advancedDelegate?.websocketDidConnect(socket: self)
- NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(WebsocketDidConnectNotification), object: self)
- }
- }
- //totalSize += 1 //skip the last \n
- let restSize = bufferLen - totalSize
- if restSize > 0 {
- processRawMessagesInBuffer(buffer + totalSize, bufferLen: restSize)
- }
- return 0 //success
- }
- return -1 // Was unable to find the full TCP header.
- }
- /**
- Validates the HTTP is a 101 as per the RFC spec.
- */
- private func validateResponse(_ buffer: UnsafePointer, bufferLen: Int) -> Int {
- guard let str = String(data: Data(bytes: buffer, count: bufferLen), encoding: .utf8) else { return -1 }
- let splitArr = str.components(separatedBy: "\r\n")
- var code = -1
- var i = 0
- var headers = [String: String]()
- for str in splitArr {
- if i == 0 {
- let responseSplit = str.components(separatedBy: .whitespaces)
- guard responseSplit.count > 1 else { return -1 }
- if let c = Int(responseSplit[1]) {
- code = c
- }
- } else {
- let responseSplit = str.components(separatedBy: ":")
- guard responseSplit.count > 1 else { break }
- let key = responseSplit[0].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
- let val = responseSplit[1].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
- headers[key.lowercased()] = val
- }
- i += 1
- }
- advancedDelegate?.websocketHttpUpgrade(socket: self, response: str)
- onHttpResponseHeaders?(headers)
- if code != httpSwitchProtocolCode {
- return code
- }
- if let extensionHeader = headers[headerWSExtensionName.lowercased()] {
- processExtensionHeader(extensionHeader)
- }
- if let acceptKey = headers[headerWSAcceptName.lowercased()] {
- if acceptKey.count > 0 {
- if headerSecKey.count > 0 {
- let sha = "\(headerSecKey)258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11".sha1Base64()
- if sha != acceptKey as String {
- return -1
- }
- }
- return 0
- }
- }
- return -1
- }
- /**
- Parses the extension header, setting up the compression parameters.
- */
- func processExtensionHeader(_ extensionHeader: String) {
- let parts = extensionHeader.components(separatedBy: ";")
- for p in parts {
- let part = p.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
- if part == "permessage-deflate" {
- compressionState.supportsCompression = true
- } else if part.hasPrefix("server_max_window_bits=") {
- let valString = part.components(separatedBy: "=")[1]
- if let val = Int(valString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)) {
- compressionState.serverMaxWindowBits = val
- }
- } else if part.hasPrefix("client_max_window_bits=") {
- let valString = part.components(separatedBy: "=")[1]
- if let val = Int(valString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)) {
- compressionState.clientMaxWindowBits = val
- }
- } else if part == "client_no_context_takeover" {
- compressionState.clientNoContextTakeover = true
- } else if part == "server_no_context_takeover" {
- compressionState.serverNoContextTakeover = true
- }
- }
- if compressionState.supportsCompression {
- compressionState.decompressor = Decompressor(windowBits: compressionState.serverMaxWindowBits)
- compressionState.compressor = Compressor(windowBits: compressionState.clientMaxWindowBits)
- }
- }
- /**
- Read a 16 bit big endian value from a buffer
- */
- private static func readUint16(_ buffer: UnsafePointer, offset: Int) -> UInt16 {
- return (UInt16(buffer[offset + 0]) << 8) | UInt16(buffer[offset + 1])
- }
- /**
- Read a 64 bit big endian value from a buffer
- */
- private static func readUint64(_ buffer: UnsafePointer, offset: Int) -> UInt64 {
- var value = UInt64(0)
- for i in 0...7 {
- value = (value << 8) | UInt64(buffer[offset + i])
- }
- return value
- }
- /**
- Write a 16-bit big endian value to a buffer.
- */
- private static func writeUint16(_ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer, offset: Int, value: UInt16) {
- buffer[offset + 0] = UInt8(value >> 8)
- buffer[offset + 1] = UInt8(value & 0xff)
- }
- /**
- Write a 64-bit big endian value to a buffer.
- */
- private static func writeUint64(_ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer, offset: Int, value: UInt64) {
- for i in 0...7 {
- buffer[offset + i] = UInt8((value >> (8*UInt64(7 - i))) & 0xff)
- }
- }
- /**
- Process one message at the start of `buffer`. Return another buffer (sharing storage) that contains the leftover contents of `buffer` that I didn't process.
- */
- private func processOneRawMessage(inBuffer buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer) -> UnsafeBufferPointer {
- let response = readStack.last
- guard let baseAddress = buffer.baseAddress else {return emptyBuffer}
- let bufferLen = buffer.count
- if response != nil && bufferLen < 2 {
- fragBuffer = Data(buffer: buffer)
- return emptyBuffer
- }
- if let response = response, response.bytesLeft > 0 {
- var len = response.bytesLeft
- var extra = bufferLen - response.bytesLeft
- if response.bytesLeft > bufferLen {
- len = bufferLen
- extra = 0
- }
- response.bytesLeft -= len
- response.buffer?.append(Data(bytes: baseAddress, count: len))
- _ = processResponse(response)
- return buffer.fromOffset(bufferLen - extra)
- } else {
- let isFin = (FinMask & baseAddress[0])
- let receivedOpcodeRawValue = (OpCodeMask & baseAddress[0])
- let receivedOpcode = OpCode(rawValue: receivedOpcodeRawValue)
- let isMasked = (MaskMask & baseAddress[1])
- let payloadLen = (PayloadLenMask & baseAddress[1])
- var offset = 2
- if compressionState.supportsCompression && receivedOpcode != .continueFrame {
- compressionState.messageNeedsDecompression = (RSV1Mask & baseAddress[0]) > 0
- }
- if (isMasked > 0 || (RSVMask & baseAddress[0]) > 0) && receivedOpcode != .pong && !compressionState.messageNeedsDecompression {
- let errCode = CloseCode.protocolError.rawValue
- doDisconnect(WSError(type: .protocolError, message: "masked and rsv data is not currently supported", code: Int(errCode)))
- writeError(errCode)
- return emptyBuffer
- }
- let isControlFrame = (receivedOpcode == .connectionClose || receivedOpcode == .ping)
- if !isControlFrame && (receivedOpcode != .binaryFrame && receivedOpcode != .continueFrame &&
- receivedOpcode != .textFrame && receivedOpcode != .pong) {
- let errCode = CloseCode.protocolError.rawValue
- doDisconnect(WSError(type: .protocolError, message: "unknown opcode: \(receivedOpcodeRawValue)", code: Int(errCode)))
- writeError(errCode)
- return emptyBuffer
- }
- if isControlFrame && isFin == 0 {
- let errCode = CloseCode.protocolError.rawValue
- doDisconnect(WSError(type: .protocolError, message: "control frames can't be fragmented", code: Int(errCode)))
- writeError(errCode)
- return emptyBuffer
- }
- var closeCode = CloseCode.normal.rawValue
- if receivedOpcode == .connectionClose {
- if payloadLen == 1 {
- closeCode = CloseCode.protocolError.rawValue
- } else if payloadLen > 1 {
- closeCode = WebSocket.readUint16(baseAddress, offset: offset)
- if closeCode < 1000 || (closeCode > 1003 && closeCode < 1007) || (closeCode > 1013 && closeCode < 3000) {
- closeCode = CloseCode.protocolError.rawValue
- }
- }
- if payloadLen < 2 {
- doDisconnect(WSError(type: .protocolError, message: "connection closed by server", code: Int(closeCode)))
- writeError(closeCode)
- return emptyBuffer
- }
- } else if isControlFrame && payloadLen > 125 {
- writeError(CloseCode.protocolError.rawValue)
- return emptyBuffer
- }
- var dataLength = UInt64(payloadLen)
- if dataLength == 127 {
- dataLength = WebSocket.readUint64(baseAddress, offset: offset)
- offset += MemoryLayout.size
- } else if dataLength == 126 {
- dataLength = UInt64(WebSocket.readUint16(baseAddress, offset: offset))
- offset += MemoryLayout.size
- }
- if bufferLen < offset || UInt64(bufferLen - offset) < dataLength {
- fragBuffer = Data(bytes: baseAddress, count: bufferLen)
- return emptyBuffer
- }
- var len = dataLength
- if dataLength > UInt64(bufferLen) {
- len = UInt64(bufferLen-offset)
- }
- if receivedOpcode == .connectionClose && len > 0 {
- let size = MemoryLayout.size
- offset += size
- len -= UInt64(size)
- }
- let data: Data
- if compressionState.messageNeedsDecompression, let decompressor = compressionState.decompressor {
- do {
- data = try decompressor.decompress(bytes: baseAddress+offset, count: Int(len), finish: isFin > 0)
- if isFin > 0 && compressionState.serverNoContextTakeover {
- try decompressor.reset()
- }
- } catch {
- let closeReason = "Decompression failed: \(error)"
- let closeCode = CloseCode.encoding.rawValue
- doDisconnect(WSError(type: .protocolError, message: closeReason, code: Int(closeCode)))
- writeError(closeCode)
- return emptyBuffer
- }
- } else {
- data = Data(bytes: baseAddress+offset, count: Int(len))
- }
- if receivedOpcode == .connectionClose {
- var closeReason = "connection closed by server"
- if let customCloseReason = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
- closeReason = customCloseReason
- } else {
- closeCode = CloseCode.protocolError.rawValue
- }
- doDisconnect(WSError(type: .protocolError, message: closeReason, code: Int(closeCode)))
- writeError(closeCode)
- return emptyBuffer
- }
- if receivedOpcode == .pong {
- if canDispatch {
- callbackQueue.async { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- let pongData: Data? = data.count > 0 ? data : nil
- self.onPong?(pongData)
- self.pongDelegate?.websocketDidReceivePong(socket: self, data: pongData)
- }
- }
- return buffer.fromOffset(offset + Int(len))
- }
- var response = readStack.last
- if isControlFrame {
- response = nil // Don't append pings.
- }
- if isFin == 0 && receivedOpcode == .continueFrame && response == nil {
- let errCode = CloseCode.protocolError.rawValue
- doDisconnect(WSError(type: .protocolError, message: "continue frame before a binary or text frame", code: Int(errCode)))
- writeError(errCode)
- return emptyBuffer
- }
- var isNew = false
- if response == nil {
- if receivedOpcode == .continueFrame {
- let errCode = CloseCode.protocolError.rawValue
- doDisconnect(WSError(type: .protocolError, message: "first frame can't be a continue frame", code: Int(errCode)))
- writeError(errCode)
- return emptyBuffer
- }
- isNew = true
- response = WSResponse()
- response!.code = receivedOpcode!
- response!.bytesLeft = Int(dataLength)
- response!.buffer = NSMutableData(data: data)
- } else {
- if receivedOpcode == .continueFrame {
- response!.bytesLeft = Int(dataLength)
- } else {
- let errCode = CloseCode.protocolError.rawValue
- doDisconnect(WSError(type: .protocolError, message: "second and beyond of fragment message must be a continue frame", code: Int(errCode)))
- writeError(errCode)
- return emptyBuffer
- }
- response!.buffer!.append(data)
- }
- if let response = response {
- response.bytesLeft -= Int(len)
- response.frameCount += 1
- response.isFin = isFin > 0 ? true : false
- if isNew {
- readStack.append(response)
- }
- _ = processResponse(response)
- }
- let step = Int(offset + numericCast(len))
- return buffer.fromOffset(step)
- }
- }
- /**
- Process all messages in the buffer if possible.
- */
- private func processRawMessagesInBuffer(_ pointer: UnsafePointer, bufferLen: Int) {
- var buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: pointer, count: bufferLen)
- repeat {
- buffer = processOneRawMessage(inBuffer: buffer)
- } while buffer.count >= 2
- if buffer.count > 0 {
- fragBuffer = Data(buffer: buffer)
- }
- }
- /**
- Process the finished response of a buffer.
- */
- private func processResponse(_ response: WSResponse) -> Bool {
- if response.isFin && response.bytesLeft <= 0 {
- if response.code == .ping {
- if respondToPingWithPong {
- let data = response.buffer! // local copy so it is perverse for writing
- dequeueWrite(data as Data, code: .pong)
- }
- } else if response.code == .textFrame {
- guard let str = String(data: response.buffer! as Data, encoding: .utf8) else {
- writeError(CloseCode.encoding.rawValue)
- return false
- }
- if canDispatch {
- callbackQueue.async { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- self.onText?(str)
- self.delegate?.websocketDidReceiveMessage(socket: self, text: str)
- self.advancedDelegate?.websocketDidReceiveMessage(socket: self, text: str, response: response)
- }
- }
- } else if response.code == .binaryFrame {
- if canDispatch {
- let data = response.buffer! // local copy so it is perverse for writing
- callbackQueue.async { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- self.onData?(data as Data)
- self.delegate?.websocketDidReceiveData(socket: self, data: data as Data)
- self.advancedDelegate?.websocketDidReceiveData(socket: self, data: data as Data, response: response)
- }
- }
- }
- readStack.removeLast()
- return true
- }
- return false
- }
- /**
- Write an error to the socket
- */
- private func writeError(_ code: UInt16) {
- let buf = NSMutableData(capacity: MemoryLayout.size)
- let buffer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: buf!.bytes).assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
- WebSocket.writeUint16(buffer, offset: 0, value: code)
- dequeueWrite(Data(bytes: buffer, count: MemoryLayout.size), code: .connectionClose)
- }
- /**
- Used to write things to the stream
- */
- private func dequeueWrite(_ data: Data, code: OpCode, writeCompletion: (() -> ())? = nil) {
- let operation = BlockOperation()
- operation.addExecutionBlock { [weak self, weak operation] in
- //stream isn't ready, let's wait
- guard let self = self else { return }
- guard let sOperation = operation else { return }
- var offset = 2
- var firstByte:UInt8 = self.FinMask | code.rawValue
- var data = data
- if [.textFrame, .binaryFrame].contains(code), let compressor = self.compressionState.compressor {
- do {
- data = try compressor.compress(data)
- if self.compressionState.clientNoContextTakeover {
- try compressor.reset()
- }
- firstByte |= self.RSV1Mask
- } catch {
- // TODO: report error? We can just send the uncompressed frame.
- }
- }
- let dataLength = data.count
- let frame = NSMutableData(capacity: dataLength + self.MaxFrameSize)
- let buffer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(frame!.mutableBytes).assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
- buffer[0] = firstByte
- if dataLength < 126 {
- buffer[1] = CUnsignedChar(dataLength)
- } else if dataLength <= Int(UInt16.max) {
- buffer[1] = 126
- WebSocket.writeUint16(buffer, offset: offset, value: UInt16(dataLength))
- offset += MemoryLayout.size
- } else {
- buffer[1] = 127
- WebSocket.writeUint64(buffer, offset: offset, value: UInt64(dataLength))
- offset += MemoryLayout.size
- }
- buffer[1] |= self.MaskMask
- let maskKey = UnsafeMutablePointer(buffer + offset)
- _ = SecRandomCopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault, Int(MemoryLayout.size), maskKey)
- offset += MemoryLayout.size
- for i in 0...size]
- offset += 1
- }
- var total = 0
- while !sOperation.isCancelled {
- if !self.readyToWrite {
- self.doDisconnect(WSError(type: .outputStreamWriteError, message: "output stream had an error during write", code: 0))
- break
- }
- let stream = self.stream
- let writeBuffer = UnsafeRawPointer(frame!.bytes+total).assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
- let len = stream.write(data: Data(bytes: writeBuffer, count: offset-total))
- if len <= 0 {
- self.doDisconnect(WSError(type: .outputStreamWriteError, message: "output stream had an error during write", code: 0))
- break
- } else {
- total += len
- }
- if total >= offset {
- if let callback = writeCompletion {
- self.callbackQueue.async {
- callback()
- }
- }
- break
- }
- }
- }
- writeQueue.addOperation(operation)
- }
- /**
- Used to preform the disconnect delegate
- */
- private func doDisconnect(_ error: Error?) {
- guard !didDisconnect else { return }
- didDisconnect = true
- isConnecting = false
- mutex.lock()
- connected = false
- mutex.unlock()
- guard canDispatch else {return}
- callbackQueue.async { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- self.onDisconnect?(error)
- self.delegate?.websocketDidDisconnect(socket: self, error: error)
- self.advancedDelegate?.websocketDidDisconnect(socket: self, error: error)
- let userInfo = error.map{ [WebsocketDisconnectionErrorKeyName: $0] }
- NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(WebsocketDidDisconnectNotification), object: self, userInfo: userInfo)
- }
- }
- // MARK: - Deinit
- deinit {
- mutex.lock()
- readyToWrite = false
- cleanupStream()
- mutex.unlock()
- writeQueue.cancelAllOperations()
- }
-private extension String {
- func sha1Base64() -> String {
- let data = self.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
- var digest = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count:Int(CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH))
- data.withUnsafeBytes { _ = CC_SHA1($0, CC_LONG(data.count), &digest) }
- return Data(bytes: digest).base64EncodedString()
- }
-private extension Data {
- init(buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer) {
- self.init(bytes: buffer.baseAddress!, count: buffer.count)
- }
-private extension UnsafeBufferPointer {
- func fromOffset(_ offset: Int) -> UnsafeBufferPointer {
- return UnsafeBufferPointer(start: baseAddress?.advanced(by: offset), count: count - offset)
- }
-private let emptyBuffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: nil, count: 0)
-#if swift(>=4)
-fileprivate extension String {
- var count: Int {
- return self.characters.count
- }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/SDKClient.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/SDKClient.swift
index f7d88a8..a34776d 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/SDKClient.swift
+++ b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/SDKClient.swift
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ public class SDKClient {
private var blockHandlerCreateChildCallBack:CreateChildDeviceCallBackBlock?
private var blockHandlerDeleteChildCallBack:DeleteChildDeviceCallBackBlock?
+ private var cpIDRegex = "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$"
+ private var uniqueIDregex = "^[\\w\\d—-]*$"//"^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$"
Initialize configuration for IoTConnect SDK
@@ -50,8 +53,8 @@ public class SDKClient {
- returns:
Returns nothing
- public func initialize(config: IoTConnectConfig) {
- //, withBlock completionHandler: @escaping (Error:String?) -> Void
+ public func initialize(config: IoTConnectConfig,errorBlock:@escaping(_ error:String)->Void) {
+ //,errorBlock:@escaping(_ error:String)->Void = {errorMsg in }
print("SDKClient initialize AWS")
@@ -60,11 +63,28 @@ public class SDKClient {
if config.sdkOptions!.cpId.isEmpty{
+ errorBlock (Log.Errors.ERR_IN12.rawValue)
}else if config.uniqueId.isEmpty{
+ errorBlock (Log.Errors.ERR_IN13.rawValue)
}else if let ioTEnv = config.sdkOptions!.env,ioTEnv.rawValue.isEmpty{
- }else{
+ errorBlock (Log.Errors.ERR_IN15.rawValue)
+ }else if validateWithRegex(regexString: cpIDRegex, textToValidate: config.sdkOptions!.cpId) == false{
+ errorBlock (Log.Errors.ERR_IN16.rawValue)
+ }else if validateWithRegex(regexString: uniqueIDregex, textToValidate: config.uniqueId) == false{
+ errorBlock (Log.Errors.ERR_IN17.rawValue)
+ }
+ else{
+ if let manager = iotConnectManager,let client = manager.objMQTTClient{
+ // client.mqttObj?.disconnect()
+ print("Manager \(iotConnectManager) \(iotConnectManager.timerNotRegister)")
+ client.disconnect()
+ iotConnectManager.timerNotRegister?.invalidate()
+ iotConnectManager.timerNotRegister = nil
+ iotConnectManager = nil
+ }
iotConnectManager = IoTConnectManager(cpId: config.sdkOptions!.cpId, uniqueId: config.uniqueId, env: config.sdkOptions!.env!.rawValue, sdkOptions: config.sdkOptions, deviceCallback: { (message) in
if self.blockHandlerDeviceCallBack != nil {
@@ -90,6 +110,12 @@ public class SDKClient {
+ private func validateWithRegex(regexString:String,textToValidate:String) -> Bool{
+ let strPred = NSPredicate(format:"SELF MATCHES %@", regexString)
+ return strPred.evaluate(with: textToValidate)
+ }
Used for sending data from Device to Cloud
@@ -103,7 +129,9 @@ public class SDKClient {
Returns nothing
public func sendData(data: [String:Any]) {
- iotConnectManager.sendData(data: data)
+ if let manager = iotConnectManager{
+ manager.sendData(data: data)
+ }
@@ -311,8 +339,12 @@ public class SDKClient {
//Create child device callback
public func createChildDevice(deviceId:String, deviceTag:String, displayName:String,createChildCallBack:@escaping CreateChildDeviceCallBackBlock) -> (){
- iotConnectManager?.createChildDevice(deviceId: deviceId, deviceTag: deviceTag, displayName: displayName)
blockHandlerCreateChildCallBack = createChildCallBack
+ if validateWithRegex(regexString: uniqueIDregex, textToValidate: deviceId) == false{
+ blockHandlerCreateChildCallBack?(Log.Errors.ERR_IN17.rawValue)
+ }else{
+ iotConnectManager?.createChildDevice(deviceId: deviceId, deviceTag: deviceTag, displayName: displayName)
+ }
//Delete child device callback
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/common/.DS_Store b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/common/.DS_Store
index fb0295b..4061002 100644
Binary files a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/common/.DS_Store and b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/common/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/common/Network/Common.swift b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/common/Network/Common.swift
index cbcb1a7..b6109e2 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/common/Network/Common.swift
+++ b/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect2/IoTConnect_2.0/common/Network/Common.swift
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ public enum IOTCEnvironment: String,CaseIterable {
case POC = "poc"
//define Azure environment
- case DEV = "DEV"
+ case EU = "EMEA"
case AVNET = "AVNET"
case QA = "QA"
@@ -38,23 +38,28 @@ class Common {
//MARK: Get Base URL
func getBaseURL(strURL: String, callBack: @escaping (Bool, Any) -> ()) {
print("BaseURL \(strURL)")
- let dataTaskMain = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: URL(string: strURL)!) { (data, response, error) in
- if error == nil {
- let errorParse: Error? = nil
- let jsonData = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: .mutableContainers)
- print("getBaseURL response \(jsonData ?? "")")
- if jsonData == nil {
- callBack(false, errorParse as Any)
+ if let url = URL(string: strURL){
+ let dataTaskMain = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
+ if error == nil {
+ // let errorParse: Error? = nil
+ do{
+ let jsonData =
+ try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: .mutableContainers)
+ print("getBaseURL response \(jsonData)")
+ callBack(true, jsonData as Any)
+ }catch let error{
+ callBack(false, error as Any)
+ }
} else {
- callBack(true, jsonData as Any)
+ print("getBaseURL error \(String(describing: error))")
+ callBack(false, error as Any)
- } else {
- print("getBaseURL error \(String(describing: error))")
- callBack(false, error as Any)
+ dataTaskMain.resume()
+ }else{
+ callBack(false, "DiscoveryUrl is wrong.")
- dataTaskMain.resume()
//MARK: Device Sync Call
func makeSyncCall(withBaseURL strURL: String, withData dictToPass: [AnyHashable: Any]?, withBlock completionHandler: @escaping (_ data: Data?, _ response: URLResponse?, _ error: Error?) -> Void) {
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Info.plist b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Info.plist
similarity index 91%
rename from IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Info.plist
rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Info.plist
index 12c1021..649b36a 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Info.plist
+++ b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Info.plist
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- 2024-03-04T04:28:16Z
+ 2024-05-22T07:27:59Z
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/CocoaMQTT b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/CocoaMQTT
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c9fc2c2
Binary files /dev/null and b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/CocoaMQTT differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Headers/CocoaMQTT-Swift.h b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Headers/CocoaMQTT-Swift.h
similarity index 99%
rename from IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Headers/CocoaMQTT-Swift.h
rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Headers/CocoaMQTT-Swift.h
index 64ef097..70ea37c 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Headers/CocoaMQTT-Swift.h
+++ b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Headers/CocoaMQTT-Swift.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#if 0
#elif defined(__arm64__) && __arm64__
-// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Headers/CocoaMQTT-umbrella.h b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Headers/CocoaMQTT-umbrella.h
similarity index 100%
rename from IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Headers/CocoaMQTT-umbrella.h
rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Headers/CocoaMQTT-umbrella.h
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Info.plist b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Info.plist
similarity index 75%
rename from IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Info.plist
rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Info.plist
index 3e8e5e2..012b301 100644
Binary files a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Info.plist and b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Info.plist differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json
similarity index 100%
rename from IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json
rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc
similarity index 98%
rename from IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc
rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc
index 099542a..e7394b5 100644
Binary files a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc and b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftmodule b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftmodule
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba07a44
Binary files /dev/null and b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/CocoaMQTT.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftmodule differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/module.modulemap b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/module.modulemap
similarity index 100%
rename from IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/module.modulemap
rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/Modules/module.modulemap
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/xcframeworks/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Headers/IoTConnect2_AWS-Swift.h b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Headers/IoTConnect2_AWS-Swift.h
similarity index 99%
rename from IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/xcframeworks/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Headers/IoTConnect2_AWS-Swift.h
rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Headers/IoTConnect2_AWS-Swift.h
index a76ebf6..7afd2d9 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/xcframeworks/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Headers/IoTConnect2_AWS-Swift.h
+++ b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Headers/IoTConnect2_AWS-Swift.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#if 0
#elif defined(__arm64__) && __arm64__
-// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/xcframeworks/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Info.plist b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Info.plist
similarity index 70%
rename from IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/xcframeworks/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Info.plist
rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Info.plist
index 708cd18..d35d017 100644
Binary files a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/xcframeworks/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Info.plist and b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Info.plist differ
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/IoTConnect2_AWS b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/IoTConnect2_AWS
new file mode 100755
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 415,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 477,
+ "length": 62,
+ "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 564,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 612,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Device information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 667,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 729,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 778,
+ "length": 28,
+ "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 831,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 882,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Please give env value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 930,
+ "length": 47,
+ "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1002,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1062,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1136,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1192,
+ "length": 55,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1272,
+ "length": 69,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1366,
+ "length": 56,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1447,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1504,
+ "length": 72,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1601,
+ "length": 52,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1678,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\" <>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1733,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1784,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Connection not available\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1835,
+ "length": 27,
+ "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1887,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1934,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1989,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2047,
+ "length": 80,
+ "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2153,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Device is not active\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2201,
+ "length": 63,
+ "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2290,
+ "length": 70,
+ "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2386,
+ "length": 67,
+ "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2479,
+ "length": 39,
+ "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2543,
+ "length": 25,
+ "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2593,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2642,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2698,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2763,
+ "length": 73,
+ "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 361,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"<>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 415,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 477,
+ "length": 62,
+ "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 564,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 612,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Device information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 667,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 729,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 778,
+ "length": 28,
+ "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 831,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 882,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Please give env value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 930,
+ "length": 47,
+ "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1002,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1062,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1136,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1192,
+ "length": 55,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1272,
+ "length": 69,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1366,
+ "length": 56,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1447,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1504,
+ "length": 72,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1601,
+ "length": 52,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1678,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\" <>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1733,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1784,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Connection not available\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1835,
+ "length": 27,
+ "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1887,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1934,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1989,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2047,
+ "length": 80,
+ "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2153,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Device is not active\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2201,
+ "length": 63,
+ "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2290,
+ "length": 70,
+ "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2386,
+ "length": 67,
+ "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2479,
+ "length": 39,
+ "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2543,
+ "length": 25,
+ "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2593,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2642,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2698,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2763,
+ "length": 73,
+ "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2892,
+ "length": 42,
+ "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2960,
+ "length": 18,
+ "value": "\"Device connected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3004,
+ "length": 21,
+ "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3051,
+ "length": 17,
+ "value": "\"Initializing...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3094,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Connecting...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3135,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3176,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3251,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3301,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3370,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3431,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3495,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3558,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3618,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3680,
+ "length": 44,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3750,
+ "length": 14,
+ "value": "\"Publish data\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3790,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3852,
+ "length": 59,
+ "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3937,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3998,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4058,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4118,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4177,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4237,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4295,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4359,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4420,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4486,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4532,
+ "length": 45,
+ "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4603,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4655,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"No offline data found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4704,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4770,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4825,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4880,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4930,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2892,
+ "length": 42,
+ "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2960,
+ "length": 18,
+ "value": "\"Device connected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3004,
+ "length": 21,
+ "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3051,
+ "length": 17,
+ "value": "\"Initializing...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3094,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Connecting...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3135,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3176,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3251,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3301,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3370,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3431,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
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@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
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import Foundation
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@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
-// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
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import CommonCrypto
import Foundation
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similarity index 100%
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77073cc
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@@ -0,0 +1,1708 @@
+triple: 'arm64-apple-darwin'
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x34, offset: 0x54E65, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CocoaMQTTVersionString, symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x49290, symSize: 0x0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD71, offset: 0x55C21, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7didPingyyABcvpfiyABcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x2694, symBinAddr: 0x6694, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDCB, offset: 0x55C7B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14didReceivePongyyABcvpfiyABcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x270C, symBinAddr: 0x670C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE0D, offset: 0x55CBD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didDisconnectyyAB_s5Error_pSgtcvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x2774, symBinAddr: 0x6774, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE25, offset: 0x55CD5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didDisconnectyyAB_s5Error_pSgtcvpfiyAB_AEtcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x2784, symBinAddr: 0x6784, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE8E, offset: 0x55D3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC15didReceiveTrustyyAB_So03SecE3RefaySbctcvpfiyAB_AEySbctcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x27FC, symBinAddr: 0x67FC, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEF0, offset: 0x55DA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18didCompletePublishyyAB_s6UInt16Vtcvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x2864, symBinAddr: 0x6864, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF1F, offset: 0x55DCF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14didChangeStateyyAB_AA0a8MQTTConnE0Otcvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x28D8, symBinAddr: 0x68D8, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x141D, offset: 0x562CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC4send33_B3FA8972440FEDD4D0FAB874FCB8E06BLL_3tagyAA5Frame_p_SitFTf4enn_nAA0L7ConnectV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x6C54, symBinAddr: 0xAC40, symSize: 0x24C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x22B5, offset: 0x57165, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13autoReconnectSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x1488, symBinAddr: 0x5488, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x22E5, offset: 0x57195, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC28maxAutoReconnectTimeIntervals6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x1638, symBinAddr: 0x5638, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2315, offset: 0x571C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC15autoReconnTimer33_B3FA8972440FEDD4D0FAB874FCB8E06BLLAA0A9MQTTTimerCSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x1718, symBinAddr: 0x5718, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x232D, offset: 0x571DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC24is_internal_disconnected33_B3FA8972440FEDD4D0FAB874FCB8E06BLLSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x1720, symBinAddr: 0x5720, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2499, offset: 0x57349, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC15sendingMessages33_B3FA8972440FEDD4D0FAB874FCB8E06BLLSDys6UInt16VAA0A11MQTTMessageCGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x2388, symBinAddr: 0x6388, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x24C8, offset: 0x57378, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC6_msgid33_B3FA8972440FEDD4D0FAB874FCB8E06BLLs6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x23AC, symBinAddr: 0x63AC, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2567, offset: 0x57417, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACfETo', symObjAddr: 0x3178, symBinAddr: 0x7178, symSize: 0x22C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2AEF, offset: 0x5799F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSbIegy_10ObjectiveC8ObjCBoolVIeyBy_TR', symObjAddr: 0x4EF4, symBinAddr: 0x8EF4, symSize: 0x3C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2D14, offset: 0x57BC4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTSocketDelegateA2aCP15socketConnectedyyAA0aC8Protocol_pFTW', symObjAddr: 0x58A0, symBinAddr: 0x98A0, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2D55, offset: 0x57C05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTSocketDelegateA2aCP16socketUrlSession_15didReceiveTrust0hI9Challenge17completionHandleryAA0aC8Protocol_p_So03SecJ3RefaSo019NSURLAuthenticationK0CySo016NSURLSessionAuthK11DispositionV_So15NSURLCredentialCSgtctFTW', symObjAddr: 0x58A8, symBinAddr: 0x98A8, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2D8D, offset: 0x57C3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTSocketDelegateA2aCP6socket_7didRead7withTagyAA0aC8Protocol_p_10Foundation4DataVSitFTW', symObjAddr: 0x58B0, symBinAddr: 0x98B0, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2DA9, offset: 0x57C59, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTSocketDelegateA2aCP19socketDidDisconnect_9withErroryAA0aC8Protocol_p_s0I0_pSgtFTW', symObjAddr: 0x58B4, symBinAddr: 0x98B4, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2DC5, offset: 0x57C75, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_7connackyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA12FrameConnAckVtFyycfU_', symObjAddr: 0x58B8, symBinAddr: 0x98B8, symSize: 0x234 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3008, offset: 0x57EB8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTReaderDelegateA2aCP10didReceive_6pubackyAA0aC0C_AA11FramePubAckVtFTW', symObjAddr: 0x5C60, symBinAddr: 0x9C60, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x31D9, offset: 0x58089, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTReaderDelegateA2aCP10didReceive_8unsubackyAA0aC0C_AA13FrameUnsubAckVtFTW', symObjAddr: 0x5C88, symBinAddr: 0x9C88, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3230, offset: 0x580E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTReaderDelegateA2aCP10didReceive_8pingrespyAA0aC0C_AA13FramePingRespVtFTW', symObjAddr: 0x5C90, symBinAddr: 0x9C90, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3250, offset: 0x58100, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTReaderDelegateA2aCP10didReceive_8pingrespyAA0aC0C_AA13FramePingRespVtFTW', symObjAddr: 0x5C90, symBinAddr: 0x9C90, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3263, offset: 0x58113, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C8delegateAA0aC8Delegate_pSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5C94, symBinAddr: 0x9C94, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3815, offset: 0x586C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC32subscriptionIdentifiersAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6144, symBinAddr: 0xA144, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3845, offset: 0x586F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC19responseInformationSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6154, symBinAddr: 0xA154, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x385D, offset: 0x5870D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15serverReferenceSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6160, symBinAddr: 0xA160, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3875, offset: 0x58725, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC20authenticationMethodSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x616C, symBinAddr: 0xA16C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x388D, offset: 0x5873D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6178, symBinAddr: 0xA178, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38A5, offset: 0x58755, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6184, symBinAddr: 0xA184, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38BD, offset: 0x5876D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x618C, symBinAddr: 0xA18C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38D5, offset: 0x58785, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6194, symBinAddr: 0xA194, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38ED, offset: 0x5879D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x619C, symBinAddr: 0xA19C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3905, offset: 0x587B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61AC, symBinAddr: 0xA1AC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x391D, offset: 0x587CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61B4, symBinAddr: 0xA1B4, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3935, offset: 0x587E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61C0, symBinAddr: 0xA1C0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x394D, offset: 0x587FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61C8, symBinAddr: 0xA1C8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3965, offset: 0x58815, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61D0, symBinAddr: 0xA1D0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x397D, offset: 0x5882D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61D8, symBinAddr: 0xA1D8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3995, offset: 0x58845, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61E0, symBinAddr: 0xA1E0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39AD, offset: 0x5885D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61E8, symBinAddr: 0xA1E8, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39C5, offset: 0x58875, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61F4, symBinAddr: 0xA1F4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39DD, offset: 0x5888D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61FC, symBinAddr: 0xA1FC, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39F5, offset: 0x588A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC13responseTopicSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6208, symBinAddr: 0xA208, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A0D, offset: 0x588BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6214, symBinAddr: 0xA214, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A25, offset: 0x588D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x621C, symBinAddr: 0xA21C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A3D, offset: 0x588ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6224, symBinAddr: 0xA224, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A55, offset: 0x58905, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC11contentTypeSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x622C, symBinAddr: 0xA22C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A6D, offset: 0x5891D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6238, symBinAddr: 0xA238, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A85, offset: 0x58935, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6244, symBinAddr: 0xA244, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A9D, offset: 0x5894D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x624C, symBinAddr: 0xA24C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AB5, offset: 0x58965, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6254, symBinAddr: 0xA254, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3ACD, offset: 0x5897D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x625C, symBinAddr: 0xA25C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AE5, offset: 0x58995, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6264, symBinAddr: 0xA264, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AFD, offset: 0x589AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x626C, symBinAddr: 0xA26C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B15, offset: 0x589C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6278, symBinAddr: 0xA278, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B2D, offset: 0x589DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6280, symBinAddr: 0xA280, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B45, offset: 0x589F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6288, symBinAddr: 0xA288, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B5D, offset: 0x58A0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6290, symBinAddr: 0xA290, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B75, offset: 0x58A25, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6298, symBinAddr: 0xA298, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B8D, offset: 0x58A3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x62A0, symBinAddr: 0xA2A0, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BA5, offset: 0x58A55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x62AC, symBinAddr: 0xA2AC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BBD, offset: 0x58A6D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x62B4, symBinAddr: 0xA2B4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BD5, offset: 0x58A85, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x62BC, symBinAddr: 0xA2BC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BED, offset: 0x58A9D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x62C4, symBinAddr: 0xA2C4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C05, offset: 0x58AB5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x62CC, symBinAddr: 0xA2CC, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C1D, offset: 0x58ACD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x62D8, symBinAddr: 0xA2D8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C35, offset: 0x58AE5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x62E0, symBinAddr: 0xA2E0, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C4D, offset: 0x58AFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x62EC, symBinAddr: 0xA2EC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C65, offset: 0x58B15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x62F4, symBinAddr: 0xA2F4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C7D, offset: 0x58B2D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x62FC, symBinAddr: 0xA2FC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C95, offset: 0x58B45, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6304, symBinAddr: 0xA304, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3CAD, offset: 0x58B5D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x630C, symBinAddr: 0xA30C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3CC5, offset: 0x58B75, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6318, symBinAddr: 0xA318, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3CDD, offset: 0x58B8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6320, symBinAddr: 0xA320, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3CF5, offset: 0x58BA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x632C, symBinAddr: 0xA32C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D0D, offset: 0x58BBD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6334, symBinAddr: 0xA334, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D25, offset: 0x58BD5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC13responseTopicSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6340, symBinAddr: 0xA340, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D3D, offset: 0x58BED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x634C, symBinAddr: 0xA34C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D55, offset: 0x58C05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6354, symBinAddr: 0xA354, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D6D, offset: 0x58C1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC11contentTypeSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x635C, symBinAddr: 0xA35C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D85, offset: 0x58C35, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttSubscriptionC3qosAA0A7MQTTQoSOvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6368, symBinAddr: 0xA368, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D9D, offset: 0x58C4D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttSubscriptionC7noLocalSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6370, symBinAddr: 0xA370, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DB5, offset: 0x58C65, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttSubscriptionC17retainAsPublishedSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6378, symBinAddr: 0xA378, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DCD, offset: 0x58C7D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttSubscriptionC19subscriptionOptionsSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6380, symBinAddr: 0xA380, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4201, offset: 0x590B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss32_copyCollectionToContiguousArrayys0dE0Vy7ElementQzGxSlRzlFSS8UTF8ViewV_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0x6AF4, symBinAddr: 0xAAE0, symSize: 0x160 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x42D3, offset: 0x59183, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName, symObjAddr: 0x7BFC, symBinAddr: 0xBBE8, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x42E7, offset: 0x59197, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9connStateAA0a8MQTTConnD0OvWyycfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x7C60, symBinAddr: 0xBC4C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x42FB, offset: 0x591AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_project_boxed_opaque_existential_1, symObjAddr: 0x7C68, symBinAddr: 0xBC54, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x430F, offset: 0x591BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_destroy_boxed_opaque_existential_1, symObjAddr: 0x7C8C, symBinAddr: 0xBC78, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4323, offset: 0x591D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_mutable_project_boxed_opaque_existential_1, symObjAddr: 0x7CAC, symBinAddr: 0xBC98, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x43DA, offset: 0x5928A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACMa', symObjAddr: 0x7EDC, symBinAddr: 0xBEC8, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x43EE, offset: 0x5929E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_pWOb', symObjAddr: 0x7EFC, symBinAddr: 0xBEE8, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4402, offset: 0x592B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7connect7timeoutSbSd_tFyyYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x7F4C, symBinAddr: 0xBF38, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4416, offset: 0x592C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x7F54, symBinAddr: 0xBF40, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x442A, offset: 0x592DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x7F64, symBinAddr: 0xBF50, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x443E, offset: 0x592EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSay8Dispatch0A13WorkItemFlagsVGMa', symObjAddr: 0x7FAC, symBinAddr: 0xBF98, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4452, offset: 0x59302, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC4pingyyFyycfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x8000, symBinAddr: 0xBFEC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4466, offset: 0x59316, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7publishySiAA0A11MQTTMessageCFyyYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x8034, symBinAddr: 0xC020, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x447A, offset: 0x5932A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePublishVWOr', symObjAddr: 0x8044, symBinAddr: 0xC030, symSize: 0x6C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x448E, offset: 0x5933E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePublishVWOs', symObjAddr: 0x80B0, symBinAddr: 0xC09C, symSize: 0x6C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x44A2, offset: 0x59352, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7publishySiAA0A11MQTTMessageCFyyYbcfU0_TA', symObjAddr: 0x8140, symBinAddr: 0xC12C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x44B6, offset: 0x59366, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC19socketDidDisconnect_9withErroryAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_s0G0_pSgtFyycfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x814C, symBinAddr: 0xC138, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x49F5, offset: 0x598A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTConnAckOSHAASQWb', symObjAddr: 0xA560, symBinAddr: 0xE54C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A09, offset: 0x598B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTConnAckOACSQAAWl', symObjAddr: 0xA564, symBinAddr: 0xE550, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A1D, offset: 0x598CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTConnAckOMa', symObjAddr: 0xA5A8, symBinAddr: 0xE594, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A31, offset: 0x598E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A12MQTTDelegate_pSgXwWOh', symObjAddr: 0xA624, symBinAddr: 0xE610, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A45, offset: 0x598F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s10Foundation4DataV15_RepresentationOWOe', symObjAddr: 0xA64C, symBinAddr: 0xE638, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A59, offset: 0x59909, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSSWOr', symObjAddr: 0xA690, symBinAddr: 0xE67C, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A6D, offset: 0x5991D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSays5UInt8VGWOr', symObjAddr: 0xA6B8, symBinAddr: 0xE6A4, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A81, offset: 0x59931, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_7connackyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA12FrameConnAckVtFyycfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0xA6E8, symBinAddr: 0xE6D4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A95, offset: 0x59945, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTDeliverC8cleanAllyyFyyXEfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0xA714, symBinAddr: 0xE700, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AA9, offset: 0x59959, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sIg_Ieg_TRTA', symObjAddr: 0xA72C, symBinAddr: 0xE718, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4ABD, offset: 0x5996D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_7connackyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA12FrameConnAckVtFyycfU_yyYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0xA734, symBinAddr: 0xE720, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AD1, offset: 0x59981, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s10Foundation4DataVSgWOy', symObjAddr: 0xA88C, symBinAddr: 0xE878, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AE5, offset: 0x59995, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s10Foundation4DataV15_RepresentationOWOy', symObjAddr: 0xA8A0, symBinAddr: 0xE88C, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B0D, offset: 0x599BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectVWOr', symObjAddr: 0xA974, symBinAddr: 0xE960, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B21, offset: 0x599D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT14FrameSubscribeVWOr', symObjAddr: 0xAA9C, symBinAddr: 0xEA88, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B35, offset: 0x599E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVWOr', symObjAddr: 0xAB14, symBinAddr: 0xEB00, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B49, offset: 0x599F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16__delegate_queueyyyycFyyYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0xAB84, symBinAddr: 0xEB70, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BBC, offset: 0x59A6C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTConnAckOSQAASQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTW', symObjAddr: 0x148, symBinAddr: 0x4148, symSize: 0x14 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B42, offset: 0x5A9F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8delegateAA0A12MQTTDelegate_pSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x43A4, symSize: 0x58 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B9C, offset: 0x5AA4C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8delegateAA0A12MQTTDelegate_pSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x46C, symBinAddr: 0x446C, symSize: 0x6C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5BBD, offset: 0x5AA6D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC4hostSSvM', symObjAddr: 0x528, symBinAddr: 0x4528, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C5B, offset: 0x5AB0B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8clientIDSSvM', symObjAddr: 0x6B4, symBinAddr: 0x46B4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C80, offset: 0x5AB30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8usernameSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x71C, symBinAddr: 0x471C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5CA5, offset: 0x5AB55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8passwordSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x82C, symBinAddr: 0x482C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5CCA, offset: 0x5AB7A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC12cleanSessionSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x878, symBinAddr: 0x4878, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5CE9, offset: 0x5AB99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC12cleanSessionSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x8BC, symBinAddr: 0x48BC, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D1A, offset: 0x5ABCA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC12cleanSessionSbvM', symObjAddr: 0x904, symBinAddr: 0x4904, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D3F, offset: 0x5ABEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11willMessageAA0A11MQTTMessageCSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x950, symBinAddr: 0x4950, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D5E, offset: 0x5AC0E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11willMessageAA0A11MQTTMessageCSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x9A0, symBinAddr: 0x49A0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D93, offset: 0x5AC43, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11willMessageAA0A11MQTTMessageCSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x9F0, symBinAddr: 0x49F0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5DB8, offset: 0x5AC68, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11willMessageAA0A11MQTTMessageCSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xA34, symBinAddr: 0x4A34, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E0C, offset: 0x5ACBC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18backgroundOnSocketSbvg', symObjAddr: 0xA38, symBinAddr: 0x4A38, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E7B, offset: 0x5AD2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18backgroundOnSocketSbvM', symObjAddr: 0xB04, symBinAddr: 0x4B04, symSize: 0xF4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5EED, offset: 0x5AD9D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13delegateQueueSo17OS_dispatch_queueCvg', symObjAddr: 0xC04, symBinAddr: 0x4C04, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5F0C, offset: 0x5ADBC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13delegateQueueSo17OS_dispatch_queueCvs', symObjAddr: 0xC48, symBinAddr: 0x4C48, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5F41, offset: 0x5ADF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13delegateQueueSo17OS_dispatch_queueCvM', symObjAddr: 0xC98, symBinAddr: 0x4C98, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5FCF, offset: 0x5AE7F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16__delegate_queueyyyycF', symObjAddr: 0xDFC, symBinAddr: 0x4DFC, symSize: 0x250 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6048, offset: 0x5AEF8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16__delegate_queueyyyycFyyYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x4CA8, symBinAddr: 0x8CA8, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6087, offset: 0x5AF37, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9connStateAA0a8MQTTConnD0Ovg', symObjAddr: 0x104C, symBinAddr: 0x504C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x60BA, offset: 0x5AF6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9connStateAA0a8MQTTConnD0Ovs', symObjAddr: 0x1090, symBinAddr: 0x5090, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6102, offset: 0x5AFB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9connStateAA0a8MQTTConnD0OvM', symObjAddr: 0x1120, symBinAddr: 0x5120, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6127, offset: 0x5AFD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9connStateAA0a8MQTTConnD0OvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1168, symBinAddr: 0x5168, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6189, offset: 0x5B039, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvg', symObjAddr: 0x11EC, symBinAddr: 0x51EC, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x61A9, offset: 0x5B059, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvg', symObjAddr: 0x11EC, symBinAddr: 0x51EC, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6207, offset: 0x5B0B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvs', symObjAddr: 0x120C, symBinAddr: 0x520C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x623C, offset: 0x5B0EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvs', symObjAddr: 0x120C, symBinAddr: 0x520C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6292, offset: 0x5B142, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvM', symObjAddr: 0x122C, symBinAddr: 0x522C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x62F5, offset: 0x5B1A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1260, symBinAddr: 0x5260, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6319, offset: 0x5B1C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1260, symBinAddr: 0x5260, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x632D, offset: 0x5B1DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1260, symBinAddr: 0x5260, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6354, offset: 0x5B204, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvg', symObjAddr: 0x1280, symBinAddr: 0x5280, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6374, offset: 0x5B224, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvg', symObjAddr: 0x1280, symBinAddr: 0x5280, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x63D2, offset: 0x5B282, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvs', symObjAddr: 0x12A0, symBinAddr: 0x52A0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6406, offset: 0x5B2B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvs', symObjAddr: 0x12A0, symBinAddr: 0x52A0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x645B, offset: 0x5B30B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvM', symObjAddr: 0x12C0, symBinAddr: 0x52C0, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x64BE, offset: 0x5B36E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x12F4, symBinAddr: 0x52F4, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x64E2, offset: 0x5B392, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x12F4, symBinAddr: 0x52F4, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x64F6, offset: 0x5B3A6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x12F4, symBinAddr: 0x52F4, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x651D, offset: 0x5B3CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18inflightWindowSizeSuvg', symObjAddr: 0x1314, symBinAddr: 0x5314, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x653D, offset: 0x5B3ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18inflightWindowSizeSuvg', symObjAddr: 0x1314, symBinAddr: 0x5314, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x66A6, offset: 0x5B556, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18inflightWindowSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1388, symBinAddr: 0x5388, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x66BA, offset: 0x5B56A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18inflightWindowSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1388, symBinAddr: 0x5388, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6765, offset: 0x5B615, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13autoReconnectSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x14D4, symBinAddr: 0x54D4, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6796, offset: 0x5B646, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13autoReconnectSbvM', symObjAddr: 0x151C, symBinAddr: 0x551C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x67BB, offset: 0x5B66B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC25autoReconnectTimeIntervals6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x1568, symBinAddr: 0x5568, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x67DA, offset: 0x5B68A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC25autoReconnectTimeIntervals6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x15AC, symBinAddr: 0x55AC, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x680F, offset: 0x5B6BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC25autoReconnectTimeIntervals6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x15F4, symBinAddr: 0x55F4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6834, offset: 0x5B6E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC28maxAutoReconnectTimeIntervals6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x1640, symBinAddr: 0x5640, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6853, offset: 0x5B703, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC28maxAutoReconnectTimeIntervals6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x1684, symBinAddr: 0x5684, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6888, offset: 0x5B738, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC28maxAutoReconnectTimeIntervals6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x16CC, symBinAddr: 0x56CC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x68CC, offset: 0x5B77C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerD0Ovg', symObjAddr: 0x1728, symBinAddr: 0x5728, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6937, offset: 0x5B7E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerD0Ovs', symObjAddr: 0x17A0, symBinAddr: 0x57A0, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x69AF, offset: 0x5B85F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerD0OvM', symObjAddr: 0x181C, symBinAddr: 0x581C, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A08, offset: 0x5B8B8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerD0OvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x18AC, symBinAddr: 0x58AC, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A29, offset: 0x5B8D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9enableSSLSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x18D0, symBinAddr: 0x58D0, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A7B, offset: 0x5B92B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9enableSSLSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x1958, symBinAddr: 0x5958, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6ADC, offset: 0x5B98C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9enableSSLSbvM', symObjAddr: 0x19D4, symBinAddr: 0x59D4, symSize: 0xA8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B30, offset: 0x5B9E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9enableSSLSbvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1A7C, symBinAddr: 0x5A7C, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B8F, offset: 0x5BA3F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11sslSettingsSDySSSo8NSObjectCGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1AFC, symBinAddr: 0x5AFC, symSize: 0xC8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6FC2, offset: 0x5BE72, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18didSubscribeTopicsyyAB_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x25CC, symBinAddr: 0x65CC, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x705A, offset: 0x5BF0A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didDisconnectyyAB_s5Error_pSgtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x27A8, symBinAddr: 0x67A8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7080, offset: 0x5BF30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC15didReceiveTrustyyAB_So03SecE3RefaySbctcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2820, symBinAddr: 0x6820, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70A6, offset: 0x5BF56, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18didCompletePublishyyAB_s6UInt16VtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2894, symBinAddr: 0x6894, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70CC, offset: 0x5BF7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14didChangeStateyyAB_AA0a8MQTTConnE0OtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x29B4, symBinAddr: 0x69B4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70F8, offset: 0x5BFA8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8clientID4host4port6socketABSS_SSs6UInt16VAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_ptcfC', symObjAddr: 0x29F8, symBinAddr: 0x69F8, symSize: 0x70 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x761F, offset: 0x5C4CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7connectSbyF', symObjAddr: 0x36DC, symBinAddr: 0x76DC, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8B23, offset: 0x5D9D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC15socketDidSecureyySo15MGCDAsyncSocketCF', symObjAddr: 0x5140, symBinAddr: 0x9140, symSize: 0xC4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8B9E, offset: 0x5DA4E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC6socket_19didWriteDataWithTagyAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_SitF', symObjAddr: 0x5204, symBinAddr: 0x9204, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C85, offset: 0x5DB35, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC6socket_7didRead7withTagyAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_10Foundation4DataVSitF', symObjAddr: 0x5208, symBinAddr: 0x9208, symSize: 0x258 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x90BC, offset: 0x5DF6C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC19socketDidDisconnect_9withErroryAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_s0G0_pSgtF', symObjAddr: 0x5460, symBinAddr: 0x9460, symSize: 0x390 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x92E3, offset: 0x5E193, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC19socketDidDisconnect_9withErroryAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_s0G0_pSgtFyycfU_', symObjAddr: 0x57F0, symBinAddr: 0x97F0, symSize: 0xB0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA312, offset: 0x5F1C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_7publishyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA12FramePublishVtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x8D30, symBinAddr: 0xCD1C, symSize: 0x468 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA6CD, offset: 0x5F57D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_6pubackyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA11FramePubAckVtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x9198, symBinAddr: 0xD184, symSize: 0x224 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA832, offset: 0x5F6E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_6pubrecyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA11FramePubRecVtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x93BC, symBinAddr: 0xD3A8, symSize: 0x190 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA959, offset: 0x5F809, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_6pubrelyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA11FramePubRelVtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x954C, symBinAddr: 0xD538, symSize: 0x1A0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAAB4, offset: 0x5F964, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_7pubcompyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA12FramePubCompVtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x96EC, symBinAddr: 0xD6D8, symSize: 0x23C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD26, offset: 0x5FBD6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_6subackyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA11FrameSubAckVtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x9928, symBinAddr: 0xD914, symSize: 0x75C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB3EA, offset: 0x6029A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_8unsubackyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA13FrameUnsubAckVtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xA084, symBinAddr: 0xE070, symSize: 0x39C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB741, offset: 0x605F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_8pingrespyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA13FramePingRespVtFTf4ddn_n', symObjAddr: 0xA420, symBinAddr: 0xE40C, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19A, offset: 0x608A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A13MQTTConnStateOSYAASY8rawValuexSg03RawF0Qz_tcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x31C, symBinAddr: 0xEFE4, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBAE, offset: 0x612BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C17didPublishMessageyyAC_AA0acF0Cs6UInt16VtcvpfiyAC_AfHtcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x25B8, symBinAddr: 0x11280, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DB7, offset: 0x644C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C7publish_3DUP8retained10propertiesSiAA0aC7MessageC_S2bAA21MqttPublishPropertiesCtFyyYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0xBE70, symBinAddr: 0x1A794, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DDF, offset: 0x644EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C16__delegate_queueyyyycFyyYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0xBF7C, symBinAddr: 0x1A85C, symSize: 0xC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C84, offset: 0x65393, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C8delegateAA0aC8Delegate_pSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x4EC, symBinAddr: 0xF1B4, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4CA3, offset: 0x653B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C8delegateAA0aC8Delegate_pSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x534, symBinAddr: 0xF1FC, symSize: 0x58 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4CFD, offset: 0x6540C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C8delegateAA0aC8Delegate_pSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x5FC, symBinAddr: 0xF2C4, symSize: 0x6C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4D1E, offset: 0x6542D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C4hostSSvM', symObjAddr: 0x688, symBinAddr: 0xF350, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4DE1, offset: 0x654F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C8usernameSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x868, symBinAddr: 0xF530, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E06, offset: 0x65515, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C8passwordSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x96C, symBinAddr: 0xF634, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E2B, offset: 0x6553A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C12cleanSessionSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x9B0, symBinAddr: 0xF678, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E4A, offset: 0x65559, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C12cleanSessionSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x9F4, symBinAddr: 0xF6BC, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E7B, offset: 0x6558A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C12cleanSessionSbvM', symObjAddr: 0xA3C, symBinAddr: 0xF704, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4EA0, offset: 0x655AF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C11willMessageAA0acE0CSgvg', symObjAddr: 0xA80, symBinAddr: 0xF748, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4EBF, offset: 0x655CE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C11willMessageAA0acE0CSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xADC, symBinAddr: 0xF7A4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4EE4, offset: 0x655F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C11willMessageAA0acE0CSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xB20, symBinAddr: 0xF7E8, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F38, offset: 0x65647, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C18backgroundOnSocketSbvg', symObjAddr: 0xB24, symBinAddr: 0xF7EC, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4FA7, offset: 0x656B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C18backgroundOnSocketSbvM', symObjAddr: 0xBF0, symBinAddr: 0xF8B8, symSize: 0xF4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5019, offset: 0x65728, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C13delegateQueueSo17OS_dispatch_queueCvg', symObjAddr: 0xCF0, symBinAddr: 0xF9B8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5038, offset: 0x65747, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C13delegateQueueSo17OS_dispatch_queueCvs', symObjAddr: 0xD34, symBinAddr: 0xF9FC, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50FB, offset: 0x6580A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C16__delegate_queueyyyycF', symObjAddr: 0xEE0, symBinAddr: 0xFBA8, symSize: 0x250 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5174, offset: 0x65883, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C16__delegate_queueyyyycFyyYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x50E8, symBinAddr: 0x13DB0, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x51B3, offset: 0x658C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C9connStateAA0a8MQTTConnE0Ovg', symObjAddr: 0x1130, symBinAddr: 0xFDF8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x51E6, offset: 0x658F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C9connStateAA0a8MQTTConnE0Ovs', symObjAddr: 0x1174, symBinAddr: 0xFE3C, symSize: 0x90 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5253, offset: 0x65962, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C9connStateAA0a8MQTTConnE0OvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x124C, symBinAddr: 0xFF14, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x52B5, offset: 0x659C4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C14deliverTimeoutSdvg', symObjAddr: 0x12CC, symBinAddr: 0xFF94, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x52D5, offset: 0x659E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C14deliverTimeoutSdvg', symObjAddr: 0x12CC, symBinAddr: 0xFF94, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5368, offset: 0x65A77, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C14deliverTimeoutSdvs', symObjAddr: 0x12EC, symBinAddr: 0xFFB4, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5421, offset: 0x65B30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C14deliverTimeoutSdvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1340, symBinAddr: 0x10008, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5445, offset: 0x65B54, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C14deliverTimeoutSdvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1340, symBinAddr: 0x10008, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5459, offset: 0x65B68, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C14deliverTimeoutSdvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1340, symBinAddr: 0x10008, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5480, offset: 0x65B8F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C16messageQueueSizeSuvg', symObjAddr: 0x1360, symBinAddr: 0x10028, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x54A0, offset: 0x65BAF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C16messageQueueSizeSuvg', symObjAddr: 0x1360, symBinAddr: 0x10028, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5532, offset: 0x65C41, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C16messageQueueSizeSuvs', symObjAddr: 0x1380, symBinAddr: 0x10048, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x55EA, offset: 0x65CF9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C16messageQueueSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x13D4, symBinAddr: 0x1009C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x560E, offset: 0x65D1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C16messageQueueSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x13D4, symBinAddr: 0x1009C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5622, offset: 0x65D31, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C16messageQueueSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x13D4, symBinAddr: 0x1009C, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x57AE, offset: 0x65EBD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C18inflightWindowSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1468, symBinAddr: 0x10130, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x57D2, offset: 0x65EE1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C18inflightWindowSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1468, symBinAddr: 0x10130, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x57E6, offset: 0x65EF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C18inflightWindowSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1468, symBinAddr: 0x10130, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x59B4, offset: 0x660C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C28maxAutoReconnectTimeIntervals6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x1784, symBinAddr: 0x1044C, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x59F8, offset: 0x66107, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C17connectPropertiesAA011MqttConnectE0CSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x1824, symBinAddr: 0x104EC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5A1D, offset: 0x6612C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C14authPropertiesAA08MqttAuthE0CSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1868, symBinAddr: 0x10530, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5A42, offset: 0x66151, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C14authPropertiesAA08MqttAuthE0CSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x1910, symBinAddr: 0x105D8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5A86, offset: 0x66195, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerE0Ovg', symObjAddr: 0x1954, symBinAddr: 0x1061C, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5AF1, offset: 0x66200, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerE0Ovs', symObjAddr: 0x19CC, symBinAddr: 0x10694, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B69, offset: 0x66278, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerE0OvM', symObjAddr: 0x1A48, symBinAddr: 0x10710, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5BC2, offset: 0x662D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerE0OvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1AD8, symBinAddr: 0x107A0, symSize: 0x24 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8080, offset: 0x6878F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C15socketDidSecureyySo15MGCDAsyncSocketCF', symObjAddr: 0x54E0, symBinAddr: 0x141A8, symSize: 0xC4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x968D, offset: 0x69D9C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C10didReceive_6pubrelyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA11FramePubRelVtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x97BC, symBinAddr: 0x1836C, symSize: 0x19C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97FB, offset: 0x69F0A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C10didReceive_7pubcompyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA12FramePubCompVtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x9958, symBinAddr: 0x18508, symSize: 0x270 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9ADD, offset: 0x6A1EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C10didReceive_6subackyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA11FrameSubAckVtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x9BC8, symBinAddr: 0x18778, symSize: 0x9C4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA17F, offset: 0x6A88E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C10didReceive_8unsubackyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA13FrameUnsubAckVtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xA58C, symBinAddr: 0x1913C, symSize: 0x6F8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA7EB, offset: 0x6AEFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C7publish_3DUP8retained10propertiesSiAA0aC7MessageC_S2bAA21MqttPublishPropertiesCtFTf4nndnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xADC4, symBinAddr: 0x19974, symSize: 0x698 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x404, offset: 0x76E0E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketCAA0aC8ProtocolA2aDP7connect6toHost6onPortySS_s6UInt16VtKFTW', symObjAddr: 0x81C, symBinAddr: 0x25654, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x457, offset: 0x76E61, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketCAA0aC8ProtocolA2aDP7connect6toHost6onPort11withTimeoutySS_s6UInt16VSdtKFTW', symObjAddr: 0x840, symBinAddr: 0x25678, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x47A, offset: 0x76E84, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketCAA0aC8ProtocolA2aDP10disconnectyyFTW', symObjAddr: 0x860, symBinAddr: 0x25698, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B7, offset: 0x76EC1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketCAA0aC8ProtocolA2aDP8readData8toLength11withTimeout3tagySu_SdSitFTW', symObjAddr: 0x87C, symBinAddr: 0x256B4, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50D, offset: 0x76F17, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketCAA0aC8ProtocolA2aDP5write_11withTimeout3tagy10Foundation4DataV_SdSitFTW', symObjAddr: 0x8A0, symBinAddr: 0x256D8, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6DE, offset: 0x770E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sIeg_IeyB_TR', symObjAddr: 0xEF8, symBinAddr: 0x25D10, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F6, offset: 0x77100, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC6socket_16didConnectToHost4portySo15MGCDAsyncSocketC_SSs6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xF24, symBinAddr: 0x25D3C, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x742, offset: 0x7714C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC6socket_10didReceive17completionHandlerySo15MGCDAsyncSocketC_So11SecTrustRefaySbctFTo', symObjAddr: 0x1070, symBinAddr: 0x25E88, symSize: 0x1C0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D6, offset: 0x771E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC15socketDidSecureyySo15MGCDAsyncSocketCFTo', symObjAddr: 0x1234, symBinAddr: 0x2604C, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x826, offset: 0x77230, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC6socket_19didWriteDataWithTagySo15MGCDAsyncSocketC_SitFTo', symObjAddr: 0x1288, symBinAddr: 0x260A0, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x87D, offset: 0x77287, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC6socket_7didRead7withTagySo15MGCDAsyncSocketC_10Foundation4DataVSitFTo', symObjAddr: 0x1398, symBinAddr: 0x261B0, symSize: 0x158 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E5, offset: 0x772EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC19socketDidDisconnect_9withErrorySo15MGCDAsyncSocketC_s0H0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0x14F8, symBinAddr: 0x26310, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x96B, offset: 0x77375, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo8NSObjectCMa', symObjAddr: 0x18D4, symBinAddr: 0x266A0, symSize: 0x3C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x993, offset: 0x7739D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x193C, symBinAddr: 0x26708, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A7, offset: 0x773B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x194C, symBinAddr: 0x26718, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA25, offset: 0x7742F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s10ObjectiveC8ObjCBoolVIeyBy_SbIegy_TRTA', symObjAddr: 0x1DB8, symBinAddr: 0x26B40, symSize: 0x14 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCF4, offset: 0x776FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC18backgroundOnSocketSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x24E58, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD19, offset: 0x77723, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC18backgroundOnSocketSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x64, symBinAddr: 0x24E9C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD4A, offset: 0x77754, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC18backgroundOnSocketSbvM', symObjAddr: 0xAC, symBinAddr: 0x24EE4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD6F, offset: 0x77779, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC9enableSSLSbvg', symObjAddr: 0xF0, symBinAddr: 0x24F28, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD8E, offset: 0x77798, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC9enableSSLSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x134, symBinAddr: 0x24F6C, symSize: 0x48 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDD2, offset: 0x777DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC11sslSettingsSDySSSo8NSObjectCGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1C0, symBinAddr: 0x24FF8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDF1, offset: 0x777FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC11sslSettingsSDySSSo8NSObjectCGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x208, symBinAddr: 0x25040, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE4B, offset: 0x77855, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC11sslSettingsSDySSSo8NSObjectCGSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x29C, symBinAddr: 0x250D4, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE6C, offset: 0x77876, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC25allowUntrustCACertificateSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x2A0, symBinAddr: 0x250D8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE8B, offset: 0x77895, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC25allowUntrustCACertificateSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x2E4, symBinAddr: 0x2511C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEBC, offset: 0x778C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC25allowUntrustCACertificateSbvM', symObjAddr: 0x32C, symBinAddr: 0x25164, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF97, offset: 0x779A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC11setDelegate_13delegateQueueyAA0acE0_pSg_So17OS_dispatch_queueCSgtF', symObjAddr: 0x4F8, symBinAddr: 0x25330, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1022, offset: 0x77A2C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC7connect6toHost6onPortySS_s6UInt16VtKF', symObjAddr: 0x580, symBinAddr: 0x253B8, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1053, offset: 0x77A5D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC7connect6toHost6onPort11withTimeoutySS_s6UInt16VSdtKF', symObjAddr: 0x598, symBinAddr: 0x253D0, symSize: 0xEC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10A8, offset: 0x77AB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC10disconnectyyF', symObjAddr: 0x684, symBinAddr: 0x254BC, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10C5, offset: 0x77ACF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC8readData8toLength11withTimeout3tagySu_SdSitF', symObjAddr: 0x69C, symBinAddr: 0x254D4, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10FF, offset: 0x77B09, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC5write_11withTimeout3tagy10Foundation4DataV_SdSitF', symObjAddr: 0x6BC, symBinAddr: 0x254F4, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1377, offset: 0x77D81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC6socket_16didConnectToHost4portySo15MGCDAsyncSocketC_SSs6UInt16VtF', symObjAddr: 0x908, symBinAddr: 0x25740, symSize: 0x488 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x164D, offset: 0x78057, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC6socket_16didConnectToHost4portySo15MGCDAsyncSocketC_SSs6UInt16VtFyycfU_', symObjAddr: 0xDB0, symBinAddr: 0x25BC8, symSize: 0x148 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1729, offset: 0x78133, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC6socket_10didReceive17completionHandlerySo15MGCDAsyncSocketC_So11SecTrustRefaySbctF', symObjAddr: 0xFA8, symBinAddr: 0x25DC0, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x17F3, offset: 0x781FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC15socketDidSecureyySo15MGCDAsyncSocketCF', symObjAddr: 0x1230, symBinAddr: 0x26048, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x180E, offset: 0x78218, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC6socket_19didWriteDataWithTagySo15MGCDAsyncSocketC_SitF', symObjAddr: 0x1280, symBinAddr: 0x26098, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1829, offset: 0x78233, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC6socket_7didRead7withTagySo15MGCDAsyncSocketC_10Foundation4DataVSitF', symObjAddr: 0x12DC, symBinAddr: 0x260F4, symSize: 0xBC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x18B0, offset: 0x782BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC19socketDidDisconnect_9withErrorySo15MGCDAsyncSocketC_s0H0_pSgtF', symObjAddr: 0x14F0, symBinAddr: 0x26308, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x18E0, offset: 0x782EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_insert2at3key5valueys10_HashTableV6BucketV_xnq_ntFSS_9CocoaMQTT0J7MQTTQoSOTg5', symObjAddr: 0x1560, symBinAddr: 0x26378, symSize: 0x4C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E2, offset: 0x82BF3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A9MQTTErrorOs5ErrorAAsADP7_domainSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x4E4, symBinAddr: 0x2F820, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1184, offset: 0x83495, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD9CocoaMQTTSSRszSSRs_rlE17userPropertyBytesSays5UInt8VGvg', symObjAddr: 0x6E8, symBinAddr: 0x2FA14, symSize: 0x258 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x49B, offset: 0x83BD9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT9FrameTypeOwup', symObjAddr: 0x6D4, symBinAddr: 0x30374, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1CC, offset: 0x84728, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT9FrameAuthVwca', symObjAddr: 0x130, symBinAddr: 0x30508, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21C, offset: 0x84778, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT9FrameAuthVwst', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x30600, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x230, offset: 0x8478C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT9FrameAuthVMa', symObjAddr: 0x278, symBinAddr: 0x30650, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B, offset: 0x84B5C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnAckVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x30660, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2EC, offset: 0x84DFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnAckV11descriptionSSvgTf4x_n', symObjAddr: 0x110, symBinAddr: 0x30770, symSize: 0x110 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x47F, offset: 0x84F90, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnAckVMa', symObjAddr: 0x478, symBinAddr: 0x30A98, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x84, offset: 0x8525C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x30AB0, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B3, offset: 0x8558B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectVwxx', symObjAddr: 0xF70, symBinAddr: 0x31994, symSize: 0x78 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DB, offset: 0x855B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectVwca', symObjAddr: 0x116C, symBinAddr: 0x31B4C, symSize: 0x1F0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1A1A, offset: 0x86BF2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectV11descriptionSSvg', symObjAddr: 0xB64, symBinAddr: 0x3160C, symSize: 0x2BC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B, offset: 0x86ECD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x31FA4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80, offset: 0x86F02, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x31FAC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA0, offset: 0x86F22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x31FAC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x204, offset: 0x87086, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVs23CustomStringConvertibleAAsADP11descriptionSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x3B8, symBinAddr: 0x3235C, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x220, offset: 0x870A2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwCP', symObjAddr: 0x458, symBinAddr: 0x323BC, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x234, offset: 0x870B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwxx', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x323EC, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x25C, offset: 0x870DE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwca', symObjAddr: 0x52C, symBinAddr: 0x32490, symSize: 0xAC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x270, offset: 0x870F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_memcpy56_8, symObjAddr: 0x5D8, symBinAddr: 0x3253C, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x284, offset: 0x87106, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwta', symObjAddr: 0x5F4, symBinAddr: 0x32558, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x298, offset: 0x8711A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwet', symObjAddr: 0x668, symBinAddr: 0x325CC, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2AC, offset: 0x8712E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwst', symObjAddr: 0x6C4, symBinAddr: 0x32628, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2C0, offset: 0x87142, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVMa', symObjAddr: 0x724, symBinAddr: 0x32688, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x472, offset: 0x872F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectV15variableHeader5Says5UInt8VGyF', symObjAddr: 0x10, symBinAddr: 0x31FB4, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x615, offset: 0x87497, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectV10propertiesSays5UInt8VGyF', symObjAddr: 0xF4, symBinAddr: 0x32098, symSize: 0x2C4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x878D4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePingReqVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x32698, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x46, offset: 0x878F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePingReqVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x32698, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B, offset: 0x87948, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePingReqVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x326A0, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCA, offset: 0x87977, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePingReqVMa', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x326B8, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x87A4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT13FramePingRespVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x326C8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x46, offset: 0x87A69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT13FramePingRespVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x326C8, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCA, offset: 0x87AED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT13FramePingRespVMa', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x326E8, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x26D, offset: 0x87E06, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVs23CustomStringConvertibleAAsADP11descriptionSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x290, symBinAddr: 0x32988, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x337, offset: 0x87ED0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckV21packetFixedHeaderType5bytesACSgs5UInt8V_SayAHGtcfCTf4nnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x318, symBinAddr: 0x32A10, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x497, offset: 0x88030, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVwCP', symObjAddr: 0x4B4, symBinAddr: 0x32B6C, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AB, offset: 0x88044, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVwxx', symObjAddr: 0x4E4, symBinAddr: 0x32B9C, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BF, offset: 0x88058, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVwcp', symObjAddr: 0x514, symBinAddr: 0x32BCC, symSize: 0x5C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4FB, offset: 0x88094, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVwta', symObjAddr: 0x618, symBinAddr: 0x32CD0, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50F, offset: 0x880A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVwet', symObjAddr: 0x67C, symBinAddr: 0x32D34, symSize: 0x5C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x755, offset: 0x882EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckV15variableHeader5Says5UInt8VGyF', symObjAddr: 0x10, symBinAddr: 0x32708, symSize: 0x128 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x968, offset: 0x88501, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckV10propertiesSays5UInt8VGyF', symObjAddr: 0x138, symBinAddr: 0x32830, symSize: 0x158 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x26D, offset: 0x8897D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePubCompVs23CustomStringConvertibleAAsADP11descriptionSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x290, symBinAddr: 0x3308C, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x31D, offset: 0x88A2D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePubCompV21packetFixedHeaderType5bytesACSgs5UInt8V_SayAHGtcfCTf4nnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x318, symBinAddr: 0x33114, symSize: 0xD4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x456, offset: 0x88B66, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePubCompVwcp', symObjAddr: 0x4D0, symBinAddr: 0x3328C, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x46A, offset: 0x88B7A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePubCompVwca', symObjAddr: 0x52C, symBinAddr: 0x332E8, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x47E, offset: 0x88B8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePubCompVwta', symObjAddr: 0x5D4, symBinAddr: 0x3337C, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x492, offset: 0x88BA2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePubCompVwet', symObjAddr: 0x638, symBinAddr: 0x333E0, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A6, offset: 0x88BB6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePubCompVwst', symObjAddr: 0x694, symBinAddr: 0x3343C, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BA, offset: 0x88BCA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePubCompVMa', symObjAddr: 0x6F0, symBinAddr: 0x33498, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8EB, offset: 0x88FFB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePubCompV10propertiesSays5UInt8VGyF', symObjAddr: 0x138, symBinAddr: 0x32F34, symSize: 0x158 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B, offset: 0x89240, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePublishVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x334A8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80, offset: 0x89275, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePublishVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x334B0, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC80, offset: 0x930C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC14propertyLengthSiSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x68, symBinAddr: 0x39170, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCA9, offset: 0x930F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC14propertyLengthSiSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xC4, symBinAddr: 0x391CC, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCF3, offset: 0x9313B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC14receiveMaximums6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x17C, symBinAddr: 0x39284, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD62, offset: 0x931AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC10maximumQoSAA0A7MQTTQoSOSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x25C, symBinAddr: 0x39364, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD87, offset: 0x931CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC10maximumQoSAA0A7MQTTQoSOSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x2A0, symBinAddr: 0x393A8, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDCD, offset: 0x93215, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15retainAvailableSbSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x2E8, symBinAddr: 0x393F0, symSize: 0x48 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE1B, offset: 0x93263, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC17maximumPacketSizes6UInt32VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x428, symBinAddr: 0x39530, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE40, offset: 0x93288, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC24assignedClientIdentifierSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x484, symBinAddr: 0x3958C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE65, offset: 0x932AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC17topicAliasMaximums6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x4E0, symBinAddr: 0x395E8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE8A, offset: 0x932D2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x53C, symBinAddr: 0x39644, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEAF, offset: 0x932F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x580, symBinAddr: 0x39688, symSize: 0x48 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF09, offset: 0x93351, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x618, symBinAddr: 0x39720, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF28, offset: 0x93370, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC29wildcardSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x65C, symBinAddr: 0x39764, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF4D, offset: 0x93395, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC29wildcardSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x6A0, symBinAddr: 0x397A8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF76, offset: 0x933BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC29wildcardSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x6E8, symBinAddr: 0x397F0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF9B, offset: 0x933E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC32subscriptionIdentifiersAvailableSbSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x72C, symBinAddr: 0x39834, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFE9, offset: 0x93431, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC32subscriptionIdentifiersAvailableSbSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x7B8, symBinAddr: 0x398C0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x100E, offset: 0x93456, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x7FC, symBinAddr: 0x39904, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1033, offset: 0x9347B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x840, symBinAddr: 0x39948, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x105C, offset: 0x934A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x888, symBinAddr: 0x39990, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1081, offset: 0x934C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15serverKeepAlives6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x978, symBinAddr: 0x39A80, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10CB, offset: 0x93513, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15serverReferenceSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xA30, symBinAddr: 0x39B38, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10F0, offset: 0x93538, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC20authenticationMethodSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xB34, symBinAddr: 0x39C3C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1115, offset: 0x9355D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvg', symObjAddr: 0xB78, symBinAddr: 0x39C80, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x113A, offset: 0x93582, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvs', symObjAddr: 0xBC0, symBinAddr: 0x39CC8, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x14F1, offset: 0x93939, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC10properties11connackDataySays5UInt8VG_tF', symObjAddr: 0xC54, symBinAddr: 0x39D5C, symSize: 0xA3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x216A, offset: 0x945B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x1700, symBinAddr: 0x3A808, symSize: 0x174 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x218F, offset: 0x945D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckCfD', symObjAddr: 0x1894, symBinAddr: 0x3A99C, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21B9, offset: 0x94601, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22__RawDictionaryStorageC4findys10_HashTableV6BucketV6bucket_Sb5foundtxSHRzlFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x1960, symBinAddr: 0x3AA68, symSize: 0x64 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x223C, offset: 0x94684, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22__RawDictionaryStorageC4find_9hashValues10_HashTableV6BucketV6bucket_Sb5foundtx_SitSHRzlFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x19F8, symBinAddr: 0x3AB00, symSize: 0xE0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x26D9, offset: 0x94B21, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0x30D0, symBinAddr: 0x3C1D8, symSize: 0x340 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x94C50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3C57C, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x292, offset: 0x94EBB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x3CA04, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AC, offset: 0x950D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCMa', symObjAddr: 0xA78, symBinAddr: 0x3CFF4, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D0, offset: 0x952F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3C57C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E4, offset: 0x9530D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3C59C, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70F, offset: 0x95338, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x6C, symBinAddr: 0x3C5E8, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x734, offset: 0x9535D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xBC, symBinAddr: 0x3C638, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x759, offset: 0x95382, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3C67C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77A, offset: 0x953A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x3C680, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79F, offset: 0x953C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x148, symBinAddr: 0x3C6C4, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C8, offset: 0x953F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x3C70C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7ED, offset: 0x95416, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D4, symBinAddr: 0x3C750, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x812, offset: 0x9543B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x3C7A4, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x83B, offset: 0x95464, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x284, symBinAddr: 0x3C800, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x860, offset: 0x95489, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C8, symBinAddr: 0x3C844, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x885, offset: 0x954AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x3C88C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8BA, offset: 0x954E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x3C8DC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D9, offset: 0x95502, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x3C920, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8ED, offset: 0x95516, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x3AC, symBinAddr: 0x3C928, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x910, offset: 0x95539, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCfD', symObjAddr: 0x458, symBinAddr: 0x3C9D4, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB48, offset: 0x95771, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4C4, symBinAddr: 0x3CA40, symSize: 0x5B4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x95E48, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3D020, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x95FE8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x3D458, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x292, offset: 0x960B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x3D4A8, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4CD, offset: 0x962EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCMa', symObjAddr: 0xAB4, symBinAddr: 0x3DAD4, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F1, offset: 0x96512, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3D020, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x705, offset: 0x96526, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10reasonCodeAA0a17MQTTPUBCOMPReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3D040, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x730, offset: 0x96551, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10reasonCodeAA0a17MQTTPUBCOMPReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x6C, symBinAddr: 0x3D08C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x755, offset: 0x96576, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10reasonCodeAA0a17MQTTPUBCOMPReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xBC, symBinAddr: 0x3D0DC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77A, offset: 0x9659B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10reasonCodeAA0a17MQTTPUBCOMPReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3D120, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79B, offset: 0x965BC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x3D124, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C0, offset: 0x965E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x148, symBinAddr: 0x3D168, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E9, offset: 0x9660A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x3D1B0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80E, offset: 0x9662F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D4, symBinAddr: 0x3D1F4, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x833, offset: 0x96654, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x3D248, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x85C, offset: 0x9667D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x284, symBinAddr: 0x3D2A4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x881, offset: 0x966A2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C8, symBinAddr: 0x3D2E8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8A6, offset: 0x966C7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x3D330, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8DB, offset: 0x966FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x3D380, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8FA, offset: 0x9671B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x3D3C4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x90E, offset: 0x9672F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x3AC, symBinAddr: 0x3D3CC, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x931, offset: 0x96752, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCfD', symObjAddr: 0x458, symBinAddr: 0x3D478, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB6F, offset: 0x96990, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4C4, symBinAddr: 0x3D4E4, symSize: 0x5F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x393, offset: 0x97407, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x1604, symBinAddr: 0x3F104, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x761, offset: 0x977D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x1654, symBinAddr: 0x3F154, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x790, offset: 0x97804, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCMa', symObjAddr: 0x16C8, symBinAddr: 0x3F1C8, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA9A, offset: 0x97B0E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3DB00, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAAE, offset: 0x97B22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3DB20, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD3, offset: 0x97B47, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x68, symBinAddr: 0x3DB68, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFC, offset: 0x97B70, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xC4, symBinAddr: 0x3DBC4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB21, offset: 0x97B95, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x108, symBinAddr: 0x3DC08, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB46, offset: 0x97BBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x154, symBinAddr: 0x3DC54, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB6B, offset: 0x97BDF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x1A4, symBinAddr: 0x3DCA4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB90, offset: 0x97C04, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1E8, symBinAddr: 0x3DCE8, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBB5, offset: 0x97C29, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x23C, symBinAddr: 0x3DD3C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBDA, offset: 0x97C4E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x28C, symBinAddr: 0x3DD8C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBFF, offset: 0x97C73, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC10topicAliass6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x2E8, symBinAddr: 0x3DDE8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC24, offset: 0x97C98, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC10topicAliass6UInt16VSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x32C, symBinAddr: 0x3DE2C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC45, offset: 0x97CB9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC13responseTopicSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x348, symBinAddr: 0x3DE48, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC6A, offset: 0x97CDE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x3DEA4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC8F, offset: 0x97D03, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x490, symBinAddr: 0x3DF90, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCAE, offset: 0x97D22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivg', symObjAddr: 0x4D4, symBinAddr: 0x3DFD4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCD3, offset: 0x97D47, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivs', symObjAddr: 0x518, symBinAddr: 0x3E018, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCFC, offset: 0x97D70, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivM', symObjAddr: 0x560, symBinAddr: 0x3E060, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD21, offset: 0x97D95, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC11contentTypeSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x664, symBinAddr: 0x3E164, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD46, offset: 0x97DBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvg', symObjAddr: 0x6A8, symBinAddr: 0x3E1A8, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD65, offset: 0x97DD9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvs', symObjAddr: 0x6FC, symBinAddr: 0x3E1FC, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD8E, offset: 0x97E02, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvM', symObjAddr: 0x758, symBinAddr: 0x3E258, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDB3, offset: 0x97E27, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC16packetIdentifiers6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x848, symBinAddr: 0x3E348, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDD8, offset: 0x97E4C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivg', symObjAddr: 0x88C, symBinAddr: 0x3E38C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDFD, offset: 0x97E71, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivs', symObjAddr: 0x8D0, symBinAddr: 0x3E3D0, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE26, offset: 0x97E9A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivM', symObjAddr: 0x918, symBinAddr: 0x3E418, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11CC, offset: 0x98240, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC06decodeE011fixedHeader11publishDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x95C, symBinAddr: 0x3E45C, symSize: 0xB40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E93, offset: 0x98F07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x150C, symBinAddr: 0x3F00C, symSize: 0xF8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1EB6, offset: 0x98F2A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCfD', symObjAddr: 0x1624, symBinAddr: 0x3F124, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x98F94, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3F214, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x99134, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x3F64C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x292, offset: 0x991FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x3F69C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AC, offset: 0x99419, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCMa', symObjAddr: 0xA78, symBinAddr: 0x3FC8C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D0, offset: 0x9963D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3F214, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E4, offset: 0x99651, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3F234, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70F, offset: 0x9967C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x6C, symBinAddr: 0x3F280, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x734, offset: 0x996A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xBC, symBinAddr: 0x3F2D0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x759, offset: 0x996C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3F314, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77A, offset: 0x996E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x3F318, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79F, offset: 0x9970C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x148, symBinAddr: 0x3F35C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C8, offset: 0x99735, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x3F3A4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7ED, offset: 0x9975A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D4, symBinAddr: 0x3F3E8, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x812, offset: 0x9977F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x3F43C, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x83B, offset: 0x997A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x284, symBinAddr: 0x3F498, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x860, offset: 0x997CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C8, symBinAddr: 0x3F4DC, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x885, offset: 0x997F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x3F524, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8BA, offset: 0x99827, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x3F574, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D9, offset: 0x99846, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x3F5B8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8ED, offset: 0x9985A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x3AC, symBinAddr: 0x3F5C0, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x910, offset: 0x9987D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCfD', symObjAddr: 0x458, symBinAddr: 0x3F66C, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB48, offset: 0x99AB5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4C4, symBinAddr: 0x3F6D8, symSize: 0x5B4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x9A18C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3FCB8, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x9A32C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x400F0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x292, offset: 0x9A3F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x40140, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AC, offset: 0x9A611, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCMa', symObjAddr: 0xAB4, symBinAddr: 0x4076C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D0, offset: 0x9A835, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3FCB8, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E4, offset: 0x9A849, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3FCD8, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70F, offset: 0x9A874, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x6C, symBinAddr: 0x3FD24, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x734, offset: 0x9A899, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xBC, symBinAddr: 0x3FD74, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x759, offset: 0x9A8BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3FDB8, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77A, offset: 0x9A8DF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x3FDBC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79F, offset: 0x9A904, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x148, symBinAddr: 0x3FE00, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C8, offset: 0x9A92D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x3FE48, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7ED, offset: 0x9A952, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D4, symBinAddr: 0x3FE8C, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x812, offset: 0x9A977, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x3FEE0, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x83B, offset: 0x9A9A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x284, symBinAddr: 0x3FF3C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x860, offset: 0x9A9C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C8, symBinAddr: 0x3FF80, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x885, offset: 0x9A9EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x3FFC8, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8BA, offset: 0x9AA1F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x40018, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D9, offset: 0x9AA3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x4005C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8ED, offset: 0x9AA52, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x3AC, symBinAddr: 0x40064, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x910, offset: 0x9AA75, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCfD', symObjAddr: 0x458, symBinAddr: 0x40110, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB48, offset: 0x9ACAD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4C4, symBinAddr: 0x4017C, symSize: 0x5F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x9B3B8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x40798, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x9B558, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x44C, symBinAddr: 0x40BE4, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2A8, offset: 0x9B639, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x49C, symBinAddr: 0x40C34, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x585, offset: 0x9B916, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCMa', symObjAddr: 0xBFC, symBinAddr: 0x41394, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E8, offset: 0x9BB79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x40798, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7FC, offset: 0x9BB8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x407B8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x827, offset: 0x9BBB8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvs', symObjAddr: 0x68, symBinAddr: 0x40800, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x85C, offset: 0x9BBED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM', symObjAddr: 0xB8, symBinAddr: 0x40850, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x87B, offset: 0x9BC0C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xFC, symBinAddr: 0x40894, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x89C, offset: 0x9BC2D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x40898, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C1, offset: 0x9BC52, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x144, symBinAddr: 0x408DC, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8EA, offset: 0x9BC7B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x18C, symBinAddr: 0x40924, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x90F, offset: 0x9BCA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D0, symBinAddr: 0x40968, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x934, offset: 0x9BCC5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x224, symBinAddr: 0x409BC, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x95D, offset: 0x9BCEE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x280, symBinAddr: 0x40A18, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x982, offset: 0x9BD13, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C4, symBinAddr: 0x40A5C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A7, offset: 0x9BD38, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x30C, symBinAddr: 0x40AA4, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9DC, offset: 0x9BD6D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x35C, symBinAddr: 0x40AF4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9FB, offset: 0x9BD8C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A0, symBinAddr: 0x40B38, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA0F, offset: 0x9BDA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x3A8, symBinAddr: 0x40B40, symSize: 0xA4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA34, offset: 0x9BDC5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCfD', symObjAddr: 0x46C, symBinAddr: 0x40C04, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCC3, offset: 0x9C054, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4E8, symBinAddr: 0x40C80, symSize: 0x6A4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x9C8CE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x413C0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x9CA6E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x44C, symBinAddr: 0x4180C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2A8, offset: 0x9CB4F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x49C, symBinAddr: 0x4185C, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x585, offset: 0x9CE2C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckCMa', symObjAddr: 0xBFC, symBinAddr: 0x41FBC, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E8, offset: 0x9D08F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x413C0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7FC, offset: 0x9D0A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x413E0, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x827, offset: 0x9D0CE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvs', symObjAddr: 0x68, symBinAddr: 0x41428, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x85C, offset: 0x9D103, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM', symObjAddr: 0xB8, symBinAddr: 0x41478, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x87B, offset: 0x9D122, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xFC, symBinAddr: 0x414BC, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x89C, offset: 0x9D143, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x414C0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C1, offset: 0x9D168, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x144, symBinAddr: 0x41504, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8EA, offset: 0x9D191, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x18C, symBinAddr: 0x4154C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x90F, offset: 0x9D1B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D0, symBinAddr: 0x41590, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x934, offset: 0x9D1DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x224, symBinAddr: 0x415E4, symSize: 0x5C }
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similarity index 100%
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@@ -0,0 +1,1662 @@
+triple: 'arm64-apple-darwin'
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x16B, offset: 0x6565C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0k8MQTTConnJ0OtFySbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x1E0, symBinAddr: 0x1F064, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x192, offset: 0x65683, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0k8MQTTConnJ0OtFySbcfU0_', symObjAddr: 0x1E4, symBinAddr: 0x1F068, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38C, offset: 0x6587D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0K0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0x454, symBinAddr: 0x1F2D8, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BE, offset: 0x658AF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC11mqttDidPingyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0x4B8, symBinAddr: 0x1F33C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DA, offset: 0x658CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC18mqttDidReceivePongyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0x4BC, symBinAddr: 0x1F340, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCC9, offset: 0x661BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_16didStateChangeToy9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0l8MQTTConnI0OtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xB9C, symBinAddr: 0x1FA20, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD5C, offset: 0x6624D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTf4ddnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xF94, symBinAddr: 0x1FE18, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDD0, offset: 0x662C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0K0_pSgtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xFFC, symBinAddr: 0x1FE80, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F, offset: 0x6636D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS31ReachabilityChangedNotificationSo18NSNotificationNameavp', symObjAddr: 0x2AF0, symBinAddr: 0x87318, symSize: 0x0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B4, offset: 0x669D2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvpACTK', symObjAddr: 0x418, symBinAddr: 0x207DC, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6EA, offset: 0x66A08, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvpACTk', symObjAddr: 0x4A0, symBinAddr: 0x20864, symSize: 0xAC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x788, offset: 0x66AA6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvpACTk', symObjAddr: 0x6D0, symBinAddr: 0x20A94, symSize: 0xAC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9D1, offset: 0x66CEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC03setD5Flags33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyKFyyKXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x16E4, symBinAddr: 0x21AA8, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xACD, offset: 0x66DEB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC03setD5Flags33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyKFyyKXEfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1824, symBinAddr: 0x21BE8, symSize: 0x18 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF9, offset: 0x66E17, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOACs0E0AAWl', symObjAddr: 0x1C0C, symBinAddr: 0x21FD0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0D, offset: 0x66E2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityCMa', symObjAddr: 0x1C50, symBinAddr: 0x22014, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB21, offset: 0x66E3F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS21ReachabilityWeakifier33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLCMa', symObjAddr: 0x1E10, symBinAddr: 0x221D4, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB35, offset: 0x66E53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOSHAASQWb', symObjAddr: 0x1E30, symBinAddr: 0x221F4, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB49, offset: 0x66E67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOAESQAAWl', symObjAddr: 0x1E34, symBinAddr: 0x221F8, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE4B, offset: 0x67169, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP5_codeSivgTW', symObjAddr: 0x4, symBinAddr: 0x203C8, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE67, offset: 0x67185, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP9_userInfoyXlSgvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x203CC, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE83, offset: 0x671A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP19_getEmbeddedNSErroryXlSgyFTW', symObjAddr: 0xC, symBinAddr: 0x203D0, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1392, offset: 0x676B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x77C, symBinAddr: 0x20B40, symSize: 0x4C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x143D, offset: 0x6775B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC24allowsCellularConnectionSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x88C, symBinAddr: 0x20C50, symSize: 0x3C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x14C9, offset: 0x677E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC18notificationCenterSo014NSNotificationF0Cvs', symObjAddr: 0x990, symBinAddr: 0x20D54, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1890, offset: 0x67BAE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC8hostname8queueQoS11targetQueue012notificationI0ACSS_8Dispatch0kG1SVSo012OS_dispatch_F0CSgAMtKcfC', symObjAddr: 0xEC8, symBinAddr: 0x2128C, symSize: 0x188 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1935, offset: 0x67C53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC8queueQoS11targetQueue012notificationH0AC8Dispatch0jF1SV_So012OS_dispatch_E0CSgALtKcfC', symObjAddr: 0x1050, symBinAddr: 0x21414, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1982, offset: 0x67CA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC12stopNotifieryyF', symObjAddr: 0x10D4, symBinAddr: 0x21498, symSize: 0x3C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1EC9, offset: 0x681E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13startNotifieryyKFs9UnmanagedVySo11CFStringRefaGSVcfU2_To', symObjAddr: 0x14C4, symBinAddr: 0x21888, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B, offset: 0x68B0B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS13ModelEdgeRuleVwca', symObjAddr: 0xC0, symBinAddr: 0x22C3C, symSize: 0x128 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19A6, offset: 0x6C5A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC14startHeartRate2dfySd_tFySo7NSTimerCYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x156C0, symBinAddr: 0x3BA80, symSize: 0x150 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4012, offset: 0x6EC0F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC15validateLatLong5value2dvSbSS_SSSgtFTf4nnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x19518, symBinAddr: 0x3F808, symSize: 0x1A0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4CAB, offset: 0x6F8A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC13startMQTTCall33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL16dataSyncResponse8passwordySDySSypG_SStFyypSg_SitcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1BC78, symBinAddr: 0x416B8, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7794, offset: 0x72391, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC10initialize4cpId06uniqueH02pf14deviceCallback010twinUpdateL0013getAttributesL00o5TwinsL00o12ChildDevucesL0ySS_S2SyypSgcyAMcyAMcyAMcyAMctF', symObjAddr: 0x1A0, symBinAddr: 0x26560, symSize: 0x5D8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7AA9, offset: 0x726A6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC10initialize4cpId06uniqueH02pf14deviceCallback010twinUpdateL0013getAttributesL00o5TwinsL00o12ChildDevucesL0ySS_S2SyypSgcyAMcyAMcyAMcyAMctFySb_yptcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x2824, symBinAddr: 0x28BE4, symSize: 0x6D0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x201B, offset: 0x81F14, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didPublishMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA734, symBinAddr: 0x4CE74, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x204E, offset: 0x81F47, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didPublishAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_s6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA798, symBinAddr: 0x4CED8, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x208D, offset: 0x81F86, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didReceiveMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA79C, symBinAddr: 0x4CEDC, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x20E3, offset: 0x81FDC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA814, symBinAddr: 0x4CF54, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2154, offset: 0x8204D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_20didUnsubscribeTopicsy9CocoaMQTTAFC_SaySSGtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA89C, symBinAddr: 0x4CFDC, symSize: 0xDC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21D6, offset: 0x820CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC11mqttDidPingyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA978, symBinAddr: 0x4D0B8, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21F2, offset: 0x820EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18mqttDidReceivePongyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA97C, symBinAddr: 0x4D0BC, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x222C, offset: 0x82125, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA980, symBinAddr: 0x4D0C0, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2599, offset: 0x82492, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss13_parseInteger5ascii5radixq_Sgx_SitSyRzs010FixedWidthB0R_r0_lFSS_s5Int32VTg5', symObjAddr: 0xBC28, symBinAddr: 0x4E368, symSize: 0xE4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D2C, offset: 0x83C25, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didPublishMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTf4dndd_n', symObjAddr: 0x11558, symBinAddr: 0x53C98, symSize: 0x104 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3E76, offset: 0x83D6F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTf4dnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x14050, symBinAddr: 0x56790, symSize: 0x120 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3F8E, offset: 0x83E87, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sypSgSiIegny_SgWOy', symObjAddr: 0x14658, symBinAddr: 0x56D38, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FCA, offset: 0x83EC3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_allocate_boxed_opaque_existential_0, symObjAddr: 0x147E8, symBinAddr: 0x56DA0, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FDE, offset: 0x83ED7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS14AttributesDataVWOb', symObjAddr: 0x14824, symBinAddr: 0x56DDC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FF2, offset: 0x83EEB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS14AttributesDataVSgWOd', symObjAddr: 0x14868, symBinAddr: 0x56E20, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4006, offset: 0x83EFF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x148B0, symBinAddr: 0x56E68, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x401A, offset: 0x83F13, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x148B8, symBinAddr: 0x56E70, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x402E, offset: 0x83F27, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x148C8, symBinAddr: 0x56E80, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4042, offset: 0x83F3B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC8holdFunc33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL10offDataObj07offlineN6Length0pN4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x14950, symBinAddr: 0x56EC4, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x409A, offset: 0x83F93, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x14A10, symBinAddr: 0x56F84, symSize: 0x24 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C5C, offset: 0x84B55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa6appendyyxnFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x80, symBinAddr: 0x427C0, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4DBF, offset: 0x84CB8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa6appendyyxnFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x120, symBinAddr: 0x42860, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4EEA, offset: 0x84DE3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSayxSiciMSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x1BC, symBinAddr: 0x428FC, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F6F, offset: 0x84E68, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSayxSiciMSDySSypG_Tg5.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x230, symBinAddr: 0x42970, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F8A, offset: 0x84E83, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss26DefaultStringInterpolationV06appendC0yyxs06CustomB11ConvertibleRzlF9CocoaMQTT0G11MQTTConnAckO_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x234, symBinAddr: 0x42974, symSize: 0x134 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4FF5, offset: 0x84EEE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD11removeValue6forKeyq_Sgx_tFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0x368, symBinAddr: 0x42AA8, symSize: 0xE8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50D7, offset: 0x84FD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCyACSS_SSAA15SDKClientOptionVS2btcfc', symObjAddr: 0x450, symBinAddr: 0x42B90, symSize: 0x204 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5256, offset: 0x8514F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC12initiateMQTT16dictSyncResponse8password18callbackMQTTStatusySDySSypG_SSyypSg_SitctF', symObjAddr: 0x654, symBinAddr: 0x42D94, symSize: 0xAF8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x56E8, offset: 0x855E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC10disconnectyyF', symObjAddr: 0x114C, symBinAddr: 0x4388C, symSize: 0x3CC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x58FF, offset: 0x857F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGF', symObjAddr: 0x1518, symBinAddr: 0x43C58, symSize: 0x9B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C76, offset: 0x85B6F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFySSXEfU1_', symObjAddr: 0x1EF4, symBinAddr: 0x44634, symSize: 0x229C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7193, offset: 0x8708C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFySSXEfU1_ySbcfU_Tf4dnnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xED08, symBinAddr: 0x51448, symSize: 0x6F8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x759E, offset: 0x87497, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC10deleteFile33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL7logPath0efN0ySS_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x4190, symBinAddr: 0x468D0, symSize: 0x1660 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8459, offset: 0x88352, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC16checkOfflineData33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyyF', symObjAddr: 0x57F0, symBinAddr: 0x47F30, symSize: 0x1038 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E60, offset: 0x88D59, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC16checkOfflineData33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyyFySiXEfU0_', symObjAddr: 0x6828, symBinAddr: 0x48F68, symSize: 0x3F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8FC9, offset: 0x88EC2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC22sendOfflineDataProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL03offG3Obj07offlineG6Length0qG4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StF', symObjAddr: 0x7510, symBinAddr: 0x49C50, symSize: 0x208 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x921B, offset: 0x89114, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC22sendOfflineDataProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL03offG3Obj07offlineG6Length0qG4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StFyAJXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x7718, symBinAddr: 0x49E58, symSize: 0x93C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A1B, offset: 0x89914, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC8holdFunc33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL10offDataObj07offlineN6Length0pN4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StF', symObjAddr: 0x8054, symBinAddr: 0x4A794, symSize: 0x2E8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B6D, offset: 0x89A66, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18publishTopicOnMQTT8withData5topicySDySSypG_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x833C, symBinAddr: 0x4AA7C, symSize: 0x648 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F3A, offset: 0x89E33, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC29publishTwinPropertyDataOnMQTT04withH0ySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x8984, symBinAddr: 0x4B0C4, symSize: 0x674 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA1DC, offset: 0x8A0D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCfd', symObjAddr: 0x943C, symBinAddr: 0x4BB7C, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA1FF, offset: 0x8A0F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCfD', symObjAddr: 0x94BC, symBinAddr: 0x4BBFC, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA28A, offset: 0x8A183, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtF', symObjAddr: 0x9588, symBinAddr: 0x4BCC8, symSize: 0x10C8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA8F2, offset: 0x8A7EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtFyyScMYccfU_', symObjAddr: 0xA650, symBinAddr: 0x4CD90, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA965, offset: 0x8A85E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa12_endMutationyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA9E4, symBinAddr: 0x4D124, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA980, offset: 0x8A879, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA9E8, symBinAddr: 0x4D128, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA998, offset: 0x8A891, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA9E8, symBinAddr: 0x4D128, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA9A9, offset: 0x8A8A2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV8setValue_6forKeyyq_n_xtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xA9F0, symBinAddr: 0x4D130, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAA31, offset: 0x8A92A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV11removeValue6forKeyq_Sgx_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xAAB8, symBinAddr: 0x4D1F8, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAAD1, offset: 0x8A9CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xAC80, symBinAddr: 0x4D3C0, symSize: 0x1F4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAC2D, offset: 0x8AB26, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB038, symBinAddr: 0x4D778, symSize: 0x340 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD24, offset: 0x8AC1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB378, symBinAddr: 0x4DAB8, symSize: 0x340 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE0E, offset: 0x8AD07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB6B8, symBinAddr: 0x4DDF8, symSize: 0x1DC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAEB3, offset: 0x8ADAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB894, symBinAddr: 0x4DFD4, symSize: 0x204 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF51, offset: 0x8AE4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBA98, symBinAddr: 0x4E1D8, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFFD, offset: 0x8AEF6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSo7NSTimerC_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBAE4, symBinAddr: 0x4E224, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB089, offset: 0x8AF82, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa36_reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer8oldCountySi_tFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBB74, symBinAddr: 0x4E2B4, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0C6, offset: 0x8AFBF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa37_appendElementAssumeUniqueAndCapacity_03newB0ySi_xntFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBBB4, symBinAddr: 0x4E2F4, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB118, offset: 0x8B011, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa21_makeMutableAndUniqueyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBBCC, symBinAddr: 0x4E30C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB141, offset: 0x8B03A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa24_checkSubscript_mutatingyySiFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBC08, symBinAddr: 0x4E348, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB182, offset: 0x8B07B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingyS2SFZ', symObjAddr: 0xC2F4, symBinAddr: 0x4EA34, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB196, offset: 0x8B08F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSlsEy11SubSequenceQzqd__cSXRd__5BoundQyd__5IndexRtzluigSS_s16PartialRangeFromVySSAEVGTgq5', symObjAddr: 0xC380, symBinAddr: 0x4EAC0, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB1C6, offset: 0x8B0BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingySSSsFZ', symObjAddr: 0xC3CC, symBinAddr: 0x4EB0C, symSize: 0x164 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB24A, offset: 0x8B143, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSTsE21_copySequenceContents12initializing8IteratorQz_SitSry7ElementQzG_tFSs8UTF8ViewV_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0xC684, symBinAddr: 0x4EDC4, symSize: 0x214 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB27F, offset: 0x8B178, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss11_StringGutsV27_slowEnsureMatchingEncodingySS5IndexVAEF', symObjAddr: 0xC898, symBinAddr: 0x4EFD8, symSize: 0x78 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xADB, offset: 0x9116D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS6CommonC25checkForIfFileExistAtPath04fileK0Sbyp_tFTf4nd_n', symObjAddr: 0x36EC, symBinAddr: 0x66828, symSize: 0x25C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x87, offset: 0x95949, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValuexSg03RawG0Qz_tcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x298, symBinAddr: 0x6B790, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA3, offset: 0x95965, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValue03RawG0QzvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x2A0, symBinAddr: 0x6B798, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBB, offset: 0x9597D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValue03RawG0QzvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x2A0, symBinAddr: 0x6B798, symSize: 0x18 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x134, offset: 0x959F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwst', symObjAddr: 0x358, symBinAddr: 0x6B840, symSize: 0xBC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x184, offset: 0x95A46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOMa', symObjAddr: 0x428, symBinAddr: 0x6B910, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1BF, offset: 0x95A81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS6SDKURLV9discoveryyS2S_S5StFZTf4dndnnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x6B920, symSize: 0x248 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x31A, offset: 0x95BDC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSQAASQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTW', symObjAddr: 0x164, symBinAddr: 0x6B65C, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x40E, offset: 0x95CD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH9hashValueSivgTW', symObjAddr: 0x1D0, symBinAddr: 0x6B6C8, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E6, offset: 0x95DA8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x21C, symBinAddr: 0x6B714, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x562, offset: 0x95E24, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x250, symBinAddr: 0x6B748, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6ED, offset: 0x95FAF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeO8rawValueSivg', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x6B4F8, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70E, offset: 0x95FD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeO8rawValueACSgSi_tcfC', symObjAddr: 0x14, symBinAddr: 0x6B50C, symSize: 0x150 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x743, offset: 0x96955, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU0_TA', symObjAddr: 0x161C, symBinAddr: 0x6D15C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x757, offset: 0x96969, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU1_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1624, symBinAddr: 0x6D164, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76B, offset: 0x9697D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU2_TA', symObjAddr: 0x162C, symBinAddr: 0x6D16C, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7A7, offset: 0x969B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS16callBackResponse_pSgWOb', symObjAddr: 0x16B8, symBinAddr: 0x6D19C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7BB, offset: 0x969CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS16callBackResponse_pSgWOd', symObjAddr: 0x1700, symBinAddr: 0x6D1E4, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7CF, offset: 0x969E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC14startHeartRate2dfySd_tFySo7NSTimerCYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1884, symBinAddr: 0x6D358, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E3, offset: 0x969F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x188C, symBinAddr: 0x6D360, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x840, offset: 0x96A52, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa13_adoptStorage_5countSayxG_SpyxGts016_ContiguousArrayB0CyxGn_SitFZSS_SDySSSayypGGt_Tgm5', symObjAddr: 0x18A4, symBinAddr: 0x6D378, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8AF, offset: 0x96AC1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFyp_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x6BBAC, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8CB, offset: 0x96ADD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFSS_ypt_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x4, symBinAddr: 0x6BBB0, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E7, offset: 0x96AF9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFs7CVarArg_p_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x6BBB4, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x903, offset: 0x96B15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFSS_SayypGt_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC, symBinAddr: 0x6BBB8, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x91F, offset: 0x96B31, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFSS_SDySSSayypGGt_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x10, symBinAddr: 0x6BBBC, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x93B, offset: 0x96B4D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFSS_SDySSypGt_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x14, symBinAddr: 0x6BBC0, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x957, offset: 0x96B69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFSS_Sit_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x18, symBinAddr: 0x6BBC4, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x973, offset: 0x96B85, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss5print_9separator10terminatoryypd_S2StFfA0_', symObjAddr: 0x1C, symBinAddr: 0x6BBC8, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x98F, offset: 0x96BA1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss5print_9separator10terminatoryypd_S2StFfA1_', symObjAddr: 0x28, symBinAddr: 0x6BBD4, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBEF, offset: 0x96E01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC6sharedACvgZ', symObjAddr: 0xCC, symBinAddr: 0x6BC78, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCB3, offset: 0x96EC5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tF', symObjAddr: 0x10C, symBinAddr: 0x6BCB8, symSize: 0x45C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF32, offset: 0x97144, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x5B8, symBinAddr: 0x6C124, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF98, offset: 0x971AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU0_', symObjAddr: 0x614, symBinAddr: 0x6C180, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFFE, offset: 0x97210, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU1_', symObjAddr: 0x670, symBinAddr: 0x6C1DC, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1064, offset: 0x97276, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU2_', symObjAddr: 0x6CC, symBinAddr: 0x6C238, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10CA, offset: 0x972DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU3_', symObjAddr: 0x728, symBinAddr: 0x6C294, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1195, offset: 0x973A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC8sendData4dataySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x784, symBinAddr: 0x6C2F0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11FF, offset: 0x97411, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC7sendLog4dataySDySSypGSg_tF', symObjAddr: 0x7C8, symBinAddr: 0x6C334, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1231, offset: 0x97443, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC7sendLog4dataySDySSypGSg_tF', symObjAddr: 0x7C8, symBinAddr: 0x6C334, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1260, offset: 0x97472, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC7sendAck4data7msgTypeySaySDySSypGG_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x7D8, symBinAddr: 0x6C344, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12D7, offset: 0x974E9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC11getAllTwinsyyF', symObjAddr: 0x93C, symBinAddr: 0x6C4A8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x133A, offset: 0x9754C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10updateTwin3key5valueySS_yptF', symObjAddr: 0x970, symBinAddr: 0x6C4DC, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13B1, offset: 0x975C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC7dispose13sdkconnectionySS_tF', symObjAddr: 0x9C4, symBinAddr: 0x6C530, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x143D, offset: 0x9764F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC13getAttributes8callBackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xA10, symBinAddr: 0x6C57C, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x14D8, offset: 0x976EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC8getTwins8callBackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xA94, symBinAddr: 0x6C600, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1587, offset: 0x97799, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC15getChildDevices8callBackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xB08, symBinAddr: 0x6C674, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1622, offset: 0x97834, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC17getDeviceCallBack14deviceCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xB8C, symBinAddr: 0x6C6F8, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x169F, offset: 0x978B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC15onDeviceCommand15commandCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xBC4, symBinAddr: 0x6C730, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x171C, offset: 0x9792E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC19onAttrChangeCommand15commandCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xBFC, symBinAddr: 0x6C768, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x179C, offset: 0x979AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC21onDeviceChangeCommand15commandCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xC34, symBinAddr: 0x6C7A0, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x181C, offset: 0x97A2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC19onRuleChangeCommand15commandCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xC6C, symBinAddr: 0x6C7D8, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x189C, offset: 0x97AAE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC12onOTACommand15commandCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xCA4, symBinAddr: 0x6C810, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x191C, offset: 0x97B2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC15onModuleCommand15commandCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xCDC, symBinAddr: 0x6C848, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x199C, offset: 0x97BAE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC19onTwinChangeCommand18twinUpdateCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xD14, symBinAddr: 0x6C880, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19FC, offset: 0x97C0E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC24onFrequencyChangeCommand7dfValueySi_tF', symObjAddr: 0xD4C, symBinAddr: 0x6C8B8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1A93, offset: 0x97CA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC18onHeartbeatCommand7isStart2dfySb_SitF', symObjAddr: 0xD90, symBinAddr: 0x6C8FC, symSize: 0x13C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B64, offset: 0x97D76, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC17createChildDevice8deviceId0H3Tag11displayName0eF8CallBackySS_S2SyypSgctF', symObjAddr: 0xECC, symBinAddr: 0x6CA38, symSize: 0xAC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C36, offset: 0x97E48, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC17deleteChildDevice8deviceId0eF8CallBackySS_yypSgctF', symObjAddr: 0xF78, symBinAddr: 0x6CAE4, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1CCC, offset: 0x97EDE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientCfd', symObjAddr: 0xFF0, symBinAddr: 0x6CB5C, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1CEF, offset: 0x97F01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientCfD', symObjAddr: 0x1074, symBinAddr: 0x6CBE0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D34, offset: 0x97F46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC21onDeviceDeleteCommand8responseySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x10C0, symBinAddr: 0x6CC00, symSize: 0x254 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E2F, offset: 0x98041, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC19onCreateChildDevice8responseySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x1314, symBinAddr: 0x6CE54, symSize: 0x300 }
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 65%
rename from IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/dSYMs/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/aarch64/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.yml
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+++ b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/dSYMs/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/aarch64/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.yml
@@ -2,684 +2,684 @@
triple: 'arm64-apple-darwin'
binary-path: '/Users/kirtan.vaghela/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/IoTConnect2-bhvazebfhzdirfdaqumgilgqnuod/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/IoTConnect2_AWS/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Library/Frameworks/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket'
