It is a plugin for generating inline-style formats conveniently.
import StylePlugin from 'slate-style-plugin'
const { single } = StylePlugin
const plugins = [
type: 'bold',
mark: props => <strong {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</strong>,
key: 'b',
: shortcut key for inline-style format, value b
means that the shortcut is Ctrl + B
: when the key
value is b
, the shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + B
In some cases, some inline-style formats are mutually exclusive and can not be applied at the same time. For example the size of font and the color of font.
import StylePlugin from 'slate-style-plugin'
const { group } = StylePlugin
const plugins = [
type: "red",
mark: props => <span {...props.attributes} style={{ color: "red"}}>{props.children}</span>,
key: 'r',
type: "blue",
mark: props => <span {...props.attributes} style={{ color: "blue"}}>{props.children}</span>,
key: 'b',
isShift: true,