This repo contains the source code for the N-Pieces Chess Challenge problem. The challenge is to put N pieces on an MxN chessboard so no piece is attacked by any other. All possible combinations must be obtained.
- Version 1.0
- Language: Python 3.x
Other than a python 3.x interpreter, nothing extra is required in your system. To run it just type:
Then you can type a sentence to specify the configuration to solve, like: 3x3 Board containing 2 Kings and 1 Rook.
The program does a (very) naive parsing to understand the board size and pieces in plain English. You can also read from standard input.
- The folder testing/ contains the TDD cases. Read below.
- The folder piece/ is a python package containing the piece class hierarchy.
- The Piece class is the an Abstract Base Class (ABC) from which all other classes derive.
- DiagonalMixIn implements the diagonal movement (Queen, Bishop). This movement can be limited to 1 step (for the King).
- HoriVertMixIn implements the horizontal movement (Queen, Rook). This movement can be limited to 1 step (for the King).
- KnightMixIn implements the knight movement (Knight and a fictional piece, Amazon, not used here).
The algorithm does a recursive deep-first iteration, and it's encapsulated within an iterable class for better legibility.
Test suite used is nose compatible. All test are located within the tests/ folder. Every class has its own tests to ensure minimal functionality. A coverage report is also included in the folder /tests/coverage (open index.html with a web browser). Coverage is nearly 100% (classes in not included).