- - { offsetInCU: 0x34, offset: 0x531A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MqttCocoaAsyncSocketVersionString, symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x21278, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69, offset: 0x531DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MqttCocoaAsyncSocketVersionNumber, symObjAddr: 0x38, symBinAddr: 0x212B0, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x41, offset: 0x53231, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketException, symObjAddr: 0x10AB8, symBinAddr: 0x284F8, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x61, offset: 0x53251, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain, symObjAddr: 0x10AC0, symBinAddr: 0x28500, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x77, offset: 0x53267, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketQueueName, symObjAddr: 0x10AC8, symBinAddr: 0x28508, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8D, offset: 0x5327D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketThreadName, symObjAddr: 0x10AD0, symBinAddr: 0x28510, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA3, offset: 0x53293, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust, symObjAddr: 0x10AD8, symBinAddr: 0x28518, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB9, offset: 0x532A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS, symObjAddr: 0x10AE0, symBinAddr: 0x28520, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCF, offset: 0x532BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID, symObjAddr: 0x10AE8, symBinAddr: 0x28528, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE5, offset: 0x532D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin, symObjAddr: 0x10AF0, symBinAddr: 0x28530, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xFB, offset: 0x532EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax, symObjAddr: 0x10AF8, symBinAddr: 0x28538, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x111, offset: 0x53301, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart, symObjAddr: 0x10B00, symBinAddr: 0x28540, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x127, offset: 0x53317, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord, symObjAddr: 0x10B08, symBinAddr: 0x28548, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x13D, offset: 0x5332D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites, symObjAddr: 0x10B10, symBinAddr: 0x28550, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x153, offset: 0x53343, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN, symObjAddr: 0x10B18, symBinAddr: 0x28558, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x16B, offset: 0x5335B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]', symObjAddr: 0xAB30, symBinAddr: 0xEB30, symSize: 0x4F0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x48C, offset: 0x5367C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xCD48, symBinAddr: 0x10D48, symSize: 0x8C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4B4, offset: 0x536A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded.predicate, symObjAddr: 0x56128, symBinAddr: 0x2E930, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x51C, offset: 0x5370C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThread, symObjAddr: 0x56140, symBinAddr: 0x2E948, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x537, offset: 0x53727, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThreadRetainCount, symObjAddr: 0x56130, symBinAddr: 0x2E938, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x554, offset: 0x53744, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, symObjAddr: 0x56138, symBinAddr: 0x2E940, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB90, offset: 0x53D80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x4000, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBC7, offset: 0x53DB7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer initWithCapacity:]', symObjAddr: 0x18, symBinAddr: 0x4018, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC0E, offset: 0x53DFE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0x78, symBinAddr: 0x4078, symSize: 0x4C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC41, offset: 0x53E31, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0xC4, symBinAddr: 0x40C4, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCF9, offset: 0x53EE9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer availableBytes]', symObjAddr: 0x124, symBinAddr: 0x4124, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD31, offset: 0x53F21, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer readBuffer]', symObjAddr: 0x130, symBinAddr: 0x4130, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD69, offset: 0x53F59, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer getReadBuffer:availableBytes:]', symObjAddr: 0x138, symBinAddr: 0x4138, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDBF, offset: 0x53FAF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer didRead:]', symObjAddr: 0x16C, symBinAddr: 0x416C, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE00, offset: 0x53FF0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer availableSpace]', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x4190, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE38, offset: 0x54028, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer writeBuffer]', symObjAddr: 0x1A4, symBinAddr: 0x41A4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE70, offset: 0x54060, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer getWriteBuffer:availableSpace:]', symObjAddr: 0x1AC, symBinAddr: 0x41AC, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xEC6, offset: 0x540B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer didWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0x1E0, symBinAddr: 0x41E0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF07, offset: 0x540F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer reset]', symObjAddr: 0x1F0, symBinAddr: 0x41F0, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF39, offset: 0x54129, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x1FC, symBinAddr: 0x41FC, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF71, offset: 0x54161, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket initWithData:startOffset:maxLength:timeout:readLength:terminator:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x214, symBinAddr: 0x4214, symSize: 0x144 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1020, offset: 0x54210, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:]', symObjAddr: 0x358, symBinAddr: 0x4358, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10B4, offset: 0x542A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket optimalReadLengthWithDefault:shouldPreBuffer:]', symObjAddr: 0x3A8, symBinAddr: 0x43A8, symSize: 0x88 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x118C, offset: 0x5437C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForNonTermWithHint:]', symObjAddr: 0x430, symBinAddr: 0x4430, symSize: 0x2C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11F1, offset: 0x543E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForTermWithHint:shouldPreBuffer:]', symObjAddr: 0x45C, symBinAddr: 0x445C, symSize: 0x6C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x12B8, offset: 0x544A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:found:]', symObjAddr: 0x4C8, symBinAddr: 0x44C8, symSize: 0x234 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x144A, offset: 0x5463A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:]', symObjAddr: 0x6FC, symBinAddr: 0x46FC, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1504, offset: 0x546F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x7AC, symBinAddr: 0x47AC, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1538, offset: 0x54728, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x7DC, symBinAddr: 0x47DC, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1570, offset: 0x54760, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket initWithData:timeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F4, symBinAddr: 0x47F4, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x15DB, offset: 0x547CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x884, symBinAddr: 0x4884, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x160F, offset: 0x547FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x890, symBinAddr: 0x4890, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1647, offset: 0x54837, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket initWithTLSSettings:]', symObjAddr: 0x8A8, symBinAddr: 0x48A8, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1690, offset: 0x54880, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x920, symBinAddr: 0x4920, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x16C4, offset: 0x548B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket init]', symObjAddr: 0x92C, symBinAddr: 0x492C, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x16FA, offset: 0x548EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithSocketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x93C, symBinAddr: 0x493C, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1743, offset: 0x54933, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x94C, symBinAddr: 0x494C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1797, offset: 0x54987, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x954, symBinAddr: 0x4954, symSize: 0x1B0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x189B, offset: 0x54A8B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0xB04, symBinAddr: 0x4B04, symSize: 0xC8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1920, offset: 0x54B10, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___26-[MGCDAsyncSocket dealloc]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xBCC, symBinAddr: 0x4BCC, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1962, offset: 0x54B52, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s, symObjAddr: 0xBD8, symBinAddr: 0x4BD8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1989, offset: 0x54B79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s, symObjAddr: 0xBE0, symBinAddr: 0x4BE0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x19A8, offset: 0x54B98, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:socketQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xBE8, symBinAddr: 0x4BE8, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1A0F, offset: 0x54BFF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xBFC, symBinAddr: 0x4BFC, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1A83, offset: 0x54C73, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xC08, symBinAddr: 0x4C08, symSize: 0x1C0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B6A, offset: 0x54D5A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_copy_, symObjAddr: 0xDC8, symBinAddr: 0x4DC8, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B8F, offset: 0x54D7F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_dispose_, symObjAddr: 0xDD8, symBinAddr: 0x4DD8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1BAE, offset: 0x54D9E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___88+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xDE0, symBinAddr: 0x4DE0, symSize: 0x21C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1D01, offset: 0x54EF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48r, symObjAddr: 0xFFC, symBinAddr: 0x4FFC, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1D2A, offset: 0x54F1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48r, symObjAddr: 0x1040, symBinAddr: 0x5040, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1D49, offset: 0x54F39, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegate]', symObjAddr: 0x1078, symBinAddr: 0x5078, symSize: 0xD0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1DC9, offset: 0x54FB9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegate]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1148, symBinAddr: 0x5148, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1E1C, offset: 0x5500C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r, symObjAddr: 0x1184, symBinAddr: 0x5184, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1E45, offset: 0x55035, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r, symObjAddr: 0x11B8, symBinAddr: 0x51B8, symSize: 0x2C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1E64, offset: 0x55054, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x11E4, symBinAddr: 0x51E4, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F1C, offset: 0x5510C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x12B0, symBinAddr: 0x52B0, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F6F, offset: 0x5515F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s, symObjAddr: 0x12BC, symBinAddr: 0x52BC, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F98, offset: 0x55188, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s, symObjAddr: 0x12E4, symBinAddr: 0x52E4, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1FB7, offset: 0x551A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x130C, symBinAddr: 0x530C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1FF8, offset: 0x551E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x1314, symBinAddr: 0x5314, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2039, offset: 0x55229, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegateQueue]', symObjAddr: 0x131C, symBinAddr: 0x531C, symSize: 0xD0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x20B9, offset: 0x552A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegateQueue]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x13EC, symBinAddr: 0x53EC, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x210C, offset: 0x552FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x1400, symBinAddr: 0x5400, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x21B1, offset: 0x553A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x14CC, symBinAddr: 0x54CC, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2204, offset: 0x553F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14D8, symBinAddr: 0x54D8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2245, offset: 0x55435, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14E0, symBinAddr: 0x54E0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2286, offset: 0x55476, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14E8, symBinAddr: 0x54E8, symSize: 0x138 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x233B, offset: 0x5552B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1620, symBinAddr: 0x5620, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x239F, offset: 0x5558F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x1674, symBinAddr: 0x5674, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2455, offset: 0x55645, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1780, symBinAddr: 0x5780, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x24B9, offset: 0x556A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s, symObjAddr: 0x17B4, symBinAddr: 0x57B4, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x24E2, offset: 0x556D2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s, symObjAddr: 0x17E4, symBinAddr: 0x57E4, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2501, offset: 0x556F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x1814, symBinAddr: 0x5814, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2551, offset: 0x55741, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x181C, symBinAddr: 0x581C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x25A1, offset: 0x55791, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0x1824, symBinAddr: 0x5824, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2621, offset: 0x55811, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x18D4, symBinAddr: 0x58D4, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x267C, offset: 0x5586C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0x18F0, symBinAddr: 0x58F0, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2706, offset: 0x558F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1984, symBinAddr: 0x5984, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x275B, offset: 0x5594B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0x19A4, symBinAddr: 0x59A4, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x27DB, offset: 0x559CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1A54, symBinAddr: 0x5A54, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2836, offset: 0x55A26, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv6Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0x1A70, symBinAddr: 0x5A70, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x28C0, offset: 0x55AB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv6Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1B04, symBinAddr: 0x5B04, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2915, offset: 0x55B05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x1B28, symBinAddr: 0x5B28, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2995, offset: 0x55B85, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1BD8, symBinAddr: 0x5BD8, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x29F0, offset: 0x55BE0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:]', symObjAddr: 0x1BF4, symBinAddr: 0x5BF4, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2A7A, offset: 0x55C6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1C88, symBinAddr: 0x5C88, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2ACF, offset: 0x55CBF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket alternateAddressDelay]', symObjAddr: 0x1CAC, symBinAddr: 0x5CAC, symSize: 0xDC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2B65, offset: 0x55D55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncSocket alternateAddressDelay]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1D88, symBinAddr: 0x5D88, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2BC0, offset: 0x55DB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAlternateAddressDelay:]', symObjAddr: 0x1D9C, symBinAddr: 0x5D9C, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2C4E, offset: 0x55E3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAlternateAddressDelay:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1E30, symBinAddr: 0x5E30, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2CA3, offset: 0x55E93, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket userData]', symObjAddr: 0x1E40, symBinAddr: 0x5E40, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2D39, offset: 0x55F29, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket userData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1F3C, symBinAddr: 0x5F3C, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2D8C, offset: 0x55F7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setUserData:]', symObjAddr: 0x1F50, symBinAddr: 0x5F50, symSize: 0xBC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2E1A, offset: 0x5600A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket setUserData:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x200C, symBinAddr: 0x600C, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2E6D, offset: 0x5605D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x2028, symBinAddr: 0x6028, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2EC5, offset: 0x560B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x2038, symBinAddr: 0x6038, symSize: 0x210 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2FC7, offset: 0x561B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2248, symBinAddr: 0x6248, symSize: 0x1E8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x32A7, offset: 0x56497, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke.117', symObjAddr: 0x2430, symBinAddr: 0x6430, symSize: 0x4DC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x367F, offset: 0x5686F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x290C, symBinAddr: 0x690C, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3742, offset: 0x56932, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40w, symObjAddr: 0x2988, symBinAddr: 0x6988, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x376B, offset: 0x5695B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40w, symObjAddr: 0x29B8, symBinAddr: 0x69B8, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x378A, offset: 0x5697A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke.132', symObjAddr: 0x29E0, symBinAddr: 0x69E0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x37D6, offset: 0x569C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_2.134', symObjAddr: 0x29E8, symBinAddr: 0x69E8, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3886, offset: 0x56A76, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x2A64, symBinAddr: 0x6A64, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x38D2, offset: 0x56AC2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x2A6C, symBinAddr: 0x6A6C, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x38FB, offset: 0x56AEB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x2AC8, symBinAddr: 0x6AC8, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x391A, offset: 0x56B0A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x2B10, symBinAddr: 0x6B10, symSize: 0x1F0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x39FA, offset: 0x56BEA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2D00, symBinAddr: 0x6D00, symSize: 0x1E8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3C0B, offset: 0x56DFB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x2EE8, symBinAddr: 0x6EE8, symSize: 0x360 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3E17, offset: 0x57007, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x3248, symBinAddr: 0x7248, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3EC7, offset: 0x570B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x32C0, symBinAddr: 0x72C0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3F13, offset: 0x57103, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]', symObjAddr: 0x32C8, symBinAddr: 0x72C8, symSize: 0x254 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4166, offset: 0x57356, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x351C, symBinAddr: 0x751C, symSize: 0x148 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x423A, offset: 0x5742A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3664, symBinAddr: 0x7664, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4289, offset: 0x57479, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket preConnectWithInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3698, symBinAddr: 0x7698, symSize: 0x1D4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x43A2, offset: 0x57592, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket preConnectWithUrl:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x386C, symBinAddr: 0x786C, symSize: 0x12C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4489, offset: 0x57679, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3998, symBinAddr: 0x7998, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x44EC, offset: 0x576DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x39A0, symBinAddr: 0x79A0, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4561, offset: 0x57751, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x39AC, symBinAddr: 0x79AC, symSize: 0x200 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4685, offset: 0x57875, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3BAC, symBinAddr: 0x7BAC, symSize: 0x1C4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x47E8, offset: 0x579D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3D70, symBinAddr: 0x7D70, symSize: 0x2D4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x493C, offset: 0x57B2C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x4044, symBinAddr: 0x8044, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x499C, offset: 0x57B8C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke.153', symObjAddr: 0x4078, symBinAddr: 0x8078, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A0D, offset: 0x57BFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48w, symObjAddr: 0x40B0, symBinAddr: 0x80B0, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A36, offset: 0x57C26, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48w, symObjAddr: 0x40E8, symBinAddr: 0x80E8, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A55, offset: 0x57C45, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x4118, symBinAddr: 0x8118, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A7E, offset: 0x57C6E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x416C, symBinAddr: 0x816C, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4AD4, offset: 0x57CC4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x417C, symBinAddr: 0x817C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4B3A, offset: 0x57D2A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4188, symBinAddr: 0x8188, symSize: 0x208 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4C4D, offset: 0x57E3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4390, symBinAddr: 0x8390, symSize: 0x1C8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4DA3, offset: 0x57F93, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToUrl:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4558, symBinAddr: 0x8558, symSize: 0x194 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4E83, offset: 0x58073, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToUrl:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x46EC, symBinAddr: 0x86EC, symSize: 0x12C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4F49, offset: 0x58139, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48r56r, symObjAddr: 0x4818, symBinAddr: 0x8818, symSize: 0x4C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4F72, offset: 0x58162, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48r56r, symObjAddr: 0x4864, symBinAddr: 0x8864, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4F91, offset: 0x58181, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToNetService:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x48A4, symBinAddr: 0x88A4, symSize: 0x12C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x503C, offset: 0x5822C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket lookup:didSucceedWithAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x49D0, symBinAddr: 0x89D0, symSize: 0xF0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x510A, offset: 0x582FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket lookup:didFail:]', symObjAddr: 0x4AC0, symBinAddr: 0x8AC0, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5160, offset: 0x58350, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket bindSocket:toInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4B18, symBinAddr: 0x8B18, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x526B, offset: 0x5845B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket createSocket:connectInterface:errPtr:]', symObjAddr: 0x4C14, symBinAddr: 0x8C14, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x534E, offset: 0x5853E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]', symObjAddr: 0x4CF8, symBinAddr: 0x8CF8, symSize: 0x114 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x540F, offset: 0x585FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___52-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4E0C, symBinAddr: 0x8E0C, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5532, offset: 0x58722, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___52-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4EF0, symBinAddr: 0x8EF0, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x55E9, offset: 0x587D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x4FC4, symBinAddr: 0x8FC4, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5644, offset: 0x58834, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeUnusedSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x5040, symBinAddr: 0x9040, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5687, offset: 0x58877, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddress4:address6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5064, symBinAddr: 0x9064, symSize: 0x1DC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x57BD, offset: 0x589AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___54-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddress4:address6:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5240, symBinAddr: 0x9240, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5832, offset: 0x58A22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5250, symBinAddr: 0x9250, symSize: 0x158 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x59A0, offset: 0x58B90, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x53A8, symBinAddr: 0x93A8, symSize: 0x9C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5A9C, offset: 0x58C8C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke.cold.1', symObjAddr: 0xE6E0, symBinAddr: 0x1E34C, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5AD5, offset: 0x58CC5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5444, symBinAddr: 0x9444, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5B28, offset: 0x58D18, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x5478, symBinAddr: 0x9478, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5B8C, offset: 0x58D7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x54AC, symBinAddr: 0x94AC, symSize: 0x310 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5D1C, offset: 0x58F0C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x57BC, symBinAddr: 0x97BC, symSize: 0x84 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5D5E, offset: 0x58F4E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5840, symBinAddr: 0x9840, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5DB1, offset: 0x58FA1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x58D0, symBinAddr: 0x98D0, symSize: 0xA0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5E54, offset: 0x59044, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x5970, symBinAddr: 0x9970, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5E9E, offset: 0x5908E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32b, symObjAddr: 0x59A4, symBinAddr: 0x99A4, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5EC7, offset: 0x590B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56b, symObjAddr: 0x59B4, symBinAddr: 0x99B4, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5EF0, offset: 0x590E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s, symObjAddr: 0x59F8, symBinAddr: 0x99F8, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5F0F, offset: 0x590FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke.179', symObjAddr: 0x5A30, symBinAddr: 0x9A30, symSize: 0x9C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5FA1, offset: 0x59191, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_2.180', symObjAddr: 0x5ACC, symBinAddr: 0x9ACC, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5FEB, offset: 0x591DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket didNotConnect:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5B00, symBinAddr: 0x9B00, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x603D, offset: 0x5922D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket startConnectTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0x5B18, symBinAddr: 0x9B18, symSize: 0x108 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6141, offset: 0x59331, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncSocket startConnectTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5C20, symBinAddr: 0x9C20, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x619F, offset: 0x5938F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32w, symObjAddr: 0x5C68, symBinAddr: 0x9C68, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x61C8, offset: 0x593B8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32w, symObjAddr: 0x5C74, symBinAddr: 0x9C74, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x61E7, offset: 0x593D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endConnectTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x5C7C, symBinAddr: 0x9C7C, symSize: 0x68 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6238, offset: 0x59428, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doConnectTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x5CE4, symBinAddr: 0x9CE4, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x626C, offset: 0x5945C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0x5D28, symBinAddr: 0x9D28, symSize: 0x324 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x64C9, offset: 0x596B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeWithError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x604C, symBinAddr: 0xA04C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6529, offset: 0x59719, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnect]', symObjAddr: 0x6080, symBinAddr: 0xA080, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x65A6, offset: 0x59796, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnect]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6110, symBinAddr: 0xA110, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x65E8, offset: 0x597D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReading]', symObjAddr: 0x614C, symBinAddr: 0xA14C, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6632, offset: 0x59822, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReading]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x61A4, symBinAddr: 0xA1A4, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6674, offset: 0x59864, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterWriting]', symObjAddr: 0x61EC, symBinAddr: 0xA1EC, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x66BE, offset: 0x598AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterWriting]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6244, symBinAddr: 0xA244, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6700, offset: 0x598F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting]', symObjAddr: 0x628C, symBinAddr: 0xA28C, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x674A, offset: 0x5993A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___51-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x62E4, symBinAddr: 0xA2E4, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x678C, offset: 0x5997C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeClose]', symObjAddr: 0x632C, symBinAddr: 0xA32C, symSize: 0x70 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x67D1, offset: 0x599C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket badConfigError:]', symObjAddr: 0x639C, symBinAddr: 0xA39C, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6827, offset: 0x59A17, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket badParamError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6470, symBinAddr: 0xA470, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x687D, offset: 0x59A6D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket gaiError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6544, symBinAddr: 0xA544, symSize: 0xF4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x690E, offset: 0x59AFE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket errorWithErrno:reason:]', symObjAddr: 0x6638, symBinAddr: 0xA638, symSize: 0x118 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6986, offset: 0x59B76, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket errnoError]', symObjAddr: 0x6750, symBinAddr: 0xA750, symSize: 0x100 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69DC, offset: 0x59BCC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6850, symBinAddr: 0xA850, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A43, offset: 0x59C33, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6910, symBinAddr: 0xA910, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A99, offset: 0x59C89, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readMaxedOutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6A1C, symBinAddr: 0xAA1C, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AEF, offset: 0x59CDF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6B28, symBinAddr: 0xAB28, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B45, offset: 0x59D35, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6C34, symBinAddr: 0xAC34, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B9B, offset: 0x59D8B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectionClosedError]', symObjAddr: 0x6D40, symBinAddr: 0xAD40, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BF1, offset: 0x59DE1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket otherError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6E4C, symBinAddr: 0xAE4C, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C47, offset: 0x59E37, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isDisconnected]', symObjAddr: 0x6F20, symBinAddr: 0xAF20, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CDD, offset: 0x59ECD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket isDisconnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6FF8, symBinAddr: 0xAFF8, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D38, offset: 0x59F28, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isConnected]', symObjAddr: 0x7014, symBinAddr: 0xB014, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DCE, offset: 0x59FBE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket isConnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x70EC, symBinAddr: 0xB0EC, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E29, offset: 0x5A019, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost]', symObjAddr: 0x7104, symBinAddr: 0xB104, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EA9, offset: 0x5A099, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7210, symBinAddr: 0xB210, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EFC, offset: 0x5A0EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort]', symObjAddr: 0x7288, symBinAddr: 0xB288, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6F7C, offset: 0x5A16C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x736C, symBinAddr: 0xB36C, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6FCF, offset: 0x5A1BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrl]', symObjAddr: 0x73BC, symBinAddr: 0xB3BC, symSize: 0xEC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x704F, offset: 0x5A23F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrl]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x74A8, symBinAddr: 0xB4A8, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x70A2, offset: 0x5A292, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost]', symObjAddr: 0x7504, symBinAddr: 0xB504, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7122, offset: 0x5A312, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7610, symBinAddr: 0xB610, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7175, offset: 0x5A365, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort]', symObjAddr: 0x7688, symBinAddr: 0xB688, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x71F5, offset: 0x5A3E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x776C, symBinAddr: 0xB76C, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7248, offset: 0x5A438, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost4]', symObjAddr: 0x77BC, symBinAddr: 0xB7BC, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7280, offset: 0x5A470, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost6]', symObjAddr: 0x77EC, symBinAddr: 0xB7EC, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x72B8, offset: 0x5A4A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort4]', symObjAddr: 0x781C, symBinAddr: 0xB81C, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x72F0, offset: 0x5A4E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort6]', symObjAddr: 0x7834, symBinAddr: 0xB834, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7328, offset: 0x5A518, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost4]', symObjAddr: 0x784C, symBinAddr: 0xB84C, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7360, offset: 0x5A550, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost6]', symObjAddr: 0x787C, symBinAddr: 0xB87C, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7398, offset: 0x5A588, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort4]', symObjAddr: 0x78AC, symBinAddr: 0xB8AC, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x73D0, offset: 0x5A5C0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort6]', symObjAddr: 0x78C4, symBinAddr: 0xB8C4, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7408, offset: 0x5A5F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHostFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x78DC, symBinAddr: 0xB8DC, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7497, offset: 0x5A687, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHostFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x796C, symBinAddr: 0xB96C, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7526, offset: 0x5A716, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPortFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x79D0, symBinAddr: 0xB9D0, symSize: 0x88 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x75B5, offset: 0x5A7A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPortFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7A58, symBinAddr: 0xBA58, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7644, offset: 0x5A834, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrlFromSocketUN:]', symObjAddr: 0x7AB4, symBinAddr: 0xBAB4, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x76D3, offset: 0x5A8C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHostFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x7B44, symBinAddr: 0xBB44, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7783, offset: 0x5A973, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHostFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7BD4, symBinAddr: 0xBBD4, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7812, offset: 0x5AA02, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPortFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x7C38, symBinAddr: 0xBC38, symSize: 0x88 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x78A1, offset: 0x5AA91, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPortFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7CC0, symBinAddr: 0xBCC0, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7930, offset: 0x5AB20, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x7D1C, symBinAddr: 0xBD1C, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x79C6, offset: 0x5ABB6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7E18, symBinAddr: 0xBE18, symSize: 0x100 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7AB3, offset: 0x5ACA3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x7F18, symBinAddr: 0xBF18, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7B49, offset: 0x5AD39, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket localAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8014, symBinAddr: 0xC014, symSize: 0x100 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7C36, offset: 0x5AE26, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x8114, symBinAddr: 0xC114, symSize: 0xB4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7CB6, offset: 0x5AEA6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___25-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x81C8, symBinAddr: 0xC1C8, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7D11, offset: 0x5AF01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x81E4, symBinAddr: 0xC1E4, symSize: 0xB4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7D91, offset: 0x5AF81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___25-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8298, symBinAddr: 0xC298, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7DEC, offset: 0x5AFDC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isSecure]', symObjAddr: 0x82B4, symBinAddr: 0xC2B4, symSize: 0xAC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7E6C, offset: 0x5B05C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket isSecure]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8360, symBinAddr: 0xC360, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7EC7, offset: 0x5B0B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getInterfaceAddress4:address6:fromDescription:port:]', symObjAddr: 0x8378, symBinAddr: 0xC378, symSize: 0x3FC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x81CE, offset: 0x5B3BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getInterfaceAddressFromUrl:]', symObjAddr: 0x8774, symBinAddr: 0xC774, symSize: 0xDC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8245, offset: 0x5B435, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x8850, symBinAddr: 0xC850, symSize: 0x1F0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x835F, offset: 0x5B54F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8A40, symBinAddr: 0xCA40, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x83CB, offset: 0x5B5BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x8AA4, symBinAddr: 0xCAA4, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8429, offset: 0x5B619, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x8AF8, symBinAddr: 0xCAF8, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8486, offset: 0x5B676, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32r, symObjAddr: 0x8B1C, symBinAddr: 0xCB1C, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x84AF, offset: 0x5B69F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32r, symObjAddr: 0x8B2C, symBinAddr: 0xCB2C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x84CE, offset: 0x5B6BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke.216', symObjAddr: 0x8B38, symBinAddr: 0xCB38, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x852B, offset: 0x5B71B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket usingCFStreamForTLS]', symObjAddr: 0x8B5C, symBinAddr: 0xCB5C, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8563, offset: 0x5B753, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket usingSecureTransportForTLS]', symObjAddr: 0x8B74, symBinAddr: 0xCB74, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x859B, offset: 0x5B78B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket suspendReadSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8B8C, symBinAddr: 0xCB8C, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x85EC, offset: 0x5B7DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket resumeReadSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8BC4, symBinAddr: 0xCBC4, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x862E, offset: 0x5B81E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket suspendWriteSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8BFC, symBinAddr: 0xCBFC, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8670, offset: 0x5B860, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket resumeWriteSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8C34, symBinAddr: 0xCC34, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x86B2, offset: 0x5B8A2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C6C, symBinAddr: 0xCC6C, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8705, offset: 0x5B8F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C80, symBinAddr: 0xCC80, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8776, offset: 0x5B966, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C8C, symBinAddr: 0xCC8C, symSize: 0xF0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x882D, offset: 0x5BA1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8D7C, symBinAddr: 0xCD7C, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8880, offset: 0x5BA70, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8DD0, symBinAddr: 0xCDD0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x88E2, offset: 0x5BAD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8DE0, symBinAddr: 0xCDE0, symSize: 0xF8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8999, offset: 0x5BB89, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___72-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8ED8, symBinAddr: 0xCED8, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x89EC, offset: 0x5BBDC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F2C, symBinAddr: 0xCF2C, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8A4E, offset: 0x5BC3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F40, symBinAddr: 0xCF40, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8ACE, offset: 0x5BCBE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F4C, symBinAddr: 0xCF4C, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8B41, offset: 0x5BD31, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F60, symBinAddr: 0xCF60, symSize: 0x12C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8C09, offset: 0x5BDF9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___80-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x908C, symBinAddr: 0xD08C, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8C5C, offset: 0x5BE4C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]', symObjAddr: 0x90E0, symBinAddr: 0xD0E0, symSize: 0xE8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8D25, offset: 0x5BF15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___62-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x91C8, symBinAddr: 0xD1C8, symSize: 0xD0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8DDC, offset: 0x5BFCC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeDequeueRead]', symObjAddr: 0x9298, symBinAddr: 0xD298, symSize: 0x130 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8E10, offset: 0x5C000, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket flushSSLBuffers]', symObjAddr: 0x93C8, symBinAddr: 0xD3C8, symSize: 0x194 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8FC0, offset: 0x5C1B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket flushSSLBuffers]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x955C, symBinAddr: 0xD55C, symSize: 0x70 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9061, offset: 0x5C251, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadData]', symObjAddr: 0x95CC, symBinAddr: 0xD5CC, symSize: 0x944 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x942E, offset: 0x5C61E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9F10, symBinAddr: 0xDF10, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x94A3, offset: 0x5C693, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadEOF]', symObjAddr: 0x9F44, symBinAddr: 0xDF44, symSize: 0x200 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x95A5, offset: 0x5C795, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadEOF]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA144, symBinAddr: 0xE144, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x95F8, offset: 0x5C7E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentRead]', symObjAddr: 0xA174, symBinAddr: 0xE174, symSize: 0x188 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9716, offset: 0x5C906, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentRead]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA2FC, symBinAddr: 0xE2FC, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x978B, offset: 0x5C97B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s, symObjAddr: 0xA334, symBinAddr: 0xE334, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x97B4, offset: 0x5C9A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endCurrentRead]', symObjAddr: 0xA36C, symBinAddr: 0xE36C, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x97F6, offset: 0x5C9E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xA3A8, symBinAddr: 0xE3A8, symSize: 0x108 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x98DC, offset: 0x5CACC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA4B0, symBinAddr: 0xE4B0, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x993A, offset: 0x5CB2A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xA4F8, symBinAddr: 0xE4F8, symSize: 0xF4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x99B8, offset: 0x5CBA8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA5EC, symBinAddr: 0xE5EC, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9A52, offset: 0x5CC42, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xA67C, symBinAddr: 0xE67C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9AA5, offset: 0x5CC95, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeoutWithExtension:]', symObjAddr: 0xA6B0, symBinAddr: 0xE6B0, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9B34, offset: 0x5CD24, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0xA760, symBinAddr: 0xE760, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9BC9, offset: 0x5CDB9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeData:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA82C, symBinAddr: 0xE82C, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9C1C, offset: 0x5CE0C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]', symObjAddr: 0xA880, symBinAddr: 0xE880, symSize: 0xE8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9CE5, offset: 0x5CED5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___63-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA968, symBinAddr: 0xE968, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9D9C, offset: 0x5CF8C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeDequeueWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xAA34, symBinAddr: 0xEA34, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9E4D, offset: 0x5D03D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB020, symBinAddr: 0xF020, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9E8F, offset: 0x5D07F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xB050, symBinAddr: 0xF050, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9F04, offset: 0x5D0F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xB084, symBinAddr: 0xF084, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9F86, offset: 0x5D176, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentWrite]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB144, symBinAddr: 0xF144, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9FEA, offset: 0x5D1DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endCurrentWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xB178, symBinAddr: 0xF178, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA02C, offset: 0x5D21C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xB1B4, symBinAddr: 0xF1B4, symSize: 0x108 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA112, offset: 0x5D302, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB2BC, symBinAddr: 0xF2BC, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA170, offset: 0x5D360, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xB304, symBinAddr: 0xF304, symSize: 0xF4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA1EE, offset: 0x5D3DE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB3F8, symBinAddr: 0xF3F8, symSize: 0x8C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA288, offset: 0x5D478, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xB484, symBinAddr: 0xF484, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA2DB, offset: 0x5D4CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:]', symObjAddr: 0xB4B8, symBinAddr: 0xF4B8, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA36A, offset: 0x5D55A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket startTLS:]', symObjAddr: 0xB568, symBinAddr: 0xF568, symSize: 0xC8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA3DD, offset: 0x5D5CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket startTLS:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB630, symBinAddr: 0xF630, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA430, offset: 0x5D620, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeStartTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xB6A8, symBinAddr: 0xF6A8, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA4BA, offset: 0x5D6AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslReadWithBuffer:length:]', symObjAddr: 0xB7A4, symBinAddr: 0xF7A4, symSize: 0x1BC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA669, offset: 0x5D859, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslWriteWithBuffer:length:]', symObjAddr: 0xB960, symBinAddr: 0xF960, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA73F, offset: 0x5D92F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_startTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xBA2C, symBinAddr: 0xFA2C, symSize: 0x978 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xABE0, offset: 0x5DDD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _SSLReadFunction, symObjAddr: 0xC3A4, symBinAddr: 0x103A4, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAC3C, offset: 0x5DE2C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _SSLWriteFunction, symObjAddr: 0xC3B0, symBinAddr: 0x103B0, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAC98, offset: 0x5DE88, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]', symObjAddr: 0xC3BC, symBinAddr: 0x103BC, symSize: 0x374 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAE2B, offset: 0x5E01B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC730, symBinAddr: 0x10730, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAE7E, offset: 0x5E06E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xC760, symBinAddr: 0x10760, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAF19, offset: 0x5E109, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0xC810, symBinAddr: 0x10810, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAFB8, offset: 0x5E1A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32r40w, symObjAddr: 0xC888, symBinAddr: 0x10888, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAFE1, offset: 0x5E1D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32r40w, symObjAddr: 0xC8C0, symBinAddr: 0x108C0, symSize: 0x2C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB000, offset: 0x5E1F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48w, symObjAddr: 0xC8EC, symBinAddr: 0x108EC, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB029, offset: 0x5E219, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48w, symObjAddr: 0xC92C, symBinAddr: 0x1092C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB048, offset: 0x5E238, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke.305', symObjAddr: 0xC960, symBinAddr: 0x10960, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB0BD, offset: 0x5E2AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b56r, symObjAddr: 0xC99C, symBinAddr: 0x1099C, symSize: 0x4C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB0E6, offset: 0x5E2D6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r, symObjAddr: 0xC9E8, symBinAddr: 0x109E8, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB105, offset: 0x5E2F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_shouldTrustPeer:stateIndex:]', symObjAddr: 0xCA24, symBinAddr: 0x10A24, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB15B, offset: 0x5E34B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake]', symObjAddr: 0xCA9C, symBinAddr: 0x10A9C, symSize: 0xE8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB1CC, offset: 0x5E3BC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xCB84, symBinAddr: 0x10B84, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB21F, offset: 0x5E40F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_abortSSLHandshake:]', symObjAddr: 0xCBB4, symBinAddr: 0x10BB4, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB260, offset: 0x5E450, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_startTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xCBD4, symBinAddr: 0x10BD4, symSize: 0x170 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB360, offset: 0x5E550, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket ignore:]', symObjAddr: 0xCD44, symBinAddr: 0x10D44, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB3D7, offset: 0x5E5C7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xCDD4, symBinAddr: 0x10DD4, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB415, offset: 0x5E605, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xCE0C, symBinAddr: 0x10E0C, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB457, offset: 0x5E647, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xCE84, symBinAddr: 0x10E84, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB4D5, offset: 0x5E6C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45+[MGCDAsyncSocket stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xCEFC, symBinAddr: 0x10EFC, symSize: 0xB8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB517, offset: 0x5E707, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket cfstreamThread:]', symObjAddr: 0xCFB4, symBinAddr: 0x10FB4, symSize: 0x164 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB59E, offset: 0x5E78E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket scheduleCFStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xD118, symBinAddr: 0x11118, symSize: 0x68 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB668, offset: 0x5E858, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket unscheduleCFStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xD180, symBinAddr: 0x11180, symSize: 0x68 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB726, offset: 0x5E916, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket createReadAndWriteStream]', symObjAddr: 0xD1E8, symBinAddr: 0x111E8, symSize: 0x104 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB815, offset: 0x5EA05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket registerForStreamCallbacksIncludingReadWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0xD2EC, symBinAddr: 0x112EC, symSize: 0x8C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB8AC, offset: 0x5EA9C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFReadStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xD378, symBinAddr: 0x11378, symSize: 0x138 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB975, offset: 0x5EB65, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFWriteStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xD4B0, symBinAddr: 0x114B0, symSize: 0x138 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBA3E, offset: 0x5EC2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket addStreamsToRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xD5E8, symBinAddr: 0x115E8, symSize: 0x84 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBA8C, offset: 0x5EC7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncSocket addStreamsToRunLoop]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD66C, symBinAddr: 0x1166C, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBACE, offset: 0x5ECBE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xD6A8, symBinAddr: 0x116A8, symSize: 0x84 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBB18, offset: 0x5ED08, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD72C, symBinAddr: 0x1172C, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBB5A, offset: 0x5ED4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket openStreams]', symObjAddr: 0xD768, symBinAddr: 0x11768, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBC61, offset: 0x5EE51, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream]', symObjAddr: 0xD7CC, symBinAddr: 0x117CC, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBCE1, offset: 0x5EED1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___51-[MGCDAsyncSocket autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD87C, symBinAddr: 0x1187C, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBD3C, offset: 0x5EF2C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:]', symObjAddr: 0xD898, symBinAddr: 0x11898, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBDC6, offset: 0x5EFB6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___55-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD92C, symBinAddr: 0x1192C, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBE1B, offset: 0x5F00B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xD950, symBinAddr: 0x11950, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBE96, offset: 0x5F086, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xD968, symBinAddr: 0x11968, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBEFE, offset: 0x5F0EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket performBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0xD97C, symBinAddr: 0x1197C, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBF7B, offset: 0x5F16B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFD]', symObjAddr: 0xD9C4, symBinAddr: 0x119C4, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBFC1, offset: 0x5F1B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socket4FD]', symObjAddr: 0xDA04, symBinAddr: 0x11A04, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC007, offset: 0x5F1F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socket6FD]', symObjAddr: 0xDA38, symBinAddr: 0x11A38, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC04D, offset: 0x5F23D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readStream]', symObjAddr: 0xDA6C, symBinAddr: 0x11A6C, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC093, offset: 0x5F283, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeStream]', symObjAddr: 0xDAA8, symBinAddr: 0x11AA8, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC0D9, offset: 0x5F2C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:]', symObjAddr: 0xDAE4, symBinAddr: 0x11AE4, symSize: 0x9C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC176, offset: 0x5F366, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocket]', symObjAddr: 0xDB80, symBinAddr: 0x11B80, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC1BC, offset: 0x5F3AC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat]', symObjAddr: 0xDBBC, symBinAddr: 0x11BBC, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC202, offset: 0x5F3F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslContext]', symObjAddr: 0xDBF8, symBinAddr: 0x11BF8, symSize: 0x2C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC248, offset: 0x5F438, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket lookupHost:port:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xDC24, symBinAddr: 0x11C24, symSize: 0x318 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC48E, offset: 0x5F67E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xDF3C, symBinAddr: 0x11F3C, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC505, offset: 0x5F6F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xDFB8, symBinAddr: 0x11FB8, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC57D, offset: 0x5F76D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xE034, symBinAddr: 0x12034, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC5C0, offset: 0x5F7B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xE044, symBinAddr: 0x12044, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC603, offset: 0x5F7F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket urlFromSockaddrUN:]', symObjAddr: 0xE054, symBinAddr: 0x12054, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC659, offset: 0x5F849, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE0B0, symBinAddr: 0x120B0, symSize: 0x6C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC6B3, offset: 0x5F8A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE11C, symBinAddr: 0x1211C, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC70C, offset: 0x5F8FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xE154, symBinAddr: 0x12154, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC771, offset: 0x5F961, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xE1B4, symBinAddr: 0x121B4, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC7D6, offset: 0x5F9C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket getHost:port:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE214, symBinAddr: 0x12214, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC83B, offset: 0x5FA2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket getHost:port:family:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE220, symBinAddr: 0x12220, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC915, offset: 0x5FB05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket CRLFData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3A4, symBinAddr: 0x123A4, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC949, offset: 0x5FB39, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket CRData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3BC, symBinAddr: 0x123BC, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC97D, offset: 0x5FB6D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket LFData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3D4, symBinAddr: 0x123D4, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC9B1, offset: 0x5FBA1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket ZeroData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3EC, symBinAddr: 0x123EC, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC9E5, offset: 0x5FBD5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xE404, symBinAddr: 0x12404, symSize: 0x11C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCA19, offset: 0x5FC09, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xE520, symBinAddr: 0x12520, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCA76, offset: 0x5FC66, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke_2, symObjAddr: 0xE59C, symBinAddr: 0x1259C, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCAD6, offset: 0x5FCC6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xE5F8, symBinAddr: 0x125F8, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCB46, offset: 0x5FD36, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke_2, symObjAddr: 0xE674, symBinAddr: 0x12674, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x6396D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x126D0, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x41, offset: 0x63987, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketException, symObjAddr: 0xD4A8, symBinAddr: 0x28C10, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x61, offset: 0x639A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain, symObjAddr: 0xD4B0, symBinAddr: 0x28C18, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x77, offset: 0x639BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketQueueName, symObjAddr: 0xD4B8, symBinAddr: 0x28C20, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8D, offset: 0x639D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketThreadName, symObjAddr: 0xD4C0, symBinAddr: 0x28C28, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x97, offset: 0x639DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket startListenerThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xA7F0, symBinAddr: 0x1CBD0, symSize: 0x6C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBF, offset: 0x63A05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _startListenerThreadIfNeeded.predicate, symObjAddr: 0x40160, symBinAddr: 0x2E950, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x125, offset: 0x63A6B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _listenerThread, symObjAddr: 0x40168, symBinAddr: 0x2E958, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x65E, offset: 0x63FA4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x126D0, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x696, offset: 0x63FDC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket initWithData:timeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x18, symBinAddr: 0x126E8, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x701, offset: 0x64047, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xAC, symBinAddr: 0x1277C, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x735, offset: 0x6407B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0xF4, symBinAddr: 0x127C4, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x76D, offset: 0x640B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x128, symBinAddr: 0x127F8, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7A1, offset: 0x640E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket init]', symObjAddr: 0x158, symBinAddr: 0x12828, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7D7, offset: 0x6411D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithSocketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x168, symBinAddr: 0x12838, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x820, offset: 0x64166, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x178, symBinAddr: 0x12848, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x874, offset: 0x641BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x180, symBinAddr: 0x12850, symSize: 0x190 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x96E, offset: 0x642B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x129E0, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9F3, offset: 0x64339, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket dealloc]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3F4, symBinAddr: 0x12AC4, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA35, offset: 0x6437B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegate]', symObjAddr: 0x410, symBinAddr: 0x12AD0, symSize: 0xD0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAB5, offset: 0x643FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_copy_, symObjAddr: 0x4E0, symBinAddr: 0x12BA0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xADA, offset: 0x64420, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_dispose_, symObjAddr: 0x4F0, symBinAddr: 0x12BB0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAF9, offset: 0x6443F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegate]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4F8, symBinAddr: 0x12BB8, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB4C, offset: 0x64492, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x594, symBinAddr: 0x12BF4, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC04, offset: 0x6454A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x660, symBinAddr: 0x12CC0, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC57, offset: 0x6459D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x6BC, symBinAddr: 0x12CCC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC98, offset: 0x645DE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x6C4, symBinAddr: 0x12CD4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCD9, offset: 0x6461F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegateQueue]', symObjAddr: 0x6CC, symBinAddr: 0x12CDC, symSize: 0xD0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD59, offset: 0x6469F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegateQueue]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x79C, symBinAddr: 0x12DAC, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDAC, offset: 0x646F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x7B0, symBinAddr: 0x12DC0, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE51, offset: 0x64797, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___53-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x87C, symBinAddr: 0x12E8C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xEA4, offset: 0x647EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x888, symBinAddr: 0x12E98, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xEE5, offset: 0x6482B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x890, symBinAddr: 0x12EA0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF26, offset: 0x6486C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x898, symBinAddr: 0x12EA8, symSize: 0x138 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xFDB, offset: 0x64921, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9D0, symBinAddr: 0x12FE0, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x103F, offset: 0x64985, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0xAA0, symBinAddr: 0x13034, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10F5, offset: 0x64A3B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___62-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xBAC, symBinAddr: 0x13140, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1159, offset: 0x64A9F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xC40, symBinAddr: 0x13174, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11A9, offset: 0x64AEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xC48, symBinAddr: 0x1317C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11F9, offset: 0x64B3F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0xC50, symBinAddr: 0x13184, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x128F, offset: 0x64BD5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD28, symBinAddr: 0x1325C, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x12EA, offset: 0x64C30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv4Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0xD44, symBinAddr: 0x13278, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1374, offset: 0x64CBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv4Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xDD8, symBinAddr: 0x1330C, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x13C9, offset: 0x64D0F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0xDF8, symBinAddr: 0x1332C, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x145F, offset: 0x64DA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xED0, symBinAddr: 0x13404, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x14BA, offset: 0x64E00, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv6Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0xEEC, symBinAddr: 0x13420, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1544, offset: 0x64E8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv6Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF80, symBinAddr: 0x134B4, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1599, offset: 0x64EDF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Preferred]', symObjAddr: 0xFA4, symBinAddr: 0x134D8, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x162F, offset: 0x64F75, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Preferred]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x107C, symBinAddr: 0x135B0, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x168A, offset: 0x64FD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Preferred]', symObjAddr: 0x1094, symBinAddr: 0x135C8, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1720, offset: 0x65066, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Preferred]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x116C, symBinAddr: 0x136A0, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x177B, offset: 0x650C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPVersionNeutral]', symObjAddr: 0x1184, symBinAddr: 0x136B8, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1811, offset: 0x65157, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPVersionNeutral]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x125C, symBinAddr: 0x13790, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x186C, offset: 0x651B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x1278, symBinAddr: 0x137AC, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x18E9, offset: 0x6522F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1308, symBinAddr: 0x1383C, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x192B, offset: 0x65271, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x132C, symBinAddr: 0x13860, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x19A8, offset: 0x652EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x13BC, symBinAddr: 0x138F0, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x19EA, offset: 0x65330, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPVersionNeutral]', symObjAddr: 0x13E0, symBinAddr: 0x13914, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1A67, offset: 0x653AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPVersionNeutral]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1470, symBinAddr: 0x139A4, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1AA9, offset: 0x653EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1494, symBinAddr: 0x139C8, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B3F, offset: 0x65485, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x156C, symBinAddr: 0x13AA0, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B9A, offset: 0x654E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x1580, symBinAddr: 0x13AB4, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1C28, offset: 0x6556E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1614, symBinAddr: 0x13B48, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7D, offset: 0x655C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1624, symBinAddr: 0x13B58, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1D13, offset: 0x65659, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x16FC, symBinAddr: 0x13C30, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1D6E, offset: 0x656B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x1710, symBinAddr: 0x13C44, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1DFC, offset: 0x65742, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x17A4, symBinAddr: 0x13CD8, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1E51, offset: 0x65797, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxSendBufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x17B4, symBinAddr: 0x13CE8, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1EDF, offset: 0x65825, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxSendBufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1848, symBinAddr: 0x13D7C, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F34, offset: 0x6587A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxSendBufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1858, symBinAddr: 0x13D8C, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1FCA, offset: 0x65910, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxSendBufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1930, symBinAddr: 0x13E64, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2025, offset: 0x6596B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket userData]', symObjAddr: 0x1944, symBinAddr: 0x13E78, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x20BB, offset: 0x65A01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket userData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1A40, symBinAddr: 0x13F74, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x210E, offset: 0x65A54, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setUserData:]', symObjAddr: 0x1A54, symBinAddr: 0x13F88, symSize: 0xBC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x219C, offset: 0x65AE2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setUserData:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1B10, symBinAddr: 0x14044, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x21EF, offset: 0x65B35, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidConnectToAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0x1B2C, symBinAddr: 0x14060, symSize: 0xF4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2282, offset: 0x65BC8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidConnectToAddress:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1C20, symBinAddr: 0x14154, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x22E6, offset: 0x65C2C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x1C54, symBinAddr: 0x14188, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2359, offset: 0x65C9F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotConnect:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1D28, symBinAddr: 0x1425C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x23BD, offset: 0x65D03, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidSendDataWithTag:]', symObjAddr: 0x1D5C, symBinAddr: 0x14290, symSize: 0xB4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2430, offset: 0x65D76, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___47-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidSendDataWithTag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1E10, symBinAddr: 0x14344, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2494, offset: 0x65DDA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:]', symObjAddr: 0x1E44, symBinAddr: 0x14378, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2518, offset: 0x65E5E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___61-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1F28, symBinAddr: 0x1445C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x258D, offset: 0x65ED3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:]', symObjAddr: 0x1F5C, symBinAddr: 0x14490, symSize: 0x134 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2633, offset: 0x65F79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2090, symBinAddr: 0x145C4, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x26B9, offset: 0x65FFF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s64s, symObjAddr: 0x20C8, symBinAddr: 0x145FC, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x26E2, offset: 0x66028, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s64s, symObjAddr: 0x2108, symBinAddr: 0x1463C, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2701, offset: 0x66047, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidCloseWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2148, symBinAddr: 0x1467C, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2774, offset: 0x660BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidCloseWithError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x221C, symBinAddr: 0x14750, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x27D8, offset: 0x6611E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket badConfigError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2250, symBinAddr: 0x14784, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x282E, offset: 0x66174, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket badParamError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2324, symBinAddr: 0x14858, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2884, offset: 0x661CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket gaiError:]', symObjAddr: 0x23F8, symBinAddr: 0x1492C, symSize: 0xF4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2915, offset: 0x6625B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket errnoErrorWithReason:]', symObjAddr: 0x24EC, symBinAddr: 0x14A20, symSize: 0x14C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x297C, offset: 0x662C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket errnoError]', symObjAddr: 0x2638, symBinAddr: 0x14B6C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x29B2, offset: 0x662F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x2640, symBinAddr: 0x14B74, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2A08, offset: 0x6634E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socketClosedError]', symObjAddr: 0x274C, symBinAddr: 0x14C80, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2A5E, offset: 0x663A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket otherError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2858, symBinAddr: 0x14D8C, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2AB4, offset: 0x663FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preOp:]', symObjAddr: 0x292C, symBinAddr: 0x14E60, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2B39, offset: 0x6647F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0x29BC, symBinAddr: 0x14EF0, symSize: 0x178 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2C61, offset: 0x665A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2B34, symBinAddr: 0x15068, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2CC3, offset: 0x66609, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40b, symObjAddr: 0x2B6C, symBinAddr: 0x150A0, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2CEC, offset: 0x66632, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke.72', symObjAddr: 0x2BA0, symBinAddr: 0x150D4, symSize: 0x344 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2F00, offset: 0x66846, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x2EE4, symBinAddr: 0x15418, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2F6C, offset: 0x668B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b, symObjAddr: 0x2F1C, symBinAddr: 0x15450, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2F95, offset: 0x668DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getAddress:error:fromAddresses:]', symObjAddr: 0x2F58, symBinAddr: 0x1548C, symSize: 0x374 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x31DA, offset: 0x66B20, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket convertIntefaceDescription:port:intoAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x32CC, symBinAddr: 0x15800, symSize: 0x344 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x34D3, offset: 0x66E19, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket convertNumericHost:port:intoAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3610, symBinAddr: 0x15B44, symSize: 0x1C8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x35E5, offset: 0x66F2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnectedToAddress4:]', symObjAddr: 0x37D8, symBinAddr: 0x15D0C, symSize: 0x68 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3650, offset: 0x66F96, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnectedToAddress6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3840, symBinAddr: 0x15D74, symSize: 0x70 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x36BB, offset: 0x67001, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket indexOfInterfaceAddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0x38B0, symBinAddr: 0x15DE4, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x37A1, offset: 0x670E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket indexOfInterfaceAddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3970, symBinAddr: 0x15EA4, symSize: 0xC8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3874, offset: 0x671BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]', symObjAddr: 0x3A38, symBinAddr: 0x15F6C, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x399D, offset: 0x672E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3BBC, symBinAddr: 0x160F0, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x39DF, offset: 0x67325, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3C1C, symBinAddr: 0x16150, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3A42, offset: 0x67388, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x3C74, symBinAddr: 0x161A8, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3AB6, offset: 0x673FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke.88', symObjAddr: 0x3CB4, symBinAddr: 0x161CC, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3B13, offset: 0x67459, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]', symObjAddr: 0x3CD8, symBinAddr: 0x161F0, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3BF2, offset: 0x67538, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3E5C, symBinAddr: 0x16374, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3C34, offset: 0x6757A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3EBC, symBinAddr: 0x163D4, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3C84, offset: 0x675CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x3F14, symBinAddr: 0x1642C, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3CE1, offset: 0x67627, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x3F38, symBinAddr: 0x16450, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3D3E, offset: 0x67684, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSocket4:socket6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3F5C, symBinAddr: 0x16474, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3DFC, offset: 0x67742, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSocket4:socket6:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4068, symBinAddr: 0x16580, symSize: 0x1DC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4026, offset: 0x6796C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSockets:]', symObjAddr: 0x4244, symBinAddr: 0x1675C, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4089, offset: 0x679CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendSend4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x428C, symBinAddr: 0x167A4, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x40DA, offset: 0x67A20, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendSend6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x42C8, symBinAddr: 0x167E0, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x411C, offset: 0x67A62, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeSend4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4304, symBinAddr: 0x1681C, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x416D, offset: 0x67AB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeSend6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4340, symBinAddr: 0x16858, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x41AF, offset: 0x67AF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendReceive4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x437C, symBinAddr: 0x16894, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x41F1, offset: 0x67B37, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendReceive6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x43B8, symBinAddr: 0x168D0, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4233, offset: 0x67B79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeReceive4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x43F4, symBinAddr: 0x1690C, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4275, offset: 0x67BBB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeReceive6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4430, symBinAddr: 0x16948, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x42B7, offset: 0x67BFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSocket4]', symObjAddr: 0x446C, symBinAddr: 0x16984, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4316, offset: 0x67C5C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSocket6]', symObjAddr: 0x4500, symBinAddr: 0x16A18, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4366, offset: 0x67CAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSockets]', symObjAddr: 0x4594, symBinAddr: 0x16AAC, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x439A, offset: 0x67CE0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getLocalAddress:host:port:forSocket:withFamily:]', symObjAddr: 0x45C8, symBinAddr: 0x16AE0, symSize: 0x1AC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x451E, offset: 0x67E64, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info]', symObjAddr: 0x4774, symBinAddr: 0x16C8C, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4585, offset: 0x67ECB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info]', symObjAddr: 0x4848, symBinAddr: 0x16D60, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x45EC, offset: 0x67F32, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x491C, symBinAddr: 0x16E34, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x468A, offset: 0x67FD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4A5C, symBinAddr: 0x16F74, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x46DD, offset: 0x68023, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4AB8, symBinAddr: 0x16FD0, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4727, offset: 0x6806D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]', symObjAddr: 0x4AFC, symBinAddr: 0x17004, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x47C5, offset: 0x6810B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4C3C, symBinAddr: 0x17144, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4818, offset: 0x6815E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4C98, symBinAddr: 0x171A0, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4862, offset: 0x681A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]', symObjAddr: 0x4CCC, symBinAddr: 0x171D4, symSize: 0x11C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4900, offset: 0x68246, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4DE8, symBinAddr: 0x172F0, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4953, offset: 0x68299, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4E38, symBinAddr: 0x17340, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x499D, offset: 0x682E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x4E6C, symBinAddr: 0x17374, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A3B, offset: 0x68381, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4FAC, symBinAddr: 0x174B4, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A8E, offset: 0x683D4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4FE0, symBinAddr: 0x174E8, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4AD8, offset: 0x6841E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x5014, symBinAddr: 0x1751C, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4B76, offset: 0x684BC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5154, symBinAddr: 0x1765C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4BC9, offset: 0x6850F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5188, symBinAddr: 0x17690, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4C13, offset: 0x68559, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x51BC, symBinAddr: 0x176C4, symSize: 0x11C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4CB1, offset: 0x685F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x52D8, symBinAddr: 0x177E0, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4D04, offset: 0x6864A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x530C, symBinAddr: 0x17814, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4D4E, offset: 0x68694, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5340, symBinAddr: 0x17848, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4DEC, offset: 0x68732, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5480, symBinAddr: 0x17988, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4E3F, offset: 0x68785, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x54B4, symBinAddr: 0x179BC, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4E89, offset: 0x687CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x54E8, symBinAddr: 0x179F0, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4F27, offset: 0x6886D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5628, symBinAddr: 0x17B30, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4F7A, offset: 0x688C0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x565C, symBinAddr: 0x17B64, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4FC4, offset: 0x6890A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5690, symBinAddr: 0x17B98, symSize: 0x11C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5062, offset: 0x689A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x57AC, symBinAddr: 0x17CB4, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x50B5, offset: 0x689FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x57E0, symBinAddr: 0x17CE8, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x50FF, offset: 0x68A45, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo]', symObjAddr: 0x5814, symBinAddr: 0x17D1C, symSize: 0x1B0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x522A, offset: 0x68B70, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x59C4, symBinAddr: 0x17ECC, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x52C8, offset: 0x68C0E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5B04, symBinAddr: 0x1800C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x531B, offset: 0x68C61, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5B38, symBinAddr: 0x18040, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5365, offset: 0x68CAB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]', symObjAddr: 0x5B6C, symBinAddr: 0x18074, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5403, offset: 0x68D49, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5CAC, symBinAddr: 0x181B4, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5456, offset: 0x68D9C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5CE0, symBinAddr: 0x181E8, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x54A0, offset: 0x68DE6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]', symObjAddr: 0x5D14, symBinAddr: 0x1821C, symSize: 0x11C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x553E, offset: 0x68E84, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5E30, symBinAddr: 0x18338, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5591, offset: 0x68ED7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5E64, symBinAddr: 0x1836C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x55DB, offset: 0x68F21, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnected]', symObjAddr: 0x5E98, symBinAddr: 0x183A0, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5671, offset: 0x68FB7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5F70, symBinAddr: 0x18478, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x56CC, offset: 0x69012, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isClosed]', symObjAddr: 0x5F88, symBinAddr: 0x18490, symSize: 0xDC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5762, offset: 0x690A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isClosed]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6064, symBinAddr: 0x1856C, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x57BD, offset: 0x69103, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x6080, symBinAddr: 0x18588, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5853, offset: 0x69199, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6158, symBinAddr: 0x18660, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x58A6, offset: 0x691EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x61A0, symBinAddr: 0x186A8, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x593C, offset: 0x69282, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6278, symBinAddr: 0x18780, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x598F, offset: 0x692D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preBind:]', symObjAddr: 0x62C0, symBinAddr: 0x187C8, symSize: 0xA4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x59F2, offset: 0x69338, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6364, symBinAddr: 0x1886C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5A48, offset: 0x6938E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:interface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6370, symBinAddr: 0x18878, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5B28, offset: 0x6946E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:interface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x64F4, symBinAddr: 0x189FC, symSize: 0x26C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5D0A, offset: 0x69650, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x67EC, symBinAddr: 0x18C68, symSize: 0x174 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5DD8, offset: 0x6971E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToAddress:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6960, symBinAddr: 0x18DDC, symSize: 0x2A4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5F85, offset: 0x698CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x6C04, symBinAddr: 0x19080, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5FE8, offset: 0x6992E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6C94, symBinAddr: 0x19110, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x60C8, offset: 0x69A0E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6E18, symBinAddr: 0x19294, symSize: 0x190 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x618E, offset: 0x69AD4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x6FA8, symBinAddr: 0x19424, symSize: 0x9C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6203, offset: 0x69B49, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7044, symBinAddr: 0x194C0, symSize: 0x174 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x62D1, offset: 0x69C17, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToAddress:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x71B8, symBinAddr: 0x19634, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x63A8, offset: 0x69CEE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeConnect]', symObjAddr: 0x733C, symBinAddr: 0x197B8, symSize: 0x1E4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6458, offset: 0x69D9E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectWithAddress4:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7520, symBinAddr: 0x1999C, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6508, offset: 0x69E4E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectWithAddress6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x75E0, symBinAddr: 0x19A5C, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6597, offset: 0x69EDD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preJoin:]', symObjAddr: 0x76A0, symBinAddr: 0x19B1C, symSize: 0x84 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x65E0, offset: 0x69F26, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket joinMulticastGroup:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7724, symBinAddr: 0x19BA0, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6636, offset: 0x69F7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket joinMulticastGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7730, symBinAddr: 0x19BAC, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x669F, offset: 0x69FE5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket leaveMulticastGroup:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7744, symBinAddr: 0x19BC0, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x66F5, offset: 0x6A03B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket leaveMulticastGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7750, symBinAddr: 0x19BCC, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x675E, offset: 0x6A0A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performMulticastRequest:forGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7764, symBinAddr: 0x19BE0, symSize: 0x1C4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x684F, offset: 0x6A195, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performMulticastRequest:forGroup:onInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7928, symBinAddr: 0x19DA4, symSize: 0x270 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A5D, offset: 0x6A3A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7C34, symBinAddr: 0x1A014, symSize: 0x174 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B2B, offset: 0x6A471, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7DA8, symBinAddr: 0x1A188, symSize: 0x18C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C52, offset: 0x6A598, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F34, symBinAddr: 0x1A314, symSize: 0x174 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D20, offset: 0x6A666, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x80A8, symBinAddr: 0x1A488, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E38, offset: 0x6A77E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableReusePort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x822C, symBinAddr: 0x1A60C, symSize: 0x150 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6F02, offset: 0x6A848, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableReusePort:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x837C, symBinAddr: 0x1A75C, symSize: 0x150 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7021, offset: 0x6A967, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBroadcast:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x84CC, symBinAddr: 0x1A8AC, symSize: 0x150 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x70EB, offset: 0x6AA31, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBroadcast:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x861C, symBinAddr: 0x1A9FC, symSize: 0x114 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x71BD, offset: 0x6AB03, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8730, symBinAddr: 0x1AB10, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x720D, offset: 0x6AB53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8738, symBinAddr: 0x1AB18, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x72A2, offset: 0x6ABE8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___47-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8804, symBinAddr: 0x1ABE4, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x72F5, offset: 0x6AC3B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8840, symBinAddr: 0x1AC20, symSize: 0x144 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x73AC, offset: 0x6ACF2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8984, symBinAddr: 0x1AD64, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7421, offset: 0x6AD67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x8A18, symBinAddr: 0x1ADF8, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7474, offset: 0x6ADBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toAddress:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8A54, symBinAddr: 0x1AE34, symSize: 0x118 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x751A, offset: 0x6AE60, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toAddress:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8B6C, symBinAddr: 0x1AF4C, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x756D, offset: 0x6AEB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x8BA8, symBinAddr: 0x1AF88, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x75BD, offset: 0x6AF03, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]', symObjAddr: 0x8BB0, symBinAddr: 0x1AF90, symSize: 0x13C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x768B, offset: 0x6AFD1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___61-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8CEC, symBinAddr: 0x1B0CC, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7700, offset: 0x6B046, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeDequeueSend]', symObjAddr: 0x8D3C, symBinAddr: 0x1B11C, symSize: 0x144 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x774C, offset: 0x6B092, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]', symObjAddr: 0x8E80, symBinAddr: 0x1B260, symSize: 0x2CC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x787B, offset: 0x6B1C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x914C, symBinAddr: 0x1B52C, symSize: 0xB4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7913, offset: 0x6B259, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9200, symBinAddr: 0x1B5E0, symSize: 0x68 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7977, offset: 0x6B2BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke.151', symObjAddr: 0x9268, symBinAddr: 0x1B648, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x79D6, offset: 0x6B31C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doSend]', symObjAddr: 0x92BC, symBinAddr: 0x1B69C, symSize: 0x1A8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7B54, offset: 0x6B49A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket endCurrentSend]', symObjAddr: 0x9464, symBinAddr: 0x1B844, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7B96, offset: 0x6B4DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doSendTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x94A0, symBinAddr: 0x1B880, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7BCA, offset: 0x6B510, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0x9500, symBinAddr: 0x1B8E0, symSize: 0xC8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7CC5, offset: 0x6B60B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x95C8, symBinAddr: 0x1B9A8, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7D07, offset: 0x6B64D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]', symObjAddr: 0x95F8, symBinAddr: 0x1B9D8, symSize: 0x14C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7DC4, offset: 0x6B70A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9744, symBinAddr: 0x1BB24, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7E5E, offset: 0x6B7A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9818, symBinAddr: 0x1BBF8, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7EA0, offset: 0x6B7E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]', symObjAddr: 0x9848, symBinAddr: 0x1BC28, symSize: 0x14C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7F5D, offset: 0x6B8A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9994, symBinAddr: 0x1BD74, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7FF7, offset: 0x6B93D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9A68, symBinAddr: 0x1BE48, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8039, offset: 0x6B97F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket pauseReceiving]', symObjAddr: 0x9A98, symBinAddr: 0x1BE78, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x80B6, offset: 0x6B9FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket pauseReceiving]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9B28, symBinAddr: 0x1BF08, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x80F8, offset: 0x6BA3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x9B8C, symBinAddr: 0x1BF6C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8148, offset: 0x6BA8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]', symObjAddr: 0x9B94, symBinAddr: 0x1BF74, symSize: 0x13C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8216, offset: 0x6BB5C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9CD0, symBinAddr: 0x1C0B0, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x828B, offset: 0x6BBD1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]', symObjAddr: 0x9D20, symBinAddr: 0x1C100, symSize: 0x658 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8506, offset: 0x6BE4C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA378, symBinAddr: 0x1C758, symSize: 0xF8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x85BD, offset: 0x6BF03, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xA470, symBinAddr: 0x1C850, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8643, offset: 0x6BF89, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke.158', symObjAddr: 0xA504, symBinAddr: 0x1C8E4, symSize: 0x80 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x86DD, offset: 0x6C023, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceiveEOF]', symObjAddr: 0xA584, symBinAddr: 0x1C964, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8711, offset: 0x6C057, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0xA5C0, symBinAddr: 0x1C9A0, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8763, offset: 0x6C0A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket close]', symObjAddr: 0xA63C, symBinAddr: 0x1CA1C, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x87E0, offset: 0x6C126, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket close]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA6CC, symBinAddr: 0x1CAAC, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8822, offset: 0x6C168, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeAfterSending]', symObjAddr: 0xA700, symBinAddr: 0x1CAE0, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x889F, offset: 0x6C1E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeAfterSending]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA790, symBinAddr: 0x1CB70, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x88E1, offset: 0x6C227, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket ignore:]', symObjAddr: 0xA7EC, symBinAddr: 0x1CBCC, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8958, offset: 0x6C29E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket startListenerThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA85C, symBinAddr: 0x1CC3C, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x899A, offset: 0x6C2E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket listenerThread:]', symObjAddr: 0xA8B0, symBinAddr: 0x1CC90, symSize: 0xEC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x89DF, offset: 0x6C325, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket addStreamListener:]', symObjAddr: 0xA99C, symBinAddr: 0x1CD7C, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8AD5, offset: 0x6C41B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket removeStreamListener:]', symObjAddr: 0xAA2C, symBinAddr: 0x1CE0C, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8BBF, offset: 0x6C505, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createReadAndWriteStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xAABC, symBinAddr: 0x1CE9C, symSize: 0x1F8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8DEA, offset: 0x6C730, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket registerForStreamCallbacks:]', symObjAddr: 0xACB4, symBinAddr: 0x1D094, symSize: 0x1B0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9006, offset: 0x6C94C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFReadStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xAE64, symBinAddr: 0x1D244, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x90D3, offset: 0x6CA19, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFWriteStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xAF70, symBinAddr: 0x1D350, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x91A0, offset: 0x6CAE6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket addStreamsToRunLoop:]', symObjAddr: 0xB07C, symBinAddr: 0x1D45C, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x91E5, offset: 0x6CB2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket openStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xB0DC, symBinAddr: 0x1D4BC, symSize: 0xD0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9300, offset: 0x6CC46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xB1AC, symBinAddr: 0x1D58C, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9334, offset: 0x6CC7A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeReadAndWriteStreams]', symObjAddr: 0xB1FC, symBinAddr: 0x1D5DC, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x945C, offset: 0x6CDA2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket applicationWillEnterForeground:]', symObjAddr: 0xB2C8, symBinAddr: 0x1D6A8, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x94E6, offset: 0x6CE2C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___53-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket applicationWillEnterForeground:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB358, symBinAddr: 0x1D738, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9528, offset: 0x6CE6E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xB390, symBinAddr: 0x1D770, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x95A3, offset: 0x6CEE9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xB3A8, symBinAddr: 0x1D788, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x960B, offset: 0x6CF51, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0xB3BC, symBinAddr: 0x1D79C, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9688, offset: 0x6CFCE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socketFD]', symObjAddr: 0xB404, symBinAddr: 0x1D7E4, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x96CE, offset: 0x6D014, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socket4FD]', symObjAddr: 0xB444, symBinAddr: 0x1D824, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9714, offset: 0x6D05A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socket6FD]', symObjAddr: 0xB478, symBinAddr: 0x1D858, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x975A, offset: 0x6D0A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket readStream]', symObjAddr: 0xB4AC, symBinAddr: 0x1D88C, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x97B1, offset: 0x6D0F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket writeStream]', symObjAddr: 0xB504, symBinAddr: 0x1D8E4, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9808, offset: 0x6D14E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBackgroundingOnSockets]', symObjAddr: 0xB55C, symBinAddr: 0x1D93C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x983C, offset: 0x6D182, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xB564, symBinAddr: 0x1D944, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x98B3, offset: 0x6D1F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xB5E0, symBinAddr: 0x1D9C0, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x992B, offset: 0x6D271, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xB65C, symBinAddr: 0x1DA3C, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x996E, offset: 0x6D2B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xB66C, symBinAddr: 0x1DA4C, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x99B1, offset: 0x6D2F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB67C, symBinAddr: 0x1DA5C, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9A0B, offset: 0x6D351, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB6B4, symBinAddr: 0x1DA94, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9A65, offset: 0x6D3AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket familyFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB6E8, symBinAddr: 0x1DAC8, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9ABF, offset: 0x6D405, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xB71C, symBinAddr: 0x1DAFC, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9B19, offset: 0x6D45F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xB758, symBinAddr: 0x1DB38, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9B73, offset: 0x6D4B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getHost:port:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB794, symBinAddr: 0x1DB74, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9BD8, offset: 0x6D51E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getHost:port:family:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB7A0, symBinAddr: 0x1DB80, symSize: 0x154 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9CB0, offset: 0x6D5F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xB8F4, symBinAddr: 0x1DCD4, symSize: 0x110 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9CE4, offset: 0x6D62A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xBA04, symBinAddr: 0x1DDE4, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9D44, offset: 0x6D68A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xBA54, symBinAddr: 0x1DE34, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x34, offset: 0x53B7D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MqttCocoaAsyncSocketVersionString, symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x21278, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x69, offset: 0x53BB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MqttCocoaAsyncSocketVersionNumber, symObjAddr: 0x38, symBinAddr: 0x212B0, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x41, offset: 0x53C09, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketException, symObjAddr: 0x10AB8, symBinAddr: 0x284F8, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x61, offset: 0x53C29, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain, symObjAddr: 0x10AC0, symBinAddr: 0x28500, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77, offset: 0x53C3F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketQueueName, symObjAddr: 0x10AC8, symBinAddr: 0x28508, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D, offset: 0x53C55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketThreadName, symObjAddr: 0x10AD0, symBinAddr: 0x28510, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA3, offset: 0x53C6B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust, symObjAddr: 0x10AD8, symBinAddr: 0x28518, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB9, offset: 0x53C81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS, symObjAddr: 0x10AE0, symBinAddr: 0x28520, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCF, offset: 0x53C97, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID, symObjAddr: 0x10AE8, symBinAddr: 0x28528, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE5, offset: 0x53CAD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin, symObjAddr: 0x10AF0, symBinAddr: 0x28530, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFB, offset: 0x53CC3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax, symObjAddr: 0x10AF8, symBinAddr: 0x28538, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x111, offset: 0x53CD9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart, symObjAddr: 0x10B00, symBinAddr: 0x28540, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x127, offset: 0x53CEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord, symObjAddr: 0x10B08, symBinAddr: 0x28548, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13D, offset: 0x53D05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites, symObjAddr: 0x10B10, symBinAddr: 0x28550, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x153, offset: 0x53D1B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN, symObjAddr: 0x10B18, symBinAddr: 0x28558, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x16B, offset: 0x53D33, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]', symObjAddr: 0xAB30, symBinAddr: 0xEB30, symSize: 0x4F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x48C, offset: 0x54054, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xCD48, symBinAddr: 0x10D48, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B4, offset: 0x5407C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded.predicate, symObjAddr: 0x56128, symBinAddr: 0x2E930, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x51C, offset: 0x540E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThread, symObjAddr: 0x56140, symBinAddr: 0x2E948, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x537, offset: 0x540FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThreadRetainCount, symObjAddr: 0x56130, symBinAddr: 0x2E938, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x554, offset: 0x5411C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, symObjAddr: 0x56138, symBinAddr: 0x2E940, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB90, offset: 0x54758, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x4000, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBC7, offset: 0x5478F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer initWithCapacity:]', symObjAddr: 0x18, symBinAddr: 0x4018, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC0E, offset: 0x547D6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0x78, symBinAddr: 0x4078, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC41, offset: 0x54809, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0xC4, symBinAddr: 0x40C4, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCF9, offset: 0x548C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer availableBytes]', symObjAddr: 0x124, symBinAddr: 0x4124, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD31, offset: 0x548F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer readBuffer]', symObjAddr: 0x130, symBinAddr: 0x4130, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD69, offset: 0x54931, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer getReadBuffer:availableBytes:]', symObjAddr: 0x138, symBinAddr: 0x4138, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDBF, offset: 0x54987, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer didRead:]', symObjAddr: 0x16C, symBinAddr: 0x416C, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE00, offset: 0x549C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer availableSpace]', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x4190, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE38, offset: 0x54A00, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer writeBuffer]', symObjAddr: 0x1A4, symBinAddr: 0x41A4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE70, offset: 0x54A38, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer getWriteBuffer:availableSpace:]', symObjAddr: 0x1AC, symBinAddr: 0x41AC, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEC6, offset: 0x54A8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer didWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0x1E0, symBinAddr: 0x41E0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF07, offset: 0x54ACF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer reset]', symObjAddr: 0x1F0, symBinAddr: 0x41F0, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF39, offset: 0x54B01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x1FC, symBinAddr: 0x41FC, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF71, offset: 0x54B39, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket initWithData:startOffset:maxLength:timeout:readLength:terminator:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x214, symBinAddr: 0x4214, symSize: 0x144 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1020, offset: 0x54BE8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:]', symObjAddr: 0x358, symBinAddr: 0x4358, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10B4, offset: 0x54C7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket optimalReadLengthWithDefault:shouldPreBuffer:]', symObjAddr: 0x3A8, symBinAddr: 0x43A8, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x118C, offset: 0x54D54, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForNonTermWithHint:]', symObjAddr: 0x430, symBinAddr: 0x4430, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11F1, offset: 0x54DB9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForTermWithHint:shouldPreBuffer:]', symObjAddr: 0x45C, symBinAddr: 0x445C, symSize: 0x6C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12B8, offset: 0x54E80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:found:]', symObjAddr: 0x4C8, symBinAddr: 0x44C8, symSize: 0x234 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x144A, offset: 0x55012, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:]', symObjAddr: 0x6FC, symBinAddr: 0x46FC, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1504, offset: 0x550CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x7AC, symBinAddr: 0x47AC, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1538, offset: 0x55100, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x7DC, symBinAddr: 0x47DC, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1570, offset: 0x55138, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket initWithData:timeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F4, symBinAddr: 0x47F4, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x15DB, offset: 0x551A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x884, symBinAddr: 0x4884, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x160F, offset: 0x551D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x890, symBinAddr: 0x4890, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1647, offset: 0x5520F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket initWithTLSSettings:]', symObjAddr: 0x8A8, symBinAddr: 0x48A8, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1690, offset: 0x55258, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x920, symBinAddr: 0x4920, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x16C4, offset: 0x5528C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket init]', symObjAddr: 0x92C, symBinAddr: 0x492C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x16FA, offset: 0x552C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithSocketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x93C, symBinAddr: 0x493C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1743, offset: 0x5530B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x94C, symBinAddr: 0x494C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1797, offset: 0x5535F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x954, symBinAddr: 0x4954, symSize: 0x1B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x189B, offset: 0x55463, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0xB04, symBinAddr: 0x4B04, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1920, offset: 0x554E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___26-[MGCDAsyncSocket dealloc]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xBCC, symBinAddr: 0x4BCC, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1962, offset: 0x5552A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s, symObjAddr: 0xBD8, symBinAddr: 0x4BD8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1989, offset: 0x55551, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s, symObjAddr: 0xBE0, symBinAddr: 0x4BE0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19A8, offset: 0x55570, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:socketQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xBE8, symBinAddr: 0x4BE8, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1A0F, offset: 0x555D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xBFC, symBinAddr: 0x4BFC, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1A83, offset: 0x5564B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xC08, symBinAddr: 0x4C08, symSize: 0x1C0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B6A, offset: 0x55732, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_copy_, symObjAddr: 0xDC8, symBinAddr: 0x4DC8, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B8F, offset: 0x55757, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_dispose_, symObjAddr: 0xDD8, symBinAddr: 0x4DD8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1BAE, offset: 0x55776, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___88+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xDE0, symBinAddr: 0x4DE0, symSize: 0x21C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D01, offset: 0x558C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48r, symObjAddr: 0xFFC, symBinAddr: 0x4FFC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D2A, offset: 0x558F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48r, symObjAddr: 0x1040, symBinAddr: 0x5040, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D49, offset: 0x55911, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegate]', symObjAddr: 0x1078, symBinAddr: 0x5078, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1DC9, offset: 0x55991, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegate]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1148, symBinAddr: 0x5148, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E1C, offset: 0x559E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r, symObjAddr: 0x1184, symBinAddr: 0x5184, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E45, offset: 0x55A0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r, symObjAddr: 0x11B8, symBinAddr: 0x51B8, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E64, offset: 0x55A2C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x11E4, symBinAddr: 0x51E4, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1F1C, offset: 0x55AE4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x12B0, symBinAddr: 0x52B0, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1F6F, offset: 0x55B37, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s, symObjAddr: 0x12BC, symBinAddr: 0x52BC, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1F98, offset: 0x55B60, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s, symObjAddr: 0x12E4, symBinAddr: 0x52E4, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1FB7, offset: 0x55B7F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x130C, symBinAddr: 0x530C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1FF8, offset: 0x55BC0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x1314, symBinAddr: 0x5314, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2039, offset: 0x55C01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegateQueue]', symObjAddr: 0x131C, symBinAddr: 0x531C, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x20B9, offset: 0x55C81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegateQueue]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x13EC, symBinAddr: 0x53EC, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x210C, offset: 0x55CD4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x1400, symBinAddr: 0x5400, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21B1, offset: 0x55D79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x14CC, symBinAddr: 0x54CC, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2204, offset: 0x55DCC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14D8, symBinAddr: 0x54D8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2245, offset: 0x55E0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14E0, symBinAddr: 0x54E0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2286, offset: 0x55E4E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14E8, symBinAddr: 0x54E8, symSize: 0x138 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x233B, offset: 0x55F03, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1620, symBinAddr: 0x5620, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x239F, offset: 0x55F67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x1674, symBinAddr: 0x5674, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2455, offset: 0x5601D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1780, symBinAddr: 0x5780, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x24B9, offset: 0x56081, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s, symObjAddr: 0x17B4, symBinAddr: 0x57B4, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x24E2, offset: 0x560AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s, symObjAddr: 0x17E4, symBinAddr: 0x57E4, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2501, offset: 0x560C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x1814, symBinAddr: 0x5814, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2551, offset: 0x56119, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x181C, symBinAddr: 0x581C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x25A1, offset: 0x56169, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0x1824, symBinAddr: 0x5824, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2621, offset: 0x561E9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x18D4, symBinAddr: 0x58D4, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x267C, offset: 0x56244, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0x18F0, symBinAddr: 0x58F0, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2706, offset: 0x562CE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1984, symBinAddr: 0x5984, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x275B, offset: 0x56323, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0x19A4, symBinAddr: 0x59A4, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27DB, offset: 0x563A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1A54, symBinAddr: 0x5A54, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2836, offset: 0x563FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv6Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0x1A70, symBinAddr: 0x5A70, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x28C0, offset: 0x56488, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv6Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1B04, symBinAddr: 0x5B04, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2915, offset: 0x564DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x1B28, symBinAddr: 0x5B28, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2995, offset: 0x5655D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1BD8, symBinAddr: 0x5BD8, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x29F0, offset: 0x565B8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:]', symObjAddr: 0x1BF4, symBinAddr: 0x5BF4, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2A7A, offset: 0x56642, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1C88, symBinAddr: 0x5C88, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2ACF, offset: 0x56697, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket alternateAddressDelay]', symObjAddr: 0x1CAC, symBinAddr: 0x5CAC, symSize: 0xDC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2B65, offset: 0x5672D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncSocket alternateAddressDelay]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1D88, symBinAddr: 0x5D88, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2BC0, offset: 0x56788, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAlternateAddressDelay:]', symObjAddr: 0x1D9C, symBinAddr: 0x5D9C, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2C4E, offset: 0x56816, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAlternateAddressDelay:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1E30, symBinAddr: 0x5E30, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2CA3, offset: 0x5686B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket userData]', symObjAddr: 0x1E40, symBinAddr: 0x5E40, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2D39, offset: 0x56901, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket userData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1F3C, symBinAddr: 0x5F3C, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2D8C, offset: 0x56954, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setUserData:]', symObjAddr: 0x1F50, symBinAddr: 0x5F50, symSize: 0xBC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2E1A, offset: 0x569E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket setUserData:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x200C, symBinAddr: 0x600C, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2E6D, offset: 0x56A35, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x2028, symBinAddr: 0x6028, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2EC5, offset: 0x56A8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x2038, symBinAddr: 0x6038, symSize: 0x210 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2FC7, offset: 0x56B8F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2248, symBinAddr: 0x6248, symSize: 0x1E8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x32A7, offset: 0x56E6F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke.117', symObjAddr: 0x2430, symBinAddr: 0x6430, symSize: 0x4DC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x367F, offset: 0x57247, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x290C, symBinAddr: 0x690C, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3742, offset: 0x5730A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40w, symObjAddr: 0x2988, symBinAddr: 0x6988, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x376B, offset: 0x57333, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40w, symObjAddr: 0x29B8, symBinAddr: 0x69B8, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x378A, offset: 0x57352, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke.132', symObjAddr: 0x29E0, symBinAddr: 0x69E0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37D6, offset: 0x5739E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_2.134', symObjAddr: 0x29E8, symBinAddr: 0x69E8, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3886, offset: 0x5744E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x2A64, symBinAddr: 0x6A64, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38D2, offset: 0x5749A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x2A6C, symBinAddr: 0x6A6C, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38FB, offset: 0x574C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x2AC8, symBinAddr: 0x6AC8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x391A, offset: 0x574E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x2B10, symBinAddr: 0x6B10, symSize: 0x1F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39FA, offset: 0x575C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2D00, symBinAddr: 0x6D00, symSize: 0x1E8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C0B, offset: 0x577D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x2EE8, symBinAddr: 0x6EE8, symSize: 0x360 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3E17, offset: 0x579DF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x3248, symBinAddr: 0x7248, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3EC7, offset: 0x57A8F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x32C0, symBinAddr: 0x72C0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3F13, offset: 0x57ADB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]', symObjAddr: 0x32C8, symBinAddr: 0x72C8, symSize: 0x254 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4166, offset: 0x57D2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x351C, symBinAddr: 0x751C, symSize: 0x148 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x423A, offset: 0x57E02, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3664, symBinAddr: 0x7664, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4289, offset: 0x57E51, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket preConnectWithInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3698, symBinAddr: 0x7698, symSize: 0x1D4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x43A2, offset: 0x57F6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket preConnectWithUrl:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x386C, symBinAddr: 0x786C, symSize: 0x12C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4489, offset: 0x58051, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3998, symBinAddr: 0x7998, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x44EC, offset: 0x580B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x39A0, symBinAddr: 0x79A0, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4561, offset: 0x58129, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x39AC, symBinAddr: 0x79AC, symSize: 0x200 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4685, offset: 0x5824D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3BAC, symBinAddr: 0x7BAC, symSize: 0x1C4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x47E8, offset: 0x583B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3D70, symBinAddr: 0x7D70, symSize: 0x2D4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x493C, offset: 0x58504, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x4044, symBinAddr: 0x8044, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x499C, offset: 0x58564, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke.153', symObjAddr: 0x4078, symBinAddr: 0x8078, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A0D, offset: 0x585D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48w, symObjAddr: 0x40B0, symBinAddr: 0x80B0, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A36, offset: 0x585FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48w, symObjAddr: 0x40E8, symBinAddr: 0x80E8, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A55, offset: 0x5861D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x4118, symBinAddr: 0x8118, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A7E, offset: 0x58646, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x416C, symBinAddr: 0x816C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AD4, offset: 0x5869C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x417C, symBinAddr: 0x817C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B3A, offset: 0x58702, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4188, symBinAddr: 0x8188, symSize: 0x208 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C4D, offset: 0x58815, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4390, symBinAddr: 0x8390, symSize: 0x1C8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4DA3, offset: 0x5896B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToUrl:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4558, symBinAddr: 0x8558, symSize: 0x194 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E83, offset: 0x58A4B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToUrl:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x46EC, symBinAddr: 0x86EC, symSize: 0x12C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F49, offset: 0x58B11, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48r56r, symObjAddr: 0x4818, symBinAddr: 0x8818, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F72, offset: 0x58B3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48r56r, symObjAddr: 0x4864, symBinAddr: 0x8864, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F91, offset: 0x58B59, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToNetService:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x48A4, symBinAddr: 0x88A4, symSize: 0x12C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x503C, offset: 0x58C04, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket lookup:didSucceedWithAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x49D0, symBinAddr: 0x89D0, symSize: 0xF0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x510A, offset: 0x58CD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket lookup:didFail:]', symObjAddr: 0x4AC0, symBinAddr: 0x8AC0, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5160, offset: 0x58D28, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket bindSocket:toInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4B18, symBinAddr: 0x8B18, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x526B, offset: 0x58E33, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket createSocket:connectInterface:errPtr:]', symObjAddr: 0x4C14, symBinAddr: 0x8C14, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x534E, offset: 0x58F16, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]', symObjAddr: 0x4CF8, symBinAddr: 0x8CF8, symSize: 0x114 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x540F, offset: 0x58FD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___52-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4E0C, symBinAddr: 0x8E0C, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5532, offset: 0x590FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___52-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4EF0, symBinAddr: 0x8EF0, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x55E9, offset: 0x591B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x4FC4, symBinAddr: 0x8FC4, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5644, offset: 0x5920C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeUnusedSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x5040, symBinAddr: 0x9040, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5687, offset: 0x5924F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddress4:address6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5064, symBinAddr: 0x9064, symSize: 0x1DC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x57BD, offset: 0x59385, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___54-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddress4:address6:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5240, symBinAddr: 0x9240, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5832, offset: 0x593FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5250, symBinAddr: 0x9250, symSize: 0x158 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x59A0, offset: 0x59568, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x53A8, symBinAddr: 0x93A8, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5A9C, offset: 0x59664, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke.cold.1', symObjAddr: 0xE6E0, symBinAddr: 0x1E34C, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5AD5, offset: 0x5969D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5444, symBinAddr: 0x9444, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B28, offset: 0x596F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x5478, symBinAddr: 0x9478, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B8C, offset: 0x59754, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x54AC, symBinAddr: 0x94AC, symSize: 0x310 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D1C, offset: 0x598E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x57BC, symBinAddr: 0x97BC, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D5E, offset: 0x59926, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5840, symBinAddr: 0x9840, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5DB1, offset: 0x59979, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x58D0, symBinAddr: 0x98D0, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E54, offset: 0x59A1C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x5970, symBinAddr: 0x9970, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E9E, offset: 0x59A66, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32b, symObjAddr: 0x59A4, symBinAddr: 0x99A4, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5EC7, offset: 0x59A8F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56b, symObjAddr: 0x59B4, symBinAddr: 0x99B4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5EF0, offset: 0x59AB8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s, symObjAddr: 0x59F8, symBinAddr: 0x99F8, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5F0F, offset: 0x59AD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke.179', symObjAddr: 0x5A30, symBinAddr: 0x9A30, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5FA1, offset: 0x59B69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_2.180', symObjAddr: 0x5ACC, symBinAddr: 0x9ACC, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5FEB, offset: 0x59BB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket didNotConnect:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5B00, symBinAddr: 0x9B00, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x603D, offset: 0x59C05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket startConnectTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0x5B18, symBinAddr: 0x9B18, symSize: 0x108 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6141, offset: 0x59D09, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncSocket startConnectTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5C20, symBinAddr: 0x9C20, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x619F, offset: 0x59D67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32w, symObjAddr: 0x5C68, symBinAddr: 0x9C68, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x61C8, offset: 0x59D90, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32w, symObjAddr: 0x5C74, symBinAddr: 0x9C74, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x61E7, offset: 0x59DAF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endConnectTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x5C7C, symBinAddr: 0x9C7C, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6238, offset: 0x59E00, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doConnectTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x5CE4, symBinAddr: 0x9CE4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x626C, offset: 0x59E34, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0x5D28, symBinAddr: 0x9D28, symSize: 0x324 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x64C9, offset: 0x5A091, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeWithError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x604C, symBinAddr: 0xA04C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6529, offset: 0x5A0F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnect]', symObjAddr: 0x6080, symBinAddr: 0xA080, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65A6, offset: 0x5A16E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnect]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6110, symBinAddr: 0xA110, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65E8, offset: 0x5A1B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReading]', symObjAddr: 0x614C, symBinAddr: 0xA14C, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6632, offset: 0x5A1FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReading]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x61A4, symBinAddr: 0xA1A4, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6674, offset: 0x5A23C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterWriting]', symObjAddr: 0x61EC, symBinAddr: 0xA1EC, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x66BE, offset: 0x5A286, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterWriting]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6244, symBinAddr: 0xA244, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6700, offset: 0x5A2C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting]', symObjAddr: 0x628C, symBinAddr: 0xA28C, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x674A, offset: 0x5A312, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___51-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x62E4, symBinAddr: 0xA2E4, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x678C, offset: 0x5A354, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeClose]', symObjAddr: 0x632C, symBinAddr: 0xA32C, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x67D1, offset: 0x5A399, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket badConfigError:]', symObjAddr: 0x639C, symBinAddr: 0xA39C, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6827, offset: 0x5A3EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket badParamError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6470, symBinAddr: 0xA470, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x687D, offset: 0x5A445, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket gaiError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6544, symBinAddr: 0xA544, symSize: 0xF4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x690E, offset: 0x5A4D6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket errorWithErrno:reason:]', symObjAddr: 0x6638, symBinAddr: 0xA638, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6986, offset: 0x5A54E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket errnoError]', symObjAddr: 0x6750, symBinAddr: 0xA750, symSize: 0x100 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x69DC, offset: 0x5A5A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6850, symBinAddr: 0xA850, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A43, offset: 0x5A60B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6910, symBinAddr: 0xA910, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A99, offset: 0x5A661, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readMaxedOutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6A1C, symBinAddr: 0xAA1C, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6AEF, offset: 0x5A6B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6B28, symBinAddr: 0xAB28, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B45, offset: 0x5A70D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6C34, symBinAddr: 0xAC34, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B9B, offset: 0x5A763, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectionClosedError]', symObjAddr: 0x6D40, symBinAddr: 0xAD40, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6BF1, offset: 0x5A7B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket otherError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6E4C, symBinAddr: 0xAE4C, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6C47, offset: 0x5A80F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isDisconnected]', symObjAddr: 0x6F20, symBinAddr: 0xAF20, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6CDD, offset: 0x5A8A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket isDisconnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6FF8, symBinAddr: 0xAFF8, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D38, offset: 0x5A900, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isConnected]', symObjAddr: 0x7014, symBinAddr: 0xB014, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6DCE, offset: 0x5A996, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket isConnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x70EC, symBinAddr: 0xB0EC, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E29, offset: 0x5A9F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost]', symObjAddr: 0x7104, symBinAddr: 0xB104, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6EA9, offset: 0x5AA71, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7210, symBinAddr: 0xB210, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6EFC, offset: 0x5AAC4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort]', symObjAddr: 0x7288, symBinAddr: 0xB288, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F7C, offset: 0x5AB44, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x736C, symBinAddr: 0xB36C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6FCF, offset: 0x5AB97, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrl]', symObjAddr: 0x73BC, symBinAddr: 0xB3BC, symSize: 0xEC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x704F, offset: 0x5AC17, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrl]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x74A8, symBinAddr: 0xB4A8, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70A2, offset: 0x5AC6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost]', symObjAddr: 0x7504, symBinAddr: 0xB504, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7122, offset: 0x5ACEA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7610, symBinAddr: 0xB610, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7175, offset: 0x5AD3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort]', symObjAddr: 0x7688, symBinAddr: 0xB688, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x71F5, offset: 0x5ADBD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x776C, symBinAddr: 0xB76C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7248, offset: 0x5AE10, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost4]', symObjAddr: 0x77BC, symBinAddr: 0xB7BC, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7280, offset: 0x5AE48, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost6]', symObjAddr: 0x77EC, symBinAddr: 0xB7EC, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72B8, offset: 0x5AE80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort4]', symObjAddr: 0x781C, symBinAddr: 0xB81C, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72F0, offset: 0x5AEB8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort6]', symObjAddr: 0x7834, symBinAddr: 0xB834, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7328, offset: 0x5AEF0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost4]', symObjAddr: 0x784C, symBinAddr: 0xB84C, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7360, offset: 0x5AF28, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost6]', symObjAddr: 0x787C, symBinAddr: 0xB87C, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7398, offset: 0x5AF60, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort4]', symObjAddr: 0x78AC, symBinAddr: 0xB8AC, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x73D0, offset: 0x5AF98, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort6]', symObjAddr: 0x78C4, symBinAddr: 0xB8C4, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7408, offset: 0x5AFD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHostFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x78DC, symBinAddr: 0xB8DC, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7497, offset: 0x5B05F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHostFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x796C, symBinAddr: 0xB96C, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7526, offset: 0x5B0EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPortFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x79D0, symBinAddr: 0xB9D0, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x75B5, offset: 0x5B17D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPortFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7A58, symBinAddr: 0xBA58, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7644, offset: 0x5B20C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrlFromSocketUN:]', symObjAddr: 0x7AB4, symBinAddr: 0xBAB4, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76D3, offset: 0x5B29B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHostFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x7B44, symBinAddr: 0xBB44, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7783, offset: 0x5B34B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHostFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7BD4, symBinAddr: 0xBBD4, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7812, offset: 0x5B3DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPortFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x7C38, symBinAddr: 0xBC38, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x78A1, offset: 0x5B469, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPortFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7CC0, symBinAddr: 0xBCC0, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7930, offset: 0x5B4F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x7D1C, symBinAddr: 0xBD1C, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79C6, offset: 0x5B58E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7E18, symBinAddr: 0xBE18, symSize: 0x100 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7AB3, offset: 0x5B67B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x7F18, symBinAddr: 0xBF18, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B49, offset: 0x5B711, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket localAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8014, symBinAddr: 0xC014, symSize: 0x100 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C36, offset: 0x5B7FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x8114, symBinAddr: 0xC114, symSize: 0xB4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7CB6, offset: 0x5B87E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___25-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x81C8, symBinAddr: 0xC1C8, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D11, offset: 0x5B8D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x81E4, symBinAddr: 0xC1E4, symSize: 0xB4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D91, offset: 0x5B959, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___25-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8298, symBinAddr: 0xC298, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7DEC, offset: 0x5B9B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isSecure]', symObjAddr: 0x82B4, symBinAddr: 0xC2B4, symSize: 0xAC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E6C, offset: 0x5BA34, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket isSecure]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8360, symBinAddr: 0xC360, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7EC7, offset: 0x5BA8F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getInterfaceAddress4:address6:fromDescription:port:]', symObjAddr: 0x8378, symBinAddr: 0xC378, symSize: 0x3FC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x81CE, offset: 0x5BD96, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getInterfaceAddressFromUrl:]', symObjAddr: 0x8774, symBinAddr: 0xC774, symSize: 0xDC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8245, offset: 0x5BE0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x8850, symBinAddr: 0xC850, symSize: 0x1F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x835F, offset: 0x5BF27, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8A40, symBinAddr: 0xCA40, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x83CB, offset: 0x5BF93, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x8AA4, symBinAddr: 0xCAA4, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8429, offset: 0x5BFF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x8AF8, symBinAddr: 0xCAF8, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8486, offset: 0x5C04E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32r, symObjAddr: 0x8B1C, symBinAddr: 0xCB1C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x84AF, offset: 0x5C077, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32r, symObjAddr: 0x8B2C, symBinAddr: 0xCB2C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x84CE, offset: 0x5C096, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke.216', symObjAddr: 0x8B38, symBinAddr: 0xCB38, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x852B, offset: 0x5C0F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket usingCFStreamForTLS]', symObjAddr: 0x8B5C, symBinAddr: 0xCB5C, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8563, offset: 0x5C12B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket usingSecureTransportForTLS]', symObjAddr: 0x8B74, symBinAddr: 0xCB74, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x859B, offset: 0x5C163, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket suspendReadSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8B8C, symBinAddr: 0xCB8C, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x85EC, offset: 0x5C1B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket resumeReadSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8BC4, symBinAddr: 0xCBC4, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x862E, offset: 0x5C1F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket suspendWriteSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8BFC, symBinAddr: 0xCBFC, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8670, offset: 0x5C238, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket resumeWriteSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8C34, symBinAddr: 0xCC34, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x86B2, offset: 0x5C27A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C6C, symBinAddr: 0xCC6C, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8705, offset: 0x5C2CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C80, symBinAddr: 0xCC80, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8776, offset: 0x5C33E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C8C, symBinAddr: 0xCC8C, symSize: 0xF0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x882D, offset: 0x5C3F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8D7C, symBinAddr: 0xCD7C, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8880, offset: 0x5C448, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8DD0, symBinAddr: 0xCDD0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x88E2, offset: 0x5C4AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8DE0, symBinAddr: 0xCDE0, symSize: 0xF8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8999, offset: 0x5C561, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___72-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8ED8, symBinAddr: 0xCED8, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x89EC, offset: 0x5C5B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F2C, symBinAddr: 0xCF2C, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8A4E, offset: 0x5C616, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F40, symBinAddr: 0xCF40, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8ACE, offset: 0x5C696, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F4C, symBinAddr: 0xCF4C, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8B41, offset: 0x5C709, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F60, symBinAddr: 0xCF60, symSize: 0x12C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C09, offset: 0x5C7D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___80-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x908C, symBinAddr: 0xD08C, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C5C, offset: 0x5C824, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]', symObjAddr: 0x90E0, symBinAddr: 0xD0E0, symSize: 0xE8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D25, offset: 0x5C8ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___62-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x91C8, symBinAddr: 0xD1C8, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8DDC, offset: 0x5C9A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeDequeueRead]', symObjAddr: 0x9298, symBinAddr: 0xD298, symSize: 0x130 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E10, offset: 0x5C9D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket flushSSLBuffers]', symObjAddr: 0x93C8, symBinAddr: 0xD3C8, symSize: 0x194 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8FC0, offset: 0x5CB88, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket flushSSLBuffers]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x955C, symBinAddr: 0xD55C, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9061, offset: 0x5CC29, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadData]', symObjAddr: 0x95CC, symBinAddr: 0xD5CC, symSize: 0x944 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x942E, offset: 0x5CFF6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9F10, symBinAddr: 0xDF10, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x94A3, offset: 0x5D06B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadEOF]', symObjAddr: 0x9F44, symBinAddr: 0xDF44, symSize: 0x200 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x95A5, offset: 0x5D16D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadEOF]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA144, symBinAddr: 0xE144, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x95F8, offset: 0x5D1C0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentRead]', symObjAddr: 0xA174, symBinAddr: 0xE174, symSize: 0x188 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9716, offset: 0x5D2DE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentRead]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA2FC, symBinAddr: 0xE2FC, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x978B, offset: 0x5D353, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s, symObjAddr: 0xA334, symBinAddr: 0xE334, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97B4, offset: 0x5D37C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endCurrentRead]', symObjAddr: 0xA36C, symBinAddr: 0xE36C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97F6, offset: 0x5D3BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xA3A8, symBinAddr: 0xE3A8, symSize: 0x108 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x98DC, offset: 0x5D4A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA4B0, symBinAddr: 0xE4B0, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x993A, offset: 0x5D502, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xA4F8, symBinAddr: 0xE4F8, symSize: 0xF4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x99B8, offset: 0x5D580, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA5EC, symBinAddr: 0xE5EC, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A52, offset: 0x5D61A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xA67C, symBinAddr: 0xE67C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9AA5, offset: 0x5D66D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeoutWithExtension:]', symObjAddr: 0xA6B0, symBinAddr: 0xE6B0, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B34, offset: 0x5D6FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0xA760, symBinAddr: 0xE760, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9BC9, offset: 0x5D791, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeData:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA82C, symBinAddr: 0xE82C, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9C1C, offset: 0x5D7E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]', symObjAddr: 0xA880, symBinAddr: 0xE880, symSize: 0xE8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9CE5, offset: 0x5D8AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___63-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA968, symBinAddr: 0xE968, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9D9C, offset: 0x5D964, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeDequeueWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xAA34, symBinAddr: 0xEA34, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9E4D, offset: 0x5DA15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB020, symBinAddr: 0xF020, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9E8F, offset: 0x5DA57, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xB050, symBinAddr: 0xF050, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F04, offset: 0x5DACC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xB084, symBinAddr: 0xF084, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F86, offset: 0x5DB4E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentWrite]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB144, symBinAddr: 0xF144, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9FEA, offset: 0x5DBB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endCurrentWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xB178, symBinAddr: 0xF178, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA02C, offset: 0x5DBF4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xB1B4, symBinAddr: 0xF1B4, symSize: 0x108 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA112, offset: 0x5DCDA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB2BC, symBinAddr: 0xF2BC, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA170, offset: 0x5DD38, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xB304, symBinAddr: 0xF304, symSize: 0xF4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA1EE, offset: 0x5DDB6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB3F8, symBinAddr: 0xF3F8, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA288, offset: 0x5DE50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xB484, symBinAddr: 0xF484, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA2DB, offset: 0x5DEA3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:]', symObjAddr: 0xB4B8, symBinAddr: 0xF4B8, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA36A, offset: 0x5DF32, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket startTLS:]', symObjAddr: 0xB568, symBinAddr: 0xF568, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA3DD, offset: 0x5DFA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket startTLS:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB630, symBinAddr: 0xF630, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA430, offset: 0x5DFF8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeStartTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xB6A8, symBinAddr: 0xF6A8, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA4BA, offset: 0x5E082, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslReadWithBuffer:length:]', symObjAddr: 0xB7A4, symBinAddr: 0xF7A4, symSize: 0x1BC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA669, offset: 0x5E231, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslWriteWithBuffer:length:]', symObjAddr: 0xB960, symBinAddr: 0xF960, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA73F, offset: 0x5E307, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_startTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xBA2C, symBinAddr: 0xFA2C, symSize: 0x978 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xABE0, offset: 