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Pink as Fox

A black and pink theme for neovim.

Still work in progress!

pink-as-fox.nvim Neovim Theme Showcase


Install the colorscheme using the package manager that you love!


-- LazySpec (plugin specification)
-- return {
{ 'dasupradyumna/pink-as-fox.nvim', lazy = false, priority = 1000 }
-- `lazy` and `priority` are only needed if this is your primary colorscheme to load it first
-- }


-- inside setup function
-- packer.startup(function(use)
use { 'dasupradyumna/pink-as-fox.nvim' }
-- end)


pink-as-fox.nvim is a GUI-only colorscheme. It requires GUI client or a modern terminal version of neovim installed in a true-color supported terminal emulator.

Neovim version should be newer than 0.8.0.


Add the following code snippet to load the colorscheme.

-- Lua
vim.cmd.colorscheme 'pink-as-fox'
" VimScript
colorscheme pink-as-fox


Configuration can be skipped if the user does not wish to change any of the default higlight groups. The plugin runs setup automatically when it is loaded using the colorscheme command.

For now, users can directly add overriding higlight groups as arguments to the setup() method. Better options will be added in the future to make the colorscheme customization simpler.

require('pink-as-fox').setup {
    HighlightGroup = {
        fg = ForegroundColor, -- :h guifg
        bg = BackgroundColor, -- :h guibg
        sp = SpecialColor, -- :h guisp
        style = RenderStyle, -- :h attr-list
        -- OR
        link = TargetHiglightGroup -- :h :hi-link (link to "TargetHiglightGroup")
        -- OR
        clear = true -- :h :hi-clear (clear "HighlightGroup"; `false` ignores this option)

The evaluation priority of options within a highlight specification (like above) is:

  1. When clear = true is specified, all other attributes are ignored
  2. When a link group name is specified, all attributes except clear are ignored
  3. Highlight specification using fg, bg, sp and style is evaluated only if above attributes are not specified

Color Palette

Although quite limited in variety, pink-as-fox.nvim color palette can be used from palette.lua, if the user so wishes.

local colors = require('pink-as-fox.colors')
local p = colors.palette -- raw color palette
local c = colors.components -- component color palette


The code for this theme is based on midnight.nvim and vscode.nvim.

The colors are based on logseq-pink-as-fox-theme and vscode-pink-as-fox-theme.


pink-as-fox.nvim is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.