0x5E7A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _SSLReadFunction, symObjAddr: 0xC3A4, symBinAddr: 0x103A4, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAC3C, offset: 0x5E804, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _SSLWriteFunction, symObjAddr: 0xC3B0, symBinAddr: 0x103B0, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAC98, offset: 0x5E860, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]', symObjAddr: 0xC3BC, symBinAddr: 0x103BC, symSize: 0x374 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE2B, offset: 0x5E9F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC730, symBinAddr: 0x10730, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE7E, offset: 0x5EA46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xC760, symBinAddr: 0x10760, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF19, offset: 0x5EAE1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0xC810, symBinAddr: 0x10810, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFB8, offset: 0x5EB80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32r40w, symObjAddr: 0xC888, symBinAddr: 0x10888, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFE1, offset: 0x5EBA9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32r40w, symObjAddr: 0xC8C0, symBinAddr: 0x108C0, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB000, offset: 0x5EBC8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48w, symObjAddr: 0xC8EC, symBinAddr: 0x108EC, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB029, offset: 0x5EBF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48w, symObjAddr: 0xC92C, symBinAddr: 0x1092C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB048, offset: 0x5EC10, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke.305', symObjAddr: 0xC960, symBinAddr: 0x10960, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0BD, offset: 0x5EC85, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b56r, symObjAddr: 0xC99C, symBinAddr: 0x1099C, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0E6, offset: 0x5ECAE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r, symObjAddr: 0xC9E8, symBinAddr: 0x109E8, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB105, offset: 0x5ECCD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_shouldTrustPeer:stateIndex:]', symObjAddr: 0xCA24, symBinAddr: 0x10A24, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB15B, offset: 0x5ED23, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake]', symObjAddr: 0xCA9C, symBinAddr: 0x10A9C, symSize: 0xE8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB1CC, offset: 0x5ED94, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xCB84, symBinAddr: 0x10B84, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB21F, offset: 0x5EDE7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_abortSSLHandshake:]', symObjAddr: 0xCBB4, symBinAddr: 0x10BB4, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB260, offset: 0x5EE28, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_startTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xCBD4, symBinAddr: 0x10BD4, symSize: 0x170 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB360, offset: 0x5EF28, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket ignore:]', symObjAddr: 0xCD44, symBinAddr: 0x10D44, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB3D7, offset: 0x5EF9F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xCDD4, symBinAddr: 0x10DD4, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB415, offset: 0x5EFDD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xCE0C, symBinAddr: 0x10E0C, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB457, offset: 0x5F01F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xCE84, symBinAddr: 0x10E84, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB4D5, offset: 0x5F09D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45+[MGCDAsyncSocket stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xCEFC, symBinAddr: 0x10EFC, symSize: 0xB8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB517, offset: 0x5F0DF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket cfstreamThread:]', symObjAddr: 0xCFB4, symBinAddr: 0x10FB4, symSize: 0x164 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB59E, offset: 0x5F166, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket scheduleCFStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xD118, symBinAddr: 0x11118, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB668, offset: 0x5F230, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket unscheduleCFStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xD180, symBinAddr: 0x11180, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB726, offset: 0x5F2EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket createReadAndWriteStream]', symObjAddr: 0xD1E8, symBinAddr: 0x111E8, symSize: 0x104 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB815, offset: 0x5F3DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket registerForStreamCallbacksIncludingReadWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0xD2EC, symBinAddr: 0x112EC, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB8AC, offset: 0x5F474, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFReadStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xD378, symBinAddr: 0x11378, symSize: 0x138 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB975, offset: 0x5F53D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFWriteStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xD4B0, symBinAddr: 0x114B0, symSize: 0x138 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBA3E, offset: 0x5F606, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket addStreamsToRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xD5E8, symBinAddr: 0x115E8, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBA8C, offset: 0x5F654, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncSocket addStreamsToRunLoop]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD66C, symBinAddr: 0x1166C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBACE, offset: 0x5F696, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xD6A8, symBinAddr: 0x116A8, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBB18, offset: 0x5F6E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD72C, symBinAddr: 0x1172C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBB5A, offset: 0x5F722, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket openStreams]', symObjAddr: 0xD768, symBinAddr: 0x11768, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBC61, offset: 0x5F829, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream]', symObjAddr: 0xD7CC, symBinAddr: 0x117CC, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBCE1, offset: 0x5F8A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___51-[MGCDAsyncSocket autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD87C, symBinAddr: 0x1187C, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBD3C, offset: 0x5F904, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:]', symObjAddr: 0xD898, symBinAddr: 0x11898, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBDC6, offset: 0x5F98E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___55-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD92C, symBinAddr: 0x1192C, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBE1B, offset: 0x5F9E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xD950, symBinAddr: 0x11950, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBE96, offset: 0x5FA5E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xD968, symBinAddr: 0x11968, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBEFE, offset: 0x5FAC6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket performBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0xD97C, symBinAddr: 0x1197C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBF7B, offset: 0x5FB43, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFD]', symObjAddr: 0xD9C4, symBinAddr: 0x119C4, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBFC1, offset: 0x5FB89, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socket4FD]', symObjAddr: 0xDA04, symBinAddr: 0x11A04, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC007, offset: 0x5FBCF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socket6FD]', symObjAddr: 0xDA38, symBinAddr: 0x11A38, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC04D, offset: 0x5FC15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readStream]', symObjAddr: 0xDA6C, symBinAddr: 0x11A6C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC093, offset: 0x5FC5B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeStream]', symObjAddr: 0xDAA8, symBinAddr: 0x11AA8, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC0D9, offset: 0x5FCA1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:]', symObjAddr: 0xDAE4, symBinAddr: 0x11AE4, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC176, offset: 0x5FD3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocket]', symObjAddr: 0xDB80, symBinAddr: 0x11B80, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC1BC, offset: 0x5FD84, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat]', symObjAddr: 0xDBBC, symBinAddr: 0x11BBC, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC202, offset: 0x5FDCA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslContext]', symObjAddr: 0xDBF8, symBinAddr: 0x11BF8, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC248, offset: 0x5FE10, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket lookupHost:port:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xDC24, symBinAddr: 0x11C24, symSize: 0x318 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC48E, offset: 0x60056, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xDF3C, symBinAddr: 0x11F3C, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC505, offset: 0x600CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xDFB8, symBinAddr: 0x11FB8, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC57D, offset: 0x60145, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xE034, symBinAddr: 0x12034, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC5C0, offset: 0x60188, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xE044, symBinAddr: 0x12044, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC603, offset: 0x601CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket urlFromSockaddrUN:]', symObjAddr: 0xE054, symBinAddr: 0x12054, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC659, offset: 0x60221, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE0B0, symBinAddr: 0x120B0, symSize: 0x6C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC6B3, offset: 0x6027B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE11C, symBinAddr: 0x1211C, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC70C, offset: 0x602D4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xE154, symBinAddr: 0x12154, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC771, offset: 0x60339, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xE1B4, symBinAddr: 0x121B4, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC7D6, offset: 0x6039E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket getHost:port:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE214, symBinAddr: 0x12214, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC83B, offset: 0x60403, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket getHost:port:family:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE220, symBinAddr: 0x12220, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC915, offset: 0x604DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket CRLFData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3A4, symBinAddr: 0x123A4, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC949, offset: 0x60511, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket CRData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3BC, symBinAddr: 0x123BC, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC97D, offset: 0x60545, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket LFData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3D4, symBinAddr: 0x123D4, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC9B1, offset: 0x60579, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket ZeroData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3EC, symBinAddr: 0x123EC, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC9E5, offset: 0x605AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xE404, symBinAddr: 0x12404, symSize: 0x11C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCA19, offset: 0x605E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xE520, symBinAddr: 0x12520, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCA76, offset: 0x6063E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke_2, symObjAddr: 0xE59C, symBinAddr: 0x1259C, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCAD6, offset: 0x6069E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xE5F8, symBinAddr: 0x125F8, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCB46, offset: 0x6070E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke_2, symObjAddr: 0xE674, symBinAddr: 0x12674, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x64345, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x126D0, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x41, offset: 0x6435F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketException, symObjAddr: 0xD4A8, symBinAddr: 0x28C10, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x61, offset: 0x6437F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain, symObjAddr: 0xD4B0, symBinAddr: 0x28C18, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77, offset: 0x64395, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketQueueName, symObjAddr: 0xD4B8, symBinAddr: 0x28C20, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D, offset: 0x643AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketThreadName, symObjAddr: 0xD4C0, symBinAddr: 0x28C28, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97, offset: 0x643B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket startListenerThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xA7F0, symBinAddr: 0x1CBD0, symSize: 0x6C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBF, offset: 0x643DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _startListenerThreadIfNeeded.predicate, symObjAddr: 0x40160, symBinAddr: 0x2E950, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x125, offset: 0x64443, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _listenerThread, symObjAddr: 0x40168, symBinAddr: 0x2E958, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65E, offset: 0x6497C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x126D0, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x696, offset: 0x649B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket initWithData:timeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x18, symBinAddr: 0x126E8, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x701, offset: 0x64A1F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xAC, symBinAddr: 0x1277C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x735, offset: 0x64A53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0xF4, symBinAddr: 0x127C4, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76D, offset: 0x64A8B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x128, symBinAddr: 0x127F8, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7A1, offset: 0x64ABF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket init]', symObjAddr: 0x158, symBinAddr: 0x12828, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D7, offset: 0x64AF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithSocketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x168, symBinAddr: 0x12838, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x820, offset: 0x64B3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x178, symBinAddr: 0x12848, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x874, offset: 0x64B92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x180, symBinAddr: 0x12850, symSize: 0x190 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x96E, offset: 0x64C8C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x129E0, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F3, offset: 0x64D11, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket dealloc]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3F4, symBinAddr: 0x12AC4, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA35, offset: 0x64D53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegate]', symObjAddr: 0x410, symBinAddr: 0x12AD0, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAB5, offset: 0x64DD3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_copy_, symObjAddr: 0x4E0, symBinAddr: 0x12BA0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xADA, offset: 0x64DF8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_dispose_, symObjAddr: 0x4F0, symBinAddr: 0x12BB0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF9, offset: 0x64E17, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegate]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4F8, symBinAddr: 0x12BB8, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB4C, offset: 0x64E6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x594, symBinAddr: 0x12BF4, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC04, offset: 0x64F22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x660, symBinAddr: 0x12CC0, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC57, offset: 0x64F75, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x6BC, symBinAddr: 0x12CCC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC98, offset: 0x64FB6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x6C4, symBinAddr: 0x12CD4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCD9, offset: 0x64FF7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegateQueue]', symObjAddr: 0x6CC, symBinAddr: 0x12CDC, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD59, offset: 0x65077, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegateQueue]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x79C, symBinAddr: 0x12DAC, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDAC, offset: 0x650CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x7B0, symBinAddr: 0x12DC0, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE51, offset: 0x6516F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___53-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x87C, symBinAddr: 0x12E8C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEA4, offset: 0x651C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x888, symBinAddr: 0x12E98, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEE5, offset: 0x65203, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x890, symBinAddr: 0x12EA0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF26, offset: 0x65244, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x898, symBinAddr: 0x12EA8, symSize: 0x138 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFDB, offset: 0x652F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9D0, symBinAddr: 0x12FE0, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x103F, offset: 0x6535D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0xAA0, symBinAddr: 0x13034, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10F5, offset: 0x65413, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___62-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xBAC, symBinAddr: 0x13140, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1159, offset: 0x65477, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xC40, symBinAddr: 0x13174, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11A9, offset: 0x654C7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xC48, symBinAddr: 0x1317C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11F9, offset: 0x65517, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0xC50, symBinAddr: 0x13184, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x128F, offset: 0x655AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD28, symBinAddr: 0x1325C, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12EA, offset: 0x65608, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv4Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0xD44, symBinAddr: 0x13278, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1374, offset: 0x65692, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv4Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xDD8, symBinAddr: 0x1330C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13C9, offset: 0x656E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0xDF8, symBinAddr: 0x1332C, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x145F, offset: 0x6577D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xED0, symBinAddr: 0x13404, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x14BA, offset: 0x657D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv6Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0xEEC, symBinAddr: 0x13420, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1544, offset: 0x65862, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv6Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF80, symBinAddr: 0x134B4, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1599, offset: 0x658B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Preferred]', symObjAddr: 0xFA4, symBinAddr: 0x134D8, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x162F, offset: 0x6594D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Preferred]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x107C, symBinAddr: 0x135B0, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x168A, offset: 0x659A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Preferred]', symObjAddr: 0x1094, symBinAddr: 0x135C8, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1720, offset: 0x65A3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Preferred]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x116C, symBinAddr: 0x136A0, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x177B, offset: 0x65A99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPVersionNeutral]', symObjAddr: 0x1184, symBinAddr: 0x136B8, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1811, offset: 0x65B2F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPVersionNeutral]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x125C, symBinAddr: 0x13790, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x186C, offset: 0x65B8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x1278, symBinAddr: 0x137AC, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x18E9, offset: 0x65C07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1308, symBinAddr: 0x1383C, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x192B, offset: 0x65C49, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x132C, symBinAddr: 0x13860, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19A8, offset: 0x65CC6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x13BC, symBinAddr: 0x138F0, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19EA, offset: 0x65D08, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPVersionNeutral]', symObjAddr: 0x13E0, symBinAddr: 0x13914, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1A67, offset: 0x65D85, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPVersionNeutral]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1470, symBinAddr: 0x139A4, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1AA9, offset: 0x65DC7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1494, symBinAddr: 0x139C8, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B3F, offset: 0x65E5D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x156C, symBinAddr: 0x13AA0, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B9A, offset: 0x65EB8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x1580, symBinAddr: 0x13AB4, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C28, offset: 0x65F46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1614, symBinAddr: 0x13B48, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7D, offset: 0x65F9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1624, symBinAddr: 0x13B58, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D13, offset: 0x66031, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x16FC, symBinAddr: 0x13C30, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D6E, offset: 0x6608C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x1710, symBinAddr: 0x13C44, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1DFC, offset: 0x6611A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x17A4, symBinAddr: 0x13CD8, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E51, offset: 0x6616F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxSendBufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x17B4, symBinAddr: 0x13CE8, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1EDF, offset: 0x661FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxSendBufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1848, symBinAddr: 0x13D7C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1F34, offset: 0x66252, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxSendBufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1858, symBinAddr: 0x13D8C, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1FCA, offset: 0x662E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxSendBufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1930, symBinAddr: 0x13E64, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2025, offset: 0x66343, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket userData]', symObjAddr: 0x1944, symBinAddr: 0x13E78, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x20BB, offset: 0x663D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket userData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1A40, symBinAddr: 0x13F74, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x210E, offset: 0x6642C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setUserData:]', symObjAddr: 0x1A54, symBinAddr: 0x13F88, symSize: 0xBC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x219C, offset: 0x664BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setUserData:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1B10, symBinAddr: 0x14044, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21EF, offset: 0x6650D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidConnectToAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0x1B2C, symBinAddr: 0x14060, symSize: 0xF4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2282, offset: 0x665A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidConnectToAddress:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1C20, symBinAddr: 0x14154, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x22E6, offset: 0x66604, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x1C54, symBinAddr: 0x14188, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2359, offset: 0x66677, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotConnect:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1D28, symBinAddr: 0x1425C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x23BD, offset: 0x666DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidSendDataWithTag:]', symObjAddr: 0x1D5C, symBinAddr: 0x14290, symSize: 0xB4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2430, offset: 0x6674E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___47-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidSendDataWithTag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1E10, symBinAddr: 0x14344, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2494, offset: 0x667B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:]', symObjAddr: 0x1E44, symBinAddr: 0x14378, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2518, offset: 0x66836, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___61-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1F28, symBinAddr: 0x1445C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x258D, offset: 0x668AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:]', symObjAddr: 0x1F5C, symBinAddr: 0x14490, symSize: 0x134 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2633, offset: 0x66951, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2090, symBinAddr: 0x145C4, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x26B9, offset: 0x669D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s64s, symObjAddr: 0x20C8, symBinAddr: 0x145FC, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x26E2, offset: 0x66A00, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s64s, symObjAddr: 0x2108, symBinAddr: 0x1463C, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2701, offset: 0x66A1F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidCloseWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2148, symBinAddr: 0x1467C, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2774, offset: 0x66A92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidCloseWithError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x221C, symBinAddr: 0x14750, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27D8, offset: 0x66AF6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket badConfigError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2250, symBinAddr: 0x14784, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x282E, offset: 0x66B4C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket badParamError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2324, symBinAddr: 0x14858, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2884, offset: 0x66BA2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket gaiError:]', symObjAddr: 0x23F8, symBinAddr: 0x1492C, symSize: 0xF4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2915, offset: 0x66C33, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket errnoErrorWithReason:]', symObjAddr: 0x24EC, symBinAddr: 0x14A20, symSize: 0x14C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x297C, offset: 0x66C9A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket errnoError]', symObjAddr: 0x2638, symBinAddr: 0x14B6C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x29B2, offset: 0x66CD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x2640, symBinAddr: 0x14B74, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2A08, offset: 0x66D26, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socketClosedError]', symObjAddr: 0x274C, symBinAddr: 0x14C80, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2A5E, offset: 0x66D7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket otherError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2858, symBinAddr: 0x14D8C, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2AB4, offset: 0x66DD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preOp:]', symObjAddr: 0x292C, symBinAddr: 0x14E60, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2B39, offset: 0x66E57, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0x29BC, symBinAddr: 0x14EF0, symSize: 0x178 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2C61, offset: 0x66F7F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2B34, symBinAddr: 0x15068, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2CC3, offset: 0x66FE1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40b, symObjAddr: 0x2B6C, symBinAddr: 0x150A0, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2CEC, offset: 0x6700A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke.72', symObjAddr: 0x2BA0, symBinAddr: 0x150D4, symSize: 0x344 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2F00, offset: 0x6721E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x2EE4, symBinAddr: 0x15418, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2F6C, offset: 0x6728A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b, symObjAddr: 0x2F1C, symBinAddr: 0x15450, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2F95, offset: 0x672B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getAddress:error:fromAddresses:]', symObjAddr: 0x2F58, symBinAddr: 0x1548C, symSize: 0x374 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x31DA, offset: 0x674F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket convertIntefaceDescription:port:intoAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x32CC, symBinAddr: 0x15800, symSize: 0x344 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x34D3, offset: 0x677F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket convertNumericHost:port:intoAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3610, symBinAddr: 0x15B44, symSize: 0x1C8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x35E5, offset: 0x67903, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnectedToAddress4:]', symObjAddr: 0x37D8, symBinAddr: 0x15D0C, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3650, offset: 0x6796E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnectedToAddress6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3840, symBinAddr: 0x15D74, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x36BB, offset: 0x679D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket indexOfInterfaceAddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0x38B0, symBinAddr: 0x15DE4, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37A1, offset: 0x67ABF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket indexOfInterfaceAddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3970, symBinAddr: 0x15EA4, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3874, offset: 0x67B92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]', symObjAddr: 0x3A38, symBinAddr: 0x15F6C, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x399D, offset: 0x67CBB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3BBC, symBinAddr: 0x160F0, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39DF, offset: 0x67CFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3C1C, symBinAddr: 0x16150, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A42, offset: 0x67D60, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x3C74, symBinAddr: 0x161A8, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AB6, offset: 0x67DD4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke.88', symObjAddr: 0x3CB4, symBinAddr: 0x161CC, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B13, offset: 0x67E31, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]', symObjAddr: 0x3CD8, symBinAddr: 0x161F0, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BF2, offset: 0x67F10, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3E5C, symBinAddr: 0x16374, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C34, offset: 0x67F52, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3EBC, symBinAddr: 0x163D4, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C84, offset: 0x67FA2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x3F14, symBinAddr: 0x1642C, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3CE1, offset: 0x67FFF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x3F38, symBinAddr: 0x16450, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D3E, offset: 0x6805C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSocket4:socket6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3F5C, symBinAddr: 0x16474, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DFC, offset: 0x6811A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSocket4:socket6:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4068, symBinAddr: 0x16580, symSize: 0x1DC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4026, offset: 0x68344, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSockets:]', symObjAddr: 0x4244, symBinAddr: 0x1675C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4089, offset: 0x683A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendSend4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x428C, symBinAddr: 0x167A4, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x40DA, offset: 0x683F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendSend6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x42C8, symBinAddr: 0x167E0, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x411C, offset: 0x6843A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeSend4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4304, symBinAddr: 0x1681C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x416D, offset: 0x6848B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeSend6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4340, symBinAddr: 0x16858, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x41AF, offset: 0x684CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendReceive4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x437C, symBinAddr: 0x16894, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x41F1, offset: 0x6850F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendReceive6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x43B8, symBinAddr: 0x168D0, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4233, offset: 0x68551, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeReceive4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x43F4, symBinAddr: 0x1690C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4275, offset: 0x68593, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeReceive6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4430, symBinAddr: 0x16948, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x42B7, offset: 0x685D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSocket4]', symObjAddr: 0x446C, symBinAddr: 0x16984, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4316, offset: 0x68634, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSocket6]', symObjAddr: 0x4500, symBinAddr: 0x16A18, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4366, offset: 0x68684, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSockets]', symObjAddr: 0x4594, symBinAddr: 0x16AAC, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x439A, offset: 0x686B8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getLocalAddress:host:port:forSocket:withFamily:]', symObjAddr: 0x45C8, symBinAddr: 0x16AE0, symSize: 0x1AC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x451E, offset: 0x6883C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info]', symObjAddr: 0x4774, symBinAddr: 0x16C8C, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4585, offset: 0x688A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info]', symObjAddr: 0x4848, symBinAddr: 0x16D60, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x45EC, offset: 0x6890A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x491C, symBinAddr: 0x16E34, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x468A, offset: 0x689A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4A5C, symBinAddr: 0x16F74, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x46DD, offset: 0x689FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4AB8, symBinAddr: 0x16FD0, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4727, offset: 0x68A45, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]', symObjAddr: 0x4AFC, symBinAddr: 0x17004, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x47C5, offset: 0x68AE3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4C3C, symBinAddr: 0x17144, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4818, offset: 0x68B36, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4C98, symBinAddr: 0x171A0, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4862, offset: 0x68B80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]', symObjAddr: 0x4CCC, symBinAddr: 0x171D4, symSize: 0x11C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4900, offset: 0x68C1E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4DE8, symBinAddr: 0x172F0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4953, offset: 0x68C71, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4E38, symBinAddr: 0x17340, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x499D, offset: 0x68CBB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x4E6C, symBinAddr: 0x17374, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A3B, offset: 0x68D59, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4FAC, symBinAddr: 0x174B4, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A8E, offset: 0x68DAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4FE0, symBinAddr: 0x174E8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AD8, offset: 0x68DF6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x5014, symBinAddr: 0x1751C, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B76, offset: 0x68E94, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5154, symBinAddr: 0x1765C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BC9, offset: 0x68EE7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5188, symBinAddr: 0x17690, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C13, offset: 0x68F31, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x51BC, symBinAddr: 0x176C4, symSize: 0x11C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4CB1, offset: 0x68FCF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x52D8, symBinAddr: 0x177E0, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4D04, offset: 0x69022, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x530C, symBinAddr: 0x17814, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4D4E, offset: 0x6906C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5340, symBinAddr: 0x17848, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4DEC, offset: 0x6910A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5480, symBinAddr: 0x17988, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E3F, offset: 0x6915D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x54B4, symBinAddr: 0x179BC, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E89, offset: 0x691A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x54E8, symBinAddr: 0x179F0, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F27, offset: 0x69245, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5628, symBinAddr: 0x17B30, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F7A, offset: 0x69298, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x565C, symBinAddr: 0x17B64, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4FC4, offset: 0x692E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5690, symBinAddr: 0x17B98, symSize: 0x11C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5062, offset: 0x69380, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x57AC, symBinAddr: 0x17CB4, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50B5, offset: 0x693D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x57E0, symBinAddr: 0x17CE8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50FF, offset: 0x6941D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo]', symObjAddr: 0x5814, symBinAddr: 0x17D1C, symSize: 0x1B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x522A, offset: 0x69548, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x59C4, symBinAddr: 0x17ECC, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x52C8, offset: 0x695E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5B04, symBinAddr: 0x1800C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x531B, offset: 0x69639, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5B38, symBinAddr: 0x18040, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5365, offset: 0x69683, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]', symObjAddr: 0x5B6C, symBinAddr: 0x18074, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5403, offset: 0x69721, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5CAC, symBinAddr: 0x181B4, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5456, offset: 0x69774, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5CE0, symBinAddr: 0x181E8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x54A0, offset: 0x697BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]', symObjAddr: 0x5D14, symBinAddr: 0x1821C, symSize: 0x11C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x553E, offset: 0x6985C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5E30, symBinAddr: 0x18338, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5591, offset: 0x698AF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5E64, symBinAddr: 0x1836C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x55DB, offset: 0x698F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnected]', symObjAddr: 0x5E98, symBinAddr: 0x183A0, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5671, offset: 0x6998F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5F70, symBinAddr: 0x18478, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x56CC, offset: 0x699EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isClosed]', symObjAddr: 0x5F88, symBinAddr: 0x18490, symSize: 0xDC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5762, offset: 0x69A80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isClosed]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6064, symBinAddr: 0x1856C, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x57BD, offset: 0x69ADB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x6080, symBinAddr: 0x18588, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5853, offset: 0x69B71, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6158, symBinAddr: 0x18660, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x58A6, offset: 0x69BC4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x61A0, symBinAddr: 0x186A8, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x593C, offset: 0x69C5A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6278, symBinAddr: 0x18780, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x598F, offset: 0x69CAD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preBind:]', symObjAddr: 0x62C0, symBinAddr: 0x187C8, symSize: 0xA4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x59F2, offset: 0x69D10, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6364, symBinAddr: 0x1886C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5A48, offset: 0x69D66, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:interface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6370, symBinAddr: 0x18878, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B28, offset: 0x69E46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:interface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x64F4, symBinAddr: 0x189FC, symSize: 0x26C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D0A, offset: 0x6A028, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x67EC, symBinAddr: 0x18C68, symSize: 0x174 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5DD8, offset: 0x6A0F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToAddress:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6960, symBinAddr: 0x18DDC, symSize: 0x2A4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5F85, offset: 0x6A2A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x6C04, symBinAddr: 0x19080, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5FE8, offset: 0x6A306, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6C94, symBinAddr: 0x19110, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x60C8, offset: 0x6A3E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6E18, symBinAddr: 0x19294, symSize: 0x190 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x618E, offset: 0x6A4AC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x6FA8, symBinAddr: 0x19424, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6203, offset: 0x6A521, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7044, symBinAddr: 0x194C0, symSize: 0x174 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x62D1, offset: 0x6A5EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToAddress:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x71B8, symBinAddr: 0x19634, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x63A8, offset: 0x6A6C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeConnect]', symObjAddr: 0x733C, symBinAddr: 0x197B8, symSize: 0x1E4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6458, offset: 0x6A776, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectWithAddress4:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7520, symBinAddr: 0x1999C, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6508, offset: 0x6A826, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectWithAddress6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x75E0, symBinAddr: 0x19A5C, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6597, offset: 0x6A8B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preJoin:]', symObjAddr: 0x76A0, symBinAddr: 0x19B1C, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65E0, offset: 0x6A8FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket joinMulticastGroup:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7724, symBinAddr: 0x19BA0, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6636, offset: 0x6A954, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket joinMulticastGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7730, symBinAddr: 0x19BAC, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x669F, offset: 0x6A9BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket leaveMulticastGroup:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7744, symBinAddr: 0x19BC0, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x66F5, offset: 0x6AA13, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket leaveMulticastGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7750, symBinAddr: 0x19BCC, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x675E, offset: 0x6AA7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performMulticastRequest:forGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7764, symBinAddr: 0x19BE0, symSize: 0x1C4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x684F, offset: 0x6AB6D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performMulticastRequest:forGroup:onInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7928, symBinAddr: 0x19DA4, symSize: 0x270 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A5D, offset: 0x6AD7B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7C34, symBinAddr: 0x1A014, symSize: 0x174 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B2B, offset: 0x6AE49, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7DA8, symBinAddr: 0x1A188, symSize: 0x18C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6C52, offset: 0x6AF70, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F34, symBinAddr: 0x1A314, symSize: 0x174 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D20, offset: 0x6B03E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x80A8, symBinAddr: 0x1A488, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E38, offset: 0x6B156, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableReusePort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x822C, symBinAddr: 0x1A60C, symSize: 0x150 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F02, offset: 0x6B220, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableReusePort:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x837C, symBinAddr: 0x1A75C, symSize: 0x150 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7021, offset: 0x6B33F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBroadcast:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x84CC, symBinAddr: 0x1A8AC, symSize: 0x150 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70EB, offset: 0x6B409, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBroadcast:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x861C, symBinAddr: 0x1A9FC, symSize: 0x114 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x71BD, offset: 0x6B4DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8730, symBinAddr: 0x1AB10, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x720D, offset: 0x6B52B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8738, symBinAddr: 0x1AB18, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72A2, offset: 0x6B5C0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___47-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8804, symBinAddr: 0x1ABE4, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72F5, offset: 0x6B613, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8840, symBinAddr: 0x1AC20, symSize: 0x144 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x73AC, offset: 0x6B6CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8984, symBinAddr: 0x1AD64, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7421, offset: 0x6B73F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x8A18, symBinAddr: 0x1ADF8, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7474, offset: 0x6B792, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toAddress:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8A54, symBinAddr: 0x1AE34, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x751A, offset: 0x6B838, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toAddress:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8B6C, symBinAddr: 0x1AF4C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x756D, offset: 0x6B88B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x8BA8, symBinAddr: 0x1AF88, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x75BD, offset: 0x6B8DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]', symObjAddr: 0x8BB0, symBinAddr: 0x1AF90, symSize: 0x13C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x768B, offset: 0x6B9A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___61-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8CEC, symBinAddr: 0x1B0CC, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7700, offset: 0x6BA1E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeDequeueSend]', symObjAddr: 0x8D3C, symBinAddr: 0x1B11C, symSize: 0x144 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x774C, offset: 0x6BA6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]', symObjAddr: 0x8E80, symBinAddr: 0x1B260, symSize: 0x2CC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x787B, offset: 0x6BB99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x914C, symBinAddr: 0x1B52C, symSize: 0xB4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7913, offset: 0x6BC31, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9200, symBinAddr: 0x1B5E0, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7977, offset: 0x6BC95, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke.151', symObjAddr: 0x9268, symBinAddr: 0x1B648, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79D6, offset: 0x6BCF4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doSend]', symObjAddr: 0x92BC, symBinAddr: 0x1B69C, symSize: 0x1A8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B54, offset: 0x6BE72, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket endCurrentSend]', symObjAddr: 0x9464, symBinAddr: 0x1B844, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B96, offset: 0x6BEB4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doSendTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x94A0, symBinAddr: 0x1B880, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7BCA, offset: 0x6BEE8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0x9500, symBinAddr: 0x1B8E0, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7CC5, offset: 0x6BFE3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x95C8, symBinAddr: 0x1B9A8, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D07, offset: 0x6C025, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]', symObjAddr: 0x95F8, symBinAddr: 0x1B9D8, symSize: 0x14C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7DC4, offset: 0x6C0E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9744, symBinAddr: 0x1BB24, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E5E, offset: 0x6C17C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9818, symBinAddr: 0x1BBF8, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7EA0, offset: 0x6C1BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]', symObjAddr: 0x9848, symBinAddr: 0x1BC28, symSize: 0x14C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7F5D, offset: 0x6C27B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9994, symBinAddr: 0x1BD74, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7FF7, offset: 0x6C315, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9A68, symBinAddr: 0x1BE48, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8039, offset: 0x6C357, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket pauseReceiving]', symObjAddr: 0x9A98, symBinAddr: 0x1BE78, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80B6, offset: 0x6C3D4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket pauseReceiving]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9B28, symBinAddr: 0x1BF08, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80F8, offset: 0x6C416, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x9B8C, symBinAddr: 0x1BF6C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8148, offset: 0x6C466, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]', symObjAddr: 0x9B94, symBinAddr: 0x1BF74, symSize: 0x13C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8216, offset: 0x6C534, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9CD0, symBinAddr: 0x1C0B0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x828B, offset: 0x6C5A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]', symObjAddr: 0x9D20, symBinAddr: 0x1C100, symSize: 0x658 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8506, offset: 0x6C824, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA378, symBinAddr: 0x1C758, symSize: 0xF8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x85BD, offset: 0x6C8DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xA470, symBinAddr: 0x1C850, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8643, offset: 0x6C961, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke.158', symObjAddr: 0xA504, symBinAddr: 0x1C8E4, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x86DD, offset: 0x6C9FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceiveEOF]', symObjAddr: 0xA584, symBinAddr: 0x1C964, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8711, offset: 0x6CA2F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0xA5C0, symBinAddr: 0x1C9A0, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8763, offset: 0x6CA81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket close]', symObjAddr: 0xA63C, symBinAddr: 0x1CA1C, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x87E0, offset: 0x6CAFE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket close]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA6CC, symBinAddr: 0x1CAAC, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8822, offset: 0x6CB40, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeAfterSending]', symObjAddr: 0xA700, symBinAddr: 0x1CAE0, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x889F, offset: 0x6CBBD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeAfterSending]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA790, symBinAddr: 0x1CB70, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x88E1, offset: 0x6CBFF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket ignore:]', symObjAddr: 0xA7EC, symBinAddr: 0x1CBCC, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8958, offset: 0x6CC76, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket startListenerThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA85C, symBinAddr: 0x1CC3C, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x899A, offset: 0x6CCB8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket listenerThread:]', symObjAddr: 0xA8B0, symBinAddr: 0x1CC90, symSize: 0xEC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x89DF, offset: 0x6CCFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket addStreamListener:]', symObjAddr: 0xA99C, symBinAddr: 0x1CD7C, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8AD5, offset: 0x6CDF3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket removeStreamListener:]', symObjAddr: 0xAA2C, symBinAddr: 0x1CE0C, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8BBF, offset: 0x6CEDD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createReadAndWriteStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xAABC, symBinAddr: 0x1CE9C, symSize: 0x1F8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8DEA, offset: 0x6D108, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket registerForStreamCallbacks:]', symObjAddr: 0xACB4, symBinAddr: 0x1D094, symSize: 0x1B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9006, offset: 0x6D324, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFReadStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xAE64, symBinAddr: 0x1D244, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x90D3, offset: 0x6D3F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFWriteStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xAF70, symBinAddr: 0x1D350, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x91A0, offset: 0x6D4BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket addStreamsToRunLoop:]', symObjAddr: 0xB07C, symBinAddr: 0x1D45C, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x91E5, offset: 0x6D503, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket openStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xB0DC, symBinAddr: 0x1D4BC, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9300, offset: 0x6D61E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xB1AC, symBinAddr: 0x1D58C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9334, offset: 0x6D652, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeReadAndWriteStreams]', symObjAddr: 0xB1FC, symBinAddr: 0x1D5DC, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x945C, offset: 0x6D77A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket applicationWillEnterForeground:]', symObjAddr: 0xB2C8, symBinAddr: 0x1D6A8, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x94E6, offset: 0x6D804, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___53-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket applicationWillEnterForeground:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB358, symBinAddr: 0x1D738, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9528, offset: 0x6D846, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xB390, symBinAddr: 0x1D770, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x95A3, offset: 0x6D8C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xB3A8, symBinAddr: 0x1D788, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x960B, offset: 0x6D929, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0xB3BC, symBinAddr: 0x1D79C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9688, offset: 0x6D9A6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socketFD]', symObjAddr: 0xB404, symBinAddr: 0x1D7E4, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x96CE, offset: 0x6D9EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socket4FD]', symObjAddr: 0xB444, symBinAddr: 0x1D824, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9714, offset: 0x6DA32, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socket6FD]', symObjAddr: 0xB478, symBinAddr: 0x1D858, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x975A, offset: 0x6DA78, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket readStream]', symObjAddr: 0xB4AC, symBinAddr: 0x1D88C, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97B1, offset: 0x6DACF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket writeStream]', symObjAddr: 0xB504, symBinAddr: 0x1D8E4, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9808, offset: 0x6DB26, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBackgroundingOnSockets]', symObjAddr: 0xB55C, symBinAddr: 0x1D93C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x983C, offset: 0x6DB5A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xB564, symBinAddr: 0x1D944, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x98B3, offset: 0x6DBD1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xB5E0, symBinAddr: 0x1D9C0, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x992B, offset: 0x6DC49, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xB65C, symBinAddr: 0x1DA3C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x996E, offset: 0x6DC8C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xB66C, symBinAddr: 0x1DA4C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x99B1, offset: 0x6DCCF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB67C, symBinAddr: 0x1DA5C, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A0B, offset: 0x6DD29, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB6B4, symBinAddr: 0x1DA94, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A65, offset: 0x6DD83, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket familyFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB6E8, symBinAddr: 0x1DAC8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9ABF, offset: 0x6DDDD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xB71C, symBinAddr: 0x1DAFC, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B19, offset: 0x6DE37, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xB758, symBinAddr: 0x1DB38, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B73, offset: 0x6DE91, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getHost:port:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB794, symBinAddr: 0x1DB74, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9BD8, offset: 0x6DEF6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getHost:port:family:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB7A0, symBinAddr: 0x1DB80, symSize: 0x154 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9CB0, offset: 0x6DFCE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xB8F4, symBinAddr: 0x1DCD4, symSize: 0x110 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9CE4, offset: 0x6E002, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xBA04, symBinAddr: 0x1DDE4, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9D44, offset: 0x6E062, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xBA54, symBinAddr: 0x1DE34, symSize: 0x50 }
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@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- 2024-03-04T04:29:13Z
+ 2024-05-22T07:28:35Z
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#if 0
#elif defined(__arm64__) && __arm64__
-// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ typedef SWIFT_ENUM(uint8_t, PayloadFormatIndicator, closed) {
#elif defined(__x86_64__) && __x86_64__
-// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
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+ eqC2pGjj7teLcIxsOneqBnNi8pY=
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+// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
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+ "offset": 415,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 477,
+ "length": 62,
+ "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 612,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Device information not found\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 667,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 729,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 778,
+ "length": 28,
+ "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 831,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 882,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Please give env value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 930,
+ "length": 47,
+ "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1002,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1062,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1192,
+ "length": 55,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
+ },
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1272,
+ "length": 69,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1366,
+ "length": 56,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1447,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1504,
+ "length": 72,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1601,
+ "length": 52,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1678,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\" <>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1733,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1784,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Connection not available\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1835,
+ "length": 27,
+ "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1887,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1934,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1989,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2047,
+ "length": 80,
+ "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2153,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Device is not active\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2201,
+ "length": 63,
+ "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2290,
+ "length": 70,
+ "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2386,
+ "length": 67,
+ "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2479,
+ "length": 39,
+ "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2543,
+ "length": 25,
+ "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2593,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2642,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2698,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2763,
+ "length": 73,
+ "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 361,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"<>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 415,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 477,
+ "length": 62,
+ "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 564,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 612,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Device information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 667,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 729,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 778,
+ "length": 28,
+ "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 831,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 882,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Please give env value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 930,
+ "length": 47,
+ "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1002,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1062,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1136,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1192,
+ "length": 55,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1272,
+ "length": 69,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1366,
+ "length": 56,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1447,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1504,
+ "length": 72,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1601,
+ "length": 52,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1678,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\" <>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1733,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1784,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Connection not available\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1835,
+ "length": 27,
+ "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1887,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1934,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1989,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2047,
+ "length": 80,
+ "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2153,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Device is not active\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2201,
+ "length": 63,
+ "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2290,
+ "length": 70,
+ "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2386,
+ "length": 67,
+ "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2479,
+ "length": 39,
+ "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2543,
+ "length": 25,
+ "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2593,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2642,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2698,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2763,
+ "length": 73,
+ "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2892,
+ "length": 42,
+ "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2960,
+ "length": 18,
+ "value": "\"Device connected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3004,
+ "length": 21,
+ "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3051,
+ "length": 17,
+ "value": "\"Initializing...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3094,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Connecting...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3135,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3176,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3251,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3301,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3370,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3431,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3495,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3558,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3618,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3680,
+ "length": 44,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3750,
+ "length": 14,
+ "value": "\"Publish data\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3790,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3852,
+ "length": 59,
+ "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3937,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3998,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4058,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4118,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4177,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4237,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4295,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4359,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4420,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4486,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4532,
+ "length": 45,
+ "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4603,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4655,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"No offline data found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4704,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4770,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4825,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4880,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4930,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2892,
+ "length": 42,
+ "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
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+ "value": "\"Content-Type\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 8,
+ "value": "\"Accept\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
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+ "value": "\"Content-Length\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "value": "\"application\/json\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 2,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 559,
+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "\"\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"<>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 415,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 477,
+ "length": 62,
+ "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 564,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 612,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Device information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 667,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 729,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 778,
+ "length": 28,
+ "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 831,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 882,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Please give env value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 930,
+ "length": 47,
+ "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1002,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1062,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1136,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1192,
+ "length": 55,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1272,
+ "length": 69,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1366,
+ "length": 56,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1447,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1504,
+ "length": 72,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1601,
+ "length": 52,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1678,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\" <>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1733,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1784,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Connection not available\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1835,
+ "length": 27,
+ "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1887,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1934,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1989,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2047,
+ "length": 80,
+ "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2153,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Device is not active\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2201,
+ "length": 63,
+ "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2290,
+ "length": 70,
+ "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2386,
+ "length": 67,
+ "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2479,
+ "length": 39,
+ "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2543,
+ "length": 25,
+ "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2593,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2642,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2698,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2763,
+ "length": 73,
+ "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 361,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"<>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 415,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 477,
+ "length": 62,
+ "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 564,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 612,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Device information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 667,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 729,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 778,
+ "length": 28,
+ "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 831,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 882,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Please give env value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 930,
+ "length": 47,
+ "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1002,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1062,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1136,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1192,
+ "length": 55,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1272,
+ "length": 69,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1366,
+ "length": 56,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1447,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1504,
+ "length": 72,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1601,
+ "length": 52,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1678,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\" <>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1733,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1784,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Connection not available\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1835,
+ "length": 27,
+ "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1887,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1934,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1989,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2047,
+ "length": 80,
+ "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2153,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Device is not active\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2201,
+ "length": 63,
+ "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2290,
+ "length": 70,
+ "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2386,
+ "length": 67,
+ "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2479,
+ "length": 39,
+ "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2543,
+ "length": 25,
+ "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2593,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2642,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2698,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2763,
+ "length": 73,
+ "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2892,
+ "length": 42,
+ "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2960,
+ "length": 18,
+ "value": "\"Device connected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3004,
+ "length": 21,
+ "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3051,
+ "length": 17,
+ "value": "\"Initializing...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3094,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Connecting...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3135,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3176,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3251,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3301,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3370,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3431,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3495,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3558,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3618,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3680,
+ "length": 44,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3750,
+ "length": 14,
+ "value": "\"Publish data\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3790,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3852,
+ "length": 59,
+ "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3937,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3998,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4058,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4118,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4177,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4237,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4295,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4359,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4420,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4486,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4532,
+ "length": 45,
+ "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4603,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4655,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"No offline data found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4704,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4770,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4825,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4880,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4930,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2892,
+ "length": 42,
+ "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2960,
+ "length": 18,
+ "value": "\"Device connected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3004,
+ "length": 21,
+ "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3051,
+ "length": 17,
+ "value": "\"Initializing...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3094,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Connecting...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3135,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3176,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3251,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3301,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3370,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3431,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3495,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3558,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3618,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3680,
+ "length": 44,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3750,
+ "length": 14,
+ "value": "\"Publish data\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3790,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3852,
+ "length": 59,
+ "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3937,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3998,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4058,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4118,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4177,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4237,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4295,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
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@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
-// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
-// swift-module-flags: -target x86_64-apple-ios14.0-simulator -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name IoTConnect2_AWS
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import CommonCrypto
import Foundation
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@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
-// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
-// swift-module-flags: -target x86_64-apple-ios14.0-simulator -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name IoTConnect2_AWS
-// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -enable-bare-slash-regex
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
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import CommonCrypto
import Foundation
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2D8D, offset: 0x5813A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTSocketDelegateA2aCP6socket_7didRead7withTagyAA0aC8Protocol_p_10Foundation4DataVSitFTW', symObjAddr: 0x579C, symBinAddr: 0x8B24, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2DA9, offset: 0x58156, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTSocketDelegateA2aCP19socketDidDisconnect_9withErroryAA0aC8Protocol_p_s0I0_pSgtFTW', symObjAddr: 0x57A0, symBinAddr: 0x8B28, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2DC5, offset: 0x58172, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_7connackyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA12FrameConnAckVtFyycfU_', symObjAddr: 0x57A4, symBinAddr: 0x8B2C, symSize: 0x204 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2E55, offset: 0x58202, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_7connackyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA12FrameConnAckVtFyycfU_yyYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x59A8, symBinAddr: 0x8D30, symSize: 0x140 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3184, offset: 0x58531, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTReaderDelegateA2aCP10didReceive_6subackyAA0aC0C_AA11FrameSubAckVtFTW', symObjAddr: 0x5B3C, symBinAddr: 0x8EC4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x31E1, offset: 0x5858E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTReaderDelegateA2aCP10didReceive_8unsubackyAA0aC0C_AA13FrameUnsubAckVtFTW', symObjAddr: 0x5B44, symBinAddr: 0x8ECC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3238, offset: 0x585E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTReaderDelegateA2aCP10didReceive_8pingrespyAA0aC0C_AA13FramePingRespVtFTW', symObjAddr: 0x5B4C, symBinAddr: 0x8ED4, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3258, offset: 0x58605, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTReaderDelegateA2aCP10didReceive_8pingrespyAA0aC0C_AA13FramePingRespVtFTW', symObjAddr: 0x5B4C, symBinAddr: 0x8ED4, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x326B, offset: 0x58618, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C8delegateAA0aC8Delegate_pSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5B50, symBinAddr: 0x8ED8, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x35E2, offset: 0x5898F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTMessageC10duplicatedSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5EF4, symBinAddr: 0x927C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x35FA, offset: 0x589A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC18backgroundOnSocketSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5EFC, symBinAddr: 0x9284, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3612, offset: 0x589BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC9enableSSLSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F04, symBinAddr: 0x928C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x362A, offset: 0x589D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC11sslSettingsSDySSSo8NSObjectCGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F0C, symBinAddr: 0x9294, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3642, offset: 0x589EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC25allowUntrustCACertificateSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F14, symBinAddr: 0x929C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x365A, offset: 0x58A07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC9reference33_F756E48C973C9652514EBA786DF1D180LLSo15MGCDAsyncSocketCvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F1C, symBinAddr: 0x92A4, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x369D, offset: 0x58A4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC8delegate33_F756E48C973C9652514EBA786DF1D180LLAA0aC8Delegate_pSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F40, symBinAddr: 0x92C8, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x36B5, offset: 0x58A62, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttAuthPropertiesC20authenticationMethodSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F4C, symBinAddr: 0x92D4, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x36CD, offset: 0x58A7A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttAuthPropertiesC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F58, symBinAddr: 0x92E0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x36E5, offset: 0x58A92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttAuthPropertiesC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F60, symBinAddr: 0x92E8, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x36FD, offset: 0x58AAA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttAuthPropertiesC04userE0SDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F6C, symBinAddr: 0x92F4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3715, offset: 0x58AC2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttConnectPropertiesC04userE0SDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F74, symBinAddr: 0x92FC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x372D, offset: 0x58ADA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttConnectPropertiesC20authenticationMethodSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F7C, symBinAddr: 0x9304, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3745, offset: 0x58AF2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttConnectPropertiesC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F88, symBinAddr: 0x9310, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x375D, offset: 0x58B0A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F90, symBinAddr: 0x9318, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3775, offset: 0x58B22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC14receiveMaximums6UInt16VSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5F9C, symBinAddr: 0x9324, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x378D, offset: 0x58B3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15retainAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5FAC, symBinAddr: 0x9334, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37A5, offset: 0x58B52, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC17maximumPacketSizes6UInt32VSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5FB4, symBinAddr: 0x933C, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37BD, offset: 0x58B6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC24assignedClientIdentifierSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5FD0, symBinAddr: 0x9358, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37D5, offset: 0x58B82, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5FDC, symBinAddr: 0x9364, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37ED, offset: 0x58B9A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5FE8, symBinAddr: 0x9370, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3805, offset: 0x58BB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC29wildcardSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5FF0, symBinAddr: 0x9378, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x381D, offset: 0x58BCA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC32subscriptionIdentifiersAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x5FF8, symBinAddr: 0x9380, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3835, offset: 0x58BE2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6000, symBinAddr: 0x9388, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x384D, offset: 0x58BFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC19responseInformationSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6008, symBinAddr: 0x9390, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3865, offset: 0x58C12, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15serverReferenceSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6014, symBinAddr: 0x939C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x387D, offset: 0x58C2A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC20authenticationMethodSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6020, symBinAddr: 0x93A8, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3895, offset: 0x58C42, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x602C, symBinAddr: 0x93B4, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38AD, offset: 0x58C5A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6038, symBinAddr: 0x93C0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38C5, offset: 0x58C72, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6040, symBinAddr: 0x93C8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38DD, offset: 0x58C8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6048, symBinAddr: 0x93D0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38F5, offset: 0x58CA2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6050, symBinAddr: 0x93D8, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x390D, offset: 0x58CBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6060, symBinAddr: 0x93E8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3925, offset: 0x58CD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6068, symBinAddr: 0x93F0, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x393D, offset: 0x58CEA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6074, symBinAddr: 0x93FC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3955, offset: 0x58D02, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x607C, symBinAddr: 0x9404, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x396D, offset: 0x58D1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6084, symBinAddr: 0x940C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3985, offset: 0x58D32, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x608C, symBinAddr: 0x9414, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x399D, offset: 0x58D4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6094, symBinAddr: 0x941C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39B5, offset: 0x58D62, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x609C, symBinAddr: 0x9424, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39CD, offset: 0x58D7A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x60A8, symBinAddr: 0x9430, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39E5, offset: 0x58D92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x60B0, symBinAddr: 0x9438, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39FD, offset: 0x58DAA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC13responseTopicSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x60BC, symBinAddr: 0x9444, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A15, offset: 0x58DC2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x60C8, symBinAddr: 0x9450, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A2D, offset: 0x58DDA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x60D0, symBinAddr: 0x9458, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A45, offset: 0x58DF2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x60D8, symBinAddr: 0x9460, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A5D, offset: 0x58E0A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC11contentTypeSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x60E0, symBinAddr: 0x9468, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A75, offset: 0x58E22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x60EC, symBinAddr: 0x9474, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A8D, offset: 0x58E3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x60F8, symBinAddr: 0x9480, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AA5, offset: 0x58E52, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6100, symBinAddr: 0x9488, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3ABD, offset: 0x58E6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6108, symBinAddr: 0x9490, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AD5, offset: 0x58E82, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6110, symBinAddr: 0x9498, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AED, offset: 0x58E9A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6118, symBinAddr: 0x94A0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B05, offset: 0x58EB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6120, symBinAddr: 0x94A8, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B1D, offset: 0x58ECA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x612C, symBinAddr: 0x94B4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B35, offset: 0x58EE2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6134, symBinAddr: 0x94BC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B4D, offset: 0x58EFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x613C, symBinAddr: 0x94C4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B65, offset: 0x58F12, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6144, symBinAddr: 0x94CC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B7D, offset: 0x58F2A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x614C, symBinAddr: 0x94D4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B95, offset: 0x58F42, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6154, symBinAddr: 0x94DC, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BAD, offset: 0x58F5A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6160, symBinAddr: 0x94E8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BC5, offset: 0x58F72, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6168, symBinAddr: 0x94F0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BDD, offset: 0x58F8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6170, symBinAddr: 0x94F8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BF5, offset: 0x58FA2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6178, symBinAddr: 0x9500, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C0D, offset: 0x58FBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6180, symBinAddr: 0x9508, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C25, offset: 0x58FD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x618C, symBinAddr: 0x9514, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C3D, offset: 0x58FEA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6194, symBinAddr: 0x951C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C55, offset: 0x59002, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61A0, symBinAddr: 0x9528, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C6D, offset: 0x5901A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61A8, symBinAddr: 0x9530, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C85, offset: 0x59032, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61B0, symBinAddr: 0x9538, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C9D, offset: 0x5904A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61B8, symBinAddr: 0x9540, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3CB5, offset: 0x59062, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61C0, symBinAddr: 0x9548, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3CCD, offset: 0x5907A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61CC, symBinAddr: 0x9554, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3CE5, offset: 0x59092, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61D4, symBinAddr: 0x955C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3CFD, offset: 0x590AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61E0, symBinAddr: 0x9568, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D15, offset: 0x590C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61E8, symBinAddr: 0x9570, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D2D, offset: 0x590DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC13responseTopicSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x61F4, symBinAddr: 0x957C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D45, offset: 0x590F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6200, symBinAddr: 0x9588, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D5D, offset: 0x5910A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6208, symBinAddr: 0x9590, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D75, offset: 0x59122, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC11contentTypeSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6210, symBinAddr: 0x9598, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D8D, offset: 0x5913A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttSubscriptionC3qosAA0A7MQTTQoSOvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x621C, symBinAddr: 0x95A4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DA5, offset: 0x59152, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttSubscriptionC7noLocalSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6224, symBinAddr: 0x95AC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DBD, offset: 0x5916A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttSubscriptionC17retainAsPublishedSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x622C, symBinAddr: 0x95B4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DD5, offset: 0x59182, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttSubscriptionC19subscriptionOptionsSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6234, symBinAddr: 0x95BC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x429D, offset: 0x5964A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss32_copyCollectionToContiguousArrayys0dE0Vy7ElementQzGxSlRzlFSS8UTF8ViewV_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0x6B40, symBinAddr: 0x9EB4, symSize: 0x148 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x435B, offset: 0x59708, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName, symObjAddr: 0x7C30, symBinAddr: 0xAFA4, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x436F, offset: 0x5971C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9connStateAA0a8MQTTConnD0OvWyycfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x7C94, symBinAddr: 0xB008, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4383, offset: 0x59730, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_project_boxed_opaque_existential_1, symObjAddr: 0x7C9C, symBinAddr: 0xB010, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4397, offset: 0x59744, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_destroy_boxed_opaque_existential_1, symObjAddr: 0x7CC0, symBinAddr: 0xB034, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x43AB, offset: 0x59758, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_mutable_project_boxed_opaque_existential_1, symObjAddr: 0x7CE0, symBinAddr: 0xB054, symSize: 0x28 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x44B2, offset: 0x5985F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x7F70, symBinAddr: 0xB2E4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x44C6, offset: 0x59873, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s8Dispatch0A13WorkItemFlagsVACs10SetAlgebraAAWl', symObjAddr: 0x7F78, symBinAddr: 0xB2EC, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x44DA, offset: 0x59887, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSay8Dispatch0A13WorkItemFlagsVGSayxGSTsWl', symObjAddr: 0x7FC0, symBinAddr: 0xB334, symSize: 0x4C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x453E, offset: 0x598EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePublishVWOs', symObjAddr: 0x8100, symBinAddr: 0xB474, symSize: 0x6C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4566, offset: 0x59913, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC19socketDidDisconnect_9withErroryAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_s0G0_pSgtFyycfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x819C, symBinAddr: 0xB510, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B45, offset: 0x59EF2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTDeliverC8cleanAllyyFyyXEfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0xA728, symBinAddr: 0xDA9C, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B6D, offset: 0x59F1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_7connackyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA12FrameConnAckVtFyycfU_yyYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0xA748, symBinAddr: 0xDABC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B81, offset: 0x59F2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s10Foundation4DataVSgWOy', symObjAddr: 0xA8A0, symBinAddr: 0xDC14, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B95, offset: 0x59F42, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s10Foundation4DataV15_RepresentationOWOy', symObjAddr: 0xA8B4, symBinAddr: 0xDC28, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BA9, offset: 0x59F56, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s10Foundation4DataVSgWOe', symObjAddr: 0xA8F8, symBinAddr: 0xDC6C, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BBD, offset: 0x59F6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectVWOr', symObjAddr: 0xA988, symBinAddr: 0xDCFC, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BD1, offset: 0x59F7E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT14FrameSubscribeVWOr', symObjAddr: 0xAAB0, symBinAddr: 0xDE24, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BE5, offset: 0x59F92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVWOr', symObjAddr: 0xAB28, symBinAddr: 0xDE9C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BF9, offset: 0x59FA6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16__delegate_queueyyyycFyyYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0xAB98, symBinAddr: 0xDF0C, symSize: 0xC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C7D, offset: 0x5B02A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC4hostSSvM', symObjAddr: 0x528, symBinAddr: 0x38B0, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D8A, offset: 0x5B137, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC12cleanSessionSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x878, symBinAddr: 0x3C00, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5DA9, offset: 0x5B156, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC12cleanSessionSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x8BC, symBinAddr: 0x3C44, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5DDA, offset: 0x5B187, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC12cleanSessionSbvM', symObjAddr: 0x904, symBinAddr: 0x3C8C, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E1E, offset: 0x5B1CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11willMessageAA0A11MQTTMessageCSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x9A0, symBinAddr: 0x3D28, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5F3B, offset: 0x5B2E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18backgroundOnSocketSbvM', symObjAddr: 0xB04, symBinAddr: 0x3E8C, symSize: 0xF4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5FCC, offset: 0x5B379, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13delegateQueueSo17OS_dispatch_queueCvs', symObjAddr: 0xC48, symBinAddr: 0x3FD0, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x63BD, offset: 0x5B76A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1224, symBinAddr: 0x45AC, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x63E1, offset: 0x5B78E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1224, symBinAddr: 0x45AC, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x63F5, offset: 0x5B7A2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1224, symBinAddr: 0x45AC, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6586, offset: 0x5B933, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x12B8, symBinAddr: 0x4640, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65AA, offset: 0x5B957, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x12B8, symBinAddr: 0x4640, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65BE, offset: 0x5B96B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x12B8, symBinAddr: 0x4640, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x69FF, offset: 0x5BDAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerD0Ovs', symObjAddr: 0x1764, symBinAddr: 0x4AEC, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A77, offset: 0x5BE24, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerD0OvM', symObjAddr: 0x17E0, symBinAddr: 0x4B68, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6AD0, offset: 0x5BE7D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerD0OvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1870, symBinAddr: 0x4BF8, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6AF1, offset: 0x5BE9E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9enableSSLSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x1894, symBinAddr: 0x4C1C, symSize: 0x88 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6BF8, offset: 0x5BFA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9enableSSLSbvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1A40, symBinAddr: 0x4DC8, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6C57, offset: 0x5C004, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11sslSettingsSDySSSo8NSObjectCGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1AC0, symBinAddr: 0x4E48, symSize: 0xC8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6FF2, offset: 0x5C39F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didConnectAckyyAB_AA0a8MQTTConnE0OtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2384, symBinAddr: 0x570C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7018, offset: 0x5C3C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC17didPublishMessageyyAB_AA0A11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x23FC, symBinAddr: 0x5784, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x703E, offset: 0x5C3EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didPublishAckyyAB_s6UInt16VtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2474, symBinAddr: 0x57FC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7064, offset: 0x5C411, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC17didReceiveMessageyyAB_AA0A11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x24E8, symBinAddr: 0x5870, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x708A, offset: 0x5C437, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18didSubscribeTopicsyyAB_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2560, symBinAddr: 0x58E8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70B0, offset: 0x5C45D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC20didUnsubscribeTopicsyyAB_SaySSGtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x25D4, symBinAddr: 0x595C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70D6, offset: 0x5C483, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7didPingyyABcvM', symObjAddr: 0x264C, symBinAddr: 0x59D4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70FC, offset: 0x5C4A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14didReceivePongyyABcvM', symObjAddr: 0x26C4, symBinAddr: 0x5A4C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7122, offset: 0x5C4CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didDisconnectyyAB_s5Error_pSgtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x273C, symBinAddr: 0x5AC4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7148, offset: 0x5C4F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC15didReceiveTrustyyAB_So03SecE3RefaySbctcvM', symObjAddr: 0x27B4, symBinAddr: 0x5B3C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x716E, offset: 0x5C51B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18didCompletePublishyyAB_s6UInt16VtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2828, symBinAddr: 0x5BB0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7194, offset: 0x5C541, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14didChangeStateyyAB_AA0a8MQTTConnE0OtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2948, symBinAddr: 0x5CD0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x71C0, offset: 0x5C56D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8clientID4host4port6socketABSS_SSs6UInt16VAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_ptcfC', symObjAddr: 0x298C, symBinAddr: 0x5D14, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7206, offset: 0x5C5B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8clientID4host4port6socketABSS_SSs6UInt16VAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_ptcfc', symObjAddr: 0x29FC, symBinAddr: 0x5D84, symSize: 0x560 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7413, offset: 0x5C7C0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACfD', symObjAddr: 0x2F5C, symBinAddr: 0x62E4, symSize: 0x178 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7543, offset: 0x5C8F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16sendConnectFrame33_B3FA8972440FEDD4D0FAB874FCB8E06BLLyyF', symObjAddr: 0x3324, symBinAddr: 0x66AC, symSize: 0x330 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76E7, offset: 0x5CA94, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7connectSbyF', symObjAddr: 0x3654, symBinAddr: 0x69DC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77E5, offset: 0x5CB92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7connect7timeoutSbSd_tF', symObjAddr: 0x365C, symBinAddr: 0x69E4, symSize: 0x624 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7AD3, offset: 0x5CE80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7connect7timeoutSbSd_tFyyYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x3C80, symBinAddr: 0x7008, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7BBB, offset: 0x5CF68, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10disconnectyyF', symObjAddr: 0x3D6C, symBinAddr: 0x70F4, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C86, offset: 0x5D033, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC4pingyyF', symObjAddr: 0x3E34, symBinAddr: 0x71BC, symSize: 0x100 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7F9C, offset: 0x5D349, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7publishySiAA0A11MQTTMessageCF', symObjAddr: 0x412C, symBinAddr: 0x74B4, symSize: 0x4E4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x81D7, offset: 0x5D584, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7publishySiAA0A11MQTTMessageCFyyYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x4610, symBinAddr: 0x7998, symSize: 0x7C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8447, offset: 0x5D7F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9subscribeyySaySS_AA0A7MQTTQoSOtGF', symObjAddr: 0x47C0, symBinAddr: 0x7B48, symSize: 0xF8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8819, offset: 0x5DBC6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11unsubscribeyySaySSGF', symObjAddr: 0x49EC, symBinAddr: 0x7D74, symSize: 0xF0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x89BF, offset: 0x5DD6C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC15socketConnectedyyAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_pF', symObjAddr: 0x4BFC, symBinAddr: 0x7F84, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8A33, offset: 0x5DDE0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC6socket_10didReceive17completionHandleryAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_So11SecTrustRefaySbctF', symObjAddr: 0x4C00, symBinAddr: 0x7F88, symSize: 0x1EC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8B28, offset: 0x5DED5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16socketUrlSession_15didReceiveTrust0fG9Challenge17completionHandleryAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_So03SecH3RefaSo019NSURLAuthenticationI0CySo016NSURLSessionAuthI11DispositionV_So15NSURLCredentialCSgtctF', symObjAddr: 0x4E28, symBinAddr: 0x81B0, symSize: 0x1AC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C03, offset: 0x5DFB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC15socketDidSecureyySo15MGCDAsyncSocketCF', symObjAddr: 0x5038, symBinAddr: 0x83C0, symSize: 0xC4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C7E, offset: 0x5E02B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC6socket_19didWriteDataWithTagyAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_SitF', symObjAddr: 0x50FC, symBinAddr: 0x8484, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D65, offset: 0x5E112, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC6socket_7didRead7withTagyAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_10Foundation4DataVSitF', symObjAddr: 0x5100, symBinAddr: 0x8488, symSize: 0x24C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x919C, offset: 0x5E549, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC19socketDidDisconnect_9withErroryAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_s0G0_pSgtF', symObjAddr: 0x534C, symBinAddr: 0x86D4, symSize: 0x390 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x93C3, offset: 0x5E770, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC19socketDidDisconnect_9withErroryAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_s0G0_pSgtFyycfU_', symObjAddr: 0x56DC, symBinAddr: 0x8A64, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x958E, offset: 0x5E93B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss12_ArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtFs5UInt8V_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x6250, symBinAddr: 0x95C4, symSize: 0xE8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97FA, offset: 0x5EBA7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss12_ArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtFSnySiG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x646C, symBinAddr: 0x97E0, symSize: 0xFC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A5F, offset: 0x5EE0C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss12_ArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtF9CocoaMQTT13InflightFrame33_95E0A6B76F6AC9616E232A5BF1E96E76LLV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x6774, symBinAddr: 0x9AE8, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B72, offset: 0x5EF1F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV8setValue_6forKeyyq_n_xtFSS_9CocoaMQTT0F7MQTTQoSOTg5', symObjAddr: 0x688C, symBinAddr: 0x9C00, symSize: 0xA4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9D91, offset: 0x5F13E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7deliver_10wantToSendyAA0A11MQTTDeliverC_AA5Frame_ptFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x839C, symBinAddr: 0xB710, symSize: 0x330 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4D3E, offset: 0x65BF8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C4hostSSvM', symObjAddr: 0x688, symBinAddr: 0xE6EC, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E6A, offset: 0x65D24, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C12cleanSessionSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x9F4, symBinAddr: 0xEA58, symSize: 0x48 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4FC7, offset: 0x65E81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C18backgroundOnSocketSbvM', symObjAddr: 0xBF0, symBinAddr: 0xEC54, symSize: 0xF4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x52DD, offset: 0x66197, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C14deliverTimeoutSdvg', symObjAddr: 0x1290, symBinAddr: 0xF2F4, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x546D, offset: 0x66327, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C14deliverTimeoutSdvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1304, symBinAddr: 0xF368, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x54A8, offset: 0x66362, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C16messageQueueSizeSuvg', symObjAddr: 0x1324, symBinAddr: 0xF388, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5612, offset: 0x664CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C16messageQueueSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1398, symBinAddr: 0xF3FC, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5636, offset: 0x664F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C16messageQueueSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1398, symBinAddr: 0xF3FC, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C3, offset: 0x72843, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A15MQTTLoggerLevelOSHAASH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0xA4, symBinAddr: 0x1FE80, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x616, offset: 0x72896, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A15MQTTLoggerLevelOSHAASH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0xCC, symBinAddr: 0x1FEA8, symSize: 0x40 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x831, offset: 0x72AB1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerC6loggerACvgZ', symObjAddr: 0x18C, symBinAddr: 0x1FF68, symSize: 0x68 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C8, offset: 0x72B48, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerC6loggerACvMZ.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x2D4, symBinAddr: 0x200B0, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E9, offset: 0x72B69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x2D8, symBinAddr: 0x200B4, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x985, offset: 0x72C05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerC3log5level7messageyAA0aC5LevelO_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x364, symBinAddr: 0x20140, symSize: 0x148 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0E, offset: 0x72D8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerCfD', symObjAddr: 0x4AC, symBinAddr: 0x20288, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x72DEC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTMessageC5topic6string3qos8retainedACSS_SSAA0A7MQTTQoSOSbtcfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x204B4, symSize: 0x120 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2AE, offset: 0x73073, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTMessageCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x980, symBinAddr: 0x20E34, symSize: 0x2C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50D, offset: 0x774D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketCAA0aC8ProtocolA2aDP5write_11withTimeout3tagy10Foundation4DataV_SdSitFTW', symObjAddr: 0x8A0, symBinAddr: 0x242EC, symSize: 0x68 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D6, offset: 0x777A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC15socketDidSecureyySo15MGCDAsyncSocketCFTo', symObjAddr: 0x1224, symBinAddr: 0x24C50, symSize: 0x4C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x17F3, offset: 0x787BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC15socketDidSecureyySo15MGCDAsyncSocketCF', symObjAddr: 0x1220, symBinAddr: 0x24C4C, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x643, offset: 0x81ED8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0xCC0, symBinAddr: 0x2D594, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x657, offset: 0x81EEC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0xCD0, symBinAddr: 0x2D5A4, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B6, offset: 0x848F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT9FrameAuthVwca', symObjAddr: 0x120, symBinAddr: 0x2EA34, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B, offset: 0x84CD1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnAckVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x2EB8C, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2EC, offset: 0x84F72, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnAckV11descriptionSSvgTf4x_n', symObjAddr: 0x110, symBinAddr: 0x2EC9C, symSize: 0x110 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x47F, offset: 0x85105, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnAckVMa', symObjAddr: 0x478, symBinAddr: 0x2EFC4, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F, offset: 0x8539C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x2EFD4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x84, offset: 0x853D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x2EFDC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA4, offset: 0x853F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x2EFDC, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x389, offset: 0x856D6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectVwCP', symObjAddr: 0xEBC, symBinAddr: 0x2FE50, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39D, offset: 0x856EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectVwxx', symObjAddr: 0xF30, symBinAddr: 0x2FE80, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B1, offset: 0x856FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectVwcp', symObjAddr: 0xFEC, symBinAddr: 0x2FEF8, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C5, offset: 0x85712, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectVwca', symObjAddr: 0x112C, symBinAddr: 0x30038, symSize: 0x1F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D9, offset: 0x85726, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s10Foundation4DataVWOh', symObjAddr: 0x131C, symBinAddr: 0x30228, symSize: 0x34 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x721, offset: 0x85A6E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectV14variableHeaderSays5UInt8VGyF', symObjAddr: 0x10, symBinAddr: 0x2EFE4, symSize: 0x2E4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBA7, offset: 0x85EF4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FrameConnectV15variableHeader5Says5UInt8VGyF', symObjAddr: 0x2F4, symBinAddr: 0x2F2C8, symSize: 0x340 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B, offset: 0x86FDA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x30490, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80, offset: 0x8700F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x30498, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA0, offset: 0x8702F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x30498, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x220, offset: 0x871AF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwCP', symObjAddr: 0x410, symBinAddr: 0x30860, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x234, offset: 0x871C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwxx', symObjAddr: 0x440, symBinAddr: 0x30890, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x248, offset: 0x871D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwcp', symObjAddr: 0x470, symBinAddr: 0x308C0, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x25C, offset: 0x871EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwca', symObjAddr: 0x4E4, symBinAddr: 0x30934, symSize: 0xAC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x270, offset: 0x871FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_memcpy56_8, symObjAddr: 0x590, symBinAddr: 0x309E0, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x284, offset: 0x87213, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwta', symObjAddr: 0x5AC, symBinAddr: 0x309FC, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x298, offset: 0x87227, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwet', symObjAddr: 0x620, symBinAddr: 0x30A70, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2AC, offset: 0x8723B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwst', symObjAddr: 0x67C, symBinAddr: 0x30ACC, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2C0, offset: 0x8724F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVMa', symObjAddr: 0x6DC, symBinAddr: 0x30B2C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x472, offset: 0x87401, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectV15variableHeader5Says5UInt8VGyF', symObjAddr: 0x10, symBinAddr: 0x304A0, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x615, offset: 0x875A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectV10propertiesSays5UInt8VGyF', symObjAddr: 0xE8, symBinAddr: 0x30578, symSize: 0x288 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x879E9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePingReqVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x30B3C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x46, offset: 0x87A08, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePingReqVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x30B3C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B, offset: 0x87A3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePingReqVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x30B44, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B, offset: 0x87A5D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePingReqVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x30B44, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCA, offset: 0x87A8C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePingReqVMa', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x30B5C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x87B5F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT13FramePingRespVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x30B6C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x46, offset: 0x87B7E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT13FramePingRespVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x30B6C, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCA, offset: 0x87C02, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT13FramePingRespVMa', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x30B8C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B, offset: 0x87CF9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x30B9C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80, offset: 0x87D2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x30BA4, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x327, offset: 0x87FD5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckV21packetFixedHeaderType5bytesACSgs5UInt8V_SayAHGtcfCTf4nnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x2E8, symBinAddr: 0x30E84, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x487, offset: 0x88135, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVwCP', symObjAddr: 0x484, symBinAddr: 0x30FE0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x49B, offset: 0x88149, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVwxx', symObjAddr: 0x4B4, symBinAddr: 0x31010, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AF, offset: 0x8815D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVwcp', symObjAddr: 0x4E4, symBinAddr: 0x31040, symSize: 0x5C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4EB, offset: 0x88199, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVwta', symObjAddr: 0x5E8, symBinAddr: 0x31144, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4FF, offset: 0x881AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVwet', symObjAddr: 0x64C, symBinAddr: 0x311A8, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x513, offset: 0x881C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVwst', symObjAddr: 0x6A8, symBinAddr: 0x31204, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x527, offset: 0x881D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVMa', symObjAddr: 0x704, symBinAddr: 0x31260, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x745, offset: 0x883F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckV15variableHeader5Says5UInt8VGyF', symObjAddr: 0x10, symBinAddr: 0x30BAC, symSize: 0x128 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B, offset: 0x8884D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePubCompVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x31270, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80, offset: 0x88882, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePubCompVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x31278, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E6, offset: 0x8D47B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT14FrameSubscribeVwca', symObjAddr: 0xE70, symBinAddr: 0x34C58, symSize: 0xAC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x636, offset: 0x8D4CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT14FrameSubscribeVMa', symObjAddr: 0x1078, symBinAddr: 0x34E4C, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF09, offset: 0x93495, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x618, symBinAddr: 0x379E4, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF4D, offset: 0x934D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC29wildcardSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x6A0, symBinAddr: 0x37A6C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF76, offset: 0x93502, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC29wildcardSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x6E8, symBinAddr: 0x37AB4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF9B, offset: 0x93527, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC32subscriptionIdentifiersAvailableSbSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x72C, symBinAddr: 0x37AF8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFC0, offset: 0x9354C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC32subscriptionIdentifiersAvailableSbSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x770, symBinAddr: 0x37B3C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFE9, offset: 0x93575, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC32subscriptionIdentifiersAvailableSbSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x7B8, symBinAddr: 0x37B84, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x100E, offset: 0x9359A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x7FC, symBinAddr: 0x37BC8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1033, offset: 0x935BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x840, symBinAddr: 0x37C0C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x105C, offset: 0x935E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x888, symBinAddr: 0x37C54, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1081, offset: 0x9360D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15serverKeepAlives6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x978, symBinAddr: 0x37D44, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10A6, offset: 0x93632, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC19responseInformationSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x9D4, symBinAddr: 0x37DA0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10CB, offset: 0x93657, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15serverReferenceSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xA30, symBinAddr: 0x37DFC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10F0, offset: 0x9367C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC20authenticationMethodSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xB34, symBinAddr: 0x37F00, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1115, offset: 0x936A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvg', symObjAddr: 0xB78, symBinAddr: 0x37F44, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x113A, offset: 0x936C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvs', symObjAddr: 0xBC0, symBinAddr: 0x37F8C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1163, offset: 0x936EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvM', symObjAddr: 0xC10, symBinAddr: 0x37FDC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x14F1, offset: 0x93A7D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC10properties11connackDataySays5UInt8VG_tF', symObjAddr: 0xC54, symBinAddr: 0x38020, symSize: 0xA3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x216A, offset: 0x946F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x1700, symBinAddr: 0x38ACC, symSize: 0x160 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x218D, offset: 0x94719, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckCfD', symObjAddr: 0x1880, symBinAddr: 0x38C4C, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21B7, offset: 0x94743, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22__RawDictionaryStorageC4findys10_HashTableV6BucketV6bucket_Sb5foundtxSHRzlFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x194C, symBinAddr: 0x38D18, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21FC, offset: 0x94788, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22__RawDictionaryStorageC4findys10_HashTableV6BucketV6bucket_Sb5foundtxSHRzlFs6UInt16V_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x19B0, symBinAddr: 0x38D7C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x223A, offset: 0x947C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22__RawDictionaryStorageC4find_9hashValues10_HashTableV6BucketV6bucket_Sb5foundtx_SitSHRzlFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x19E4, symBinAddr: 0x38DB0, symSize: 0xE0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x238C, offset: 0x94918, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_9CocoaMQTT0D7MQTTQoSOTg5', symObjAddr: 0x1D50, symBinAddr: 0x3911C, symSize: 0x1B8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x26D7, offset: 0x94C63, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0x30BC, symBinAddr: 0x3A488, symSize: 0x340 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x94D92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3A82C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x94F32, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x3AC64, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x292, offset: 0x94FFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x3ACB4, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AC, offset: 0x95217, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCMa', symObjAddr: 0xA78, symBinAddr: 0x3B2A4, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D0, offset: 0x9543B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3A82C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E4, offset: 0x9544F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3A84C, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70F, offset: 0x9547A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x6C, symBinAddr: 0x3A898, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x734, offset: 0x9549F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xBC, symBinAddr: 0x3A8E8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x759, offset: 0x954C4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3A92C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77A, offset: 0x954E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x3A930, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79F, offset: 0x9550A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x148, symBinAddr: 0x3A974, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C8, offset: 0x95533, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x3A9BC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7ED, offset: 0x95558, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D4, symBinAddr: 0x3AA00, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x812, offset: 0x9557D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x3AA54, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x83B, offset: 0x955A6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x284, symBinAddr: 0x3AAB0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x860, offset: 0x955CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C8, symBinAddr: 0x3AAF4, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x885, offset: 0x955F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x3AB3C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8BA, offset: 0x95625, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x3AB8C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D9, offset: 0x95644, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x3ABD0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8ED, offset: 0x95658, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x3AC, symBinAddr: 0x3ABD8, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x910, offset: 0x9567B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCfD', symObjAddr: 0x458, symBinAddr: 0x3AC84, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB48, offset: 0x958B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4C4, symBinAddr: 0x3ACF0, symSize: 0x5B4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x95F8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3B2D0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x9612A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x3B708, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x292, offset: 0x961F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x3B758, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4CD, offset: 0x96430, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCMa', symObjAddr: 0xAB4, symBinAddr: 0x3BD84, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F1, offset: 0x96654, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3B2D0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x705, offset: 0x96668, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10reasonCodeAA0a17MQTTPUBCOMPReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3B2F0, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x730, offset: 0x96693, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10reasonCodeAA0a17MQTTPUBCOMPReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x6C, symBinAddr: 0x3B33C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x755, offset: 0x966B8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10reasonCodeAA0a17MQTTPUBCOMPReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xBC, symBinAddr: 0x3B38C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77A, offset: 0x966DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10reasonCodeAA0a17MQTTPUBCOMPReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3B3D0, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79B, offset: 0x966FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x3B3D4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C0, offset: 0x96723, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x148, symBinAddr: 0x3B418, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E9, offset: 0x9674C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x3B460, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80E, offset: 0x96771, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D4, symBinAddr: 0x3B4A4, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x833, offset: 0x96796, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x3B4F8, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x85C, offset: 0x967BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x284, symBinAddr: 0x3B554, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x881, offset: 0x967E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C8, symBinAddr: 0x3B598, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8A6, offset: 0x96809, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x3B5E0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8DB, offset: 0x9683E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x3B630, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8FA, offset: 0x9685D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x3B674, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x90E, offset: 0x96871, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x3AC, symBinAddr: 0x3B67C, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x931, offset: 0x96894, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCfD', symObjAddr: 0x458, symBinAddr: 0x3B728, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB6F, offset: 0x96AD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4C4, symBinAddr: 0x3B794, symSize: 0x5F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x393, offset: 0x97549, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x15F0, symBinAddr: 0x3D3A0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x761, offset: 0x97917, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x1640, symBinAddr: 0x3D3F0, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x790, offset: 0x97946, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCMa', symObjAddr: 0x16B4, symBinAddr: 0x3D464, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA9A, offset: 0x97C50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3BDB0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAAE, offset: 0x97C64, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3BDD0, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD3, offset: 0x97C89, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x68, symBinAddr: 0x3BE18, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFC, offset: 0x97CB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xC4, symBinAddr: 0x3BE74, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB21, offset: 0x97CD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x108, symBinAddr: 0x3BEB8, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB46, offset: 0x97CFC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x154, symBinAddr: 0x3BF04, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB6B, offset: 0x97D21, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x1A4, symBinAddr: 0x3BF54, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB90, offset: 0x97D46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1E8, symBinAddr: 0x3BF98, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBB5, offset: 0x97D6B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x23C, symBinAddr: 0x3BFEC, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBDA, offset: 0x97D90, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x28C, symBinAddr: 0x3C03C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBFF, offset: 0x97DB5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC10topicAliass6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x2E8, symBinAddr: 0x3C098, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC24, offset: 0x97DDA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC10topicAliass6UInt16VSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x32C, symBinAddr: 0x3C0DC, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC45, offset: 0x97DFB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC13responseTopicSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x348, symBinAddr: 0x3C0F8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC6A, offset: 0x97E20, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x3C154, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC8F, offset: 0x97E45, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x490, symBinAddr: 0x3C240, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCAE, offset: 0x97E64, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivg', symObjAddr: 0x4D4, symBinAddr: 0x3C284, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCD3, offset: 0x97E89, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivs', symObjAddr: 0x518, symBinAddr: 0x3C2C8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCFC, offset: 0x97EB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivM', symObjAddr: 0x560, symBinAddr: 0x3C310, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD21, offset: 0x97ED7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC11contentTypeSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x664, symBinAddr: 0x3C414, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD46, offset: 0x97EFC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvg', symObjAddr: 0x6A8, symBinAddr: 0x3C458, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD65, offset: 0x97F1B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvs', symObjAddr: 0x6FC, symBinAddr: 0x3C4AC, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD8E, offset: 0x97F44, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvM', symObjAddr: 0x758, symBinAddr: 0x3C508, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDB3, offset: 0x97F69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC16packetIdentifiers6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x848, symBinAddr: 0x3C5F8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDD8, offset: 0x97F8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivg', symObjAddr: 0x88C, symBinAddr: 0x3C63C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDFD, offset: 0x97FB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivs', symObjAddr: 0x8D0, symBinAddr: 0x3C680, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE26, offset: 0x97FDC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivM', symObjAddr: 0x918, symBinAddr: 0x3C6C8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11CC, offset: 0x98382, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC06decodeE011fixedHeader11publishDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x95C, symBinAddr: 0x3C70C, symSize: 0xB2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E95, offset: 0x9904B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x14F8, symBinAddr: 0x3D2A8, symSize: 0xF8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1EB8, offset: 0x9906E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCfD', symObjAddr: 0x1610, symBinAddr: 0x3D3C0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x990D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3D4B0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x99278, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x3D8E8, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x292, offset: 0x99343, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x3D938, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AC, offset: 0x9955D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCMa', symObjAddr: 0xA78, symBinAddr: 0x3DF28, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D0, offset: 0x99781, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3D4B0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E4, offset: 0x99795, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3D4D0, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70F, offset: 0x997C0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x6C, symBinAddr: 0x3D51C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x734, offset: 0x997E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xBC, symBinAddr: 0x3D56C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x759, offset: 0x9980A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3D5B0, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77A, offset: 0x9982B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x3D5B4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79F, offset: 0x99850, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x148, symBinAddr: 0x3D5F8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C8, offset: 0x99879, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x3D640, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7ED, offset: 0x9989E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D4, symBinAddr: 0x3D684, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x812, offset: 0x998C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x3D6D8, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x83B, offset: 0x998EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x284, symBinAddr: 0x3D734, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x860, offset: 0x99911, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C8, symBinAddr: 0x3D778, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x885, offset: 0x99936, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x3D7C0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8BA, offset: 0x9996B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x3D810, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D9, offset: 0x9998A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x3D854, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8ED, offset: 0x9999E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x3AC, symBinAddr: 0x3D85C, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x910, offset: 0x999C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCfD', symObjAddr: 0x458, symBinAddr: 0x3D908, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB48, offset: 0x99BF9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4C4, symBinAddr: 0x3D974, symSize: 0x5B4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x9A2D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3DF54, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x9A470, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x3E38C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x292, offset: 0x9A53B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x3E3DC, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AC, offset: 0x9A755, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCMa', symObjAddr: 0xAB4, symBinAddr: 0x3EA08, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D0, offset: 0x9A979, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3DF54, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E4, offset: 0x9A98D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3DF74, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70F, offset: 0x9A9B8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x6C, symBinAddr: 0x3DFC0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x734, offset: 0x9A9DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xBC, symBinAddr: 0x3E010, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x759, offset: 0x9AA02, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3E054, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77A, offset: 0x9AA23, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x3E058, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79F, offset: 0x9AA48, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x148, symBinAddr: 0x3E09C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C8, offset: 0x9AA71, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x3E0E4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7ED, offset: 0x9AA96, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D4, symBinAddr: 0x3E128, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x812, offset: 0x9AABB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x3E17C, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x83B, offset: 0x9AAE4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x284, symBinAddr: 0x3E1D8, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x860, offset: 0x9AB09, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C8, symBinAddr: 0x3E21C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x885, offset: 0x9AB2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x3E264, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8BA, offset: 0x9AB63, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x3E2B4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D9, offset: 0x9AB82, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x3E2F8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8ED, offset: 0x9AB96, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x3AC, symBinAddr: 0x3E300, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x910, offset: 0x9ABB9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCfD', symObjAddr: 0x458, symBinAddr: 0x3E3AC, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB48, offset: 0x9ADF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4C4, symBinAddr: 0x3E418, symSize: 0x5F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x9B4FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3EA34, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x9B69C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x3EE6C, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2C7, offset: 0x9B79C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x504, symBinAddr: 0x3EF38, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5A4, offset: 0x9BA79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCMa', symObjAddr: 0xC64, symBinAddr: 0x3F698, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x807, offset: 0x9BCDC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3EA34, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x81B, offset: 0x9BCF0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3EA54, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x846, offset: 0x9BD1B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvs', symObjAddr: 0x68, symBinAddr: 0x3EA9C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x87B, offset: 0x9BD50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM', symObjAddr: 0xB8, symBinAddr: 0x3EAEC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x89A, offset: 0x9BD6F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xFC, symBinAddr: 0x3EB30, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8BB, offset: 0x9BD90, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3EB34, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E0, offset: 0x9BDB5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x144, symBinAddr: 0x3EB78, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x909, offset: 0x9BDDE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x18C, symBinAddr: 0x3EBC0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x92E, offset: 0x9BE03, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D0, symBinAddr: 0x3EC04, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x953, offset: 0x9BE28, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x224, symBinAddr: 0x3EC58, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97C, offset: 0x9BE51, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x280, symBinAddr: 0x3ECB4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A1, offset: 0x9BE76, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C4, symBinAddr: 0x3ECF8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9C6, offset: 0x9BE9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x30C, symBinAddr: 0x3ED40, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9FB, offset: 0x9BED0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x35C, symBinAddr: 0x3ED90, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA1A, offset: 0x9BEEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A0, symBinAddr: 0x3EDD4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA2E, offset: 0x9BF03, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x3A8, symBinAddr: 0x3EDDC, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA64, offset: 0x9BF39, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCfD', symObjAddr: 0x4D4, symBinAddr: 0x3EF08, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCEE, offset: 0x9C1C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x550, symBinAddr: 0x3EF84, symSize: 0x6A4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x9CA3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3F6C4, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCE4, offset: 0xA17B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT20ThreadSafeDictionaryC9removeAllyyF', symObjAddr: 0xBB4, symBinAddr: 0x43068, symSize: 0x190 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD31, offset: 0xA1800, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT20ThreadSafeDictionaryC9removeAllyyFyyYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0xD44, symBinAddr: 0x431F8, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD7F, offset: 0xA184E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT20ThreadSafeDictionaryCfd', symObjAddr: 0xDF4, symBinAddr: 0x432A8, symSize: 0x24 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDF5, offset: 0xA18C4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT20ThreadSafeDictionaryCyx3key_q_5valuetSD5IndexVyxq__Gcir', symObjAddr: 0xFC4, symBinAddr: 0x43478, symSize: 0xA8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE44, offset: 0xA1913, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT20ThreadSafeDictionaryCyx3key_q_5valuetSD5IndexVyxq__Gcir.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x106C, symBinAddr: 0x43520, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEB2, offset: 0xA1981, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT20ThreadSafeDictionaryCyq_SgxcisTf4ggn_n', symObjAddr: 0x175C, symBinAddr: 0x43C10, symSize: 0x274 }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/CocoaMQTT.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/x86_64/CocoaMQTT.yml b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/CocoaMQTT.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/x86_64/CocoaMQTT.yml
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/CocoaMQTT.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/x86_64/CocoaMQTT.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,1666 @@
+triple: 'x86_64-apple-darwin'
+binary-path: '/Users/kirtan.vaghela/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/IoTConnect2-bhvazebfhzdirfdaqumgilgqnuod/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/IoTConnect2_AWS/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/CocoaMQTT'
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x34, offset: 0x569F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CocoaMQTTVersionString, symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x4B7D0, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x69, offset: 0x56A2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CocoaMQTTVersionNumber, symObjAddr: 0x28, symBinAddr: 0x4B7F8, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAB, offset: 0x56AEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTConnAckOSYAASY8rawValuexSg03RawF0Qz_tcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x240, symBinAddr: 0x1AB0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD4, offset: 0x56B18, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTConnAckOSYAASY8rawValue03RawF0QzvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x270, symBinAddr: 0x1AE0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF0, offset: 0x56B34, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTConnAckOs23CustomStringConvertibleAAsADP11descriptionSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x280, symBinAddr: 0x1AF0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10C, offset: 0x56B50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTConnAckO4byteACs5UInt8V_tcfCTf4nd_n', symObjAddr: 0x82A0, symBinAddr: 0x9AF0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x190, offset: 0x56BD4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTConnAckO8rawValueACSgs5UInt8V_tcfCTf4nd_n', symObjAddr: 0x82C0, symBinAddr: 0x9B10, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x280, offset: 0x56CC4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15setMqtt3VersionyyF', symObjAddr: 0x290, symBinAddr: 0x1B00, symSize: 0x130 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AE, offset: 0x56DF2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8delegateAA0A12MQTTDelegate_pSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x3C0, symBinAddr: 0x1C30, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x629, offset: 0x5706D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9connStateAA0a8MQTTConnD0OvWyycfU_', symObjAddr: 0xD90, symBinAddr: 0x2600, symSize: 0x100 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB2D, offset: 0x57571, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didConnectAckyyAB_AA0a8MQTTConnE0Otcvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x23E0, symBinAddr: 0x3C50, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB45, offset: 0x57589, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didConnectAckyyAB_AA0a8MQTTConnE0OtcvpfiyAB_AEtcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x23F0, symBinAddr: 0x3C60, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB96, offset: 0x575DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC17didPublishMessageyyAB_AA0A11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16Vtcvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x2480, symBinAddr: 0x3CF0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBAE, offset: 0x575F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC17didPublishMessageyyAB_AA0A11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtcvpfiyAB_AeGtcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x2490, symBinAddr: 0x3D00, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC0E, offset: 0x57652, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didPublishAckyyAB_s6UInt16Vtcvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x2520, symBinAddr: 0x3D90, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC26, offset: 0x5766A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didPublishAckyyAB_s6UInt16VtcvpfiyAB_AEtcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x2530, symBinAddr: 0x3DA0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC77, offset: 0x576BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC17didReceiveMessageyyAB_AA0A11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16Vtcvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x25C0, symBinAddr: 0x3E30, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCA6, offset: 0x576EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18didSubscribeTopicsyyAB_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtcvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x2650, symBinAddr: 0x3EC0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCBE, offset: 0x57702, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18didSubscribeTopicsyyAB_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtcvpfiyAB_AeFtcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x2660, symBinAddr: 0x3ED0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD1E, offset: 0x57762, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC20didUnsubscribeTopicsyyAB_SaySSGtcvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x26F0, symBinAddr: 0x3F60, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD4D, offset: 0x57791, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7didPingyyABcvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x2780, symBinAddr: 0x3FF0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD65, offset: 0x577A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7didPingyyABcvpfiyABcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x2790, symBinAddr: 0x4000, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDA7, offset: 0x577EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14didReceivePongyyABcvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x2820, symBinAddr: 0x4090, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2D28, offset: 0x5976C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACAA0A18MQTTSocketDelegateA2aCP19socketDidDisconnect_9withErroryAA0aC8Protocol_p_s0I0_pSgtFTW', symObjAddr: 0x5B90, symBinAddr: 0x7400, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x33A5, offset: 0x59DE9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C21reconnectTimeInterval33_AF8BB6527D0EA3A0219B32C04023BCD8LLs6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6130, symBinAddr: 0x79A0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x33BD, offset: 0x59E01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C15autoReconnTimer33_AF8BB6527D0EA3A0219B32C04023BCD8LLAA0A9MQTTTimerCSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6140, symBinAddr: 0x79B0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x33D5, offset: 0x59E19, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C24is_internal_disconnected33_AF8BB6527D0EA3A0219B32C04023BCD8LLSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6150, symBinAddr: 0x79C0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x344C, offset: 0x59E90, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A12MQTT5MessageC3qosAA0A7MQTTQoSOvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6360, symBinAddr: 0x7BD0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x363F, offset: 0x5A083, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC8delegate33_F756E48C973C9652514EBA786DF1D180LLAA0aC8Delegate_pSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64A0, symBinAddr: 0x7D10, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x36FF, offset: 0x5A143, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6520, symBinAddr: 0x7D90, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3717, offset: 0x5A15B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC14receiveMaximums6UInt16VSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6530, symBinAddr: 0x7DA0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x372F, offset: 0x5A173, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15retainAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6540, symBinAddr: 0x7DB0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3747, offset: 0x5A18B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC17maximumPacketSizes6UInt32VSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6550, symBinAddr: 0x7DC0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x375F, offset: 0x5A1A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC24assignedClientIdentifierSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6560, symBinAddr: 0x7DD0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3777, offset: 0x5A1BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6570, symBinAddr: 0x7DE0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x378F, offset: 0x5A1D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6580, symBinAddr: 0x7DF0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37A7, offset: 0x5A1EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC29wildcardSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6590, symBinAddr: 0x7E00, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37BF, offset: 0x5A203, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC32subscriptionIdentifiersAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65A0, symBinAddr: 0x7E10, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37D7, offset: 0x5A21B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65B0, symBinAddr: 0x7E20, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37EF, offset: 0x5A233, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC19responseInformationSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65C0, symBinAddr: 0x7E30, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3807, offset: 0x5A24B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15serverReferenceSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65D0, symBinAddr: 0x7E40, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x381F, offset: 0x5A263, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC20authenticationMethodSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65E0, symBinAddr: 0x7E50, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3837, offset: 0x5A27B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65F0, symBinAddr: 0x7E60, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x384F, offset: 0x5A293, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6610, symBinAddr: 0x7E80, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3867, offset: 0x5A2AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6620, symBinAddr: 0x7E90, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x387F, offset: 0x5A2C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6630, symBinAddr: 0x7EA0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3897, offset: 0x5A2DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6640, symBinAddr: 0x7EB0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38AF, offset: 0x5A2F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6650, symBinAddr: 0x7EC0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38C7, offset: 0x5A30B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6660, symBinAddr: 0x7ED0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38DF, offset: 0x5A323, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6670, symBinAddr: 0x7EE0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38F7, offset: 0x5A33B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6680, symBinAddr: 0x7EF0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x390F, offset: 0x5A353, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6690, symBinAddr: 0x7F00, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3927, offset: 0x5A36B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x66A0, symBinAddr: 0x7F10, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x393F, offset: 0x5A383, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x66B0, symBinAddr: 0x7F20, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3957, offset: 0x5A39B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x66C0, symBinAddr: 0x7F30, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x396F, offset: 0x5A3B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x66D0, symBinAddr: 0x7F40, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3987, offset: 0x5A3CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x66E0, symBinAddr: 0x7F50, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x399F, offset: 0x5A3E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC13responseTopicSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x66F0, symBinAddr: 0x7F60, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39B7, offset: 0x5A3FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6700, symBinAddr: 0x7F70, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39CF, offset: 0x5A413, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6710, symBinAddr: 0x7F80, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39E7, offset: 0x5A42B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6720, symBinAddr: 0x7F90, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39FF, offset: 0x5A443, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC11contentTypeSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6730, symBinAddr: 0x7FA0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A17, offset: 0x5A45B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6740, symBinAddr: 0x7FB0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A2F, offset: 0x5A473, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6760, symBinAddr: 0x7FD0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A47, offset: 0x5A48B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6770, symBinAddr: 0x7FE0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A5F, offset: 0x5A4A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6780, symBinAddr: 0x7FF0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A77, offset: 0x5A4BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6790, symBinAddr: 0x8000, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A8F, offset: 0x5A4D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x67A0, symBinAddr: 0x8010, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AA7, offset: 0x5A4EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x67B0, symBinAddr: 0x8020, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3ABF, offset: 0x5A503, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x67C0, symBinAddr: 0x8030, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AD7, offset: 0x5A51B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x67D0, symBinAddr: 0x8040, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AEF, offset: 0x5A533, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x67E0, symBinAddr: 0x8050, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B07, offset: 0x5A54B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x67F0, symBinAddr: 0x8060, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B1F, offset: 0x5A563, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6800, symBinAddr: 0x8070, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B37, offset: 0x5A57B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6810, symBinAddr: 0x8080, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B4F, offset: 0x5A593, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6820, symBinAddr: 0x8090, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B67, offset: 0x5A5AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6830, symBinAddr: 0x80A0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B7F, offset: 0x5A5C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6840, symBinAddr: 0x80B0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B97, offset: 0x5A5DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6850, symBinAddr: 0x80C0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3CCF, offset: 0x5A713, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC13responseTopicSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6940, symBinAddr: 0x81B0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D5F, offset: 0x5A7A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttSubscriptionC17retainAsPublishedSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x69A0, symBinAddr: 0x8210, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4285, offset: 0x5ACC9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_project_boxed_opaque_existential_1, symObjAddr: 0x83C0, symBinAddr: 0x9C10, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4299, offset: 0x5ACDD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_destroy_boxed_opaque_existential_1, symObjAddr: 0x83F0, symBinAddr: 0x9C40, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x42AD, offset: 0x5ACF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_mutable_project_boxed_opaque_existential_1, symObjAddr: 0x8420, symBinAddr: 0x9C70, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x43B4, offset: 0x5ADF8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x86F0, symBinAddr: 0x9F40, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x43C8, offset: 0x5AE0C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSay8Dispatch0A13WorkItemFlagsVGMa', symObjAddr: 0x8730, symBinAddr: 0x9F80, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4404, offset: 0x5AE48, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePublishVWOr', symObjAddr: 0x87F0, symBinAddr: 0xA040, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4418, offset: 0x5AE5C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePublishVWOs', symObjAddr: 0x8870, symBinAddr: 0xA0C0, symSize: 0x70 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4440, offset: 0x5AE84, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC19socketDidDisconnect_9withErroryAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_s0G0_pSgtFyycfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x8930, symBinAddr: 0xA180, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x49EF, offset: 0x5B433, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTDeliverC8cleanAllyyFyyXEfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0xB160, symBinAddr: 0xC9B0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A17, offset: 0x5B45B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10didReceive_7connackyAA0A10MQTTReaderC_AA12FrameConnAckVtFyycfU_yyYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0xB1B0, symBinAddr: 0xCA00, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A2B, offset: 0x5B46F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s10Foundation4DataVSgWOy', symObjAddr: 0xB320, symBinAddr: 0xCB70, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A7B, offset: 0x5B4BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT14FrameSubscribeVWOr', symObjAddr: 0xB5A0, symBinAddr: 0xCDF0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A8F, offset: 0x5B4D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVWOr', symObjAddr: 0xB620, symBinAddr: 0xCE70, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AA3, offset: 0x5B4E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16__delegate_queueyyyycFyyYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0xB690, symBinAddr: 0xCEE0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B16, offset: 0x5B55A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTConnAckOSQAASQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTW', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x1A00, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C2C, offset: 0x5C670, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC12cleanSessionSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x930, symBinAddr: 0x21A0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C49, offset: 0x5C68D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC12cleanSessionSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x960, symBinAddr: 0x21D0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C7C, offset: 0x5C6C0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC12cleanSessionSbvM', symObjAddr: 0x9A0, symBinAddr: 0x2210, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5CA1, offset: 0x5C6E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11willMessageAA0A11MQTTMessageCSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x9F0, symBinAddr: 0x2260, symSize: 0x40 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D6A, offset: 0x5C7AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18backgroundOnSocketSbvg', symObjAddr: 0xAD0, symBinAddr: 0x2340, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5DDB, offset: 0x5C81F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18backgroundOnSocketSbvM', symObjAddr: 0xBA0, symBinAddr: 0x2410, symSize: 0xF0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E4F, offset: 0x5C893, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13delegateQueueSo17OS_dispatch_queueCvg', symObjAddr: 0xCB0, symBinAddr: 0x2520, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E6C, offset: 0x5C8B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13delegateQueueSo17OS_dispatch_queueCvs', symObjAddr: 0xCF0, symBinAddr: 0x2560, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E9F, offset: 0x5C8E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13delegateQueueSo17OS_dispatch_queueCvM', symObjAddr: 0xD40, symBinAddr: 0x25B0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5F2D, offset: 0x5C971, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16__delegate_queueyyyycF', symObjAddr: 0xE90, symBinAddr: 0x2700, symSize: 0x240 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5FA6, offset: 0x5C9EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16__delegate_queueyyyycFyyYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x4FA0, symBinAddr: 0x6810, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5FE5, offset: 0x5CA29, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9connStateAA0a8MQTTConnD0Ovg', symObjAddr: 0x10D0, symBinAddr: 0x2940, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x60E5, offset: 0x5CB29, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvg', symObjAddr: 0x1250, symBinAddr: 0x2AC0, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6268, offset: 0x5CCAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14deliverTimeoutSdvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x12F0, symBinAddr: 0x2B60, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x62C7, offset: 0x5CD0B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvg', symObjAddr: 0x1320, symBinAddr: 0x2B90, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6345, offset: 0x5CD89, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvs', symObjAddr: 0x1340, symBinAddr: 0x2BB0, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x644A, offset: 0x5CE8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16messageQueueSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x13A0, symBinAddr: 0x2C10, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6499, offset: 0x5CEDD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18inflightWindowSizeSuvg', symObjAddr: 0x13D0, symBinAddr: 0x2C40, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6617, offset: 0x5D05B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18inflightWindowSizeSuvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1450, symBinAddr: 0x2CC0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6652, offset: 0x5D096, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9keepAlives6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x1490, symBinAddr: 0x2D00, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x66C7, offset: 0x5D10B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13autoReconnectSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x1560, symBinAddr: 0x2DD0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x66E4, offset: 0x5D128, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13autoReconnectSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x1590, symBinAddr: 0x2E00, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6717, offset: 0x5D15B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13autoReconnectSbvM', symObjAddr: 0x15D0, symBinAddr: 0x2E40, symSize: 0x40 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6759, offset: 0x5D19D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC25autoReconnectTimeIntervals6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x1650, symBinAddr: 0x2EC0, symSize: 0x40 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x67B1, offset: 0x5D1F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC28maxAutoReconnectTimeIntervals6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x16E0, symBinAddr: 0x2F50, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x68B0, offset: 0x5D2F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerD0Ovs', symObjAddr: 0x1820, symBinAddr: 0x3090, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6928, offset: 0x5D36C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerD0OvM', symObjAddr: 0x1880, symBinAddr: 0x30F0, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6981, offset: 0x5D3C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8logLevelAA0a10MQTTLoggerD0OvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x18F0, symBinAddr: 0x3160, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x69A2, offset: 0x5D3E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9enableSSLSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x1920, symBinAddr: 0x3190, symSize: 0x70 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6AB9, offset: 0x5D4FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9enableSSLSbvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x1AA0, symBinAddr: 0x3310, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B18, offset: 0x5D55C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11sslSettingsSDySSSo8NSObjectCGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1B20, symBinAddr: 0x3390, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B9A, offset: 0x5D5DE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11sslSettingsSDySSSo8NSObjectCGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x1BD0, symBinAddr: 0x3440, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6C1D, offset: 0x5D661, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11sslSettingsSDySSSo8NSObjectCGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x1C90, symBinAddr: 0x3500, symSize: 0x100 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6DC8, offset: 0x5D80C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC25allowUntrustCACertificateSbvM', symObjAddr: 0x2050, symBinAddr: 0x38C0, symSize: 0xF0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6EB7, offset: 0x5D8FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didConnectAckyyAB_AA0a8MQTTConnE0OtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2440, symBinAddr: 0x3CB0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6EDD, offset: 0x5D921, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC17didPublishMessageyyAB_AA0A11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x24E0, symBinAddr: 0x3D50, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F03, offset: 0x5D947, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didPublishAckyyAB_s6UInt16VtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2580, symBinAddr: 0x3DF0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F29, offset: 0x5D96D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC17didReceiveMessageyyAB_AA0A11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2610, symBinAddr: 0x3E80, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F4F, offset: 0x5D993, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18didSubscribeTopicsyyAB_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x26B0, symBinAddr: 0x3F20, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F75, offset: 0x5D9B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC20didUnsubscribeTopicsyyAB_SaySSGtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2740, symBinAddr: 0x3FB0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F9B, offset: 0x5D9DF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7didPingyyABcvM', symObjAddr: 0x27E0, symBinAddr: 0x4050, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6FC1, offset: 0x5DA05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14didReceivePongyyABcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2880, symBinAddr: 0x40F0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6FE7, offset: 0x5DA2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didDisconnectyyAB_s5Error_pSgtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2920, symBinAddr: 0x4190, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x700D, offset: 0x5DA51, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC15didReceiveTrustyyAB_So03SecE3RefaySbctcvM', symObjAddr: 0x29C0, symBinAddr: 0x4230, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7033, offset: 0x5DA77, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC18didCompletePublishyyAB_s6UInt16VtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2A50, symBinAddr: 0x42C0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7059, offset: 0x5DA9D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC14didChangeStateyyAB_AA0a8MQTTConnE0OtcvM', symObjAddr: 0x2B70, symBinAddr: 0x43E0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7085, offset: 0x5DAC9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8clientID4host4port6socketABSS_SSs6UInt16VAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_ptcfC', symObjAddr: 0x2BB0, symBinAddr: 0x4420, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70CB, offset: 0x5DB0F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC8clientID4host4port6socketABSS_SSs6UInt16VAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_ptcfc', symObjAddr: 0x2C10, symBinAddr: 0x4480, symSize: 0x5E0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72F3, offset: 0x5DD37, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAACfD', symObjAddr: 0x31F0, symBinAddr: 0x4A60, symSize: 0x180 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x744D, offset: 0x5DE91, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16sendConnectFrame33_B3FA8972440FEDD4D0FAB874FCB8E06BLLyyF', symObjAddr: 0x3580, symBinAddr: 0x4DF0, symSize: 0x400 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x75F1, offset: 0x5E035, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7connectSbyF', symObjAddr: 0x3980, symBinAddr: 0x51F0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76EF, offset: 0x5E133, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7connect7timeoutSbSd_tF', symObjAddr: 0x39A0, symBinAddr: 0x5210, symSize: 0x680 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79EE, offset: 0x5E432, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7connect7timeoutSbSd_tFyyYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x4020, symBinAddr: 0x5890, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7AD6, offset: 0x5E51A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC10disconnectyyF', symObjAddr: 0x4100, symBinAddr: 0x5970, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7BA3, offset: 0x5E5E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC4pingyyF', symObjAddr: 0x41C0, symBinAddr: 0x5A30, symSize: 0xF0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C1F, offset: 0x5E663, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC4pingyyFyycfU_', symObjAddr: 0x42B0, symBinAddr: 0x5B20, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D0E, offset: 0x5E752, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7publish_10withString3qos8retainedSiSS_SSAA0A7MQTTQoSOSbtF', symObjAddr: 0x4350, symBinAddr: 0x5BC0, symSize: 0x150 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7F02, offset: 0x5E946, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7publishySiAA0A11MQTTMessageCF', symObjAddr: 0x44A0, symBinAddr: 0x5D10, symSize: 0x5A0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x81CC, offset: 0x5EC10, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7publishySiAA0A11MQTTMessageCFyyYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x4A40, symBinAddr: 0x62B0, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8239, offset: 0x5EC7D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC7publishySiAA0A11MQTTMessageCFyyYbcfU0_', symObjAddr: 0x4AB0, symBinAddr: 0x6320, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x836B, offset: 0x5EDAF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9subscribe_3qosySS_AA0A7MQTTQoSOtF', symObjAddr: 0x4B70, symBinAddr: 0x63E0, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x843A, offset: 0x5EE7E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9subscribeyySaySS_AA0A7MQTTQoSOtGF', symObjAddr: 0x4BE0, symBinAddr: 0x6450, symSize: 0xF0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x865D, offset: 0x5F0A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC11unsubscribeyySSF', symObjAddr: 0x4CD0, symBinAddr: 0x6540, symSize: 0x120 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x89A7, offset: 0x5F3EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC15socketConnectedyyAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_pF', symObjAddr: 0x4FF0, symBinAddr: 0x6860, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8A1B, offset: 0x5F45F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC6socket_10didReceive17completionHandleryAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_So11SecTrustRefaySbctF', symObjAddr: 0x5000, symBinAddr: 0x6870, symSize: 0x1D0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8B10, offset: 0x5F554, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC16socketUrlSession_15didReceiveTrust0fG9Challenge17completionHandleryAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_So03SecH3RefaSo019NSURLAuthenticationI0CySo016NSURLSessionAuthI11DispositionV_So15NSURLCredentialCSgtctF', symObjAddr: 0x5210, symBinAddr: 0x6A80, symSize: 0x190 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8BEB, offset: 0x5F62F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC15socketDidSecureyySo15MGCDAsyncSocketCF', symObjAddr: 0x5400, symBinAddr: 0x6C70, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C66, offset: 0x5F6AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC6socket_19didWriteDataWithTagyAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_SitF', symObjAddr: 0x54B0, symBinAddr: 0x6D20, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D4D, offset: 0x5F791, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC6socket_7didRead7withTagyAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_10Foundation4DataVSitF', symObjAddr: 0x54C0, symBinAddr: 0x6D30, symSize: 0x260 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9184, offset: 0x5FBC8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC19socketDidDisconnect_9withErroryAA0A18MQTTSocketProtocol_p_s0G0_pSgtF', symObjAddr: 0x5720, symBinAddr: 0x6F90, symSize: 0x380 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BB9, offset: 0x66F7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C4hostSSvM', symObjAddr: 0x650, symBinAddr: 0xDA50, symSize: 0x40 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5148, offset: 0x6750B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A5MQTT5C14deliverTimeoutSdvg', symObjAddr: 0x1250, symBinAddr: 0xE650, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3407, offset: 0x73711, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss12_ArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNewAByxGyF9CocoaMQTT13InflightFrame33_95E0A6B76F6AC9616E232A5BF1E96E76LLV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x3150, symBinAddr: 0x1F780, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x35D, offset: 0x73B1B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerCMa', symObjAddr: 0x4C0, symBinAddr: 0x20FA0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x371, offset: 0x73B2F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A15MQTTLoggerLevelOSHAASQWb', symObjAddr: 0x520, symBinAddr: 0x20FC0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x411, offset: 0x73BCF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A15MQTTLoggerLevelOwui', symObjAddr: 0x6F0, symBinAddr: 0x21190, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C1, offset: 0x73D7F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A15MQTTLoggerLevelOSHAASH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0xA0, symBinAddr: 0x20B80, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x614, offset: 0x73DD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A15MQTTLoggerLevelOSHAASH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0xC0, symBinAddr: 0x20BA0, symSize: 0x40 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x813, offset: 0x73FD1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x160, symBinAddr: 0x20C40, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x82D, offset: 0x73FEB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerC6loggerACvgZ', symObjAddr: 0x180, symBinAddr: 0x20C60, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x897, offset: 0x74055, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerC6loggerACvMZ', symObjAddr: 0x230, symBinAddr: 0x20D10, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C4, offset: 0x74082, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerC6loggerACvMZ.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x290, symBinAddr: 0x20D70, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E5, offset: 0x740A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x2A0, symBinAddr: 0x20D80, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x981, offset: 0x7413F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerC3log5level7messageyAA0aC5LevelO_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x320, symBinAddr: 0x20E00, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0A, offset: 0x742C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTLoggerCfD', symObjAddr: 0x460, symBinAddr: 0x20F40, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x74326, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTMessageC5topic6string3qos8retainedACSS_SSAA0A7MQTTQoSOSbtcfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x211B0, symSize: 0x120 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2AE, offset: 0x745AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTMessageCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x900, symBinAddr: 0x21AB0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BD, offset: 0x746BC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A11MQTTMessageCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x960, symBinAddr: 0x21B10, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x45D, offset: 0x789D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketCAA0aC8ProtocolA2aDP7connect6toHost6onPort11withTimeoutySS_s6UInt16VSdtKFTW', symObjAddr: 0x7C0, symBinAddr: 0x25DC0, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8ED, offset: 0x78E61, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC19socketDidDisconnect_9withErrorySo15MGCDAsyncSocketC_s0H0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0x1440, symBinAddr: 0x26A10, symSize: 0x70 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x180E, offset: 0x79D82, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A10MQTTSocketC15socketDidSecureyySo15MGCDAsyncSocketCF', symObjAddr: 0x1170, symBinAddr: 0x26740, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B5, offset: 0x83532, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A9MQTTTimerCMa', symObjAddr: 0xAD0, symBinAddr: 0x30300, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xECC, offset: 0x84ADE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT0A9MQTTErrorO4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tF', symObjAddr: 0x3D0, symBinAddr: 0x30C90, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10B7, offset: 0x84CC9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD9CocoaMQTTSSRszSSRs_rlE17userPropertyBytesSays5UInt8VGvg', symObjAddr: 0x7A0, symBinAddr: 0x31040, symSize: 0x2A0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80, offset: 0x883B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x10, symBinAddr: 0x33800, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x210, offset: 0x88541, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwCP', symObjAddr: 0x470, symBinAddr: 0x33C20, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x288, offset: 0x885B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwet', symObjAddr: 0x680, symBinAddr: 0x33E30, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x29C, offset: 0x885CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVwst', symObjAddr: 0x6D0, symBinAddr: 0x33E80, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2B0, offset: 0x885E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectVMa', symObjAddr: 0x720, symBinAddr: 0x33ED0, symSize: 0xA }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E3, offset: 0x88914, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT15FrameDisconnectV10propertiesSays5UInt8VGyF', symObjAddr: 0x110, symBinAddr: 0x33900, symSize: 0x2D0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x46, offset: 0x88D34, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePingReqVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x33EE0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C5, offset: 0x8949F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT11FramePubAckVwta', symObjAddr: 0x650, symBinAddr: 0x34590, symSize: 0x60 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80, offset: 0x89B1E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT12FramePubCompVAA0C0A2aDP21packetFixedHeaderTypes5UInt8VvsTW', symObjAddr: 0x10, symBinAddr: 0x346B0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE13, offset: 0x93C8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC17maximumPacketSizes6UInt32VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x450, symBinAddr: 0x3B400, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE38, offset: 0x93CB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC24assignedClientIdentifierSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x4D0, symBinAddr: 0x3B480, symSize: 0x40 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE82, offset: 0x93CFC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x5D0, symBinAddr: 0x3B580, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEA7, offset: 0x93D21, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x610, symBinAddr: 0x3B5C0, symSize: 0x40 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEFD, offset: 0x93D77, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x6A0, symBinAddr: 0x3B650, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF1C, offset: 0x93D96, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC29wildcardSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x6E0, symBinAddr: 0x3B690, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFD5, offset: 0x93E4F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC32subscriptionIdentifiersAvailableSbSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x800, symBinAddr: 0x3B7B0, symSize: 0x40 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x101D, offset: 0x93E97, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x870, symBinAddr: 0x3B820, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1044, offset: 0x93EBE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x8B0, symBinAddr: 0x3B860, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1069, offset: 0x93EE3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15serverKeepAlives6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x9C0, symBinAddr: 0x3B970, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x108E, offset: 0x93F08, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC19responseInformationSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xA40, symBinAddr: 0x3B9F0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10B3, offset: 0x93F2D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15serverReferenceSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xAC0, symBinAddr: 0x3BA70, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10D8, offset: 0x93F52, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC20authenticationMethodSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xBD0, symBinAddr: 0x3BB80, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10FD, offset: 0x93F77, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvg', symObjAddr: 0xC10, symBinAddr: 0x3BBC0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1120, offset: 0x93F9A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvs', symObjAddr: 0xC50, symBinAddr: 0x3BC00, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1147, offset: 0x93FC1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvM', symObjAddr: 0xCA0, symBinAddr: 0x3BC50, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x14C1, offset: 0x9433B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC10properties11connackDataySays5UInt8VG_tF', symObjAddr: 0xCE0, symBinAddr: 0x3BC90, symSize: 0xBB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2000, offset: 0x94E7A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x1890, symBinAddr: 0x3C840, symSize: 0x170 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2023, offset: 0x94E9D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckCfD', symObjAddr: 0x1A20, symBinAddr: 0x3C9D0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x204D, offset: 0x94EC7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22__RawDictionaryStorageC4findys10_HashTableV6BucketV6bucket_Sb5foundtxSHRzlFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x1AE0, symBinAddr: 0x3CA90, symSize: 0x60 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x20D0, offset: 0x94F4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22__RawDictionaryStorageC4find_9hashValues10_HashTableV6BucketV6bucket_Sb5foundtx_SitSHRzlFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x1B70, symBinAddr: 0x3CB20, symSize: 0xE0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2591, offset: 0x9540B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0x36A0, symBinAddr: 0x3E650, symSize: 0x3D0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x9553A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3EB50, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x956DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x410, symBinAddr: 0x3EF60, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27C, offset: 0x9578F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x460, symBinAddr: 0x3EFB0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x482, offset: 0x95995, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCMa', symObjAddr: 0xB00, symBinAddr: 0x3F650, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A6, offset: 0x95BB9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3EB50, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6BA, offset: 0x95BCD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3EB70, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E3, offset: 0x95BF6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x60, symBinAddr: 0x3EBB0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70A, offset: 0x95C1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xB0, symBinAddr: 0x3EC00, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72F, offset: 0x95C42, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xF0, symBinAddr: 0x3EC40, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x750, offset: 0x95C63, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3EC50, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x773, offset: 0x95C86, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x130, symBinAddr: 0x3EC80, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79A, offset: 0x95CAD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x170, symBinAddr: 0x3ECC0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7BF, offset: 0x95CD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1B0, symBinAddr: 0x3ED00, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E2, offset: 0x95CF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x200, symBinAddr: 0x3ED50, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x809, offset: 0x95D1C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x250, symBinAddr: 0x3EDA0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x82E, offset: 0x95D41, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x290, symBinAddr: 0x3EDE0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x851, offset: 0x95D64, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x2D0, symBinAddr: 0x3EE20, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x884, offset: 0x95D97, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x320, symBinAddr: 0x3EE70, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8A3, offset: 0x95DB6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x3EEB0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8B7, offset: 0x95DCA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x370, symBinAddr: 0x3EEC0, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8DA, offset: 0x95DED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckCfD', symObjAddr: 0x430, symBinAddr: 0x3EF80, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF7, offset: 0x9600A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x490, symBinAddr: 0x3EFE0, symSize: 0x670 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x966F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3F6A0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x96897, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x410, symBinAddr: 0x3FAB0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27C, offset: 0x9694C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x460, symBinAddr: 0x3FB00, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C2, offset: 0x96B92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCMa', symObjAddr: 0xB10, symBinAddr: 0x401B0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E6, offset: 0x96DB6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3F6A0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6FA, offset: 0x96DCA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10reasonCodeAA0a17MQTTPUBCOMPReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x3F6C0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x723, offset: 0x96DF3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10reasonCodeAA0a17MQTTPUBCOMPReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x60, symBinAddr: 0x3F700, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x74A, offset: 0x96E1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10reasonCodeAA0a17MQTTPUBCOMPReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xB0, symBinAddr: 0x3F750, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76F, offset: 0x96E3F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10reasonCodeAA0a17MQTTPUBCOMPReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xF0, symBinAddr: 0x3F790, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x790, offset: 0x96E60, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3F7A0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B3, offset: 0x96E83, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x130, symBinAddr: 0x3F7D0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7DA, offset: 0x96EAA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x170, symBinAddr: 0x3F810, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7FF, offset: 0x96ECF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1B0, symBinAddr: 0x3F850, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x822, offset: 0x96EF2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x200, symBinAddr: 0x3F8A0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x849, offset: 0x96F19, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x250, symBinAddr: 0x3F8F0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x86E, offset: 0x96F3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x290, symBinAddr: 0x3F930, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x891, offset: 0x96F61, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x2D0, symBinAddr: 0x3F970, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C4, offset: 0x96F94, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x320, symBinAddr: 0x3F9C0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E3, offset: 0x96FB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x3FA00, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8F7, offset: 0x96FC7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x370, symBinAddr: 0x3FA10, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x91A, offset: 0x96FEA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCfD', symObjAddr: 0x430, symBinAddr: 0x3FAD0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB44, offset: 0x97214, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x490, symBinAddr: 0x3FB30, symSize: 0x680 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x393, offset: 0x97CA7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x1760, symBinAddr: 0x41960, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x761, offset: 0x98075, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x17B0, symBinAddr: 0x419B0, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x790, offset: 0x980A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCMa', symObjAddr: 0x1820, symBinAddr: 0x41A20, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA94, offset: 0x983A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x40200, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAA8, offset: 0x983BC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x40220, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD1, offset: 0x983E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x60, symBinAddr: 0x40260, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF8, offset: 0x9840C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xB0, symBinAddr: 0x402B0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB1D, offset: 0x98431, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0xF0, symBinAddr: 0x402F0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB40, offset: 0x98454, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x130, symBinAddr: 0x40330, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB67, offset: 0x9847B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x180, symBinAddr: 0x40380, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB8C, offset: 0x984A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1C0, symBinAddr: 0x403C0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBAF, offset: 0x984C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x200, symBinAddr: 0x40400, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBD6, offset: 0x984EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x250, symBinAddr: 0x40450, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBFB, offset: 0x9850F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC10topicAliass6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x2D0, symBinAddr: 0x404D0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC20, offset: 0x98534, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC10topicAliass6UInt16VSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x40510, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC41, offset: 0x98555, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC13responseTopicSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x40560, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC66, offset: 0x9857A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x3E0, symBinAddr: 0x405E0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC8B, offset: 0x9859F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x4E0, symBinAddr: 0x406E0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCAA, offset: 0x985BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivg', symObjAddr: 0x520, symBinAddr: 0x40720, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCCD, offset: 0x985E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivs', symObjAddr: 0x550, symBinAddr: 0x40750, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCF4, offset: 0x98608, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivM', symObjAddr: 0x590, symBinAddr: 0x40790, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD19, offset: 0x9862D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC11contentTypeSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x6A0, symBinAddr: 0x408A0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD3E, offset: 0x98652, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvg', symObjAddr: 0x6E0, symBinAddr: 0x408E0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD5B, offset: 0x9866F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvs', symObjAddr: 0x730, symBinAddr: 0x40930, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD82, offset: 0x98696, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvM', symObjAddr: 0x780, symBinAddr: 0x40980, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDA7, offset: 0x986BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC16packetIdentifiers6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x890, symBinAddr: 0x40A90, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDCC, offset: 0x986E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivg', symObjAddr: 0x8D0, symBinAddr: 0x40AD0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDEF, offset: 0x98703, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivs', symObjAddr: 0x900, symBinAddr: 0x40B00, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE16, offset: 0x9872A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivM', symObjAddr: 0x940, symBinAddr: 0x40B40, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11A1, offset: 0x98AB5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC06decodeE011fixedHeader11publishDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x980, symBinAddr: 0x40B80, symSize: 0xCD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D9A, offset: 0x996AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x1650, symBinAddr: 0x41850, symSize: 0x110 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1DBD, offset: 0x996D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCfD', symObjAddr: 0x1780, symBinAddr: 0x41980, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x9973B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x41AF0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x998DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x410, symBinAddr: 0x41F00, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27C, offset: 0x99990, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x460, symBinAddr: 0x41F50, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x482, offset: 0x99B96, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCMa', symObjAddr: 0xB00, symBinAddr: 0x425F0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A6, offset: 0x99DBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x41AF0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6BA, offset: 0x99DCE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x41B10, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E3, offset: 0x99DF7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x60, symBinAddr: 0x41B50, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70A, offset: 0x99E1E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xB0, symBinAddr: 0x41BA0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72F, offset: 0x99E43, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xF0, symBinAddr: 0x41BE0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x750, offset: 0x99E64, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x41BF0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x773, offset: 0x99E87, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x130, symBinAddr: 0x41C20, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79A, offset: 0x99EAE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x170, symBinAddr: 0x41C60, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7BF, offset: 0x99ED3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1B0, symBinAddr: 0x41CA0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E2, offset: 0x99EF6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x200, symBinAddr: 0x41CF0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x809, offset: 0x99F1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x250, symBinAddr: 0x41D40, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x82E, offset: 0x99F42, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x290, symBinAddr: 0x41D80, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x851, offset: 0x99F65, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x2D0, symBinAddr: 0x41DC0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x884, offset: 0x99F98, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x320, symBinAddr: 0x41E10, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8A3, offset: 0x99FB7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x41E50, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8B7, offset: 0x99FCB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x370, symBinAddr: 0x41E60, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8DA, offset: 0x99FEE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCfD', symObjAddr: 0x430, symBinAddr: 0x41F20, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF7, offset: 0x9A20B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x490, symBinAddr: 0x41F80, symSize: 0x670 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x9A8F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x42640, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x9AA98, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x410, symBinAddr: 0x42A50, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27C, offset: 0x9AB4D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x460, symBinAddr: 0x42AA0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A1, offset: 0x9AD72, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCMa', symObjAddr: 0xB10, symBinAddr: 0x43150, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6C5, offset: 0x9AF96, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x42640, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D9, offset: 0x9AFAA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x42660, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x702, offset: 0x9AFD3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x60, symBinAddr: 0x426A0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x729, offset: 0x9AFFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xB0, symBinAddr: 0x426F0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x74E, offset: 0x9B01F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xF0, symBinAddr: 0x42730, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76F, offset: 0x9B040, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x42740, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x792, offset: 0x9B063, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x130, symBinAddr: 0x42770, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B9, offset: 0x9B08A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x170, symBinAddr: 0x427B0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7DE, offset: 0x9B0AF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1B0, symBinAddr: 0x427F0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x801, offset: 0x9B0D2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x200, symBinAddr: 0x42840, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x828, offset: 0x9B0F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x250, symBinAddr: 0x42890, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x84D, offset: 0x9B11E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x290, symBinAddr: 0x428D0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x870, offset: 0x9B141, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x2D0, symBinAddr: 0x42910, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8A3, offset: 0x9B174, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x320, symBinAddr: 0x42960, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C2, offset: 0x9B193, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x429A0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D6, offset: 0x9B1A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x370, symBinAddr: 0x429B0, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8F9, offset: 0x9B1CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCfD', symObjAddr: 0x430, symBinAddr: 0x42A70, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB1D, offset: 0x9B3EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x490, symBinAddr: 0x42AD0, symSize: 0x680 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x9BB15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x431A0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x9BCB5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x420, symBinAddr: 0x435C0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27C, offset: 0x9BD6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x470, symBinAddr: 0x43610, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x554, offset: 0x9C042, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCMa', symObjAddr: 0xC60, symBinAddr: 0x43E00, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B1, offset: 0x9C29F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x431A0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C5, offset: 0x9C2B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x431C0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7EE, offset: 0x9C2DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvs', symObjAddr: 0x60, symBinAddr: 0x43200, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x821, offset: 0x9C30F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM', symObjAddr: 0xB0, symBinAddr: 0x43250, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x840, offset: 0x9C32E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xF0, symBinAddr: 0x43290, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x861, offset: 0x9C34F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x432A0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x884, offset: 0x9C372, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x130, symBinAddr: 0x432D0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8AB, offset: 0x9C399, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x170, symBinAddr: 0x43310, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D0, offset: 0x9C3BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1B0, symBinAddr: 0x43350, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8F3, offset: 0x9C3E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x200, symBinAddr: 0x433A0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x91A, offset: 0x9C408, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x250, symBinAddr: 0x433F0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x93F, offset: 0x9C42D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x290, symBinAddr: 0x43430, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x962, offset: 0x9C450, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x2D0, symBinAddr: 0x43470, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x995, offset: 0x9C483, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x320, symBinAddr: 0x434C0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B4, offset: 0x9C4A2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x43500, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9C8, offset: 0x9C4B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x370, symBinAddr: 0x43510, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9EB, offset: 0x9C4D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCfD', symObjAddr: 0x440, symBinAddr: 0x435E0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC4B, offset: 0x9C739, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4B0, symBinAddr: 0x43650, symSize: 0x7B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x9CF80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x43E50, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x9D120, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x420, symBinAddr: 0x44270, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27C, offset: 0x9D1D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x470, symBinAddr: 0x442C0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x554, offset: 0x9D4AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckCMa', symObjAddr: 0xC50, symBinAddr: 0x44AA0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B1, offset: 0x9D70A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x43E50, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C5, offset: 0x9D71E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x43E70, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7EE, offset: 0x9D747, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvs', symObjAddr: 0x60, symBinAddr: 0x43EB0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x821, offset: 0x9D77A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM', symObjAddr: 0xB0, symBinAddr: 0x43F00, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x840, offset: 0x9D799, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xF0, symBinAddr: 0x43F40, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE3E, offset: 0xA15E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT20ThreadSafeDictionaryCyx3key_q_5valuetSD5IndexVyxq__Gcir.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xF90, symBinAddr: 0x47850, symSize: 0x30 }
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similarity index 100%
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@@ -0,0 +1,1660 @@
+triple: 'arm64-apple-darwin'
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2CC7, offset: 0x5BB78, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS13ModelEdgeRuleVSgWOe', symObjAddr: 0xB4E4, symBinAddr: 0x10304, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2CEF, offset: 0x5BBA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS15SDKClientOptionVSgWOy', symObjAddr: 0xB564, symBinAddr: 0x10384, symSize: 0x5C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x202, offset: 0x65766, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS3LogV6ErrorsOwet', symObjAddr: 0x9DC, symBinAddr: 0x1B790, symSize: 0x90 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x16B, offset: 0x65B59, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0k8MQTTConnJ0OtFySbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x1E0, symBinAddr: 0x1BCD8, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38C, offset: 0x65D7A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0K0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0x454, symBinAddr: 0x1BF4C, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BE, offset: 0x65DAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC11mqttDidPingyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0x4B8, symBinAddr: 0x1BFB0, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DA, offset: 0x65DC8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC18mqttDidReceivePongyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0x4BC, symBinAddr: 0x1BFB4, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C2, offset: 0x65EB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_17didReceiveMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0L11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTf4dndd_n', symObjAddr: 0xC10, symBinAddr: 0x1C708, symSize: 0x374 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCC9, offset: 0x666B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_16didStateChangeToy9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0l8MQTTConnI0OtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xB9C, symBinAddr: 0x1C694, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD5C, offset: 0x6674A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTf4ddnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xF84, symBinAddr: 0x1CA7C, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDD0, offset: 0x667BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0K0_pSgtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xFEC, symBinAddr: 0x1CAE4, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F, offset: 0x6686A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS31ReachabilityChangedNotificationSo18NSNotificationNameavp', symObjAddr: 0x2BF0, symBinAddr: 0x83C00, symSize: 0x0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5EC, offset: 0x66E07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC8queueQoS11targetQueue012notificationH0AC8Dispatch0jF1SV_So012OS_dispatch_E0CSgALtKcfCTf4nnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x1D28, symBinAddr: 0x1ED50, symSize: 0x190 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B4, offset: 0x66ECF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvpACTK', symObjAddr: 0x418, symBinAddr: 0x1D440, symSize: 0x88 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x788, offset: 0x66FA3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvpACTk', symObjAddr: 0x6D0, symBinAddr: 0x1D6F8, symSize: 0xAC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x98E, offset: 0x671A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC03setD5Flags33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyKFyyKXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x17CC, symBinAddr: 0x1E7F4, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA8A, offset: 0x672A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC03setD5Flags33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyKFyyKXEfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x190C, symBinAddr: 0x1E934, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA9E, offset: 0x672B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sIegh_IeyBh_TR', symObjAddr: 0x1A60, symBinAddr: 0x1EA88, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAB6, offset: 0x672D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOACs0E0AAWl', symObjAddr: 0x1CC4, symBinAddr: 0x1ECEC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xACA, offset: 0x672E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityCMa', symObjAddr: 0x1D08, symBinAddr: 0x1ED30, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDEC, offset: 0x67607, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP7_domainSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x1D028, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE08, offset: 0x67623, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP5_codeSivgTW', symObjAddr: 0x4, symBinAddr: 0x1D02C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE24, offset: 0x6763F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP9_userInfoyXlSgvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x1D030, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE40, offset: 0x6765B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP19_getEmbeddedNSErroryXlSgyFTW', symObjAddr: 0xC, symBinAddr: 0x1D034, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x113F, offset: 0x6795A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionO2eeoiySbAE_AEtFZ', symObjAddr: 0x248, symBinAddr: 0x1D270, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1186, offset: 0x679A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionO4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tF', symObjAddr: 0x25C, symBinAddr: 0x1D284, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x128D, offset: 0x67AA8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x54C, symBinAddr: 0x1D574, symSize: 0x4C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12FA, offset: 0x67B15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x644, symBinAddr: 0x1D66C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x134F, offset: 0x67B6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x77C, symBinAddr: 0x1D7A4, symSize: 0x4C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1397, offset: 0x67BB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x818, symBinAddr: 0x1D840, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13BC, offset: 0x67BD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15reachableOnWWANSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x854, symBinAddr: 0x1D87C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13DD, offset: 0x67BF8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC24allowsCellularConnectionSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x85C, symBinAddr: 0x1D884, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13FA, offset: 0x67C15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC24allowsCellularConnectionSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x88C, symBinAddr: 0x1D8B4, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x141F, offset: 0x67C3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC24allowsCellularConnectionSbvM', symObjAddr: 0x8C8, symBinAddr: 0x1D8F0, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1469, offset: 0x67C84, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC18notificationCenterSo014NSNotificationF0Cvg', symObjAddr: 0x960, symBinAddr: 0x1D988, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1486, offset: 0x67CA1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC18notificationCenterSo014NSNotificationF0Cvs', symObjAddr: 0x990, symBinAddr: 0x1D9B8, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x181D, offset: 0x68038, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC8hostname8queueQoS11targetQueue012notificationI0ACSS_8Dispatch0kG1SVSo012OS_dispatch_F0CSgAMtKcfC', symObjAddr: 0xEFC, symBinAddr: 0x1DF24, symSize: 0x178 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x18C2, offset: 0x680DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC8queueQoS11targetQueue012notificationH0AC8Dispatch0jF1SV_So012OS_dispatch_E0CSgALtKcfC', symObjAddr: 0x1074, symBinAddr: 0x1E09C, symSize: 0x14 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B0D, offset: 0x68328, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13startNotifieryyKF', symObjAddr: 0x11AC, symBinAddr: 0x1E1D4, symSize: 0x224 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1CF9, offset: 0x68514, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13startNotifieryyKFySo09SCNetworkD3Refa_So0gD5FlagsVSvSgtcfU_To', symObjAddr: 0x13D0, symBinAddr: 0x1E3F8, symSize: 0xC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D9E, offset: 0x685B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13startNotifieryyKFySVcfU1_To', symObjAddr: 0x13E0, symBinAddr: 0x1E408, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1DB6, offset: 0x685D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13startNotifieryyKFs9UnmanagedVySo11CFStringRefaGSVcfU2_', symObjAddr: 0x13E4, symBinAddr: 0x1E40C, symSize: 0xB8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E56, offset: 0x68671, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13startNotifieryyKFs9UnmanagedVySo11CFStringRefaGSVcfU2_To', symObjAddr: 0x14DC, symBinAddr: 0x1E504, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x251E, offset: 0x68D39, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS21ReachabilityWeakifier33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLCfD', symObjAddr: 0x1A8C, symBinAddr: 0x1EAB4, symSize: 0x24 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x86, offset: 0x68F77, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12EdgeRuleDataVWOh', symObjAddr: 0x1E8, symBinAddr: 0x1FAC0, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD3D, offset: 0x6AE28, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS20OfflineStorageConfigV9fileCountSivM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x238, symBinAddr: 0x21DD8, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x198A, offset: 0x6C9D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC22fireTimerForEdgeDevice5timerySo7NSTimerC_tFTo', symObjAddr: 0x153AC, symBinAddr: 0x38468, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19A6, offset: 0x6C9F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC14startHeartRate2dfySd_tFySo7NSTimerCYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x153F0, symBinAddr: 0x384AC, symSize: 0x150 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1ABF, offset: 0x6CB0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa22_allocateUninitializedySayxG_SpyxGtSiFZSS_ypt_Tgm5', symObjAddr: 0x15540, symBinAddr: 0x385FC, symSize: 0x54 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2703, offset: 0x6D751, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC18addValInNestedDict4dict10parentName03attM03valSDySSypGAI_S3StFTf4nnnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x1732C, symBinAddr: 0x3A318, symSize: 0x360 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2E25, offset: 0x6DE73, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC14validateNumber5value2dv8dataTypeSbSS_SSSgSitFTf4nnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x184BC, symBinAddr: 0x3B4A8, symSize: 0xBB8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3E91, offset: 0x6EEDF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC17validateBoolValue5value2dvSbSS_SSSgtFTf4nnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x19074, symBinAddr: 0x3C060, symSize: 0x1C0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4012, offset: 0x6F060, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC15validateLatLong5value2dvSbSS_SSSgtFTf4nnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x19234, symBinAddr: 0x3C220, symSize: 0x1A0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x441A, offset: 0x6F468, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC13initaliseCall33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL8uniqueIdySS_tFy10Foundation4DataVSg_So13NSURLResponseCSgs5Error_pSgtcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x19E30, symBinAddr: 0x3CE1C, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x447E, offset: 0x6F4CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS8IdentityVSgWOy', symObjAddr: 0x19FBC, symBinAddr: 0x3CF98, symSize: 0x30C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4CAB, offset: 0x6FCF9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC13startMQTTCall33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL16dataSyncResponse8passwordySDySSypG_SStFyypSg_SitcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1B954, symBinAddr: 0x3E090, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4D80, offset: 0x6FDCE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s10Foundation4DateVACSLAAWl', symObjAddr: 0x1BD24, symBinAddr: 0x3E414, symSize: 0x48 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7651, offset: 0x7269F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC20reachabilityObserveryyF', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x230BC, symSize: 0x190 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7794, offset: 0x727E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC10initialize4cpId06uniqueH02pf14deviceCallback010twinUpdateL0013getAttributesL00o5TwinsL00o12ChildDevucesL0ySS_S2SyypSgcyAMcyAMcyAMcyAMctF', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x2324C, symSize: 0x5D8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1FC9, offset: 0x82313, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_16didStateChangeToy9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0j8MQTTConnG0OtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA284, symBinAddr: 0x4939C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x201F, offset: 0x82369, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didPublishMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA2D4, symBinAddr: 0x493EC, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2052, offset: 0x8239C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didPublishAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_s6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA338, symBinAddr: 0x49450, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2091, offset: 0x823DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didReceiveMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA33C, symBinAddr: 0x49454, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x20E7, offset: 0x82431, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA3B4, symBinAddr: 0x494CC, symSize: 0x88 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21DA, offset: 0x82524, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC11mqttDidPingyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA518, symBinAddr: 0x49630, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21F6, offset: 0x82540, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18mqttDidReceivePongyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA51C, symBinAddr: 0x49634, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2230, offset: 0x8257A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA520, symBinAddr: 0x49638, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x259D, offset: 0x828E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss13_parseInteger5ascii5radixq_Sgx_SitSyRzs010FixedWidthB0R_r0_lFSS_s5Int32VTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB7C8, symBinAddr: 0x4A8E0, symSize: 0xE4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D30, offset: 0x8407A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didPublishMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTf4dndd_n', symObjAddr: 0x10F3C, symBinAddr: 0x50054, symSize: 0x104 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3E7A, offset: 0x841C4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTf4dnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x139F4, symBinAddr: 0x52B0C, symSize: 0x120 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3F92, offset: 0x842DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sypSgSiIegny_SgWOy', symObjAddr: 0x13FFC, symBinAddr: 0x530B4, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FCE, offset: 0x84318, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_allocate_boxed_opaque_existential_0, symObjAddr: 0x1418C, symBinAddr: 0x5311C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FE2, offset: 0x8432C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS14AttributesDataVWOb', symObjAddr: 0x141C8, symBinAddr: 0x53158, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FF6, offset: 0x84340, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS14AttributesDataVSgWOd', symObjAddr: 0x1420C, symBinAddr: 0x5319C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x400A, offset: 0x84354, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x14254, symBinAddr: 0x531E4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x401E, offset: 0x84368, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x1425C, symBinAddr: 0x531EC, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4032, offset: 0x8437C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x1426C, symBinAddr: 0x531FC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4046, offset: 0x84390, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC8holdFunc33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL10offDataObj07offlineN6Length0pN4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x142F4, symBinAddr: 0x53240, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x409E, offset: 0x843E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x143B4, symBinAddr: 0x53300, symSize: 0x24 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4DC3, offset: 0x8510D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa6appendyyxnFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x120, symBinAddr: 0x3F238, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4EEE, offset: 0x85238, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSayxSiciMSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x1BC, symBinAddr: 0x3F2D4, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F73, offset: 0x852BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSayxSiciMSDySSypG_Tg5.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x230, symBinAddr: 0x3F348, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F8E, offset: 0x852D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss26DefaultStringInterpolationV06appendC0yyxs06CustomB11ConvertibleRzlF9CocoaMQTT0G11MQTTConnAckO_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x234, symBinAddr: 0x3F34C, symSize: 0x134 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4FF9, offset: 0x85343, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD11removeValue6forKeyq_Sgx_tFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0x368, symBinAddr: 0x3F480, symSize: 0xE8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50DB, offset: 0x85425, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCyACSS_SSAA15SDKClientOptionVS2btcfc', symObjAddr: 0x450, symBinAddr: 0x3F568, symSize: 0x204 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x525A, offset: 0x855A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC12initiateMQTT16dictSyncResponse8password18callbackMQTTStatusySDySSypG_SSyypSg_SitctF', symObjAddr: 0x654, symBinAddr: 0x3F76C, symSize: 0xAF8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x56EC, offset: 0x85A36, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC10disconnectyyF', symObjAddr: 0x114C, symBinAddr: 0x40264, symSize: 0x3CC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5903, offset: 0x85C4D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGF', symObjAddr: 0x1518, symBinAddr: 0x40630, symSize: 0x920 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C7A, offset: 0x85FC4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFySSXEfU1_', symObjAddr: 0x1E64, symBinAddr: 0x40F7C, symSize: 0x21E4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7197, offset: 0x874E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFySSXEfU1_ySbcfU_Tf4dnnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xE7F4, symBinAddr: 0x4D90C, symSize: 0x6B8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x75A2, offset: 0x878EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC10deleteFile33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL7logPath0efN0ySS_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x4048, symBinAddr: 0x43160, symSize: 0x158C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x845D, offset: 0x887A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC16checkOfflineData33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyyF', symObjAddr: 0x55D4, symBinAddr: 0x446EC, symSize: 0xFD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E64, offset: 0x891AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC16checkOfflineData33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyyFySiXEfU0_', symObjAddr: 0x65A8, symBinAddr: 0x456C0, symSize: 0x3B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8FCD, offset: 0x89317, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC22sendOfflineDataProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL03offG3Obj07offlineG6Length0qG4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StF', symObjAddr: 0x71DC, symBinAddr: 0x462F4, symSize: 0x1E8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x921F, offset: 0x89569, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC22sendOfflineDataProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL03offG3Obj07offlineG6Length0qG4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StFyAJXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x73C4, symBinAddr: 0x464DC, symSize: 0x92C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A1F, offset: 0x89D69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC8holdFunc33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL10offDataObj07offlineN6Length0pN4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StF', symObjAddr: 0x7CF0, symBinAddr: 0x46E08, symSize: 0x2A8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B71, offset: 0x89EBB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18publishTopicOnMQTT8withData5topicySDySSypG_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x7F98, symBinAddr: 0x470B0, symSize: 0x614 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F3E, offset: 0x8A288, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC29publishTwinPropertyDataOnMQTT04withH0ySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x85AC, symBinAddr: 0x476C4, symSize: 0x644 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA1E0, offset: 0x8A52A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCfd', symObjAddr: 0x9034, symBinAddr: 0x4814C, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA203, offset: 0x8A54D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCfD', symObjAddr: 0x90B4, symBinAddr: 0x481CC, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA28E, offset: 0x8A5D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtF', symObjAddr: 0x9180, symBinAddr: 0x48298, symSize: 0x1070 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA8F6, offset: 0x8AC40, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtFyyScMYccfU_', symObjAddr: 0xA1F0, symBinAddr: 0x49308, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA969, offset: 0x8ACB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa12_endMutationyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA584, symBinAddr: 0x4969C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA984, offset: 0x8ACCE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA588, symBinAddr: 0x496A0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA99C, offset: 0x8ACE6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA588, symBinAddr: 0x496A0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA9AD, offset: 0x8ACF7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV8setValue_6forKeyyq_n_xtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xA590, symBinAddr: 0x496A8, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAA35, offset: 0x8AD7F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV11removeValue6forKeyq_Sgx_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xA658, symBinAddr: 0x49770, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAAD5, offset: 0x8AE1F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xA820, symBinAddr: 0x49938, symSize: 0x1F4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAB75, offset: 0x8AEBF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xAA14, symBinAddr: 0x49B2C, symSize: 0x1C4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAC31, offset: 0x8AF7B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xABD8, symBinAddr: 0x49CF0, symSize: 0x340 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD28, offset: 0x8B072, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xAF18, symBinAddr: 0x4A030, symSize: 0x340 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE12, offset: 0x8B15C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB258, symBinAddr: 0x4A370, symSize: 0x1DC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAEB7, offset: 0x8B201, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB434, symBinAddr: 0x4A54C, symSize: 0x204 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF55, offset: 0x8B29F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB638, symBinAddr: 0x4A750, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB001, offset: 0x8B34B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSo7NSTimerC_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB684, symBinAddr: 0x4A79C, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB08D, offset: 0x8B3D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa36_reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer8oldCountySi_tFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB714, symBinAddr: 0x4A82C, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0CA, offset: 0x8B414, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa37_appendElementAssumeUniqueAndCapacity_03newB0ySi_xntFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB754, symBinAddr: 0x4A86C, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB11C, offset: 0x8B466, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa21_makeMutableAndUniqueyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB76C, symBinAddr: 0x4A884, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB145, offset: 0x8B48F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa24_checkSubscript_mutatingyySiFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB7A8, symBinAddr: 0x4A8C0, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB186, offset: 0x8B4D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingyS2SFZ', symObjAddr: 0xBE94, symBinAddr: 0x4AFAC, symSize: 0x8C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB1CA, offset: 0x8B514, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingySSSsFZ', symObjAddr: 0xBF6C, symBinAddr: 0x4B084, symSize: 0x164 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x87, offset: 0x95D9E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValuexSg03RawG0Qz_tcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x298, symBinAddr: 0x67784, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA3, offset: 0x95DBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValue03RawG0QzvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x2A0, symBinAddr: 0x6778C, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBB, offset: 0x95DD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValue03RawG0QzvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x2A0, symBinAddr: 0x6778C, symSize: 0x18 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEC, offset: 0x95E03, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOACSQAAWl', symObjAddr: 0x18C, symBinAddr: 0x67678, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x134, offset: 0x95E4B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwst', symObjAddr: 0x358, symBinAddr: 0x67834, symSize: 0xBC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x184, offset: 0x95E9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOMa', symObjAddr: 0x428, symBinAddr: 0x67904, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1BF, offset: 0x95ED6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS6SDKURLV9discoveryyS2S_S5StFZTf4dndnnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x67914, symSize: 0x248 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x40E, offset: 0x96125, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH9hashValueSivgTW', symObjAddr: 0x1D0, symBinAddr: 0x676BC, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E6, offset: 0x961FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x21C, symBinAddr: 0x67708, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x562, offset: 0x96279, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x250, symBinAddr: 0x6773C, symSize: 0x48 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76B, offset: 0x96DD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU2_TA', symObjAddr: 0x162C, symBinAddr: 0x69160, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77F, offset: 0x96DE6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU3_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1634, symBinAddr: 0x69168, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7BB, offset: 0x96E22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS16callBackResponse_pSgWOd', symObjAddr: 0x1700, symBinAddr: 0x691D8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7CF, offset: 0x96E36, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC14startHeartRate2dfySd_tFySo7NSTimerCYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1884, symBinAddr: 0x6934C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E3, offset: 0x96E4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x188C, symBinAddr: 0x69354, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7F7, offset: 0x96E5E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x189C, symBinAddr: 0x69364, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x840, offset: 0x96EA7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa13_adoptStorage_5countSayxG_SpyxGts016_ContiguousArrayB0CyxGn_SitFZSS_SDySSSayypGGt_Tgm5', symObjAddr: 0x18A4, symBinAddr: 0x6936C, symSize: 0x10 }
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@@ -0,0 +1,1621 @@
+triple: 'x86_64-apple-darwin'
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x392, offset: 0x673D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0K0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0x640, symBinAddr: 0x1C930, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C4, offset: 0x6740A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC11mqttDidPingyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0x6A0, symBinAddr: 0x1C990, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCD9, offset: 0x67D1F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_16didStateChangeToy9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0l8MQTTConnI0OtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xFB0, symBinAddr: 0x1D2A0, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD57, offset: 0x67D9D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTf4ddnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x1400, symBinAddr: 0x1D6F0, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD8C, offset: 0x67DD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0K0_pSgtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x1460, symBinAddr: 0x1D750, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F, offset: 0x67E7E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS31ReachabilityChangedNotificationSo18NSNotificationNameavp', symObjAddr: 0x2B20, symBinAddr: 0x8BBF8, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x69, offset: 0x67E98, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo18NSNotificationNamea15IoTConnect2_AWSE19reachabilityChangedABvpZ', symObjAddr: 0x2B28, symBinAddr: 0x8BC00, symSize: 0x0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x29C, offset: 0x680CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOs23CustomStringConvertibleAAsAFP11descriptionSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x3C0, symBinAddr: 0x1E1A0, symSize: 0x80 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x688, offset: 0x684B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvpACTK', symObjAddr: 0x440, symBinAddr: 0x1E220, symSize: 0x80 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x728, offset: 0x68557, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvpACTK', symObjAddr: 0x680, symBinAddr: 0x1E460, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x760, offset: 0x6858F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvpACTk', symObjAddr: 0x700, symBinAddr: 0x1E4E0, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7A0, offset: 0x685CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC18notificationCenterSo014NSNotificationF0CvpACTk', symObjAddr: 0x910, symBinAddr: 0x1E6F0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9AA, offset: 0x687D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC03setD5Flags33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyKFyyKXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x17C0, symBinAddr: 0x1F5A0, symSize: 0x130 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD2, offset: 0x68901, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOACs0E0AAWl', symObjAddr: 0x1C70, symBinAddr: 0x1FA50, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0E, offset: 0x6893D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOSHAASQWb', symObjAddr: 0x1E50, symBinAddr: 0x1FC30, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB22, offset: 0x68951, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOAESQAAWl', symObjAddr: 0x1E60, symBinAddr: 0x1FC40, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB36, offset: 0x68965, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOSHAASQWb', symObjAddr: 0x1E90, symBinAddr: 0x1FC70, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB4A, offset: 0x68979, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOAESQAAWl', symObjAddr: 0x1EA0, symBinAddr: 0x1FC80, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB5E, offset: 0x6898D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOWOy', symObjAddr: 0x1FF0, symBinAddr: 0x1FDD0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB72, offset: 0x689A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOwxx', symObjAddr: 0x2010, symBinAddr: 0x1FDF0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB86, offset: 0x689B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOWOe', symObjAddr: 0x2030, symBinAddr: 0x1FE10, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB9A, offset: 0x689C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOwca', symObjAddr: 0x20C0, symBinAddr: 0x1FEA0, symSize: 0x70 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC4E, offset: 0x68A7D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOwet', symObjAddr: 0x2450, symBinAddr: 0x20210, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC62, offset: 0x68A91, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOwst', symObjAddr: 0x24D0, symBinAddr: 0x20290, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC76, offset: 0x68AA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOwup', symObjAddr: 0x25A0, symBinAddr: 0x20360, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC8A, offset: 0x68AB9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOMa', symObjAddr: 0x25B0, symBinAddr: 0x20370, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC9E, offset: 0x68ACD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOwet', symObjAddr: 0x25C0, symBinAddr: 0x20380, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCB2, offset: 0x68AE1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOwst', symObjAddr: 0x2640, symBinAddr: 0x20400, symSize: 0xD0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCDA, offset: 0x68B09, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOwup', symObjAddr: 0x2720, symBinAddr: 0x204E0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCEE, offset: 0x68B1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOwui', symObjAddr: 0x2730, symBinAddr: 0x204F0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD02, offset: 0x68B31, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOMa', symObjAddr: 0x2740, symBinAddr: 0x20500, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD4A, offset: 0x68B79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC06notifyD7Changed33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyFyycfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x2880, symBinAddr: 0x20640, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE5C, offset: 0x68C8B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP19_getEmbeddedNSErroryXlSgyFTW', symObjAddr: 0x30, symBinAddr: 0x1DE10, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1457, offset: 0x69286, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x7F0, symBinAddr: 0x1E5D0, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x17CC, offset: 0x695FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC06notifyD7Changed33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyFyycfU_', symObjAddr: 0x1900, symBinAddr: 0x1F6E0, symSize: 0x120 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1981, offset: 0x697B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC8queueQoS11targetQueue012notificationH0AC8Dispatch0jF1SV_So012OS_dispatch_E0CSgALtKcfC', symObjAddr: 0xFF0, symBinAddr: 0x1EDD0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x26D9, offset: 0x6EFD8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC18addValInNestedDict4dict10parentName03attM03valSDySSypGAI_S3StFTf4nnnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x1B1B0, symBinAddr: 0x3F620, symSize: 0x3E0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEC49, offset: 0x7B548, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC28startTimerForReInitialiseDSC33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL21durationSyncFrequencyySd_tF', symObjAddr: 0x87D0, symBinAddr: 0x2CD00, symSize: 0x120 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xECC2, offset: 0x7B5C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo7NSTimerC12timeInterval6target8selector8userInfo7repeatsABSd_yp10ObjectiveC8SelectorVypSgSbtcfCTO', symObjAddr: 0x88F0, symBinAddr: 0x2CE20, symSize: 0x120 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xECDD, offset: 0x7B5DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC12reInitialise33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELLyyF', symObjAddr: 0x8A10, symBinAddr: 0x2CF40, symSize: 0x210 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEFE3, offset: 0x7B8E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC25getUpdatedSyncResponseFor33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL6strKeyySi_tF', symObjAddr: 0xA900, symBinAddr: 0x2EE30, symSize: 0x4C0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFB4E, offset: 0x7C44D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC22startEdgeDeviceProcess33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL16dictSyncResponseySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0xADC0, symBinAddr: 0x2F2F0, symSize: 0xCC0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2183, offset: 0x83AAD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18mqttDidReceivePongyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0xC1C0, symBinAddr: 0x51020, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21BD, offset: 0x83AE7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xC1D0, symBinAddr: 0x51030, symSize: 0x60 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FA3, offset: 0x858CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS14AttributesDataVWOb', symObjAddr: 0x17110, symBinAddr: 0x5BDF0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FB7, offset: 0x858E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS14AttributesDataVSgWOd', symObjAddr: 0x17140, symBinAddr: 0x5BE20, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FCB, offset: 0x858F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x17180, symBinAddr: 0x5BE60, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FDF, offset: 0x85909, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x17190, symBinAddr: 0x5BE70, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FF3, offset: 0x8591D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x171B0, symBinAddr: 0x5BE90, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4007, offset: 0x85931, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC8holdFunc33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL10offDataObj07offlineN6Length0pN4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x17240, symBinAddr: 0x5BEE0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x405F, offset: 0x85989, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x17300, symBinAddr: 0x5BFA0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x409B, offset: 0x859C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sS2sSTsWl', symObjAddr: 0x17350, symBinAddr: 0x5BFF0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BAE, offset: 0x864D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSDyq_SgxcisSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x44E60, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C0F, offset: 0x86539, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa6appendyyxnFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x70, symBinAddr: 0x44ED0, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4D56, offset: 0x86680, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa6appendyyxnFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x110, symBinAddr: 0x44F70, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E6C, offset: 0x86796, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSayxSiciMSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x1A0, symBinAddr: 0x45000, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4EC8, offset: 0x867F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSayxSiciMSDySSypG_Tg5.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x200, symBinAddr: 0x45060, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4EE3, offset: 0x8680D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss26DefaultStringInterpolationV06appendC0yyxs06CustomB11ConvertibleRzlF9CocoaMQTT0G11MQTTConnAckO_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x210, symBinAddr: 0x45070, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F4E, offset: 0x86878, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD11removeValue6forKeyq_Sgx_tFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0x350, symBinAddr: 0x451B0, symSize: 0xE0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5030, offset: 0x8695A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCyACSS_SSAA15SDKClientOptionVS2btcfc', symObjAddr: 0x430, symBinAddr: 0x45290, symSize: 0x2D0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x51AE, offset: 0x86AD8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC12initiateMQTT16dictSyncResponse8password18callbackMQTTStatusySDySSypG_SSyypSg_SitctF', symObjAddr: 0x700, symBinAddr: 0x45560, symSize: 0xD90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x561D, offset: 0x86F47, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC10disconnectyyF', symObjAddr: 0x1490, symBinAddr: 0x462F0, symSize: 0x4F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x589C, offset: 0x871C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGF', symObjAddr: 0x1980, symBinAddr: 0x467E0, symSize: 0xB00 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C0F, offset: 0x87539, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFySSXEfU1_', symObjAddr: 0x24B0, symBinAddr: 0x47310, symSize: 0x2870 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7052, offset: 0x8897C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFySSXEfU1_ySbcfU_Tf4dnnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x10C50, symBinAddr: 0x55AB0, symSize: 0x7F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7410, offset: 0x88D3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC10deleteFile33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL7logPath0efN0ySS_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x4D20, symBinAddr: 0x49B80, symSize: 0x19B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8255, offset: 0x89B7F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC16checkOfflineData33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyyF', symObjAddr: 0x66D0, symBinAddr: 0x4B530, symSize: 0x1200 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C0F, offset: 0x8A539, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC16checkOfflineData33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyyFySiXEfU0_', symObjAddr: 0x78D0, symBinAddr: 0x4C730, symSize: 0x400 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D78, offset: 0x8A6A2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC22sendOfflineDataProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL03offG3Obj07offlineG6Length0qG4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StF', symObjAddr: 0x86F0, symBinAddr: 0x4D550, symSize: 0x210 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9003, offset: 0x8A92D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC22sendOfflineDataProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL03offG3Obj07offlineG6Length0qG4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StFyAJXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x8900, symBinAddr: 0x4D760, symSize: 0xA60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97BC, offset: 0x8B0E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC8holdFunc33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL10offDataObj07offlineN6Length0pN4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StF', symObjAddr: 0x9360, symBinAddr: 0x4E1C0, symSize: 0x2F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x990E, offset: 0x8B238, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18publishTopicOnMQTT8withData5topicySDySSypG_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x9650, symBinAddr: 0x4E4B0, symSize: 0x6F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9CDD, offset: 0x8B607, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC29publishTwinPropertyDataOnMQTT04withH0ySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x9D40, symBinAddr: 0x4EBA0, symSize: 0x740 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F97, offset: 0x8B8C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCfd', symObjAddr: 0xA930, symBinAddr: 0x4F790, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9FBA, offset: 0x8B8E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCfD', symObjAddr: 0xA9F0, symBinAddr: 0x4F850, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA045, offset: 0x8B96F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtF', symObjAddr: 0xAAC0, symBinAddr: 0x4F920, symSize: 0x13C0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA644, offset: 0x8BF6E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtFyyScMYccfU_', symObjAddr: 0xBE80, symBinAddr: 0x50CE0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA6B7, offset: 0x8BFE1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa12_endMutationyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC230, symBinAddr: 0x51090, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA6D2, offset: 0x8BFFC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC240, symBinAddr: 0x510A0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA6FB, offset: 0x8C025, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV8setValue_6forKeyyq_n_xtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xC250, symBinAddr: 0x510B0, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA76E, offset: 0x8C098, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV11removeValue6forKeyq_Sgx_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xC310, symBinAddr: 0x51170, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA81A, offset: 0x8C144, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xC4A0, symBinAddr: 0x51300, symSize: 0x260 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA8A6, offset: 0x8C1D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xC700, symBinAddr: 0x51560, symSize: 0x220 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA976, offset: 0x8C2A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xC920, symBinAddr: 0x51780, symSize: 0x3C0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAA59, offset: 0x8C383, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xCCE0, symBinAddr: 0x51B40, symSize: 0x3D0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAB4A, offset: 0x8C474, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xD0B0, symBinAddr: 0x51F10, symSize: 0x220 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xABE7, offset: 0x8C511, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xD2D0, symBinAddr: 0x52130, symSize: 0x230 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAC7D, offset: 0x8C5A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD500, symBinAddr: 0x52360, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD30, offset: 0x8C65A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSo7NSTimerC_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD540, symBinAddr: 0x523A0, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xADE5, offset: 0x8C70F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa36_reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer8oldCountySi_tFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD5E0, symBinAddr: 0x52440, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE22, offset: 0x8C74C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa37_appendElementAssumeUniqueAndCapacity_03newB0ySi_xntFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD620, symBinAddr: 0x52480, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE4B, offset: 0x8C775, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa21_makeMutableAndUniqueyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD640, symBinAddr: 0x524A0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE74, offset: 0x8C79E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa24_checkSubscript_mutatingyySiFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD670, symBinAddr: 0x524D0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAEB5, offset: 0x8C7DF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingyS2SFZ', symObjAddr: 0xDE10, symBinAddr: 0x52C70, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAEC9, offset: 0x8C7F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSlsEy11SubSequenceQzqd__cSXRd__5BoundQyd__5IndexRtzluigSS_s16PartialRangeFromVySSAEVGTgq5', symObjAddr: 0xDE90, symBinAddr: 0x52CF0, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAEF9, offset: 0x8C823, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingySSSsFZ', symObjAddr: 0xDEF0, symBinAddr: 0x52D50, symSize: 0x180 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF56, offset: 0x8C880, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSlsE5countSivgSs8UTF8ViewV_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0xE070, symBinAddr: 0x52ED0, symSize: 0x100 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF7D, offset: 0x8C8A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSTsE21_copySequenceContents12initializing8IteratorQz_SitSry7ElementQzG_tFSs8UTF8ViewV_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0xE1E0, symBinAddr: 0x53040, symSize: 0x2D0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFB2, offset: 0x8C8DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss11_StringGutsV27_slowEnsureMatchingEncodingySS5IndexVAEF', symObjAddr: 0xE4B0, symBinAddr: 0x53310, symSize: 0xA0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFDA, offset: 0x8C904, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss15ContiguousArrayV16_createNewBuffer14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendySb_SiSbtF15IoTConnect2_AWS7AttDataV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xE570, symBinAddr: 0x533D0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFEE, offset: 0x8C918, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss15ContiguousArrayV16_createNewBuffer14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendySb_SiSbtFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xE590, symBinAddr: 0x533F0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB025, offset: 0x8C94F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22_ContiguousArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xE5B0, symBinAddr: 0x53410, symSize: 0x110 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB123, offset: 0x8CA4D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22_ContiguousArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtF15IoTConnect2_AWS7AttDataV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xE6C0, symBinAddr: 0x53520, symSize: 0x1A0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB263, offset: 0x8CB8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22_ContiguousArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xE860, symBinAddr: 0x536C0, symSize: 0x130 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB47D, offset: 0x8CDA7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss12_ArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNewAByxGyFSnySiG_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0xF4F0, symBinAddr: 0x54350, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB571, offset: 0x8CE9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_16didStateChangeToy9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0j8MQTTConnG0OtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x12EE0, symBinAddr: 0x57D40, symSize: 0x8F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBA7E, offset: 0x8D3A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didReceiveMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTf4dnnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x13900, symBinAddr: 0x58760, symSize: 0x2ED0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC1F0, offset: 0x8DB1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x16900, symBinAddr: 0x5B760, symSize: 0x5E0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x95, offset: 0x8DFA2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS8IdentityV10CodingKeys33_C1450E973D6D1C45DD0450967186C69ALLOs0E3KeyAAsAGP11stringValueSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x10E0, symBinAddr: 0x5D1F0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDF, offset: 0x8DFEC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS8IdentityV10CodingKeys33_C1450E973D6D1C45DD0450967186C69ALLOs0E3KeyAAsAGP11stringValuexSgSS_tcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x1130, symBinAddr: 0x5D240, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x110, offset: 0x8E01D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS8IdentityV10CodingKeys33_C1450E973D6D1C45DD0450967186C69ALLOs0E3KeyAAsAGP8intValueSiSgvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x1150, symBinAddr: 0x5D260, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12C, offset: 0x8E039, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS8IdentityV10CodingKeys33_C1450E973D6D1C45DD0450967186C69ALLOs0E3KeyAAsAGP8intValuexSgSi_tcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x1160, symBinAddr: 0x5D270, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x148, offset: 0x8E055, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS8IdentityV10CodingKeys33_C1450E973D6D1C45DD0450967186C69ALLO11stringValueAFSgSS_tcfCTf4nd_n', symObjAddr: 0x6FD0, symBinAddr: 0x63020, symSize: 0xF0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1DF, offset: 0x8E0EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS8IdentityVSeAASe4fromxs7Decoder_p_tKcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x11B0, symBinAddr: 0x5D2C0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x216, offset: 0x8E123, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS8IdentityVSEAASE6encode2toys7Encoder_p_tKFTW', symObjAddr: 0x1200, symBinAddr: 0x5D310, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x239, offset: 0x8E146, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS8IdentityV4fromACs7Decoder_p_tKcfCTf4nd_n', symObjAddr: 0x70C0, symBinAddr: 0x63110, symSize: 0x13C0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2C7, offset: 0x8E1D4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12IdentityDataV10CodingKeys33_C1450E973D6D1C45DD0450967186C69ALLOSQAASQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTW', symObjAddr: 0x1250, symBinAddr: 0x5D360, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA70, offset: 0x928CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS6CommonC10getBaseURL03strG08callBackySS_ySb_yptctFTf4nnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x3B70, symBinAddr: 0x6D000, symSize: 0x240 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x36C, offset: 0x96D3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SSLOptionV8passwordSSvM', symObjAddr: 0xE0, symBinAddr: 0x717F0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x390, offset: 0x96D62, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SSLOptionV8passwordSSvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x71810, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x96DB4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeO8rawValueSivg', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x71A10, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x87, offset: 0x96E14, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValuexSg03RawG0Qz_tcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x540, symBinAddr: 0x71F50, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA3, offset: 0x96E30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValue03RawG0QzvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x550, symBinAddr: 0x71F60, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD8, offset: 0x96E65, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASQWb', symObjAddr: 0x450, symBinAddr: 0x71E60, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEC, offset: 0x96E79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOACSQAAWl', symObjAddr: 0x460, symBinAddr: 0x71E70, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x120, offset: 0x96EAD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwet', symObjAddr: 0x590, symBinAddr: 0x71F80, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x134, offset: 0x96EC1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwst', symObjAddr: 0x610, symBinAddr: 0x72000, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x148, offset: 0x96ED5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwug', symObjAddr: 0x6E0, symBinAddr: 0x720D0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x15C, offset: 0x96EE9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwup', symObjAddr: 0x6F0, symBinAddr: 0x720E0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x170, offset: 0x96EFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwui', symObjAddr: 0x700, symBinAddr: 0x720F0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x184, offset: 0x96F11, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOMa', symObjAddr: 0x710, symBinAddr: 0x72100, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1FF, offset: 0x96F8C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS6SDKURLV9discoveryyS2S_S5StFZTf4dndnnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x720, symBinAddr: 0x72110, symSize: 0x27B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x456, offset: 0x971E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSQAASQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTW', symObjAddr: 0x430, symBinAddr: 0x71E40, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x529, offset: 0x972B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH9hashValueSivgTW', symObjAddr: 0x490, symBinAddr: 0x71EA0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x601, offset: 0x9738E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x4D0, symBinAddr: 0x71EE0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x67D, offset: 0x9740A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x500, symBinAddr: 0x71F10, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x860, offset: 0x975ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeO8rawValueSivg', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x71A10, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x881, offset: 0x9760E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeO8rawValueACSgSi_tcfC', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x71A30, symSize: 0x410 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2B, offset: 0x976DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11HTTPManagerCfD', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x72390, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C, offset: 0x9772D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11HTTPManagerCMa', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x723B0, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x182, offset: 0x97833, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11HTTPManagerCfD', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x72390, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F, offset: 0x978C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC6sharedACvpZ', symObjAddr: 0x2000, symBinAddr: 0x8CED0, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B7, offset: 0x97E2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo7NSTimerCIeghg_ABIeyBhy_TR', symObjAddr: 0xB0, symBinAddr: 0x72480, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5CF, offset: 0x97E43, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC6shared_WZ', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x724D0, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x71F, offset: 0x97F93, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1A50, symBinAddr: 0x73D70, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x733, offset: 0x97FA7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU0_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1A60, symBinAddr: 0x73D80, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x747, offset: 0x97FBB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU1_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1A70, symBinAddr: 0x73D90, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x75B, offset: 0x97FCF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU2_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1A80, symBinAddr: 0x73DA0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76F, offset: 0x97FE3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU3_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1A90, symBinAddr: 0x73DB0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x783, offset: 0x97FF7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientCMa', symObjAddr: 0x1AF0, symBinAddr: 0x73DC0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x797, offset: 0x9800B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS16callBackResponse_pSgWOb', symObjAddr: 0x1B10, symBinAddr: 0x73DE0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7AB, offset: 0x9801F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS16callBackResponse_pSgWOd', symObjAddr: 0x1B50, symBinAddr: 0x73E20, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7BF, offset: 0x98033, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC14startHeartRate2dfySd_tFySo7NSTimerCYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1EC0, symBinAddr: 0x74170, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D3, offset: 0x98047, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x1ED0, symBinAddr: 0x74180, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E7, offset: 0x9805B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x1EF0, symBinAddr: 0x741A0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x963, offset: 0x981D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss5print_9separator10terminatoryypd_S2StFfA0_', symObjAddr: 0x70, symBinAddr: 0x72440, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97F, offset: 0x981F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss5print_9separator10terminatoryypd_S2StFfA1_', symObjAddr: 0x90, symBinAddr: 0x72460, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBD3, offset: 0x98447, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC6sharedACvgZ', symObjAddr: 0x180, symBinAddr: 0x72550, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC97, offset: 0x9850B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tF', symObjAddr: 0x1B0, symBinAddr: 0x72580, symSize: 0x630 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF14, offset: 0x98788, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x820, symBinAddr: 0x72BB0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF83, offset: 0x987F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU0_', symObjAddr: 0x870, symBinAddr: 0x72C00, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFF2, offset: 0x98866, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU1_', symObjAddr: 0x8C0, symBinAddr: 0x72C50, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1061, offset: 0x988D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU2_', symObjAddr: 0x910, symBinAddr: 0x72CA0, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11A4, offset: 0x98A18, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC8sendData4dataySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x9B0, symBinAddr: 0x72D40, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x120E, offset: 0x98A82, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC7sendLog4dataySDySSypGSg_tF', symObjAddr: 0x9F0, symBinAddr: 0x72D80, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1251, offset: 0x98AC5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC7sendAck4data7msgTypeySaySDySSypGG_SStF', symObjAddr: 0xA00, symBinAddr: 0x72D90, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12C8, offset: 0x98B3C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC11getAllTwinsyyF', symObjAddr: 0xB70, symBinAddr: 0x72F00, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x132B, offset: 0x98B9F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10updateTwin3key5valueySS_yptF', symObjAddr: 0xBA0, symBinAddr: 0x72F30, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13A2, offset: 0x98C16, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC7dispose13sdkconnectionySS_tF', symObjAddr: 0xBF0, symBinAddr: 0x72F80, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x142E, offset: 0x98CA2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC13getAttributes8callBackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xC30, symBinAddr: 0x72FC0, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x14C9, offset: 0x98D3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC8getTwins8callBackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xCB0, symBinAddr: 0x73040, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1578, offset: 0x98DEC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC15getChildDevices8callBackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xD20, symBinAddr: 0x730B0, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1613, offset: 0x98E87, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC17getDeviceCallBack14deviceCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xDA0, symBinAddr: 0x73130, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x168E, offset: 0x98F02, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC15onDeviceCommand15commandCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xDD0, symBinAddr: 0x73160, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1709, offset: 0x98F7D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC19onAttrChangeCommand15commandCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xE00, symBinAddr: 0x73190, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1787, offset: 0x98FFB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC21onDeviceChangeCommand15commandCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xE40, symBinAddr: 0x731D0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1805, offset: 0x99079, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC19onRuleChangeCommand15commandCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xE80, symBinAddr: 0x73210, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1883, offset: 0x990F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC12onOTACommand15commandCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xEC0, symBinAddr: 0x73250, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1901, offset: 0x99175, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC15onModuleCommand15commandCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xF00, symBinAddr: 0x73290, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x197F, offset: 0x991F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC19onTwinChangeCommand18twinUpdateCallbackyyypSgc_tF', symObjAddr: 0xF40, symBinAddr: 0x732D0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19DD, offset: 0x99251, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC24onFrequencyChangeCommand7dfValueySi_tF', symObjAddr: 0xF70, symBinAddr: 0x73300, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1A74, offset: 0x992E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC18onHeartbeatCommand7isStart2dfySb_SitF', symObjAddr: 0xFB0, symBinAddr: 0x73340, symSize: 0x130 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B46, offset: 0x993BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC17createChildDevice8deviceId0H3Tag11displayName0eF8CallBackySS_S2SyypSgctF', symObjAddr: 0x10E0, symBinAddr: 0x73470, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C18, offset: 0x9948C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC17deleteChildDevice8deviceId0eF8CallBackySS_yypSgctF', symObjAddr: 0x1190, symBinAddr: 0x73520, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1CAE, offset: 0x99522, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientCfd', symObjAddr: 0x1220, symBinAddr: 0x735B0, symSize: 0xF0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1CD1, offset: 0x99545, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientCfD', symObjAddr: 0x1310, symBinAddr: 0x736A0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D0F, offset: 0x99583, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC21onDeviceDeleteCommand8responseySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x13A0, symBinAddr: 0x736C0, symSize: 0x310 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1DE0, offset: 0x99654, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC19onCreateChildDevice8responseySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x16B0, symBinAddr: 0x739D0, symSize: 0x3A0 }
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rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/aarch64/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.yml
index a4f31b7..5f48c3e 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/aarch64/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.yml
+++ b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/aarch64/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.yml
@@ -2,684 +2,684 @@
triple: 'arm64-apple-darwin'
binary-path: '/Users/kirtan.vaghela/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/IoTConnect2-bhvazebfhzdirfdaqumgilgqnuod/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/IoTConnect2_AWS/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Library/Frameworks/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket'
- - { offsetInCU: 0x34, offset: 0x536A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MqttCocoaAsyncSocketVersionString, symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x22338, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69, offset: 0x536D6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MqttCocoaAsyncSocketVersionNumber, symObjAddr: 0x38, symBinAddr: 0x22370, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x41, offset: 0x5372D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketException, symObjAddr: 0x10AC0, symBinAddr: 0x28108, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x61, offset: 0x5374D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain, symObjAddr: 0x10AC8, symBinAddr: 0x28110, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x77, offset: 0x53763, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketQueueName, symObjAddr: 0x10AD0, symBinAddr: 0x28118, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8D, offset: 0x53779, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketThreadName, symObjAddr: 0x10AD8, symBinAddr: 0x28120, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA3, offset: 0x5378F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust, symObjAddr: 0x10AE0, symBinAddr: 0x28128, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB9, offset: 0x537A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS, symObjAddr: 0x10AE8, symBinAddr: 0x28130, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCF, offset: 0x537BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID, symObjAddr: 0x10AF0, symBinAddr: 0x28138, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE5, offset: 0x537D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin, symObjAddr: 0x10AF8, symBinAddr: 0x28140, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xFB, offset: 0x537E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax, symObjAddr: 0x10B00, symBinAddr: 0x28148, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x111, offset: 0x537FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart, symObjAddr: 0x10B08, symBinAddr: 0x28150, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x127, offset: 0x53813, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord, symObjAddr: 0x10B10, symBinAddr: 0x28158, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x13D, offset: 0x53829, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites, symObjAddr: 0x10B18, symBinAddr: 0x28160, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x153, offset: 0x5383F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN, symObjAddr: 0x10B20, symBinAddr: 0x28168, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x16B, offset: 0x53857, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]', symObjAddr: 0xAB34, symBinAddr: 0xE888, symSize: 0x4F0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x48C, offset: 0x53B78, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xCD4C, symBinAddr: 0x10AA0, symSize: 0x8C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4B4, offset: 0x53BA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded.predicate, symObjAddr: 0x56258, symBinAddr: 0x2EAB8, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x51C, offset: 0x53C08, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThread, symObjAddr: 0x56270, symBinAddr: 0x2EAD0, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x537, offset: 0x53C23, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThreadRetainCount, symObjAddr: 0x56260, symBinAddr: 0x2EAC0, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x554, offset: 0x53C40, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, symObjAddr: 0x56268, symBinAddr: 0x2EAC8, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB90, offset: 0x5427C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3D54, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBC7, offset: 0x542B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer initWithCapacity:]', symObjAddr: 0x18, symBinAddr: 0x3D6C, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC0E, offset: 0x542FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0x78, symBinAddr: 0x3DCC, symSize: 0x4C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC41, offset: 0x5432D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0xC4, symBinAddr: 0x3E18, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCF9, offset: 0x543E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer availableBytes]', symObjAddr: 0x128, symBinAddr: 0x3E7C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD31, offset: 0x5441D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer readBuffer]', symObjAddr: 0x134, symBinAddr: 0x3E88, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD69, offset: 0x54455, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer getReadBuffer:availableBytes:]', symObjAddr: 0x13C, symBinAddr: 0x3E90, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDBF, offset: 0x544AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer didRead:]', symObjAddr: 0x170, symBinAddr: 0x3EC4, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE00, offset: 0x544EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer availableSpace]', symObjAddr: 0x194, symBinAddr: 0x3EE8, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE38, offset: 0x54524, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer writeBuffer]', symObjAddr: 0x1A8, symBinAddr: 0x3EFC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE70, offset: 0x5455C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer getWriteBuffer:availableSpace:]', symObjAddr: 0x1B0, symBinAddr: 0x3F04, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xEC6, offset: 0x545B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer didWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0x1E4, symBinAddr: 0x3F38, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF07, offset: 0x545F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer reset]', symObjAddr: 0x1F4, symBinAddr: 0x3F48, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF39, offset: 0x54625, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x200, symBinAddr: 0x3F54, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF71, offset: 0x5465D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket initWithData:startOffset:maxLength:timeout:readLength:terminator:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x218, symBinAddr: 0x3F6C, symSize: 0x144 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1020, offset: 0x5470C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:]', symObjAddr: 0x35C, symBinAddr: 0x40B0, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10B4, offset: 0x547A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket optimalReadLengthWithDefault:shouldPreBuffer:]', symObjAddr: 0x3AC, symBinAddr: 0x4100, symSize: 0x88 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x118C, offset: 0x54878, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForNonTermWithHint:]', symObjAddr: 0x434, symBinAddr: 0x4188, symSize: 0x2C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11F1, offset: 0x548DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForTermWithHint:shouldPreBuffer:]', symObjAddr: 0x460, symBinAddr: 0x41B4, symSize: 0x6C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x12B8, offset: 0x549A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:found:]', symObjAddr: 0x4CC, symBinAddr: 0x4220, symSize: 0x234 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x144A, offset: 0x54B36, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:]', symObjAddr: 0x700, symBinAddr: 0x4454, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1504, offset: 0x54BF0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x7B0, symBinAddr: 0x4504, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1538, offset: 0x54C24, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x7E0, symBinAddr: 0x4534, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1570, offset: 0x54C5C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket initWithData:timeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F8, symBinAddr: 0x454C, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x15DB, offset: 0x54CC7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x888, symBinAddr: 0x45DC, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x160F, offset: 0x54CFB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x894, symBinAddr: 0x45E8, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1647, offset: 0x54D33, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket initWithTLSSettings:]', symObjAddr: 0x8AC, symBinAddr: 0x4600, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1690, offset: 0x54D7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x924, symBinAddr: 0x4678, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x16C4, offset: 0x54DB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket init]', symObjAddr: 0x930, symBinAddr: 0x4684, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x16FA, offset: 0x54DE6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithSocketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x940, symBinAddr: 0x4694, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1743, offset: 0x54E2F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x950, symBinAddr: 0x46A4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1797, offset: 0x54E83, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x958, symBinAddr: 0x46AC, symSize: 0x1B0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x189B, offset: 0x54F87, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0xB08, symBinAddr: 0x485C, symSize: 0xC8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1920, offset: 0x5500C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___26-[MGCDAsyncSocket dealloc]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xBD0, symBinAddr: 0x4924, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1962, offset: 0x5504E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s, symObjAddr: 0xBDC, symBinAddr: 0x4930, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1989, offset: 0x55075, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s, symObjAddr: 0xBE4, symBinAddr: 0x4938, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x19A8, offset: 0x55094, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:socketQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xBEC, symBinAddr: 0x4940, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1A0F, offset: 0x550FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xC00, symBinAddr: 0x4954, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1A83, offset: 0x5516F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xC0C, symBinAddr: 0x4960, symSize: 0x1C0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B6A, offset: 0x55256, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_copy_, symObjAddr: 0xDCC, symBinAddr: 0x4B20, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B8F, offset: 0x5527B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_dispose_, symObjAddr: 0xDDC, symBinAddr: 0x4B30, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1BAE, offset: 0x5529A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___88+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xDE4, symBinAddr: 0x4B38, symSize: 0x21C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1D01, offset: 0x553ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48r, symObjAddr: 0x1000, symBinAddr: 0x4D54, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1D2A, offset: 0x55416, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48r, symObjAddr: 0x1044, symBinAddr: 0x4D98, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1D49, offset: 0x55435, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegate]', symObjAddr: 0x107C, symBinAddr: 0x4DD0, symSize: 0xD0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1DC9, offset: 0x554B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegate]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x114C, symBinAddr: 0x4EA0, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1E1C, offset: 0x55508, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r, symObjAddr: 0x1188, symBinAddr: 0x4EDC, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1E45, offset: 0x55531, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r, symObjAddr: 0x11BC, symBinAddr: 0x4F10, symSize: 0x2C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1E64, offset: 0x55550, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x11E8, symBinAddr: 0x4F3C, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F1C, offset: 0x55608, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x12B4, symBinAddr: 0x5008, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F6F, offset: 0x5565B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s, symObjAddr: 0x12C0, symBinAddr: 0x5014, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F98, offset: 0x55684, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s, symObjAddr: 0x12E8, symBinAddr: 0x503C, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1FB7, offset: 0x556A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x1310, symBinAddr: 0x5064, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1FF8, offset: 0x556E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x1318, symBinAddr: 0x506C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2039, offset: 0x55725, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegateQueue]', symObjAddr: 0x1320, symBinAddr: 0x5074, symSize: 0xD0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x20B9, offset: 0x557A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegateQueue]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x13F0, symBinAddr: 0x5144, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x210C, offset: 0x557F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x1404, symBinAddr: 0x5158, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x21B1, offset: 0x5589D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x14D0, symBinAddr: 0x5224, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2204, offset: 0x558F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14DC, symBinAddr: 0x5230, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2245, offset: 0x55931, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14E4, symBinAddr: 0x5238, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2286, offset: 0x55972, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14EC, symBinAddr: 0x5240, symSize: 0x138 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x233B, offset: 0x55A27, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1624, symBinAddr: 0x5378, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x239F, offset: 0x55A8B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x1678, symBinAddr: 0x53CC, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2455, offset: 0x55B41, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1784, symBinAddr: 0x54D8, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x24B9, offset: 0x55BA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s, symObjAddr: 0x17B8, symBinAddr: 0x550C, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x24E2, offset: 0x55BCE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s, symObjAddr: 0x17E8, symBinAddr: 0x553C, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2501, offset: 0x55BED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x1818, symBinAddr: 0x556C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2551, offset: 0x55C3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x1820, symBinAddr: 0x5574, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x25A1, offset: 0x55C8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0x1828, symBinAddr: 0x557C, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2621, offset: 0x55D0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x18D8, symBinAddr: 0x562C, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x267C, offset: 0x55D68, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0x18F4, symBinAddr: 0x5648, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2706, offset: 0x55DF2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1988, symBinAddr: 0x56DC, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x275B, offset: 0x55E47, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0x19A8, symBinAddr: 0x56FC, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x27DB, offset: 0x55EC7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1A58, symBinAddr: 0x57AC, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2836, offset: 0x55F22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv6Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0x1A74, symBinAddr: 0x57C8, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x28C0, offset: 0x55FAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv6Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1B08, symBinAddr: 0x585C, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2915, offset: 0x56001, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x1B2C, symBinAddr: 0x5880, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2995, offset: 0x56081, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1BDC, symBinAddr: 0x5930, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x29F0, offset: 0x560DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:]', symObjAddr: 0x1BF8, symBinAddr: 0x594C, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2A7A, offset: 0x56166, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1C8C, symBinAddr: 0x59E0, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2ACF, offset: 0x561BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket alternateAddressDelay]', symObjAddr: 0x1CB0, symBinAddr: 0x5A04, symSize: 0xDC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2B65, offset: 0x56251, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncSocket alternateAddressDelay]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1D8C, symBinAddr: 0x5AE0, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2BC0, offset: 0x562AC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAlternateAddressDelay:]', symObjAddr: 0x1DA0, symBinAddr: 0x5AF4, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2C4E, offset: 0x5633A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAlternateAddressDelay:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1E34, symBinAddr: 0x5B88, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2CA3, offset: 0x5638F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket userData]', symObjAddr: 0x1E44, symBinAddr: 0x5B98, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2D39, offset: 0x56425, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket userData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1F40, symBinAddr: 0x5C94, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2D8C, offset: 0x56478, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setUserData:]', symObjAddr: 0x1F54, symBinAddr: 0x5CA8, symSize: 0xBC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2E1A, offset: 0x56506, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket setUserData:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2010, symBinAddr: 0x5D64, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2E6D, offset: 0x56559, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x202C, symBinAddr: 0x5D80, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2EC5, offset: 0x565B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x203C, symBinAddr: 0x5D90, symSize: 0x210 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2FC7, offset: 0x566B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x224C, symBinAddr: 0x5FA0, symSize: 0x1E8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x32A7, offset: 0x56993, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke.117', symObjAddr: 0x2434, symBinAddr: 0x6188, symSize: 0x4DC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x367F, offset: 0x56D6B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x2910, symBinAddr: 0x6664, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3742, offset: 0x56E2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40w, symObjAddr: 0x298C, symBinAddr: 0x66E0, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x376B, offset: 0x56E57, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40w, symObjAddr: 0x29BC, symBinAddr: 0x6710, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x378A, offset: 0x56E76, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke.132', symObjAddr: 0x29E4, symBinAddr: 0x6738, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x37D6, offset: 0x56EC2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_2.134', symObjAddr: 0x29EC, symBinAddr: 0x6740, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3886, offset: 0x56F72, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x2A68, symBinAddr: 0x67BC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x38D2, offset: 0x56FBE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x2A70, symBinAddr: 0x67C4, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x38FB, offset: 0x56FE7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x2ACC, symBinAddr: 0x6820, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x391A, offset: 0x57006, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x2B14, symBinAddr: 0x6868, symSize: 0x1F0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x39FA, offset: 0x570E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2D04, symBinAddr: 0x6A58, symSize: 0x1E8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3C0B, offset: 0x572F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x2EEC, symBinAddr: 0x6C40, symSize: 0x360 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3E17, offset: 0x57503, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x324C, symBinAddr: 0x6FA0, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3EC7, offset: 0x575B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x32C4, symBinAddr: 0x7018, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3F13, offset: 0x575FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]', symObjAddr: 0x32CC, symBinAddr: 0x7020, symSize: 0x254 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4166, offset: 0x57852, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3520, symBinAddr: 0x7274, symSize: 0x148 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x423A, offset: 0x57926, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3668, symBinAddr: 0x73BC, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4289, offset: 0x57975, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket preConnectWithInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x369C, symBinAddr: 0x73F0, symSize: 0x1D4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x43A2, offset: 0x57A8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket preConnectWithUrl:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3870, symBinAddr: 0x75C4, symSize: 0x12C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4489, offset: 0x57B75, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x399C, symBinAddr: 0x76F0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x44EC, offset: 0x57BD8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x39A4, symBinAddr: 0x76F8, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4561, offset: 0x57C4D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x39B0, symBinAddr: 0x7704, symSize: 0x200 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4685, offset: 0x57D71, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3BB0, symBinAddr: 0x7904, symSize: 0x1C4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x47E8, offset: 0x57ED4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3D74, symBinAddr: 0x7AC8, symSize: 0x2D4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x493C, offset: 0x58028, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x4048, symBinAddr: 0x7D9C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x499C, offset: 0x58088, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke.153', symObjAddr: 0x407C, symBinAddr: 0x7DD0, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A0D, offset: 0x580F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48w, symObjAddr: 0x40B4, symBinAddr: 0x7E08, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A36, offset: 0x58122, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48w, symObjAddr: 0x40EC, symBinAddr: 0x7E40, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A55, offset: 0x58141, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x411C, symBinAddr: 0x7E70, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A7E, offset: 0x5816A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4170, symBinAddr: 0x7EC4, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4AD4, offset: 0x581C0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4180, symBinAddr: 0x7ED4, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4B3A, offset: 0x58226, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x418C, symBinAddr: 0x7EE0, symSize: 0x208 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4C4D, offset: 0x58339, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4394, symBinAddr: 0x80E8, symSize: 0x1C8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4DA3, offset: 0x5848F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToUrl:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x455C, symBinAddr: 0x82B0, symSize: 0x194 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4E83, offset: 0x5856F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToUrl:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x46F0, symBinAddr: 0x8444, symSize: 0x12C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4F49, offset: 0x58635, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48r56r, symObjAddr: 0x481C, symBinAddr: 0x8570, symSize: 0x4C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4F72, offset: 0x5865E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48r56r, symObjAddr: 0x4868, symBinAddr: 0x85BC, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4F91, offset: 0x5867D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToNetService:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x48A8, symBinAddr: 0x85FC, symSize: 0x12C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x503C, offset: 0x58728, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket lookup:didSucceedWithAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x49D4, symBinAddr: 0x8728, symSize: 0xF0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x510A, offset: 0x587F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket lookup:didFail:]', symObjAddr: 0x4AC4, symBinAddr: 0x8818, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5160, offset: 0x5884C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket bindSocket:toInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4B1C, symBinAddr: 0x8870, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x526B, offset: 0x58957, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket createSocket:connectInterface:errPtr:]', symObjAddr: 0x4C18, symBinAddr: 0x896C, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x534E, offset: 0x58A3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]', symObjAddr: 0x4CFC, symBinAddr: 0x8A50, symSize: 0x114 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x540F, offset: 0x58AFB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___52-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4E10, symBinAddr: 0x8B64, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5532, offset: 0x58C1E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___52-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4EF4, symBinAddr: 0x8C48, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x55E9, offset: 0x58CD5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x4FC8, symBinAddr: 0x8D1C, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5644, offset: 0x58D30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeUnusedSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x5044, symBinAddr: 0x8D98, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5687, offset: 0x58D73, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddress4:address6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5068, symBinAddr: 0x8DBC, symSize: 0x1DC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x57BD, offset: 0x58EA9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___54-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddress4:address6:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5244, symBinAddr: 0x8F98, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5832, offset: 0x58F1E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5254, symBinAddr: 0x8FA8, symSize: 0x158 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x59A0, offset: 0x5908C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x53AC, symBinAddr: 0x9100, symSize: 0x9C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5A9C, offset: 0x59188, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke.cold.1', symObjAddr: 0xE6E4, symBinAddr: 0x1E0F8, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5AD5, offset: 0x591C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5448, symBinAddr: 0x919C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5B28, offset: 0x59214, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x547C, symBinAddr: 0x91D0, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5B8C, offset: 0x59278, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x54B0, symBinAddr: 0x9204, symSize: 0x310 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5D1C, offset: 0x59408, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x57C0, symBinAddr: 0x9514, symSize: 0x84 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5D5E, offset: 0x5944A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5844, symBinAddr: 0x9598, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5DB1, offset: 0x5949D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x58D4, symBinAddr: 0x9628, symSize: 0xA0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5E54, offset: 0x59540, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x5974, symBinAddr: 0x96C8, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5E9E, offset: 0x5958A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32b, symObjAddr: 0x59A8, symBinAddr: 0x96FC, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5EC7, offset: 0x595B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56b, symObjAddr: 0x59B8, symBinAddr: 0x970C, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5EF0, offset: 0x595DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s, symObjAddr: 0x59FC, symBinAddr: 0x9750, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5F0F, offset: 0x595FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke.179', symObjAddr: 0x5A34, symBinAddr: 0x9788, symSize: 0x9C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5FA1, offset: 0x5968D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_2.180', symObjAddr: 0x5AD0, symBinAddr: 0x9824, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5FEB, offset: 0x596D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket didNotConnect:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5B04, symBinAddr: 0x9858, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x603D, offset: 0x59729, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket startConnectTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0x5B1C, symBinAddr: 0x9870, symSize: 0x108 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6141, offset: 0x5982D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncSocket startConnectTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5C24, symBinAddr: 0x9978, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x619F, offset: 0x5988B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32w, symObjAddr: 0x5C6C, symBinAddr: 0x99C0, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x61C8, offset: 0x598B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32w, symObjAddr: 0x5C78, symBinAddr: 0x99CC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x61E7, offset: 0x598D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endConnectTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x5C80, symBinAddr: 0x99D4, symSize: 0x68 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6238, offset: 0x59924, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doConnectTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x5CE8, symBinAddr: 0x9A3C, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x626C, offset: 0x59958, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0x5D2C, symBinAddr: 0x9A80, symSize: 0x324 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x64C9, offset: 0x59BB5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeWithError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6050, symBinAddr: 0x9DA4, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6529, offset: 0x59C15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnect]', symObjAddr: 0x6084, symBinAddr: 0x9DD8, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x65A6, offset: 0x59C92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnect]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6114, symBinAddr: 0x9E68, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x65E8, offset: 0x59CD4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReading]', symObjAddr: 0x6150, symBinAddr: 0x9EA4, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6632, offset: 0x59D1E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReading]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x61A8, symBinAddr: 0x9EFC, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6674, offset: 0x59D60, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterWriting]', symObjAddr: 0x61F0, symBinAddr: 0x9F44, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x66BE, offset: 0x59DAA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterWriting]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6248, symBinAddr: 0x9F9C, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6700, offset: 0x59DEC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting]', symObjAddr: 0x6290, symBinAddr: 0x9FE4, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x674A, offset: 0x59E36, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___51-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x62E8, symBinAddr: 0xA03C, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x678C, offset: 0x59E78, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeClose]', symObjAddr: 0x6330, symBinAddr: 0xA084, symSize: 0x70 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x67D1, offset: 0x59EBD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket badConfigError:]', symObjAddr: 0x63A0, symBinAddr: 0xA0F4, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6827, offset: 0x59F13, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket badParamError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6474, symBinAddr: 0xA1C8, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x687D, offset: 0x59F69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket gaiError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6548, symBinAddr: 0xA29C, symSize: 0xF4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x690E, offset: 0x59FFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket errorWithErrno:reason:]', symObjAddr: 0x663C, symBinAddr: 0xA390, symSize: 0x118 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6986, offset: 0x5A072, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket errnoError]', symObjAddr: 0x6754, symBinAddr: 0xA4A8, symSize: 0x100 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69DC, offset: 0x5A0C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6854, symBinAddr: 0xA5A8, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A43, offset: 0x5A12F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6914, symBinAddr: 0xA668, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A99, offset: 0x5A185, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readMaxedOutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6A20, symBinAddr: 0xA774, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AEF, offset: 0x5A1DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6B2C, symBinAddr: 0xA880, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B45, offset: 0x5A231, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6C38, symBinAddr: 0xA98C, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B9B, offset: 0x5A287, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectionClosedError]', symObjAddr: 0x6D44, symBinAddr: 0xAA98, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BF1, offset: 0x5A2DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket otherError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6E50, symBinAddr: 0xABA4, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C47, offset: 0x5A333, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isDisconnected]', symObjAddr: 0x6F24, symBinAddr: 0xAC78, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CDD, offset: 0x5A3C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket isDisconnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6FFC, symBinAddr: 0xAD50, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D38, offset: 0x5A424, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isConnected]', symObjAddr: 0x7018, symBinAddr: 0xAD6C, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DCE, offset: 0x5A4BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket isConnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x70F0, symBinAddr: 0xAE44, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E29, offset: 0x5A515, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost]', symObjAddr: 0x7108, symBinAddr: 0xAE5C, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EA9, offset: 0x5A595, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7214, symBinAddr: 0xAF68, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EFC, offset: 0x5A5E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort]', symObjAddr: 0x728C, symBinAddr: 0xAFE0, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6F7C, offset: 0x5A668, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7370, symBinAddr: 0xB0C4, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6FCF, offset: 0x5A6BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrl]', symObjAddr: 0x73C0, symBinAddr: 0xB114, symSize: 0xEC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x704F, offset: 0x5A73B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrl]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x74AC, symBinAddr: 0xB200, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x70A2, offset: 0x5A78E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost]', symObjAddr: 0x7508, symBinAddr: 0xB25C, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7122, offset: 0x5A80E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7614, symBinAddr: 0xB368, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7175, offset: 0x5A861, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort]', symObjAddr: 0x768C, symBinAddr: 0xB3E0, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x71F5, offset: 0x5A8E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7770, symBinAddr: 0xB4C4, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7248, offset: 0x5A934, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost4]', symObjAddr: 0x77C0, symBinAddr: 0xB514, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7280, offset: 0x5A96C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost6]', symObjAddr: 0x77F0, symBinAddr: 0xB544, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x72B8, offset: 0x5A9A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort4]', symObjAddr: 0x7820, symBinAddr: 0xB574, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x72F0, offset: 0x5A9DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort6]', symObjAddr: 0x7838, symBinAddr: 0xB58C, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7328, offset: 0x5AA14, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost4]', symObjAddr: 0x7850, symBinAddr: 0xB5A4, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7360, offset: 0x5AA4C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost6]', symObjAddr: 0x7880, symBinAddr: 0xB5D4, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7398, offset: 0x5AA84, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort4]', symObjAddr: 0x78B0, symBinAddr: 0xB604, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x73D0, offset: 0x5AABC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort6]', symObjAddr: 0x78C8, symBinAddr: 0xB61C, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7408, offset: 0x5AAF4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHostFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x78E0, symBinAddr: 0xB634, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7497, offset: 0x5AB83, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHostFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7970, symBinAddr: 0xB6C4, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7526, offset: 0x5AC12, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPortFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x79D4, symBinAddr: 0xB728, symSize: 0x88 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x75B5, offset: 0x5ACA1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPortFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7A5C, symBinAddr: 0xB7B0, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7644, offset: 0x5AD30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrlFromSocketUN:]', symObjAddr: 0x7AB8, symBinAddr: 0xB80C, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x76D3, offset: 0x5ADBF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHostFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x7B48, symBinAddr: 0xB89C, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7783, offset: 0x5AE6F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHostFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7BD8, symBinAddr: 0xB92C, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7812, offset: 0x5AEFE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPortFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x7C3C, symBinAddr: 0xB990, symSize: 0x88 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x78A1, offset: 0x5AF8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPortFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7CC4, symBinAddr: 0xBA18, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7930, offset: 0x5B01C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x7D20, symBinAddr: 0xBA74, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x79C6, offset: 0x5B0B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7E1C, symBinAddr: 0xBB70, symSize: 0x100 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7AB3, offset: 0x5B19F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x7F1C, symBinAddr: 0xBC70, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7B49, offset: 0x5B235, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket localAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8018, symBinAddr: 0xBD6C, symSize: 0x100 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7C36, offset: 0x5B322, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x8118, symBinAddr: 0xBE6C, symSize: 0xB4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7CB6, offset: 0x5B3A2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___25-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x81CC, symBinAddr: 0xBF20, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7D11, offset: 0x5B3FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x81E8, symBinAddr: 0xBF3C, symSize: 0xB4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7D91, offset: 0x5B47D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___25-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x829C, symBinAddr: 0xBFF0, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7DEC, offset: 0x5B4D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isSecure]', symObjAddr: 0x82B8, symBinAddr: 0xC00C, symSize: 0xAC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7E6C, offset: 0x5B558, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket isSecure]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8364, symBinAddr: 0xC0B8, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7EC7, offset: 0x5B5B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getInterfaceAddress4:address6:fromDescription:port:]', symObjAddr: 0x837C, symBinAddr: 0xC0D0, symSize: 0x3FC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x81CE, offset: 0x5B8BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getInterfaceAddressFromUrl:]', symObjAddr: 0x8778, symBinAddr: 0xC4CC, symSize: 0xDC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8245, offset: 0x5B931, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x8854, symBinAddr: 0xC5A8, symSize: 0x1F0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x835F, offset: 0x5BA4B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8A44, symBinAddr: 0xC798, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x83CB, offset: 0x5BAB7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x8AA8, symBinAddr: 0xC7FC, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8429, offset: 0x5BB15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x8AFC, symBinAddr: 0xC850, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8486, offset: 0x5BB72, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32r, symObjAddr: 0x8B20, symBinAddr: 0xC874, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x84AF, offset: 0x5BB9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32r, symObjAddr: 0x8B30, symBinAddr: 0xC884, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x84CE, offset: 0x5BBBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke.216', symObjAddr: 0x8B3C, symBinAddr: 0xC890, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x852B, offset: 0x5BC17, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket usingCFStreamForTLS]', symObjAddr: 0x8B60, symBinAddr: 0xC8B4, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8563, offset: 0x5BC4F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket usingSecureTransportForTLS]', symObjAddr: 0x8B78, symBinAddr: 0xC8CC, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x859B, offset: 0x5BC87, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket suspendReadSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8B90, symBinAddr: 0xC8E4, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x85EC, offset: 0x5BCD8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket resumeReadSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8BC8, symBinAddr: 0xC91C, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x862E, offset: 0x5BD1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket suspendWriteSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8C00, symBinAddr: 0xC954, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8670, offset: 0x5BD5C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket resumeWriteSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8C38, symBinAddr: 0xC98C, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x86B2, offset: 0x5BD9E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C70, symBinAddr: 0xC9C4, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8705, offset: 0x5BDF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C84, symBinAddr: 0xC9D8, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8776, offset: 0x5BE62, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C90, symBinAddr: 0xC9E4, symSize: 0xF0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x882D, offset: 0x5BF19, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8D80, symBinAddr: 0xCAD4, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8880, offset: 0x5BF6C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8DD4, symBinAddr: 0xCB28, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x88E2, offset: 0x5BFCE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8DE4, symBinAddr: 0xCB38, symSize: 0xF8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8999, offset: 0x5C085, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___72-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8EDC, symBinAddr: 0xCC30, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x89EC, offset: 0x5C0D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F30, symBinAddr: 0xCC84, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8A4E, offset: 0x5C13A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F44, symBinAddr: 0xCC98, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8ACE, offset: 0x5C1BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F50, symBinAddr: 0xCCA4, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8B41, offset: 0x5C22D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F64, symBinAddr: 0xCCB8, symSize: 0x12C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8C09, offset: 0x5C2F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___80-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9090, symBinAddr: 0xCDE4, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8C5C, offset: 0x5C348, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]', symObjAddr: 0x90E4, symBinAddr: 0xCE38, symSize: 0xE8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8D25, offset: 0x5C411, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___62-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x91CC, symBinAddr: 0xCF20, symSize: 0xD0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8DDC, offset: 0x5C4C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeDequeueRead]', symObjAddr: 0x929C, symBinAddr: 0xCFF0, symSize: 0x130 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8E10, offset: 0x5C4FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket flushSSLBuffers]', symObjAddr: 0x93CC, symBinAddr: 0xD120, symSize: 0x194 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8FC0, offset: 0x5C6AC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket flushSSLBuffers]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9560, symBinAddr: 0xD2B4, symSize: 0x70 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9061, offset: 0x5C74D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadData]', symObjAddr: 0x95D0, symBinAddr: 0xD324, symSize: 0x944 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x942E, offset: 0x5CB1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9F14, symBinAddr: 0xDC68, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x94A3, offset: 0x5CB8F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadEOF]', symObjAddr: 0x9F48, symBinAddr: 0xDC9C, symSize: 0x200 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x95A5, offset: 0x5CC91, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadEOF]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA148, symBinAddr: 0xDE9C, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x95F8, offset: 0x5CCE4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentRead]', symObjAddr: 0xA178, symBinAddr: 0xDECC, symSize: 0x188 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9716, offset: 0x5CE02, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentRead]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA300, symBinAddr: 0xE054, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x978B, offset: 0x5CE77, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s, symObjAddr: 0xA338, symBinAddr: 0xE08C, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x97B4, offset: 0x5CEA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endCurrentRead]', symObjAddr: 0xA370, symBinAddr: 0xE0C4, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x97F6, offset: 0x5CEE2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xA3AC, symBinAddr: 0xE100, symSize: 0x108 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x98DC, offset: 0x5CFC8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA4B4, symBinAddr: 0xE208, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x993A, offset: 0x5D026, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xA4FC, symBinAddr: 0xE250, symSize: 0xF4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x99B8, offset: 0x5D0A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA5F0, symBinAddr: 0xE344, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9A52, offset: 0x5D13E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xA680, symBinAddr: 0xE3D4, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9AA5, offset: 0x5D191, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeoutWithExtension:]', symObjAddr: 0xA6B4, symBinAddr: 0xE408, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9B34, offset: 0x5D220, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0xA764, symBinAddr: 0xE4B8, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9BC9, offset: 0x5D2B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeData:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA830, symBinAddr: 0xE584, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9C1C, offset: 0x5D308, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]', symObjAddr: 0xA884, symBinAddr: 0xE5D8, symSize: 0xE8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9CE5, offset: 0x5D3D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___63-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA96C, symBinAddr: 0xE6C0, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9D9C, offset: 0x5D488, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeDequeueWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xAA38, symBinAddr: 0xE78C, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9E4D, offset: 0x5D539, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB024, symBinAddr: 0xED78, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9E8F, offset: 0x5D57B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xB054, symBinAddr: 0xEDA8, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9F04, offset: 0x5D5F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xB088, symBinAddr: 0xEDDC, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9F86, offset: 0x5D672, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentWrite]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB148, symBinAddr: 0xEE9C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9FEA, offset: 0x5D6D6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endCurrentWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xB17C, symBinAddr: 0xEED0, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA02C, offset: 0x5D718, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xB1B8, symBinAddr: 0xEF0C, symSize: 0x108 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA112, offset: 0x5D7FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB2C0, symBinAddr: 0xF014, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA170, offset: 0x5D85C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xB308, symBinAddr: 0xF05C, symSize: 0xF4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA1EE, offset: 0x5D8DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB3FC, symBinAddr: 0xF150, symSize: 0x8C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA288, offset: 0x5D974, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xB488, symBinAddr: 0xF1DC, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA2DB, offset: 0x5D9C7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:]', symObjAddr: 0xB4BC, symBinAddr: 0xF210, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA36A, offset: 0x5DA56, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket startTLS:]', symObjAddr: 0xB56C, symBinAddr: 0xF2C0, symSize: 0xC8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA3DD, offset: 0x5DAC9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket startTLS:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB634, symBinAddr: 0xF388, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA430, offset: 0x5DB1C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeStartTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xB6AC, symBinAddr: 0xF400, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA4BA, offset: 0x5DBA6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslReadWithBuffer:length:]', symObjAddr: 0xB7A8, symBinAddr: 0xF4FC, symSize: 0x1BC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA669, offset: 0x5DD55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslWriteWithBuffer:length:]', symObjAddr: 0xB964, symBinAddr: 0xF6B8, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA73F, offset: 0x5DE2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_startTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xBA30, symBinAddr: 0xF784, symSize: 0x978 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xABE0, offset: 0x5E2CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _SSLReadFunction, symObjAddr: 0xC3A8, symBinAddr: 0x100FC, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAC3C, offset: 0x5E328, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _SSLWriteFunction, symObjAddr: 0xC3B4, symBinAddr: 0x10108, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAC98, offset: 0x5E384, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]', symObjAddr: 0xC3C0, symBinAddr: 0x10114, symSize: 0x374 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAE2B, offset: 0x5E517, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC734, symBinAddr: 0x10488, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAE7E, offset: 0x5E56A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xC764, symBinAddr: 0x104B8, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAF19, offset: 0x5E605, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0xC814, symBinAddr: 0x10568, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAFB8, offset: 0x5E6A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32r40w, symObjAddr: 0xC88C, symBinAddr: 0x105E0, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAFE1, offset: 0x5E6CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32r40w, symObjAddr: 0xC8C4, symBinAddr: 0x10618, symSize: 0x2C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB000, offset: 0x5E6EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48w, symObjAddr: 0xC8F0, symBinAddr: 0x10644, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB029, offset: 0x5E715, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48w, symObjAddr: 0xC930, symBinAddr: 0x10684, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB048, offset: 0x5E734, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke.305', symObjAddr: 0xC964, symBinAddr: 0x106B8, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB0BD, offset: 0x5E7A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b56r, symObjAddr: 0xC9A0, symBinAddr: 0x106F4, symSize: 0x4C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB0E6, offset: 0x5E7D2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r, symObjAddr: 0xC9EC, symBinAddr: 0x10740, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB105, offset: 0x5E7F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_shouldTrustPeer:stateIndex:]', symObjAddr: 0xCA28, symBinAddr: 0x1077C, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB15B, offset: 0x5E847, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake]', symObjAddr: 0xCAA0, symBinAddr: 0x107F4, symSize: 0xE8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB1CC, offset: 0x5E8B8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xCB88, symBinAddr: 0x108DC, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB21F, offset: 0x5E90B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_abortSSLHandshake:]', symObjAddr: 0xCBB8, symBinAddr: 0x1090C, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB260, offset: 0x5E94C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_startTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xCBD8, symBinAddr: 0x1092C, symSize: 0x170 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB360, offset: 0x5EA4C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket ignore:]', symObjAddr: 0xCD48, symBinAddr: 0x10A9C, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB3D7, offset: 0x5EAC3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xCDD8, symBinAddr: 0x10B2C, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB415, offset: 0x5EB01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xCE10, symBinAddr: 0x10B64, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB457, offset: 0x5EB43, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xCE88, symBinAddr: 0x10BDC, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB4D5, offset: 0x5EBC1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45+[MGCDAsyncSocket stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xCF00, symBinAddr: 0x10C54, symSize: 0xB8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB517, offset: 0x5EC03, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket cfstreamThread:]', symObjAddr: 0xCFB8, symBinAddr: 0x10D0C, symSize: 0x164 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB59E, offset: 0x5EC8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket scheduleCFStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xD11C, symBinAddr: 0x10E70, symSize: 0x68 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB668, offset: 0x5ED54, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket unscheduleCFStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xD184, symBinAddr: 0x10ED8, symSize: 0x68 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB726, offset: 0x5EE12, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket createReadAndWriteStream]', symObjAddr: 0xD1EC, symBinAddr: 0x10F40, symSize: 0x104 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB815, offset: 0x5EF01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket registerForStreamCallbacksIncludingReadWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0xD2F0, symBinAddr: 0x11044, symSize: 0x8C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB8AC, offset: 0x5EF98, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFReadStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xD37C, symBinAddr: 0x110D0, symSize: 0x138 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB975, offset: 0x5F061, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFWriteStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xD4B4, symBinAddr: 0x11208, symSize: 0x138 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBA3E, offset: 0x5F12A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket addStreamsToRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xD5EC, symBinAddr: 0x11340, symSize: 0x84 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBA8C, offset: 0x5F178, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncSocket addStreamsToRunLoop]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD670, symBinAddr: 0x113C4, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBACE, offset: 0x5F1BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xD6AC, symBinAddr: 0x11400, symSize: 0x84 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBB18, offset: 0x5F204, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD730, symBinAddr: 0x11484, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBB5A, offset: 0x5F246, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket openStreams]', symObjAddr: 0xD76C, symBinAddr: 0x114C0, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBC61, offset: 0x5F34D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream]', symObjAddr: 0xD7D0, symBinAddr: 0x11524, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBCE1, offset: 0x5F3CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___51-[MGCDAsyncSocket autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD880, symBinAddr: 0x115D4, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBD3C, offset: 0x5F428, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:]', symObjAddr: 0xD89C, symBinAddr: 0x115F0, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBDC6, offset: 0x5F4B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___55-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD930, symBinAddr: 0x11684, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBE1B, offset: 0x5F507, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xD954, symBinAddr: 0x116A8, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBE96, offset: 0x5F582, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xD96C, symBinAddr: 0x116C0, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBEFE, offset: 0x5F5EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket performBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0xD980, symBinAddr: 0x116D4, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBF7B, offset: 0x5F667, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFD]', symObjAddr: 0xD9C8, symBinAddr: 0x1171C, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBFC1, offset: 0x5F6AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socket4FD]', symObjAddr: 0xDA08, symBinAddr: 0x1175C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC007, offset: 0x5F6F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socket6FD]', symObjAddr: 0xDA3C, symBinAddr: 0x11790, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC04D, offset: 0x5F739, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readStream]', symObjAddr: 0xDA70, symBinAddr: 0x117C4, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC093, offset: 0x5F77F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeStream]', symObjAddr: 0xDAAC, symBinAddr: 0x11800, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC0D9, offset: 0x5F7C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:]', symObjAddr: 0xDAE8, symBinAddr: 0x1183C, symSize: 0x9C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC176, offset: 0x5F862, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocket]', symObjAddr: 0xDB84, symBinAddr: 0x118D8, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC1BC, offset: 0x5F8A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat]', symObjAddr: 0xDBC0, symBinAddr: 0x11914, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC202, offset: 0x5F8EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslContext]', symObjAddr: 0xDBFC, symBinAddr: 0x11950, symSize: 0x2C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC248, offset: 0x5F934, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket lookupHost:port:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xDC28, symBinAddr: 0x1197C, symSize: 0x318 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC48E, offset: 0x5FB7A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xDF40, symBinAddr: 0x11C94, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC505, offset: 0x5FBF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xDFBC, symBinAddr: 0x11D10, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC57D, offset: 0x5FC69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xE038, symBinAddr: 0x11D8C, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC5C0, offset: 0x5FCAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xE048, symBinAddr: 0x11D9C, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC603, offset: 0x5FCEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket urlFromSockaddrUN:]', symObjAddr: 0xE058, symBinAddr: 0x11DAC, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC659, offset: 0x5FD45, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE0B4, symBinAddr: 0x11E08, symSize: 0x6C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC6B3, offset: 0x5FD9F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE120, symBinAddr: 0x11E74, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC70C, offset: 0x5FDF8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xE158, symBinAddr: 0x11EAC, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC771, offset: 0x5FE5D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xE1B8, symBinAddr: 0x11F0C, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC7D6, offset: 0x5FEC2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket getHost:port:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE218, symBinAddr: 0x11F6C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC83B, offset: 0x5FF27, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket getHost:port:family:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE224, symBinAddr: 0x11F78, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC915, offset: 0x60001, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket CRLFData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3A8, symBinAddr: 0x120FC, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC949, offset: 0x60035, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket CRData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3C0, symBinAddr: 0x12114, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC97D, offset: 0x60069, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket LFData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3D8, symBinAddr: 0x1212C, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC9B1, offset: 0x6009D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket ZeroData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3F0, symBinAddr: 0x12144, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC9E5, offset: 0x600D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xE408, symBinAddr: 0x1215C, symSize: 0x11C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCA19, offset: 0x60105, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xE524, symBinAddr: 0x12278, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCA76, offset: 0x60162, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke_2, symObjAddr: 0xE5A0, symBinAddr: 0x122F4, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCAD6, offset: 0x601C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xE5FC, symBinAddr: 0x12350, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCB46, offset: 0x60232, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke_2, symObjAddr: 0xE678, symBinAddr: 0x123CC, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x63E69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x12428, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x41, offset: 0x63E83, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketException, symObjAddr: 0xD4A8, symBinAddr: 0x28820, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x61, offset: 0x63EA3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain, symObjAddr: 0xD4B0, symBinAddr: 0x28828, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x77, offset: 0x63EB9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketQueueName, symObjAddr: 0xD4B8, symBinAddr: 0x28830, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8D, offset: 0x63ECF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketThreadName, symObjAddr: 0xD4C0, symBinAddr: 0x28838, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x97, offset: 0x63ED9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket startListenerThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xA7F0, symBinAddr: 0x1C928, symSize: 0x6C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBF, offset: 0x63F01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _startListenerThreadIfNeeded.predicate, symObjAddr: 0x40270, symBinAddr: 0x2EAD8, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x125, offset: 0x63F67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _listenerThread, symObjAddr: 0x40278, symBinAddr: 0x2EAE0, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x65E, offset: 0x644A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x12428, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x696, offset: 0x644D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket initWithData:timeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x18, symBinAddr: 0x12440, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x701, offset: 0x64543, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xAC, symBinAddr: 0x124D4, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x735, offset: 0x64577, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0xF4, symBinAddr: 0x1251C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x76D, offset: 0x645AF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x128, symBinAddr: 0x12550, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7A1, offset: 0x645E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket init]', symObjAddr: 0x158, symBinAddr: 0x12580, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7D7, offset: 0x64619, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithSocketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x168, symBinAddr: 0x12590, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x820, offset: 0x64662, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x178, symBinAddr: 0x125A0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x874, offset: 0x646B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x180, symBinAddr: 0x125A8, symSize: 0x190 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x96E, offset: 0x647B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x12738, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9F3, offset: 0x64835, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket dealloc]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3F4, symBinAddr: 0x1281C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA35, offset: 0x64877, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegate]', symObjAddr: 0x410, symBinAddr: 0x12828, symSize: 0xD0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAB5, offset: 0x648F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_copy_, symObjAddr: 0x4E0, symBinAddr: 0x128F8, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xADA, offset: 0x6491C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_dispose_, symObjAddr: 0x4F0, symBinAddr: 0x12908, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAF9, offset: 0x6493B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegate]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4F8, symBinAddr: 0x12910, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB4C, offset: 0x6498E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x594, symBinAddr: 0x1294C, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC04, offset: 0x64A46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x660, symBinAddr: 0x12A18, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC57, offset: 0x64A99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x6BC, symBinAddr: 0x12A24, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC98, offset: 0x64ADA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x6C4, symBinAddr: 0x12A2C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCD9, offset: 0x64B1B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegateQueue]', symObjAddr: 0x6CC, symBinAddr: 0x12A34, symSize: 0xD0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD59, offset: 0x64B9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegateQueue]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x79C, symBinAddr: 0x12B04, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDAC, offset: 0x64BEE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x7B0, symBinAddr: 0x12B18, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE51, offset: 0x64C93, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___53-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x87C, symBinAddr: 0x12BE4, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xEA4, offset: 0x64CE6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x888, symBinAddr: 0x12BF0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xEE5, offset: 0x64D27, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x890, symBinAddr: 0x12BF8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF26, offset: 0x64D68, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x898, symBinAddr: 0x12C00, symSize: 0x138 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xFDB, offset: 0x64E1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9D0, symBinAddr: 0x12D38, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x103F, offset: 0x64E81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0xAA0, symBinAddr: 0x12D8C, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10F5, offset: 0x64F37, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___62-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xBAC, symBinAddr: 0x12E98, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1159, offset: 0x64F9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xC40, symBinAddr: 0x12ECC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11A9, offset: 0x64FEB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xC48, symBinAddr: 0x12ED4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11F9, offset: 0x6503B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0xC50, symBinAddr: 0x12EDC, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x128F, offset: 0x650D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD28, symBinAddr: 0x12FB4, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x12EA, offset: 0x6512C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv4Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0xD44, symBinAddr: 0x12FD0, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1374, offset: 0x651B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv4Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xDD8, symBinAddr: 0x13064, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x13C9, offset: 0x6520B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0xDF8, symBinAddr: 0x13084, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x145F, offset: 0x652A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xED0, symBinAddr: 0x1315C, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x14BA, offset: 0x652FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv6Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0xEEC, symBinAddr: 0x13178, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1544, offset: 0x65386, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv6Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF80, symBinAddr: 0x1320C, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1599, offset: 0x653DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Preferred]', symObjAddr: 0xFA4, symBinAddr: 0x13230, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x162F, offset: 0x65471, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Preferred]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x107C, symBinAddr: 0x13308, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x168A, offset: 0x654CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Preferred]', symObjAddr: 0x1094, symBinAddr: 0x13320, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1720, offset: 0x65562, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Preferred]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x116C, symBinAddr: 0x133F8, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x177B, offset: 0x655BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPVersionNeutral]', symObjAddr: 0x1184, symBinAddr: 0x13410, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1811, offset: 0x65653, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPVersionNeutral]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x125C, symBinAddr: 0x134E8, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x186C, offset: 0x656AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x1278, symBinAddr: 0x13504, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x18E9, offset: 0x6572B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1308, symBinAddr: 0x13594, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x192B, offset: 0x6576D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x132C, symBinAddr: 0x135B8, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x19A8, offset: 0x657EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x13BC, symBinAddr: 0x13648, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x19EA, offset: 0x6582C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPVersionNeutral]', symObjAddr: 0x13E0, symBinAddr: 0x1366C, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1A67, offset: 0x658A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPVersionNeutral]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1470, symBinAddr: 0x136FC, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1AA9, offset: 0x658EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1494, symBinAddr: 0x13720, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B3F, offset: 0x65981, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x156C, symBinAddr: 0x137F8, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B9A, offset: 0x659DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x1580, symBinAddr: 0x1380C, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1C28, offset: 0x65A6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1614, symBinAddr: 0x138A0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7D, offset: 0x65ABF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1624, symBinAddr: 0x138B0, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1D13, offset: 0x65B55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x16FC, symBinAddr: 0x13988, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1D6E, offset: 0x65BB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x1710, symBinAddr: 0x1399C, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1DFC, offset: 0x65C3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x17A4, symBinAddr: 0x13A30, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1E51, offset: 0x65C93, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxSendBufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x17B4, symBinAddr: 0x13A40, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1EDF, offset: 0x65D21, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxSendBufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1848, symBinAddr: 0x13AD4, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F34, offset: 0x65D76, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxSendBufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1858, symBinAddr: 0x13AE4, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1FCA, offset: 0x65E0C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxSendBufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1930, symBinAddr: 0x13BBC, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2025, offset: 0x65E67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket userData]', symObjAddr: 0x1944, symBinAddr: 0x13BD0, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x20BB, offset: 0x65EFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket userData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1A40, symBinAddr: 0x13CCC, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x210E, offset: 0x65F50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setUserData:]', symObjAddr: 0x1A54, symBinAddr: 0x13CE0, symSize: 0xBC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x219C, offset: 0x65FDE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setUserData:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1B10, symBinAddr: 0x13D9C, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x21EF, offset: 0x66031, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidConnectToAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0x1B2C, symBinAddr: 0x13DB8, symSize: 0xF4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2282, offset: 0x660C4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidConnectToAddress:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1C20, symBinAddr: 0x13EAC, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x22E6, offset: 0x66128, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x1C54, symBinAddr: 0x13EE0, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2359, offset: 0x6619B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotConnect:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1D28, symBinAddr: 0x13FB4, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x23BD, offset: 0x661FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidSendDataWithTag:]', symObjAddr: 0x1D5C, symBinAddr: 0x13FE8, symSize: 0xB4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2430, offset: 0x66272, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___47-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidSendDataWithTag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1E10, symBinAddr: 0x1409C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2494, offset: 0x662D6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:]', symObjAddr: 0x1E44, symBinAddr: 0x140D0, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2518, offset: 0x6635A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___61-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1F28, symBinAddr: 0x141B4, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x258D, offset: 0x663CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:]', symObjAddr: 0x1F5C, symBinAddr: 0x141E8, symSize: 0x134 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2633, offset: 0x66475, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2090, symBinAddr: 0x1431C, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x26B9, offset: 0x664FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s64s, symObjAddr: 0x20C8, symBinAddr: 0x14354, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x26E2, offset: 0x66524, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s64s, symObjAddr: 0x2108, symBinAddr: 0x14394, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2701, offset: 0x66543, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidCloseWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2148, symBinAddr: 0x143D4, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2774, offset: 0x665B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidCloseWithError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x221C, symBinAddr: 0x144A8, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x27D8, offset: 0x6661A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket badConfigError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2250, symBinAddr: 0x144DC, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x282E, offset: 0x66670, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket badParamError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2324, symBinAddr: 0x145B0, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2884, offset: 0x666C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket gaiError:]', symObjAddr: 0x23F8, symBinAddr: 0x14684, symSize: 0xF4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2915, offset: 0x66757, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket errnoErrorWithReason:]', symObjAddr: 0x24EC, symBinAddr: 0x14778, symSize: 0x14C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x297C, offset: 0x667BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket errnoError]', symObjAddr: 0x2638, symBinAddr: 0x148C4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x29B2, offset: 0x667F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x2640, symBinAddr: 0x148CC, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2A08, offset: 0x6684A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socketClosedError]', symObjAddr: 0x274C, symBinAddr: 0x149D8, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2A5E, offset: 0x668A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket otherError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2858, symBinAddr: 0x14AE4, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2AB4, offset: 0x668F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preOp:]', symObjAddr: 0x292C, symBinAddr: 0x14BB8, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2B39, offset: 0x6697B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0x29BC, symBinAddr: 0x14C48, symSize: 0x178 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2C61, offset: 0x66AA3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2B34, symBinAddr: 0x14DC0, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2CC3, offset: 0x66B05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40b, symObjAddr: 0x2B6C, symBinAddr: 0x14DF8, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2CEC, offset: 0x66B2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke.72', symObjAddr: 0x2BA0, symBinAddr: 0x14E2C, symSize: 0x344 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2F00, offset: 0x66D42, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x2EE4, symBinAddr: 0x15170, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2F6C, offset: 0x66DAE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b, symObjAddr: 0x2F1C, symBinAddr: 0x151A8, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2F95, offset: 0x66DD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getAddress:error:fromAddresses:]', symObjAddr: 0x2F58, symBinAddr: 0x151E4, symSize: 0x374 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x31DA, offset: 0x6701C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket convertIntefaceDescription:port:intoAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x32CC, symBinAddr: 0x15558, symSize: 0x344 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x34D3, offset: 0x67315, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket convertNumericHost:port:intoAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3610, symBinAddr: 0x1589C, symSize: 0x1C8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x35E5, offset: 0x67427, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnectedToAddress4:]', symObjAddr: 0x37D8, symBinAddr: 0x15A64, symSize: 0x68 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3650, offset: 0x67492, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnectedToAddress6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3840, symBinAddr: 0x15ACC, symSize: 0x70 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x36BB, offset: 0x674FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket indexOfInterfaceAddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0x38B0, symBinAddr: 0x15B3C, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x37A1, offset: 0x675E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket indexOfInterfaceAddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3970, symBinAddr: 0x15BFC, symSize: 0xC8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3874, offset: 0x676B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]', symObjAddr: 0x3A38, symBinAddr: 0x15CC4, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x399D, offset: 0x677DF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3BBC, symBinAddr: 0x15E48, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x39DF, offset: 0x67821, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3C1C, symBinAddr: 0x15EA8, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3A42, offset: 0x67884, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x3C74, symBinAddr: 0x15F00, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3AB6, offset: 0x678F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke.88', symObjAddr: 0x3CB4, symBinAddr: 0x15F24, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3B13, offset: 0x67955, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]', symObjAddr: 0x3CD8, symBinAddr: 0x15F48, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3BF2, offset: 0x67A34, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3E5C, symBinAddr: 0x160CC, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3C34, offset: 0x67A76, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3EBC, symBinAddr: 0x1612C, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3C84, offset: 0x67AC6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x3F14, symBinAddr: 0x16184, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3CE1, offset: 0x67B23, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x3F38, symBinAddr: 0x161A8, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3D3E, offset: 0x67B80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSocket4:socket6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3F5C, symBinAddr: 0x161CC, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3DFC, offset: 0x67C3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSocket4:socket6:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4068, symBinAddr: 0x162D8, symSize: 0x1DC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4026, offset: 0x67E68, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSockets:]', symObjAddr: 0x4244, symBinAddr: 0x164B4, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4089, offset: 0x67ECB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendSend4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x428C, symBinAddr: 0x164FC, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x40DA, offset: 0x67F1C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendSend6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x42C8, symBinAddr: 0x16538, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x411C, offset: 0x67F5E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeSend4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4304, symBinAddr: 0x16574, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x416D, offset: 0x67FAF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeSend6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4340, symBinAddr: 0x165B0, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x41AF, offset: 0x67FF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendReceive4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x437C, symBinAddr: 0x165EC, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x41F1, offset: 0x68033, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendReceive6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x43B8, symBinAddr: 0x16628, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4233, offset: 0x68075, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeReceive4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x43F4, symBinAddr: 0x16664, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4275, offset: 0x680B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeReceive6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4430, symBinAddr: 0x166A0, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x42B7, offset: 0x680F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSocket4]', symObjAddr: 0x446C, symBinAddr: 0x166DC, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4316, offset: 0x68158, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSocket6]', symObjAddr: 0x4500, symBinAddr: 0x16770, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4366, offset: 0x681A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSockets]', symObjAddr: 0x4594, symBinAddr: 0x16804, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x439A, offset: 0x681DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getLocalAddress:host:port:forSocket:withFamily:]', symObjAddr: 0x45C8, symBinAddr: 0x16838, symSize: 0x1AC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x451E, offset: 0x68360, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info]', symObjAddr: 0x4774, symBinAddr: 0x169E4, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4585, offset: 0x683C7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info]', symObjAddr: 0x4848, symBinAddr: 0x16AB8, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x45EC, offset: 0x6842E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x491C, symBinAddr: 0x16B8C, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x468A, offset: 0x684CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4A5C, symBinAddr: 0x16CCC, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x46DD, offset: 0x6851F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4AB8, symBinAddr: 0x16D28, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4727, offset: 0x68569, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]', symObjAddr: 0x4AFC, symBinAddr: 0x16D5C, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x47C5, offset: 0x68607, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4C3C, symBinAddr: 0x16E9C, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4818, offset: 0x6865A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4C98, symBinAddr: 0x16EF8, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4862, offset: 0x686A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]', symObjAddr: 0x4CCC, symBinAddr: 0x16F2C, symSize: 0x11C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4900, offset: 0x68742, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4DE8, symBinAddr: 0x17048, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4953, offset: 0x68795, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4E38, symBinAddr: 0x17098, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x499D, offset: 0x687DF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x4E6C, symBinAddr: 0x170CC, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A3B, offset: 0x6887D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4FAC, symBinAddr: 0x1720C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A8E, offset: 0x688D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4FE0, symBinAddr: 0x17240, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4AD8, offset: 0x6891A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x5014, symBinAddr: 0x17274, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4B76, offset: 0x689B8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5154, symBinAddr: 0x173B4, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4BC9, offset: 0x68A0B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5188, symBinAddr: 0x173E8, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4C13, offset: 0x68A55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x51BC, symBinAddr: 0x1741C, symSize: 0x11C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4CB1, offset: 0x68AF3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x52D8, symBinAddr: 0x17538, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4D04, offset: 0x68B46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x530C, symBinAddr: 0x1756C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4D4E, offset: 0x68B90, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5340, symBinAddr: 0x175A0, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4DEC, offset: 0x68C2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5480, symBinAddr: 0x176E0, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4E3F, offset: 0x68C81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x54B4, symBinAddr: 0x17714, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4E89, offset: 0x68CCB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x54E8, symBinAddr: 0x17748, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4F27, offset: 0x68D69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5628, symBinAddr: 0x17888, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4F7A, offset: 0x68DBC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x565C, symBinAddr: 0x178BC, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4FC4, offset: 0x68E06, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5690, symBinAddr: 0x178F0, symSize: 0x11C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5062, offset: 0x68EA4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x57AC, symBinAddr: 0x17A0C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x50B5, offset: 0x68EF7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x57E0, symBinAddr: 0x17A40, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x50FF, offset: 0x68F41, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo]', symObjAddr: 0x5814, symBinAddr: 0x17A74, symSize: 0x1B0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x522A, offset: 0x6906C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x59C4, symBinAddr: 0x17C24, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x52C8, offset: 0x6910A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5B04, symBinAddr: 0x17D64, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x531B, offset: 0x6915D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5B38, symBinAddr: 0x17D98, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5365, offset: 0x691A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]', symObjAddr: 0x5B6C, symBinAddr: 0x17DCC, symSize: 0x140 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5403, offset: 0x69245, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5CAC, symBinAddr: 0x17F0C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5456, offset: 0x69298, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5CE0, symBinAddr: 0x17F40, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x54A0, offset: 0x692E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]', symObjAddr: 0x5D14, symBinAddr: 0x17F74, symSize: 0x11C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x553E, offset: 0x69380, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5E30, symBinAddr: 0x18090, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5591, offset: 0x693D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5E64, symBinAddr: 0x180C4, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x55DB, offset: 0x6941D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnected]', symObjAddr: 0x5E98, symBinAddr: 0x180F8, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5671, offset: 0x694B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5F70, symBinAddr: 0x181D0, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x56CC, offset: 0x6950E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isClosed]', symObjAddr: 0x5F88, symBinAddr: 0x181E8, symSize: 0xDC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5762, offset: 0x695A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isClosed]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6064, symBinAddr: 0x182C4, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x57BD, offset: 0x695FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x6080, symBinAddr: 0x182E0, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5853, offset: 0x69695, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6158, symBinAddr: 0x183B8, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x58A6, offset: 0x696E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x61A0, symBinAddr: 0x18400, symSize: 0xD8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x593C, offset: 0x6977E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6278, symBinAddr: 0x184D8, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x598F, offset: 0x697D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preBind:]', symObjAddr: 0x62C0, symBinAddr: 0x18520, symSize: 0xA4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x59F2, offset: 0x69834, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6364, symBinAddr: 0x185C4, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5A48, offset: 0x6988A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:interface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6370, symBinAddr: 0x185D0, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5B28, offset: 0x6996A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:interface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x64F4, symBinAddr: 0x18754, symSize: 0x26C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5D0A, offset: 0x69B4C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x67EC, symBinAddr: 0x189C0, symSize: 0x174 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5DD8, offset: 0x69C1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToAddress:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6960, symBinAddr: 0x18B34, symSize: 0x2A4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5F85, offset: 0x69DC7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x6C04, symBinAddr: 0x18DD8, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5FE8, offset: 0x69E2A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6C94, symBinAddr: 0x18E68, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x60C8, offset: 0x69F0A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6E18, symBinAddr: 0x18FEC, symSize: 0x190 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x618E, offset: 0x69FD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x6FA8, symBinAddr: 0x1917C, symSize: 0x9C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6203, offset: 0x6A045, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7044, symBinAddr: 0x19218, symSize: 0x174 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x62D1, offset: 0x6A113, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToAddress:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x71B8, symBinAddr: 0x1938C, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x63A8, offset: 0x6A1EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeConnect]', symObjAddr: 0x733C, symBinAddr: 0x19510, symSize: 0x1E4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6458, offset: 0x6A29A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectWithAddress4:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7520, symBinAddr: 0x196F4, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6508, offset: 0x6A34A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectWithAddress6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x75E0, symBinAddr: 0x197B4, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6597, offset: 0x6A3D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preJoin:]', symObjAddr: 0x76A0, symBinAddr: 0x19874, symSize: 0x84 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x65E0, offset: 0x6A422, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket joinMulticastGroup:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7724, symBinAddr: 0x198F8, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6636, offset: 0x6A478, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket joinMulticastGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7730, symBinAddr: 0x19904, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x669F, offset: 0x6A4E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket leaveMulticastGroup:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7744, symBinAddr: 0x19918, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x66F5, offset: 0x6A537, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket leaveMulticastGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7750, symBinAddr: 0x19924, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x675E, offset: 0x6A5A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performMulticastRequest:forGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7764, symBinAddr: 0x19938, symSize: 0x1C4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x684F, offset: 0x6A691, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performMulticastRequest:forGroup:onInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7928, symBinAddr: 0x19AFC, symSize: 0x270 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A5D, offset: 0x6A89F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7C34, symBinAddr: 0x19D6C, symSize: 0x174 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B2B, offset: 0x6A96D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7DA8, symBinAddr: 0x19EE0, symSize: 0x18C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C52, offset: 0x6AA94, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F34, symBinAddr: 0x1A06C, symSize: 0x174 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D20, offset: 0x6AB62, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x80A8, symBinAddr: 0x1A1E0, symSize: 0x184 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E38, offset: 0x6AC7A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableReusePort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x822C, symBinAddr: 0x1A364, symSize: 0x150 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6F02, offset: 0x6AD44, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableReusePort:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x837C, symBinAddr: 0x1A4B4, symSize: 0x150 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7021, offset: 0x6AE63, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBroadcast:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x84CC, symBinAddr: 0x1A604, symSize: 0x150 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x70EB, offset: 0x6AF2D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBroadcast:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x861C, symBinAddr: 0x1A754, symSize: 0x114 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x71BD, offset: 0x6AFFF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8730, symBinAddr: 0x1A868, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x720D, offset: 0x6B04F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8738, symBinAddr: 0x1A870, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x72A2, offset: 0x6B0E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___47-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8804, symBinAddr: 0x1A93C, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x72F5, offset: 0x6B137, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8840, symBinAddr: 0x1A978, symSize: 0x144 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x73AC, offset: 0x6B1EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8984, symBinAddr: 0x1AABC, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7421, offset: 0x6B263, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x8A18, symBinAddr: 0x1AB50, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7474, offset: 0x6B2B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toAddress:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8A54, symBinAddr: 0x1AB8C, symSize: 0x118 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x751A, offset: 0x6B35C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toAddress:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8B6C, symBinAddr: 0x1ACA4, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x756D, offset: 0x6B3AF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x8BA8, symBinAddr: 0x1ACE0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x75BD, offset: 0x6B3FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]', symObjAddr: 0x8BB0, symBinAddr: 0x1ACE8, symSize: 0x13C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x768B, offset: 0x6B4CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___61-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8CEC, symBinAddr: 0x1AE24, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7700, offset: 0x6B542, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeDequeueSend]', symObjAddr: 0x8D3C, symBinAddr: 0x1AE74, symSize: 0x144 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x774C, offset: 0x6B58E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]', symObjAddr: 0x8E80, symBinAddr: 0x1AFB8, symSize: 0x2CC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x787B, offset: 0x6B6BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x914C, symBinAddr: 0x1B284, symSize: 0xB4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7913, offset: 0x6B755, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9200, symBinAddr: 0x1B338, symSize: 0x68 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7977, offset: 0x6B7B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke.151', symObjAddr: 0x9268, symBinAddr: 0x1B3A0, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x79D6, offset: 0x6B818, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doSend]', symObjAddr: 0x92BC, symBinAddr: 0x1B3F4, symSize: 0x1A8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7B54, offset: 0x6B996, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket endCurrentSend]', symObjAddr: 0x9464, symBinAddr: 0x1B59C, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7B96, offset: 0x6B9D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doSendTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x94A0, symBinAddr: 0x1B5D8, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7BCA, offset: 0x6BA0C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0x9500, symBinAddr: 0x1B638, symSize: 0xC8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7CC5, offset: 0x6BB07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x95C8, symBinAddr: 0x1B700, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7D07, offset: 0x6BB49, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]', symObjAddr: 0x95F8, symBinAddr: 0x1B730, symSize: 0x14C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7DC4, offset: 0x6BC06, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9744, symBinAddr: 0x1B87C, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7E5E, offset: 0x6BCA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9818, symBinAddr: 0x1B950, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7EA0, offset: 0x6BCE2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]', symObjAddr: 0x9848, symBinAddr: 0x1B980, symSize: 0x14C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7F5D, offset: 0x6BD9F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9994, symBinAddr: 0x1BACC, symSize: 0xD4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7FF7, offset: 0x6BE39, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9A68, symBinAddr: 0x1BBA0, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8039, offset: 0x6BE7B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket pauseReceiving]', symObjAddr: 0x9A98, symBinAddr: 0x1BBD0, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x80B6, offset: 0x6BEF8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket pauseReceiving]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9B28, symBinAddr: 0x1BC60, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x80F8, offset: 0x6BF3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x9B8C, symBinAddr: 0x1BCC4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8148, offset: 0x6BF8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]', symObjAddr: 0x9B94, symBinAddr: 0x1BCCC, symSize: 0x13C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8216, offset: 0x6C058, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9CD0, symBinAddr: 0x1BE08, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x828B, offset: 0x6C0CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]', symObjAddr: 0x9D20, symBinAddr: 0x1BE58, symSize: 0x658 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8506, offset: 0x6C348, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA378, symBinAddr: 0x1C4B0, symSize: 0xF8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x85BD, offset: 0x6C3FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xA470, symBinAddr: 0x1C5A8, symSize: 0x94 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8643, offset: 0x6C485, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke.158', symObjAddr: 0xA504, symBinAddr: 0x1C63C, symSize: 0x80 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x86DD, offset: 0x6C51F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceiveEOF]', symObjAddr: 0xA584, symBinAddr: 0x1C6BC, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8711, offset: 0x6C553, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0xA5C0, symBinAddr: 0x1C6F8, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8763, offset: 0x6C5A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket close]', symObjAddr: 0xA63C, symBinAddr: 0x1C774, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x87E0, offset: 0x6C622, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket close]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA6CC, symBinAddr: 0x1C804, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8822, offset: 0x6C664, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeAfterSending]', symObjAddr: 0xA700, symBinAddr: 0x1C838, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x889F, offset: 0x6C6E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeAfterSending]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA790, symBinAddr: 0x1C8C8, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x88E1, offset: 0x6C723, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket ignore:]', symObjAddr: 0xA7EC, symBinAddr: 0x1C924, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8958, offset: 0x6C79A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket startListenerThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA85C, symBinAddr: 0x1C994, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x899A, offset: 0x6C7DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket listenerThread:]', symObjAddr: 0xA8B0, symBinAddr: 0x1C9E8, symSize: 0xEC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x89DF, offset: 0x6C821, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket addStreamListener:]', symObjAddr: 0xA99C, symBinAddr: 0x1CAD4, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8AD5, offset: 0x6C917, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket removeStreamListener:]', symObjAddr: 0xAA2C, symBinAddr: 0x1CB64, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8BBF, offset: 0x6CA01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createReadAndWriteStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xAABC, symBinAddr: 0x1CBF4, symSize: 0x1F8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8DEA, offset: 0x6CC2C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket registerForStreamCallbacks:]', symObjAddr: 0xACB4, symBinAddr: 0x1CDEC, symSize: 0x1B0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9006, offset: 0x6CE48, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFReadStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xAE64, symBinAddr: 0x1CF9C, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x90D3, offset: 0x6CF15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFWriteStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xAF70, symBinAddr: 0x1D0A8, symSize: 0x10C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x91A0, offset: 0x6CFE2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket addStreamsToRunLoop:]', symObjAddr: 0xB07C, symBinAddr: 0x1D1B4, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x91E5, offset: 0x6D027, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket openStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xB0DC, symBinAddr: 0x1D214, symSize: 0xD0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9300, offset: 0x6D142, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xB1AC, symBinAddr: 0x1D2E4, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9334, offset: 0x6D176, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeReadAndWriteStreams]', symObjAddr: 0xB1FC, symBinAddr: 0x1D334, symSize: 0xCC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x945C, offset: 0x6D29E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket applicationWillEnterForeground:]', symObjAddr: 0xB2C8, symBinAddr: 0x1D400, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x94E6, offset: 0x6D328, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___53-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket applicationWillEnterForeground:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB358, symBinAddr: 0x1D490, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9528, offset: 0x6D36A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xB390, symBinAddr: 0x1D4C8, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x95A3, offset: 0x6D3E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xB3A8, symBinAddr: 0x1D4E0, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x960B, offset: 0x6D44D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0xB3BC, symBinAddr: 0x1D4F4, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9688, offset: 0x6D4CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socketFD]', symObjAddr: 0xB404, symBinAddr: 0x1D53C, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x96CE, offset: 0x6D510, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socket4FD]', symObjAddr: 0xB444, symBinAddr: 0x1D57C, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9714, offset: 0x6D556, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socket6FD]', symObjAddr: 0xB478, symBinAddr: 0x1D5B0, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x975A, offset: 0x6D59C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket readStream]', symObjAddr: 0xB4AC, symBinAddr: 0x1D5E4, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x97B1, offset: 0x6D5F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket writeStream]', symObjAddr: 0xB504, symBinAddr: 0x1D63C, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9808, offset: 0x6D64A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBackgroundingOnSockets]', symObjAddr: 0xB55C, symBinAddr: 0x1D694, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x983C, offset: 0x6D67E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xB564, symBinAddr: 0x1D69C, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x98B3, offset: 0x6D6F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xB5E0, symBinAddr: 0x1D718, symSize: 0x7C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x992B, offset: 0x6D76D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xB65C, symBinAddr: 0x1D794, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x996E, offset: 0x6D7B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xB66C, symBinAddr: 0x1D7A4, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x99B1, offset: 0x6D7F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB67C, symBinAddr: 0x1D7B4, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9A0B, offset: 0x6D84D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB6B4, symBinAddr: 0x1D7EC, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9A65, offset: 0x6D8A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket familyFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB6E8, symBinAddr: 0x1D820, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9ABF, offset: 0x6D901, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xB71C, symBinAddr: 0x1D854, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9B19, offset: 0x6D95B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xB758, symBinAddr: 0x1D890, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9B73, offset: 0x6D9B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getHost:port:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB794, symBinAddr: 0x1D8CC, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9BD8, offset: 0x6DA1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getHost:port:family:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB7A0, symBinAddr: 0x1D8D8, symSize: 0x154 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9CB0, offset: 0x6DAF2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xB8F4, symBinAddr: 0x1DA2C, symSize: 0x110 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9CE4, offset: 0x6DB26, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xBA04, symBinAddr: 0x1DB3C, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9D44, offset: 0x6DB86, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xBA54, symBinAddr: 0x1DB8C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x34, offset: 0x54079, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MqttCocoaAsyncSocketVersionString, symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x22338, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x69, offset: 0x540AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MqttCocoaAsyncSocketVersionNumber, symObjAddr: 0x38, symBinAddr: 0x22370, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x41, offset: 0x54105, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketException, symObjAddr: 0x10AC0, symBinAddr: 0x28108, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x61, offset: 0x54125, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain, symObjAddr: 0x10AC8, symBinAddr: 0x28110, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77, offset: 0x5413B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketQueueName, symObjAddr: 0x10AD0, symBinAddr: 0x28118, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D, offset: 0x54151, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketThreadName, symObjAddr: 0x10AD8, symBinAddr: 0x28120, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA3, offset: 0x54167, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust, symObjAddr: 0x10AE0, symBinAddr: 0x28128, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB9, offset: 0x5417D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS, symObjAddr: 0x10AE8, symBinAddr: 0x28130, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCF, offset: 0x54193, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID, symObjAddr: 0x10AF0, symBinAddr: 0x28138, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE5, offset: 0x541A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin, symObjAddr: 0x10AF8, symBinAddr: 0x28140, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFB, offset: 0x541BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax, symObjAddr: 0x10B00, symBinAddr: 0x28148, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x111, offset: 0x541D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart, symObjAddr: 0x10B08, symBinAddr: 0x28150, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x127, offset: 0x541EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord, symObjAddr: 0x10B10, symBinAddr: 0x28158, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13D, offset: 0x54201, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites, symObjAddr: 0x10B18, symBinAddr: 0x28160, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x153, offset: 0x54217, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN, symObjAddr: 0x10B20, symBinAddr: 0x28168, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x16B, offset: 0x5422F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]', symObjAddr: 0xAB34, symBinAddr: 0xE888, symSize: 0x4F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x48C, offset: 0x54550, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xCD4C, symBinAddr: 0x10AA0, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B4, offset: 0x54578, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded.predicate, symObjAddr: 0x56258, symBinAddr: 0x2EAB8, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x51C, offset: 0x545E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThread, symObjAddr: 0x56270, symBinAddr: 0x2EAD0, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x537, offset: 0x545FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThreadRetainCount, symObjAddr: 0x56260, symBinAddr: 0x2EAC0, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x554, offset: 0x54618, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, symObjAddr: 0x56268, symBinAddr: 0x2EAC8, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB90, offset: 0x54C54, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3D54, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBC7, offset: 0x54C8B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer initWithCapacity:]', symObjAddr: 0x18, symBinAddr: 0x3D6C, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC0E, offset: 0x54CD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0x78, symBinAddr: 0x3DCC, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC41, offset: 0x54D05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0xC4, symBinAddr: 0x3E18, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCF9, offset: 0x54DBD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer availableBytes]', symObjAddr: 0x128, symBinAddr: 0x3E7C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD31, offset: 0x54DF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer readBuffer]', symObjAddr: 0x134, symBinAddr: 0x3E88, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD69, offset: 0x54E2D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer getReadBuffer:availableBytes:]', symObjAddr: 0x13C, symBinAddr: 0x3E90, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDBF, offset: 0x54E83, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer didRead:]', symObjAddr: 0x170, symBinAddr: 0x3EC4, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE00, offset: 0x54EC4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer availableSpace]', symObjAddr: 0x194, symBinAddr: 0x3EE8, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE38, offset: 0x54EFC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer writeBuffer]', symObjAddr: 0x1A8, symBinAddr: 0x3EFC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE70, offset: 0x54F34, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer getWriteBuffer:availableSpace:]', symObjAddr: 0x1B0, symBinAddr: 0x3F04, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEC6, offset: 0x54F8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer didWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0x1E4, symBinAddr: 0x3F38, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF07, offset: 0x54FCB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer reset]', symObjAddr: 0x1F4, symBinAddr: 0x3F48, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF39, offset: 0x54FFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x200, symBinAddr: 0x3F54, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF71, offset: 0x55035, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket initWithData:startOffset:maxLength:timeout:readLength:terminator:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x218, symBinAddr: 0x3F6C, symSize: 0x144 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1020, offset: 0x550E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:]', symObjAddr: 0x35C, symBinAddr: 0x40B0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10B4, offset: 0x55178, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket optimalReadLengthWithDefault:shouldPreBuffer:]', symObjAddr: 0x3AC, symBinAddr: 0x4100, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x118C, offset: 0x55250, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForNonTermWithHint:]', symObjAddr: 0x434, symBinAddr: 0x4188, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11F1, offset: 0x552B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForTermWithHint:shouldPreBuffer:]', symObjAddr: 0x460, symBinAddr: 0x41B4, symSize: 0x6C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12B8, offset: 0x5537C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:found:]', symObjAddr: 0x4CC, symBinAddr: 0x4220, symSize: 0x234 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x144A, offset: 0x5550E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:]', symObjAddr: 0x700, symBinAddr: 0x4454, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1504, offset: 0x555C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x7B0, symBinAddr: 0x4504, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1538, offset: 0x555FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x7E0, symBinAddr: 0x4534, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1570, offset: 0x55634, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket initWithData:timeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F8, symBinAddr: 0x454C, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x15DB, offset: 0x5569F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x888, symBinAddr: 0x45DC, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x160F, offset: 0x556D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x894, symBinAddr: 0x45E8, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1647, offset: 0x5570B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket initWithTLSSettings:]', symObjAddr: 0x8AC, symBinAddr: 0x4600, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1690, offset: 0x55754, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x924, symBinAddr: 0x4678, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x16C4, offset: 0x55788, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket init]', symObjAddr: 0x930, symBinAddr: 0x4684, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x16FA, offset: 0x557BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithSocketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x940, symBinAddr: 0x4694, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1743, offset: 0x55807, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x950, symBinAddr: 0x46A4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1797, offset: 0x5585B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x958, symBinAddr: 0x46AC, symSize: 0x1B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x189B, offset: 0x5595F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0xB08, symBinAddr: 0x485C, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1920, offset: 0x559E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___26-[MGCDAsyncSocket dealloc]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xBD0, symBinAddr: 0x4924, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1962, offset: 0x55A26, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s, symObjAddr: 0xBDC, symBinAddr: 0x4930, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1989, offset: 0x55A4D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s, symObjAddr: 0xBE4, symBinAddr: 0x4938, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19A8, offset: 0x55A6C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:socketQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xBEC, symBinAddr: 0x4940, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1A0F, offset: 0x55AD3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xC00, symBinAddr: 0x4954, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1A83, offset: 0x55B47, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xC0C, symBinAddr: 0x4960, symSize: 0x1C0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B6A, offset: 0x55C2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_copy_, symObjAddr: 0xDCC, symBinAddr: 0x4B20, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B8F, offset: 0x55C53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_dispose_, symObjAddr: 0xDDC, symBinAddr: 0x4B30, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1BAE, offset: 0x55C72, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___88+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xDE4, symBinAddr: 0x4B38, symSize: 0x21C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D01, offset: 0x55DC5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48r, symObjAddr: 0x1000, symBinAddr: 0x4D54, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D2A, offset: 0x55DEE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48r, symObjAddr: 0x1044, symBinAddr: 0x4D98, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D49, offset: 0x55E0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegate]', symObjAddr: 0x107C, symBinAddr: 0x4DD0, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1DC9, offset: 0x55E8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegate]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x114C, symBinAddr: 0x4EA0, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E1C, offset: 0x55EE0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r, symObjAddr: 0x1188, symBinAddr: 0x4EDC, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E45, offset: 0x55F09, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r, symObjAddr: 0x11BC, symBinAddr: 0x4F10, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E64, offset: 0x55F28, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x11E8, symBinAddr: 0x4F3C, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1F1C, offset: 0x55FE0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x12B4, symBinAddr: 0x5008, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1F6F, offset: 0x56033, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s, symObjAddr: 0x12C0, symBinAddr: 0x5014, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1F98, offset: 0x5605C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s, symObjAddr: 0x12E8, symBinAddr: 0x503C, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1FB7, offset: 0x5607B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x1310, symBinAddr: 0x5064, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1FF8, offset: 0x560BC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x1318, symBinAddr: 0x506C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2039, offset: 0x560FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegateQueue]', symObjAddr: 0x1320, symBinAddr: 0x5074, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x20B9, offset: 0x5617D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegateQueue]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x13F0, symBinAddr: 0x5144, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x210C, offset: 0x561D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x1404, symBinAddr: 0x5158, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21B1, offset: 0x56275, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x14D0, symBinAddr: 0x5224, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2204, offset: 0x562C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14DC, symBinAddr: 0x5230, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2245, offset: 0x56309, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14E4, symBinAddr: 0x5238, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2286, offset: 0x5634A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14EC, symBinAddr: 0x5240, symSize: 0x138 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x233B, offset: 0x563FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1624, symBinAddr: 0x5378, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x239F, offset: 0x56463, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x1678, symBinAddr: 0x53CC, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2455, offset: 0x56519, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1784, symBinAddr: 0x54D8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x24B9, offset: 0x5657D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s, symObjAddr: 0x17B8, symBinAddr: 0x550C, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x24E2, offset: 0x565A6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s, symObjAddr: 0x17E8, symBinAddr: 0x553C, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2501, offset: 0x565C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x1818, symBinAddr: 0x556C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2551, offset: 0x56615, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x1820, symBinAddr: 0x5574, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x25A1, offset: 0x56665, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0x1828, symBinAddr: 0x557C, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2621, offset: 0x566E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x18D8, symBinAddr: 0x562C, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x267C, offset: 0x56740, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0x18F4, symBinAddr: 0x5648, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2706, offset: 0x567CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1988, symBinAddr: 0x56DC, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x275B, offset: 0x5681F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0x19A8, symBinAddr: 0x56FC, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27DB, offset: 0x5689F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1A58, symBinAddr: 0x57AC, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2836, offset: 0x568FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv6Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0x1A74, symBinAddr: 0x57C8, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x28C0, offset: 0x56984, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv6Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1B08, symBinAddr: 0x585C, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2915, offset: 0x569D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x1B2C, symBinAddr: 0x5880, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2995, offset: 0x56A59, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1BDC, symBinAddr: 0x5930, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x29F0, offset: 0x56AB4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:]', symObjAddr: 0x1BF8, symBinAddr: 0x594C, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2A7A, offset: 0x56B3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1C8C, symBinAddr: 0x59E0, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2ACF, offset: 0x56B93, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket alternateAddressDelay]', symObjAddr: 0x1CB0, symBinAddr: 0x5A04, symSize: 0xDC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2B65, offset: 0x56C29, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncSocket alternateAddressDelay]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1D8C, symBinAddr: 0x5AE0, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2BC0, offset: 0x56C84, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAlternateAddressDelay:]', symObjAddr: 0x1DA0, symBinAddr: 0x5AF4, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2C4E, offset: 0x56D12, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAlternateAddressDelay:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1E34, symBinAddr: 0x5B88, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2CA3, offset: 0x56D67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket userData]', symObjAddr: 0x1E44, symBinAddr: 0x5B98, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2D39, offset: 0x56DFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket userData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1F40, symBinAddr: 0x5C94, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2D8C, offset: 0x56E50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setUserData:]', symObjAddr: 0x1F54, symBinAddr: 0x5CA8, symSize: 0xBC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2E1A, offset: 0x56EDE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket setUserData:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2010, symBinAddr: 0x5D64, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2E6D, offset: 0x56F31, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x202C, symBinAddr: 0x5D80, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2EC5, offset: 0x56F89, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x203C, symBinAddr: 0x5D90, symSize: 0x210 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2FC7, offset: 0x5708B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x224C, symBinAddr: 0x5FA0, symSize: 0x1E8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x32A7, offset: 0x5736B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke.117', symObjAddr: 0x2434, symBinAddr: 0x6188, symSize: 0x4DC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x367F, offset: 0x57743, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x2910, symBinAddr: 0x6664, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3742, offset: 0x57806, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40w, symObjAddr: 0x298C, symBinAddr: 0x66E0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x376B, offset: 0x5782F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40w, symObjAddr: 0x29BC, symBinAddr: 0x6710, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x378A, offset: 0x5784E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke.132', symObjAddr: 0x29E4, symBinAddr: 0x6738, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37D6, offset: 0x5789A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_2.134', symObjAddr: 0x29EC, symBinAddr: 0x6740, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3886, offset: 0x5794A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x2A68, symBinAddr: 0x67BC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38D2, offset: 0x57996, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x2A70, symBinAddr: 0x67C4, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38FB, offset: 0x579BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x2ACC, symBinAddr: 0x6820, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x391A, offset: 0x579DE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x2B14, symBinAddr: 0x6868, symSize: 0x1F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39FA, offset: 0x57ABE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2D04, symBinAddr: 0x6A58, symSize: 0x1E8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C0B, offset: 0x57CCF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x2EEC, symBinAddr: 0x6C40, symSize: 0x360 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3E17, offset: 0x57EDB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x324C, symBinAddr: 0x6FA0, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3EC7, offset: 0x57F8B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x32C4, symBinAddr: 0x7018, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3F13, offset: 0x57FD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]', symObjAddr: 0x32CC, symBinAddr: 0x7020, symSize: 0x254 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4166, offset: 0x5822A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3520, symBinAddr: 0x7274, symSize: 0x148 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x423A, offset: 0x582FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3668, symBinAddr: 0x73BC, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4289, offset: 0x5834D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket preConnectWithInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x369C, symBinAddr: 0x73F0, symSize: 0x1D4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x43A2, offset: 0x58466, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket preConnectWithUrl:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3870, symBinAddr: 0x75C4, symSize: 0x12C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4489, offset: 0x5854D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x399C, symBinAddr: 0x76F0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x44EC, offset: 0x585B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x39A4, symBinAddr: 0x76F8, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4561, offset: 0x58625, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x39B0, symBinAddr: 0x7704, symSize: 0x200 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4685, offset: 0x58749, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3BB0, symBinAddr: 0x7904, symSize: 0x1C4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x47E8, offset: 0x588AC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3D74, symBinAddr: 0x7AC8, symSize: 0x2D4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x493C, offset: 0x58A00, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x4048, symBinAddr: 0x7D9C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x499C, offset: 0x58A60, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke.153', symObjAddr: 0x407C, symBinAddr: 0x7DD0, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A0D, offset: 0x58AD1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48w, symObjAddr: 0x40B4, symBinAddr: 0x7E08, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A36, offset: 0x58AFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48w, symObjAddr: 0x40EC, symBinAddr: 0x7E40, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A55, offset: 0x58B19, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x411C, symBinAddr: 0x7E70, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A7E, offset: 0x58B42, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4170, symBinAddr: 0x7EC4, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AD4, offset: 0x58B98, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4180, symBinAddr: 0x7ED4, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B3A, offset: 0x58BFE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x418C, symBinAddr: 0x7EE0, symSize: 0x208 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C4D, offset: 0x58D11, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4394, symBinAddr: 0x80E8, symSize: 0x1C8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4DA3, offset: 0x58E67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToUrl:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x455C, symBinAddr: 0x82B0, symSize: 0x194 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E83, offset: 0x58F47, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToUrl:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x46F0, symBinAddr: 0x8444, symSize: 0x12C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F49, offset: 0x5900D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48r56r, symObjAddr: 0x481C, symBinAddr: 0x8570, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F72, offset: 0x59036, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48r56r, symObjAddr: 0x4868, symBinAddr: 0x85BC, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F91, offset: 0x59055, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToNetService:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x48A8, symBinAddr: 0x85FC, symSize: 0x12C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x503C, offset: 0x59100, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket lookup:didSucceedWithAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x49D4, symBinAddr: 0x8728, symSize: 0xF0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x510A, offset: 0x591CE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket lookup:didFail:]', symObjAddr: 0x4AC4, symBinAddr: 0x8818, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5160, offset: 0x59224, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket bindSocket:toInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4B1C, symBinAddr: 0x8870, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x526B, offset: 0x5932F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket createSocket:connectInterface:errPtr:]', symObjAddr: 0x4C18, symBinAddr: 0x896C, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x534E, offset: 0x59412, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]', symObjAddr: 0x4CFC, symBinAddr: 0x8A50, symSize: 0x114 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x540F, offset: 0x594D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___52-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4E10, symBinAddr: 0x8B64, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5532, offset: 0x595F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___52-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4EF4, symBinAddr: 0x8C48, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x55E9, offset: 0x596AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x4FC8, symBinAddr: 0x8D1C, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5644, offset: 0x59708, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeUnusedSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x5044, symBinAddr: 0x8D98, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5687, offset: 0x5974B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddress4:address6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5068, symBinAddr: 0x8DBC, symSize: 0x1DC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x57BD, offset: 0x59881, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___54-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddress4:address6:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5244, symBinAddr: 0x8F98, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5832, offset: 0x598F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5254, symBinAddr: 0x8FA8, symSize: 0x158 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x59A0, offset: 0x59A64, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x53AC, symBinAddr: 0x9100, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5A9C, offset: 0x59B60, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke.cold.1', symObjAddr: 0xE6E4, symBinAddr: 0x1E0F8, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5AD5, offset: 0x59B99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5448, symBinAddr: 0x919C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B28, offset: 0x59BEC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x547C, symBinAddr: 0x91D0, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B8C, offset: 0x59C50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x54B0, symBinAddr: 0x9204, symSize: 0x310 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D1C, offset: 0x59DE0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x57C0, symBinAddr: 0x9514, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D5E, offset: 0x59E22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5844, symBinAddr: 0x9598, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5DB1, offset: 0x59E75, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x58D4, symBinAddr: 0x9628, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E54, offset: 0x59F18, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x5974, symBinAddr: 0x96C8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E9E, offset: 0x59F62, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32b, symObjAddr: 0x59A8, symBinAddr: 0x96FC, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5EC7, offset: 0x59F8B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56b, symObjAddr: 0x59B8, symBinAddr: 0x970C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5EF0, offset: 0x59FB4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s, symObjAddr: 0x59FC, symBinAddr: 0x9750, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5F0F, offset: 0x59FD3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke.179', symObjAddr: 0x5A34, symBinAddr: 0x9788, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5FA1, offset: 0x5A065, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_2.180', symObjAddr: 0x5AD0, symBinAddr: 0x9824, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5FEB, offset: 0x5A0AF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket didNotConnect:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5B04, symBinAddr: 0x9858, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x603D, offset: 0x5A101, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket startConnectTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0x5B1C, symBinAddr: 0x9870, symSize: 0x108 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6141, offset: 0x5A205, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncSocket startConnectTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5C24, symBinAddr: 0x9978, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x619F, offset: 0x5A263, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32w, symObjAddr: 0x5C6C, symBinAddr: 0x99C0, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x61C8, offset: 0x5A28C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32w, symObjAddr: 0x5C78, symBinAddr: 0x99CC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x61E7, offset: 0x5A2AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endConnectTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x5C80, symBinAddr: 0x99D4, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6238, offset: 0x5A2FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doConnectTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x5CE8, symBinAddr: 0x9A3C, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x626C, offset: 0x5A330, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0x5D2C, symBinAddr: 0x9A80, symSize: 0x324 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x64C9, offset: 0x5A58D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeWithError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6050, symBinAddr: 0x9DA4, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6529, offset: 0x5A5ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnect]', symObjAddr: 0x6084, symBinAddr: 0x9DD8, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65A6, offset: 0x5A66A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnect]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6114, symBinAddr: 0x9E68, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65E8, offset: 0x5A6AC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReading]', symObjAddr: 0x6150, symBinAddr: 0x9EA4, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6632, offset: 0x5A6F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReading]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x61A8, symBinAddr: 0x9EFC, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6674, offset: 0x5A738, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterWriting]', symObjAddr: 0x61F0, symBinAddr: 0x9F44, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x66BE, offset: 0x5A782, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterWriting]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6248, symBinAddr: 0x9F9C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6700, offset: 0x5A7C4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting]', symObjAddr: 0x6290, symBinAddr: 0x9FE4, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x674A, offset: 0x5A80E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___51-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x62E8, symBinAddr: 0xA03C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x678C, offset: 0x5A850, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeClose]', symObjAddr: 0x6330, symBinAddr: 0xA084, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x67D1, offset: 0x5A895, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket badConfigError:]', symObjAddr: 0x63A0, symBinAddr: 0xA0F4, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6827, offset: 0x5A8EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket badParamError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6474, symBinAddr: 0xA1C8, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x687D, offset: 0x5A941, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket gaiError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6548, symBinAddr: 0xA29C, symSize: 0xF4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x690E, offset: 0x5A9D2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket errorWithErrno:reason:]', symObjAddr: 0x663C, symBinAddr: 0xA390, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6986, offset: 0x5AA4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket errnoError]', symObjAddr: 0x6754, symBinAddr: 0xA4A8, symSize: 0x100 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x69DC, offset: 0x5AAA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6854, symBinAddr: 0xA5A8, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A43, offset: 0x5AB07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6914, symBinAddr: 0xA668, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A99, offset: 0x5AB5D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readMaxedOutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6A20, symBinAddr: 0xA774, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6AEF, offset: 0x5ABB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6B2C, symBinAddr: 0xA880, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B45, offset: 0x5AC09, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x6C38, symBinAddr: 0xA98C, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B9B, offset: 0x5AC5F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectionClosedError]', symObjAddr: 0x6D44, symBinAddr: 0xAA98, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6BF1, offset: 0x5ACB5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket otherError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6E50, symBinAddr: 0xABA4, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6C47, offset: 0x5AD0B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isDisconnected]', symObjAddr: 0x6F24, symBinAddr: 0xAC78, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6CDD, offset: 0x5ADA1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket isDisconnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6FFC, symBinAddr: 0xAD50, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D38, offset: 0x5ADFC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isConnected]', symObjAddr: 0x7018, symBinAddr: 0xAD6C, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6DCE, offset: 0x5AE92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket isConnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x70F0, symBinAddr: 0xAE44, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E29, offset: 0x5AEED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost]', symObjAddr: 0x7108, symBinAddr: 0xAE5C, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6EA9, offset: 0x5AF6D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7214, symBinAddr: 0xAF68, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6EFC, offset: 0x5AFC0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort]', symObjAddr: 0x728C, symBinAddr: 0xAFE0, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F7C, offset: 0x5B040, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7370, symBinAddr: 0xB0C4, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6FCF, offset: 0x5B093, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrl]', symObjAddr: 0x73C0, symBinAddr: 0xB114, symSize: 0xEC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x704F, offset: 0x5B113, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrl]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x74AC, symBinAddr: 0xB200, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70A2, offset: 0x5B166, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost]', symObjAddr: 0x7508, symBinAddr: 0xB25C, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7122, offset: 0x5B1E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7614, symBinAddr: 0xB368, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7175, offset: 0x5B239, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort]', symObjAddr: 0x768C, symBinAddr: 0xB3E0, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x71F5, offset: 0x5B2B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7770, symBinAddr: 0xB4C4, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7248, offset: 0x5B30C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost4]', symObjAddr: 0x77C0, symBinAddr: 0xB514, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7280, offset: 0x5B344, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost6]', symObjAddr: 0x77F0, symBinAddr: 0xB544, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72B8, offset: 0x5B37C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort4]', symObjAddr: 0x7820, symBinAddr: 0xB574, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72F0, offset: 0x5B3B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort6]', symObjAddr: 0x7838, symBinAddr: 0xB58C, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7328, offset: 0x5B3EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost4]', symObjAddr: 0x7850, symBinAddr: 0xB5A4, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7360, offset: 0x5B424, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost6]', symObjAddr: 0x7880, symBinAddr: 0xB5D4, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7398, offset: 0x5B45C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort4]', symObjAddr: 0x78B0, symBinAddr: 0xB604, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x73D0, offset: 0x5B494, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort6]', symObjAddr: 0x78C8, symBinAddr: 0xB61C, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7408, offset: 0x5B4CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHostFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x78E0, symBinAddr: 0xB634, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7497, offset: 0x5B55B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHostFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7970, symBinAddr: 0xB6C4, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7526, offset: 0x5B5EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPortFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x79D4, symBinAddr: 0xB728, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x75B5, offset: 0x5B679, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPortFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7A5C, symBinAddr: 0xB7B0, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7644, offset: 0x5B708, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrlFromSocketUN:]', symObjAddr: 0x7AB8, symBinAddr: 0xB80C, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76D3, offset: 0x5B797, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHostFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x7B48, symBinAddr: 0xB89C, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7783, offset: 0x5B847, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHostFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7BD8, symBinAddr: 0xB92C, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7812, offset: 0x5B8D6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPortFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x7C3C, symBinAddr: 0xB990, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x78A1, offset: 0x5B965, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPortFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x7CC4, symBinAddr: 0xBA18, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7930, offset: 0x5B9F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x7D20, symBinAddr: 0xBA74, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79C6, offset: 0x5BA8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7E1C, symBinAddr: 0xBB70, symSize: 0x100 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7AB3, offset: 0x5BB77, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x7F1C, symBinAddr: 0xBC70, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B49, offset: 0x5BC0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket localAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8018, symBinAddr: 0xBD6C, symSize: 0x100 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C36, offset: 0x5BCFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x8118, symBinAddr: 0xBE6C, symSize: 0xB4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7CB6, offset: 0x5BD7A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___25-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x81CC, symBinAddr: 0xBF20, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D11, offset: 0x5BDD5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x81E8, symBinAddr: 0xBF3C, symSize: 0xB4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D91, offset: 0x5BE55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___25-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x829C, symBinAddr: 0xBFF0, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7DEC, offset: 0x5BEB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isSecure]', symObjAddr: 0x82B8, symBinAddr: 0xC00C, symSize: 0xAC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E6C, offset: 0x5BF30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket isSecure]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8364, symBinAddr: 0xC0B8, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7EC7, offset: 0x5BF8B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getInterfaceAddress4:address6:fromDescription:port:]', symObjAddr: 0x837C, symBinAddr: 0xC0D0, symSize: 0x3FC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x81CE, offset: 0x5C292, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getInterfaceAddressFromUrl:]', symObjAddr: 0x8778, symBinAddr: 0xC4CC, symSize: 0xDC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8245, offset: 0x5C309, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x8854, symBinAddr: 0xC5A8, symSize: 0x1F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x835F, offset: 0x5C423, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8A44, symBinAddr: 0xC798, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x83CB, offset: 0x5C48F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x8AA8, symBinAddr: 0xC7FC, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8429, offset: 0x5C4ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x8AFC, symBinAddr: 0xC850, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8486, offset: 0x5C54A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32r, symObjAddr: 0x8B20, symBinAddr: 0xC874, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x84AF, offset: 0x5C573, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32r, symObjAddr: 0x8B30, symBinAddr: 0xC884, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x84CE, offset: 0x5C592, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke.216', symObjAddr: 0x8B3C, symBinAddr: 0xC890, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x852B, offset: 0x5C5EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket usingCFStreamForTLS]', symObjAddr: 0x8B60, symBinAddr: 0xC8B4, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8563, offset: 0x5C627, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket usingSecureTransportForTLS]', symObjAddr: 0x8B78, symBinAddr: 0xC8CC, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x859B, offset: 0x5C65F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket suspendReadSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8B90, symBinAddr: 0xC8E4, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x85EC, offset: 0x5C6B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket resumeReadSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8BC8, symBinAddr: 0xC91C, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x862E, offset: 0x5C6F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket suspendWriteSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8C00, symBinAddr: 0xC954, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8670, offset: 0x5C734, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket resumeWriteSource]', symObjAddr: 0x8C38, symBinAddr: 0xC98C, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x86B2, offset: 0x5C776, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C70, symBinAddr: 0xC9C4, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8705, offset: 0x5C7C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C84, symBinAddr: 0xC9D8, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8776, offset: 0x5C83A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C90, symBinAddr: 0xC9E4, symSize: 0xF0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x882D, offset: 0x5C8F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8D80, symBinAddr: 0xCAD4, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8880, offset: 0x5C944, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8DD4, symBinAddr: 0xCB28, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x88E2, offset: 0x5C9A6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8DE4, symBinAddr: 0xCB38, symSize: 0xF8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8999, offset: 0x5CA5D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___72-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8EDC, symBinAddr: 0xCC30, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x89EC, offset: 0x5CAB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F30, symBinAddr: 0xCC84, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8A4E, offset: 0x5CB12, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F44, symBinAddr: 0xCC98, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8ACE, offset: 0x5CB92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F50, symBinAddr: 0xCCA4, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8B41, offset: 0x5CC05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F64, symBinAddr: 0xCCB8, symSize: 0x12C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C09, offset: 0x5CCCD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___80-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9090, symBinAddr: 0xCDE4, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C5C, offset: 0x5CD20, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]', symObjAddr: 0x90E4, symBinAddr: 0xCE38, symSize: 0xE8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D25, offset: 0x5CDE9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___62-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x91CC, symBinAddr: 0xCF20, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8DDC, offset: 0x5CEA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeDequeueRead]', symObjAddr: 0x929C, symBinAddr: 0xCFF0, symSize: 0x130 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E10, offset: 0x5CED4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket flushSSLBuffers]', symObjAddr: 0x93CC, symBinAddr: 0xD120, symSize: 0x194 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8FC0, offset: 0x5D084, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket flushSSLBuffers]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9560, symBinAddr: 0xD2B4, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9061, offset: 0x5D125, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadData]', symObjAddr: 0x95D0, symBinAddr: 0xD324, symSize: 0x944 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x942E, offset: 0x5D4F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9F14, symBinAddr: 0xDC68, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x94A3, offset: 0x5D567, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadEOF]', symObjAddr: 0x9F48, symBinAddr: 0xDC9C, symSize: 0x200 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x95A5, offset: 0x5D669, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadEOF]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA148, symBinAddr: 0xDE9C, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x95F8, offset: 0x5D6BC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentRead]', symObjAddr: 0xA178, symBinAddr: 0xDECC, symSize: 0x188 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9716, offset: 0x5D7DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentRead]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA300, symBinAddr: 0xE054, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x978B, offset: 0x5D84F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s, symObjAddr: 0xA338, symBinAddr: 0xE08C, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97B4, offset: 0x5D878, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endCurrentRead]', symObjAddr: 0xA370, symBinAddr: 0xE0C4, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97F6, offset: 0x5D8BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xA3AC, symBinAddr: 0xE100, symSize: 0x108 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x98DC, offset: 0x5D9A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA4B4, symBinAddr: 0xE208, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x993A, offset: 0x5D9FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xA4FC, symBinAddr: 0xE250, symSize: 0xF4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x99B8, offset: 0x5DA7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA5F0, symBinAddr: 0xE344, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A52, offset: 0x5DB16, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xA680, symBinAddr: 0xE3D4, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9AA5, offset: 0x5DB69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeoutWithExtension:]', symObjAddr: 0xA6B4, symBinAddr: 0xE408, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B34, offset: 0x5DBF8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0xA764, symBinAddr: 0xE4B8, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9BC9, offset: 0x5DC8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeData:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA830, symBinAddr: 0xE584, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9C1C, offset: 0x5DCE0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]', symObjAddr: 0xA884, symBinAddr: 0xE5D8, symSize: 0xE8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9CE5, offset: 0x5DDA9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___63-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA96C, symBinAddr: 0xE6C0, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9D9C, offset: 0x5DE60, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeDequeueWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xAA38, symBinAddr: 0xE78C, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9E4D, offset: 0x5DF11, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB024, symBinAddr: 0xED78, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9E8F, offset: 0x5DF53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xB054, symBinAddr: 0xEDA8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F04, offset: 0x5DFC8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xB088, symBinAddr: 0xEDDC, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F86, offset: 0x5E04A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentWrite]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB148, symBinAddr: 0xEE9C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9FEA, offset: 0x5E0AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endCurrentWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xB17C, symBinAddr: 0xEED0, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA02C, offset: 0x5E0F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xB1B8, symBinAddr: 0xEF0C, symSize: 0x108 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA112, offset: 0x5E1D6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB2C0, symBinAddr: 0xF014, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA170, offset: 0x5E234, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xB308, symBinAddr: 0xF05C, symSize: 0xF4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA1EE, offset: 0x5E2B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB3FC, symBinAddr: 0xF150, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA288, offset: 0x5E34C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xB488, symBinAddr: 0xF1DC, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA2DB, offset: 0x5E39F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:]', symObjAddr: 0xB4BC, symBinAddr: 0xF210, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA36A, offset: 0x5E42E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket startTLS:]', symObjAddr: 0xB56C, symBinAddr: 0xF2C0, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA3DD, offset: 0x5E4A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket startTLS:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB634, symBinAddr: 0xF388, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA430, offset: 0x5E4F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeStartTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xB6AC, symBinAddr: 0xF400, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA4BA, offset: 0x5E57E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslReadWithBuffer:length:]', symObjAddr: 0xB7A8, symBinAddr: 0xF4FC, symSize: 0x1BC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA669, offset: 0x5E72D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslWriteWithBuffer:length:]', symObjAddr: 0xB964, symBinAddr: 0xF6B8, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA73F, offset: 0x5E803, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_startTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xBA30, symBinAddr: 0xF784, symSize: 0x978 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xABE0, offset: 0x5ECA4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _SSLReadFunction, symObjAddr: 0xC3A8, symBinAddr: 0x100FC, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAC3C, offset: 0x5ED00, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _SSLWriteFunction, symObjAddr: 0xC3B4, symBinAddr: 0x10108, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAC98, offset: 0x5ED5C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]', symObjAddr: 0xC3C0, symBinAddr: 0x10114, symSize: 0x374 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE2B, offset: 0x5EEEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC734, symBinAddr: 0x10488, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE7E, offset: 0x5EF42, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xC764, symBinAddr: 0x104B8, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF19, offset: 0x5EFDD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0xC814, symBinAddr: 0x10568, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFB8, offset: 0x5F07C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32r40w, symObjAddr: 0xC88C, symBinAddr: 0x105E0, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFE1, offset: 0x5F0A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32r40w, symObjAddr: 0xC8C4, symBinAddr: 0x10618, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB000, offset: 0x5F0C4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48w, symObjAddr: 0xC8F0, symBinAddr: 0x10644, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB029, offset: 0x5F0ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48w, symObjAddr: 0xC930, symBinAddr: 0x10684, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB048, offset: 0x5F10C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke.305', symObjAddr: 0xC964, symBinAddr: 0x106B8, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0BD, offset: 0x5F181, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b56r, symObjAddr: 0xC9A0, symBinAddr: 0x106F4, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0E6, offset: 0x5F1AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r, symObjAddr: 0xC9EC, symBinAddr: 0x10740, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB105, offset: 0x5F1C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_shouldTrustPeer:stateIndex:]', symObjAddr: 0xCA28, symBinAddr: 0x1077C, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB15B, offset: 0x5F21F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake]', symObjAddr: 0xCAA0, symBinAddr: 0x107F4, symSize: 0xE8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB1CC, offset: 0x5F290, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xCB88, symBinAddr: 0x108DC, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB21F, offset: 0x5F2E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_abortSSLHandshake:]', symObjAddr: 0xCBB8, symBinAddr: 0x1090C, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB260, offset: 0x5F324, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_startTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xCBD8, symBinAddr: 0x1092C, symSize: 0x170 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB360, offset: 0x5F424, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket ignore:]', symObjAddr: 0xCD48, symBinAddr: 0x10A9C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB3D7, offset: 0x5F49B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xCDD8, symBinAddr: 0x10B2C, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB415, offset: 0x5F4D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xCE10, symBinAddr: 0x10B64, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB457, offset: 0x5F51B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xCE88, symBinAddr: 0x10BDC, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB4D5, offset: 0x5F599, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45+[MGCDAsyncSocket stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xCF00, symBinAddr: 0x10C54, symSize: 0xB8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB517, offset: 0x5F5DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket cfstreamThread:]', symObjAddr: 0xCFB8, symBinAddr: 0x10D0C, symSize: 0x164 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB59E, offset: 0x5F662, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket scheduleCFStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xD11C, symBinAddr: 0x10E70, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB668, offset: 0x5F72C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket unscheduleCFStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xD184, symBinAddr: 0x10ED8, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB726, offset: 0x5F7EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket createReadAndWriteStream]', symObjAddr: 0xD1EC, symBinAddr: 0x10F40, symSize: 0x104 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB815, offset: 0x5F8D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket registerForStreamCallbacksIncludingReadWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0xD2F0, symBinAddr: 0x11044, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB8AC, offset: 0x5F970, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFReadStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xD37C, symBinAddr: 0x110D0, symSize: 0x138 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB975, offset: 0x5FA39, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFWriteStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xD4B4, symBinAddr: 0x11208, symSize: 0x138 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBA3E, offset: 0x5FB02, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket addStreamsToRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xD5EC, symBinAddr: 0x11340, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBA8C, offset: 0x5FB50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncSocket addStreamsToRunLoop]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD670, symBinAddr: 0x113C4, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBACE, offset: 0x5FB92, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xD6AC, symBinAddr: 0x11400, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBB18, offset: 0x5FBDC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD730, symBinAddr: 0x11484, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBB5A, offset: 0x5FC1E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket openStreams]', symObjAddr: 0xD76C, symBinAddr: 0x114C0, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBC61, offset: 0x5FD25, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream]', symObjAddr: 0xD7D0, symBinAddr: 0x11524, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBCE1, offset: 0x5FDA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___51-[MGCDAsyncSocket autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD880, symBinAddr: 0x115D4, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBD3C, offset: 0x5FE00, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:]', symObjAddr: 0xD89C, symBinAddr: 0x115F0, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBDC6, offset: 0x5FE8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___55-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD930, symBinAddr: 0x11684, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBE1B, offset: 0x5FEDF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xD954, symBinAddr: 0x116A8, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBE96, offset: 0x5FF5A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xD96C, symBinAddr: 0x116C0, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBEFE, offset: 0x5FFC2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket performBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0xD980, symBinAddr: 0x116D4, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBF7B, offset: 0x6003F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFD]', symObjAddr: 0xD9C8, symBinAddr: 0x1171C, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBFC1, offset: 0x60085, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socket4FD]', symObjAddr: 0xDA08, symBinAddr: 0x1175C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC007, offset: 0x600CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socket6FD]', symObjAddr: 0xDA3C, symBinAddr: 0x11790, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC04D, offset: 0x60111, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readStream]', symObjAddr: 0xDA70, symBinAddr: 0x117C4, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC093, offset: 0x60157, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeStream]', symObjAddr: 0xDAAC, symBinAddr: 0x11800, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC0D9, offset: 0x6019D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:]', symObjAddr: 0xDAE8, symBinAddr: 0x1183C, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC176, offset: 0x6023A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocket]', symObjAddr: 0xDB84, symBinAddr: 0x118D8, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC1BC, offset: 0x60280, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat]', symObjAddr: 0xDBC0, symBinAddr: 0x11914, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC202, offset: 0x602C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslContext]', symObjAddr: 0xDBFC, symBinAddr: 0x11950, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC248, offset: 0x6030C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket lookupHost:port:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xDC28, symBinAddr: 0x1197C, symSize: 0x318 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC48E, offset: 0x60552, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xDF40, symBinAddr: 0x11C94, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC505, offset: 0x605C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xDFBC, symBinAddr: 0x11D10, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC57D, offset: 0x60641, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xE038, symBinAddr: 0x11D8C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC5C0, offset: 0x60684, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xE048, symBinAddr: 0x11D9C, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC603, offset: 0x606C7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket urlFromSockaddrUN:]', symObjAddr: 0xE058, symBinAddr: 0x11DAC, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC659, offset: 0x6071D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE0B4, symBinAddr: 0x11E08, symSize: 0x6C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC6B3, offset: 0x60777, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE120, symBinAddr: 0x11E74, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC70C, offset: 0x607D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xE158, symBinAddr: 0x11EAC, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC771, offset: 0x60835, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xE1B8, symBinAddr: 0x11F0C, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC7D6, offset: 0x6089A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket getHost:port:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE218, symBinAddr: 0x11F6C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC83B, offset: 0x608FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket getHost:port:family:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xE224, symBinAddr: 0x11F78, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC915, offset: 0x609D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket CRLFData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3A8, symBinAddr: 0x120FC, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC949, offset: 0x60A0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket CRData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3C0, symBinAddr: 0x12114, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC97D, offset: 0x60A41, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket LFData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3D8, symBinAddr: 0x1212C, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC9B1, offset: 0x60A75, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket ZeroData]', symObjAddr: 0xE3F0, symBinAddr: 0x12144, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC9E5, offset: 0x60AA9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xE408, symBinAddr: 0x1215C, symSize: 0x11C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCA19, offset: 0x60ADD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xE524, symBinAddr: 0x12278, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCA76, offset: 0x60B3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke_2, symObjAddr: 0xE5A0, symBinAddr: 0x122F4, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCAD6, offset: 0x60B9A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xE5FC, symBinAddr: 0x12350, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCB46, offset: 0x60C0A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke_2, symObjAddr: 0xE678, symBinAddr: 0x123CC, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x64841, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x12428, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x41, offset: 0x6485B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketException, symObjAddr: 0xD4A8, symBinAddr: 0x28820, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x61, offset: 0x6487B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain, symObjAddr: 0xD4B0, symBinAddr: 0x28828, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77, offset: 0x64891, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketQueueName, symObjAddr: 0xD4B8, symBinAddr: 0x28830, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D, offset: 0x648A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketThreadName, symObjAddr: 0xD4C0, symBinAddr: 0x28838, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97, offset: 0x648B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket startListenerThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xA7F0, symBinAddr: 0x1C928, symSize: 0x6C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBF, offset: 0x648D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _startListenerThreadIfNeeded.predicate, symObjAddr: 0x40270, symBinAddr: 0x2EAD8, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x125, offset: 0x6493F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _listenerThread, symObjAddr: 0x40278, symBinAddr: 0x2EAE0, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65E, offset: 0x64E78, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x12428, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x696, offset: 0x64EB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket initWithData:timeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x18, symBinAddr: 0x12440, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x701, offset: 0x64F1B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xAC, symBinAddr: 0x124D4, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x735, offset: 0x64F4F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0xF4, symBinAddr: 0x1251C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76D, offset: 0x64F87, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x128, symBinAddr: 0x12550, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7A1, offset: 0x64FBB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket init]', symObjAddr: 0x158, symBinAddr: 0x12580, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D7, offset: 0x64FF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithSocketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x168, symBinAddr: 0x12590, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x820, offset: 0x6503A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x178, symBinAddr: 0x125A0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x874, offset: 0x6508E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x180, symBinAddr: 0x125A8, symSize: 0x190 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x96E, offset: 0x65188, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x12738, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F3, offset: 0x6520D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket dealloc]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3F4, symBinAddr: 0x1281C, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA35, offset: 0x6524F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegate]', symObjAddr: 0x410, symBinAddr: 0x12828, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAB5, offset: 0x652CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_copy_, symObjAddr: 0x4E0, symBinAddr: 0x128F8, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xADA, offset: 0x652F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_dispose_, symObjAddr: 0x4F0, symBinAddr: 0x12908, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF9, offset: 0x65313, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegate]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4F8, symBinAddr: 0x12910, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB4C, offset: 0x65366, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x594, symBinAddr: 0x1294C, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC04, offset: 0x6541E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x660, symBinAddr: 0x12A18, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC57, offset: 0x65471, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x6BC, symBinAddr: 0x12A24, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC98, offset: 0x654B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x6C4, symBinAddr: 0x12A2C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCD9, offset: 0x654F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegateQueue]', symObjAddr: 0x6CC, symBinAddr: 0x12A34, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD59, offset: 0x65573, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegateQueue]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x79C, symBinAddr: 0x12B04, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDAC, offset: 0x655C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x7B0, symBinAddr: 0x12B18, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE51, offset: 0x6566B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___53-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x87C, symBinAddr: 0x12BE4, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEA4, offset: 0x656BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x888, symBinAddr: 0x12BF0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEE5, offset: 0x656FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x890, symBinAddr: 0x12BF8, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF26, offset: 0x65740, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x898, symBinAddr: 0x12C00, symSize: 0x138 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFDB, offset: 0x657F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9D0, symBinAddr: 0x12D38, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x103F, offset: 0x65859, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0xAA0, symBinAddr: 0x12D8C, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10F5, offset: 0x6590F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___62-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xBAC, symBinAddr: 0x12E98, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1159, offset: 0x65973, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xC40, symBinAddr: 0x12ECC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11A9, offset: 0x659C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xC48, symBinAddr: 0x12ED4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11F9, offset: 0x65A13, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0xC50, symBinAddr: 0x12EDC, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x128F, offset: 0x65AA9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xD28, symBinAddr: 0x12FB4, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12EA, offset: 0x65B04, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv4Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0xD44, symBinAddr: 0x12FD0, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1374, offset: 0x65B8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv4Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xDD8, symBinAddr: 0x13064, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13C9, offset: 0x65BE3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0xDF8, symBinAddr: 0x13084, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x145F, offset: 0x65C79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xED0, symBinAddr: 0x1315C, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x14BA, offset: 0x65CD4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv6Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0xEEC, symBinAddr: 0x13178, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1544, offset: 0x65D5E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv6Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF80, symBinAddr: 0x1320C, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1599, offset: 0x65DB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Preferred]', symObjAddr: 0xFA4, symBinAddr: 0x13230, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x162F, offset: 0x65E49, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Preferred]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x107C, symBinAddr: 0x13308, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x168A, offset: 0x65EA4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Preferred]', symObjAddr: 0x1094, symBinAddr: 0x13320, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1720, offset: 0x65F3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Preferred]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x116C, symBinAddr: 0x133F8, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x177B, offset: 0x65F95, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPVersionNeutral]', symObjAddr: 0x1184, symBinAddr: 0x13410, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1811, offset: 0x6602B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPVersionNeutral]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x125C, symBinAddr: 0x134E8, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x186C, offset: 0x66086, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x1278, symBinAddr: 0x13504, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x18E9, offset: 0x66103, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1308, symBinAddr: 0x13594, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x192B, offset: 0x66145, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x132C, symBinAddr: 0x135B8, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19A8, offset: 0x661C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x13BC, symBinAddr: 0x13648, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19EA, offset: 0x66204, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPVersionNeutral]', symObjAddr: 0x13E0, symBinAddr: 0x1366C, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1A67, offset: 0x66281, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPVersionNeutral]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1470, symBinAddr: 0x136FC, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1AA9, offset: 0x662C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1494, symBinAddr: 0x13720, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B3F, offset: 0x66359, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x156C, symBinAddr: 0x137F8, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B9A, offset: 0x663B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x1580, symBinAddr: 0x1380C, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C28, offset: 0x66442, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1614, symBinAddr: 0x138A0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7D, offset: 0x66497, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1624, symBinAddr: 0x138B0, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D13, offset: 0x6652D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x16FC, symBinAddr: 0x13988, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D6E, offset: 0x66588, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x1710, symBinAddr: 0x1399C, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1DFC, offset: 0x66616, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x17A4, symBinAddr: 0x13A30, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E51, offset: 0x6666B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxSendBufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x17B4, symBinAddr: 0x13A40, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1EDF, offset: 0x666F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxSendBufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1848, symBinAddr: 0x13AD4, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1F34, offset: 0x6674E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxSendBufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1858, symBinAddr: 0x13AE4, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1FCA, offset: 0x667E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxSendBufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1930, symBinAddr: 0x13BBC, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2025, offset: 0x6683F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket userData]', symObjAddr: 0x1944, symBinAddr: 0x13BD0, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x20BB, offset: 0x668D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket userData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1A40, symBinAddr: 0x13CCC, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x210E, offset: 0x66928, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setUserData:]', symObjAddr: 0x1A54, symBinAddr: 0x13CE0, symSize: 0xBC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x219C, offset: 0x669B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setUserData:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1B10, symBinAddr: 0x13D9C, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21EF, offset: 0x66A09, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidConnectToAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0x1B2C, symBinAddr: 0x13DB8, symSize: 0xF4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2282, offset: 0x66A9C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidConnectToAddress:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1C20, symBinAddr: 0x13EAC, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x22E6, offset: 0x66B00, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x1C54, symBinAddr: 0x13EE0, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2359, offset: 0x66B73, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotConnect:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1D28, symBinAddr: 0x13FB4, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x23BD, offset: 0x66BD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidSendDataWithTag:]', symObjAddr: 0x1D5C, symBinAddr: 0x13FE8, symSize: 0xB4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2430, offset: 0x66C4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___47-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidSendDataWithTag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1E10, symBinAddr: 0x1409C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2494, offset: 0x66CAE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:]', symObjAddr: 0x1E44, symBinAddr: 0x140D0, symSize: 0xE4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2518, offset: 0x66D32, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___61-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1F28, symBinAddr: 0x141B4, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x258D, offset: 0x66DA7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:]', symObjAddr: 0x1F5C, symBinAddr: 0x141E8, symSize: 0x134 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2633, offset: 0x66E4D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2090, symBinAddr: 0x1431C, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x26B9, offset: 0x66ED3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s64s, symObjAddr: 0x20C8, symBinAddr: 0x14354, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x26E2, offset: 0x66EFC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s64s, symObjAddr: 0x2108, symBinAddr: 0x14394, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2701, offset: 0x66F1B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidCloseWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2148, symBinAddr: 0x143D4, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2774, offset: 0x66F8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidCloseWithError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x221C, symBinAddr: 0x144A8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27D8, offset: 0x66FF2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket badConfigError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2250, symBinAddr: 0x144DC, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x282E, offset: 0x67048, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket badParamError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2324, symBinAddr: 0x145B0, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2884, offset: 0x6709E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket gaiError:]', symObjAddr: 0x23F8, symBinAddr: 0x14684, symSize: 0xF4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2915, offset: 0x6712F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket errnoErrorWithReason:]', symObjAddr: 0x24EC, symBinAddr: 0x14778, symSize: 0x14C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x297C, offset: 0x67196, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket errnoError]', symObjAddr: 0x2638, symBinAddr: 0x148C4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x29B2, offset: 0x671CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x2640, symBinAddr: 0x148CC, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2A08, offset: 0x67222, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socketClosedError]', symObjAddr: 0x274C, symBinAddr: 0x149D8, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2A5E, offset: 0x67278, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket otherError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2858, symBinAddr: 0x14AE4, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2AB4, offset: 0x672CE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preOp:]', symObjAddr: 0x292C, symBinAddr: 0x14BB8, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2B39, offset: 0x67353, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0x29BC, symBinAddr: 0x14C48, symSize: 0x178 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2C61, offset: 0x6747B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2B34, symBinAddr: 0x14DC0, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2CC3, offset: 0x674DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40b, symObjAddr: 0x2B6C, symBinAddr: 0x14DF8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2CEC, offset: 0x67506, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke.72', symObjAddr: 0x2BA0, symBinAddr: 0x14E2C, symSize: 0x344 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2F00, offset: 0x6771A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x2EE4, symBinAddr: 0x15170, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2F6C, offset: 0x67786, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b, symObjAddr: 0x2F1C, symBinAddr: 0x151A8, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2F95, offset: 0x677AF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getAddress:error:fromAddresses:]', symObjAddr: 0x2F58, symBinAddr: 0x151E4, symSize: 0x374 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x31DA, offset: 0x679F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket convertIntefaceDescription:port:intoAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x32CC, symBinAddr: 0x15558, symSize: 0x344 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x34D3, offset: 0x67CED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket convertNumericHost:port:intoAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3610, symBinAddr: 0x1589C, symSize: 0x1C8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x35E5, offset: 0x67DFF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnectedToAddress4:]', symObjAddr: 0x37D8, symBinAddr: 0x15A64, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3650, offset: 0x67E6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnectedToAddress6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3840, symBinAddr: 0x15ACC, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x36BB, offset: 0x67ED5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket indexOfInterfaceAddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0x38B0, symBinAddr: 0x15B3C, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37A1, offset: 0x67FBB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket indexOfInterfaceAddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3970, symBinAddr: 0x15BFC, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3874, offset: 0x6808E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]', symObjAddr: 0x3A38, symBinAddr: 0x15CC4, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x399D, offset: 0x681B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3BBC, symBinAddr: 0x15E48, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39DF, offset: 0x681F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3C1C, symBinAddr: 0x15EA8, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A42, offset: 0x6825C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x3C74, symBinAddr: 0x15F00, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AB6, offset: 0x682D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke.88', symObjAddr: 0x3CB4, symBinAddr: 0x15F24, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B13, offset: 0x6832D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]', symObjAddr: 0x3CD8, symBinAddr: 0x15F48, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BF2, offset: 0x6840C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x3E5C, symBinAddr: 0x160CC, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C34, offset: 0x6844E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3EBC, symBinAddr: 0x1612C, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C84, offset: 0x6849E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x3F14, symBinAddr: 0x16184, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3CE1, offset: 0x684FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x3F38, symBinAddr: 0x161A8, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D3E, offset: 0x68558, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSocket4:socket6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3F5C, symBinAddr: 0x161CC, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DFC, offset: 0x68616, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSocket4:socket6:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4068, symBinAddr: 0x162D8, symSize: 0x1DC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4026, offset: 0x68840, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSockets:]', symObjAddr: 0x4244, symBinAddr: 0x164B4, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4089, offset: 0x688A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendSend4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x428C, symBinAddr: 0x164FC, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x40DA, offset: 0x688F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendSend6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x42C8, symBinAddr: 0x16538, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x411C, offset: 0x68936, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeSend4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4304, symBinAddr: 0x16574, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x416D, offset: 0x68987, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeSend6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4340, symBinAddr: 0x165B0, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x41AF, offset: 0x689C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendReceive4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x437C, symBinAddr: 0x165EC, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x41F1, offset: 0x68A0B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendReceive6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x43B8, symBinAddr: 0x16628, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4233, offset: 0x68A4D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeReceive4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x43F4, symBinAddr: 0x16664, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4275, offset: 0x68A8F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeReceive6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4430, symBinAddr: 0x166A0, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x42B7, offset: 0x68AD1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSocket4]', symObjAddr: 0x446C, symBinAddr: 0x166DC, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4316, offset: 0x68B30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSocket6]', symObjAddr: 0x4500, symBinAddr: 0x16770, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4366, offset: 0x68B80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSockets]', symObjAddr: 0x4594, symBinAddr: 0x16804, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x439A, offset: 0x68BB4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getLocalAddress:host:port:forSocket:withFamily:]', symObjAddr: 0x45C8, symBinAddr: 0x16838, symSize: 0x1AC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x451E, offset: 0x68D38, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info]', symObjAddr: 0x4774, symBinAddr: 0x169E4, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4585, offset: 0x68D9F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info]', symObjAddr: 0x4848, symBinAddr: 0x16AB8, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x45EC, offset: 0x68E06, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x491C, symBinAddr: 0x16B8C, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x468A, offset: 0x68EA4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4A5C, symBinAddr: 0x16CCC, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x46DD, offset: 0x68EF7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4AB8, symBinAddr: 0x16D28, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4727, offset: 0x68F41, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]', symObjAddr: 0x4AFC, symBinAddr: 0x16D5C, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x47C5, offset: 0x68FDF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4C3C, symBinAddr: 0x16E9C, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4818, offset: 0x69032, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4C98, symBinAddr: 0x16EF8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4862, offset: 0x6907C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]', symObjAddr: 0x4CCC, symBinAddr: 0x16F2C, symSize: 0x11C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4900, offset: 0x6911A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4DE8, symBinAddr: 0x17048, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4953, offset: 0x6916D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4E38, symBinAddr: 0x17098, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x499D, offset: 0x691B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x4E6C, symBinAddr: 0x170CC, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A3B, offset: 0x69255, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4FAC, symBinAddr: 0x1720C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A8E, offset: 0x692A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4FE0, symBinAddr: 0x17240, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AD8, offset: 0x692F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x5014, symBinAddr: 0x17274, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B76, offset: 0x69390, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5154, symBinAddr: 0x173B4, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BC9, offset: 0x693E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5188, symBinAddr: 0x173E8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C13, offset: 0x6942D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x51BC, symBinAddr: 0x1741C, symSize: 0x11C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4CB1, offset: 0x694CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x52D8, symBinAddr: 0x17538, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4D04, offset: 0x6951E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x530C, symBinAddr: 0x1756C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4D4E, offset: 0x69568, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5340, symBinAddr: 0x175A0, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4DEC, offset: 0x69606, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5480, symBinAddr: 0x176E0, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E3F, offset: 0x69659, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x54B4, symBinAddr: 0x17714, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E89, offset: 0x696A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x54E8, symBinAddr: 0x17748, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F27, offset: 0x69741, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5628, symBinAddr: 0x17888, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F7A, offset: 0x69794, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x565C, symBinAddr: 0x178BC, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4FC4, offset: 0x697DE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5690, symBinAddr: 0x178F0, symSize: 0x11C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5062, offset: 0x6987C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x57AC, symBinAddr: 0x17A0C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50B5, offset: 0x698CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x57E0, symBinAddr: 0x17A40, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50FF, offset: 0x69919, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo]', symObjAddr: 0x5814, symBinAddr: 0x17A74, symSize: 0x1B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x522A, offset: 0x69A44, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x59C4, symBinAddr: 0x17C24, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x52C8, offset: 0x69AE2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5B04, symBinAddr: 0x17D64, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x531B, offset: 0x69B35, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5B38, symBinAddr: 0x17D98, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5365, offset: 0x69B7F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]', symObjAddr: 0x5B6C, symBinAddr: 0x17DCC, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5403, offset: 0x69C1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5CAC, symBinAddr: 0x17F0C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5456, offset: 0x69C70, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5CE0, symBinAddr: 0x17F40, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x54A0, offset: 0x69CBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]', symObjAddr: 0x5D14, symBinAddr: 0x17F74, symSize: 0x11C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x553E, offset: 0x69D58, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5E30, symBinAddr: 0x18090, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5591, offset: 0x69DAB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5E64, symBinAddr: 0x180C4, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x55DB, offset: 0x69DF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnected]', symObjAddr: 0x5E98, symBinAddr: 0x180F8, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5671, offset: 0x69E8B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5F70, symBinAddr: 0x181D0, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x56CC, offset: 0x69EE6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isClosed]', symObjAddr: 0x5F88, symBinAddr: 0x181E8, symSize: 0xDC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5762, offset: 0x69F7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isClosed]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6064, symBinAddr: 0x182C4, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x57BD, offset: 0x69FD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x6080, symBinAddr: 0x182E0, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5853, offset: 0x6A06D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6158, symBinAddr: 0x183B8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x58A6, offset: 0x6A0C0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x61A0, symBinAddr: 0x18400, symSize: 0xD8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x593C, offset: 0x6A156, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6278, symBinAddr: 0x184D8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x598F, offset: 0x6A1A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preBind:]', symObjAddr: 0x62C0, symBinAddr: 0x18520, symSize: 0xA4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x59F2, offset: 0x6A20C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6364, symBinAddr: 0x185C4, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5A48, offset: 0x6A262, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:interface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6370, symBinAddr: 0x185D0, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B28, offset: 0x6A342, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:interface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x64F4, symBinAddr: 0x18754, symSize: 0x26C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D0A, offset: 0x6A524, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x67EC, symBinAddr: 0x189C0, symSize: 0x174 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5DD8, offset: 0x6A5F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToAddress:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6960, symBinAddr: 0x18B34, symSize: 0x2A4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5F85, offset: 0x6A79F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x6C04, symBinAddr: 0x18DD8, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5FE8, offset: 0x6A802, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6C94, symBinAddr: 0x18E68, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x60C8, offset: 0x6A8E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6E18, symBinAddr: 0x18FEC, symSize: 0x190 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x618E, offset: 0x6A9A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x6FA8, symBinAddr: 0x1917C, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6203, offset: 0x6AA1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7044, symBinAddr: 0x19218, symSize: 0x174 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x62D1, offset: 0x6AAEB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToAddress:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x71B8, symBinAddr: 0x1938C, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x63A8, offset: 0x6ABC2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeConnect]', symObjAddr: 0x733C, symBinAddr: 0x19510, symSize: 0x1E4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6458, offset: 0x6AC72, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectWithAddress4:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7520, symBinAddr: 0x196F4, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6508, offset: 0x6AD22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectWithAddress6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x75E0, symBinAddr: 0x197B4, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6597, offset: 0x6ADB1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preJoin:]', symObjAddr: 0x76A0, symBinAddr: 0x19874, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65E0, offset: 0x6ADFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket joinMulticastGroup:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7724, symBinAddr: 0x198F8, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6636, offset: 0x6AE50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket joinMulticastGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7730, symBinAddr: 0x19904, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x669F, offset: 0x6AEB9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket leaveMulticastGroup:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7744, symBinAddr: 0x19918, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x66F5, offset: 0x6AF0F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket leaveMulticastGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7750, symBinAddr: 0x19924, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x675E, offset: 0x6AF78, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performMulticastRequest:forGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7764, symBinAddr: 0x19938, symSize: 0x1C4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x684F, offset: 0x6B069, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performMulticastRequest:forGroup:onInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7928, symBinAddr: 0x19AFC, symSize: 0x270 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A5D, offset: 0x6B277, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7C34, symBinAddr: 0x19D6C, symSize: 0x174 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B2B, offset: 0x6B345, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7DA8, symBinAddr: 0x19EE0, symSize: 0x18C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6C52, offset: 0x6B46C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F34, symBinAddr: 0x1A06C, symSize: 0x174 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D20, offset: 0x6B53A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x80A8, symBinAddr: 0x1A1E0, symSize: 0x184 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6E38, offset: 0x6B652, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableReusePort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x822C, symBinAddr: 0x1A364, symSize: 0x150 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F02, offset: 0x6B71C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableReusePort:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x837C, symBinAddr: 0x1A4B4, symSize: 0x150 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7021, offset: 0x6B83B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBroadcast:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x84CC, symBinAddr: 0x1A604, symSize: 0x150 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70EB, offset: 0x6B905, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBroadcast:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x861C, symBinAddr: 0x1A754, symSize: 0x114 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x71BD, offset: 0x6B9D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8730, symBinAddr: 0x1A868, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x720D, offset: 0x6BA27, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8738, symBinAddr: 0x1A870, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72A2, offset: 0x6BABC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___47-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8804, symBinAddr: 0x1A93C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72F5, offset: 0x6BB0F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8840, symBinAddr: 0x1A978, symSize: 0x144 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x73AC, offset: 0x6BBC6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8984, symBinAddr: 0x1AABC, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7421, offset: 0x6BC3B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x8A18, symBinAddr: 0x1AB50, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7474, offset: 0x6BC8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toAddress:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x8A54, symBinAddr: 0x1AB8C, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x751A, offset: 0x6BD34, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toAddress:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8B6C, symBinAddr: 0x1ACA4, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x756D, offset: 0x6BD87, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x8BA8, symBinAddr: 0x1ACE0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x75BD, offset: 0x6BDD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]', symObjAddr: 0x8BB0, symBinAddr: 0x1ACE8, symSize: 0x13C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x768B, offset: 0x6BEA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___61-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8CEC, symBinAddr: 0x1AE24, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7700, offset: 0x6BF1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeDequeueSend]', symObjAddr: 0x8D3C, symBinAddr: 0x1AE74, symSize: 0x144 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x774C, offset: 0x6BF66, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]', symObjAddr: 0x8E80, symBinAddr: 0x1AFB8, symSize: 0x2CC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x787B, offset: 0x6C095, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x914C, symBinAddr: 0x1B284, symSize: 0xB4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7913, offset: 0x6C12D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9200, symBinAddr: 0x1B338, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7977, offset: 0x6C191, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke.151', symObjAddr: 0x9268, symBinAddr: 0x1B3A0, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79D6, offset: 0x6C1F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doSend]', symObjAddr: 0x92BC, symBinAddr: 0x1B3F4, symSize: 0x1A8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B54, offset: 0x6C36E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket endCurrentSend]', symObjAddr: 0x9464, symBinAddr: 0x1B59C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B96, offset: 0x6C3B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doSendTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x94A0, symBinAddr: 0x1B5D8, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7BCA, offset: 0x6C3E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0x9500, symBinAddr: 0x1B638, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7CC5, offset: 0x6C4DF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x95C8, symBinAddr: 0x1B700, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D07, offset: 0x6C521, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]', symObjAddr: 0x95F8, symBinAddr: 0x1B730, symSize: 0x14C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7DC4, offset: 0x6C5DE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9744, symBinAddr: 0x1B87C, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E5E, offset: 0x6C678, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9818, symBinAddr: 0x1B950, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7EA0, offset: 0x6C6BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]', symObjAddr: 0x9848, symBinAddr: 0x1B980, symSize: 0x14C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7F5D, offset: 0x6C777, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9994, symBinAddr: 0x1BACC, symSize: 0xD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7FF7, offset: 0x6C811, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9A68, symBinAddr: 0x1BBA0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8039, offset: 0x6C853, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket pauseReceiving]', symObjAddr: 0x9A98, symBinAddr: 0x1BBD0, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80B6, offset: 0x6C8D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket pauseReceiving]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9B28, symBinAddr: 0x1BC60, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x80F8, offset: 0x6C912, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x9B8C, symBinAddr: 0x1BCC4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8148, offset: 0x6C962, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]', symObjAddr: 0x9B94, symBinAddr: 0x1BCCC, symSize: 0x13C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8216, offset: 0x6CA30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9CD0, symBinAddr: 0x1BE08, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x828B, offset: 0x6CAA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]', symObjAddr: 0x9D20, symBinAddr: 0x1BE58, symSize: 0x658 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8506, offset: 0x6CD20, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA378, symBinAddr: 0x1C4B0, symSize: 0xF8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x85BD, offset: 0x6CDD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xA470, symBinAddr: 0x1C5A8, symSize: 0x94 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8643, offset: 0x6CE5D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke.158', symObjAddr: 0xA504, symBinAddr: 0x1C63C, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x86DD, offset: 0x6CEF7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceiveEOF]', symObjAddr: 0xA584, symBinAddr: 0x1C6BC, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8711, offset: 0x6CF2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0xA5C0, symBinAddr: 0x1C6F8, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8763, offset: 0x6CF7D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket close]', symObjAddr: 0xA63C, symBinAddr: 0x1C774, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x87E0, offset: 0x6CFFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket close]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA6CC, symBinAddr: 0x1C804, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8822, offset: 0x6D03C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeAfterSending]', symObjAddr: 0xA700, symBinAddr: 0x1C838, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x889F, offset: 0x6D0B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeAfterSending]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA790, symBinAddr: 0x1C8C8, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x88E1, offset: 0x6D0FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket ignore:]', symObjAddr: 0xA7EC, symBinAddr: 0x1C924, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8958, offset: 0x6D172, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket startListenerThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA85C, symBinAddr: 0x1C994, symSize: 0x54 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x899A, offset: 0x6D1B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket listenerThread:]', symObjAddr: 0xA8B0, symBinAddr: 0x1C9E8, symSize: 0xEC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x89DF, offset: 0x6D1F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket addStreamListener:]', symObjAddr: 0xA99C, symBinAddr: 0x1CAD4, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8AD5, offset: 0x6D2EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket removeStreamListener:]', symObjAddr: 0xAA2C, symBinAddr: 0x1CB64, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8BBF, offset: 0x6D3D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createReadAndWriteStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xAABC, symBinAddr: 0x1CBF4, symSize: 0x1F8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8DEA, offset: 0x6D604, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket registerForStreamCallbacks:]', symObjAddr: 0xACB4, symBinAddr: 0x1CDEC, symSize: 0x1B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9006, offset: 0x6D820, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFReadStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xAE64, symBinAddr: 0x1CF9C, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x90D3, offset: 0x6D8ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFWriteStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xAF70, symBinAddr: 0x1D0A8, symSize: 0x10C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x91A0, offset: 0x6D9BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket addStreamsToRunLoop:]', symObjAddr: 0xB07C, symBinAddr: 0x1D1B4, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x91E5, offset: 0x6D9FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket openStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xB0DC, symBinAddr: 0x1D214, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9300, offset: 0x6DB1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xB1AC, symBinAddr: 0x1D2E4, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9334, offset: 0x6DB4E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeReadAndWriteStreams]', symObjAddr: 0xB1FC, symBinAddr: 0x1D334, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x945C, offset: 0x6DC76, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket applicationWillEnterForeground:]', symObjAddr: 0xB2C8, symBinAddr: 0x1D400, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x94E6, offset: 0x6DD00, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___53-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket applicationWillEnterForeground:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB358, symBinAddr: 0x1D490, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9528, offset: 0x6DD42, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xB390, symBinAddr: 0x1D4C8, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x95A3, offset: 0x6DDBD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xB3A8, symBinAddr: 0x1D4E0, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x960B, offset: 0x6DE25, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0xB3BC, symBinAddr: 0x1D4F4, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9688, offset: 0x6DEA2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socketFD]', symObjAddr: 0xB404, symBinAddr: 0x1D53C, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x96CE, offset: 0x6DEE8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socket4FD]', symObjAddr: 0xB444, symBinAddr: 0x1D57C, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9714, offset: 0x6DF2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socket6FD]', symObjAddr: 0xB478, symBinAddr: 0x1D5B0, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x975A, offset: 0x6DF74, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket readStream]', symObjAddr: 0xB4AC, symBinAddr: 0x1D5E4, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97B1, offset: 0x6DFCB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket writeStream]', symObjAddr: 0xB504, symBinAddr: 0x1D63C, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9808, offset: 0x6E022, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBackgroundingOnSockets]', symObjAddr: 0xB55C, symBinAddr: 0x1D694, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x983C, offset: 0x6E056, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xB564, symBinAddr: 0x1D69C, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x98B3, offset: 0x6E0CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xB5E0, symBinAddr: 0x1D718, symSize: 0x7C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x992B, offset: 0x6E145, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xB65C, symBinAddr: 0x1D794, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x996E, offset: 0x6E188, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xB66C, symBinAddr: 0x1D7A4, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x99B1, offset: 0x6E1CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB67C, symBinAddr: 0x1D7B4, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A0B, offset: 0x6E225, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB6B4, symBinAddr: 0x1D7EC, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A65, offset: 0x6E27F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket familyFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB6E8, symBinAddr: 0x1D820, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9ABF, offset: 0x6E2D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xB71C, symBinAddr: 0x1D854, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B19, offset: 0x6E333, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xB758, symBinAddr: 0x1D890, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B73, offset: 0x6E38D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getHost:port:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB794, symBinAddr: 0x1D8CC, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9BD8, offset: 0x6E3F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getHost:port:family:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xB7A0, symBinAddr: 0x1D8D8, symSize: 0x154 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9CB0, offset: 0x6E4CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xB8F4, symBinAddr: 0x1DA2C, symSize: 0x110 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9CE4, offset: 0x6E4FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xBA04, symBinAddr: 0x1DB3C, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9D44, offset: 0x6E55E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xBA54, symBinAddr: 0x1DB8C, symSize: 0x50 }
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/x86_64/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.yml b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/x86_64/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.yml
similarity index 65%
rename from IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/x86_64/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.yml
rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/x86_64/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.yml
index 4949fc9..4a8acb3 100644
--- a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/x86_64/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.yml
+++ b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/x86_64/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.yml
@@ -2,684 +2,684 @@
triple: 'x86_64-apple-darwin'
binary-path: '/Users/kirtan.vaghela/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/IoTConnect2-bhvazebfhzdirfdaqumgilgqnuod/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/IoTConnect2_AWS/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Library/Frameworks/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.framework/MqttCocoaAsyncSocket'
- - { offsetInCU: 0x34, offset: 0x54D02, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MqttCocoaAsyncSocketVersionString, symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x1E2E0, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69, offset: 0x54D37, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MqttCocoaAsyncSocketVersionNumber, symObjAddr: 0x38, symBinAddr: 0x1E318, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x41, offset: 0x54D8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketException, symObjAddr: 0x121B8, symBinAddr: 0x24508, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x61, offset: 0x54DAE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain, symObjAddr: 0x121C0, symBinAddr: 0x24510, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x77, offset: 0x54DC4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketQueueName, symObjAddr: 0x121C8, symBinAddr: 0x24518, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8D, offset: 0x54DDA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketThreadName, symObjAddr: 0x121D0, symBinAddr: 0x24520, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA3, offset: 0x54DF0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust, symObjAddr: 0x121D8, symBinAddr: 0x24528, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB9, offset: 0x54E06, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS, symObjAddr: 0x121E0, symBinAddr: 0x24530, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCF, offset: 0x54E1C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID, symObjAddr: 0x121E8, symBinAddr: 0x24538, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE5, offset: 0x54E32, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin, symObjAddr: 0x121F0, symBinAddr: 0x24540, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xFB, offset: 0x54E48, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax, symObjAddr: 0x121F8, symBinAddr: 0x24548, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x111, offset: 0x54E5E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart, symObjAddr: 0x12200, symBinAddr: 0x24550, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x127, offset: 0x54E74, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord, symObjAddr: 0x12208, symBinAddr: 0x24558, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x13D, offset: 0x54E8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites, symObjAddr: 0x12210, symBinAddr: 0x24560, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x153, offset: 0x54EA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN, symObjAddr: 0x12218, symBinAddr: 0x24568, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x16B, offset: 0x54EB8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]', symObjAddr: 0xBCE8, symBinAddr: 0xCA08, symSize: 0x616 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69C, offset: 0x553E9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xE6AD, symBinAddr: 0xF3CD, symSize: 0x6F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C4, offset: 0x55411, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded.predicate, symObjAddr: 0x62A48, symBinAddr: 0x2AB00, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x72C, offset: 0x55479, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThread, symObjAddr: 0x62A60, symBinAddr: 0x2AB18, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x747, offset: 0x55494, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThreadRetainCount, symObjAddr: 0x62A50, symBinAddr: 0x2AB08, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x764, offset: 0x554B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, symObjAddr: 0x62A58, symBinAddr: 0x2AB10, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDA0, offset: 0x55AED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0xD20, symSize: 0xE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDEC, offset: 0x55B39, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer initWithCapacity:]', symObjAddr: 0xE, symBinAddr: 0xD2E, symSize: 0x5B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE33, offset: 0x55B80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0x69, symBinAddr: 0xD89, symSize: 0x3F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE66, offset: 0x55BB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0xA8, symBinAddr: 0xDC8, symSize: 0x5F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF33, offset: 0x55C80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer availableBytes]', symObjAddr: 0x107, symBinAddr: 0xE27, symSize: 0xE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF69, offset: 0x55CB6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer readBuffer]', symObjAddr: 0x115, symBinAddr: 0xE35, symSize: 0xA }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF9F, offset: 0x55CEC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer getReadBuffer:availableBytes:]', symObjAddr: 0x11F, symBinAddr: 0xE3F, symSize: 0x31 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1001, offset: 0x55D4E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer didRead:]', symObjAddr: 0x150, symBinAddr: 0xE70, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1044, offset: 0x55D91, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer availableSpace]', symObjAddr: 0x170, symBinAddr: 0xE90, symSize: 0x12 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x107A, offset: 0x55DC7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer writeBuffer]', symObjAddr: 0x182, symBinAddr: 0xEA2, symSize: 0xA }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10B0, offset: 0x55DFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer getWriteBuffer:availableSpace:]', symObjAddr: 0x18C, symBinAddr: 0xEAC, symSize: 0x31 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1112, offset: 0x55E5F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer didWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0x1BD, symBinAddr: 0xEDD, symSize: 0xA }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1153, offset: 0x55EA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer reset]', symObjAddr: 0x1C7, symBinAddr: 0xEE7, symSize: 0x12 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1185, offset: 0x55ED2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x1D9, symBinAddr: 0xEF9, symSize: 0xE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11D2, offset: 0x55F1F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket initWithData:startOffset:maxLength:timeout:readLength:terminator:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x1E7, symBinAddr: 0xF07, symSize: 0x163 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x131C, offset: 0x56069, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:]', symObjAddr: 0x34A, symBinAddr: 0x106A, symSize: 0x4E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x13D0, offset: 0x5611D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket optimalReadLengthWithDefault:shouldPreBuffer:]', symObjAddr: 0x398, symBinAddr: 0x10B8, symSize: 0x77 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x14B4, offset: 0x56201, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForNonTermWithHint:]', symObjAddr: 0x40F, symBinAddr: 0x112F, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1517, offset: 0x56264, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForTermWithHint:shouldPreBuffer:]', symObjAddr: 0x437, symBinAddr: 0x1157, symSize: 0x5D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x15EA, offset: 0x56337, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:found:]', symObjAddr: 0x494, symBinAddr: 0x11B4, symSize: 0x27F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1805, offset: 0x56552, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:]', symObjAddr: 0x713, symBinAddr: 0x1433, symSize: 0xC0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x18E3, offset: 0x56630, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x7D3, symBinAddr: 0x14F3, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1917, offset: 0x56664, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x7FB, symBinAddr: 0x151B, symSize: 0xE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1964, offset: 0x566B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket initWithData:timeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x809, symBinAddr: 0x1529, symSize: 0x91 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x19F8, offset: 0x56745, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x89A, symBinAddr: 0x15BA, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1A2C, offset: 0x56779, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x8AA, symBinAddr: 0x15CA, symSize: 0xE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1A79, offset: 0x567C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket initWithTLSSettings:]', symObjAddr: 0x8B8, symBinAddr: 0x15D8, symSize: 0x73 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B0B, offset: 0x56858, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x92B, symBinAddr: 0x164B, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B3F, offset: 0x5688C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket init]', symObjAddr: 0x93B, symBinAddr: 0x165B, symSize: 0x19 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B9B, offset: 0x568E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithSocketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x954, symBinAddr: 0x1674, symSize: 0x19 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1C0D, offset: 0x5695A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x96D, symBinAddr: 0x168D, symSize: 0x15 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1C8B, offset: 0x569D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x982, symBinAddr: 0x16A2, symSize: 0x20F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1EC6, offset: 0x56C13, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0xB91, symBinAddr: 0x18B1, symSize: 0xC7 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F7E, offset: 0x56CCB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___26-[MGCDAsyncSocket dealloc]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC58, symBinAddr: 0x1978, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1FD3, offset: 0x56D20, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s, symObjAddr: 0xC70, symBinAddr: 0x1990, symSize: 0xF }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2006, offset: 0x56D53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s, symObjAddr: 0xC7F, symBinAddr: 0x199F, symSize: 0xF }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2031, offset: 0x56D7E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:socketQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xC8E, symBinAddr: 0x19AE, symSize: 0x27 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x20CD, offset: 0x56E1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xCB5, symBinAddr: 0x19D5, symSize: 0x22 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x217C, offset: 0x56EC9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xCD7, symBinAddr: 0x19F7, symSize: 0x20D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x235D, offset: 0x570AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_copy_, symObjAddr: 0xEE4, symBinAddr: 0x1C04, symSize: 0x16 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2382, offset: 0x570CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_dispose_, symObjAddr: 0xEFA, symBinAddr: 0x1C1A, symSize: 0xF }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x23AD, offset: 0x570FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___88+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF09, symBinAddr: 0x1C29, symSize: 0x227 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x25A9, offset: 0x572F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48r, symObjAddr: 0x1130, symBinAddr: 0x1E50, symSize: 0x42 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x25DE, offset: 0x5732B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48r, symObjAddr: 0x1172, symBinAddr: 0x1E92, symSize: 0x35 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2609, offset: 0x57356, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegate]', symObjAddr: 0x11A7, symBinAddr: 0x1EC7, symSize: 0xDE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x26A2, offset: 0x573EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegate]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1285, symBinAddr: 0x1FA5, symSize: 0x32 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2701, offset: 0x5744E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r, symObjAddr: 0x12B7, symBinAddr: 0x1FD7, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2736, offset: 0x57483, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r, symObjAddr: 0x12E7, symBinAddr: 0x2007, symSize: 0x27 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2761, offset: 0x574AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x130E, symBinAddr: 0x202E, symSize: 0xC9 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x286E, offset: 0x575BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x13D7, symBinAddr: 0x20F7, symSize: 0x19 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x28C1, offset: 0x5760E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s, symObjAddr: 0x13F0, symBinAddr: 0x2110, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2902, offset: 0x5764F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s, symObjAddr: 0x1415, symBinAddr: 0x2135, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2939, offset: 0x57686, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x143A, symBinAddr: 0x215A, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x299D, offset: 0x576EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x144E, symBinAddr: 0x216E, symSize: 0x17 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2A01, offset: 0x5774E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegateQueue]', symObjAddr: 0x1465, symBinAddr: 0x2185, symSize: 0xDC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2AA6, offset: 0x577F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegateQueue]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1541, symBinAddr: 0x2261, symSize: 0x1E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2AF9, offset: 0x57846, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x155F, symBinAddr: 0x227F, symSize: 0xC9 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2BF3, offset: 0x57940, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1628, symBinAddr: 0x2348, symSize: 0x19 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2C46, offset: 0x57993, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x1641, symBinAddr: 0x2361, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2CAA, offset: 0x579F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x1655, symBinAddr: 0x2375, symSize: 0x17 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2D0E, offset: 0x57A5B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x166C, symBinAddr: 0x238C, symSize: 0x161 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2DDC, offset: 0x57B29, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x17CD, symBinAddr: 0x24ED, symSize: 0x4B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2E4C, offset: 0x57B99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x1818, symBinAddr: 0x2538, symSize: 0xFF }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2FA7, offset: 0x57CF4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1917, symBinAddr: 0x2637, symSize: 0x31 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x300B, offset: 0x57D58, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s, symObjAddr: 0x1948, symBinAddr: 0x2668, symSize: 0x2C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3058, offset: 0x57DA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s, symObjAddr: 0x1974, symBinAddr: 0x2694, symSize: 0x2C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x309B, offset: 0x57DE8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x19A0, symBinAddr: 0x26C0, symSize: 0x15 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3116, offset: 0x57E63, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x19B5, symBinAddr: 0x26D5, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3191, offset: 0x57EDE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0x19CD, symBinAddr: 0x26ED, symSize: 0xA6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3212, offset: 0x57F5F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1A73, symBinAddr: 0x2793, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x326D, offset: 0x57FBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0x1A8F, symBinAddr: 0x27AF, symSize: 0x82 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x330F, offset: 0x5805C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1B11, symBinAddr: 0x2831, symSize: 0x1E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3364, offset: 0x580B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0x1B2F, symBinAddr: 0x284F, symSize: 0xA6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x33E5, offset: 0x58132, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1BD5, symBinAddr: 0x28F5, symSize: 0x1A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3440, offset: 0x5818D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv6Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0x1BEF, symBinAddr: 0x290F, symSize: 0x82 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x34E2, offset: 0x5822F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv6Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1C71, symBinAddr: 0x2991, symSize: 0x21 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3537, offset: 0x58284, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x1C92, symBinAddr: 0x29B2, symSize: 0xA6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x35B8, offset: 0x58305, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1D38, symBinAddr: 0x2A58, symSize: 0x1A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3613, offset: 0x58360, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:]', symObjAddr: 0x1D52, symBinAddr: 0x2A72, symSize: 0x82 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x36B5, offset: 0x58402, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1DD4, symBinAddr: 0x2AF4, symSize: 0x21 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x370A, offset: 0x58457, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket alternateAddressDelay]', symObjAddr: 0x1DF5, symBinAddr: 0x2B15, symSize: 0xDD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x37B4, offset: 0x58501, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncSocket alternateAddressDelay]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1ED2, symBinAddr: 0x2BF2, symSize: 0x1F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x380F, offset: 0x5855C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAlternateAddressDelay:]', symObjAddr: 0x1EF1, symBinAddr: 0x2C11, symSize: 0x84 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x38B1, offset: 0x585FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAlternateAddressDelay:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1F75, symBinAddr: 0x2C95, symSize: 0x17 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3906, offset: 0x58653, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket userData]', symObjAddr: 0x1F8C, symBinAddr: 0x2CAC, symSize: 0x10D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x39C9, offset: 0x58716, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket userData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2099, symBinAddr: 0x2DB9, symSize: 0x21 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3A1C, offset: 0x58769, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setUserData:]', symObjAddr: 0x20BA, symBinAddr: 0x2DDA, symSize: 0xAF }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3AFF, offset: 0x5884C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket setUserData:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2169, symBinAddr: 0x2E89, symSize: 0x27 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3B52, offset: 0x5889F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x2190, symBinAddr: 0x2EB0, symSize: 0x19 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3BD5, offset: 0x58922, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x21A9, symBinAddr: 0x2EC9, symSize: 0x23C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3D9B, offset: 0x58AE8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x23E5, symBinAddr: 0x3105, symSize: 0x20F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4102, offset: 0x58E4F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke.163', symObjAddr: 0x25F4, symBinAddr: 0x3314, symSize: 0x5CA }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x466C, offset: 0x593B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x2BBE, symBinAddr: 0x38DE, symSize: 0x84 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x474F, offset: 0x5949C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40w, symObjAddr: 0x2C42, symBinAddr: 0x3962, symSize: 0x2E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4784, offset: 0x594D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40w, symObjAddr: 0x2C70, symBinAddr: 0x3990, symSize: 0x22 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x47AF, offset: 0x594FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke.192', symObjAddr: 0x2C92, symBinAddr: 0x39B2, symSize: 0xD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x47FB, offset: 0x59548, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_2.194', symObjAddr: 0x2C9F, symBinAddr: 0x39BF, symSize: 0x84 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x48CB, offset: 0x59618, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x2D23, symBinAddr: 0x3A43, symSize: 0xD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4917, offset: 0x59664, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x2D30, symBinAddr: 0x3A50, symSize: 0x68 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4958, offset: 0x596A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x2D98, symBinAddr: 0x3AB8, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x499B, offset: 0x596E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x2DE0, symBinAddr: 0x3B00, symSize: 0x217 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4B1C, offset: 0x59869, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2FF7, symBinAddr: 0x3D17, symSize: 0x20F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4DB4, offset: 0x59B01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3206, symBinAddr: 0x3F26, symSize: 0x3F7 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x513C, offset: 0x59E89, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x35FD, symBinAddr: 0x431D, symSize: 0x7F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x520C, offset: 0x59F59, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x367C, symBinAddr: 0x439C, symSize: 0xD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5258, offset: 0x59FA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]', symObjAddr: 0x3689, symBinAddr: 0x43A9, symSize: 0x291 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5543, offset: 0x5A290, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x391A, symBinAddr: 0x463A, symSize: 0x173 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x56CE, offset: 0x5A41B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3A8D, symBinAddr: 0x47AD, symSize: 0x32 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5729, offset: 0x5A476, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket preConnectWithInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3ABF, symBinAddr: 0x47DF, symSize: 0x23A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5984, offset: 0x5A6D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket preConnectWithUrl:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3CF9, symBinAddr: 0x4A19, symSize: 0x179 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5B10, offset: 0x5A85D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3E72, symBinAddr: 0x4B92, symSize: 0x1A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5BA0, offset: 0x5A8ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3E8C, symBinAddr: 0x4BAC, symSize: 0x1B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5C4F, offset: 0x5A99C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3EA7, symBinAddr: 0x4BC7, symSize: 0x238 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5E8D, offset: 0x5ABDA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x40DF, symBinAddr: 0x4DFF, symSize: 0x1E5 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6074, offset: 0x5ADC1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x42C4, symBinAddr: 0x4FE4, symSize: 0x3DD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6391, offset: 0x5B0DE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x46A1, symBinAddr: 0x53C1, symSize: 0x36 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x63FD, offset: 0x5B14A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke.247', symObjAddr: 0x46D7, symBinAddr: 0x53F7, symSize: 0x3A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x647A, offset: 0x5B1C7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48w, symObjAddr: 0x4711, symBinAddr: 0x5431, symSize: 0x42 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x64BB, offset: 0x5B208, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48w, symObjAddr: 0x4753, symBinAddr: 0x5473, symSize: 0x2E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x64F2, offset: 0x5B23F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x4781, symBinAddr: 0x54A1, symSize: 0x5D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x653F, offset: 0x5B28C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x47DE, symBinAddr: 0x54FE, symSize: 0x1F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x65C0, offset: 0x5B30D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x47FD, symBinAddr: 0x551D, symSize: 0x17 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6658, offset: 0x5B3A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4814, symBinAddr: 0x5534, symSize: 0x231 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6881, offset: 0x5B5CE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4A45, symBinAddr: 0x5765, symSize: 0x205 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AAD, offset: 0x5B7FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToUrl:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4C4A, symBinAddr: 0x596A, symSize: 0x1C6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BEE, offset: 0x5B93B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToUrl:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4E10, symBinAddr: 0x5B30, symSize: 0x168 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D4C, offset: 0x5BA99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48r56r, symObjAddr: 0x4F78, symBinAddr: 0x5C98, symSize: 0x56 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D8D, offset: 0x5BADA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48r56r, symObjAddr: 0x4FCE, symBinAddr: 0x5CEE, symSize: 0x41 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DC4, offset: 0x5BB11, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToNetService:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x500F, symBinAddr: 0x5D2F, symSize: 0x172 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EE1, offset: 0x5BC2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket lookup:didSucceedWithAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x5181, symBinAddr: 0x5EA1, symSize: 0x111 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7084, offset: 0x5BDD1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket lookup:didFail:]', symObjAddr: 0x5292, symBinAddr: 0x5FB2, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7130, offset: 0x5BE7D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket bindSocket:toInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x52F2, symBinAddr: 0x6012, symSize: 0x11D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x72B8, offset: 0x5C005, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket createSocket:connectInterface:errPtr:]', symObjAddr: 0x540F, symBinAddr: 0x612F, symSize: 0xEB }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x740D, offset: 0x5C15A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]', symObjAddr: 0x54FA, symBinAddr: 0x621A, symSize: 0x11B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7549, offset: 0x5C296, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___52-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5615, symBinAddr: 0x6335, symSize: 0xFE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x76BA, offset: 0x5C407, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___52-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5713, symBinAddr: 0x6433, symSize: 0x115 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x77ED, offset: 0x5C53A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x5828, symBinAddr: 0x6548, symSize: 0x45 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7848, offset: 0x5C595, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeUnusedSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x586D, symBinAddr: 0x658D, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7897, offset: 0x5C5E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddress4:address6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5891, symBinAddr: 0x65B1, symSize: 0x1E0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7AFB, offset: 0x5C848, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___54-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddress4:address6:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5A71, symBinAddr: 0x6791, symSize: 0x24 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7B7C, offset: 0x5C8C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5A95, symBinAddr: 0x67B5, symSize: 0x169 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7D44, offset: 0x5CA91, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5BFE, symBinAddr: 0x691E, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7E4C, offset: 0x5CB99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke.cold.1', symObjAddr: 0x101CA, symBinAddr: 0x1DA2A, symSize: 0xBA }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7E64, offset: 0x5CBB1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5C8E, symBinAddr: 0x69AE, symSize: 0x32 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7EC3, offset: 0x5CC10, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x5CC0, symBinAddr: 0x69E0, symSize: 0x36 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7F33, offset: 0x5CC80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x5CF6, symBinAddr: 0x6A16, symSize: 0x369 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8283, offset: 0x5CFD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x605F, symBinAddr: 0x6D7F, symSize: 0xA4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x831F, offset: 0x5D06C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x6103, symBinAddr: 0x6E23, symSize: 0xAA }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x83C6, offset: 0x5D113, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x61AD, symBinAddr: 0x6ECD, symSize: 0xAB }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x848D, offset: 0x5D1DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x6258, symBinAddr: 0x6F78, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x84D7, offset: 0x5D224, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32b, symObjAddr: 0x627D, symBinAddr: 0x6F9D, symSize: 0x17 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8500, offset: 0x5D24D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56b, symObjAddr: 0x6294, symBinAddr: 0x6FB4, symSize: 0x4B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x854D, offset: 0x5D29A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s, symObjAddr: 0x62DF, symBinAddr: 0x6FFF, symSize: 0x33 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x859C, offset: 0x5D2E9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke.325', symObjAddr: 0x6312, symBinAddr: 0x7032, symSize: 0xA6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8652, offset: 0x5D39F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_2.326', symObjAddr: 0x63B8, symBinAddr: 0x70D8, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x869C, offset: 0x5D3E9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket didNotConnect:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x63DD, symBinAddr: 0x70FD, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x86FA, offset: 0x5D447, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket startConnectTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0x63F9, symBinAddr: 0x7119, symSize: 0xF3 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8812, offset: 0x5D55F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncSocket startConnectTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x64EC, symBinAddr: 0x720C, symSize: 0x4B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8898, offset: 0x5D5E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32w, symObjAddr: 0x6537, symBinAddr: 0x7257, symSize: 0x12 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x88C1, offset: 0x5D60E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32w, symObjAddr: 0x6549, symBinAddr: 0x7269, symSize: 0xE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x88E0, offset: 0x5D62D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endConnectTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x6557, symBinAddr: 0x7277, symSize: 0x67 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8955, offset: 0x5D6A2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doConnectTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x65BE, symBinAddr: 0x72DE, symSize: 0x59 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x89D2, offset: 0x5D71F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6617, symBinAddr: 0x7337, symSize: 0x445 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8E32, offset: 0x5DB7F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeWithError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6A5C, symBinAddr: 0x777C, symSize: 0x37 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8E9E, offset: 0x5DBEB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnect]', symObjAddr: 0x6A93, symBinAddr: 0x77B3, symSize: 0x7F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8F2F, offset: 0x5DC7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnect]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6B12, symBinAddr: 0x7832, symSize: 0x37 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8F84, offset: 0x5DCD1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReading]', symObjAddr: 0x6B49, symBinAddr: 0x7869, symSize: 0x4B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8FCE, offset: 0x5DD1B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReading]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6B94, symBinAddr: 0x78B4, symSize: 0x41 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x901C, offset: 0x5DD69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterWriting]', symObjAddr: 0x6BD5, symBinAddr: 0x78F5, symSize: 0x4B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9066, offset: 0x5DDB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterWriting]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6C20, symBinAddr: 0x7940, symSize: 0x41 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x90B4, offset: 0x5DE01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting]', symObjAddr: 0x6C61, symBinAddr: 0x7981, symSize: 0x4B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x90FE, offset: 0x5DE4B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___51-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6CAC, symBinAddr: 0x79CC, symSize: 0x41 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x914C, offset: 0x5DE99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeClose]', symObjAddr: 0x6CED, symBinAddr: 0x7A0D, symSize: 0x8D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x91CB, offset: 0x5DF18, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket badConfigError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6D7A, symBinAddr: 0x7A9A, symSize: 0xDE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9272, offset: 0x5DFBF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket badParamError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6E58, symBinAddr: 0x7B78, symSize: 0xDE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9319, offset: 0x5E066, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket gaiError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6F36, symBinAddr: 0x7C56, symSize: 0xF3 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x93EE, offset: 0x5E13B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket errorWithErrno:reason:]', symObjAddr: 0x7029, symBinAddr: 0x7D49, symSize: 0x11B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x94D3, offset: 0x5E220, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket errnoError]', symObjAddr: 0x7144, symBinAddr: 0x7E64, symSize: 0x103 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x956D, offset: 0x5E2BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslError:]', symObjAddr: 0x7247, symBinAddr: 0x7F67, symSize: 0xBE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x95FC, offset: 0x5E349, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x7305, symBinAddr: 0x8025, symSize: 0x118 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x96B6, offset: 0x5E403, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readMaxedOutError]', symObjAddr: 0x741D, symBinAddr: 0x813D, symSize: 0x118 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9770, offset: 0x5E4BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x7535, symBinAddr: 0x8255, symSize: 0x118 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x982A, offset: 0x5E577, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x764D, symBinAddr: 0x836D, symSize: 0x118 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x98E4, offset: 0x5E631, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectionClosedError]', symObjAddr: 0x7765, symBinAddr: 0x8485, symSize: 0x118 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x999E, offset: 0x5E6EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket otherError:]', symObjAddr: 0x787D, symBinAddr: 0x859D, symSize: 0xDE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9A45, offset: 0x5E792, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isDisconnected]', symObjAddr: 0x795B, symBinAddr: 0x867B, symSize: 0xDD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9AEF, offset: 0x5E83C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket isDisconnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7A38, symBinAddr: 0x8758, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9B4A, offset: 0x5E897, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isConnected]', symObjAddr: 0x7A54, symBinAddr: 0x8774, symSize: 0xDD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9BF4, offset: 0x5E941, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket isConnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7B31, symBinAddr: 0x8851, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9C4F, offset: 0x5E99C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost]', symObjAddr: 0x7B4D, symBinAddr: 0x886D, symSize: 0x10B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9CF4, offset: 0x5EA41, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7C58, symBinAddr: 0x8978, symSize: 0x66 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9D5F, offset: 0x5EAAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort]', symObjAddr: 0x7CBE, symBinAddr: 0x89DE, symSize: 0xDE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9DF4, offset: 0x5EB41, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7D9C, symBinAddr: 0x8ABC, symSize: 0x49 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9E53, offset: 0x5EBA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrl]', symObjAddr: 0x7DE5, symBinAddr: 0x8B05, symSize: 0xFC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9EF8, offset: 0x5EC45, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrl]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7EE1, symBinAddr: 0x8C01, symSize: 0x55 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9F63, offset: 0x5ECB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost]', symObjAddr: 0x7F36, symBinAddr: 0x8C56, symSize: 0x10B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA008, offset: 0x5ED55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8041, symBinAddr: 0x8D61, symSize: 0x66 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA073, offset: 0x5EDC0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort]', symObjAddr: 0x80A7, symBinAddr: 0x8DC7, symSize: 0xDE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA108, offset: 0x5EE55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8185, symBinAddr: 0x8EA5, symSize: 0x49 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA167, offset: 0x5EEB4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost4]', symObjAddr: 0x81CE, symBinAddr: 0x8EEE, symSize: 0x2E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA1AB, offset: 0x5EEF8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost6]', symObjAddr: 0x81FC, symBinAddr: 0x8F1C, symSize: 0x2E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA1EF, offset: 0x5EF3C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort4]', symObjAddr: 0x822A, symBinAddr: 0x8F4A, symSize: 0x1E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA231, offset: 0x5EF7E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort6]', symObjAddr: 0x8248, symBinAddr: 0x8F68, symSize: 0x1E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA273, offset: 0x5EFC0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost4]', symObjAddr: 0x8266, symBinAddr: 0x8F86, symSize: 0x2E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA2B7, offset: 0x5F004, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost6]', symObjAddr: 0x8294, symBinAddr: 0x8FB4, symSize: 0x2E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA2FB, offset: 0x5F048, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort4]', symObjAddr: 0x82C2, symBinAddr: 0x8FE2, symSize: 0x1E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA33D, offset: 0x5F08A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort6]', symObjAddr: 0x82E0, symBinAddr: 0x9000, symSize: 0x1E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA37F, offset: 0x5F0CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHostFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x82FE, symBinAddr: 0x901E, symSize: 0x8D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA42E, offset: 0x5F17B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHostFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x838B, symBinAddr: 0x90AB, symSize: 0x6A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA4DD, offset: 0x5F22A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPortFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x83F5, symBinAddr: 0x9115, symSize: 0x81 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA594, offset: 0x5F2E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPortFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x8476, symBinAddr: 0x9196, symSize: 0x5E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA64B, offset: 0x5F398, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrlFromSocketUN:]', symObjAddr: 0x84D4, symBinAddr: 0x91F4, symSize: 0x9C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA6FD, offset: 0x5F44A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHostFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x8570, symBinAddr: 0x9290, symSize: 0x8D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA7CD, offset: 0x5F51A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHostFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x85FD, symBinAddr: 0x931D, symSize: 0x6A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA87C, offset: 0x5F5C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPortFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x8667, symBinAddr: 0x9387, symSize: 0x81 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA933, offset: 0x5F680, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPortFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x86E8, symBinAddr: 0x9408, symSize: 0x5E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA9EA, offset: 0x5F737, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x8746, symBinAddr: 0x9466, symSize: 0x10D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAAAD, offset: 0x5F7FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8853, symBinAddr: 0x9573, symSize: 0xEE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xABDA, offset: 0x5F927, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x8941, symBinAddr: 0x9661, symSize: 0x10D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAC9D, offset: 0x5F9EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket localAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8A4E, symBinAddr: 0x976E, symSize: 0xEE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xADCA, offset: 0x5FB17, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x8B3C, symBinAddr: 0x985C, symSize: 0xAB }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAE4B, offset: 0x5FB98, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___25-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8BE7, symBinAddr: 0x9907, symSize: 0x1A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAEA6, offset: 0x5FBF3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x8C01, symBinAddr: 0x9921, symSize: 0xAB }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAF27, offset: 0x5FC74, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___25-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8CAC, symBinAddr: 0x99CC, symSize: 0x1A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAF82, offset: 0x5FCCF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isSecure]', symObjAddr: 0x8CC6, symBinAddr: 0x99E6, symSize: 0xA8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB003, offset: 0x5FD50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket isSecure]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8D6E, symBinAddr: 0x9A8E, symSize: 0x1D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB05E, offset: 0x5FDAB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getInterfaceAddress4:address6:fromDescription:port:]', symObjAddr: 0x8D8B, symBinAddr: 0x9AAB, symSize: 0x4AC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB4F4, offset: 0x60241, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getInterfaceAddressFromUrl:]', symObjAddr: 0x9237, symBinAddr: 0x9F57, symSize: 0xED }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB5A8, offset: 0x602F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x9324, symBinAddr: 0xA044, symSize: 0x211 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB6DC, offset: 0x60429, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9535, symBinAddr: 0xA255, symSize: 0x6F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB770, offset: 0x604BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x95A4, symBinAddr: 0xA2C4, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB7F6, offset: 0x60543, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x95F4, symBinAddr: 0xA314, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB853, offset: 0x605A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32r, symObjAddr: 0x9610, symBinAddr: 0xA330, symSize: 0x17 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB87C, offset: 0x605C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32r, symObjAddr: 0x9627, symBinAddr: 0xA347, symSize: 0x13 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB89B, offset: 0x605E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke.433', symObjAddr: 0x963A, symBinAddr: 0xA35A, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB8F8, offset: 0x60645, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket usingCFStreamForTLS]', symObjAddr: 0x9656, symBinAddr: 0xA376, symSize: 0x13 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB92E, offset: 0x6067B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket usingSecureTransportForTLS]', symObjAddr: 0x9669, symBinAddr: 0xA389, symSize: 0x13 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB964, offset: 0x606B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket suspendReadSource]', symObjAddr: 0x967C, symBinAddr: 0xA39C, symSize: 0x26 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB9B5, offset: 0x60702, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket resumeReadSource]', symObjAddr: 0x96A2, symBinAddr: 0xA3C2, symSize: 0x26 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB9F7, offset: 0x60744, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket suspendWriteSource]', symObjAddr: 0x96C8, symBinAddr: 0xA3E8, symSize: 0x26 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBA39, offset: 0x60786, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket resumeWriteSource]', symObjAddr: 0x96EE, symBinAddr: 0xA40E, symSize: 0x26 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBA7B, offset: 0x607C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x9714, symBinAddr: 0xA434, symSize: 0x1F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBB04, offset: 0x60851, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x9733, symBinAddr: 0xA453, symSize: 0x1B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBBAF, offset: 0x608FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x974E, symBinAddr: 0xA46E, symSize: 0xFF }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBCF8, offset: 0x60A45, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x984D, symBinAddr: 0xA56D, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBD63, offset: 0x60AB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x98AD, symBinAddr: 0xA5CD, symSize: 0x1D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBDFD, offset: 0x60B4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x98CA, symBinAddr: 0xA5EA, symSize: 0x108 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBF4E, offset: 0x60C9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___72-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x99D2, symBinAddr: 0xA6F2, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBFB9, offset: 0x60D06, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x9A32, symBinAddr: 0xA752, symSize: 0x27 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC057, offset: 0x60DA4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x9A59, symBinAddr: 0xA779, symSize: 0x22 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC11B, offset: 0x60E68, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x9A7B, symBinAddr: 0xA79B, symSize: 0x27 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC1CC, offset: 0x60F19, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x9AA2, symBinAddr: 0xA7C2, symSize: 0x150 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC392, offset: 0x610DF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___80-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9BF2, symBinAddr: 0xA912, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC3FD, offset: 0x6114A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]', symObjAddr: 0x9C52, symBinAddr: 0xA972, symSize: 0xF0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC4DA, offset: 0x61227, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___62-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9D42, symBinAddr: 0xAA62, symSize: 0x12B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC5A9, offset: 0x612F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeDequeueRead]', symObjAddr: 0x9E6D, symBinAddr: 0xAB8D, symSize: 0x1C1 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC6DA, offset: 0x61427, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket flushSSLBuffers]', symObjAddr: 0xA02E, symBinAddr: 0xAD4E, symSize: 0x216 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC904, offset: 0x61651, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket flushSSLBuffers]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA244, symBinAddr: 0xAF64, symSize: 0x72 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC9B1, offset: 0x616FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadData]', symObjAddr: 0xA2B6, symBinAddr: 0xAFD6, symSize: 0xC0F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD1DA, offset: 0x61F27, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xAEC5, symBinAddr: 0xBBE5, symSize: 0x3B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD25B, offset: 0x61FA8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadEOF]', symObjAddr: 0xAF00, symBinAddr: 0xBC20, symSize: 0x25C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD468, offset: 0x621B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadEOF]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB15C, symBinAddr: 0xBE7C, symSize: 0x33 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD4C7, offset: 0x62214, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentRead]', symObjAddr: 0xB18F, symBinAddr: 0xBEAF, symSize: 0x1E7 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD703, offset: 0x62450, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentRead]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB376, symBinAddr: 0xC096, symSize: 0x3F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD784, offset: 0x624D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s, symObjAddr: 0xB3B5, symBinAddr: 0xC0D5, symSize: 0x33 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD7DD, offset: 0x6252A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endCurrentRead]', symObjAddr: 0xB3E8, symBinAddr: 0xC108, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD837, offset: 0x62584, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xB438, symBinAddr: 0xC158, symSize: 0x102 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD931, offset: 0x6267E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB53A, symBinAddr: 0xC25A, symSize: 0x4B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD9B7, offset: 0x62704, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xB585, symBinAddr: 0xC2A5, symSize: 0x103 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDAD1, offset: 0x6281E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB688, symBinAddr: 0xC3A8, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDB77, offset: 0x628C4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xB718, symBinAddr: 0xC438, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDBD6, offset: 0x62923, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeoutWithExtension:]', symObjAddr: 0xB74C, symBinAddr: 0xC46C, symSize: 0xC8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDCB4, offset: 0x62A01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0xB814, symBinAddr: 0xC534, symSize: 0xE7 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDDCE, offset: 0x62B1B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeData:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB8FB, symBinAddr: 0xC61B, symSize: 0x60 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDE39, offset: 0x62B86, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]', symObjAddr: 0xB95B, symBinAddr: 0xC67B, symSize: 0xF0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDF16, offset: 0x62C63, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___63-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xBA4B, symBinAddr: 0xC76B, symSize: 0x139 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDFF1, offset: 0x62D3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeDequeueWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xBB84, symBinAddr: 0xC8A4, symSize: 0x164 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE16B, offset: 0x62EB8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC2FE, symBinAddr: 0xD01E, symSize: 0x2F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE1B9, offset: 0x62F06, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xC32D, symBinAddr: 0xD04D, symSize: 0x3B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE23A, offset: 0x62F87, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xC368, symBinAddr: 0xD088, symSize: 0xDC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE318, offset: 0x63065, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentWrite]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC444, symBinAddr: 0xD164, symSize: 0x37 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE388, offset: 0x630D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endCurrentWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xC47B, symBinAddr: 0xD19B, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE3E2, offset: 0x6312F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xC4CB, symBinAddr: 0xD1EB, symSize: 0x102 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE4DC, offset: 0x63229, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC5CD, symBinAddr: 0xD2ED, symSize: 0x4B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE562, offset: 0x632AF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xC618, symBinAddr: 0xD338, symSize: 0x103 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE67C, offset: 0x633C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC71B, symBinAddr: 0xD43B, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE722, offset: 0x6346F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xC7AB, symBinAddr: 0xD4CB, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE781, offset: 0x634CE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:]', symObjAddr: 0xC7DF, symBinAddr: 0xD4FF, symSize: 0xC8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE85F, offset: 0x635AC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket startTLS:]', symObjAddr: 0xC8A7, symBinAddr: 0xD5C7, symSize: 0xDF }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE947, offset: 0x63694, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket startTLS:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC986, symBinAddr: 0xD6A6, symSize: 0x92 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE9DA, offset: 0x63727, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeStartTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xCA18, symBinAddr: 0xD738, symSize: 0x111 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xEB28, offset: 0x63875, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslReadWithBuffer:length:]', symObjAddr: 0xCB29, symBinAddr: 0xD849, symSize: 0x273 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xED83, offset: 0x63AD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslWriteWithBuffer:length:]', symObjAddr: 0xCD9C, symBinAddr: 0xDABC, symSize: 0xB0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xEE6D, offset: 0x63BBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_startTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xCE4C, symBinAddr: 0xDB6C, symSize: 0xD4D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xFA31, offset: 0x6477E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _SSLReadFunction, symObjAddr: 0xDB99, symBinAddr: 0xE8B9, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xFAB2, offset: 0x647FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _SSLWriteFunction, symObjAddr: 0xDBB1, symBinAddr: 0xE8D1, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xFB33, offset: 0x64880, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]', symObjAddr: 0xDBC9, symBinAddr: 0xE8E9, symSize: 0x406 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xFE9B, offset: 0x64BE8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xDFCF, symBinAddr: 0xECEF, symSize: 0x33 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xFEFA, offset: 0x64C47, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xE002, symBinAddr: 0xED22, symSize: 0x9C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xFF9A, offset: 0x64CE7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0xE09E, symBinAddr: 0xEDBE, symSize: 0x80 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10061, offset: 0x64DAE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32r40w, symObjAddr: 0xE11E, symBinAddr: 0xEE3E, symSize: 0x36 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1008A, offset: 0x64DD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32r40w, symObjAddr: 0xE154, symBinAddr: 0xEE74, symSize: 0x26 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x100A9, offset: 0x64DF6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48w, symObjAddr: 0xE17A, symBinAddr: 0xEE9A, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x100DE, offset: 0x64E2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48w, symObjAddr: 0xE1BA, symBinAddr: 0xEEDA, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10109, offset: 0x64E56, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke.607', symObjAddr: 0xE1EA, symBinAddr: 0xEF0A, symSize: 0x43 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1018A, offset: 0x64ED7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b56r, symObjAddr: 0xE22D, symBinAddr: 0xEF4D, symSize: 0x56 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x101CB, offset: 0x64F18, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r, symObjAddr: 0xE283, symBinAddr: 0xEFA3, symSize: 0x3A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1020E, offset: 0x64F5B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_shouldTrustPeer:stateIndex:]', symObjAddr: 0xE2BD, symBinAddr: 0xEFDD, symSize: 0x87 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x102AC, offset: 0x64FF9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake]', symObjAddr: 0xE344, symBinAddr: 0xF064, symSize: 0x10F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x103B5, offset: 0x65102, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xE453, symBinAddr: 0xF173, symSize: 0x33 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10414, offset: 0x65161, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_abortSSLHandshake:]', symObjAddr: 0xE486, symBinAddr: 0xF1A6, symSize: 0x2B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10461, offset: 0x651AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_startTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xE4B1, symBinAddr: 0xF1D1, symSize: 0x1F6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1067F, offset: 0x653CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket ignore:]', symObjAddr: 0xE6A7, symBinAddr: 0xF3C7, symSize: 0x6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x106F6, offset: 0x65443, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xE71C, symBinAddr: 0xF43C, symSize: 0x32 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10740, offset: 0x6548D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xE74E, symBinAddr: 0xF46E, symSize: 0x88 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x107AD, offset: 0x654FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xE7D6, symBinAddr: 0xF4F6, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10836, offset: 0x65583, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45+[MGCDAsyncSocket stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xE83A, symBinAddr: 0xF55A, symSize: 0xDA }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x108DD, offset: 0x6562A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket cfstreamThread:]', symObjAddr: 0xE914, symBinAddr: 0xF634, symSize: 0x1B6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10A8C, offset: 0x657D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket scheduleCFStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xEACA, symBinAddr: 0xF7EA, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10B7F, offset: 0x658CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket unscheduleCFStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xEB2E, symBinAddr: 0xF84E, symSize: 0x64 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10C66, offset: 0x659B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket createReadAndWriteStream]', symObjAddr: 0xEB92, symBinAddr: 0xF8B2, symSize: 0x114 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10D69, offset: 0x65AB6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket registerForStreamCallbacksIncludingReadWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0xECA6, symBinAddr: 0xF9C6, symSize: 0x92 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10E00, offset: 0x65B4D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFReadStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xED38, symBinAddr: 0xFA58, symSize: 0x15D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10F67, offset: 0x65CB4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFWriteStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xEE95, symBinAddr: 0xFBB5, symSize: 0x15D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x110CE, offset: 0x65E1B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket addStreamsToRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xEFF2, symBinAddr: 0xFD12, symSize: 0x7E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11134, offset: 0x65E81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncSocket addStreamsToRunLoop]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF070, symBinAddr: 0xFD90, symSize: 0x4A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11195, offset: 0x65EE2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xF0BA, symBinAddr: 0xFDDA, symSize: 0x7F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x111FF, offset: 0x65F4C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF139, symBinAddr: 0xFE59, symSize: 0x4A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11260, offset: 0x65FAD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket openStreams]', symObjAddr: 0xF183, symBinAddr: 0xFEA3, symSize: 0x5F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1136F, offset: 0x660BC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream]', symObjAddr: 0xF1E2, symBinAddr: 0xFF02, symSize: 0xA6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x113F0, offset: 0x6613D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___51-[MGCDAsyncSocket autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF288, symBinAddr: 0xFFA8, symSize: 0x1A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1144B, offset: 0x66198, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:]', symObjAddr: 0xF2A2, symBinAddr: 0xFFC2, symSize: 0x82 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x114ED, offset: 0x6623A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___55-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF324, symBinAddr: 0x10044, symSize: 0x21 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11542, offset: 0x6628F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xF345, symBinAddr: 0x10065, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x115BD, offset: 0x6630A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xF361, symBinAddr: 0x10081, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11625, offset: 0x66372, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket performBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0xF379, symBinAddr: 0x10099, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x116A2, offset: 0x663EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFD]', symObjAddr: 0xF3B1, symBinAddr: 0x100D1, symSize: 0x33 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x116E8, offset: 0x66435, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socket4FD]', symObjAddr: 0xF3E4, symBinAddr: 0x10104, symSize: 0x2B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1172E, offset: 0x6647B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socket6FD]', symObjAddr: 0xF40F, symBinAddr: 0x1012F, symSize: 0x2B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11774, offset: 0x664C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readStream]', symObjAddr: 0xF43A, symBinAddr: 0x1015A, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x117CE, offset: 0x6651B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeStream]', symObjAddr: 0xF482, symBinAddr: 0x101A2, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11828, offset: 0x66575, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:]', symObjAddr: 0xF4CA, symBinAddr: 0x101EA, symSize: 0x9B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x118EE, offset: 0x6663B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocket]', symObjAddr: 0xF565, symBinAddr: 0x10285, symSize: 0x3B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1194E, offset: 0x6669B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat]', symObjAddr: 0xF5A0, symBinAddr: 0x102C0, symSize: 0x3E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x119AE, offset: 0x666FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslContext]', symObjAddr: 0xF5DE, symBinAddr: 0x102FE, symSize: 0x2C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x119F4, offset: 0x66741, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket lookupHost:port:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xF60A, symBinAddr: 0x1032A, symSize: 0x390 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11DA6, offset: 0x66AF3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xF99A, symBinAddr: 0x106BA, symSize: 0x7D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11E29, offset: 0x66B76, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xFA17, symBinAddr: 0x10737, symSize: 0x7D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11EAD, offset: 0x66BFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xFA94, symBinAddr: 0x107B4, symSize: 0x11 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11EF0, offset: 0x66C3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xFAA5, symBinAddr: 0x107C5, symSize: 0x11 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11F33, offset: 0x66C80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket urlFromSockaddrUN:]', symObjAddr: 0xFAB6, symBinAddr: 0x107D6, symSize: 0x62 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11FB1, offset: 0x66CFE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xFB18, symBinAddr: 0x10838, symSize: 0x67 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x12069, offset: 0x66DB6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xFB7F, symBinAddr: 0x1089F, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x120ED, offset: 0x66E3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xFBAF, symBinAddr: 0x108CF, symSize: 0x5E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x12193, offset: 0x66EE0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xFC0D, symBinAddr: 0x1092D, symSize: 0x5E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x12239, offset: 0x66F86, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket getHost:port:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xFC6B, symBinAddr: 0x1098B, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x122D1, offset: 0x6701E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket getHost:port:family:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xFC83, symBinAddr: 0x109A3, symSize: 0x1D5 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1247C, offset: 0x671C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket CRLFData]', symObjAddr: 0xFE58, symBinAddr: 0x10B78, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x124C3, offset: 0x67210, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket CRData]', symObjAddr: 0xFE7D, symBinAddr: 0x10B9D, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1250A, offset: 0x67257, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket LFData]', symObjAddr: 0xFEA2, symBinAddr: 0x10BC2, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x12551, offset: 0x6729E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket ZeroData]', symObjAddr: 0xFEC7, symBinAddr: 0x10BE7, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x12598, offset: 0x672E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xFEEC, symBinAddr: 0x10C0C, symSize: 0x123 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x125CC, offset: 0x67319, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0x1000F, symBinAddr: 0x10D2F, symSize: 0x7B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x12635, offset: 0x67382, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke_2, symObjAddr: 0x1008A, symBinAddr: 0x10DAA, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x126A1, offset: 0x673EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0x100E2, symBinAddr: 0x10E02, symSize: 0x7B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1271D, offset: 0x6746A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke_2, symObjAddr: 0x1015D, symBinAddr: 0x10E7D, symSize: 0x63 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x6B0AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x10EE0, symSize: 0xE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x41, offset: 0x6B0C7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketException, symObjAddr: 0xDF08, symBinAddr: 0x24C20, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x61, offset: 0x6B0E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain, symObjAddr: 0xDF10, symBinAddr: 0x24C28, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x77, offset: 0x6B0FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketQueueName, symObjAddr: 0xDF18, symBinAddr: 0x24C30, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8D, offset: 0x6B113, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketThreadName, symObjAddr: 0xDF20, symBinAddr: 0x24C38, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x97, offset: 0x6B11D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket startListenerThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xB5D6, symBinAddr: 0x1C1AB, symSize: 0x58 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBF, offset: 0x6B145, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _startListenerThreadIfNeeded.predicate, symObjAddr: 0x49200, symBinAddr: 0x2AB20, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x125, offset: 0x6B1AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _listenerThread, symObjAddr: 0x49208, symBinAddr: 0x2AB28, symSize: 0x0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x65E, offset: 0x6B6E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x10EE0, symSize: 0xE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AB, offset: 0x6B731, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket initWithData:timeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0xE, symBinAddr: 0x10EEE, symSize: 0x8E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x73F, offset: 0x6B7C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x9C, symBinAddr: 0x10F7C, symSize: 0x3E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x773, offset: 0x6B7F9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0xDA, symBinAddr: 0x10FBA, symSize: 0x2F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7AB, offset: 0x6B831, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x109, symBinAddr: 0x10FE9, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7DF, offset: 0x6B865, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket init]', symObjAddr: 0x131, symBinAddr: 0x11011, symSize: 0x19 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x83B, offset: 0x6B8C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithSocketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14A, symBinAddr: 0x1102A, symSize: 0x19 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8AD, offset: 0x6B933, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x163, symBinAddr: 0x11043, symSize: 0x15 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x92B, offset: 0x6B9B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x178, symBinAddr: 0x11058, symSize: 0x1D5 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB2E, offset: 0x6BBB4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0x34D, symBinAddr: 0x1122D, symSize: 0xFF }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC1A, offset: 0x6BCA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket dealloc]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x44C, symBinAddr: 0x1132C, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC6F, offset: 0x6BCF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegate]', symObjAddr: 0x482, symBinAddr: 0x11344, symSize: 0xDE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD08, offset: 0x6BD8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_copy_, symObjAddr: 0x560, symBinAddr: 0x11422, symSize: 0x16 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD2D, offset: 0x6BDB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_dispose_, symObjAddr: 0x576, symBinAddr: 0x11438, symSize: 0xF }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD58, offset: 0x6BDDE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegate]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x585, symBinAddr: 0x11447, symSize: 0x32 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDB7, offset: 0x6BE3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x60E, symBinAddr: 0x11479, symSize: 0xC9 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xEC4, offset: 0x6BF4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6D7, symBinAddr: 0x11542, symSize: 0x19 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF17, offset: 0x6BF9D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x73A, symBinAddr: 0x1155B, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF7B, offset: 0x6C001, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x74E, symBinAddr: 0x1156F, symSize: 0x17 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xFDF, offset: 0x6C065, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegateQueue]', symObjAddr: 0x765, symBinAddr: 0x11586, symSize: 0xDC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1084, offset: 0x6C10A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegateQueue]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x841, symBinAddr: 0x11662, symSize: 0x1E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10D7, offset: 0x6C15D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x85F, symBinAddr: 0x11680, symSize: 0xC9 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x11D1, offset: 0x6C257, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___53-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x928, symBinAddr: 0x11749, symSize: 0x19 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1224, offset: 0x6C2AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x941, symBinAddr: 0x11762, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1288, offset: 0x6C30E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x955, symBinAddr: 0x11776, symSize: 0x17 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x12EC, offset: 0x6C372, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x96C, symBinAddr: 0x1178D, symSize: 0x161 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x13BA, offset: 0x6C440, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xACD, symBinAddr: 0x118EE, symSize: 0x4B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x142A, offset: 0x6C4B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0xB8F, symBinAddr: 0x11939, symSize: 0xFF }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1585, offset: 0x6C60B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___62-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC8E, symBinAddr: 0x11A38, symSize: 0x31 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x15E9, offset: 0x6C66F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xD17, symBinAddr: 0x11A69, symSize: 0x15 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1664, offset: 0x6C6EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xD2C, symBinAddr: 0x11A7E, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x16DF, offset: 0x6C765, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0xD44, symBinAddr: 0x11A96, symSize: 0xDD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1789, offset: 0x6C80F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xE21, symBinAddr: 0x11B73, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x17E4, offset: 0x6C86A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv4Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0xE3D, symBinAddr: 0x11B8F, symSize: 0x82 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1886, offset: 0x6C90C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv4Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xEBF, symBinAddr: 0x11C11, symSize: 0x1E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x18DB, offset: 0x6C961, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0xEDD, symBinAddr: 0x11C2F, symSize: 0xDD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1985, offset: 0x6CA0B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xFBA, symBinAddr: 0x11D0C, symSize: 0x1A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x19E0, offset: 0x6CA66, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv6Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0xFD4, symBinAddr: 0x11D26, symSize: 0x82 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1A82, offset: 0x6CB08, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv6Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1056, symBinAddr: 0x11DA8, symSize: 0x21 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1AD7, offset: 0x6CB5D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Preferred]', symObjAddr: 0x1077, symBinAddr: 0x11DC9, symSize: 0xDD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B81, offset: 0x6CC07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Preferred]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1154, symBinAddr: 0x11EA6, symSize: 0x1D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1BDC, offset: 0x6CC62, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Preferred]', symObjAddr: 0x1171, symBinAddr: 0x11EC3, symSize: 0xDD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1C86, offset: 0x6CD0C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Preferred]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x124E, symBinAddr: 0x11FA0, symSize: 0x1D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1CE1, offset: 0x6CD67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPVersionNeutral]', symObjAddr: 0x126B, symBinAddr: 0x11FBD, symSize: 0xDD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1D8B, offset: 0x6CE11, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPVersionNeutral]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1348, symBinAddr: 0x1209A, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1DE6, offset: 0x6CE6C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x1364, symBinAddr: 0x120B6, symSize: 0x7F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1E77, offset: 0x6CEFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x13E3, symBinAddr: 0x12135, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1EB9, offset: 0x6CF3F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x13FB, symBinAddr: 0x1214D, symSize: 0x7F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F4A, offset: 0x6CFD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x147A, symBinAddr: 0x121CC, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F8C, offset: 0x6D012, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPVersionNeutral]', symObjAddr: 0x1492, symBinAddr: 0x121E4, symSize: 0x7F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x201D, offset: 0x6D0A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPVersionNeutral]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1511, symBinAddr: 0x12263, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x205F, offset: 0x6D0E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1529, symBinAddr: 0x1227B, symSize: 0xE0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2109, offset: 0x6D18F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1609, symBinAddr: 0x1235B, symSize: 0x1A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2164, offset: 0x6D1EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x1623, symBinAddr: 0x12375, symSize: 0x83 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2206, offset: 0x6D28C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x16A6, symBinAddr: 0x123F8, symSize: 0x12 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x225B, offset: 0x6D2E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x16B8, symBinAddr: 0x1240A, symSize: 0xE0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2305, offset: 0x6D38B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1798, symBinAddr: 0x124EA, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2360, offset: 0x6D3E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x17B0, symBinAddr: 0x12502, symSize: 0x82 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2402, offset: 0x6D488, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1832, symBinAddr: 0x12584, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2457, offset: 0x6D4DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxSendBufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x1842, symBinAddr: 0x12594, symSize: 0x83 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x24F9, offset: 0x6D57F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxSendBufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x18C5, symBinAddr: 0x12617, symSize: 0x12 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x254E, offset: 0x6D5D4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxSendBufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x18D7, symBinAddr: 0x12629, symSize: 0xE0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x25F8, offset: 0x6D67E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxSendBufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x19B7, symBinAddr: 0x12709, symSize: 0x1A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2653, offset: 0x6D6D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket userData]', symObjAddr: 0x19D1, symBinAddr: 0x12723, symSize: 0x10D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2716, offset: 0x6D79C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket userData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1ADE, symBinAddr: 0x12830, symSize: 0x21 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2769, offset: 0x6D7EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setUserData:]', symObjAddr: 0x1AFF, symBinAddr: 0x12851, symSize: 0xAF }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x284C, offset: 0x6D8D2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setUserData:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1BAE, symBinAddr: 0x12900, symSize: 0x27 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x289F, offset: 0x6D925, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidConnectToAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0x1BD5, symBinAddr: 0x12927, symSize: 0x111 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x29ED, offset: 0x6DA73, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidConnectToAddress:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1CE6, symBinAddr: 0x12A38, symSize: 0x37 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2A5D, offset: 0x6DAE3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x1D1D, symBinAddr: 0x12A6F, symSize: 0xF2 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2B63, offset: 0x6DBE9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotConnect:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1E0F, symBinAddr: 0x12B61, symSize: 0x37 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2BD3, offset: 0x6DC59, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidSendDataWithTag:]', symObjAddr: 0x1E46, symBinAddr: 0x12B98, symSize: 0xB9 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2C8E, offset: 0x6DD14, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___47-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidSendDataWithTag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1EFF, symBinAddr: 0x12C51, symSize: 0x37 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2CFE, offset: 0x6DD84, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:]', symObjAddr: 0x1F36, symBinAddr: 0x12C88, symSize: 0xF3 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2E15, offset: 0x6DE9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___61-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2029, symBinAddr: 0x12D7B, symSize: 0x3B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2E96, offset: 0x6DF1C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:]', symObjAddr: 0x2064, symBinAddr: 0x12DB6, symSize: 0x135 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3067, offset: 0x6E0ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2199, symBinAddr: 0x12EEB, symSize: 0x3F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x30F9, offset: 0x6E17F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s64s, symObjAddr: 0x21D8, symBinAddr: 0x12F2A, symSize: 0x3A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x315E, offset: 0x6E1E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s64s, symObjAddr: 0x2212, symBinAddr: 0x12F64, symSize: 0x3A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x31B9, offset: 0x6E23F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidCloseWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0x224C, symBinAddr: 0x12F9E, symSize: 0xF2 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x32BF, offset: 0x6E345, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidCloseWithError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x233E, symBinAddr: 0x13090, symSize: 0x37 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x332F, offset: 0x6E3B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket badConfigError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2375, symBinAddr: 0x130C7, symSize: 0xDE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x33D6, offset: 0x6E45C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket badParamError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2453, symBinAddr: 0x131A5, symSize: 0xDE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x347D, offset: 0x6E503, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket gaiError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2531, symBinAddr: 0x13283, symSize: 0xF3 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3552, offset: 0x6E5D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket errnoErrorWithReason:]', symObjAddr: 0x2624, symBinAddr: 0x13376, symSize: 0x152 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x362A, offset: 0x6E6B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket errnoError]', symObjAddr: 0x2776, symBinAddr: 0x134C8, symSize: 0x14 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x367B, offset: 0x6E701, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x278A, symBinAddr: 0x134DC, symSize: 0x118 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3735, offset: 0x6E7BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socketClosedError]', symObjAddr: 0x28A2, symBinAddr: 0x135F4, symSize: 0x118 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x37EF, offset: 0x6E875, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket otherError:]', symObjAddr: 0x29BA, symBinAddr: 0x1370C, symSize: 0xDE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3896, offset: 0x6E91C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preOp:]', symObjAddr: 0x2A98, symBinAddr: 0x137EA, symSize: 0x84 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3933, offset: 0x6E9B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0x2B1C, symBinAddr: 0x1386E, symSize: 0x194 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3B2A, offset: 0x6EBB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2CB0, symBinAddr: 0x13A02, symSize: 0x2B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3B8C, offset: 0x6EC12, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40b, symObjAddr: 0x2CDB, symBinAddr: 0x13A2D, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3BC1, offset: 0x6EC47, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke.114', symObjAddr: 0x2D0B, symBinAddr: 0x13A5D, symSize: 0x3EC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3F78, offset: 0x6EFFE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x30F7, symBinAddr: 0x13E49, symSize: 0x2D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3FE4, offset: 0x6F06A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b, symObjAddr: 0x3124, symBinAddr: 0x13E76, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4025, offset: 0x6F0AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getAddress:error:fromAddresses:]', symObjAddr: 0x3168, symBinAddr: 0x13EBA, symSize: 0x55E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4427, offset: 0x6F4AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket convertIntefaceDescription:port:intoAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x36C6, symBinAddr: 0x14418, symSize: 0x3EA }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x47EF, offset: 0x6F875, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket convertNumericHost:port:intoAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3AB0, symBinAddr: 0x14802, symSize: 0x1E4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x49BB, offset: 0x6FA41, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnectedToAddress4:]', symObjAddr: 0x3C94, symBinAddr: 0x149E6, symSize: 0x68 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4A4E, offset: 0x6FAD4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnectedToAddress6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3CFC, symBinAddr: 0x14A4E, symSize: 0x78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4AE1, offset: 0x6FB67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket indexOfInterfaceAddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0x3D74, symBinAddr: 0x14AC6, symSize: 0xBF }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4C10, offset: 0x6FC96, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket indexOfInterfaceAddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3E33, symBinAddr: 0x14B85, symSize: 0xD5 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4D2C, offset: 0x6FDB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]', symObjAddr: 0x3F08, symBinAddr: 0x14C5A, symSize: 0x186 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4E6F, offset: 0x6FEF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x408E, symBinAddr: 0x14DE0, symSize: 0x65 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4EBD, offset: 0x6FF43, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x40F3, symBinAddr: 0x14E45, symSize: 0x62 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4F2C, offset: 0x6FFB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x4155, symBinAddr: 0x14EA7, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4FA0, offset: 0x70026, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke.164', symObjAddr: 0x419B, symBinAddr: 0x14EC3, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4FFD, offset: 0x70083, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]', symObjAddr: 0x41B7, symBinAddr: 0x14EDF, symSize: 0x192 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x50F6, offset: 0x7017C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4349, symBinAddr: 0x15071, symSize: 0x65 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5144, offset: 0x701CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x43AE, symBinAddr: 0x150D6, symSize: 0x65 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x51A0, offset: 0x70226, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x4413, symBinAddr: 0x1513B, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x51FD, offset: 0x70283, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x442F, symBinAddr: 0x15157, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x525A, offset: 0x702E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSocket4:socket6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x444B, symBinAddr: 0x15173, symSize: 0xED }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5354, offset: 0x703DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSocket4:socket6:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4538, symBinAddr: 0x15260, symSize: 0x217 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x55A8, offset: 0x7062E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSockets:]', symObjAddr: 0x474F, symBinAddr: 0x15477, symSize: 0x53 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x564F, offset: 0x706D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendSend4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x47A2, symBinAddr: 0x154CA, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x56A0, offset: 0x70726, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendSend6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x47CA, symBinAddr: 0x154F2, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x56E2, offset: 0x70768, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeSend4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x47F2, symBinAddr: 0x1551A, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5733, offset: 0x707B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeSend6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x481A, symBinAddr: 0x15542, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5775, offset: 0x707FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendReceive4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4842, symBinAddr: 0x1556A, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x57B7, offset: 0x7083D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendReceive6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x486A, symBinAddr: 0x15592, symSize: 0x2B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x57F9, offset: 0x7087F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeReceive4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4895, symBinAddr: 0x155BD, symSize: 0x28 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x583B, offset: 0x708C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeReceive6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x48BD, symBinAddr: 0x155E5, symSize: 0x2B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x587D, offset: 0x70903, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSocket4]', symObjAddr: 0x48E8, symBinAddr: 0x15610, symSize: 0xB2 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5934, offset: 0x709BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSocket6]', symObjAddr: 0x499A, symBinAddr: 0x156C2, symSize: 0xBB }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x59DC, offset: 0x70A62, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSockets]', symObjAddr: 0x4A55, symBinAddr: 0x1577D, symSize: 0x31 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5A39, offset: 0x70ABF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getLocalAddress:host:port:forSocket:withFamily:]', symObjAddr: 0x4A86, symBinAddr: 0x157AE, symSize: 0x1D5 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5C87, offset: 0x70D0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info]', symObjAddr: 0x4C5B, symBinAddr: 0x15983, symSize: 0xE5 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5D69, offset: 0x70DEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info]', symObjAddr: 0x4D40, symBinAddr: 0x15A68, symSize: 0xE5 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5E4B, offset: 0x70ED1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x4E25, symBinAddr: 0x15B4D, symSize: 0x155 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5F35, offset: 0x70FBB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4F7A, symBinAddr: 0x15CA2, symSize: 0x6B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x5FB8, offset: 0x7103E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4FE5, symBinAddr: 0x15D0D, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6002, offset: 0x71088, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]', symObjAddr: 0x5021, symBinAddr: 0x15D32, symSize: 0x155 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x60EC, offset: 0x71172, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5176, symBinAddr: 0x15E87, symSize: 0x6B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x616F, offset: 0x711F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x51E1, symBinAddr: 0x15EF2, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x61B9, offset: 0x7123F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]', symObjAddr: 0x5206, symBinAddr: 0x15F17, symSize: 0x126 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x628B, offset: 0x71311, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x532C, symBinAddr: 0x1603D, symSize: 0x56 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x62EA, offset: 0x71370, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5382, symBinAddr: 0x16093, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6334, offset: 0x713BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x53A7, symBinAddr: 0x160B8, symSize: 0x155 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x641E, offset: 0x714A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x54FC, symBinAddr: 0x1620D, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x647D, offset: 0x71503, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5538, symBinAddr: 0x16249, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x64C7, offset: 0x7154D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x555D, symBinAddr: 0x1626E, symSize: 0x155 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x65B1, offset: 0x71637, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x56B2, symBinAddr: 0x163C3, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6610, offset: 0x71696, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x56EE, symBinAddr: 0x163FF, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x665A, offset: 0x716E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x5713, symBinAddr: 0x16424, symSize: 0x126 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x672C, offset: 0x717B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5839, symBinAddr: 0x1654A, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x678B, offset: 0x71811, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5871, symBinAddr: 0x16582, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x67D5, offset: 0x7185B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5896, symBinAddr: 0x165A7, symSize: 0x155 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x68BF, offset: 0x71945, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x59EB, symBinAddr: 0x166FC, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x691E, offset: 0x719A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5A27, symBinAddr: 0x16738, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6968, offset: 0x719EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5A4C, symBinAddr: 0x1675D, symSize: 0x155 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A52, offset: 0x71AD8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5BA1, symBinAddr: 0x168B2, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AB1, offset: 0x71B37, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5BDD, symBinAddr: 0x168EE, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AFB, offset: 0x71B81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5C02, symBinAddr: 0x16913, symSize: 0x126 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BCD, offset: 0x71C53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5D28, symBinAddr: 0x16A39, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C2C, offset: 0x71CB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5D60, symBinAddr: 0x16A71, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C76, offset: 0x71CFC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo]', symObjAddr: 0x5D85, symBinAddr: 0x16A96, symSize: 0x211 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EB3, offset: 0x71F39, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x5F96, symBinAddr: 0x16CA7, symSize: 0x155 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6F9D, offset: 0x72023, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x60EB, symBinAddr: 0x16DFC, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6FFC, offset: 0x72082, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x6127, symBinAddr: 0x16E38, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7046, offset: 0x720CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]', symObjAddr: 0x614C, symBinAddr: 0x16E5D, symSize: 0x155 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7130, offset: 0x721B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x62A1, symBinAddr: 0x16FB2, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x718F, offset: 0x72215, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x62DD, symBinAddr: 0x16FEE, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x71D9, offset: 0x7225F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]', symObjAddr: 0x6302, symBinAddr: 0x17013, symSize: 0x126 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x72AB, offset: 0x72331, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6428, symBinAddr: 0x17139, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x730A, offset: 0x72390, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x6460, symBinAddr: 0x17171, symSize: 0x25 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7354, offset: 0x723DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnected]', symObjAddr: 0x6485, symBinAddr: 0x17196, symSize: 0xDD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x73FE, offset: 0x72484, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6562, symBinAddr: 0x17273, symSize: 0x1D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7459, offset: 0x724DF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isClosed]', symObjAddr: 0x657F, symBinAddr: 0x17290, symSize: 0xDD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7503, offset: 0x72589, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isClosed]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x665C, symBinAddr: 0x1736D, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x755E, offset: 0x725E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x6678, symBinAddr: 0x17389, symSize: 0xDD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7608, offset: 0x7268E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6755, symBinAddr: 0x17466, symSize: 0x3B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7667, offset: 0x726ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x6790, symBinAddr: 0x174A1, symSize: 0xDD }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7711, offset: 0x72797, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x686D, symBinAddr: 0x1757E, symSize: 0x3B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7770, offset: 0x727F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preBind:]', symObjAddr: 0x68A8, symBinAddr: 0x175B9, symSize: 0x8A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x77FC, offset: 0x72882, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6932, symBinAddr: 0x17643, symSize: 0x17 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x787D, offset: 0x72903, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:interface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6949, symBinAddr: 0x1765A, symSize: 0x1A0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x79BE, offset: 0x72A44, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:interface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6AE9, symBinAddr: 0x177FA, symSize: 0x2E1 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7CA4, offset: 0x72D2A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6E61, symBinAddr: 0x17ADB, symSize: 0x19C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7DD4, offset: 0x72E5A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToAddress:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6FFD, symBinAddr: 0x17C77, symSize: 0x315 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x808E, offset: 0x73114, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x7312, symBinAddr: 0x17F8C, symSize: 0x77 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x811A, offset: 0x731A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7389, symBinAddr: 0x18003, symSize: 0x1A0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x825B, offset: 0x732E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7529, symBinAddr: 0x181A3, symSize: 0x1E0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x83D6, offset: 0x7345C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x7709, symBinAddr: 0x18383, symSize: 0xA6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x84FA, offset: 0x73580, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x77AF, symBinAddr: 0x18429, symSize: 0x19C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x862A, offset: 0x736B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToAddress:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x794B, symBinAddr: 0x185C5, symSize: 0x1D3 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x87D3, offset: 0x73859, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeConnect]', symObjAddr: 0x7B1E, symBinAddr: 0x18798, symSize: 0x230 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8A2B, offset: 0x73AB1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectWithAddress4:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7D4E, symBinAddr: 0x189C8, symSize: 0xD1 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8B43, offset: 0x73BC9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectWithAddress6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7E1F, symBinAddr: 0x18A99, symSize: 0xD1 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8C3A, offset: 0x73CC0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preJoin:]', symObjAddr: 0x7EF0, symBinAddr: 0x18B6A, symSize: 0x72 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8CAC, offset: 0x73D32, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket joinMulticastGroup:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F62, symBinAddr: 0x18BDC, symSize: 0x17 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8D2D, offset: 0x73DB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket joinMulticastGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F79, symBinAddr: 0x18BF3, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8DC9, offset: 0x73E4F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket leaveMulticastGroup:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F99, symBinAddr: 0x18C13, symSize: 0x17 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8E4A, offset: 0x73ED0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket leaveMulticastGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7FB0, symBinAddr: 0x18C2A, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x8EE6, offset: 0x73F6C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performMulticastRequest:forGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7FD0, symBinAddr: 0x18C4A, symSize: 0x1DE }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x908D, offset: 0x74113, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performMulticastRequest:forGroup:onInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x81AE, symBinAddr: 0x18E28, symSize: 0x34E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x941A, offset: 0x744A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x85A1, symBinAddr: 0x19176, symSize: 0x19C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x954A, offset: 0x745D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x873D, symBinAddr: 0x19312, symSize: 0x1C1 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x971A, offset: 0x747A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x88FE, symBinAddr: 0x194D3, symSize: 0x19C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x984A, offset: 0x748D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8A9A, symBinAddr: 0x1966F, symSize: 0x1B9 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9A13, offset: 0x74A99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableReusePort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C53, symBinAddr: 0x19828, symSize: 0x164 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9B01, offset: 0x74B87, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableReusePort:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8DB7, symBinAddr: 0x1998C, symSize: 0x16D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9C60, offset: 0x74CE6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBroadcast:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F24, symBinAddr: 0x19AF9, symSize: 0x164 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9D4E, offset: 0x74DD4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBroadcast:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9088, symBinAddr: 0x19C5D, symSize: 0x131 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9E60, offset: 0x74EE6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTag:]', symObjAddr: 0x91B9, symBinAddr: 0x19D8E, symSize: 0x1A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9ED5, offset: 0x74F5B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x91D3, symBinAddr: 0x19DA8, symSize: 0xE7 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9FEF, offset: 0x75075, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___47-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x92BA, symBinAddr: 0x19E8F, symSize: 0x55 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA05A, offset: 0x750E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x930F, symBinAddr: 0x19EE4, symSize: 0x171 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA20D, offset: 0x75293, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9480, symBinAddr: 0x1A055, symSize: 0x99 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA2DF, offset: 0x75365, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9519, symBinAddr: 0x1A0EE, symSize: 0x55 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA34A, offset: 0x753D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toAddress:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x956E, symBinAddr: 0x1A143, symSize: 0x12F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA4C5, offset: 0x7554B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toAddress:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x969D, symBinAddr: 0x1A272, symSize: 0x55 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA530, offset: 0x755B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x96F2, symBinAddr: 0x1A2C7, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA5AB, offset: 0x75631, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]', symObjAddr: 0x970A, symBinAddr: 0x1A2DF, symSize: 0x12D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA775, offset: 0x757FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___61-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9837, symBinAddr: 0x1A40C, symSize: 0x46 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA7F6, offset: 0x7587C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeDequeueSend]', symObjAddr: 0x987D, symBinAddr: 0x1A452, symSize: 0x1F0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xA994, offset: 0x75A1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]', symObjAddr: 0x9A6D, symBinAddr: 0x1A642, symSize: 0x384 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAC59, offset: 0x75CDF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9DF1, symBinAddr: 0x1A9C6, symSize: 0xB6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAD0D, offset: 0x75D93, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9EA7, symBinAddr: 0x1AA7C, symSize: 0x87 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xADA1, offset: 0x75E27, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke.334', symObjAddr: 0x9F2E, symBinAddr: 0x1AB03, symSize: 0x47 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xAE00, offset: 0x75E86, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doSend]', symObjAddr: 0x9F75, symBinAddr: 0x1AB4A, symSize: 0x20D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB06E, offset: 0x760F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket endCurrentSend]', symObjAddr: 0xA182, symBinAddr: 0x1AD57, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB0C8, offset: 0x7614E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doSendTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xA1D2, symBinAddr: 0x1ADA7, symSize: 0x75 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB15F, offset: 0x761E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xA247, symBinAddr: 0x1AE1C, symSize: 0xBA }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB26D, offset: 0x762F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA301, symBinAddr: 0x1AED6, symSize: 0x2F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB2BB, offset: 0x76341, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]', symObjAddr: 0xA330, symBinAddr: 0x1AF05, symSize: 0x161 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB398, offset: 0x7641E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA491, symBinAddr: 0x1B066, symSize: 0xB6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB44A, offset: 0x764D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xA547, symBinAddr: 0x1B11C, symSize: 0x2F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB498, offset: 0x7651E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]', symObjAddr: 0xA576, symBinAddr: 0x1B14B, symSize: 0x161 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB575, offset: 0x765FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA6D7, symBinAddr: 0x1B2AC, symSize: 0xB6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB627, offset: 0x766AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xA78D, symBinAddr: 0x1B362, symSize: 0x2F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB675, offset: 0x766FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket pauseReceiving]', symObjAddr: 0xA7BC, symBinAddr: 0x1B391, symSize: 0x7F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB706, offset: 0x7678C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket pauseReceiving]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA83B, symBinAddr: 0x1B410, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB760, offset: 0x767E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xA897, symBinAddr: 0x1B46C, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB7DB, offset: 0x76861, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]', symObjAddr: 0xA8AF, symBinAddr: 0x1B484, symSize: 0x12D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB9A5, offset: 0x76A2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA9DC, symBinAddr: 0x1B5B1, symSize: 0x46 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBA26, offset: 0x76AAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]', symObjAddr: 0xAA22, symBinAddr: 0x1B5F7, symSize: 0x71A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBED9, offset: 0x76F5F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB13C, symBinAddr: 0x1BD11, symSize: 0x102 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBFC0, offset: 0x77046, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xB23E, symBinAddr: 0x1BE13, symSize: 0x92 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC05E, offset: 0x770E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke.361', symObjAddr: 0xB2D0, symBinAddr: 0x1BEA5, symSize: 0x79 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC0F8, offset: 0x7717E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceiveEOF]', symObjAddr: 0xB349, symBinAddr: 0x1BF1E, symSize: 0x4C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC160, offset: 0x771E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0xB395, symBinAddr: 0x1BF6A, symSize: 0xA9 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC252, offset: 0x772D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket close]', symObjAddr: 0xB43E, symBinAddr: 0x1C013, symSize: 0x7F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC2E3, offset: 0x77369, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket close]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB4BD, symBinAddr: 0x1C092, symSize: 0x31 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC338, offset: 0x773BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeAfterSending]', symObjAddr: 0xB4EE, symBinAddr: 0x1C0C3, symSize: 0x7F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC3C9, offset: 0x7744F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeAfterSending]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB56D, symBinAddr: 0x1C142, symSize: 0x63 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC42A, offset: 0x774B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket ignore:]', symObjAddr: 0xB5D0, symBinAddr: 0x1C1A5, symSize: 0x6 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC4A1, offset: 0x77527, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket startListenerThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB62E, symBinAddr: 0x1C203, symSize: 0x63 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC50E, offset: 0x77594, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket listenerThread:]', symObjAddr: 0xB691, symBinAddr: 0x1C266, symSize: 0x114 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC60E, offset: 0x77694, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket addStreamListener:]', symObjAddr: 0xB7A5, symBinAddr: 0x1C37A, symSize: 0xA0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC72D, offset: 0x777B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket removeStreamListener:]', symObjAddr: 0xB845, symBinAddr: 0x1C41A, symSize: 0xA0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xC840, offset: 0x778C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createReadAndWriteStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xB8E5, symBinAddr: 0x1C4BA, symSize: 0x238 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCA84, offset: 0x77B0A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket registerForStreamCallbacks:]', symObjAddr: 0xBB1D, symBinAddr: 0x1C6F2, symSize: 0x1C2 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCCC0, offset: 0x77D46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFReadStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xBCDF, symBinAddr: 0x1C8B4, symSize: 0x10E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCE15, offset: 0x77E9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFWriteStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xBDED, symBinAddr: 0x1C9C2, symSize: 0x10E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xCF6A, offset: 0x77FF0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket addStreamsToRunLoop:]', symObjAddr: 0xBEFB, symBinAddr: 0x1CAD0, symSize: 0x72 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD004, offset: 0x7808A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket openStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xBF6D, symBinAddr: 0x1CB42, symSize: 0xBB }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD137, offset: 0x781BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xC028, symBinAddr: 0x1CBFD, symSize: 0x4E }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD191, offset: 0x78217, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeReadAndWriteStreams]', symObjAddr: 0xC076, symBinAddr: 0x1CC4B, symSize: 0xF8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD2B9, offset: 0x7833F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket applicationWillEnterForeground:]', symObjAddr: 0xC16E, symBinAddr: 0x1CD43, symSize: 0x7F }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD357, offset: 0x783DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___53-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket applicationWillEnterForeground:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC1ED, symBinAddr: 0x1CDC2, symSize: 0x4A }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD3B1, offset: 0x78437, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xC237, symBinAddr: 0x1CE0C, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD42C, offset: 0x784B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xC253, symBinAddr: 0x1CE28, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD494, offset: 0x7851A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0xC26B, symBinAddr: 0x1CE40, symSize: 0x38 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD511, offset: 0x78597, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socketFD]', symObjAddr: 0xC2A3, symBinAddr: 0x1CE78, symSize: 0x33 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD557, offset: 0x785DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socket4FD]', symObjAddr: 0xC2D6, symBinAddr: 0x1CEAB, symSize: 0x2B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD59D, offset: 0x78623, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socket6FD]', symObjAddr: 0xC301, symBinAddr: 0x1CED6, symSize: 0x2B }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD5E3, offset: 0x78669, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket readStream]', symObjAddr: 0xC32C, symBinAddr: 0x1CF01, symSize: 0x57 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD655, offset: 0x786DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket writeStream]', symObjAddr: 0xC383, symBinAddr: 0x1CF58, symSize: 0x57 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD6C7, offset: 0x7874D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBackgroundingOnSockets]', symObjAddr: 0xC3DA, symBinAddr: 0x1CFAF, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD6FB, offset: 0x78781, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xC3E2, symBinAddr: 0x1CFB7, symSize: 0x7D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD77E, offset: 0x78804, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xC45F, symBinAddr: 0x1D034, symSize: 0x7D }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD802, offset: 0x78888, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xC4DC, symBinAddr: 0x1D0B1, symSize: 0x11 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD845, offset: 0x788CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xC4ED, symBinAddr: 0x1D0C2, symSize: 0x11 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD888, offset: 0x7890E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xC4FE, symBinAddr: 0x1D0D3, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD91E, offset: 0x789A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xC53E, symBinAddr: 0x1D113, symSize: 0x31 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD9A8, offset: 0x78A2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket familyFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xC56F, symBinAddr: 0x1D144, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDA32, offset: 0x78AB8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xC59F, symBinAddr: 0x1D174, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDABC, offset: 0x78B42, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xC5D3, symBinAddr: 0x1D1A8, symSize: 0x34 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDB46, offset: 0x78BCC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getHost:port:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xC607, symBinAddr: 0x1D1DC, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDBDE, offset: 0x78C64, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getHost:port:family:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xC61F, symBinAddr: 0x1D1F4, symSize: 0x19C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDD87, offset: 0x78E0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xC7BB, symBinAddr: 0x1D390, symSize: 0x118 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDDBB, offset: 0x78E41, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xC8D3, symBinAddr: 0x1D4A8, symSize: 0x49 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xDE27, offset: 0x78EAD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xC91C, symBinAddr: 0x1D4F1, symSize: 0x49 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x34, offset: 0x556B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MqttCocoaAsyncSocketVersionString, symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x1E2E0, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x69, offset: 0x556E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MqttCocoaAsyncSocketVersionNumber, symObjAddr: 0x38, symBinAddr: 0x1E318, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x41, offset: 0x5573E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketException, symObjAddr: 0x121B8, symBinAddr: 0x24508, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x61, offset: 0x5575E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain, symObjAddr: 0x121C0, symBinAddr: 0x24510, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77, offset: 0x55774, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketQueueName, symObjAddr: 0x121C8, symBinAddr: 0x24518, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D, offset: 0x5578A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketThreadName, symObjAddr: 0x121D0, symBinAddr: 0x24520, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA3, offset: 0x557A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust, symObjAddr: 0x121D8, symBinAddr: 0x24528, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB9, offset: 0x557B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketUseCFStreamForTLS, symObjAddr: 0x121E0, symBinAddr: 0x24530, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCF, offset: 0x557CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLPeerID, symObjAddr: 0x121E8, symBinAddr: 0x24538, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE5, offset: 0x557E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMin, symObjAddr: 0x121F0, symBinAddr: 0x24540, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFB, offset: 0x557F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLProtocolVersionMax, symObjAddr: 0x121F8, symBinAddr: 0x24548, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x111, offset: 0x5580E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionFalseStart, symObjAddr: 0x12200, symBinAddr: 0x24550, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x127, offset: 0x55824, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLSessionOptionSendOneByteRecord, symObjAddr: 0x12208, symBinAddr: 0x24558, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13D, offset: 0x5583A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLCipherSuites, symObjAddr: 0x12210, symBinAddr: 0x24560, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x153, offset: 0x55850, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncSocketSSLALPN, symObjAddr: 0x12218, symBinAddr: 0x24568, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x16B, offset: 0x55868, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]', symObjAddr: 0xBCE8, symBinAddr: 0xCA08, symSize: 0x616 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x69C, offset: 0x55D99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xE6AD, symBinAddr: 0xF3CD, symSize: 0x6F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6C4, offset: 0x55DC1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded.predicate, symObjAddr: 0x62A48, symBinAddr: 0x2AB00, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72C, offset: 0x55E29, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThread, symObjAddr: 0x62A60, symBinAddr: 0x2AB18, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x747, offset: 0x55E44, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThreadRetainCount, symObjAddr: 0x62A50, symBinAddr: 0x2AB08, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x764, offset: 0x55E61, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _cfstreamThreadSetupQueue, symObjAddr: 0x62A58, symBinAddr: 0x2AB10, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDA0, offset: 0x5649D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0xD20, symSize: 0xE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDEC, offset: 0x564E9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer initWithCapacity:]', symObjAddr: 0xE, symBinAddr: 0xD2E, symSize: 0x5B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE33, offset: 0x56530, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0x69, symBinAddr: 0xD89, symSize: 0x3F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE66, offset: 0x56563, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer ensureCapacityForWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0xA8, symBinAddr: 0xDC8, symSize: 0x5F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF33, offset: 0x56630, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer availableBytes]', symObjAddr: 0x107, symBinAddr: 0xE27, symSize: 0xE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF69, offset: 0x56666, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer readBuffer]', symObjAddr: 0x115, symBinAddr: 0xE35, symSize: 0xA }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF9F, offset: 0x5669C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer getReadBuffer:availableBytes:]', symObjAddr: 0x11F, symBinAddr: 0xE3F, symSize: 0x31 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1001, offset: 0x566FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer didRead:]', symObjAddr: 0x150, symBinAddr: 0xE70, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1044, offset: 0x56741, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer availableSpace]', symObjAddr: 0x170, symBinAddr: 0xE90, symSize: 0x12 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x107A, offset: 0x56777, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer writeBuffer]', symObjAddr: 0x182, symBinAddr: 0xEA2, symSize: 0xA }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10B0, offset: 0x567AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer getWriteBuffer:availableSpace:]', symObjAddr: 0x18C, symBinAddr: 0xEAC, symSize: 0x31 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1112, offset: 0x5680F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer didWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0x1BD, symBinAddr: 0xEDD, symSize: 0xA }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1153, offset: 0x56850, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer reset]', symObjAddr: 0x1C7, symBinAddr: 0xEE7, symSize: 0x12 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1185, offset: 0x56882, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x1D9, symBinAddr: 0xEF9, symSize: 0xE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11D2, offset: 0x568CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket initWithData:startOffset:maxLength:timeout:readLength:terminator:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x1E7, symBinAddr: 0xF07, symSize: 0x163 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x131C, offset: 0x56A19, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket ensureCapacityForAdditionalDataOfLength:]', symObjAddr: 0x34A, symBinAddr: 0x106A, symSize: 0x4E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13D0, offset: 0x56ACD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket optimalReadLengthWithDefault:shouldPreBuffer:]', symObjAddr: 0x398, symBinAddr: 0x10B8, symSize: 0x77 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x14B4, offset: 0x56BB1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForNonTermWithHint:]', symObjAddr: 0x40F, symBinAddr: 0x112F, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1517, offset: 0x56C14, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForTermWithHint:shouldPreBuffer:]', symObjAddr: 0x437, symBinAddr: 0x1157, symSize: 0x5D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x15EA, offset: 0x56CE7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket readLengthForTermWithPreBuffer:found:]', symObjAddr: 0x494, symBinAddr: 0x11B4, symSize: 0x27F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1805, offset: 0x56F02, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:]', symObjAddr: 0x713, symBinAddr: 0x1433, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x18E3, offset: 0x56FE0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncReadPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x7D3, symBinAddr: 0x14F3, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1917, offset: 0x57014, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x7FB, symBinAddr: 0x151B, symSize: 0xE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1964, offset: 0x57061, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket initWithData:timeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x809, symBinAddr: 0x1529, symSize: 0x91 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19F8, offset: 0x570F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncWritePacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x89A, symBinAddr: 0x15BA, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1A2C, offset: 0x57129, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x8AA, symBinAddr: 0x15CA, symSize: 0xE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1A79, offset: 0x57176, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket initWithTLSSettings:]', symObjAddr: 0x8B8, symBinAddr: 0x15D8, symSize: 0x73 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B0B, offset: 0x57208, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSpecialPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x92B, symBinAddr: 0x164B, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B3F, offset: 0x5723C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket init]', symObjAddr: 0x93B, symBinAddr: 0x165B, symSize: 0x19 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B9B, offset: 0x57298, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithSocketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x954, symBinAddr: 0x1674, symSize: 0x19 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C0D, offset: 0x5730A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x96D, symBinAddr: 0x168D, symSize: 0x15 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C8B, offset: 0x57388, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x982, symBinAddr: 0x16A2, symSize: 0x20F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1EC6, offset: 0x575C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0xB91, symBinAddr: 0x18B1, symSize: 0xC7 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1F7E, offset: 0x5767B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___26-[MGCDAsyncSocket dealloc]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC58, symBinAddr: 0x1978, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1FD3, offset: 0x576D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s, symObjAddr: 0xC70, symBinAddr: 0x1990, symSize: 0xF }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2006, offset: 0x57703, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s, symObjAddr: 0xC7F, symBinAddr: 0x199F, symSize: 0xF }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2031, offset: 0x5772E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:socketQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xC8E, symBinAddr: 0x19AE, symSize: 0x27 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x20CD, offset: 0x577CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xCB5, symBinAddr: 0x19D5, symSize: 0x22 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x217C, offset: 0x57879, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xCD7, symBinAddr: 0x19F7, symSize: 0x20D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x235D, offset: 0x57A5A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_copy_, symObjAddr: 0xEE4, symBinAddr: 0x1C04, symSize: 0x16 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2382, offset: 0x57A7F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_dispose_, symObjAddr: 0xEFA, symBinAddr: 0x1C1A, symSize: 0xF }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x23AD, offset: 0x57AAA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___88+[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFromConnectedSocketFD:delegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF09, symBinAddr: 0x1C29, symSize: 0x227 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x25A9, offset: 0x57CA6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48r, symObjAddr: 0x1130, symBinAddr: 0x1E50, symSize: 0x42 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x25DE, offset: 0x57CDB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48r, symObjAddr: 0x1172, symBinAddr: 0x1E92, symSize: 0x35 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2609, offset: 0x57D06, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegate]', symObjAddr: 0x11A7, symBinAddr: 0x1EC7, symSize: 0xDE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x26A2, offset: 0x57D9F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegate]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1285, symBinAddr: 0x1FA5, symSize: 0x32 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2701, offset: 0x57DFE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r, symObjAddr: 0x12B7, symBinAddr: 0x1FD7, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2736, offset: 0x57E33, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r, symObjAddr: 0x12E7, symBinAddr: 0x2007, symSize: 0x27 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2761, offset: 0x57E5E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x130E, symBinAddr: 0x202E, symSize: 0xC9 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x286E, offset: 0x57F6B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x13D7, symBinAddr: 0x20F7, symSize: 0x19 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x28C1, offset: 0x57FBE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s, symObjAddr: 0x13F0, symBinAddr: 0x2110, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2902, offset: 0x57FFF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s, symObjAddr: 0x1415, symBinAddr: 0x2135, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2939, offset: 0x58036, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x143A, symBinAddr: 0x215A, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x299D, offset: 0x5809A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x144E, symBinAddr: 0x216E, symSize: 0x17 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2A01, offset: 0x580FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegateQueue]', symObjAddr: 0x1465, symBinAddr: 0x2185, symSize: 0xDC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2AA6, offset: 0x581A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket delegateQueue]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1541, symBinAddr: 0x2261, symSize: 0x1E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2AF9, offset: 0x581F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x155F, symBinAddr: 0x227F, symSize: 0xC9 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2BF3, offset: 0x582F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1628, symBinAddr: 0x2348, symSize: 0x19 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2C46, offset: 0x58343, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x1641, symBinAddr: 0x2361, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2CAA, offset: 0x583A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x1655, symBinAddr: 0x2375, symSize: 0x17 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2D0E, offset: 0x5840B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x166C, symBinAddr: 0x238C, symSize: 0x161 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2DDC, offset: 0x584D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x17CD, symBinAddr: 0x24ED, symSize: 0x4B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2E4C, offset: 0x58549, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x1818, symBinAddr: 0x2538, symSize: 0xFF }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2FA7, offset: 0x586A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1917, symBinAddr: 0x2637, symSize: 0x31 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x300B, offset: 0x58708, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s, symObjAddr: 0x1948, symBinAddr: 0x2668, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3058, offset: 0x58755, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s, symObjAddr: 0x1974, symBinAddr: 0x2694, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x309B, offset: 0x58798, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x19A0, symBinAddr: 0x26C0, symSize: 0x15 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3116, offset: 0x58813, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x19B5, symBinAddr: 0x26D5, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3191, offset: 0x5888E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0x19CD, symBinAddr: 0x26ED, symSize: 0xA6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3212, offset: 0x5890F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1A73, symBinAddr: 0x2793, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x326D, offset: 0x5896A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0x1A8F, symBinAddr: 0x27AF, symSize: 0x82 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x330F, offset: 0x58A0C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1B11, symBinAddr: 0x2831, symSize: 0x1E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3364, offset: 0x58A61, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0x1B2F, symBinAddr: 0x284F, symSize: 0xA6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x33E5, offset: 0x58AE2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1BD5, symBinAddr: 0x28F5, symSize: 0x1A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3440, offset: 0x58B3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv6Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0x1BEF, symBinAddr: 0x290F, symSize: 0x82 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x34E2, offset: 0x58BDF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv6Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1C71, symBinAddr: 0x2991, symSize: 0x21 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3537, offset: 0x58C34, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x1C92, symBinAddr: 0x29B2, symSize: 0xA6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x35B8, offset: 0x58CB5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4PreferredOverIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1D38, symBinAddr: 0x2A58, symSize: 0x1A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3613, offset: 0x58D10, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:]', symObjAddr: 0x1D52, symBinAddr: 0x2A72, symSize: 0x82 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x36B5, offset: 0x58DB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncSocket setIPv4PreferredOverIPv6:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1DD4, symBinAddr: 0x2AF4, symSize: 0x21 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x370A, offset: 0x58E07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket alternateAddressDelay]', symObjAddr: 0x1DF5, symBinAddr: 0x2B15, symSize: 0xDD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37B4, offset: 0x58EB1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncSocket alternateAddressDelay]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1ED2, symBinAddr: 0x2BF2, symSize: 0x1F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x380F, offset: 0x58F0C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAlternateAddressDelay:]', symObjAddr: 0x1EF1, symBinAddr: 0x2C11, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38B1, offset: 0x58FAE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAlternateAddressDelay:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1F75, symBinAddr: 0x2C95, symSize: 0x17 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3906, offset: 0x59003, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket userData]', symObjAddr: 0x1F8C, symBinAddr: 0x2CAC, symSize: 0x10D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39C9, offset: 0x590C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket userData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2099, symBinAddr: 0x2DB9, symSize: 0x21 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A1C, offset: 0x59119, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setUserData:]', symObjAddr: 0x20BA, symBinAddr: 0x2DDA, symSize: 0xAF }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3AFF, offset: 0x591FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket setUserData:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2169, symBinAddr: 0x2E89, symSize: 0x27 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B52, offset: 0x5924F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x2190, symBinAddr: 0x2EB0, symSize: 0x19 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BD5, offset: 0x592D2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x21A9, symBinAddr: 0x2EC9, symSize: 0x23C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D9B, offset: 0x59498, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x23E5, symBinAddr: 0x3105, symSize: 0x20F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4102, offset: 0x597FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke.163', symObjAddr: 0x25F4, symBinAddr: 0x3314, symSize: 0x5CA }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x466C, offset: 0x59D69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x2BBE, symBinAddr: 0x38DE, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x474F, offset: 0x59E4C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40w, symObjAddr: 0x2C42, symBinAddr: 0x3962, symSize: 0x2E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4784, offset: 0x59E81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40w, symObjAddr: 0x2C70, symBinAddr: 0x3990, symSize: 0x22 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x47AF, offset: 0x59EAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke.192', symObjAddr: 0x2C92, symBinAddr: 0x39B2, symSize: 0xD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x47FB, offset: 0x59EF8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_2.194', symObjAddr: 0x2C9F, symBinAddr: 0x39BF, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x48CB, offset: 0x59FC8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnInterface:port:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x2D23, symBinAddr: 0x3A43, symSize: 0xD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4917, offset: 0x5A014, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x2D30, symBinAddr: 0x3A50, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4958, offset: 0x5A055, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x2D98, symBinAddr: 0x3AB8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x499B, offset: 0x5A098, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x2DE0, symBinAddr: 0x3B00, symSize: 0x217 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4B1C, offset: 0x5A219, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2FF7, symBinAddr: 0x3D17, symSize: 0x20F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4DB4, offset: 0x5A4B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3206, symBinAddr: 0x3F26, symSize: 0x3F7 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x513C, offset: 0x5A839, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x35FD, symBinAddr: 0x431D, symSize: 0x7F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x520C, offset: 0x5A909, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncSocket acceptOnUrl:error:]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x367C, symBinAddr: 0x439C, symSize: 0xD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5258, offset: 0x5A955, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]', symObjAddr: 0x3689, symBinAddr: 0x43A9, symSize: 0x291 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5543, offset: 0x5AC40, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x391A, symBinAddr: 0x463A, symSize: 0x173 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x56CE, offset: 0x5ADCB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doAccept:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x3A8D, symBinAddr: 0x47AD, symSize: 0x32 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5729, offset: 0x5AE26, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket preConnectWithInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3ABF, symBinAddr: 0x47DF, symSize: 0x23A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5984, offset: 0x5B081, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket preConnectWithUrl:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3CF9, symBinAddr: 0x4A19, symSize: 0x179 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B10, offset: 0x5B20D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3E72, symBinAddr: 0x4B92, symSize: 0x1A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5BA0, offset: 0x5B29D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3E8C, symBinAddr: 0x4BAC, symSize: 0x1B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C4F, offset: 0x5B34C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x3EA7, symBinAddr: 0x4BC7, symSize: 0x238 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E8D, offset: 0x5B58A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x40DF, symBinAddr: 0x4DFF, symSize: 0x1E5 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6074, offset: 0x5B771, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x42C4, symBinAddr: 0x4FE4, symSize: 0x3DD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6391, offset: 0x5BA8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x46A1, symBinAddr: 0x53C1, symSize: 0x36 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x63FD, offset: 0x5BAFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___71-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToHost:onPort:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke.247', symObjAddr: 0x46D7, symBinAddr: 0x53F7, symSize: 0x3A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x647A, offset: 0x5BB77, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48w, symObjAddr: 0x4711, symBinAddr: 0x5431, symSize: 0x42 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x64BB, offset: 0x5BBB8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48w, symObjAddr: 0x4753, symBinAddr: 0x5473, symSize: 0x2E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x64F2, offset: 0x5BBEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r64r, symObjAddr: 0x4781, symBinAddr: 0x54A1, symSize: 0x5D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x653F, offset: 0x5BC3C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x47DE, symBinAddr: 0x54FE, symSize: 0x1F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65C0, offset: 0x5BCBD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x47FD, symBinAddr: 0x551D, symSize: 0x17 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6658, offset: 0x5BD55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4814, symBinAddr: 0x5534, symSize: 0x231 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6881, offset: 0x5BF7E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToAddress:viaInterface:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4A45, symBinAddr: 0x5765, symSize: 0x205 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6AAD, offset: 0x5C1AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToUrl:withTimeout:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x4C4A, symBinAddr: 0x596A, symSize: 0x1C6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6BEE, offset: 0x5C2EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToUrl:withTimeout:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4E10, symBinAddr: 0x5B30, symSize: 0x168 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D4C, offset: 0x5C449, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48r56r, symObjAddr: 0x4F78, symBinAddr: 0x5C98, symSize: 0x56 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6D8D, offset: 0x5C48A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48r56r, symObjAddr: 0x4FCE, symBinAddr: 0x5CEE, symSize: 0x41 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6DC4, offset: 0x5C4C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectToNetService:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x500F, symBinAddr: 0x5D2F, symSize: 0x172 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6EE1, offset: 0x5C5DE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket lookup:didSucceedWithAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x5181, symBinAddr: 0x5EA1, symSize: 0x111 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7084, offset: 0x5C781, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket lookup:didFail:]', symObjAddr: 0x5292, symBinAddr: 0x5FB2, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7130, offset: 0x5C82D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket bindSocket:toInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x52F2, symBinAddr: 0x6012, symSize: 0x11D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72B8, offset: 0x5C9B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket createSocket:connectInterface:errPtr:]', symObjAddr: 0x540F, symBinAddr: 0x612F, symSize: 0xEB }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x740D, offset: 0x5CB0A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]', symObjAddr: 0x54FA, symBinAddr: 0x621A, symSize: 0x11B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7549, offset: 0x5CC46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___52-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5615, symBinAddr: 0x6335, symSize: 0xFE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76BA, offset: 0x5CDB7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___52-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectSocket:address:stateIndex:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5713, symBinAddr: 0x6433, symSize: 0x115 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77ED, offset: 0x5CEEA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x5828, symBinAddr: 0x6548, symSize: 0x45 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7848, offset: 0x5CF45, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeUnusedSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x586D, symBinAddr: 0x658D, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7897, offset: 0x5CF94, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddress4:address6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5891, symBinAddr: 0x65B1, symSize: 0x1E0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7AFB, offset: 0x5D1F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___54-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddress4:address6:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5A71, symBinAddr: 0x6791, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B7C, offset: 0x5D279, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x5A95, symBinAddr: 0x67B5, symSize: 0x169 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7D44, offset: 0x5D441, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5BFE, symBinAddr: 0x691E, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E4C, offset: 0x5D549, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke.cold.1', symObjAddr: 0x101CA, symBinAddr: 0x1DA2A, symSize: 0xBA }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E64, offset: 0x5D561, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5C8E, symBinAddr: 0x69AE, symSize: 0x32 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7EC3, offset: 0x5D5C0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectWithAddressUN:error:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x5CC0, symBinAddr: 0x69E0, symSize: 0x36 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7F33, offset: 0x5D630, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x5CF6, symBinAddr: 0x6A16, symSize: 0x369 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8283, offset: 0x5D980, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x605F, symBinAddr: 0x6D7F, symSize: 0xA4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x831F, offset: 0x5DA1C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x6103, symBinAddr: 0x6E23, symSize: 0xAA }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x83C6, offset: 0x5DAC3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x61AD, symBinAddr: 0x6ECD, symSize: 0xAB }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x848D, offset: 0x5DB8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x6258, symBinAddr: 0x6F78, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x84D7, offset: 0x5DBD4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32b, symObjAddr: 0x627D, symBinAddr: 0x6F9D, symSize: 0x17 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8500, offset: 0x5DBFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56b, symObjAddr: 0x6294, symBinAddr: 0x6FB4, symSize: 0x4B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x854D, offset: 0x5DC4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s, symObjAddr: 0x62DF, symBinAddr: 0x6FFF, symSize: 0x33 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x859C, offset: 0x5DC99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke.325', symObjAddr: 0x6312, symBinAddr: 0x7032, symSize: 0xA6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8652, offset: 0x5DD4F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket didConnect:]_block_invoke_2.326', symObjAddr: 0x63B8, symBinAddr: 0x70D8, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x869C, offset: 0x5DD99, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket didNotConnect:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x63DD, symBinAddr: 0x70FD, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x86FA, offset: 0x5DDF7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket startConnectTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0x63F9, symBinAddr: 0x7119, symSize: 0xF3 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8812, offset: 0x5DF0F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncSocket startConnectTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x64EC, symBinAddr: 0x720C, symSize: 0x4B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8898, offset: 0x5DF95, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32w, symObjAddr: 0x6537, symBinAddr: 0x7257, symSize: 0x12 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x88C1, offset: 0x5DFBE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32w, symObjAddr: 0x6549, symBinAddr: 0x7269, symSize: 0xE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x88E0, offset: 0x5DFDD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endConnectTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x6557, symBinAddr: 0x7277, symSize: 0x67 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8955, offset: 0x5E052, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doConnectTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0x65BE, symBinAddr: 0x72DE, symSize: 0x59 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x89D2, offset: 0x5E0CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6617, symBinAddr: 0x7337, symSize: 0x445 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E32, offset: 0x5E52F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket closeWithError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6A5C, symBinAddr: 0x777C, symSize: 0x37 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E9E, offset: 0x5E59B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnect]', symObjAddr: 0x6A93, symBinAddr: 0x77B3, symSize: 0x7F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8F2F, offset: 0x5E62C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnect]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6B12, symBinAddr: 0x7832, symSize: 0x37 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8F84, offset: 0x5E681, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReading]', symObjAddr: 0x6B49, symBinAddr: 0x7869, symSize: 0x4B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8FCE, offset: 0x5E6CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReading]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6B94, symBinAddr: 0x78B4, symSize: 0x41 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x901C, offset: 0x5E719, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterWriting]', symObjAddr: 0x6BD5, symBinAddr: 0x78F5, symSize: 0x4B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9066, offset: 0x5E763, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterWriting]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6C20, symBinAddr: 0x7940, symSize: 0x41 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x90B4, offset: 0x5E7B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting]', symObjAddr: 0x6C61, symBinAddr: 0x7981, symSize: 0x4B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x90FE, offset: 0x5E7FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___51-[MGCDAsyncSocket disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6CAC, symBinAddr: 0x79CC, symSize: 0x41 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x914C, offset: 0x5E849, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeClose]', symObjAddr: 0x6CED, symBinAddr: 0x7A0D, symSize: 0x8D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x91CB, offset: 0x5E8C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket badConfigError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6D7A, symBinAddr: 0x7A9A, symSize: 0xDE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9272, offset: 0x5E96F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket badParamError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6E58, symBinAddr: 0x7B78, symSize: 0xDE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9319, offset: 0x5EA16, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket gaiError:]', symObjAddr: 0x6F36, symBinAddr: 0x7C56, symSize: 0xF3 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x93EE, offset: 0x5EAEB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket errorWithErrno:reason:]', symObjAddr: 0x7029, symBinAddr: 0x7D49, symSize: 0x11B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x94D3, offset: 0x5EBD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket errnoError]', symObjAddr: 0x7144, symBinAddr: 0x7E64, symSize: 0x103 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x956D, offset: 0x5EC6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslError:]', symObjAddr: 0x7247, symBinAddr: 0x7F67, symSize: 0xBE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x95FC, offset: 0x5ECF9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x7305, symBinAddr: 0x8025, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x96B6, offset: 0x5EDB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readMaxedOutError]', symObjAddr: 0x741D, symBinAddr: 0x813D, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9770, offset: 0x5EE6D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x7535, symBinAddr: 0x8255, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x982A, offset: 0x5EF27, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x764D, symBinAddr: 0x836D, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x98E4, offset: 0x5EFE1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectionClosedError]', symObjAddr: 0x7765, symBinAddr: 0x8485, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x999E, offset: 0x5F09B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket otherError:]', symObjAddr: 0x787D, symBinAddr: 0x859D, symSize: 0xDE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A45, offset: 0x5F142, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isDisconnected]', symObjAddr: 0x795B, symBinAddr: 0x867B, symSize: 0xDD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9AEF, offset: 0x5F1EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket isDisconnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7A38, symBinAddr: 0x8758, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B4A, offset: 0x5F247, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isConnected]', symObjAddr: 0x7A54, symBinAddr: 0x8774, symSize: 0xDD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9BF4, offset: 0x5F2F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket isConnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7B31, symBinAddr: 0x8851, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9C4F, offset: 0x5F34C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost]', symObjAddr: 0x7B4D, symBinAddr: 0x886D, symSize: 0x10B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9CF4, offset: 0x5F3F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7C58, symBinAddr: 0x8978, symSize: 0x66 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9D5F, offset: 0x5F45C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort]', symObjAddr: 0x7CBE, symBinAddr: 0x89DE, symSize: 0xDE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9DF4, offset: 0x5F4F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7D9C, symBinAddr: 0x8ABC, symSize: 0x49 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9E53, offset: 0x5F550, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrl]', symObjAddr: 0x7DE5, symBinAddr: 0x8B05, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9EF8, offset: 0x5F5F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrl]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7EE1, symBinAddr: 0x8C01, symSize: 0x55 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F63, offset: 0x5F660, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost]', symObjAddr: 0x7F36, symBinAddr: 0x8C56, symSize: 0x10B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA008, offset: 0x5F705, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8041, symBinAddr: 0x8D61, symSize: 0x66 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA073, offset: 0x5F770, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort]', symObjAddr: 0x80A7, symBinAddr: 0x8DC7, symSize: 0xDE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA108, offset: 0x5F805, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8185, symBinAddr: 0x8EA5, symSize: 0x49 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA167, offset: 0x5F864, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost4]', symObjAddr: 0x81CE, symBinAddr: 0x8EEE, symSize: 0x2E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA1AB, offset: 0x5F8A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHost6]', symObjAddr: 0x81FC, symBinAddr: 0x8F1C, symSize: 0x2E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA1EF, offset: 0x5F8EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort4]', symObjAddr: 0x822A, symBinAddr: 0x8F4A, symSize: 0x1E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA231, offset: 0x5F92E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPort6]', symObjAddr: 0x8248, symBinAddr: 0x8F68, symSize: 0x1E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA273, offset: 0x5F970, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost4]', symObjAddr: 0x8266, symBinAddr: 0x8F86, symSize: 0x2E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA2B7, offset: 0x5F9B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHost6]', symObjAddr: 0x8294, symBinAddr: 0x8FB4, symSize: 0x2E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA2FB, offset: 0x5F9F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort4]', symObjAddr: 0x82C2, symBinAddr: 0x8FE2, symSize: 0x1E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA33D, offset: 0x5FA3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPort6]', symObjAddr: 0x82E0, symBinAddr: 0x9000, symSize: 0x1E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA37F, offset: 0x5FA7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHostFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x82FE, symBinAddr: 0x901E, symSize: 0x8D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA42E, offset: 0x5FB2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedHostFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x838B, symBinAddr: 0x90AB, symSize: 0x6A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA4DD, offset: 0x5FBDA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPortFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x83F5, symBinAddr: 0x9115, symSize: 0x81 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA594, offset: 0x5FC91, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedPortFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x8476, symBinAddr: 0x9196, symSize: 0x5E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA64B, offset: 0x5FD48, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedUrlFromSocketUN:]', symObjAddr: 0x84D4, symBinAddr: 0x91F4, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA6FD, offset: 0x5FDFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHostFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x8570, symBinAddr: 0x9290, symSize: 0x8D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA7CD, offset: 0x5FECA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localHostFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x85FD, symBinAddr: 0x931D, symSize: 0x6A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA87C, offset: 0x5FF79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPortFromSocket4:]', symObjAddr: 0x8667, symBinAddr: 0x9387, symSize: 0x81 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA933, offset: 0x60030, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localPortFromSocket6:]', symObjAddr: 0x86E8, symBinAddr: 0x9408, symSize: 0x5E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA9EA, offset: 0x600E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x8746, symBinAddr: 0x9466, symSize: 0x10D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAAAD, offset: 0x601AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8853, symBinAddr: 0x9573, symSize: 0xEE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xABDA, offset: 0x602D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket localAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x8941, symBinAddr: 0x9661, symSize: 0x10D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAC9D, offset: 0x6039A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncSocket localAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8A4E, symBinAddr: 0x976E, symSize: 0xEE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xADCA, offset: 0x604C7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x8B3C, symBinAddr: 0x985C, symSize: 0xAB }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE4B, offset: 0x60548, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___25-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8BE7, symBinAddr: 0x9907, symSize: 0x1A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAEA6, offset: 0x605A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x8C01, symBinAddr: 0x9921, symSize: 0xAB }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF27, offset: 0x60624, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___25-[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8CAC, symBinAddr: 0x99CC, symSize: 0x1A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF82, offset: 0x6067F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket isSecure]', symObjAddr: 0x8CC6, symBinAddr: 0x99E6, symSize: 0xA8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB003, offset: 0x60700, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncSocket isSecure]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8D6E, symBinAddr: 0x9A8E, symSize: 0x1D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB05E, offset: 0x6075B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getInterfaceAddress4:address6:fromDescription:port:]', symObjAddr: 0x8D8B, symBinAddr: 0x9AAB, symSize: 0x4AC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB4F4, offset: 0x60BF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket getInterfaceAddressFromUrl:]', symObjAddr: 0x9237, symBinAddr: 0x9F57, symSize: 0xED }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB5A8, offset: 0x60CA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]', symObjAddr: 0x9324, symBinAddr: 0xA044, symSize: 0x211 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB6DC, offset: 0x60DD9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9535, symBinAddr: 0xA255, symSize: 0x6F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB770, offset: 0x60E6D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x95A4, symBinAddr: 0xA2C4, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB7F6, offset: 0x60EF3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x95F4, symBinAddr: 0xA314, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB853, offset: 0x60F50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32r, symObjAddr: 0x9610, symBinAddr: 0xA330, symSize: 0x17 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB87C, offset: 0x60F79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32r, symObjAddr: 0x9627, symBinAddr: 0xA347, symSize: 0x13 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB89B, offset: 0x60F98, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___67-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:]_block_invoke.433', symObjAddr: 0x963A, symBinAddr: 0xA35A, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB8F8, offset: 0x60FF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket usingCFStreamForTLS]', symObjAddr: 0x9656, symBinAddr: 0xA376, symSize: 0x13 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB92E, offset: 0x6102B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket usingSecureTransportForTLS]', symObjAddr: 0x9669, symBinAddr: 0xA389, symSize: 0x13 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB964, offset: 0x61061, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket suspendReadSource]', symObjAddr: 0x967C, symBinAddr: 0xA39C, symSize: 0x26 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB9B5, offset: 0x610B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket resumeReadSource]', symObjAddr: 0x96A2, symBinAddr: 0xA3C2, symSize: 0x26 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB9F7, offset: 0x610F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket suspendWriteSource]', symObjAddr: 0x96C8, symBinAddr: 0xA3E8, symSize: 0x26 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBA39, offset: 0x61136, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket resumeWriteSource]', symObjAddr: 0x96EE, symBinAddr: 0xA40E, symSize: 0x26 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBA7B, offset: 0x61178, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x9714, symBinAddr: 0xA434, symSize: 0x1F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBB04, offset: 0x61201, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x9733, symBinAddr: 0xA453, symSize: 0x1B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBBAF, offset: 0x612AC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x974E, symBinAddr: 0xA46E, symSize: 0xFF }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBCF8, offset: 0x613F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x984D, symBinAddr: 0xA56D, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBD63, offset: 0x61460, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x98AD, symBinAddr: 0xA5CD, symSize: 0x1D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBDFD, offset: 0x614FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x98CA, symBinAddr: 0xA5EA, symSize: 0x108 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBF4E, offset: 0x6164B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___72-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x99D2, symBinAddr: 0xA6F2, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBFB9, offset: 0x616B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x9A32, symBinAddr: 0xA752, symSize: 0x27 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC057, offset: 0x61754, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x9A59, symBinAddr: 0xA779, symSize: 0x22 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC11B, offset: 0x61818, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x9A7B, symBinAddr: 0xA79B, symSize: 0x27 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC1CC, offset: 0x618C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x9AA2, symBinAddr: 0xA7C2, symSize: 0x150 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC392, offset: 0x61A8F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___80-[MGCDAsyncSocket readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9BF2, symBinAddr: 0xA912, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC3FD, offset: 0x61AFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]', symObjAddr: 0x9C52, symBinAddr: 0xA972, symSize: 0xF0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC4DA, offset: 0x61BD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___62-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9D42, symBinAddr: 0xAA62, symSize: 0x12B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC5A9, offset: 0x61CA6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeDequeueRead]', symObjAddr: 0x9E6D, symBinAddr: 0xAB8D, symSize: 0x1C1 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC6DA, offset: 0x61DD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket flushSSLBuffers]', symObjAddr: 0xA02E, symBinAddr: 0xAD4E, symSize: 0x216 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC904, offset: 0x62001, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncSocket flushSSLBuffers]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA244, symBinAddr: 0xAF64, symSize: 0x72 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC9B1, offset: 0x620AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadData]', symObjAddr: 0xA2B6, symBinAddr: 0xAFD6, symSize: 0xC0F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD1DA, offset: 0x628D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xAEC5, symBinAddr: 0xBBE5, symSize: 0x3B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD25B, offset: 0x62958, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadEOF]', symObjAddr: 0xAF00, symBinAddr: 0xBC20, symSize: 0x25C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD468, offset: 0x62B65, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadEOF]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB15C, symBinAddr: 0xBE7C, symSize: 0x33 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD4C7, offset: 0x62BC4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentRead]', symObjAddr: 0xB18F, symBinAddr: 0xBEAF, symSize: 0x1E7 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD703, offset: 0x62E00, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentRead]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB376, symBinAddr: 0xC096, symSize: 0x3F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD784, offset: 0x62E81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s, symObjAddr: 0xB3B5, symBinAddr: 0xC0D5, symSize: 0x33 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD7DD, offset: 0x62EDA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endCurrentRead]', symObjAddr: 0xB3E8, symBinAddr: 0xC108, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD837, offset: 0x62F34, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xB438, symBinAddr: 0xC158, symSize: 0x102 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD931, offset: 0x6302E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupReadTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB53A, symBinAddr: 0xC25A, symSize: 0x4B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD9B7, offset: 0x630B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xB585, symBinAddr: 0xC2A5, symSize: 0x103 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDAD1, offset: 0x631CE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB688, symBinAddr: 0xC3A8, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDB77, offset: 0x63274, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___32-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeout]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xB718, symBinAddr: 0xC438, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDBD6, offset: 0x632D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doReadTimeoutWithExtension:]', symObjAddr: 0xB74C, symBinAddr: 0xC46C, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDCB4, offset: 0x633B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0xB814, symBinAddr: 0xC534, symSize: 0xE7 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDDCE, offset: 0x634CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeData:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB8FB, symBinAddr: 0xC61B, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDE39, offset: 0x63536, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]', symObjAddr: 0xB95B, symBinAddr: 0xC67B, symSize: 0xF0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDF16, offset: 0x63613, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___63-[MGCDAsyncSocket progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xBA4B, symBinAddr: 0xC76B, symSize: 0x139 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDFF1, offset: 0x636EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeDequeueWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xBB84, symBinAddr: 0xC8A4, symSize: 0x164 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE16B, offset: 0x63868, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC2FE, symBinAddr: 0xD01E, symSize: 0x2F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE1B9, offset: 0x638B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteData]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xC32D, symBinAddr: 0xD04D, symSize: 0x3B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE23A, offset: 0x63937, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xC368, symBinAddr: 0xD088, symSize: 0xDC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE318, offset: 0x63A15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncSocket completeCurrentWrite]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC444, symBinAddr: 0xD164, symSize: 0x37 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE388, offset: 0x63A85, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket endCurrentWrite]', symObjAddr: 0xC47B, symBinAddr: 0xD19B, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE3E2, offset: 0x63ADF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xC4CB, symBinAddr: 0xD1EB, symSize: 0x102 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE4DC, offset: 0x63BD9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncSocket setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC5CD, symBinAddr: 0xD2ED, symSize: 0x4B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE562, offset: 0x63C5F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xC618, symBinAddr: 0xD338, symSize: 0x103 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE67C, offset: 0x63D79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC71B, symBinAddr: 0xD43B, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE722, offset: 0x63E1F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeout]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xC7AB, symBinAddr: 0xD4CB, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE781, offset: 0x63E7E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:]', symObjAddr: 0xC7DF, symBinAddr: 0xD4FF, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE85F, offset: 0x63F5C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket startTLS:]', symObjAddr: 0xC8A7, symBinAddr: 0xD5C7, symSize: 0xDF }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE947, offset: 0x64044, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncSocket startTLS:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC986, symBinAddr: 0xD6A6, symSize: 0x92 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE9DA, offset: 0x640D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket maybeStartTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xCA18, symBinAddr: 0xD738, symSize: 0x111 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEB28, offset: 0x64225, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslReadWithBuffer:length:]', symObjAddr: 0xCB29, symBinAddr: 0xD849, symSize: 0x273 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xED83, offset: 0x64480, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslWriteWithBuffer:length:]', symObjAddr: 0xCD9C, symBinAddr: 0xDABC, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEE6D, offset: 0x6456A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_startTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xCE4C, symBinAddr: 0xDB6C, symSize: 0xD4D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFA31, offset: 0x6512E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _SSLReadFunction, symObjAddr: 0xDB99, symBinAddr: 0xE8B9, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFAB2, offset: 0x651AF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _SSLWriteFunction, symObjAddr: 0xDBB1, symBinAddr: 0xE8D1, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFB33, offset: 0x65230, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]', symObjAddr: 0xDBC9, symBinAddr: 0xE8E9, symSize: 0x406 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFE9B, offset: 0x65598, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xDFCF, symBinAddr: 0xECEF, symSize: 0x33 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFEFA, offset: 0x655F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xE002, symBinAddr: 0xED22, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFF9A, offset: 0x65697, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0xE09E, symBinAddr: 0xEDBE, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10061, offset: 0x6575E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32r40w, symObjAddr: 0xE11E, symBinAddr: 0xEE3E, symSize: 0x36 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1008A, offset: 0x65787, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32r40w, symObjAddr: 0xE154, symBinAddr: 0xEE74, symSize: 0x26 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x100A9, offset: 0x657A6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48w, symObjAddr: 0xE17A, symBinAddr: 0xEE9A, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x100DE, offset: 0x657DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40r48w, symObjAddr: 0xE1BA, symBinAddr: 0xEEDA, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10109, offset: 0x65806, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_continueSSLHandshake]_block_invoke.607', symObjAddr: 0xE1EA, symBinAddr: 0xEF0A, symSize: 0x43 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1018A, offset: 0x65887, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b56r, symObjAddr: 0xE22D, symBinAddr: 0xEF4D, symSize: 0x56 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x101CB, offset: 0x658C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56r, symObjAddr: 0xE283, symBinAddr: 0xEFA3, symSize: 0x3A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1020E, offset: 0x6590B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket ssl_shouldTrustPeer:stateIndex:]', symObjAddr: 0xE2BD, symBinAddr: 0xEFDD, symSize: 0x87 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x102AC, offset: 0x659A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake]', symObjAddr: 0xE344, symBinAddr: 0xF064, symSize: 0x10F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x103B5, offset: 0x65AB2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_finishSSLHandshake]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xE453, symBinAddr: 0xF173, symSize: 0x33 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10414, offset: 0x65B11, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_abortSSLHandshake:]', symObjAddr: 0xE486, symBinAddr: 0xF1A6, symSize: 0x2B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10461, offset: 0x65B5E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket cf_startTLS]', symObjAddr: 0xE4B1, symBinAddr: 0xF1D1, symSize: 0x1F6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1067F, offset: 0x65D7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket ignore:]', symObjAddr: 0xE6A7, symBinAddr: 0xF3C7, symSize: 0x6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x106F6, offset: 0x65DF3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xE71C, symBinAddr: 0xF43C, symSize: 0x32 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10740, offset: 0x65E3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46+[MGCDAsyncSocket startCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xE74E, symBinAddr: 0xF46E, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x107AD, offset: 0x65EAA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xE7D6, symBinAddr: 0xF4F6, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10836, offset: 0x65F33, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45+[MGCDAsyncSocket stopCFStreamThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xE83A, symBinAddr: 0xF55A, symSize: 0xDA }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x108DD, offset: 0x65FDA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket cfstreamThread:]', symObjAddr: 0xE914, symBinAddr: 0xF634, symSize: 0x1B6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10A8C, offset: 0x66189, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket scheduleCFStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xEACA, symBinAddr: 0xF7EA, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10B7F, offset: 0x6627C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket unscheduleCFStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xEB2E, symBinAddr: 0xF84E, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10C66, offset: 0x66363, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket createReadAndWriteStream]', symObjAddr: 0xEB92, symBinAddr: 0xF8B2, symSize: 0x114 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10D69, offset: 0x66466, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket registerForStreamCallbacksIncludingReadWrite:]', symObjAddr: 0xECA6, symBinAddr: 0xF9C6, symSize: 0x92 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10E00, offset: 0x664FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFReadStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xED38, symBinAddr: 0xFA58, symSize: 0x15D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10F67, offset: 0x66664, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFWriteStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xEE95, symBinAddr: 0xFBB5, symSize: 0x15D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x110CE, offset: 0x667CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket addStreamsToRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xEFF2, symBinAddr: 0xFD12, symSize: 0x7E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11134, offset: 0x66831, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncSocket addStreamsToRunLoop]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF070, symBinAddr: 0xFD90, symSize: 0x4A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11195, offset: 0x66892, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xF0BA, symBinAddr: 0xFDDA, symSize: 0x7F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x111FF, offset: 0x668FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF139, symBinAddr: 0xFE59, symSize: 0x4A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11260, offset: 0x6695D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket openStreams]', symObjAddr: 0xF183, symBinAddr: 0xFEA3, symSize: 0x5F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1136F, offset: 0x66A6C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream]', symObjAddr: 0xF1E2, symBinAddr: 0xFF02, symSize: 0xA6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x113F0, offset: 0x66AED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___51-[MGCDAsyncSocket autoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF288, symBinAddr: 0xFFA8, symSize: 0x1A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1144B, offset: 0x66B48, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:]', symObjAddr: 0xF2A2, symBinAddr: 0xFFC2, symSize: 0x82 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x114ED, offset: 0x66BEA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___55-[MGCDAsyncSocket setAutoDisconnectOnClosedReadStream:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xF324, symBinAddr: 0x10044, symSize: 0x21 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11542, offset: 0x66C3F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xF345, symBinAddr: 0x10065, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x115BD, offset: 0x66CBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xF361, symBinAddr: 0x10081, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11625, offset: 0x66D22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket performBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0xF379, symBinAddr: 0x10099, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x116A2, offset: 0x66D9F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socketFD]', symObjAddr: 0xF3B1, symBinAddr: 0x100D1, symSize: 0x33 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x116E8, offset: 0x66DE5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socket4FD]', symObjAddr: 0xF3E4, symBinAddr: 0x10104, symSize: 0x2B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1172E, offset: 0x66E2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket socket6FD]', symObjAddr: 0xF40F, symBinAddr: 0x1012F, symSize: 0x2B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11774, offset: 0x66E71, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket readStream]', symObjAddr: 0xF43A, symBinAddr: 0x1015A, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x117CE, offset: 0x66ECB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket writeStream]', symObjAddr: 0xF482, symBinAddr: 0x101A2, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11828, offset: 0x66F25, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:]', symObjAddr: 0xF4CA, symBinAddr: 0x101EA, symSize: 0x9B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x118EE, offset: 0x66FEB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocket]', symObjAddr: 0xF565, symBinAddr: 0x10285, symSize: 0x3B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1194E, offset: 0x6704B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat]', symObjAddr: 0xF5A0, symBinAddr: 0x102C0, symSize: 0x3E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x119AE, offset: 0x670AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket sslContext]', symObjAddr: 0xF5DE, symBinAddr: 0x102FE, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x119F4, offset: 0x670F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket lookupHost:port:error:]', symObjAddr: 0xF60A, symBinAddr: 0x1032A, symSize: 0x390 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11DA6, offset: 0x674A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xF99A, symBinAddr: 0x106BA, symSize: 0x7D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11E29, offset: 0x67526, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xFA17, symBinAddr: 0x10737, symSize: 0x7D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11EAD, offset: 0x675AA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xFA94, symBinAddr: 0x107B4, symSize: 0x11 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11EF0, offset: 0x675ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xFAA5, symBinAddr: 0x107C5, symSize: 0x11 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11F33, offset: 0x67630, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket urlFromSockaddrUN:]', symObjAddr: 0xFAB6, symBinAddr: 0x107D6, symSize: 0x62 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11FB1, offset: 0x676AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket hostFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xFB18, symBinAddr: 0x10838, symSize: 0x67 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12069, offset: 0x67766, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket portFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xFB7F, symBinAddr: 0x1089F, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x120ED, offset: 0x677EA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv4Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xFBAF, symBinAddr: 0x108CF, symSize: 0x5E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12193, offset: 0x67890, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket isIPv6Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xFC0D, symBinAddr: 0x1092D, symSize: 0x5E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12239, offset: 0x67936, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket getHost:port:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xFC6B, symBinAddr: 0x1098B, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x122D1, offset: 0x679CE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket getHost:port:family:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xFC83, symBinAddr: 0x109A3, symSize: 0x1D5 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1247C, offset: 0x67B79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket CRLFData]', symObjAddr: 0xFE58, symBinAddr: 0x10B78, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x124C3, offset: 0x67BC0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket CRData]', symObjAddr: 0xFE7D, symBinAddr: 0x10B9D, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1250A, offset: 0x67C07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket LFData]', symObjAddr: 0xFEA2, symBinAddr: 0x10BC2, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12551, offset: 0x67C4E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncSocket ZeroData]', symObjAddr: 0xFEC7, symBinAddr: 0x10BE7, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12598, offset: 0x67C95, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncSocket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xFEEC, symBinAddr: 0x10C0C, symSize: 0x123 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x125CC, offset: 0x67CC9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0x1000F, symBinAddr: 0x10D2F, symSize: 0x7B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12635, offset: 0x67D32, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke_2, symObjAddr: 0x1008A, symBinAddr: 0x10DAA, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x126A1, offset: 0x67D9E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0x100E2, symBinAddr: 0x10E02, symSize: 0x7B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1271D, offset: 0x67E1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke_2, symObjAddr: 0x1015D, symBinAddr: 0x10E7D, symSize: 0x63 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x6BA5D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x10EE0, symSize: 0xE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x41, offset: 0x6BA77, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketException, symObjAddr: 0xDF08, symBinAddr: 0x24C20, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x61, offset: 0x6BA97, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain, symObjAddr: 0xDF10, symBinAddr: 0x24C28, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77, offset: 0x6BAAD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketQueueName, symObjAddr: 0xDF18, symBinAddr: 0x24C30, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D, offset: 0x6BAC3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _MGCDAsyncUdpSocketThreadName, symObjAddr: 0xDF20, symBinAddr: 0x24C38, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97, offset: 0x6BACD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket startListenerThreadIfNeeded]', symObjAddr: 0xB5D6, symBinAddr: 0x1C1AB, symSize: 0x58 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBF, offset: 0x6BAF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _startListenerThreadIfNeeded.predicate, symObjAddr: 0x491F8, symBinAddr: 0x2AB20, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x125, offset: 0x6BB5B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _listenerThread, symObjAddr: 0x49200, symBinAddr: 0x2AB28, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65E, offset: 0x6C094, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x10EE0, symSize: 0xE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6AB, offset: 0x6C0E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket initWithData:timeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0xE, symBinAddr: 0x10EEE, symSize: 0x8E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x73F, offset: 0x6C175, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSendPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x9C, symBinAddr: 0x10F7C, symSize: 0x3E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x773, offset: 0x6C1A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket init]', symObjAddr: 0xDA, symBinAddr: 0x10FBA, symSize: 0x2F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7AB, offset: 0x6C1E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSpecialPacket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0x109, symBinAddr: 0x10FE9, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7DF, offset: 0x6C215, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket init]', symObjAddr: 0x131, symBinAddr: 0x11011, symSize: 0x19 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x83B, offset: 0x6C271, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithSocketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x14A, symBinAddr: 0x1102A, symSize: 0x19 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8AD, offset: 0x6C2E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x163, symBinAddr: 0x11043, symSize: 0x15 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x92B, offset: 0x6C361, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket initWithDelegate:delegateQueue:socketQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x178, symBinAddr: 0x11058, symSize: 0x1D5 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB2E, offset: 0x6C564, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket dealloc]', symObjAddr: 0x34D, symBinAddr: 0x1122D, symSize: 0xFF }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC1A, offset: 0x6C650, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___29-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket dealloc]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x44C, symBinAddr: 0x1132C, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC6F, offset: 0x6C6A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegate]', symObjAddr: 0x482, symBinAddr: 0x11344, symSize: 0xDE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD08, offset: 0x6C73E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_copy_, symObjAddr: 0x560, symBinAddr: 0x11422, symSize: 0x16 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD2D, offset: 0x6C763, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___Block_byref_object_dispose_, symObjAddr: 0x576, symBinAddr: 0x11438, symSize: 0xF }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD58, offset: 0x6C78E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegate]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x585, symBinAddr: 0x11447, symSize: 0x32 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDB7, offset: 0x6C7ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x60E, symBinAddr: 0x11479, symSize: 0xC9 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEC4, offset: 0x6C8FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6D7, symBinAddr: 0x11542, symSize: 0x19 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF17, offset: 0x6C94D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x73A, symBinAddr: 0x1155B, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF7B, offset: 0x6C9B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:]', symObjAddr: 0x74E, symBinAddr: 0x1156F, symSize: 0x17 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFDF, offset: 0x6CA15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegateQueue]', symObjAddr: 0x765, symBinAddr: 0x11586, symSize: 0xDC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1084, offset: 0x6CABA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket delegateQueue]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x841, symBinAddr: 0x11662, symSize: 0x1E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10D7, offset: 0x6CB0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0x85F, symBinAddr: 0x11680, symSize: 0xC9 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11D1, offset: 0x6CC07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___53-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x928, symBinAddr: 0x11749, symSize: 0x19 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1224, offset: 0x6CC5A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x941, symBinAddr: 0x11762, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1288, offset: 0x6CCBE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x955, symBinAddr: 0x11776, symSize: 0x17 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12EC, offset: 0x6CD22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x96C, symBinAddr: 0x1178D, symSize: 0x161 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13BA, offset: 0x6CDF0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getDelegate:delegateQueue:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xACD, symBinAddr: 0x118EE, symSize: 0x4B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x142A, offset: 0x6CE60, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]', symObjAddr: 0xB8F, symBinAddr: 0x11939, symSize: 0xFF }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1585, offset: 0x6CFBB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___62-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:synchronously:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC8E, symBinAddr: 0x11A38, symSize: 0x31 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x15E9, offset: 0x6D01F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xD17, symBinAddr: 0x11A69, symSize: 0x15 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1664, offset: 0x6D09A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket synchronouslySetDelegate:delegateQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xD2C, symBinAddr: 0x11A7E, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x16DF, offset: 0x6D115, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0xD44, symBinAddr: 0x11A96, symSize: 0xDD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1789, offset: 0x6D1BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xE21, symBinAddr: 0x11B73, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x17E4, offset: 0x6D21A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv4Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0xE3D, symBinAddr: 0x11B8F, symSize: 0x82 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1886, offset: 0x6D2BC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv4Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xEBF, symBinAddr: 0x11C11, symSize: 0x1E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x18DB, offset: 0x6D311, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Enabled]', symObjAddr: 0xEDD, symBinAddr: 0x11C2F, symSize: 0xDD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1985, offset: 0x6D3BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Enabled]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xFBA, symBinAddr: 0x11D0C, symSize: 0x1A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19E0, offset: 0x6D416, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv6Enabled:]', symObjAddr: 0xFD4, symBinAddr: 0x11D26, symSize: 0x82 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1A82, offset: 0x6D4B8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPv6Enabled:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1056, symBinAddr: 0x11DA8, symSize: 0x21 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1AD7, offset: 0x6D50D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Preferred]', symObjAddr: 0x1077, symBinAddr: 0x11DC9, symSize: 0xDD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1B81, offset: 0x6D5B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Preferred]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1154, symBinAddr: 0x11EA6, symSize: 0x1D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1BDC, offset: 0x6D612, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Preferred]', symObjAddr: 0x1171, symBinAddr: 0x11EC3, symSize: 0xDD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1C86, offset: 0x6D6BC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Preferred]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x124E, symBinAddr: 0x11FA0, symSize: 0x1D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1CE1, offset: 0x6D717, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPVersionNeutral]', symObjAddr: 0x126B, symBinAddr: 0x11FBD, symSize: 0xDD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D8B, offset: 0x6D7C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___40-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPVersionNeutral]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1348, symBinAddr: 0x1209A, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1DE6, offset: 0x6D81C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x1364, symBinAddr: 0x120B6, symSize: 0x7F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E77, offset: 0x6D8AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x13E3, symBinAddr: 0x12135, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1EB9, offset: 0x6D8EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x13FB, symBinAddr: 0x1214D, symSize: 0x7F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1F4A, offset: 0x6D980, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setPreferIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x147A, symBinAddr: 0x121CC, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1F8C, offset: 0x6D9C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPVersionNeutral]', symObjAddr: 0x1492, symBinAddr: 0x121E4, symSize: 0x7F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x201D, offset: 0x6DA53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___41-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setIPVersionNeutral]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1511, symBinAddr: 0x12263, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x205F, offset: 0x6DA95, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x1529, symBinAddr: 0x1227B, symSize: 0xE0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2109, offset: 0x6DB3F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv4BufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1609, symBinAddr: 0x1235B, symSize: 0x1A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2164, offset: 0x6DB9A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x1623, symBinAddr: 0x12375, symSize: 0x83 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2206, offset: 0x6DC3C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv4BufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x16A6, symBinAddr: 0x123F8, symSize: 0x12 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x225B, offset: 0x6DC91, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x16B8, symBinAddr: 0x1240A, symSize: 0xE0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2305, offset: 0x6DD3B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1798, symBinAddr: 0x124EA, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2360, offset: 0x6DD96, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x17B0, symBinAddr: 0x12502, symSize: 0x82 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2402, offset: 0x6DE38, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxReceiveIPv6BufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1832, symBinAddr: 0x12584, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2457, offset: 0x6DE8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxSendBufferSize:]', symObjAddr: 0x1842, symBinAddr: 0x12594, symSize: 0x83 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x24F9, offset: 0x6DF2F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___43-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setMaxSendBufferSize:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x18C5, symBinAddr: 0x12617, symSize: 0x12 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x254E, offset: 0x6DF84, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxSendBufferSize]', symObjAddr: 0x18D7, symBinAddr: 0x12629, symSize: 0xE0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x25F8, offset: 0x6E02E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maxSendBufferSize]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x19B7, symBinAddr: 0x12709, symSize: 0x1A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2653, offset: 0x6E089, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket userData]', symObjAddr: 0x19D1, symBinAddr: 0x12723, symSize: 0x10D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2716, offset: 0x6E14C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket userData]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1ADE, symBinAddr: 0x12830, symSize: 0x21 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2769, offset: 0x6E19F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setUserData:]', symObjAddr: 0x1AFF, symBinAddr: 0x12851, symSize: 0xAF }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x284C, offset: 0x6E282, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setUserData:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1BAE, symBinAddr: 0x12900, symSize: 0x27 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x289F, offset: 0x6E2D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidConnectToAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0x1BD5, symBinAddr: 0x12927, symSize: 0x111 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x29ED, offset: 0x6E423, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidConnectToAddress:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1CE6, symBinAddr: 0x12A38, symSize: 0x37 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2A5D, offset: 0x6E493, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x1D1D, symBinAddr: 0x12A6F, symSize: 0xF2 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2B63, offset: 0x6E599, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotConnect:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1E0F, symBinAddr: 0x12B61, symSize: 0x37 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2BD3, offset: 0x6E609, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidSendDataWithTag:]', symObjAddr: 0x1E46, symBinAddr: 0x12B98, symSize: 0xB9 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2C8E, offset: 0x6E6C4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___47-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidSendDataWithTag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x1EFF, symBinAddr: 0x12C51, symSize: 0x37 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2CFE, offset: 0x6E734, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:]', symObjAddr: 0x1F36, symBinAddr: 0x12C88, symSize: 0xF3 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2E15, offset: 0x6E84B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___61-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidNotSendDataWithTag:dueToError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2029, symBinAddr: 0x12D7B, symSize: 0x3B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2E96, offset: 0x6E8CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:]', symObjAddr: 0x2064, symBinAddr: 0x12DB6, symSize: 0x135 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3067, offset: 0x6EA9D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidReceiveData:fromAddress:withFilterContext:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2199, symBinAddr: 0x12EEB, symSize: 0x3F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x30F9, offset: 0x6EB2F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s64s, symObjAddr: 0x21D8, symBinAddr: 0x12F2A, symSize: 0x3A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x315E, offset: 0x6EB94, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s56s64s, symObjAddr: 0x2212, symBinAddr: 0x12F64, symSize: 0x3A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x31B9, offset: 0x6EBEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidCloseWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0x224C, symBinAddr: 0x12F9E, symSize: 0xF2 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x32BF, offset: 0x6ECF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___46-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket notifyDidCloseWithError:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x233E, symBinAddr: 0x13090, symSize: 0x37 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x332F, offset: 0x6ED65, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket badConfigError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2375, symBinAddr: 0x130C7, symSize: 0xDE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x33D6, offset: 0x6EE0C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket badParamError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2453, symBinAddr: 0x131A5, symSize: 0xDE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x347D, offset: 0x6EEB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket gaiError:]', symObjAddr: 0x2531, symBinAddr: 0x13283, symSize: 0xF3 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3552, offset: 0x6EF88, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket errnoErrorWithReason:]', symObjAddr: 0x2624, symBinAddr: 0x13376, symSize: 0x152 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x362A, offset: 0x6F060, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket errnoError]', symObjAddr: 0x2776, symBinAddr: 0x134C8, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x367B, offset: 0x6F0B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendTimeoutError]', symObjAddr: 0x278A, symBinAddr: 0x134DC, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3735, offset: 0x6F16B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socketClosedError]', symObjAddr: 0x28A2, symBinAddr: 0x135F4, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x37EF, offset: 0x6F225, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket otherError:]', symObjAddr: 0x29BA, symBinAddr: 0x1370C, symSize: 0xDE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3896, offset: 0x6F2CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preOp:]', symObjAddr: 0x2A98, symBinAddr: 0x137EA, symSize: 0x84 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3933, offset: 0x6F369, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0x2B1C, symBinAddr: 0x1386E, symSize: 0x194 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B2A, offset: 0x6F560, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x2CB0, symBinAddr: 0x13A02, symSize: 0x2B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3B8C, offset: 0x6F5C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40b, symObjAddr: 0x2CDB, symBinAddr: 0x13A2D, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BC1, offset: 0x6F5F7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke.114', symObjAddr: 0x2D0B, symBinAddr: 0x13A5D, symSize: 0x3EC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3F78, offset: 0x6F9AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket asyncResolveHost:port:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x30F7, symBinAddr: 0x13E49, symSize: 0x2D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FE4, offset: 0x6FA1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48b, symObjAddr: 0x3124, symBinAddr: 0x13E76, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4025, offset: 0x6FA5B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getAddress:error:fromAddresses:]', symObjAddr: 0x3168, symBinAddr: 0x13EBA, symSize: 0x55E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4427, offset: 0x6FE5D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket convertIntefaceDescription:port:intoAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x36C6, symBinAddr: 0x14418, symSize: 0x3EA }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x47EF, offset: 0x70225, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket convertNumericHost:port:intoAddress4:address6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3AB0, symBinAddr: 0x14802, symSize: 0x1E4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x49BB, offset: 0x703F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnectedToAddress4:]', symObjAddr: 0x3C94, symBinAddr: 0x149E6, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4A4E, offset: 0x70484, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnectedToAddress6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3CFC, symBinAddr: 0x14A4E, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4AE1, offset: 0x70517, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket indexOfInterfaceAddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0x3D74, symBinAddr: 0x14AC6, symSize: 0xBF }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C10, offset: 0x70646, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket indexOfInterfaceAddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0x3E33, symBinAddr: 0x14B85, symSize: 0xD5 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4D2C, offset: 0x70762, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]', symObjAddr: 0x3F08, symBinAddr: 0x14C5A, symSize: 0x186 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E6F, offset: 0x708A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x408E, symBinAddr: 0x14DE0, symSize: 0x65 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4EBD, offset: 0x708F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x40F3, symBinAddr: 0x14E45, symSize: 0x62 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F2C, offset: 0x70962, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x4155, symBinAddr: 0x14EA7, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4FA0, offset: 0x709D6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket4]_block_invoke.164', symObjAddr: 0x419B, symBinAddr: 0x14EC3, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4FFD, offset: 0x70A33, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]', symObjAddr: 0x41B7, symBinAddr: 0x14EDF, symSize: 0x192 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50F6, offset: 0x70B2C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4349, symBinAddr: 0x15071, symSize: 0x65 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5144, offset: 0x70B7A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x43AE, symBinAddr: 0x150D6, symSize: 0x65 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x51A0, offset: 0x70BD6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_3', symObjAddr: 0x4413, symBinAddr: 0x1513B, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x51FD, offset: 0x70C33, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___58-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendAndReceiveSourcesForSocket6]_block_invoke_4', symObjAddr: 0x442F, symBinAddr: 0x15157, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x525A, offset: 0x70C90, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSocket4:socket6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x444B, symBinAddr: 0x15173, symSize: 0xED }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5354, offset: 0x70D8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___50-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSocket4:socket6:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4538, symBinAddr: 0x15260, symSize: 0x217 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x55A8, offset: 0x70FDE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createSockets:]', symObjAddr: 0x474F, symBinAddr: 0x15477, symSize: 0x53 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x564F, offset: 0x71085, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendSend4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x47A2, symBinAddr: 0x154CA, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x56A0, offset: 0x710D6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendSend6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x47CA, symBinAddr: 0x154F2, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x56E2, offset: 0x71118, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeSend4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x47F2, symBinAddr: 0x1551A, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5733, offset: 0x71169, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeSend6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x481A, symBinAddr: 0x15542, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5775, offset: 0x711AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendReceive4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4842, symBinAddr: 0x1556A, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x57B7, offset: 0x711ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket suspendReceive6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x486A, symBinAddr: 0x15592, symSize: 0x2B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x57F9, offset: 0x7122F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeReceive4Source]', symObjAddr: 0x4895, symBinAddr: 0x155BD, symSize: 0x28 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x583B, offset: 0x71271, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket resumeReceive6Source]', symObjAddr: 0x48BD, symBinAddr: 0x155E5, symSize: 0x2B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x587D, offset: 0x712B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSocket4]', symObjAddr: 0x48E8, symBinAddr: 0x15610, symSize: 0xB2 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5934, offset: 0x7136A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSocket6]', symObjAddr: 0x499A, symBinAddr: 0x156C2, symSize: 0xBB }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x59DC, offset: 0x71412, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeSockets]', symObjAddr: 0x4A55, symBinAddr: 0x1577D, symSize: 0x31 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5A39, offset: 0x7146F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getLocalAddress:host:port:forSocket:withFamily:]', symObjAddr: 0x4A86, symBinAddr: 0x157AE, symSize: 0x1D5 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C87, offset: 0x716BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress4Info]', symObjAddr: 0x4C5B, symBinAddr: 0x15983, symSize: 0xE5 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5D69, offset: 0x7179F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedLocalAddress6Info]', symObjAddr: 0x4D40, symBinAddr: 0x15A68, symSize: 0xE5 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5E4B, offset: 0x71881, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x4E25, symBinAddr: 0x15B4D, symSize: 0x155 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5F35, offset: 0x7196B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x4F7A, symBinAddr: 0x15CA2, symSize: 0x6B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5FB8, offset: 0x719EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x4FE5, symBinAddr: 0x15D0D, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6002, offset: 0x71A38, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]', symObjAddr: 0x5021, symBinAddr: 0x15D32, symSize: 0x155 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x60EC, offset: 0x71B22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5176, symBinAddr: 0x15E87, symSize: 0x6B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x616F, offset: 0x71BA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x51E1, symBinAddr: 0x15EF2, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x61B9, offset: 0x71BEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]', symObjAddr: 0x5206, symBinAddr: 0x15F17, symSize: 0x126 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x628B, offset: 0x71CC1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x532C, symBinAddr: 0x1603D, symSize: 0x56 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x62EA, offset: 0x71D20, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5382, symBinAddr: 0x16093, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6334, offset: 0x71D6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x53A7, symBinAddr: 0x160B8, symSize: 0x155 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x641E, offset: 0x71E54, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x54FC, symBinAddr: 0x1620D, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x647D, offset: 0x71EB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5538, symBinAddr: 0x16249, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x64C7, offset: 0x71EFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x555D, symBinAddr: 0x1626E, symSize: 0x155 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x65B1, offset: 0x71FE7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x56B2, symBinAddr: 0x163C3, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6610, offset: 0x72046, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x56EE, symBinAddr: 0x163FF, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x665A, offset: 0x72090, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x5713, symBinAddr: 0x16424, symSize: 0x126 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x672C, offset: 0x72162, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5839, symBinAddr: 0x1654A, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x678B, offset: 0x721C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv4]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5871, symBinAddr: 0x16582, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x67D5, offset: 0x7220B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5896, symBinAddr: 0x165A7, symSize: 0x155 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x68BF, offset: 0x722F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x59EB, symBinAddr: 0x166FC, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x691E, offset: 0x72354, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localAddress_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5A27, symBinAddr: 0x16738, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6968, offset: 0x7239E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5A4C, symBinAddr: 0x1675D, symSize: 0x155 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6A52, offset: 0x72488, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5BA1, symBinAddr: 0x168B2, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6AB1, offset: 0x724E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localHost_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5BDD, symBinAddr: 0x168EE, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6AFB, offset: 0x72531, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x5C02, symBinAddr: 0x16913, symSize: 0x126 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6BCD, offset: 0x72603, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x5D28, symBinAddr: 0x16A39, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6C2C, offset: 0x72662, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket localPort_IPv6]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x5D60, symBinAddr: 0x16A71, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6C76, offset: 0x726AC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeUpdateCachedConnectedAddressInfo]', symObjAddr: 0x5D85, symBinAddr: 0x16A96, symSize: 0x211 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6EB3, offset: 0x728E9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]', symObjAddr: 0x5F96, symBinAddr: 0x16CA7, symSize: 0x155 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6F9D, offset: 0x729D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x60EB, symBinAddr: 0x16DFC, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6FFC, offset: 0x72A32, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___38-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedAddress]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x6127, symBinAddr: 0x16E38, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7046, offset: 0x72A7C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]', symObjAddr: 0x614C, symBinAddr: 0x16E5D, symSize: 0x155 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7130, offset: 0x72B66, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x62A1, symBinAddr: 0x16FB2, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x718F, offset: 0x72BC5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedHost]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x62DD, symBinAddr: 0x16FEE, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x71D9, offset: 0x72C0F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]', symObjAddr: 0x6302, symBinAddr: 0x17013, symSize: 0x126 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72AB, offset: 0x72CE1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6428, symBinAddr: 0x17139, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x730A, offset: 0x72D40, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___35-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectedPort]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x6460, symBinAddr: 0x17171, symSize: 0x25 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7354, offset: 0x72D8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnected]', symObjAddr: 0x6485, symBinAddr: 0x17196, symSize: 0xDD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x73FE, offset: 0x72E34, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___33-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isConnected]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6562, symBinAddr: 0x17273, symSize: 0x1D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7459, offset: 0x72E8F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isClosed]', symObjAddr: 0x657F, symBinAddr: 0x17290, symSize: 0xDD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7503, offset: 0x72F39, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___30-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isClosed]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x665C, symBinAddr: 0x1736D, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x755E, offset: 0x72F94, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4]', symObjAddr: 0x6678, symBinAddr: 0x17389, symSize: 0xDD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7608, offset: 0x7303E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6755, symBinAddr: 0x17466, symSize: 0x3B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7667, offset: 0x7309D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6]', symObjAddr: 0x6790, symBinAddr: 0x174A1, symSize: 0xDD }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7711, offset: 0x73147, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___28-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x686D, symBinAddr: 0x1757E, symSize: 0x3B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7770, offset: 0x731A6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preBind:]', symObjAddr: 0x68A8, symBinAddr: 0x175B9, symSize: 0x8A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77FC, offset: 0x73232, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6932, symBinAddr: 0x17643, symSize: 0x17 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x787D, offset: 0x732B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:interface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6949, symBinAddr: 0x1765A, symSize: 0x1A0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x79BE, offset: 0x733F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToPort:interface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6AE9, symBinAddr: 0x177FA, symSize: 0x2E1 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7CA4, offset: 0x736DA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x6E61, symBinAddr: 0x17ADB, symSize: 0x19C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7DD4, offset: 0x7380A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___42-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket bindToAddress:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x6FFD, symBinAddr: 0x17C77, symSize: 0x315 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x808E, offset: 0x73AC4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preConnect:]', symObjAddr: 0x7312, symBinAddr: 0x17F8C, symSize: 0x77 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x811A, offset: 0x73B50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7389, symBinAddr: 0x18003, symSize: 0x1A0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x825B, offset: 0x73C91, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x7529, symBinAddr: 0x181A3, symSize: 0x1E0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x83D6, offset: 0x73E0C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToHost:onPort:error:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x7709, symBinAddr: 0x18383, symSize: 0xA6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x84FA, offset: 0x73F30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToAddress:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x77AF, symBinAddr: 0x18429, symSize: 0x19C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x862A, offset: 0x74060, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___45-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectToAddress:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x794B, symBinAddr: 0x185C5, symSize: 0x1D3 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x87D3, offset: 0x74209, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeConnect]', symObjAddr: 0x7B1E, symBinAddr: 0x18798, symSize: 0x230 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8A2B, offset: 0x74461, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectWithAddress4:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7D4E, symBinAddr: 0x189C8, symSize: 0xD1 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8B43, offset: 0x74579, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket connectWithAddress6:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7E1F, symBinAddr: 0x18A99, symSize: 0xD1 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C3A, offset: 0x74670, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket preJoin:]', symObjAddr: 0x7EF0, symBinAddr: 0x18B6A, symSize: 0x72 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8CAC, offset: 0x746E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket joinMulticastGroup:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F62, symBinAddr: 0x18BDC, symSize: 0x17 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D2D, offset: 0x74763, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket joinMulticastGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F79, symBinAddr: 0x18BF3, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8DC9, offset: 0x747FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket leaveMulticastGroup:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7F99, symBinAddr: 0x18C13, symSize: 0x17 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E4A, offset: 0x74880, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket leaveMulticastGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7FB0, symBinAddr: 0x18C2A, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8EE6, offset: 0x7491C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performMulticastRequest:forGroup:onInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x7FD0, symBinAddr: 0x18C4A, symSize: 0x1DE }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x908D, offset: 0x74AC3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___73-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performMulticastRequest:forGroup:onInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x81AE, symBinAddr: 0x18E28, symSize: 0x34E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x941A, offset: 0x74E50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x85A1, symBinAddr: 0x19176, symSize: 0x19C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x954A, offset: 0x74F80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv4MulticastOnInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x873D, symBinAddr: 0x19312, symSize: 0x1C1 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x971A, offset: 0x75150, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x88FE, symBinAddr: 0x194D3, symSize: 0x19C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x984A, offset: 0x75280, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendIPv6MulticastOnInterface:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8A9A, symBinAddr: 0x1966F, symSize: 0x1B9 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A13, offset: 0x75449, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableReusePort:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x8C53, symBinAddr: 0x19828, symSize: 0x164 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B01, offset: 0x75537, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableReusePort:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x8DB7, symBinAddr: 0x1998C, symSize: 0x16D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9C60, offset: 0x75696, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBroadcast:error:]', symObjAddr: 0x8F24, symBinAddr: 0x19AF9, symSize: 0x164 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9D4E, offset: 0x75784, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___44-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBroadcast:error:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9088, symBinAddr: 0x19C5D, symSize: 0x131 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9E60, offset: 0x75896, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTag:]', symObjAddr: 0x91B9, symBinAddr: 0x19D8E, symSize: 0x1A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9ED5, offset: 0x7590B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x91D3, symBinAddr: 0x19DA8, symSize: 0xE7 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9FEF, offset: 0x75A25, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___47-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x92BA, symBinAddr: 0x19E8F, symSize: 0x55 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA05A, offset: 0x75A90, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x930F, symBinAddr: 0x19EE4, symSize: 0x171 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA20D, offset: 0x75C43, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9480, symBinAddr: 0x1A055, symSize: 0x99 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA2DF, offset: 0x75D15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___59-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toHost:port:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9519, symBinAddr: 0x1A0EE, symSize: 0x55 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA34A, offset: 0x75D80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toAddress:withTimeout:tag:]', symObjAddr: 0x956E, symBinAddr: 0x1A143, symSize: 0x12F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA4C5, offset: 0x75EFB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___57-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket sendData:toAddress:withTimeout:tag:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x969D, symBinAddr: 0x1A272, symSize: 0x55 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA530, offset: 0x75F66, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0x96F2, symBinAddr: 0x1A2C7, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA5AB, offset: 0x75FE1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]', symObjAddr: 0x970A, symBinAddr: 0x1A2DF, symSize: 0x12D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA775, offset: 0x761AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___61-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setSendFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9837, symBinAddr: 0x1A40C, symSize: 0x46 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA7F6, offset: 0x7622C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket maybeDequeueSend]', symObjAddr: 0x987D, symBinAddr: 0x1A452, symSize: 0x1F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA994, offset: 0x763CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]', symObjAddr: 0x9A6D, symBinAddr: 0x1A642, symSize: 0x384 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAC59, offset: 0x7668F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0x9DF1, symBinAddr: 0x1A9C6, symSize: 0xB6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD0D, offset: 0x76743, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0x9EA7, symBinAddr: 0x1AA7C, symSize: 0x87 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xADA1, offset: 0x767D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doPreSend]_block_invoke.334', symObjAddr: 0x9F2E, symBinAddr: 0x1AB03, symSize: 0x47 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE00, offset: 0x76836, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doSend]', symObjAddr: 0x9F75, symBinAddr: 0x1AB4A, symSize: 0x20D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB06E, offset: 0x76AA4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket endCurrentSend]', symObjAddr: 0xA182, symBinAddr: 0x1AD57, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0C8, offset: 0x76AFE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doSendTimeout]', symObjAddr: 0xA1D2, symBinAddr: 0x1ADA7, symSize: 0x75 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB15F, offset: 0x76B95, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendTimerWithTimeout:]', symObjAddr: 0xA247, symBinAddr: 0x1AE1C, symSize: 0xBA }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB26D, offset: 0x76CA3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___48-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setupSendTimerWithTimeout:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA301, symBinAddr: 0x1AED6, symSize: 0x2F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB2BB, offset: 0x76CF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]', symObjAddr: 0xA330, symBinAddr: 0x1AF05, symSize: 0x161 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB398, offset: 0x76DCE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA491, symBinAddr: 0x1B066, symSize: 0xB6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB44A, offset: 0x76E80, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___34-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket receiveOnce:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xA547, symBinAddr: 0x1B11C, symSize: 0x2F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB498, offset: 0x76ECE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]', symObjAddr: 0xA576, symBinAddr: 0x1B14B, symSize: 0x161 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB575, offset: 0x76FAB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA6D7, symBinAddr: 0x1B2AC, symSize: 0xB6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB627, offset: 0x7705D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___37-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket beginReceiving:]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xA78D, symBinAddr: 0x1B362, symSize: 0x2F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB675, offset: 0x770AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket pauseReceiving]', symObjAddr: 0xA7BC, symBinAddr: 0x1B391, symSize: 0x7F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB706, offset: 0x7713C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___36-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket pauseReceiving]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA83B, symBinAddr: 0x1B410, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB760, offset: 0x77196, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xA897, symBinAddr: 0x1B46C, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB7DB, offset: 0x77211, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]', symObjAddr: 0xA8AF, symBinAddr: 0x1B484, symSize: 0x12D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB9A5, offset: 0x773DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___64-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket setReceiveFilter:withQueue:isAsynchronous:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xA9DC, symBinAddr: 0x1B5B1, symSize: 0x46 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBA26, offset: 0x7745C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]', symObjAddr: 0xAA22, symBinAddr: 0x1B5F7, symSize: 0x71A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBED9, offset: 0x7790F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB13C, symBinAddr: 0x1BD11, symSize: 0x102 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBFC0, offset: 0x779F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke_2', symObjAddr: 0xB23E, symBinAddr: 0x1BE13, symSize: 0x92 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC05E, offset: 0x77A94, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___31-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceive]_block_invoke.361', symObjAddr: 0xB2D0, symBinAddr: 0x1BEA5, symSize: 0x79 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC0F8, offset: 0x77B2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket doReceiveEOF]', symObjAddr: 0xB349, symBinAddr: 0x1BF1E, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC160, offset: 0x77B96, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeWithError:]', symObjAddr: 0xB395, symBinAddr: 0x1BF6A, symSize: 0xA9 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC252, offset: 0x77C88, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket close]', symObjAddr: 0xB43E, symBinAddr: 0x1C013, symSize: 0x7F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC2E3, offset: 0x77D19, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___27-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket close]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB4BD, symBinAddr: 0x1C092, symSize: 0x31 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC338, offset: 0x77D6E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeAfterSending]', symObjAddr: 0xB4EE, symBinAddr: 0x1C0C3, symSize: 0x7F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC3C9, offset: 0x77DFF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___39-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeAfterSending]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB56D, symBinAddr: 0x1C142, symSize: 0x63 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC42A, offset: 0x77E60, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket ignore:]', symObjAddr: 0xB5D0, symBinAddr: 0x1C1A5, symSize: 0x6 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC4A1, offset: 0x77ED7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___49+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket startListenerThreadIfNeeded]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xB62E, symBinAddr: 0x1C203, symSize: 0x63 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC50E, offset: 0x77F44, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket listenerThread:]', symObjAddr: 0xB691, symBinAddr: 0x1C266, symSize: 0x114 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC60E, offset: 0x78044, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket addStreamListener:]', symObjAddr: 0xB7A5, symBinAddr: 0x1C37A, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC72D, offset: 0x78163, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket removeStreamListener:]', symObjAddr: 0xB845, symBinAddr: 0x1C41A, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC840, offset: 0x78276, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket createReadAndWriteStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xB8E5, symBinAddr: 0x1C4BA, symSize: 0x238 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCA84, offset: 0x784BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket registerForStreamCallbacks:]', symObjAddr: 0xBB1D, symBinAddr: 0x1C6F2, symSize: 0x1C2 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCCC0, offset: 0x786F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFReadStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xBCDF, symBinAddr: 0x1C8B4, symSize: 0x10E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCE15, offset: 0x7884B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _CFWriteStreamCallback, symObjAddr: 0xBDED, symBinAddr: 0x1C9C2, symSize: 0x10E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCF6A, offset: 0x789A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket addStreamsToRunLoop:]', symObjAddr: 0xBEFB, symBinAddr: 0x1CAD0, symSize: 0x72 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD004, offset: 0x78A3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket openStreams:]', symObjAddr: 0xBF6D, symBinAddr: 0x1CB42, symSize: 0xBB }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD137, offset: 0x78B6D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket removeStreamsFromRunLoop]', symObjAddr: 0xC028, symBinAddr: 0x1CBFD, symSize: 0x4E }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD191, offset: 0x78BC7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket closeReadAndWriteStreams]', symObjAddr: 0xC076, symBinAddr: 0x1CC4B, symSize: 0xF8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD2B9, offset: 0x78CEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket applicationWillEnterForeground:]', symObjAddr: 0xC16E, symBinAddr: 0x1CD43, symSize: 0x7F }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD357, offset: 0x78D8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '___53-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket applicationWillEnterForeground:]_block_invoke', symObjAddr: 0xC1ED, symBinAddr: 0x1CDC2, symSize: 0x4A }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD3B1, offset: 0x78DE7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket markSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xC237, symBinAddr: 0x1CE0C, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD42C, offset: 0x78E62, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket unmarkSocketQueueTargetQueue:]', symObjAddr: 0xC253, symBinAddr: 0x1CE28, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD494, offset: 0x78ECA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket performBlock:]', symObjAddr: 0xC26B, symBinAddr: 0x1CE40, symSize: 0x38 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD511, offset: 0x78F47, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socketFD]', symObjAddr: 0xC2A3, symBinAddr: 0x1CE78, symSize: 0x33 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD557, offset: 0x78F8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socket4FD]', symObjAddr: 0xC2D6, symBinAddr: 0x1CEAB, symSize: 0x2B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD59D, offset: 0x78FD3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket socket6FD]', symObjAddr: 0xC301, symBinAddr: 0x1CED6, symSize: 0x2B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD5E3, offset: 0x79019, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket readStream]', symObjAddr: 0xC32C, symBinAddr: 0x1CF01, symSize: 0x57 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD655, offset: 0x7908B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket writeStream]', symObjAddr: 0xC383, symBinAddr: 0x1CF58, symSize: 0x57 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD6C7, offset: 0x790FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket enableBackgroundingOnSockets]', symObjAddr: 0xC3DA, symBinAddr: 0x1CFAF, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD6FB, offset: 0x79131, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xC3E2, symBinAddr: 0x1CFB7, symSize: 0x7D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD77E, offset: 0x791B4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xC45F, symBinAddr: 0x1D034, symSize: 0x7D }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD802, offset: 0x79238, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromSockaddr4:]', symObjAddr: 0xC4DC, symBinAddr: 0x1D0B1, symSize: 0x11 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD845, offset: 0x7927B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromSockaddr6:]', symObjAddr: 0xC4ED, symBinAddr: 0x1D0C2, symSize: 0x11 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD888, offset: 0x792BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket hostFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xC4FE, symBinAddr: 0x1D0D3, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD91E, offset: 0x79354, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket portFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xC53E, symBinAddr: 0x1D113, symSize: 0x31 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD9A8, offset: 0x793DE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket familyFromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xC56F, symBinAddr: 0x1D144, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDA32, offset: 0x79468, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv4Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xC59F, symBinAddr: 0x1D174, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDABC, offset: 0x794F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket isIPv6Address:]', symObjAddr: 0xC5D3, symBinAddr: 0x1D1A8, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDB46, offset: 0x7957C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getHost:port:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xC607, symBinAddr: 0x1D1DC, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDBDE, offset: 0x79614, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '+[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket getHost:port:family:fromAddress:]', symObjAddr: 0xC61F, symBinAddr: 0x1D1F4, symSize: 0x19C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDD87, offset: 0x797BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '-[MGCDAsyncUdpSocket .cxx_destruct]', symObjAddr: 0xC7BB, symBinAddr: 0x1D390, symSize: 0x118 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDDBB, offset: 0x797F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFReadStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xC8D3, symBinAddr: 0x1D4A8, symSize: 0x49 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDE27, offset: 0x7985D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___CFWriteStreamCallback_block_invoke, symObjAddr: 0xC91C, symBinAddr: 0x1D4F1, symSize: 0x49 }
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similarity index 100%
rename from IoTConnectDemo/IoTConnectDemo/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/Info.plist
rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/Info.plist
index 00bebb0..d169d51 100644
--- a/IoTConnectDemo/IoTConnectDemo/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/Info.plist
+++ b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/Info.plist
@@ -10,15 +10,18 @@
- ios-arm64
+ ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator
+ x86_64
+ SupportedPlatformVariant
+ simulator
@@ -26,18 +29,15 @@
- ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator
+ ios-arm64
- x86_64
- SupportedPlatformVariant
- simulator
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similarity index 99%
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--- a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Headers/IoTConnect2_AWS-Swift.h
+++ b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Headers/IoTConnect2_AWS-Swift.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#if 0
#elif defined(__arm64__) && __arm64__
-// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
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similarity index 70%
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rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Info.plist
index 708cd18..d35d017 100644
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..274c387
Binary files /dev/null and b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/IoTConnect2_AWS differ
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similarity index 100%
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rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/LICENSE
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,11054 @@
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "value": "\"Content-Type\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
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+ "value": "\"Accept\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
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+ "value": "\"Content-Length\""
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 2,
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+ },
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+ "value": "\"<>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 415,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 477,
+ "length": 62,
+ "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 564,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 612,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Device information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 667,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 729,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 778,
+ "length": 28,
+ "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 831,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 882,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Please give env value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 930,
+ "length": 47,
+ "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1002,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1062,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1136,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1192,
+ "length": 55,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1272,
+ "length": 69,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1366,
+ "length": 56,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1447,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1504,
+ "length": 72,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1601,
+ "length": 52,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1678,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\" <>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1733,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1784,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Connection not available\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1835,
+ "length": 27,
+ "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1887,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1934,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1989,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2047,
+ "length": 80,
+ "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2153,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Device is not active\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2201,
+ "length": 63,
+ "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2290,
+ "length": 70,
+ "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2386,
+ "length": 67,
+ "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2479,
+ "length": 39,
+ "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2543,
+ "length": 25,
+ "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2593,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2642,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2698,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2763,
+ "length": 73,
+ "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 361,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"<>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 415,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 477,
+ "length": 62,
+ "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 564,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 612,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Device information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 667,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 729,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 778,
+ "length": 28,
+ "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 831,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 882,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Please give env value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 930,
+ "length": 47,
+ "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1002,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1062,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1136,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1192,
+ "length": 55,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1272,
+ "length": 69,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1366,
+ "length": 56,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1447,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1504,
+ "length": 72,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1601,
+ "length": 52,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1678,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\" <>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1733,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1784,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Connection not available\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1835,
+ "length": 27,
+ "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1887,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1934,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1989,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2047,
+ "length": 80,
+ "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2153,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Device is not active\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2201,
+ "length": 63,
+ "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2290,
+ "length": 70,
+ "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2386,
+ "length": 67,
+ "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2479,
+ "length": 39,
+ "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2543,
+ "length": 25,
+ "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2593,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2642,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2698,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2763,
+ "length": 73,
+ "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2892,
+ "length": 42,
+ "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2960,
+ "length": 18,
+ "value": "\"Device connected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3004,
+ "length": 21,
+ "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3051,
+ "length": 17,
+ "value": "\"Initializing...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3094,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Connecting...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3135,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3176,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3251,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3301,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3370,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3431,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3495,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3558,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3618,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3680,
+ "length": 44,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3750,
+ "length": 14,
+ "value": "\"Publish data\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3790,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3852,
+ "length": 59,
+ "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3937,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3998,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4058,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4118,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4177,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4237,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4295,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4359,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4420,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4486,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4532,
+ "length": 45,
+ "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4603,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4655,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"No offline data found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4704,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4770,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4825,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4880,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4930,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2892,
+ "length": 42,
+ "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2960,
+ "length": 18,
+ "value": "\"Device connected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3004,
+ "length": 21,
+ "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3051,
+ "length": 17,
+ "value": "\"Initializing...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3094,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Connecting...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3135,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3176,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3251,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3301,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3370,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3431,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3495,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3558,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3618,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3680,
+ "length": 44,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3750,
+ "length": 14,
+ "value": "\"Publish data\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3790,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3852,
+ "length": 59,
+ "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3937,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3998,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4058,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4118,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4177,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4237,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4295,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4359,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4420,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4486,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4532,
+ "length": 45,
+ "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4603,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "value": "\"\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "value": "\"\""
+ },
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+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "\"\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
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+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IoTConnectDemo/IoTConnectDemo/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Modules/IoTConnect2_AWS.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.private.swiftinterface b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Modules/IoTConnect2_AWS.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.private.swiftinterface
similarity index 98%
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rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Modules/IoTConnect2_AWS.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.private.swiftinterface
index 42f9806..5df7d57 100644
--- a/IoTConnectDemo/IoTConnectDemo/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Modules/IoTConnect2_AWS.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.private.swiftinterface
+++ b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Modules/IoTConnect2_AWS.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.private.swiftinterface
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
-// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
-// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios14.0 -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name IoTConnect2_AWS
-// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -enable-bare-slash-regex
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
+// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios14.0 -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -enable-bare-slash-regex -module-name IoTConnect2_AWS
import CocoaMQTT
import CommonCrypto
import Foundation
diff --git a/IoTConnectDemo/IoTConnectDemo/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Modules/IoTConnect2_AWS.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Modules/IoTConnect2_AWS.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc
similarity index 92%
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index cf4dde5..738a047 100644
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similarity index 98%
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+++ b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Modules/IoTConnect2_AWS.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftinterface
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
-// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
-// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios14.0 -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name IoTConnect2_AWS
-// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -enable-bare-slash-regex
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
+// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios14.0 -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -enable-bare-slash-regex -module-name IoTConnect2_AWS
import CocoaMQTT
import CommonCrypto
import Foundation
diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/xcframeworks/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Modules/module.modulemap b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Modules/module.modulemap
similarity index 100%
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rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/ios-arm64/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework/Modules/module.modulemap
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similarity index 100%
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rename to IoTConnect2/framework_AWS/xcframeworks/IotConnect2_aws.xcframework/ios-arm64/dSYMs/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,1662 @@
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x69, offset: 0x5899E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _IoTConnect2_AWSVersionNumber, symObjAddr: 0x38, symBinAddr: 0x6F508, symSize: 0x0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2EF, offset: 0x58CA3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC12calcEdgeData9arrValues9latestValSaySSGAG_SStFTf4nnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x93A0, symBinAddr: 0x11338, symSize: 0x15FC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x16B, offset: 0x6565C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0k8MQTTConnJ0OtFySbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x1E0, symBinAddr: 0x1F064, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x192, offset: 0x65683, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0k8MQTTConnJ0OtFySbcfU0_', symObjAddr: 0x1E4, symBinAddr: 0x1F068, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38C, offset: 0x6587D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0K0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0x454, symBinAddr: 0x1F2D8, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BE, offset: 0x658AF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC11mqttDidPingyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0x4B8, symBinAddr: 0x1F33C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3DA, offset: 0x658CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC18mqttDidReceivePongyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0x4BC, symBinAddr: 0x1F340, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCC9, offset: 0x661BA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_16didStateChangeToy9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0l8MQTTConnI0OtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xB9C, symBinAddr: 0x1FA20, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD5C, offset: 0x6624D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTf4ddnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xF94, symBinAddr: 0x1FE18, symSize: 0x68 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDD0, offset: 0x662C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0K0_pSgtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xFFC, symBinAddr: 0x1FE80, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F, offset: 0x6636D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS31ReachabilityChangedNotificationSo18NSNotificationNameavp', symObjAddr: 0x2AF0, symBinAddr: 0x87318, symSize: 0x0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B4, offset: 0x669D2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvpACTK', symObjAddr: 0x418, symBinAddr: 0x207DC, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6EA, offset: 0x66A08, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvpACTk', symObjAddr: 0x4A0, symBinAddr: 0x20864, symSize: 0xAC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x788, offset: 0x66AA6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvpACTk', symObjAddr: 0x6D0, symBinAddr: 0x20A94, symSize: 0xAC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9D1, offset: 0x66CEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC03setD5Flags33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyKFyyKXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x16E4, symBinAddr: 0x21AA8, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xACD, offset: 0x66DEB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC03setD5Flags33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyKFyyKXEfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1824, symBinAddr: 0x21BE8, symSize: 0x18 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF9, offset: 0x66E17, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOACs0E0AAWl', symObjAddr: 0x1C0C, symBinAddr: 0x21FD0, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0D, offset: 0x66E2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityCMa', symObjAddr: 0x1C50, symBinAddr: 0x22014, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB21, offset: 0x66E3F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS21ReachabilityWeakifier33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLCMa', symObjAddr: 0x1E10, symBinAddr: 0x221D4, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB35, offset: 0x66E53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOSHAASQWb', symObjAddr: 0x1E30, symBinAddr: 0x221F4, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB49, offset: 0x66E67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOAESQAAWl', symObjAddr: 0x1E34, symBinAddr: 0x221F8, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE4B, offset: 0x67169, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP5_codeSivgTW', symObjAddr: 0x4, symBinAddr: 0x203C8, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE67, offset: 0x67185, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP9_userInfoyXlSgvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x203CC, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE83, offset: 0x671A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP19_getEmbeddedNSErroryXlSgyFTW', symObjAddr: 0xC, symBinAddr: 0x203D0, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1392, offset: 0x676B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x77C, symBinAddr: 0x20B40, symSize: 0x4C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x143D, offset: 0x6775B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC24allowsCellularConnectionSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x88C, symBinAddr: 0x20C50, symSize: 0x3C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x14C9, offset: 0x677E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC18notificationCenterSo014NSNotificationF0Cvs', symObjAddr: 0x990, symBinAddr: 0x20D54, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1890, offset: 0x67BAE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC8hostname8queueQoS11targetQueue012notificationI0ACSS_8Dispatch0kG1SVSo012OS_dispatch_F0CSgAMtKcfC', symObjAddr: 0xEC8, symBinAddr: 0x2128C, symSize: 0x188 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1935, offset: 0x67C53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC8queueQoS11targetQueue012notificationH0AC8Dispatch0jF1SV_So012OS_dispatch_E0CSgALtKcfC', symObjAddr: 0x1050, symBinAddr: 0x21414, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1982, offset: 0x67CA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC12stopNotifieryyF', symObjAddr: 0x10D4, symBinAddr: 0x21498, symSize: 0x3C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1EC9, offset: 0x681E7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13startNotifieryyKFs9UnmanagedVySo11CFStringRefaGSVcfU2_To', symObjAddr: 0x14C4, symBinAddr: 0x21888, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B, offset: 0x68B0B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS13ModelEdgeRuleVwca', symObjAddr: 0xC0, symBinAddr: 0x22C3C, symSize: 0x128 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19A6, offset: 0x6C5A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC14startHeartRate2dfySd_tFySo7NSTimerCYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x156C0, symBinAddr: 0x3BA80, symSize: 0x150 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4012, offset: 0x6EC0F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC15validateLatLong5value2dvSbSS_SSSgtFTf4nnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x19518, symBinAddr: 0x3F808, symSize: 0x1A0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4CAB, offset: 0x6F8A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC13startMQTTCall33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL16dataSyncResponse8passwordySDySSypG_SStFyypSg_SitcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1BC78, symBinAddr: 0x416B8, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7794, offset: 0x72391, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC10initialize4cpId06uniqueH02pf14deviceCallback010twinUpdateL0013getAttributesL00o5TwinsL00o12ChildDevucesL0ySS_S2SyypSgcyAMcyAMcyAMcyAMctF', symObjAddr: 0x1A0, symBinAddr: 0x26560, symSize: 0x5D8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7AA9, offset: 0x726A6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC10initialize4cpId06uniqueH02pf14deviceCallback010twinUpdateL0013getAttributesL00o5TwinsL00o12ChildDevucesL0ySS_S2SyypSgcyAMcyAMcyAMcyAMctFySb_yptcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x2824, symBinAddr: 0x28BE4, symSize: 0x6D0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x201B, offset: 0x81F14, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didPublishMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA734, symBinAddr: 0x4CE74, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x204E, offset: 0x81F47, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didPublishAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_s6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA798, symBinAddr: 0x4CED8, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x208D, offset: 0x81F86, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didReceiveMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA79C, symBinAddr: 0x4CEDC, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x20E3, offset: 0x81FDC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA814, symBinAddr: 0x4CF54, symSize: 0x88 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2154, offset: 0x8204D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_20didUnsubscribeTopicsy9CocoaMQTTAFC_SaySSGtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA89C, symBinAddr: 0x4CFDC, symSize: 0xDC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21D6, offset: 0x820CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC11mqttDidPingyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA978, symBinAddr: 0x4D0B8, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21F2, offset: 0x820EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18mqttDidReceivePongyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA97C, symBinAddr: 0x4D0BC, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x222C, offset: 0x82125, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA980, symBinAddr: 0x4D0C0, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2599, offset: 0x82492, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss13_parseInteger5ascii5radixq_Sgx_SitSyRzs010FixedWidthB0R_r0_lFSS_s5Int32VTg5', symObjAddr: 0xBC28, symBinAddr: 0x4E368, symSize: 0xE4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D2C, offset: 0x83C25, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didPublishMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTf4dndd_n', symObjAddr: 0x11558, symBinAddr: 0x53C98, symSize: 0x104 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3E76, offset: 0x83D6F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTf4dnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x14050, symBinAddr: 0x56790, symSize: 0x120 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3F8E, offset: 0x83E87, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sypSgSiIegny_SgWOy', symObjAddr: 0x14658, symBinAddr: 0x56D38, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FCA, offset: 0x83EC3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_allocate_boxed_opaque_existential_0, symObjAddr: 0x147E8, symBinAddr: 0x56DA0, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FDE, offset: 0x83ED7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS14AttributesDataVWOb', symObjAddr: 0x14824, symBinAddr: 0x56DDC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FF2, offset: 0x83EEB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS14AttributesDataVSgWOd', symObjAddr: 0x14868, symBinAddr: 0x56E20, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4006, offset: 0x83EFF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x148B0, symBinAddr: 0x56E68, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x401A, offset: 0x83F13, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x148B8, symBinAddr: 0x56E70, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x402E, offset: 0x83F27, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x148C8, symBinAddr: 0x56E80, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4042, offset: 0x83F3B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC8holdFunc33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL10offDataObj07offlineN6Length0pN4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x14950, symBinAddr: 0x56EC4, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x409A, offset: 0x83F93, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x14A10, symBinAddr: 0x56F84, symSize: 0x24 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C5C, offset: 0x84B55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa6appendyyxnFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x80, symBinAddr: 0x427C0, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4DBF, offset: 0x84CB8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa6appendyyxnFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x120, symBinAddr: 0x42860, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4EEA, offset: 0x84DE3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSayxSiciMSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x1BC, symBinAddr: 0x428FC, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F6F, offset: 0x84E68, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSayxSiciMSDySSypG_Tg5.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x230, symBinAddr: 0x42970, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F8A, offset: 0x84E83, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss26DefaultStringInterpolationV06appendC0yyxs06CustomB11ConvertibleRzlF9CocoaMQTT0G11MQTTConnAckO_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x234, symBinAddr: 0x42974, symSize: 0x134 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4FF5, offset: 0x84EEE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD11removeValue6forKeyq_Sgx_tFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0x368, symBinAddr: 0x42AA8, symSize: 0xE8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50D7, offset: 0x84FD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCyACSS_SSAA15SDKClientOptionVS2btcfc', symObjAddr: 0x450, symBinAddr: 0x42B90, symSize: 0x204 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5256, offset: 0x8514F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC12initiateMQTT16dictSyncResponse8password18callbackMQTTStatusySDySSypG_SSyypSg_SitctF', symObjAddr: 0x654, symBinAddr: 0x42D94, symSize: 0xAF8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x56E8, offset: 0x855E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC10disconnectyyF', symObjAddr: 0x114C, symBinAddr: 0x4388C, symSize: 0x3CC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x58FF, offset: 0x857F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGF', symObjAddr: 0x1518, symBinAddr: 0x43C58, symSize: 0x9B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C76, offset: 0x85B6F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFySSXEfU1_', symObjAddr: 0x1EF4, symBinAddr: 0x44634, symSize: 0x229C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7193, offset: 0x8708C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFySSXEfU1_ySbcfU_Tf4dnnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xED08, symBinAddr: 0x51448, symSize: 0x6F8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x759E, offset: 0x87497, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC10deleteFile33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL7logPath0efN0ySS_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x4190, symBinAddr: 0x468D0, symSize: 0x1660 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8459, offset: 0x88352, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC16checkOfflineData33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyyF', symObjAddr: 0x57F0, symBinAddr: 0x47F30, symSize: 0x1038 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E60, offset: 0x88D59, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC16checkOfflineData33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyyFySiXEfU0_', symObjAddr: 0x6828, symBinAddr: 0x48F68, symSize: 0x3F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8FC9, offset: 0x88EC2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC22sendOfflineDataProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL03offG3Obj07offlineG6Length0qG4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StF', symObjAddr: 0x7510, symBinAddr: 0x49C50, symSize: 0x208 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x921B, offset: 0x89114, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC22sendOfflineDataProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL03offG3Obj07offlineG6Length0qG4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StFyAJXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x7718, symBinAddr: 0x49E58, symSize: 0x93C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A1B, offset: 0x89914, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC8holdFunc33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL10offDataObj07offlineN6Length0pN4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StF', symObjAddr: 0x8054, symBinAddr: 0x4A794, symSize: 0x2E8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B6D, offset: 0x89A66, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18publishTopicOnMQTT8withData5topicySDySSypG_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x833C, symBinAddr: 0x4AA7C, symSize: 0x648 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F3A, offset: 0x89E33, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC29publishTwinPropertyDataOnMQTT04withH0ySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x8984, symBinAddr: 0x4B0C4, symSize: 0x674 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA1DC, offset: 0x8A0D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCfd', symObjAddr: 0x943C, symBinAddr: 0x4BB7C, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA1FF, offset: 0x8A0F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCfD', symObjAddr: 0x94BC, symBinAddr: 0x4BBFC, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA28A, offset: 0x8A183, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtF', symObjAddr: 0x9588, symBinAddr: 0x4BCC8, symSize: 0x10C8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA8F2, offset: 0x8A7EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtFyyScMYccfU_', symObjAddr: 0xA650, symBinAddr: 0x4CD90, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA965, offset: 0x8A85E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa12_endMutationyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA9E4, symBinAddr: 0x4D124, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA980, offset: 0x8A879, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA9E8, symBinAddr: 0x4D128, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA998, offset: 0x8A891, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA9E8, symBinAddr: 0x4D128, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA9A9, offset: 0x8A8A2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV8setValue_6forKeyyq_n_xtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xA9F0, symBinAddr: 0x4D130, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAA31, offset: 0x8A92A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV11removeValue6forKeyq_Sgx_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xAAB8, symBinAddr: 0x4D1F8, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAAD1, offset: 0x8A9CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xAC80, symBinAddr: 0x4D3C0, symSize: 0x1F4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAC2D, offset: 0x8AB26, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB038, symBinAddr: 0x4D778, symSize: 0x340 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD24, offset: 0x8AC1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB378, symBinAddr: 0x4DAB8, symSize: 0x340 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE0E, offset: 0x8AD07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB6B8, symBinAddr: 0x4DDF8, symSize: 0x1DC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAEB3, offset: 0x8ADAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB894, symBinAddr: 0x4DFD4, symSize: 0x204 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF51, offset: 0x8AE4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBA98, symBinAddr: 0x4E1D8, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFFD, offset: 0x8AEF6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSo7NSTimerC_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBAE4, symBinAddr: 0x4E224, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB089, offset: 0x8AF82, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa36_reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer8oldCountySi_tFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBB74, symBinAddr: 0x4E2B4, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0C6, offset: 0x8AFBF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa37_appendElementAssumeUniqueAndCapacity_03newB0ySi_xntFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBBB4, symBinAddr: 0x4E2F4, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB118, offset: 0x8B011, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa21_makeMutableAndUniqueyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBBCC, symBinAddr: 0x4E30C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB141, offset: 0x8B03A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa24_checkSubscript_mutatingyySiFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBC08, symBinAddr: 0x4E348, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB182, offset: 0x8B07B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingyS2SFZ', symObjAddr: 0xC2F4, symBinAddr: 0x4EA34, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB196, offset: 0x8B08F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSlsEy11SubSequenceQzqd__cSXRd__5BoundQyd__5IndexRtzluigSS_s16PartialRangeFromVySSAEVGTgq5', symObjAddr: 0xC380, symBinAddr: 0x4EAC0, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB1C6, offset: 0x8B0BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingySSSsFZ', symObjAddr: 0xC3CC, symBinAddr: 0x4EB0C, symSize: 0x164 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB24A, offset: 0x8B143, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSTsE21_copySequenceContents12initializing8IteratorQz_SitSry7ElementQzG_tFSs8UTF8ViewV_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0xC684, symBinAddr: 0x4EDC4, symSize: 0x214 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB27F, offset: 0x8B178, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss11_StringGutsV27_slowEnsureMatchingEncodingySS5IndexVAEF', symObjAddr: 0xC898, symBinAddr: 0x4EFD8, symSize: 0x78 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xADB, offset: 0x9116D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS6CommonC25checkForIfFileExistAtPath04fileK0Sbyp_tFTf4nd_n', symObjAddr: 0x36EC, symBinAddr: 0x66828, symSize: 0x25C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x87, offset: 0x95949, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValuexSg03RawG0Qz_tcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x298, symBinAddr: 0x6B790, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA3, offset: 0x95965, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValue03RawG0QzvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x2A0, symBinAddr: 0x6B798, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBB, offset: 0x9597D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValue03RawG0QzvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x2A0, symBinAddr: 0x6B798, symSize: 0x18 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x134, offset: 0x959F6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwst', symObjAddr: 0x358, symBinAddr: 0x6B840, symSize: 0xBC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x184, offset: 0x95A46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOMa', symObjAddr: 0x428, symBinAddr: 0x6B910, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1BF, offset: 0x95A81, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS6SDKURLV9discoveryyS2S_S5StFZTf4dndnnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x6B920, symSize: 0x248 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x31A, offset: 0x95BDC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSQAASQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTW', symObjAddr: 0x164, symBinAddr: 0x6B65C, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x40E, offset: 0x95CD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH9hashValueSivgTW', symObjAddr: 0x1D0, symBinAddr: 0x6B6C8, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E6, offset: 0x95DA8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x21C, symBinAddr: 0x6B714, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x562, offset: 0x95E24, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x250, symBinAddr: 0x6B748, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6ED, offset: 0x95FAF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeO8rawValueSivg', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x6B4F8, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70E, offset: 0x95FD0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeO8rawValueACSgSi_tcfC', symObjAddr: 0x14, symBinAddr: 0x6B50C, symSize: 0x150 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x743, offset: 0x96955, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU0_TA', symObjAddr: 0x161C, symBinAddr: 0x6D15C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x757, offset: 0x96969, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU1_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1624, symBinAddr: 0x6D164, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76B, offset: 0x9697D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU2_TA', symObjAddr: 0x162C, symBinAddr: 0x6D16C, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7A7, offset: 0x969B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS16callBackResponse_pSgWOb', symObjAddr: 0x16B8, symBinAddr: 0x6D19C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7BB, offset: 0x969CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS16callBackResponse_pSgWOd', symObjAddr: 0x1700, symBinAddr: 0x6D1E4, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7CF, offset: 0x969E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC14startHeartRate2dfySd_tFySo7NSTimerCYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1884, symBinAddr: 0x6D358, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E3, offset: 0x969F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x188C, symBinAddr: 0x6D360, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x840, offset: 0x96A52, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa13_adoptStorage_5countSayxG_SpyxGts016_ContiguousArrayB0CyxGn_SitFZSS_SDySSSayypGGt_Tgm5', symObjAddr: 0x18A4, symBinAddr: 0x6D378, symSize: 0x10 }
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#if 0
#elif defined(__arm64__) && __arm64__
-// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ typedef unsigned int swift_uint4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
#elif defined(__x86_64__) && __x86_64__
-// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 7,
+ "value": "\"https\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 6,
+ "value": "\"http\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 415,
+ "length": 14,
+ "value": "\"Content-Type\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 454,
+ "length": 8,
+ "value": "\"Accept\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 16,
+ "value": "\"Content-Length\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 18,
+ "value": "\"application\/json\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
+ "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
+ "offset": 430,
+ "length": 5,
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
+ "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
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+ "length": 5,
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 521,
+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "\"\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 559,
+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "\"\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"<>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 415,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 477,
+ "length": 62,
+ "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 564,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 612,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Device information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 667,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 729,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 778,
+ "length": 28,
+ "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 831,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 882,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Please give env value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 930,
+ "length": 47,
+ "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1002,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1062,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1136,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1192,
+ "length": 55,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1272,
+ "length": 69,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1366,
+ "length": 56,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1447,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1504,
+ "length": 72,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1601,
+ "length": 52,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1678,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\" <>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1733,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1784,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Connection not available\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1835,
+ "length": 27,
+ "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1887,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1934,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1989,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2047,
+ "length": 80,
+ "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2153,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Device is not active\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2201,
+ "length": 63,
+ "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2290,
+ "length": 70,
+ "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2386,
+ "length": 67,
+ "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2479,
+ "length": 39,
+ "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2543,
+ "length": 25,
+ "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2593,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2642,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2698,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2763,
+ "length": 73,
+ "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 361,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"<>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 415,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 477,
+ "length": 62,
+ "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 564,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 612,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Device information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 667,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 729,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 778,
+ "length": 28,
+ "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 831,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 882,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Please give env value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 930,
+ "length": 47,
+ "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1002,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1062,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1136,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1192,
+ "length": 55,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1272,
+ "length": 69,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1366,
+ "length": 56,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1447,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1504,
+ "length": 72,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1601,
+ "length": 52,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1678,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\" <>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1733,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1784,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Connection not available\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1835,
+ "length": 27,
+ "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1887,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1934,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1989,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2047,
+ "length": 80,
+ "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2153,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Device is not active\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2201,
+ "length": 63,
+ "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2290,
+ "length": 70,
+ "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2386,
+ "length": 67,
+ "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2479,
+ "length": 39,
+ "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
+ },
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2543,
+ "length": 25,
+ "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2593,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
+ },
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2642,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2698,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2763,
+ "length": 73,
+ "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2892,
+ "length": 42,
+ "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2960,
+ "length": 18,
+ "value": "\"Device connected\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 21,
+ "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "value": "\"Initializing...\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Connecting...\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3176,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
+ },
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+ },
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+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
+ },
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+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
+ },
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+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
+ },
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+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
+ },
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+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
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+ "length": 44,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
+ },
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+ "value": "\"Publish data\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3790,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 59,
+ "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3937,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
+ },
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3998,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4058,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
+ },
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4118,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
+ },
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+ "offset": 4177,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
+ },
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4237,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4295,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4359,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
+ },
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+ "offset": 4420,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
+ },
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+ "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4532,
+ "length": 45,
+ "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4603,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"No offline data found\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4704,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4770,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4880,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4930,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2892,
+ "length": 42,
+ "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 18,
+ "value": "\"Device connected\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 21,
+ "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 17,
+ "value": "\"Initializing...\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Connecting...\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
+ },
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+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
+ },
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+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
+ },
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+ "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
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+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
+ },
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+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
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+ "length": 44,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
+ },
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+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3790,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3852,
+ "length": 59,
+ "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3998,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
+ },
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+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
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+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
+ },
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+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4295,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4420,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4532,
+ "length": 45,
+ "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4655,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"No offline data found\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4704,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4770,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4825,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4880,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
+ },
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4930,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1741,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"ReachabilityChangedNotification\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1869,
+ "length": 21,
+ "value": "\"reachabilityChanged\""
+ },
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+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1504,
+ "length": 72,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1601,
+ "length": 52,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1678,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\" <>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1733,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1784,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Connection not available\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1835,
+ "length": 27,
+ "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1887,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1934,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1989,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2047,
+ "length": 80,
+ "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2153,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Device is not active\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2201,
+ "length": 63,
+ "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2290,
+ "length": 70,
+ "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2386,
+ "length": 67,
+ "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2479,
+ "length": 39,
+ "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2543,
+ "length": 25,
+ "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2593,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2642,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2698,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2763,
+ "length": 73,
+ "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 361,
+ "length": 29,
+ "value": "\"<>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 415,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 477,
+ "length": 62,
+ "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 564,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 612,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Device information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 667,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 729,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 778,
+ "length": 28,
+ "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 831,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 882,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"Please give env value\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 930,
+ "length": 47,
+ "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1002,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1062,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1136,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1192,
+ "length": 55,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1272,
+ "length": 69,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1366,
+ "length": 56,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1447,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"<> \""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1504,
+ "length": 72,
+ "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1601,
+ "length": 52,
+ "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1678,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\" <>\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1733,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1784,
+ "length": 26,
+ "value": "\"Connection not available\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1835,
+ "length": 27,
+ "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1887,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1934,
+ "length": 30,
+ "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 1989,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2047,
+ "length": 80,
+ "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2153,
+ "length": 22,
+ "value": "\"Device is not active\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2201,
+ "length": 63,
+ "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2290,
+ "length": 70,
+ "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2386,
+ "length": 67,
+ "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2479,
+ "length": 39,
+ "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2543,
+ "length": 25,
+ "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2593,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2642,
+ "length": 31,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2698,
+ "length": 33,
+ "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2763,
+ "length": 73,
+ "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2892,
+ "length": 42,
+ "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 2960,
+ "length": 18,
+ "value": "\"Device connected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3004,
+ "length": 21,
+ "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3051,
+ "length": 17,
+ "value": "\"Initializing...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3094,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Connecting...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3135,
+ "length": 15,
+ "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3176,
+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3251,
+ "length": 24,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3301,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3370,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3431,
+ "length": 38,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3495,
+ "length": 37,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3558,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3618,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3680,
+ "length": 44,
+ "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3750,
+ "length": 14,
+ "value": "\"Publish data\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3790,
+ "length": 36,
+ "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3852,
+ "length": 59,
+ "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3937,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 3998,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4058,
+ "length": 34,
+ "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 4118,
+ "length": 33,
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+ "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
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+ "value": "\"Initializing...\""
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+ "length": 49,
+ "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
+ },
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+ "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
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+ "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
+ },
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+ "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
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+ "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
+ },
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@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
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import CommonCrypto
import Foundation
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// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
-// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
-// swift-module-flags: -target x86_64-apple-ios14.0-simulator -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name IoTConnect2_AWS
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import CommonCrypto
import Foundation
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@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
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@@ -18,43 +18,43 @@
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@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
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+ vXCcCcv2KqxNgdJFghz4muzYqgd5BxpcJZF61LmDjzc=
@@ -81,70 +81,70 @@
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+ i4F7VtixeQapiYO7KNcYlU99bbiUqHETVYY1qpuLdfk=
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2D7B, offset: 0x5BC2C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo18NSFileAttributeKeyaSHSCSQWb', symObjAddr: 0xB76C, symBinAddr: 0x1058C, symSize: 0x2C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x327E, offset: 0x5C12F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss20_SwiftNewtypeWrapperPss21_ObjectiveCBridgeable8RawValueRpzrlE024_conditionallyBridgeFromD1C_6resultSbAD_01_D5CTypeQZ_xSgztFZSo18NSFileAttributeKeya_Tgmq5', symObjAddr: 0x8240, symBinAddr: 0xD078, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x331E, offset: 0x5C1CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo26SCNetworkReachabilityFlagsVSQSCSQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTW', symObjAddr: 0x82D0, symBinAddr: 0xD108, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x335C, offset: 0x5C20D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo26SCNetworkReachabilityFlagsVs10SetAlgebraSCsACPxycfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x82F0, symBinAddr: 0xD128, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x33BF, offset: 0x5C270, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo26SCNetworkReachabilityFlagsVs10SetAlgebraSCsACP5unionyxxnFTW', symObjAddr: 0x82F8, symBinAddr: 0xD130, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3470, offset: 0x5C321, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo26SCNetworkReachabilityFlagsVs10SetAlgebraSCsACP12intersectionyxxFTW', symObjAddr: 0x830C, symBinAddr: 0xD144, symSize: 0x14 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x374C, offset: 0x5C5FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo26SCNetworkReachabilityFlagsVs10SetAlgebraSCsACP6removey7ElementQzSgAGFTW', symObjAddr: 0x8364, symBinAddr: 0xD19C, symSize: 0x2C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x38E3, offset: 0x5C794, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo26SCNetworkReachabilityFlagsVs10SetAlgebraSCsACP6update4with7ElementQzSgAHn_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x8390, symBinAddr: 0xD1C8, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x39CF, offset: 0x5C880, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo26SCNetworkReachabilityFlagsVs10SetAlgebraSCsACP9formUnionyyxnFTW', symObjAddr: 0x83B4, symBinAddr: 0xD1EC, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3A35, offset: 0x5C8E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo26SCNetworkReachabilityFlagsVs10SetAlgebraSCsACP16formIntersectionyyxFTW', symObjAddr: 0x83C8, symBinAddr: 0xD200, symSize: 0x14 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3BE, offset: 0x65DAC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC11mqttDidPingyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0x4B8, symBinAddr: 0x1BFB0, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xDD0, offset: 0x667BE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0K0_pSgtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xFEC, symBinAddr: 0x1CAE4, symSize: 0x64 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5EC, offset: 0x66E07, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC8queueQoS11targetQueue012notificationH0AC8Dispatch0jF1SV_So012OS_dispatch_E0CSgALtKcfCTf4nnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x1D28, symBinAddr: 0x1ED50, symSize: 0x190 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6B4, offset: 0x66ECF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvpACTK', symObjAddr: 0x418, symBinAddr: 0x1D440, symSize: 0x88 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x788, offset: 0x66FA3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvpACTk', symObjAddr: 0x6D0, symBinAddr: 0x1D6F8, symSize: 0xAC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C8, offset: 0x66FE3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC18notificationCenterSo014NSNotificationF0CvpACTk', symObjAddr: 0x904, symBinAddr: 0x1D92C, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x98E, offset: 0x671A9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC03setD5Flags33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyKFyyKXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x17CC, symBinAddr: 0x1E7F4, symSize: 0x140 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA8A, offset: 0x672A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC03setD5Flags33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyKFyyKXEfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x190C, symBinAddr: 0x1E934, symSize: 0x18 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAB6, offset: 0x672D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOACs0E0AAWl', symObjAddr: 0x1CC4, symBinAddr: 0x1ECEC, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xACA, offset: 0x672E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityCMa', symObjAddr: 0x1D08, symBinAddr: 0x1ED30, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF2, offset: 0x6730D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOSHAASQWb', symObjAddr: 0x1ED8, symBinAddr: 0x1EF00, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB06, offset: 0x67321, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOAESQAAWl', symObjAddr: 0x1EDC, symBinAddr: 0x1EF04, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB1A, offset: 0x67335, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOSHAASQWb', symObjAddr: 0x1F20, symBinAddr: 0x1EF48, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB42, offset: 0x6735D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOWOy', symObjAddr: 0x2048, symBinAddr: 0x1F070, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB56, offset: 0x67371, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOwxx', symObjAddr: 0x2060, symBinAddr: 0x1F088, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB6A, offset: 0x67385, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOWOe', symObjAddr: 0x2074, symBinAddr: 0x1F09C, symSize: 0x18 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC32, offset: 0x6744D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOwet', symObjAddr: 0x2348, symBinAddr: 0x1F360, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC46, offset: 0x67461, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOwst', symObjAddr: 0x23D8, symBinAddr: 0x1F3F0, symSize: 0xBC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC5A, offset: 0x67475, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOwup', symObjAddr: 0x2494, symBinAddr: 0x1F4AC, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC6E, offset: 0x67489, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOMa', symObjAddr: 0x2498, symBinAddr: 0x1F4B0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC82, offset: 0x6749D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOwet', symObjAddr: 0x24A8, symBinAddr: 0x1F4C0, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC96, offset: 0x674B1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOwst', symObjAddr: 0x2538, symBinAddr: 0x1F550, symSize: 0xBC }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCBE, offset: 0x674D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOwup', symObjAddr: 0x25FC, symBinAddr: 0x1F614, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD56, offset: 0x67571, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x2764, symBinAddr: 0x1F77C, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE08, offset: 0x67623, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP5_codeSivgTW', symObjAddr: 0x4, symBinAddr: 0x1D02C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE24, offset: 0x6763F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP9_userInfoyXlSgvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x1D030, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE40, offset: 0x6765B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP19_getEmbeddedNSErroryXlSgyFTW', symObjAddr: 0xC, symBinAddr: 0x1D034, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10B2, offset: 0x678CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo18NSNotificationNamea15IoTConnect2_AWSE19reachabilityChangedABvgZ', symObjAddr: 0xB8, symBinAddr: 0x1D0E0, symSize: 0x40 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x134F, offset: 0x67B6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x77C, symBinAddr: 0x1D7A4, symSize: 0x4C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13BC, offset: 0x67BD7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15reachableOnWWANSbvg', symObjAddr: 0x854, symBinAddr: 0x1D87C, symSize: 0x8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13FA, offset: 0x67C15, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC24allowsCellularConnectionSbvs', symObjAddr: 0x88C, symBinAddr: 0x1D8B4, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x141F, offset: 0x67C3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC24allowsCellularConnectionSbvM', symObjAddr: 0x8C8, symBinAddr: 0x1D8F0, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1469, offset: 0x67C84, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC18notificationCenterSo014NSNotificationF0Cvg', symObjAddr: 0x960, symBinAddr: 0x1D988, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1486, offset: 0x67CA1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC18notificationCenterSo014NSNotificationF0Cvs', symObjAddr: 0x990, symBinAddr: 0x1D9B8, symSize: 0x44 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1723, offset: 0x67F3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC06notifyD7Changed33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyFyycfU_', symObjAddr: 0x1924, symBinAddr: 0x1E94C, symSize: 0x13C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x181D, offset: 0x68038, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC8hostname8queueQoS11targetQueue012notificationI0ACSS_8Dispatch0kG1SVSo012OS_dispatch_F0CSgAMtKcfC', symObjAddr: 0xEFC, symBinAddr: 0x1DF24, symSize: 0x178 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x18C2, offset: 0x680DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC8queueQoS11targetQueue012notificationH0AC8Dispatch0jF1SV_So012OS_dispatch_E0CSgALtKcfC', symObjAddr: 0x1074, symBinAddr: 0x1E09C, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x190F, offset: 0x6812A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC12stopNotifieryyF', symObjAddr: 0x10F8, symBinAddr: 0x1E120, symSize: 0x3C }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1D9E, offset: 0x685B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13startNotifieryyKFySVcfU1_To', symObjAddr: 0x13E0, symBinAddr: 0x1E408, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E56, offset: 0x68671, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13startNotifieryyKFs9UnmanagedVySo11CFStringRefaGSVcfU2_To', symObjAddr: 0x14DC, symBinAddr: 0x1E504, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC447, offset: 0x77495, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC13initaliseCall33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL8uniqueIdySS_tF', symObjAddr: 0x2E94, symBinAddr: 0x25F50, symSize: 0x3B8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEE0C, offset: 0x79E5A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC28startTimerForReInitialiseDSC33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL21durationSyncFrequencyySd_tF', symObjAddr: 0x6DD8, symBinAddr: 0x29E94, symSize: 0x118 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEEA0, offset: 0x79EEE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC12reInitialise33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELLyyF', symObjAddr: 0x704C, symBinAddr: 0x2A108, symSize: 0x1E8 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x201F, offset: 0x82369, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didPublishMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA2D4, symBinAddr: 0x493EC, symSize: 0x64 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2052, offset: 0x8239C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didPublishAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_s6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA338, symBinAddr: 0x49450, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2230, offset: 0x8257A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA520, symBinAddr: 0x49638, symSize: 0x64 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3D30, offset: 0x8407A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didPublishMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTf4dndd_n', symObjAddr: 0x10F3C, symBinAddr: 0x50054, symSize: 0x104 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3E7A, offset: 0x841C4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTf4dnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x139F4, symBinAddr: 0x52B0C, symSize: 0x120 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3F92, offset: 0x842DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sypSgSiIegny_SgWOy', symObjAddr: 0x13FFC, symBinAddr: 0x530B4, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FCE, offset: 0x84318, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_allocate_boxed_opaque_existential_0, symObjAddr: 0x1418C, symBinAddr: 0x5311C, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FE2, offset: 0x8432C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS14AttributesDataVWOb', symObjAddr: 0x141C8, symBinAddr: 0x53158, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3FF6, offset: 0x84340, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS14AttributesDataVSgWOd', symObjAddr: 0x1420C, symBinAddr: 0x5319C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x400A, offset: 0x84354, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x14254, symBinAddr: 0x531E4, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x401E, offset: 0x84368, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x1425C, symBinAddr: 0x531EC, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4032, offset: 0x8437C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x1426C, symBinAddr: 0x531FC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4046, offset: 0x84390, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC8holdFunc33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL10offDataObj07offlineN6Length0pN4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x142F4, symBinAddr: 0x53240, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x409E, offset: 0x843E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x143B4, symBinAddr: 0x53300, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x40DA, offset: 0x84424, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sS2sSTsWl', symObjAddr: 0x1441C, symBinAddr: 0x53368, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4BF8, offset: 0x84F42, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSDyq_SgxcisSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3F118, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4C60, offset: 0x84FAA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa6appendyyxnFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x80, symBinAddr: 0x3F198, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4DC3, offset: 0x8510D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa6appendyyxnFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x120, symBinAddr: 0x3F238, symSize: 0x9C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4EEE, offset: 0x85238, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSayxSiciMSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x1BC, symBinAddr: 0x3F2D4, symSize: 0x74 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F73, offset: 0x852BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSayxSiciMSDySSypG_Tg5.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x230, symBinAddr: 0x3F348, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F8E, offset: 0x852D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss26DefaultStringInterpolationV06appendC0yyxs06CustomB11ConvertibleRzlF9CocoaMQTT0G11MQTTConnAckO_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x234, symBinAddr: 0x3F34C, symSize: 0x134 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4FF9, offset: 0x85343, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD11removeValue6forKeyq_Sgx_tFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0x368, symBinAddr: 0x3F480, symSize: 0xE8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x50DB, offset: 0x85425, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCyACSS_SSAA15SDKClientOptionVS2btcfc', symObjAddr: 0x450, symBinAddr: 0x3F568, symSize: 0x204 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x525A, offset: 0x855A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC12initiateMQTT16dictSyncResponse8password18callbackMQTTStatusySDySSypG_SSyypSg_SitctF', symObjAddr: 0x654, symBinAddr: 0x3F76C, symSize: 0xAF8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x56EC, offset: 0x85A36, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC10disconnectyyF', symObjAddr: 0x114C, symBinAddr: 0x40264, symSize: 0x3CC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5903, offset: 0x85C4D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGF', symObjAddr: 0x1518, symBinAddr: 0x40630, symSize: 0x920 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C7A, offset: 0x85FC4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFySSXEfU1_', symObjAddr: 0x1E64, symBinAddr: 0x40F7C, symSize: 0x21E4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7197, offset: 0x874E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFySSXEfU1_ySbcfU_Tf4dnnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xE7F4, symBinAddr: 0x4D90C, symSize: 0x6B8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x75A2, offset: 0x878EC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC10deleteFile33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL7logPath0efN0ySS_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x4048, symBinAddr: 0x43160, symSize: 0x158C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x845D, offset: 0x887A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC16checkOfflineData33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyyF', symObjAddr: 0x55D4, symBinAddr: 0x446EC, symSize: 0xFD4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E64, offset: 0x891AE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC16checkOfflineData33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyyFySiXEfU0_', symObjAddr: 0x65A8, symBinAddr: 0x456C0, symSize: 0x3B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8FCD, offset: 0x89317, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC22sendOfflineDataProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL03offG3Obj07offlineG6Length0qG4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StF', symObjAddr: 0x71DC, symBinAddr: 0x462F4, symSize: 0x1E8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x921F, offset: 0x89569, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC22sendOfflineDataProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL03offG3Obj07offlineG6Length0qG4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StFyAJXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x73C4, symBinAddr: 0x464DC, symSize: 0x92C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9A1F, offset: 0x89D69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC8holdFunc33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL10offDataObj07offlineN6Length0pN4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StF', symObjAddr: 0x7CF0, symBinAddr: 0x46E08, symSize: 0x2A8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9B71, offset: 0x89EBB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18publishTopicOnMQTT8withData5topicySDySSypG_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x7F98, symBinAddr: 0x470B0, symSize: 0x614 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F3E, offset: 0x8A288, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC29publishTwinPropertyDataOnMQTT04withH0ySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x85AC, symBinAddr: 0x476C4, symSize: 0x644 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA1E0, offset: 0x8A52A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCfd', symObjAddr: 0x9034, symBinAddr: 0x4814C, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA203, offset: 0x8A54D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCfD', symObjAddr: 0x90B4, symBinAddr: 0x481CC, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA28E, offset: 0x8A5D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtF', symObjAddr: 0x9180, symBinAddr: 0x48298, symSize: 0x1070 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA8F6, offset: 0x8AC40, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtFyyScMYccfU_', symObjAddr: 0xA1F0, symBinAddr: 0x49308, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA969, offset: 0x8ACB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa12_endMutationyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA584, symBinAddr: 0x4969C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA984, offset: 0x8ACCE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA588, symBinAddr: 0x496A0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA99C, offset: 0x8ACE6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA588, symBinAddr: 0x496A0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA9AD, offset: 0x8ACF7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV8setValue_6forKeyyq_n_xtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xA590, symBinAddr: 0x496A8, symSize: 0xC8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAA35, offset: 0x8AD7F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV11removeValue6forKeyq_Sgx_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xA658, symBinAddr: 0x49770, symSize: 0xCC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAAD5, offset: 0x8AE1F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xA820, symBinAddr: 0x49938, symSize: 0x1F4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAB75, offset: 0x8AEBF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xAA14, symBinAddr: 0x49B2C, symSize: 0x1C4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAC31, offset: 0x8AF7B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xABD8, symBinAddr: 0x49CF0, symSize: 0x340 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD28, offset: 0x8B072, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xAF18, symBinAddr: 0x4A030, symSize: 0x340 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE12, offset: 0x8B15C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB258, symBinAddr: 0x4A370, symSize: 0x1DC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAEB7, offset: 0x8B201, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB434, symBinAddr: 0x4A54C, symSize: 0x204 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF55, offset: 0x8B29F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB638, symBinAddr: 0x4A750, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB001, offset: 0x8B34B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSo7NSTimerC_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB684, symBinAddr: 0x4A79C, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB08D, offset: 0x8B3D7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa36_reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer8oldCountySi_tFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB714, symBinAddr: 0x4A82C, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0CA, offset: 0x8B414, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa37_appendElementAssumeUniqueAndCapacity_03newB0ySi_xntFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB754, symBinAddr: 0x4A86C, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB11C, offset: 0x8B466, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa21_makeMutableAndUniqueyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB76C, symBinAddr: 0x4A884, symSize: 0x3C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB145, offset: 0x8B48F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa24_checkSubscript_mutatingyySiFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB7A8, symBinAddr: 0x4A8C0, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB186, offset: 0x8B4D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingyS2SFZ', symObjAddr: 0xBE94, symBinAddr: 0x4AFAC, symSize: 0x8C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB19A, offset: 0x8B4E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSlsEy11SubSequenceQzqd__cSXRd__5BoundQyd__5IndexRtzluigSS_s16PartialRangeFromVySSAEVGTgq5', symObjAddr: 0xBF20, symBinAddr: 0x4B038, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB1CA, offset: 0x8B514, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingySSSsFZ', symObjAddr: 0xBF6C, symBinAddr: 0x4B084, symSize: 0x164 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB227, offset: 0x8B571, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSlsE5countSivgSs8UTF8ViewV_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0xC0D0, symBinAddr: 0x4B1E8, symSize: 0xF0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB24E, offset: 0x8B598, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSTsE21_copySequenceContents12initializing8IteratorQz_SitSry7ElementQzG_tFSs8UTF8ViewV_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0xC224, symBinAddr: 0x4B33C, symSize: 0x214 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB283, offset: 0x8B5CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss11_StringGutsV27_slowEnsureMatchingEncodingySS5IndexVAEF', symObjAddr: 0xC438, symBinAddr: 0x4B550, symSize: 0x78 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB297, offset: 0x8B5E1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss15ContiguousArrayV16_createNewBuffer14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendySb_SiSbtFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC4B0, symBinAddr: 0x4B5C8, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB2AB, offset: 0x8B5F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss15ContiguousArrayV16_createNewBuffer14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendySb_SiSbtF15IoTConnect2_AWS7AttDataV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC4CC, symBinAddr: 0x4B5E4, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB2BF, offset: 0x8B609, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss15ContiguousArrayV16_createNewBuffer14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendySb_SiSbtFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC4E8, symBinAddr: 0x4B600, symSize: 0x1C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB2F6, offset: 0x8B640, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22_ContiguousArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtFSS_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC504, symBinAddr: 0x4B61C, symSize: 0x104 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB3F4, offset: 0x8B73E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22_ContiguousArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtF15IoTConnect2_AWS7AttDataV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC608, symBinAddr: 0x4B720, symSize: 0x174 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB50A, offset: 0x8B854, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22_ContiguousArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC77C, symBinAddr: 0x4B894, symSize: 0x124 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB5DE, offset: 0x8B928, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo6NSDataC10contentsOf7optionsAB10Foundation3URLV_So0A14ReadingOptionsVtKcfcTO', symObjAddr: 0xC8A0, symBinAddr: 0x4B9B8, symSize: 0x124 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB71D, offset: 0x8BA67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss12_ArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNewAByxGyFSnySiG_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0xD2F8, symBinAddr: 0x4C410, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB73F, offset: 0x8BA89, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss12_ArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtFSnySiG_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0xD30C, symBinAddr: 0x4C424, symSize: 0xFC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB819, offset: 0x8BB63, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_16didStateChangeToy9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0j8MQTTConnG0OtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x1078C, symBinAddr: 0x4F8A4, symSize: 0x7B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBCA0, offset: 0x8BFEA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didReceiveMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTf4dnnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x11040, symBinAddr: 0x50158, symSize: 0x29B4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC434, offset: 0x8C77E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x13B14, symBinAddr: 0x52C2C, symSize: 0x488 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x95, offset: 0x8CB9E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS8IdentityV10CodingKeys33_C1450E973D6D1C45DD0450967186C69ALLOs0E3KeyAAsAGP11stringValueSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0xF4C, symBinAddr: 0x543B4, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE8, offset: 0x8CBF1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS8IdentityV10CodingKeys33_C1450E973D6D1C45DD0450967186C69ALLOs0E3KeyAAsAGP11stringValuexSgSS_tcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0xF98, symBinAddr: 0x54400, symSize: 0x24 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x339, offset: 0x95C93, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SSLOptionV8passwordSSvs', symObjAddr: 0xA0, symBinAddr: 0x672C8, symSize: 0x34 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x392, offset: 0x95CEC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SSLOptionV8passwordSSvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xE4, symBinAddr: 0x6730C, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x95D3E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeO8rawValueSivg', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x674EC, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x87, offset: 0x95D9E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValuexSg03RawG0Qz_tcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x298, symBinAddr: 0x67784, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA3, offset: 0x95DBA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValue03RawG0QzvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x2A0, symBinAddr: 0x6778C, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBB, offset: 0x95DD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValue03RawG0QzvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x2A0, symBinAddr: 0x6778C, symSize: 0x18 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD8, offset: 0x95DEF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASQWb', symObjAddr: 0x188, symBinAddr: 0x67674, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEC, offset: 0x95E03, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOACSQAAWl', symObjAddr: 0x18C, symBinAddr: 0x67678, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x120, offset: 0x95E37, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwet', symObjAddr: 0x2C8, symBinAddr: 0x677A4, symSize: 0x90 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x134, offset: 0x95E4B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwst', symObjAddr: 0x358, symBinAddr: 0x67834, symSize: 0xBC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x148, offset: 0x95E5F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwug', symObjAddr: 0x414, symBinAddr: 0x678F0, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x15C, offset: 0x95E73, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwup', symObjAddr: 0x41C, symBinAddr: 0x678F8, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x170, offset: 0x95E87, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwui', symObjAddr: 0x420, symBinAddr: 0x678FC, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x184, offset: 0x95E9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOMa', symObjAddr: 0x428, symBinAddr: 0x67904, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1BF, offset: 0x95ED6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS6SDKURLV9discoveryyS2S_S5StFZTf4dndnnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x67914, symSize: 0x248 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x31A, offset: 0x96031, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSQAASQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTW', symObjAddr: 0x164, symBinAddr: 0x67650, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x40E, offset: 0x96125, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH9hashValueSivgTW', symObjAddr: 0x1D0, symBinAddr: 0x676BC, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4E6, offset: 0x961FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x21C, symBinAddr: 0x67708, symSize: 0x34 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x562, offset: 0x96279, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH13_rawHashValue4seedS2i_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x250, symBinAddr: 0x6773C, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6ED, offset: 0x96404, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeO8rawValueSivg', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x674EC, symSize: 0x14 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x70E, offset: 0x96425, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeO8rawValueACSgSi_tcfC', symObjAddr: 0x14, symBinAddr: 0x67500, symSize: 0x150 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2B, offset: 0x964CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11HTTPManagerCfD', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x67B5C, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7C, offset: 0x96520, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11HTTPManagerCMa', symObjAddr: 0x24, symBinAddr: 0x67B80, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x182, offset: 0x96626, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11HTTPManagerCfD', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x67B5C, symSize: 0x24 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4F, offset: 0x966B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC6sharedACvpZ', symObjAddr: 0x1A40, symBinAddr: 0x84ED8, symSize: 0x0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5B7, offset: 0x96C1E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo7NSTimerCIeghg_ABIeyBhy_TR', symObjAddr: 0x34, symBinAddr: 0x67BD4, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5CF, offset: 0x96C36, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC6shared_WZ', symObjAddr: 0x80, symBinAddr: 0x67C20, symSize: 0x4C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x72F, offset: 0x96D96, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1614, symBinAddr: 0x69148, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x743, offset: 0x96DAA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU0_TA', symObjAddr: 0x161C, symBinAddr: 0x69150, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x757, offset: 0x96DBE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU1_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1624, symBinAddr: 0x69158, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x76B, offset: 0x96DD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU2_TA', symObjAddr: 0x162C, symBinAddr: 0x69160, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x77F, offset: 0x96DE6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU3_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1634, symBinAddr: 0x69168, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x793, offset: 0x96DFA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientCMa', symObjAddr: 0x1698, symBinAddr: 0x69170, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7A7, offset: 0x96E0E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS16callBackResponse_pSgWOb', symObjAddr: 0x16B8, symBinAddr: 0x69190, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7BB, offset: 0x96E22, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS16callBackResponse_pSgWOd', symObjAddr: 0x1700, symBinAddr: 0x691D8, symSize: 0x48 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7CF, offset: 0x96E36, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC14startHeartRate2dfySd_tFySo7NSTimerCYbcfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x1884, symBinAddr: 0x6934C, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E3, offset: 0x96E4A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x188C, symBinAddr: 0x69354, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7F7, offset: 0x96E5E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x189C, symBinAddr: 0x69364, symSize: 0x8 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x840, offset: 0x96EA7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa13_adoptStorage_5countSayxG_SpyxGts016_ContiguousArrayB0CyxGn_SitFZSS_SDySSSayypGGt_Tgm5', symObjAddr: 0x18A4, symBinAddr: 0x6936C, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8AF, offset: 0x96F16, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFyp_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x67BA0, symSize: 0x4 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8E7, offset: 0x96F4E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFs7CVarArg_p_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x8, symBinAddr: 0x67BA8, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x903, offset: 0x96F6A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFSS_SayypGt_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC, symBinAddr: 0x67BAC, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x91F, offset: 0x96F86, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFSS_SDySSSayypGGt_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x10, symBinAddr: 0x67BB0, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x93B, offset: 0x96FA2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFSS_SDySSypGt_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x14, symBinAddr: 0x67BB4, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x957, offset: 0x96FBE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss27_finalizeUninitializedArrayySayxGABnlFSS_Sit_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x18, symBinAddr: 0x67BB8, symSize: 0x4 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x973, offset: 0x96FDA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss5print_9separator10terminatoryypd_S2StFfA0_', symObjAddr: 0x1C, symBinAddr: 0x67BBC, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x98F, offset: 0x96FF6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss5print_9separator10terminatoryypd_S2StFfA1_', symObjAddr: 0x28, symBinAddr: 0x67BC8, symSize: 0xC }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBEF, offset: 0x97256, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC6sharedACvgZ', symObjAddr: 0xCC, symBinAddr: 0x67C6C, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCB3, offset: 0x9731A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tF', symObjAddr: 0x10C, symBinAddr: 0x67CAC, symSize: 0x45C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF32, offset: 0x97599, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x5B8, symBinAddr: 0x68118, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xF98, offset: 0x975FF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU0_', symObjAddr: 0x614, symBinAddr: 0x68174, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFFE, offset: 0x97665, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU1_', symObjAddr: 0x670, symBinAddr: 0x681D0, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1064, offset: 0x976CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU2_', symObjAddr: 0x6CC, symBinAddr: 0x6822C, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x10CA, offset: 0x97731, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC10initialize6configyAA0A14TConnectConfigV_tFyypSgcfU3_', symObjAddr: 0x728, symBinAddr: 0x68288, symSize: 0x5C }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1195, offset: 0x977FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC8sendData4dataySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x784, symBinAddr: 0x682E4, symSize: 0x44 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11FF, offset: 0x97866, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC7sendLog4dataySDySSypGSg_tF', symObjAddr: 0x7C8, symBinAddr: 0x68328, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1231, offset: 0x97898, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS9SDKClientC7sendLog4dataySDySSypGSg_tF', symObjAddr: 0x7C8, symBinAddr: 0x68328, symSize: 0x10 }
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,1621 @@
+triple: 'x86_64-apple-darwin'
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0, offset: 0x66C6C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS3LogV6ErrorsOSYAASY8rawValue03RawG0QzvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x710, symBinAddr: 0x1BB10, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x145, offset: 0x66D01, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS3LogV4InfoOSYAASY8rawValuexSg03RawG0Qz_tcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x910, symBinAddr: 0x1BD10, symSize: 0x30 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2E3, offset: 0x67329, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTo', symObjAddr: 0x530, symBinAddr: 0x1C820, symSize: 0x90 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x392, offset: 0x673D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0K0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0x640, symBinAddr: 0x1C930, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x3C4, offset: 0x6740A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC11mqttDidPingyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0x6A0, symBinAddr: 0x1C990, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4D3, offset: 0x67519, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_17didReceiveMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0L11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTf4dndd_n', symObjAddr: 0x1020, symBinAddr: 0x1D310, symSize: 0x3E0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCD9, offset: 0x67D1F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_16didStateChangeToy9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0l8MQTTConnI0OtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0xFB0, symBinAddr: 0x1D2A0, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD57, offset: 0x67D9D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTf4ddnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x1400, symBinAddr: 0x1D6F0, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD8C, offset: 0x67DD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17MqttClientServiceC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0K0_pSgtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x1460, symBinAddr: 0x1D750, symSize: 0x60 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB3, offset: 0x67EE2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS31ReachabilityChangedNotificationSo18NSNotificationNameavg', symObjAddr: 0x70, symBinAddr: 0x1DE50, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE9, offset: 0x67F18, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo18NSNotificationNamea15IoTConnect2_AWSE19reachabilityChanged_WZ', symObjAddr: 0xB0, symBinAddr: 0x1DE90, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x159, offset: 0x67F88, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOs23CustomStringConvertibleAAsAFP11descriptionSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x1A0, symBinAddr: 0x1DF80, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1E6, offset: 0x68015, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOSQAASQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTW', symObjAddr: 0x2F0, symBinAddr: 0x1E0D0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x222, offset: 0x68051, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOSHAASH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x350, symBinAddr: 0x1E130, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x29C, offset: 0x680CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOs23CustomStringConvertibleAAsAFP11descriptionSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x3C0, symBinAddr: 0x1E1A0, symSize: 0x80 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x688, offset: 0x684B7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvpACTK', symObjAddr: 0x440, symBinAddr: 0x1E220, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6C0, offset: 0x684EF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvpACTk', symObjAddr: 0x4C0, symBinAddr: 0x1E2A0, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x700, offset: 0x6852F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityCIegg_SgWOy', symObjAddr: 0x5B0, symBinAddr: 0x1E390, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x760, offset: 0x6858F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvpACTk', symObjAddr: 0x700, symBinAddr: 0x1E4E0, symSize: 0xB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7A0, offset: 0x685CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC18notificationCenterSo014NSNotificationF0CvpACTk', symObjAddr: 0x910, symBinAddr: 0x1E6F0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9AA, offset: 0x687D9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC03setD5Flags33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyKFyyKXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x17C0, symBinAddr: 0x1F5A0, symSize: 0x130 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAA6, offset: 0x688D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC03setD5Flags33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyKFyyKXEfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x18F0, symBinAddr: 0x1F6D0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD2, offset: 0x68901, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOACs0E0AAWl', symObjAddr: 0x1C70, symBinAddr: 0x1FA50, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE6, offset: 0x68915, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityCMa', symObjAddr: 0x1CA0, symBinAddr: 0x1FA80, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFA, offset: 0x68929, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS21ReachabilityWeakifier33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLCMa', symObjAddr: 0x1E30, symBinAddr: 0x1FC10, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB0E, offset: 0x6893D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOSHAASQWb', symObjAddr: 0x1E50, symBinAddr: 0x1FC30, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB5E, offset: 0x6898D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOWOy', symObjAddr: 0x1FF0, symBinAddr: 0x1FDD0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB72, offset: 0x689A1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOwxx', symObjAddr: 0x2010, symBinAddr: 0x1FDF0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB86, offset: 0x689B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOWOe', symObjAddr: 0x2030, symBinAddr: 0x1FE10, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB9A, offset: 0x689C9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOwca', symObjAddr: 0x20C0, symBinAddr: 0x1FEA0, symSize: 0x70 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBAE, offset: 0x689DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_memcpy21_8, symObjAddr: 0x2130, symBinAddr: 0x1FF10, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBD6, offset: 0x68A05, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOwet', symObjAddr: 0x2190, symBinAddr: 0x1FF70, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBEA, offset: 0x68A19, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOwst', symObjAddr: 0x21E0, symBinAddr: 0x1FFC0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBFE, offset: 0x68A2D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOwug', symObjAddr: 0x2230, symBinAddr: 0x20010, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC12, offset: 0x68A41, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOwup', symObjAddr: 0x2240, symBinAddr: 0x20020, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC26, offset: 0x68A55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOwui', symObjAddr: 0x2250, symBinAddr: 0x20030, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC3A, offset: 0x68A69, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOMa', symObjAddr: 0x2260, symBinAddr: 0x20040, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC4E, offset: 0x68A7D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOwet', symObjAddr: 0x2450, symBinAddr: 0x20210, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC62, offset: 0x68A91, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOwst', symObjAddr: 0x24D0, symBinAddr: 0x20290, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC76, offset: 0x68AA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOwup', symObjAddr: 0x25A0, symBinAddr: 0x20360, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC8A, offset: 0x68AB9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13NetworkStatusOMa', symObjAddr: 0x25B0, symBinAddr: 0x20370, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC9E, offset: 0x68ACD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOwet', symObjAddr: 0x25C0, symBinAddr: 0x20380, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCB2, offset: 0x68AE1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOwst', symObjAddr: 0x2640, symBinAddr: 0x20400, symSize: 0xD0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCC6, offset: 0x68AF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOwug', symObjAddr: 0x2710, symBinAddr: 0x204D0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCDA, offset: 0x68B09, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOwup', symObjAddr: 0x2720, symBinAddr: 0x204E0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xCEE, offset: 0x68B1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOwui', symObjAddr: 0x2730, symBinAddr: 0x204F0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD02, offset: 0x68B31, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionOMa', symObjAddr: 0x2740, symBinAddr: 0x20500, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD21, offset: 0x68B50, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityCIegg_ACytIegnr_TRTA', symObjAddr: 0x2780, symBinAddr: 0x20540, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD4A, offset: 0x68B79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC06notifyD7Changed33_E131EE1A321802F9691AF9C811969C8CLLyyFyycfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x2880, symBinAddr: 0x20640, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD5E, offset: 0x68B8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_copy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x2890, symBinAddr: 0x20650, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD72, offset: 0x68BA1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x28B0, symBinAddr: 0x20670, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xD86, offset: 0x68BB5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo17OS_dispatch_queueCMa', symObjAddr: 0x2940, symBinAddr: 0x20680, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE08, offset: 0x68C37, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP7_domainSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x1DDE0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE24, offset: 0x68C53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP5_codeSivgTW', symObjAddr: 0x10, symBinAddr: 0x1DDF0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE40, offset: 0x68C6F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP9_userInfoyXlSgvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x1DE00, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE5C, offset: 0x68C8B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS17ReachabilityErrorOs0E0AAsADP19_getEmbeddedNSErroryXlSgyFTW', symObjAddr: 0x30, symBinAddr: 0x1DE10, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x11AB, offset: 0x68FDA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSo18NSNotificationNamea15IoTConnect2_AWSE19reachabilityChangedABvgZ', symObjAddr: 0xE0, symBinAddr: 0x1DEC0, symSize: 0x40 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x120D, offset: 0x6903C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionO11descriptionSSvg', symObjAddr: 0x1F0, symBinAddr: 0x1DFD0, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1234, offset: 0x69063, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionO2eeoiySbAE_AEtFZ', symObjAddr: 0x270, symBinAddr: 0x1E050, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1277, offset: 0x690A6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC10ConnectionO4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tF', symObjAddr: 0x280, symBinAddr: 0x1E060, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x137E, offset: 0x691AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x570, symBinAddr: 0x1E350, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x139B, offset: 0x691CA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x5D0, symBinAddr: 0x1E3B0, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13C2, offset: 0x691F1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x640, symBinAddr: 0x1E420, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x13E5, offset: 0x69214, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC13whenReachableyACcSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x670, symBinAddr: 0x1E450, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1457, offset: 0x69286, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS12ReachabilityC15whenUnreachableyACcSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x7F0, symBinAddr: 0x1E5D0, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x19A6, offset: 0x6E2A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC14startHeartRate2dfySd_tFySo7NSTimerCYbcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x190B0, symBinAddr: 0x3D5E0, symSize: 0x160 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7B67, offset: 0x74466, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC10initialize4cpId06uniqueH02pf14deviceCallback010twinUpdateL0013getAttributesL00o5TwinsL00o12ChildDevucesL0ySS_S2SyypSgcyAMcyAMcyAMcyAMctFySb_yptcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x2CF0, symBinAddr: 0x27220, symSize: 0x780 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7E35, offset: 0x74734, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSDyq_SgxcigSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0x7F0, symBinAddr: 0x24D20, symSize: 0x80 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBCE9, offset: 0x785E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC12validateData4data14skipValidationySDySSypG_SbtF040createResponseForEdgeRuleDeviceTelemetryG0L_4dictyAG_tFySS_yptXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x175A0, symBinAddr: 0x3BAD0, symSize: 0x450 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE149, offset: 0x7AA48, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC13startMQTTCall33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL16dataSyncResponse8passwordySDySSypG_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x84F0, symBinAddr: 0x2CA20, symSize: 0x2E0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xE240, offset: 0x7AB3F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC13startMQTTCall33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL16dataSyncResponse8passwordySDySSypG_SStFyypSg_SitcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x8C50, symBinAddr: 0x2D180, symSize: 0x1CB0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEC49, offset: 0x7B548, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC28startTimerForReInitialiseDSC33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL21durationSyncFrequencyySd_tF', symObjAddr: 0x87D0, symBinAddr: 0x2CD00, symSize: 0x120 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xECDD, offset: 0x7B5DC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC12reInitialise33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELLyyF', symObjAddr: 0x8A10, symBinAddr: 0x2CF40, symSize: 0x210 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEFE3, offset: 0x7B8E2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC25getUpdatedSyncResponseFor33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL6strKeyySi_tF', symObjAddr: 0xA900, symBinAddr: 0x2EE30, symSize: 0x4C0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xFB4E, offset: 0x7C44D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC22startEdgeDeviceProcess33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL16dictSyncResponseySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0xADC0, symBinAddr: 0x2F2F0, symSize: 0xCC0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12BB1, offset: 0x7F4B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC19reachabilityChanged33_6AE9C8E8605AFC2A88927A9847ED7B2ELL4notey10Foundation12NotificationV_tF', symObjAddr: 0x17BB0, symBinAddr: 0x3C0E0, symSize: 0x2D0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x12CD6, offset: 0x7F5D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS0A15TConnectManagerC22fireTimerForEdgeDevice5timerySo7NSTimerC_tF', symObjAddr: 0x17F00, symBinAddr: 0x3C430, symSize: 0x1170 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1F56, offset: 0x83880, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_16didStateChangeToy9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0j8MQTTConnG0OtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xBF10, symBinAddr: 0x50D70, symSize: 0x50 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1FAC, offset: 0x838D6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didPublishMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xBF60, symBinAddr: 0x50DC0, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1FDF, offset: 0x83909, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didPublishAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_s6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xBFC0, symBinAddr: 0x50E20, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x2183, offset: 0x83AAD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18mqttDidReceivePongyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0xC1C0, symBinAddr: 0x51020, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x21BD, offset: 0x83AE7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xC1D0, symBinAddr: 0x51030, symSize: 0x60 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x405F, offset: 0x85989, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFyyScMYccfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x17300, symBinAddr: 0x5BFA0, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x4EC8, offset: 0x867F2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSayxSiciMSDySSypG_Tg5.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x200, symBinAddr: 0x45060, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x589C, offset: 0x871C6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGF', symObjAddr: 0x1980, symBinAddr: 0x467E0, symSize: 0xB00 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x5C0F, offset: 0x87539, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC14offlineProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyySDySSypGFySSXEfU1_', symObjAddr: 0x24B0, symBinAddr: 0x47310, symSize: 0x2870 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x7410, offset: 0x88D3A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC10deleteFile33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL7logPath0efN0ySS_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x4D20, symBinAddr: 0x49B80, symSize: 0x19B0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8255, offset: 0x89B7F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC16checkOfflineData33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyyF', symObjAddr: 0x66D0, symBinAddr: 0x4B530, symSize: 0x1200 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8C0F, offset: 0x8A539, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC16checkOfflineData33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LLyyFySiXEfU0_', symObjAddr: 0x78D0, symBinAddr: 0x4C730, symSize: 0x400 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x8D78, offset: 0x8A6A2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC22sendOfflineDataProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL03offG3Obj07offlineG6Length0qG4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StF', symObjAddr: 0x86F0, symBinAddr: 0x4D550, symSize: 0x210 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9003, offset: 0x8A92D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC22sendOfflineDataProcess33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL03offG3Obj07offlineG6Length0qG4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StFyAJXEfU_', symObjAddr: 0x8900, symBinAddr: 0x4D760, symSize: 0xA60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x97BC, offset: 0x8B0E6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC8holdFunc33_0784B8373DAEE0B837B4462EE4A65405LL10offDataObj07offlineN6Length0pN4File7logPathySaySDySSypGG_SiS2StF', symObjAddr: 0x9360, symBinAddr: 0x4E1C0, symSize: 0x2F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x990E, offset: 0x8B238, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18publishTopicOnMQTT8withData5topicySDySSypG_SStF', symObjAddr: 0x9650, symBinAddr: 0x4E4B0, symSize: 0x6F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9CDD, offset: 0x8B607, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC29publishTwinPropertyDataOnMQTT04withH0ySDySSypG_tF', symObjAddr: 0x9D40, symBinAddr: 0x4EBA0, symSize: 0x740 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9F97, offset: 0x8B8C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCfd', symObjAddr: 0xA930, symBinAddr: 0x4F790, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x9FBA, offset: 0x8B8E4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientCfD', symObjAddr: 0xA9F0, symBinAddr: 0x4F850, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA045, offset: 0x8B96F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtF', symObjAddr: 0xAAC0, symBinAddr: 0x4F920, symSize: 0x13C0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA644, offset: 0x8BF6E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didConnectAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0i8MQTTConnH0OtFyyScMYccfU_', symObjAddr: 0xBE80, symBinAddr: 0x50CE0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA6B7, offset: 0x8BFE1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa12_endMutationyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC230, symBinAddr: 0x51090, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA6D2, offset: 0x8BFFC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC240, symBinAddr: 0x510A0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA6FB, offset: 0x8C025, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV8setValue_6forKeyyq_n_xtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xC250, symBinAddr: 0x510B0, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA76E, offset: 0x8C098, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV11removeValue6forKeyq_Sgx_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xC310, symBinAddr: 0x51170, symSize: 0xC0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA81A, offset: 0x8C144, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xC4A0, symBinAddr: 0x51300, symSize: 0x260 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA8A6, offset: 0x8C1D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xC700, symBinAddr: 0x51560, symSize: 0x220 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA976, offset: 0x8C2A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xC920, symBinAddr: 0x51780, symSize: 0x3C0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAA59, offset: 0x8C383, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xCCE0, symBinAddr: 0x51B40, symSize: 0x3D0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAB4A, offset: 0x8C474, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xD0B0, symBinAddr: 0x51F10, symSize: 0x220 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xABE7, offset: 0x8C511, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xD2D0, symBinAddr: 0x52130, symSize: 0x230 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAC7D, offset: 0x8C5A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD500, symBinAddr: 0x52360, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAD30, offset: 0x8C65A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSo7NSTimerC_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD540, symBinAddr: 0x523A0, symSize: 0xA0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xADE5, offset: 0x8C70F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa36_reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer8oldCountySi_tFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD5E0, symBinAddr: 0x52440, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE22, offset: 0x8C74C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa37_appendElementAssumeUniqueAndCapacity_03newB0ySi_xntFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD620, symBinAddr: 0x52480, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE4B, offset: 0x8C775, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa21_makeMutableAndUniqueyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD640, symBinAddr: 0x524A0, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAE74, offset: 0x8C79E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa24_checkSubscript_mutatingyySiFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD670, symBinAddr: 0x524D0, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAEB5, offset: 0x8C7DF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingyS2SFZ', symObjAddr: 0xDE10, symBinAddr: 0x52C70, symSize: 0x80 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAEC9, offset: 0x8C7F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSlsEy11SubSequenceQzqd__cSXRd__5BoundQyd__5IndexRtzluigSS_s16PartialRangeFromVySSAEVGTgq5', symObjAddr: 0xDE90, symBinAddr: 0x52CF0, symSize: 0x60 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAEF9, offset: 0x8C823, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingySSSsFZ', symObjAddr: 0xDEF0, symBinAddr: 0x52D50, symSize: 0x180 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAF7D, offset: 0x8C8A7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSTsE21_copySequenceContents12initializing8IteratorQz_SitSry7ElementQzG_tFSs8UTF8ViewV_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0xE1E0, symBinAddr: 0x53040, symSize: 0x2D0 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xAFEE, offset: 0x8C918, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss15ContiguousArrayV16_createNewBuffer14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendySb_SiSbtFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xE590, symBinAddr: 0x533F0, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB263, offset: 0x8CB8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss22_ContiguousArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xE860, symBinAddr: 0x536C0, symSize: 0x130 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xB571, offset: 0x8CE9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_16didStateChangeToy9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0j8MQTTConnG0OtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x12EE0, symBinAddr: 0x57D40, symSize: 0x8F0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xBA7E, offset: 0x8D3A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didReceiveMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTf4dnnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x13900, symBinAddr: 0x58760, symSize: 0x2ED0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0xC1F0, offset: 0x8DB1A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x16900, symBinAddr: 0x5B760, symSize: 0x5E0 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x95, offset: 0x8DFA2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS8IdentityV10CodingKeys33_C1450E973D6D1C45DD0450967186C69ALLOs0E3KeyAAsAGP11stringValueSSvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x10E0, symBinAddr: 0x5D1F0, symSize: 0x50 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6C2, offset: 0x8E5CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS3HasV10CodingKeysOs0E3KeyAAsAFP8intValueSiSgvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x1790, symBinAddr: 0x5D8A0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x6DE, offset: 0x8E5EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS3HasV10CodingKeysOs0E3KeyAAsAFP8intValuexSgSi_tcfCTW', symObjAddr: 0x17A0, symBinAddr: 0x5D8B0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA70, offset: 0x928CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS6CommonC10getBaseURL03strG08callBackySS_ySb_yptctFTf4nnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x3B70, symBinAddr: 0x6D000, symSize: 0x240 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xA3, offset: 0x96E30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSYAASY8rawValue03RawG0QzvgTW', symObjAddr: 0x550, symBinAddr: 0x71F60, symSize: 0x20 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0xEC, offset: 0x96E79, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOACSQAAWl', symObjAddr: 0x460, symBinAddr: 0x71E70, symSize: 0x30 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x120, offset: 0x96EAD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwet', symObjAddr: 0x590, symBinAddr: 0x71F80, symSize: 0x80 }
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+ - { offsetInCU: 0x15C, offset: 0x96EE9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwup', symObjAddr: 0x6F0, symBinAddr: 0x720E0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x170, offset: 0x96EFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOwui', symObjAddr: 0x700, symBinAddr: 0x720F0, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x184, offset: 0x96F11, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOMa', symObjAddr: 0x710, symBinAddr: 0x72100, symSize: 0x10 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x1FF, offset: 0x96F8C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS6SDKURLV9discoveryyS2S_S5StFZTf4dndnnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x720, symBinAddr: 0x72110, symSize: 0x27B }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x456, offset: 0x971E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSQAASQ2eeoiySbx_xtFZTW', symObjAddr: 0x430, symBinAddr: 0x71E40, symSize: 0x20 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x529, offset: 0x972B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH9hashValueSivgTW', symObjAddr: 0x490, symBinAddr: 0x71EA0, symSize: 0x40 }
+ - { offsetInCU: 0x601, offset: 0x9738E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS11CommandTypeOSHAASH4hash4intoys6HasherVz_tFTW', symObjAddr: 0x4D0, symBinAddr: 0x71EE0, symSize: 0x30 }
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 729,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 778,
- "length": 28,
- "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 831,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 882,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Please give env value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 930,
- "length": 47,
- "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1002,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1062,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1136,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1192,
- "length": 55,
- "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1272,
- "length": 69,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1366,
- "length": 56,
- "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1447,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1504,
- "length": 72,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1601,
- "length": 52,
- "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1678,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\" <>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1733,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1784,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Connection not available\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1835,
- "length": 27,
- "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1887,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1934,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1989,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2047,
- "length": 80,
- "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2153,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Device is not active\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2201,
- "length": 63,
- "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2290,
- "length": 70,
- "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2386,
- "length": 67,
- "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2479,
- "length": 39,
- "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2543,
- "length": 25,
- "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2593,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2642,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2698,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2763,
- "length": 73,
- "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 361,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"<>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 415,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 477,
- "length": 62,
- "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 564,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 612,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Device information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 667,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 729,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 778,
- "length": 28,
- "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 831,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 882,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Please give env value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 930,
- "length": 47,
- "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1002,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1062,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1136,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1192,
- "length": 55,
- "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1272,
- "length": 69,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1366,
- "length": 56,
- "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1447,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1504,
- "length": 72,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1601,
- "length": 52,
- "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1678,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\" <>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1733,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1784,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Connection not available\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1835,
- "length": 27,
- "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1887,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1934,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1989,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2047,
- "length": 80,
- "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2153,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Device is not active\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2201,
- "length": 63,
- "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2290,
- "length": 70,
- "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2386,
- "length": 67,
- "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2479,
- "length": 39,
- "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2543,
- "length": 25,
- "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2593,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2642,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2698,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2763,
- "length": 73,
- "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2892,
- "length": 42,
- "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2960,
- "length": 18,
- "value": "\"Device connected\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3004,
- "length": 21,
- "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3051,
- "length": 17,
- "value": "\"Initializing...\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3094,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Connecting...\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3135,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3176,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3251,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3301,
- "length": 43,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3370,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
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- "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
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- "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
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- "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
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- "offset": 3790,
- "length": 36,
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- "offset": 3937,
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- "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
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- "offset": 3998,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
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- "length": 34,
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- "length": 33,
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- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
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- "offset": 4237,
- "length": 32,
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- "offset": 4295,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
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- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
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- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
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- "offset": 4486,
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- "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4532,
- "length": 45,
- "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
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- "offset": 4603,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
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- "offset": 4655,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"No offline data found\""
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- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4770,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
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- "offset": 4825,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4880,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4930,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2892,
- "length": 42,
- "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2960,
- "length": 18,
- "value": "\"Device connected\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
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- "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
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- "value": "\"Initializing...\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3094,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Connecting...\""
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- "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3176,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
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- "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3301,
- "length": 43,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3370,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
- },
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- "length": 38,
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- "offset": 3495,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3558,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
- },
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- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
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- "length": 44,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3750,
- "length": 14,
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3790,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3852,
- "length": 59,
- "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3937,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3998,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "offset": 4058,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
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- "offset": 4118,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
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- "offset": 4177,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
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- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4295,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4359,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4420,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4486,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4532,
- "length": 45,
- "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4603,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4655,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"No offline data found\""
- },
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- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4770,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
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- "offset": 4825,
- "length": 29,
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4880,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4930,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
- },
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- "value": "\"Child device tag name cannot be same as Gateway device\""
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x69B6, offset: 0x5AE7B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC32subscriptionIdentifiersAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64A8, symBinAddr: 0xA4A8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69CE, offset: 0x5AE93, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64B0, symBinAddr: 0xA4B0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69E6, offset: 0x5AEAB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC19responseInformationSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64B8, symBinAddr: 0xA4B8, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69FE, offset: 0x5AEC3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15serverReferenceSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64C4, symBinAddr: 0xA4C4, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A16, offset: 0x5AEDB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC20authenticationMethodSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64D0, symBinAddr: 0xA4D0, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A2E, offset: 0x5AEF3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64DC, symBinAddr: 0xA4DC, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A46, offset: 0x5AF0B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64E8, symBinAddr: 0xA4E8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A5E, offset: 0x5AF23, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64F0, symBinAddr: 0xA4F0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A76, offset: 0x5AF3B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64F8, symBinAddr: 0xA4F8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A8E, offset: 0x5AF53, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6500, symBinAddr: 0xA500, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AA6, offset: 0x5AF6B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6510, symBinAddr: 0xA510, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6ABE, offset: 0x5AF83, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6518, symBinAddr: 0xA518, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AD6, offset: 0x5AF9B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6524, symBinAddr: 0xA524, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AEE, offset: 0x5AFB3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x652C, symBinAddr: 0xA52C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B06, offset: 0x5AFCB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6534, symBinAddr: 0xA534, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B1E, offset: 0x5AFE3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x653C, symBinAddr: 0xA53C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B36, offset: 0x5AFFB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6544, symBinAddr: 0xA544, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B4E, offset: 0x5B013, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x654C, symBinAddr: 0xA54C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B66, offset: 0x5B02B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6558, symBinAddr: 0xA558, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B7E, offset: 0x5B043, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6560, symBinAddr: 0xA560, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B96, offset: 0x5B05B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC13responseTopicSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x656C, symBinAddr: 0xA56C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BAE, offset: 0x5B073, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6578, symBinAddr: 0xA578, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BC6, offset: 0x5B08B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6580, symBinAddr: 0xA580, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BDE, offset: 0x5B0A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6588, symBinAddr: 0xA588, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BF6, offset: 0x5B0BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC11contentTypeSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6590, symBinAddr: 0xA590, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C0E, offset: 0x5B0D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x659C, symBinAddr: 0xA59C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C26, offset: 0x5B0EB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65A8, symBinAddr: 0xA5A8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C3E, offset: 0x5B103, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65B0, symBinAddr: 0xA5B0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C56, offset: 0x5B11B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65B8, symBinAddr: 0xA5B8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C6E, offset: 0x5B133, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65C0, symBinAddr: 0xA5C0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C86, offset: 0x5B14B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65C8, symBinAddr: 0xA5C8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C9E, offset: 0x5B163, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65D0, symBinAddr: 0xA5D0, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CB6, offset: 0x5B17B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65DC, symBinAddr: 0xA5DC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CCE, offset: 0x5B193, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65E4, symBinAddr: 0xA5E4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CE6, offset: 0x5B1AB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65EC, symBinAddr: 0xA5EC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CFE, offset: 0x5B1C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65F4, symBinAddr: 0xA5F4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D16, offset: 0x5B1DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x65FC, symBinAddr: 0xA5FC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D2E, offset: 0x5B1F3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6604, symBinAddr: 0xA604, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D46, offset: 0x5B20B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6610, symBinAddr: 0xA610, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D5E, offset: 0x5B223, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6618, symBinAddr: 0xA618, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D76, offset: 0x5B23B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6620, symBinAddr: 0xA620, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D8E, offset: 0x5B253, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6628, symBinAddr: 0xA628, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DA6, offset: 0x5B26B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6630, symBinAddr: 0xA630, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DBE, offset: 0x5B283, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x663C, symBinAddr: 0xA63C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DD6, offset: 0x5B29B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6644, symBinAddr: 0xA644, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DEE, offset: 0x5B2B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6650, symBinAddr: 0xA650, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E06, offset: 0x5B2CB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6658, symBinAddr: 0xA658, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E1E, offset: 0x5B2E3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6660, symBinAddr: 0xA660, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E36, offset: 0x5B2FB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6668, symBinAddr: 0xA668, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E4E, offset: 0x5B313, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6670, symBinAddr: 0xA670, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E66, offset: 0x5B32B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x667C, symBinAddr: 0xA67C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E7E, offset: 0x5B343, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6684, symBinAddr: 0xA684, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E96, offset: 0x5B35B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6690, symBinAddr: 0xA690, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EAE, offset: 0x5B373, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6698, symBinAddr: 0xA698, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EC6, offset: 0x5B38B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC13responseTopicSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x66A4, symBinAddr: 0xA6A4, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EDE, offset: 0x5B3A3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x66B0, symBinAddr: 0xA6B0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EF6, offset: 0x5B3BB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x66B8, symBinAddr: 0xA6B8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6F0E, offset: 0x5B3D3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC11contentTypeSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x66C0, symBinAddr: 0xA6C0, symSize: 0xC }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x6F56, offset: 0x5B41B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttSubscriptionC17retainAsPublishedSbvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x66DC, symBinAddr: 0xA6DC, symSize: 0x8 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x6FFF, offset: 0x5B4C4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss12_ArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtF9CocoaMQTT5Frame_p_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x670C, symBinAddr: 0xA6F8, symSize: 0xE4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x718E, offset: 0x5B653, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss12_ArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNew14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendAByxGSb_SiSbtFSnySiG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0x67F0, symBinAddr: 0xA7DC, symSize: 0xBC }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x7673, offset: 0x5BB38, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName, symObjAddr: 0x8530, symBinAddr: 0xC51C, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7687, offset: 0x5BB4C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC9connStateAA0a8MQTTConnD0OvWyycfU_TA', symObjAddr: 0x8594, symBinAddr: 0xC580, symSize: 0x8 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x776B, offset: 0x5BC30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x8868, symBinAddr: 0xC854, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x777F, offset: 0x5BC44, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSay8Dispatch0A13WorkItemFlagsVGMa', symObjAddr: 0x88B0, symBinAddr: 0xC89C, symSize: 0x54 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x2A8, offset: 0x8A9D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC17topicAliasMaximums6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x4A4, symBinAddr: 0x3AA84, symSize: 0x44 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x53A, offset: 0x8AC67, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC20authenticationMethodSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xA88, symBinAddr: 0x3B068, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x569, offset: 0x8AC96, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvg', symObjAddr: 0xACC, symBinAddr: 0x3B0AC, symSize: 0x48 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x117, offset: 0x8D89E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x3E7C8, symSize: 0x44 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0xB80, offset: 0x8E307, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x3EB4C, symSize: 0x3C }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x4B, offset: 0x8E788, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x3F1AC, symSize: 0x20 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x88, offset: 0x8E7C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x68, symBinAddr: 0x3F214, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB1, offset: 0x8E7EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xC4, symBinAddr: 0x3F270, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xE0, offset: 0x8E81D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x108, symBinAddr: 0x3F2B4, symSize: 0x4C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10F, offset: 0x8E84C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x154, symBinAddr: 0x3F300, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x134, offset: 0x8E871, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x1A4, symBinAddr: 0x3F350, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x163, offset: 0x8E8A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1E8, symBinAddr: 0x3F394, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x192, offset: 0x8E8CF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x23C, symBinAddr: 0x3F3E8, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B7, offset: 0x8E8F4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x28C, symBinAddr: 0x3F438, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1E6, offset: 0x8E923, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC10topicAliass6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x2E8, symBinAddr: 0x3F494, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x215, offset: 0x8E952, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC10topicAliass6UInt16VSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x32C, symBinAddr: 0x3F4D8, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x240, offset: 0x8E97D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC13responseTopicSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x348, symBinAddr: 0x3F4F4, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x26F, offset: 0x8E9AC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x3F550, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x29E, offset: 0x8E9DB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x490, symBinAddr: 0x3F63C, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2BD, offset: 0x8E9FA, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivM', symObjAddr: 0x4EC, symBinAddr: 0x3F698, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2EC, offset: 0x8EA29, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC11contentTypeSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x5F0, symBinAddr: 0x3F79C, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x31B, offset: 0x8EA58, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvg', symObjAddr: 0x634, symBinAddr: 0x3F7E0, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x33A, offset: 0x8EA77, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvs', symObjAddr: 0x688, symBinAddr: 0x3F834, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x363, offset: 0x8EAA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvM', symObjAddr: 0x6E4, symBinAddr: 0x3F890, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x392, offset: 0x8EACF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC16packetIdentifiers6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x7D4, symBinAddr: 0x3F980, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3C1, offset: 0x8EAFE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivM', symObjAddr: 0x8B4, symBinAddr: 0x3FA60, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x660, offset: 0x8ED9D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC06decodeE011fixedHeader11publishDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x8F8, symBinAddr: 0x3FAA4, symSize: 0xAE8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x114B, offset: 0x8F888, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x1450, symBinAddr: 0x405FC, symSize: 0xF8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1178, offset: 0x8F8B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x1548, symBinAddr: 0x406F4, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1194, offset: 0x8F8D1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCfD', symObjAddr: 0x1568, symBinAddr: 0x40714, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1473, offset: 0x8FBB0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x1598, symBinAddr: 0x40744, symSize: 0x74 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x98, offset: 0x8FF6F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x6C, symBinAddr: 0x40870, symSize: 0x50 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0xEC, offset: 0x8FFC3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x40904, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x117, offset: 0x8FFEE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x40908, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x146, offset: 0x9001D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x148, symBinAddr: 0x4094C, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x16F, offset: 0x90046, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x40994, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x19E, offset: 0x90075, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D4, symBinAddr: 0x409D8, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1CD, offset: 0x900A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x40A2C, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F6, offset: 0x900CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x284, symBinAddr: 0x40A88, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x225, offset: 0x900FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C8, symBinAddr: 0x40ACC, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x254, offset: 0x9012B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x40B14, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x293, offset: 0x9016A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x40B64, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2B2, offset: 0x90189, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x40BA8, symSize: 0x8 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x317, offset: 0x901EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCfD', symObjAddr: 0x458, symBinAddr: 0x40C5C, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x49A, offset: 0x90371, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4C4, symBinAddr: 0x40CC8, symSize: 0x604 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB78, offset: 0x90A4F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x40C8C, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD5C, offset: 0x90C33, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCMa', symObjAddr: 0xAC8, symBinAddr: 0x412CC, symSize: 0x20 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x4B, offset: 0x90EB9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x412F8, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69, offset: 0x90ED7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x41318, symSize: 0x4C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x98, offset: 0x90F06, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x6C, symBinAddr: 0x41364, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xBD, offset: 0x90F2B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xBC, symBinAddr: 0x413B4, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xEC, offset: 0x90F5A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x413F8, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x117, offset: 0x90F85, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x413FC, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x146, offset: 0x90FB4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x148, symBinAddr: 0x41440, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x16F, offset: 0x90FDD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16VvM', symObjAddr: 0x190, symBinAddr: 0x41488, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x19E, offset: 0x9100C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D4, symBinAddr: 0x414CC, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1CD, offset: 0x9103B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x41520, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F6, offset: 0x91064, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x284, symBinAddr: 0x4157C, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x225, offset: 0x91093, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C8, symBinAddr: 0x415C0, symSize: 0x48 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x293, offset: 0x91101, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x41658, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2B2, offset: 0x91120, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x4169C, symSize: 0x8 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x2FB, offset: 0x91169, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x41730, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x317, offset: 0x91185, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCfD', symObjAddr: 0x458, symBinAddr: 0x41750, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x49A, offset: 0x91308, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4C4, symBinAddr: 0x417BC, symSize: 0x5F8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB80, offset: 0x919EE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x41780, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD64, offset: 0x91BD2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelCMa', symObjAddr: 0xABC, symBinAddr: 0x41DB4, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x27, offset: 0x91E34, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x41DE0, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x4B, offset: 0x91E58, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckCACycfC', symObjAddr: 0x0, symBinAddr: 0x41DE0, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69, offset: 0x91E76, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvg', symObjAddr: 0x20, symBinAddr: 0x41E00, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x98, offset: 0x91EA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvs', symObjAddr: 0x68, symBinAddr: 0x41E48, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD7, offset: 0x91EE4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM', symObjAddr: 0xB8, symBinAddr: 0x41E98, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xF6, offset: 0x91F03, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xFC, symBinAddr: 0x41EDC, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x121, offset: 0x91F2E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x41EE0, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x150, offset: 0x91F5D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x144, symBinAddr: 0x41F24, symSize: 0x48 }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1833 +0,0 @@
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C82, offset: 0x8368B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18mqttDidReceivePongyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA514, symBinAddr: 0x4A574, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CAD, offset: 0x836B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA518, symBinAddr: 0x4A578, symSize: 0x74 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CE0, offset: 0x836E9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa12_endMutationyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA58C, symBinAddr: 0x4A5EC, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CFF, offset: 0x83708, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA590, symBinAddr: 0x4A5F0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D1B, offset: 0x83724, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA590, symBinAddr: 0x4A5F0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D2C, offset: 0x83735, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV8setValue_6forKeyyq_n_xtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xA598, symBinAddr: 0x4A5F8, symSize: 0xC8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DC9, offset: 0x837D2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSD8_VariantV11removeValue6forKeyq_Sgx_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xA660, symBinAddr: 0x4A6C0, symSize: 0xCC }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x6F01, offset: 0x8390A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xAA1C, symBinAddr: 0x4AA7C, symSize: 0x1C4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6FB9, offset: 0x839C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV20_copyOrMoveAndResize8capacity12moveElementsySi_SbtFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xABE0, symBinAddr: 0x4AC40, symSize: 0x3A0 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x71F0, offset: 0x83BF9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB318, symBinAddr: 0x4B378, symSize: 0x1E4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7281, offset: 0x83C8A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV7_delete2atys10_HashTableV6BucketV_tFSS_So8NSObjectCTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB4FC, symBinAddr: 0x4B55C, symSize: 0x204 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7307, offset: 0x83D10, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB700, symBinAddr: 0x4B760, symSize: 0x4C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x73C4, offset: 0x83DCD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSo7NSTimerC_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB74C, symBinAddr: 0x4B7AC, symSize: 0x90 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x745F, offset: 0x83E68, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa36_reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer8oldCountySi_tFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB7DC, symBinAddr: 0x4B83C, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x749C, offset: 0x83EA5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa37_appendElementAssumeUniqueAndCapacity_03newB0ySi_xntFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB81C, symBinAddr: 0x4B87C, symSize: 0x18 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x74EE, offset: 0x83EF7, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa21_makeMutableAndUniqueyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB834, symBinAddr: 0x4B894, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7517, offset: 0x83F20, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa24_checkSubscript_mutatingyySiFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xB870, symBinAddr: 0x4B8D0, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x75E7, offset: 0x83FF0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss13_parseInteger5ascii5radixq_Sgx_SitSyRzs010FixedWidthB0R_r0_lFSS_s5Int32VTg5', symObjAddr: 0xB88C, symBinAddr: 0x4B8EC, symSize: 0xE0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x770A, offset: 0x84113, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss13_parseInteger5ascii5radixxSgSRys5UInt8VG_Sits010FixedWidthB0RzlFs5Int32V_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xBA50, symBinAddr: 0x4BAB0, symSize: 0x294 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x7781, offset: 0x8418A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSS8_copyingyS2SFZ', symObjAddr: 0xBF80, symBinAddr: 0x4BFE0, symSize: 0x8C }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x7902, offset: 0x8430B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss15ContiguousArrayV16_createNewBuffer14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendySb_SiSbtFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC560, symBinAddr: 0x4C5C0, symSize: 0x1C }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x8913, offset: 0x8531C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss12_ArrayBufferV20_consumeAndCreateNewAByxGyFSnySiG_Tgq5', symObjAddr: 0xD39C, symBinAddr: 0x4D3FC, symSize: 0x14 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x8AB6, offset: 0x854BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_16didStateChangeToy9CocoaMQTTAFC_AF0j8MQTTConnG0OtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x10920, symBinAddr: 0x50980, symSize: 0xA78 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9084, offset: 0x85A8D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didPublishMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTf4dndd_n', symObjAddr: 0x11398, symBinAddr: 0x513F8, symSize: 0x104 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x91F0, offset: 0x85BF9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_17didReceiveMessage2idy9CocoaMQTTAGC_AG0J11MQTTMessageCs6UInt16VtFTf4dnnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x1149C, symBinAddr: 0x514FC, symSize: 0x2D8C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x98B6, offset: 0x862BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_18didSubscribeTopics6failedy9CocoaMQTTAGC_So12NSDictionaryCSaySSGtFTf4dnnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x14228, symBinAddr: 0x54288, symSize: 0x120 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x99C7, offset: 0x863D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_20didUnsubscribeTopicsy9CocoaMQTTAFC_SaySSGtFTf4dnd_n', symObjAddr: 0x14348, symBinAddr: 0x543A8, symSize: 0x80 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x9A4A, offset: 0x86453, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x143C8, symBinAddr: 0x54428, symSize: 0x654 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x9E86, offset: 0x8688F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: _block_destroy_helper, symObjAddr: 0x14CE8, symBinAddr: 0x54C00, symSize: 0x8 }
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 873,
- "length": 16,
- "value": "\"\/api\/sdk\/cpid\/\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1019,
- "length": 6,
- "value": "\"sync\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
- "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
- "offset": 430,
- "length": 5,
- "value": "false"
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
- "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
- "offset": 468,
- "length": 5,
- "value": "false"
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 521,
- "length": 2,
- "value": "\"\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 559,
- "length": 2,
- "value": "\"\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 361,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"<>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 415,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 477,
- "length": 62,
- "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 564,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 612,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Device information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 667,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 729,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 778,
- "length": 28,
- "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 831,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 882,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Please give env value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 930,
- "length": 47,
- "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1002,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1062,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1136,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1192,
- "length": 55,
- "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1272,
- "length": 69,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1366,
- "length": 56,
- "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1447,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1504,
- "length": 72,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1601,
- "length": 52,
- "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1678,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\" <>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1733,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1784,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Connection not available\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1835,
- "length": 27,
- "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1887,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1934,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1989,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2047,
- "length": 80,
- "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2153,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Device is not active\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2201,
- "length": 63,
- "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2290,
- "length": 70,
- "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2386,
- "length": 67,
- "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2479,
- "length": 39,
- "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2543,
- "length": 25,
- "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2593,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2642,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2698,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2763,
- "length": 73,
- "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 361,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"<>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 415,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 477,
- "length": 62,
- "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 564,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 612,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Device information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 667,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 729,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 778,
- "length": 28,
- "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 831,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 882,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Please give env value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 930,
- "length": 47,
- "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1002,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1062,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1136,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1192,
- "length": 55,
- "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1272,
- "length": 69,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1366,
- "length": 56,
- "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1447,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1504,
- "length": 72,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1601,
- "length": 52,
- "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1678,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\" <>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1733,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1784,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Connection not available\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1835,
- "length": 27,
- "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1887,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1934,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1989,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2047,
- "length": 80,
- "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2153,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Device is not active\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2201,
- "length": 63,
- "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2290,
- "length": 70,
- "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2386,
- "length": 67,
- "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2479,
- "length": 39,
- "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2543,
- "length": 25,
- "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2593,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2642,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2698,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2763,
- "length": 73,
- "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2892,
- "length": 42,
- "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2960,
- "length": 18,
- "value": "\"Device connected\""
- },
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- "offset": 3004,
- "length": 21,
- "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
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- "length": 17,
- "value": "\"Initializing...\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3094,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Connecting...\""
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- "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3176,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
- },
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- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3301,
- "length": 43,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3370,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3431,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3495,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3558,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3618,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3680,
- "length": 44,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3750,
- "length": 14,
- "value": "\"Publish data\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3790,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
- },
- {
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3852,
- "length": 59,
- "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3937,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3998,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "offset": 4058,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4118,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4177,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4237,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4295,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4359,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4420,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4486,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4532,
- "length": 45,
- "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4603,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4655,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"No offline data found\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4704,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4770,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4825,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4880,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4930,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2892,
- "length": 42,
- "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2960,
- "length": 18,
- "value": "\"Device connected\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3004,
- "length": 21,
- "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3051,
- "length": 17,
- "value": "\"Initializing...\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3094,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Connecting...\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3135,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3176,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3251,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3301,
- "length": 43,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3370,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3431,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3495,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3558,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3618,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3680,
- "length": 44,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3750,
- "length": 14,
- "value": "\"Publish data\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3790,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3852,
- "length": 59,
- "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3937,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3998,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4058,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4118,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4177,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4237,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4295,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4359,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4420,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4486,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4532,
- "length": 45,
- "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4603,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4655,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"No offline data found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4704,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4770,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4825,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4880,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4930,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
- },
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- "length": 6,
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- },
- {
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 415,
- "length": 14,
- "value": "\"Content-Type\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 454,
- "length": 8,
- "value": "\"Accept\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
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- "length": 16,
- "value": "\"Content-Length\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 562,
- "length": 18,
- "value": "\"application\/json\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 713,
- "length": 25,
- "value": "\"discovery.iotconnect.io\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 873,
- "length": 16,
- "value": "\"\/api\/sdk\/cpid\/\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
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- "length": 6,
- "value": "\"sync\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
- "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
- "offset": 430,
- "length": 5,
- "value": "false"
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
- "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
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- "length": 5,
- "value": "false"
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 521,
- "length": 2,
- "value": "\"\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 559,
- "length": 2,
- "value": "\"\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 361,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"<>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 415,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 477,
- "length": 62,
- "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 564,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 612,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Device information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 667,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 729,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 778,
- "length": 28,
- "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 831,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 882,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Please give env value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 930,
- "length": 47,
- "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1002,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1062,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1136,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1192,
- "length": 55,
- "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1272,
- "length": 69,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1366,
- "length": 56,
- "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1447,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1504,
- "length": 72,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1601,
- "length": 52,
- "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1678,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\" <>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1733,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1784,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Connection not available\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1835,
- "length": 27,
- "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1887,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1934,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1989,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2047,
- "length": 80,
- "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2153,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Device is not active\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2201,
- "length": 63,
- "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2290,
- "length": 70,
- "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2386,
- "length": 67,
- "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2479,
- "length": 39,
- "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2543,
- "length": 25,
- "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2593,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2642,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2698,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2763,
- "length": 73,
- "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 361,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"<>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 415,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 477,
- "length": 62,
- "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 564,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 612,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Device information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 667,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 729,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 778,
- "length": 28,
- "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 831,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 882,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Please give env value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 930,
- "length": 47,
- "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1002,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1062,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1136,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1192,
- "length": 55,
- "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1272,
- "length": 69,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1366,
- "length": 56,
- "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1447,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1504,
- "length": 72,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1601,
- "length": 52,
- "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1678,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\" <>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1733,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1784,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Connection not available\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1835,
- "length": 27,
- "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1887,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1934,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1989,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2047,
- "length": 80,
- "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2153,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Device is not active\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2201,
- "length": 63,
- "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2290,
- "length": 70,
- "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2386,
- "length": 67,
- "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2479,
- "length": 39,
- "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2543,
- "length": 25,
- "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2593,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2642,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2698,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2763,
- "length": 73,
- "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2892,
- "length": 42,
- "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2960,
- "length": 18,
- "value": "\"Device connected\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3004,
- "length": 21,
- "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3051,
- "length": 17,
- "value": "\"Initializing...\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3094,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Connecting...\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3135,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3176,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3251,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3301,
- "length": 43,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3370,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3431,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3495,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3558,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3618,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3680,
- "length": 44,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3750,
- "length": 14,
- "value": "\"Publish data\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3790,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3852,
- "length": 59,
- "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3937,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3998,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4058,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4118,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4177,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4237,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4295,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4359,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4420,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4486,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4532,
- "length": 45,
- "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4603,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4655,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"No offline data found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4704,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4770,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4825,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4880,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4930,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2892,
- "length": 42,
- "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2960,
- "length": 18,
- "value": "\"Device connected\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3004,
- "length": 21,
- "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3051,
- "length": 17,
- "value": "\"Initializing...\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3094,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Connecting...\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3135,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3176,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3251,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3301,
- "length": 43,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3370,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3431,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3495,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3558,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3618,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3680,
- "length": 44,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3750,
- "length": 14,
- "value": "\"Publish data\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3790,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3852,
- "length": 59,
- "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3937,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3998,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4058,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4118,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4177,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4237,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4295,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4359,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4420,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4486,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4532,
- "length": 45,
- "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4603,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4655,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"No offline data found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4704,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4770,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4825,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4880,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4930,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
- },
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- "offset": 12318,
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- "value": "0"
- },
- {
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- "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 8a2c384..0000000
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index 3b0a87f..0000000
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index 7e82344..0000000
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index 0fb1402..0000000
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index 3f09da4..0000000
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index 1d125de..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1661 +0,0 @@
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x696E, offset: 0x5B330, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC17maximumPacketSizes6UInt32VSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x62E8, symBinAddr: 0x7C70, symSize: 0x1C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6986, offset: 0x5B348, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC24assignedClientIdentifierSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6304, symBinAddr: 0x7C8C, symSize: 0xC }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x69B6, offset: 0x5B378, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x631C, symBinAddr: 0x7CA4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69CE, offset: 0x5B390, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC29wildcardSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6324, symBinAddr: 0x7CAC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69E6, offset: 0x5B3A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC32subscriptionIdentifiersAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x632C, symBinAddr: 0x7CB4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69FE, offset: 0x5B3C0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6334, symBinAddr: 0x7CBC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A16, offset: 0x5B3D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC19responseInformationSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x633C, symBinAddr: 0x7CC4, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A2E, offset: 0x5B3F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15serverReferenceSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6348, symBinAddr: 0x7CD0, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A46, offset: 0x5B408, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC20authenticationMethodSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6354, symBinAddr: 0x7CDC, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A5E, offset: 0x5B420, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6360, symBinAddr: 0x7CE8, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A76, offset: 0x5B438, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x636C, symBinAddr: 0x7CF4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A8E, offset: 0x5B450, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6374, symBinAddr: 0x7CFC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AA6, offset: 0x5B468, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x637C, symBinAddr: 0x7D04, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6ABE, offset: 0x5B480, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6384, symBinAddr: 0x7D0C, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AD6, offset: 0x5B498, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6394, symBinAddr: 0x7D1C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AEE, offset: 0x5B4B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x639C, symBinAddr: 0x7D24, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B06, offset: 0x5B4C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x63A8, symBinAddr: 0x7D30, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B1E, offset: 0x5B4E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x63B0, symBinAddr: 0x7D38, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B36, offset: 0x5B4F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x63B8, symBinAddr: 0x7D40, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B4E, offset: 0x5B510, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x63C0, symBinAddr: 0x7D48, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B66, offset: 0x5B528, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x63C8, symBinAddr: 0x7D50, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B7E, offset: 0x5B540, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x63D0, symBinAddr: 0x7D58, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B96, offset: 0x5B558, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x63DC, symBinAddr: 0x7D64, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BAE, offset: 0x5B570, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x63E4, symBinAddr: 0x7D6C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BC6, offset: 0x5B588, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC13responseTopicSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x63F0, symBinAddr: 0x7D78, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BDE, offset: 0x5B5A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x63FC, symBinAddr: 0x7D84, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BF6, offset: 0x5B5B8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6404, symBinAddr: 0x7D8C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C0E, offset: 0x5B5D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x640C, symBinAddr: 0x7D94, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C26, offset: 0x5B5E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC11contentTypeSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6414, symBinAddr: 0x7D9C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C3E, offset: 0x5B600, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6420, symBinAddr: 0x7DA8, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C56, offset: 0x5B618, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x642C, symBinAddr: 0x7DB4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C6E, offset: 0x5B630, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6434, symBinAddr: 0x7DBC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C86, offset: 0x5B648, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x643C, symBinAddr: 0x7DC4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C9E, offset: 0x5B660, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6444, symBinAddr: 0x7DCC, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CB6, offset: 0x5B678, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x644C, symBinAddr: 0x7DD4, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CCE, offset: 0x5B690, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6454, symBinAddr: 0x7DDC, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CE6, offset: 0x5B6A8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6460, symBinAddr: 0x7DE8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CFE, offset: 0x5B6C0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6468, symBinAddr: 0x7DF0, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D16, offset: 0x5B6D8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6470, symBinAddr: 0x7DF8, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D2E, offset: 0x5B6F0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6478, symBinAddr: 0x7E00, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D46, offset: 0x5B708, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6480, symBinAddr: 0x7E08, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D5E, offset: 0x5B720, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6488, symBinAddr: 0x7E10, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D76, offset: 0x5B738, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6494, symBinAddr: 0x7E1C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D8E, offset: 0x5B750, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x649C, symBinAddr: 0x7E24, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DA6, offset: 0x5B768, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64A4, symBinAddr: 0x7E2C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DBE, offset: 0x5B780, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64AC, symBinAddr: 0x7E34, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DD6, offset: 0x5B798, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64B4, symBinAddr: 0x7E3C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DEE, offset: 0x5B7B0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64C0, symBinAddr: 0x7E48, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E06, offset: 0x5B7C8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64C8, symBinAddr: 0x7E50, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E1E, offset: 0x5B7E0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64D4, symBinAddr: 0x7E5C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E36, offset: 0x5B7F8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64DC, symBinAddr: 0x7E64, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E4E, offset: 0x5B810, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64E4, symBinAddr: 0x7E6C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E66, offset: 0x5B828, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64EC, symBinAddr: 0x7E74, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E7E, offset: 0x5B840, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x64F4, symBinAddr: 0x7E7C, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E96, offset: 0x5B858, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6500, symBinAddr: 0x7E88, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EAE, offset: 0x5B870, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6508, symBinAddr: 0x7E90, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EC6, offset: 0x5B888, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6514, symBinAddr: 0x7E9C, symSize: 0x8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EDE, offset: 0x5B8A0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x651C, symBinAddr: 0x7EA4, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EF6, offset: 0x5B8B8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC13responseTopicSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6528, symBinAddr: 0x7EB0, symSize: 0xC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6F0E, offset: 0x5B8D0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6534, symBinAddr: 0x7EBC, symSize: 0x8 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x88, offset: 0x8E8B9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x68, symBinAddr: 0x3BACC, symSize: 0x5C }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0xE0, offset: 0x8E911, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x108, symBinAddr: 0x3BB6C, symSize: 0x4C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x10F, offset: 0x8E940, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x154, symBinAddr: 0x3BBB8, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x134, offset: 0x8E965, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x1A4, symBinAddr: 0x3BC08, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x163, offset: 0x8E994, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1E8, symBinAddr: 0x3BC4C, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x192, offset: 0x8E9C3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x23C, symBinAddr: 0x3BCA0, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1B7, offset: 0x8E9E8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x28C, symBinAddr: 0x3BCF0, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1E6, offset: 0x8EA17, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC10topicAliass6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x2E8, symBinAddr: 0x3BD4C, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x215, offset: 0x8EA46, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC10topicAliass6UInt16VSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x32C, symBinAddr: 0x3BD90, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x240, offset: 0x8EA71, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC13responseTopicSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x348, symBinAddr: 0x3BDAC, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x26F, offset: 0x8EAA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x3BE08, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x29E, offset: 0x8EACF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x490, symBinAddr: 0x3BEF4, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2BD, offset: 0x8EAEE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivM', symObjAddr: 0x4EC, symBinAddr: 0x3BF50, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x2EC, offset: 0x8EB1D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC11contentTypeSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x5F0, symBinAddr: 0x3C054, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x31B, offset: 0x8EB4C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvg', symObjAddr: 0x634, symBinAddr: 0x3C098, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x33A, offset: 0x8EB6B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvs', symObjAddr: 0x688, symBinAddr: 0x3C0EC, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x363, offset: 0x8EB94, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvM', symObjAddr: 0x6E4, symBinAddr: 0x3C148, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x392, offset: 0x8EBC3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC16packetIdentifiers6UInt16VSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x7D4, symBinAddr: 0x3C238, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x3C1, offset: 0x8EBF2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivM', symObjAddr: 0x8B4, symBinAddr: 0x3C318, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x660, offset: 0x8EE91, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC06decodeE011fixedHeader11publishDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x8F8, symBinAddr: 0x3C35C, symSize: 0xABC }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1147, offset: 0x8F978, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfc', symObjAddr: 0x1424, symBinAddr: 0x3CE88, symSize: 0xF8 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1174, offset: 0x8F9A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x151C, symBinAddr: 0x3CF80, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1190, offset: 0x8F9C1, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCfD', symObjAddr: 0x153C, symBinAddr: 0x3CFA0, symSize: 0x30 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x146F, offset: 0x8FCA0, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x156C, symBinAddr: 0x3CFD0, symSize: 0x74 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x149E, offset: 0x8FCCF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishCMa', symObjAddr: 0x15E0, symBinAddr: 0x3D044, symSize: 0x20 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0xEC, offset: 0x900B3, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3D190, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x117, offset: 0x900DE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x3D194, symSize: 0x44 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x1CD, offset: 0x90194, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x3D2B8, symSize: 0x5C }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x2B2, offset: 0x90279, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtF', symObjAddr: 0x3A4, symBinAddr: 0x3D434, symSize: 0x8 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x2FB, offset: 0x902C2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCACycfcTo', symObjAddr: 0x438, symBinAddr: 0x3D4C8, symSize: 0x20 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x49A, offset: 0x90461, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC06decodeeF011fixedHeader10pubAckDatays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4C4, symBinAddr: 0x3D554, symSize: 0x604 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xB78, offset: 0x90B3F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCfETo', symObjAddr: 0x488, symBinAddr: 0x3D518, symSize: 0x3C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xD5C, offset: 0x90D23, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecCMa', symObjAddr: 0xAC8, symBinAddr: 0x3DB58, symSize: 0x20 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0xBD, offset: 0x9101B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0xBC, symBinAddr: 0x3DC40, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0xEC, offset: 0x9104A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBRELReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x100, symBinAddr: 0x3DC84, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x117, offset: 0x91075, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvg', symObjAddr: 0x104, symBinAddr: 0x3DC88, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x146, offset: 0x910A4, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvs', symObjAddr: 0x148, symBinAddr: 0x3DCCC, symSize: 0x48 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x19E, offset: 0x910FC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1D4, symBinAddr: 0x3DD58, symSize: 0x54 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1CD, offset: 0x9112B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x228, symBinAddr: 0x3DDAC, symSize: 0x5C }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1F6, offset: 0x91154, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x284, symBinAddr: 0x3DE08, symSize: 0x44 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x225, offset: 0x91183, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x2C8, symBinAddr: 0x3DE4C, symSize: 0x48 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x254, offset: 0x911B2, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x3DE94, symSize: 0x50 }
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diff --git a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/CocoaMQTT.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/x86_64/CocoaMQTT.yml b/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/IoTConnect2AWS.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/CocoaMQTT.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/x86_64/CocoaMQTT.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ae6f9..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1630 +0,0 @@
-triple: 'x86_64-apple-darwin'
-binary-path: '/Users/kirtan.vaghela/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/IoTConnect2-bhvazebfhzdirfdaqumgilgqnuod/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/IoTConnect2_AWS/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Library/Frameworks/CocoaMQTT.framework/CocoaMQTT'
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x1654, offset: 0x56BD8, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTTAAC13didConnectAckyyAB_AA0a8MQTTConnE0OtcvpfiyAB_AEtcfU_', symObjAddr: 0x2470, symBinAddr: 0x4A00, symSize: 0x10 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x68C9, offset: 0x5BE4D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC14receiveMaximums6UInt16VSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6BD0, symBinAddr: 0x9160, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x68E1, offset: 0x5BE65, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15retainAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6BE0, symBinAddr: 0x9170, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x68F9, offset: 0x5BE7D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC17maximumPacketSizes6UInt32VSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6BF0, symBinAddr: 0x9180, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6911, offset: 0x5BE95, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC24assignedClientIdentifierSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6C00, symBinAddr: 0x9190, symSize: 0x10 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x6941, offset: 0x5BEC5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6C20, symBinAddr: 0x91B0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6959, offset: 0x5BEDD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC29wildcardSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6C30, symBinAddr: 0x91C0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6971, offset: 0x5BEF5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC32subscriptionIdentifiersAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6C40, symBinAddr: 0x91D0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6989, offset: 0x5BF0D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC27sharedSubscriptionAvailableSbSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6C50, symBinAddr: 0x91E0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69A1, offset: 0x5BF25, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC19responseInformationSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6C60, symBinAddr: 0x91F0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69B9, offset: 0x5BF3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC15serverReferenceSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6C70, symBinAddr: 0x9200, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69D1, offset: 0x5BF55, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC20authenticationMethodSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6C80, symBinAddr: 0x9210, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x69E9, offset: 0x5BF6D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodeConnAckC18authenticationDataSays5UInt8VGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6C90, symBinAddr: 0x9220, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A01, offset: 0x5BF85, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6CB0, symBinAddr: 0x9240, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A19, offset: 0x5BF9D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6CC0, symBinAddr: 0x9250, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A31, offset: 0x5BFB5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6CD0, symBinAddr: 0x9260, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A49, offset: 0x5BFCD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6CE0, symBinAddr: 0x9270, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A61, offset: 0x5BFE5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6CF0, symBinAddr: 0x9280, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A79, offset: 0x5BFFD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6D00, symBinAddr: 0x9290, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A91, offset: 0x5C015, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6D10, symBinAddr: 0x92A0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AA9, offset: 0x5C02D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6D20, symBinAddr: 0x92B0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AC1, offset: 0x5C045, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6D30, symBinAddr: 0x92C0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AD9, offset: 0x5C05D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6D40, symBinAddr: 0x92D0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6AF1, offset: 0x5C075, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6D50, symBinAddr: 0x92E0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B09, offset: 0x5C08D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6D60, symBinAddr: 0x92F0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B21, offset: 0x5C0A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePubCompC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6D70, symBinAddr: 0x9300, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B39, offset: 0x5C0BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6D80, symBinAddr: 0x9310, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B51, offset: 0x5C0D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC13responseTopicSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6D90, symBinAddr: 0x9320, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B69, offset: 0x5C0ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6DA0, symBinAddr: 0x9330, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B81, offset: 0x5C105, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6DB0, symBinAddr: 0x9340, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B99, offset: 0x5C11D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22subscriptionIdentifierSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6DC0, symBinAddr: 0x9350, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BB1, offset: 0x5C135, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC11contentTypeSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6DD0, symBinAddr: 0x9360, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BC9, offset: 0x5C14D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC5topicSSvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6DE0, symBinAddr: 0x9370, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BE1, offset: 0x5C165, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC14mqtt5DataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6E00, symBinAddr: 0x9390, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6BF9, offset: 0x5C17D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6E10, symBinAddr: 0x93A0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C11, offset: 0x5C195, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6E20, symBinAddr: 0x93B0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C29, offset: 0x5C1AD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6E30, symBinAddr: 0x93C0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C41, offset: 0x5C1C5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6E40, symBinAddr: 0x93D0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C59, offset: 0x5C1DD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6E50, symBinAddr: 0x93E0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C71, offset: 0x5C1F5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6E60, symBinAddr: 0x93F0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C89, offset: 0x5C20D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6E70, symBinAddr: 0x9400, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CA1, offset: 0x5C225, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6E80, symBinAddr: 0x9410, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CB9, offset: 0x5C23D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6E90, symBinAddr: 0x9420, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CD1, offset: 0x5C255, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6EA0, symBinAddr: 0x9430, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CE9, offset: 0x5C26D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6EB0, symBinAddr: 0x9440, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D01, offset: 0x5C285, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6EC0, symBinAddr: 0x9450, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D19, offset: 0x5C29D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6ED0, symBinAddr: 0x9460, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D31, offset: 0x5C2B5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6EE0, symBinAddr: 0x9470, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D49, offset: 0x5C2CD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6EF0, symBinAddr: 0x9480, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D61, offset: 0x5C2E5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A20MQTTSUBACKReasonCodeOGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6F00, symBinAddr: 0x9490, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D79, offset: 0x5C2FD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6F20, symBinAddr: 0x94B0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D91, offset: 0x5C315, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6F30, symBinAddr: 0x94C0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DA9, offset: 0x5C32D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6F40, symBinAddr: 0x94D0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DC1, offset: 0x5C345, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC10totalCountSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6F50, symBinAddr: 0x94E0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DD9, offset: 0x5C35D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC9dataIndexSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6F60, symBinAddr: 0x94F0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6DF1, offset: 0x5C375, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC14propertyLengthSivpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6F70, symBinAddr: 0x9500, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E09, offset: 0x5C38D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6F80, symBinAddr: 0x9510, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E21, offset: 0x5C3A5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC5msgids6UInt16Vvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6FA0, symBinAddr: 0x9530, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E39, offset: 0x5C3BD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC12reasonStringSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6FB0, symBinAddr: 0x9540, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E51, offset: 0x5C3D5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6FC0, symBinAddr: 0x9550, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E69, offset: 0x5C3ED, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC14propertyLengthSiSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6FD0, symBinAddr: 0x9560, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E81, offset: 0x5C405, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC13responseTopicSSSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6FE0, symBinAddr: 0x9570, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6E99, offset: 0x5C41D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC15correlationDataSays5UInt8VGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x6FF0, symBinAddr: 0x9580, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6EB1, offset: 0x5C435, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT21MqttPublishPropertiesC12userPropertySDyS2SGSgvpfi', symObjAddr: 0x7000, symBinAddr: 0x9590, symSize: 0x10 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x7600, offset: 0x5CB84, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName, symObjAddr: 0x8FE0, symBinAddr: 0xB550, symSize: 0x40 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0xEC, offset: 0x8EA0B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvg', symObjAddr: 0xF0, symBinAddr: 0x42F40, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x119, offset: 0x8EA38, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x130, symBinAddr: 0x42F80, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x140, offset: 0x8EA5F, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC22payloadFormatIndicatorAA07PayloadgH0OSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x180, symBinAddr: 0x42FD0, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x16F, offset: 0x8EA8E, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1C0, symBinAddr: 0x43010, symSize: 0x40 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x19C, offset: 0x8EABB, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC21messageExpiryIntervals6UInt32VSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x200, symBinAddr: 0x43050, symSize: 0x50 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x221, offset: 0x8EB40, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC10topicAliass6UInt16VSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0x310, symBinAddr: 0x43160, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x24C, offset: 0x8EB6B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT17MqttDecodePublishC13responseTopicSSSgvM', symObjAddr: 0x360, symBinAddr: 0x431B0, symSize: 0x40 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0xEC, offset: 0x900CC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRecC10reasonCodeAA0a16MQTTPUBACKReasonH0OSgvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xF0, symBinAddr: 0x447B0, symSize: 0x10 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x19A, offset: 0x910FE, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvg', symObjAddr: 0x1B0, symBinAddr: 0x45400, symSize: 0x50 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x1C7, offset: 0x9112B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodePubRelC12reasonStringSSSgvs', symObjAddr: 0x200, symBinAddr: 0x45450, symSize: 0x50 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x46A, offset: 0x9236A, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT16MqttDecodeSubAckC06decodeeF011fixedHeader03pubF4Datays5UInt8V_SayAHGtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x4B0, symBinAddr: 0x46270, symSize: 0x810 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0xF2, offset: 0x93102, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s9CocoaMQTT18MqttDecodeUnsubAckC11reasonCodesSayAA0A22MQTTUNSUBACKReasonCodeOGvM.resume.0', symObjAddr: 0xF0, symBinAddr: 0x46BC0, symSize: 0x10 }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1831 +0,0 @@
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1793 +0,0 @@
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x6940, offset: 0x84263, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didPublishAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_s6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xBE60, symBinAddr: 0x52510, symSize: 0x10 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A3E, offset: 0x84361, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18mqttDidReceivePongyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0xBFF0, symBinAddr: 0x526A0, symSize: 0x10 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A69, offset: 0x8438C, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xC000, symBinAddr: 0x526B0, symSize: 0x70 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6A9C, offset: 0x843BF, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa12_endMutationyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xC070, symBinAddr: 0x52720, symSize: 0x10 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C28, offset: 0x8454B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss17_NativeDictionaryV4copyyyFSS_ypTg5', symObjAddr: 0xC2E0, symBinAddr: 0x52990, symSize: 0x260 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x7161, offset: 0x84A84, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa034_makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotB0yyFSo7NSTimerC_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD350, symBinAddr: 0x53A00, symSize: 0xA0 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x721A, offset: 0x84B3D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa36_reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer8oldCountySi_tFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD3F0, symBinAddr: 0x53AA0, symSize: 0x40 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x72A9, offset: 0x84BCC, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa24_checkSubscript_mutatingyySiFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD480, symBinAddr: 0x53B30, symSize: 0x20 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x730D, offset: 0x84C30, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss13_parseInteger5ascii5radixq_Sgx_SitSyRzs010FixedWidthB0R_r0_lFSS_s5Int32VTg5', symObjAddr: 0xD4A0, symBinAddr: 0x53B50, symSize: 0x120 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x73B2, offset: 0x84CD5, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss13_parseInteger5ascii5radixxSgSRys5UInt8VG_Sits010FixedWidthB0RzlFs5Int32V_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xD6E0, symBinAddr: 0x53D90, symSize: 0x2C0 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x75AA, offset: 0x84ECD, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$ss15ContiguousArrayV16_createNewBuffer14bufferIsUnique15minimumCapacity13growForAppendySb_SiSbtFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xE350, symBinAddr: 0x54A00, symSize: 0x20 }
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 873,
- "length": 16,
- "value": "\"\/api\/sdk\/cpid\/\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/common\/Network\/NetworkConstants.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1019,
- "length": 6,
- "value": "\"sync\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
- "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
- "offset": 430,
- "length": 5,
- "value": "false"
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
- "kind": "BooleanLiteral",
- "offset": 468,
- "length": 5,
- "value": "false"
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 521,
- "length": 2,
- "value": "\"\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/Models\/SDKClientOption.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 559,
- "length": 2,
- "value": "\"\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 361,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"<>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 415,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 477,
- "length": 62,
- "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 564,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 612,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Device information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 667,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 729,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 778,
- "length": 28,
- "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 831,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 882,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Please give env value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 930,
- "length": 47,
- "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1002,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1062,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1136,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1192,
- "length": 55,
- "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1272,
- "length": 69,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1366,
- "length": 56,
- "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1447,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1504,
- "length": 72,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1601,
- "length": 52,
- "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1678,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\" <>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1733,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1784,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Connection not available\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1835,
- "length": 27,
- "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1887,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1934,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1989,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2047,
- "length": 80,
- "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2153,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Device is not active\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2201,
- "length": 63,
- "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2290,
- "length": 70,
- "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2386,
- "length": 67,
- "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2479,
- "length": 39,
- "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2543,
- "length": 25,
- "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2593,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2642,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2698,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2763,
- "length": 73,
- "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 361,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"<>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 415,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 477,
- "length": 62,
- "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 564,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 612,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Device information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 667,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 729,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 778,
- "length": 28,
- "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 831,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 882,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Please give env value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 930,
- "length": 47,
- "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1002,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1062,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1136,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1192,
- "length": 55,
- "value": "\"Device is barred updateTwin() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1272,
- "length": 69,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'key' or 'value' to update twin property\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1366,
- "length": 56,
- "value": "\"Device is barred getAllTwins() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1447,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"<> \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1504,
- "length": 72,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data' or 'msgType' to send acknowledgement\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1601,
- "length": 52,
- "value": "\"Device is barred SendAck() method is not permitted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1678,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\" <>\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1733,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Unable to scan directory\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1784,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Connection not available\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1835,
- "length": 27,
- "value": "\"Attributes data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1887,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Twins data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1934,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Child devices data not found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1989,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"JSON parsing error\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2047,
- "length": 80,
- "value": "\"Device not found. Device is not whitelisted to platform\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2153,
- "length": 22,
- "value": "\"Device is not active\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2201,
- "length": 63,
- "value": "\"Un-Associated. Device has not any template associated with it\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2290,
- "length": 70,
- "value": "\"Device is not acquired. Device is created but it is in release state\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2386,
- "length": 67,
- "value": "\"Device is disabled. It’s disabled from IoTHub by Platform Admin\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2479,
- "length": 39,
- "value": "\"Company not found as SID is not valid\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2543,
- "length": 25,
- "value": "\"Subscription is expired\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2593,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Connection Not Allowed\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2642,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"Invalid Bootstrap Certificate\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2698,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Invalid Operational Certificate\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2763,
- "length": 73,
- "value": "\"Please pass attribute value as String or check the format you have sent\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2892,
- "length": 42,
- "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2960,
- "length": 18,
- "value": "\"Device connected\""
- },
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- "offset": 3004,
- "length": 21,
- "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
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- "length": 17,
- "value": "\"Initializing...\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3094,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Connecting...\""
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- "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3176,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
- },
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- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3301,
- "length": 43,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3370,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3431,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3495,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3558,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3618,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3680,
- "length": 44,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3750,
- "length": 14,
- "value": "\"Publish data\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3790,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
- },
- {
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3852,
- "length": 59,
- "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3937,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3998,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "offset": 4058,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4118,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4177,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4237,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4295,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4359,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4420,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4486,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4532,
- "length": 45,
- "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4603,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4655,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"No offline data found\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4704,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4770,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4825,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4880,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4930,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2892,
- "length": 42,
- "value": "\"Device information received successfully\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 2960,
- "length": 18,
- "value": "\"Device connected\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3004,
- "length": 21,
- "value": "\"Device disconnected\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3051,
- "length": 17,
- "value": "\"Initializing...\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3094,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Connecting...\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3135,
- "length": 15,
- "value": "\"Rechecking...\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3176,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"BaseUrl received to sync the device information\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3251,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 0 'OK'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3301,
- "length": 43,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 1 'DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3370,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 2 'AUTO_REGISTER'\""
- },
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- "offset": 3431,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 3 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3495,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 4 'DEVICE_INACTIVE'\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3558,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 5 'OBJECT_MOVED'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3618,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 6 'CPID_NOT_FOUND'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3680,
- "length": 44,
- "value": "\"Response Code : 'NO_RESPONSE_CODE_MATCHED'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3750,
- "length": 14,
- "value": "\"Publish data\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3790,
- "length": 36,
- "value": "\"Twin property updated successfully\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3852,
- "length": 59,
- "value": "\"Request sent successfully to get the all twin properties.\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3937,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x01 : STANDARD_COMMAND\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 3998,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x02 : FIRMWARE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4058,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 101 : ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4118,
- "length": 33,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x11 : SETTING_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4177,
- "length": 34,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x12 : PASSWORD_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4237,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x13 : DEVICE_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4295,
- "length": 38,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x99 : STOP_SDK_CONNECTION\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4359,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Command acknowledgement success\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4420,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Command : 0x17 : DATA_FREQUENCY_UPDATE\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4486,
- "length": 20,
- "value": "\"Offline data saved\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4532,
- "length": 45,
- "value": "\"File has been created to store offline data\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4603,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Offline log file deleted\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4655,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"No offline data found\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4704,
- "length": 40,
- "value": "\"Offline data publish :: Send\/Total :: \""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4770,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Device already disconnected\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4825,
- "length": 29,
- "value": "\"Get attributes successfully\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4880,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Get twind successfully\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 4930,
- "length": 32,
- "value": "\"Get child devices successfully\""
- },
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index 8c3d4b1..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6c2b159..0000000
--- a/IoTConnect2/framework_AWS2/xcframeworks/IoTConnect_2_AWS.xcframework/ios-arm64/dSYMs/IoTConnect2_AWS.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Relocations/aarch64/IoTConnect2_AWS.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1833 +0,0 @@
-triple: 'arm64-apple-darwin'
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x6B84, offset: 0x8358D, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC4mqtt_13didPublishAcky9CocoaMQTTAFC_s6UInt16VtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA398, symBinAddr: 0x4A3F8, symSize: 0x4 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x6C82, offset: 0x8368B, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC18mqttDidReceivePongyy9CocoaMQTTAECFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA514, symBinAddr: 0x4A574, symSize: 0x4 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CAD, offset: 0x836B6, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTo', symObjAddr: 0xA518, symBinAddr: 0x4A578, symSize: 0x74 }
- - { offsetInCU: 0x6CE0, offset: 0x836E9, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa12_endMutationyyFSDySSypG_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA58C, symBinAddr: 0x4A5EC, symSize: 0x4 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x6D1B, offset: 0x83724, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$sSa9_getCountSiyF15IoTConnect2_AWS3AttV_Tg5', symObjAddr: 0xA590, symBinAddr: 0x4A5F0, symSize: 0x8 }
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- - { offsetInCU: 0x9A4A, offset: 0x86453, size: 0x8, addend: 0x0, symName: '_$s15IoTConnect2_AWS10MQTTClientC17mqttDidDisconnect_9withErrory9CocoaMQTTAFC_s0I0_pSgtFTf4dnn_n', symObjAddr: 0x143C8, symBinAddr: 0x54428, symSize: 0x654 }
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 415,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Discovery URL can not be blank\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 477,
- "length": 62,
- "value": "\"SDK options : set proper certificate file path and try again\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 564,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Unable to get baseUrl\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 612,
- "length": 30,
- "value": "\"Device information not found\""
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 667,
- "length": 37,
- "value": "\"Device broker information not found\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 729,
- "length": 24,
- "value": "\"Please give CPID value\""
- },
- {
- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 778,
- "length": 28,
- "value": "\"Please give uniqueID value\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 831,
- "length": 26,
- "value": "\"Client connection closed\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 882,
- "length": 23,
- "value": "\"Please give env value\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 930,
- "length": 47,
- "value": "\"It does not matched with payload's 'uniqueId'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1002,
- "length": 35,
- "value": "\"Missing required parameter 'data'\""
- },
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- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1062,
- "length": 49,
- "value": "\"Publish data failed : MQTT connection not found\""
- },
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- "filePath": "\/Users\/kirtan.vaghela\/Desktop\/IoTConnect\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect2\/IoTConnect_2.0\/ErrosLog.swift",
- "kind": "StringLiteral",
- "offset": 1136,
- "length": 31,
- "value": "\"<